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Proposed Tech Specs 4.1 & 4.11 Re Measurement & Control of Radioactive Liquid & Gaseous Effluents
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/27/1976
Shared Package
ML19312B843 List:
NUDOCS 7911250054
Download: ML19312B846 (4)



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TABLE 4.1-3 Cont.

MINIMUM SAMPL1NG FREQUENCY Sensitivity of Waste Item Check Frequency Analysis in Lab

c. Cases by Camma Isotopic
c. Weekly
c. <10' pCi/cc Analysis
10. Keowee flydro Dam Measure 1.eakage Flow Rate Annually Dilution Flow I
11. Condenser Air Ejector Measure Iodine Partition One time if and when primary Partition Factor Factor in Condenser to secondary leaks develop


a. Gamma Isotopic Analysis a.

Each Purge a.

<10 pci/cc (gases)

12. Reactor Building


<10 pCi/cc (particulates and iodines) c-


b. Tritium
b. Each Purge
b. <10 pCi/cc (1) When radioactivity level is greater than 10 percenc of the limits of Specification 3.1.4, the sampling frequency shall be increased to a minimum of once each day.


E determination will be started when gross beta-gamma activity analysis indicates greater than 10 DCi/mi and will be redetermined for each 10 pCi/ml increase in gross beta-gamma activity analysis thereafter.

A radiochemical analysis for this purpose shall consist of a quantitative measurement of 95 percent of the radionuclides in the reactor coolant with half lives greater.than 30 minutes. This is expected to consist of gamma isotopic analysis of the primary coolant, including dissolved gaseous activities, radiochemical 1EE analysis for Sr-89 and Sr-90, and tritium analysis.

4D be

>d 40 Os c



_ Gross Alphal Gross Beta Gamma Analysis Specific Nuclides 131

1. Water Supply (raw)

Monthly x

x x

I 89 90 3

Quarterly x

x x

Sr, Sr, 11

2. Water (3)(other than Monthly (1)(2) x x

x 89Sr, 90Sr, 3 raw water supply)

Quarterly x

x x

11 131

3. Airborne Particulates Weekly I

39Sr, 90 (including iodine)

Monthly x

x x


4. Rain and Settled Dust Monthly x

x Quarterly x

5. Radiation Dose and Quarterly l

Dose Rate (mR, mR/hr)


6. 1.ake Bottom and Semiannually x

Co, Sr, Sr Shoreline Sediment (as available) including benthos b

7. Aquatic Vegetation Semiannually x

Cs, K,


Sr 4

and/or Plankton (as available)

8. Terrestrial Vegetation-Quarterly x

Cs, K,

I pasture grass, forage, (as available) and commercial crops

9. 1lilk Weekly I


9Sr, 90Sr, Cs, K,


'. 0 Monthly

, Quarterly x

3 11 i

Semiannually (

x Sr, Sr, Cs, Kl

10. Fish
11. Soil Triennially x

Sr, Sr NOTES: (1) Water supply samples will be composited weekly for monthly analyses.

(2) Record status of waste discharge operations at time of sampling for surface water samples.

(3) Surface water samples are to be collected closely following liquid discharge to allow for sufficient time for movement downstream in order to verify diuttion, or monthly for continuous discharge.

(4) When animals are on pasture.

(5) Milk samples will be composited weekly for monthly analysis.

(6) When fish samples are available.


TABLE 4.1-3 Cont.

MINIMUM S A M P 1. I N G FREQUENCY Sensitivity of Waste Item Check Frequency Analysis in Lab


7. Low Activity Waste
a. Gamma Isotopic Anaiysis

. Prior to release

a. Gamma Nuclides <5v10
  • pCi/ml Tar.k, Condensate including Dissolved of each batch Dissolved Cases <10 ' pCi/ml


Te s t Tank,

Noble Gases Candensate


'.4onitoring Tank,

b. Radiochemical Analysis
b. Monthly b.

<10 pCi/ml Laundry-Hot Sr 89,90

c. Tritium
c. Monthly c.



d. Gros's Alpha Activity
d. Monthly
d. <10~



, 8. Waste Gas Decay

a. Gamma Isotopic Analysis a.

Prior to release a.

<10 9 i cc (gases)

-10 Tank of each batch

<10 pCi/cc (particulates I

and iodines)


b. Tritium
b. Prior to release
b. <10 Ci/cc of each batch


9. Unit. Vent Sampling a.

Iodine Spectrum

a. Weekly a.

<10 Ci/cc

b. Particulates
1) Gamma Isotopic Analysis
1) Weekly Composite
1) <l6 -


2) Gross Alpha Activity
2) Quarterly on a
2) <10~

pC2/cc sample of one week duration


3) Radiochemical Analysis
3) Quarterly Composite
3) <10 pCi/cc Sr 89,90

TABLE 4.11-3 ANALYTICAL SENSITIVITIES The sensitivity of the analyses for various radionuclides in representative samples is typically as follows:

Airborne Particulate Fish Milk Vegetation Soil Water or Gag Analysis (pCi/1)

(pCi/m )

(pCi/kg, wet)


(pCi/kg, wet)

(pCi/kg, dry).

gross beta 1

1 x 10" gross alpha 0.5 1 x 10-3 11 330 330 K

1200 200 400


54Mn 15 130 59Fe 30 260 58, 60Co 15 130 Zn 30 260 c-Sr "O

5 x 10-40 10 40 600 h

O 8

2 8

150 Sr 2

1 x 10 Zr-Nb 10 1

1.5 7 x 10" 0.5 8dI)

I 134, 137 130 15 100(I) 150 Cs 15 1 x 10 Ba-La 15 15 x

i The sensitivity of the radiation exposure measurements (gross gamma) is approximately 10mR for a three-month integrated exposure and.005mR/hr for exposure rate measurement.

(1) These sensitivities may vary depending on the water content of the vegetation samples.
