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Generation Station, Units 1, 2 and 3, and the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facility (ISFSI) - Re-Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Casks for Amended Certificate of Compliance No. 1040
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre, HI-STORM 100  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 09/20/2023
From: Madigan J
Southern California Edison Co
Division of Fuel Management, Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML23268A092 (1)





An EDISON INTERNATIONAi, Company September 20, 2023 ATTN: Document Control Desk Director, Division of Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Docket Nos. 50-206, 50-361, 50-362, and 72-41 Re-Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Casks for Amended Certificate of Compliance No. 1040 James Madigan Manager - Oversight, Regulatory Affairs, and Nuclear Safety Concerns San Onofre,Nuclear Generating Station 10 CFR 72.212(b)(4)

San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station Units 1, 2 and 3 and the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facility (ISFSI)


Letter from J. McKirgan (NRC) to K. Manzione (Holtec), dated January 4, 2021;


Issuance of Certificate of Compliance No. 1040, Amendment No. 4 for the HI-STORM UMAX Storage System (ADAMS Accession No. ML20349A207)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Pursuant to 1 O CFR § 72.212(b)(4), Southern California Edison (SCE) hereby' provides notification regarding the registration of 73 Holtec spent fuel storage casks. These casks, which SCE had previously loaded and registered under CoC 1040, Amendment 2, are now being registered under Certificate of Compliance (CoC) 1040, Amendment 4. These 73 Holtec casks are Holtec HI-STORM UMN< casks containing SONGS Units 2 and 3 fuel.

The Referenced letter provided NRC approval for CoC 1040, Amendment 4. On September 12, 2023, SCE applied the changes authorized by Amendment 4 to the 73 casks originally loaded under Coe 1040, Amendment 2. to this letter provides the revised registration information for the 73 casks in question.

For additional information concerning the storage of spent fuel under this general license, please contact Mr. Mark Morgan at 949-368-6274.

Sincerely, cc:

J. D. Monninger, Regional Administrator, NRG Region IV A. M. Snyder, NRG Project Manager, SONGS Units 1, 2, and 3

ENCLOSURE Canister Registration Information Canister Information Licensees' Name:

Southern California Edison Company San Diego Gas & Electric Company City of Anaheim, California City of Riverside, California Licensee's Address:

5000 Pacific Coast Highway San Clemente, CA 92672 Reactor License Numbers:

DPR-13 (SONGS-1)

NPF-10 (SONGS-2)

NPF-15 (SONGS-3)

Docket Numbers:

50-206 (SONGS-1) 50-361 (SONGS-2) 50-362 (SONGS-3) 72-41 (SONGS ISFSI)

Contact Name and


James Madigan, Manager, Regulatory Affairs Cask Certificate No: Certificate of Compliance No. 1040, Amendment 4, January 4, 2021 Cask Model: Holtec HI-STORM UMAX Cask Identification Nos.: See Table below

SONGS HOL TEC ISFSI LOADED SPENT FUEL CASKS ISFSI Pad Unit MPC Serial Number CEC Serial Number Location 02 U2 089 0107 03 U2 109 0109 04 U3 063 0106 05 U3 070 0079 06 U3 087 0098 07 U3 106 0074 08 U3 098 0075 09 U3 101 0077 10 U3 081 0101 11 U2 103 0067 12 U3 082 0054 13 U2 084 0053 14 U3 110 0066 15 U2 090 0055 16 U3 108 0049 17 U2 085 0064 18 U3 075 0063 19 U2 076 0090 20 U3 115 0081 21 U2 097 0060 22 U2 067 0056 23 U2 064 0070 24 U2 073 0059 25 U2 047 0057 26 U2 066 0061 27 U2 060 0050 28 U2 046 0073 29 U2 069 0051 30 U2 050 0089 31 U2 049 0092 32 U2 054 0083 33 U2 095 0076 34 U3 078 0119 35 U2 086 0062 36 U3 104 0052 37 U2 059 0058 38 U3 112 0069 39 U2 113 0068 40 U3 077 0065 41 U2 114 0072 42 U3 074 0071 43 U2 092 0087 44 U2 072 0085 45 U2 094 0080 46 U2 091 0091

ISFSI Pad Unit MPC Serial Number CEC Serial Number Location 47 U2 096 0095 48 U3 083 0120 49 U3 111 0100 50 U2 105 0123 51 U3 93 0099 52 U2 102 0103 53 U2 116 0104 54 U3 100 0086 55 U2 079 0097 56 U3 099 0110 57 U2 107 0112 58 U3 055 0114 59 U3 065 0096 60 U3 071 0078 61 U3 062 0093 63 U3 088 0117 64 U2 080 0118 65 U2 058 0115 66 U3 045 0113 67 U3 068 0116 68 U3 061 0122 69 U3 053 0121 70 U3 044 0105 71 U3 057 0102 72 U3 052 0082 73 U3 048 0094 74 U3 056 0088 75 U3 051 0084