IR 05000461/1986007

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Safety Insp Rept 50-461/86-07 on 860121-24.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Progress in Implementing Fire Protection Program,Fire Protection Const, Preoperational Test Program & Followup on Previous Insp
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/1986
From: Guldemond W, Ulie J
Shared Package
ML20140E735 List:
50-461-86-07, 50-461-86-7, NUDOCS 8602040069
Download: ML20140E751 (6)







Report No. 50-461/86007(DRS) License No. CPPR-137 Docket No. 50-461 Licensee: Illinois Power Company 500 Scuth 27th Street Decatur, IL 62525 Facility Name: Clinton Power Station Ir.spection At: Clinton Site, Clinton, Illinois Inspection Conducted: January 21-24, 1986 ( /3 Inspector .[osephM.Uliew?.(Mit j

,/ J,o Date '

4 f kkkY ~O Approved By: William G. Guldemond, Chief f Jo[f,f /

Operational Prograns Section D~ ate Inspection Sumary Inspection on January 21-24, 1986 (Report N Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspecTtiin by i Regio'n ITI50-461/86007(~


to determine the licensee's progress in irrplementing the fire protection program including the fire protection construction and preoperational test progran, and a followup of items opened during a previcus inspection visit (Inspection Report 50-461/85047). The inspection involved 30 inspector-hours onsite and in-office by one NRC Regicnal inspector including six inspector-hours onsite during off-shifts. This inspection was conducted in accordance with Inspection Procedures 30703, 92701, 92702, and 99014 Resul ts: No violations or deviations were identifie peg 2 288eX Bs8$r G


DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted Illinois Power Company

  • R. P. Bhat, Supervisor, Fire Protection and HVAC
  • J. A. Brownell, Licensing Specialist
  • J. G. Cook, Assistant Plant Manager
  • Ccnnell, Manager, Quality Assurance
  • H. E. Daniels, Jr., Project Manager
  • J. Greene, Manager, Startup
  • D. L. Holtzscher, Director, Nuclear Safety
  • R. T. Kerestes, Project Manager, Fire Protection
  • J. S. Perry, Manager, Nuclear Program Coordination
  • C. D. Schaefer, Director, Fiscal Management and Planning
  • D. C. Shelton, Manager, NSED
  • J. V. Sipek, Supervisor, Plant Fire Protection 0. Villarreal, Staff Engineer
  • D. W. Wilson, Supervising Licensing Administrator Baldwin Associates
  • D. J. Schlafka, Project Manager
  • J. L. Thompson, Quality Engineering Manager Sargent and Lundy
  • D. K. Schopfer, Project Site Manager USNRC Personnel
  • P. Hiland, Resident Inspector The inspector also contacted other plant personnel including plant staff, training, and construction personne * Denotes persons attending the exit meeting on January 24, 1926.

2. Actions o_n Previo_us Inspection Findings

_ (Closed) Open Item (461/85047-01): Regarding the licensee's

' agreerrent with the local offsite fire departrrent, the section entitled, " Agreement to Furnish Fire Protection," did not specif-ically indicate that annual training between the plant fire brigade and offsite fire department is to take place barring any unforeseen


i l emergency (i.e., onsite or offsite actual incident or emergency). By

Illinois Power Company (IPC) letter dated November 12, 1985, to the

! Clinton Fire Department (CFD), the licensee requested clarification to the IPC and CFD mutual aid agreement relatise to the concerns



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raised in Inspection Repcrt 85047. By letter dated tiovember 19, 1985, the Ccmissioner of Public Health and Safety for the City of Clinton responded to the IFC letter, indicating his concurrence (referencing the IPC discussions with hRC) that annual drills will be held involving the CFD and the IPC (Clinton Power Station) fire brigade barring any unforeseen actual energency occurring. In addition, the licensee contacted the Famer City Fire Departnent also requesting clarification of the irutual aid agreement between Farmer City and the licensee. The Fire Chief of the City Fire Department also responded with his concurrence of having annual drills held at the Clinton Power Statio b. (Closed) Open Item (461/85047-02): A review of the "Agreenent for Secondary Fire Protection With the City of Clinton, IL" does not clearly delineate the respcnsibilities and duties of the local fire department coordinating efforts with the onsite fire brigade including the under standing of lead responsibilities during the emergency incident. In the same letters trentioned in closure of Open Item (461/85047-01), the licensee requested and received frca both the City of Clinton and the Farner City Fire Department clarification as to the functions of the city fire departrents when involved in an incident at the Clinton Power Station. Specifically, the cities representatives agreed that the function of their respectivc city fire departments is one of support to the Clinton Power Station fire brigade and also that the Clinton Pcwer Station Shift Superti;or and/or fire brigade leader shall asstme the overall respcnsibility in an emergency at the plant sit c. (Closed) Open Item (461/85047-04): Step 6.0 of CPS Procedure fio. 1893.03, Revision 2, dated February,1985, indicates that the storage of combustible and flammable raterials and liquids is prchibited in or adjacent to safety-related areas, except in designated storage areas. Attachtrent tio. 3 of fiRC supplemental guidance document titled, "fluclear Plant Fire Protection Functional Responsibilities, Administrative Controls, and Quality Assurance,"

comnitted to by the licensce in their letter of fiovember 19, 1981, prohibits the storage of combustible and flamable materials in safety-related areas. The inspector indicated that only those ccmbustible/ flammable materials needed for the operation of equipment in a particular safety-related area should be allowed and should include appropriate administrative controls. The licensee's staff provided the inspector a copy of the revised (Revision 4) procedure numbered 1893.03, dated January 20, 198 The revised prccedure has deleted the excepticn in the procedure so that the storage of combustible and flanmable materials and liquids is prohibited in or adjacent to safety-related area (Closed) Open Iten (461/85047-05): The Instructor's Lesson Plan fio.12012, Revision 0, dated June 1985, and the Fircwatch Training Student Handbook, Revision 0, also dated June 1985, did not describe in sufficient detail the operation of each type of portable extinguisher used onsite, including advantages, disadvantages, and hazards associated with the individual type portable extinguishe .

The inspector was provided with copies of the revised Instructors Lesson Plan No. 12012 and the Firewatch Training Student Handbook and found the revisions to be satisfactory with minor corraent e. (Closed) Violation (461/85047-08): The licensee failed to properly calibrate the fire hose standpipe pressure restricting valves located in the Fuel Building, and failed to inspect the portable fire extinguishers also located in the Fuel Building in accordance with the established mcnthly procedure. The inspector reviewed the revised (Revision 20) fire hose staedpipe inspection procedure No. CPS 9071.17, dated December 16, 1985, which does now include inspection verification of the standpipe pressure restricting valve's settings. The inspector fcund the procedure satisfactor the violation except for clarification of Attachment 1 (y relative drawing) of to Procedure No. CPS 9071.17 regarding the setting of the Badger /

Powhattan pressure reducing devices. During a plant tour on January 23, 1986, the inspector verified that monthly inspections of the portable fire extinguishers installed in the Fuel Building have been being performed as required by Procedure 1150.01. Also during this tour the inspector verified the fire hose standpipe pressure restricting valves have been set in accordance with Procedure No. CPS 9071.1 f. (Closed) Open Item (461/85047-09): Bisco Test Reports numbered 748-81 and 748-100 did not clearly identify the thermocouple (s)

positioned on the unexposed seal surface and its applicable temperature measurements. According to the licensee's written resolution to this issue, for Bisco Test Report 748-81, the surface temperatures are shown as Thermocouples 1 and 6 on Table 2 of the report, and for Bisco Test Report 748-100, the surface temperatures are shown as Thermocouples 5,10, and 11 on Table 2 of that repor A review of the fire test configurations in each report appears to support the licensee's position. The inspector also reviewed other Bisco test reports which also support the licensee's positio (0 pen) Open Item (461/85047-11): The inspector's review detennined that the two test reports had apparent temperature measurements taken during the test that exceeded hRC allowable limits. In addition, the licensee also comitted to meet ASTM E-119 test standard criteria as indicated in Section 9.5 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).

In the first test report reviewed, Bisco Test Report No. 748-15 showed Conduit 8. Thermocouple No. 2 having exceeded the NRC and ASTM E-119 allowable temperature (325 F) at one hour and fifty minutes into the test (350 F) and rising to 470 F at three hcurs into the test (test duration was three hours); and Conduit 9, Thermocouple No. 2 having measured 335 F at two hours and twenty minutes into the test and rising to 390 F at three hours into the test. The second test report reviewed, Bisco Test Report No. 748-64 showed Thermocouple No. 8 having exceeded the NRC and ASTM E-119 allowable temperature (325 F) at two hours and ten minutes into the test (346 F) and rising to 409 F at three hours into the test (test

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duration was three hours). During the inspector's January 21-24, 1986, inspecticn visit, a considerable amount of inspector-hours regarding this issue were held, although adequate resolution was not achieve Consequently on January 24, 1986, a telephone conference call was held between the licensee's engineering and licensing staff, the Region III based inspector, and the NRR Fire Protection Reviewer concerning this issue. As a result, the licensee was requested to submit in writing the supporting information (to be submitted as a deviation request) discussed during the conference call to NRR for review. This item remains open pending NRR revie (Closed) Open Item (461/85047-12): The Reactor Building air lock doors are not fire rated as stated in Section D.1.(j) of Appendix A to the Branch Technical Fosition (BTP) Auxiliary Power and Ccnversion Systets Branch 9.5-1. The licensee acknowledged that the airlock


dcors and/or hatches installed in the containment and drywell bcundaries (four airlock type doors / hatches) are not tested or labeled as 3-hour fire doors. As a result, the licensee has requested a deviation from NRC guidelines by providing their justification to hRR. Based on NRR's acceptance in a Supplemental SER of the licensee's engineering justification as verbally accepted by NRR during a November 1985 meeting with the licensee's staff in Bethesda, Maryland (meeting minutes documented in an NRC letter dated November 13,1985), this issue is considered close (Closed) Open Item (461/65047-13): At the time of the September 9-13, 1985, inspecticn visit, the licensee was unable to justify the two-hour fire resistance rating attributed to the eight-inch thick hollow concrete block walls serving as fire barriers. According to the licensee, to confirm the manufacturer's test docunentation, physical tests were performed on five blocks selected at random, to verify the two-hour fire resistant ratin The blocks were tested in accordance with ASTM C140, Sar.pling and Testing of Concrete Masonry Units, and ASTM C856, Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete. The inspector reviewed the test results of the blocks dated June 27, 1985, which indicated that the blocks were made of calcareous gravel with a fire resistant rating of approximately 1.9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br />. The fire resistance rating of 1.9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> has been used in the update of the Fire Protection Evaluation Report (FPER) and the Safe Shutdown Analysis (SSA). Based on NRR's acceptance in a Supplemental SER of the licensee's engineering justification as verbally accepted by NRR during a Nascmber 1985 teeting with the licensee's staff in Bethesda, Maryland (meeting minutes documented in an NRC letter dated hovember 13,1985),this issue is considered close (Closed) Open Item (461/85047-15): Structural steel forming a part of a fire barrier in the diesel generator day tank room is not protected as recommended in Section D.1.(j) of Appendix A to the Branch Technical Position APCSB 9.5-1. According to the licensee the


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steel is not structural steel, but was only used as a terporary support for het concrete of the roof slab and to add shear resistance tc the joint detail. The licensee provided Detail A21-1070-18 which showed that the concrete wall which has the embedrent plate for the angle is ccntinuous and has no gaps thereby providing a continuous fire barrier. Based on NRR's acceptance in a Supplemental SER of the licensee's engineering justification as verbally accepted by N during a hoven.ber 1985 reeting with the licensee's staff in Bethesda, Maryland (reeting minutes docurrented in an NRC letter dated November 13,1985), this issue is considered close . Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee reprerentatises (denoted in Paragraph 1)

on January 24, 1986. The inspector curriarized the scope and findings of the inspection. The inspector also discussed the likely informational content of the inspection report v.ith regard to docunients or processes reviewed by the inspector during the inspection. The licensee did not identify any such docurrents or processes as proprietary. The licensee acknowledged the statcrents rade by the inspector with respcct to the findin,g ___ _ - _ __ , _ _ _ . __