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Forwards Updated Briefing Notes Reflecting Briefing & Questions Discussed & Detailed List of All Action Items Currently Requiring Completion
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 04/18/1985
From: Noonan V
To: Eisenhut D, Jordan E, Novak T
Shared Package
ML20211C348 List:
FOIA-85-312 NUDOCS 8606120319
Download: ML20211C452 (62)


, o '/u a ., ncu  ! '



y/ j 'VASHINGTON. D. C. 20555 6 g,j;[b f


' ,,','..# E.18 585 MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution FROM: Vincent S. Noonan, Director Comanche Peak Project *


COMANCHE PEAK STATUS AND LISTING OF ACTIONS TO COMPLETE On April 12, 1985, I briefed D. G. Eisenhut on the status of the Comanche Peak Project effort. Enclosed are updated briefing notes reflecting that briefing and questions discussed during that session.

Also enclosed are detailed lists of all the action items currently required to be completed. You are requested to keep me inforced of changes to the action items list as they occur.

Tracking of all project actions is being accomplished y C. Poslusny.

/ 7

/ ./ /

6g . ' , irector

..anche Pe Pro'ect


As stated gy61 9 860606 CARDE85-312 PDR

\ .

h gll

. , , y Distribution

__ .D. Eisenhut -

V E. Jordan -

T. Novak J. Gagliardo L. Shao C. Tramell J. Calvo C. Poslusny R. Herr, OI B. Griffin, OI -

S. Treby J. Scinto C. Haughney R. C. Tang .

H. Livemore R. Bosnak C. McCracken S. Phillips A. Vietti S. Burwell R. Wessman B. J. Youngblood

' R. Keimig, Reg. I

,R. Martin, Reg. IV D. Denise, Reg. IV D. Hunter, Reg. IV

d. Vollmer, IE B. Grimes IE H. Thcmpson e


// p ; / Folt9 ts B'D nVa(







FROM: Vincent S. Noonan, Director Comanche Peak Project


COMANCHE PEAX STATUS AND LISTING OF ACTIONS TO COMPLETE On April 12, 1985, I briefed D. G. Eisenhut on the status of the Comanche .

Peak Project effort. Enclosed are updated briefing notes reflecting that briefing and questions discussed during that session.

Also enclosed are detailed lists of all the action items currently required to be completed. Ycu are keep me informed of changes to the action items list as they occur.

Tracking of all project actions is being acccmplished by C. Poslusny.

Vincent S. Nocnan, Director Comanche Peak Project


As stated

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s ,

Comanche Peak Status Vincent S. Noonan, Project Director April 1985 I.

Areas Area Actions SSERs

1. Routine Licensing Actions 308 2 -
2. TRT Concluding Actions 28 2
3. Allegations 73 -
4. Inspection Actions 138
5. Office of Investigation Actions 9
6. Intimidation and Contention 5 Panels 8

, 7. Vearings 30

8. Design Review TBD
9. Task Force Concluding Actions 5 1 TOTALS T!PI ~3


II. Schedule III. Staff t

i l

i a

m .

s ..

Area: Routine Licensing Actions:

1. Routine Licensing SSER's SSER #12 SSER #13 Total

- FSAR Open Issues 4 7 11 FSAR Confirmatory Issues 6 7 13 License Conditions 4 6 10 Technical Specifications -

3 3 Total items 14 23 37


2. CYGNA CYGNA SSER #5 (Phases 1, 2, 3) Issue by 5/1/85 Closure of CYGNA findings and Open Items from CYGNA letter dated 4/4/85 (to complete Phase 4 and to be incorporated into SSER #13).

- Pipe Stress 15 Pipe Supports 25

- Cable Tray Supports 21

- Conduit Supports 24 Electrical /I8C 4

- Mechanical Systems 5 Design Control 16 Total items 110 CYGNA to brief NRC management on findings and significance April 26, 1985.

3. Current Support of Hearing Issues Coordination of staff input for motions for summary 16 disposition on piping and pipe supports

- Coordination of staff affidavits in response to ASLB 4 questions (i.e. Startup QA, Vendor QA (TDI), Fuel Pool Liner, Nozzle Break in Reactor Vessel Cavity).

Total items 20 5

4. Miscellaneous

- FOIA Requests 14 Letter Requests / Letter Approval 5

- BN Closecut 109

- Review of FSAR Amendments for significant changes 13 . .

(last2 years)

- License preparation effort -

Total items: T4T

5. Estimated resources required for routine licensing: 105 man-weeks Potential Problem Areas:

Safe shutdown for fire protection program; developed out of problem identified by the Applicants on fire dampers. (Meeting to be scheduled with TUGC0 to review status of fire protection issues.)

Closure of CYGNA findings and open items (especially as identified in the cable tray supports and piping and pipe supports)

- Staff actions on resolution of motions for summary disposition.

Resolution may result in re-review cf the applicants design commitments on piping and pipe supports.


Area: TRT Concluding Actions Actions:

1. Complete Mechanical / Piping SSER 4/22/85(est.)

~ 2.

Complete QA SSER 5/1/85(est.)

3. SSER Follow-up Items 6/1/85(est.)

Staff Action TUEC Actions Civil 4 6 Electrical 4 4 .

Test Program 0 4 Miscellaneous . 3 5

' Coatings 0 4 Mechanical 4(Approx.) 5(approx.)

QA lj! (Approx.) -

Total item's: 28 28 4.' Complete followup correspondence with several allegers NOTE: Review of TUEC actions in response to TRT findings will be part of Applicants' Program Plan review effort. TUEC actions in the QA area area were not specified by the staff.

5. Estimated resources required for TRT cencluding actions: 30 man-weeks Potential Problem Areas:

o Completion of enforcement action resulting from TRT reviews.

o Resolution of QA issues identified in technical areas.

e a

O Area: Allegations Actions:

- 1. Address new allegations 59

2. - Conduct Feedback Interviews 10
3. Update Tracking Gystem 1
4. Transfer Tracking System and Files to Region IV 1
5. Establish FOIA Files 1
6. Implement NRC Procedures for Late Allegations _

1 Total Actions: ,

73 Estimated resources recuired for con.pleting allegations actions: 50 ran-weeks Expected completion date: 6/15/85 Potential Problem Areas:

Potential new allegations e

4 4

4 0

Area: Inspection Acticas Actions:

_. 1.. SER Verification items 22 .

2. Routine Inspection Program:

Preop / Operations Readiness (MC 2513) 4 Startup (MC 2514) 4

3. Open Items (unresolved :tems, inspector follow-up itcms, non-compliance items 73
4. 10 CFR 50.55(e) Items 26 . .
5. IE Bulletins Closecut 6
6. Special Review Team. Items 3 Total. items:


..s Estimated resources required for completing inspection actions: 40 man-weeks Expected completion date: 9/1/85 Potential Problem Areas:

o' Routine regional inspection program may be impacted by enforcement effort and followup on applicants' action plan.

i e l

E i

- - - - - --,, en-- - - - - - - - , - . . , - - - , - - - - - - - - , . . - - -- ~ ~ --

,e,- - - - . , - - - - . - - * -. -

Area: Office of Investigation Actions Actions:

_. Complete Open Cases - -


Total Cases: 9 Existing resources are adequate for completion of OI review. Completion of most of these cases dependent on completion of staff technical review and issuance of TRT SSERs.

Potential Problem Areas:

None t

l l


i f

Area: Intimidation Panel and Contention 5 Panel s

"A.' Intimidation Panel '


1. Issue Report on NRC Position on Intimidation 5/15/85 (est.)
2. Provide Testimony as required Total Actions 2 _

Potential Problem Areas:

Establishment of applicant actions B. Contention 5 Panel:


1. Provide advice and consultation to Project Director 2.: Review and comment on Intimidation Panel Report
3. Review and comment on Staff Position SSER Outline
4. Review and comment on Applicant's Program Plan
5. Provide summary report to Project Director l 6. Provide Testimony as required i Total Actions 6 Potential Problem Areas:

. Support of Hearings l

Assessment of facility design and adequacy of design implementation.


Area: Hearings Actions:

_. 1. Design QA/QC (adequacy of pipe support design) . .

Applicants Summary Disposition Motions 16

- CASE Summary Disposition Motions 2

- Potential Material False Statement (U-bolts) 1

- CYGNA Reports 1 .

2. Construction QA/QC

- Welding issues 1 -

Protective Coatings Summary Dispositions 3 Staff Walkdown Inspections (Room inspections) 1 Submittal of TRT SSERs 1

- CAT Report staff findings of fact 1

- Intimidation issues (0.B. Cannon and Staff position) 2 Overall QA/QC. Program _1 Total Actions: 30 3 .' OELD has currently committed the following resources to Comanche Peak:

Three lawyers and one paralegal on a full time basis; Three senior lawyers on 3/4 time basis; and one lawyer on a 1/2 time basis.

Potential Problem Areas:

Issuance of staff position SER Resolution of summary dispositions I

. , _- ,n--,- - -----

Area: Design Review Actions:

1. . Preparation (15 April - 10 May) ,

Select Team Leader / Form Team

- Review previous design review efforts o CYGNA o Staff o TUGC0 o ASLB Hearing issues .

Modify IDI review technique

- Define review scope

2. Conduct De, sign Review (13 May - 21 June)

CPSES Site Gibbs & Hill Offices

3. Review Design Portions of Applicant's Program Plan
4. Issue Report (1 July) e e

- -- -- m

Area: Task Force Principal Actions Actions:

. 1. Complete TRT SSERs . .

Complete TRT SSERs in mechanical and QA areas.

2. FSAR Safety Issues Complete resolution of FSAR safety issues, currently under review by the NRR staff.

' ~

3. Design Review Effort Evaluate adequacy of selected aspects of Applicants' design and design controls program to. confirm implementation of FSAR commitments. (Most previous effort involved pipe / pipe support.)

A. Review Applicants' Program Plan Evaluate adequacy of Applicants' program plan to address their actions needed to license the plant. Areas to be addressed include: design, construction, allegations response, QA/QC, SSER actions (including TRT SSERs), response to Region IV inspections, and hearing issues. Staff will provide appropriate feedback to Applicants' and confirm implemen-tation of program plan commitments.

5. Prepare Enforcement Package Prepare enforcement package in accordance with R. D. Martin's memo of April 10, 1984. Package would identify violations of Appendix B criteria and would be based on conclusions and staff positions established in SSERs.
6. Staff Position SSER Prepare SSER providing results of staff evaluation of adequacy of design and construction at Comanche Peak.

l 7. Resumption of Hearings Complete SSERs and major staff filings to ASLB, and prepare staff for resumption of hearings.


Enclosure 1 3/1/85 5/1/05 6/1/85 -

7/1/85 8/1/85 9/1/85 -

Prepare Testimony mums annen +

for s gn d '

Commence Design home ng Issues Review . . . _

Review Effort Obtain Source Information .

CYGNA SSER- ISAn P. C AT. SRT, Completed- '

- Inspect 6on-Reports, tiencing 1 P Records * -

1 TRT SSERs ,3 Complete Draft Staff lesue Staff Completed -- Data ft Forni SSER Position Position Stelf Reedy (Mechanical.' DisciplineAvailable l Personnel Outline Diecipline SSER OELD Et IIDOTRS SSER for Hearings l OA/OCl Evaluation of .

R owlow _

Prepare Testimony LJ Evolustion L- I Headiness Effort for License j , , g Major Filings:

Pipe / Design Intimidation Panel Welding Q's 1 - " " * + Coatings Prepare Testimony Room inspectione Contention 5 Penel_ intimidation g

- ammeemmme + OA/OC TRT Policy Declefon ^

Enforcement Made by Directors Di sel --

Inputs to f,om RIV, IE NRR Region IV on Enforcement Prepare Enforcement Package FJ 8 Licensing Actions:

Routine Licensing

" ' ' N Complete Romeining Licensing iteme.

Tech Specs, License Conditione Applicents' Prograrn h];,'[,7,*ry Iteme #8'P**"I' I'"8'"'

Plan Submitted Plan Rowlew Ongoing Response to Allegations Tienfon IV ft OI


Routine Inspectioris  ! Region IV lesue 94300 Itr.

Commance Confirmatory - # -

Inspecelons Prepare inspection Testimony E .

Discipilne Evnluation Arese Consider RilW FSAll Commitments. SER's. IR's. SALP,"

4/10/85 CAT, SIT, SRT, TRT, lleering Record, etc.





, V. Noonan ,

l l



A. Stang P. Fischetti C. Posiusny i .

ENGINEERING LICENSING .LB 1 m m lC W L Shao C. Trammell 7 Youngblood O Tio M

l. g i

- Region IV - S. Burwen - Regican IV

- NRR - A. Vietti - NRR

- TRT/QA (Civil / Mech./ Misc.) - R. C. Tang (compU5/1/Ei) - TRT/QA (Elec./ Test (H. Uvermore) - - . - - -

- - Prograrns) (H. Limermore)

- C. Mhh ' ~

- Hesting - Hearing

- Csam

- Enforcement - Enforcernent

- IE (CAT) - IE (CAT)

- Cygna (R.:Basnak) - Ccmtractors

- Walsh/Doyle (R. Bosnak) - Routine Ucensing

- SummaryElspositions Matters re: Electrical /

(R. Bosnak) OWonal

- Contractors - Testing (R. Keimig)

- Routine Ucensing Matters - Electrical (E. Marinos) re: Engineering

. - Miscellaneous (S. Phillips) b

. R:utine Licensing Acticns .

f5Mt itesponsihle Category Schedule 0 pen issues Organ. ~ flD5i.h Etr ti Issue (IJnit 1) Persons input Appli. SSElt Connents (7) Preservice and inservice MED/DE 3 Revised pump 3. valve testing pro-inspections and testing G. Ilanener gram sent to NRC via TXX-4067 of program for pimips and of 10/12/83. Applicant requested valves (section 3.9.6) relief from pump and valve testing requirement. of ASMF Code. Hell reconinended; however, never granted (See SSER #1 Section 3.9.6)

, (9) Seismic anil dynamic qualif EBQ/DI. 3 12/4/84 #12 NRC Review and closure

! ir'ation ni mechanical and complete TXX-4708 requests

) eles. trit a l equipment (5I R deferral (>/29/184. IIelerral e Section 3.10 and SLR #1 accepted to 5% NitR ltr Section 3.10) 12/4/04 SQ for:


2) Process Protection System
3) DP switches for RllR 9


4) Boron dilution detection Eq. '.
5) EQ&SQ for flSSS Auxilary relay racks a

! (19) Reninte (alternate) safe ASB/DSI 3 11/14/84 #12 ASB provided input to CllEB.

shutdown capability- P. Ilearn CllEB provided input by memo installation of cold leg ' dated 11/14/84.

temperature T and source range neutronC meter at hot shutdown panel (SElt sections 7.4.2, 8.4.6 and ,

! and SER #1 Section

Also confirmatory item (14) e

  • I !. Alt Responsible Category Open Issnes Organ. Ilrancle_ _ Schedule,_

to _l_s_s,ue -

(Unit 1) persons Input .Appli. SSFR Consucols (23) I!5iiiiTinn of' heavy loads ASB/DSI 3 11/27/84 #12 flRR ltr 11/2//84 resolved i T ase i .

in conformance with the P. llearn NRR ltr 9/21/84 raised two ques-(SER section 9.1.4 and SSER tions (ACRS related). By TXX-4399

  1. 1 Section 9.1.4). 4/26/84 #12 of 1/22/85 Applicant responded.

Staff reviewing Applicant's r esponse.

Phase 11 resolved by memo f!ovak to 3/5/85 #12 to flCs 3/5/85.

(24) iine piofect. ion program CllEll/DE 2 11/14/04 Received additinnal <!cviaLions conformance with the J. Stang which must be incorporated in requinnents of 10 CFR 50 11/4/84 submittal. In addition, Appendix R. Also dependent on safe shutdown decision confirmatory item (14) by ASil. See Open item (39).

, (32) TDI Diesel Operability,

1) pcvision to Design TDI Task 3 6/1/85 Submitted by 1XX-4430-3/1/fl5 Review and Quality Force Reevaluation Report D. persinko
2) lorslograph Test Report TDI Task 3 6/1/85 Submitted by TXX-4442-3/lH/Il5 Force This is a 57 power iicm.
  • D. Persinko
3) Itequest for reliel from TDI lask 3 6/1/85 ' Submitted by TXX-439/ 1/1ft/85 diesel generator operating D. Persinko restrictions.

(34) Containment sump CllEB/DE 2 4/3/85 , Refer to SSER #9 Issued perfonnance . C. McCracken 4/3/85.

(35) lill Action Plan Item liFEB/DilFS 3 2/26/85 #12 Submit parameter safety partial (SER Section 22) 1.D.2 G. Lapinski Partial Partial analysis TXX-4283 of 8/23/84, Safety parameter display TXX-4307 of 9/20/84. f:RR ltr system (SPDS) design and ICSB/DSI 12/5/84 provided evalnation and RAI.

parameter analysis J. Joyce Applicants r&sponse re: isolatien (CL-fl3-33) (HilitEG-0737, devices TXX-4384 dateil 1/7/85 Supp. 1) i accepted 2/26/85. lirEn reeptesting site audit 3/15/85.


. I Salt itesponsible Category Scliedule '

Open issues Organ. Ilrancli Ttr to ~ Fsue (Unit 1) Persons input Appli. SSER Consnents (36) Integrated Icak rate test CSB/DE 3 1/17/85 #12 NRC issues ILRT question methodology (Section 6.2.5) C. Li ltr 8/27/84. TU Responds to I question 1XX-4386 of 2/21/84 and Amendment 54. Resolved by .

CSB memo dated 1/17/85. In-complete evaluation in SSERf6 (11/84) needs to be deleted and replaced through an exemption.

Not in SSER #6

, (37) Impact of MSLB on EQB/DE 3 NRC RAI 12/21/84. TU Response l qualified equipment H. Garg 2/14/85. Under staff review.

Outside containment (38) FSAR Amendments 50 through QUAB/IE 3 NRC RAI 1/7/85 and 1/24/85.

53 changes to operating QA J. Spraul Applicant response to RAI program (Section 17) LQB/UllFS 1/7/85, TXX-4499 of 3/27/85, Under staff review.

(39) Safe shutdown following ASB/DSI 2 Staff RAI 11/6/84. TXX-4381 problem applicant identified P. Hearn .12/18/84 and TXX-4385 12/20/84 with the fire dampers, the to provide breaker ceodina-staff requested the applicant tion study 6/15/84.

! identify all equipment needed j

for safe shutdown to assure .

that it will function properly and has the required separation.

FSAR Responsible Category Schedule Confirmatory Issues Organ. Dranch Ltr to issue (Unit 1) Persons Input Appli. SSER Conenents (2) Staff review of WECAtt MEB/DE 3 12/6/84 #12 Resolved computer program incomplete (SER Section 3.9.1).

(3) Dynamic analysis for MEB/DE 3 12/6/84 #12 Resolved; Amendment 45 asynenetiic loads on the reactor coolant system (SER Section

(ID) IMI Action Plan Items (SER Section 22 and SSER #1 Section 22)

(j) II.E.4.2 Containment EQB/DE 3 NRC RAI 11/9/84, waiting isolation dependability R. Wright for applicants respont.e (purge valve operability Region IV expected 4/12/85.

analysis for LOCA-related D. Kelly dynamic loads (SER)).

(n) II.E.1.1 Peconsnendation on Region IV 3 Added in SSER #1. To be confirmed during startup GL-3 verification by test of D. Kelly the capability of the testing by RIV (D. Kelly) as turbine-driven auxiliary indicated by RIV 2/13/85 feedwater (AfW) pump to ' work list to F.Miraglia operate for 2 hrs w/o AC from R. Denise.

power (SEP.).

(w) II.D.] Performance testing MEB/DE 2 , , Added in SSER 1. Report of BWR and PWR relief and G. llansuer submitted by Amendment 40.

safety valves (SER & SSER #1) lindergoing staff review.

(14) Documentation of Applicant's CllEB/DE 2 See outstanding issue 24 & 39 consnitments on fire J. Stang To be confirmed by RIV protectinn ASB/DSI (S. Phillipr.) as indicatrd by P. Ilearn RIV 2/13/85 sork list to Region IV F. Miraglia from R. Denise.

S. Phillips - ' '

i .

l .

TSAR Responsible Category , Schedule .'

Ccnfirmatory issues Organ. Branch Ltr to issue (Unit 1) Persons Input Appli. SSER Comments (16) Preservice and inservice HTED/DE 11/5/84 11/13/84 #12 Added in SSFP f4. PSI Program program for compliance M. Ilum completed and accepted by the with 10 CFR 50.55a(b), staff. ISI Program submittal respectively (SER Sections deferred, will be made license and 6.6.1 for Unit 1 condition (10).

SER Sections and 6.6.2 for Unit 2) -

(18) The applicant must sulmtit EQB/DE 3 analysis for nitrogen N-16 Presented in Amendment 53.

11. Garg +

12/14/84 #12 Resolved by the staff.

junction box to confirm this equipment is environmentally qualified (Section e e ,

I i

O t

  • fSAR Responsible Category Ccnfirmatory Issues Schedule Organ. Branch .'

(Unit 1)

Ltr to issue -

Persons Input ,Appli. SSER Comments (20) Performance of natural ASB/DSI 3 '

10/11/84 #12 circulation test per Branch S. Diab TU provided connitment to i;RC on Technical Position RSBS-1 Natural Circulation Testing by requirements (Section 5.4.3) ltr TXX-4303 of 9/24/84. IIRC Review and closure ltr 10/11/84.

Appeared in SSER-6. Documentation of consnitteent in ISAP. required to resolve issue. Applicant submit-ted by Amendment 54, 1/21/85.

Not in SSER 76 (25) Security plan and security C. Gaskin 3 training and qualification Resolved as open item (28);

plan (Section 13.c) site confirmatory audit before fuel load.

(26) Pacific Pump multi-vane MTEB/DE 3 12/3/84 #12 Resolved, diffuser liner indications (27) Generic letters:

83-28 Salem ATHS Events RSB/DSI 3 12/11/84 #12 Resolved Item 4.3 of

  • Partial Partial GL 83-28 only. NP.R letter 4/85 RAI on items 2.1, 2.2,

'3.1.3, 3.2.3, 4.4 and 4.5 83-35 Small Ilreak LOCA RSB/DSI 3 5/1/85 Analysis S. Diah Per note to PH From D. Higginton, dated 4/9/85, scheduled SER for NDA F57 small break LOCA models for Westinghouse Plants is 5/1/85.

1 _. -

Responsible Category , Schedule I.icense Conditions Organ. Branch Ltr to Issue l Persons Input Appli. SSER Conments (3) RG 1.97, Rev. 2 ICSB/DSI 3 11/15/04 #12 Interim report on compliance Supplemental 1 to NUREG-0737 J. Joyce Interim Partial with RG 1.97 Rev. 2 reviewed (GL 87-113) (SER Section 7.5.2) Report NP.R ltr 11/15/04. Specific backfit requirements being discussed with staff, 3 items deferred until first refueling TXX-4382 1/28/85;

1) SI Accumulator Tank Pressure upgrade in Cat. 2 h 2) Install Pressurizer lleater Electric current indication
3) Expand range to containment atmospliore temp indication Applicants final response targeted for 6/85.

(4) tiltrasonic testing of low NTED/DE 3 Undergoing TU review awaiting pressure turbine discs M. Ilum information from applicant.

(SER section and 10.2.2)*.

Addressed in tiie operating license; others are required before issuance of an operating license.



Responsible Category . Schedule


L'icense Conditions Organ. Branch Ltr to issue -

Persons input Appli. SSER Comments (8) Licensed operator experience LQB/DHFS 3 12/7/84 #12 Licensed operator training use of sliif t advisors 1/7/85 program 12/7/84. Shift supervisor (SEP. Section 13.12) 3/1/85 training program NRR ltr 1/7/85.

Use of shif t advisors NRR ltr 3/1/85, (GL-84-16).

(10) Perfonnance of PSRB #12 TXX-4169 of 5/15/84(a) TXX-4182 preoperational tasks and/ Becker of 5/29/84 (b-c), TXX-4191 of er pretests (Section 14) 6/5/84(d-e). TXX-4199 of 6/8/84(f) a) flSIV Some work after 30% plateau, b) 51 check valve TXX-4202 of 6/15/84(g) c) Containment cooling (a) Accepted by NRR ltr of 6/19/84, d) TD AFW Pump Steam Inlet (b-g) accepted by NRR ltr of 8/17/84 Check Valve SSER 6. Ilowever, because of delay c) Peactor Coolant Pump Seal in schedule must confirm preopera-f) Piping and supports tional tests are completed before g) Control Room Air Balance licensing, should be stated as such, in SSER #12.

(12) Physical securjty plan #12 Amend license condition per' branch (Section 13.6) memo.

(13) THI Action Plan Items (SER Section 22) 1.C.1 Deviations from NRC PSRB/DilFS #6 Requires rev. prior to OL. Deferred:

approved guidelines W. Kennedy 11/84 1) CRDR some llED's, carpet, for establishing (OP's ,

environmental survey defer to

. 5% power, SSER-6 accepted.

Function and task 2) CRDR-remaining fled's task analysis to support analysis, verification of E0P's and DCPDR design improvements defer until prior to startup following first operating cycle.


Responsible Category Schedule  :

License Conditions 0.gan. , Branch Ltr to issue Persons Input Appli. SSER Comments (13) Continued I.C.1 TXX-4382 of 10/5/84, SSER-6 the mutually agreeable date will be acceptable.

3/6/84 #12 3) Complete system function and '

task analysis (E0P's).

TXX-4216 of 7/6/84 HRR ltr 3/6/84 accept.

1.D.1 DCRDR llFEB/DilFS 9/12/84 #12 Close HED's TXX-4284 8/24/84.

D. Serig NRR ltr 9/12/84 license to be based on preliminary design basis (PDA) with license condition on DCRDR. Schedule for license conditions TXX-4328 i of 10/5/84. Emergency Operating Procedures. TXX-4216 of 7/6/84 subnitted PGP 1/11/85 #12 NRR ltr of 1/11/85 provided Partial interim approval Pei. 1 of Generic Guidelines. .

(14) Environmental qualifications EQB/DE 3 , Requires rev. prior to CL. EQ per of electrical and mechanical 11. Garg 10 CFR 50.49 should extend thru equipment in harsh 11/85. Deferred until 11/85.

envirgnment (SFR Section 1) EQ for pressurizer safety 3.11) valve position detection device.

. 2) EQ for core exit thermo couple system.

Mechanical equipment conplete TXX-4392 1/10/85.

(15) 101 diesel generator TDI/DL 3 Requires rev. prior to 0.L.

reliability and, test D. Persinko to include submittals since  :

(Section 9.5.9) i SSER #6. ,


l .

. Responsible Category Schedule License Conditions Organ. Branch Ltr to Issue -

Persons Input .Appli. SSER Comments Not in SSER #6 (17) Steem generator tube RSD/DSI 3 11/27/84 #12 Appeared in SSER #6 as open rupture; isolation of item (31). TXX-4275 of 8/22/84 steam generator within responds to NRR RAI 4/9/84, NRC 30 minutes (Appendix) issue license conditions.

Letter of 11/27/84, NRC WOG 1etter 12/20/84 under staff review.

, (18) Preservice and Inservice Transferred from confirmatory (ISI Program sutinittal) item 16.

4 e

e g S



. p

't Responsible Category Schedule ,"

Technical Specification Organ. Branch Ltr to Issue Persons input Appli. SSER Consnents (1) flow induced uncertainty CPB/051 10/23/P,4 11/1/84 #12 NRR letter 11/1/84 accepted factors (11-16 Transient II. Balukjian Partial i 2% accuracy but require Time Flow Meter (TTFli) L. Lnis consnitment for uncertainty (4.4) (flVREG/CR-3659) C. Moon performance data. Westinghouse letter 11/5/84 make consnitment to provide by first refueling .


(2) Relationship between -

RSB/DE NRC RAI 10/6/84 stated and measured TRG/DL waiting for appliants process variables S. Diab response expected anyday B. Mann (3 questions - long term C. Moon resolution - owner group participation)

(3) Applicant's Proposed C. Moon Tu ltr to NRC TXX -

Changes to final <!r' art 4360 dated 11/15/84 Tech Specs 1


, - - , , en ,-- - - , , c +- + -- , , . . , . , ,, ., . -


Responsible Category Schedule '

l'etter peqimst/ Letter Approval Organ. Branch Ttr to issue -

persons input ,Appii. SSER Conenent s (1) Request for appe oval t:0 use MEB/f.C ' 3 2/1/85 Requested by TXX-4307, 12/21/84 updated portions of ASME R. Kirkwood This can impact hearing testimony.

Code Section 111 Subsection Draf t letter requesting details in lif .


(2) Request for approval to use  !?EB/DE 3 2/8/85 Requested by TXX-4400, 1/21/85 ASME Code Case D-378 R. Kirkwood Draf t letter approving request in preparation (3) Request for approval to use Hell /DE 3 Requested by TXX-44D4, 1/25/85 ASME Code Cases N-397 R. Kirkwood This can impact hearing testimony -

and N-411 Draft letter requesting details in concurrence.

(4) Request for acceptance of HTEB/DE 3 Requested by TXX-4417, 2/11/85

" Visual Weld Accept.mce D. Smith This can impact heariing testimony.

Criteria for Abl5 Structural - Staff reviewu.9 NCIG criteria.

Welding at Nuclear Power 4 plants" submitted by fluclear Construction issues Group (flCIG) *

(5) Acceptance of Emergency Dose EpB/lf.E N/A Requested by TXX-4452, 3/29/85 Assessment Model for Backup D. Rohrer method of dose calculation k


1. FOIA 85 from Bruce Millar, Fort Worth Start - Telegram - .

dated January 8, 1985 Request: All preliminary drafts of the Technical Review Team's '

report regarding quality control at Comanche Peak.

2. FOIA 85 from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated January 9, 1985 Request: All records connected with the Quality Assurance Report by the Technical Review Team about the Comanche Peak ~

nuclear power plant.

3. FOIA 85 from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated January 11, 1985
4. FOIA 85 from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated January 14, 1985
5. FOIA 85 from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated January 15, 1985

, Letter to B. P. Garde (GAP) from J. M. Felton (NRC) dated January 22, 1985.

6. FOIA 85 from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated January 18, 1985 s
7. FOIA '85 from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated January 21, 1985 Request: All records concerning the overview, regulation and investigation of the Comanche Peak Nuclear Plant by any person, branch, or department of the NRC since January 9, A -r 'd- -- 11, 14, 17, 18, 1984 respectively. Please note that by letter to B. P. Garde (GAP) from J. M. Felton (NRC) dated January 22, 1985, the staff reduced the scope of this request to those records related to the NRC, Comanche Peak Task Force which was established in March 1984.
8. FOIA 85 from Stephen M. Kohn, GAP - dated February 5,1985 Recuest: Any and all records relevant to and/or generated in connection with Donald Nisich.

- ' ' - '4 4,y j , . ; ; , W46 .

U .

9. FOIA 85-151 - from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated March 6, 1985 -

e 4 Request: Any and all records relevant to and/or generated in connection with 50-445/84-32 and 50-446/84-11, i.e., Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.


10. FOIA 85-152 - from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated March 6, 1985 Re::uest: Any and all records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the responses of Mr. Robert Martin, Region IV, Administrator -

or his predecessor Mr. John Collins or any other NRC personnel regarding drug abuse at the Comanche Peak site.

11. FOIA 85-153 - from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated March 6, 1985 Reouest: Any and all records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the creation of the Contention 5 and the Harassment and Intimidation panels, their charters and all drafts, modifications changes, revisiens, etc., to their charters; notes of all -

meetings, comunications, discussions and negotiations about the panels.

12. FOIA 85-154 - from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated Mach 6, 1985 Request: Any and all records relevant to and/or generated in connection with all information, provided in any form, to the Department of Energy Nuclear Power Task Force about Comanche Peak.

.13. FOIA 85-211 - from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated March 25, 1985 Reouest: Any and all records relevant to and/or generated in connection with all information regarding NRC Inspection Report No. 50-445/

84-39 (Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant).

14. FOIA 85-212 - from Billie Pirner Garde, GAP - dated March 25, 1985 A -S .. Request: All comunication between any person of the Executive Branch, including the Department of Energy, the Department of Treasury, the various cabinet councils, etc., and any NRC Comissioner or any staff person working for a Comissioner, or any staff member regarding Comanche Peak since June 1, 1984. .

t p p, .

@ {} e}W 4 4733 M


TRT SSER follow-up items are items requiring additional evaluation or direct inspection effort and/or additional interviews with allegers. They do not -

include completion of routine allegation correspondence (still required for several allegers) or review of Applicants' actions (per Applicants' Program Plan) and confirmation, on a sampling basis, of Program Plan commitments.

I. Civil Area (SSER No. 7) ,

Allegation No./Page Follow-up Item AC-52 Complete alleger close-out regarding X-33 adequacy.of field cured concrete test cylinders.

AC-25 Inspect repairs to hollow places in concrete K-39 behind stainless liner in Unit 2 reactor cavity.

AE-17 Complete alleger closecut following resolution X-83 of control room ceiling seismic inadequacies.

AQ-64 Complete alleger closecut regarding i K-93 acceptability of fill following overexcavation.

II. Electrical Area (SSER No. 7)

Allegation No. Page Follow-up Item s

AQE-34 y Reevaluate "use-as-is" disposition in cable J-51 jacket NCR's.

AQE-35 Reevalate "use-as-is" disposition in non-Q fuse J-51 block NCRs.

AQE-37 Reevaluate disposition of NCR's on rework of J-52 terminal blocks.

AQE-38 . Evaluate instances of poor workmanship in J-59 junction boxes.

III. Test Program (SSER No. 7)



IV. Miscellaneous (SSER No. 8)

_ Allegation No./Page Follow-uo Item , ,

AM-12 Determine need for additional evaluation of K-115 possible improper grouting of CCW surge tank anchor bolts and provide feedback to alleger A-4.

AM-21 Complete alleger closecut regarding staff K-133 evaluation of significance of drug abuse allegation.

Review alleger's commercial concern regarding AM-25 K-143 premature replacement of polar crane festooned cables.

V. Coatings Area (SSEit No. 9)

None VI. Mechanical (SSER no. 10)

. (Expected follow-up actions, as SSER is not published) i Allegatian No./Page Follow-up Item AP-8 Conduct site visit with alleger A-75 to identify and evaluate pipe damaged by sledge hammer.

AH-5 Conduct site visit with alleger A-75 to identify and evaluate pipe supports designed by unqualified person.

AH-20 Conduct site visit with alleger A-75 to identify and evaluate pipe segments that were potentially inordinately stressed by individuals sitting on them during fitup.

AH-21 Conduct site visit with alleger A-75 to identify and evaluate piping hit with hammer to achieve proper gap during fitup.

VII. QA Area (SSER No. 11)

(Expected follow-up items, as SSER is not published. These are based on 12/10/84 interview with allegers A-1, A-3, A-5, and A-54.) ,

c - -,

Allegation No./Page Follow-up Item AQ-19 Evaluate impact of additional controlled copy stamps being used in potentially improper

" ~

manner. (Transcript p.23)

AQ-19 Provide alleger documents examined A-5 by with TRT. feedback (Transcriptp.30 concerning)

Allegation No./Page Follow-up Item AQ-23, 24, 26, Interview two individuals (to be located by 27, 28, 108 allegers) regarding inspector training and


qualification. (Transcript p. 81-83)

AQ-55 Provide feedback to allegers regarding NRC staff evaluation on whether stainless steel spent fuel pool liners are safety related. (Transcript

..s p.92-94)

Evaluate material, to be provided by alleger AQ-55 A-1, regarding extracts from NUREG Reports on spent fuel pool liners. (Transcript p. 98)

AQ-5,12,13,14, and quantity of potential

, 115 Investigate improper trending (Transcript p. 101-103) upgrades.

AQ-40 Determine if TRT reviewed NCRs affecting color

' coding of tubing and who TRT interviewed during onsiteinvestigation.(Transcriptp.107)

AQ-40 Determine adequacy of the number controls.

(Transcript p. 111-114)

AQ-40 Determine weld rod traceability and applicable

, procedures for spent fuel pool liner.

l (Transcript p. 111-114) l AQ-77,79 Evaluate eyebolts fabricated onsite without ,


  • documentation and installed on 860 foot

. elevation. (Transcript p. 121-123)

AQ-116 Identify procedures reviewed by TRT to alleger l

A-5 and determine if procedural changes violated document control requirements. (Transcript i p. 157-158) .

i AQ-80 Evaluate IR with forged signature to be provided l by alleger A-1. (Transcriptp. 163-165)

AQ-80 Provide issue date of IR. procedure that requires trending of irs to alleger A-5.


1 NEW ALLEGATIONS No. Description Group / Area AC-53 Nonapproved backfill ,

T Civil / Structural AC-54 Split rebars Civil / Structural AC-55 Voids in concrete walls and slabs Civil / Structural AC-56 Resteel missing from Unit 1 Containment wall Civil / Structural AC-57 Resteel missing from excess letdown heat exchanger Civil / Structural room AC-58 Dowels bent and broken Civil / Structural AC-59 General problem'of rebar omission or mishandling Civil / Structural AC-60 Omission of shear ties at containment dome-wall Civil / Structural intersection AC-61 Question disposition cf AC-38 Civil / Structural AC-62 Repeak of AC-31 and AC-62 Civil / Structural AC-63 Honeycomb in concrete Civil / Structural AC-64 Tie-in between basemat crack and other deficiencies Civil / Structural AC-65 General cracking of concrete Civil / Structural o AC-66 Crack in the basemat Civil / Structural AC-67 Failure to retest concrete Civil / Structural AC-68 Unqualified Schmidt Hammer testers Civil / Structural AC-69 Use of 2 to 1 (Rise to run) in damage study Civil / Structural AC-70 Use of 1.5 factor'in static load calculations Civil / Structural l

AC-71 Where was 2500 psi concrete used? Civil / Structural l AC-72 Was 2500 psi concrete used? Civil / Structural AC-73 Use of Richmond inserts in 2500 psi concrete Civil / Structural l AC-74 Inadequate cover over rebar Civil / Structural AC-75 No gap at doorway between containment and Civil / Structural safeouards building.

i .. ,

, ALLEGATIONS No. Description Group / Area AC-76 Damping values for cable trays Civil / Structural AC-77 Safety factors fer Hilti bolts Civil / Structural AC-78 Reduction in section modulus of cable trays at Civil / Structural drilled holes AC-79 Allowable stresses beyond yield in cable tray supports Civil / Structural AC-80 Liner plate Civil / Structural AC-81 Steam generator lateral support Civil / Structural AC-82 Deficiencies in reactor cavity liner plates Civil / Structural AQ-64 Improper fill of overexcavation Civil / Structural AQC a5 Tampering with concrete b3tch plant scales Civil / Structural AA-8 Advance notification was made concerning NRC Misc.

and other audits.

AP-30 Floor shim was used as weld-filler material. Mechanical / Piping AP-31 Hilti bolts were improperly installed. Mechanical / Piping AP-32 To avoid striking rebar. Hilti bolts were installed Mechanical / Piping at an angle, resulting in a large gap on one side.

AP-33 Different way of avoiding paperwork was used when Mechanical / Piping installing Hilti bolts at an angel to avoid hitting rebar.

l AP-34 Hangers were removed and improperly reinstalled. Mechanical / Piping i

AP-35 Pipes were damaged when drilling Hilty bolt Mechanical / Piping holes.

A hanger was improperly removed to install AP-36 Mechanical / Piping hanger without proper documentation.

I AP-37 Use of uncontrolled weld rods. Mechanical / Piping AP-38 Material traceability of Q hanger material Mechanical / Piping forged heat numbers.

AP-39 Improper Weld - gap filled weld rod Mechanical / Piping AP-40 Improper modification of twelve-inch Hilti bolts. Mechanical / Piping


NEW ALLEGATIONS No. Description Group / Area AP 41 Supports used frame jacks to maintain gap size. Mechanical / Piping AP-42 Improperdispositionof10CFR50.55(e)5 ems Mechanical / Piping AP-43 Supports upgraded from Class 2 and 3 to Class 1 Mechanical / Piping do not meet all requirements of Class 1 supports.

AP-44 Pipe wall thickness does not meet code Mechanical / Piping requirement.

AP-45 Punching shear effect in support design was Mechanical / Piping '


AP-46 Violation of ASME Section XI Due to support types Mechanical / Piping difficulties for ISI.

AW-86 Excess pipe repair was made without hydro retesting. Welding

. AW-87 Violation of minimum pipe wall thickness was caused Welding by torch during welding.

AW-88 Nonelevated preheat control on welding. Welding AW-89 Maximum interpass temparture controls for welding Welding on notch toughness materials.

AW-90 Downhill welding stringers. Welding AW-91 Use of welders with insufficient training or Welding experience.

AW-92 Welding of stainless stall pipe containing sand, Welding

- gravel, concrete.

AE-55 Wattmeters & Varmeters were removed with proper pro- Electrical cedures. ,

AE-56 Cable size in Fire Detection Panels deviated from Electrical specification.

AE-57 DCA-19264 issued authorizing cable splicing against Electrical procedure.

AE-58 Inspection Reports review. Electrical t

INSPECTION ACTIONS I. Routine Inspection Program 2513 Proaram Items to be comoleted Module Title  % Complete 36301 Operational Staffing Inspection 90 70400 Preoperational Test Results Evaluation 85 (Note 70537 and 70538 are an integral part of 70400 and are shown in the index ONLY: when 70537 and 70538 are completed, 70400 will also be completed) -

70537 Main Steam Isolation Valve Test 50 70538 AFW System Test 50 Modules'to Complete: 4 2514 Program Reouired to be Com'oleted Prior to Issuance of Operating License 72500 Initial Fuel Loading Procedure Review 75 72564 Pre-crit Test Procedure Review 90 (Protective) 72566 Pre-crit Test Procedure Review (RCS) 90 72576 Power Ascension Phase Procedure Review 90 Modules to Complete: 4 II. SER Verification Items Type Item Remarks SER 8 Hour emergency lighting pg 9-32 l

SER Water T,ype fire extinguishers pg 9-33 SER Installation of Fire barriers dampers and penetrations pg 9-32 seals SER fire doors -

, pg 9-32 l

l SER Water type fire extinguishers in the control room l pg 9-32 1 . -

. 2


SER Additional fire detectors, portable extinguishers, auto pg 9-34 sprinklers 1

-- SER Implementation of staff guideline re administrative -

pg 9-34 -

., controls, fire brigade and T.S.

SER Compliance with staff guideline re power supply and Class A pg 9-31 . detection systems SER 5.4.4 ' Loose parts monitoring training and response' manual (See page 5-21 w .

8436-05 Open Item)

Provision for sampling containment sump water

  • ~

SER 9.3.2 '

pg 9-16 SER Sect 22 - TMI I.A.2.3 - completion of SRO exams for all permanent page 22-9 plant personnel before fuel load SER 9.1.4 Implementation of interim measures identified in NRC pg 9-1 letter " Submission of NUREG-0612 (December 22,,1980)

SER Supp 2 Plant shielding to provide access to vital areas for Sec 22 pg 22-1 post accident operations '

. 11.B.2


SERSupp3 TS to ensure that any CWS equipment that is opened for Sec 3.4.1 maintenance will be isolated from SCR by valves and/or pg 3-1/16-1 stop gates if reservoir level rises SER Supp 3' TS limiting use of the level channel signal for control Sect during normal mode of operation pg 7-1 ',

SER Supp 3 Containment high range radiation monitors Sec 22 pg 22-2 11.F.1 SER ECCS Testing per RG 1.97 Sect '

page 6-18 ,

SER Sect _

Test to demonstrate that reset of high-rad signal does not block ESFAS input signal pg 7,-17 SER Sect' Preop test of feedwater system 10.4.7 -

pg 10-10 " "'

- ,,-w - - -,-

3 SER Sect Preop test of feedwater system 'for waterhammer pg 10-13 ,

SER Sect Natural circulation cooldown test methods and procedures 5.4.s pg 5-19 SER Sect Test of evacuation alarm performance under maximum plant 9.5.2 noise conditions e pg 9-35 a

SER Verification Items to Complete: 22 Og e

l f

e 9

e e

i 1

III. Open Inspection Items j Key: V - Violation D - Deviation U - Unresolved 0 - Open A. Construction Items Track No. Description 8408-01V Gaps on Unit 1 Polar Crane Bracket / Seismic Connectors 8408-03D Design Deviation Installation Seismic CAT 1 & 2 Structural Steel .

8408-04U Polar Crane Seismic Connection Shims Tack Welded 8416-01V Inspection of Cable Tray Hangers 8416-02V Control of Design Document / Changes 8422-02V Failure to Notify 50.55(e) on Inverter Transformers 8422-03V Bisco Seals 8422-04U Material Certification 8422-05V Failure to Inspect Dimensional Tolerance on Hangers 8422-06U Battery Room Ventilation Adequacy 8426-01V QC Inspection & Cable Separation Inadequate 8426-02V Failure to Properly Inspect 8426-03U Delete As Built Notation from Field Sketch Instrument Dwgs 8429-01V Failure to Check Weld Interpass Temperatures l

l 8434-01V Inspections Failure to Identify Nonconformances in Support Installations

! 8434-02V Failure to Notify the NRC about Flow Instruments and Record Falsification per 10 CFR 50.55(e) 8440-01V Failure to Assign a Unique Identifier to A 10 CFR Part 50.55(e)

Item 8432-01U Project Gen Mgr shown Report to Two Vice Presidents dn Organizational Chart

r . 1


l i

2 8432-02V Failure to Regularly Review Status and Adequacy of QA Program

~ ~

- 8432-03(a)V Failure to Develop Audit Program Procedures 8432-03(b)V Failure to Audit / Verify Compliance with all Aspects of QA Pgm 8432-03(c)V Failure to Adequately Audit Westinghouse Site Eng. Services 3

8432-04U Detennine Number Audits / Auditors to Implement Audit Program 8432-03(d)V Failure to Perfonn Annual Audits' at Vendors ,

8432-05V Failure to certify Vendor Inspector in NDE 8a32-06U Vendor Surveillance Program Weak / Undefined

8. Operation's Items Track No. Description 8225-01V QA Audit 8225-02V Certification of Inspectors 8431-05(c)V Failed to make changes in Relay Settings (Procedure) 8431-05(d)V Failed to make entries in Safety-related Log 8431-05(e)V Failed to tag items as required 8a31-05(f)V Failed to include "Q" material in maintenance and inspection pgm 8431-07V Non-Q material stored with "0" mater.ial 8431-08(a)V Procedure inadequate - did not address all facets 8431-08(b)V Design procedures did not address performance of emergency

. modifications 8431-08(c)V Record reteition requirements not established 8431-14V Control and Calibration not adequately established 8445-02V Procedure did not have sufficient detail to accomplish task 8431-11U Deficiencies in procurement control


3 8414-060 Solid Waste Manage - testing and vcrification Operability of portable radios for communications

^ 8333-230 8333-240 Emergency plan discussion for portable radios for communications 8333-450 Sample collection and analysis methods for high level liquid

  • effluents during a drill 8433-560 Discrepancy regarding the number of high range dosimeters 8333-570 Place iodine monitors in appropriate emergency response facilities 8333-700 Perform comparison of primary and backup meteorological tower data 8333-740 Consideration of precipitation in dose assessments 8333-750 Provide descriptions of atmospheric dispersion model 8333-760 Establish mechanism for using field radiation measurements to improve dose assessments 8333-810 Provide an additional frequency for the portable radios 8333-1280 Establish a method to document quarterly reviews of call lists 8402-040 Inadequacies in emergency procedures for post accident sampling i

8407-010 No program to review 10 CFR Part 21 reports from vendors after start of commercial operation 8431-100 Deficiencies in the control of surveillance testing and cal.

8436-020 Demonstrate ability to recover from a low-low water. transient 8436-050 Provide a response manual for the Loose Parts Monitoring System 8445-010 Failure of an operator to check a valve position - locked open i instead of locked shut l 8445-030 Source range meters did not have the proper signal input ratings 8441-040 Consider appointing a new media /public affairs professional to act as the moderator l


4 8444-010 Revisions or clarifications are needed for fire protection procedures 8444-02-090 Some discrepancies exist between surveillance test procedures and the latest revision to Technical Specification in the area of fire protection 8439-050 Comments on the Diesel Generator system 8439-060 Practices are not consistent with administrative requirements and 10CFR50, App. B requirements ,

8442-010 Verify that gaseous effluent samples are representative of discharge volume 8443-010 Ensure th'at sampling of. analysis of liquids introduced into the Liquid Rad Waste System can be handled without creating a concurrent accident situhtion

., 8436-060 Human Factors problems associated with the ERGS 8436-070 Task analysis packages for the ERGS were not found

  • 8436-080 Several ERGS reviewed contained missing data which was noted to 3 be provided "later" 8436-090 Specific comments about six ERGS
8437-010 Committed to the implementation of an improved communication system l 8439-010 Comment on Reactor Coolant System 8439-020 The nomenclature for valve prefixes on the CVCS diagrams is not consistent 8439-030 Comments on Station Service Water System i Total Violations, deviations, unresolved items and open items: 73

IV. Open 10 CFR Part 50.55(e) Items Track No. Description Environmental Qualification for High Energy Line Break CP-84-12 CP-84-22 Design Concern with CCW System CP-84-24 Signoff of Preoperational Testing ,

CP-84-26N Auxillary Relay Racks CP-84-27 Venti 11ation Exchange Dampers ,

CP-84-28R Rosenount Transmitter leakage CP-84-29 Safe Shut.down Capability for Fire CP-84-30 Safety Class Instrument Line with downstream Root Valve CP-84-31 Nonseismic wall in Control Room CP-84-32 ITT Barton Diff. Press. switch (model 580) Set Point Drift CP-84-33 ITE GOV Balance Relay Operating Time outside Specification CP-84-34 Welds on MCC Embed Floor Mount Channels Questionable CP-84-A Falsification of Eye Exams - Part 21 Gulfalloy CP-84-B Taylor Forge (Bonney) - Part 21 CP-85-01 Control Room Main Board Cable Violation Separation Criteria CP-85-02 Control Room Slab not a 3 HR Rated Fire Barrier

. CP-85-03 Anchor Bolts in Steam Generator Lateral Supports Engaged Less than Required 2 1/4 inches CP-85-04 Containment Spray Isolation Valves CP-85-05 Diesel Generator Air Filter Bowl Underrated for Pressure CP-85-06 Weidmuller Termination Points Damaged CP-85-07 Electrical Butt Splices (TRT Items I.A.2 and I.A.3) 4

, . . - - - - , - , - - - , ..-- -- - , - , , ,-- ,- - - , . ~ - - - - - . - , -- -

2 CP-85-08 Sump Isolation Valves Motors Non-qualified

- CP-85-09 Discrepancies in Valve Weight '

CP-85-10 Reliance Supplied Control Board K-Bracing not on hinge & door e

CP-85-11 Instrument Tubing Tapped off 45 degree bend not allowed CP-85-12 Aux Feed Flow may be outside tech. spec. because of bad setpoint Total 10 CFR 50.55(e) Items: 26

  • .s 4

I e

4 a



V. Open Items - IE Bulletins IEB No. Description I 1

79-14 Seismic Analysis for AS Built Safety Related Piping 79-28 NAMCO Switch (EA-180) Possible Failure at Elevated Temperatures 80-18 Centrifugal Charging Pumps Flow Adequacy After High Energy Line -

Break on Secondary Side 80-20 Failure at Westinghouse (Type W-2) Spring Return to Neutral Control Switches - -

81-02 Failure of Gate Valves to Close Against Differential Pressure 83-05 Hayward Tyler Pumps Total,0 pen IEBs: 6 VI. Special Review Team Items Track No. Description Pipe Supports

-- Pipe Supports Pipe Supports Total Special Review Team Items: 3
s 6

- - . - - - - - -, , - t .--,w


1. Pipe Support Design /QA


a. Applicants' Sumary Disposition Motions There are 16 outstanding motions for sumary disposition filed by Applicants. Review by Staff of these motions indicates that the Staff still has a number of questions. The Staff has conducted a number of meetings with Applicants to make them aware of the Staff's questions. In its March 21, 1985 letter to the Board, Applicants stated that the scope of the CPRT's efforts has been expended to consider the issue of design adequacy at Comanche ,

Peak. Mr. Howard Levin of the Tera Corporation has been assigned principal responsibility by the Applicants for this effort.

b. CASE has filed the following sumary disposition motions for which there are onooing Staff reviews.
1. CASE's First Sumary Disposition Motion on Applicants' Design QA/QC Program dated 10/19/84.
2. CASE's Fourth Sumary Disposition Motion on SA 307/SA 35 Threaded Parts dated 1/14/85.
c. Allegation of Material, False Statement by Applicants (U-Bolts) has been referred to I&E for review. Board has indicated it will await completion of Staff review. The Board has permitted CASE to conduct discovery against Applicants regarding validity and reliability of samples and tests. The Board also permitted CASE to conduct discovery against Applicants regarding "credi-bility" but suspended such discovery pending advise from Staff to Applicants whether Staff looking into this matter. See Board Orders dated 3/15/85,3/12/85.
d. Cygna Reports l 1. Cygna IAP Report (Cygna Phases I and II) l l The Board determined that the Cygna IAP Report was neces-sary for a complete record (See Order dated 10/25/83). Appli-cants (Cygna) *and CASE have presented testimony. Staff has not presented testimony to date. A SSER (#5) is in preparation.

l Cygna recently indicated that certain of its findings are

! being reassessed.


2. Cygna Reports Covering Phases III and IV .

The Applicants' Plan proposed these reports to respond to Board's concerns regarding adequacy of design and design QA/QC, Cygna has submitted its report on Phase I,II which is under review by the Staff. The Phase IV report has not been issued.

1 v- . . . ... - -~ .


2. Construction QA/QC
a. Welding The Board issued a decision dated 12/18/84 generally resolving welding issues in favor of Applicants. However, Board requested additional information regarding QC holdpoints for repair of welds, undocumented repair welds, preheat and adequacy of support with alleged downhill weld. These issues are open pending filing of Staff response. CASE has filed petition for reconsideration which it is in the process of supplementing. Staff response to be filed '

when CASE completes filing.

b. Protective Coatings


TRT's SSER on Protective Coatings (#9) issued in March, 1985.

Therein Staff approved Applicants' request to amend FSAR to make coatings a nonsafety item. The effect of Staff's approval on further litigation of this issue is not determinable at this time.

Staff preparing responses to the following outstanding Applicants' Summary Disposition Motions.

1. Applicants' Summary Dispositicn Motion on Maximum Roughness.


2. Applicants' Summary Disposition Motion on Westinghouse Components Coatings.
3. Applicants' Summary Disposition Motion on J.J. Lipinsky Report.
c. Other Construction Adequacy Issues
1. Staff Walkdown Inspections - Board indicated that Staff Walkdown Inspections were necessary for complete record in Order dated 10/25/83. Region IV has issued 4 Inspection Reports (IR) on Walkdowns, a). Fuel Building (IR 83-23(7/7/84)) Staff testimony received.

b). Cable Spread Room (IR 84-10(6/21/84)).

c). Reactor Containment (IR 84-16 (10/4/8a)).

d). Safeguard and Auxiliary Buildings (IR 84-26(1/18/85)).

2. Finding in TRT's SSERs .

a). Electrical / Instrumentation (SSER7(1/85)).

b). Test Programs (SSER 7 (1/85)).


1 c). Civil / Structural (SSER 8 (2/85)).

d). Miscellaneous (SSER 8 (2/85)).

e). Protective Coating (SSER 9 (3/85)).

f). Mechanical / Piping (SSER 10 (in preparation)).

~ ~

3. CAT Report Testimony by all parties concluded. Staff's proposed ,

findings of fact drafted,

d. Intimidation
1. Hearings suspended in 2/85. Still to be completed are; a). 0.B. Cannon issue.

b). Staff testimony - EG & G Task Force on Harassment and Intimidation.


c). Rebuttal testimony by parties.

d). CASE informally has indicated it will argue that the

. TRT findings should be an issue in this portion of the proceediggs; Applicants will oppose. -J

2. OI reports - Board directed release of OI reports in its 9/17/84 memorandum. OI responded on 10/25/84 declining to release reports and suggesting Staff advise Board which reports are potentially relevant to licensing proceeding.- Board concurred in 01's response (See Memorandum Request for Staff Analysis 11/2/84). ELD has reviewed OI reports to summarize and evaluate their relevance to hearing issues and has circulated evaluation to NRR and OI for consnents,
e. Overall QA/QC Programatic Issues
1. The following steps need to be completed before the Staff will be prepared to go back to hearings in this portion of the proceeding; a). TRT's SSER on QA/QC - in preparation.

b). Applicants' response - CPRT's report. .

l c). Staff's final SSER.

, 2. There are a large number of miscellaneous questions l raised during proceeding which remain open.

These items will need to be addressed in accordance with future litigation strategy.

i f!OUTIN.G AND TRANSMITTAL SLIP To: (Name, emce symbof. room number, f/[~

initials Date

.i buildstug. Agency / Post)

. 1. //OtlA/Ed '

1. 3 d// F 3 E K ~


s. ' 77MMMZ r NRdbr

, 6JAKAlick Action File Note and Return [

Approval For Clearance Per Conversation As Requested For Correction Prepare Repfy

. Circulate For Your Information See Me ,

Comment investigate Signature .

Coordination Justify W ' v% -

A #8 A A - .


r4 A h -




4 ,, m .n d

  • k .

DO NOT use this form as a RF. CORD of approvals, concurrences, disposals...

clearances, and similar actions l

FROM:(Name org. ymbof, Agency'/ Post) Room No.-Bldg.

Phone No.

6041.lf OPTl LF M 41 (Rev. 7-76) ecro , , . . ..:. n . n..> r~a m cK m-n.=

l t

///- 2L -

Fo/d ( 5 3/o m/co

  • Comanche Peak Status Briefing Vincent S. Noonan, Project Director April 12, 1985 I. Areas Area Actions SSERs
1. Routine Licensing Actions 308 2
2. TRT Concluding Actions 27 2
3. Allegations 73
4. Inspection Actions 138
5. Office of Investigation Actions 9
6. Intimidation and Contention 5 Panels 8


, 7. Hearings 30 e

8. Task Force Concluding Actions 5 1 TOTALS EVE 5 II. Schedule III. Staff -

.. ~ .


e 8

9 0


Area: Routine Licensing


C. Trammell Actions:

1. Routine Licensing SSER's SSER #12 SSER #13 Total

- FSAR Open 'ssues 4 7 11 FSAR Co.,f t matory Issues 6 7 13 License Conditions 4 6 10

- Technical Specifications -

3 3 Total items 14 23 37

2. CYGNA o CYGNA SSER #5 (Phases 1, 2, 3) r/w.4.A h f o Closure of CYGNA o Findings and Open Items from CYGNA letter dated 4/4/85 to be incorporated into SSER #13).

. - Pipe Stress 15 Pipe Supports 25 Coble Tray Supports 21 Conduit Supports 24 Electrical /I&C 4 Mechanical Systems 5

- Design Control 16 Total items 110 CYGNA to brief NRC management on findings and significance April 26, 1985.

3. Current Support of Hearing Issues -

Coordination of staff input for motions for summary disposition on piping and pipe supports 16 #1y // N Coordination of staff affidavits in response to ASLB 4 questions (i.e. Startup QA, Vendor QA (TDI), Fuel Pool Liner, Nozzle Break in Reactor Vessel Cavity).

Total items 20 9

h jne/ntlts j


4. Miscellaneous FOIA Requests 14 Letter Requests / Letter Approval 5 BN Closecut 109 Review of FSAR Amendments for significant changes 13 (last 2 years)

License preparation effort -

Total items: T4T

.5. Estimated resources required for routine licensing:

Potential Problem Areas:

Safe shutdown for fire protection program; developed out of problem W/#A


identified by the Applicants on fire dampers, fg((jj{ ghN Closure of CYGNA findings and open items (especially as identified in the #

cable tra pports ndpipesupports)

Staff actions o esolution of motions for summary disposition.

Resolution may result in re-review of the applicants design commitments on piping and pipe supports.

ed M e O

e e


Area: TRT Concluding Actions Contacts: J. Calvo L. Shao Actions:

1. Ccaplete Mechanical / Piping SSER 4/22/85(est.)
2. Complete QA SSER [ cd b 5/1/85(est.)
3. SSER Follow-up Items Staff Action TUEC Actions Civil 4 6 Electrical 4 4 Test Program 0 4 Miscellaneous 2 5 Coatings 0 4 Mechanical 4 (Approx.) 5 (approx.)

3(Approx.) @

QA Total items: 27fM -IM?D 28

4. Complete followup correspondence with several. allegers NOTE: Review of TUEC actions in response to TRT findings will be part of Applicants' Program Plan review effort. TUEC actions in the QA area area' were not specified by the staff.
5. EstimatedresourcesrequiredforTRTconcludinhac'tions:

l Potential Problem Areas:

o Completion of enforcement action resulting from TRT reviews, b -

o Resolution of QA issues identified in technical areas.

e 9


Area: Allegations


C. Poslusny Actions:

1. Address new allegations 59
2. Conduct Feedback Interviews 10
3. Update Tracking System 1
4. Transfer Tracking System and Files to Region IV 1
5. Establish FOIA Files 1
6. Implement NRC Procedures for Late Allegations _1 Total Actions: 73 Estimated resources required for completing allegations actions:


Potential Problem Areas:

Potential new allegations Note: Effective April. 30, 1985, all new allegations will become the responsibility of Region IV.


  • e e

e o e

e e


Area: Inspection Actions Contacts: D. Denise D. Hunter Actions:

1. SER Verification items 22 ,
2. Routine Inspection Program:

Preop / Operations Readiness (MC 2513) 4 Startup (MC 2514) 4

3. Open Items (unresolved items, inspector follow-up items, non-compliance items 73
4. 10 CFR 50.55(e) Items 26 ,
5. IE Bulletins Closecut 6
6. Special Review Team. Items 3 Total items: 138 Estima'ted resources required for completing inspection actions:

Potential Problem Areas:

o Routine regional inspection program may be impacted by enforcement

effort and followup on applicants' action plan.

O 6

S f


- , . . - - - - - - - , , ,.--,,.--,.----.,------n

. . ,-- . - . - --~~ , , -, - - - - - - , - - - . . - - . - - . . - . g ,

. Area: Office of Investigation Actions


B. Griffin F Actions:

Complete Open Cases Case Number Description 4

Q4-84-041 Falsification of Fab Shop Records Q4-84-045 Falsification of Coatings Training Records Q4-84-047 Falsified Test Results Q4-84-050 Intimidation of QA Auditors Q4-84-003 Intimidation of Piping Crews 4-84-013 Falsification of Records and Harassment and Intimidation

.,,; 4-84-025 Improper Document. Control 4-84-030 Upgrading Material 4-84-039 Intimidation of QC Inspector

, Total Cases: 9 Estimated resources requi d for completing OI actions:

a~u w , up&~ _

Potential Problem Areas:

None 1

ur M /k *

,b f //

? -

l 1

D l

Contacts: J. Gagliardo (Intimidation) t E. Jordan (Contention 5)

Area: Intimidation Panel and Contention 5 Panel A. Intimidation Panel Actions: '

1. Issue Report on NRC Position on Intimidation
2. Provide Testimony as required Total Actions 2 Potential Problem Areas:

Establishment of applicant actions B. Contention 5 Panel:


1. Provide advice and consultation to Project Director
2. Review and comment on Intimidation Panel Report
3. ReviewandcommentonStaffPosTtionSSEROutline
4. Review and comment on Applicant's Progr am Plan
5. Provide sumary report to Project Director ((

l 6. Provide Testimony as required 1P j/ JPJf"-

Total Actions 6 Potential Problem Areas:

Support of Hearings Estimated resources required for completing Panel actions:

9 Area: Hearings Contacts: S. Treby J. Scinto <

Actions: ,

1. Pipe Support Design and QA .

B Applicants Summary Disposition Motions 16 CASE Summary Disposition Motions 2 Potential Material False Statement (U-tolts) 1 ,

- CYGNA Reports 1

2. Construction QA/QC '

Welding issues 1 Protective Coatings Summary Dispositions 3 Staff Walkdown Inspections (Room inspections) 1 ,

Submittal of TRT'SSERs 1 CAT Report staff findings of fact 1 Intimidationissues(0.B.CannonandStaffposition) 2 Overall QA/QC Program 1 '

Total Actions: 30

3. Estimated resources required for completing hearing actions; ____

I Potential Problem Areas:

Issuance of staff positions SER  !

Resolution of summary dispositions i

i O I f

t' e


% -- ,-.v,,..


Area: Task Force Concluding Actions


V. Noonan

[ Actions:

1. Design Review Effort Evaluate adequacy of selected aspects of Applicants' design and design controls program to confirm implementation of FSAR commitments. (Most previous effort involved pipe / pipe support.)
2. Review Applicants' Program Plan
  • Evaluate adequacy of Applicants' program plan in meeting areas of regulatory concern, provide appropriate feedback to Applicants' and confirm implementation of program plan commitments.
3. Prepare Enforcement Package Prepare enforcement' package in accordance with R. D. Martin's memo of April 10, 1984. Package would identify violations of Appendix B criteria 6 and would be based on conclusions and staff positions established in SSERs.
4. gf,fPositionSSER Prepare SSER providing results of staff evaluation of adequacy of design and construction at Comanche Petk.
5. Resumption of llearings Complete SSERs and major staff filings to ASLB, and prepare staff for resumption of hearings. -

s .- .

i 9

9 e

gge m es - -

Enciesg, t 3/Ns5 5/1/25 -

8/1/85 7/1/85 8/1/85 S/1/85 prope,e .



J b Com*en,ce

,y,,, ,,,, Dodge. OELD Reedy on Outstonding Heenlas lesvee n .teln S - .

lataseestion CiOFai Sstn S ALP. CAT. SitT.

d nnepece Sn Repe'. t o.

Heeing g r 1 r TMT$$ERe- mc3rda.

,,.J Dete te Ces p3ete '

W 'J .

persennel Draft Staff Iseue Staff 1


' foem - 55tR Positten A ver.ebte Outtne DioclM Position __

Staff Reedy O AJ OCl Die SSER OELD Er f4DOTRS SSER 7 to, vegi ,e .,

Re sew Propere TgImony for Hearings Effort 8er License j 3 j , ,g

. . , _ MeWFilings:

latisette*4en Peast Pipe / Design C - * " * + Welding O's

--k Ptepen Tettfm

  • Costings Ceneenston 5 Pene! Room Inspectione g
- a""" + Intimidation int -^ OAtOC Peacy Tieciden C falcreospent Made by D6tectore 7D1 D d trawie t* 1
6sn Ray. IE. NRR R*e en Enf arcoment Propero Enfortemect Pachese u

Licensieg Actlene:

B/ N lasers Routtee LleM -- - _< -.

Compkte RomeWg Weneing iteme.

items SSER g Tecti Space. License Conditions LJ L_a -

AppEcante* Pmgeom Opu hems

,,,g ,,,,,. p,,,,,,,,

Pten Subswetted U'"I'#**Y "*** 5%n Review  :

1 J

cGEg hUponse es ANogIttene - Regleve IV & CI

== +

Reaine Insp <abne RegioEIV leeue


Cemneance Confirmetery 94300 Itr.

hvepocatens .

@ r Propere inspection Testimony 8 . _ _ .

SEW Discipline Evolustion Areas Consider as e0/t5 FSAR Commitmente. SER~e. IR*e. SALP.

CAT. SIT. SnT. tnt. Hearing Recoed. etc. -





  • SECRETARIES SUPPORT STAFF A. Stang P. Fischetti C. Poslueny ENCINEEMING LICENSING .L81 M CTRIC C L Sheo C. Trammell 7 YoungWood NVOM J. Calvo

- Reslon IV -

- S. BurweD - Reglass IV

- NRR - A. Vietti - NMR

-1RT/CLA (CMI/ Mech./ Misc.) - R. C. Tang (compU S/1/5) - TRT/QA (Elec./ Test (H. Lfv ennore) -

Programs) (H. Usermoral

-C.M h h

- Hearing ~ H **'I"u

.- Contractors

- Enforcement - Enforeement

. - lE (CAT) - lE (CAT)

- Cygna (R.'Bosnak) - Cormactors

- Walsh/Deyle 18. Bosnak) - Routine Ucensing 1 - Summary Dispositicmu Metters re: Electdcoll (R. Bosnek) Operdonal

. Centracters - TMeg (R. Kolmig) i - Routine Uesmaltig Mattsrs - Electrical (E. Madnos!

re: Engineering l

. - Miscellaneses (3. Phillips)

I 1


4 i ,

- _ - - . - . , . _ - - . . - . . . . - - , . . . - - . - . . . - - - , , . - - . ..--..n--...