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(Songs), Units 1, 2 and 3, 2022 Annual Turtle Incidental Take Report
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 02/22/2023
From: Bates A
Southern California Edison Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML23059A281 (1)



An EDISON fNTERNATIONAL Company ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 February 22, 2023


Docket Nos. 50-206, 50-361 and 50-362 2022 Annual Turtle Incidental Take Report Al Bates Manager Regulatory Affairs 10 CFR 50.4 San Onofre Nuclear:cGenerating Station (SONGS), Units 1, 2 and 3


1) Letter from Brian Metz (Southern California Edison) to Justin Greenman (National Marine Fisheries Service), "SONGS.Annual Marine Mammal and Turtle Stranding Report - 2022," dated January 23, 2023
2) Letter from Theodore Smith (NRC) to Douglas Bauder (Southern California Edison), "Transmittal of the National Marine Fisheries Service's December 12, 2022, Letter of Concurrence WCRO-2021-02641 for Decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 (Docket Numbers: 50-361 and 50-362)" (ML22348A062), dated January 4, 2023 In accordance with a request by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Division of Site and Environmental Review, Southern California Edison (SCE) is providing a copy of the referenced letter, (Ref. 1). This annual report, submitted to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), states that there were no incidental takes of sea turtles during 2022.

The NRC issued a letter, (Ref. 2), stating that based on the consultation with NMFS, the NMFS biological opinion of September 18, 2006 no longer applies to SONGS, and SCE need not continue to implement the Reasonable and Prudent Measures and Terms and Conditions contained therein. Therefore, this is the last report SCE will submit pertaining to incidental takes of sea turtles.

There are no commitments in this letter or the attachment.

5000 Pacific Coast Highway San Clemente, CA 92672

If you have any questions, please contact me at (949) 368-7024.




Letter from Southern California Edison to the National Marine Fisheries Service Annual Turtle Incidental Take Report cc:

R. Lewis, Regional Administrator, NRC Region IV A. Snyder, NRC Project Manager, SONGS Units 1, 2 and 3 B. S. Arlene, NRC Aquatic Biologist, Division of Rulemaking, Environmental, and Financial Support (email only) 5000 Pacific Coast Highway San Clemente, CA 92672

ATTACHMENT Letter from Southern California Edison to the National Marine Fisheries Service Annual Turtle Incidental Take Report

Art.EDISON /NTl1,RNA110NAL*t Coinl'l'l'Y January 23, 2023 Justin Greenman National Marine *Fisheries Service 501 West Oceail Blvd. Suite 4200 Long. Beacli., GA 908_()2-421~

. justin.gree:rnnan@NOAA~go:v Brian D. Metz Manger, Environmental Decommissioning Ag~nt Oversight Specialist Sent.electronically only

$ubject: SONGS Annual Marine Mammal and Turtle Stranding Report - 2022

Dear Mt Greenm.a.11:

This letter report is pursuant. to correspondence from A\\an, For9-ofthe U *. ~.

National Marine Fisheries S.ervice {NMFS) to Kevin Hetbinsop, of SCE dated 2/1/83.


Authorization for*SCE to participate in the California Marine Mamma} $trap,ciing '.Network ThitalS"o $,atisfies the National Marine Fisheries Service 13iologicaj Opinion for Sea Tutties a/06; and ~e11ded protocols 3/28/12, pet Se¢tiop D. Te$s and Cmidi,tions, #7 ~d 8.

there pinnipeds orturtlesstranded (incidental takes) atthe San On,e>fre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) during 2022. There were.also no turtle sightings in the vidhity ofSQNGS by Ertvironrhental staff. An 'inspection of the cooling water system,_ forebay 1:1re,a wa~ aJ~o recorded every shift (i2 h()ui:'$) with

'tillles of ~l inspec{ions~ Smee there W¢re n,o incf dentai takes., no tecor9s. of inspection 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to ~- t,~e have been included.

On December 1~, 2022, the NMFS issuedaletter concurring with the U.S; Nuclear Regulatory Conm1Jssion (NR.C) ~taff':s determination that the proposed d¢commissioning of SONGS i~ not likely to adversely affect speqies under the NMFS' s jurisdiction, inqludin,g several sp~cie~ off e~etaiiy list¢d s~~- tµftle$;

whales, and madrie mamrilals. The letter further stat~s th~t the Biological Opinion no longer applies to SONGS, ana.Southern California.Edison (SCE:) ne~d not continue to implement the Reasonable:and Prudent Measures and Terms and Conditions contaqied therein.

SONGS DA Conipl~x P. o. Box 40lQ Bldg. C San Clemente, CA 92673

>)VI EDi SO"N*

An WISON INTF.RNA170N,1L't, Compru,y Brian D. Metz Manger, Environmental Decommissioning Agent Oversight Specialist Finally, Units 2 & 3 intakes have been isolated from the Ocean and dewatered. In the coming months, the intake structures will be cleaned out, sampled and filled with concrete/slurry. As per our correspondence in November 2022, SONGS will no longer participate in the California Marine Mammal Stranding Network after December 2022. This is the last annual report SCE/SONGS is planning to submit.

If you have any questions, ple_ase contact me at (949) 368-7311 or CC:

Lauren De Maio (NMFS) Laureil.Demaio@NOAA.GOV Ron Pontes - SCE Heather Neely - SCE Mark Morgan - SCE Cheri Criscito - SCE Steven Mannon - SDS Brian Couture - SDS Amandeep Singh - SDS Document Control SONGS DA Complex P. 0. Box 4030 Bldg. C San Clemente, CA 92673