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RO 76-22/1P:on 760527,liquid Effluent Monitor on Waste Evaporator Condensate Storage Tank Failed to Close During Planned Release.Valve Closed Following Alarm.Release Resumed Following Valve Repair.No Adverse Effects on Environ
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/27/1976
From: Colitz J
NUDOCS 7910240860
Download: ML19322A429 (2)


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METRCPOLITAN 2DTSON CCMFhNY saa.vowar<< ce awem roauc ununes conronric.v

_ -. . . . l TELEPHOM E717-044-4 Cu t [

ST OPP:CE T20% 400 NtDDLETOWN.PENNSYLVAMA 17057 7 May-iS76 omm D DJ oui -

o Mr. J. P. O'Reilly Dir.ectorate of Regulatory Cperations -a 0

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._a Region I nucicer Hugulatory Comission 63~t Park Avenue King of Prussia, Penrrsylvania W C5 Uperating License I:PC-50 Locket 50-239 SUEJECT: Reportable Cccurrence 110. 76-22/1P Cear Hr. O'11e!11y:

Thia telegrara is to confirn the telecen between Mr. Lee Snescard

(!!coten I NRC) and Mr. J. J. Colitz (~;MI-I Unit Superintendent) et 1150 hcurs on 27 May IS76.

The following report is submitted in accordance with Section 5.4 of Appendix "3" to the Technical Specificaricas.

. Curing a planned release of icw level radioactive liquid frcm the "G" 'Jaste Evaporatcr Condensace Storage Tank, the lit;uid offluent monitor GM-L6 failed to close the liquid rScase valve, IGL-V257, on a high diar *3 signal .

Upon rccc;nition of a high alarm ccndition on Fli-LO, the ;csitien of the 1iquid release valve MCL '.*257, was cuccked. When it was detcr nincd that the valve was in the open position, it was irrn::diately closed.

kalysis of the .radiccctive liquid pr6r to elease and cnicuir .icns indicne Inst the tank <:entatned 9.16 uti of mixed fission prctucts. ?.

flow ra e of P_') GF:1 v.uld hav>3 the relense cf tne radioactive Iiruid at one-ena hundre:ctb nf 10 CFR ES, Agrar. dix "G" ccncentraciw

! .u.d a vu3panse on GM '_G cf 2156 counts r tr minuta wcuid .iave resul'c A.

During the pericd folir. wing the nign alara on iRi-L6, the refinxtiu-7910246 6O E i

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I Er. J. P. O'Reilly 27 ffay 1975 liquid was heir.g released at a ficw rate of 26 GPM and flM-L6 shcwed 2500 counts per ninute. Eased on the above, neither 10 CF?, 23 nor the Technical Specifications were violated and no threat to the health and SafSty Of t!;O CUDliC and n9 ddVerSe iTpaCt tO the enV1TCir, Tnt TOSUltSd frem this incident. Ucon repair of the liquid release in.ter?cck, the planned release was resumed.

Further investigation is in prcoress to ascertain the reason for the M-L6 al'am reioy to perfor n its interlock function.

Very truly yours, b b'l /


. 6.I Colit::#

Unit I Superintendent Three Mile Island fiucicar Station JJC/ pas D

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