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Responds to NRC Re Extension of CP Completion Dates & Requests Change to Present Early & Late Completion Dates.Appropriate Fee Encl
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/06/1979
From: Dale L
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
AECM-79-98, NUDOCS 7909060318
Download: ML19207C016 (3)


{{#Wiki_filter:* ] MISSISSIPPI POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Helping Build Mississippi P. O. 8 O X 16 4 0, J A C K S O N. MISSISSIPPI 39205 pm00urftON DEPa#fMENT Mr. John F. Stolz, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch No. 1 Division of Project Management U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Stolz:

S UBJECT : Grand Gulf Nuclear Station File 0260/0272/0600 Extention of Construction Permit Completion Dates AECM-79/98 In response to your letter dated August 2,1979 conce rning extension of construction pe rmit completion dates, we make the following request to amend the present earliest and latest completion dates for Construction Permits CPPR-ll8 and CPPR-119. Completion Dates Early Late CPPR-ll8 September 1, 1979 March 1,1982 CPPR-119 April 1, 1983 October 1,1984 In late 1976, a comprehensive review of both engineering and construc-tion activities was conducted to determine to-date status, and to identify the scope of work that remained. At that time, engineering progress was re-assessed and over 1,000,000 additional hours of work were identified. The net result was a reduction from approximately 65% complete to 45% complete. It was also recognized that the Unit I construction schedule did not account for the complexity of both the containment and auxiliary building structures. These schedule delays further impacted the start of bulk quantity installa-tion in those buildings due to the lack of area availability. Therefore, the critical path was considered to be bulk quantities, namely small pipe and electrical. Based on historical performance data and the engineering schedule, an achievable construction schedule was determined to be 70 months resulting in an October, 1980 fuel load. S V N s h At the smae time, the Unit 2 construction schedule was evaluated in g ' dr g' light of our understanding of the complexity of the building erection on F Unit 1. A 66 month schedule was determined to be more realistic then the 4 51 month schedule, resulting in a June, 1983 fuel load. Since 1976, our progress on both the Unit I and Unit 2 schedules and \\ to date performance have continued to support these schedules.

However, in light of the current uncertainty of the Commission's review schedule for kr our docket, we have extended these completion dates as suggested in your

() (,. correspondence while we are still targeted for an October, 1980 and \\ June, 1983 fuel load for respective units. fD ,909 060 3l$ ')),'di.f.k\\h Member Middle South Utilities System

MISSISSIPPI POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Mr. John F. Stolz U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commiss on d Page 2 In response to your request for providing a list of critical path milestones for each unit, we offer the f ollowing. Unit I construction is approximately 82% complete and now in the start-up phase, consec,uently, critical paths are system oriented. The first critical path milestone is the condensate and feedwater flush scheduled for completion November 2,1979. The condensate and feedwater systems are needed for NSSS flushing which ties directly into the RPV Hydro operation which is also considered a critical path milestone. Also required in support of the condensate system is the condensate cleanup system which will be required for conditioning of flush water for this operation. The second major milestone is the Drywell SIT now scheduled for De cembe r 29, 1979. Due to the requirements for all containment pools to be filled for the test, work access in theae associated areas will be significantly limited. The test is currently scheduled over a holiday period so as to minimize impact to on-going work in the containment. The third major milestone, RPV Hydro currently scheduled for April 4, 1980, is dependent on completing back flushir.g operations of the RPV. Com-pletion of ICSCC counter-measure modifications to the Recirculating Water System is critical for RPV back flushing and RPV Hydro. Unit 2 is approximately 13% complete. The major construction milestones are as follows: Set Reactor Vessel August, 1979 (accomplished) Se t Containment Dome De cembe r, 1980 Se t Turbine Casing Ma rch, 1981 Ene rgization August, 1981 Cold Hydro November, 1982 Currently no probitms are foreseen with the schedule milestones and we believe they are realistic. Initial performance input from bulk quantity installation indicates progress in excess of what has been scheduled. We are enclosing a check in the amount of one thousand and six hundred dollars to cover the appropriate fees incurred by our request to extend the completion dates for Construction Permits CPPR-il8 and CPPR-il9. Yours truly, ): L. F. Dale Nuclear Project Manager EWC/PVH/RCL:pa Enclosure cc: (See Next Page) , 2 d" -{ '3 gy..

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MISSISSIPPI POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Mr. John F. Stolz U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Com:nission Page 3 cc: Mr. N. L. Stampley Mr. R. B. McGehee Mr. T. B. Conner Mr. John G. Davis, Director Division of Inspection & Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cot: mission Washington, D. C. 20555 . g '[)8 * .) A..) a.1 dc'}}