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CPaugh (P-415)
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$$AI I g3 ZRosztoczy, OST Concurrences Mr. Gregory J. Ogeka, Chief Administrative Branch Brookhaven Area Office U. S. Department of Energy Upton, New York 11973
Dear Mr. Ogeka:
BNL Technical Assistance to the Division of Engineering, NRR, NRC - Reliability and Probabilistic Assessments for Fire Events (A3710)
The enclosed NRC Form 173, Standard Order for 00E Work, is hereby sub-mitted in accordance with Section III B.2 of the DOE /NRC Memorandum of Understanding, dated February 24, 1978.
Funding authorization in the amount of $10,000 was pro $ided during FY-1983.
The purpose of this letter is to provide $114,000 in incremental funding for continuation of the program.
I will provide additional incremental funding upon reviu of tt.e costing rate and progress of the tasks in the contract.
In addition, I accept your proposal dated February 18, 1983, except for item (2) (IV) under the objective of proposed work sect *on.
If we require BNL assistance related to the work requirements under this ' contract we will initiate a new FIN.
If you have any questions concerning this action, please contact Mr.
C. Poslusny on FTS 492-7067.
Sincerely, I
l Richard m
, Director Divi 468 of Engineering s
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NRC Form 173 s,
R.sBarber, HQ/00E N.Bauer,'CH00/00E A. Romano, BNL H. Grahn, BNL 0505230006 041002 PDR FOIA SHOLLYO4-243 PDR
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