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Insp Rept 50-213/97-10 on 971008-1128.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Plant Support
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 01/14/1998
Shared Package
ML20198Q900 List:
50-213-97-10, NUDOCS 9801230171
Download: ML20198Q909 (74)

See also: IR 05000213/1997010


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                                                                                                    U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                                                                                                                               REGION I
                                    Docket No:                                                                                       50-213
                                    License No:                                                                                      DPR-61
                                    Repoit No:                                                                                        50-213/97-10
                                    Licensee:                                                                                         Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company
                                                                                                                                      P.O. Box 270
                                                                                                                                      Hartford, CT 06141-0270
                                    Facility:                                                                                          Haddam Neck Station
                                    Location:                                                                                          Haddam, Connecticut
                                    Dates:                                                                                             October 8 - November 28,1997
                                    Inspectors:                                                                                         Ronald L. Nimitz, CHP, Senior Radiation Specialist
                                                                                                                                       William J. Raymond, Senior Resident inspector
                                                                                                                                                  Haddam Neck Station
                                     Approved by:                                                                                       John R. White, Chief, Radiation Safety Branch
                                                                                                                                         Division of Reat. tor Safety
                                    9901230171 990114
                                    <DR                 ADOCK 03000213
                                    G-                                                PDR                                                                                                   l
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                                                                  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


                                                                        Haddam Neck Station
                                              NRC Inspection Report No. 50 213/97-10
             This inspection was an inspection of the radiological controls program at the Connecticut
              Yankee Atomic Power Station, Haddam, Connecticut. Areas reviewed included the applied
              radiological controls program and actions on commitments to the NRC relative to NRC
              Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) No. 1-97-082, dated March 4,1997. The inspectors
              performed independent evebation and observations of work planning and performance
              during removal of a section of reactor coolant letdown piping on November 22 and 23,
                1997, and independently observed and participated, with State of Connecticut
               representatives, in offsite surveys conducted to locate potentially contaminated material
               removed from the Connecticut Yankee Station.
                The inspection of the cutout of the six foot section of the letdown line indicated very good
                overall radiological controls were provided. Management and supervisor oversight of this
                 activity was good. Phase I of the Radiation Protection Improvement Plan was completed.
                 NRC independent reviews indicated good efforts were underway to locate and evaluate
                potential offsite contamination concerns. Based on review of radiological survey data
                 obtained by the end of the inspection period, independent sampling and analysis of
                 environmental samples, and performance of independent radiological surveys, no apparent
                 significant residual radioactive contamination, that would pose an immediate health and
                  safety concern to the public, was identified.
                  Good efforts were underway to review, evaluate, and implement, enhanced sampling and
                  monitoring of systems as outlined in NRC Bulletin 80-10.
                  NRC reviews and independent analyses of the occupation exposure of those individuals
                  involved with the November 2,1996, fuel transfer canal airborne radioactivity event
                   indicated no occupational exposure in excess of NRC limits occurred,
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                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS
                EX EC UTIV E S U M MARY ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Il
                PLANT SUPPORT . . . .- . . . . . . ........................................1
                R1     Radiological Protection and Chemistry (RP&C) Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-
                      ' R 1.1 Applied Radiological Controls ...............................1
                       R1.2 - Contamination Control Practices . . . . . . . .....................4
                       R1.3 Radiation Surveys of Offsite Private Residences and Property . . . . . . . . . 7
                R7     Quality Assurance in RP&C Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15
                R8     Miscellaneous Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
                       R8.1 Confirmatory Action Letter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
             7         R8.2 (Closed) URI 96-12-01,02: Exposure Assessment, Dose Calculations ... 19
                       R8.3 -(Update) URI 97-01 11: Contamination Controls Calculations . . . . . . . . 23
                       R8.4 Licensee Actions to Review NRC Bulletin 9 0- 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
                       R8.5 UFSAR .............................................. 25
                VI. M anagement Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5
                X1     Me eting Summ ary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5
               'X2     Exit Meetings   ..............................................26                                                           *

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                                                                          Rep 3rt Detalla
                                                                         PLANT SUPPORT
             R1    Radiological Protection and Chemistry (RP&C) Controls
             R1.1 6patied Radioloalcal Controls
             a.    101oection Secoe (92904)
                   The inspector toured the radiological controlled areas and reviewed applied
                   radiological controls including external and internal exposure controls; contamination
                   controls; posting, barricadirg, and access control, as appropriate, to radiation and
                   high radiation areas; radiological surveys; radiation work permits; and personnel
                   monitoring practices.
                   The inspectors review r! ridiological work activities indicated that limited
                   radiological work activituc were ongoing. The licensee did, however, perform
                   cutting and removal of a six foot section of internally centaminated letdown piping
                    in the lower level of the reactor containment. The non-routine work activity was
                    authorized for performance in accordance with commitments made by the licensee
                    to the NRC as documented in its March 7,1997, response to NRC Confirmatory
                    Action Letter (CAL) No. 1-07 007, dated March 4,1997.
                    The inspectors selectively reviewed applicable radiological controls documentation
                    for the task including radiation work permits, radiological surveys, training records,
                    and occupational radiation exposvee results. The inspectors reviewed the planning
                     and preparation for the task, and reviewed the actual work,
              b.    QJaervations and Findinas
                     As part of its efforts to reduce sggregate radiation exposure during station
                     decommissioning, the licensee was evaluating various techniques and methods for
                     decontamination of reactor coolant system piping systems. To assist in this
                     evaluation, the licensee removed a lepresentative section of reactor coolant system
                     piping (six foot section of letdown piping referred to as an artif act) and cut the pipe
                     into sections (specimens) for shipment to vendors for the purpose of testing
                     decontamination methods and techniques. A replacement section of pipe was
                     installed at the location of the removed pipe ocction.
                     The inspectors' review of this work activity indicated that the licensee constructed
                     a mock up of the pipr4 section to be cut out and provided specific training of
                     oersonnel on the The inspectors selectively reviewed the mock-up and
                     observed ongoing training of personnel. The mock-up was r?onsidered realistic and
                      included pressurized water to simulate expected water pressure within the pipe.
                     The mock up training activities were considered overall very good. The inspector
                      noted that essentially all aspects of the pipe cutout and tMt;oning were mocked-up
                      for training purposes.
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  Overall, very gooa radiological controls were provided for the activity. There was a
  good level of management and supervisor involvement and oversight of this activity.
  Tht, licensee's management and staff were particularly sensitive to potential
  transuranic contamination within the pipe section and the prevention of airborne
  radioactivity during the work activity. The work area was under visual observation
  in the control room via an installed camera. Properly qualified radiological controls
  personnel were assigned job coverage for the activity, special procedures wvre
  developed anu approved for the activity, and personnel were provided extensive
  mock up training and briefings. The licensee performed appropriate radiological
  surveys of the activity and used respiratory protection and engineering controls to
  minimize the potential for personnel'ntake of radioact ve material. Personnel
  provided with respiratorv protective equipment were trained ud qualified in
  accordance with the Ic.,nsee's tr spiratory protection mogram.
  Radiation protectio 1 personnel performed effective realtime monitoring of
  radiological conditions during the cutout activities. No hot particles were identified
  and overall contamination controls were effective. Water drained from the pipe, via
  drain lines, was conta'ned and monitored via handhold and installed portable area
  radiation monitoring equipment. Nu unexpected radiological conditions were
  Real time air monitoring was provided within the area and leakage of water was
  controlled during cutting activities. Workers were provided lapel air samplers for
  collection of breathing zone air samples. Dosimetry was repositioned to th-
  workers' heads, as appropriate, to measure points of highest whole body exposure.
  Extremity dosimetry was provided. Cutting techniques used were selected based
 on limiting unnecessary radiatica exposure and airborne radioactivity. The work
  activity received a detailed ALARA review for planning purposes, an ALARA
 exposu.o controls checklist was developed, and accrued occupational radiation
 exposure compared f avorably to prejob estimates. During removal of the pipe
 section, freeze seals were used to preclude leakage of water from the pipe. The
 inspectors observed good industrial safety practices during the activity including
 constant monitoring of oxygen levels while the liquid nitrogen was in use for freeze
 seal application.
 A pre job aggregate dose estimate of 2.10 rem was calculated for the task as
 compared to an actud :.ccruod dose of 2.19 rom. A post Job ALARA review was
 completed which indicated the licensee attributed the additional exposure, in-part,
 to difficulty m:h draining the letdown piping and longer duration mechanical work
 on the pipe to install the replacement spool piece. The licensee held various post-
 job ALARA review meeting, . The documented post-Job ALARA review meeting had
 generally good attendance with fifteen individuals attending the meeting.
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 The inspectors' review of post work activity radiological survey data and personnel
  monitoring infwmation indicated no significant airborne radioactivity was generated,
  no significant external radiation exposure of personnel was sustained, and based on
 whole body counting, no intakes of airborne radioactivity occurred. Radiological
  surveys did not indicate significant transuranic contamination. Two minor personnel
 contaminations occurred and were attributable to residual contamination within
 protective clothing. No personnel done assessment was considered necessary by
 the licensee for this contamination.
 The inspector made the following observations which were discussed with
 cognizant radiation protection po'sonnel. Action was taken to resolve the
 inspectors' questions at the time of their identification, as appropriate.
 -       The licensee had planned to use service air to slightly pressurize, from 'Se
         containment charging floor elevation, the letdown piping and force water out
         of the hs .t exchanget> Nr purposes of draining the letdown line. The
         inspector., questioned tne potential for generation of airborne radioactivity.
         The licensee subsequently pumped the water from the line using pumps at
         the lower level containment elevation.
 -       One worker, while preparing to enter the work area was observed to be
         wearing his extremity monitors (finger rings) outside his protective gloves.
         The dosimetry was susceptible to contamination. The worker was directed
         by lead radiation protection technicians to place the finger rings under
 -       The radiation protection personnel at the work location were not
         knowledgeable as to the alarm setpoint for the local realtime air monitor.
         The personnel subsequently determined the monitor to have a conservative
         alarm setpoint.
 -       Personnel did not havt a preconceived plan as to how to exit the pipe cutting
         area and remove respiratory protective equipment and potentially
         contaminated protective clothing to preclude inadvertent personnel
         contamination when leaving the work location. The inspector noted some
         confusion and the potential for limited personnel contamination. A radiation
         protection supervisor, observing the activity, subsequently airected area exit
         activities to minimize potential contamination concerns. This observation
         was noted not to have been included in the post-job ALARA review.
 -       Locked High Radiation Area doors, consisting of locked chainlink fence type
         g.      'or access points to the lower level inner loop areas (i.e., areas inside
         the biological shield), appeared to be potentially scalable. The licensee's
         Radiation Protection Manager immediately reviewed this matter and initiated
         action to close off the upper portion of the locked High Radiation Areas
         doors to preclude potential unauthorized, undetected personnel entry thereto.
         The upper portion of the doors were subsequently closed off to preclude
         potential unauthorized entry to locked high radiation areas.
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                                                                     4                                               )
                c.          Conclusion                                                                                r
                            The licensee successfully removed a six foot section of contaminated letdown              i
                            piping for di. :ontamination testing purposes. This radiological work activity was
                            generally well controlled indicating sign!ficant improvement in licensee capabilities    ,
                            to support and manage work activities with incraased radiological risk.                  ,
Areas for improvement were noted relat
ve to instructions to workers for use of
                            extremity dosimetry and radi6 tion protection technician understanding of radiation      '
                            monitoring equipment alarm setpomts. Modifications of High Radiation Area access
                            doors were made to reduce the potential of unauthorized and undetected entry to
                            such areas.
                            Overall, licensee performance during this high risk activity was considered generally
                            very good.                                                                               ,
               R1.2 Contamination Control Practices
                a.          Inspection Scone (8372PaF2Q4)
                            The inspector selectively reviewed contamination control practices. In particular,
                            the inspector reviewed the licensee's surveys and monitoring of dumpsters
                            contained within the protected area,
                b.          Observations and Findinan
                b.1         Survevs of Dumnsters
                            The licensee previously maintained two dumpsters within the protected area, but
                            outside the radiological controlled area. One dumpster was used to collect wood
                            scraps while the other was for metal scraps. The inspectc.: reviewed licensee
                            surveys and monitoring of the dumpsters to identify the potential for unmonitored
                            contaminated material to be removed from the station.
                            The licensee had performed periodic monitoring of the dumpsters at a varied
                            frequency. The frequency differed for outage versus non outt,ge periods. At some         j
                            time both dur"psters were removed from the protected area. The dumpster for
                            metal scrape was subsequently returned to the protected area. Currently the
                            material contained in the metal dumpster is surveyed, as appropriate with portable
                            instrurnents, to detect the presence of contaminated material placed therein. Any
                            detectable activity prompts additional evaluation of dumpster contents. The
                            inspector was not able to clear!y identify a fixed survey frequency for the
                            dumpsters, it appeared that the dumpsters previously received weekly surveys.
                            According to radiation protection personnel, weekly surveys were discontinued
                            when surveys upon dumpster removal were initiated. Similar surveys arc made for
                            non radioactive trash removed from the non radiological portions of the station.
                            This trash was placed in trailers for final disposal.
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   The inspectors noted that the licensee had experienced instances of identification of
   contaminated material released from the station due to weaknesses in the
   contaminated material control program. The inspector noted that the licensee
   previously implemented a " conditional release" program which allowed certain
   materials with non removable fixed contamination, that were labeled and markec , to
   be used outside of the radiological controlled eroa but within the protected area.
   The inspectors' review of contaminated material release events at the station
   identified previous examples of weaknesses in control of radioactive material. For
   example, in 1981, the licensee released contaminated metal (i.e., heat exchangers
   from the station). This was the subject of an NRC Enforcement Action (See NRC
   Inspection Report inspection 50 213/81-05, dated August 3,1981). In October
    1991, the licensee inadvertently release f non-contaminated transducers to an
   offsite calibration f acility for calibration without def acing the radioactive material
   stickers, in November 1994, the licensee was informed by a local contractor that
   pressure gauges, labeled as radioactive material were found in a dumpster from the
   f acility. One gauge indicated low level contamination. The event and NRC follow-
   up action were described in NRC Inspection Report 50 213/94 27, dated February
    15,1995, in March 1998, the licensee discovered sources, used in bomb
   detection equipment, in a dumpster behind the maintenance building. The sources
   were exempt quantity sources with no measurable radiation levels. The incident
   inoicated weaknesses in control of radioactive material. The inspector noted that
   the licensee subsequently enhanced exempt source control.
   The inspectore discussed the surveys and t'onitoring of dumpsters from the station
   with longtime employees and did not identify any apparent instances where
   material, with significant levels of radiation had been released via the dumpsters to
   areas outside the protected area.
   The inspectors noted that the licensee also released contaminated video equipment
   from the station in February 1997. This matter was discussed in NRC inspection
   Report 50 213/97 01 and, in light of other programmatic weaknesses in the
   radiation protection program, was the subject, in part, of NRC Confirmatory Action
   Letter (CAL) No. 197 007, dated March 4,1997. As part of the radiation
   protection program commitments outlined to the NRC in the licensee's response to
   the CAL, the licensee significantly improved the radioactive material and
   contamination control programs, including elimination of the conditional release
   program. The inspectors noted that the likelihood of contaminated material being
   placed in dumpsters was significantly reduced, surveys were performed of the
   dumpsters prior to their removal from the protected area, and long term
   programmatic improvements in the routine survey and monitoring program are
   scheduled to be completed as part of the Phase 2 program enhancement initiative
   outlined in the licensee's Radiation Protection Program Improvement Plan,

i l The inspectors noted that the licensee continued to control release of all potentially ,

   conte.minated material from the protected area in accordance with information
   contained in the licensee's November 13,1997, letter to the NRC.
   The inspectors made the following observation.


            -       The likelihood of release of potentially contaminated material from the station
                    via the dumpsters was considered significantly reduced due to enhancements
                    in the contamination control program. Although materialleaving the
                    protected area is to be evaluated and monitored,in accordance with licensee
                    commitments outlined in its November 13,1997, letter, no formally defined
                    survey program for the dumpsters was yet established,
     b.2 Protective Clothina Surveys
            As discussed above, two workers involved with cut out of the let down piping,
           received slight contamination, apparently attributable to slight residual
           contamination on previously laundered protective clothing. The inspectors
           subsequently reviewed this matter and determined that the licensee established
           maximum contamination limits with its laundry contractor for laJndered protective
           clothing. The licensee indicated that the monitoring capabilities of the laundry was
           reviewed by the licensee during an assessment in May 1997 and no anomalies were
           identified, in addition, the licensee provided for resurvey of a portion of the
           laundered protective clothing upon its return from the laundry vendor as a quality
           control check. The monitoring of a portion of the laundered articles was performed
           with a thin window GM type detector with a monitoring capability comparable to
           that provided by the vendor.
           The inspectors made the following observation.
           -       Although monitoring was performed on returned laundry as a quality
                   risurance check, there was no well defined program as to sample size to be
                   monitored. Also, it was no clearly defined as to what actions were to be
                   taken when contamination, above prescribed levels, was identified on
                   laundered protective clothing.
          The licensee initiated a review of this matter.
     b.3 Monitorina of Personnel Exitina Process Buildinas
          The inspectors previously noted (Reference NRC Inspection Report No. 50 213/97-
          08) that personnel exited proceus buildings without frisking. The buildings were not
          contaminated and floor surfaces were periodical!y monitored for detectable
          contamination. However, the inspectors noted that although survoys were
          performed it did not appear to be a good practice to exit process buildings without
          performing routine personnel monitoring upon exit.
          The inspectors noted that the licen *e had taken action to enhance the routine
          survey program to provide for improved monitoring of building exit points and
          building exits by direct monitoring.


          Notwithstanding the above, the inspectors noted that decommissioning activities
          could significantly challenge the contamination control program and that offective

I monitoring of personnel egressing process building during decommissioning <as en

          important element of an effective contamination program to prevent inadvertent
          tracking of contamination into the environment (i.e., outdoor yard areas).
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                      During this inspection, the inspectors noted that the licensee was evaluating the                   ,
                      need to place personnel contamination monitors at building exits.
             c.       Conclusion


                     The licensee will evaluate and monitor, as appropriate, allitems removed from the
                      protected area in accordance with its November 13,1997, letter to the NRC. The
                      exempt source control program was improved. The survey and monitoring program
                      for dumpsters was not well defined. The licensee plans to improve the routine                       ,
                      survey program during Phase il of its Radiation Protection improvement Plan. No                     r
                      apparent instances of release M material with significant elevated radiation levels on
                     contact was identified. The quality control survey and monitoring program, for                       >
                     laundered protective clothing, was not vall defined. The licensee enhanced
                     monitoring of building exit points and enhanced overall contamination and                            '
                     radioactive material controls.
            RI.3 fladiation Surveys of Offsite Private Residences and Prooerty
             a.      Insoection Scooe (84750,92904)
                     The inspectors accon panied licensee staff to obsarve radiation and soil
                     contamination surveys at offsite private residences, and properties. The surveys
                     were completed during the period from September November 1997 at locations
                     that received soils and fill from the Haddam Neck plant in the past. A
                     representative from the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental
                     Protection (DEP) was also in attendance to observe the licensee's survey and to
                     conduct independent measurements. The NRC and the State of Connecticut
                     obtained split soll samples for independent analysis. The NRC analysis results,
                     completed and reviewed as of the date of this report, are provided,
             b.      Observations and Findinas
             b.1     Backaround
                     Various property owners previously advised the licensee that they had received soll
                     from the plant, and general fill material (asphalt, concrete, soil) during plant
                     constructen projects in the 1980s and 1990s. The fill was excavated from the site
                     when CYAPCo constructed new buildings onsite (such as the emergency operations
                     f acility and the radwaste reduction facility) and renovated a parking lot on the north
                     side of the plant site. Although most excavated materials were taken to a plant
                     landfill area on the south side of the site, a considerable amount of material was
                     also released to the private sector. The fill materials came from both inside and
                     outside the radiological controls area at the plant. NRC reviews were in progress to
                     determine whether radiological surveys were conducted prior to release of the
                     materials in each case.- Additional NRC reviews of this matter was ieported in
                     inspections 97 05,97 07 and 97-08.
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 b.2 Site Investination
      The offsite surveys began with the identification of locations where plant related fill
      may have been deposited. These areas were identified based on direct contact with
      property ownere by plant personnel, and based on public calls in response to
      CYAPCo and the CT Department of Environmental Protection following, various
      publicity and media reports. Areas to be investigated were assigned to a matrix to
      positively identify the area for follow up and to develop information on the time and
      circumstances under which the materials were received. The inspectors
      accompanied the licensee on a walk down of the subject properties to identify the
      areas potentially affected by plant related materials. The results of the site walk
      down were used to develop a specific survey and soil sampling plan of the
      "affected areas" at each location.
      The licensee also conducted surveys and soil sampling of areas onsite that were
      open for unrestricted public access, such as the north parking lot, the picnic areas,
      the boat launch access area, and the nature trails on the north and east side of the
      plant. The NRC provided independent oversight of the surveys at each location,
      with 100% coverage of the offsite areas, and coverage on a sampling basis for
      onsite areas accessible to the public.
      Unique Location numbers were assigned to each area to be investigated. Areas
      offsite were assigned a code in the *96xx" series, and onsite areas, accerible to
      the general public, were assigned a code in the *95xx" series. The NRC rrsuits,
      reported hereiri, use the licensee numbering and identification codes. The NRC
      analysis results, completed and reviewed as of the date of this report, are provided
      in Table 1.
 b.3 Survey Plan
      The licensee surveyed the properties using a combination of several techniques,
      depending on site specific circumstances. Very sensitive gamma survey
      instruments were used to provide radiation scans and dose rate measurements over
      the affected area of the property. The instruments were calibrated, and were
      source checked on the day of the survey. The radiation measurements were also
      taken over areas known to contain only indigenous material to establish background
      radiation levels nn the property. The inspectors verified that the instruments were
      within their calibration interval.
      The licensee obtained soil samples using a similar approach: a background soil
      sample was taken from an area known not to contain plant related fill; additional
      samples were taken from areas known to contain plant related fill. A water sample
      was collected from the site (house tap water) if a well was either in or potentially
      impacted by the affected area. Offsite soil and water samples were split with the
      NRC and the State of Connecticut. The NRC samples were analyzed at the NRC
      Radiation Laboratory in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.

1 I .

                       b.4 Survey Method
                            The survey instrumentation used was capable of detacting environmentallevels of
                            radiation. The gamma scans were conducted with Eberline E600 survey
                            instruments with SPA 3 sodium iodide (NAll probes. The saans were supplemented
                            with fimJ point exposure rate measurements ushg E600 instruments with HP 300
                            Geiger Mueller probes. In situ scans using a gam ma spectroscopy instrument ware
                            completed, as needed, to further ir"estigate areas showing potentialindications of
                             elevated radiation levels above background levels. The gamma spectroscopy
                             instruments readily differentiated between naturally occurring (background)
                             radioisotopes (such as K-40, U 238, Bi 214), and those resulting from power plant
                             operations, notably Cs 137 and Co 60.
                             The radiation surveys were conducted by CYAPCo and contractor radiological
                             controls technicians af ter the affected areas were measured and divided into grids
                             to assure uniform coverage. The technicians scanned each area using a sweeping
                              scan that overlapped as they traversed the ground in a slow walk. Tha technicians
                              scanned the areas of interest in this manner. Special attention and investigation
                              was directed to any areae indicating elevated count rates; areas that sppeared to
                              have obvious plant related fill materials; and areas that were in an region of natural
                              watei runoff from the areas of interest.
                              The inspectors observed the technicians and monitored the scans while in progress
                              to asture the surveys were conducted consistently using good scanning techniques.
                              The surveys were completed in a careful and deliberate manner. The inspectors
                              observed the survey instruments as the technicians scanned the site and took the
                               readings. The inspectors independently confirmed the survey instrument readings
                                and recorded the survey results. The results from independent instruments
                                correlated well with the other,
                        b.5 Soll Samoles
                                Soil samples were taken with either an NRC or CT DEP representative present to
                                 assure samples were representative of the affected areas, and to maintain chain of
                                 custody of each sample for independent analysis. Soil samples were uniformly
                                 mixed prior to splits, and water samples were taken af ter drawing water through the
                                 reservoir (water tank or cistern) to assure fresh water from the well was taken. The
                                 licensee protocols were observed for water sample preservation. The analysis of
                                 the soil samples provided a very sensitive measure of radioactivity to levels below
                                 the licensee's lower level of detection (LLD) in the Radiological Environmental
                                  Monitoring Program (such as 0.15 picoCilgm for CO-60 and CS 137). The licensee
                                   also analyzed soil for the presence of Americium 241 (Am 241) as part of its
                                   assessment of the pra=ence of transuranic isotopes,
                        b.6 Results
                                   The survey results showed no gamma exposure rate readings above typical ambient
                                    background levels at any of the sites surveyed. The representatives from the CT
                                    DEP reported comparable findings. Based on the direct radiation measurements,
                                    there were no anomalous dose rates identified at any site surveyed which had
                                    received plant reisted fill from Haddam Neck. Similarly, the soil sample results
                                     showed no detectable plant related radioactivity offsite, with the exception of two
                                     locations: Location 9608 and 9613. The results are shown in Table 1. The CT DEP
                                     reported comparable findings. As seen by a review of Table I, the NRC soil
                                      analyses compared favorably with the licensee soil analysis results. The licensee's !
                                      measurements did not detect Am 241 at any location surveyed.
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                                                                                                                           . .
                                           OFFSITE CONTAMINATION SURVEY RESULTS
               LOCATION TYPE  SAMPLE NO.                   NRC                                   CY


                                                    CO-60           CS-137       CO-60                  CS-137
                 9502   SOIL  9502CGOO8         <O.038           <O.059          <0.04                  <O.05

, 9502CSOO9 <0.014 0.069 + /-O.006 <0.10 <O.14

,                9506   SOIL  9506CGOO1         <0.050           <0.037          <0.04                  <0.05


                              9506CSOO2         <0.018          0.038 + /-0.008  <0.06                  <0.08


                              9506CSOO3         <O.057           <0.063          <O.04                  <0.05
                              9506CSOO4         <0.017         0.083 + /-0.007   <0.13                  < 0.12
                 9512   SOIL  9512CGOO3         <0.034           <0.043          <0.04                  <0.04
                              9512CSOO4         <0.018          0.125 + /-0.009  <0.12                  0.170 + /- 0.041
                              9512COOO5         <0.014          0.070 + /-0.006  <0.07                  <O.11
                              9512CSOO6         <O.029           <O.031          <O.01                  <0.01
                              9512CSOO7         <0.014          0.345 + /-0.011  <O.11                  0.290 + /- 0.060
                              9512COOO8         <0.076          0.11 + /-0.03    <0.05                  <0.02                  ,
                              9512CSOO9         <O.015           <O.072          <O.05                  <0.06
l:                            9512COOO10        <0.096           <0.084          <O.02                  <0.02
                 9601   SOIL  9601-1225         <O.019          0.033 + /-0.007  NRC                    NRC
                               9601-1240        <O.022          0.057 + /-0.010  Obtained               Obtained


                              9601-BKGD B67     <O.016           <0.015          a Split of             a Split of
                               9601-BKGD B78    <O.022          0.019 + /-O.009  10% of the             10% of the
                               9601-14,21-L12   <0.016          0.019 + /-0.007  Samples                Samples
                               9601-14,21-L67   <O.018          0.0-49 + /-0.009 from this              from this
                               9601-14,21-L78   <0.016          0.165 + /-0.008  Location.              Location.
                               9601-17,17-L12   <0.026          0.123 + /-0.014                                                i

l 9601-17,17-L34 <O.018 0.070 + /-0.008 NRC & CY NRC & CY j

                               9601-17,17-L67   <O.018          0.018 + /-0.008  Results                Results
                               9601-17,17-L78   <O.015          0.036 + /-0.007  Compared               Compared
                               9601-10,17-L12   <0.015          0.023 + /-0.005  Favorably.             Favorably.
                                                              _ --               _.         . _.  . - .     ... . _- ._-
   L                                 :            !'
                                                       l!              i       ;'            ' :         I,

. .

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                           ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES RESULTS' - HADDAM NECK AND VICINITY                                                                              ,
  LOCATION       TYPE-      SAMPLE NO.                          NRC                                                CY


                                                      CO-60               CS-137              C0-60                  CS-137


  SITE           RIVER       RiverOO1           <0.030             0.024 + /-0.009            <0.09                  <O.10
                            RiverOO2-01         <0.028             0.126 + /-0.012            <0.13                  < 0.13 .


                             RiverOO2-02        <0.029              <0.031                    <0.08                  <0.10
  SITE           SITE        950801.ABC         <O.028             0.016 + /-0.007            <O.06                  <O.08
                             950802.ABC         <0.027             0.048 + /-0.015            <0.07                  <0.11
 Notec, to Table 1.                                                                                                                                               i
 1.     NRC and licensae sample results are reported in picocuries per gram (pCi/gm), with one standard deviation uncertainty,                                    i
        unless otherwise noted.
 2.     Sample results less than or equal to two standard deviations are interpreted as including O or as not detected; further


        analysis for this location was in progress at the end of the inspection.                                                                                  '
 3.     Sample 9801 was subsequently relabeled as 9704..

4 d . ,



                                                                        _ . . , , . . . _ . .        .     . _ - _      _     __ _ _ _ ., _ . .         . , _ , _
  _ _   - - . _ _ _ _ _               _        . _ _ _            _ _ _ .     .    _       . _ _ _ .-              _.
                                                                          14                                           ,
                        b.7 Dose Assessment
                             The analyses identified apparent plant related radioactivity at two locations offsite
                              (i.e., locations 9608 and 9613). The soil concentrations of Co-60 detected were
                              below the REMP environmental LLDs. The licensee follow up and assessment of
                              the two locations was in progress at the conclusion of this inspection. At 9608,
                             the licensee had completed a full scope characterization survey udng techniques            l
                              similar to that described in NUREG/CR 5849 to better define the extent and degree
                             of soli contamination. A similar characterization survey was planned for Location
                              9613. NRC review of both sites was in progress at the conclusion of the
                             The licensee used the results from the soll characterization to perform a dose
                             assessment of the plant related material at Location 9608. The assesstnent was
                             completed using the calculational methodologies of RESRAD Version 5.0, an
                            -environmental assessment tool provided by the Argonne National Laboratory. The
                             dose assessment considered the distribution of plant related radioisotopes measured
                             using the soil charact6tization, and accounted for isotopic decay for the period that
                             the fill was present at the location. The assessment also considered occupancy and
                             use factors at the location for the exposed population. The licensee's calculation
                             estimated that the maximum dose would be less that 1.0 mrem per year

l (0.63 mrem) using realistic occupancy and use factors. The inspectors completed

                             an independent RESRAD calculation for Location 9608 and found comparable
                             results (maximum dose less than 1.0 mrem per year).
                             Licensee actions were in progress at the conclusion of the inspection to develop a
                             site remediation plan, as appropriate, with the property owner for Location 9608.

! NRC review of the licensee activities offsite and the completion of independent NRC i

                             analysis of the offsite areas remained in progress at the conclusion of the

l The inspectors noted that the licensee was particularly interested in locating '

                             concrete blocks which workers may have been authorized to remove from the site.


                             The inspector noted that the licensee developed an action plan to locate,
                             characterize, remediate, and return the concrete blocks to the station.
                             The licensee was assessing and planned to remediate, as ne,:essary, offsite areas
                             affected by plant radioactivity. The circumstances surrounding the release of the

j material, is considered an NRC unresolved item pending further review by the NRC

                             (URI 9710-01).
                        c.   Conclusions

l Some plant related radioactivity was released from the site and was deposited with l till material at two offsite locations. NRC review of licensee actions to assess and ,

                             remediate the offsite areas remained under NRC review at the end of the inspection

!- period.

 . _ . - - -. - - .                       _ -                  - - . - -            - _ ~ . . _ . -              _ . - ~ _ - - - _ _ -
 *                                                                                                                                         I
                                                                                 15                                                        }
                             Licensee activities were effective relative to the identification of offsite areas that                       i
                            had received plant related fill material, and the conduct of follow up surveys and                             ,
                             assessment at each location. l.icenses surveys of the offsito and public accessible
                            areas onsite were thorough and sufficient to assess the radiological conditions
                            present.                                                                                                       ,
                             Based on review of radiological survey data obtained by the end of the inspection
                            period, independent sampling and analysis of environmental samples, and
                            performance of independent radiological surveys, no apparent significant residual
                            radioactive contamination, that would pose and immediate health and safety
                            concern to the public was identified. However, an unresolved item was identified
                            associated with the circumstances surrounding the release of contamination to the
                      R7    Quality Assurance in RP&C Activities
                      , a.  insoection Scope 192904)                                                                                       '
                            The inspectors selectively reviewed the licensee's radiation protection oversight
                        b.  Observations and Findinas
                            The licensee has significantly enhanced the independent oversight of the radiation
                            protection program. The inspectors noted that numerous surveillances of station
                            activities were performed during which radiation protection activities were
                            reviewed. The licensee was aggressively tracking and monitoring the identified
                            The inspectors reviewed the August 7,1997, Contamination Control Program
                            Assessment, and noted it to be comprehensive. Findings identified via audits and


                            assessments were included in the licensee's Radiation Protection improvement Plan.
                            The inspectors also reviewed the findings of the October 1997, Radiation Protection                            ,
                            Program Audit. The audit identified a number of program areas for enhancement
                            and a number of program deficiencies. The licensee issued Adverse Condition
                            Reports for the findings, took immediate corrective actiona, established a

I plan / schedule for long term corrective actions, and included the corrective actions

                            as part of the Radiation Protection improvement Plan,
                        c. - Conclusion
                            The licensee improved its oversight of radiation protection activities and programs.


                            Audit and assessment findings were being incorporated into the Radiation Protection


                            improvement Plan.

l l

                ,,A._         .,_;-_,         __ . _ . _ . _ .           _ . . _        -         - - . . .._. .   . _ , .         . . . .

. .

 R8    Miscellaneous Matters
 R8.1 Confirmatorv Action Letter Review
  a.    Scope
       The NRC issued Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) No. 1 97-007, dated
       March 4,1997, to confirm the licensee's actions and commitments to identify and
       of fectively resolve weaknesses and deficiencies in the implementation of its
       radiological controls program. The licensee's response to the CAL, dated
       May 30,1997, provided for implementation of corrective actions in three phases
       (i.e., Phases I, ll, and 111). Phase I items were those items considered to have some
       potential risk of affecting public or worker health and safety or compliance with
       regulations and were scheduled to be completed by July 31,1997. Phase ll Items
       were items associated with general program enhancement and were identified as
       items necessary to implement the program to fully meet or exceed industry radiation
       protection good practices. Phase lll program efforts involved review and evaluation
       of the program in order to ensure that the program was capable of effectively
       supporting primary system chemical decontamination. The implementation of the
       CAL was previously reviewed during NRC Inspection Nos. 50 213/97-06and
       97 08. During the previous inspections, the inspector determined that the licensee
       was implementing its commitments to the NRC.
       By letter dated September 10,1997, the licensee indicated that it had completed
       Phase I of its Radiation Protection improvement Plan.
       The inspectors reviewed all Phase I items to determine their status and adequacy.
  b.   Observations and Findinos
  b.1  Previous issues
       During NRC Inspection 50 213/07 08,the inspector identified several concerns
       associated with the Phase I program. The concerns and the licensee's actions on
       these matters are discussed below.
       -       The inspectors questioned the adequacy of the verification of the
               effectiveness of the training of personnel on new procedures and procedures
               changes. It was not apparent that the means employed to determine the
               effectiveness of personnel training was adequate and that personnel were
               fully cognizant of requirements in the new and/or revised procedures.
               The inspectors observed that the licensee implemented enhanced verification
               of procedure knowledge through development and administration of written
               exams and implementation of enhanced procedure guidance in response to
               this matter.
        -       The inspectors questioned several program aspects that did not appear to
                have been addressed within the scope of Phase I program improvements as
        -       The inspectors questioned the adequacy of guidance for performing internal
                dosn assessments in that program procedures allowed for limited evaluation
                of apparent minor intakes by person.ael of gamma emitting radioactive
                material detet.ted by whole body counting.
                The licensen modified procedures to provide for enhanced review of apparent
                minor intakes of radioactive material to account for and evaluate potential
                undetected radionuclides (e.g., transuranics).
        -       The inspectors noted that the licensee's dose assessment program provided
                for evaluation of diver tritium exposure in derived air concentrations hc,urs
                (DAC-hrs) even though airborne activity would not be the likely cause of a
                tritium exposure.
                The licensee revised procedures to provide for calculation of dose equivalent
                d'se to potential tritium intake.
        -       There was a need to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness . .adiological
                contamination control practices within the radiological controlled area.
                The licensee performed a stand alone audit of contamination controls. The
                audit was comprehensive. The audit finding were included in the licensee's
                performance enhancement program.
        -       The inspectors noted a review of the adequacy and effectiveness of
                radiography practices should be performed.
                A review was performed which indicated current controls for radiography

! practices were appropriate.

        -       The inspectors noted that, in response to the CAL, the licensee had
                developed a list of areas with potential alpha emitters. The inspector. noted
                that the list did not contain the residual heat removal sump. The licensee
                initiated a review of this matter,
   b.2 NRC Review of Phase l Item Comoletion
        The inspectors reviewed the licensee's implementation of its Phase I radiation
        protection improvement plan. The inspectors reviewed the Phase 1 items and
        selectively reviewed non Phase I items to evaluate whether any individual items,
        with a potential of affecting public or worker health and safety or compliance with
        regulations, should be classified as Phase I items and completed on an earlier time
        schedule. As of October 1997,the Radiation Protection improvement Plan included
        439 corrective action items of which 192 were Phase I items.
   -   -_- _ - - . - - - . - - - -                                                  - . -     . -    - _ - - _     _ - . - - . -

, .

                                                                  18                                                                            -
             The licensee developed and implemented a comprehensive plan to review and
             address programmatic issues considered Phase I items. The items were tracked,
             reviewed, and approved by the Radiation Protection Manger as part of the item                                                      4
             closure process. The inspectors did not identify any significant matters that should                                               !
             be reclassified as Phase iItems. The inspectors noted that the pinn was developed                                                  I
             and monitored by experienced radiation protection professionals including Certified                                                l
             Health Physicists and was consistent with commitments made by the licensee to                                                      ;
             the NRC in its May 30,1997, letter.                                                                                                i
             The inspectors' review indicated the licensee implemented its Phase l Radiation
             Protection improvement Plan as outlined in its letter to the NRC. The inspectors
             noted that in some cases (e.g., work planning and control, and the ALARA
             program), the licensee took interim corrective actions to enhance the program
             pending long term program enhancements scheduled for completion as Phase ll                                                        ;
             The inspectors reviewed the licensee's independent assessment of the radiation
             protection program to verify whether all appropriate assessment findings were
             included as action items within the Radiation Protection improvement Plan. The                                                     "
             licensee addressed the following specific findings, as indicated:
             -                There did not appear to be a well defined transition plan from the recovery
                              organi.'ation to the decommissioning organization.
                              The licensee defined the organization, identified roles and responsibilities for
                              personnel, and initiated action to develop a procedure for formal turnover of
                              responsibilities for personnel leaving the f acility.


             -                It was not apparent that the determination of resource requirements
                              adequately addressed the functional responsibilities of the radioactive waste
                              The licensee did review the resource loading and based on limited work
                              activities, no additional personnel resources were considered needed. The
                              licensee has since initiated a review of requests for decontamination support


                              perwnnel to support decommissioning activities.
             -                The training coordinator was not identified as a member of the organization,
- nor were his responsibilities identified.
                              The licensee provided interim responsibilities, Identified the individual ori an                                  ,
                              organization chart, and initiated action to revise procedures to identify
                             training responsibilities.
             -                Training program guidance did not provide well defined guidance for level of
                              training required on new procedures and procedure changes.
                             The licensee initiated revisions of procedures to address this matter,
                        ..             -             ,,r, _ , _ ,    , , , _ . _ . . , .
                                                                                           ,.     ,_         ._ r.            , , . , . , _. ,,

. .

       -        The routir e survey program frequencies, identified in the survey matrix, may
                not achieve the expectations of early identification of contarnination control
                problems and implementation of corrective actions.
                The licensee implemented a revised sample matrix and was developing a
                Contamination Control Program document as a Phase ll Item.
       -        Radwaste shipping procedures did not define assumptions for dose
                conversion f actors or provide sign offs to verify assumptions wore
                appropriate for ear:h shipment.
                Procedures were revised to require the Radioactive Materials Supervisor to
                obtain factors from corporate radiation protection group or the station
                engineer to ensure calculations are appropriate and the isotope mix used was
  c.   Conclusion
       The licensee completed Phase I of its Radiation Protection improvement Program
       consistent with commitments made to the NRC, Overall quality, monitoring, and
       review of Phase I program improvement items was considered good.
 R8.2 (Closedl URI 9612-01.02: Exoosure Assessment. Dose Calculations
  a.   insocction Scope (92904)
       On No mmber 2,1996, the licensee experienced an airborne radioactivity
       conter.unation event in the fuel transfer canal and adjoining reactor cavity due to
       work in the fuel transfer canal. The event resulted in unplanned intakes of
       radioactive material by personnel working within the fuel transfer canal and the
       reactor cavity. The event and its causes were detailed in NRC Inspection Report
       No. 50 213/9612, dated December 19,1990. The event was subsequently
       discussed in NRC Information Notice No. 97 36, Unplanned Intakes by Workers of
       Transuranic Airborne Radioactive Materials and External Exposure Due to
       inadequate Control of Work, dated June 20,1997.
       As part of the previous inspection, the inspactors reviewed the licensee's dose
       calculations for the workers who entered the fuel transfer canal on
       November 2,1996. Subsequently, during NRC Inspection 50 213/97 01, dated
       May 7,1997, the inspectors performed a comprehensive evaluation of the
       maximum dose to the workers. The inspectors noted that the licensee was
       reviewing potential doses to other personnel who supported the work activity, in
       light of recognition of the potential for intake of transuranics airborne radioactive
       During this inspection, the inspectors reviewed the calculation of the committed
       dose equivalent to the two involved workers as well as the licensee's dose
       estimates, attributable to potentialintakes of radioactive material, for other
       personnel who were in the area during and following the event.
 _ _ _ _ - _ _             _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _            -_._. . . _ _ _ _ . _ _            . _ _ . _ _ ._ _
                 b.     .Qhtervations and Findinat                                                                           I
                 b.1. Dose Estimates for Two involved Workers                                                                l
                        The licensee performed comprehensive dose assessments for the two workers                            j
                         (Worker A and Worker B) who were involved in work activities in the fuel transfer                    l
                        canal on November 2,1996. The licensee used the services of a contractor to                          i
                         evaluate the dose attributable to radioactive materials and also to review the dose                 I
                         assessments attributable to radiation sources external to the workers' bodies. The                l'
                        dose assessments, as indicated above, were contained in a December 26,1996,                          ,
                        dose estimate. The inspectors summarized the licensee's dose estimates in NRC                       l
                         Inspection Report No. 50 214/97 01. The inspectors had no significant questions
                        on the dose estimates attributable to radiation sources external to the body. The
                        dose assessment for the two workers, for intake of radioactive material, was                      j
                        provided to the NRC in a letter dated February 28,1997, and previously reviewed                    ;
                         by the inspectors at the site.
                        The inspectors reviewed the licensee's dose assessment and assumptions used, and

. performed independent calculations using various assumptions to verify the

                         adequacy of the assessment. Further, the NRC used the internal dose assessment                    .
                         services of the Oak Ridge institute of Science and Education (ORISE) to review the
                         licensee dose assessment as well as perform independent dose assessments. As -
                        part of this effort, the licensee's dose assessment was validated, using its selected
                        model and assumptions.
                        The inspectors noted that there were a variety of possible dose assessments for                     -
                        these iniakes based on pr'ameters that could affect the calculation. These                          ,
                        parameters included particle size of radioactive material, solubility or transportability
                        class of the material, selection of a respiratory tract model (i.e., ICRP 30 or the                ,
                        newer ICRP 66 model), applicable dosimetry system (i.e., ICRP 30 or the newer
                        ICRP 60 model) and other parameters such as fraction of materialinhaled or
                        ingested. In addition, because the potentialintake of transuranics was not                          ,
                        recognized until about five days af ter the event, initiation of indirect bloassay
                         sampling and analysis (e.g., fecal analysis) was delayed, and resulted in loss of

l Information relative to modeling and subsequent dose assessment, i

                        The licensee contractor dose assessment indicated that, based on modeling, a large
                        fraction of the intake was via an ingestion pathway which resulted in relatively low
                        committed doses that were well within applicable NRC regulatory limits. The                        ;
                        licensee contractor assessment assumed a one micron particle size for purposes of
                       - analysis since 10 CFR Part 20 annuallimits of Intake for particulates were based on               i
                        one micron particle size. The licensee contractor assessment results, using a
                        combined inhalation / ingestion model, appeared to show a reasonable comparison to
                        actual bloassay data and no exposure in excess of NRC limits.                                       .
               -    .,         .          -        .. - __, -- - - . . - _            .
                                                                                        - .    - - . - _ . - . - - .- -
  __   _ _ _ _     _ _ _            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -__           . - - _ _ _ _                                       . _ _ _ _                               __ __ _                                       _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ . - _
                         Notwithstanding the above licensee calculation, the inspectors noted that other
                         assumptions also provided reasonable comparisons of actual bloassay results to
                         calculated radionuclide intakes /bloassay results. In particular, the inspectors noted
                         that the particle size of the material as well as the route of Intake could significantly
;                        affect the dose estimates. Further,10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, specifies different
                         annual limits of intakes (Alls) of radioactive material for these different routes of
                         intake,                                                                                                                                                                                                     i


                         As part of the evaluation, the inspectors and the NRC ORISE contractor evaluated
                         the potential intakes via modeling using the computer code CINDY (Version 1.4),
                         which uses ICRP 30 dose methodology and the ICRP 30 lung model, and using the
                         computer code LUDEP (Version 2.4), which uses ICRP 60 dose methodolgy and the
                         ICRP 66 lung model. The ICRP 60/66 methodology was used, in part to validate
                         the ICRP 30 calculations, and also to evaluate the intakes relative to the newer ICRP                                                                                                                      *
                         lung model. In particular, based on the understanding of work performed, and the                                                                                                                           :
                         bioassay results, it appeared that the intake may have oc. curred due to an inhalation
                         of larger particles that were rapidly cleared from the lung, as compared to an
                         ingestion of a large portion of the material. As part of the evaluation, the inspectors
                         and NRC ORISE contractor performed assessments and intercomparisons of
                         calculm wi versus actual bloassay data, as the particle size of the material was
                         varied. 7he analysis results indicated an improved fit to actual bloassay data when
                         assuming an inhalation of larger particles in the 15 to 20 micron range.
                         Based on the analysis, the following doses were calculated using the ICRP 60/66
                         models which provided an improved lung model for calculation of CDE in
                         conjunction with ICRP 30 organ dose weighting factors provided in 10 CFR
                         20.1003 for use in calculation of CEDE. The licensee's results are provided for
                         comparison purposes.
                                                                                                    Teble 2
                                                            Licensee Worker Dose Ast,essments
                                                         (Comparison of NRC/ Licensee Results)
                     Worker            Licensee                    NRC                                            Licencee                              NRC
                                    CEDE (rem)                  CEDE (rem)                                      CDE (remj                   CDE (rem)
                 Worker A                   0.25                   0.77                                             3.00                                13.2
                 Worker B                   0.44                   0.34                                             5.40                               5.85
               Note it Definitions -

I CDE = Committed Dose Equivalent (CDE is the dose equivalent that an organ or tissue will

               receive, from an intake of radioactive material by an individual, during the 50 year period
               following the intake.)
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                                         _       ..                   .             .     . . .
  • I

. l

 CEDE = Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE is product of the CDE for an organ or
 tissue and a weighting factor applicable to each of the organs or tissues that are
 DDF.= Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE is the dose equivalent at a tissue depth of I centimeter       i
 (1000 milligrams per square centimeter) and applies to external whole body exposure.)
 TEDE = Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE is the sum of the DDE and the CEDE.)
 TODE= Total Organ Dose Equivalent (TODE is the sum of CDE and DDE)
 Note 2: Worker A (above) is the same worker identified in NRC Inspection Report No.
 50 213/97 01 as Worker A and as Individual A in NRC Inspection Report No. 50 213/96-
 12. The licensee's contractor and the NRC contractor refer to this individual as Worker 2
 in their dose assessments. Worker B (above) is the same worker identified in NRC
 Inspection Report No. 50 213/97 01 as Worker 8 and as Individual B in NRC Inspection
 Report 50-213/9612. The licensee's contractor and NRC contractor refer to this latter          -
 individual as Worker 1 in their dose assessments.)
         Regarding the above dose estimates, the inspector noted that use of ICRP 60 organ
         weighting factors v/ould result in lower calculated committed doses; however,10
         CFR 20.1003 requires the use of ICRP 30 weighting factors, codified therein, when
         calculating CEDE. In addition, use of ICRP 30 dose assessment methodology, using
         the indicated larger particle size, would result in a higher estimate of both CEDG and
         CDE for both workers, however, the ICRP 66 lung modelis believed to provide an
         improved assessment of potential doses due 'o inhalation of larger particles.          ,
         The inspectors noted that the dose assessments made with any of the various
         models did not indicate an occupational exposure in excess of NRC annuallimits
         (i.e., the 5 rem TEDE limit or the 50 rem TODE limit specified in 10 CFR 20.1201).
         Based on the NRC contractor assessment, the assumption of inhalation of larger
         particles, and modeling of that assumption, using an improved lung model, appears
         to provide an improved fit to actual bloassay data and consequently resultant dose
         estimates. As a result, based on the above analysis and previous NRC analysis
         discussed in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-213/97 01,the maximum annual TEDE
         dose to Worker A may be best estimated as 1.16 rem for 1996 (i.e., the summation
         of 0.77 rem CEDE as a result of the event plus the total 1996 ODE of 0.306 rem).
         This estimated dose is approximately 23% of the NRC annuallimit. Similarly, the
         maximum dose (i.e, Total Organ Dose Equivalent (TODE)) to an organ (bone) of           *
         Worker A may be best estimated as 13.6 rem for 1996 (l.e.,13.2 rem CDE as a
         result of the event plus the total 1996 DDE of 0.396 DDE). This latter exposure is
         approximately 27% of the NRC annual limit. As depicted in Table 2, the estimate of
         Worker B's exposure was not appreciably different than originally determined by the
           _         _             . _ .                     _    -    .         _
   -  _____.___                _ .____ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ ..
               b.2 Dose Estimates for Other Personnel
                    As discussed above, the inspectors reviewed the licensee's revised dose estimates
                    for personnel, other than the above discussed two workars, involved in work and
                    support activities in an't atound the fuel transfer canal and reactor cavity during and
                    following the November 2,1996, altborne radioactivity event. The inspectors noted
                    that whole body counts for these workers indicated minimal or less than minimal                  ,
                    detectable quantities of radioactive material within the body. The re evaluation was
                    performed by the licensee in light of identification of airborne transuranic
                    The inspectors reviewed the dose evaluations, as appropriate, for seven individuals
                    who were known to have been in the area or may have been in the area. The dose
                    evaluations reviewed were committed dose equivalents (CDE) to bone surfaces (as
                    compared to the 50 rem annuallimit) and committed effective dose equivalents
                    (CEDE) (as compared to the 5 rem annual total effective dose equivalent (TEDE),
                    which consists of the deep dose equivalent (DDE) plus the CEDE). The inspectors
                    noted that the licensee's calculations relied principally on direct evaluation of
                    intakes by scaling actual whole body counts or whole body count minimum
                    detectable activities to laboratory analysis results of airborne radioactivity samples
                    and debris samples. The intakes were determined by use of NUREGICR 4884,
                    Interpretation of Bioassay Measurements.
                    The inspectors' review indicated that in general, the dose assessments appeared
                    conservative in nature and no unplanned exposures in excess of regulatory limits
                    was identified. Maximum committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE) to any one
                    individual as a result of the event was 150 millirem resulting in a 1996 TEDE for
                    this individual of approximately 2.08 ram. The maximum estimated committed dose
                    equivalent (CDE) was 2.89 rem resuitig in a 1996 TODE (for this same individual)
                    of approximately 4.8 rem. The additional doses were included in personnel
                    exposure records,
               c.   Conclusion
                    The licensee performed generally comprehensive dose t,sessments following
                    identification of potentialintakes of transuranics by personnelinvolved in work or
                    support activities during and following the November 2,1996, airborne radioactivity
                    event. No occupational exposures in excess of applicable NRC limits were
                    identified. The unresolved item is closed.
           R8.3 (Uodate) URI 97-01 11: Contamination Controls Calculations
                    This unresolved item involved release of contaminated material from the Haddam
                    Neck site. Licensee efforts in the area of contamination control are discussed in
                    Section R1.2 of this report.

, , .

                                                                _ _ _ _ _

. .

 R8.4 Liccasee Actions to Review NRC Bulletin 8010
  a.   Inspection Scope (92904)
       During NRC Inspection Nu. 50123/97 08,the inspectors observed that the licensee
       had identified contamination in normally non-radioactive systems (e.g., turbine
       sumps and the closed loop cooling water). During the previous inspection, the
       inspectors noted that the licensee had established a task force to review all plant
       systems which have the potential to f all under NRC Bulletin 8010, conducted
       safety evaluntions in accordance with the bulletin, and develop a comprehensive
       NRC Bulletin 8010 program for decommissioning.
       During this inspection, the inspectors reviewed the status of the licensee't, actions
       on NRC Bulleth 0010.
  b.   Observations and Findinas
       The licensee developed and implemented a three phase program to re evaluate plant
       systems relative to NRC Bulletin 8010 criteria. The program included review of all
       systems including current systems in operation and abandoned systems. The
       licensee performed a comprehensive review of the systems relative to criteria
       contained in NRC Bulletin 8010 and was establishing a sampling program to
       monitor those systems, as appropriate, to ensure detection of potential cross-
       contamination of normally non radioactive systems. The review was completed on
       November 14,1997. The review of known radioactive systems was for purposes
       of evaluating system interf aces with typically non-radioactiva systems. The review
       of non-radioactive systems included review of system interfaces and past known
       contamination history. The licensee developed a safety evaluation status summary
       for affected or potentially affected systems and was performing safety evaluations
       on those systems considered high priority (i.e., those systems known to contain or
       had contained radioactive material or had a high potential for contamination.
       The licensee had also esta'lished
                                   o       a sampling and analysis matrix for use in
       ivaluating proposed changes to the chemistry sampling program. The licensee
       revised analysis methods to establish lower limits of detection to meet
       environmentallower limits of detection. The licensee was also initiating action to
       review and revise the radiological environmental monitoring program and the offsite
       dose calculation manual to provide for sampling of alternate release paths
       (e.g, storm drain system) as appropriate. The potential changes to the offsite dose
       calculation methods included addition of the external containment sump and RCA
       yard drain system as a continuous release pathway.
       The inspectors noted that although several systems were identified that exhibited
       low level contamination (e.g., closnd loop cooling, heating and condensate steam
       component cooling water, turbine sumps) no apparent immediate safety concerns
       were noted. The licensee had posted the turbine building with information signs
       indicating the need to contact radiation safety personnel when planning work in the
       turbine building on a potentially contaminated system.

. e

        The inspectors made the following observation.
        -       The licensee's analysis indicated that no monitoring would be recommended
                for low priority systems that were abandoned or non operational, these
                systems would be surveyed by the characterization group in support of
                decommissioning, and no safety evaluation would be performed since the
                systems were not operational.
                The inspectors noted it was not clear whether non-operational or abandoned
                system were contaminated and if so, what the bases was for not monitoring
                these systems for potentialleaks to the environment if such leaks were
                possible. Also, it was not clear as to the bases for not performing a safety
                evaluation of such systems if they are contaminated, particularly if the
                UFSAR identifies them as non-contaminated systems.
                The licensee initiated a review of this matte.r.
   c.   Conclusion
        The licensee established and implemented a task f rce to re reviuw plant systems,
        relative to NRC Bulletin 80-10, that could result in unmonitored releases to the
        environment. This was considered a very good initiative to improve management
        oversight of station systems that cou!d become cross contaminated and result in an
        unmonitored release to the environment. However,it was not clear as to the bases
        for not monitoring contaminated non operational or abandoned systems or the bases
        for not performing a safety evaluation of such systems,if they area contaminated,
        particularly if the UFSAR identifies them as non contaminated systems.
        A recent discovery of a licensee operating their f acility in a manner contrary to the
        Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) description highlighted the need from
        a special focused review that compares plant practices, procedures and/or
        parameters to the UFSAR description. While performing the inspection discussed in
        this report, the inspectors reviewed the applicable portions of the UFSAR that
        related to the areas inspected. The inspectors selectively verified that the UFSAR
        wording was consistent with the observed practices and procedures and/or
                                     VI. Manaaement Meetina
 X1     Meeting Summary
 The NRC Region 1 Deputy Regional Administrator, and other NRC personnel met wit 5
 licensee representatives at the Connecticut Yankee Station on October 31,1997, lhe
 meeting was open to the nublic and members of the public were in attendance. The
 attachments t's iii;;,eport r,rovide the summary material provide by the licensee at the
 meeting. Attachment 1 (three pages) provides a summary of licensee onsite environmental
  .-- .             .             . - - -          .   .       .     __  . . .   .          - -

. .

                                                 26                                             -
   sampling and dose projections. Attachment 2 (eleven pages) provides a summary of health
   physics department performance measures and results. Attachment 3 (two pages)
   provides a summary of apparent causes of health physics related adverse condition
   reports. Attachment 4 (twenty seven pages) provides the licensee's summary of the
   Confirmatory Action letter status and actions taken.
   X2      Exit Meetings
   The inspectors presented the inspection results to members of licensee management at the     f
   conclusion of the onsite portion of the inspection on October 10 and 17, October 31, and
   November 28,1997. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented.
                             PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED                                  >
   T. Feigenbaum, Executive Vic;, President and Chief Nuclear Officer
   R. Mellor, Director Site Operations and Decommissioning
   G. Bouchard, Work Services Director
   R. Gault, Radiation Protection Supervisor
   S. Herd, Chemistry Manager
   G. van Noordonnen, Licensing Manager
   R. Sexton, Radiation Protection Manager
   R. Shippee, Site Characterization
   L. Raybum Silvia, Health Physicist
   M. Sweeney, Radiation Protection Services Supervisor
   J. Warnock, Quality Assurance Manager
   W. Axelson, Deputy Regional Administrator, NRC Region 1
   J. White, Chief, Radiation Safety Branch, NRC Region i
   State of Connecticut
   K. McCarty, Director, Department of Environmental Protection
   M. Firsick, Health Physicist
                                 INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED
   IP 71707:      Plant Operations
 - IP 83728:      Contamination Control
   IP 84750:      Effluent Monitoring
   IP 92904:      Follow-up - Plant Support


                              ITEMS OPEN, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED
   97 10-01      URI      Contaminated Material Identified Offsite
    97 01 11      URI     Review Release of Contaminated Material
    96 12 01      URI      Maximum estimated Doses to Worker A
    96 12 02      URI      Maximum estimated Doses to Worker B
    (Note: URI 9612 02 was inadvertently opened and ider.tified in NRC Inspection Report No.
    50 213/o7 01.This item was not opened in NRC Inspection Report 50 213/9612a~nd is
    closed for administrative purposes.)
                                        LIST OF ACRONYMS
    ACR           Adverse Condition Report
    CAL           Confirmatory Action Letter
    CCPM          corrected counts per minuto
    CFR           Code of Federal Regulations
    CYAPCo        Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company
    FSAR          Final Safety Analysis Report
    GL            Generic Letter
     GM           Geiger Mueller
     HP           Health Physics
     ICRP          International Commission on Radiological Protection
     IFl           inspection Follow up item
     IR            Inspection Report
     LAS           large area smear
     NMSS          Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards
     NOV           Notice of Violation
      NRC          Nuclear Regulatory Commission
      NRR          Nuclear Reactor Regulation
      PAB          Primary Auxiliary Building
      PCF          personnel contamination form
      QA            Quality Assurance
      OAS           Quality Assurance Surveillance
      OC            Quality Control
      RCA           Radiologically Controlled Area
      REMP          Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program
      UFSAR         Updated Final Safety Analysis Report
      URI           Unresolved item
      VIO           Violation
      WCM           Work Control Manual
                                                                                                      . _ . . . - . - . . . . -_. .    _ _ _ _ _ ____ _                                     _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                ATTACHMENT 1
                                              SCOPING SURVEY STATUS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - -
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                                                                                                                                                          I      AREA AROUND
                                                                                                                                                            CENTRAL MOUNTAIN
                                                                                                                                                                     SIDE TRAll
                                                                                                                                                                  No Detectable
                     Auxiliary Exit                                                                                                                                                        f
                          Road                PARKING LOT
                                                                                                                                                                                         /        STORM DRAIN
                   No Detectable                                                               , CORE BORES
                                                                                                                                                          ~ - -
                                              No Detectable                                                                                                                j                               RUNOFF
                         Activity                Activity                                      ; Asphalt 10mRlyrl                                                                          J         Avg 11mR!yr
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                                                                                                                                                                                       Spot Check Scan ShowS:
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. __

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                                                                                                                                          Revision #410/30/97
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                                                                                                                                                                                                ATTACHMENT 2
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                                                                                                                                                                                    Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Haddam Neck Plant

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. _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ _

                                                                                                           Rcta of Pcrsonnti Contcminction Ev nts
                                                                                                                                                                                (HPPM 97-3)
                                                                                                                                                                   Events                     RWP Hours                             Running 12 Mo. Avg.
                                                                                                                               Nov 96                                      7                       14,599                                                                          0
                                                                                                                               Dec 96                                     6                        8,128                                                                           0
                                                                                                                               Jan 97                                     0                        8,573                                                                           0
                                                                                                                               Teb 97                                      0                        7.609                                                              2,858
                                                                                                                                Mar 97                                     *                        8,806                                                              2,961
                                                                                                                                Mar 97                                     2                       10,627                                                              2,963
                                                                                                                               May 97                                      0                        8.o47                                                              2,977
                                                                                                                                Jun-97                                    12                        9,204                                                              2,448
                                                                                                                                 Jul97                                     4                        8,741                                                              2,421
                                                                                                                               Aug 97                                      1                        8,828                                                               2,709
                                                                                                                                Sen-97                                     3                        7,714                                                               2,844
                                                                                                                                Oct 97*                                    2                        7,001                                                               2,860
                                                                                                                                              Total:                      38s              ' 108,677.24
                                                                                                                                                       Bunning 12 Month Avg.
                                                                                                                                                                             (RWP Hours Per Event)
                                                                                                                                                                     Goal: 83000
                                                                                                                                                          Current: 2860
                                                                                                                                                                  Trend of 12 Month Average
                                                                                                                                                                             (Up Shows Improvement)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                .t         ,                                                                                         -
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                                                                                                                         rw,e    ...g                   e.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              9                  4                          -
                                                                                                                                                                                           2                                                                                                4                    m                    ,
                                                       10/30/97 8.46 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         PerCon Report
                     _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _                 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _                                                                     _                  ._. _                      _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   _ _                _          ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .. . _ . _ _ _ -
                                                        Pcrccntcg3 of Survoys Maating Qu Ilty Standards On First
                                                                                                                                                                                                     (HPPM 97 02)
                                                                                                                   Week Ending                                          Unacceptable                                              . Total                       Percent Acceptable
                                                                                                                               13-Sep                                                       21                                            74                               72 %
                                                                                                                              20-Sep                                                        27                                           151                               82 %
                                                                                                                               27 Sep                                                        17                                          177                               90 %
                                                                                                                                  4-Oct                                                      19                                          130                                85 %
                                                                                                                                 11-Oct                                                     20                                           124                                84 %
                                                                                                                                18-Oct                                                      22                                           118                                81 %
                                                                                                                                25-Oct                                                         7                                         147                                9W.           .
                                                                                                          Note: For data to be valid, total number of surveys should 150/ week.
                                                                                                                                                  - Running Weekly Average
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Goal: >98%
                                                                                                                                                                                    Current: 84%
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Weekly Trend
                                                                                                                                                                                      (Up indicates improvement)
                                                                                             100 %
                                                                                                                                               ~ .,-]h %                                                             ,.              s       4.J -- :                                ?' f,,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I                     '
                                                                                                 80% <                                                                                         ..
                                                                                                                                                                                    s.3                                      11                                                ,:           *     ,
                                                                                                 70% .                                                                                                                                                                                   W-
                                                                                   g                                                        ";m .Ja
                                                                                                                                                                                 . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        , : r;..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3                      3, Lu          .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -f! p                    ,v .
                                                                                   m 60% -                                                       ;y4                           N(4))                                          ;rl                       jyj,;.         .:    Q           jplyp
                                                                                                                                                 H.                             .&.
                                                                                                                                                                                             ;                       , :' ,                              :. ', ,       L      . . ,       as                     .g,
                                                                                                 50% -                                      .;*<<                                   .j., ;                                       q                    J:s(;,a           l .r             ene,.                      s
                                                                                    < 40% -                                                      dd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7                     id?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        t              ". 1.4n            Q+#f. ,     .
                                                                                    $                                                        ,      y" y.
                                                                                                                                                                                   *t          s                                                             r                   'y      'y J
                                                                                                  30% -                  -
                                                                                                                                                 ?lQ                              *:: ,^                                                                 y.                * <              s..         .
                                                                                                                                            J,46                                                                      .;                               JC';                                        p
                                                                                                                       ,                                                                                                                                                  .                                          .
                                                                                                  20% *
                                                                                                   ,a             .n
                                                                                                                      .p                     . Qb
                                                                                                                                                                                 y_. ,q +9y
                                                                                                                                                                                  n; a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ', Q
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ;j 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        : .e;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .dp .
                                                                                                                                                                                                  '                          '                                                    '
                                                                                                                                                     l'                                   e                                          ,                     ,; ;                                             t      .
                                                                                                                            1Mep                               20 Sep                               27-Sep                              4-Oct                    11-Oct             16-Oct                 25-Oct
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Week Ending
                                            10/30/97 9.11 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Survey Quality

_ _ - _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - . - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

 _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                         .. .. .                 .         .
                                                                                                    . . .                                                     ..
                                                                                                                                                                 . _
                                              Performance Measure Davelopment Record


                                                               Functional Area             Crrrical Activ                                                   '
                     Lower Level (Department Only)             HP Operations               Survey Documentation -
                     What is the percentage of total survey records submitted each week that meet established quality
                     Goalfor Critical Activity      .
                     > 98% acceptance rate
                     Desenation of stessure
                     This measure will express the number of survey records submitted each week that are acceptable as a
                      percentage of total surveys submitted for that week. Acceptable surveys will meet the criteria of the
                      Survey Documentation Guideline.
                      Wow wito themeasure be determined?                       .
                      The measure will be calculated as follows for each week in which 50 or more surveys are performed:
                       total number of survey records each day - number of unacceptable survey records each day
                                                      total number'of survey records each day
                      This measure will be recorded in an electronic databate and reported !n the form of a trending graph.
                       RawDanRenadred                                            .
                       1.   date of each day on which surveys have been submitted
                       2.   number of unacceptable surveys per date
                       3.   total number of surveys per date                                      ,
                        Location (s) of Raw Data -
                        Date information is recorded on each survey record. Unacceptable survey records will be uniquely
                        marked by the HP Operations Supervisor following review, This will allow data collection when the records
                        are being filed.
                        Upon filing survey records, administrative support personnel will record the required data.
                         Upon filing. Norma"y multiple times per week, but       Weekly
                         always once per week, as a minimum
                         HP administrative support personnel.                    Radiation Protection Supervisor - Operations
                           HPPM97 .' DOC                                                                                                                             Revision 0
                                                                                                          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
  _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _                                 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                     . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .                                                                   ._
                                   ACRs Attributable to Work Practices of RP Personnel
                                                                                          ACR CausalFactor 1F

, (HPPM 97-4) .

                                                                                            Month -                ACR's
                                                                                            Jul-9'                       10                        -
                                                                                           Aug-97                         6
                                                                                           Sep-97                         3
                                                                                           Oct-97*                        2

, 4 i Running Monthly Averagg

                                                      ..              .

j Goal: <1 i Current: 5.25

                                                            l                                  .




                                                                                                     Monthly Trond
                                                                                           (Down Shows improvement)
                                                                                :wmn.e-n                      m& r                       ym                       ;-
                                            x~,.wa>y~                   arc       c+
                                                                             thg &.4.u.$,Wi,%*GiW;;lMa.%{np4'Q                  R
                                                                                                                                                                   , w,,&ymc.        .?]: ,%:-~; n
                                                    ,q ;w,.a:Qy                           mne
                                                                                           on wag<m.,,;,c,;u%;;1,Q..u?.a   3 t . o, ,    e.t%%&.A.ix.w
                                                                                                                                                     a,yr,,              : m, t
                                                   ,d              e t x,m                         s...        m                                                             .
                                               .                          _ . .
                                                                                         p n,v,,n-
                                                                                               u ad.. mv. m
                                                                                                                          a-                                         wg*.s.
                                                                                                                                        eApu.  %wxwehm     n-e . -
                                                 n                      trp,&e:..q<pm.                                .m n.c.,ri,e.g=.A,w                     _. #,e.

- 44 / WuuTWWA:;d.q%wesisuMiG~uTWM@idJsed?

                                      y     'anw,                       n.                                                                                      e-
                                      0         "~?                      TO'3t . % straw +y %s.nep m@Q                                 ynr*I?g    m * t ~ $>P@*       Td .~1
                                                                                                                                Mf'nXEs w a N:
                                                                                                                                       tTTM     if
                                                                                           # ,                                                                                  *
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                                                                                                                          uA                      i%      n;
                                                                                                                                                          k:   M       .:c,$r5d       f +; X ,' M &
                                      5  6-                              sM ..      :-
                                                                                                        1x                                           ' ~ um' . ' oer
                                             :., ..                              go                                                                     f e.  ...


                                      i      M
                                             y'                         op!!$p;m?,
                                                                        &ph     bt:x
                                                                                                                          * s.a murmsp, :.y%4 '0%+p,t                          ~           i% nkM
                                      * 4                                  '
                                            '3%                                           X                    &,, %.. k * A $ $ ?&
                                            &                                                                   4                              m +"h WvO. w w aW84
                                         2-  %. o.                               -1sd.
                                                                                   .w                          an%nd                      n.
                                                 r                       (l,t.)qnu.s.                                                                                    y;
                                            ',','mg.                    -y      m.u-                           p;faydi.g,
                                                                                                                , %hm -.. .
                                                                                                                                             .       a
                                             y;g                                -w
                                                                                                                                                                           - p
                                               - u.                     IM3 +w, Av                             kn!!p iin                  wnuf> k%
                                                                                                                                          gp+ . c
                                                                                                                                                       sp                      n
                                         0                                        t                                     -
                              .                           JuM7                                    Aug 97                          Sep 97                     Oci97*


                                                                                         *=> Month-to-date
                      1Cf30/97 9:12 AM                                                                                                                                Work Practices . ACR 1F
                                                                                                                                                                                  -     -   _ - . _
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .        ..

, , ACR0 Attributabla to RP Proccdura Dcficicnclos

                                                                                                         ACR CausalFactor 3A
                                                                                                                      (HPPM 97-5)
                                                                                                                    Month : ACR's
                                                                                                                    Jul-97                                                 10                                                               .
                                                                                                                  Aug-97                                                     7
                                                                                                                   Sep-97                                                    1
                                                                                                                   Oct-97*                                                   O
                                                                                           Running Monthly Average
                                                       .s                               .
                                                                                                                      Goal: <0.5
                                                                                                            Current: 4.50
                                                                                                             Monthly Trend
                                                                                                    (Down Shows improvement)
                                                                                    s. .-
                                                                                                                                                .y                        ,-. e.::.,- , rv 1-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  , :.:w   ..        ,                           , - . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - . < .           a
                                                                ..: :a                                                                                    . .:x;- *g". w. y;,. ,q.
                                                                                                       .           ,s                                                                                                                                       ~;O .
                                                      * *
                                                                                              ~ y'y" * " ..                                                        -,. ,,,c  . ,~, e - .
                                                                                                                                                                         "                                  "
                                                                                     m,, .s,.   .. Aia2
                                                                                                        ; ,m s - +,
                                                                                                                                         . ,. n . ,+. , v.~ ,:e
                                                                                                                                                                                              .s    ,      .- y . 4 wr u
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - <
                             e:                                                       s        .w 4,..g+WvLc        a                        y,A W h % M .                                  .
                                                                                                                                                                                                            W,a-v.-                                      #s.i#2
                  6-                                                                 ,-: ,                                                            .a                                n         ~
                                                                                      4                 , :n. .1.. e y. .   .
                                                                                                                                                -. mv,, .wa > . .s. p . .r s y , , 4w: ;.n.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         + , N- .(s;       -
                                                                                                       4                                                                                                                                                      z
                                                                                                                            .5,,6,                                               emag :>1 g ,-* A. .,                                                 -
                      v':                                                                                                          . a 7.*% -
                                                                                     j' s . , ~ ., j'4                       /*
                                                                                                                             4.., ... .k.e'                                      W **       Q f_H.J.,jy
                       -s,                                                                                                                                                                                . .m %.?             ~ a *i;,f            e -, .., %2 ;'q~
                                                                                        . . - .                                                                            .     w      <.u
              < 6
              g       %,          ,                                                 p39 Q R
                                                                                     g,6! n;f7     w, -                     4 d ii.a                          W W p.n                   l2 W   :,z. . 4 team,e ,n-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -      .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  r n.y:, yx ?9Q^A?)a+W~5.;<Q*Vf
                  4-      -
                                                                                      ;c .        c.g;                       :: u .                                                       q r ;-::,:; y,WQk
                                                                                                                              :                                               ', )-O4;*                                                                           ' j ;-
                                                                                                                                                                                      nypl p1             .y ". JQ:y'
                              .                                                                                                                                                                                                  k
                            v                                                        h e * ey
                                                                                     e;         m9*.                         Q'? vt...y: ;
                                                                                     .,bi,     4c.;C.                        . bo,&,..              lbu W:.,.W ...                                     ' W ,r                                                            .-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    .w,, , :v;                i .d e5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            w n% yJ,p..v.n.. ..w,-
                       .w   q . ,i.                                                   s , ., i
                                                                                      g. . . i.     w;.,                         ,y     ,s a. --
                                                                                                                                                                                                og    v-                                                           e ya .
                                                          s *' - Qhs .                            .,l,.r    , N,*        ^*G                                                        -.~.c+ % <1 & .i -d :g ' . . cv                                                s-
                        , c L'Jui-97;Wie ';(y,K. Aua-9T%y.s;.>5lyj% sses
                                                       :gQfj;p44@mf6.W.;.#iL%;                                                           v.i;Ny@Mit;y;?                                       W;a w Oct-97*          :La 1M;,F,~                                     ,
                                                                                                                    *=> Month-to-date
 , 10/30/97 k15 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Procedure Derciences . ACH 3A
                                    - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _                                                  _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - - _ _ .                                      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.___ - _ _ -__- _ _                                                ._
  . . -    . . -- . - --                                    ..       -                               . - . . - - -                   . _             _ . - - . - - =                    -.              -
,       -.
                                   Pcrccnt of ACRs Self-identified by MP Department
                                                                                         (HPPM 97-6)


                                                 s Month: <                 internal-- External # Total n %3 elf-ID
                                                     Jul-97                        13                  14                27               48%
                                                     Aug-97                        17                    6               23               74 %                                                            r
                                                     Sep-97 -                      7                    4                11               64 %
                                                     Oct-97*                       5                    4                 9               56 %


                                                                 Running Monthly Average


                                             ..         .
                                                                              Goal: >90%
                                                                        Current: 60%

. ,



                                                                                           Monthly Trend
                                                                                      (Up Shows improvement)
                                         100 %
                                                 H Q iXUffi W ?A*;9** W e.? $OE?ffQi W klll$5 QTT% W T&:
                                          90 %                                                                               -
                                                 w ~# j~d' ~p'.:i:
                                                                       ~ ' 'm ' 'R  ' ':;c#q   .u" *%? .J:   * 3 3 a'?"y 2*p' *s 1,3     W s f y' 'a.+>
                                                                                                                                                     ' ~ ~m.s*,g     . '.+ : ~
                                                                                         '                                        ' ""

i' B0%



                                                 .ilEF8$,466(4 [W * *MTWWMCRff8A$ljd2dErj0Rd
                                                                     "                                    wgaa
                                                                                                           . .".'.' p & -.- .'**...y
                                          60% - . . ,'. '.,'~.,'~N*'M         ...s F z :                                            ... . -_' '~ #"9cwg# "s-".,,...,,g'


                                                          *$              tk * .                                 han                         f    {l4                        NS

l 50% - - l

                                      *         M                        $$'[M .                           %,yT/                     ${f'2Y),?                        h       .a
                                      3 40% -
                                     g 30% - 'AUi                       $l0%n                               N30%\                    1if E3T                           QN
                                                                         , , , , ,                             ,                      , , , .                           ,_


                                          20% -
                                                                         c9:/a,                            2;we g., _,tn             .pxgr3,,                         -ea.

I $&. &&;@ $5hhi. $$N% 'y.:.

                                          10% .
                                                Ng                       60 ",1]<2                         diEthEi@                  MAIySp                           My


                                           0%                                    i                                   .
                                                                Juk97                      Aug-97                          Sep 97                       Oct-97'
                                                                                        *=> Month-to-date


                     W30/97 9:36 AM                                                                                                                                        sew-ID of Problems
                                                                                                                                                                                 _          _ _ . .__ ,
                 .,                                   . . _                          _       . . _ _                              . . _ .       .

-- . _ . _ _ . .__ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ___

              . .
                                                   ACR0 Attribuv Ma to In:daquata RP Tr:Ining
                                                                                       ACR . cusalFactors 11 and 1J
                                                                                                          (HPPM 97-7)
                                                                                                    . Month                ACR's.
                                                                                                      Jul-97                   A                                 '
                                                                                                     Aug-97                     1                                                                                      ,
                                                                                                     Sep-97                    0
                                                                                                     Oct-97*                   2
                                                                              Running Monthly Averagg
                                                                   . ,      .                          Goal: <0.5                                                                                                      *
                                                                                              Current: 1.75

. 4

                                                                                                          Monthly Trend
                                                                                                (Down Shows improvement)


                                                                I:v. m.    w , [4'
                                                                     / [.['Nf-  , [--(' .(Jj, hit      m
                                                                                                            -h f,        !
                                                                                                                                             , .4 -f.. . . .  , .
                                                                                                                                                                   [       -"        i    '
                                                                              dY?'$$$ 5/nid '.2,$fj;Q%p,'f:pjy ';f.p,jgyg
                                                        3,o                   a.q.                       w ~.m         .
                                                                                                                           ,,st,%,w                                    .
                                                         i5                    % a..e      , c? Nvige,it;iq.cyQ.h,,, :,, m .s.c ,,g .yggi;gg                          ; q,g ['      g.. [jp,r


                                    b               * hy
                                                      .                           $ 3 % B : M s tu d s a&:;.! 4 % g~4a J a g u s a tg y , m
                                    5 25'             19
                                                                               ., ,, ,.E,mE                "N_,' '"'",'
                                                                                                                    *m ..d                                       b     '
                                    }   2-
                                                          "                        *      *'~                                         *   *r-r-+                                               .
                                                                                                                                           _.,,,_C % _, @,_,.                      _- ~u2'd e **'_J


                                                      c                                .
                                                                                                g   ,, _.-,
                                                                                                           m                  .,. ~g..Ng            . . _ , _
                                                                                                                                                     .                                       .
                                      1.5 -
                                                                                 **7                 "                                          -                    T
                                                      . -
                                                                              '9 M @,"f M $iQ M'$#@@igjjgj@fjf                                                                              +,.
                                      0.5 -
                                                                                                                            Yb'Y'                     b Y b                              $$
                                                                                                                            yp'gyvma ,.., .,.fg. 9:g        ,m s
                                                        ..m ,                   pp,# m
                                                                              s y 11pp*
                                                                   Jul-97                              Aug-97 -                            Sep-97                          Oct-97'

1 mone

                                                                                                                    - *=> Month-to-date
1000/97 9.37 AM Trainnig . ACR 11 & 1J


          .-     - .e. a--             w. , . , -          ,an                     , ,           -,                  --r.        -e ,        a              +                 u-,-                 -       ,   ,w v, .
     . .  __.             . __                         _              .. . ._.                              ._          _                            _            . _ _ .                 _    _ ._
                                                               HP Related ACRs                                                                                                                      :

l - (HPPM97-11)





                                                                         Week                       HP Related
                                                                       Ending                            ACRs
                                                                       16-Aug                                 5
                                                                       23-Aug                                3
                                                                       30-Aug                                3                                *


                                                                         6-Sep                               3
                                                                       13 Sep                                3


                                                                       20-Sep                                3
                                                                       27 Scp                                4
4-Oct 3
                                                                       11-Oct                                4
                                                                       18-Oct                                3
                                                                       25-Oct                                1
                                           .r      -
                                                                         1-Nov                '1             4
                                                 Average Weekly Number of HP Related ACRs

' ,

                                                                          Current = 3.25
                                                                                Goal < 2hvk

i. 4

                                                              . Number of HP Related ACRs
                                    ,w a.,n,,w 9u r7e.c                                 <
                                                                                            -vv-, n: a;c,: 2z .;,~. ~. , c . ,
                                                                                                                                                                        u.y 2,y.
                             p n a, v .v. , ':                 ast-u           m.                 ';'    :;+.,A y + ni:9                       -y:rv. m.v+?;t,*.
                             p gx A                            _,g g., -       e e                    , .- ,       .,.r.'<
                                                                                                                      .                ;; q u, , , . vA 3                             ;
                    o           ..-               w.                                                  D             ,, ,           ..             ;;.                          _y


                    4 3
                    g                                                                                                                                                       ; g[_
                                               v     ~ )r '            .- g -- g - - g c- g-g                                                  g        .y .c       <
                                    -.,        *,
                                                         .-         p,          e;:          . s,1            f,;-        ,    ;     ,      s          t g-      3 - .
                                                                   IL$                           .         Y'
                                    ..'        ?$$       h '4
                                                                                                                          'N ,         ~-l .         V ' ?* SE?:                       i
                                                t_   ' t            :w             1 :- '           .        70';         ev         :..             ;-d im *, p                      .
                                   < ,
                                              :%       ,.          %             %              cvs             a           - a.      x..             .e               we.            4
                                    -s_       .q.      ~u           f              ~*            .t,         ;^                ;       _s             .u-              " ' '          +
                               16-        23-      30-         6-        - 13-            20-           27-         4-           11-            18-            24              1-
               *             Aug          Aug      Aug        Sep         Sep- Sep                     Sep         Oct           Oct            Oct           Oct             Nov

, Week Ending


4 A

 8                                                                                                                                                                                                  t
         10/306,7 8:33 AM                                                                                                                                                                HP ACRs
                                                                                                                                                            _-                . _ . -
 .-, _                   _   .            _.      .-   .-             __                 -     -
                        An Explanation ofPerfonnance Measures
         Performance measures, in one form or another, are recognized as an important
         element of effective management programs. Managers and supervisors
         directing the efforts of an organization or a group can be sensibly implement
         changes with appropriate knowledge. The goal of performance measurement is
         to arrive at sound decisions about actions affecting the product or process and
         its output.
         The attached flow chart provides guidance on developing and revising
         performance measurements at any level within an organization.
         The development of performance measurements for a specific process should
         involve as many cognizant employees as possible to stimulate ideas and
         reinforce the notion that this is a team effort requiring buy-in from all involved in
         order to succeed.      Individuals get an opportunity to receive a broadened
         perspective of the organization's functions, rather than the more limited
         perspective of their own immediate scan of control.
         As a process, performance measur ament ic not simr,1y concerned with collecting
         data associated with a predefined goal or standard. Performance
         measurement is better thought of as an overs 1 management system involving
         prevention and detection aimed at achieving conformance of the work product or
         service to customer's requirements. Additionally, it is concerned with process
         optimization through increased efficiency and effectiveness of the process or
         product. These actions occur in a continuous cycle, allowing options for
         expansion and improvement of the work process or product as better techniques
         are discovered and implemented.


       .                                                                      1
             . , - , .

. .

                                           ' Identify Critical
                                 >           Establish Goals
         i                l
           and file data                          Identify
                AL                                     V
                                                                                                               c          3
                                 >             Collect Data                                                  >   Database
                                                                                                               ,          ,
                                                       V                                                             l
                            No                                                                                       i
                                               Analyze and                                                           i
                                                               4 ___
              Yes        a                          Report
                v';bi>)Mti&MM>                         V
                                                Compare to
 Yes                     JL                            y
    ,; .                                              ,1.k
   ?: &                                            . $%%
   cNsT      s
         y                                               ggi
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     JL                                                 yYes
                                L                  Implement   l
                                              Corrective Actions l
                                 _ _ _ . -                 _-_   _ __- - ___-__ _-__-________- _________ - _                __O
          j     \ll         l                              i
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                                                                                                                                                                                                 . .
                                                                   HP ACR'S COMPARED TO SITE ACR'S
   450 : --
                                                                                                                                                 ------- - -----------
                               -- - -- -           - --- ---- -- ---- - - - - -- - - ---------~~-------- -- ----- -
   350       - - - ---
                                                                                            - --------------------            ----- ------ ------- ---------------
   300   ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- - ----- -------
                                                                                                                                                                                i+ SITE ACRs ! '
                                                 -          - - --- -- - - --- -- - --                      - -    --- - - --        - -- -- ---- --- -- --- --                 L_G-. _HP AC;b
   250       - - -               -- -
         --------------------------------                       -----------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                                                                                                               -     - - - - ---             --- -------
                                                                               --     --              ---- -         --
   150   -- --         -- - - - - - - --- -- -- - - - - - ---- -

i i l

                                                                                                                                                             - ---------
   100   ---------- --- - - ---- --- - ------ ---- - ------------------~~------------------ ---------------------------
                                                                                               -- ------------- -- --- --- --            ----- ------- --- --- -- -        yta
                                                                         ---- - ----
    50   -- ------- --- ----------------- - -------- ----
                                                                                         _ . -
     0 "'                                                                                                                                                                SEPT.
 . . .    ..   -... . .. .. . .  . -.   . .    -- .  - . - . . .-.   - - . -   -..           . . . ...    .
                                            ATTACHMENT 4
             Connecticut Yankee Atomic                                                                   2
                                Power Company
                      Confirmatory Action Letter

l 4 '

                                      October 31,1997                                                       t
                                                                                        4  h
                                                                   .         _     .~. . . .           _ _I
 . . . .
      a  introduction                                   Ted Feigenbaum
      -  Overview                                        Russ Mellor
      *  Confirmatory Action Letter                      Gary Bouchard
      -  Administrative Controls                        Gary Bouchard
      a  Radiation Monitoring System improvements       Gary Bouchard
      -  Health Physics Program improvements            Dick Sexton
      -  Confirmatory Survey                            Dick Sexton
       * Corrective Action Feedback        John Haseltine/ Gary Bouchard
       * Oversight Perspective                          Joe Bourassa
       * Summary                                         Russ Mellor -
       - Concluding Remarks                             Ted Feigenbaum


                                                                  2    $
       Ted C. Feigenbaum
      Executive Vice President
        Chief Nuclear Officer
                               a Of

u_ _ _

       .            .   .    ..      ..             .
                                                                . ..
 Achieved Improvements in Radiation Protection                    -
 Performance Indicators and Feedback Mechanisms
 Radiological Work Performance Has improved


 No Major Decommissioning Work Until Programs Ready
 Some Radiological Tasks Necessary To Prepare for
                                                      - . . _ .
                                                  .   .
             Confirmatory Action I etter

l l

 * Background

l - Refueling Canal Personnel Contamination

    - Contaminated Video Equipment
    - Radiation Monitoring System Calibration
   Initial Actions
    - Administrative Controls Put in Place
    - Independent Assessor Contracted
    - Extensive Confirmatory Survey initiated
    - RMS Declared inoperable                   .
    - Root Cause investigation initiated
                                              s         ,

l '

                  Causal Factors

l * Refueling Canal Personnel Contamination l -Pre-Job Brief l

     -HP Job Coverage
     - Air Sampling
     -Radworker Practices
                                             e D
            .                   -
                                                                                               . .
           Causal Factors (Cont.)
      Contaminated Video Equipment
      -Lack of Sufficient Control Procedures
      - Personnel Performance
      -Release Facility Logistics

-___ - ._ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ - - . - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _

    .   .-.    ---      -  _ - - - -
                                                                                    .      .
                   Causal Factors (Cont.)
                                        .       .

i -

          Radiation Monitoring System Calibration
            -Management involvement
            -Decision Making
            -Engineering Practices
            -Follow-up on Safety Concerns
            -PORC Review
                                                  __ _. _ _   -
                                                                _ _.__.____ _ . _ __ ____ _ _ l
                                    -    _         -      _ -   -.             .


                                      Administrative Controls
                        . Administrative Controls for Radiological Work                                                                  -


                          E xisting Controls Successful
                        1 Work Performed                                                                                            H
                          - Service Water Piping NDE and Repairs
                          - New Fuel Shipping
                          - Spent Fuel Inventory
                          -- Spent Fuel Shuffle
                          - RWST Draining
- RCA Ventilation Testing
                             Spent Fuel Pool Filter Replacements                                               .
                          Continuing Controls                                                                                            .
    . -    __ _ _ _ _ _
                              _ _      -     . . ,            .    - . - . _ .   -
                                                                                   - . - - . . - . . _ , . . -
                                                                                                                 - . - - - _ - . , _ .--
                                                                  . .-

l l

         Administrative Controls (Cont.)              ' '

L l

   Radiological Work Activities Prior to Major Decommissioning


   - Site Surveys
   - Remove Artifact
   - Repair RWST Tank Bottom


   - Ship Control Rod Drive Shafts
   - Repair Spent Resin Facility Steam Leak




   - Repair Polar Crane


   - Test Containment Smoke Detection
   - Repair and Load Test Containment Elevator
   - Replace Spent Fuel Pool Purification Filter             -
   - Overhaul Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Pump

) 10

          .                         ,m .         -. -          .-
                                              . .
                Radiation Monitoring System
         The RMS is Operable and Working Well

l -Background , '

          - Problem


          -Causal Factors
          - Actions Taken
          -Current Status


       -    -
 .   .
                                      -            .  .

' t l Radiation Protection

                       Improvement Plan                               j

. l Schedule

       Phase I - Required improvements               Completed        j


       Phase ll - Program Enhancements               End of 1997


       Phase ill - Effectivness Review / Continuous  Prior to RCS
                    Improvement                      Decon.
                                                         12   h
                                                                                                                         . .


         Phase I Accomolishments


     Standards and Expectations Established                                                                                 .

I -

     Cultural Changes initiated
     192 Corrective Actions Completed
     Planning, RWPs, and Pre-Job Briefings                                                                                    1
     Strengthened  ,
     Contamination / Radioactive Material Contro:                                                                              i
                                                                 .                                                             ,
                                                  ________s_ - -   _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ .
            Phase I Accomplishments (Cont.)


      * Instrumentation Program improved
      * Improved Accuracy and Corapleteness of Radiological
      * Alpha W;onitoring Enhanced
      - Staff Training Conducted                                  ;
      * Enhanced Radiation Worker Training
 .   _


              HP Organi7ation & Expectations
   *     Positive Culture Change "We can fix it"
   *     Self-critical Attitude (HP Generated ACRs increasing)
   *     Improved Sense of Near-Term and Long-Term

l Direction for the Program

   *     Expectations Established
   *     Appropriate HP Resources Applied
         .  .


          Procedure Compliance
  - Management Reaffirmed Strict Procedure
    Adherence as a Policy
  - Staff Focusing on Correcting Procedure !ssues
    Rather Than Procedure Wo -Arounds
  - Procedures Revised to Achieve Compliance
    During Phase I
  - Procedure Integration During Phase II
            - Increased Training Resources               -
    !   *
            Release Surveys
            Alpha Monitoring and Controls
            Phase i Enhancements
             Intemal Dosimetry Program improvements
            New Instrumentation


   --         -                     --
                                          ._.    - _      . _   -
                                                              .   .
                    Confirnlatorv Survey

' '

      Confirmatory Survey Completed


      Over 186,000 Items Surveyed                                  ^


      435 Items or 0.24% Had Detectable Activity

l -70% (307 items) Had <100 ccpm L L


! -Improvement in Material Release Process


l l '

       -No Significant Health or Safety Concem

, L

                                                             . .
                  Maior Phase II Actions
     Radiation Protection Plan
 *   Comprehensive Program and Process Integration
     Performance Measures
 *   Increase Self-assessments
 *   Systematic Contamination Control Monitoring
 *   Decommissioning ALARA Program


 *   Decommissioning Radioactive Material Shipping Program


 *   Training for HP Personnel                           .
   -                                             .         .
        Corrective Action Program
      Improved Process
      Lower Threshold
    * Have Trending Programs to Evaluate
      and Monitor
    * Work Observation Program


                                         20   Gr _
         Corrective Action Proararn (Cont.1
                                        .        ,    ,
 -     Health Physics Program ACR Data
       -Corrective Action Program improving
       -Problems Self-identified
       -Emphasis is on Procedure Compliance and Quality
       -Problems Identified Are of Low Significance

- ,

                                          -        -    -_. _.      -- .   ..
                                                                              . .

' .

                     Oversight Perspective
        Strengthened QA Organization with Radiological Expertise


        improved Nuclear Safety Assessment Board


         -- CY Specific

! - Extensive Decommissioning and Radiation Protection Experience I -

        Increased Surveillance and Audit of Activities
        Corrective Actions From Refueling Canal Personnel
        Contamination Have Been implemented
        Implementation of Radiological Aictivities                                .l
         - RMS                                                           -
         - Confirmatory Survey                                                    l!


 ..   -   . _ _   _     ---         .
                                                     ._        ..__----o
       Oversiaht Persoective (Cont 3,
                 -           .          ,
           Excellent Technical Resources
           Extensive Program Improvement Initiatives
           improved Training


           Areas For Improvement identified and are
           Being Pursued
     * Corrective Action Program is Improving         .
                                                   23   I      ,
         Oversight Perspective (Conty
 * Overall Performance Has Improved Primarily Due to:
   -Improved Planning                                      .
   -Heightened Expectation and Standards
   -Increased Management involvement
   -Better Communications
 * Process Enhancements are Still Required and are
Being Pursued Through Phase Il RPIP Implementation
 - Oversight of Radiological Activities Will Continue ~
   Through Audits, Surveillances and Assessments.

! l

                                              -    -       --     . -        ._

! -H l Summary




                           CY ls Readv To Perform Additional
                                     Radioloaical Activities                             .
                 The Culture Has Changed
                  -Team Building


                  -Standards And Expectations
                  -Corrective Action Program
                  -Prejob Briefings, Planning And Scheduling
                  -Work Observations, Self-Assessments
                 Outside Expertise Brought in
                                                                          2s      h
  ..- - . ..,. .    .    -  -   .
                                   . ... .      ..


                   Summarv. ? cont.1
                                  .        .
     * Responsive To issues in the CAL
                                                        ~ '
       -Corrective Action
        -Radiation Protection
-Program Changes


        -Effective Administrative Controls
     - Our Health Physics Department and Radworker


       Performance Has improved
     - Therefore, Confident We Can Perform         -
       Radiological Work
 .. - _. - . . - .


                                                                                    m .
                      o                                                           .
                          . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


                            Summarv. f cont.1
            -   Responsive To issues in the CAL
                 -Corrective Action                                    ,
                 -Radiation Protection
                 -Program Changes
                 -Effective Administrative Controls
            -   Our Health Physics Department and Radworker
                Performance Has improved


            * - Therefore, Confident We Can Perform          -
                Radiological Work
                                                          2s h
                                                               e . A
k_ .____
