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Environ Incident 74-08:on 740709-17,discharge Into River Greater than 3 F Below River Temp.Both Normal & Alternate Methods of Monitoring Differential Temp Out of Svc.Temporary Indicators Installed
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/19/1974
From: Herbein J
NUDOCS 7910250760
Download: ML19308A514 (2)


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i METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY sussioraarorarrienat susticursteriescosronario T f;Lt'P HON r.717-S54.4cA1 3ST OFFICF.DOX 480 MIDDLETOWN. PENNSYLVANIA 17C07 July 19, 1974 l

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tfr. J.P. O'Reilly, Director <

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D Directorate of P.egulatory __,

u 3 Pcifen I 630 Park Avenue l King of Prussia, Pa. 19406 Operating License DPR-50 .

Docket 50-259 .

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Envirc.u ntal Incident Hof EI'74-Si: . s . .

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Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

This telegras is to confim the conversation Lee Spssard (Region I-AEC), -

and J.G !!crbein (T711-Suprintendant) at 1600 tiRS.17 July 1974'.

- Violation of the Environ = ental Tcchnical Specificatica 2.1.a arrd 2.1.b (page 2 & 3) i in that tha Mahanical Draft Cooling Tower Discharga tsparature was greater I than 30 F balcw the rivar water inlet tercerature and that during the peric-I frca 7/9/74 to 7/17/74 certain temerature conitoring devices, required by the Envirereantal Technical Specifications, were out of service.

i i On 7/17/74 an environ 2 ental consulting fir.s, which was performing a Therral

. Plt =o Study in th2 river adjacent to the Kechanical Draft Cooling Tever (i007) i Discharga, reported that they had detected the following abnorm 1 differential teeperature readings:



Differential Temerature

  • (River Tc:perature - Discharge Tc@eratum.)

t l 7/11/74 9.40F Ai l

i 7/15/74 4,70F~ AT I

7/17/74 10.20F AT t -,

i 791025076O 8'

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An iceediate it.vestigatton by the Plent Operations Revia Cemittee reveiled that the nor::al mthod of unitoring the differential ten:rature (Control Roce .

Indicator) and the alt:rnate cethod of tenitoring differential tcsperature I (Local indicator. 6t the PG) were t-sth out of service.

Te:r-arary irrdicators have bcen instailcd to provide the necessary information required for t.cnitoring the differential temeratura until the and alterr,ste instru;:entation can be returned service.

Ver- trply vm:ts, f

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