Environ Incident 75-06:on 750802,no Sample Taken from Plant River Water Discharge to Be Analyzed for Ph & Suspended & Dissolved Solids During Release of Waste Neutralizing Tank. Procedural Review & Personnel Instruction UndertakenML19322A443 |
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Three Mile Island ![Constellation icon.png](/w/images/b/be/Constellation_icon.png) |
Issue date: |
08/04/1975 |
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References |
NUDOCS 7910260537 |
Download: ML19322A443 (1) |
MONTHYEARML20024E6601983-08-0404 August 1983 RO 83-18:on 830804,during Maint Insps on Hydraulic Snubbers, Two Small Bore Snubbers Identified as Being Installed on RCS Hot Leg Vent Piping Downstream of Valves RC-V15A & B.Caused by Personnel Error ML20050A5431982-03-18018 March 1982 Ro:On 820318,water W/Ph of 3.5 Was Discharged from Secondary Waste Water Neutralizing Tank WT-T-1 Into Plant Discharge Effluent Stream.Caused by Accidental Overflow of Approx 2,500 Gallons of Water from Neutralizing Tank ML20039C6331981-12-23023 December 1981 RO 81-14:nine Pipe Support & Structural Interfacing Areas Identified Requiring Further Evaluation & Potential Corrective Action.Failure of Pipe Supports Could Damage safety-related Components.Followup Rept Expected in 14 Days ML19345A9741980-11-17017 November 1980 RO 80-013/03L-0 Committed to Forwarding Final Valve Testing Evaluation by 801101.Investigation Requires More Time than Anticipated.Requests Extension Until 801219 ML19338F5461980-09-23023 September 1980 RO 80-17:on 800923,determined That There Is Insufficient Documentation to Demonstrate Environ Qualification of Brakes on Motor Operators for Purge Valves AH-V1B & AH-V1C. Cause Not Stated.Corrective Action Will Be Submitted ML19337A8631980-09-23023 September 1980 RO 80-17:determined Insufficient Documentation to Demonstrate That Brakes on Motor Operators for Purge Valves AH-V1B & AH-V1C Environmentally Qualified.Redundant Valves Fully Qualified ML19330C3041980-08-0404 August 1980 Ro:On 800716,during Radiation Emergency Exercise,Use of Emergency Notification Sys Phone Line Became Uncertain, Making Accurate Info Transfers Questionable.Recommends That Microphone Headset Be Made Available to Allow Mobility ML19326E2061980-07-22022 July 1980 RO 80-15/4P:confirming 800722 Telcon,On 800721,river Water Discharge Temp Was More than 3 F Below Inlet River Water Temp for Approx 6-h.Incident Will Be Reviewed to Determine Corrective Action.Review to Be Included in Followup Rept ML19326E0841980-06-27027 June 1980 RO 80-12/IP:during Review of Equipment Required by IE Bulletin 79-01B,found That post-accident Pressure & Temp Would Be Higher than Postulated in NSC 730705 Rept.Short & long-term Action to Be Discussed in Followup Rept ML19323H3421980-06-0606 June 1980 RO-80-10/1P:on 800603,B&W Ltr Informed Util of Potential Reportability of Steam Generator Tube Rupture Safety Analysis.Caused by Nonconservative Error in Fsar.Corrective Action Will Be Addressed in Followup Rept ML19323D5151980-04-23023 April 1980 RO 80-07/TP:on 800423 Results of Radiographic Exams of Piping Welds Associated W/Reactor Bldg Penetrations 415-16 for Leak Rate Test Sys Showed Several Welds Not within Tech Specs.Unit Is Shut Down ML19309A7831980-03-26026 March 1980 RO 80-06/1P:on 800325,during Refueling Frequency Reactor Bldg Local Leak Rate Test of Valve RB-V7,updated Total Leakage Exceeded Tech Specs.Testing Is Continuing W/Approx 1/4 of Test Program Complete ML19322B5081979-11-0808 November 1979 RO 79-17/1P:on 791108 Support Boltings for Rigid Anchor DHH-127A Found to Be Inadequate in Design & Installation. Details & Corrective Action Will Be Addressed in Followup Rept ML19308A5241978-02-0202 February 1978 RO 78-08/1P:on 780202,util Informed by NSSS of Deviation Discovered Between FSAR Steam Line Break Analysis & Actual Operating Parameters.Procedure Mod Will Limit Secondary Site Water Volume ML19308A5081978-01-20020 January 1978 RO 78-05/1P:on 780119,Plant Operations Review Committee Determined That Containment Integrity Had Been Violated by Opening of Valve BS-V47A & B Following Test of BS-P1A & B. Procedure Mod Will Terminate Operation of BS-V-47A & B ML19308A5091978-01-17017 January 1978 Confirms Telcon on 780117 Re Excessive Leak Off from 1A Makeup Pump Discharge Isolation Valve MU-V-74A Resulting in Gaseous Release 500 Times in Excess of 10CFR20 Limits for Xe-133 & Xe-135.Valve Back Seated,Isolating Leak Off ML19308A5111978-01-12012 January 1978 RO 78-2/1P:on 780112,it Was Recognized That Continuous Fire Watch Was Not Established for 63-h After a Emergency Diesel Room Sprinkler Isolation Valve FS-V-156 Was Closed.Caused by Personnel Error.Fire Watch Established on 780112 ML19261F2951978-01-0606 January 1978 RO 78-01/1P:on 780106,util Informed by B&W That During Certain Transients,Difference Between out-of-core Detectors & Heat Balance May Exceed 4% of Full Power.Frequency of Heat Balance Checks Increased ML19261F2961977-12-19019 December 1977 RO 77-29/1P:on 771216,B&W Informed Met Ed That Volume Per Tech Specs Was Insufficient to Bring Reactor to Cold Shutdown condition.TMI-1 Immediately Increased Volume of Source of Concentrated Boric Acid Solution ML19268B9681977-12-19019 December 1977 RO 77-30/1P:on 771216,B&W Informed Met Ed That Software Used to Calculate Incore Imbalance Was in Error,In That Background Correction Was Misapplied as Detector Depletes. Error Will Be Corrected Prior to Cycle 4 Operation ML19308A5131977-12-0505 December 1977 RO 77-27/1P:on 771203,technician Unable to Open Outer Door of Reactor Bldg Personnel Air Lock.Caused by Jammed Linkage. Reactor Shut Down During Repair of Door Closing Mechanism ML19308A5161977-11-15015 November 1977 RO 77-26/1P:on 771114,quadrant Power Tilt Exceeded +2.66% W/Reactor at 15% Full Power During Power Escalation Following Reactor Trip.Within 4-h,quadrant Power Tilt Not Reduced ML19261F3091977-10-0505 October 1977 RO 77-23/1T:on 770920,both Doors of Reactor Bldg Emergency Personnel Access Hatch Open Simultaneously.Caused by Personnel Error.Doors Closed.Forwards LER 77-23/1T ML19261F3121977-09-20020 September 1977 RO 77-23/1P:on 770920,containment Integrity Violated When Both Doors in Reactor Bldg Personnel Access Hatch Were Open for Approx 10 Minutes.Caused by Problem W/Door Interlock. Interlock & Door Seals Tested ML19261F3131977-09-0909 September 1977 RO 77-22/1T:on 770825,B&W-required Operating Restrictions on Decay Heat Removal Pumps Found Contrary to Description of Pump Operating Capability Per Fsar.Caused by B&W Failure to Perform Safety Evaluation.Corrective Action by 770923.W/LER ML19308A5201977-08-26026 August 1977 RO 77-22/1P:confirms 770825 Telcon That as Result of B&W New Decay Heat Pump Operating Limitations,Remedial or Corrective Action Could Be Required to Prevent Unsafe Condition. Procedure Change Initiated to Incorporate New Limitations ML19261F3161977-08-12012 August 1977 RO 77-19/3L:on 770713,leak in Miscellaneous Waste Evaporator Feed Tank Immersion Heater Shorted Out Heater & Feed Pump. Caused by Matl Failure in Heater Temp Element.Heater Replaced & Operating Procedure Modified.Forwards LER ML19261F3191977-08-0909 August 1977 RO 77-21/1T:on 770726,radiation Monitor RM-A2 Out of Svc & Sample of Reactor Bldg Atmosphere Not Taken within 8-h. Caused by Improper Reassembly Following 770725 Surveillance Test.Monitor Repaired & Sample Taken.Forwards LER ML19210A5441977-08-0505 August 1977 Followup Rept to 770707 Ltr Re Ro:On 770613,radwaste Shipment Leak Discovered.Caused by Acidic Attack of Mild Steel Container at Locations of Incomplete Coverage W/Internal Corrosion Resistant Coating ML19261F3221977-07-27027 July 1977 RO 77-18/31:on 770629,Nuclear Svcs River Water Pump NR-P1C Shaft Failed While Operating,Leading to Operation in Degraded Mode.Caused by Mechanical & Procedural Problems. Pump Overhauled,Preventive Maint Procedures to Be Changed ML19308A5211977-07-27027 July 1977 RO 77-21/1P:on 770726,radiation Monitor RM-A2 Out of Svc & Sample of Reactor Bldg Atmosphere Not Taken within 8-h. Caused by Improper Reassembly Following 770725 Surveillance Test.Monitor Repaired & Valid Sample Taken ML19308A5231977-07-20020 July 1977 RO 77-20/4P:on 770719,ETS Violated in That Plant River Water Discharge Temp Exceeded Limit of 3 F Below Inlet River Water Temp for 10 Minutes.Caused by Passing Storm Front Which Decreased Ambient Air Temp from 94 to 82 F ML19308A5221977-07-20020 July 1977 RO 77-20/4P:on 770619,ETS Violated in That Plant River Water Discharge Temp Exceeded Limit of 3 F Below Inlet River Water Temp.Caused by Passing Storm Front Which Lowered Ambient Air Temp from 94 to 82 F ML19261F3251977-07-20020 July 1977 RO 77-17/3L:on 770624,inner Door Seal on Personnel Access Hatch Leaked Excesively,Causing Total Reactor Bldg Local Leakage to Exceed Tech Spec by Improper Door Installation Procedures.Forwards LER ML19261F3291977-07-0707 July 1977 RO on 770713:Tri-State Motor Transit Co Driver Observed Radwaste Leaking from Container on Truck While at Rest Area. Caused by Pinhole Leak in One Liner.Truck Returned to Station Site ML19261F3301977-06-28028 June 1977 RO 77-15/3L:on 770529,one of Two Units of 230/4.16 Kv Auxiliary Transformer de-energized,leading to Operation in Degraded Mode Permitted by Tech Spec 3.7.2.b.Caused by Wiring Error on Current Transformers.Sys Repaired.Ler Encl ML19261F3331977-06-20020 June 1977 RO 77-14/3L:on 770524,reactor Bldg Isolation Valve RB-V7 Failed to Close on Engineering Safeguards Test Signal, Leading to Operation in Degraded Mode Permitted by Limiting Condition for Operation Per Tech Spec 3.6.6 ML19261F3361977-06-0909 June 1977 RO 77-12/3L:on 770519,engineered Safeguard Pump MU-P-1A Was Removed from Svc Prior to Testing Operability of Redundant Pump.Caused by Personnel Error.Redundant Pump Tested Satisfactorily on 770519.Forwards LER 77-12/03L ML19261F3391977-06-0707 June 1977 RO 77-13/4T:on 770523,analysis of Plant River Water Discharge Showed Concentration of 760 Parts Per Million. Caused Either by Slug of High Concentration of Suspended Solids from Filter Sump or by Poor Sample.Forwards LER ML19322A4381977-05-10010 May 1977 RO 77-07/1P:on 770510,both Reactor Containment Bldg Emergency Personnel Access Doors Open at Same Time.Caused by Closed Outer Door Mechanism While Door Still Was Open ML19322A4391977-04-18018 April 1977 RO 77-04/1P:on 770415,nonconservative Error Found in Safety Analysis to Support Increase in Pressurizer Code Safety Valve Setpoint to 2500 Psig.Caused by Erroneous Assumptions Made for Total Combined Relief Valve Capacity ML19253B9631977-03-22022 March 1977 RO 77-02/04T:on 770304,river Water Discharge Temp Exceeded Inlet River Water Temp Limitation by 14 F Per Ets.Caused by Insufficient Procedures,Personnel Error,Abnormal Ambient Conditions & Low River Water Temp.Ler Encl ML19322A4401977-03-20020 March 1977 RO 77-05/4P:on 770319,river Water Discharge Temp Differential Change More than 2 Degrees in 1-h.Steps Taken to Reduce Decay Heat Removal Load,Reducing River Water Temp Change ML19253B9621977-03-0808 March 1977 RO 77-02/04P:on 770304,river Water Discharge Temp Exceeded Inlet River Water Temp by 14 F,Violating 12 F Limit Per Ets. Caused by Low Inlet Temp & High Ambient Temp.Temp Reduced Below Limit ML19210A2681977-02-0303 February 1977 RO 77-1/1P:on 770202,both a & B Diesel Generators Had Conditions Affecting Starting Capabilities in Response to Loss of Offsite Power.Both Problems Caused by Cranking Timer Timing Out Prior to Oil Low Speed Switch Operation ML19261F1771976-12-29029 December 1976 RO 76-50/4O:on 761221,radionucleide Surface Water Level Ten Times Background Level.Probable Cause Is Chinese Weapons Test,Since Neither Zr-95 Nor Nb-95 Discharged to River from Station During Nov 1976 ML19261F1881976-12-26026 December 1976 RO 76-047/01T:on 761216,sodium Hydroxide Tank Levels Fell Below Required Minimum.Caused by Personnel Misreading Tank Level Data & Technical Analyst Failing to Notice Mistake ML19261F2531976-12-20020 December 1976 RO 76-48/4o:on 761208,isotope Level Samples from TMI Environs Ten Times Background Levels.Chinese Weapons Tests Probably Caused Excesses of I-131,Zr-95,Nb-95,Ce-141 & Ru-103 in Sediment Samples from TMI ML19261F2561976-12-14014 December 1976 Nonroutine 30 Day Rept 75-03,advising That Heated Post Gap Measurements within Acceptable Values.Test Schedule Change Warranted from Weekly to After Each Startup,Once Full Steam Equilibrium Reached & on Monthly Basis Thereafter ML19308A4811976-12-13013 December 1976 RO 76-46/1P:on 761212,boron Concentrations in Borated Water Storage Tank Found Below Required Minimum.Boric Acid Injected to Return Concentration to Necessary Valve.Possibly Caused by Water Leakage from Reactor Coolant Sys 1983-08-04
[Table view] Category:LER)
MONTHYEARML20024E6601983-08-0404 August 1983 RO 83-18:on 830804,during Maint Insps on Hydraulic Snubbers, Two Small Bore Snubbers Identified as Being Installed on RCS Hot Leg Vent Piping Downstream of Valves RC-V15A & B.Caused by Personnel Error ML20050A5431982-03-18018 March 1982 Ro:On 820318,water W/Ph of 3.5 Was Discharged from Secondary Waste Water Neutralizing Tank WT-T-1 Into Plant Discharge Effluent Stream.Caused by Accidental Overflow of Approx 2,500 Gallons of Water from Neutralizing Tank ML20039C6331981-12-23023 December 1981 RO 81-14:nine Pipe Support & Structural Interfacing Areas Identified Requiring Further Evaluation & Potential Corrective Action.Failure of Pipe Supports Could Damage safety-related Components.Followup Rept Expected in 14 Days ML19345A9741980-11-17017 November 1980 RO 80-013/03L-0 Committed to Forwarding Final Valve Testing Evaluation by 801101.Investigation Requires More Time than Anticipated.Requests Extension Until 801219 ML19338F5461980-09-23023 September 1980 RO 80-17:on 800923,determined That There Is Insufficient Documentation to Demonstrate Environ Qualification of Brakes on Motor Operators for Purge Valves AH-V1B & AH-V1C. Cause Not Stated.Corrective Action Will Be Submitted ML19337A8631980-09-23023 September 1980 RO 80-17:determined Insufficient Documentation to Demonstrate That Brakes on Motor Operators for Purge Valves AH-V1B & AH-V1C Environmentally Qualified.Redundant Valves Fully Qualified ML19330C3041980-08-0404 August 1980 Ro:On 800716,during Radiation Emergency Exercise,Use of Emergency Notification Sys Phone Line Became Uncertain, Making Accurate Info Transfers Questionable.Recommends That Microphone Headset Be Made Available to Allow Mobility ML19326E2061980-07-22022 July 1980 RO 80-15/4P:confirming 800722 Telcon,On 800721,river Water Discharge Temp Was More than 3 F Below Inlet River Water Temp for Approx 6-h.Incident Will Be Reviewed to Determine Corrective Action.Review to Be Included in Followup Rept ML19326E0841980-06-27027 June 1980 RO 80-12/IP:during Review of Equipment Required by IE Bulletin 79-01B,found That post-accident Pressure & Temp Would Be Higher than Postulated in NSC 730705 Rept.Short & long-term Action to Be Discussed in Followup Rept ML19323H3421980-06-0606 June 1980 RO-80-10/1P:on 800603,B&W Ltr Informed Util of Potential Reportability of Steam Generator Tube Rupture Safety Analysis.Caused by Nonconservative Error in Fsar.Corrective Action Will Be Addressed in Followup Rept ML19323D5151980-04-23023 April 1980 RO 80-07/TP:on 800423 Results of Radiographic Exams of Piping Welds Associated W/Reactor Bldg Penetrations 415-16 for Leak Rate Test Sys Showed Several Welds Not within Tech Specs.Unit Is Shut Down ML19309A7831980-03-26026 March 1980 RO 80-06/1P:on 800325,during Refueling Frequency Reactor Bldg Local Leak Rate Test of Valve RB-V7,updated Total Leakage Exceeded Tech Specs.Testing Is Continuing W/Approx 1/4 of Test Program Complete ML19322B5081979-11-0808 November 1979 RO 79-17/1P:on 791108 Support Boltings for Rigid Anchor DHH-127A Found to Be Inadequate in Design & Installation. Details & Corrective Action Will Be Addressed in Followup Rept ML19308A5241978-02-0202 February 1978 RO 78-08/1P:on 780202,util Informed by NSSS of Deviation Discovered Between FSAR Steam Line Break Analysis & Actual Operating Parameters.Procedure Mod Will Limit Secondary Site Water Volume ML19308A5081978-01-20020 January 1978 RO 78-05/1P:on 780119,Plant Operations Review Committee Determined That Containment Integrity Had Been Violated by Opening of Valve BS-V47A & B Following Test of BS-P1A & B. Procedure Mod Will Terminate Operation of BS-V-47A & B ML19308A5091978-01-17017 January 1978 Confirms Telcon on 780117 Re Excessive Leak Off from 1A Makeup Pump Discharge Isolation Valve MU-V-74A Resulting in Gaseous Release 500 Times in Excess of 10CFR20 Limits for Xe-133 & Xe-135.Valve Back Seated,Isolating Leak Off ML19308A5111978-01-12012 January 1978 RO 78-2/1P:on 780112,it Was Recognized That Continuous Fire Watch Was Not Established for 63-h After a Emergency Diesel Room Sprinkler Isolation Valve FS-V-156 Was Closed.Caused by Personnel Error.Fire Watch Established on 780112 ML19261F2951978-01-0606 January 1978 RO 78-01/1P:on 780106,util Informed by B&W That During Certain Transients,Difference Between out-of-core Detectors & Heat Balance May Exceed 4% of Full Power.Frequency of Heat Balance Checks Increased ML19261F2961977-12-19019 December 1977 RO 77-29/1P:on 771216,B&W Informed Met Ed That Volume Per Tech Specs Was Insufficient to Bring Reactor to Cold Shutdown condition.TMI-1 Immediately Increased Volume of Source of Concentrated Boric Acid Solution ML19268B9681977-12-19019 December 1977 RO 77-30/1P:on 771216,B&W Informed Met Ed That Software Used to Calculate Incore Imbalance Was in Error,In That Background Correction Was Misapplied as Detector Depletes. Error Will Be Corrected Prior to Cycle 4 Operation ML19308A5131977-12-0505 December 1977 RO 77-27/1P:on 771203,technician Unable to Open Outer Door of Reactor Bldg Personnel Air Lock.Caused by Jammed Linkage. Reactor Shut Down During Repair of Door Closing Mechanism ML19308A5161977-11-15015 November 1977 RO 77-26/1P:on 771114,quadrant Power Tilt Exceeded +2.66% W/Reactor at 15% Full Power During Power Escalation Following Reactor Trip.Within 4-h,quadrant Power Tilt Not Reduced ML19261F3091977-10-0505 October 1977 RO 77-23/1T:on 770920,both Doors of Reactor Bldg Emergency Personnel Access Hatch Open Simultaneously.Caused by Personnel Error.Doors Closed.Forwards LER 77-23/1T ML19261F3121977-09-20020 September 1977 RO 77-23/1P:on 770920,containment Integrity Violated When Both Doors in Reactor Bldg Personnel Access Hatch Were Open for Approx 10 Minutes.Caused by Problem W/Door Interlock. Interlock & Door Seals Tested ML19261F3131977-09-0909 September 1977 RO 77-22/1T:on 770825,B&W-required Operating Restrictions on Decay Heat Removal Pumps Found Contrary to Description of Pump Operating Capability Per Fsar.Caused by B&W Failure to Perform Safety Evaluation.Corrective Action by 770923.W/LER ML19308A5201977-08-26026 August 1977 RO 77-22/1P:confirms 770825 Telcon That as Result of B&W New Decay Heat Pump Operating Limitations,Remedial or Corrective Action Could Be Required to Prevent Unsafe Condition. Procedure Change Initiated to Incorporate New Limitations ML19261F3161977-08-12012 August 1977 RO 77-19/3L:on 770713,leak in Miscellaneous Waste Evaporator Feed Tank Immersion Heater Shorted Out Heater & Feed Pump. Caused by Matl Failure in Heater Temp Element.Heater Replaced & Operating Procedure Modified.Forwards LER ML19261F3191977-08-0909 August 1977 RO 77-21/1T:on 770726,radiation Monitor RM-A2 Out of Svc & Sample of Reactor Bldg Atmosphere Not Taken within 8-h. Caused by Improper Reassembly Following 770725 Surveillance Test.Monitor Repaired & Sample Taken.Forwards LER ML19210A5441977-08-0505 August 1977 Followup Rept to 770707 Ltr Re Ro:On 770613,radwaste Shipment Leak Discovered.Caused by Acidic Attack of Mild Steel Container at Locations of Incomplete Coverage W/Internal Corrosion Resistant Coating ML19261F3221977-07-27027 July 1977 RO 77-18/31:on 770629,Nuclear Svcs River Water Pump NR-P1C Shaft Failed While Operating,Leading to Operation in Degraded Mode.Caused by Mechanical & Procedural Problems. Pump Overhauled,Preventive Maint Procedures to Be Changed ML19308A5211977-07-27027 July 1977 RO 77-21/1P:on 770726,radiation Monitor RM-A2 Out of Svc & Sample of Reactor Bldg Atmosphere Not Taken within 8-h. Caused by Improper Reassembly Following 770725 Surveillance Test.Monitor Repaired & Valid Sample Taken ML19308A5231977-07-20020 July 1977 RO 77-20/4P:on 770719,ETS Violated in That Plant River Water Discharge Temp Exceeded Limit of 3 F Below Inlet River Water Temp for 10 Minutes.Caused by Passing Storm Front Which Decreased Ambient Air Temp from 94 to 82 F ML19308A5221977-07-20020 July 1977 RO 77-20/4P:on 770619,ETS Violated in That Plant River Water Discharge Temp Exceeded Limit of 3 F Below Inlet River Water Temp.Caused by Passing Storm Front Which Lowered Ambient Air Temp from 94 to 82 F ML19261F3251977-07-20020 July 1977 RO 77-17/3L:on 770624,inner Door Seal on Personnel Access Hatch Leaked Excesively,Causing Total Reactor Bldg Local Leakage to Exceed Tech Spec by Improper Door Installation Procedures.Forwards LER ML19261F3291977-07-0707 July 1977 RO on 770713:Tri-State Motor Transit Co Driver Observed Radwaste Leaking from Container on Truck While at Rest Area. Caused by Pinhole Leak in One Liner.Truck Returned to Station Site ML19261F3301977-06-28028 June 1977 RO 77-15/3L:on 770529,one of Two Units of 230/4.16 Kv Auxiliary Transformer de-energized,leading to Operation in Degraded Mode Permitted by Tech Spec 3.7.2.b.Caused by Wiring Error on Current Transformers.Sys Repaired.Ler Encl ML19261F3331977-06-20020 June 1977 RO 77-14/3L:on 770524,reactor Bldg Isolation Valve RB-V7 Failed to Close on Engineering Safeguards Test Signal, Leading to Operation in Degraded Mode Permitted by Limiting Condition for Operation Per Tech Spec 3.6.6 ML19261F3361977-06-0909 June 1977 RO 77-12/3L:on 770519,engineered Safeguard Pump MU-P-1A Was Removed from Svc Prior to Testing Operability of Redundant Pump.Caused by Personnel Error.Redundant Pump Tested Satisfactorily on 770519.Forwards LER 77-12/03L ML19261F3391977-06-0707 June 1977 RO 77-13/4T:on 770523,analysis of Plant River Water Discharge Showed Concentration of 760 Parts Per Million. Caused Either by Slug of High Concentration of Suspended Solids from Filter Sump or by Poor Sample.Forwards LER ML19322A4381977-05-10010 May 1977 RO 77-07/1P:on 770510,both Reactor Containment Bldg Emergency Personnel Access Doors Open at Same Time.Caused by Closed Outer Door Mechanism While Door Still Was Open ML19322A4391977-04-18018 April 1977 RO 77-04/1P:on 770415,nonconservative Error Found in Safety Analysis to Support Increase in Pressurizer Code Safety Valve Setpoint to 2500 Psig.Caused by Erroneous Assumptions Made for Total Combined Relief Valve Capacity ML19253B9631977-03-22022 March 1977 RO 77-02/04T:on 770304,river Water Discharge Temp Exceeded Inlet River Water Temp Limitation by 14 F Per Ets.Caused by Insufficient Procedures,Personnel Error,Abnormal Ambient Conditions & Low River Water Temp.Ler Encl ML19322A4401977-03-20020 March 1977 RO 77-05/4P:on 770319,river Water Discharge Temp Differential Change More than 2 Degrees in 1-h.Steps Taken to Reduce Decay Heat Removal Load,Reducing River Water Temp Change ML19253B9621977-03-0808 March 1977 RO 77-02/04P:on 770304,river Water Discharge Temp Exceeded Inlet River Water Temp by 14 F,Violating 12 F Limit Per Ets. Caused by Low Inlet Temp & High Ambient Temp.Temp Reduced Below Limit ML19210A2681977-02-0303 February 1977 RO 77-1/1P:on 770202,both a & B Diesel Generators Had Conditions Affecting Starting Capabilities in Response to Loss of Offsite Power.Both Problems Caused by Cranking Timer Timing Out Prior to Oil Low Speed Switch Operation ML19261F1771976-12-29029 December 1976 RO 76-50/4O:on 761221,radionucleide Surface Water Level Ten Times Background Level.Probable Cause Is Chinese Weapons Test,Since Neither Zr-95 Nor Nb-95 Discharged to River from Station During Nov 1976 ML19261F1881976-12-26026 December 1976 RO 76-047/01T:on 761216,sodium Hydroxide Tank Levels Fell Below Required Minimum.Caused by Personnel Misreading Tank Level Data & Technical Analyst Failing to Notice Mistake ML19261F2531976-12-20020 December 1976 RO 76-48/4o:on 761208,isotope Level Samples from TMI Environs Ten Times Background Levels.Chinese Weapons Tests Probably Caused Excesses of I-131,Zr-95,Nb-95,Ce-141 & Ru-103 in Sediment Samples from TMI ML19261F2561976-12-14014 December 1976 Nonroutine 30 Day Rept 75-03,advising That Heated Post Gap Measurements within Acceptable Values.Test Schedule Change Warranted from Weekly to After Each Startup,Once Full Steam Equilibrium Reached & on Monthly Basis Thereafter ML19308A4811976-12-13013 December 1976 RO 76-46/1P:on 761212,boron Concentrations in Borated Water Storage Tank Found Below Required Minimum.Boric Acid Injected to Return Concentration to Necessary Valve.Possibly Caused by Water Leakage from Reactor Coolant Sys 1983-08-04
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20217G1001999-10-14014 October 1999 Errata to Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 215 to FOL DPR-50.Credit Given for Delay in ECCS Leakage ML20217K4701999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for TMI-1.With ML20216F9231999-09-22022 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 216 to License DPR-50 05000289/LER-1999-010, :on 990830,discovery of Condition Outside UFSAR Design Basis for Flood Protection Was Noted.Caused Because Original Problem Was Not Corrected by Design Change.Flood Procedure Was Immediately Revised.With1999-09-21021 September 1999
- on 990830,discovery of Condition Outside UFSAR Design Basis for Flood Protection Was Noted.Caused Because Original Problem Was Not Corrected by Design Change.Flood Procedure Was Immediately Revised.With
ML20211Q3551999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Tmi,Unit 1.With ML20211H5111999-08-31031 August 1999 Non-proprietary Rev 1 to MPR-1820(NP), TMI Nuclear Generating Station OTSG Kinetic Expansion Insp Criteria Analysis ML20211E8731999-08-24024 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 215 to License DPR-50 ML20211B1931999-08-19019 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 214 to License DPR-50 ML20210R4791999-08-13013 August 1999 Update 3 to Post-Defueling Monitored Storage SAR, for TMI-2 ML20210U4791999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for TMI-1.With 05000289/LER-1999-009, :on 990626,automatic Start of EDG 1A Occurred. Caused by Failure of Fault Pressure Relay on Auxiliary Transformer 1B.Failed Pressure Relay Has Been Replaced1999-07-22022 July 1999
- on 990626,automatic Start of EDG 1A Occurred. Caused by Failure of Fault Pressure Relay on Auxiliary Transformer 1B.Failed Pressure Relay Has Been Replaced
ML20209G0011999-07-0909 July 1999 Staff Evaluation of Individual Plant Exam of External Events Submittal on Plant,Unit 1 ML20210K7651999-07-0909 July 1999 Rev 2 to 86-5002073-02, Summary Rept for Bwog 20% Tp Loca ML20209H8251999-07-0101 July 1999 Provides Commission with Evaluation of & Recommendations for Improvement in Processes Used in Staff Review & Approval of Applications for Transfer of Operating Licenses of TMI-1 & Pilgrim Station ML20209H1421999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for TMI-1.With ML20212H9101999-06-21021 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 212 to License DPR-50 05000289/LER-1999-007, :on 990528,increasing Failure Rate of ESAS Relays Characterized by Coil Overheating & Failing to Fully re-close After Being de-energized Was Discovered.Cause Indeterminate.Relay Check Procedure Has Been Changed1999-06-18018 June 1999
- on 990528,increasing Failure Rate of ESAS Relays Characterized by Coil Overheating & Failing to Fully re-close After Being de-energized Was Discovered.Cause Indeterminate.Relay Check Procedure Has Been Changed
05000289/LER-1999-005, :on 990514,open Flood Path Between Turbine Bldg & Control Bldg Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Recognize That Mods Affected Flood Protection.Revised Flood Procedures.With1999-06-14014 June 1999
- on 990514,open Flood Path Between Turbine Bldg & Control Bldg Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Recognize That Mods Affected Flood Protection.Revised Flood Procedures.With
ML20195H0751999-06-0808 June 1999 Drill 9904, 1999 Biennial Exercise for Three Mile Island ML20195H9261999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for TMI-1.With ML20209G0351999-05-31031 May 1999 TER on Review of TMI-1 IPEEE Submittal on High Winds,Floods & Other External Events (Hfo) ML20207B6621999-05-27027 May 1999 SER Finding That Licensee Established Acceptable Program to Periodically Verify design-basis Capability of safety-related MOVs at TMI-1 & That Util Adequately Addressed Actions Required in GL 96-05 05000289/LER-1999-003-01, :on 990310,discovered Failure of Manual Balancing Damper in Supply Duct of Control Bldg Evs.Caused by Failure to Adequately Review Risk & Consequences of Change.Failed Damper Was Clamped Open1999-05-0707 May 1999
- on 990310,discovered Failure of Manual Balancing Damper in Supply Duct of Control Bldg Evs.Caused by Failure to Adequately Review Risk & Consequences of Change.Failed Damper Was Clamped Open
ML20206R0571999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Tmi,Unit 1.With ML20206D4201999-04-20020 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Granting Exemption from Technical Requirements of 10CFR50,App R,Section III.G.2.c for Fire Areas/Zones AB-FZ-4,CB-FA-1,FH-FZ-1,FH-FZ-6,FH-FZ-6, IPSH-FZ-1,IPSH-FZ-2,AB-FZ-3,AB-FZ-5,AB-FZ-7 & FH-FZ-2 ML20205Q6111999-04-15015 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 210 to License DPR-50 ML20205Q5981999-04-13013 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 209 to License DPR-50 ML20206P2841999-04-12012 April 1999 SER Approving Transfer of License for Tmi,Unit 1,held by Gpu Nuclear,Inc to Amergen Energy Co,Llc & Conforming Amend, Per 10CFR50.80 & 50.90 ML20205K6851999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Tmi,Unit 1.With ML20209G0071999-03-31031 March 1999 Submittal-Only Screening Review of Three Mile Island,Unit 1 Individual Plant Exam for External Events (Seismic Portion) 05000289/LER-1999-002, :on 990212,potential Failure of Multiple Containment Monitoring Sys CIV (CM-V-1,2,3 & 4) Was Noted. Caused by Inappropriate Use of Vendor Info.Personnel Will Be Trained on Mgt Expectations.With1999-03-14014 March 1999
- on 990212,potential Failure of Multiple Containment Monitoring Sys CIV (CM-V-1,2,3 & 4) Was Noted. Caused by Inappropriate Use of Vendor Info.Personnel Will Be Trained on Mgt Expectations.With
ML20210C0161999-03-0101 March 1999 Forwards Corrected Pp 3 of SECY-98-252.Correction Makes Changes to Footnote 3 as Directed by SRM on SECY-98-246 ML20207M8461999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for TMI-1.With 05000289/LER-1999-001-01, :on 990122,short Sections of Piping Caused by Misplacement of Sensing Elements & Insulation.Caused by Failure to Adhere to Vendor instruction.Re-installed Heat Trace Sys1999-02-19019 February 1999
- on 990122,short Sections of Piping Caused by Misplacement of Sensing Elements & Insulation.Caused by Failure to Adhere to Vendor instruction.Re-installed Heat Trace Sys
ML20196K3561999-01-22022 January 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Although Original Licensee Thermal Model Was Unacceptable for Ampacity Derating Assessments Revised Model Identified in 970624 Submittal Acceptable for Installed Electrical Raceway Ampacity Limits 05000289/LER-1998-014-01, :on 981210,missed TS Surveillance Was Noted. Caused by Human Error.Absolute & Relative Control Rod Positions Were Obtained Immediately & Verified to Agree within Required Range.With1999-01-11011 January 1999
- on 981210,missed TS Surveillance Was Noted. Caused by Human Error.Absolute & Relative Control Rod Positions Were Obtained Immediately & Verified to Agree within Required Range.With
ML20207A9291998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Rept for TMI-1 & TMI-2 ML20196G4661998-12-31031 December 1998 British Energy Annual Rept & Accounts 1997/98. Prospectus of British Energy Share Offer Encl ML20196F6861998-12-0202 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Second 10-yr Interval ISI Program Plan Request for Alternative to ASME B&PV Code Section XI Requirements Re Actions to Be Taken Upon Detecting Leakage at Bolted Connection ML20198B8641998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for TMI-1.With ML20195C6921998-11-12012 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 52 to License DPR-73 ML20195J8591998-11-12012 November 1998 Rev 11 to 1000-PLN-7200.01, Gpu Nuclear Operational QA Plan ML20196B7191998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for TMI-1.With ML20203G1211998-10-30030 October 1998 Informs Commission About Staff Preliminary Views Concerning Whether Proposed Purchase of TMI-1,by Amergen,Inc,Would Cause Commission to Know or Have Reason to Believe That License for TMI-1 Would Be Controlled by Foreign Govt ML20155E7511998-10-15015 October 1998 Rev 1 to Form NIS-1 Owners Data Rept for Isi,Rept on 1997 Outage 12R EC Exams of TMI-1 OTSG Tubing 05000289/LER-1998-013, :on 980916,failure to Perform Fire Protection Program Surveillances at Required Frequency Was Noted.Caused by Changes Not Being Made to Surveillance Schedule.Performed Missed Insp Surveillance1998-10-15015 October 1998
- on 980916,failure to Perform Fire Protection Program Surveillances at Required Frequency Was Noted.Caused by Changes Not Being Made to Surveillance Schedule.Performed Missed Insp Surveillance
05000289/LER-1998-010-01, :on 980825,potential Violation of Design Criteria During Single Auxiliary Transformer Operation Occurred.Caused by Failure to Adequately Define Job Performance Stds.Temporary Change Notice Issued1998-10-0909 October 1998
- on 980825,potential Violation of Design Criteria During Single Auxiliary Transformer Operation Occurred.Caused by Failure to Adequately Define Job Performance Stds.Temporary Change Notice Issued
ML20154L5541998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for TMI Unit 1.With 05000289/LER-1998-011, :on 980825,Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Was Found Installed Outside Approved Joint Design Arrangement.Caused by Personnel Error.Initiated Continuous Fire Watch & Installed Trowel Grade Thermo-Lag in Void & on Outer Edge1998-09-23023 September 1998
- on 980825,Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Was Found Installed Outside Approved Joint Design Arrangement.Caused by Personnel Error.Initiated Continuous Fire Watch & Installed Trowel Grade Thermo-Lag in Void & on Outer Edge
05000289/LER-1998-009-01, :on 980820,discovered Potential Loss of HPI During Postulated Loca.Caused by Misapplication or Interpretation of Design Inputs.Revised OL Was Implemented & Mut Pressure & Level Limits Analysis Revised1998-09-18018 September 1998
- on 980820,discovered Potential Loss of HPI During Postulated Loca.Caused by Misapplication or Interpretation of Design Inputs.Revised OL Was Implemented & Mut Pressure & Level Limits Analysis Revised
[Table view] |
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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a :?R? ! ',- -f, J f */$ N22 l tkETROPOUTAN CDiSON COMPANY sanwun os amem rusu:onunes conrosa no POSTOFFICE OOX 480 MiOOLETOWN. PENNSYt.V ant A 17057 TELEPHONE 717-944-4041 l
( Augest 4,1975 Mr. J.P. D'% illy. Director i Directorate of Regulatory (!perations F
Renico 1 '
} 631 Park <*aenue C P 5' ' 2
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406
Cperating License BPR-50 1
Decket 50-239 Subject- Esurf ronneotal Incident No. EI 75 05_
I This teler;rau is to ccafirm the telecen lutween Lee Spessard (Eegion I-NRC), and J.G. Ilerbein (Manager-Generation OperationWoc3 ear) at 1445 hours0.0167 days <br />0.401 hours <br />0.00239 weeks <br />5.498225e-4 months <br />, 4 Augnst 1975.
7folation of the Environtrental Technical Soecificaticn Nonitoring Requitecents which ensure canitance with Envirtnmental Technical Specificaticas 2.2.2 (?cc,e 10) and 2.2.3 (Page 13) in that no sample was taken frorn the plant river water siischarge and analyzed for pH and suspended and dissolved solids during the release of the waste neutralizing tank en 2 Augut,t 1975.
Analysis of the cil of the w3i,te Rt.s'ralizing tank water prior to release on 2 August 1975 was 7.35. Analysis of the waste neutralizing tank water for suspended and dissolved solids indicated 0.0 ppet and 33325 ppm respectively.
To preclude further incidents of this cature, the necessary procedures w(11 1.'e re-viewed and clarified as required by procedure ctranges. In addition, the personnel involved will be appropr;ately instructed in the plant discharge monitoring require-ments necessary when discharging weste neutralizing tanks.
Very truly yours, s
J.G flerbein Manager 4eneration Operaticus-Huclear JGR/db C0 D D Flie: JGH writer's (fle
D '9~T b _l _ _ k _J 7910260 7 D !
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. 1 In'this sentence [*it' fa stated that " resins and sludges generated by
' Nuclear power blanth." be solidified.' Technicallyf this is a[v'er
restrictive statement., Some flexibility based on the isotopic dis- y$J ' ~ ,I
' tribution and r=Ainactivity of the wasta abould be considered ' An - '#
evaluationjf setting some activity level above whieb solidification 7' < f may be required should.be considered. Taking this a step further, the t(l '.- f 1[ ' l - :
benefits to' he derived from ba,:kfitting plants should be compared to I the inerease ~in the protection of'public baalth and safety and the ,,
- increase in exposure to plant personnel. In addition, the' impact of the ,, . M[;. ;
' .' addition /voltane of . waste'sent to the burial, site' abould be avsluated. ,
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-. A number of Z,,- ism.cb a variable go into, activity accumulating on resins. . From these statements,,, .
5 ' ~ ,jj
.there seans to be a lack of understanding of tha economics of shipping
'j' 7 . T' g and packaging of resin., . Large aources and large quantities shipments _ -N , . ,
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- {M. J _ 2. -- W necessarily solve the problems )7 of surf i,
" ;l, procedures at the . burial site could-very well be the contro11ing factor f ' S'M ~ ,g '
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