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Forwards Std Order for DOE Work: Probabilistic Response & Response Spectra for Category I Structures. Order Provides Funding to Begin Project & Modifies BNL 830302 Proposal
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/29/1983
From: Vollmer R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Ogeka G
Shared Package
ML20127A418 List: ... further results
CON-FIN-A-3721-3, FOIA-84-243 NUDOCS 8307180444
Download: ML20127A747 (1)



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DISTRIBUTION J1)N 2 31983 Central File (DCB 016)

SG B Rdg. File R Contract File (BGrenier) i a

N.Chokshi D. Jeng (tr. Gregory J. Ogeka, Chief G. Lear Administrative Branch E. Pentecost Brookhaven Area Office R. Vollmer U. S. Department of Energy ZRostoczy Upton, New York 11973 V. Zeoli, CON D. Dandois, CON

Dear ttr. Ogeka:


BNL Technical Assistance to the Division of Engineering, i!RR, ilRC "Probabilistic Resoonse and Response Spectra for Category I Structures" M The enclosed flRC Fom 173, Standard Order for DOE Uork, is hereby submitted in-accordance with-Section-III-Bd of-the-DOE /NRC-ficacrandum of Understanding, dated February 24, 1973.

The purpose of this letter is to provide $50,000 in funding to begin the subject project and modify the 8t!L proposal dated Itarch 2,1933. Please submit a revised NRC Fom 189 based on these modifications. Until the proposal is revised and accepted, Bill efforts should concentrate on Subtasks a and d of Task 2 of the t-! arch 2,1983 proposal.

If you have any questions concerning the acceptance of this order, please contact lir. E. Pantecost on FTS 492-7067. Thank ycu for your assistance.

Sincerely, briginalsi# D Richard H. Vollmer, Director Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. NRC Fom 173


2. ftodification to Statement of Work cc:

R. Barber, liq-DOE W. Kato, Bliu H. Grahn, BNL Il. Reich, Bt!L R. Bauer, DOE-CHOO 5/


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