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Responds to NRC Bulletin 88-010,Suppl 1, Nonconforming Molded-Case Circuit Breakers. Supply Breaker to Unit 2 Feedwater Isolation Valve Replaced W/Qualified & Traceable Replacement Circuit Breaker
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/06/1989
From: Parker T
IEB-88-010, IEB-88-10, NUDOCS 8911160253
Download: ML19324C403 (6)


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414 Nalnes Mali Minneapohs, Minnesota 66401 1927 l

l Te6ephone (6t?) 346500 November 6, 1989 NRC Bulletin 88 10 Supplement 1 Director of Nuclear Reactor R*5ulation {

U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission J Attn: Document Control Desk  !

Washington, DC 20555 l l


50 306 DPR 60 Response to NRC Bulletin 88 10, supplement 1

_ Nonconforming Molded Case Clreuit. Breakers ,

i This letter is beint,provided in response to Suppioment 1 to NRC Bulletin 88-10 to confirm that the previous written reports sutaitted to the NRC in accordance with the requirements of NRC Bulletin 88 10 have been reviewed to verify that the respnses meet the bulletin provisions as clarified by Supplement 1. This letter also provides an updato on the actions that have been taken with respect to six non traceable molded case circuit breakers (MCCB's) which were installed in the plant at the time of our Merch 31, 1989 response to NRC Bulletin 88 10.

The following actions were taken as part of the review to ensure compliance with the requirements of NRC Bulletin 88 10 and its supplement:

1. Safety related circuit breaker and motor control center maintenance records were reviewed to identify which MCCB's were installed in the plant between August 1, 1983 and August 1, 1988,
2. The purchasa documentation for the MCCB's identified during the review described in item I was reviewed to confirm traceability to the circuit breaker manufacturer (CBM).
3. The work history for safety related MCCB's whose procurement documentation was not traceable to the CBM, was reviewed to account for all MCCB's from untraceable purchase orders.

Based on the above reviews, all safety related NCCB's installed during the five year review period have been identified.

8911160253 891106 PDR Q

ADOCK 05000202 [Asl 3 j#


  • Direbt:r of NRR  ;

[' ' November ti 1989  !

Page 2 '

Northwn States Power Company l During the course of the reviews performed in response to Supplement I co i t Bulletin 88 10, an additional General Electric Model THED 136050 MCCB,  ;

L installed it, a safety related application (boric acid heat trace normal l supply), was found to.have documentation which established traceability to the ,

, 7 Gen $ral Electric warehouse in Chicago, Illinois. During previoas reviews in  !

response to Bulletin 88 10, we have considered traceability to this General  !

Electric warehouse as insufficient for the purposes of Bulletin 88 10.  !

"h ~

However, item 7 of Supplement 1 to Bulletin 88 10, states that traceability to j a warehouse fr.cility controlled by the CBM is considered equivalent to i traceability to the CBM. Even though the breaker ittentified above would be l considered as traceable under the guidance provided in Supplement 1 to j Bulletin 88 10, to maintain consistency in our response to Bulletin 88 10, and j to pro"fde additional assurance thet all MCCB's used in safety related  !

applications will perform their safety function, this breaker will be ,

replaced. The breaker will be replaced when part availability and plant conditions allow, i

'The review also identified two 30 amp General Electric THED style MCCB's, with  ;

procurement documentation not traceable to the CBM, which could not be located '

in the warehouse, in safety or non safety related installations, or in  ;

inventory records. Even though these breakers cannot, be located, based on the [

i thorough reviews performed in response to Bulletin 88 10 and its supplement,  !

we are confident that these breakers are not installed in safety related  :


l To provide further assurance of Prairie Island's compliance with the f requirements of Bulletin 88 10 and its supplement, an independent audit of this effort will be performed by the NSP Power Supply Quality Assurance organization. This audit is presently scheduled for completion by the end of  ;

1989. l In our March 31, 1989 response to Bulletin 88 10 we reported that six MCCB's I which could not be traced to the CBM were installed in the plant. In that [

responsa we committed to the procurement of traceable replacement circuit  !

l breakers and the preparation of a Justification for Continued Operation for  !

each breaker which eculd not be replaced by the deadlines specified by the

, Bulletin. '


L The following actions have been taken with respect to the six non traceable l MCCB's reported in our March 31, 1989 response:



1. Unit 2 RHR Letdown to Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) Motor  !

Valve Sunniv Itreaker. General Electric Model THED 136015 VL i This breaker has been administrative 1y removed from service (tagged in [

the off position) during plant operation. The motor valve supplied by l this breaker provides a pressure source for the purification function of the CVCS when the reactor coolant system is at low pressure during l startup and shutdown. The breaker is only required to be in service ,

L when opening and closing the suo." valve.  ;

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I' . Dir:ctor cf NRR ,

November 6, 1989 I"8' 3 Northem States Power Company ,

This breaker is traceable to a CBM controlled warehouse and thus could  ;

now be considered traceable per the guidance provided in item 7 of l Supplement 1 to Bulletin 88 10. However, to maintain consistency in our response to Bulletin 88 10 and to provide additional assurance that all ,

NCCB's used in safety related applications vill perform their safety function, this breaker will be replaced.

l l Because a qualified replacement is not available, this breaker has not L been replaced within the schedule specified in Bulletin 88-10. A

[ qualified replacement breaker is on order and the breaker will be

t. replaced before the end of the next Unit 2 refueling outage. Leaving e this breaker in place until a replacement is available will have minimal
impact on plant safety because the breaker is not presently in service, and is only required to be in service when opening and closing the subject valve during shutdown conditions. Additionally, as discussed abova, per the guidance provided in Supplement 1 to Bulletin 88 10, this valve could new be considered traceable.

Note, the motor valve supplied by this breaker was incorrectly

i. identified as a Unit i valve in our March 31, 1989 response.

L 2rv Unit 1 Pressurizer Heater Alternate Power, General Electric Model THED 1)R70 VL Turther review, subsequent to submittal of the March 31, 1989 response, concluded that this circuit breaker does not perform a safety related f function. No further action is planned or required with respect to this breaker.

3. Unit 2 Feedwater Isolation Valve Motor Supply Breaker, General Electric

> Model THED 136050 VL ,

The supply breaker to the Unit 2 feedwater isolation valve has been i repisced with a qualified and traceable replacement circuit breaker which was available onsite.

l Note, this breaker was incorrectly identified as a General Electric Model THED 136030 VL in Table 2 of our March 31, 1989 response.


4. Unit 1 #11 Battery Charger Circuit Breaker, General Electric Model TilEF t

1]6050 VL The Unit 1 vs 11 Battery Charger circuit breaker has been replaced with a qualified and traceable replacement circuit breaker which was available onsite.

Purther review, subsequent to submittal of the March 31, 1989 response, found that the #11 Battery Charger breaker was not a General Electric Model THED 136030 but rather was a Model THEF breaker which had been evaluated as part of the Justification for continued Operation de*< eloped in response to the November 1968 Vendor Inspection Branch Inspection at Prairie Island.

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Diretter cf NRR November 6, 1989 Page 4 g p


During that inspection concerns were raised over the use of used

' breakers supplied by Bud Ferguson's Industrial Supply. This breaker was l one of the breakers supplied by Bud Ferguson's Industrial Supply. It was removed from service along with all of the breakers supplied by Bud IL Ferguson's Industrial Supply.


, Note, this breaker was incorrectly identified as a General Electric Model THED 136030 VL in Table 2 of our March 31, 1989 response.


5. Unit 1 Steam Generator Bluwdown Motor Valve, General Electric Model THED f 136030 VL I

This breaker has been replaced with a qualified and traceable

! replacement circuit breaker which was available onsite.

6. Unit 1 e12 Instrument Bus inverter AC Output Breaker, Westinghouse Model oc 2100 e

I A Justification for Continued Operation was prepared to justify continued operation of Prairie Island Unit 1 until a qualified and traceable replacement breaker could be procured.

This breaker will be replaced during the Unit I refueling outage presently scheduled for January 1990.

All remaining non traceable breakers installed in safety related applications will be replaced as described above. No testing of non traceable breakers is anticipated at this time.

1he following information on the status of the procurement of traceable replacement breakers is being provided at the request of the NRC Project

! Manager for Prairie Island, f


1. 13 Ceneral Electric Model THED MCCB's are available for plant use in the Prairie Island warehouse.
2. An additional 87 commercial grade, traceable General Electric THED' L MCCB's were received onsite in October 1989. These breakers will be available for use in safety related applications upon completion of receipt inspection and cet.nercial grade dedication activities, t
3. A purchase order for safety grade switchgear components has been
- submitted to a 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B approved supplier. Included L- in this order are 26 safety grade MCCB's.

Director cf NRR '

November 6, 1989 Page 5 Northem States Power Company [

i Please contact us if you wish any further information with respect to our response to NRC letin 88 10 or its supplement, t

t, .

/Thomas M Parker Manager Nuclear Support Services '

c: Regional Administrator . Region III, NRC l Senior Resident Inspector, NRC l NRR Project Manager, NRC C Charnoff i


Affidavit of T M Parker i i

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l i Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, with this let.:er is submitting information requested by NRC Bulletin 88 10, Supplement 1, l This letter contains no restricted or other defense information. ,


By  !

7 .

Thomas M Parker -

Manager )

Nuclear Support Services '

On this d ay of 8/9beforemeanotarypublicinandfor i said County, personally appeared Thomas M Parker, Manager Nuclear Support 1 Services, and being first duly swocn acknowledged that he is authorized to  ;

execute this document on behalf of Northern States Power Company, that he t knows the contents thereof, and that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief the statements made in it are true and that it is not i interposed for dela .

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M K. M  !

NOTARY PUBUC-4NNNES01A HENNEMN COUNTY My CommNunn Espiess Sept R M3 wemmwwwwwwwwmwAwa

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