IR 05000219/1985027

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Insp Rept 50-219/85-27 on 850819-23.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Shock Suppressors (Snubbers),Review of Snubber Procedures for Insp,Removal,Replacement,Rebuilding & Functional Testing & Qa/Qc Interface Activities
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 09/05/1985
From: Gregg H, Wiggins J
Shared Package
ML20135D974 List:
50-219-85-27, NUDOCS 8509160248
Download: ML20135D992 (6)


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, Report N /85-27 Docket N License N OPR-16 Priority -

Category C l

GpU Nuclear Corporation J P. O. Box 388 Forked River, NJ 08731 Facility Name: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Inspection At: Forked River, New Jersey


Inspection Conducted: August 19-23, 1985 Inspectors: Maw h OM

/ 83

. reg'g, Lg::' Reactor Engineer ' dste

! Approved by: b ggiris, Chipf,UMaterials and date P cesses Section, DRS Inspection Summary: Inspection on August 19-23, 1985 (Report No. 50-219/85-27)


Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection related to shock suppressors


(snubbers). One of the specific purposes of this inspection was to review, discuss, and resolve where possible, the licensee's proposed snubber Technical

Specification change request submittal. Additionally, the inspection included


review of licensee's snubber procedures for inspection, removal, replacement, rebuilding and functional testing; verification of licensee's snubber sur-veillance activities; and a plant walkdown to observe installed snubbers;


independent measurements; and QA/QC interface activities.

i The inspection involved 39 hours4.513889e-4 days <br />0.0108 hours <br />6.448413e-5 weeks <br />1.48395e-5 months <br /> onsite by one region-based inspecto Results: No violations were identifie "

8509160248 850909 PDR ADOCK 0 % 2 9 G


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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted GPU Nuclear Corporation T. Corrie, Quality Control Manager V. Foglia, Operational Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance and Surveillance Manager

  • D. Holland, Oyster Creek Licensing Manager

++M. Laggart, Manager, BWR Licensing (Parsippany)

  • J. Maloney, Manager, Plant Material W. Popow, Maintenance Construction Facilities Director
  • J. Rogers, Licensing Engineer J. Sommermann, Mechanical Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ~

J. Wechselberger, Resident Inspector

  • Denotes presence at exit meetin ++ Informed of exit per phone conversatio .0 Snubber Technical Specification (TS) Change Request 2.1 Scope The Office of NRR has assigned Region I the Operating Reactor Licensing Action (ORLA) to review the Oyster Creek snubber Technical Specification change request. Region I is performing this ORLA as an arm of NR .2 In-Office Review of Proposed Snubber TS Prior to the plant site inspection, the Region I technical staff reviewed and compared the licensee's proposed snubber TS submittal with the NRC model Standard Technical Specification (STS).

The review criteria applied in determining the acceptability of the licensee's submittal was:

NRC Generic Letter from D. G. Eisenhut to SEP licensees dated March 23, 198 * NRC Generic Letter 84-13 to SEP licensees dated July 31, 198 The licensee's existing custom type TS were also reviewed to assure consistency with the format of the submitted snubber T _





It was determined that there were several differences of minor nature between the licensee's submittal and the model STS and several areas where additional clarification was deemed necessar .3 Discussion of Proposed Snubber TS with Licensee The inspector met with cognizant licensee personnel and discussed the entire snubber TS submittal in detail. The licensee's staff agreed to make revisions to their submittal in those areas that did not agree with the STS and in those areas where further clarification was deemed beneficial. The licensee's staff also provided valid justification for not changing their TS in several other area The licensee's staff prepared a draft copy of the snubber TS which included new revisions based on the discussions during the inspectio This revised snubber TS will require formal approval within the licensee's organization before it can be submitted to NRR and acted upon by Region .4 Planned NRC Follow-up Action The inspector informed the licensee management that Region I will advise the NRR Project Manager of the results of this inspectio The inspector also concluded that the snubber TS, when proposed by the licensee's staff, will meet the intent of the NRC Generic Letter No violations were identifie .0 Snubber Inspection 3.1 General The inspector reviewed the' licensee's ongoing activities pertaining to snubbers. This included review of plant snubber-related proce-dures and results of the last visual and functional surveillance tests, snubber history record cards maintained by Plant Material, Inservice Inspection Data sheets for replaced snubbers, and QA hold and witness points required in the inspection testing and rebuilding of snubber The inspector also performed a plant walkdown of snubbers, made and recorded measurements of piston rod extension and hydraulic reservoir indicator readings, and discussed all aspects of the plant's snubber activities with cognizant personne ~



3.2 Inspection and Testing Procedures The inspector reviewed the following licensee's snubber procedures which provided instructions, acceptance criteria, checklist, and sign-off requirement .1.001, Rev. 10, Inspection of Bergen Paterson Hydraulic Snubbers


775.1.001, Rev. 4, Rebuilding of Bergen Paterson Hydraulic Snubbers


775.1.004, Rev. 8, Removal / Replacement of Bergen Paterson Hydraulic Snubbers


775.1.005, Rev. 5, Functional Testing of Bergen Paterson Hydraulic Snubbers


775.1.006, Rev. 2, Inspection and Testing of Pacific Scientific Mechanical Snubbers, Type PSA-10


775.1.013, Rev. O, Removal / Replacement of Pacific Scientific Mechanical Snubbers in Drywel The inspector determined that the licensee's inspection procedures for both the hydraulic snubbers and the mechanical snubbers were being revised and were in the final review process. The inspector reviewed the revised versions and concluded the modifications would provide additional definitive instructions and drawings to ensure clear understanding and improved inspectio .3 Snubber Installation Details The inspector reviewed the licensee's installation data and verified that all safety related snubbers inside the drywell are PSA-11 mechanical snubbers (there are 91 in the drywell). There is one PSA-11.outside the drywell installed several years ago during a design modification of the Augmented Fuel Pool Cooling System and one PSA-installed this past outage in a modification to the scram discharge syste The plant's hydraulic snubbers are Bergen-Paterson Model HSSA-10 (a standard 10000# unit). There are 91 of this type and all are outside the drywell .

Snubbers of each type are maintained as spares and since all are i relatively small size, maintenance and changeover can be readily performe '






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i-3.4 Licensee's Surveillances 3.4.1 Visual From review of the licensee's data, it was determined that the last visual inspection was completed 2/15/84. There were no i snubbers found inoperable and the inspection period was extended from 12 months to 18 months. Currently, the licensee is per-forming a visual inspection of accessible hydraulic snubbers of which 6 remain to be inspected. The results thus far are 1 found inoperable, as reported in the licensee's Deviation Report dated 8/1/85. If the inspection is completed and the number



inoperable remains at 1, the inspection period will be reduced to 12 month . Functional The licensee's functional test documentation revealed that out of 10 snubbers tested 3/28/84, there was 1 failure. This necassitated the testing of an additional 10 and none of this group failed. These tests were performed by the license The testing of 10 mechanical snubbers was performed by Wyle Laboratories on 10/5/83 and all 10 tested satisfactorily. The inspector noted that although the mechanical snubber tests were not required by existing TS, the licensee invoked the more conservative proposed TS requirement No violations were identifie .0 QA/QC Interface

' The inspector reviewed the QC activities related to snubber inspection, testing, rebuilding, and installation. The inspector verified that.there are QA procedures for examination of supports (includes snubbers and is


procedure 6130-QAP-7209.25) and that QC is involved with inspections and has hold and witness sign-off requirement ,

5.0 Independent Measurements and Observations During the inspector's plant walkdown of snubbers, the inspector made and recorded 1) observations of hydraulic level indicator reading, and ,

2) measurements of piston rod extension lengths for several snubbers. The licensee's recent inspection data sheets for snubbers 75/3, 23/2, and-19/3 were reviewed and the licensee's data were determined to be similar to the measurements taken by the inspector.




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6.0 Exit Meeting The inspector met with the licensee's representatives (identified in paragraph 1.0), at the conclusion of the inspection of August 23, 1985, to summarize the findings of this inspectio During this inspection, the inspector did not leave any written material with the license l

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