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Requests Amend to Licenses DPR-53 & DPR-69,changing Tech Specs Re Insp Intervals,Requirements for Environ Studies & Organizational Changes.Proposed Pages & Amend Fee Encl
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/24/1979
From: Lundvall A
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7907310390
Download: ML19242A152 (18)




wa rm ver=1 e g g,,,,

r . Farold R. Penton, Director Office of ?!uclear Peactor Eerulation U. F. ?!uclee.r Pegulatory Con-ission

'r7a sh i n c t on , D . C . 20555 Eubject. Calvert Cliffs I;uclear Power Plant Units ?os. ] & 2; Dockets ?!os. 50-317 & 50-318 Fecuest for Arendment to Onerating Licenses Feference: PMF letter dated 3/15/79 fro:n Lundvall to Penton, 10 Cr? Part 50 Appendix I, forwardi:

  • proposed Techni c al "recifications (draft).

De tr Mr. Denton:

Raltinore Gas and Electric Ccrrany hareby requests an a~endment to Crariting Licenres DPF-53 and DPP-69 for Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2,

  • ecr ectively , wit' the sui nittal of the follevine propored chant es to the

"'echnical Cpecific. tions . All chances apply to both Units unless otherwise ind'ented.


  • TIO.*! Cu A;;3pg ch an ce ?io . _1._

(FC? 70-12) Parn;manh h .7.8.1.a : Chanr,e the tootnote on rare 3/h 7-?6 as skovn on the attached cheets to allow a defer ral of the next required virual inspoetion for the inaccessible hydraulic anubber Froup until the cor .encement of the autumn refueling outare , currently scheduled to start October lh, 197o. This deferral vill delay the !nspection by antroximately five weeks as this r.nubl er rroup is current' y on the six nonth inspection interval with the insrect'on re ,uired to be performed not later than "cptember 10, 1979 Din-unnion U-2 inaccessible snubbers are current 1v on the six nonth + 25's iu ~nec ti on laterval . The next inspection is currently required by Septenter 10, 1079

?;or.nlly, to minimize personnel radiation exposure and because the + emnerature inside of the pressurizer enclosure in so high during operation, the snubber inspection rush he nerfor.ed with the unit in cold shutdown. The next scheduled cold shutdown for U-2 is the refueling outace

,f / 9

% v, ,1 7907310 0 O /

. pace 2 currently scheduled to commence abou- October 1079. Therefore, to accomplish this intnection as requir u, an .:nnlanned shutdown entirated to be 2h-36 hours in duration vould be neces sary. This does not incl:de the tine required to cool down and heat up. A tennorary relief from paragraph h .7.8.1.a to allow the visual inspection of these snubbers to be perfcrmed during the urconing outage would be justified based on renlacement energy conts and personnel exposure as discursed in the follnving corparison of al te rnatives : Al ternative (1) Conply with the Technical Crecification and shutdown at the six nonth interval and inspect all inaccessible snulbers, Al ternntive (?) Perform the inrnection o# all inaccessible nnubbers with the plant operating, Alternative (3) n elax Technical Cree-ification h.7.8.1.a as described alove. An anal:. sis of each alternative is as follows:

(1) This course of acticn fully conplies with the T echnical Speci fication.

However, a prerently unscheduled cutage vould be reluired before "eptember 10, lo70 che total cost in terns of replacement energy would be apprcximately 8500,000. Thir assunes the outa.;e lasts the tinimun entir- ted duration, 2h hours. n more realistic estimate is 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> (and, ence arain, thid does not include cooldown/heatup time).

This would result in a 505 increase in replacement enerry costs.

Conplir.nce with the requirenents of the Techaical Precifications in this manner, since it vould only result in approxtnataly a five-week-sooner insp"ction date, would not arpreciably enhance the overall safety of the plant. In lition , all snubbers were "<mnd to have baen operable durine the nost e ent inrpaction, conn' s ed in January 1970 (2) This course of action would also connly with the Technical Cpecifications, however, the inaccessible snubbers rouid be inspected during pInnt operation. The cost in terns of r<tdiation exposure vould be prohib-


itiva. To perform an irspection of all 176 cnubbers ufuld require nnproximately h0 manhours and result in excess of 300 manRem.

(3) This cource of action, which is proposed, would provide continued adequate assurance of the nublic health and safety with no unnecessary increase in rover traduction costs or rersonnel radiation exposure.


._.a_n-c e No. P.

(FCR 79-23) " nit No. 2 only, pararraph chance the operable A.C. electrical bus designations as shown on the attached page.

Discussion This change is administrative and is necessary to correct an incorrent bus desirnation. As currently stated, the Technical Specifications vould ai!ov the sinultaneous de-energizing of redundant busses. The Unit No. 1 Technical Specifications have the correct desirnations.

i e u


Pace 3 Chance No. 3.

(FCR 79-28): Pararraph h.6.2.1.c: Chanre the insrection intervnl for the sprg, systen nozzles from five years to ten years a" shown on the attached chs .

Diccussion A nozzle flow test on the containment spary ring is required every five (5) years by technical specifications.Section XI of the current edition of the ASMF Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code which is applicable for Calvert Cliffs, (197h edition through Cunner 1975 nddenda) exennis the open-ended portions of non-closed systems frcn any krdroctatic t arting and does not substitute any other testir g requirunent for there syntens (para, lWC-5?20).

Section XI of the 1977 edition throuch "urner 1378 aidenda of the ATE B & PV code has been reviewed and found neceptable by the NRC.

The connent period required by law before incorporation of this edition has expired. No cornents were received by the NRC, therefore, this document vill be made Inv vithin two months.Section XI of this ciition of the code states that a nornle flow test be performed once per inspection period (10 ycsrs) (para lWC-52P2).

Therefore, this technical crecification chance would chance the interval in which we perform the norny rine nor le flow test to fall in 1ine with the curront views of the '?C ard A?"E code cenrittee. "his change vould elininnte the nerfernnnec of four (h ) of thene tente rer unit over the lifetime of the plant cavinc ceveral thounaads of dollars and hundreds of nan-heurs required for its perfornance.

Chnnre No.

(FCR 79 h6): Incorporate the propoced 10 CFR 50 Aprendix I Technical Opecifications into the Operation Licencer. Thece technical stocificationc vere previously submitted in a letta dated March 15, 1979 and are hereby included by reference to that nui ritial (see refere2 red letter).

piccursion The propoced Apnendix I Technien1 Ppecifientions vare rreviouciv forwarded to NRC by cover 3 etter dated ' arch 15, 2970 (Fee Fe'erence). >M that tine, since the packare had not been fornn11y reviewed by our Cafety Cennitteen, we did not nutnit it in the form of a licenre nner?~ nt request.

The Tackage has now Feen reviewed , and we hereby fornally ruhnit it by re. rence (unchanged) for a licence amendrent.

,s r, A ?


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Pare h Chance No. 5.

(FCR 79 h9): ~hange parag-aphs 6.P and 6.5 as shown on the attaehed pares to reflect the institution of the new Production l'aintenance Dep trtment ( Ff fec tive .Taly 1,1979) . This change involves both orranization chart changes and Off-Site Safety and Feview Cormittee (CSCPC) nembership ch an ge s .

Discunsion The Production "aintenance Denartment is a new Pepartment within the Curply Division which has taken over noot of the plant maintenance functions for Calvert Cliffs. As a result, there have been necessary chamens in the Corrany and Plant arraninntion charts to reflect the modified a h inistrative chtnnels. In addition, since some of the expertise which van previously contained within the F] ectric Production Departrent, and which conrtituted part of the CSSBC, is now in the Production Maintenance Depart.ent, it is nomsnarv to reflect these chances in the appropriate sactions of the Technical "necifications of both Units. These changes are considered to be strictly akinis tr,tive in nature and have no impact on over'31 plant safety or 'he heal th and safety of the mhlic.

Chance No. 6_

(FCR 79-1027): Wince Anpendix B (Fnvironr."ntal) Technical Cneci fication pararrarbn 3.1. 2.a an d 3 1. F.c to d elete the r"quiremnts for v uatic ek 1'trv, no ?n c'. tity, r'r ton, nnd ATP entrai r -"nt e tud ? "n as chevn en the nt:,ched sheets.

_D_i s_c u s s i on


Pn1tircre Gas and Flectric Correny beran conductinr, aquatic ecological studies ir the region of the Chesapenke Bay near tre Cnicert Clif fs iaclear Fover Plant site as ca"'.y ns 1968. "hese studies were desicned to yelid baseline dath by which the effects of the operation of the plant could be judged and to provide infermation to ruide future

tulies in this araa. k' hen Calvert Cliffs Unit I received its operating license in 197h, many of these studies were incorporated into the Fnviron-rental Technical Cpecifications ( r~'S ) . Tne nurpose of those studies v ts +o investicate and determine the effects , if any, of the plant circulating vater discharge on certain water quality m rameters as well as the planktonic, nektonic and benthic corr.unitics in the vicinity of the plant. Additicnal studies concerning the effects of plant operation on aquatic organisms g.xd throuch the condenser cooline vnter sysb i were also required by the ETS. W n Unit 2 received its operatinr, licence. in 1976, a similar set of specifications was vrltten and eventrally the two ETS vere combined in 1977.

Since unit 1 heran operating, the Company has been submitting periodic reports analyzing the results of these studies. The latest rep >rt (Reference 1) van desirned to analyze all of the data -ollected since Unit 1 beran operating and, as such, assesses the effects t approximately two years of operation of Unit 1 (1975, 1976) and two yeare of operation of y r/ ,h ,ne n

Tnce 5 both Units (1977, 1973). Analynis of data collected dur*7c the nquatic chemistry, prinary productivity and phyteninnkton twonony studien did not reveal any cirnificant plant-induced impacts. Some 1.nraneter variations, n1though not of sufficient narnitude to be statistically sienificant, were noted within the dincharge plume itrolf.  ;:owever, even thece observations were not no t nbl e a f' er the pire tocre dilutei with receivine vnters.

Peterminatiou of the effect of rnr ra a thro vh the conlenser cooling vnter cynten upcn the 'urvival of phytopl ar 'cton (an eanured by ATP per ETS 3.1.P.c) vns rnie for Unit 1 (1075, 107() md t' nit 2 (1977, 1978). Over this period h'.lf tha ntudion,c; h +e 4 en'h ma 'etween June nrd "epterter, renulted in statistienily nirnifiennt 6,-r,- es of ATP concentrations letweer the intake snd dincharre. '"hnse lem "1nen rnnred from 8 to h3 I ercent with nn tverare of P3 porcent. Tlc e"fect of pancare throuch the Unit ? var ninilar to that found in Unit 1.

As a result of thene nna'vrer the Co tny believes t!at the

.urr,)ne of tV ne rtudies ac definod ty t!a E"'" hun l een fulfill ed. Eccnune of ihe r%rt ! . 'r,t ion * ' of the rhr to ol ar'ston population it in orpected tM t on" r , 'or c! n.nroc in nrodnativity or t axor.or e which nicht hnve oc~" red os a r"nult of ri ant optr" tion would '"ec been detected by this t7me. 'Je + e r ch, nctry pn'~-"terc vere -tudicc nsinly to provide rupple~ntnry inform mion.

f.TP nutrn imr.t utudie" 1mie documentnd the effects of pinnt pan w e on thin & rr.cte , and l i t tl . ndditionnl infornstion would be obtninal b,.

continuinc thin study. In addition, t he vnter Fesource Ad-inict: ttion of

  • he "tnte of " rvi nnd I an arproved n c tu ri , pinn (' ' Perence P) in R"'er-ine

'runce vi' '.ter B:nl i ty -i t m I n A i ch ?rcr not roov're


  • i c tt ien to vv o f
  • n:, '- l#rr nd ir i- letter. -'"ar l-": of # h r Pl n 3n ni ro i c< n -tnined Irof^rence 3).

E n f_r _e n__c_e_s_


1. ':an-f nd io' n c i m! 9 ei- m tal "m itn-ine %rt , Cn! vert Clif fn

'luci mr %ur I'l ant , -

1ry->eer1~r 1078. F-Itinore Gas and Flectric Cormny ani Academy of ? ntural "ciences of Philadolphin, 'inrch 1979

2. T ott er to er. A. E. Lundvn11, Jr. , P%E from "r. H. M. Caehn, n e nartment of' ' tural Eeneurcen , Ctate of "srvl and.

- Jer.u .ry 16, 3979

3. Ietter to Mr. A. P. In n dvall , Jr . , IN E f ec m r . H. w' . r eid, ';H C Felruary P3, 1979 S AP'TY A';D GVIRO';'E NTAL IU' VIE'4 All of the above proposed chnnren have been reviewed by our Plant Operationn and Cafety Feview Co .ittee and Off-Gite Safety and Review Co-i tte e , and they have concluded that cranting of the propone a chances vill not result in an undue risk to the health and rnety of the nublic or result in an unneceptable environmontal consequence.

SCHFD'JLF Plenne note that Change Tio. I vill require prompt TiRC net'on cince the curnnt insrection due date in rententer 10, 1979 Ve requert u' a

Fare 6 this change by turust 2h, 1979 In addition, the changes involving the new Production L-intenance Department (Change ?!o. 5) are already in effect from an orranientional standpoint. Connequently, your prcmpt reviev and approval of this change vill serve to minimize the time that the Technical rpecifications de not accurately reflect our actual organization. Since the studien addrerned in Chance Iio. 6 are currently required each immer, your approval of this request would preclude the need to conduct none of those studies this year depending on when the approval is received.

If yc have any questionn concerninc any of the above change requests, plenne do not hesitate to contact us.

FFF DNFP'4TI;ATICI; We have determined, pursuant to 10 CFR Part 170 pararraph 170.22, that this a endment request consists of Class IV and Cl tss I arendments for C'ilvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2, respectively, and, accordincly, we 1re enclocing PG&E Check ?!o. B087372 in the amount of $12,700.00 to cover the fee for this requent.



By: j _ _. _

M 1ce rorm _:er .

( c', mq y CTATF OF ?'ItRYLA'iD:



?'.r. A. F. Lundvall, Jr. heing duly sworn states that he is Vice President of the Faltimore Gas and B ectric Company, a corporation of the State of aryland ; that he executed t}.e forcroine Amendment for the rurposes thorein cet forth; that the stater.ents made in raid A rn-19ent are true and correct to the best of hic knowledce, i norma t i e ind rolinf; and that he van authorized to execute the hen hnt on bo'r i of aid corporation.

vi!T?!F30 my hand and Iotarial Feal.

/  :


-_ av'e. ')l ..

L'sia, _

I'y Com.incion expi res : i 1("Q/_j#,/h k /

v /

cc: J. A. Biddison, Esquir e '

G. F. Trowbridge, Fsquire

? 'r . E. L. Conner , Jr. - ?;RC t'r. P. W. Eruce - CE

?'r . J . W . Ercthers - i'echtel

. bd ))

O \l.T151()lil' (; A.s ANI) Ei.1(:Tliff~ ( .< > .\112 A N Y ,

Fee for operating licence anendment $12,'(00. 00 . ***

recuest c for Calvert Clif fs Units 1 ,

and 2 for various technical specificaticn changes. ,

i i

l 7/2/79 TOTALS ,

, cr *c r s .oc.cs er.cies oreaso,~c. ci.s c.

B ALT 1510 R E G is AND ELECTRIC CON 1PANY 7-i s H.U.Tistoni, stD. 21204 JUL 2 73 sao EXACTL' **12,700** DOLLARS 00 C ENTS $12,700.00 cas


'  :~" C' Washington, D. C. 20555 M ARTL AND NaflCN AL B A NE

  • 8 4 L i t ts Cil 40 ps v n -r ,

k n' 0 6 7 5 7 2 n' :0 5 20a'00168: 14 La' 26 7 a n' 9

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J I'/\C,l [ _2~1'l A PLANT SYSTEM 5 3/4.7.8 HYDRAULIC SNUSSERS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION All hyi aulic snubbers listed in Table 3.7-4 shall be OPERABLE.



With one or more hydraulic snubbers inoperable, replace or restore the inoperable snubber (s) to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in at least .,07 STAND 5Y within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Hydraulic snubbers shall be demonstrated OPERA 3LE by performance of tne following augmenced inservice inspection program and the requirements of Specification 4.0.5.

a. *Each hydraulic snubber with seal material fabricated from ethylene propylene or other materials demonstrated concatible with the coerating environment and approved as such by tne NRC, shall be determined OPERA 3LE at least once af ter not less than 4 months but within 6 montns of initial critical ty and in ac-corcance with the insoection schedule of Table 4.7 4 thereafter, by a visual inspection of the snub'er. Visual inspections o' the snubbers shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, in-spection of the hydraulic fluid reservoirs, fluid connections, and linkage connections to the piping and anchors. Initiation of the Table 4.7-4 inspection schecule shall be made assuming the unit was previously at the 6 month inspection int?rval.
b. Each hydraulic snubber with seal material not fabricated from etnylene propylene or other materials demonstrated comoatible with tae operating environment shall be cetermined 00ERAELE at least once per 31 days by a visual inspection of the snubber.

Visual inspections of the snubbers shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, inspection of tne hydraulic fluid re-servcirs , fluid connections , and linkage connectio- to the pioir; anc ancnors.

  • 5ee page 3/4 7-25.

e , ,r -

4 J( ', 33J CALVERT CLIFFS-UNIT 2 3/4 7-25 Ams,dment No.

s ..


c. At least once per 18 months durinc shutdown, a representative sample of at least 10 hycraulic snubbers or at least 10'; of all snubbers listed in Table 3.7-4, whichever is less, shall be selected and functionally tested to verify correct piston movement, lock up and bleed. Snubbers greater than 50,000 lb.

capacity may be excluded from functional testing requirements.

Snubbers selected fer functional testing shall be selected en a rotating basis. Snubbers identified as either "Especially Difficult to Remove" or in "High Radiaticn Zones" may be exempted fror functional testing provided these snubbers were demonstrated OPERABLE during previous functional tests. Snubbers found inoperaole during functional testing shall be restored to 0?ERABLE status prier to resuming operaticn. For each snuboer found inoperable during these functional tests, an additional minimum of 10*J cf all snubbers or 10 snubbers, wnichever is less, shall also be functionally tested until no more failures are found or all snubbers have been functionally tested.

  • The next visual insnection of snubbers desicnated " Inaccessible" in Table 3.7-4 shall be nerformed as recuired by Table 4.7-4 or durinn the fall 1979 refuelino outane.


J '1-

? .1 J~

CALVEnT CLIFFS - UNIT 2 3/4 7-26 Amendment No.


ClayW. 2_ (fcd 7943)


.iRICAL PCWER Si;Ti:2 3/4.8.2 ONSITE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS A.C. DISTRIBUTION - ODERATINr2 LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION , The following A.C. electrical busses shall be OPERABLE and energized from sources of power other than the diesel generators with tie breakers open between redundant busses:

4160 volt Emergency Bus # 21 4160 volt Emergency Bus # 24 Z4 c,a 480 volt Emergency Bus # Zl A er,2V(

480 voit Emergency Bus # 24A or $5( 'El d) 120 volt A.C. Vital Bus # 21 120 volt A.C. Vital Bus # 22 _

120 volt A.C. Vital Bus # 23 120 vol A.C. Vital Bus # 24 APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3 and 4.


Witn less than the above complement of A.C. busses OPERABLE, restore the inoperable bus to CPERABLE status within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVETLLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.G.2.1 The specified A.C. bustes shall be determined OPERABLE and energized from A.C. sources other than the diesel generators with tie breakers open between redundant busses at least once per 7 days by verifying correct breaker alignment and indicated power availability.

' 4 [) d 365

>"a CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 2 3/4 S-6 -

_ - ~ . .

Cluqe No.1 (RL 29-ze


_ SURVEILLANCE REQUIPE_ Continued) kl.2.) hWb 6c> GirtrW ff}i<-/ Sff$- Sheb It' bent >JbrU CN

b. At least oncc ver iS months, during shutcn..., by.
1. Verify ;; that each automatic valve ir the flow pith actuates to its correct position on Safety Injection Actuation test signal.
2. Verifying that eact. 50 ray pumo starts automatically on a Contain ent Soray Actuation test signal,
c. At least once par /0 years by performing an air or snoke flow test throuch each spray header and veri # jing each spray nozzle is unobstructed.

'i CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 3/4 6-11 l ib ',!- jju,

NY{E NC. S *0, CL f - l$

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At least once per 18 mon'ths, during shutdo.!n, by:
1. Verifying that eacn cutomatic valve in toe flov, path actuetes to its correct po:ition on Safety injection Actuation test signal,
2. Verifying tnat each :. ay pump starts automatically on a Containment Spray Actua cion test signal,
c. At least once peric yaors by cerforming an air or s::.oke flow test through each spray header and verifying each spray nozzle is unobstructed.

CALVERT CLIFF 5 - u,',IT 2 3/4 6-11

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% ~ h;1  ! ( $ 1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTPOLS 6.3 FACILITY STAFF CUALITICATIONS 6.3.1 Each menber of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the nir.imum quali fica tions of ANSI N18.1-1971 for c;mparable positions, except for the Radiation Sa fety and Chemistry Engineer who shall m^et or exceed the qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.5, September 1975.

6.4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A retraining and replacemen traini ogram for the tacility sta f f shall be maintained under the direct of the Chief Engincer and shall meet or exceed the requirements e. recccmendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and Appendix "A" of 10 CFR Part 55.

6.4 2 A training progran for the Fire Brigade shal' be maintained under the direction of the Chief Engineer and shall meet or exceed the requirc-ments of Section 27 of the NFPA Code-1976. '


_ FUNCTION The POSRC shall function to advise the Cnief Engincer on all matters related to nuclear safety.

COMPOSITION The POSRC shall be corposed of the:

Chairman: Chief Engi cer

Member: Nuclear Plant Engineer - Operations I

Member: Nuclear Plant Engineer "

- Perfcasance Member: Nuclear Engineer r : Radiation Safetv and CFcmistry Encir.eer


Merb -

Supervisor _

' ~

- Plid C yc Mg 0$4 N W

..aer: Performance Engineer Membcr: Ceg (wem%

ALTERNATES All alterrate ecmbers shall be app;inted in writing by the P05RC Chairran to serve on a tem y srar;. basis;, no .nore than too alternates shall n3rticipate as voting r.e-bers in POSRC activitjes at any one time. .

I CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 72. 6-6 A. : n d -: n t No . )(

r y. c.

/ If 1'i; V-

f. /]Q S ( $ A' 'kk)


Chairman: Manager, Quality Assurance Department

  • Member: Manager, Electric Production Department (EPD)

Meaber: Superintendent - Generation, EPD Member: Supervising Engineer - Performance, EPD Member:

, Supervisor - Plant Installation, EPD l Member: Principal Chemist, EPD Member: Principal Metallurgist, :~: PMD l Member: Chief Engineer, Calvert Cliffs Member: Nuclear Engineer, Calvert Cliffs Member: Manager, Electric Engineering Department (EED)

Member: Chief t'uclear Engineer, EED Member: Chief Environrental SMnarg)mdvc4 Engineer, Mairfi+s EED .dmnd (PMA) anccA.:p

/kmou ph mber; %pusr%Af f% dtmony cm) Mo , cal &,4(PM&

ALTERNATES I All alterna'e members shall be a pointed in writing by the OSSC Chairman to serve on a temporary basis; hcwever, no nore than two alternates shall participate as voting merrbers in OSSRC activi ties at any one time.

C_0NSULTANTS Consultants shall be utilized as determired by the OSSRC Chairman to prcvide exper advice to the OSSRC.


'^-4 '=r The OSSRC shall meet at least once per~U



.-' six


r,ontns W '"~r OUCRUM g A quorum of OSSRC shail coisist cf the Chairnan or his designated alternate and at leas {e/OSSRC r ters including alterr.ates.

Na care than a minority of the quor.n shall have line respcnsibility for operation of the facility.

Ct.LVLRi CLIFFS - UNIT 142 6-9

/r1 ./. /- / c 'I

1 i i .

k 0- ~IO 3 .1. ." . s Generrd Aptatic Ece'a.:icsl u- J ";

% *.et'.ve Wid &

The ru.po.m m tu 'ene ral saunti? e:clo ' 'a; curvevr e to . .v e s t i r. t e an:

.ie t e r n :.e 1," -f:%cta, if any, of tne ' v.t circuintinc vnter dicenar e on ll; certa.n pnviical and ene=ical narametern indicative of aquatic ecolos;i:al ecnditions in tne vicinity of tne ninnt and (2) i,ne planktonic,nektonic, and n

benthic cca.'tities in the vicinity of the tilant.

pir>dach.v,+y a fWW S1&s kwi ne.e+ cx b dfM du G ad

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2 cductivity dete minat..... **.: a tipt'" lark bet * ' a . .en prnduction tech *4:ue .

\ w-vill be made a* three s'a*' . . _ tw, PC,and CP) fcur ._. a vear - April, June,

. _ _ _ . . , _. . : .._. r -

~ _

'll:u cen s amp.u il be collected ence each calendar month fr:- . . ace and bette:

.: s1.ations .G , PC , a A co -= n],es riji ba .. ntified acecr?.ine to the s /\

.est reciti re crot.v". det h.

a. - .ade c2 dominant srecies or -

/Y eaus, relativa .ac.ance, and diversity index. t bic=acs dete...: stion s h al'.

. __: -- _. _ f ,_ , _ , -__ .__ ____ ,_

3.1.2.a (k) Fisb Surveys Fish travis snall be =ade ence each calendar mente at ctations K3, FS, and PP.

All fish ecliected will be separated accordin to species, ccent:d tni neacured tc the neuest _ cantimeter cf :: 11 len-tF. If .cre than 10q cf e peciae are rese .t , r. a - *

  • at a of tetal u .bers chs11 be rade v.d a c' nle c' 19 a f th at species shs11 ta escurad-f /Y.%. -iladMc f tes.f G ,nrn m%J M nf.% " c tbf N r . Cd* 1 % ^lc'cAf w h~tt PEM ,% hec 19W , dsi+6CG w Ebcht ay a,f Awiemy o f N&uJ Scamcca Q PMlaidjin k, My s q-)q , j(yhn.f9]h.-

6 3GL

a 3.1.2.c. Entrainment Studles p A [4% C.hC.b h b ) h-[O b Ckiective Th: trpost of this specification is to determine t' a e ef fect of passage through the cor. 'enser cooling veter system upon the Lurvival of entrained plankton.

Spec i fica m ' on

1. t hew sr.l i e. shall be ca.idneted during the months ot' . lune , .lu l y , Augu,t uJ sept ."uh r. Ihi pro,p am m:iv he mod i fi ed or rerninaied wit' -he approval of the NRC.
2. Once during eact.
  • the above months adenosine triphoaphate (ATP) measurecer'.

shall be =sde on fil cred water camples collected at the Unit 2 intake, dis-charge and at one point in the plume. pga/

n*itative samples shall also be taken at the intake and di charge to .et r=C.e the kinds, quantity, cnc survival of entrained :noplur. t n. l thode used for both the ATP a .d :co-plankten measurements vill


- e- e- ally the same as those deceribed in the o

Se=1-Annual Environ =ent 1 Mont.-ri. - P.eporte dated Septe=ber 1"75 c .d ?! arch . '-

1976. pr

3. Menthly i .; , a. . t tavs shall be mac at the Plant Site and Kenwood


Be a ch S t a t io . ,1 neified in Figure 3.1. 2.a- .

Basis More than ene year of entrainment data for Calvert C1'ffs Unit I has been cou ec' d at this time. Since there is no reason to expect differ nt effects of ertrain-ment on aquatic organisms pu= ped through Unit 2 rather tha . thrcuch ynit 1a modified version of the Unit 1 entrain. ment study vill be cond ted. These studica wi11 he conducted during the warm summer months when the 1.irgest et et on entrained cr6ani:ms is expected. Ichthycplaakten studies during the first year of operation of Unit I have shown very lov densities cf eggs aad Irvac in the vicinity of Calvert Cliffs. For this reason, ichthyoplankton entrair ent st udi es will not be conducted far the Calvert Cliffs site. l 3.1-10 JUL 2 9 577 kb!- 7. n' ?
