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Forwards Set of Questions on Seabrook Pra,Resulting from Preliminary Work on PRA Review
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/13/1984
From: Ariuska Garcia
To: Davis S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20209C800 List:
FOIA-87-6 EM-84-138-DDA, NUDOCS 8702200106
Download: ML20211C484 (17)


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g Lawrence Livermore Nationa' Labo: 2' .

NUCLEAR SYSTEMS SAFETY PROGRAM August 13, 1984 EM-84-138/DDA Ms. Sarah Davis Reliability and Risk Assessment Branch Division of Safety Technology Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555


First Round Ouestions on the Seabrook Station PRA

Dear Ms. Davis:

The attached set of questions on the Seabrook PRA are the result of our preliminary work on the PRA review.

The questions cover a number of areas, and range from very detailed to modestly general. We have attempted to concentrate on questions that have a potential for being important, or are important to the results. However, some of these questions may eventually be shown to be unimportant, since there is ,

no way to predict where some of the answers may lead us.

$ As you know, we desire to discuss these questions with the plant and/or utility personnel during the plant visit planned for the last week in August. If you are able to send them a copy prior to the visit, it would probably improve the likelihood of fruitful discussions during the visit. It should be noted that this set of questions are only our first round questions, and that we may identify additional questions prior to, during, or following the plant visit. If it is possible, it would also be desirable to identify a key person at the plant / utility 50 that questions may be processed quickly.

This will become even more important later as the project approaches completion.

If you should like to discuss any of these questions, please call me directly.

Sincerely, Abel A. Garcia Principal Investigator Seabrook PRA Review Project AAG/sa fdI4 - 3'/-06 Enclosure 4

cc: L. L. Cleland/G. E. Cummings 8702200106 070211 PDR FOIA ' ' '.

  1. ' SHOLLYB7-6 '


______ __________________A



1. Provide a copy of sheet 5 of Table 5.2-4 from the report, if it exists, so that our evaluation of support system initiators can be completed.
2. Transient event Categories 7 through 16 appear to have similar or identical plant responses, with the major difference being that some transients affect the operation of the PCS (defined as the main steam, condenser steam dump, condenser, condensate, and feedwater systems). It therefore appears reasonable to reorganize these ten categories into only two categories: One with PCS available, the other with PCS not available.

Answer the following questions for each of these event categories (7-16):

a. Will all four of the MSIVs receive "close" signals as a direct result of this transient initiator? Why or why not?
b. Will a safety injection signal occur as a direct result of this transient initiator? Why or why not?
c. Can the PCS (as defined above-normal cooling cycle without aux.

feed) be utilized to cool down the plant for this transient initiator?


When answering, assume that the event is in its early stages and and that no other system failures have occurred other than those caused by the initiating event.



A e

c. Answer these same gaestions for a steam generator tube rupture event.
3. Tnere has been some concern at certain plants about an initiator known as an "incore instrument tube rupture event". The salient feature of this event is that it is a LOCA which discharges into the reactor cavity and not into the containment sump. Thus, if containment sprays are not available by the time recirculation is required, a dry sump condition exists which would result in failure of recirculation, Why is it not necessary to consider this type of initiator fcr Seabrook?
4. 0:ner PRAs have included loss of a vital AC bus as an initiator a .c foand it to be among the dominant contributors to core relt. Wayis it not necessary to consider this initiator for Seabrook?

B. EVENT TREES T rans ier t_s :

1. Tne text states that it is possible to avoid the need for recircula-tion in bleed and feed scenarios by initiating closed loop RH.

cooling. Hcwever, it appears that no credit is taken for this in the event tree; all bleed and feed sequences end in high pressure recirculation. Which way was this sequence actually analyzed in the study? If it was the former, provide further justificatio1 for this position since it appears to be an optimistic view of the scenario. ,

2. Why was turbine trip combined with MSIV closure and PCS cooling combined with auxiliary feedwater cooling? These conbined events do f not correctly represent the plant sequence. We believe that four events are required to evaluate the situation properly: First would be turbine trip, followed by PCS, then MSIV, and finally aux. feed.

PCS would be considered only if turbine trip succeeded. Preventing overcooling by turbine trip versus MSIV closure is not equivalent in the plant response, thus they should not be included in tne sa e event.

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3. Wny does the tree not include an event for the transier.t induced snail LOCA (transient followed by a stu:k open PORV)? e$est has been considerec in all previous PRAs.

4 Why is it necessary to consider the separate event Ov. for contcol of feedwater to prevent overcooling? The important action is that HPI be controlled whether or not feedwater is, or PTS will occur.

Explain the need for a difference in the tree structure based on the failure or success of event OM.

5. W5ct is the basis for a need for plant stabilization and cc01ccan within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> when auxiliary feedwater is operating? io;r a.alysis is based on the limit of 200,000 gallons of CST water which is

" reserved" for AFW. We have two problems with this. First, it seer.s unreasonable to assune that additional water would n:t be available in this 400,000 gallon tank. Even if this is not "rese*vec" for AFWS, why couldn't it be used for AFW5? Second, no crecit is given for the water in the steam generators. The additional 69 FPS (full power seconds) in this water (by your own analysis) would extend the time frame foe loss of all secondary cooling to about 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. The event ON, in this case, appears to be extraneous and conservative.

6. We disagree that the use of event ON as described for the RCP LOCA case will change an early melt to a late melt. Your analysis of the RCP LOCA case in Appendix B is not consistent with NR analyses of time to uncovery. Although we agree that depressurization in a timely fashion will slow the leak rate somewhat, you have not provided justification that demonstrates a large effect. We would agree, however, that if ON were redefined to require success of low pressure injection in some form, the result would be a late nelt.

Provide justification for your position.

7. Why would a failure of TT with failure of the operator to control fee: water and failure of either RWST cr HPI result ir a core riit?

We w3uld argue that the feedwater flow would provide suf ficie":

cooling. Although overcooling is expected, this has never bee.

assumed to lead to core relt. Please explain the basis for this very conservative assunption.

Long Tere:

8. Why is the air purge isolation a GS where containnent isolation succeeds and an IC where containment isolation fails and sprays are operating? These events are not adequately defined in the text and the distinction made between these two systens and the ef fects of their failure is not explained. Provice justification for the nadel as e.aluated.

Small LO:L:

9. It is stated that recirculation is not required if steam ger.erator cooling and a RCP are available during injection (cooling can be supplied directly by RHR). Tnis is not reasonable, since break flow would not be corpletely terminated and RHR does not provide r.akc-up. We have seen no analysis that shows this to be possible. In fact, an analysis which attempted to denonstrate that recirculation was not required within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for Millstone 3 did not support the clair despite that plant's very large RWST and substantial credit for operator action to conserve RWST inventory. Unless suitable analysis cemo.strating the contrary is provided, we must conclude that recirculation should be required for all small LOCA cases.
10. If the operator erroneously concludes that he no longer requires HPI for cooling, is it possible for him to terminate it? Under what conditions? If the plant then returns to an insufficient cooling '

condition, will HPI then restart automatically?

11. Provide ' copies of the emergency procedure guidelines concerned with .

response to pressurized thermal shock (PTS). Also provide copies of any other procedure guidelines (or procedures, if preparec) involving tne termination and/or manual control of high pressure injection o'

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12. The assumption that failure to control auxiliary feedaater given a small LOCA and TT failure will result in eventual loss of all feedaater appears very conservative. What would cause this loss?

Medium LOCA:

13. The text refers to the use of condenser steam dump during mediun LOC t. . Isn't this system lost due to MSIV closure following the safety injection system? How was this analyzed in the study?

14 Why is operator depressurization (event OD) corsidered even if HPI is available? Why would he try this if he had HPI cooling? Why is auxiliary feedwater considered when HPI is available, since it is not req ired? It appears that these sequences are not necessary: they '

confuse the analysis and create additional unnecessary entry states into the long term trees. Explain why the additional sequences are necessary and describe how they affect the analysis.

15. Why do sequences where injection phase cooling succeeds and tne RHR pumps fail lead to an early melt? The text states that the depletion of tne RWST would determine when melt occurs for this case. For the case where the RWST valves fail closed, a late melt is assumed. This contradiction requires an explanation.

Large LOCA:

16. Justify the assumption that there will be no damage to the RHR or CBS pucps during recirculation if the RWST suction valves are not closed? Is there no possibility that the RWST suction line would conpletely drain and result in the intrusion of air into the pump suction lines and subsequent pump cavitation? Why isn't this same assunption applied to the other trees (at least it isn't discussed)? In general, explain how this was treated throughout tr.e analysis.



17. What is the basis for the need to switch to hot leg recirculation?

Is this need a real issue or the result of the use of conservative licensing analysis?

18. Events LA and LB on the large LOCA tree are described as being identical but of opposite trains. This is incorrect since both of these events include the accumulators, which have no opposite train. These events are actually conditional, with success of LB


being dependent on whether or not LA has failed and how it has failed. The accumulators should have been handled as a separate event. Ex;1ain how the analysis was handled to account for the dependence of these events.

19. In the sequences where the containment enclosu-e building ventilation system fails (e.g., sequences nunbered 94-102), wry are there decision points for both of the RHR trains? Ine plant damage states are shown as being identical for all cases so that the sequences appear to be redundant and extraneous, adding nothing to the insights fror the analysis. Wouldn't GF for these systens be more appropriate?
20. Why is the containnent enclosure building ventilation system included directly on this tree? Isn't inclusion as a support system state (EH) sufficient? If not, why is this important only on the large LOCA tree? Shouldn't it also be incluced on the other long term trees since long term ventilation would always be required for long recirculation periods? Finally, other studies have shown that these ventilation systems often provide only a habitability function, and that they have no effect on the operability of the systems they ventilate. Is the requirement for ventilation simply a conservative assumption or is it based on analysis? Was direct cooling of the pump and/or cooling by the working fluid considered?

f k.

Stear Line Break:

(0.tside Containment)

21. For those cases where P.SIV closure and AFWS succeed, why is there a decision point for HPl? Given that HPl will be commanded to start, why is this significant? How does this affect the eventual plant condition?

(Inside Containment)

22. Why is there a need for boron injection when auxiliary feedaater wsres? Is a potential return to criticality a valid concern? On what basis? Even if it is, why is recirculation considered (RCS fluid is not being lost since there is no nonisolable breat)? What is tne basis for nodeling a significant difference in plant response bet.c-en steamline breaks inside an: outside containment? The differences in the trees appear to be artifacts of the analysis. Is this the case?

Steam Generator Tube Rapture:

General Conment : The SGTR tree is very poorly arranged and appears to reflect a significant lack of understanding of the event. The extent of the specific questions and comments below indicate that consideration should be given to the construction of a completely new tree.


23. What is the basis for concluding that the RWST will not empty until 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />? Your analysis of LOCAs does not provide a basis for this conclusion, even assuming a higher downstream pressure. It is not z apparent that the flow rate for the high pressure systems will be reduced sufficiently to extend injection to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.  ;

24 You have assumed that control of HPI flow'is required only under certain conditions. Frovide justification for assuning that control of HDI is not required for all cases. We would hold that failure to

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control HPI would result in RCS pressure being held high while sinaltaneously pumping the entire volume of the RWST into the RCS and thus into the secondary, leaving no water for cocling and continued break flow, and resulting in eventual core melt. This is partially covered by event OR, except that the event definition should include the operator controlling HPl and failure of this event should always lead to core melt.

25. Provide copies of all emergency procedure guidelines pertaining to SGTR.
26. W4 is event ON required? This event appears to increase the number of seasences without providing additional insights. Tne concept of "long term industry response" is not explained in any context which For the RCp gives it any substance; it appears to be superflous.

LOCA case,

  • limiting ca . age to the seals" is a mildly optimistic concept at best, and we would question any perceived change in plant da .tge state from this action without more fonnal justification. (We also note a typographical error on the tree for this case. According to your nonenclature, the ON failure branch should be labeled K', not K.)
27. is the justification for the assumption that failure of b0th auxiliary feedwater and bleed-and. feed results in a late melt due to the ef fects of the steam generator inventory? Tnis result is directly in conflict wiu the results for similar sequences on both the small LOCA and transient trees. In those events, loss of both AFWS and bleed and feed always results in an early melt (an assumption which has always been made in previous PRAs). Since a SGTR event is roughly "between" a transient and a small LOCA, a similarity in the timing of core melt for similar sequences would be expected.
28. Phat is the justification for assuming that it is possible to avoid Hon- woulc core melt when HPI is unavailable and a steam leak occurs?

break flow be stopped (downstrea , pressure would be atmospheric)?


Knile event OD would delay relt, the occurrence of tne steam leak would change this event from a controllable SGTR to an uncontrollable interfacing systems LOCA (a classic case) such that at the concIssion of injection there would be no water available for recirculation and a core melt would result.


1. What is the basis for the 3/4 success criteria for MSIV closure for transient events? (i.e., What is the justification for saying that the blowdown of only one steam generator cannot result in a PTS demand?)
2. Tne difference in pressure and flow rate of the charging pu9ps versus the safety injection pumps leads to a question for the small LOCA HPI success criteria: Are there any break si2es within the snall LOCA ran;e where any one-out-of-four pumps is not sufficient? (i.e.,

where one CP is not success due to insufficient flow or one S!: is not success due to an insufficient reduction in RCS pressure.)

3. What is the justification for the ECCS success criteria for medium LOCA. This criteria is contrary to that found in most previous PRAs on similar plants. Wny isn't there a need for accunJlators? Is HPI success any two-out-of-four pumps? The respective flow rates of the CP and SIP do not support this. We note, however, a good deal of confusion regarding flow rates: the success criteria analysis in Appendix B assumes identical and quite high flow rates for all these pumps for the purpose of RWST depletion. These high flow rates would be very optimistic if applied to success criteria for ECCS cooling.

What was really done?

4. Provide justification for an SLBI success criteria which requires three-out-of-four MSIVs to close. We believe the correct criteria for preventing nultiple SG blowdown should be three-out-of-three MS!Vs on the unaf fected SGs or one-out-of-one MSIV on the affected SG.

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D. HUY,Ah ACTION Gene-al Conment: Tne report does not make clear how these trees were quantified, what values were used for each branch of the trees, and where they are from. This should have been explicitly-included in the report so that the results would be reproducible.

1. The need for event OH in ten minutes seems in general to be very conservative for most ATWS cases. In the absence of a LOCA, if the plert rides through the initial phase of the ATWS and is on a;xiliary fee: water, we would expect the plant to have reached a semi-staDie condition 50 that OH wauld only be required in the long term (>60 mirstes) to provide boration for eventual shutdown. If a L004 con:ition exists, the need to supply makeup flow overrices otter corsiderations and a shorter tine frame (on the order of 20 ninutes) wo;ld be reasonable. Why was the assumption made? Would the descriptions above more accurately describe the two cases?
2. Justify consideration in the report of a diagnosis phase for event RT. In this conservative approach, diagnosis implies that the ope-ator attempts to determine that there is a need for a man s al trip before pressing the manual trip buttons. This is not the case:

nanaal trip is normally a reflex action performed by the operator in response to serious abnormal conditions without any attenpt tc diagnose the precise conditions present, thus, his response w:;1d not be expected to be based on a cognitive error model.

3. For events RT and OH, should the distribution shown on page 10.3-7 be for end state 3 (failure to perform trip), rather than for end state 1 as stated in the text? It appears to be in conflict with Table 10.1-1, 4 For event OM the report concludes that complete termination c' auxiliary feedwater flow is acceptable. We would expe:t a re;.irement for some feedwater flow to prevent boil dry. Wha: is the

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. I basis for the conclusion that this end state is acceptable?

5. For event OM, why are overcooling and boil dry considered the same end state? We would expect that boil dry could lead directly to core melt but that overcooling only leads to a potential PTS.
6. For event OP, explain how this analysis deals with the PTS problem and related action.
7. For event OP, should the reference to end state 2 in the quantification (page 10.3-5) actually be end state 3?
8. For event OP, what is meant by "ask bleed-and-feed" for the failure to take action branch, and what purpose does it serve? Inis is not made clear in the text.
9. Tne 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> time frame for bleed-and-feed (event OR) appears to be very optimistic. Previous PRAs have usually used much shorter time frames for this action. What is the basis for using this time frame?
10. Tne 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> time frane for action 002 appears to be optimistic.

Frevious PRAs have used time frames on the order of 1/2 haur. What is the basis for using this time frame?

11. Tne analysis of event OP postulates various errors which could lead to loss of HPI from "overcontrolling". The analysis, however, does not include the case of controlling HPI when it should not be done, i.e., when the operator erroneously believes that OP is called for.

An example of this would be the case of a small LOCA with both HPI and AFWS operating, so that the plant appears to be stable and the operator concludes he has something like an inadvertent HPI or possibly an overcooling transient (no LOCA). He thus takes action to terminate HPI and does not realize his error until it is too late.

It is not apparent that this case is treated in the human factors or ever,t tree analysis, although it is alluded to by the " confusion f

mat ri x". Were these potential failure modes treated in the 1


analysis? If so, how and where?

12. Are SGTR events OP41, OP42, OPSI, and OPS 2 actually versions of event OD o. the event trees? If action OPS 3 (pg 10.3-24) actually exists (i.e., if it is not a typographical error), what is it? The analysis of all these events is generally incomplete and the submittal of any available additional information is requested for use in evaluating their quantification. In addition, how was the possibility of the operator misdiagnosing the plant status and trying the wrong version of 03 considered?

E. S YST EP.5:

1. Tne e..ergency diesel generators are described as both air-cooled and

+ water cooled (from the service water system). Which is correct?

2. If the preferred pumps in the SWS and PCC trains fail to start when conr.ected to emergency power (following LOSP), is an automatic start attempted for the stand-by pumps?
3. What is the basis for the 20 gpm leakage rate for 10 hrs. followed by a 303 gpm rate following reactor pump seal failure?

4 The calculations for system unavailabilities appear to contain nJnsrous discrepancies. The results presented .i Chapter 7 in many cases cannot be reproduced using the equations, block definitions, and component failure data supplied. One example is described below.

In the electric power system, block RBES appears in Figure D.2-Il and is defined in Table D.2-7 as being the " supply breaker from RAT A to Bus E5". The equation describing this block is given on p. D.2-33 as: QH(RBES) = D + E + F. The failure descriptions for the letter designators appear on p. D.2-32, and the accompanying hardware failure data (listed in Table D.2-8) are:

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D - Breaker 1 804 V fails to open on demand; 6.49 x 10-4/d E - Breaker 1 480 V fails to close on demand; 1.61 x 10-3 /e F - Breaker f_480 V fails within 26 hours3.009259e-4 days <br />0.00722 hours <br />4.298942e-5 weeks <br />9.893e-6 months <br />; 8.28 x 10-7/h (Note: we assume 26 should be 24, but this is not material to the point.

Then D corresponds to the UAT breakers which mast open, E corresponds to the RAT breakers which must close, and F corresponds to the RAT breakers which ri;st remain closed for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Evaivating the equation:

QH(REE5) = D + E + F = (6.49 x 10-4) + (1.61 x 10-3)

+ (8.28 x 10-7/h) (24 h)

= 2.28 x 10-3 This should correspond to the result in Table 0.2-10 (p. D.2-60),

which gives a nean value of 1.63 x 10-3 for this block so that our result is 401 larger. No explanation is provided in the text that would account for such a difference, and it is not apparent that this dif ference might be due to consideration of recovery, etc. We also note that the value in the Table can be arrived at by dropping the "D" term f rom the equation. Why does this dif ference in the calculated and listed results exist?

5. The report (p. D.2-4 and -5) states that both unit auxiliary transformers (UATs) and both reserve auxiliary transformers (RATS) will trip together if the protective relays trip one of the pair. In other words, failure trips both UATs or RATS causing the loss of a power source in both trains. However, the reliability block diagram .,

for Class IE power (Figure 0.2-11, p. D.2-76) shows independence between each UAT and between each RAT. The equation for syste-failurf with offsite power available (EP(1) on p. D.2-30) also

, 1 assumes independence among all the auxiliary transformers, thus l ignoring the dependence between the two UATs and the two RATS. ho conmon cause term appears for this case in Table 7.2-1 on p. 7.2-4 Why 6re these dependencies not accounted for, particularly for the loss of offsite power cases?

6. In Section D.2-1 (p. D.2-2), the second operability state analyzed is

" power available for 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> following the initiating event, with no offsite power available". Why is the time criterion 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> rather than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> as in the offsite power available case?

7. Esplain the apparent contradiction in the following statenents (which concern the service water system): Section D. (p. D.3-9) states " loss of either service water flow train during normal power operation requires unit shutdown", and Section D. (p. D.3-10) states " loss of a single train of SW will enable plant operation at reduced power". Provide the technical specifications for the service water system.
8. Either normal PAH ventilation or the PAH ventilation subsystem rust function for component cooling system success. The assunption that

" normal PAH ventilation is available when of fsite power is available" (Section D.4.1.1, p. D.4-1) has the ef fect of neglecting both ventilation systems for all cases except loss of offsite power (IB and 2B). Was the unavailability of normal PAH ventilation quantified to justify this assumption? What was the result?

9. The pneumatically operated main feed isolation valves are described as f 6111ng in the closed position, which could result in a loss of feedwater transient. However, on Table D.5-4 it is stated that they e have a "no fail position". What is the actual failure mode of these valves?
10. In general, in the lA system, the failure probability of an IA header coes not represent the failure of air supply to a particular co ponent. Tne failure to supply air to a particular conpanent is

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also dependent on the number of isolation valves and filters between the header and that component. How was the contribution of the isolation valves and/or filters in the air feed lines to the pneumatic components analyzed? How was the contribution fro- haman error leaving an isolation valve in closed position evaluated?

11. The reliability block diagram in Figure D.6-5 does not accurately describe the SSPS system for analysis purposes. The instrunent channel will produce a signal upon loss of the AC instrument bus (Section D. Why is the AC power supply nodeled to produce failure of each instrument channel? The logic circuit and output relay will fail to trip the ESFAS master relays upon loss of D:

power. The ESFAS master relays will fail to trip the slave relays on loss of AC power. Are the AC slave relays powered by the sare source as the master relays? By including AC power in both the instrament channel and the ESFAS relays, are you double counting the effect of AC power on the analysis of each train?

12. The quantification of each SSPS instrunent channel includes tre failure of both input relays (Figure D.7-6). However, each SSPS train (A & B) is only dependent on the activation of one relay.

Therefore, the logic circuit block should include both the inpat and the output relays. What is the difference in the unavailability of an SSPS train if you consider only one input relay? Did you consider the output relay in the quantification of the logic circuit or is it implicitly included in the failure data?

13. Nunerous valves are listed as part of the supercomponent blocks that do not appear on the schematics presented. For example, MV-R i-33 on page D.8-1 does not appear on Figure D.8-1. In addition, the e are valves shown on the referenced P& ids that do not appear in the block descriptions or on the schematics (e.g., IA filters, BIT valves).

What is the basis for excluding these components from the analysis?

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l' 14 Can the opening of the M3V's on the boron injection tank (BIT) bypass line (V846 & VB47) fail high pressure concentrated borated water injection?

15. How would failures of the activation or control systems for the ARV valves (in the secondary cooling analysis) affect the unavailability of these valves?


1. What is the basis for assuming that passive components are not susceptible to connon cause failures? What is the SSPSA definition of passive components?
2. It does not appear that the V-sequence probability assessment (Sect. is correct based o, the valve rupture data given in Taole .

6.2-1. Can more detail be provided?


1. Wny was failure of interconnected piping between structures due to sliding not considered in the seismic analysis?


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