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Forwards Errata Replacement Sheets for Insp Repts 50-445/85-07,50-446/85-05,50-445/85-14,50-446/85-11, 50-445/85-16 & 50-446/85-13,correcting Typos.Errata Summary Also Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 01/23/1987
From: Martin R
To: Jennifer Davis
Shared Package
ML20237K807 List: ... further results
NUDOCS 8708200209
Download: ML20237L407 (14)

See also: IR 05000445/1985007


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       p                                     4,                                                                         UNITED STATES
                                                           'g                                              NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                          /


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                                                                                                                          " E ' " 'V
                                                                                                               611 RYAN PLAZA DRIVE. SUITE 1000
                                            *                                                                       ARLINGTON TEXAS 76011                               -
                                 ,                                                                                                                        _.
                                                                                                                      JAN 2 319BT
            MEMORANDUM FOR: John G. Davis, Director
                                                                                                       Office of Nuclear Material Safety
                                                                                                         and Safeguards
            FROM:                                                                                      Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region IV
            SUBJECT:                                                                                   ERPATA REPLACEMENT SHEETS FOR REGION IV ASSESSMENT OF COMANCHE
                                                                                                       PEAK OIA IDENTIFIED TECHNICAL ISSUES
            In the haste to complete the Region IV assessment of the OIA Comanche Peak
            identified issues, several typographical errors were left uncorrected.                                                                                   If
            convenient, please insert the attached replacement pages. An Errata Summary is
           also provided.                                                                                                               /
                                                                                                                                                               -    Y.
                                                                                                                                         lbL       %' bt            ~n
                                                                                                                                   Robert D. Martin
                                                                                                                                   Regional Administrator
           As stated
 B708200209 970312
 PDR     ADOCK 05000445
 0        ,
                                                                       _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _

.. .

                                     ERRATA SUFFARY                                                      . _ _
      1. Report 85-07/85-05
         Page 12 - last line.
            Change: 50-445/50-84-32
            To:      50-445/84-32
         Page 21 - line 11
            Change: complition
            To:      completion
         Page 29 - last line
            Change:  form
            To:      from
         Page 30 - line
            Add closing quotation marks after components.
      2. Peport 85-14/85-11
         Page 2 - paragraph 3, line 1.
            Replace with: There is no safety significance to this issue.
         Page 16 - line 1.
            Replace with: There is no safety significance to this issue.
         Page 36 - line 9.
            Change:  than
            To:      then
         Page 41 - last line.                                                                                  J
            Change: not                                                                                        !
            To:      no
      3. Report 85-16/85-13
         Page 2 - line 13.
            Change: addede
            To:      added
         Page 3 - line 12                                                                                      ;
            Delete of                                                                                          i

. 1

         Page 3 - line 16
            Delete that
         Page 6 - paragraph 2, line 2
            Change:  44/85-14
            To:      (a45/85-14
         Page 30 - line 3                                                                                       ,
            Change: hanoles                                                                                    l
            To;      handle                                                                                    j
 _ _ _ _ _ _      _. - -

j - . Report 85-07/85-05 l


I 12

                            Following Regional managements review of the initial version and based on
                            discussions with the inspector, the issue was changed to an unresolved
                            iteminthesecondversionofthereport(Attachment 4). It remained

! unchanged in the final issued inspection report.

                         3. Safety Significance of the Issue
                            This issue was found to have no safety significance.
                            The Region IV management position was that an audit of the reactor vessel
                            installation was not specifically required.     10 CFR 50 Appendix B,
                            Criterion XVIII, " Audits," requires audits of activities, such as
                            mechanical installation, but does not prescribe which specific activities
                            must be audited.                                                                                                    j
                            In reviewing the Traveler ME-79-248a5500 (Attachment 1) for installation
                            of the reactor vessel, Regional management also found that the TUGCo QA
                            manager had witnessed and signed step 11 of the traveler.              It should also be
                            noted that the previous NRC senior resident inspector had witnessed the
                            reactor vessel installation.     Nearly every step of Traveler
                            ME-79-248-5500 required QC to verify, witness or write an inspection
                            As a result of NRR Technical Review Team activities as described in
                            SSER 11 and the findings of the NRC Regicn IV in Inspection
                            Report 50-445/84-32, it was already determined that TUGCo audits
                                                                                         _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -
                              _  ___            _ _ .        _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _               _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                                                 Report 85-07/85-05
                     valves and vessels, the furnished product is not complete with respect to
                     functional purpose ur.til after installation into a piping system.
                     Application of an NPT symbol by a certificate holder prior to any
                     hydrostatic test being perfomed does not constitute a violation of
                     NA-8231 (See Attachment 18), in that NA-8231 (a) permits to application
                     of a code symbol after hydrostatic test, if,the hydrostatic test is a
                      Code requirement. As discussed above, the referenced Code applies to
                      hydrostatic testing of components, which by definition do not include
                      piping subassemblies. Similarly, NA-8231 (b) is not applicable in that it
                      pertains to substitution of a system hydrostatic test for a component
                      hydrostatic test. Application of the NPT symbol and completion of the
                      NPP-1 form indicates that fabrication has been performed by an.ASME
                      Certification holder and that Code rules for fabrication and examination
                      have been complied with, including those applicable to other Authorized
 E                    Nuclear Inspectors.
 M                     Region IV management believes these interpretations to be proper and would
 M                     refer the panel to Mr. Bosnak, Chief of the Pechanical Engineering Branch,
                       NRP., as the staff expert on the Code for further verification. Regional
                       management put the inspector into contact with Mr. Bosnak to discuss this


   H                   issue.   In reviewing Mr. Phillips OIA testimony, page 113, it appears
                        that Messrs. Q and Phillips had talked to Mr. Bosnak earlier on
                        this same issue.   Regional manacement was not informed of the results cf
 b                      that conversation.

- _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ___

                    .                                     o
                                                            ; --                                                                               l
                                                                               Inspection Report 50-445/85-07; 50-446/85-05
                                                                                                    Item 7
                                                         1.      GIA Statement of the Issue (See Attachment MM)
                                                         2.      Expanded Description of the Issue and Related~ Background Information
                                                                 The basic issue as understood by Region IV management is as follows:
                                                                 The NRC inspector { ]found that the NPP-1 form certified that
                                                                 the cold leg subassembly met requirements of ASME, Section III, 1974
                                                                 Edition through Winter of 1975, and the FSAR, Table 5.2-1 specified ASVE,
                                                                 Section III, 1974 Edition through Summer 1974. He considered this
                                                                 discrepancy as an unresolved item.
                                                                 This issue was initially identified in the first version of Inspection
                                                                 Report 50-445/85-07; 50-446/85-05 (Attachment 3), as an unresolved item in
                                                                 report paragraph 14. c. (2).     It appears the same in the second version
                                                                 report (Attachment 4) as report paragraph 14.c.11. After receiving
                                                                 comments from NRR and OGC and based on additional review by Pegional
                                                                 management, the item was remcVed from the final inspection report.
                     - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _
                        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ .
                                                                              Report 85-07/85-05
                                                                                                      . _ _

l 3. Safety Significance of the Issue

            This issue was found to have no safety significance.
            The second version of the inspection report, which was sent to NRR and OGC,
            resulted in a comment from G.'Aizuno, OGC, requesting the Region to
            determine if the reactor coolant cold leg pipe was in conformance with
            10 CFR 50.55a, " Codes and Standards." Regional management, in followup
            to OGC's coment, found that Section 3.2 of the FSAR " Classification of
            Structures, Components and System" states in. Note 1, with regard to
            Table 3.2-1 (Reactor Coolant System) "Later Code revisions may be
            used optionally in accordance with 10 CFR E0.55a." The NRC letter of
            July 3, 1985, from V. S. Noonan to M. D. Spence (Attachment 20) was
            reviewed by Regional management.                  It states that as of July 3,1985, "The
            most recent version of 10 CFR 50.55a, dated March 30, 1984, approved the
            editions of Section III of the ASME Boiler and. Pressure Vessel Code,
            through the 1980 Edition end Addenda through the Summer 1982, and is only
            applicable to Code Class 1, 2, and 3 components." The reactor coolant
            cold leg pipe is a Code Class I system. Regional management discusseo
            the Codes and Standards Rule, the FSAR commitments, and the NRR July 3,
 ,           1985, letter with OGC.                It was concluded by Regional management that there
 !          was no violation of 10 CFR 50.55a; however, there was a conflict in the
             FSAR. Amendment 57 to the FSAR has been submitted, which revised the-
             FSAR (Table 5.2-1).                From the review of Mr. Phillips OIA testimony,
             pages 133 and 134 it appears as stated by Mr. phillips that he and
             Mr g had earlier called Mr. R. Bosnak, Chief of the Mechanical
 -   .
                                                              Report 85-14/8S-Ik
        This issue was initially docurnented as a violation in draft 1 of the
        construction inspection report, paragraph 5 (Attachment 1) input to NRC
         Inspection Report 50-445/85-14; 50-446/85-11. As indicated in
        Mr. Phillips' " Matrix of Drafts for Rpt 85-14/11(appendix"D"),"
        (Attachment 2) draft 2a, paragraph 5 (Attachment 3), was revised (in the
        inspector's handwriting follwing discussion with Regional management) to
        an unresolved item.     It appears at: an unresolved item in draft 3a,
        paragraph 5 (Attachment 4) and in issued NRC Inspection Report 50-445/85-14;
        50-446/85-11 (Attachment 5).
     3. Safety Significance of the Issue
        There is no safety significance to this issue.
        There is no hardware issue, only a d'fference in opinions as to the degree
        of detail required for NRC previously reviewed and accepted (through
        SSER 6) FSAR, Chapter 17.1.17 description of records.-
        The inspector apparently believed that a more detailed description of the
        records system should have been contained in the FSAR, Section 17.1.17.
        Regional management concluded that the FSAR description was adequate.
        It is significant to note that the Office of Inspection and Enforcement
        had performed a review of the TUGCo QA program, as documented in


        Chapter 17.1.17 for a plant based on both the criteria in existence at


        the time the construction permit for CPSES was submitted, and also based
    - _ - _ _ - _ __ ____                   _


              '               '

L . < Report 85-14/85-11 ! . , l 16

                                                                                                                    . _ . .
                                There is r.o safety significance to this issue.


                                The CB&I records in question were for the Unit 2 reactor containment

i liner and mechanical penetrations. CB&I as a-subcontractor to Brown and

                                Root conducted the containment liner erection activities on site.      CB&I
                                maintained their own independent temporary storage area on site for QA


                                records in accordance with their own QA program, which was approved and
                                audited by Brown and Root and TUGCo. The CB&I records were never in the
                                possession of TUGCo during construction of the containment liner. All
                                CB&I records were, however, available for TUGCo review.       CB&I was
                                contractually committed to adherence to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and
                                ANSI N45.2.9.     In accordance with the CB&I " Nuclear Records Procedure"
                                NRC-1 (Attachment' 13), on completion of the erection and engineering
                                activities, all records are indexed and sent with inventory to the CB&I
                                Nuclear Records Vault for storage and microfiching. The procedure


                                recommends that records sent to the Nuclear Records Vault be placed in
                                suitable containers after first wrapping with plastic or sen'e other
                                waterproof material.      The procedure allows the use of corrugated
                                cardboard for small shipments and wood for larger shipments.
                                After processing at the Nuclear Records Vault, a set of records is sent
                                from the Nuclear Records Vault to the owner of the project (e.g., TUGCo)                     l

l J

                                with a letter of transmittal identifying the items sent and recuesting


                                signed acknowledgement.
                                                                         - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - - _ _

' '

                                                          Report 85-14/85-11
                                                                                                             . _ _
     Unit I records were the first to be assembled.     No records were
    withdrawn from the Permanent Plant Records Vault for Unit 1.
     In July 1984, the Unit 2 paper flow grcup was established. Work packages
     for Unit 2 were assembled on the component level. A significant number
     of documents were removed from the Permanent Plant Records Vault to
     become a part of the component level work package for Unit 2 paper flow
    group. The component level work packages and associated documents were
     considered an in-process document until a particular work package was
    complete.    These were then forwarded to the Interim Records Vault, then
    to the Permanent Records Vault.     This process was in full operation when
     the NRR Technical Review Team was on site.     Regional man 1gement was
     informed by TRT member Vic Wenzel (consultant to NRR) that the reference
     to documents in lockable fire-proof cabinets in SSER 11 pertained to ASME
    documents for which the N-5 walkdown had not been completed. These were
    still considered in-process documents.
    The scope of ANSI N45.2.9, Revision 11 states, "It is not intended to cover
     the preparation of the records, nor to include working documents not yet
    designated as quality assurance records." TUGCo QA Procedure CP-QP-18.4,
     Revision 5, " Quality Assurance Record Receipt Control and Storage"
     (Attachment 8) states, "A document is considered a quality assurance
     record and shall be controlled as required by Reference 1-E when the
     document has been transmitted to the Permanent Plant Records Vault."                                          l
     Documents taken out of the Permanent Plant Records Vault yere considered
     to be in-process since they became a part of a working ' document that had

i ' '

                          .                                                                                                                                    Report 85-14/85-11


           The violation was dropped by the inspectors (H. Phillips and
           in draf t 4a, paragraph 7c. This was confirmed in a memorandum from I.
           Barnes to E. Johnson, dated June 10,1986(Attachment 20).
        4. Region IV Management Handling of the Issue
           This violation was dropped by the inspector. This is appropriate since
           the issue has no safety significance.
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                    ,    .
                                                                                                 Report 85-16/85-13
                                                                                                                                                             . - -
                                10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, " Instructions, Procedures, and
                                Drawings." The inspector was of the view that Criterion V and
                                ANSI 45.2.9 would require the licensee, in the file which contained
                                copies of their 50.55(e) reports to NRC, to have copies of the records
                               which tracked the corrective actions taken by the licensee on the issue


                                in each of those reports or, alternatively, to provide a list of
                                references to the same records.


                               This issue was initially identified in draft 1.a. paragraph 3,
                                (Attachment 2) as a violation of Criterion V, " Instructions, Procedures,
                               and Drawings."    In draft 2a, paragraph 3a (Attachment 3), the issue is                                                            .
                                documented as unresolved.      In draft 3, paragraph 4, paragraph 2f,
                                (Attachment 5) the items remained unresolved but information concerning
                                the TUGCo commitment to upgrade files by March 1,1986, was added.                                             It
                                remained unresolved in the final report.
                          3.    Significance of the Issue
                               There is no safety significance *o this issue.                                                                                      ,
                               ~10 CFR 50.55(e) is a reporting requirement for significant deficiencies
                                identified during construction or design activities and does not

j specifically address record keeping requirements. ANSI N45.2.9,

                                Revision 11 designates only the 50.55(e) report itself as a permanent


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                                                                        _____ _-_ _ _ -
                                                                Report 85-16/85-13
         The applicant's quality assurance program requires that conditions
         adverse to quality be identified and corrected as called for in
         Appendix B to 10 CFR 50.     The records identifying those conditions and
         attesting to the corrective actions taken relative to those deficiencies,
         such as nonconformance report:;, TUGCo Nuclear Engineering Design Deficiency
         Reports, design changes and the like, are quality assurance records and
         are maintained in accordance with ANSI 45.2.9.      These records would be
         maintained in whatever filing format the licensee chooses to use. There
         are no regulatory requirements that specify the content or cross-indexing
         protocol these files should utilize.     Prudent records management
         principles would suggest the adoption of systems which establish record
         file content suitable to the licensee's needs, but there are no
         specific requirements in this area.     It has long been a practice of IE
         and its predecessors that NRC will not require records to be kept in a

i  ! form only for the convenience of NRC inspectors.

         It should be noted that, the 2512 program includes the review of
         50.55(e) reports as part of the inspection program.         Since the NRC
         inspection efforts on these must be completed prior to reaching a
         licensing ' decision, it clearly would be prudent fer a licensee to have a
         cross reference in the 50.55(e) file to the related QA records to
         facilitate NRC inspection and his own audits.      If this prudent course in
         not adopted, the licensee runs a risk of slower NRC closecut of these
         reports with a concurrent risk of delays in the issuance of an operating
                                                                                        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 _ - _ - _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _
         .       i                                                               Report 85-16/85-13
                                          Inspection Report 50-445/85-16; 50-446/85-13
                                                              Item 2
                   1.       OIA Stathment of the Issue (See Attachment MM)
                                              Issue                         Resolution in Final Report
                            2.    Failure to revise implementing            Violation Downgraded
                                  procedure containing 50.55(e)             to unresolved
                                  reporting.                                (445/8516-U-01;
                   2.       Expanded Description of the Issue and Related Background Information
                            The OIA statement of resolution is incomplete. This item was originally
                            an unresolved item in a previous inspection report (445/85-14; 446/85-11).
                            The inspector proposed to cite the licensee during this inspection.
                            Regional management concluded that this item should remain unresolved.
                            The basic issue as understood by Region IV management is as follows:
                            The inspector (H. Phillips) believed that the failure to revise all
                            associated implementing procedures prior to issuance of corporate

f procedure NE0 CS-1, " Evaluation of and Reporting of Items / Events Under

                              10 CFR 21 and 10 CFR 50.55(e), was a violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B,
                             Criterion V, " Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings."


                                                                                                       . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

l , ,, Report 85-16/85-13 l l


l '



             because TUGCo had no procedure which described the construction
             organization responsibilities or how the construction organization was
             to handle IE Bulletins requiring action or established a specific
             " construction IE Bulletin focal point coordinator" that TUGCo was in
             Initially in draft 3, paragraph 5 (Attachment 4), the inspector
             identified this issue as unresolved.     In draft 4, paragraph 4, Regional
             management replaced the inspector's paragraph with a paragraph which
             indicated that TUGCo had committed to perform a review of related
             procedures and records to determine adequacy of the procedures and
             completeness of associated records as an unresolved ite:a.                                               ,
        3.   Safety Significance of the Issue
             Regional management concludes that there is no safety significance to
             this issue.    Management viewed the actions of the inspector as
            establishing requirements for which there was no regulatory basis.
            The Nuclear Operation Engineering Manual, Procedure N0E-205, Revisiori 1,
             (October 1985) " Licensing" ( Attachment 15), clearly established
             responsibilities within the TUGCo organization for handling IE Bulletins
            requiring action.      In summary:
                                                                                                            _ _ _ _ _

, - - - ,- - .


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