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Rev B to Acceptance Test Procedure ATP442 MC170AD-Q2 (Less Plug-In Cards).
Person / Time
Site: Surry, 05000000
Issue date: 01/15/1981
Shared Package
ML18130A405 List:
ATP442, NUDOCS 8411200405
Download: ML18142A097 (9)



  • REVISIONS ECO DESCRIPTION N/A See DCN N/A See DCN N/A See DCN (~-841.1200405 841105 _____ ---,, , ~DR ADOCK 05000280 PDR SIGNATURE DATE TITLE DATE APPROVED 12-8-80 1-15-81 PROD TEST MC170AD-Q2 (Less Plug-In Cards) .NGINEERING R~-&r.~~ NUMBER r--------l--=-~=----.....,..-----+-'--"~----1 ATP442 QUAL CONTROL ,.,,.,. SHEET 1 OF 9 8626 WILBUR AVENUE

CA 91324 * (213) 886-8488

  • Telex No. 65-1303 VEC 304-11/80 REV B

(. -1.0 GENERAL ACCEPTANCE TEST PROCEDURE MC170AD-Q2 (LESS PLUG-IN CARDS) The tests herein will determine the functional integrity of the subject module case wiring, including fan function and insulation.

resistance between isolated circuits.

These tests are performed on Module Cases which are being shipped without plug-in circuit eards. 2.0 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Item Description Mfr/Model Alternate 1 Insulation Resistance General Radio Equivalent Megohmmeter GR 1864 2 Digital Multimeter Data Precision Equivalent DP248 3 Transducer Simulator Validyne (VEC) Equivalent VEC #1528 4 Carrier Demodulator Validyne (VEC) None CD173 (with Relay Cal Option) 5 Power Supply VEC PS171 None 6 Power Supply VEC PS294 None 7 Analog Board VEC AB295 None 8 Digital Board VEC AD296 None 3.0 EXAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT 3.1 Inspection The Module Case traveler shall be verified for completed in-process inspection sign-offs.

A visual inspection of the completed unit will be made to verify conformance to the applicable engineering drawings.

Verify that the Model I.D. and Serial Number label is installed.


  • NORTHRIDGE, CA 91324 * (213) 886-8488
  • Telex No. 65-1303 ATP 442 Page 2 of 9 Rev. B idyNE ENOINEEIIINO COll~OIIATION 3.1 Inspection (Continued)

Review that any special purchase order instructions pertinent to the units under inspection have been incorporated.

Perform the tests covered in Section 4.0. 4.0 PERFORMANCE TESTS 4.1 The tests contained herein verify the MD170AD wiring continuity, insulation resistance, and cooling fan operation.

4.1.1 Insulation Resistance Tests (MC170AD without Plug-ins installed)

Test the insulation resistance using the GR1864 meter, with a test potential of 500 VDC, between the circuits listed. The insulation resistance in every test shall exceed 100 Megohms. a) TBlOl, all pins (1-7) to chassis (one at a time) b) Power Line (HI) ~o Chassis c) Power Line (LO) to Chassis d) Each Channel Input*connector pins A thru G to Chassis. (25 connectors, 7 pins at a time) e) Digital output connector J102, Pin A, B, or C to Chassis 4.1.2 Continuity Tests Use the DP248 DPM to measure the continuity between the points listed. The continuity shall measure 1.0 Ohms or less in every step. a) Power connector JlOl Pin C to Chassis b) Each Channel Input Connector Pin F to TBlOl Pin 3 c) Each Channel Input Connector Pin G to TBlOI Pin 5 8626 WILBUR AVENUE


CA 91324 * (213) 886*8488

  • Tele~ No. 65*1303 ATP 442 Page 3 of 9 Rev. :S

( (. 4.1. 3 Fan Test Insert the PS171 Power Supply and connect 115 VAC, 60 Hz using power co!d connected to Jl02. Apply power by sing PS171 power switch. Observe that the fan rotates efficiently and exhausts air out the right side of the Module Case. 4.1.4 Functional Tests Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1. With the lator and CD173 connected in the Channel 1 position, monitor the DC voltage at the *cD173 DC output test point. Calibrate the CD173 span and zero controls to give O +/-0.005 VDC at 0 mV/V input and+ 9.000 +/-0.005 VDC at+ 9 mV/V input tively. (Use the LO balance range and 4-Arm input mode tion, and 10 mV/V span range of the CD173.) In each channel position the CD173 and simulator shall be connected and the appropriate test point shall be monitored (as listed on the data sheet). Extender card may be used for access to AB295 test points. The first seven channels are to be jumpered at the analog connector using the jumper connector as shown in Figure 1. With these jumpers, outputs will be duplicated in channels 26 thru 32 respectively when inputs are applied at channels 1 thru 7 respectively.

With the simulator set at +9 mV/V, the output of each tored test point shall be within +/-0.030 VDC of the CD173 DC test point value noted in the Channel 1 position (nominal +9.00 VDC). In each channel position, the CAL mode shall be momentarily applied (either via the switch at the front of the DB296 or by jumping TB101-2 to TB101-1. ATP 442 Rev.B Page 4 of 9 8626 WILBUR AVENUE


CA 91324

  • 1213\ 886-B4a8
  • Telex No. 65~--

4.1.4 idyNE ENOINEEIUNO COIIPOIIATION Functional Tests (Continued)

During the CAL mode, the monitored voltage shall be more tive by approximately one Volt DC from the nominal +9 VDC value observed in the normal mode of operation.

Note that green LED is lit at front of AD296. 4.1.5 Digital Output Connections 4l.5.1Remove power from the MC170AD. Measure continuity of One Ohm maximum between points listed: Jl02 Mother Board A (RED) HI B (BRN) LO C (BLK) D GND D (GND) C GND 4l.5.2 If actess to mother board is obscured by top cover, perform continuity test as listed below. Use AD296 extender card for access to AD296 connector pins. J102-A to AD296-4 J102.:.a to AD296-3 J102-C to AD296-5 J102-D to Chassis 8626 WILBUR AVENUE

  • NORTH RIDGE. CA 91324 * (213) 886-8488
  • Telex No. 65*1303 ATP 442 Page 5 of 9 Rev. B


  • J 1 -'-MV/V A,....,__

si------.RI 0 t-----------+--

J/0.3 THAN.SO{ICc~ I Milt. /:JTOR RI= 49,9K r1% ,ez = /OOA. .:f 1% PINS JI./MPE~ED:

8-25 TO A-/~ A-ZS 7a 8-IZ 8 .. 24 T() ,i-/Z A-24 70 s--11 B--23 Ta A-II A-23 ro s-10 S-22 TO A-/0 \ j/OJ Al >II t.o-) /15 VAC' tl,O#Z s1i-------


PS294 1 AB29~ Al)Z9t;./

PS/71 8c C()./7.3 (WITH CAt. 1<£t.AY le -CA~ RES = SI. /1(' r.1% 8626 WILBUR AVENUE

  • NORTH RIDGE, CA 91324 * (213) 886-8488
  • Telex No. 65-1303 _ ATP 442


MC170AD~Q2 UNIT SERIAL NO. -------=---

DATE ------------------

3.1 Visual inspection completed and Module Case traveler signed off (Ready for Functional Test) Model I.D & S/N label installed

4.1.1 Insulation resistance at 500 VDC: (Greater than 100 Megohms) with respect to chassis -a) TB101-1 3 5 7 b) Power Line HI (JlOl-A) c) Power Line LO (JlOl-B) d) Each input CH. connector, Pins A thru G CH-1 CH-11 CH-21 -2* 22 13 4 24 15 6 7 8 9 10 -20. e) J102-A -B -C -~-...8.62.S WII BIJB AVENlJE

  • NnRTI-IRinr.i:

.1"'.11. Q1":1?4,-a 1?1'.1.1 RRR.R4RR

  • Talav fl.In Ri:..1":ln":I ATP 442 Page 7 of 9 RAV-R" Para. 4.1.2 ** 1.3 C TESTED BY Continuity


UNIT SERIAL NO. DATE Maximum b) Each Input Channel Connector:

CH. NO. PIN F TO TBIOI-3 PING TO TBIOI-5 CH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Fan rotation satisfactory nc""c IA'II OIID A\/C:l,.IIIC:

  • r..1nnT1101nt""'r:

,...,, n,.,.,A e 1'11?\ QQC: QAQQ e Tai..,,. P..lo t=!S 1?0? ATP 442 Page 8 of 9 Re,, :a

(. Para. 4.1.4 4.1.5 TEST DATA SHEET MC170AD-Q2 UNIT SERIAL NO. ____ _ TESTED BY DATE -------------------

cm. No. AB295: LO Pass Filter Test Point 1,26 Al-A, A7-B 2,27 Al-B, A7-C 3,28 Al-C, A7-D 4,29 Al-D, AS-A 5,30 A2-A, A8-B 6,31 A2-B, AS-C 7,32 A2-C, AS-D 8 A2-D 9 A3-A 10 A3-B 11 A3-C 12 A3-D 13 A4-A 14 A4-B 15 A4-C 16 A4-D 17 AS-A 18 AS-B 19 AS-C 20 AS-D 21 A6-A 22 A6-B 23 A6-C 24 A6-D 25 A7-A Green LED at DB296 illuminated Voltage (Within +/-.03 VDC of CDl 73 Output ----------


..... ty"--~~--O_O_hm_s J102 A (RED)---~

B (BRN)---~

C (BLK)----,.

D (GRN)----1 Mother Board HI LO D GND C GND 4.1.s.2* (Alternate)

AD296-4 AD296-3 AD296-5 Chassis -1 voe Deviation In CAL Mode ATP 442 Rev. B Page 9 of 9