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Forwards Addl Clarifying Info to Support 891220 License Amend Request Re HPSI Pump Operability,Per 900122 Request. Info Does Not Change Conclusions Re Significant Hazards Analysis
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/23/1990
From: Creel G
NUDOCS 9002010284
Download: ML19354E745 (28)


._. .. . . .

jp l DAl.TiMORE GAS AND ELECTRIC CH ARLES CENTER . P. O. BOX 1476. BALTIMOR E, M/sRYLAND 21203 Gtonot RitL v,p ,, January 23, 1990 noussa tunuo, ooo .o...s.

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 ATTENTION: Document Control Desk


Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Unit No.1; Docket Nos. 50-317 Request for Additional Information - Technical Specification Change to Suonort ilPSI Pumo Operability


(a) Letter from G. C. Creel to Document Control Desk, dated December 20, 1989, same subject (b) Letter from D. G. Mcdonald (NRC) to G. C. Creel (BG&E), dated January 22, 1990, same subject Gentlemen:

We are providing additional clarifying inforc..ation to support the license amendment request previously submitted (Reference (a)). A request for information was made on January 22,1990 (Reference (b)). The information provided in this response does not change any of the conclusions presented in Reference (a) with respect to the significant har.ards analysis.

Should you hate any further questions regarding this matter, we will be pleased to discuss them with you.

Very truly yours, d

GCC/ PSF /db ,

Attachment I O

L d 0' lER'48Mesegggc,, e D e

\\ .

\: [ ]

Document Control Desk January 23, 1990 Page 2 cc: D. A. Brune, Esquire J. E. Silberg. Esquire R. A.Caprn.NRC D. G. Mcdonald, Jr., NRC W. T. Russell, NRC J. E. Beall, NRC T. Magette, DNR



1. In gour LOCA evaluation during Mode 3 with reactor coolant temperature below 350 F, you have assumed that the fission product decay heat is based on i10 percent of 1971 ANS proposed standard. It is the staff's. position that the fission product decay heat following a LOCA shall be based on 120 percent of 1971 ANS proposed standard per the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix K.

Provide the results of your evaluation using this corrected assumption.


1. Using a fission product decay heat value of 120% results in greater than 18 minutes available for operator action.


2. Provide a discussion of the consequences of a SBLOCA during Mode 3 with reactor temperature below 350 F and the IIPSI pumps placed in PULL-TO-LOCK. Include the following:

(a) The time available for operator action to initiate liPSI pumps following identification of an SBLOCA. Describe the actions needed to manually initiate 11 PSI pumps.

(b) Describe the procedures available to operators for the above postulated SBLOCA. Discuss the time assumed between the initiation of the event and positive event identification.


2. (a) Dased on the analysis performed for Response 1, there are at least 18 minutes available for operator action. To manually initiate a llPSI pump, the handswitch must be turned from its
  • pull-to-lock" setting to its normal (auto) position.

The operator would follow his procedure to establish flow by taking the appropriate action at the control panel. This involves:

- verifying the indicated flow path for the selected liPSI pump (including a verification that the loop isolation valves are shut)

- starting the selected liPSI pump (using the pump handswitch; taking it to the ' start" position -- spring return to center)

- throttling open IIPSI header loop isolation MOV's as necessary to control flow to maintain proper pressure, pressurizer level, and subcooling ATTACHMENT (1)

(b) If a SBLOCA were to occur, the operators would use Abnormal Operating Procedure 2-A, " Excessive Reactor Ceolant Leakage" This procedure addresses a Minor Leak, a Major Leak and a Loss of Coolant in Modes 3, 4, 5, 6. The goal of this procedure is to address a loss of coolant and ensure the reactor vessel is not subject to an LTOP event. The procedure cautions the operator to prevent RCS pressure from exceeding 360 psia whenever the RCS temperature is less than 330 F. A copy of the applienble section of the procedure is attached.

This procedure is a symptom based procedure, that is, it addresses the symptoms of an event and does not follow a strict time line. There are so many variables in dealing with a SBLOCA, that the time available between the initiation of the event and its identification varies with each scenario. The minimum time available for operator action calculated above (18 minutes) assumes a large pipe break and is the minimum time for all scenarios. For smaller pipe breaks, the time available for operator action becomes longer. With a SBLOCA, the llPSI pump is throttled to prevent exceeding the 360 psia pressure limit and, if proper subevoling can be maintained, the system pressure will be reduced to allow use of other. injection sources that would not challenge LTOP (containment spray pumps and/or low pressure safety injection).


3: Discuss the consequences of manual startup of 11 PSI pumps during Mode 3 relativt to LTOP concerns.


3. A Technical Specification change will be submitted by January 31, 1990 to address the use of a llPSI pump when in LTOP conditions. The Technical Specification will require that a HPSI pump be throttled in order to preclude an overpressurization event whenever used while in LTOP conditions or alternatively that an adequate vent be available. The Technical Specification will also describe the condition of the HPSI pumps whenever the Unit is in an LTOP condition, i.e., two pumps with their breakers racked out and the remaining pump in pull-to-lock. The consequence of violating these proposed Technical Specification provisions is' negligible as long as the remaining LTOP controls are in place, (two PORVs or an adequate vent).


. /

( .. l


1. Date 1-18 90- l
2. Procedure Number /Name AOP-2A Rev. # 9
3. Change Log Sequence f 90-1028
1) Solit Response for major leaks into 2 j
4. Description of Change sections: Major leak in Modes 1 and 2. and Major Leak in Modes 3.4.5. l and 6. 2) Added oaraoraoh to Discussion about the LTOP concerns. i
5. Reason for Change 11213) Add accrooriate resoonses for LOCAs into l the procedure. and ensure the operators are aware of and have the procedures for LTOP concerns.


6. Originated By Wilson Date 12-y-89
7. Approvals Required:

(1 Plant Management 1 or 2) _L., (one SS/SRO ?) Yes _L No j Assistant General (Supervisor - QC Yes No X Pre Implementation review by POSRC Yes JL. No Field Change (14 day review) Yes No X ]

5) Manager - CCNPPD Yes X No
6) General Supervisor (or alternate) Yes No X '
8. REVIEWS AND APPROVALS (1) Plant Management Staff D Date e- <e- 9o (2) Plant Management Staff b_.,a fhNJ" Date 8 9a NSS/SROifrequkred)

AGS-QC (or alternate) Date l

(Hold Point Changes Only)

POSRC Meeting Number 90 - O lt Date l-2o -90 Manager - CCNPPD [MD lbM Date 1 4t-60 (FOR PROCEDURE DEVELOPMENT USE ONLY) ,

9. Recommended Action .

No change to master ( ) Required reading (OPS Only) ,

X Enter in the master copy Other LExplain in(Remarks)

10. Evaluated By  % wt 10ld Date I-19 -9 0
11. EnteredintomasYercopy,by Date ,
12. Remarks:


9 es

- CCI-10lM _

ATTACHMENT (2), Page 1 of 4 PROCEDURE CHANGE REPORT Proc # A0P-PA Revision # 9 Date: 1-18-90 Change Log Seq.90-1028 ,

4a. (Cont.) Description of Change: 3) Divided the Response for a Maior Leak in Modes 3.4.5. and 6 into 2 sections: RCS temperature areater 0

than 3500F. and RCS temoerature less than 350 F. .

l 1

i I

1 I

I 1

Sa, (Cont.) Reason for Change s





1, Page 1 9 2, Pages 1-2 9 3, Pages 1-2 9 4, Pages 1-2 9 1


A0P-1A  !

Rev. 9 -


i PAGE NUMBER CHANGE RLE0RT NUMBER 4 90 1028 5 88-1241, 90 1028 i 6 88-1241  !

7 89-1330, 90-1028 I

8 89-1330 9 88 1241, 89-1330  !

10 28 90-1028 .,


1. Page 1 68-1241 '

2, Page 1 86-159 2, Page 2 86-159 ,

3 Page 1 88-1105, 88-1241 3, Page 2 88-1241  !

4, Page 1 SS-1241 -

4, Page 2 86-159 i

i r

i 6

6 f

P 4

i i

I j



. A0P 2A l Rev. 9 Page 4  !



J. DISCUSSIDW ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5  !

11. INDICAT10NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 j

III. RESPONSE FOR A MAJOR LEAK IN MODES 1 AND 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 7 i oo IV. RESPONSE FOR A MAJOR LEAK IN MODES 3,4,5,6 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 l BJ. ,



V. RESPONSE FOR A MINOR LEAK ................... 28 j 1

i 1

1 i

I l

i I


1 I

1 i

l I

l I


. _. _ _ . _-__ _ _ ~ - . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



, A0P-2A Rev. 9  !

Page 10  ;

3. Implement ERPIP 3.0.
4. Enter loss of letdown and/or charging in the plant transient log as applicable. j l


(One charging pump unable to maintain Pressurizer Level with minimum letdown flow.)

A. Response in Mode 3 with RCS Temoerature areater than 350 0F1

1. JE RCS heatup/cooldown in progress, 110 stop the heatup/cooldown and maintain RCS temperature. l
2. Verify charging pumps are maintaining Pressurizer Level: i
a. Start available charging pump (s), as necessary, to maintain or attempt to maintain Pressurizer Level.
b. Initiate makeup to the VCT as required.
3. Attempt to isolate the leak:
a. Shut Letdown Isolation Valves:

CVC-515-CV CVC-516 CV

b. Shut RCS Sample Isolation, PS-5464-CV.
c. Shut Reactor Vessel Vent Valves: ,

RC-103-SV RC-104-SV

d. Shut Pressurizer Vent Valves:

RC-105-SV RC-106-SV v., . - - , .- wr-e - a=~- -- ,- ------- --- --- -

3. -

. A0P-2A 1 Rev. 9  !

Page 11 I

e. If PORV leakage is indicated by:

o High Quench Tank parameters. 1 e  !

"a o High PORV discharge piping temperature, computer l points T107 and T108.

o Abnormal Acoustic Monitor indication.

1 HEN shut the appropriate PORV Block Valve: )1 RC-403 MOV RC-405 MOV  ;

f. Determine if leak is on the Charging Header, as  ;

indicated by Charging Header Pressure being less than RCS Pressure.

g. IE leak is on the Charging Header,  ;


1) Secure the Charging Pumps.

2)' Realign charging to the Auxiliary HPSI Header per Attachment (1) of this procedure,

4. Determine if leak has been isolated: ,


- HQIE - t If Pressurizer Pressure is Blocked, during heatup or cooldown, SIAS will only actuate via Cntmt Pressure or Manual Pushbutton.  ;

a. IE leak has not been isolated alg) Pressurizer Pressure is decreasing rapidly, IllEH verify SIAS actuation.

P i


AOP-2A Rev. 9 Page 12

. ggg -

If E0P-5 or E0P-6 is entered due to the conditions h

$ in step 4.b or c below E0P-0 need not be implemented.

b. If leak has not been isolated AM) is not within the capacity of the Charging Pumps
85) S/G tube leakage is not indicated, IEH:
1) Start 11(21) and 13(23) HPSI Pumps.
2) Open Main and Aux HPSI Header Isolation MOVs:-

SI-616-MOV SI-617-MOV SI-626 MOV SI-627 MOV SI 636 MOV SI-637-MOV SI-646-MOV SI-647-MOV

3) Implement E0P-5.
c. IE leak has not been isolated 85) S/G tube is indicated, by increasing radiation levels on either of the following:

o Condenser Off-Gas RMS, RI-1752, o S/G B/D RMS, RI-4014 and/or RI-4095, i IMH:

1) Start 11(21) and 13(23) HPSI Pumps, i


AOP-2A Rev. 9 Page 13

, 2) Open Main and Aux HPSI Header Isolation MOVs:

E y SI-616-MOV SI-617-MOV e

SI-626-MOV SI-627-MOV SI-636-MOV SI-637-MOV r

SI-646-MOV SI 647 MOV  !

3) Implement E0P-6.
d. IE leak has been isolated DB is within the capacity of the operable Charging Pumps, as indicated by increasing Pretturizer level and CET subcooled margin greater than 300 F, 1113 establish Pressurizer Level at approximately 160 inches and determine if operation may continue or if raoldown is necessary for repairs. Implement OP 5, as applicable.

B. Response with RCS lemoerature less than 350 0F.

1. IE RCS heatup or cooldown is in progress, 11101 stop the heatup/cooldown and maintain RCS temperature.
2. Start available Charging, Pumps, as necessary, to maintain Pressurizer Level.
3. Makeup to the VCT, maintaining required blend, per 01-2B.
4. Attempt to isolate the leak,as follows:
a. Shut Letdown Isolation Valves:

CVC-515 CV CVC-516-CV


AOP-2A 1 Rev. 9 Page 14 l l

b. Shut RCS Sample Isolation, PS-5464-CV. l 7 c. Shut Reactor Vessel Vent Valves:

g RC-103-SV )

RC-104-SV l

d. Shut Pressurizer Vent Valves:

RC-105-SV i RC-106-SV .

e. 1E PORV leakage is indicated by:

o High Quench Tank parameters. 1 o High PORV discharge piping temperature, computer 1

points T107 and T108.  !

c' Abnormal Acoustic Monitor indication. l IdB shut the appropriate PORY Block Valve:

RC-403-MOV  :

RC-405-MOV I

f. Determine if leak is on- the Charging Header, as indicated by Charging Header Pressure being less than i

RCS Pressure. *

g. If leak is on the Charging Header, 1 DH: 1
1) Secure the Charging Pumps.
2) Realign charging to the Auxiliary HPSI Header per  ! 1

. Attachment (1) of this procedure.

i J

l i

I j

. AOP-2A  :

Rev. 9  ;

Page 15 i y 5. IE leak has ben isolated QB is within the capacity of the l operable Charging Pumps, as indicated by increasing i Pressurizer Level,  ;

1113 establish Pressurizer Level at approximately 160 inches and implement the appropriate Operating Procedure for the desired plant conditions.  ;

6. IE leak has not been isolated, It!G monitor for S/G tube leakage:  !
a. Increasing radiation levels on either of the following: -

o Condenser Off-Gas RMS, RI-1752.  !

r o S/G B/D RMS, RI-4014 and/or RI-4095,

b. Unexplained increase in S/G 1evel.
7. IE S/G tube leakage is indicated, M proceed to step 11,
8. 1E the leak was not isolated, jglI diagnosed as S/G tube leakage,  ;

alg} SDC is in operation l M stop the running LPSI pump (s), placing their H/S's in PTL, A!g) shut SDC Return, Isolation Valves, SI-651-MOV and-SI-652-MOV.

9. lE securing SDC isolates the leak, j IllG implement LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING CAPABILITY, A0P-38.
10. IE securing SDC does not isolate the leak  ;

At(Q RCS Level is maintained above the middle of the Hot Leg, ItiG re-initiate SDC, as follows:

a. Shut SDC temperature control valve SI-657-CV.

AOP-2A  :

Rev. 9 Page 16 e l E Place SDC flow control valve, SI-306-CV, in manual with I 7 b.

1 g

95% output signal (5% open position),

c. Open SDC Return Isolation Valves, SI-651-MOV and l I

SI-652 MOV.


d. Check open LPS! Loop Isolation Valves:

SI-615 MOV 4 i

SI-625 MOV SI 635 MOV SI-645 MOV .

e. Start LPSI pump. Very slowly increase open signal on f FIC-306 until 3000 GPM is achieved and place FIC-306 in l automatic.
f. Adjust SDC temperature control valve SI-657-CV as ,

necessary to maintain RCS temperature. .

11. E Fressurizer level cannot be controlled using the Charging '

I Pumps, QB the REACTOR VESSEL WATER LEVEL LOW alarm annunciates, ,

E initiate Safety Injection flow and refer to the ERPIP:

a. E RCS pressure less than 225 PSIA, 1

1 M proceed to step ll.c.


b. H RCS Pressure is greater than 225 PSIA, E initiate High Pressure Safety Injection:
1) Stop any running RCPs.
2) Open or check open RWT Outlet Valve for the operable HPSI Pump, SI-4142-MOV or SI-4143-MOV.


3) Establish HPSI flowpath through the Main or Aux '

HPSI Header:

---eut e - - _a__-_ . - _ _ _ .--m_ _u__-+_______


. A0P-2A Rev. 9 Page 17 a) Open the HPSI Hdr Valve for the desired flowpath:

[R Main HPSI Hdr SI-654-MOV Aux HPSI Hdr SI 656 MOV b) Align HPSI Hdr Crossconnect Valves for selected HPSI PP:

Pf lip _SJ_tidt SI-653-MOV SI 65S-MOV 11(21) Main 0)en 0)en 11(21) Aux Slut Slut 12(22 Main 0)en Shut 12(22) Aux Slut Open 13(23) Main Shut Shut 13(23) Aux Open Open c) Verify Loop Isolation Valves, for the desired HPSI Hdr flowpath, are Shut:

tiain aux SI-616-MOV SI-617-MOV SI-626-MOV SI-627-MOV SI 636-MOV- SI-637-MOV SI-646 MOV SI-647-MOV

4) Open or check open the Mini-flow return to RWT:

SI-659-MOV SI-660-MOV

5) Start the selected HPSI PP.

- l

. A0P 2A l Rev. 9 i Page 18 a, -CMLLGll-When RCS temperature is less than 330'F, RCS Pressure I shall not exceed 360 PSIA, due to LTOP considerations.

-CAUTION-If Shutdown Cooling is on service, do not allow RCS j I

Pressure to exceed 270 PSIA to ensure the SDC Return Isolation Valves do not shut. ,

5) Throttle open the HPSI Hdr Loop Isolation MOVs to maintain all of the following:  ;

o Pressurizer pressure less than 360 PSIA, )

(270 PSIA if Shutdown Cooling is on service). l o Pressurizer Level greater than 155 inches.

o At least 30 0F subcooling, as indicated by i . CETs.

6) 1E RCPs secured,  ;

MlD Shutdown Cooling was 311 in service, IEli confirm Natural Circulation:

0 o Thot minus Tcold between 10 and 50 F.

o Tcold constant or decreasing.

L o Thot constant or decreasing.

o CET temperatures consistent with Tho.t.

o Steaming rate affects primary temperatures.


- A0P-2A Rev. 9 i Page 19


$ 7) 1E the following conditions can be maintained:

o At least 30 0f subcooling, as indicated by  ;

1 CETs, i o Pressurizer level greater than 155 inches. i o At least one S/G, or Shutdown Cooling available for heat removal. j o RVLMS indicates the core is covered.  !

E depressurize the RCS to allow using a LPSI or  !

Containment Spray Pump for inventory control: l a) 1E Auxiliary Spray is available AND the Pressurizer is not solid, J l

M initiate Auxiliary Spray:

i) Record temperature differential ]

1 between Pressurizer and Regenerative Heat Exchanger outlet.

ii) Open Auxiliary Spray Valve, CVC-517-CV.

iii) Shut loop Charging Valves: '

CVC-518 CV ,

l CVC-519-CV iv) Maintain Pressurizer cooldown rate 0

less than 200 F/h.

b) If Auxiliary Spray is not available I

DB the Pressurizer is solid, E slowly throttle shut the HPSI Loop Isolation MOVs to allow the RCS to ,



- AOP-2A i Rev. 9 i Page 20  !


's M RCS pressure less than 300 PSIA 7 c)

O Alg) temperature is less than 3000F,  !

Ill[lf shut SIT Outlet Valves: l SI-614 MOV l I

SI-624-MOV SI-634 MOV ,


c. If RCS Pressure is less than 225 PSIA, {

&lg) the Safety Injection System has jg)I been aligned for Shutdown Cooling, l i

IllDi initiate'LPSI flow: ,

i 4

1) Stop any running RCPs.
2) Verify RWT Outlet Valves open:

SI-4142 MOV SI-4143-MOV

3) Start the selected LPSI Pump. .
4) Open the LPSI Loop Isolation Valves:

f  ;

SI-615 MOV a SI-625-MOV , i l

SI-635 MOV SI-645-MOV 'l 1

I 1 d. IE the RCS Pressure is less than 225 PSIA, Alg) Safety Injection has been aligned for Shutdown Cooling, j

'I IllEll initiate Containment Spray flow to the RCS:


1) Open or check open the RWT Outlet Valve for the h

$ selected Containment Spray Pump:

SI-4142 MOV SI 4143-MOV  !

2) Open or check open the Containment Spray Pump l


11(21) CS PP SI-333 j 12(22) CS PP SI-343 l

3) Open or check open the Mini-flow return to RWT:

SI-659-MOV .

SI-660-MOV j

4) Open the selected Containment Spray Pump discharge i

valve: ,

11(21) CS PP SI-314 12(22)CSPP SI-324

5) Start the selected Containment Spray Pump.
6) Verify SI-657-CV at least 50% open, ,


.ggg.  !

Due tosthe throttling affect of SI-306-CV it  !

is necessary to shut SI-658 MOV to permit ,

injection flow from the Containment Spray.  :

Pump. This action will' remove the cooling s

capability of the SDC Hx.

7) Shut SI-658-MOV.

J l

i 1


. AOP-2A  :

  • Rev. 9  :

e Page 22 i Operate SI-657 CV and SI-658 MOV as necessary to  !

8) e i maintain:

a) Pressurizer level greater than 155 inches.  ;

b) CET subcooled margin greater than 300F.

0 0 c) CET temperatures less than 300 F (200 F if l inMode5). ,


e. M LPSI or Containment Spray Pump is operating,  :

i AND HPSI Pump is operating, ,

i M place the handsvitch for the HPSI Pump in PTL, and j shut the HPSI loop Isolation Valves.  ;

f. E the LPSI or Containment Spray Pump is maintaining RCS ,

inventory, '

M place the Charging Pumps in Pull-To lock,

g. Start all available Containment Coolers in HIGH, and open their SRW Emergency Discharge Valves. ,
h. Start all available Containment Filters.
12. E S/G tube leakage is indicated, M:
a. Have Chemistry sample both S/Gs to determine the i l

affectedS/G. l

b. E the affected S/G is identified, M isolate the affected S/G:
1) Shut the MSIV:

MS-4043-CV MS-4048-CV 2)- Shut the MSIV Bypass Valves:

MS 4045-MOV MS-4052-MOV j A


' AOP-2A i Rev. 9 Page 23 l l

3) Shut S/G Feedwater Isolation Valve: j g <

11(21) S/G 12(22) S/G 2,

e FW 4516-MOV FW-4517-MOV l

4) Shut S/G 8/D valves
  • 11(21) S/G 12(22) S/G l

. BD 4010-CV BD-4012-CV BD-40ll CV BD 4013 CV  ;

5) Shut AFW Steam Supply Valve, by placing handswitch ,


l 11(21) S/G 12(22) S/G MS 4070 CV MS-4071-CV l

6) Shut the AFW Flow Control Valves:

11(21) S/G 12(22) S/G AFW-4511-CV AFW-4512 CV ,

AFW-4525 CV AFW-4535-CV

7) Shut the Motor and Steam Driven Train AFW Block Valves:

i 11(21) S/G 12(22) S/G  !

i j AFW-4520 CV , AFW-4530 CV l AFW-4521-CV AFW-4531-CV ,

AFW-4522 CV AFW-4532-CV AFW-4523-CV AFW-4533 CV

8) Shut the Atmospheric Dump Manual Isolation Valve, 11(21) S/G 12(22) S/G  !

-l MS-101 MS-104 1 a

i k


AOP-2A Rev. 9 Page 24 h 9) Shut the Upstream Drains by placing handswitch N HS 6622 in CLOSE.

c. E a S/G is isolated due to tube leakage, E:
1) Depressurire and cooldown the RCS to naintain RCS Pressure approximately equal to affected 0/G Pressure.
2) If desired, maintain affected S/G Pressure and Level per E0P-6 step I!!.W.

-CAUTION-The possibility of cavitation increases when taking suction from containment sump.

13. E RWT Level drops to 2.5 feet, E initiate RAS as follows:
a. -E LPSI Pp operating for RCS makeup, E place the LPSI Pp RAS Override Switch in OVERRIDE.
b. Depress Recirculation Manual Actuation Channel A and B pushbuttons to manually initiate an RAS.
c. Verify Containment, Sump Isolation Valves, SI 4144 MOV and SI 4145 MOV, open,
d. Shut RWT.0utlet Valves, SI-4142 MOV and SI-4143 MOV.
14. E Shutdown Cooling is not on service, E initiate Shutdown Cooling as follows:
a. E Pressurizer level gre.ater than 101 inches 8llQ RCS subcooling greater than 300F, M:

AOP-2A Rev 9 Page 25

1) Initiate Shutdown Cooling per 01-3, with the N following exceptions:

a) IE a Containment Spray Pump is maintaining RCS inventory, IllG do not shut its discharge valve, b) If a LPSI Pump is maintaining RCS inventory, ItiG do not align the suction valve for Shutdown Cooling.

2) Operate Charging Pumps and/or LPSI/ Containment Spray Pumps as necessary to maintain RCS Level and Pressure,
b. IE all of the following conditions exist:

o Pressurizer Level less than 101 inches.

o RCS subcooling less than 300F.

o RCS Pressure minus Containment pressure less than 160 PSID.

1113 commence Shutdown Cooling as follows:

1) Shut 11(21) and 12(22) Containment Spray Pump Discharge Valves:

11(21)CSPp SI-314 12(22) CS Pp SI-324

2) Shut 11(21) Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Outlet to Spray Header Valve, SI-319.
3) Shut 12(22) Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Outlet to Spray Header, SI-329.
4) Open 11(21) Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Inlet Cross Connect Valve, SI-452.

. . . . .- 1

a a --- . sa- *.-- ~a -,m- - - n ,- a ,,--- - - -

t I, AOP-2A Rev 9 ,

Page 26 l

m 8 5) Open 11(21) Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Outlet i T to RCS Valve, SI 456. j 8 l

6) Open 12(22) Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Inlet j Cross Connect Valve, SI 453. l
7) Open 12(22) Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Outlet i to RCS Valve, $1-457.  ;
8) Place second Component Cooling Heat Exchanger in service by opening appropriate Component Cooling Heat Exchanger Outlet Valve: l CC-3824 CV l CC-3826 CV I
9) Start a second Component Cooling Pump.
10) Open 11(21) Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Component Cooling Outlet Valve, CC-18 CV.
11) Open 12(22) Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Component Cooling Outlet Valve, CC-3830 CV. <
12) Open Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Inlet Isolation, SI-658-MOV. l t
13) Open LPSI Hdr Isolation MOVs:  ;

SI-615 MOV l j


$1-625 MOV SI-635-MOV i SI-645 MOV

14) Place keyswitch for SI-306 CV in AUTO,
15) Shift FIC-306 to MANUAL with 5% open signal, q i


. l

. AOP-2A l Rev. 9 Page 27 i P

g 16) Open Cntet Sump Discharge Valve:

3 SI-4144 MOV  !

  • l l SI-4145 MOV
17) Shut $1 Pump Mini Flow Isolations:

SI-659 MOV  ;

4 SI-660 MOV

18) Ensure level indication exists on Wide Range Containment level Indicator, LI-4146. j


The possibility of cavitation increases when taking -

suction from containment sump, .

19) .IE LPSI Pump 1511 operating, l


IllW clear RAS from one operable LPSI Pump by l

placing LPSI Pump RAS Override Switch in OVERRIDE,  !

and start the selected pump. i 4 ,

-CAUTION- i Cooldown limit changes from 100'F to 20'F at RCS j temperature of 250'F. i

! 20) Adjust the signal on FIC 306 to raise flow to 3000 -

GPM, while maintaining cooldown rate within 4


21) Place keyswitch for SI-657-CV in AUTO. i i


I- A0P-2A Rev. 9 Page 28 m

E -CAUTION-Do not-exceed 14'F/m heatup rate or greater.than 5000 GPM through one heut exchanger.

22) Adjust Shutdown Cooling Temperature Control Valve, I SI-657-CV, to obtain less than 14 0F/m heatup rate at Shutdown Cooldown Heat Exchanger Outlet (TI-303X and-TI-303Y). ,
23) If desired RCS cooldown rate can HQI be maintained with one LPSI Pump operating,  ;

Ills start _second LPSI Pump, and adjust FIC-306-to  !

6000 GPM. t il 24)- Adjust Shutdown Cooling Temperature Control Valve, SI-657-CV, to obtain desired cooldown rate.; j i


l (One charging pump is able to maintain pressurizer level with minimum l letdown flow but RCS leakage is greater than allowed by Technical-  !

Specification  ;

1 A .- Implement ERPIP 3.0 as applicable. '

i B. Locate and attempt to-isolate the leak

1. Verify or determine RCS leak rate per STP-0-27 concurrently. l i

with the following steps.

2. Determine if leakage is to the containment atmosphere as l, evidenced by the following conditions:  :
a. Increased frequency of containment sump alarms.

.1 h

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