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Public Meeting Summary with Exelon Generation Company LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2, End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/2006
From: Burgess B
Exelon Generation Co
Download: ML061040576 (5)


April 14, 2006 LICENSEE: Exelon Generation Company FACILITY: LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2



OF THE APRIL 6, 2006, PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS THE LASALLE COUNTY STATION, UNITS 1 AND 2 END-OF-CYCLE PLANT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT On April 6, 2006, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held a public meeting at the Brookfield Township Hall in Seneca, Illinois. The meeting was between NRC Region III management and Exelon Generation Company representatives to discuss the NRCs assessment of the LaSalle County Stations safety performance for the period from January 1 through December 31, 2005. The meeting notice can be found in ADAMS as Accession Number ML060680495. A list of meeting participants and the NRC presentation slides can be found in the attached Enclosures.

The NRC began the meeting with an overview of the NRCs Reactor Oversight Process (ROP),

national ROP results, and the Action Matrix in general. This was followed by a discussion of the NRCs assessment of the LaSalle County Stations performance in the calendar year 2005, which was documented in the March 2, 2006, end-of-cycle assessment letter. The NRC also discussed upcoming inspections and activities at the LaSalle County Station.

As part of this regulatory performance meeting, Exelon Generation Company responded to the NRCs assessment and discussed LaSalle site accomplishments and focus areas. At the end of the meeting, members of the public were given the opportunity to ask questions of NRC officials. NRC staff received questions regarding EPA pollution regulations, quality of the American workforce, radioactive waste storage, plant security, radioactive releases, and fuel channel bowing issues.


Bruce Burgess, Chief Branch 2 Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 50-373; 50-374 License Nos. NPF-11; NPF-18


1. Meeting attendees
2. NRC presentation slides DISTRIBUTION:

See next page

April 14, 2006 LICENSEE: Exelon Generation Company FACILITY: LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2



OF THE APRIL 6, 2006, PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS THE LASALLE COUNTY STATION, UNITS 1 AND 2 END-OF-CYCLE PLANT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT On April 6, 2006, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held a public meeting at the Brookfield Township Hall in Seneca, Illinois. The meeting was between NRC Region III management and Exelon Generation Company representatives to discuss the NRCs assessment of the LaSalle County Stations safety performance for the period from January 1 through December 31, 2005. The meeting notice can be found in ADAMS as Accession Number ML060680495. A list of meeting participants and the NRC presentation slides can be found in the attached Enclosures.

The NRC began the meeting with an overview of the NRCs Reactor Oversight Process (ROP),

national ROP results, and the Action Matrix in general. This was followed by a discussion of the NRCs assessment of the LaSalle County Stations performance in the calendar year 2005, which was documented in the March 2, 2006, end-of-cycle assessment letter. The NRC also discussed upcoming inspections and activities at the LaSalle County Station.

As part of this regulatory performance meeting, Exelon Generation Company responded to the NRCs assessment and discussed LaSalle site accomplishments and focus areas. At the end of the meeting, members of the public were given the opportunity to ask questions of NRC officials. NRC staff received questions regarding EPA pollution regulations, quality of the American workforce, radioactive waste storage, plant security, radioactive releases, and fuel channel bowing issues.


Bruce Burgess, Chief Branch 2 Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 50-373; 50-374 License Nos. NPF-11; NPF-18


3. Meeting attendees
4. NRC presentation slides DISTRIBUTION:

See next page DOCUMENT NAME:E:\Filenet\ML061040576.wpd G Publicly Available G Non-Publicly Available G Sensitive G Non-Sensitive To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the concurrence box "C" = Copy without attach/encl "E" = Copy with attach/encl "N" = No copy OFFICE RIII RIII RIII RIII NAME Bburgess for SSheldon:sls BBurgess DATE 04/14/2006 04/14/2006 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

Exelon Generation Company cc w/encl: Site Vice President - LaSalle County Station LaSalle County Station Plant Manager Regulatory Assurance Manager - LaSalle County Station Chief Operating Officer Senior Vice President - Nuclear Services Senior Vice President - Mid-West Regional Operating Group Vice President - Mid-West Operations Support Vice President - Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Director Licensing - Mid-West Regional Operating Group Manager Licensing - Clinton and LaSalle Senior Counsel, Nuclear, Mid-West Regional Operating Group Document Control Desk - Licensing Assistant Attorney General Illinois Emergency Management Agency State Liaison Officer Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission

Exelon Generation Company ADAMS Distribution:


PUBLIC MEETING PRINCIPAL ATTENDEES April 6, 2006 NRC Bruce Burgess Chief, Branch 2, Division of Reactor Projects Daniel Kimble Senior Resident Inspector, LaSalle County Station Douglas Eskins Resident Inspector, LaSalle County Station Stuart Sheldon Reactor Engineer, Division of Reactor Projects Exelon Generation Company Susan Landahl Site Vice President, LaSalle County Station Daniel Enright Station Manager, LaSalle County Station Larry Coyle Operations Director, LaSalle County Station Ron Chrzanowski Chemistry Manager, LaSalle County Station Others Members of the Public Bob Widman Brookfield Township Supervisor Tom Walsh LaSalle County Board Ryan Denham State Rep. Gordon D-75 R. Maner Chicago Tribune Greg Stein Graphics Plus Kevin Canfield News Tribune Erinn Deshinsky Peoria Journal Star Mary Grzywa Local community member Enclosure 1