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Urges That Commission Decision on Whether People Can Be Evacuated Safely in Event of Nuclear Accident at Plant Not Be Made W/O Reviewing Encl Documents & Testimony.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/1989
From: Comley S
To: Smith I
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML20248J368 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8910180166
Download: ML20248J372 (9)


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We The People cf the United States,Inc..

Stop ChernobylHere June 29, 1989 Judge Ivan Smith U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1155 Rockville Pike Rockville MD 2 0 8 2"!

Dear Judge Smith:

Regarding Docket #50-443, #50-444 in the matter of Public Service Company of New Hampshire, Seabrook Station Unit 1 and 2: Your decision on whether the people can be evacuated safely in the event of a nuclear accident at the Seabrook nuclear plant should not be made without you and the other Judges reviewing the enclosed documents and testimony.

Included in this testimony is evidence from NRC disclosures, as well as other sources,.which show there is a strong possibility that there will be a. serious cecident at Seacrook Station.

The danger stems from several factors including counterfeit substandard electrical components (circuit breakers), fasteners (such as nuts and bolts), and piping materials (including pipe, flanges and valves) that were built into the plant. These materials were said to be U.S.

made when they weren't. They were also documented as being tested when they never were. The presence of these boquR components, coupled with flawed inspection practices at the plant, means a radioactive accident at Seabrook Station is quite possible if the plant is fully activated. We The People, Inc. of the United States is the first organization to uncover and thorouchly document, evidence that tens o,f_

thousands of counterfeit defective materials have been built into more Ean half of U.S. nuclear power plants. (Materials enclosed). The NRC has confirmed that Seabrook is one of the 60 plants that have been built using these materials.

Despite a surprisingly high failure rate among counterfeit components tested by the NRC, that agency withdrew its original order to utilities involved ordering replacement of those defective components. This order was removed because 8910280166 891013 PDR ADOCK 05000443 G PDR Box 277. Rowley. M A 01969. (508) 948 7959 A naworn. um caemP' orPau*"***

50 Coun St.. Plymouth. M A 02361 (508) 746-9300 National Press Bldg SuiE 994.14 & F. Sts., N.W., Washington D.C. 20045. (202) 628 6611 Ofnces 5 & 6. 3 Pleasant St.. Concord. NH 03301. (603) 228-9484

j' the industry informed the NRC that finding and replacing these substandard parts would cut into nuclear industry profits;so the agency lowered these safety. standards so'these components could remain.

l Even though counterfeit defective parts in.Seabrook Station were a certainty, the NRC still granted.a St-l operating license without first conducting an independent investigation of these components. (This certainly can't be done by the utilt.t!4s or the NRC which have proved again and sgain that they ara nothing but a puppet for the industry).

This vas.done even though there was considerable feeling that this plant would never operate under full power because of the inadequate evacuation plan. Instead of this plant having the potential to convert to gas or some other much safer alternative, it will now have to be dismantled at great cost.

It emny to understand why the stockholder: pressured the NRC to contaminate this plant at 5%. It.was'the only move left that they had.

plant As long as the was virgin, the pressure from the general' public Jur well as the politicians who have been against the plant would make their voice heard to convert Seabrook to a much safer alternative.

that It was also felt by the owners and the.NRC if the counterfeit materials issue was circulated to the public, the pressure to convert would be overwhelming. In addition, it was widely known by the owners of Seabrook that the NRC was subpoenaing me and all my records which could seriously undermine their contention that the Seabrook plant was the safort in the world. In order to protect all the money invested in the plant, the stockholders and the NRC made the decation to deliberately jeopardize the safety of the American people.

It is just a matter of time before a major radioactive accident occurs, killing thousands and costing billions of dollars 1995.

according to NRC staff testimony before Congress in about (And they said this before they had any knowledge counterfeit materials). Only luck has thus far prevented a Chernobyl-like disaster.

Seabrook Station's owners contend the plant is safe and thus evacuation plans are not really even necessary since there is no chance of an accident. However, the enclosed reports show Seabrook Station's safety is quite uncertain.

(See We The People Exhibit A containing 5 separate envelopes-first envelope contain synopsis). We believe that

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p A It in in interest of the people who live in the radius of the plant as well as the rest of the.Aserican people, given Chernobyl, to shut down the Seabrook facility until.the independent investigation is done.

As you may or may not be aware, the Seabrook plant has recently been shut down on three different occasions because of faulty valves. I would like to know, and I certainly h6pe you will ask, whether any of these valves which caused the shut down were some-of the same counterfeit substandard parts that the NRC has confirmed were built into this plant.

What' is equally alarming, in light of these malfunctions due to the valves, is the lack of quick response by Seabrook plant operators. They were sever &1 minutes late in shut down

. procedures making it necessary for the NRC to step in and shut _the plant down.

It is obvious that the Seabrook officials didn't graduate tra top class in nuclear education.

The communities and the people who live in them should not be the testing ground or guinea pAgz for Seabrook officials and employees to learn their trade. I wish the Commission would put as much into monitoring facilities as they do harassing opponents.

They should subpoena everyone in the operation room at the plant. My feeling is however, that they will whitewash it.

It is obvious to me as well as othere that the NRC believe that what tha people don't know won't hurt them. But I maintain that what the people don't know will kill them. I know as far as I am concerned, I don't have to have Chernobyl occur in my bathtub before I realize that it can happen.

Like TMI, Seabrook has had Too Many Incidents taking place before officials act.

Currently in federal court, as I'm sure you are aware, I have been subpoenaed by the NRC. This case is meant to intimidate me as well as anyone who challenges the NRC policies. (See We The People's Exhibit B). The NRC is not only out to get me, but certain forces within the NRC are trying to destroy the one, if not the only, credible office in their agency; the Office of Investigations which investigates internal wrong doing both inside the industry as well as corruption within the agency itself. This is the very reason why certain people are trying to destroy 01.

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.Cortain forcas within tho NRC' continuo to act'as if thsy were

[ .in Chinas They have forgettan' thet tha' NRC anployeon work f or the people of.this country-and not.theinuclear" industry. .One nu '

of_these' key players in this orchestrated. witch' hunt is Mr.

Victor Stello who I a'sked to' resign on February 24, 1987..

(See We The' People'sLExhibit B, U.S. vs Stephen Comley Exhibit.10'under Activities of Comley). ,I understand because


of the' current investigation that this has, fortunately, placed a cloud over Mr. Stallo's possible White House appointment as Assistant Secretary of Energy.. We The People  ;

will continue to demand that Victor.Stello resign insteadRef.

being promoted. Mr. Stello:has not only deliberately.

. jeopardized the safety of.the American' people but through the

, NRCs the agency that he heads,'has made a mockery of the L

democratic process, a government of the. people and by the-people. His representations have disgraced'all that America.

was founded.for.and stands for.

The NRC's reputation now may be damaged:beyond the public's. cyes.- A majority-now' agree with Massachusetts-Attorney General Shannon's opinion that "the NRC shculd change its name to the Nuclear Advocacy. Commission." It may also be of interest to you to know that Massachusetts Senators Edward Hennedy, John Kerry and Congressman Studds are also' troubled about the.NRC and the bogus parts.that exist in over 60 plants including. Pilgrim and Seabrook. .-They have. endorsed We The People's call'for a Congressional.

investigation of the NRC and the agency's handling of the bogus parts issue. New York Governor Cuomo is also interested in this issue and has' asked to meet with We The People. (See Exhibit A under replies).

The NRC needs to stop pledging allegiance to the nuclear.

industry's profits and-instead fill its Congressional Mandate to protect the public.

The plant's lack of safety is an important aspect of the evacuation question, so We The people is submitting the enclosed documents for your review. These materials demonstrate and are relevant to Seabrook Station's Evacuation Hearings. I have also enclosed a copy of the Constitution of the United States because soms of the people who will be required to read our material need also to be reminded of what this great document says and stands for. I wou?d like



.I this also to be part of the permanent record. .If there is any part that needs to be included, certainly this one.

[would like a written acknowledgment that all of our material has been included-[n the public record.

The. thinking that has produced the environmental nuclear problems that we have today is insufficient to solve them.

You, as Justices, can help begin to change that thinking and order an independent investigation into the Seabrook nuclear power the plant. You dangers.of can give America a choice by investigating Seabrook. Or you can choose, like the Commissioners, for the American people to become victims.

Sincerely, Ab St hen B. Conley Executive Directo v f

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(Seabrook Station. Units 1 and 2)


l 1.hereby certify that eccies of the foregoino JULIAN LTR TO COMLEY DTD 10/13 have been served UDon the 4 ellowing persons by' U.S. mail . .first class. . except as otherwise noted and in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Sec. 2.712.

Administrative Judce Administrative Judge G. Paul- Bollwerk. 111. Chairman Alan S. Rosenthal Atomic Safety and Licensine Appeal Atomic Safety and Licensino Appeal y Board Board U.S. Nuclear Reculatcry Ccemission U.S. Nuclear Reculatory Commission Washincton. DC 20555 Washington. DC 20555 ,

Administrative Judce Howard A. Wilber Administrative Law Judce Atomic Safety and Licenstnq Appeal Ivan W. Smith, Chairman Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington. DC 20555 Administrative Judce Administrative Judge Richard F. Cole Kenneth A. McCollem Atomic Safety anc Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensino Boere U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington. DC 20555 Washingten. DC 20555 j Administrative Judae Robert R. Pierce. Escutre James H. Carcenter Atomic Safety and Licensing Board l Alternate Technical Member i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Washington. DC 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington. DC 20555 Edwin J. Reis. Esc. Mitri A. Young Office of the General Cour,sel Attorney U.S. Nuclear Reculatory Commission Office of the General Counsel Washinoten. DC 20555 U.S. Nuclear Reculatory Csemassion Washington. DC 20555

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l SockeQ Ns.(s)90-443/444-OL-ISUL3AN LTR TO COMLEY DTD 10/23 Diane Curran. Esc. Thomas G. Dianan. Jr.. Esc.

Harmon,. Curran & Tousley Ropes & Gray 2001 S Street. N.W.. Suite 430 One International Place Washington, DC 20009 Boston. MA 02110 Robert A. Backus. Esc. Paul McEachern. Esc.

Backus. Meyer & Solomon Shaines & McEachern 116 Lowell Street 25 Maplewood Avenue. P.O. Box 360 Manchester. NH 03106 Portsmouth NH 03B01 Sarv W. Holmes. Esc. Judith H. Mirner Holmes & Ells Silverciate Gernter. Baker. Fine.

47 Winnacunnet Road Good and Mitzner Hamoton. NH 03842 BB Broad Street Boston. MA 02110

. Barbara J. Saint Andre. Esc. Jane Doherty l Kopelman and Paige. P.C. Seacoast Anti-Pollution League 77 Franklin Street 5 Market Street Boston, MA 02110 Portsmouth. NH 03801 1

George W. Watson Esc.

Ashed N. Amirian. Esc. Federal Emergency Manacement Agency 376 Main Street 500 C Street. S.W.

Haverhill. MA 01830 Washington. DC 20472 i

l Edward A. Thomas George D. Bisbee. Esc.

Federal Emeroency Manacement Agency Assistant Attorntey General 442 J.W. McCormack (PDCH) Office of the Attorney General Boston MA 02109 25 Capitol Street Concord. NH 03301 Suzanne Breiseth John Trafteente. Esc. l Board of Selectmen Chief, Nuclear Safety Unit Town of Hamoton Falls Office of the Attorney General Drinkwater Road One Ashburton Place. 19th Floor Hamoton Falls NH 03044 Boston MA 02108


Docket No.(s)90-443/844-OL JUL8AN:LTR.TD COMLEV DTD 10/13 The Honorable Peter J. Brann. Esc. Edward J. Markey. Chairman Assistant Attorney General ATTN Linda Correia Office of the Attorney General Subcommittee on Energy Conservation anc State House Station. #6 Power Auousta. ME 04333 House Committee on Energy and Commerce Washincton, DC 20515 Richarc A. Hamoe. Esc. J. P. Nadeau Hance & McNicholas Board of Selectmen 35 Pleasant Street 10 Central Street Concord. NH 03301 Rye. NH 03870 Allen Lamcert William Armstrong Civil Defense Directer Civil Defense Director Town of Brentwood Town of Exeter 20 Franklin Street 10 Front Street Exeter. NH 03033 Exeter. NH 03933 Sandra Gavutis, Chairman Calvin A. Canney Board of Selectmen City Manacer RFD #1 Box 1154 City Hall Kensington. NH 03627 126 Daniel Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 Anne Goodman. Chairman William S. Lord Board of Selectmen Board of Selectmen 13-15 Newmarket Road Town Hall - Friend Street Durnam. NH 03824 Asesbury, MA 01913 R. Scott Hill-Whilton.Escuire Michael Santosuesso. Chairman Lagoulis, Hill-Whilton & McGuire Board of Selectmen 79 State Street Soutn Hamoton NH 03827 Newburyport,. MA 01950 Stanley W. Knowles, Chairman Norman C. Katner Board of Selectmen Superintendent of Schools P.O. Box 710 School Administrative Unit No. 21 Nortn Hamoton. NH 03862 Alumni Drive Hamoton, NH 03642 l

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> Drcket No.(s)50-443/444-OL


I Sand'a r F. Mitchell. The Honorable Mr. Steven B. Comley Civil Defense Director Sordon J. Humphrey Executive Director Town of Kensington ATThi Janet Coit We the People of the Box 10..RR1 United States Senate United States. Inc.

East Kingston, NH 03827 Washington, DC 20510 Box 277-

- Rowley, MA 01969

' Dated at Rockville, Md. this 13 day of October 1989 Offic of.the Secretary of the Commission l

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