IR 05000213/1997007

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Corrected Page for Insp Rept 50-213/97-07 on 970715-30
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 11/07/1997
Shared Package
ML20199D451 List:
50-213-97-07, 50-213-97-7, NUDOCS 9711200346
Download: ML20199D488 (2)








Docket No.:

50 213 License No.:


' Report No.:.

50 213/97-07-





Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company P. O. Box 270


Hartford, CT 061410270 Facility:

Haddam Neck Station Location:

Haddam, Connecticut Dates:

July 15 - 30,1997 Inspectors:

W. Raymond, Senior Resident inspector J. Kottan, Laboratory Specialist R. Nimitz, Senior Health Physicist Approved by:

Richard J. Conte, Chief, Projects Branch 8 Division of Reactor Projects

,4 971f,200346 971107


PDR ADOCK 05000213 e









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o REPORT DETAILS M. Plant Sunoort R1 Radiological Protection and Chemistry (RP&C) Controls R1.1 Propertv Walkdown and Radiation Survev. Private Residence, Haddam Neck a.

Insoection Scope (71750)

The purpose of this specialinspection on July 16,1997, was to accompany Connecticut Yankee (CYAPCo) staff and to observe a radiation and soil contamination survey at a private residence on Injun Hollow Road in Haddum Neck, Ct.- A representative from the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection was also in attendance to observe the licensee's survey and to conduct independent measurements. The NRC and the State of Connecticut obtained split t

soil samples for independent analysis.



Observations and Findinag Backaround A Haddam Neck property owner received from the plant general land fill during a

plant construction project in the 1980s and more recently, top soil in the Fall of 1996. The fill was excavated from the site when CYAPCo renovated a parking lot on the north side of the plant site. The parking lot was outside the protected and radiological controlled area. Accordag to CYAPCo personnel, when the parking lot was expanded, several islands were removed and a machine was used to break down the asphalt and mix it with the excavated gravel and other parking lot l

construction materisis. Most of the excavated materials were taken by truck to a plant landfill area on the south side of the site. A plant engineer estimated that about 2 truck loads were delivered to the property owner 6t his request. Following recent media reports of site contamination at the Haddam Site, the property owner contacted the licensee to request assistance in a radiological assessment of the fill r

at his property.


Survey Plan The licensee planned a survey of the property using three techniques. Very sensitive gamma survey instruments were used to provide a radiation scan over a wide area of the property. The gamma surveys were taken over areas where the property was known to contain fill from the plant, as well as in areas known to contain only original material from the property. The gamma surveys were supplemented with scans by a gamma spectroscopy instrurrent that could differentiate between naturally occurring radioisotopes and those resulting from power plant operations, notably Cs-134, Cs-137 and Co-60. The gamma spectroscopy measurements were taken at an area known to not contain plant related material; this measurement was used to obtain a " background measurement". Additional gamma spectroscopy measurements were obtained on areas of interest as indicated by the gamma survey measurements. The licensee took soil samples using a similar approach: a background soil sample was taken






