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TVA and Xcel Energy Slides for Joint Presubmittal Meeting to License Amendment Requests to Adopt WCAP-17661, Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar, Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/12/2019
Tennessee Valley Authority, Xcel Energy
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
WCAP-17661, Rev 1
Download: ML19347B072 (27)


Joint Pre-Submittal Meeting for License Amendment Requests:

Improved Relaxed Axial Offset Control (RAOC)

FQ Surveillance Technical Specifications TVA Watts Bar Xcel Energy Prairie Island December 12, 2019


  • Opening Remarks
  • Common Approach
  • Licensee Specific Items


- Xcel Energy

  • Closing Remarks 2

Opening Remarks

  • The purpose of this meeting is to discuss proposed license amendments for several units
  • The participating licensees will request similar non-voluntary license amendment requests (LARs) to adopt WCAP-17661-P-A
  • The LARs will resolve non-conservative Technical Specifications (TS) with respect to Relaxed Axial Offset Control (RAOC) plants and the current FQ Surveillance formulation.


Background - WCAP-17661-P-A

  • Feb 1994 - WCAP-10216-P-A, Rev 1A, Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control (and) FQ Surveillance Technical Specification, issued
  • Feb 2009 - Westinghouse identified a non-conservatism associated with TS 3.2.1, Hot Flux Channel Factor (FQ(Z)), Required Action B
  • Sep 2009 - Westinghouse issued NSAL 09-05, Revision 1, Relaxed Axial Offset Control FQ Technical Specification Actions

- Stations treated as non-conservative Technical Specification

  • Jan 2014 - PWROG submitted TR WCAP-17661-P, Revision 1, Improved RAOC and CAOC FQ Surveillance Technical Specifications, in order to develop a solution to the problem identified in NSAL 09-05 4

Background - WCAP-17661-P-A

  • Feb 2015 - Westinghouse issued NSAL-15-1, Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor Technical Specification Surveillance, after determining that one aspect of TS SR may not be sufficient to assure that the peaking factor that is assumed in the licensing basis analysis is maintained under all conditions between the frequency of performance of TS Surveillance Requirement (SR)

- Stations treated as non-conservative TS

- NSAL-15-1 guidance is no longer required once the WCAP-17661-P-A based TS are implemented.

  • Nov 2018 - NRC issues Safety Evaluation (SE) for WCAP-17661, Revision 1
  • Aug 2019 - NRC issues verification letter noting WCAP-17661-P-A is acceptable for referencing in licensing applications (with limitations) 5

Common Approach Resolve the non-conservative TS issues identified in NSAL-09-05, Revision 1, and NSAL-15-1 by submitting a non-voluntary LAR to:

  • Apply Approval Limitations in the associated NRC SE.

- Limitation 1: Use of AXY and AQ

- Limitation 2: Power Level Reduction to 50% rated thermal power (RTP) 6

TVA - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN)

  • Background

- WBN FQ Surveillance TS based on WCAP-10216-P-A (RAOC)

- Unit 1: Administrative controls implemented to address TS 3.2.1 non-conservatisms related to:

  • NSAL-09-5 (Required Actions for FQW(Z) failure non-conservative)
  • NSAL-15-1 (FQW(Z) Surveillance Frequency non-conservative)

- Unit 2: TS 3.2.1 uniquely addresses NSAL-09-5 and NSAL-15-1 issues, but has a License Condition

  • License Condition 2.C.10 requires TVA to verify for each core reload that the actions taken if FQW(Z) is not within limits will assure that the limits on core power peaking FQ(Z) remain below the initial total peaking factor assumed in the accident analyses.


TVA - WBN (contd)

- Implement WCAP-17661-P-A Tech Spec 3.2.1 on both WBN Units 1 and 2 and pursuant to Approval Limitations

  • Proposed TS Change

- TS 3.2.1 Condition A

- TS 3.2.1 Condition B

- SR and SR

- TS 5.9.5

- Proposing to delete Unit 2 License Condition 2.C.10

  • Schedule Milestones

- LAR Submittal target of 3/1/20

- Approval requested by 3/1/21 (prior to Unit 1 Cycle 18 Safety Analysis verifications)

- Implementation:

  • Unit 1 Cycle 18 (Startup in Fall 2021)
  • Unit 2 Cycle 5 (Startup in Spring 2022) 8

Proposed TVA WBN Unit 1 TS Markups (similar changes also being made for WBN Unit 2) 9

Proposed TVA WBN Unit 1 TS Markups (similar changes also being made for WBN Unit 2) 10

Proposed TVA WBN Unit 1 TS Markups (similar changes also being made for WBN Unit 2) 11

Proposed TVA WBN Unit 1 TS Markups (similar changes also being made for WBN Unit 2) 12

Proposed TVA WBN Unit 1 TS Markups (similar changes also being made for WBN Unit 2) 13

Proposed TVA WBN Unit 1 TS Markups (similar changes also being made for WBN Unit 2) 14

Proposed TVA WBN Unit 1 TS Markups (similar changes also being made for WBN Unit 2) 15

Proposed TVA WBN Unit 2 OL Markups 16

Xcel Energy - Prairie Island

  • Background

- NSAL-09-05 entered into Corrective Action Program (CAP) Aug 2009

- NSAL-15-1 entered into CAP

- Corrective actions remain open pending approval of the amendment

- As noted above, Xcel Energy will request adoption of WCAP-17661-P-A with limitations specified in the NRC SE dated November 23, 2018 17

Xcel Energy - Prairie Island

  • Proposed TS Changes

- TS 3.2.1 Condition A

- TS 3.2.1 Condition B

- SR and SR

- TS 5.6.5

  • Schedule Milestones

- Submit February 2020

- Approval Requested by March 2021

- Implement after each units next refueling outage following approval (unit specific Tech Specs until both units implement) 18

Proposed PINGP TS Markups 19

Proposed PINGP TS Markups 20

Proposed PINGP TS Markups 21

Proposed PINGP TS Markups 22

Proposed PINGP TS Markups 23

Proposed PINGP TS Markups 24

Proposed PINGP TS Markups 25

Closing Remarks 26

TVA Watts Bar Xcel Energy Prairie Island 27