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Comment (416) of Ken Rausch on Behalf of El Monte/South El Monte Chamber of Commerce Supporting Restart of San Onofre Unit 2 Until NRC Completes Comprehensive Investigation
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 04/26/2013
From: Rausch K
EL Monte/South El Monte, CA, Chamber of Commerce
To: Boxer B
Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch, US SEN (Senate)
NRC-2013-0070, 78FR22576 00416
Download: ML13155A188 (3)


.U VJv IL El MonteLSouth El Mtnte Chamb&Iof Comrretve The Spirit of Free Enterprise -n-0 April 26, 2013 <Senator Barbara Boxer -112 Hart Senate Office Building ,, Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Boxer:

On behalf of the 345 members of the El Monte/South El Monte Chamber of Commerce, I am writing in support of Southern California Edison's (SCE) plan to safely restart and operate Unit 2 of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) after the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) technical and scientific review that it is safe to do so As part of the Chamber's recently adopted Public Policy Platform, we support "safe, high quality, reliable and cost effective sources" of power that encourage and promote conservation.

The generation capacity of SONGS is vital to that goal, not only for its clean, emission-free electricity, but also because its baseload generation is critical in complementing the variation in electrical output from renewable sources of generation, such as wind and solar. If California is to achieve its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) of 33 percent of electricity from renewable sources by the year 2020, stable generation such as provided by SONGS will be critical.As you know the California economy continues to face an uphill climb out of the recession and our member businesses struggle with increasing costs every single day. If SONGS remains offline, it is clear to us that other generation resources and construction of transmission lines throughout our region will be necessary.

This will result in time-consuming and costly regulatory processes and inevitably higher costs for business customers.

Our businesses that have managed to survive the recent economic downtown can ill afford another hit to their bottom line.For more than 40 years, SCE has a proven track record of operating SONGS and has never been closed down for a safety violation.

Our Chamber encourages the NRC to complete its review without unnecessary delay and believes that SCE should be allowed to operate SONGS again.Sincerely, Ken Rausch SUNSI Review Complete Executive Director Template = ADM -013 Exentive/

t D Ector e CE-RIDS= ADM-03 El Monte/South El Monte Chamber of Commerce Add= B. Benney (bjb)v1 CC: Chairwoman Allison MacFarlane, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10505 VALLEY BLVD., SUITE 212, EL MONTE, CA 91731 P.O. Box 5866, EL MONTE, CA 91734 PHONE: 626.443.0180 FAX: 626.443.0463 CHAMBER@EMSEM.BIZ WWW.EMSEM.BIZ 1r1 1 t v IL El MontelSouth El Monte The Spirit of Free Enterprise Chamber of Commerce Fni April 26, 2013 "T, Congressman Darrell Issa C-2-2347 Raybum House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 C)Dear Congressman Issa: On behalf of the 345 members of the El Monte/South El Monte Chamber of Commerce, I am writing in support of Southern California Edison's (SCE) plan to safely restart and operate Unit 2 of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) after the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) technical and scientific review that it is safe to do so As part of the Chamber's recently adopted Public Policy Platform, we support "safe, high quality, reliable and cost effective sources" of power that encourage and promote conservation.

The generation capacity of SONGS is vital to that goal, not only for its clean, emission-free electricity, but also because its baseload generation is critical in complementing the variation in electrical output from renewable sources of generation, such as wind and solar. If California is to achieve its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) of 33 percent of electricity from renewable sources by the year 2020, stable generation such as provided by SONGS will be critical.As you know the California economy continues to face an uphill climb out of the recession and our member businesses struggle with increasing costs every single day. If SONGS remains offline, it is clear to us that other generation resources and construction of transmission lines throughout our region will be necessary.

This will result in time-consuming and costly regulatory processes and inevitably higher costs for business customers.

Our businesses that have managed to survive the recent economic downtown can ill afford another hit to their bottom line.For more than 40 years, SCE has a proven track record of operating SONGS and has never been closed down for a safety violation.

Our Chamber encourages the NRC to complete its review without unnecessary delay and believes that SCE should be allowed to operate SONGS again.Sincerely, Ken Rausch Executive Director El Monte/South El Monte Chamber of Commerce V/ CC: Chairwoman Allison MacFarlane, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10505 VALLEY BLVD., SUITE 212, EL MONTE, CA 91731 P.O. Box 5866, EL MONTE, CA 91734 PHONE: 626.443.0180 FAX: 626.443.0463 CHAMBER@EMSEM.BIZ WWW.EMSEM.SBIZ ElMontelSouthEl Monte The Spirit of Free Enterprise Chamber of Commerce April 26, 2013 Senator Dianne Feinstein 331 Hart Senate Office Building < C/Washington, DC 20510 i -T-1-

Dear Senator Feinstein:

<On behalf of the 345 members of the El Monte/South El Monte Chamber otlmmerce, 14m writing in support of Southern California Edison's (SCE) plan to safely restart and operafRUnit 2 of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) after the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) technical and scientific review that it is safe to do so As part of the Chamber's recently adopted Public Policy Platform, we support "safe, high quality, reliable and cost effective sources" of power that encourage and promote conservation.

The generation capacity of SONGS is vital to that goal, not only for its clean, emission-free electricity, but also because its baseload generation is critical in complementing the variation in electrical output from renewable sources of generation, such as wind and solar. If California is to achieve its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) of 33 percent of electricity from renewable sources by the year 2020, stable generation such as provided by SONGS will be critical.As you know the California economy continues to face an uphill climb out of the recession and our member businesses struggle with increasing costs every single day. If SONGS remains offline, it is clear to us that other generation resources and construction of transmission lines throughout our region will be necessary.

This will result in time-consuming and costly regulatory processes and inevitably higher costs for business customers.

Our businesses that have managed to survive the recent economic downtown can ill afford another hit to their bottom line.For more than 40 years, SCE has a proven track record of operating SONGS and has never been closed down for a safety violation.

Our Chamber encourages the NRC to complete its review without unnecessary delay and believes that SCE should be allowed to operate SONGS again.Sierely, Ken Rausch Executive Director El Monte/South El Monte Chamber of Commerce I/CC: Chairwoman Allison MacFarlane, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10505 VALLEY BLVD., SUITE 212, EL MONTE, CA 91731 P.O. Box 5866, EL MONTE, CA 91734 PHONE: 626.443.0180 FAX: 626.443.0463 CHAMBER@EMSEM.BIZ WWW.EMSEM.BIZ