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Notice of Violation from Insp on 880912-16.Violations Noted:Alarms on Several Eberline AMS-3 Continuous Airborne Radioactivity Monitors Incorrectly Set High & Failure to Leak Test Four Sr-90 Sources for Period Exceeding 18 Months
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 10/21/1988
Shared Package
ML20195B309 List:
50-482-88-25, NUDOCS 8811010513
Download: ML20195B313 (2)


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L APPENDIX A NOTICE OF VIOLATION Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Docket: 50-482 Wolf Creek Generating Station License: NPF-42 During an NRC inspection conducted on September 12-16, 1988, two violations of NRC requirements were identified. The violations involved: (1) the failure to follow procedures, and (2) the failure to leak test sealed sources as required by Technical Specifications (TS). In accordance with the "General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," 10 CFR Part 2 Appendix C (1988), the violations are listed below:

A. Failure to Follow Procedures P

TS 6.11 requires that "Procedures for personnel radiation protection shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20 and shall be approved, maintained. and adhered to for all operations involving personnel radiation exposures."

Licensee Procedure HPH 04-077, "Operation and Calibration of the Eberline AMS-3," requires, in part, that the alarm on the portable AMS-3 continuous airborne radioactivity monitor (CAM) be set to alarm at 10 percent above background.

Contrary to the above, the NRC inspectors determined on both September 13 and September 15, 1988, that the alarms on several AMS-3 CAMS were incorrectly set high, and that the alarm on one CAM would not respond to ,

an alarm test because the alarm setpoint was set off scale high.  ;

This is a Severity Level IV violation. (Supplement IV) (452/8825-01)

B. Failure to Leak Test Radiotetive Sources i


TS requires, in part, that "Each sealad source shall be tested for -

leakage and/or contamination by the licensee . ... " TS requires, in part, that, "Each category of sealed sources shall be ,

tested . . . at 12ast once per 6 months". This applies to sources in use  !

or prior to being placed in use from storage. [

Contrary to the above, the NRC inspectors determined on September 15,  ;

1988, that four sources, not in storage, containing 400 microcuries each t of strontium-90 had not been leak tested for a period exceeding 18 menths.

This is a Severity Level IV violation. (Supplement IV) (482/8825-02)

G911010513 881021 ,

PDR ADOCK 05000482 O PDC


Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, *.!olf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation is hereby required to submit a written statement or explanation to this office within 30 days of the date of the letter transmitting this Notice.

This reply should include for each violation: (1) the reason for the violation if admitted, (2) the corrective steps that have been taken and the results achieved, (3) the corrective steps that will be taken to avoid further violations, and (4) the date when full compliance will be achieved. Where good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending the response time.

Dated at Arlington, Texas, this 21st day of October 1988 i

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