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LTR-13-0262 - Coalition to Decommission San Onofre Ltr. Re Concerning of Safety of 8.5 Million Residents Living within 50 Miles of Defective San Onofre Nuclear Reactors, and the Economy of Southern California
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 04/01/2013
From: Gilmore D, Headrick G, Jahnkow C, Lutz R, Sullivan M, Vanthillo G
Citizens Oversight, Earthkeepers San Diego, Peace Resource Center of San Diego, San Clemente Green, San Onofre Safety, Women Occupy San Diego
To: Boxer B, Waxman H
NRC/EDO, US HR, Comm on Energy & Commerce, US SEN, Comm on Environment & Public Works
Download: ML13095A092 (2)


Apr.01.2013 12:08 PM Apply Liberally Enterpris 2589475S08 PAGE.




THE COALITION TO DECOMMISSION SAN ONOFRE The Honorable Barbara Boxer Chairman, Committee on Environmnent and Public Works

-r United States Senate c

-- o' Washington, D.C. 20510 Via Fax to: 202/224-1273 61.j kiv I


The Honorable Henry Waxman OW Ranking Member, Committee on Energy and Commerce United States House of Representatives 2322 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Via Fax io: (202) 225-4099 April 1, 2013

Dear Chairman Boxer and Ranking Member Waxinan:

The Coalition to Decommission San Onofre is comprised of community-based, grassroots organizations in San Diego and Orange Counties concerned for the safety of 8.5 million residents living within 50 miles of the defective Sar Onofre nuclear reactors, and for the economy of Southern California, These organizations include: Citizens Oversight, Earthkeepers San Diego, the Peace Resource Center of San Diego, San Clemente Green,, and Women Occupy San Diego.

Today, wejoin with national, regional and California statewide organizations In asking for your leadership to stop Southern California Edison's latest attempt to circumvent public scrutiny of Its mismanagement of the defective San Onofre nuclear reactors.

We are deeply appreciative of your attention and leadership to date on issues related to the San Onofre nuclear reactors. Like many other organizations and individuals in Southern California, we are very skeptical about Edison's recent announcement that they are considering a voluntary license amendment request. On the surface, this seems to be exactly what we and other community-based organizations, local elected bodies and officials have requested. HOWEVER, we see It as no more than another end run around federal regulations in order to expedite restart of their defective reactor, Specificaljy, Edison has indicated their intention to apply for a "No Significant Hazard Consideration" (NSHC) for this license amendment, similar to a finding of"No Significant Impact" under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This is nothing more than another regulatory loophole that Edison is attempting to slip through, Wc understand that an NSHC finding for this proposed license amendment would effectively strip the public of a meaningful role and necessary independent experts in a formal license amendment hearing that we are guaranteed under federal law, and which we have demanded. If the NRC acquiesces to Edison's demand for such a finding, it is unassailable - meaning any hearing that takes place would be no more than a dog and pony show; it could take place after the license amendment has been granted and would have no impact on the license amendment whatsoever - even if independent experts demonstrate that the amendment does pose more than a minor increase in the risk of an accident.

Edison President Ronald Litzinger said recently, "We want to do every responsible thing we can do to get Unit 2 up and running safely before the summer heat hits our region. While the NRC continues to review the technical materials we've submitted, we're considering a request for a license amendment so that we can pursue the best path to safe restart while avoiding unnecessary delays." The "unnecessary delays" to which he refers are in-depth technical inquiries into the veracity of Edison's claims of safety and compliance with federal regulations.

Edison is asking NRC staff to move the process for restart forward, so that they can be up and running by summer - during peak demand when profits are greatest - before the NRC has even completed Its technical review. How "res-ponsible" is THAT?

IllbSI E10 I0


Apr.01.2013 12:08 PM Apply Liberally Enterpris 8589475808 PAGE.


2 San Onofre hasn't been "the largest source of baseload generation and voltage support in the region," as Edison repeatedly claims, for 14 months and counting, and the CA Independent System Operator (ISO) says we'll do just fine without it for the second Southern California summer upcoming. For example, voltage support will be provided by retrofitting the retired, Edison-owned Huntington Beach power plant as a "synchronous condenser" -- thankfully, CA officials and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission pushed through obstruction and this wise plan is being carried out for operation in June.

Per the CA Energy Commission, despite increased population and more appliances consuming power in homes and businesses, energy efficiency standards have helped keep per capita electricity consumption in California flat for the past 30 years. California's per capita electricity consumption has remained constant at approximately 7,000 kilowatt-hours/year (kWh) for the last 30 years due in large part to strict standards for homes and appliances. The rest of the U.S. has increased 40 percent (to roughly 12,000 kWh/year per person). And there is even more savings to be gained through additional advances in energy efficiency as well as conservation by users, Not to mention the boom in rooftop solar installations, with San Diego County leading the statc.

Edison needs to stop with the Chicken Little routine - the sky Is NOT falling. The 21st Century L&just moving forward A rubberstamp finding of no significant hazard by the NRC would be wholly inappropriate for restarting a nuclear reactor that has two of the most damaged and defective steam generators in the history of the US nuclear industry -- the other two being in its twin reactor, Son Onofre Unit 3, which Edison admits are experiencing a globally unique tube damage phenomenon. This request on the part of Edison. is indicative of a corporate culture that sets aside safety concerns in the interest of expediency and profits - a culture that was clearly demonstrated by the revelations in the recently released MHI documents that showed they did just that when originally designing these defective replacement steam generators. Their desire to gamble on safety in order to rush forward for greatest profits placed the lives and livelihoods of the 8.5 million people living near these reactors at signIficant and unacceptable risk. Edison must not be allowed to do so again.

Lastly, the NRC has announced that a meeting between the NRC and Edison to discuss the license amendment and NSHC is to be held April 3 in Rockville, MD. it is fundamentally unacceptable to have this meeting to discuss such a critical issue on the opposite coast from the communities most impacted. The meeting ought to be held in Southern California where our neighbors and we can participate.

In sum, we respectfully request that in your critical oversight capacity, you ensure that the right of citizens to a full. adjudicatory public hearing required for a thorough license amendment process is upheld, that the NRC reject Edison's NSHC request, and that the upcoming meeting to address Edison's license amendment request take place in Southern California.

Sincerely, TIE eUBLITIOI TS 1180 lSl1BA III O lOlE Citizens Oversight: Ray Lutz, !A.)*..,!


cn()Vcrsh' / 619-820-5321 Earthkeepers San Diego: Grace Van Thillo, grL(ac*),carthliak.ntL, /

Peace Resource Center of San Diego: Carol Jahnkow, ýjtr)U.ahnA.W_

i!:. cen, / 760-390-0775 San Clemente Green: Gary Headrick, gay(tt in.cennesreen, org / 949-218-4051 Donna Gilmore, donnaghI,

,gma/,oen / 949-204-7794 Women Occupy San Diego: Martha Sullivan, ni.ribu*/*, 1,.iyuna.

uvt. / 858-945-6273 Cc: Senator Diane Jelnsteln, via Fax to: (202) 228-3954 Allison M. Macfarlane. Chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 0ia Fax to: 301/415-3504 R. William Borchardt,,'xecutive Director for Operations, NRC, via Fax to: 301/415-2162 Eric Leeds, Director, Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC, via Far to: 3011/415-8333 Arthur Howell, ReglonalAdmlnlsrrator, Region IV, NRC, via Fax wo: 617/200-1122 Daniel Dorman. Co-Chair. SONGS Oversight Panel. NRC, via 1ax to: 301/415-8333 2