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Submits Emergency Response Data Sys Implementation Program Plan.Schedule for Completing Implementation Activities by 910213 Encl
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1991
From: Cottle W
GNRO-91-00174, GNRO-91-174, NUDOCS 9111060140
Download: ML20079L180 (5)


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I Ent7 n op.e.uone, anc.

4 -lt l W. T. Cot tle October 28, 1991 U.S. Nuclent Regulntory Commlnsion Heil St at lon l'1-137 Washington, D.C. 205S5 Ati etit f on: Dotument ContIol lh'nk Siihject : Grntid Gul f Nuclelt Stntion Unit 1 Dock et No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29 Emergency Responnn Data System implementntion Program Plan GNRO-91/00174 Gentlement A PJnal Ruin nmending 10CFR l'ntt 50 was published in t he rederni Negist er on August 13, 1991 reganling t he Emergency Response Data System (ERDS).

Thn Rulo requires sabmittal of an EKDS implementatlon program plan to the ,

NRC by October 28, 1991, niul implementation of the system by F,brunty l't. 1993.

In occoidance with thn-Rule, attached is the implementatioti program plon for Grand Gulf Nuclear Stat lon (GGNS). The pinn was prepared in necordance with the Rule and the discussions held between GUNS staf f and t he NkC on October 4, lu91, at the NRC Reg!on 11 offlee. lucluded In t he pinn is a scheduln for complet ing our implomont ation art ivit.f en by February 13, 1993.

Plennn contnct thin offlen idiculd you have any questions or desito oddit ionn t information concer ning t his mat t er.

You n truly, h N-WTC/ItEK/mtc attechment: EhDS Impicmentation Program Plan cc: (See Next Page) 09110111/5NI.1 CPI,R - 1 fi i ^

9111060140 911ON,6 DR ADOCK0500g kN

. . t I

, cetober 28, 1991 i GNRO 91/00174 Pago 2 of 3  ;

l t

cc Mr. D. C. Illut z (w/n)

Mr. J. L. Mathis (w/n)  ;

- H r . R . 11 McGehen (w/n) ,

Mr. N. S. Reynolds (w/n) [

Hr. II. L. Thoman (w/o) l  ;

Mr. Stewart D. I:bneter (w/a) ,

Regionn! Administrator  !

U.S. Nuclent Regulatory Commission Region 11 101-Mariotta St.. N.W., Sutto 2900 Atinntn, Ocorgin 30323 Mr. P. W. O'Cennor, Project Hannger (w/n)

Offico of Nucionr Reactor Regulation L

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  ;

fin 11 Mt op -1J,13 i Washington, D.C. 20555 j Hr. John R. Jolicoeur (w/n) i U.S. Nuclear Pngulatory Commiasjon Hall-Stop MNDil-:1206 Washington, D.C. 20555 Hr.-Tony P. LaRosa (w/a) linillinirton NUS/f.nnrgy Groty P. - O.11ox 50736  ;

Idaho Falls. 10 83405 (

9 l


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1 '.,

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09110111/SNL1CFl.H --2 w w een '- e - =d w ,w E %w w. ' , m; w6, w... i +. m , e J= w -----a.<. -rw ..a m.w..w, e wr ,- ve,- ww r

Al t ar.hment to GNRO 91/00174  ;


1. INTRDDUCTION The T.morgeticy Responno Datn System (ERDS) will provido t imely and accurato pinnt data to the NRC dut ing Grand Gulf Nuclear Statics (0GNS) event a clannified an an ' Alert ' or highor. The nyNtem Will be implemented nt GGNS por the requirements of the ERDS Final Rulo ,

amending 10Crk Pnrt 50 publinhod in tho Fodern1 Reginter on '

Augunt- 13, 1991. The guidance of NUREU-1394 Rovinjon 1 will be considered and unod an approprinto for the GUNS syntom.

2. CONFIGURAT1.ON The ERDS function Will be inst alled on t he GGNS Plant Data Syntem

. ( PDS) .- The POS in in thn davolopment atngen but hnn a demountantion model innt alled that. can ret rievo and dinplay plant data. The ERDS t (unction will be added to the PDS in the early stngen of the next  ;

phnno of thn development of the PDS. ERDS will be entried through t he cut t ro development of tho PDS nn n funct ton of t ho nnn-Hochino interfaco (MHl) nubnyntem and will remnin upon PDS completion. -The Mnn-Hnchino int erfaco snbsystem of t he

  • PDS will he n graphien wolkatatjon.

Init tally; date for the required pinnt parametern will bo collected from the oxinting inninnce of Plant (IIDP) computer nyntom and transferred to the Data Server (DS) nubsyntom of the PDS, which will as the data fondor for the ERDS. At finni completion of tho ,

PDS, the US subayntem will acquito data from the field data t multiplexorn rathor-than the ll0P computer mystem.

Tho nyntem will consist of one data feeder, which will be a VME-baned-Hotoroin syst em. All data points will be provided by this data feeder.. Tho'lintoroin nyht em will acquire the neccanary data f rom the BOP comput er Nynt em Vin a net wor k- connect lon.

All nubsyntemn of the PDS providitig the dat n feedor will uno the UNIX operating system.

3'.'1NTERIMCE The oporntor interface to_ERDS will be vin a menu nelection option from any P!nnt Data Syst em workstat ion, including tho ntation at tho-Shift Superintendnnt's desk. For nocurity purposen, only nuthorir.ed ,

personnol willLhave tho~nbility to activate ER9S fron theno

  • workstations.-:1.ogin ids Innund-to theno pornonnel will have tho

.privtjegen necessary to activato ERDS.

i . .

Tho:hntdwaro interf ace to fa e NRC wl!) be accomplinhed with a serial port-from t.ho dnta fonder ayatem connected to the NRC supplied CODEX 2235 modem, The modem will be connected to a FTS 2000 communications lino to bo provided by t he NRC. Data' transmission at 2400 baud with '

- XON/XOTP nupport will fully comply with the f,RDS. communications roo9!romentn 09110lll/SNLIFFlR-- 4

At t achment to GNRO-91/00174

4. PROC @URE_S The necessary GCNS procedusen wI11 be ievined to reflett t he I:RI)S l Final Rule, including ti!o neconsnry st eps t o act ivato (niul terminat e) ,

the ERDS f unct ion based on clannif ient ions of ' Alert' or higher.

Somn speelfic itemn to bn addressed by proceduto' also includo:

n. Thn quarterly ERDS t est ing specified in t he Final Rulo.  ;
b. Steps to fing any hardwnre or sof twarn modifications that could nffect the transmission format and computer communtention  !

protocos to t he ERDS, including lustructions to notily the NRC of

  • t he modificat ions at lonat 30 dnyn prior to implementat ion of the chnugen. ,
c. ' Steps to nubmit any changen in t he Data point 1.ibrary to the NRC

- within 30 dayn af t er the changen ne n enmplet eul,

d. The ERDS finict f ou wI11 use somo n1 ready oxinting iunct f unn and ha rdwa re in order -to acquirn dntn. Thone functions wnto designed and implement ed por GGNS Comput er Servicen department proceduren.
n. Any new nortwnto developnd for the 1;RDS f unction will be developed using GGNS Computer Servicen procedures. Theso [

procedures were modeled af ter t ho 1EEE Sof twarn Engineering l Standards to ensure quality design and implementation.  ;

5. SCilEDU,Lli '

02/15/92 Plant At tributo !!brary (PAL) and Datn Point )

1.ibrary (DPl.) submit tal to t he NRC as por '

NUREG-1394. Appendix 11 & C.

02/28/92-- 04/15/92 bovelop nnd test nof tware interface with NRC or NRC representat ivo (current ly linit iburton NUS).

.04/15/92 - 06/15/92 Modify communtentions soltware na required.

Scheduln and conouct a factory test with NRC or-NRC represnntat Ivo (ciirrently linillhurton NUS).

106/15/92 - 09/15/92 Evnlunt n' t est result a nnd mod.ify nof tware/

hardwarn as r equired.

09/15/92 - 02/12/93 Schedulo and conduct ((nni nito acceptanco tent-with tha NRC; complete implementntton of i procndure changen.

02/12/93 Notify the NRC of finn 1 complot ion of GGNS ERDS-implementatfon. .

l- 1

-09110111/SNLICPI,R'- 5 '

-. . - - - - - - .~... . _

Attachment to GNRO 91/00174 4

6. };RDS_ CONTACTS All Formal Gorrespondence W. T. Gottle VP. Operations, GGNS 601-437-6408 Technical IssuoM H. J. Iloring Computer Services Supm intendent 601-437-2109 l

Licensing Issuen 11. E. Kook Senior Enginocr, Licensing 601-437-6477 Halling address: Entorgy Operat ions, Inc.

Grand Gulf Nuclear Stat. ion P. O. Ilox 756 Port Gibson MS 39150 i

r l.


c i

G9110111/SNI,1dFI,R - 6

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