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Forwards Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-346/98-301OL on 980803-07.Written Exam Administered to Six License Applicants.All Six Applicants Passed All Sections of Exams & Issued SRO License
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/23/1998
From: Grobe J
To: Jeffery Wood
Shared Package
ML20153F802 List:
50-346-98-301, NUDOCS 9809290258
Download: ML20153F808 (3)

See also: IR 05000346/1998301


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September 23, 1998


Mr. John K. Wood

Vice President - Nuclear

i . Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Centerior Service Company


5501 North State Route 2

Oak Harbor, OH 43449


Dear Mr. Wood:

On August 7,1998, the NRC completed initial operator licensing examinations at your

Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. The license applicants' performance evaluations were

finalized on August 3,1998. During the license examination, control room operations were

observed and several administrative and operating procedures were reviewed. The enclosed

report presents the redh of the examination and concurrent operations inspection.

Operating and written examinations were administered to six license applicants. The applicants

were administered Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) examinations. All six applicants passed all

I ' sections of their examinations and were issued SRO licenses to operate your Davis-Besse

Nuclear Power Station.

Control room evolutions were well supervised and communications were concise and complete.


Operators who performed examination validation were knowledgeable and consistently followed

, prodyJures.

This examination was the Davis-Besse training department's t.econd opportunity to prepare an

i operator license examination under the NRC's faitial license examination process. This process

allowed your training department personnel to prepare and administer the written examination

and prepare the operating examination. NRC examiners administered the operating

examination. Although the training department staff's final submittnl of examination material  ;

was satisfactory, the need for improvement in some areas was identified. The initially

developed examination required additional NRC attention to correct deficiencies to make the

examination conform with NUREG 1021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power

Reactors, Revision 8, January 1997, and with other examinations currently being administered

by the NRC.


Several of the license applicants demonstrated generic weaknesses during administration of


the operating examination. Three of the applicants were unable to provide the correct (

protective action recommendation when implementing the station's emergency plan. Three

applicants were also unable to correctly identify the posting of an area as a " locked, high

radiation area," based on a given dose rate.

, it is our expectation that the Davis-Besse training department instructors will use the applicant

and examination weaknesses outlined in the accompanying report as feedback to improve the

9809290258 980923 *


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J. Wood 2

operator license training program in accordance with your Systematic Approach to Training

(SAT) program. Since the number of questions deleted and answers changed by your post

written examination comments exceeded the five percent criteria stated in section ES-501

C.2.c. of NUREG 1021, we request that you provide a written response within 30 days from the

date of this letter to explain why so many post examination changes were necessary and what

actions will be taken to improve future operator license written examinations.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of this letter and the

enclosures to this letter will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room.

We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this examination.


Original Signed by Steven A.. Reynoiis (for)

John A. Grobe, Director

Division of Reactor Safety

Docket No. 50-346

License No. NPF-3

Enclosures: 1. Operator Licensing Examination Report 50-346/98301/ DL)

2. Facility Post Written Examination Comments and NiiC Re3olution

3. Simulation Facility Report

4. Written Examination and Answer Key (SRO)

cc w/encls 1,2 & 3: J. Stetz, Senior Vice President - Nuclear

J. Lash, Plant Manager

J. Freels, Manager, Regulatory Affairs

M. O'Reilly, First Energy

State Liaison Officer, State of Ohio

R. Owen, Ohio Department of Health

C. Glazer, State of Ohio Public

Utilities Commission

ec w/encls 1,2,3 & 4: J. House, Acting Plant Training Manager


To receive a copy of tNe clocument, insilcate in the hos "C" e Copy wHhout attacNonci"E" e Copy with attacNonci 'N" a No copy

OFFICE Rill M Rlli M Rlli h Rlli M

NAME Bielby N Leach p WV4 Kozak d Grobe A

DATE 09/t,7/98 09/22I98 09/0/98

09 6)'68


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J. Wood 3




Project Mgr., NRR w/encls 1,2 & 3

J. Caldwell, Rlli w/encls 1,2 & 3 -

C. Pederson, Rlli w/encls 1,2 & 3

B. Clayton, Rlli w/encls 1,2 & 3

SRI Davis-Besse w/encls 1,2 & 3

DRP w/encls 1,- 2 & 3

TSS w/encls 1,2 & 3

DRS (2) w/encls 1,2 & 3

. Rlli PRR w/encls 1,2 & 3

PUBLIC IE-42 w/encls 1,2 & 3

Docket File w/encls 1,2 & 3


LEO (E-Mail)

DOCDESK (E-Mail)cc w/encls 1

M.Bies, Rill w/encls 1,2 & 3



