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Forwards Std Order for DOE Work: Reliability & Probabilistic Assessment for Fire Events, Deobligating Funds for Diversion to BNL FIN A-3703, Fire Probabilistic Model Reviews
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/28/1983
From: Vollmer R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Ogeka G
Shared Package
ML20127A418 List: ... further results
CON-FIN-A-3703, CON-FIN-A-3710, FOIA-84-243 NUDOCS 8505230035
Download: ML20127L607 (2)



SEP 2 81983 RFerguson VBenaraya WJohnston EPentecost VZeoli.

DDandois ZRosztoczy, DST CPaugh, P-415

!*r. Gregory J. Cgeka,itanager Administrative 3 ranch Brookhaven Area Office U. S. Department of Energy Upton, i.'ew York 11973

Dear ifr. Ogeka:


BHL Technical Assistance to the Division of Engineerinc, !!'"',

NRC "Peliability and Probabfifstic Assessnents for Fire Events" A3716 and " Fire Probabilistic "odel 'teviews" A3703 x_.

The enclosed ifRC Fom 173, Standard Order for DOE Uork, is hereby sub-nitted in accordance with Section III 11.2 of the DOE /?!RC l'enorandca of Understanding, dated February 24, 1978.

Funding authorizations totalling S124,000 for FI?! A3710 were provided through FY 1983. The purpose of this letter is to transfer funds in the amount of $3,000 from FIN A3710 to FIM A3703 as described in the enclosure.

FY 1903 funds in the amount of $130,000 have been provided to date for Fill A3703.

This letter authorizes $8,000 in additional incrorental funds for the additional wrk identified in two letters, "r. A. J. Rmano to i'r. E. Pentecost, dated June 14 and July 20, 1903.

This additional funding covers all outstanding work and cenpletes the croject during Y 1M.

If you have any questions concerning the acceptance of this order, please contact f!r. E. Pentecost on FTS 492-7067.

Sincerely, 8505230035 841002 Originalsigned by:

S$LLh 243 PDR Richard H. Vollner, Director Division of" Engineering Office of !!uclear Reactor Reculation


HRC Fom 173 cc:

W. Kato, BUL H. Rauch, DOE /CHOO R. Barber, HQ/ DOE


J. Weeks, BHL


A. Ronano, BUL

  • See Previous Concurrence

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DISTRIBUTION NRR Contract File (DCorley)

FNolan RFerguson VBenaroya WJohnston EPentecost VZeoli

' Mr. Gregory J. Ogeka, Manager DDandois Administrative Branch

/ZRosztoczy, DST Brookhaven Area Office

/ CPaugh, P-415 U. S. Department of Energy


Upton, New York 11973



Dear Mr. Ogeka:





BNL\\ Technical Assistance to the Division of Engineering, NRR, NRC '{tsi A3710 and " Fire Probabi/listic Model Rev

' Reliability and Probabilis,f.ic Assessments for Fire Even



The enclosed NRC Form 173, Standard Order for DOE Work, is hereby sub-mitted in accordance'with Section III,B.2 of the DOE /NRC Memorandum of Understanding-daterPebruary a,1978.



Funding authorizations totalling $124,000 for FIN A3710 were provided through FY 1983.

The purpose of this letter is to transfer funds in the amount of $8,000 from FINsA3710 to FIN A3703 as described in the enclosure.

p FY 83 funds in the amount of $1.07,000 have been provided to date for FIN A3703.

This letter autnorfzess$8,000 in additional incremental funds for the additional work identffied 'in two letters, Mr. A. J. Romano to Mr. E. Pentecost, dated June,14 and July 20, 1983.

This additional funding covers all outstanding work anct completes the project during FY 1983.



If you have any questions concerning the ' acceptance of this order, please contact Mr. E. Pentecost on FTS 492-7067. \\




Richard H. Vollmer, Director Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


NRC Form 173 cc:

W. Kato, BNL H. Rauch, 00E/CH00 R. Barber,'HQ/ DOE J. Weeks, BNL A. Romano, BNL

, X Lj



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