IR 05000213/1992024

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Insp Rept 50-213/92-24 on 921130-1204.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Function of Engineering & Technical Support Reviewed to Evaluate Staffing of Engineering Dept
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/1992
From: Gray E, Kaplan H, Patnaik P
Shared Package
ML20126L294 List:
50-213-92-24, NUDOCS 9301080009
Download: ML20126L297 (7)






Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company P.O. Box 270 liartford, CT 06141 0270 FACILITY NAME:

lladdam Neck Plant INSPECTION AT:

Haddam Neck, Connecticut INSPECTION DATES:

November 30 - December 4,1992 (' PM &.


P. Patnaik, Reactor Engineer, Date Materials Section, Ell DRS LA\\ntdnw

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11. J: Kaplan, Sr. Reactor Engineer, Date Materials Section, Ell, DRS APPROVED llY:


/2ffo!9E-E. Harold Gray, Chief, Materials Section, Date Engineering 11 ranch, DRS Areas insoccted: The function of engineering and technical support was reviewed to evaluate staffing of the engineering department, training of engineers and the resolution of technical issues related to lladdam Neck plant of the Connecticut Yankee (CY) Atomic Power Company.

Results: The staffing of the Project Services Department, the Plant Engineering Department and the Corporate Engineering supporting Connecticut Yankee is adequate to provide -

engineering and technical support for the upcoming outage. The existing training program

- for new plant engineers and the training to be established in January 1993 for the Corporate Engineering, are considered to be satisfactory. Resolutions by the licensee of technical issues as determined from reviews of plant design change records, LERs, fuel inspection and reconstitution, were appropriate. The engineering backlog of plant design change records seems to be trending downwards.

9301080009 921231 PDR ADOCK 05000213-G PDR





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1.0 ENGINEEltlNG AND TECllNICAl, SUPPoltT (37700)

1.1 Scope The function of engineeri'ig and technical support was reviewed during this inspection to l

evaluate staf0ng of the Engineering Department, training of engineers and the resolution of r

technical issues related to Haddam Neck plant of the Connecticut Yankee (CY) Atomic


Power Company. As part of this inspection, several design changes and modincations to plant systems carried out during the 16R outage and the projects scheduled to be undertaken during the 17R (May '93) outage were reviewed. The engineering and technical support in the area of fuel inspection and reconstitution dt. ring the 16R outage was reviewed.

1.2 Organimtion

t All engineering projects are carried out under the management of Connecticut Yankee's


Project Services Department (PSD). This department is responsible to provide design and

drafting services and pro, lect engineering services in the electrical, civil, mechanical and instrumentation / control engineering disciplines. The department also has a function of i

planning, scheduling, estimating and budget activities to support projects for CY. A total staff of forty-seven is dedicated to the above activities, in comparison to the projects


undertaken by this department during the 16R outage, it was determined that this staff is adequate to support the upcoming 17R outage in view of the fact that the staffing increased over the past with_ the number and the complexity of projects being reduced. Almost fifty percent of this staff is stationed at site with_the remaining staff working out of the corporate of0ce. The department has management approval to hire temporary help when there is a.


Th: Plant Engineering Department has a staff of forty enginects to support outage activities in the plant. Each project assignment has a designated lead engineer from the Plant



Engineering. This department is also responsible for implementing and coordinating reviews of plant design changes, witnessing preoperational testing and providing engineering support to operations. The Plant Engineering also coordinates engineering activities of contractors on -

site performing inservice inspection, inservice testing, steam generator tube examination, and -

the erosion / corrosion monitoring program. The Corporate Engineering provides the i

necessary technical support in the above areas. The Plant Engineering Department also performs design changes of limited scope with in house staff.: The staf0ng of this department is considered to be adequate for the upcoming outage since the number anc(complexity of projects to be undertaken in the 17R outage are reduced in comparison to the previous :


The Corporate Engineering provides necessary engineering and technical support in various


engineering disciplines encompassing nuclear analysis, stress analysis, chemistry and material


and mdor design support. Approximately twenty five percent of corporate engineering manpower is utilized in supporting CY,

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1.3 Training


The Plant Engineering Department has a training program for CY engineering and contract

personnel who perform engineering design or investigation. The training for new CY enginects includes an indoctrination program in engineering instructions, station procedures, administrative procedures, a curriculum in nuclear training and on the job training. The


contractor's employee training covers an indoctrination in applicable department procedures, radiation worker training and familiarization of various areas onsite. All engineering personnel complete annual retraining in reviewing speelne procedures and applicable sections of 10 CFR $0.


The training for new engineers in the Corporate Engineering Department covers indoctrination in applicable procedures along with specine training to be determined by engineer's supervisor. Corporate Engineering has embarked on a new training concept, t


" Engineering Support (ES) Training Program," to be available to all engineering support personnel. The training program is intended to meet the requirements of INPO issued



Academy Document 91-017, " Guideline for Training and Qualification of Engineering l

Support Persorincl." The implementation of the ES training program is expected to begin on l

January 1,1993.

l The training provided to the Plant Engineers and the Corporate Engineers to maintain their proficiency in work seems to be adequate. The training for entry level engineers adequately prepares them to perform their job.



2.0 DI31GN CilANGl'S/ MODIFICATIONS The inspectors reviewed the following plant design records (PDCRs) which were undertaken during the 16R outage.

Replacement of Connecticut Yankee "B" charging pump assembly (1 JCR 1185).


The existing "B" charging pump experienced an increasing trend of vibration IcVels at the outboard pump bearing in the horizontal radial direction.


Addition of a 100,000 gallon stainless steel condensate storage tank (CST)

(PDCR 1271).

The existing condensate system uses the demineralized water storage tank _(DWST) as both an emergency water supply source and as a makeup water supply source for the.


condenser hotwell. The new CST will provide makeup water to the condenser


hotwell and as an alternate supply for the electric auxiliary feedwater pump. - Also, the interconnecting piping will line up the CST to supply water to the DWST in an emergency.








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CY service water header reroute to the emergency diesel generators (PDCit 1093).

  • This change aligns the service water pumps with their respective emergency diesel i

generators (11D0), liach service water pump will supply cooling water to the same IIDG that supplies its emerger,cy power. This nulincation simplifies the valving logic when aligning service water during refueling outages for 11D0 maintenanechepair.

j Modification to provide an automatic open signal to service water Adams filter bypass

e motor-olwrated valves (MOVs) on a high containment pressure (llCP) actuation signal I

(PDCR 1294).

Due to partial fouling of the Adams filters from both seasonal and weather related conditions, it is possible that the containment air recirculation (CAR) fan coolers would not get sufficient service water flow during a design basis accident. This modification provides for an automatic opening of the Adams filter bypass MOVs upon an 11CP condition through an liCP auxiliary relay contact signal ensuring that maximum flow through the CAR fan coolers will be available regardless of the Dow through the Adams filters, without any operator action.

The inspectors reviewed the design inputs, the safety evaluations and the test plans for the modi 0 cations and noted use of good engineering practice in each of these areas.

2.1 Engineering lineking The inspector reviewed the backlog of plant design change records (PDCRs) for the year 1992 and noted a decreasing trend of outstanding PDCRs from the first quarter of 1992 to the fourth quarter as summarized below.

1111I Number of Outst;Lnding PI2C113 -

at the end of quarter (OTil)

1st QTR 1992 105


2nd QTR 1992

3rd QTR 1992

4th QTR 1992

(ns of 12/1/92)

The outstanding PDCRs reflect incomplete administrative items such as drawing update and modification completion report labels, etc. which were of no impact to safety. The

!!ngineering Department is directing necessary resources to close out most of the open PDCRs before the start of the next outage and to close out all currently open PDCRs by 199 _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ -






2.2 Iteview of Licensee Event Reports (LElls)

The following LERs were reviewed to ascertain licensee's root cause evaluation, safety assessment and corrective action.

Steam generator level malfunction with inadequate means of inserting a trip signal

(1.1111 92-20).

lilocked air intakes render both emergency diesel generators inoperable (LER 92-16).

  • Excessive fouling rates of service water strainers during maintenance render both e

trains of service water inoperable (LER 9215)


Excessive fouling rates potentially render service water filters inoperable (LElt 92-


Postulated loss of offsite power due to transmission grid instability (LER 92-11).

  • Licensee's root cause evaluation and safety assessment were technically correct and the corrective actions were appropriate. There was a high degree of engineering involvement in the above LERs and the engineering was effective in closing out these LERs.

3.0 FUEL INSPECTION /ItECONSTITUTION During the 16R outage, ultrasonic (UT) and visual inspections of 157 fuel assemblics of the cycle 16 core were performed to detect fuel failures caused due to debris in the core leftover from the thermal shield removal effort. The ultrasonic data were evaluated using more conservative guidelines than that of the cycle 15. The failed fuel rods detected by ultrasonic testing were later confirmed by eddy current inspection.

Residual debris were removed from nine fuel assemblies prior to reconstitution and from seven feel assemblies after reconstitution. The radiochemistry data on equilibrium I-131 concentration during the current fuel cycle indicate satisfactory fuel performance as a result of an effective fuel inspection and reconstitution effort.


4.0 QUALITY ASSUltANCE (QA) PROGitAM The inspection covered certain aspects of the QA program applicable to design changes and modifications. The inspector obtained the following information with regard to the plant design change records (PDCRs).

  • The licensee does not generally require a QA review of PDCRs prior to issue. This is in accordance with the licensee's NRC approved QA Topical Report, H





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On a case by case basis, the Quality Services Department of the Corporate


Engineering conducts a post-engineering audit such as performed for the auxiliary feedwater system modification. Audit Report QSD 5100, dated hiay 20,1992, indicated that a thorough post-installation review had been performed and several weaknesses were identified. These weaknesses were subsequently corrected and appropriate actions were taken to preclude recurrence including an intensive critique of the subject modification.

Appropriate reviews of work packages are performed to assure that welding and


nondestructive examination requirements are specified in accordance with the applicable code as verified by the inspector in a review of work package WO/91-11208.

The QA supervisor is a permanent member of the PORC committee and, as such -

plays a key role in the final review of PDCRs.

QA is actively involved in various stages of a given modification. The licensee e

agreed to consider final overviews of safety-related modification packages implemented during an outage prior to startup from that outage.


The licensee's chemistry and materials group is currently conducting various long-term projects in cooperation with EPRI to characterire secondary water chemistry variables that contribute to corrosion and sludge / scale transport. These variables include electrochemical measurements, crevice hideout and return, pressure, and the effect of system or water quality changes on various parameters.

The inspector reviewed the failure analysis report of the reactor coolant system. loop isolation valve (RC-h!OV 513) stem failure. The failure of the 17-4 PH stainless stem was attributed -

to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) as a result of long term aging effects causing

. embrittlement of the material and hence susceptible to SCC. Although the metallurgical evidence in the report appears to support the conclusion, the embrittlement issue as reflected by measured impact properties, is not conclusive because of the lack of original property data. The licensee ultrasonically tested the remaining seven isolation valve stems at the time-of the failure and stated that they will ultrasonically test all eight valve stems again during the next outage.

6.0 ENTRANCE AND EXIT hlEETINGS hiembers of the licensee's management, engineering and technical staff were informed of the scope and the purpose of the inspection at the entrance meeting which took place on November 30,1992. The findings of the inspection were presented to and discussed with members of the licensee's management at the conclusion of the inspection on December 4,1992. A list of attendees at the exit meeting is appe.nded to this report as Attachment 1...-



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A'ITACilMENT 1 CuantClicut Yankee Atomic Power Comp; Lily H. Annino Staff Asdstant M. liain CY Engineering Manager


G.150uchard Unit Director

7. Cleary Licensing Engineer P. L'lleureux Eng. Supervisor CY D. Nordq,ilst Director, Quality Services G. Pitman CYPSD J. Stett.

Iladdam Neck - VP


t 1,LS. Nuclear Regulatory Comtnission j

P. liabighorst Resident Inspector


11. Kaplan Sr. Reactor Engineer l

P. Patnaik Reactor Engineer W. Raymond Sr, Resident inspector F




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