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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML18152B35923 August 1999Revised Tech Specs Basis Pages for TS 3.1.B,deleting Reactor Vessel Toughness Data Duplicated in UFSAR & Includes Ref to Applicable UFSAR Section
ML18151A6646 August 1999Rev 0 to Surry Unit 2 Cycle 16 Startup Physics Tests Rept.
ML18152B65928 April 1999Proposed Tech Specs Re Refueling Water Chemical Addition Tank Min VolBoric Acid
ML18152B54516 February 1999Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising Augmented Insp Requirements for Reactor Coolant Pump FlywheelsOverspeed trip
ML18152A21316 February 1999Proposed Tech Specs,Consolidating AFW cross-connect Requirements by Relocation of Electrical Power Requirements from TS 3.16 to TS 3.6Tornado Missile
High Energy Line Break
ML18151A55110 February 1999to NE-1187, Surry Unit 1,Cycle 16 Startup Physics Tests Rept.High Radiation Area
Unidentified leakage
ML18152B6154 November 1998Proposed Tech Specs 4.6.A.1.b,re EDG Start & Load Time Testing Requirements & TS 3.16 Bases Re EDG Ratings
ML18153A33524 September 1998Proposed Tech Specs Pages Affected by Suppl to 960912 Resubmittal of Change Request Re Relocation of Fire Protection Requirements from TS to UFSARSafe Shutdown
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML18153A33124 September 1998Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Testing Requirements for Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker
ML18152B75519 June 1998Proposed Tech Specs Establishing Requirements for Use of Temporary Supply Line (Jumper) to Provide Svc Water to Component Cooling Heat Exchangers
ML20249B9916 May 1998Analysis of Capsule X Virginia Power Surry Unit 1 Reactor Vessel Matl Surveillance Program. W/Evaluation of Surry Unit 1 Surveillance Capsule X Results & Response to NRC RAI Re GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1Anticipated operational occurrence
ML18151A1934 May 1998Rev 1 to Summary of Changes to Surry Units 1 & 2 Third Interval IST Program.Boric Acid
Stroke time
Incorporated by reference
Cold shutdown justification
Power-Operated Valves
Power Operated Valves
ML18152A36525 March 1998Proposed Tech Specs Revising Station Mgt Titles to Reflect New Positions Approved by Vepc Board of Directors on 980220Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML20199B0715 January 1998Rev 0 to NE-1148, Surry Unit 2,Cycle 15 Startup Physics Test Rept
ML18153A34818 December 1997Proposed Tech Specs Clarifying Terminology Used for Describing Equipment Surveillances Conducted on Refueling Interval Frequency.Clarification Consistent W/Info Contained in Rev 1 to NUREG-1431High Radiation Area
ML18150A46616 December 1997ISI Plan for Third Insp Interval,Vol 2,Rev 9 for Components & Component Supports,940510-040510, for Surry Power Station,Unit 2
ML18153A3945 November 1997Proposed Tech Specs Re Change for Increased Enrichment of Reload Fuel
ML18153A1765 November 1997Proposed Tech Specs Re Temporary Svc Water Supply Line to Component Cooling Heat Exchangers
ML18150A46427 October 1997Risk-Informed ISI (RI-ISI) Pilot Program Submittal.
ML18151A39116 October 1997Rev 8 to VPAP-2103, Odcm.Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report
Power change
ML18151A7237 August 1997Rev 1 to Nuclear Safety Analysis Manual Part Iv,Chapter a Probabilistic Safety Assessment Products.VT-2
Severe Accident Management Guideline
ML20210J50331 July 1997Rev 0 to NE-1132, Surry Unit 1,Cycle 15 Startup Physics Tests Rept
ML18150A4449 June 1997Vol 2,Rev 8 to ISI Plan for Third Insp Interval for Components & Component Supports,Oct 14,1993-Oct 13,2003.VT-2
ML18153A52324 April 1997Proposed Corrected Tech Specs Pages 6.1-3 & 6.1-8 Re Relocation of Fire Protection TS to Updated Final Safety Analysis ReptOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML18153A50318 March 1997Proposed Tech Specs Rev to Section 4.15 for Surry Power Station to Include Pp Inadvertently Omitted from 970203 Request for Amend to Licenses DPR-32 & DPR-37
ML18153A4923 February 1997Proposed Tech Specs Re Deletion of Specific ASME Section XI Code Ref
ML18153A63526 November 1996Proposed Tech Specs Re Removal of Record Retention Requirements,Per GL 95-06 & Administrative Ltr 95-06High Radiation Area
ML18153A06712 September 1996Proposed Tech Specs Re Relocation of Fire Protection RequirementsSafe Shutdown
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML18151A97613 August 1996Cycle 14 Startup Physics Test Rept. W/960830 Ltr
ML20134J98630 July 1996/Unit 2 Fuel Assembly Insp Program
ML18152A47013 June 1996Cycle 13 Control Rod Performance Test Results.Shutdown Margin
ML18153A69015 April 1996Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Applicability of Quadrant Power Tilt Ration Requirements
ML18153A53921 March 1996Proposed Tech Specs Re Charcoal Filter Testing Clarification
ML18153A52714 March 1996Proposed Tech Specs,Permitting Use of 10CFR50 App J,Option B,performance-based Containment Lrt
ML18153A58030 January 1996Proposed Tech Specs Re Reactor Coolant Sys Liquid SamplingSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Power change
ML18152A05720 December 1995Startup Physics Test Rept,Surry Unit 1,Cycle 14. W/960111 Ltr
ML18153A67620 November 1995Proposed Tech Specs Re App J Option B,performance-based Containment Leakage Rate Testing
ML18151A6421 August 1995Change 3 to Rev 0 to Third Interval IST ProgramSafe Shutdown
Stroke time
Cold shutdown justification
Power-Operated Valves
ML18153A71420 July 1995Proposed Tech Specs Establishing New Setpoint Limit for SG high-high Level & Provides More Restrictive Setting Limits for Certain Rps/Esfas Setpoints
ML18153A69914 July 1995Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Two H Allowed Outage Time for One RHR Pump to Accommodate Plant Safety,Emergency Power Sys Surveillance Testing & Permit Depressurizing SI Accumulators in Lieu of Accumulator Isolation
ML18153A8378 June 1995Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Revised Pressure/Temp Limits & Associated Ltops Setpoint That Will Be Valid to end-of-licenseHydrostatic
ML20083C9958 May 1995Rev 0 to Surry Unit 2,Cycle 13 Startup Physics Tests Rept
ML18153B23014 February 1995Proposed Tech Specs Re App J Testing Requirements
ML18153B21324 January 1995Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying as-found Test Acceptance Criterion for Pressurizer Safety Valves
ML18153B16229 November 1994Proposed Tech Specs Implementing Zirlo Fuel CladdingFuel cladding
ML18153B15822 November 1994Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Unnecessary Descriptive Phrases Re Number of Cells in Station & EDG Batteries
ML18153B15010 November 1994Proposed Tech Specs Re Changes to TS Will Clarify SR for Reactor Protection & Engineered Safeguard Sys Instrumentation & Actuation LogicBoric Acid
Temporary Modification
ML18153B09411 October 1994Proposed Tech Specs Surveillance Frequencies for Hydrogen Analyzers
ML18152A5066 September 1994Proposed Tech Specs Re Mgt Safety Review Committee & Station Nuclear Safety & Operating Committee ResponsibilitiesHigh Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML18152A11930 August 1994Proposed Tech Specs to Accomodate Core UpratingHydrostatic
High Energy Line Break
Feedwater Heater
Power change
Overspeed trip