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Proposed Tech Spec 1.7 Permitting Maint on One Door of Either Personnel or Emergency Hatch for 48-h Provided Remaining Door Closed & Sealed
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/06/1974
Shared Package
ML19312B995 List:
NUDOCS 7911270778
Download: ML19312C001 (1)



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e' A heat balance check is a comparison of the indicated neutron power and core thermal power.

1.5.6 Heat Balance Calibration An adjustment of the power range channel amplifiers output to agree with the core thermal power as determined by a heat balance on the secondary side of the steam generator considering all heat losses and additiors.

1.6 POWER DISTRIBUTION 1.6.1 Quadrant Power Tilt Quadrant power tilt is defined by the following equation and is expressed in percent.


( Average power of all quadrants

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-1 100 The power in any quadrant is determined from the power range channel displayed on the console for that quadrant.

The average power is determined from an average of the outputs of the power range channels.

If one of the power range channels is out of service, the incore detectors will be used.

Ine quadrant power ti_t limits as a function of power are stated in Specification

1.6.2 Reactor Power Imbalance f

Reactor power imbalance is the power in the top half of the core minus the power in the bottom half of the core expressed as a percentage of rated power.

Imbalance is monitored continuously by the RPS using input from the power range channels.

Imbalance limits are defined in Specification 2.1 and im-balance setpoints are defined in Specification 2.3.

1.7 CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY Containment integrity exists when the following conditions are satisfied:


I a.

The equipment hatch is closed and sealed and both doors of the personnel hatch and emergency hatch are closed and sealed except as in b below.


At least one door of the personnel hatch and the emergency hatch is closed and sealed during:


i 1.

Refueling 2.

Personnel passage through these hatches 3.

Maintenance, for a maximum of 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, on a personnel or emergency hatch door c.

All non-automatic containment isolation valves and blind flanges are closed as required.


All automatic containment isolation valves are operable or locked closed.


The containment leakage determined at the last testing interval satisfies Specification 4.4.1.

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