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Requests BNL Proposal to Provide Technical Assistance for Reliability & Probabilistic Assessment for Fire Events. Statement of Work & Proposal Instructions Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/19/1982
From: Vollmer R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Ogeka G
Shared Package
ML20127A418 List: ... further results
FOIA-84-243 NUDOCS 8505230357
Download: ML20127M793 (12)


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e 007 1 8 1982

Mr. Gregory J. Ogeka, Chief 2 Administrative Branch Brookhaven Area-Office:

U.' S.iDepartment of Energy Upton, New York _-.'11973-

Dear Mr. Ogeka:


BNL Technical Assistance to the Division of. Engineering, NRR -

NRC -. Reliability and Probabilistic Assessments for Fire Events Thisl letter is a request for a proposal from the Brookhaven National Laboratory to provide technical assistance to the Division of Engineering.

The-Statement-of Wrk in-Enclosure-1-detat1s-the required 1ork and shouTd . ~~~~~'

be'used as the basis for preparing a proposal for submission to this

.~ office. Standard terms and conditions for NRC work, as provided in the

  • DOE /NRC Memorandum of Understanding of February 24, 1978 and described

-in NRC Manual. Chapter 1102 apply to this effort. If a portion of'this-

. work is to be subcontracted out, we require that BNL have a professional .

-assigned to the contract who is qualified to defend the results. -Also, -

approval of the subcontractor by me is required in writing prior to

' initiation of any subcontracted effort. The proposal should contain as a minimum the information set forth in Enclosure 2 and should be-submitted in six copies in the format of the Statement of Work to: '

Chester.Poslusny Program Assistant Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, D. C. 20555 Work under this program is not anticipated to be classified, but it may.

concern priprietaryinformation that is provided in vendor topical reports

-and should be handled in accordance with the Rules of CFR 2.790.

, This request for proposal is not an authorization to start work.

Authorization to commence work becomes effective upon Brookhaven Operations Office acceptance of an appropriately executed NRC Form 173, Standard Order for DOE Work.

8505230357 841002 PDR FOIA SHOLLYs4-243 PDR


's . o 3 . ..

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L Gregory J. O'eka g ~ 2 If you have'any questions about this request, picese contact Mr.

C.- Poslusny on FTS 492-7067.- Thank you for your assistance.


' \


, \,

va ; \

Richard H., Director Division of Engineering- .

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Statement of Work
2. Proposal' Content cc: R.1Barber, HQ-00E W. Kato, BNL Hr-Grahn,-BNL -

R. Bauer, DOE /CHOO J. Boccio, BNL DISTRIBUTION CMEB reading file Central' file 1 NRR contract-file "

DKubicki RFerguson VEenaroya SPawlicki



.VZeoli DDandois RVollmer CPoslusny TSullivan


.9/20/82 9/20/82 9/20/82 9/20/82 9/21/82 10/8/82 DE':Q') 1 RR RV611mer E ier l'0/..'/82 .10 /82 n

c*TSB concurrence no longer necessary on Request for Proposal Actions.

1 D .


3 f

Gregory T. 0geka . 2 If you have any questions concerning the acceptance of this order, please contact Mr. C. Foslusny on-FTS 492-7067. .

s Sincerely, '

7- s, .

X, Richard H. Vol1mer, Director

, -s Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



1. State:nent- of Work
2. Proposal Content



3. 'NRC Form 173



cc: R.-Barber, HQ-00E W. Kato, BNL ,e f'

H. Grahn,-BNL, /

R. Bauer, 00E/CH00 /

J. Boccio / -





CMEB Reading File /

NRR Contract File /

FNolan /

OKubicki RFerguson VBenaroya '

SPawlicki /

WJohnston /


VZeoli DDandoj.s/ -

RVollmer CPos7usny hRR DE:D BGrenier RVollmer

.9/ /82 9/ /82 C)X.



DRubicki:ao FNolan RFerguson VBenaraya WJo % oslusny 9/ i o /82 -

9/e- /82 9/ L /82 9/ 4 /82 Peirton 9/4//82 (/ [/$ [ /82


  • 5,


Statement of Work PROJECT TITLE: Reliability cod Probablistic Assessments for Fire Events FIN Ho.: A 'I w B&R Ho,:

OA 20-19-10-14 4 PROJECT MANAGER: Frank Nolan (FTS 492-8997)

Background -

The TMI Action Plan (NUREG-0660), Task II.C Reliability Engineering and Risk Assessment, initiated a program for imple:aenting the use of probabilistic assessment techniques as an adjunct to the present safety review process. Probablistic safety studies have been performed on several: plants'and are being performed on all operating reactors.

Fire events have been assessed in'a few of these studies and these assessments have demonstrated the need for the development of a methodology and a data base to reduce the large uncertainties in such assessments. Also, our analysis of fire events in the operating '

plants has demonstrated the need for reliability studies of fire protection _ features used to avoid multiple failures of safety systems and adverse interactions between the fire protection features and the _

safety systems for non-firc design basis events.

. . Objective The objective of this project is, therefore, to (1) evaluate the NRC requirements regarding protection against fire events and their potential for either creating or avoiding adverse system interactions during fire and non-fire design basis events, (2) establish a methodology and data base for probabilistic assessment of fire events, and

' (3) develop guidance for the staff's evaluation of probabilistic assessments of fire events prepared by others.

Work Recuiretaents:

Task 1: .NRC Requirements Assessment Due 3/3/83 Estimated Level of Effort: 9 man months The contractor will evaluate NRC guidelines for protection against fire events as contained in Section 9.5.1, Fire Protection Program, of.the Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants' LWR Edition (July 1981) to assess each require-

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ment's _ contribution to ~ fire protection and_ its potential for causing ~ an adverse systems interaction-for fire and non-fire design basis events.

This will be accomplished by extending the models of existing PRA's

.' .such as WASH-1400, IREP and the' early . industry studies to . include these: fire protection requirements. Fire hazards, fire propagation,-

. plant system response and release-frequency'will be considered. The subject of multiple and dependent failure during a fire incidence, will also be considered. ,

Task 2: Data Base Due3/3/83

, n Estimated Level'of Effort: 6 man months The contractor will evaluate data bases, nuclear as well as non nuclear, presently available for probabilistic and reliability 4

assessments ~of fire events and fire protection features. If the data.

. base is inadequate, recommendations will be made to develop a suitable

! data base. An assessment of the effects of the present data base on

  • w rrent probabilistic assessments will be conducted. The following areas;will be assessed. .


1. Frequency / magnitude of fires, including transient material fires.

L 2. Refinements of prior distributions of the frequency of fires. '

3. Distribution of detection time conditional on item 1.
4. ' Distribution of suppression time conditional on item-1.

. 5. Frequency of fire with a secondary, independent initiating. event. -

6. Ccmponent responses to different magnitudes of fire.

1 Task 3: Methodology Assessment Due 11/30/83

~ Estimated Level of Effort: 7 man months ,

-The contractor will evaluate the current industry methodology used for the probabilistic assessment of fire events to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and uncertainties. State-of-the-art liter-ature on the modeling of fire propagation, input parameter and modeling uncertainties and modeling of detection and suppression will be used to evaluate current. methodology. In those areas where recently developed

more accurate techniques can be utilized to reduce the uncertainties of the current methodology recommendations will be made to establish e or develop a~ suitable methodology.

n Task 4: Evaluation Guidance Due 11/30/83 4

Estimated Level of Effort: 6 man months -

The contractor will prepare a topical report (NUREG) which sets forth guidance for the staff review of probabilistic risk assessments and system reliability assessments that are related to fire events and the >

systems interaction between fire, fire protection features, and safety

. systems. The ob ective of this task is to identify options for i ' implementing a r sk-based approach which addresses fire, by accounting i

for different contingencies related to using the results and procedures developed under Tasks 1, 2, arid 3 above, the availability of a standard

, methodology, and the deterministic review process. The contractor will i

identify:and discuss different ways the results might be used in the licensing and regulation of NPPs.

{ N -


3' Level of Effort and Period of Performance .

The level of effort -is estimated to be 28 staff-months over a 14 month period (October 1, 1982 to November 30,1983).

Reporting Requirements


1. Task Reports

, e-LA. report describing th'e evaluation and presenting the conclusions and recommendations of the studies will be prepared for Task 1, 2, 3, and

4. Draft reports for Tasks 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be provided two months before the final report is due. The final report will be a " Camera Ready" copy.
2. -Monthly Letter Reports 1 Each month, the contractor shall submit seven (7)~ copies of 'a Tetter! ' ~ ~ - -

report which:shal_1 contain for each Task: (1) a brief description of

.the work performed during the previous month which highlights signi-fican_t findings, current or anticipated problems, and proposed solutions to the problems; (2) a brief description of the work-to be performed during the next month; (3) the amount of funds expended during the previous month and the cumulative amount of funds expended to date.


Business Letter Report A montly business letter report will be submitted by the 15th of the month-to the Project Manager with copies provided to the Director, Division of Engineering, ATTN: C. Poslusny, DE, and Mr. B. L. Grenier, NRR. These reports will identify the title of the project, the FIN, the Principal Investigator, the period of performance, and the report-

'ing period and will contain 2 sections as follows:

Pro.iect Status Section

1. ' A listing of the efforts completed during the period; milestones reached, or if missed, an explanation provided. ,
2. Any problems or delays encountered or anticipated and recommendations for resolution.
3. A summary of progress to date (this may be expressed in terms of percentage completion for each task).
4. Plans for the next reporting period.

Financial Status Section- .

1. Provide the total cost (value) of the project as reflected in the proposal and the total amount of funds obligated to date.

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2. Provide the total amount of funds expended (costed) during the period and total cumulative to date as follows:

Period Cumulative

a. Labor related costs
b. Computer services c.. Travel
d. Subcontracts
e. Equipment Total -

( %) 2/


Providethetotalamountoffundsexpendedduringthepepod(costed) and cumulative to date for each task, i.e., each plant

3. Report Distribution The monthly letter reports shall be done by the 15th of each month, with distribution as follows:

Cognizant NRR Manager (F. Nolan) One (1) copy Technical Monitor (D. Kubicki) One (1) copy Director, Division of Engineering ATTN: One (1) copy, _

C. Poslusny One (1) copy W..Johnston One (1) copy V. Benaroya One (1) copy B. Grenier One (1) copy Contracting Officer One (1) copy Meetings and Travel:

BNL staff will at. tend a maximum of 6 meetings with the staff, ACRS, and where necessary, licensees over the period of performance. The meetings will be held in Bethesda, Washington, D.C. or at plant sites, utility offices or the offices of their consultants.

1/ If the recommended resolution involves a contract modification, i.e.,

change in work requirements, level of effort (costs), or period of performance, a se)arate letter should be prepared and submitted to the Director, )ivision of Engineering, ATTN: C. Poslesny, and a copy provided to the Project Manager and B. L. Grenier, NRR.

2/ Provide percentage against total funds obligated to date.

3/ Cost of licensing nuclear power must be kept by NRC under the Licensee Fee Program for the purpose of billing the utility for processing the application. *

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5 NRC Furnished Materials:

The contractor shall be provided with the NRC Furnished Materials at the commencement of the contract. Any information not available at that time will be furnished when available and a revised schedule will be established at that time.

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' PROPOSAL CONTENT The.minidum items required for preparation of all DOE proposals (NRC Form 189) are:-

B. Project Title - The title should be a unique identifier of the project reflecting a general idea of the encompassed work. In most cases, the title on the NRC Statement of Work (50W) should be used.

9.. 'Date of Proposal - Include revision number if applicable.

9. NRC Office - Indicate the NRC Office (s) supporting or requesting the work.
3. FIN Number and B&R Number - Indicate NRC's FIN Number and B&R Number, as provided on the 50W. .
3. . DOE Contractor - Performing organization's name. ,

3.- Site - Indicate location (s) of organization that will perform the work.

P. Contractor Account and DOE B&R Number - Highest level feasible.

D. Cognizant Personnel -NRC Project Manager and other NRC Technical Staff, if applicable; DOE Project Manager; and, the performing organization's key personnel: Project Manager and principal investigator (s), and FTS phone number; include their resumes D. Period of Performance - Provide proposed date of commencement of work and b;st-estimated completion date of the project.

30.. Staff-Years of Effort and Costs - Estimate to be incurred by DOE contractors, subcontractors, and consultants. List by fiscal year from start to completion of the project (FIN). Cost estimate will be consistent with DOE Manual 2200, the Pricing Manual, and thousands of dollars,

a. Staff-years of Effort (Laboratory personnel only):

(1) Direct Scientific / Technical (2) Other Direct (Graded) '

b. Costs:

Direct Salaries (FTE's)

Material and Services (Excluding ADP)

ADP Support

4) Subcontracts
5) Travel Expense (a) Domestic (b) Foreign Indirect Labor Costs Other (specify)

General and Administrative Expense (  %)

, Total Operating Cost

( Capital Equipment (FIN charged )

( Total Project Cost

}1. Monthly Forecast Expense - Provide the. planned monthly rate of costs by fiscal year.

i This may be provided wTth the first report of an authorized program if not known at time of proposal submittal. At the beginning of each subsequent year, reports should include the planned monthly rate of costs for the ensuing year. .

2. Forecast Milestone Chart - Complete as shown on NRC Fom 189.

)3. Aoproval Authority - Proposal must be signed by an appropriate laboratory or field activity representative. Note: This individual may or may not be the same person who

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signs the transmittal letter.

.- ,y ,


  • Proj~ct Description - Provide narrative descriptions of the following topics in the ord;r listea on plain paper attached to the NRC Form 189. If an item is not applicable, s_o state o_n_ the NRC Form 189.
a. Objective of Procosed Work (1) Background - Provide a,brief summary of the technical problem, issue, or need to orient the reader to the requirements for the work or end project.

(2) Objective - State concisely the performing organization's understanding of the objective (s).

5. Summary of Prior Efforts - Not applicable
c. Work Requirements - Describe the tasks and subtasks to be performed in such a manner that a disinterested third party can understand what is to be done and how it will be accomplished for the level of effort and period of performance proposed. Describe any assumptions being made pertinent to perfoming the work.

Provide criteria .or other bases upon which evaluations, judgment or other. action will be taken. Describe potential problems and recommend solutions. State and describe separately any options being proposed that require NRC approval before proceeding,


d. Reporting Reouirements - State the number, type, and other content of the reports requested or proposed to be provided, to whom and when they are to be submitted, and, if requested by NRC, whether drafts will be provided prior to finalization.
e. Meetings and Travel - State the number of trips that the performing organization will require to perform the work and identify where and how many people are expected to travel. If no travel is expected or required, state none. Foreign travel must be addressed separately and approval must be obtained by processing NRC Form 445 in addition to being provided as part of the approved proposal.
f. NRC Furnished Material - Specify any equipment, background reports or data, or other specific materials required to be provided by NRC.
g. Descriotiori of Any Follow-On Efforts - Not applicable.
h. Relationship to Other Projects - Identify related projects that either (1) generate information that will be needed to accomplish the work proposed under this project or (2) will use information generated by this project, and (3) support a common objective. If none, so state on the NRC Fom 189.
i. Subcontractor Information - Identify the subcontrac or or consultant and describe any effort that will be performed by a subcontracter or consultant, and reference the task or subtask described under the work re;uirements that the subcontractor or consultant effort will support. Any work perforred by the subcontractor on behalf of the nuclear industry that might give rise to an apparent or actual conflict of interest must be described. If the subcontractor is not known at the time the proposal is being submitted, so indicate and describe status and expected time frame for selection of the subcontractor (s) or consultant (s).
j. New Capital Equioment Required - List all capital equipment which must be purchased by the performing organization to perform the described work.
k. Special Facilities Reouired - Describe any new special facilities required to perform this project.
1. Conflict of Interest Information - Describe any significant contractual and organizational relationships of the DOE and its contractor on this proposal with industries regulated by the NRC (e g., utilities, etc.) and suppliers thereof (e.g., architect engineers and reactor manufacturers, etc.) that might give rise {

f n_ an annarant ne n e_tn11_ e nn (1 M a f { n t a rm e t .



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LOGGED-IN: 10/12/82-TITLE (FIN): ,

BNL, " Reliability and- Probabilistic Assessments for.

Fire Events,"

'DUE.DATE: 10/13/82





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