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Meeting Slides - Alternative Source Term Pre-Submittal Meeting, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/26/2009
Xcel Energy
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML092400169 (87)


  • 1 SOURCE TERM ALTERNATIVE ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM Pre-Submittal Meeting Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant August 26, 2009 1

Attendees Tom Verbout AST Project Manager (Xcel)

Jeff Connors Engineering Lead (Xcel)

Dale Vincent Licensing (Xcel)

Adam Annis Project Engineer (Xcel)

Steve Thomas Engineering Manager (Black & Veatch)

Gopal Patel Senior Consultant (NUCORE Power Corporation)

Tom Mscisz Senior Consultant (NUCORE Power Corporation)

Amy Hazelhoff Senior Licensing Engineer (Enercon Services, Inc) 2


° Meeting Purpose

  • Reason for Adopting AST
  • Scope of Implementation
  • Plant Description
  • Specific Aspects of the.Analyses
  • Analyses Preliminary Results o Overview of Changes to Licensing Basis

° Submittal Content Schedule 3

Meeting Purpose

  • Common understanding of the proposed scope of the PINGP AST LAR
  • Understand the level of detail of information expected in the application
  • Gain understanding regarding regulatory positions on specific issues 4

Reason for Adopting AST

  • Provides margin for eventual planned implementation of Extended- Power Uprate (EP.U)

, Standardizes the site dose analysis methodology with current industry practices 5

Scope of Implementation

  • Full Scope Implementation of AST
  • EQ dose analysis remains calculated using TID
  • Consistent with RG 1.183, with identified exceptions
  • New Atmospheric Dispersion Factors determined for Control Room and TSC 6

Scope of Implementation (cont'd)

Design Basis accidents analyzed:

- Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)

- Fuel Handling Accident (FHA)

Main Steam Line Break (MSLB)

- Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR)

- Control Rod Ejection Accident (CREA)

- Locked Rotor Accident (LRA)

- Heavy Load Drop (HLD) 7

4 Plant Description Two Unit Site

  • Two Loop PWR - Westinghouse Design

= 1650 MWt- Licensed Full Power AST Analyses based on'1852 MWt 8

Plant Description

  • Containment Design - See Figure 1

- Steel Containment

- Concrete Shield Building 9

Figure .1: Containment Design 10

Plant Description

- Shield Building Ventilation - See Figure 2

- Auxiliary Building Special Ventilation - See Figure 3 11

Figure 2: Shield Building Ventilation 12

Figure 3: Auxiliary Building Special Ventilation XIIgj~j3T S~TACKS 13

Plant Description

  • Control Room Special Ventilation System - See Figures 4 and 5

- Isolation and Filtered Recirculation Design

- System aligns to emergency mode from SI or High Radiation signal - time delay for isolation selected conservatively

- Unfiltered Inleakage selected to bound 1998 and 2004 tracer gas testing results

- Submitted CREH Program LAR 6/24/09*

Plant Description Control Room Special Ventilation System (cont'd)

- Control Room Envelope Consists of the Control Room and 2 mechanical equipment rooms

  • Control Room structure houses-controls for both Units Mechanical equipment rooms are located directly above the Control Room Control Room Ventilation System is located entirely within the CRE with the exception of the outside air supply ducts 15

Figure 4: CR Vent Normal C0-o54i43 R2t Aft HANLIER "O CO-34142 CD'I4e17 rec r OUTSMc, HOTWATE.



igure 5: CR Vent After B Train High Rad Signal

,CO-541Z44 0.5415 122 AIRHAMM~F FAJ o .. .


Specific Aspects of the Analyses Summary of AST Analyses and Preliminary Results

  • EAB & LPZ Atmospheric Dispersion Factors based on CLB
  • Control Room and TSC Atmospheric Dispersion Analyses complies with RG 1.194
  • Dose Consequence Analyses complies with RG 1.183, exception described 18

Specific Aspects of the Analyses Control Room & TSC 7/Q Values Reviewed potential release locations

  • Identified limiting release locations relative to CR and TSC receptors
  • Used CLB 7,/Q values, where appropriate for AST 19

Specific Aspects of the Analyses

.Control Room & TSC z/Q Values (cont'd)

Calculated x/Q Values, as follows:

- Common area of Auxiliary Building to CR Air Intakes

- Turbine Driven AFW Pump Steam Exhaust to CR Air Intakes

- SB Vent Stack to TSC Air Intake 20

Specific Aspects of the Analyses Control Room & TSC ./Q Values (cont'd)

Calculated z/Q Values, as follows:

- Aux Bldg Normal Vent Make-Up Air Intake to CR Air Intake and TSC Air Intake

- SB Vent Stack to CR Air Intakes*

- SG PORVs to CR Air Intakes*

  • Previously submitted to NRC via Dose LAR (SE dated June 19, 2009, ML091490611) 21

Specific Aspects of the Analyses Control Room & TSC C/Q Values (cont'd)

RG 1.194 Discussion Two source-receptor pairs with distances of about 10 meters 9 Distance from Unit 1 Turbine Driven AFW Pump Steam Exhaust to Unit 1 CR air intake is 9.6 meters

° Distance from Unit 2 RWST Vent (Makeup air intake louvers) to Unit 2 CR air intake is 9.2 meters 22

Specific Aspects of the Analyses Source Term

  • Analysis of record is based on Licensed Power Level of 1650 MWt + 2% = 1683 MWt
  • AST Analysis is based on 1852 MWt; 10% increase above 1683 MWt Increase in core fission product inventory and the RCS fission product inventories by 10% allows for future power uprating 23

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LOCA Analysis - Containment Release Model 24

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LOCA Analysis - ECCS Leakage Release Model 25

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LOCA Analysis (cont'd)

Differences from CLB

- Decreased assumed containment leakage rate

  • 0.25 wt%/day reduced to 0.15 wt%/day

- No credit for Containment Spray for fission product removal

  • CS operates during SI injection phase only

" Due to AST release timing, there is minimal benefit from crediting CS during injection phase CS operation still credited for containment pressure reduction and sump liquid pH adjustment 26

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LOCA Analysis (cont'd)

Differences from CLB

-. Credit taken for natural deposition on surfaces in Containment

  • Consistent with RG 1.183, Appendix A and SRP 6.5.2 SBVS and ABSVS Timing AST release timing allows increasing credited SBVS and ABSVS drawdown time 27

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LOCA Analysis (cont'd)

Differences from CLB

- No credit for SBVS Charcoal Adsorber

  • With natural deposition inside of containment, the charcoal adsorber has minimal impact to results
  • HEPA filter maintained Increased efficiency for ABSVS Charcoal Adsorber
  • Credited efficiency increased from 70% to 80%


Specific Aspects of the Analyses LOCA Analysis (cont'd)

  • Differences from CLB

- Increased assumed control room unfiltered inleakage

- Increased ECCS leak rate to ABSVZ 29

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LOCA Analysis (cont'd)

Exception to RG 1.183

- Credit for non-safety related dampers to establish ABSVZ Considered acceptable based on:

- Safety related initiation signal

- Fail safe position; does not require back-up power supply

- Tested quarterly per established Surveillance Procedures

- Consistent with CLB 30

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LOCA Analysis (cont'd)

Analytical Approach to RG 1.183 Reduced iodine flash fraction (FF) for ECCS leakage

  • Above 212 F

- FF determined using constant enthalpy equation in Section 5.4

  • Below 212 F

- FF determined based on sump liquid temperature, pH and initial iodine concentration 31

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LOCA Analysis (cont'd)

Sump Liquid pH Verified > 7.0 for 30 days

- Conservative analysis

  • Maximum boric acid contribution 0 Minimum NaOH contribution

° Contribution from other sources such as cable insulation and radiolysis of water 32

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LOCA Results CLB Receptor AST- Allowable CLBWhole Location TEDE Thyroid Body (Rem) TEDE (Rem)

(Rem) (Rem) Body Rein) (Rem)

EAB 2.58 25 22 2 LPZ 2.42 25 16.5 2 CR 4.52 5.0 29.5 1.5 TSC 4.48 5.0 24.5 4 33

Specific Aspects of the Analyses FHA Analysis - Model 34

Specific Aspects of the Analyses FHA Analysis (cont'd)

- Revised Control Room Atmospheric Dispersion factor values

- Increased peaking factor

- Increased core inventory for HB fuel

- Lower Control Room unfiltered inleakage assumption 35

Specific Aspects of the Analyses FHA Results Receptor AST - TEDE Allowable CLB TEDE Location (Rem) TEDE (Rem) (Rem)

EAB 2.28 6.3 1.95 LPZ 0.62 6.3 0.53 CR 3.64 5.0 4.4 36

Specific Aspects of Analysis HLD Analysis - Model 37

Specific Aspects of Analysis HLD Analysis (cont'd)

Differences from FHA HLD Dose Consequence Analysis assumes that all fuel pins in two assemblies are damaged (FHA assumes one)

Analysis of drop of upper internals predicts that fuel pins equivalent to approximately 1.8 fuel assemblies damaged 38

Specific Aspects of Analysis HLD Analysis (cont'd)

Differences from FHA Dose Consequence Analysis based on Containment being open at seven days after shutdown

  • Administratively controlled by procedures 39

Specific Aspects of Analysis HLD Results AST Receptor T- Allowable CLB TEDE Location (Rem) TEDE (Rem)' (Rem)

EAB 2.77 6.3 2.30 LPZ 0.756 6.3 0.63 CR 4.42 5.0 1.57 40

Specific Aspects of the Analyses MSLB Analysis - Model 41

Specific Aspects of the Analyses MSLB Analysis (cont'd)

  • Differences from CLB

- Faulted SG dryout time

  • Based on analysis

- Postulated release location for faulted SG steam

  • Common area of Auxiliary Building 42

Specific Aspects of the Analyses MSLB Analysis (cont'd)

  • Differences from CLB

- Release locations for intact SG

  • PORV and TDAFWP steam exhaust Cool down to place shutdown cooling system (RHR) in operation takes 45.5 Hours - impacts steam mass release from intact SG 43

Specific Aspects of the Analyses MSLB Analysis (cont'd)

Differences from CLB Release from faulted SG continues for an additional 29.5 Hours Conservative Partition Coefficient of 10 Used for Intact SG relative to value of 100 allowed per RG 1.183 44

Specific Aspects of the Analyses MSLB Results - Pre-Accident Spike AST - Allowable CLB CLB Receptor Whole Locption TEDE TEDE Thyroid Body (Rem) (Rem) (Rem) (Rem)

EAB 0.111 25 3.9 <0.01 LPZ 0.047 25 3.3 <0.01 CR 0.837 5.0 6.9 <0.01 45

Specific Aspects of the Analyses MSLB Results - Concurrent Spike AST- Allowable CLB CLB Receptor TEDE TEDE Thyroid Body Location (Rem) (Rem) (Rem) (Rem)

EAB 0.549 2.5 6.4 <0.1 LPZ 0.258 2.5 22.4 <0.1 CR 4.25 5.0 27.2 <0.01 46

Specific Aspects of the Analyses SGTR Analysis - Model I

SI~a 1(H{\'

II) I STDAi nP 47

Specific Aspects of the Analyses SGTR Analysis (cont'd)

  • Differences from CLB

- Release from ruptured SG includes PORV and TDAFWP steam exhaust

- Included dose contribution due to steam release from intact SG

Specific Aspects of the Analyses SGTR Analysis (cont'd)

  • Differences from CLB

- Release from the intact SG PORV and TDAFWP steam exhaust is included

- Cool down to place shutdown cooling system (RHR) in operation takes 14 Hours - impacts steam mass release from intact SG 49

Specific Aspects of the Analyses SGTR Results - Pre-Accident Spike Receptor AST - TEDE Allowable Location (Rem) TEDE (Rem)

EAB 1.09 25 LPZ 0.299 25 CR 4.43 5.0

  • CLB based on 1% defective fuel clad resulting in 7 rem thyroid, 0.74 rem whole body 50

Specific Aspects of the Analyses SGTR Results - Concurrent Spike Receptor AST - TEDE Allowable TEDE Location (Rem) (Rem)

EAB 0.961 2.5 LPZ 0.269 2.5 CR 3.29 5.0 51

Specific Aspects of the Analyses CREA Analysis - Model i*':IL'I,)I" 'R I. u11 l o111,.

uillI)IIleI l~lel- illIt*

Ia'on C o!(Lc.a';ka1oe I Iell eactor SC*oI:Il a 'lt 'l Itste(ll B t S(;s 52

Specific Aspects of the Analyses CREA Analysis (cont'd)

Significant Analysis Inputs and Assumptions

- Source term includes fuel damage (cladding failure and fuel melt)

  • Consistent with CLB Considers both containment and secondary side release paths o Consistent with RG 1.183 53

Specific Aspects of the Analyses CREA Analysis (cont'd)

Significant Analysis Inputs and Assumptions

- Containment release is similar to LOCA

  • Except only decay and leakage are credited for reducing activity in containment atmosphere

- Secondary side release is from both SG PORVs and the TDAFWP steam exhaust 54

Specific Aspects of the Analyses CREA Analysis (cont'd)

Significant Analysis Inputs and Assumptions Cool down to place shutdown cooling system (RHR) in operation takes 45.5 Hours - impacts steam mass release from intact SG Partition coefficient of 100 used for SGs

Specific Aspects of the Analyses CREA Results Receptor AST - TEDE Allowable Location (Rem) TEDE (Rem)

EAB 0.67 6.3 LPZ 0.39 6.3 CR 3.54 5.0 56

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LRA Analysis - Model 1

~I O)kVs TTI

. ),A\I-\V IP 57

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LRA Analysis (cont'd)

Significant Analysis Inputs and Assumptions

- Source term includes cladding damage

  • Consistent with CLB

- Release is similar to the secondary side release for the CREA.


Specific Aspects of the Analyses LRA Analysis (cont'd)

Significant Analysis Inputs and Assumptions

- Cool down to place shutdown cooling system (RHR) in operation takes 45.5 Hours - impacts steam mass release from intact SG

- Partition coefficient of 100 used for SGs

Specific Aspects of the Analyses LRA Results Receptor AST - TEDE Allowable Location (Rem) TEDE (Rem)

EAB 0.487 6.3 LPZ 0.271 6.3 CR 3.90 5.0 60

Specific Aspects of the Analyses NUREG-0737 Evaluations being performed in support of submittal:

- Vital Area Access

- CR Habitability

- TSC Habitability 61

Overview of Licensing Basis Changes

  • Revise radiological consequences for limiting


- TEDE acceptance criterion

- Revised assumptions

-Revised results 62


Overview of Licensing Basis Changes

  • Proposed PINGP TS TS 1. 1, "Definitions" (Handout #1)

Dose Equivalent 1-131 definition revised

Dose Equivalent Xe-1 33 term and definition added (per TSTF-490) 63

Definitions 1.1 1.1 Definitions (continued)

CHANNEL A CHANNEL CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment, by CHECK observation, of channel behavior during operation. This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and status to other indicatious or status derived from independent instrument channels measuring the same paranmeter.

CHANNEL A COT shall be the injection of a simulated or actual signal into OPERATIONAL the channel as close to the sensor output as practicable to verify DRAFT - FOR INFO ONLY TEST (COT) OPERABILITY of all devices in the channel required for channel OPERABILITY. The COT shall include adjustments, as necessary, of the required alarun, interlock, and trip setpoints required for channel OPERABILITY such that the setpoints are within the necessary range and accuracy. The COT may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total channel steps.

CORE CORE ALTERATION shall be tile movement 6f any fuel, sources, ALTERATION or reactivity control components, within the reactor vessel with the vessel head removed and fuel iin the vessel. Suspension of CORE ALTERATIONS shall not preclude completion of movement of a component to a safe position.

CORE The COLR is the unit specitic document that provides cycle specific OPERATING parameter limits for the current reload cycle. These cycle specific LIMITS parameter limits shall be determined for each reload cycle in REPORT accordance with Specification 5.6.5. Plant operation within these (CO1R) limits is addressed in individual Specifications.

DOSE DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 shall be that concentration of 1-131 EQUIVALENT (microcuries/gram) that alone would produce the same thyroid dose 1-131 as the quantity and isotopic mixture of 1-131, 1-132, 1-133, 1-134, and 1-135 actually present. The thyroid dose conversion factors used for this calculation shall be those listed in Table W fIP-e '9l- 18 ".

AEC.C i96-2. "Galetilatiali fD:qtgmn , FRzte)z. f+', Pcw-ý gnd :P--t Pe~etc"e~ite."2.1 of Federal Guidance Reoort 11. "Limitino Values of Radionuclide Intake And Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation, Submersion and Ingestion-" 1989.

Prairie Island Unit I - Amendment No. 4 Units I and 2 1.1-2 Unit 2 Amendment No. 449 64

D~efiniitionis 1.1 Definitions (continued)


"*"~ F~m aa"VP.'G 5i 141'h!HJ.


0, A:`g 1-68 Eli,R lit thfe a*.**'r.i; 0

D1 .... ......

E:... S ... I .......

0 ...le ..9.... . 1 ..... .

Ii cc*" 5 :'in utc.c :' aki;g u:p at*I'-act 950 "cfth.c tta o, ' ai'c~di;'-.

activity. i :the cc.l.a;nt.

DOSE DOSE EOUIVALENT XE-133 shall be that concentration of EOUIVALENT Xe-133 (microcuries per gram) that alme would roduice the XE- 133 same acute dose to the whole bodys as the combined activities of noble gas nuclides.lKr-85m. Kr-85. Kr-87. Kr-88.

DRAFT - FOR INFO ONLY Xe-13 lIm, Xc- 133m, Xe-133, Xe- 135m. Xe- 135, and Xc-138]

actually preent 1U a sneci Fic noble was nutclide is not detected, it should be assumed to be present at the minimum detectable activity. The determination of DOSE EOUIVALENT XE-133 shall be perlormed using [effective dose conversion factors for air submersion listed in Table 111.1 of EPA Federal Guidance Reoort No. 12, 1993, "External Exnosure to Radionuclides in Air- Water- and Soil" or the averaee _oamnma disinteeration energies as nrovided in ICRP Publicatioi 38. "Radionuclide Transfornmations" or siimilar Source I-LEAKAGE LEAKAGE from the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) shall he:

a. Identified LEAKAGE
1. LEAKAGE, such as that from pump seals or valve packing (except reactor coolant pump (RCP) seal water injection or leakoff), that is captured and conducted to collection systems or a sump or collecting tank;
2. LEAKAGE into the containment atmosphere from sources that are both specifically located and known either not to interfere with the operation of leakage detection systems or not to be pressure boundary LEAKAGE: or Prairie Island Unit I - Amendment No. 4-4 4--7 Units I and 2 1.1-3 Unit 2 - Amendment No. 4.4944 65

Overview of Licensing Basis Changes Proposed PINGP TS (cont'd)

TS 3.3.7, "Spent Fuel Pool Special Ventilation System Actuation Instrumentation"

  • TS and bases being deleted

- SFPVS not required to meet dose consequence limits. Analysis performed without taking credit for filtration or isolation of area.


Overview of Licensing Basis Changes

  • Proposed PINGP TS (cont'd)

- TS 3.4.17, "RCS Specific Activity" (Handout #2)

  • LCO and SR being revised to delete reference to gross specific activity and to reference limit on Dose Equivalent Xe-1 33 (per TSTF-490) 67

RCS Specific Aclivity 3.4.17 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) 3.4.17 RCS SpeciticActivity LCO 3.4.17 'Pie spWe.eif ae ir; if the Fater 808~~ 3sl rha,I1 4 Htiol~i

-I _4_4 DOSE1 FDUIVALENT 1-1I31 and DOSE EDUTVALIJIT XF- 13 speciflic activity sh~all be \v thin lImits,,


1-131 " . LCO 3.0.4.c is applicable.

w ith in lin it. -----------------------------------------

A. I Verify DOSE Once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> EQUIVALENT 1-131 wi!i" thc aoooptable rogion 4 Figrf A.1.'7 L20 AND 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> A.2 Restore DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 to within limit.

Prairie Island Unit I - Amendment No. 44- 447 4-94 UJnits 1 and 2 3.4.17-I LUnit 2- AmendmentNN, 440-I-t-I-t4-68

RCS Specific Activity 3.4.!7 ACTIONS (continued)


----..----- N T -----------. 64_ hours oftl"-A 0-01a'f LCO 3.0.4.c is applicable.

OLUIVALE'NT XE-133 not wilhin limil.

B.1 4i:

Pe NMOEt DONEitl" q2, -P" 3-4a0* *& Qlo re _DOSE1 DRAFT - FOR INFO ONLY EOUIVAIENTf XE-133 to withi~n limit.

C. Required Action and C. I Be in MODE 3--+h 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> associated Completion Time of Condition A or B not met. AND OR C.2 Be in MODE 5. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 in Ih

-ieu'epi:ble r25.17 I>3 Prairie Island Unit I - Amendment No. 4544 tJnits 1 and 2 3.4.17-2 Unit 2- Amendment No. 4-41-4 69

RC S Specific Activity 3.4.17 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR l r*,.ir , ...  :... 7 da.s


Only required to be performed in MODE I.

Verify rcactor coolant DOSE EOUIVALENT XE-DRAFT - FOR INFO ONLY 133 *pecific activilv :. 580 ltCi/gnl.

SR -------------------------- NOTE -----------------

Only required to be performed in MODE I.

Verify reactor coolant DOSE EQUIVALENT 14 days 1-131 specific activity < 0.5 uCi/gm.

AND Between 2 and 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> after a THERMAL POWER clhange of> 15% RTP within a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> period.

SR NOTE Not req~uiredJ to beoreo'form:od .. t.l;1 a

  • a ... 0;...

niiiii mu 2 et~loti'.o full powerd&N-s atid 20 d .... of MODE opor'tio" havI eIspod w -I.

De*'~jE', "."a a oantp'lo "-aLoin MODE I a-"tar A W Hinin1a o: of 2 kfti', 'fill! power raeg,> agd 20

' 4OE P eo!oti)- I Iv d...-aysf tl:

orItRF"-o.Ifloot .xeofiol fop-__8 lietif.

Prairie Island Unit 1 Amendment No. 4 -94 Units I and 2 3.4.17-3 Unit 2 - Amendment No. 44 4-gO 70

RCS Specifli DRAFT -. FOR INFO ONLY 30 40 50 60 70 80 \90 100 PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL POWER Figure 3.4.17-1 (page 1 of 1)

Reactor Coolant DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 Specific Activity Limit Versus Percent of RATED THERMAL POWER Unit 1 - Amendment No. 4-58 3.4.17-4 Unit 2 - Amendment \No. 449 \]


Overview of Licensing Basis Changes

  • Proposed PINGP TS (cont'd)

- TS 3.7.12 "Auxiliary Building Special Ventilation System" (Handout #3)

  • SR being revised to change duration from 6 minutes to 20 minutes to verify each ABSVS train can produce a negative pressure 72

ABSVS 3.7.t2 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME C. Required Action and C. I Be in MODE 3. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> associated Completion Time not met. AND C.2 Be in MODE 5. 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> DRAFT - FOR INFO ONLY SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Operate each ABSVS train for> 15 minutes with 31 days the heaters operating.

SR Perform required ABSVS filter testing in In accordance accordance with the Ventilation Filter Testing . with the VFTP Program (VFTP).

SR Verity each ABSVS train call produce a negative 92 days pressure withins 42l minutes after initiation.

SR Verify cach ABSVS train actuates on an actual or 24 months simulated actuation signal.

Unit I -Amendment No.4-4-4 Prairie Island Units I and 2 3.7.12-2 Unit 2 - Amendment No. 44-9-o 73

Overview of Licensing Basis Changes

  • Proposed PINGP TS (cont'd)

TS 3.7.13, "Spent Fuel Pool Special Ventilation System"

  • TS and bases being deleted

-SFPSVS not required to meet dose consequence limits. Analysis performed without taking credit for filtration or isolation of area.


Overview of Licensing Basis Changes

  • Proposed PINGP TS (cont'd)

TS 3.9.4, "Containment Penetrations" (Handout

  1. 4)
  • TS being replaced with a requirement that recently irradiated fuel (< 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br />) cannot be handled 75

Deca W~in*e..n.tail.....t P tr.....o:

3.9.4 3.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3.9.4 D1)ecay' c.i *.-h,," ... ot... o '

LCO 3.9.4 The reactor shall be subcritical for at least 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br />.eeie;nmie.s

a. The oqupalooat -ic, ad t oloJ"d

".: d phaw fow-r' oil:

b. Cooi door iL.ouchi or lootk oloud. mid DRAFT - FOR INFO ONLY I
6. Efole ~oeOtrtffiiO. providiug, dirooEt Ruc.... 48 'ýfrol 111
- !Wolatio" M


'*, llaooo3,:.

.. ota;; S.o',,3 4dor ocuaiElalout.

atlovapt ai]ro A ol.;'::oiL3, . p'p..... "

,, at.;tol.':ot [I

"-atran. llow patt.'ka) proVofi;g, acces: Hr001 ma*ontiamneant atmio:ptire' ietho mst.ide at ,1. ,4o1- io-u RIFo : ho .. do.o.Juo

.. .d........t... oo-

. e l- :

APPLICABILITY: During movement of ""eo4t irradiated fuel assemblies within ile I reactor coret.zeei;inmH-mei.

ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Reactor subcritical for A. I Suspend movement of Inmediately less than 50Lhosirstu-a0 eea fee-i-t. irradiated fuel rao.- 11141-1, assemblies withliii the p......U.U.d ..... ;-,to reactor coreee4,Rýisl,+4e .

roeq':i:od*atani:,m Prairie Island Unit I - Amendment No. 4-49--466 Units I and 2 3.9.4-1 Unit 2 - Amendment No. 449 4-56 76

3,9 .4 3.9.4 SIJRVELLANCEI REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify the reaclor has bcen suhcrilical tor at leasl 50 Once prior to slqh'c

ait . irradiated futc it tollowing reaclor situ tdowndiu&,i

-DRAFT - FOR INFO ONLY Prairie Island Unit I - Amndmcent No. 44-5 444 Units I and 2 39.4-2 Unit 2 - Amcndment No. 4-4.9 44 77

Overview of Licensing Basis Changes

  • Proposed PINGP TS (cont'd)

- TS 5.5.9, "Ventilation Filter Testing Program" (Handout #5)

  • Deleting Spent Fuel Pool Special, and Inservice Purge Ventilation System (SFPSIPVS)

- TS 5.5.9b and TS 5.5.9d

  • SBVS no longer applicable

- TS 5.5.9c

° Deleting the methyl iodide penetration values for SBVS and SFPSIPVS and revising the methyl iodide penetration value for ABSVS

- TS 5.5.9e

° Deleting the test face velocity values for the SBVS &

SFpSIPV .... 78

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals (continued) 5.5.9 Ventilation Filter Testing Program (VFTP)

A program shall be established to implement the following required testing of the Control Room Special Ventilation System (CRSVS), Auxiliary Building Special Ventilation System (ABSVS), and Shield Building Ventilation System (SBVS), amid the gpezot Fuel Peel Speial and i*:se'ie l'ne '... ....

tilatioo .)548m. (..P..PV) ,at least once each 24 months.

Demonstrate for the ABSVS. SBVS, aui.dCRSVS 1d291P3V.,

systems DRAFT FOR INFO ONLY that:

a. An inplace DOP test of the high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters shows a penetration and system bypass < 0.05% (for DOP.

particles having a mean diameter of 0.7 microns);

b. A halogenated hydrocarbon test of the inplace charcoal adsorber shows a penetration and system bypass <0.05% (SRVS not annlicabley; c- A laboratory test of a sample of the charcoal adsorber, when obtained as described in Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2, shows the methyl iodide penetration less than: 1) lq-o.% penetration for ABSVS, 2) -4j2;

.... rati for 913%W9.

3) 7.5% pen:etrmtie"o fr the 9FPSIPV, and 42) 2.5% penetration for the CRSVS when tested in accordance with ASTM D3803-1989 at a temperature of 30'C and 95% relative humidity (RH);
d. The pressure drop across the combined HEPA filters and the charcoal adsorbers (SBVS not applicable_ is less than 6 inches of water at the system flowrate + 10%;


e. A laboratory test of a sample of the charcoal adsorber shall have tilter test face velocities greater than or equal to the following values for each system: 1) 54 fpm for the CRSVS, and 2) 72 fpm for the ABSVS.+-ý)47-tmf,9- tIa 8135.18 and !),!W fpmo for the 8FPSIP'/E&.

Prairie Island Unit I - Amendment No. -5 '4-64 4-86 Units I and 2 5.0-23 Unit 2 - Amendment No. 449 4-4 444 79

Overview of Licensing Basis Changes

  • Proposed PINGP TS (cont'd)

TS 5.5.14, "Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program" (Handout #6) e Revising values for primary containment leakage rate 80

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals (continued) 5.5.14 Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program

a. A program shall be established to implement the leakage rate testing of the containment as required by 10 CFR 50.54(o) and 10 CFR 50, Appendix J. Option B, as modified by approved exemptions. This program shall be in accordance with the guidelines contained in Regulatory Guide 1.163, "Performance-Based Containment Leak-Test Program," dated September 1995, as modified by the following exceptions: .

DRAFT - FOR INFO ONLY I. Unit I is excepted from post-tnodification integrated leakage rate testing requirements associated with steam generator replacement.

2. Exception to NEI 94-01, "Industry Guideline for Implementing Performance-Based Option of 10 CFR 50, Appendix J", Section 9.2.3. to allow the following:

(i ). The first Unit I Type A test perfomncd after December 1, 1997 shall be performed by December 1,2012.

(ii). The first Unit 2 Type A test performed after March 7, 1997 shall be performed by March 7, 2012.

I b, The peak calculated containment internal pressure for the design basis loss of coolant accident is less than the containment internal design pressure, Pa, of 46 psig.

c. The maximum allowable primary containment leakage rate, La., at Pa, shall be 0.-15jj% of primary containment air weight per day. For pipes connected to systems that are in the auxiliary building special ventilation zone, the total leakage shall be less than 0.4-06% of primary containment air weight per day at pressure Pa. For pipes connected to systems that are exterior to both the shield building and the auxiliary building special ventilation zone, the total leakage past isolation valves shall be less than O.O04-/% of primary containment air weight per day at pressure Pa.

Prairie Island Unit 1 - Amendment No. -t-j8-466 4-74 Units 1 and 2 5.0-28 Unit 2 - Amendment No. -49 4641 81

Overview of Licensing Basis Changes

  • Proposed PINGP TS (cont'd)

Proposed TS 5.5.16, "Control Room Habitability Program

  • Deleting references to TID dose consequence of 5 rem whole body 82

4 Submittal Content

  • ,Technical content of the LAR includes summary of assumptions and analyses
  • Accident analyses Input Parameter and Results Tables Including Comparison to CLB, where applicable

Submittal Content (cont'd) 0 NRC RIS 2006-04 disposition table

  • Meteorological data
  • Accident analyses calculations

- Including computer inputs and outputs

  • Proposed TS changes and proposed TS bases changes 84

V Schedule Submittal to NRC no later than October 2009

- EPU LAR targeted for 4th quarter 2010 85

Questions Xcei Energy 87