ML19319A991 | |
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Site: | Oconee ![]() |
Issue date: | 05/20/1975 |
From: | DUKE POWER CO. |
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ML19319A990 | List: |
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NUDOCS 8001020865 | |
Download: ML19319A991 (1) | |
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MONTHYEARML20155C6391998-10-26026 October 1998
[Table view]Proposed Tech Specs Tables 4.1-1 & 4.1-2,revised Surveillance Frequency of Refueling Outage to 18 Months ML20154C1021998-09-30030 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Changing UFSAR by Increasing Max Rod Internal Pressure in Spent Fuel Pool from 1,200 to 1,300 Psig ML20236V9611998-07-27027 July 1998 Corrected TS Bases Pages 3.5-30b of 961211 & 3.16-2 of 970205,correcting Amend Numbers ML20236T5171998-07-20020 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re one-time Extension to Functional Test Frequencies for Hydraulic & Mechanical Snubbers ML20236R1901998-07-16016 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Extending TS Surveillances TS 4.20.2(a), Table 4.20-1,items 1,2 & 4,TS 4.1-1,Table 4.1-1,items 8,9,10 & 11 & TS,item b(1) ML16141B0771996-11-18018 November 1996 Errata to TS 3.7,which Removes Criteria for Battery & Battery Charger Specific Svc Tests ML16141A9291995-06-29029 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Mgt Positions Authorized to Approve Such Items as Procedures & Procedure Changes,Station Mods, TS Amends & Reportable Events ML16141A8111994-04-20020 April 1994 Proposed Tech Spec Table 4.1-2, Min Equipment Test Frequency ML16141A7981994-04-12012 April 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Technical Review & Control Activities ML15261A4281994-02-24024 February 1994 Proposed TS 4.6, Emergency Power Periodic Testing ML20044C9581993-05-0404 May 1993 Proposed TS 4.7.1, Control Rod Trip Time Test ML18032A3441987-05-29029 May 1987 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Trip Level Setting in Table 3.2.A for Standby Gas Treatment Sys Relative Humidity Heater ML15264A2511984-09-11011 September 1984 Proposed Tech Specs Supporting Operation of Facility at full-rated Power During Cycle 9 ML15223A8931983-05-19019 May 1983 Proposed Tech Spec Changes Re Core Protection Safety Limits, Protective Sys Max Allowable Setpoints & Rod Position Limits ML16134A6761982-08-11011 August 1982 Proposed Tech Spec Revisions Re Reload Design Calculations for Cycle 7 ML16134A6731982-05-0303 May 1982 Proposed Tech Spec Changes Re Core Protection Safety Limits, Protective Sys Max Allowable Setpoints & Rod Position Limits ML15223A7671982-01-12012 January 1982 Proposed Revisions to Tech Spec Section 3.1.2 Re Heatup Cooldown & Inservice Test Limitations for RCS ML16148A4421981-11-13013 November 1981 Proposed Tech Spec Revision Re Core Protection Safety Limits Protective Sys Max Allowable Setpoints & Rod Position Limits ML16148A4351981-10-28028 October 1981 Proposed Revision to Tech Spec Figure 3.5.2-4B2,allowing Cycle 5 to Run at 100% Full Power W/Axial Power Shaping Rods Fully Inserted ML16148A4281981-08-19019 August 1981 Proposed Revision to Tech Spec Figures 3.5-16a,3.5.19a, 3.5-22 & 3.5-25a Re Extension of Operating Limits ML15223A7321981-05-29029 May 1981 Proposed Tech Specs 2.1-2,2.1-3,2.1-7,2.3-5,3.2-1,3.2-2, 3.3-1,3.3-2,3.3-3,3.3-4,3.3-5,3.3-6,3.5-9,3.5-10,3.5-15, 3.5-15a & b,3.5-18,3.5-18a,b,c,d & e,3.5-21,3.5-21a & B, 3.5-24,3.5-24a & b,3.8-2 & 3.8-3 Re Core Protection ML15112B0161981-04-20020 April 1981 Revised Tech Specs Pages Per Order Modifying License, Requiring Periodic Surveillance Over Life of Plant & Specifying Limiting Conditions for Operation of Primary Coolant Sys Pressure Isolation Valves ML15112A9721980-10-24024 October 1980 Revised Tech Spec Pages Per 801024 Order for Mod of Licenses Re Environ Qualification of safety-related Electrical Equipment ML16134A6651980-08-25025 August 1980 Proposed Tech Specs Revision for Cycle 6 ML16148A3351980-07-16016 July 1980 Proposed Revision to Tech Spec 3.3.1.c Allowing Continued Operation of Unit 2 of Full Rated Power While Maint Continues on HPI Pump Until 800718 ML19318B9731980-06-24024 June 1980 Proposed Tech Spec Interpreting Term Operable as Applied to Various Tech Spec Requirements ML19317H3061980-04-10010 April 1980 Model Tech Specs for PWRs & BWRs ML19317H3191980-02-21021 February 1980 Nuclear Data Link Spec,Revision 0,Draft 5 ML15238B2061980-01-15015 January 1980 Model Tech Specs for Fire Protection Program ML16148A2691979-11-16016 November 1979 Proposed Changes to Tech Spec Pages 2.1,2.3,3.2 & 3.5. Changes Affect Core Protection Limits,Reactor Protective Sys Max Allowable Setpoints & Vol Requirements for Borated Water Storage Tank ML19317D2701978-09-25025 September 1978 Proposed Tech Spec 3.5.2 Re Control Rod Group & Power Distribution Limits & Table 4.1-2 Re Min Equipment Test Frequency ML19317D2621978-09-18018 September 1978 Proposed Revisions to Tech Specs 2.1,2.3,3.2 & 3.5 Re Core Protection Safety Limits & Protective Sys Max Allowable Setpoints ML19317D2731978-09-0606 September 1978 Revised Tech Spec Page,Figure 2.3-2A,re Protective Sys Max Allowable Setpoints ML19317D2491978-08-22022 August 1978 Proposed Revision to Tech Specs 4.18 Re Hydraulic Shock Suppressors (Snubbers) ML19322B9961978-08-21021 August 1978 Proposed Revision to Tech Spec 2.3 Re Cycle 5 ML19329A2791978-08-0707 August 1978 Facility Tech Specs 3.9.9 Through 3.9.11 to Control Waste Water Pond Radioactivity ML19312B7931978-07-17017 July 1978 Proposed Tech Spec,changing Steam Generator Leak Rate Limit ML19308D6271978-06-28028 June 1978 Tech Spec Change Request Re Paragraph 2.B(6),stipulating That Byproduct & SNM Associated W/Four Fuel Assemblies Acquired by Fl Power Corp from Duke Power Co Previously Irradiated in Oconee 1 May Be Possessed ML19317D2301978-06-26026 June 1978 Proposed Tech Specs 2.1,2.3,3.2,3.5 & 4.1 Required to Support Operation of Unit 1 at Full Rated Power During Cycle 5,including Core Protection Safety Limits & Protective Sys Mac Allowable Setpoint ML19316A6501978-06-22022 June 1978 Proposed Replacement Page for Tech Spec 4.1-2 Re Min Equipment Test Frequency ML19316A5381978-06-14014 June 1978 Proposed Changes to Tech Specs Re thermal-hydraulics Analysis.Revision to BAW-1486, Unit 3,Cycle 4 Reload Rept ML19312B8161978-06-12012 June 1978 Proposed Tech Specs 3.8,4.4 & 4.6 Re Fuel Loading & Refueling,Structural Integrity & Emergency Power Periodic Testing ML19317D2341978-06-0909 June 1978 Proposed Tech Spec 3.9 Deleting Requirements Not Applicable to Liquid Effluent Monitoring Sys Due to Installation of Offline Monitor ML19317D2221978-06-0808 June 1978 Proposed Tech Spec 3.1 Allowing Max 1 Gallon Per Minute Leakage Through Steam Generator Tubes Prior to Initiation of Unit Shutdown ML19317D2121978-06-0202 June 1978 Proposed Tech Spec 4.2 Allowing re-insp of Reactor Coolant Outlet Nozzles at Future Refueling Outage ML19316A5271978-05-30030 May 1978 Proposed Revisions to Tech Specs 2.3,3.2 & to Support Cycle 4 Operation at Full Power ML19312B7971978-04-27027 April 1978 Proposed Tech Spec 6.4,incorporating Operating Procedure Requirements Re B&W Small Break ECCS Analysis ML19312B8091978-04-20020 April 1978 Proposed Tech Spec 3.3 Incorporating New Tech Spec 3.3.8 Requiring Operability of Three HPI Pumps for Each Unit During Power Operation Above 60% Full Power ML19317D2001978-03-20020 March 1978 Proposed Tech Spec 3.5 Including 6.03% Quadrant Power Tilt Limit & Provision for Notifying NRC If Tilt Exceeds 3.5% ML19317D2131978-02-21021 February 1978 Proposed Tech Spec 3.1. Incorporating Revision to Pressurization,Heatup & Cooldown Limitations.B&W to Util Re Corrections to Errors Discovered in B&W Rept BAW-1436 Encl 1998-09-30 Category:TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS & TEST REPORTS MONTHYEARML20211A9881999-08-18018 August 1999
[Table view]Rev 5 to DPC Nuclear Security Training & Qualification Plan ML20204B4141999-03-27027 March 1999 Revised Oconee Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments, List of Effective Pages ML20155C6391998-10-26026 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Tables 4.1-1 & 4.1-2,revised Surveillance Frequency of Refueling Outage to 18 Months ML20154L7191998-10-0505 October 1998 Rev 8 to DPC Nuclear Security & Contingency Plan, for Oconee,Mcguire & Catawba Nuclear Stations ML20154C1021998-09-30030 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Changing UFSAR by Increasing Max Rod Internal Pressure in Spent Fuel Pool from 1,200 to 1,300 Psig ML20236V9611998-07-27027 July 1998 Corrected TS Bases Pages 3.5-30b of 961211 & 3.16-2 of 970205,correcting Amend Numbers ML20236T5171998-07-20020 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re one-time Extension to Functional Test Frequencies for Hydraulic & Mechanical Snubbers ML20236R1901998-07-16016 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Extending TS Surveillances TS 4.20.2(a), Table 4.20-1,items 1,2 & 4,TS 4.1-1,Table 4.1-1,items 8,9,10 & 11 & TS,item b(1) ML20217F2841998-04-20020 April 1998 Rev 7 to DPC Nuclear Security & Contingency Plan, for Oconee,Mcguire & Catawba Nuclear Stations ML20141F1521997-06-25025 June 1997 Rev 4 to Nuclear Security Training & Qualification Plan ML16141B0771996-11-18018 November 1996 Errata to TS 3.7,which Removes Criteria for Battery & Battery Charger Specific Svc Tests ML20134K5401996-10-31031 October 1996 Rev 6 to Chemistry Manual 5.1, Emergency Response Guidelines ML20117J0181996-08-15015 August 1996 Revised Chapter 16 of Oconee Selected Licensee Commitments Manual ML20095H1291995-12-0505 December 1995 Rev to ONS Selected Licensee Commitments (SLC) Manual, Revising SLC 16.6.1, Containment Leakage Tests to Reflect Current Plant Configuration & Update Testing Info ML20091P2461995-08-21021 August 1995 Rev to ONS Selected Licensee Commitments Manual ML16141A9291995-06-29029 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Mgt Positions Authorized to Approve Such Items as Procedures & Procedure Changes,Station Mods, TS Amends & Reportable Events ML16141A8581995-01-0909 January 1995 Revs to Oconee Selected Licensee Commitments Manual ML16141A8111994-04-20020 April 1994 Proposed Tech Spec Table 4.1-2, Min Equipment Test Frequency ML16141A7981994-04-12012 April 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Technical Review & Control Activities ML15261A4281994-02-24024 February 1994 Proposed TS 4.6, Emergency Power Periodic Testing ML15224A3521993-10-26026 October 1993 Safety Assurance Directive 6.1, Oconee Nuclear Site Safety Assurance Emergency Response Organization ML20044C9581993-05-0404 May 1993 Proposed TS 4.7.1, Control Rod Trip Time Test ML20045F0721993-04-0707 April 1993 Rev 9 to Corporate Process Control Program Manual ML20097D9451992-05-28028 May 1992 Rev 11 to Training & Qualification Plan ML20096C2561992-04-30030 April 1992 Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures (Cmip),Including Rev 46 to CMIP-1,Rev 39 to CMIP-4,Rev 45 to CMIP-5,Rev 49 to CMIP-6,Rev 48 to CMIP-7,Rev 42 to CMIP-9 & Rev 3 to CMIP-15 ML20096D5451992-04-0707 April 1992 Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures (Cmip),Including Rev 45 to CMIP-1,Rev 27 to CMIP-13 & Notification of Deletion of CMIP-8.Procedure CMIP-8 Reserved for Future Use ML16131A5241992-03-0101 March 1992 Rev 35 to ODCM Generic Section ML20092M5891992-02-0606 February 1992 Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 43 to CMIP-1,Rev 43 to CMIP-5,Rev 33 to CMIP-8,Rev 25 to CMIP-13,Rev 6 to CMIP-18,Rev 4 to CMIP-22 & Rev 38 to CMIP-4 ML20094H2391992-01-0101 January 1992 Rev 33 to McGuire Nuclear Station Odcm ML20094H2511992-01-0101 January 1992 Rev 34 to Catawba Nuclear Station Odcm ML16131A5221992-01-0101 January 1992 Rev 32 to Oconee Nuclear Station Odcm ML20087F3931991-12-11011 December 1991 Public Version of Rev 13 to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-11, Emergency Classification - Mcguire. W/ 920121 Release Memo ML20086K8831991-11-18018 November 1991 Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures (Cmips),Including Rev 42 to CMIP-1,Rev 29 to CMIP-2,Rev 42 to CMIP-5,Rev 12 to CMIP-11 & Rev 37 to CMIP-21 ML20086G7711991-10-16016 October 1991 Public Version of Revs to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures (Cmip),Including Rev 41 to CMIP-1,rev 37 to CMIP-4,rev 41 to CMIP-5,rev 46 to CMIP-6 & CMIP-7,rev 32 to CMIP-8,rev 40 to CMIP-9,delete CMIP-12 & Rev 24 to CMIP-13 ML20082C7441991-06-11011 June 1991 Public Version of Rev 13 to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-12, Classification of Emergency for Oconee Nuclear Station ML20081J9841991-06-10010 June 1991 Rev 3 to EDA-1, Procedure for Estimating Food Chain Doses Under Post-Accident Conditions ML20076A7241991-06-10010 June 1991 Public Version of Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures, Including Rev 39 to CMIP-1,rev 28a to CMIP-2,rev 44 to CMIP-7,rev 39 to CMIP-9 & Rev 10 to CMIP-11 ML20081K0101991-06-0606 June 1991 Rev 8 to EDA-3, Offsite Dose Projections for McGuire Nuclear Station ML20072S0521991-03-15015 March 1991 Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 9 to CMIP-11, Classification of Emergency for McGuire Nuclear Station & Rev 11 to CMIP-12, Classification of Emergency for Oconee Nuclear Station ML16148A9621991-02-13013 February 1991 Public Version of Rev 10 to CMIP-12, Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure ML20066G3621991-02-0101 February 1991 Public Version of Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures, Including Rev 28 to CMIP-2,Rev 34 to CMIP-4,Rev 38 to CMIP-5,Rev 43 to CMIP-6,Rev 42 to CMIP-7,Rev 29 to CMIP-8, Rev 37 to CMIP-9 & Rev 34 to CMIP-21 ML20082P7611991-01-0101 January 1991 Rev 30 to Odcm,Catawba Nuclear Station ML15217A1291991-01-0101 January 1991 Rev 29 to Odcm,Oconee Nuclear Station ML20072S9621991-01-0101 January 1991 Public Version of Rev 12 to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-12, Classification of Emergency for Oconee Nuclear Station ML20082P7711991-01-0101 January 1991 Rev 31 to Odcm,Mcguire Nuclear Station ML20072P9621990-11-0808 November 1990 Rev 9 to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-12, Classification of Emergency for Oconee Nuclear Station ML20028H2211990-10-31031 October 1990 Public Versions of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 37 to CMIP-1,Rev 27a to CMIP-2,Rev 33 to CMIP-4,Rev 37 to CMIP-5 & Rev 42 to CMIP-6 ML20059F4301990-08-22022 August 1990 Public Version of Rev 27 to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-2, News Group Plan ML20063Q2721990-08-14014 August 1990 Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 36 to CMIP-1,Rev 32 to CMIP-4,Rev 36 to CMIP-5,Rev 41 to CMIP-6,Rev 40 to CMIP-7,Rev 27 to CMIP-8,Rev 35 to CMIP-9 & Rev 7 to CMIP-11 ML20043F4841990-05-23023 May 1990 Public Version of Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures, Consisting of Rev 20 to CMIP-13 & Deletion of CMIP-15 & CMIP-17 1999-08-18 |
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FISH IMPINGEMENT ON INTAKE SCREENS AND ENTRAINMENT OF FISH EGGS AND LARVAE Objective To detect and quantify (1) fish impingement upon the intake screens and (2)
-entrainment of fish eggs and larvae in the cooling water system.
Specifica tion A. Quarterly, an inspection of six intake screens (two from each unit) will be performed. The screens inspected will be cleaned one week prior to inspection so that the rate of fish impingement during the week can-be determined. .A detailed analysis of the fish impinged shall be con-ducted by_ species, size and number and weight. The data collected from these inspections will be recorded in tabular form.
B. The entrainment of fish eggs and larvae in the cooling water system shall be monitored biweekly (every other week) during the major spawning period of April through July and an estimate made of the total number of fish eggs and larvae entrained and their survival.
C. If_the quantity or type of fish, or their eggs or larvae, is determined to be of significance or tc ! ave a significant detrimental impact on the propagation of fish of recreational importance, then plans for corrective action will be developed.
Basis The specified study will determine the mortality of fish impinged upon the intake screens and the numbers of fish eggs and larvae entrained in the cooling water system resulting from the operation of Oconee Nuclear Station.
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