ENS 54716 | Salem | | 15 May 2020 13:47:00 | Offsite Notification Due to a Hydraulic Oil Spill | |
ENS 53606 | Salem | | 14 September 2018 04:00:00 | Automatic Reactor Trip Due to a Failure of the Steam Generator Feed Regulating Valve | |
ENS 53438 | Salem | | 1 June 2018 04:00:00 | Tornado Missile Vulnerabilities | Tornado Missile Enforcement Discretion Tornado-Generated Missile Tornado Generated Missile |
ENS 53386 | Salem | | 7 May 2018 07:25:00 | Manual Reactor Trip | |
ENS 52699 | Salem | | 21 April 2017 01:10:00 | Unusual Event Declared Due to Hydrazine in Containment | |
ENS 52681 | Salem | | 14 April 2017 17:57:00 | Unplanned Emergency Diesel Generator Start Due to Loss of a 4160 V Bus | |
ENS 52581 | Salem | | 28 February 2017 15:00:00 | Technical Specification Shutdown Due to Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary Leakage | Pressure Boundary Leakage Operational leakage |
ENS 52347 | Hope Creek | | 5 November 2016 08:04:00 | Valid Actuation of Rps While Reactor Shutdown | Scram Discharge Volume Excess Flow Check Valve |
ENS 52294 | Salem | | 11 October 2016 13:38:00 | Unanalyzed Condition Due to Failure of a Watertight Door to Close | Unanalyzed Condition Time of Discovery Internal Flooding High Energy Line Break |
ENS 52245 | Salem | | 16 September 2016 13:13:00 | Hydraulic Fluid (Fish Oil) Spill | Time of Discovery |
ENS 52222 | Salem | | 3 September 2016 13:02:00 | Unidentified Leakage Greater than Technical Specifications | Unanalyzed Condition Unidentified leakage Unidentified leak Control Room Habitability |
ENS 52048 | Salem | | 28 June 2016 08:23:00 | Automatic Reactor Trip on Main Generator Protection Signal | |
ENS 51738 | Salem | | 16 February 2016 13:27:00 | Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Auto Start Due to Feed Pump Trip | |
ENS 51734 | Salem | | 15 February 2016 01:58:00 | Automatic Reactor Trip on Main Generator Protection Trip | |
ENS 51430 | Hope Creek | | 29 September 2015 00:46:00 | Automatic Reactor Scram Following Trip of Both Reactor Recirculation Pumps | |
ENS 51290 | Salem | | 5 August 2015 19:38:00 | Automatic Reactor Trip on Low Reactor Coolant Flow | Thermography |
ENS 51141 | Hope Creek | | 9 June 2015 07:10:00 | Hope Creek Technical Support Center Removed from Service for Planned Maintenance | |
ENS 51002 | Hope Creek | | 22 April 2015 03:30:00 | Offsite Notification Due to Worker Fatality Not Related to Plant Operation | Fatality |
ENS 50896 | Salem | | 15 March 2015 16:27:00 | Plant Shutdown Due to Failure to Restore Containment Fan Cooler Unit | |
ENS 50405 | Salem | | 27 August 2014 06:48:00 | Safety Injection Pump Failed to Start | Time of Discovery |
ENS 50176 | Salem | | 6 June 2014 16:32:00 | Voluntary Notification for an Item of Regulatory Interest | |
ENS 50032 | Salem | | 14 April 2014 01:13:00 | Reactor Trip Due to Actuation of Main Generator Protection Relay | |
ENS 50012 | Salem | | 9 April 2014 01:14:00 | Unit 1 Manually Tripped Following the Loss of an Operating Steam Generator Feed Pump (Sgfp) | |
ENS 49909 | Hope Creek | | 13 March 2014 10:31:00 | Standby Liquid Control System Sample Concentration Outside Technical Specification Limits | |
ENS 49890 | Hope Creek | | 11 March 2014 07:00:00 | Technical Support Center Ventilation Removed from Service for Planned Maintenance | |
ENS 49780 | Salem | | 31 January 2014 15:01:00 | Manual Reactor Trip | Shutdown Margin |
ENS 49699 | Salem | | 7 January 2014 12:45:00 | Unanalyzed Condition Caused by High Energy Line Break Barrier Door Open During Maintenance | Unanalyzed Condition Time of Discovery High Energy Line Break |
ENS 49671 | Hope Creek | | 20 December 2013 18:03:00 | Both Control Room Air Conditioning Subsystems Inoperable | |
ENS 49665 | Hope Creek | | 19 December 2013 20:11:00 | Loss of Reactor Building Ventilation | |
ENS 49608 | Hope Creek | | 5 December 2013 08:25:00 | Automatic Reactor Scram Following Turbine Trip on High Moisture Separator Level | |
ENS 49592 | Hope Creek | | 1 December 2013 11:13:00 | Automatic Reactor Scram Due to Main Turbine Trip | |
ENS 49110 | Hope Creek | | 13 June 2013 06:52:00 | Discovery of Pressure Boundary Leakage | Pressure Boundary Leakage |
ENS 48949 | Salem | | 20 April 2013 08:22:00 | Accident Mitigation - Common Control Room Emergency Air Conditioning System | |
ENS 48947 | Hope Creek | | 19 April 2013 19:18:00 | Notification of Unusual Event Declared Due to Inability to Confirm a Fire in the Protected Area within 15 Minutes | Fire Watch |
ENS 48897 | Hope Creek | | 8 April 2013 15:15:00 | Hpci Declared Inoperable During Surveillance Testing | |
ENS 48756 | Salem | | 16 February 2013 01:00:00 | Technical Support Center Taken Out of Service for Planned Maintenance | |
ENS 48534 | Salem | | 25 November 2012 16:30:00 | Automatic Reactor Trip Due to Steam Generator Feedwater Regulator Valve Not Responding to Demand Signal | |
ENS 48274 | Hope Creek | | 4 September 2012 04:00:00 | High Pressure Coolant Injection Declared Inoperable | |
ENS 48093 | Salem | | 11 July 2012 15:57:00 | Offsite Notification Due to Discovery of Ammonia Found in Groundwater | |
ENS 48071 | Salem | | 5 July 2012 14:00:00 | Valve Improperly Aligned for Accident Mitigation | |
ENS 47928 | Salem | | 17 May 2012 02:10:00 | State Notification of Potential Chlorine Discharge to the Delaware River | |
ENS 47772 | Salem | | 26 March 2012 19:30:00 | Offsite Notification Due to Sewage Lift Station Overflow | |
ENS 47766 | Salem | | 23 March 2012 18:28:00 | Turbine Trip Followed by Automatic Reactor Trip | |
ENS 47160 | Salem | | 17 August 2011 00:10:00 | Offsite Notification Due to Chlorine Spill | |
ENS 47052 | Salem | | 15 July 2011 00:53:00 | Unusual Event Declared Based on Reactor Coolant Leak Greater than 10 Gpm | |
ENS 46926 | Hope Creek | | 5 June 2011 16:02:00 | Offsite Notification of a Sewage Spill Into a Storm Drain | |
ENS 46774 | Salem | | 21 April 2011 20:01:00 | Manual Reactor Trip Due to Circulating Water Pumps Out of Service | |
ENS 46610 | Salem | | 11 February 2011 18:12:00 | Hydrazine Spill Onsite | |
ENS 46259 | Hope Creek | | 20 September 2010 11:00:00 | Erds and Spds Out of Service for Computer Upgrade | |
ENS 45852 | Salem | | 18 April 2010 11:50:00 | Offsite Notification Due to Fatality During Medical Transport | Fatality |