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Proposed Replacement Pages for Tech Spec 4.1 Defining Provisions to Identify &/Or Account for Radionuclides Which May Be Present at Low Activity Levels in Mixtures of Gamma Emitters
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/06/1977
Shared Package
ML19312B896 List:
NUDOCS 7911250086
Download: ML19312B900 (3)



O TABLE 4.1-3 Cont.


ti_I N I M U M SAMPL1NG FREQUENCY Sensitivity Limits of Item Check Frequency lab Analysis for Waste Principal Gamma Emitters (5)

a. Prior to release
a. Gamma Nuclides <5x10 pCi/ml l
7. Low Activity Waste a.

Tank, Condensate including Dissolved of each batch Dissolved Cases <10 pC1/ml Test Tank, Noble Cases Condensate

-8 Monitoring Tank,

b. Radiochemical Analysis
b. Monthly
b. <10 pCi/ml Laund ry-liot Sr 89,90
c. Tritium
c. Monthly c.

<10 pCi/ml

d. Gross Alpha Activity
d. Monthly
d. <10~

pCi/ml Principal Camma Emitters (5)

a. Prior to release a.

<10-pci/cc (gases) l

8. Waste Gas Decay a.

-O Tank of each batch

<10 pCi/cc (particulates


and iodines)

b. Tritium
h. Prior to release
b. <10 pCi/cc of each batch b)


9. Unit Vent Sampling a.

Iodine Spectrum

a. Weekly a.

<10 CL/cc

b. Particulates 0


1) Principal Gamma Emitters (5)
1) Weekly Composite
1) <10 C1/cc

-11 H

2) Gross Alpha Activity
2) Quarterly on a
2) <10 pC1/cc M

sample of one 40 week duration E

-11 C

3) Radiochemical Analysis
3) Quarterly Composite
3) <10 pCi/cc g

Sr 89,90 i

TABLE 4.1-3 Cont.

MINIMUM SAMPLING FREQUENCY Sensitivity Limits of Item Check Frequency Lab Analysis for Waste

c. Cases by Gamma Isotopic
c. Weekly
c. <10-pCi/cc Analysis
10. Keowee liydro Dam Measure Leakage Flow Rate Annually Dilution Flow
11. Condenser Air Ejector Measure lodine Partition One time if and when primary i

Partition Factor Factor in Condenser to secondary leaks develop Principal Gamma Emitters (5)

a. Each Purge a.


pci/cc (gases) l

12. Reactor Building a.


<10 pCi/cc (particulates and iodines) e-


b. Tritium
b. Each Purge
b. <10 pCi/cc (1) When radioactivity level is greater than 10 percent of the limits of Specification 3.1.4, the sampling frequency shall be increased to a minimum of once each day.


E determination will be started when gross beta-gamma activity analysis indicates greater than 10 pCi/ml and will be redetermined for each 10 pCi/mi increase in gross beta-gamma activity analysis thereafter. A radiochemical analysis for this purpose shall consist of a quantitative measurement of 95 percent of the radionuclides in the reactor coolant with half lives greater than 30 minutes.

This is expected to consist of gamma teatopic analysis of the primary coolant, including dissolved gaseous activities, radiochemical analysis for Sr-89 and Sr-90, and tritium analysis.


TABLE 4.1-3 Continued MINIMUM SAMPLING FREQUENCY (3) When gross activity increases by a factor of two above background, an iodine analysis will be made and performed thereafter when the gross beta-gamma activity increases by 10 percent.

(4) When the activity level exceeds 10 percent of the limits of Specification 3.9, the sampling frequency shall be increased to a minimum of once each day.

This can be done by RlA-44 (Unit Vent Iodine Monitor).

When the gross activity release rate exceeds one percent of the maximum release rate and the average


gross activity release rate increased by 50 percent over the previous day, an analysis shall be performed for iodines and particulates.

This can be done by RIA-44 (Unit Vent Iodine Monitor) and RIA-43 (Unit Vent Particulate Monitor).

(5) For certain mixtures of gamma emitters, it may not be possible to measure the activity level of some radionuclides in the mixture to their specified sensitivity limit when other nuclides are present in the sample at much higher activity levels.

When this situation exists, the minimum detectable activities s-(MDA) of the nuclides not meeting the sensitivity limits will be compared with the total activity present r

b from other nuclides.

If the MDA of each of these nuclides is less than 1% of the total activity present, it will not be included in the total activity determination.

If it is greater than 1% of the total activity, it will be added to the total activity in its MDA concentration.

