IR 05000461/1986024

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Insp Rept 50-461/86-24 on 860318-0416.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Radwaste & Radiation Protection Programs,Including Organization,Staffing,Qualifications & ALARA
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/23/1986
From: Gill C, Greger L, Paul R
Shared Package
ML20210L091 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-2.B.3, TASK-2.F.1, TASK-TM 50-461-86-24, NUDOCS 8604290176
Download: ML20210L097 (7)







Report No. 50-461/86024(DRSS)

Docket No. 50-461 License No. CPPR-137 Licensee:

Illinois Power Company 500 South 27th Street Decatur, IL 62525 Facility Name: Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 Inspection At: Clinton Site, Clinton, IL Inspection Conducted: March 18-20, 27, and April 1-3, 14-16, 1986 b8 Yuk ly

//dM4 Inspectors:

'R. A. Paul Date c.%kd C. F. Gill l/ 73 /d D/te /

4 9'. %%/&

Approved By:

L. R. Greger, Chief

'/ >/56 Facilities Radiation Protection Date Section Inspection Summary Inspection on March 18-20, 27, and April 1-3, 14-16, 1986 (Report No. 50-461/86024(DRSS))

Areas Inspected: Routine announced inspection of preoperational radwaste and radiation protection programs, including:

organization, staffing, and qualifications; ALARA; external exposure control program; procedures and preoperational' tests of liquid and gaseous effluent, process, and area monitors; the solid radwaste solidification system; and open items.

Results: No violations or deviations were identified.

8604290176 e60423 PDR ADOCK 05000461 G


-. _ _...













Persons Contacted

  • G. Bell, Assistant to Manager, Scheduling and 0.M.
  • J. Brownell, Staff Specialist, Licensing
  • H. Daniels, Project Manager
  1. A. Fanning, System Startup Engineer
  1. R. Freeman, Program Manager, ARPR
  • J. Greene, Manager of Startup j
  • D. Hall, Vice President
  • D. Hillyer, Supervisor, Radiation Protection


  • D. Holesinger, Director, Startup Testing
  1. +L. Holtman, Staff Engineer
  1. +D. Holtzscher, Director, Nuclear Safety



  1. +J. Hunsicker, Supervising Engineer
  1. +J. Lockridge, Supervisor Radiological Engineering i


  • R. Schaller, Director Nuclear Training
  • D. Shelton, Manager, NSED


  • F. Spangenberg, Director, Nuclear Licensing
  • D Sykes, Radwaste Supervisor
  1. T. Vaughn, Special Assistant to NSED Manager
  1. D. Wilson, Supervisor of Licensing Administration
  • J. Wilson, Plant Manager
  1. +G. Davidson, Shielding Project Engineer, Sargent and Lundy
  1. +M. Kaiseruddin, Group Supervisor, Sargent and Lundy

+J. Shonka, Prinicpal Scientist, Atlan-Tech, Inc.

+G. Stinson, Engineer, Stone and Webster

  1. +C. Gill, NRC/ Region III, Radiation Specialist
  • P. Hiland, NRC Resident Inspector
  1. J. Lee, NRC/NRR, Nuclear Engineer
  1. B. Siegel, NRC/NRR, Project Manager The inspectors also contacted other licensee employees and contractors.

+ Denotes those present at a meeting in the NRC Region III offices on March 27, 1986.

  1. Denotes those present at meetings by telephone on April 14-16, 1986.


General This inspection, which began at 10:00 a.m. on March 18, 1986, was conducted to review:

the status of preoperational testing of the liquid, gaseous, and solid radwaste systems; the preoperational radiation protection program; radiation monitoring systems; ALARA; and open items.

Extensive tours of the licensee's facility were made during the inspection.





Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Open Item (461/85005-38): Verify additional shielding was provided around the post accident sampling panel, and the exhaust from the Main Steam Line Isolation Valve - Leakage Control System (MSIV-LCS)

was routed into the Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS). An inspector verified that additional shielding has been installed around the post accident sampling system in accordance with Engineering Change Notice (ECN) 12274 and Traveler S-3974, and that the exhaust from the MSIV-LCS has been routed into the SGTS in accordance with ECN 3269 and Travelers IS-764, IS-2-A, IS-1-A, and IS-1-C.

(Closed) Open Item (461/84001-03):

Review of liquid radwaste procedures concerning liquid releases / alarm setpoints, laboratory analyses, sampling and analysis, sampling schedules, and surveillance and calibration for process monitor instrumentation. These procedures have been developed, implemented, and selected procedures were reviewed by an inspector.

(Closed) Open Item (461/84026-01): Status of preoperational tests of the Liquid Radwaste Process Monitors. See Section 8.

(Closed) Open Item (461/84026-03); Review licensee progress in the strengthening of the ALARA program. Administrative procedures have been issued to proceduralize the ALARA program in accordance with Corporate Nuclear Procedure CNP 5.01, Radiological Control Program. These procedures describe the ALARA program, including functions and responsibilities of the Radiological Improvement Committee and the ALARA Committee, and the methods by which design changes, plant modifications, and radiological work acti-vities are reviewed to ensure radiological considerations are consistent with ALARA commitments. Selected portions of these procedures were reviewed. The licensee's actions should strengthen the ALARA program.

(Closed) Open Item (461/84009-01):

Review of test and test procedures for the gaseous radwaste system. See Section 6.

(0 pen) Open Item (461/85004-01): Complete compliance and action plan reports for NUREG-0737 Items II.B.3 and II.F.1 (Attachments 1, 2, and 3).

A workino staff meeting was held in the NRC/ Region III offices, at the licensee's request, on March 27, 1986, to resolve compliance documentation issues. At that meeting approximately 75% of the remaining action items were closed; most of the remaining action items were not ready for review.

Also, conference telephone calls were conducted with the licensee by the NRC (NRR and Region III) on April 14-16, 1986 to discuss the resolution of certain compliance issues. As a result of these discussions, the NRC has concluded that the licensee has adequately demonstrated the acceptability of the AXM-1 noble gas post accident effluent monitoring system's range, range overlap, and accuracy; the scope of the system's calibration program also appears adequate.




Radwaste Organization, Staffing, Qualifications The radwaste organization is fully staffed. Currently, there is a Radwaste Supervisor, Liquid Radwaste Supervisor, Solid Radwaste Supervisor, Decontamination Supervisor, and two Assistant Supervisors.

Nith the exception of the Solid Radwaste Supervisor, all other supervisors are qualified as supervisors not requiring NRC licensing as specified in Section 4.3.2 of ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978. There are nine Radwaste Operation Control (ROC) operators; all meet the technician qualification requirements specified in Section 4.5.2 o' ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978. There are also nine radwaste operators who are not required to meet ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978 requirements, although most radwaste operators meet or excred the requirements.

There is a required training program for ROC and radwaste operators. The program includes task oriented and on the job radwaste, nuclear systems, and respiratory training. The operators must be qualified in all systems pertaining to the radwaste system.

Currently, not all ROC and radwaste operators have completed the training requirements; they are considered provisionally qualified.

It is the licensee's intent to have all operators fully trained before they will be qualified to operate the radwaste system.

In February 1986, a ROC operator performed an improper evolution while attempting to neutralize a chemical waste tank with the normal acid and caustic injection systems out of service; acid was accidentally routed to an oil separator. This evolution resulted in release of explosive gases into the condensate polisher room and nearby areas.

The inspectors found that the licensee's investigation of the incident was good, and their corrective actions to prevent recurrence were adequate. This matter was discussed at the exit meeting.


Exposure Control program - External There were no significant changes in the external exposure control program previously described in Inspection Report No. 50-461/85028.

The licensee has developed mechanisms to ensure that persons who have received exposures in any given calendar quarter will not exceed quarterly exposure limits; developed a TLD-SRD comparison program; implemented an in-house TLD-SRD quality assurance (QA) program; and has performed a QA audit of the TLD vendor. Problems found during the vendor audit concerned beta and neutron sensitivities and correction factors; these concerns were discussed with an auditor. The licensee and the vendor are working together to resolve the concerns.


Gaseous Radwaste System (OG System)

To date, no operational testing of the OG System has been performed.

In a letter to NRR, dated March 12, 1986, the licensee requested deferral of the OG System preoperational testing until after fuel load.

These tests include operation and verification of refrigeration units, dryers, inter-locks, controls and alarms, hydrogen analyzers, remotely operated valves, and filter efficiency. The preoperational test procedures have been developed.

Selected test procedures were reviewed by the inspectors; no problems were noted.




The glycol cooling portion of the offgas system has been flushed. The procedure used to flush the system (FTP-0G-01), and the test log sheets,


were reviewed. Test procedure HTP-0G-01 was used to hydro test the system; l

testing was completed on March 21, 1986.

The test results remain to be




Radiation Monitors To date, approximately 70% of the preoperational testing has been completed on fixed process and area radiation monitors. Startup calibration has been t

completed on 95% of the area radiation monitors; 85% of the safety, liquid effluent, and post-treatment monitors; and 100% of the constant air monitors.

Systems operability is expected before fuel load.

The following is the status of the gaseous, particulate, and iodine process radiation monitoring systems:

Number of Monitors Process Channels Detectors Status A.

Safety-Related Systems l

Containment Building Fuel

GM-Tube Turned over to Transfer Ventilation plant staff;


Plenum calibration not completed Containment Building

GM-Tube Same as above Vent Exhaust Fuel Building

GM-Tube Same as above Vent Exhaust Main Control Room

GM-Tube Same as above Air Intake B.

System Required for Plant Operation


Post-Treatment 4 per GM-Tube; Same as above Air-Ejector Offgas monitor Beta and NaI Scintillators



GM-Tube Not turned over Air-Ejector Of fgas to plant staff; calibrations not performed Common Station HVAC 4 per Beta and NaI Same as above Exhaust monitor Scintillators L

SGTS Exhaust 6 per GM-Tube; Same as above monitor Beta and NaI




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The procedures for preoperational testing and calibration have been developed and approved. Although most preoperational calibrations have been completed, further preoperational testing is required. With the exception of the Containment Building Vent Exhaust and Fuel Building Vent Exhaust Monitors, all gaseous process monitors were verified by an inspector to be of the type described and installed in the location described in the FSAR. Selected review of calibration procedures (Series 7910 and 9900) were made; no problems were noted.

With the exception of the HVAC and SGTS effluent monitor low range channels (detectors), all process effluent monitors will be calibrated by the plant staff in accordance with their calibration procedures. The low range detectors of the normal range HVAC and SGTS systems will be calibrated by a contractor in accordance with calibration methods described in a letter to NRR dated March 10, 1986. The results of these calibrations will be reviewed during a future inspection (50-461/86024-01).


Liquid Process Radiation Monitors (LPRM's)

The procedures for testing and calibration have been developed and approved.

No preoperational testing has been performed.

Calibrations have been completed in accordance with the preoperational calibration procedures.

A problem concerning the LPRM iodine channel detection sensitivity was identified. The licensee's startup testing group is working on the iodine detection problem and expects to complete preoperational testing by April 15, 1986.

i Four LPRM's have been turned over to plant staff; the remainder should l

be turned over by the end of April 1986. The plant staff intends to functionally test and calibrate each LPRM. An inspector and a licensee representative walked down each LPRM and verified they are of the type described, and installed in the location described in the FSAR.




Radwaste Solidification System The Associated Technologies Incorporated (ATI) radwaste solidification system (described in Inspection Report No. 50-461/85028) has not been installed. The plant piping that will feed the vendor system is installed, preoperational hydro flush testing of the piping and trouble shooting on instruments and equipment has begun.

In a letter to NRR, dated March 12, 1986, the licensee requested deferral of certain system preoperational testing (i.e. demonstration of trash compacting and handling equipment, and integrated system performance testing) until after fuel load.

The ATI system is scheduled to be installed and tested onsite by the end of April 1986.

Integrated tests have been performed by ATI at their facility; the licensee observed the tests and reviewed the test results.

After installation, the licensee will test the system using sludge and cold resins, train all utility persons who will use the system, and perform an ALARA review of the installed system.

Revision 1 of the Process Control Program (PCP) is being reviewed by NRR; the licensee is awaiting approval.





An ALARA review of the installed radwaste feed system indicated high radiation fields would be created because portions of the piping and equipment were not shielded. According to the licensee, shielding was to be installed at a later date, however, not necessarily before use of the system. This matter was discussed at the exit meeting and will be reviewed during a future inspection.


10. Exit Meeting The inspectors met with the licensee representatives (denoted in Section 1)

in the NRC Region III offices on March 27, 1986, at the conclusion of the inspection on April 3, 1986, and by telephone on April 14-16, 1986..The scope and rindings of the inspection were summarized. The inspectors also discussed the likely information content of the inspection report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the inspectors during the inspection. The licensee identified no such documents / processes as proprietary.

In response to certain items discussed by the inspectors, the licensee stated they would review the feasibility of installing shielding on the in-house portion of the radwaste solidification system before startup. The licensee also acknowledged the inspectors' comments concerning the importance of ensuring that all operators involved in the radwaste processing system are qualified and that the corrective actions taken regarding the incident described in Section 4 of this report be implemented.



