IR 05000213/1986007

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Mgt Meeting Rept 50-213/86-07 on 860326.Major Areas Discussed:Lessons Learned from Licensee Design Change Control Review & from Related Experiences Since 1984 Reactor Refueling Cavity Seal Failures
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 03/28/1986
From: Mccabe E
Shared Package
ML20202F694 List:
50-213-86-07-MM, 50-213-86-7-MM, NUDOCS 8604140214
Download: ML20202F718 (24)






~ REGION I MEETING REPORT Report N /86-07 Docket N License N DPR-61 Licensee: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company P. O. Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06101-Facility: Haddam Neck Plant, Haddam, Connecticut Meeting Date: March 26, 1986 Reported by: Paul D. Swetland, Senior Resident Inspector Approved by: 604 #2-t0'St 312el86 E. C. McCabe, Chief, Reactor Projects Section, 3B Date

. Summary:

This management meeting was held at the Northeast Utilities corporate office, Ber-lin, Connecticut on March 26, 1986. The meeting purpose was to discuss lessons learned from the licensee's design' change control review and from related experi-ences since the 1984, failure of the Haddam Neck reactor refueling cavity sea Associated root causes and ongoing corrective actions were also discusse Results:

The meeting was considered to have improved mutual understanding of the design change process and experiences at Haddam Neck. The need for continued attention to the diligence, attitude and quality of implementation of plant design change control activities was emphasized by NRC and utility managemen NRC review of design changes will continue during routine inspectio '

PDR ADOCK 05000213 G PDR

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I DETAILS 1. Meeting Attendees Connecticut Yankee '

G. E. Cornelius, Reactor Plant Systems Supervisor E. A. DeBarba, Generation Mechanical Engineering Manager J. H. Ferguson, Unit Superintendent R. H. Graves, Station Superintendent R. M. Kacich, Nuclear Licensing Supervisor R. T. Laudenat, Manager, Generation Facilities Licensina i E. J. Mroczka, Vice-President, Nuclear Operations J. F. Opeka, Senior Vice-President, Nuclear Engineering and Operations )

M. Philips, Counsel J. M. Powers, Licensing Engineer N. Reynolds, Counsel R. J. Schmidt, Supervisor, Special Projects C. F. Sears, Vice President, Nuclear and Environmental Engineering T. F. Starr, Mechanical Engineer )

G. P. vanNoordennen, Licensing Engineer )

j NRC EM. Akstulewicz, Jr. , Licensing Project Manager, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)

L. H. Bettenhausen, Operations Branch Chief, Division of Reactor Safety (DRS)

C. I. Grimes, Director, Integrated Safety Assessment Project Directorate, NRR

! E. C. McCabe, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 3B, Division of Reactor

! Projects (DRP)

} T. E. Murley, Regional Administrator

! S. M. Pindale, Resident Inspector i

R. W. Starostecki, Director, DRP

! P. D. Swetland, Senior Resident Inspector H. B. Wang, Quality Assurance Branch, IE Headquarters E. C. Wenzinger, Chief, Reactor Projects Branch 3, DRP 2. Meeting Presentation The licensee presented an overview of the current design change control pro-gram and the status of ongoing corrective actions from the NRC ordered review of old modifications. Included in the discussion were root causes of previous design control problems, corrective actions addressing these underlying causes, and actions taken based on experience with design changes processed since program upgrading. A status report provided by the licensee is included as Attachment 1 to this repor . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




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Status Summary /

Total Number of items related to the November 6,1985 letter 104 34 Closed .

Deficiencies in Specific Plant Design 33 11 Closed Changes (Table 5)

Design Change Process Recommendations 17 10 Closed (Table 6)

Procedure Deficiencies 7 7 Closed (Table 7)

Work Orders involving Design Changes 9 1 Closed of Potential Safety Significance (Table 3 part 1)

Work orders involving Potential Design 23 0 Closed Changes (Table 3 part 2)

PDCR Reviews Requiring Future site inspection . O Closed (Table 3 part 3)


Special Report CY PDCR 713 ", ,

6 4 Closed Special Report MP2 PDCR 2-3-35 3- . ,

1 Closed

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, i Deficiencies in Specific Plant Design Chang Subject Date Due Status Itein 1/M/4i Open Deficiency 1 PDCit No. 294 -

itillt Purification Flow Valve


Reach Itod Piping is not


seismically qualifie /15/86 Closed Deficiency 2 PDCR No. 306 Memo NO-86-GN-47

Contain:nent Fan Filter dated Jan. I 5,1986 Timers. No procedure to ensure

continued proper functioning of from T. A. Mulder of the timers, to it. M. Kacich.


7/30/86- Open Deliciency 3 PDCR No. 326



Seismic evaluation of Fire Suppression System located above safety related equipmen Scheduled for Outage Resolved Deliciency 4 PDCR 326 Fire Suppression System. Impact - Report entitled of fire suppression fluids sprayed "inadver tent on safety related equipment Operation /Itupture


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of Fire Protection l Equipment" dated Jan.198 '

7/2/86 Open Deficiency 5 PDCR No. 333 i Combustible Gas Detection System.,


No procedure to establish maintenance and calibration of the syste /2/86 Open Deficiency 6 PDCR No. 344 Containment isolation lteset -

Modification. Inadequate training l

plan and procedures to adequately identity all steps to clear SI/llCP block /28/86 Closed Deficiency 7 PDCR No. 347 Memo GMib86-R-ll5 Reactor Coolant System Yenting Syste i Uncertainty of ability of valves to dated 3/24/86 To t.. A. Sullivan function with wate From W. C. Fay '


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Deficiencies in Specific Plant Design Change item Subject Date Due Status Deficiency 8 PDCR No. 347 A) 2/28/86 Closed Reactor Coolant System Venting Syste ) 7 / 2 / 8 6 Memo GMI)-86-R-f l5 Failure to test valves against full dated 3/2t /86

dit ferential pressur To L. A. Sullivan Froin W. C.1 e ,

Deficiency 9 PDCR No. 347 7/2/86 Open Reactor Coolant System Venting Syste Failure of AOP 3.2-22 to utilize revised calculations on venting time Deficiency 10 PDCR No. 347 7/2/86 Open lleactor Coolant System Venting Syste Failure to verify actual plug movement in surveillance tes Deficiency I! PDCR No. 368 RCP Seal Water Supply Valves 1/31/87 Open Uncertainty of seismic qualification of the RCP Seal Water Syste Deficiency 12 PDCR No. 317 .

1/2/86 Open TMI 2.1.8 Additional Equipment to Follow Course Actio .

Deliciency 13 PDCR No. 380 1/31/86 Closed llCP Component Cooling Water and ,,

Tech. Spec. Submittal dated Jan. "',1986 to and Seal Water Isolation Modificatio inadequate Tech. Spec. treatment of C.1. Grimes from charging system outleakag J. F. Opeka Deficiency 14 PDCR No. 380 I/31/86 Closed RCP Component Cooling Water and Seal Memo dated Dec. 5, Water isolation Modification unevaluated 1985 GMit-85-It-387 to impact of modification as related to R. P. Werner from reduced containment integrit G. E. Cor neliu w___ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Deficiencies in Specific Plant Design Change


Itein Subject Date Due . Status Deficiency 15 PDCR No. 380 5/2/86 Open itCP Coinponent Cooling Water and Seal Water Isolation Modificatio Inadequate procedures to assure proinpt snanual valve closur Deficiency 16 PDCR No. 380 1/31/87 Open i RCP Coinponent Cooling Water and Menno dated March 7, Seal Water injection Modificatio GCli-86-167 Seissnic qualification of isolation to G. P. VanNoordenne:

valves and associated pipin f roan W. J. Brigg Deficiency 17 PDCR No. 380 3/28/86 Closed RCP Coinponent Cooling Water and Seal Meino GIC-86-88 Water Injection Modification Dated 3/24/86 Faulty logic for activation of valve to L. A Sullivan froin i FCV-608, froin it. K. McCarthy I

Deficiency 18 PDCR No. 380 1/31/86 Closed RCP Coinponent Cooling Water and Tech. Spec. subinittal

  • Seal Water Isolation Modification. , , dated Jan. 30, 1986

- Potential release path froin containinent to C.1. Griines froin via seal return line and relicf valve J.12. Opel< Cll-RV-3 3 *



Deficiency 19 PDCR No. 380 7/30/86 Open ItCP Coinponent Cooling Water and Seal -

Water isolation Modification. Ilesolution of CYPDCTG Report "Containtnent Piping Pene tra tion Deficiency 20 PDCR No. 384/401 8/31/86 Open Autoinatic Initiation of Auxiliary Feedwater Questionable design basis analysis of the AFW systei .m -


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Deficiencies in Specific Plant Design Change Subject Date Due Status item Deficiency 21 PDCR No. 388 7/30/86 Open Priinary Vent Stack Ring Evaluate the mean of accomplishing cold reacto shutdown following a seismic event utilizing only seismic event utilizing only scismically qualified and protected equipmen Deficiency 22 PDCR No. 418 7/30/86 Open PORY and Block Valve Logic Modificatio Failure to seismically quality relays and mountin Deficiency 23 PDCR No. 436 8/31/86 Open


Upgrade of Spent Fuel Building Nor th Crane Cit -I A. . Upgrade both fuel handling crancs equipment and QA classification and ref ueling manipulations to QA Category ' '

Deficiency 24 PDCR No. 443 7/2/86 Open Flood Protection Requirement's Failure to test or verify adequacy of cooling of service water pu'mps with flood protective covers in plac ,


PDCR No. 459 7/30/86 Open Deficiency 25 Re-evaluation of Safety Related Pipin Ite-evaluate scope of project to ensure safe reactor shutdown to cold conditions following a seismic even PDCR No. 486 3/28/86 Closed Deficiency 26 Memo GFC-86-88 Terry Turbine Steam Control Inadequate consideration of operability with loss dated 3/24/86 to of control ai To L. A. Sullivan From it. K. McCarthy _ _


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Deficiencies in Specific Plant Design Change item Subject Date Due Status Deficiency 27 PDCR No. 436 7/2/36 Open Terry Turbine Steam Control Incomplet consideration or error analysis in verifying the capacity of the system.

Deficiency 23 PDCR No. 592 4/30/36 Open Charging Pump Failure to assess impact 1/31/36 Closed of change of pumpcurve on DBA Memo NE-86-SAB-339 dated Nov. 26,1985 to G. VanNoordennen from L. A. Ward /

A. Chyra Deficiency 29 PDCR 592 1/31/86 Closed Charging Pump Memo GEE-35-2404 Failure to assess degraded dated Dec. 27,1985 voltage operability of main lube to Distribution from oil moto . G. R. Pitman.

Deficiency 30 PDCR No. 592 . , 7/2/36 Open Charging Pump . ,

Failure to upgrade several procedures.

Deficiency 31 PDCR No. 626 5/1/3'6 . Open Replacement of Foxboro Feedwater Flow Transmitters. Failure to establish the uncertainty of flow measurements.

Deficiency 32 PDCR No. 626 7/30/36 Open Replaceement of Foxboro Feedwater Flow Transmittcrs. Failure to determine seisinic adequacy of flagen Flow transmitter .

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Deficiencies in Specific Plant Design Change Subject Date Due Status item PDCil No. 634 8/30/86 Open Deficiency 33 Iteplacernent of Foxboro Pressure transinitters. PT403 & 404. Failure to seisinically qualify instrument tubin PDCR No. 634 9/30/86 Open I Deficiency 34 i lleplacement of Foxboro Pressure Transmiters PT 403 & 404. Failure to clarly lleg. Guide 1.97 Subinitta /28/86 Closed Deficiency 35 PDCR No. 653 Memo PSE-EM-86-04


Vital inverter Cabinet Ventilation Failure to conduct seismic To it. P. Werner analysis on cabinets with actual f rom M. A. Powers components locations, dated Jan. 27.198 Deficiency 36 PDCR No. 669 7/30/86 Open Relief Valve for Spent Fuel Pool lleat Exchanger. Failure to perform complete seismic analysis of service water syste Deficiency 37 PDCR No. 684


8/31/86 Open lleplacement of itCS Loogi RTD' Incomplete review of acceptance limits '

for the itTD' i Deficiency 38 PDCR No. 684 Following 1986 Outage Open

Replacement of RCS Loop itTD' '

Failure to conduct response timetest.


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Design Change Process Recommendations item Subject Date Due Status Recommendation ! Expand scope of controlled documentation 6/30/37 Open to include design bases, classification, and other informatio Recommendation 2 Improve timeliness and quality of- 2/23/36 Closed

"as-built" documentation updating Memo FM-BCA-560 To R. M. Kacich from R. P. Zys Recommendation 3 Provide. training on the plant modification 1) 11/30/85 Closed proces ) 7/31/36 Open Memo GNT-36-B-026 To G.VanNoordennen from J. T. Mahe Recommendation 4 Revise NEO 3.03, " Preparation, Review, 3/15/36 Closed and Disposition of Plant Design Change NEO 3.03 Rev. 5 Requests", to address PDCRs of general dated 2/14/36 scope and PDCRs not complete Recommendation 5 Expedite the implementation of NEO 3.04, 1/31/36 Closed

" Safety Evaluation of Proposed Changes NEO 3.04 to Station Procedures" . dated 12/27/36


Recommendation 6 Evaluate the effectiveness of the QA 4/1/36 Closed program to ensure compliance with .. Memo 1101937 dated process procedure .Feb.10,1986. To Engineering Assurance personnel. From V. Papadopoli NQA-1.04 dated Feb. 7, 198 . ..


Design Change Process Recommendations item Subject Date Due Status Recommendation 7 Develop a more effective definition 11/30/86 Open of " plant design change".

Recommendation 3 Perform a technical review of specified 11/30/86 Open categories of Automated Work Order Recommendation 9 Develop a simplified means to document 11/30/36 Open plant design changes that are " remote to safety" or " equivalent component".

Recommendation 10 Attempt to streamline PDCR proces /30/36 Open Recommendation 11 Revise NEO 3.03 to prohibit unrelated 3/15/36 Closed changes on a single PDC NEO 3.03 Rev. 5 datd 2/14/36 Recommendation 12 Provide improved multi-discipline 2/23/36 Closed reviews and integration /31/86 NEO 5.03, Rev.1, dated Feb. 23,193 Recommendation 13 Provide guidance / training on the interface 4/1/86 Closed needs/ reviews on technical document NEO 5.03, Rev. I dated Feb. 28.193 Recommendation 14 Improve incorporation of'systein interaction 2/23/86 Closed criteria and secondary effects in design 12/31/36 Closed chang ,, Memo GMB-35-12-393 dated 12/10/85. To R. P. Werner From G. E. Cornelius NEO 5.13 dated ' M/86 Recommendation 15 Develop controlled documentation for the 2/23/36 Closed impact of location dependent issues Memo GMB-35-R-393 (e.g., seismic, fire protection, flooding, dated Dec. 10, 198 EEQ). To R. P. Werner From G. E. Cornalius

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Design Change Process Recommendation Item Subject - Date Due Status Recommendation 16 Develop means to evaluate the cumulative 2/28/86 Closed cffect; of a number of minor changes 12/9/86 : Open (e.g., core boring, control board additions). Memo PSE-EM-86-084 dated 2/24/36 -

G. VanNoordennen from F. J. Mello.


Recommendation 17 Develop an NEO level procedure on project 4/1/86 Closed description, perhaps elevating GEC procedure NEO 5.13 dated 2.0 /25/3 .



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Procedure Deficiencies

Item Subjec t D:ste Due Status c


Recommendation 1 Design verification can be performed 2/1/86 Closed Procedure NEO 5.05 using independent review, alternate NEO 5.05 calculation or testing. This procedure Itev. I, dated should be revised to require a decision 1/30/86.

i and indication of the method of design verificatio . Some items do not seem appropriate for the checklist, Figure 7.1 for example, 31, and 32 appear to address questions raised atter the document review has been completed, lleview each item on the list for appropriateness and revise as necessar . Clarity'the application of design input

. documentation requirements. For example, refer to NEO 5.05 in Step of

' N EO 3.0 3,

Clarify the application of design, input 3/15/86 Closed Itecommendation 2 Procedure NEO 3.03 documentation requirements. For NEO 3.03 flev. 5 example, refer to NEO 5.65 in Step dated 2/14/8 .2.3.4 of NEO 3.03.- . . Step of 7.02 specifies .walkdown

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criteria be determined in the PDCi flowever, this is not specified in NEO 3.0 Itevise 7.02 or 3.03 to be consistent, Add documentation indicating whether No action necessary. '

llecommendation 3 Already has been

] Procedure NEO 5.1I of not there is an impact on the safety nr environmental reviews on Figure implemen ted.

j NEO 5.11 Itev. I A



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Procedure Deficiencies Subjec t Date Due Status item Development and release in timely No action necessar ecommendation 4 manne irnplernented.

Procedure NEO 5.15 NEO 5.15, Dated 7/12/8,5

Ilesolve conflict between parallel . 2/1/86 Closed llecommendation 5 review specified in Step 6.16 and Memo FM-I)CA-560 Procedure NEO 7.01 dated 1/23/86 sequentional revie sliown in tiie flow chart for QUES and QC, To it. M. Kacich From it. P. Zysk llaword Stop 6.2.4 to clarify tiie timing of inspection requirements. The wording implies that the inspection is completed


prior to approval of the work order.

4 Define Unit Engineer as indicated in Step . Step 6.16 is performed by Job Supervisor while the flow chart shows that it is performed by the originator. 'Ilesolve conflic . Add requirement for the appropriate AC group and the Design group to be responsible for verification by "As-1)uilts" -


l Itesolve conflicting definitions of winen Turnover occurs.

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Procedure Deficiencies Item - Subject Date Due . Status Recommendation 6 1. Define the requirements for pre- 4/1/86 Closed Procedure NEO 7.02 construction meeting that is shown NEO 7.02 Re in the flow char dated 2/28/8 . Step of 7.02 specifies walkdown criteria be determined in the PDCR. However, thisis not specified in NEO 3.03. Revised either 7.02 or 3.03 to be consisten . Resolve conflicting definitions of when turnover occur Recommendation 7 1. Revise to include review and approval 4/1/86 Closed Procedure 7.03 of test procedure NEO 7.03 Rev. I dated 2/23/3 . Revised as necessary to included NUSCO managers / supervisors in the Instruction Section to reflect the Responsibility Sectio .

3. Clarify the definitions for retest, Pre-operation, Phase 1 Test and -

Phase 11 test to indicate the distinction between term '


4. Reorder as necessary the subsets in Step . Clarify the term " ultimate acceptance".

6. itesolve conflicting definitions of when turnover occur . .


Work Orders involving Design Changes of Potential Safety Significant Work Pern.;t Nuniber Description of Change Date Due -Status IC0429 llelocated charing pump discharge 6/30/86 Open pressure guag Seisinic Evaluation M A0051 Install I/2" drain valve on seal 6/30/86 Open water relief valve return pipin Sciunic Evaluatio M A0821 changed inanual steam generator blowdown 6/30/86 Open valve to another mode Seismic Evaluatio M A08 31 Installed non-seismic monitor stand 6/30/86 Open near seismic equipment. Seismic evaluation or remeve monitor stan M A1102 Installed small tank in safety injection 6/30/86 Open cubicle seisinic evaluatio MA4604 Changed manual reactor vessel vent valve 6/30/86 Open to heavier mode ,


Seismic Evaluatio CY840104 Changed steam genera' tor level isolation 6/30/86 Open valve to another mode Seismic Evaluatio .

CY8404526 Iteplaced ilPSI recirc. line pressure 6/30/86 Open guage with higher range guag Evaluate consequences.


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Work Orders involving Design Changes of Potential Safety Significance Work Permit Number Description of Cliange Date Due Status CY8406242 Seal welded on plug on Rllit relief valve 2/28/86 Closed No post lical treatmen Meino PSE-85-il 32 Verily tliat post weld heat treatment To G. E. Cornelius is require f rom J.J. Cirill .



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Work Permits / Orders Involving Potential Design Changes Work Permit Number Description of Work Action Status M AB693 These 6 WP's involve plugging inspect heat exchangers to Open M A2174 of emergency diesel generator determine total number of tubes M A2176 heat exchanger tubes total plugged and it design basis is M A2424 ' number of. tubes could not be invalidate MA2322 be determine M A2851 IC0080 llook up 11TD on polor crane Containment entry required to Open evaluate work performed. Shutdown require IC O203 llelocated guages on service water uContainment entry required to Open to CAlt tan pressure sensing line evaluate work performed. Shutdown require IC0444 Installed sirens in containment Contalmnent entry required to Open -

evaluate work performed. Shutdown require MA0065 Installed gates on S.G. skirts ; Containment entry required to Open evaluate work performed. Shutdown *


. require M A0136 Installed gates on S.G. skirts Containment entry required to Open


evaluate work performed. Shutdown require i MA0220 Welded unistrut to Polar Crane Contallu6ent entry required to Open evaluate work performed. Shutdown require M All89 Calbe modifications to CAlt fan Containment entry required to Open

. ; evaluate woik performed. Shutdown require _ - _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Werk Permits / Orders Involving Poteritial Design Changes Work Permit Action Status Number Description of Work Containment entry required to Open M A1485 Installed light changing fixture on polar crane evaluate work performed. Shutdown required.

l Containment entry required to Open MA1816 Electrical change due to relocation of spray valve air compressor evaluate work performed. Shutdown j require Containment entry required to Open CY8405888 Installed handrails around steam generator evaluate work performed. Shutdown require Containment entry required to Open CY3406326 Replace PORY air pressure guage witti dif ferent mode evaluate woik perforened. Shutdown require Containment entry required to Open CY8408165 Drill & tap holes in RCP's evaluate work perforened. Shutdown '!


require Resupport SG Vent Line Containment entry required to Open CY8409197 evaluate work performed. Shutdown


require Not yet performed and inside Open CY8400453 lieplace pressurizer steam sample, Isolation valves with dif ferent containmerit. Review prior to work CY8400454 for PDCR requiremen CY8400455 valves, Not yet performed and inside - Open CY8409926 Modify reactor cavity railing containment. Review for potential secondary elfect " Note that all these work orders are due by. July 2,198 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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PDCR lleviews Requiring Future Site Inspection PDCR Title Action Due Date Status 460 flead Area Cable Support Perforan as-built 6/30/86 Open Structure (ll ACSS) review of II ACSS/

missile sliield to verif y seismc design requirernents were me Itequired sliutdow '


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Connecticut Yankee PDCR 713 Work Permit '

Number . Description of Work Action Status'

Recommendation 1 Revise Technical Specification 3. /1/36- Open to cleary identify the applicable detectors in the control room. As a minimum, assure that standard Tech. Specs.'are definitive in this regar Recommendation 2 Provide improved controlled documentation 6/30/37- Open to describe the plant design base (Ref: CYPDCTG final report, Table 6, Rec.1)

Recommendation 3 Increase the awareness of design engineers  !) 11/30/85 Closed with respect to Tech. Specs. This action 2) 7/31/36 inter office memo could be included in the training already to Mike Sivertsen recommend. (Ref: CYPDCTG Final Report, From G. VanNoordennne Table 6, Rec. 3), dated 1/13/3 ..

Recommendation 4 Revise Procedures as follows:

a) In NEO 3.03, page I of Figure /15/36 Closed Change " Fire Protection" to Fire NEO 3.03 Rev. 5 Protection QA" and "Radwaste System" . dated 2/14/36 to "Radwaste Syst.em QA". ,

.I b) Add an item on the Generation Closed Fire Protection Engineering checklist .. NEO 5.12 Rev. I to address Tech. Specs, dated 9/9/8 c) Add an item on Figure 7.1 of NEO 5.05 2/1/36 Closed to address Tech. Spec NEO 5.05 Rev. I dated 1/30/86.


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Connecticut Yankee PDCR 713 .

Work Permit Status Number ' Description of Work Action d) Itevise NEO 5.12 to include GFPE 2/1/86 Closed PDCit review check-of t list, llevise NEO 5.12 Rev. I NEO 5.05 to permit use of GFPE dated 9/9/85 check-of t list during PDCit verification NEO 5.0 activitie evised StJR 5.5-13 to reflect all smoke 1/31/86 Closed Iteconunendation 5 detector Assure that QA/NR11 audits of Tech. Spec /15/86 Closed Recommendation 6 Memo 1154066 verify the adequacy of surveillance procedures that implement tech. spe dated 1/20/86 requirement To it. M. Kacich q

from F. C. Libb !


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Millstone Unit 2 PDCR 2-8-85

. Item Subject Date Due - Status Recommendation 1 in the design process, funtion 1) 1/31/86 diagrams should be developed and - 2) 2/28/86 reviewed first as intended, not - 3) 1/1/86 Closed as a by-produc Recommendation 2 The corrective actions specified Open by NU in the NRC letter of 3/13/85 should be implemented as planne Recommendation 3 Exceptions to performing a full 1) 2/28/86 Closed operating test should require 2) 1/1/86 Memo MP2-6170 exhaustive justificatio dated 11/27/85 To W. D. Romberg From S. E. Scac :


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