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Latest revision as of 02:56, 16 March 2020

Test Program Response to Reg Guide 1.79.
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/17/1975
Shared Package
ML19324C554 List:
PROC-750917, NUDOCS 8003160263
Download: ML19324C553 (17)


.. . . _ - -

EVALUATION OF SUBMERGED ELECTRICAL CABLES BY Richard J.'Faix March 9, 1990 Engineering Evaluation Number 90-10 i


-l l

c Prepared by ac/ #

7 78 (Date) I 7'

94-h .

- e

  1. (D/ce)

Reviewed by 4 ' \M --

3-9 40 I (Date)

Approved by. N M f-y-90

[ 8 (Date) l 9003160263 900313 CF ADOCK 05000443 f3 p i CDC i3/;4 i


~ . -... _ . . - - - . . - . . . ...- .. . . - -- . - . . . . . . .

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The following individuals had input to this: engineering evaluation: -Scott Kenrick, John Linville,. Rich Faix, Richard Bergeron, Peter Tutinas, Brian.Brcwn, J


Lou Cerroni, Subhas Das, Ken Letourneau, Jim Ross,' Lee Hansen William Yingling. .

Bob Cox and Mike Schmitt.

1 i

i l


l l

l j


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. 2.Ble., j 1.0 PURPOSE 1 2.0 , BACKGROUND 1 3.0- DISCUSSION 1-2 .

l 3.1 Identification of Safety Related and Non Safety 2-3 Related Electrical Hanway Enclosures -1 3.2 Inspection Program for Electrical Manway Enclosures 3-5 3.3 Inspection.Results 5-7 '

3.4 Structural Review of Cable Supports 7-8

- - i 3.5 Wyle Laboratories Report On Cable Qualification 8-12 3.6 Surveillance Program 12-15 5 3.7 Improved Surveillance Program 15-16 4 3.8 Safety Evaluation 16-17


S 17 1 l




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I 1

i 1




.The purpose of this engineering evaluation is to document the resolution of an Employees Legal Project concern regarding submerged electrical cables in underground electrical manway enclosures at Seabrook Station. This engineering evaluation will address all safety related manway electrical enclosures and non safety related manway enclosures as required.


In the June 1986 time period, several site electrical cable ducts were found to have water in manway enclosures and were de-watered during the final closeout in preparation for construction turnover to the plant staff.

The initial design of the safety related manway enclosures provided several water proofing membranes to maintain enclosure dryness without reliance on a pumping system. Each manway enclosure included a small sump area to provide a low point for de-watering and complete pump down to the floor level when de-watering was necessary.

On March 1, 1990 the Employees' Legal Project submitted a letter to NRC Chairman Carr that expressed the concerns of a former Seabrook Station employee regarding the effect of cables submerged in water in the manway enclosures on safe plant operation. The letter is included as Attachment 1. The concerns expressed in that letter form a partial basis for the discussion in this engineering evaluation.

l 3.0 DISCUssIog To develop a detailed response to the ELP employt.e concern, NHY initiated a 1

thorough evaluation program of the installed electrical cables and cable supports '

in the electrica) manway enclosures. The program includes identifying the safety related and non safety related electrical manways, and an inspection program for the safety related electrical manway enclosures that can be extended to the non safety related electrical manway enclosures, if necessary. The inspection includes a visual inspection by an electrical designer and a structural engineer.

1 ,


_ . _ ____j


. . 1 The progrem further includes a review of thz structural qualification of tha cable the electrical manway enclosures, an evaluation of the cable i qualification,.an assessment of the existing electrical cable surveillance programs, an assessment of the ground detection system applicable to the cables in the. electrical manway enclosures, and a review of the inspection program .

results. I Each of the.above facets of the evaluation program are discussed in detail i

below. ,

3.1 Identification of Safety Related and Non Safety Related Electrical Manway  ;

Enclosures i l

The. safety related manway enclosures are shown on the following NHY drawings.

9763-F-310248 Underground Duct - Plan - Center 9763-F-310249 Underground Duct - Plan - South 9763-F-320251 Underground Duct - Plan - Center, Unit 2 A review of the above drawings identified twenty-two (22) safety related

electrical manway enclosures associated with Unit 1 and six (6) manways located on Unit 2 that communicate with Unit 1. The identification of each electrical '

2 i manway enclosure by drawing number and manhole number is included in Table 3.1-1.

Electrical cablea ere also routed in non safety, temporary power cable  !


ducts. These temporary power cable ducts carry power that was utilized for plant i construction and sito support buildings.. In many cases these cable ducts remain j

l in use to provide electrical service to permanent plant equipment. Cable l' l

l associated with permanent plant equipment that is. routed through temporary power

! ~

cable ducts is identified in CASP, (UEEC conduit and cable schedule program).  !

Manway's associated with CASP identified temporary ducts have all been accounted i

for and are listed in Table 3.1-1. Beyond this group the remaining ducts do not support permanent plant equipment.

1 All non-safety, CASP listed, electricsl manway enclosures are identified in ) 1 2



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Table [3.1-1. The non safety electrical manway snclosures are shown on ths  ;


.' following WHY drawings.

9763-F-310248 -Underground Duct - Plan - Center l 9765-F-301606 -Temporary Power Distribution System - Plan.- 2 Units 1 & 2  !

9763-F-301607 Temporary Power: Distribution System - Plan - 3 Units 1 & 2 i 4 . _ _

9763-F-301603 Temporary Power Dietribution System - Plan 4  !

3 Units 1 L 2 1

.L '

. 't

Temporary Power Distribution System - Plan'- 5 .}

Unit 1 & 2 ,

iL .

'I l 9763-F-301611 Temporary Power Distribution. System - Plan - 6 j

!- Unit'l & 2 1

, 9763-F-301623- Telephone & Perimeter Fence - Duct-Bank Sleet'l :j 9763-F-301624 Telephone & Perimeter Fence - Duct Bank Sheet 2 l

j 9763-F-309830, 309831 345 kV Switching Station Underground Conduit Plan,  !

Sheets 1 & 2 j 4

The above discussion accounts for one hundred eleven (111) electrical manway f enclosures at Seabrook Station. Of'these, twenty-two (22) Unit I safety related electrical manway enclosures, six-(6) Unit 2 safety reinted electrical manway  !

enclosures and the meteorological (met) tower manway enclosure were inspected to determine the extent of cable submergence. i 3.2 Inspection Pronram for Electrical Manway Enclosures

'i Upon reviewing the ELP employee concern, NHY initiated an inspection program l 1

for each of the twenty-two (22) safety related electrical manway enclosures for. )

I Seabrook Unit 1, six (6) safety related electrical.manway enclosures for Unit 2 i


and the met tower electrical manway enclosure. The electrical manway enclosures I were inspected for each of the following attributes:

o The as found condition of the manway cover caulking seal.

o The presence of the water in the manway enclosure and depth, if-applicable, o The water in each manway enclosure was analyzed to determine if there  ;

i l

3 I


are chrmical constituants that would ba detrimsntal=to ths' cable material. Chemical compounds tha't are detrimental to the cable a

material were identified by Wyle Laboratories-as identified in-


i I' Attachment 2. Two assumptions form the basis 1 for sampling for;  !

l detrimental substances:

J Assumption #1: Compounds on the Wyle list are generally immiscible with' I water. l Assumption #2: The failure Mode for the cables.being'affected'by the  ;

solvents on the list would'be immersion'in high '

i concentrations of the compounds. 4


The following chemical analysis program is applied to each water' sample j

.i i

. t from the manway enclosures by the NHY Chemistry-Staff:

i 1. pH, salinity, visual oil / grease screening.

4 2. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analysis to the ppm level, I

j 3. Flash point analysis for volatile organics.

In addition, four (4) representative samples were sent to an off-site i

j lab for GC/ Mass Spectroscopy analysis of volatiles. j i

] If any slime substance or white deposits were observed, samples were '

) collected and analyzed, o Polaroid photographs were taken of the as-found cable condition and of'

the support bases after de-watering.
o The manway_ enclosures were de-watered.

4 i'


} A visual inspection of the electrical cables in each manway vault was '

performed by an electrical designer. As a minimum, the cables were .;

inspected for the presence of cuts, abrasions, kinking, cable splices, l  :

cable repairs, and bend radius. I o A structural engineer inspected the cable support system including the column bases that may have been submerged.

i o

The enclosure was inspected for determining possible water inleakage I




o Sketches were prepared to identify the extent of cable submergence and the possible water inleakage paths.

The following discussion describes the basis for selecting the above attributes.

The as-found condition of the manway cover caulking seal provides some insight to potential leak paths. The depth of water provides information as to the extent of submergence in the manway enclosures. As experience was gained during the inspection process, the distance from the enclosure floor to the lowest cable was determined. Water samples assist in determining if the inleakage is seawater as was mentioned in the ELP employee concern and also assists in determining the chemical environment for the cable and support system. Since slime and white deposits were mentioned in the ELP employee concern, any evidence of these were examined. The photographs provide a record for future reference. The de-watering provides access for the visual inspections of the cable and the supports. The visual inspections of the cables provide information on the as-found condition of the cables. The visual inspection of the supports provides information on the as-found condition of the supports. The inspection for possible inleakage paths provides evidence of fresh versus seawater intrusion and provides information for possible future corrective action.

3.3 Inspection Results Table 3.3-1 (Underground Manway Enclosure Inspection Summary) provides overall results from the ins,ections conducted on the twenty-two (22) Unit 1 safety related electrical manway enclosures, the six (6) Unit 2 electrical manway enclosures and the met tower manway enclosure, including water level, chemistry, electrical and structural attributes. l Table 3.3-2 (Water Chemistry). Table 3.3-3 (Electrical Inspection Summary) end Table 3.3-4 (Structural Inspection Summary) provide additional details.


Ths wster chemistry enslysis confirms that tha water in ths safoty rolatsd-


, c'ectrica' manway cnclosures is frosh watsr, not sacwater. For example..the-samples show chlorides on the order of 40-80 ppm, whereas seawater has a level of 19,000 ppm. The Seabrook town well supply is.approximately 15 ppm chlorides.

tione of the enclosures had any odor that would indicate the presence of solvents.

Jyle Labs identified compounds that would be detrimental to the cable matrrials utilized at Seabrook Station in IE applications. Wyle's review of the e

chemistry sample results confirm that the essentially pure water that is not detrimental to the cable materials.

Wyle Labs.had indicated in their report that the effect of organic compounds on the cable material is based on 100% concentrations. Results of the GC/ Mass Spectroscopy analysis performed by Resource-Analysts, Inc., included as L Attachmert 3, show no contaminates which are measurable except for Chloroform and Tetrahydcofuran which are present at such low levels that they pose no hazard to the cable material.

The inspection for the possible inleakage paths show that:the inleakage is from ground water at the enclosure top cover joint with the side walls. Sume-leakage was also evident at the manway access plugs. Water inleakage was also identified at the cable duct bank atry point.

To confirm the fur.ctional capability of installed cables, N"Y' performed an insulation tasistance test imegger test) on the SKv cable to service water pump 1-SV-P41D in accordance with NHY Procedu's MS0514.01. This cable had been submerged and was in a manway enclosure that had been de-watered. The results showed a cable resistance of 3400 megohms. The acceptance criteria for this I

cable is greater than 5 megohms.

In addition, one 480v non nuclear safety cable that was still' submerged in the temporary electrical duct system was meggered. This cable was the feeder )


cable from load center one to the sewage treatment plant settling basin control- '

panel. The results showed a cable resistance of greater than 500 megohms with an 6 '


acceptance' criteria of greater than 1 msgohm.

This further' demonstrates that the water surrounding the cable had no

' detrimental affect' on the electrical cables.

Plant records were examined fur the possibility of in-line cable splices.

In-line cable splices were not permitted at Seabrook Station.

3.4 Structural Review of Cable SucDorts Cable supports in manholes are qualified for seismic conditicus !n a generic calculation using the maximum possible cable loading.- A review of the qualification was performed to determine the impact of potential corrosion on the supports. The design has a minimum 1.12 factor of safety on derign allowables and a 4.5 factor of safety on failure. The limiting component of the design is the Hilti anchor bolts at the base of the support. A review of CASP indicates

  • hat the maximum loading on any support is 43% of that which was used in_the generic qualification. The act,ual loading combined with the safety factors in the original design yield a 2.62 factor of safety on design allowables and 10.53 factor of safety on failure on the anchorage design.

Frame Evaluation Cable supports are constructed with galvanized unistrut members and fittings; finishes which inhibit corrosion. Industry data on steel with these finishes give corrosion rates of 1 mil / year in seawater, an environment worse than the stagnant fresh water in the manholes. Applying a corrosion of 40 mils (1 millyr for 40 years) to the crossection of the thinnest unistrut member will reduce the capacity of the member by 38I. The conservative reduction in crossection would still allow for a 5.19 factor of safety on design allosesbles and 10.27 factor of safety on failure fer the unistrut.

Anchorane Evaluation Supports are anchored to the floor of the manhole with one-ha..f inch diameter Hilti Kwik bolte. Hilti Kwik bolt components are supplied with extensive corrosion protection in accordance with ASTM B633, SC1, Type III. The 7

alloy steal bolts and spring steel w:dges cro costsd with a 4 mil. zinc. coating and further protected with a chromate outer coating. Corrosion resistance of the i components is demonstrated by subjecting the components to a 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> salt spray.

Test acceptance is then confirmed by verifying the lack of corrosion of zinc or  ;

base metal. Anchor bolts tbst had been submerged under water were checked with a q torque wrench to ensure that the minimum torque required to engage the anchot had n,c been reduced. The torque on the anchor bolt produces approximately 4,881 pounds tension on the bolt and components required to resist pullout. This -

yields a 5.33 factor of safety on tla maximum design tensile load on the bolt.

A rust colored coating was noted on the baJe connection and v7ttical members at the bottom ef the manholes during inspection. Subsequent to remceing the coating by light s raping, the galvanized finish was found senerally intact with- I minor pitting on the finish. The rust colored coating is attributed to oxidizing i of the metal through pinholes in the galvanizing. It was noted that for all the supports inspected there was no indication of measurable corrosion on the base metal. Table 3.3-4 summarizes the resalts of the inspections of the cable l



In summary, it is concluded that the presence of water in manholes does not adt ely affect the structural integrity of the caole support. The bases for this conclusion ares o Substantial conservatism in the support qualification o Corrosion resistant coatings on all support members o No significant defects on the supports inspected o In place torque check on Hilti anchor bolts 3.5 Myle Laboratories Report on Cable Oualification Wyle Laboratories performed an assessment of qualification of the cables used in potentially submerged applications in manways and vaults at Seabrook Station. Their assessment demonstrates that the Cross-linked Polyethylene and Ethylene Propylene insulated cables are qualified for the potentially submerged 8

s g - - , -

epplications. This demonstration is bassd on the following: f (1) These cables were procured as safety related cables, even'though used in safety and non-safety applications, '

(2) The application in manways and vaults is a mild environment and does not require specific qualification, (3) The cables are premium grade cables qualified _to Seabrook's worst case .

Harsh Eavironment, '

(4) The cables have proven, by test, their ability to. operate properly considering the effects of 40 years of aging, postulated radiation exposur(, and worst case Loss of Coolant Accident. I (5) After the LOCA exposure testing, each cable has further demonstrated proper operation in a submerged condition. >

(6) The cables were procured to stringent nuclear industry specifications, l which additionally required tests to verify insensitivity to moisture by Accelerated Moisture Absorption Tests, '

(7) The insensitivity to moisture has been demonstrated for greater than 40 years, using Arrhenius methodology, which has been accepted by the NRC when used to demonstrate long term exposure to Post Accident conditions, including submergence, (6) A review of industry experience has concluded, also, that these types of cables are insensitive to the postulated submergence and are therefore qualified for use in t'eae mild environments,


(9) Chemical compatibility to the fluids found in the vaults has been evaluated. No incompatible fluids were found.

The application of cables in manways and vaults outdcors at Seabrook Station is a mild environment. The areas in which these cables are installed does not change due to any postulated accident at Seabrook. Since the environment does not change, no speci9ic qualifications are required, nevertheless, the Wyle l

Laboratories Report provides the basis for demonstrating that these cables are 9

- - -. -.)

i qualified for this application.

The cables located in the manways and vaults are subjected to temperature i conditions conservatively estimated to be 20*C (68'F). Periodic submergence of portions of these cables is also postulated. -

The results of testing for Harsh Environmental Qualification and Accelerated Moisture Absorption Tests apply to the subject cables because these cables were procured as safety related cables, even though used in safety and non-safety applications.

For mild environment cables, no specific regulations exist which require demonstration of environmental qtalification, only conformance to specification and a maintenance program are required. Nevertheless, the Wyle Laboratories

  • Report provides the evidence, by test, that the cables are qualified for this environment. The conditions of the environment are enveloped by the harsh ,

environmental qualifiertica, which has demonstrated that the cables are qualified to the worst case environments and accidents at Seabrook Station.

The harsh environment qualification of these cables has been performed through IEEE-323 and 383 tests. These IFEE tests have been performed on each '

style of cable at Seabrook. The peak temperatures are generally in excess of 375'F pressures in excess of 60 psig, radiation levels in excess of 2E8 Rads, 40 years of aging, cheuical sprays and post accident submergence. The voluminous ,

results of these tests and associated files have been rigorously and thoroughly reviewed by Seabrook and consultant personnel and have previously been audited and found to be in compliance by the NRC.

The cables at Seabrook have been procured for all applications and provide optimum performance in electrical stability, tensile strength, flexibility, non-aging, abrasion resistance, dynamic cut through resistance, minimal heat distortion, r diation stability, self-extinguishing - non-propagating fire characteris.ics and Accelerated Water Absorption tests to verify insensitivity to long term e>?osure to moisture. The service requirements are (a) indoor, 10

. = .. . .

7 i

gelvanizad steel, solid bottom and ledder-typa tray, (b) underground non-mitallic  !

ducts,;(c) underground metallic ducts, (d) exposed, galvanized steel conduit and (e)~ wet and dry locations.

The Accelerated Water Absorption tests verify acceptable electrical properties after long duration tests while immersed at elevated temperatures with constant voltage potential applied. The test durations are a_ minimum of 14 days at 75'C to a maximum of 36 months at 90*C. The cables were shown t be, insensitive to moisture during the<* .ests and this insensitivity to moisture is shown to be equivalent to greater than 40 years at Seabrook. The equivalent moisture insensitivity time was calculated using Arri.enius eory, which has formed the basis of accelerated aging methodology used and approve d for harsh environmental qualification including submergence qualification inside containment. NRC requirements for aging evaluations for harsh environment qualification are codified in 10 CFR 50.49. REG Guide 1.89 and NUREG 0588.

Other nuclear plants have evaluated the effects of cable submergence on safety related cables. The 'Waterford 3 Cable Submergence Evaluation" was  !

reviewed. This document shows that some of the same cable at Seabrook was evaluated for submerged use at Waterford, specifically Anaconda and Okonite


cable. The results of LOCA testing Accelerated Water Absorption tests, j Arrhenius based Equivalent Age calculation, industry experience with submerged '


! cable and an evaluation by Okonite conclude that these cables are also qualified for greater than 40 years in submerged conditions. The methodology used by Waterford and reviewed by the NRC is essentially the same as has.been used by >

Wyle to evaluate the cables at Seabrook as it relates to outdoor submergence. '

The conclusion is that these cables are qualified for the mild environment l

application for installation in outside, underground level manways and vaults at ,

T Seabrook Station which may be submerged for up to 40 years.

The Wyle Report No. 17122-00, "Assepsment ci Qualifucation of Cable Used in Potentially Submerged Applications in Manways and Vaults at New Hampshire 11 i


Yankee's Sombrook Station *,_is'includsd as Attachmint 4 to this enginsering

, evaluation. The report includes cable material and manufacturer identification, an evaluation of the cables in the water submerged environment, an evaluation of the applicable cable qualificatior documentation and Wyle's conclusions.

3.6 Surveillance Program >

3.6.1 Power Cable Surveillance Testing A megger test is performed on each power cable at a minimum of the intervals committed to in NHY's response (SBN-1107, dated June 13, 1986) to an NRC request 'l for additional information. These intervals are as follows:

Motors -

Feeder cables t' 'l safety and non-safety _related motors 50 HP and larger are tested every refueling.

Feeder ca'sles to all safety related motors smaller than 50 HP are tested every refueling.

Feeder cables to all non-safety related motors smaller than 50 HP l are tested every 5th' refueling. '

Unit Substations -

Poeder cables to all~ safety and non-safety related unit substations are tested every 3rd refueling. ,

Motor control Centers -

Feeder cables to all safety related Motor Control Centers (MCC) are tested every 3rd refueling.

Feeder cables to all non-safety related Motor Control Centers (MCC) are tested every 5th ,


Miscellaneous -

Feeder cables to miscellaneous loads (except Motor Control Centers) fed from Unit Substations are tested at an interval not to exceed every 5th refueling.

The megger tests are conducted in accordance with site megger procedure MS0514.01. A megger consists of impressing a potential across the conductors of >

a cable and the scale reads out in Megohms of resistance. For cable testing the values are as follows:

12 1




The mogger, by virtue of detecting leakage, accurately indicates degradation in the form of leakage current through any weak spots in the esble insulation.

One stall leakage path in the insulation will drastically reduce the total megohm reading.

The megger testing results to date have generally been several hundred timcs higher than the minimum allowable and in many cases are higher than the instrument is capable of reading. The only relatively-low rae. dings are for cables connected to heating elements. These are still over twenty-five times the minimum allowable value. e i

Table 3.6-1 (Safety Related Cables In Manway Enclosures / Insulation Resistance Dat.*. Summary) provides the latest megger test results on cables in the manway enclosures.

3.6.2 Circuit and Grounding Detection Control circuits from 480v MCO (Motor Control Center) transformers are grounded circuits. Vital and important non-safety related motor control circuits have lamp indicators on the Main control Board showing the status of the. load (on/off, open/close). Should control power fail due to a degraded cable, both lamps would become deenergized alerting the operator.

Should insulation failure occur in an energized ungrounded or high resistance grounded wiring system such that only one line conductor faults to ground, the ground detection system will initiate an alarm in the Main Control i Room. On a Icw resistance grounded system loads are tripped upon detection of l

ground fault condition. If insulation failure occurs in an energized ungrounded or resistance grounded wiring system such that the fault is between two line conductors, the over current device will trip clearing the condition. Main Control Room alarms are provided on safety related systems and major non safety 13 l


. _ . . ._ __ _ ._ _ _ _ _J

rolcted systems to clart th3 op3rator. Eloctrical circuits which era ground:d will trip under both conditions as stated above. The system grounding and detection are further described as follows.

The 13,800 vel., system is a low resistance grounded system. Grounding resistors for limiting tie ground fault current to 600 amperes are locatad at the UAT and RAT transformers. Occurrence of a line to ground fault will cause the faulted portion of the system to be isolated by tripping appropriate circuit breakers. Inspection of the ground fault detector relays at the switchgear indicates the location of the fault. ,

The 4.16kV system is a high resistance grounded system. In addition, the diesel generator neutral is grounded through a single phase grounding transformer. In order to detect grounds, ground sensors have been provided on each motor circuit and load center feeder and each incoming line, including the diesel generator. Inputs from ground sensors and ground detection circuits are furnished to the station computer. The computer is programmed to recognize various combinations of inputs and to provide an alarm to alert the operator of the ground fault and its location. The grounding scheme utilized allows single gtound faults to be alarmed only, and the equipment to continue operation.

The 480 volt system is a high resistance grounded system. The grounding equipment is located at the 480 volt unit substations. This grounding i i

configuration allows the system to operate effectively as an ungrounded system, i.e., service is not interrupted in case of a single ground fault. Inputs from ground detection circuits are furnished to the station computer to alert the operator of the ground fault and its location.

The 120 volt ac vital system is a two wire ungrounded system with a ground detection scheme consisting of a ground detection panel. The ground detection panel associated with each vital instrumentatiot. hus r.ontains two voltmeters, each with a 0 to 150 V range. These meters are connected in series across the two supply lines of the system. Two voltmeter relays are incorporated together 14

4 I

with the voltmsters in the p:nal. The relays are used to provids the bus ground -)

I alarm to the station computer. Ammeters are also provided on the Main Control j

l Board to alert the control room operator of a groucied condition on the associated bus.  !

1 TLe 125VDC vital system is a two wire ungrouaded system with' ground

  • detection. The ground detection consists of a computer alarm and meters mounted l on the Main Control Board. There are also additional meters mounted locally in ,

the DC switchgear.

Instrument cables are not pericdically tested however the instrument ,

associated is calibrated in the loop (cable included) on a periodic basis. Any i

critical. instrumentation is duplicated and any significant deviation between two indications would cause a work request to be initiated.

3.7 Improved Surveillance Pronram Based on the results of the inspection program developed and implemented to address the ELP employee concern, NHY intends to improve the surveillance of the safety related electrical manway enclosures. The cable surveillance test program described in NHY letter SBN-1107 together with the ground fault detection system and instrument channel calibration program provides assurance that the safety related electrical cables sre capable of performing their design function.

To ensure that cable submergence does not become a concern at Seabrook i

Station, NHY "ill implement a water level nonitoring program for the safety l related electrical manuay enclosures that have cables routed within. A maximum I

water height in each enclosure will be estublished. Upon determining that the level is at or above the maximum water le rel the electrical manway enclosure will be pumped down to remove the water. The initial inspection frequency will be on a semi-annual basis. As experience is gained from the inspection program the inspection frequency may be adjusted.

The NHY inspections revealed minor corrosion at the base of the support. To ensure that the long term structural integrity is maintained. NHY intends to i


inspsct tha cable support in tha safety related electrical manw2y enclosures, that have cables routed within, every five years.

Based on the results of the inspection program and the suspected inleakage through the enclosure removable slabs and cover plugs, NHY will re-seal each safety related manway containing safety related cab:is prior to startup from the first refueling outage.

3.8 Safety Evaluation Water intrusion into safety-related electrical manways has been evaluated and determined to have no adverse impact on plant safety for the following reaeons:

Cable Qualification o The underground electrical cables were originally specified, qualified, and procured for use at Seabrook Station for not only wet and dry applications, but also for LOCA conditions. The environmental conditions during a LOCA are more severe and, therefore, bound the mild environments to which these underground cables are subjected.

o The cables were procured to stringent nuclear and commercial industry l

specifications, which required tests to verify insensitivity to moisture by Accelerated Moisture Absorption fests. Using Arrhenius methodology, the insensitivity to moisture has been demonstrated to be greater than 40 years. I o A review of industry experience has concluded that these types of cables are insensitive to the submergence in underground applications.

1 o The chemistry reviews have yielded no chemicals that would be incompatible with cable materials.

Structural Qualification o The design of the cable support structures has significant margins on allowable stresses and margin to failure.

o Possible degradation over the life of the plant due to water intrusion 16

.~ _ __. _ _ _

would not signir'icantly reduco the design margins. l l

The results of the inspection program confirm the structural integrity o  ;

i of the cable supports.  !

Surveillance Programs o Megger tests on power cables have been conducted frequeatly. Meggering would indicate the breakdown of insulation due to moisture intrusion. '

o Megger' tests done to date have generally had results several hundred times higher than the minimum required.




The employee concern expressed to ELP was a valid concern based on the ,

information available to the employee. The NHY inspection program developed in response to this concern identified the presence of water in the safety related electrical manway enclosures and that safety related cables were submerged. NHY documentation and consultant reviews confirm that the electrical cable is^ l qualified for submergence. The NHY review has determined that the water surrounding the safety related electrical cables has had no detrimental effect on the cables or the support structures. NHY will initiate surveillance programs to monitor water intrusion into the safety related electrical manway enclosures,9ML-6 h4. m44a .;t++Ad"t & y and remove the water in accordance with the surveillance program. The cable support structures will be inspected on a periodic basis to maintain their condition on s long term basis. The manway enclosures will be re-sealed to minimize the water inleakage flow paths.

The NHY inspection program has confirmed the following information relative to the ELP employee concern.

1) The safety related submerged electrical cables pose no threat to the safe operation of Seabrook Station.
2) All safety related electrical manway enclosures were identified and inspected. The inspection program also included an inspection of the met tower electrical manway enclosure. This represents twenty-nine (29) 17

electrical manw2y snclosures. A total of ons hundred elevzn (111) electrical manway enclosures that provide service to Unit I were identified.

3) chemistry samples confirm that the water in the electrical manway enclosures is fresh water from ground water inleakage. The water is not seawater. This is further confirmed by enclosure elevation drawings and differences in as-found water levels in adjacent manway enclosures.
4) The cable supports were reviewed as part of this evaluetion. Substantial-design margin exists in the support design calculations. The inspection shows minor surface rust and some instances of minor localized pitting.

These conditions have been evaluated and found to be acceptable.

5) The electrical manway enclosures were not intended to have a drain system and provisions for permanent sump pumps, provisions for electrical power and alarm systems for the pumps. The enclosures were designed to minimize water l inleakage. The re-sealing and level monitoring program established as a result ci NHY's inspection will minimize water accumulation in the l electrical manway enclosures. The small sumps fabricated into the vault ,

enclosure are intended to provide a inw point for de-watering, as necessary. l

6) The only evidence of slime appears to be lubricants applied to the cable to l facilitats pulling the cable thr: gh the underground conduit ducts. The lubricant is compatible with the cable materials. In one electrical manway enclosure (WO6), between the Turbine Building and the outside of Containment, a white deposit was found. This white deposit waw luentified as calcium carbonate. This material does not have a detrimental effect on I the electrical cable or the conduit ducts.
7) Extensive evaluation of the cable that is submerged in the electrical manway enclosures confirms that the ble is qualified for operation in the submerged condition. Tha water environment identified via chemistry samples identified no substances tnat would be detrimental to the cable material.
8) The cable condition was inspected including the cable bend radius. All i i

18 l l


attributos ware satisfactory, there vara no b:nd radius violctions. The


cable covering showed no signs of deterioration.

k l

19 4 i


TABLE 3.1-1 SAFETY RELATED - UNIT #1 PERIMETER DUCT DRAWING NO. MANHOLE No./ TRAIN TOTAL 310248 WO7, WO8, WOS, WO6, WO3, WO4/W40 Wol, WO2/W39, 8 WO9, W10 2 310249 W15 W16 2 W29, W30, W33, W34, W12. k... W13, W14 8 320251 W23, W24 2 22 TOTAL (UNIT #1)

SAFETY RELATED UNIT #2 - PERIMETER DUCT 320251 W19, W20, W21. W22, W25, W26 6 TOTAL (UNIT #2) 28 TOTAL UNITS 1 & 2 NON-SAFETY RELATED - UNDERGROUND DUCT - UNIT 1 310248 W42 (TURBINE BUILDING INTERNAL) 1 NON SAFETY RELATED UNDERGROUND DUCT - UNIT 2 320251 W42 (TURBINE BUILDING INTERNAL) 1 TEMPORARY POWER - UNIT 1 - NON-SAFETY 301606 W52, W53 W55 3 301607 W74, W73 W72, W71 W70. W69. W68, W67, W66, W65, W64. W63, W62, W60, W48, W47 W46 17 301608 W49, W50. W51, W56, W57 5 301609 W61. W59. W58 3 301611 W45, W44 2 30 TOTAL (UNIT #1) l l

,7 ,

'l TABLE 3.1-1 (continuad)L

. i NON-SAFETY UNIT 1 - TELEPHONE / SECURITY E 301623 ZRO, ZR1, ZR2,'2R3, ZR4, ZS3, ZS4, ZSS, ZS7,.ZS8, ZS1, ZS2, ZR6, ZR7, ZR8, ZR9,  ;

ZSO, ZS9. ZT1, ZT2, Z110, Z122 22 (TOTAL) UNIT #1 o

301624 2T3, ZT4, ZT5, ZT7,12T8, ZT9, ZTO, ZU1, ZU2 9 9

31 TOTAL (Unit #1) r NON-SAFETY - UNITS 1 & 2 - 345KV SWITCHING STATION UNDERGROUND CONDU_IT 309830 W79/90, W78/80, W81, W91, W92, W82. W93, '

W83, W99 W89. W84, V94, W85, W95 .14 309831 W86. W96 V87, W97, W88, W98 6 1 20 TOTAL (UNITS 1 & 2). 3 I




'l i

Unit il Safety Related 22 Unit #2 Safety Related 6 Temporary Power - Non Safety Related Unit #1 30 l

Telephone / Security - Non Safety Related Unit #1 31 l l

Hiscellaneous Non Safety Related (Units 1 & 2) 2 i l

345 kV Switchgear - Non Safety Related (Units 1 & 2) JJ!

Total 111 Total Safety Related 28 Total Non Safety Related 83



W-2 0" SAT SAT X X X X 9'5" W-3 24" SAT SAT X X X X 6'11" W-4 36" SAT SAT X .X X X 6'11*

W-5 7' SAT SAT X X X X l'2" W-6 22' SAT SAT X X X X l'2" W-7 4' SAT SAT X X X X 4'3' W-8 22' SAT SAT X .X X X 4'3' W-9 78* SAT SAT X X(1) X X O'O' W-10 27' SAT SAT X X(2) X X O'O' W-11 1" SAT SAT X >X X ~X 7'1" W 1" SAT SAT .X X X X ~7'1' W-13 23' SAT SAT X X(3) .X X 6'6*

W-14 25 SAT SAT ~ X X X X 6*6' W-15 17" SAT SAT X 'X X X 6'6"

TABLE 3.3-1 (continued)





  • W-19 0' 9'5"
  • W-20 52' 9'5' eW-21 33' 9'6"
  • W-22 50" 9'6' F

W-23 6* SAT SAT X X X X 4'9" ,

W-24 69" SAT SAT X X X X 4'9"

  • W-25 30' 0'O'
  • W-26 105' 0'0"
  • W-29 40' 7'7"
  • W-30 55' 7'7' fW-33 15* 10'7'
  • W-34 15* 10*7*

W-44 .134" SAT SAT X X X -l*-6" (1) 23-Safety related cables submerged (2) 2-Safety related cables submerged

  • .N_0_ cable or supports in manway (3) 1-Safety related cable submerged

. - - - -------.._.-u--- - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - * ' - " " " * = 5+ '^'

TABLE 3.3-2 l

WATER CHEMISTRY Sample ( pH Temp. Total Flash 011 Salinity Comments .

Point 'C Organic point Grease i

Carbon *C Visual l

W-3 7.0 24 35.ts >140 NV (3.64 Vault had visible water streaks down  !

all four walls. l Collected a smal  !

amount of white crystal 11neformation 9 NW corner near one cable penetration t W-4 7.0 25 11.4 >140 NV (3.64 Vault clean. Some streaks of water on walls. No cables were in water.

W-5 9.0 25 111.0 >140 NV <3.64 W-6 9.6 25 84.3 >140 NV <3.64 W-7 8.2 25 69.9 >140 NV (3.64 W-8 8.3 25 24.0 >140 NV (3.64 W-9 7.8 23 2.0 >140 NV <3.64 W-10 7.8 23 65.0 >140 NV <3.64 W-11 10.0 24 606.0 >140 NV (3.64 - -

W-12 9.4 25 76.0 >140 NV (3.64 W-13 0.3 24 72.6 >140' NV (3.64 W-14 8.2 24 51.5 >140 NV <3.64 W-15 7.8 23 7.1 >140 NV <3.64 W-16 8.6 26 196.0 >140 NV (3.64 W-20 8.8 24 7.9 >140 NV <3.64 W-21 7.8 25 13.0 >140 NV <3.64 W-22 7.6 25 5.5 >140 NV (3.64 W-23 9.0 25 381.0 >140 NV <3.64 W-24 7.8 25 23.3 >140 NV (3.64 W-25 7.2 25 9.9 >140 NV <3.64 W-26 7.3 25 11.5 >140 NV <3.64 W-29 8.8 23 37.1 >140 NV <3.64 Vault was installed for unit 2,no cables were inside.

W-30 8.8 23 18.0 >140 NV (3.64 Vault was installed for unit 2,no cables were inside.

W-33 8.8 25 11.1 >140 NV <3.6d W-34 10.5 25 8.3 >140 NV <?.64 Vault hea slightly musty odor.

W-44 7.0 24 10.0 >140 NV <3.64 (1) No water was found in manway enclosures W1. W2, and W19.

- - , , , o~ m +~--



Underground manway enclosure numbers W19, W20 W21, W22, W25, W26, W29,'W30, 1 W33 and'W34 were inspected and found to have no cables.-  !

J The underground manway enclosures below were inspected and all cables were  !

found to have no cuts, abrasions, kinks, splices, cable jacket repairs and no i bend radius violations.  !

WO1 W13 WO2 Wil WO3 W15 WO4 W16 WO5 W23 i WO6 W24 l WO7 V44 I WO8 '

WO9 '{

W10 Wil i

W12 The cable jackets of cables in manway WO9 and W44 were found to have a a 1 slight coating.

The cable jackets of cables in manways WO5, W10 and W12 had dark dried .

stains possibly from pulling lubricant. ,

1 I

The cable jackets of cables in manways WO7, W13 and W15 had dried pulling  ;

lubricant traces on some cables.

The cable jackets of cables in manway WO6 near west wall aucts were coated with calcium carbonate.

The slight coatings were able to be wiped off by hand and cable jackets were found to be in excellent condition with no visible degradation. I l

J e


. . ~ _ - - . - . , , , - . . - . . - . . . . . - . . - . . . . . -


. 1


TABLE 3.3-4 j

- .)




. i<

Manhole V4. W2 l l

'No defects such as rust or' corrosion on supports. .

^l Manhole W3. W6. V16. W24 i j

Heavy rust colored coating at the base of vertical member. Subsequent to )

l scraping, galvanized finish was found intact but was' coarser in texture and  ;

lighter in color. *

! i Manhole W13 l >

i- Light rust colored coating found on bolts at the base connection of vertica' member. Coating was brushed off and bolts were noted as having no surface

! cafects, t

Manholes V14 and W15 i Light rust colored coating found on vertical member and base connection. -I' i

Subsequent to scraping, galvanized finish on members was noted as being in good l


condition and no material defects noted.  ;

Manholes W29. W30. W19. W22. W25. W26. W20. W33. W21 and W34 No cable supports in these manholes.

Manhole V7. W9 and VIO i i

Rust colored coating at base connection of vertical member. Subsequent to scraping, base metal was exposed with galvanizing removed in some areas. No sign of any corrosion in member or bolts.

Manhole W5 and W12 and W23 All load bearing members span wall to wall above water level. No rust noted on support member.

Manhole V8 W11. W44. W1 R0 moved rust colored coating.with wire brush. Clip angles anchored to concrete


have minar enrrosion where galvanizing is missing.


. . . _ . . _ . ~ _ _ . ~ . . _ . , . . _ . - _ _




8/89 Elect. Tunnel, MH W10, Mb W12 SW Bldg. EDE-MCC-614 1000 1 10/89 PAB, W16, Clg. Twr. 1-SW-FN-51A 800 1 5/89.

PAB, W14, C1g. Twr. EDE-US-64 3000 1 10/89 PAB, W16 Clg. Twr. 1-SW-P-110A 10000 10 5/89 PAB, W14 C1g. Twr. 1-SW-P-110B 4300 10 11/87' Elect. Tunnel, WOS, WO7, SW Bldg. 1-SW-P-41A 3000' 1 5/89 15000 10 5/88 Elect. Tunnel, WOS, WO7, SW Bldg. 1-SW-P-41C 600 1 5/89 12000 10- 5/88.

Elect. Tunnel, MH W10, MH W12, SW Bidr. 1-SW-P-41D 1000 1 - 10/89~

11000 10 6/87 3400 . 10 .3/90 Elect. Tunnel, MH W10, MH W12, SW Bldg. 1-SW-P-41B 1000 1 10/89 4300 10 10/87 NON SAFETY RELATED POWER CABLES SWGR Room, MH WO1, MH WO3, MH WOS, CW Bldg. 1-CWP-P-39C 4500 1 5/89-SWGR Room, MH WD1, MH WO3, MH WO5, CW Bldg. 1-CWP-P-39B 3500 10 7/89 SWGR Room, MH WO1, MH WO3, MH WOS, CW Bldg. 1-CWP-P-39A 150000 10 6/89

Elect. Tunnel, WO6 -Make Up Air Pit East 1-CBA-UH-129 30 1 5/89 LC1, W48, W47,_W46. W45, W44, G22 Settling Basin 500. 1 3/90 Settling Basin CP

_.____.____.__m._ .. _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ .__..._m______._____________ _ = _ _ _ = . -

.+:--ww. ..- . . .~, e - . v  %. _ . . , . _ . _ _ -

.m _ m c

Employees Lep! Project


(a projec: of CMSEP, Inc.) ,

P.O. Box 388 Hamp:en. NH 03842 0004 (603) 909 0718 Merch 1,1990 - -'-

Hencreble Kenneth Cerr, Cheirmen ^],'y]GE$LUA ON 90-10 Nuclear Reguletary Commission Page 1 of 3 -

Weshington, D.C.

Deer Chelrmen Carr:

Employees Legal Project (ELP) wes contected two degs ego by e former electricien et the Seebrook Nucleer Plent who hes e concern ebout e situction et Seabrook thet he believes poses e threat to the safe operation of that facility. ELP interviewed the Individuel, who wishes to remein anonymous. At his specific request ELP is forwerding his concern to the NRC end requesting e prompt investigation of his ellegetion. A letter similer to this has been sent to the Regton I office.

The individuel stetes that three years ego he was part of e crew essigned I to enter the ninety-seven (97) cable manholes et the Seebrook Site to l secure electricel cebles to their permanent recks Upon removel of the menhole covers, the crew found the manholes flooded. The liquid in the menholes wes seltweter with other unknown substances. It covered the cebles in the menholes end wes becked up into the conduit that ran through the underground duct banks.

The individual had been involved with the instelletion of the conduit before the duct benks were formed up end. covered with solid concrete.

That work enteiled e requirement to put protective covering on the pipe unions prior to the piecement of concrete. This was to insure that the conduit would remain dry end prevent liquids from deterioreting the I covering of the cebles that the conduit would hold.

The individual and the inspectors on this job operelion were surprised when the crene removed the first menhole end the crew discovered the 1

e e._ 1 e _ x -rf,... ,u n s n . -:v s c : o t o e.1 o cc

Page 2 of 3 i

eres f!ccced. The cecles end the menhole were supposed to be cry The crew securec e cortecle pump eno removed the licuid from the merncl: '

1c with e';;r e:!e r.seter triec to dru out the work tree. The ceble succorts were rustec end etceerec to have been sitting in the same water 1 f:r three (I) users. Tn1s situetton was reoseted et elline menhcles in wnich trs ir.cividuel worked. -

There were no sump ; umps in the bottem of these menholes, althougn ,

mer.g had en eree formed UD for piecement of a pump. The indiv1cual wes informeo thet the pumps were never instellec :sceuse en engineering oversight hed omitted e drein system end provisions for power enc sterm .

systems for the pumps.

The individuel was uneble to detect where the liquid was entering the  :

menholes end duct banks. It was not from ground run off. When the covers were removed there was no evidence that water hed seeped in through those ports. Each time e menhole wes emptied and dried, the liquid woulo.

return to fill the eres egeln. One manhole neer the meteorological tower would fill up with the incoming tide.

The power cables themselves were covered with a thick slime. There wes


also e heevy, solid, whit'e deposit on many of them. In the menhole located between the corner of the turbine building and the outside of containment, ,

this herd, white deposit was so large thet the point of entry of the cable into the menhole from the four-inch (4") duct could not be seen.

2 The individuel believes that some of the power cebles that run through the i i menholes and duct banks are pert of plent's sr'ety systems. He believes i

thet those cables are sitting in e liquid that contains substances that could compromise the insuletion surrounding the line end result in e l

] systems feiture. He believes thet some of those cebles do not meet the 1 squipment qualifications for the e:tuel environment in which they ere  !

instelled. He believes that the failure to c'onform to the bending radius in l some installetions combined with the constant submergence in unknown l liquids could result in a cable f ailure end electrical short. He believes that, should a f ailure occurin one cable, the close proximity of other cables submerged in e liquid could result in multiple cable failures. In any of the preceding events he believes the ability of the plant to operate sefely would be compromised.



- ...- v c; e im 1 ce *: C "C C

l Page 3 of 3 The individuel Celieves thet the situetion he encountereo thrse gsers tge i 15 tne situet'en thet exists taceg. He believes that the menholes he '

worksd 'n "Si not been sntsrst si.1ce theu wers closed following the f iscuring f .te ceciss on the ecks thrse ysers ago. He Oslieves thet l

there hevs '.:'. :ssn sump cum:s instelled 10 rsmove the licu;c fr:m ins I system. hs :sif svss that tners 's e ifkelr::c inet scme of ths c:vsring :f l the cebles has cetertorated. l The indtvfduel has esked ELP t: recusst ths NRC to do en immed4 3ts investigaticn into the incividuels concerns. He requests that the menholes l be opened to confirm the existence of the of liquids. He recuests thet e breed sempling of ligulds be teken and entlyzed to determine what is present in the licuids. He asks thet a similer eneigsis be cone on the her:

White substance end the slims that covers the cebles. He esks that the i snort and long term effect of submergence of the cebles in the liquids ce dstermined. He asks that corrective meesures De taken to remedy any probisms that exist with the current cables.

ELP esks thet you give this ellegation prompt ettention end resolve ths  :

individuels concerns before making e decision on a Full Power License _ for Seeorook.


. % ; t h ,;.' ,

Robert Cushing, Dr.q ELP Director 1

l 1

l l

i i

i l

l 3

  • ae e c - 1 e - n er.... . e n s n - 2zysc: 0t ae 1o ca 1


Date March 4, !?90 To: Joe Vargas, lefY From: Jis Gleason, Wyle


Chemicals for litich Cable Materials May Be Suspect Cable asterial Poor Fair resist ece From the Okonite catalog CSPE Basoline Creosote Chloroform Acetone Carton Tet Ethyl ketate Methyl Chloride Polyethylere Chlorofors Carbon Tet Methyl 011oride from Handbook of Plastics and Elastomers:

Ethylene Aliphatic solvents Arosatic solvents propylene Chlorinated solvents Esters Etters Ketones

March 7, 1990 TO ENGINEERING EVALUATION 90-10 Page 1 of 13 Jim Long Socbrook Station ,

P.O. Box 36 Saabrook, N.H. C3874 CERTIFICATE OF CONFCRMANCE RE: New Hampshire Yankee Purchase Order No. 71331 Analysis of " Vault" water samples for volatile organics by EPA method 624.

Resource Analysts, Inc. Study No. 20909 i This study has been performed in accordance with the RAI QA programfas roviewed and approved by Yankee Atomic Electric Company. This study meets all of the requirements of the purchase order with the following oxceptions:

1) No exceptions.

Tha report and data audit took place on March 7, 1990.

Auditor / MN d Title Organics Laborato/y' Manager Date March 7, 1990 YN '



'e Page.2 of 13 l

- Resource Analysts,Inc.

Subsidery of MILUPORE P.O. Box 778,One Lofoyene Road Hampton, N.H. 03842 (603)926-7777 i ,

Mr. Jim Long P.O. Number: Req. #322337 Seabrook St& tion P.O. Box 300 Date Received: 03/06/90 (933) -

Seabrook, NH 03874 Lab Number: 20909 Date Reported: 03/07/90 Attached please find test results for volatile organic compounds.

l i

l l

I i

l llll lN* . / <T-Y-90

'$stli:iical' 'Di' rector'



' b: 1 Laboratory numbor: ?0909 -0L1 I Page 3 of 13 l Scaple Dacignation W-12 900207 Date Analyzed:


Chloromethane BD' 10 Bromomethane sL 10 .

Vinyl chloride w- 10  :

Chloroethane BDL 5 Methylene chloride EDL 10 '

Acetone SDL 25 ~

carbon disulfide BDL 5 1,1-Dichloroethene. BOL- 5 Tetrahydrofuran TRACE 25 i 1,1-Dichloroethane BDL 5 1,2-Dichloroethene-(total) BDL .5 Chloroform' 7 5 Methyl ethyl. ketone BDL 25 1,2-Dichloroethane BDL 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BDL 5 Carbon Tetrachloride- - BDL 5 i Vinyl acetate BDL J9 Bromodichloromethane BDL 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 Trichloroethene BDL 5  ;

Benzene BDL 5 .

Dibromochloromethane BDL 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BDL 5 1,2-'Oichlor opropane BDL 5 1 2-Chlaroethyl vinyl ether 3DL 5' l Bromoform BDL 5 Me.hyl isobutyl ketone BDL 25 J 2-Hexanane BDL 25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BDL 5 Tetrachloroethene BDL 5 Toluene BDL 5 Chlorobenzene BDL 5 Ethylbenzene BDL 5 m-Xylene BDL 5 o,p-Xylene BDL 5 i Styrene. BDL 5 I METHOD


40 CFR PART 136, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1984-METHOD 624 BDL = Below detection limit

" TRACE" denotes probable prewance below listed' detection limit.

R~weeh .inc Sute:kryatMwPORE 5 j


Page 4'of 13



'teld Identification: W-12  ;



'Neae Detected' i i

h 5

h n

4 I

h Comments: ,

r k

I 1

i 6

1 4

h AnchsttInc.,Subsdiary of MwPort i


, v , . . .,- -

. - , - - , , _v r, #--,.--,---.4, , ,,.-----v-m., - . . . . . , - - - ~-

Lnb rotory numb 0r: 20909 -002 4

ScIplo Dacignatient W-15 Page 5 of 13 Dato Analyzsd 900307 Matrix: WATER VOLATILE ORGANICS CONCENTRATION 9ETECTION LIMIT '

(ug/L) (ug/L)


Chloromethane BDL 10 Bronomethane BDL 10 Vinyl chloride BDL 10 Chloroethane BDL 5 Methylene chloride BDL 10 Acetone BDL 25 Carbon disu7.'de BDL 5 1,1-Dichlon

  • g ene BDL 5 Tetrahydrofu146 BDL 25 1,1-Dichloroethane BDL 5 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) BDL 5 Chloroform BDL 5 Methyl ethyl ketone BDL 25 1,2-Dichloroethune BDL 5 ,

1,1,1-Trichloroettane BDL 5 Carbon Tetrachloride BDL 5 Vznyl acetate BDL 10 Bromodichloromethane BDL 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 Trichloroethene BDL 5 Benzene BDL 5


Dibromochloromethane BDL 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BDL 5 1,2-DichloropropMne BDL 5 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether BDL 5 Bromoform BDL 5 Methyl isobutyl ketone BDL 25 2-Hexanone BDL .25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethano BDL 5 Tetrachloroethene BDL 5 Toluene BDL 5  !

Chlorobenzene BDL 5 Ethylbenzene BDL 5 m-Xylene BDL 5 o,p-Xylene BDL 5 Styrene BDL 5 .

METHOD RFFERENCE: 40 CFR PART 136, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1984 1 METHOD 624 BDL = Below detection limit i

Resource Anciysts Inc., Subsidiary of MILLIPORE

~ _- , , y .- - - , ,.- w-- . . . , , , - .m .-

i Page 6 of 13'


.l 1


l None Detected l 1

l J

l l

1 i




i J




i. l l

Resource AnoWL inc., Subsdiary of MlujPORE l

L bcratcry numb:rs 20909 -003 ,

Sc plo Dacignation: W-6 i Dato Anolyzcd: 900307 . . age 7 f 13 Matrix: -WATER VOLATILE ORGANICS CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIMIT (ug/L) (ug/L)  ;

Chloromethane BDL 10 Bronomethane BDL , 10 Vinyl chloride BDL- 10 Chloroethane BDL 5 Methylene chloride BDL 10 Acetone BDL 25 Carbon disulfide BDL 5.  :

'1,1-Dichloroethene BDL. 5 Tetrahydrofuran BDL 25 1,1-Dichloroethane BDL 5 ,

1,2-Dichloroethene (total) BDL 5 Chloroform BDL 5 Methyl ethyl ketone BDL 25 1,2-Dichloroethane BDL 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BDL 5 Carbon Tetrachloride BDL 5 Vinyl acetate BDL 10 Bromodichloromethane BDL 5 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 Irichloroethene BDL 5 Benzer4e "oDL 5 Dibromochloromethane BDL 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BDL 5 i I

1,2-Dichloropropane BDL 5-2-chloroethyl vinyl ether . BDL 5 Bromoform BDL 5  :

Methyl isubutyl ketone BDL 25 ,


2-Hexanone BDL 25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BDL 5 Tetrachloroachene BDL 5 Toluene BDL 5 Chlorebenzene BDL 5 Ethylbenzene BDL 5 s m-Xylene BDL 5  ;

o,p-Xylene BDL 5 Styrene BDL 5 i METHOD


40 CFR PART 136, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1984 METHOD 624 i

BDL = Below detection limit i

Resource Anatystt Inc., Subsidiczy of MILUPORE .


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1 Page 8 of 13 -




None Detected Comments: I i

Resource Notysts, Inc., Sutaday cf MILI.lPORE

Lcborotory numbar 20909 -004 SGmple Dacignation: W-24 Date Analyzed: 900307 '

Matrix: WATER Page 9 of 13  :


\ 1 Chloromethane BDL 10 I Bromomethane BDL 10 l Vinyl chloride BDL 10 l Chloroethane BDL 5 Methylene chloride BDL 10 Acetone BDL 25 carbon disulfide BDL 5 1,1-Dichloroethene- BDL 5 Tetrahydrofuran BDL 25 1,1-Dichloroethane BDL 5 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) BDL 5 '

Chloroform BDL 5 Methyl ethyl ketone BDL 25 1,2-Dichloroethane BDL 5 '

1,1,1-Trichloroethane BDL 5 Carbon Tetrachloride BDL 5 Vinyl acetate BDL 10 <

Bromodichloromethane BDL 5

, cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL. 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 Trichloroethene BDL 5 Benzene BDL 5 Dibromochloromethane BDL 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BDL 5 1,2-Dichloropropane BDL 5 2-Chloroethyl vinyl oth;r BDL 5 Bromoform BDL 5 Methyl isobutyl ketone BDL 25 2-Hexanone BDL 25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BDL 5 Tetrachloroethene BDL 5 Toluene BDL 5 Chlorobenzene BDL 5 Ethylbenzene BDL 5 m-Xylene BDL 5 o,p-Xylene BDL 5 Styrene BDL 5 METHOD


40 CFR PART 136, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1984 METHOD 624  ;

BDL = Below detection limit l

l Resource Anotysts,Inc.,tubsdiaryof MlujPORE i 1


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Under she provanione of the Regulanons in WS 306, on adopted under RSA 148. B the Department of l

" , r ., u . . . .v:c,o e~ - - ~ );

Enutronr.wntalServices hereby issues a certUken so - REA0NCE An*E'!!t5 inc. l g = y g,Q,jg*g'Q ===:.g:s y*Q, 7,9y,, yy ,

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for thefosowing ..9analy.e oh 9g.- 'd,a- '.e.W6.[9.. .- M FULL CERTIFi$5i5,0Nih YKh&i5BeS11?um 1'fMNuml Calcinm

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Molybdenum l'N109l1:'Poin1!nm. 1 Selekisa. Silvei: S^ o dInk. s.Thallinm. l T fSt $hbm. Vanadkm_, Zinc. 800. C0b OC: kmmonib_.



NLtRate-M. 'pH. Non-Filtenable Residna. Oil & GnonAr'. soeelfj,r

.. . .' . v  ;

Condnetance. -TDS. TKM. Total Albnfi .Ltu. Total'CuaNe.- Tofdf -

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Pht sphorus. Orthochosphates. Chloride. Sulfair_ Tofa1 HandneAA-Total Residornt Chlorine. Volatile OkaanieA. 'Pc8s in taaton _ prnA in 'w Dit and Pesticides t I



l A The names of the labomtory personnelto whom this Certificate is issued are:

RUbbCAS Y0bith s

] M. Pazdon, B. Hoogesteger, R. Wellman, J. McCarthu, L. Boucher, y J. San, D. Semlt, T. Hennessey, D. Lenihan, G. Frangheim and m

\ Doreen Newhouse CERTIFICATE NUMBER I9I934~0 p DATE OFISSUE January I9, f 990 gjIs M certifying omeer /



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The State of New Hampshire Page 13 of 13


  • Department of Environmental Services J CERTIFICATE OF APPR ,

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Under the provislohs of the Regulations In WS 306. as adop,ted under RSA 148. B. the Department of l

Environmental Services hereby issues a certifcote to RedoMCe Analgets. inc.

Located at I LG$G4Ltll R000 in HamptDN Falla pr thefanowing anaryus ef:

l l FULLCERTIF) CAT 10Mt Arsenic. Barium. Caddus=. I'ninitrm. Civtonium.

i i

Copper. Lead. Merciour. Selenium. Silver. Sodlum. vH. Alkalinttu.

l .

Corrcsiuttu. Fluoride. Turbiditu. Total Fitt.erable Residue.

Residorn!" Free Chlorine. MitAnte-M. Rivtite-M. t.4-0. Sllvex.

1 '

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+ PR0tt1S10 MAL CERTIFICAT10Mt Antimanu. Be nti!!1 rum. Nickel..Thaltlam, i .

' ~

Sullate cA Total Cyanide I

1 l ~  %.


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' The nor' ries of the laborato'ry personnelso whom~this t , ,Icare is issued are
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j a.. Da* . . .- 4 0 ., - . ' .dn.r. : u M. Pazdon.~B. 'Hooatsteae>t. R. Wellman:'3. 'McCarthu. G. Sns'taf1kl. .~;;

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s L. Bouche.r.1. %n: D. Sons 11. D. cJanob ann D. Lab --

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i CERTIFICATE NUMBER 798934-0 DATE OFISSUE AnouAf f f. I9I9 # J /J b

! . .1 . CerelyW Of[ - ^ ,, ,


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i. _ . . _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ ,


NEQ REPORT 1 (Nuclear Env*onmental Qualification)  ;


[- New Hampshire Yankee


1' P.O. Box 700 YOUR P~0' NO' 71266 Seabrook, NH 03874

l. ] DATE March 7, 1990 i i



i i

l i

l 1

17122. DOC aun w mm Califarnia Professlonal ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

coven w masas " Engineer Reg. No. 2CN c=='a* a=esa. ramas tra wy erwaae me ar== co ao av as roon. -

ames . Meason beiaJ duly sworn.

deposes and says: The informattoe contained in this report is the result of complete and PROJ. ENGINEER -

h- 7/P!90 carmay conoucted ans and is to the best of his knowieces tne and correctin nii dafmond A. Bennett  ;

"" SEA Wo r. V __

SUBSCRl8ED and sworn t46afore me this Aday of /2' - - -

19 :' ('


f. y A p' '/ ) ' / /, ^ b Notary Pubuc in anpor e State of Ala ma at I CERTIFIED BY \- 'R W b/'!'tNMf4"



Wy commission expires

., ,1

,tg Y 9

, Thom N. Brewjngton,j

/ --

WYLE O.A. ' 'ir -

3N "h

. , , , U g G. Wayne Hignt

R0 port-Nc. 17122-00J PcgG AD. 2 EXECUTIVE


This document demonstrates that cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation with chlorosulfonated ; polyethylene .or cross-linked polyolefin jackets and . ethylene propylene rubber insulation with chlorosulfonated polyethylene- or chlorinated polyethylene applications jackets are qualified for the potentially . submerged' in aanways .and vaults located. . outdoors -at New Hampshire' Yankee's Seabrook Station. This' demonstration is based on the facts that (1) .These cables . were procured as. safety related cables, even-though safety'and non-safety applications.



The application .in manways and . vaults is ;a mild environment and does not require specific qualification- .

-(3) The cables are premium grade cables qualified . to- Seabrook's worst case Harsh Environment.

(4) The cables have proven, by test, their ability to oprate.

properly considering the effects of 40 years of aging, postulated radiation exposure and worst case Loss-of-Coolant Accident.

(5) After the LOCA exposure testing, each cable has further demonstrated proper operation in a submerged' condition.

(6) The cables were procured to stringent nuclear.

! industry specifications, which additionally required tests to verify insensitivity to moisture by Accelerated Moisture Absorption Tests.

(7) The insensitivity to moisture been ham demonstrated- for greater than 40 years, using arrhenius methodology,.which has been accepted by the NRC when used to demonstrate long term exposure to Post Accident conditions, including submergence.

(8) A review of industrial e>Q trience has concluded also that i

these types of cables up insensitive to the postulated submergence and are therefore qualified for use in these mild environments.


Chemical' compatibility to the fluids found in the. vaults has been evaluated. No incompatible-fluids were found.

The application of cables in manways and vaults outdoors at Seabrook Station- is a mild environment. The areas in which these cables are installed does not change'due to.any postulated accident-WYLE LABORaTOR8ES Huntsv04e Facdity a

R:p3rt N3. 17122-00 Pcg3 Na. 4 months at 90 0C. The cables were shown to be insensitive to moisture during these tests and this insensitivity to moisture is shown to be the equivalent of greater than 40 years at Seabrook. The equivalent moisture insensitivity time was calculated using Arrhenius theoty, which has formed the basis or accelerated aging methodology used and approved for Harsh Environmental Qualification including submergence qualification inside containment. NRC requirements for aging evaluations for harsh environment qualification are codified in 10 CFR 50.49, Reg Guide 1.89 and NUREG 0588.

Other nuclear plants have evaluated the effects of cable submergence on safety related cables. The "Waterford 3 cable Submergence Evaluation" was reviewed. This document shows that some of the same cable at Seabrook was evaluated for submerged use at Waterford, specifically Anaconda and Okonite cable. The results of LOCA testing, Accelerated Water Absorption tests, Arrhenius based Equivalent Age calculations, industry experience with submerged cable and an evaluation by Okonite conclude that these cables are also qualified for reater than 40 years in submerged conditions. The methodology ur ' by Waterford and reviewed by the NRC in their evaluation is essenc. illy the same as has been used by Wyle to evaluate the cables at Seabrook as it relates to outdoor submergence.

The conclusion is that these cablos are qualified for the mild environment application for installation in outside, underground level Manways and vaults at Seabrook Station which may be submerged for up to 40 years.

WYLE LABORATORIES Hufttsville Facahty

R0 port N3. 17122-00 Pago No. 3 i at Seabrook. Since tho' environment does not change, no specific qualifications are required, never the less, this document-provides the basis for demonstrating that these cables are qualified for

. this application.

The cables located in the manways and; vaults are ' subjected0 to temperature conditions conservatively estimated to be 20 C (68 F).

Periodic submergence of portions of these. cables :is also postulated.

The results of testing for Harsh Environmental- Qualification ' and '

Accelerated Moisture Absorption Tests apply; to the; subject' cables '

because . these cables were procured as safety related cables, even though used in safety.and non-safety applications. _

For mild environment c a b l e s ,' n o specific regulations ' exist which

  • require demonstration of . environmental. qualification, _ only conformance to specification and 'a maintenance program are required. Never the less, this document provides the evidence, hY -

tut, that the cables are qualified for this environment. The '

conditions ~ of the. environment are- enveloped, by the: harsh

, environmental qualification, which has demonstrated that the cables i are qualified to the worst case environments and accidents at Seabrook Station.

The harsh envitonment qualification of these cables has been

, performed by IEEE Standard tests. These IEEE tests have been performed on each style of cable at Seabrook. The peak temperatures are -in excess of 340 F 0 ,

, pressures in- excess of 60 psig, radiation levels in excess of 2E8 RADS, 40 years of aging, chemical sprays and post accident submergence. The voluminous .

results of these tests and associated files have been rf orously and thoroughly reviewed by Seabrook and . consultant personnel and have NRC.

previously been audited and found . to be in compliance by the The cables at Seabrook have been procured for'all applications and 4

provide optimum performance in electrical stability, tensile strength, flexibility, non-aging, abrasion resistance, dynamic cut through resistance, minimal heat distortion, radiation stability, self-extinguishing non-propagating fire characteristics and Accelerated term exposure to moisture.

Water Absorption tests to verify-insensitivity to'long  :

The service requirements - are '(a) indoor,- galvanized steel, solid bottom tray, (b) underground non- '

metallic ducts, (c) underground metallic ducts, galvanized steel conduit and (e) wet and dry locations.(d) exposed, i The Accelerated Water Absorption tests verify acceptable' electrical' properties after long duration tests while immersed at elevated tempeutures with constant voltage potential applied. The test durations were a minimum of 14 days at 75 C to a maximum of' 36 0 WYLE LABORATORIES Muntsyme Facsiity

. = - _-._.-m, . . . . . , m.,.... . . _ , . . . . . . _ . _ . - . _ ~ . . _ . . . , . , . _ _ . . . _ . . . _ . _ , _ . _ _ . . ~ .

R:p;rt NJ. 17122-00 P2ga NO. 6 2.0 CABLE IDENTIFICATION The cables Hampshire evaluated in this report were procured by New Yankee as safety-related cable and required qualification related and to IEEE Standards 323 and 383 for use in safety-non-safety-related applications. Also ICEA specifications S-68-516 and S-66-524 applied to the manufacture and testing of the cable insulation systems. The table below lists the procurement specification number, the manufacturer, and a description of the cables evaluated in this report.

Cable Cable cable Soecification Manufacturer Descriotion 9763-006-113-01 Anaconda SKV Power Cable 9763-006-113-02 Anaconda 15KV Power Cable 9763-006-113-03 Okonite 600V Power Cable 9763-006-113-06 Braud Rex 300V Inst. Cable 9763-006-113-17 Anaconda Control Cable 9763-006-113-18 Anaconda 300V Inst. Cable 9763-006-113-19 ITT Surprenant Specialty Cable 9763-006-113-20 ITT Surprenant 300V Inst. Cable 9763-006-113-22 Okonite Control Cable 3.0 INSTALLED ENVIRONMENT The cables in the manways and vaults are located outdoors which is a mild environment; that is, the installed environment does not change due to any postulated accident at the station.

The cables located in the Manways and vaults are subjected to a temperature 0 condition conservatively estimated at 20 C or 68 F (Attachment 3.0.1, Reference 1). Periodic submergence of portions of these cables is also portulated.


R psrt N3. 17122-00 PCgo NO. 5 ,

This report includes Section 1: Purpose Section 2: Cable Identification Section 3: Installed Environment Section 4: Harsh Environmental Testing Section 5: Accelerated Moisture Absorption Testing Section 6: Equivalent Life Analysis Section 7: New Hampshire Yankee Submergence Qualification Analysis for Harsh Environment Qualification Section 8: Other Industry Experience On Cable Submergence Section 9: Chemical Compatibility Section 10: References 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation with chlorosulfonated polyethylene or cross-linked polyolefin jackets and ethylene propylene rubber insulation with chlorosulfonated polyethylene or chlorinated polyethylene jackets located in manways and vaults outdoors are qualified for the submerged conditions at New Hampshire Yankee's Seabrook Station.

b WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsvil6e Facility

OCPorB Do. BVBS2-oo Pago N3. 8 to a pH of 10.5 at room temperature and was applied at the rate of .15 gallons per minute per square foot area.

The cables were electrically energized during the LOCA simulation (Attachment 4.1.2) except for the times when l insulation resistance (IR) measurements were being taken (see Attachment 4.1.3 for IR values). j Following the 30 day LOCA simulation, the cables were removed l from the double mandrel, straightened and then rewound around a mandrel with a diameter 40 times that of the cable diameter.

The coiled specimens were then immersed in a tank of tap water at room temperature and were subjected to a hi-pot withstand test for five minutes using a potential of 80 VAC RMS, 60 Hz per mil of insulation. The results of this test are shown in Attachment 4.1.4. All cables withstood the hi-pot test.

All cables demonstrated satisfactory performance during exposures simulating normal service, a LOCA and subsequent cooldown, and had substantial margin of life remaining by withstanding post-LOCA bends at diameters 40 times the cable diameters and high potential tests while submerced at 80 VAC per mil of insulation.

4.2 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-02 Anaconda 15 KV Power Cable 1

The cables were initially wound on mandrels, were immersed in tap water at room temperature and were subjected to IR measurements at 500 VDC for one minute.

The cables were then thermally aged for seven days at 150 0C and then were irradiated to 200 megarads gamma at a dose rate of 0.35 megarads/ hour.

I Following this, the cables underwent a 30 day steam / chemical exposure simulating a plant loss of coolant accident (LOCA).

The temperature / pressure profile is shown in Attachment 4.1.1 from Reference 2 and consisted of:

a. A rapid rise to 346 F at steam pressure in excess of 110 psig and a dwell at this condition for eight hours.
b. A three hour dwell at 3350 F/96 psig, a 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> dwell at 315 F/69 psig and an 81 hour9.375e-4 days <br />0.0225 hours <br />1.339286e-4 weeks <br />3.08205e-5 months <br /> dwell at 2650F/28 psig.
c. A 26 day dwell at 2120 F at a steam / air pressure of approximately 4 psig.

The chemical spray consisted of 3000 PPM boron as boric acid, 0.064 molar sodium thiosulfate, adjusted with sodium hydroxide

'JJYLE LABORATORIES Muntsytus Facalsty

4 R": port N3. 17122-00 Pago MS. 7 \

i l

4.0 HARSH ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING l Each of the subject cables demonstrated operability under the i stringent test requirements of IEEE Standards 323 and 383 as required by the purchase specification.

Each cable was subjected to 40 years of aging, postulated  !

radiation exposure, and a Ioss of Coolant Accident Test. The


LOCA tests for the subject cables ranged in _ length from 30 '

days to 130 days. The peak temperatures and pressures ranged- )

from 341 to 3900 F and 66 to 112 psig respectively. During uhe LOCA testing each cable was exposed to a highly conductive and i acidic chemica) spray. The cables were also' continuousAy energized during the LOCA test to voltages which exceed the nominal operating voltages.

After the cables survived even the deleterious effects of I LOCA, radiation aging and chemical spraying, each cable . was ]

also subjected to and passed a cost accident submercence test.

These tests demonstrated operability of the cable- in a l

submerged condition after exposure to a LOCA test. l l

The following paragraphs describe the harsh environmental testing performed on cach of the Seabrook cables.

4.1 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-01 Anaconda SKV Power Cable 1 The cables were initially wound on mandrels, were immersed in i

j tap water at room temperature and were subjected to IR )

measurements at 500 VDC for one minute. I i

The cables were then thermally aged for seven days at 150 C l and then were irradiated to 200 megarads gamma at a dose rate of 0.35 megarads/ hour. i I

Following this, the cables underwent a 30 day steam / chemical

. exposure simulating r. plant loss of coolant accident (LOCA).

The temperature / pressure profile is shown in Attachment 4.1.1 l from Reference 2 and consisted of: I

a. A rapid rise to 346 F 0 at steam pressure in excess of 110 psig and a dwell at this condition for eight hours,
b. A three hour dwell at 3350 F/96 psig, a4 hour dwell at '

315 F/69 psig and an 81 hour9.375e-4 days <br />0.0225 hours <br />1.339286e-4 weeks <br />3.08205e-5 months <br /> dwell at 2650 F/28 psig.

c. A 26 day dwell at 212 F0 at a steam / air pressure of approximately 4 psig.

The chemical spray consisted of 3000 PPM boron as boric acid, 0.064 molar sodium thiosulfate, adjusted with sodium hydroxide WYLE LABORATORIES MuntsvHis Facility


LTpTrG [b. 89888-oo P2g3 NJ. 10 The chemical spray consisted of that specified by IEEE 323, Appendix A, Table A-1.

o 0.28 molar H 3B03 o 0.064 molar Na2S02 3 o NaOH approximately 59% to make a pH of 10.5 at 77 F0 dissolved in tap water.

o Spray rate of a minimum of .15 gallons per minute / square foot of test vessel surface area.

The cables maintained a 600 volt, 18 amp load throughout the 130 day profile.

Two cable constructions were involved in the tests.

o Construction A: 600 volt, #12, 7X TC, .030" Okonite (EPR) insulation. Two 25 ft. samples, 1 unaged, 1 thermally aged.

o Construction B: 2kV, #6, 7X TC , .055" Okonite insulation, .030" Okolon jacket. (EPR)

Two 22 ft. samples, 1 unaged, 1 aged.

The test profiles are shown in Attachments 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 for Construction A and B respectively.

The results of the test are as follows:

Construction A The 130 day Post-LOCA Submerced Withstand Test demonstrated that the samples were in excellent condition. Charging currents of less than 2.5 mA were measured. The SIC of the aged and unaged samples were 3.52 and 3.20 respectively, at 80 V/ mil. The % PF at 80V/ mil were 2.37 and 1.7 while the insulation resistance values were 6,390 and 41,800 M ohms-1000 ft., respectively. AC dielectric breakdown was greater than 16 times rated voltage (unaged failed 15.4kV), aged failed 10.6 kV). Per cent retention of tensile strength for the aged and unaged samples were 75% and 101% respectively. Per cent retention of elongation was 27% and 15% respectively.

Construction B The 130 day Post-LOCA Submerced Withstand Test demonstrated that the samples were in good condition. Charging currents of 5.5 mA were measured on each sample. The SIC, % PF, and IR values for the unaged sample were 3.98, 7.33% and 3,300 M ohms-1000 ft. respectively. The aged sample's SIC, % PF and IR were 4.74, 10.53% and 3,080 M chms-1000 ft. They do demonstrate that the samples were in adequate condition after WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsvane Facihty

R p3rt N3. 17122-00 PCgo No. 9 to a pH of 10.5 at room temperature and was applied at the rate of .15 gallons per minute per square foot area.

The cables were electrically energized during the LOCA simulation (Attachment' 4.1.2) except for the times when insulation resistance (IR) measurements were being taken (see Attachment 4.1.3 for IR values.)

Following the-30 day LOCA simulation, the cables were removed from the double mandrel, straightened and then rewound around a mandrel with a diameter 40 times that of the cable diameter.

The coiled specimens were then immersed in a tank of tap water at room temperature and were subjected to a hi-pot withstand test for five minutes using a potential of 80 VAC RMS, 60 Hz per mil of insulation. The results of this test are shown in Attachment 4.1.4. All cables withstood the hi-pot test.

All cables demonstrated satisfactory performance during exposures simulating normal service, a LOCA and subsequent cooldown, and had substantial margin of life remaining by withstanding post-LOCA bends at diameters 40 times the cable diameters and high potential tests while submerced at 80 VAC per mil of insulation.

4.3 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-03 Okonite 600 V Power Cable The cables were thermally aged for three weeks at 150 C and then irradiated to 200 megarads at a dose rate of 0.55 to 0.65 megarads per hour.

Following this, the cables were submerced and subjected to a five minute, 80 V/ mil AC withstand test after being placed into the LOCA chamber. The cables then underwent a 30 day steam / chemical exposure simulating a LOCA and then a 30 day post-LOCA withstand test (40 X O.D. bend, 80 VAC/ mil, 5 minutes) and finally a 100 day post-LOCA steam and water spray condition. The temperature / pressure profile is shown in Attachment 4.3.1 from Reference 3 and consisted of

a. 2 peaks at 345 0 F/112 psi - 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> each 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> at 3350 F/95 psi b.
c. 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> at 315 0 F/69 psi
d. 3 days, 9 hour1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> at 265 0 F/24 psi
e. 126 days et 2120 F/0 psi WYLE LABORATORIES HuntsvHis Facahty

. _ . , - _. _m _ _.. ._ . . . -

P'igo ND. 12

  • The specified temperature / pressure profile for . steam / chem-spray. exposure is shown in Attachment 4.4.1 'while the actual '

. profiles for the first and 'second transients are shown in Attachments 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 respectively.

1 The summary of'all insulation resistance measurements is shown '

in Attachment'4.4.4. These attachments are from Reference 4. '

It'is concluded that one thermally aged and'one unaged.2/C #16  !

AWG cable with 0.020 in. of - XLPE insulation .and an overall jacket of hypalon met the requirements of.IEEE Standard.383-' l


1974, Section 2.4, by maintaining'an electrical load during'a-

'30 . day simulated SLB/LOCA -exposure .which included two -

transients to a peak temperature of_ 3900F. and by passing a final bend and submerced.high' potential withstand test. l 4.5 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-17 Anaconda! Control Cable The test cabl'es were. initially wound on mandrels, were.  :

immersed in tap water. at room temperature and were subjected {

to IR measurements at 500 VDC for 1 minute. '

The cables were then thermally aged at 1500 C for 168 hours0.00194 days <br />0.0467 hours <br />2.777778e-4 weeks <br />6.3924e-5 months <br /> (7 3 i days) and the IR's were re-measured after being; submerged in tap water at room temperature for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. . Five specimens were  !

then chosen for the DBE program and 'were irradiated to '200  ;

megarads gamma at a dose rate of 0.6 MRAD / hour. After irradiation the IR's were again measured as described above. i i )

Following this, the cables underwent a 30 day' steam / chemical 4 exposure simulating a LOCA. condition with electrical loading.

The specified temperature / pressure -profile is l shown in Attachment 4.5.1 taken from Reference .5.- The LOCA consisted of two transients, each 12 minutes in duration,0 at 0

tempuratures of 385 F/66 psig, followed by a drop to 312 F/65 psig for approximately 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. Chemical spray was introduced at the end of the second' 12 minute transient and was maintained through the 30 day. test. After the first 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, temperature and pressure were maintained-at 3000 F/52_psig for approximately 40 . hours. Next, temperature / pressure were

- decreased as follows until the 30 day period'was complete. _,

2750 F/31 psig .2 days 0

255 F/18 psig'- 3 days ,

0 230 F/6 psig - 9 days 0

222 F/3 psig - 14 days 9 5 WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville Faclisty

i RCport N3. 17122-00 '

PCgo No. 11 i

e the entire LOCA profile. AC dielectric breakdowns were 26 kV for the unaged sample and 14 kV for the aged sample. These values are 13 and 7 times the rated voltage of the samples respectively. Although the jacket had embrittled during heat-aging and irradiation, the insulation was able to retain some  !

of its physical characteristics. The unaged sample retained i 62% of its original tensile strength and 30% of its original }

elongation. The aged sample retained 93% of its original  !

tensile strength and 42% of its original elongation.

Constructions A and B These samples passed the DBE LOCA Qualification Test since they met the requirements in IEEE 383 and 323 for Class 1E cables and provide a margin of assurance which is demonstrated by the above data.

4.4 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-06 Brand Rex 300 V Instrument Cable Two spc.cimens, one aged and one unaged, 2/C AWG shielded cable with 0.020 in. (51 mm) of flame retardant cross linked polyethylene insulation and an overall jacket of flame retardant chlorosulfonated polyethylene were tested as summarized below.

One specimen ias unaged, and the other0 specimen was thermally aged for 168 hours0.00194 days <br />0.0467 hours <br />2.777778e-4 weeks <br />6.3924e-5 months <br /> (seven days) at 136 C. Both specimens were exposed to 200 MRAD of gamma irradiation (air equivalent' dose) from a cobalt-60 source at a rate less than 1 MRAD /h and then to a steam / chemical spray environment simulating a combined steam line break the cooldown (SLB)the following andSLB/LOCA.

loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) and The simulated SLB/LOCA exposure included two rapid rises in temperature / pressure to 3900 F/66 psig, two 12 minute dwells at those peak temperatures, followed 0 by decreasing temperatures to a final 20 day dwell at 230 F/10 psig. The total simulated SLB/LOCA duration was 30 days. A chemical solution (6200 PPM boron, 50 PPM hydrazine, sufficient sodium triphosphate to obtain a pH of 8.5, followed by sufficient sodium hydroxide to obtain a pH of 10.5 at room temperature) was sprayed on the specimens at 6 the rate of 0.27 gpm per square foot, starting at the completion of the second 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> dwell at 355 F. The cables were electrically energized with AC potentials of 300 V and currents of 10 A during the 30 day SLB/LOCA exposure.

Insulation resistance measurements were made at periodic intervals during the test program. Final tests consisted of a bend test around a mandrel having a diameter 40 times the cable diameter and a submerced three minute AC high potential withstand test at 1600 V, which is equal to 80 V per mil of insulation.

WYLE LABORATORIES t Huntsyme Facihty l

R:p3rt N3. 17122-00 PCgo N3. 14 spray solution used for days31-115 consisted of 4000 PPM boric acid with sodium hydroxide added to adjust the pH between 8.p and 10.0 Spray rate of each solution was 0.15 gal / min /ft .

The cables were energized during the LOCA/SLB test except when IR measurements were taken. The IR measurements are located in Table II of Reference 6 (Attachment 4.6.2).

Following the 115 day LOCA/SLB test the cables were removed from the wire racks, straightened, and coiled around a mandrel with a diameter 40 times the cable diameter. The cables were removed from the mandrel, immersed in tap water for one hour, and subjected to a high potential withstand test. Results of this test are shown in Table III of Reference 6 (Attachment 4.6.3).

Reference 6 includes 0

an additional report which tested the cables to 385 F/66 psig decreasing to 2140 F in a 101 day test.

4.7 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-19 ITT Surprenant Coaxial and  !

Triaxial Cable Reference immersed in 7 shows that the cables were wound on mandrels and room temperature tap water for one hour and subjected to IR measurements at 500 VDC for one minute. The cables were then thermally aged for 168 hours0.00194 days <br />0.0467 hours <br />2.777778e-4 weeks <br />6.3924e-5 months <br /> at 150 C C and irradiated to 165 megarads gamma at a dose rate of 0.40 megarads per hour.

Following this the cables underwent a 100 day steam / chemical exposure. The temperature profile is shown in Figure 4 of Reference The temperature7 and included as Attachment 4.7.1 to this section.

/ pressure profile consisted of two transients to 390 0 F/66 psig with the second transient decreasing to 230 F/10 psig in 10.25 days and remaining at 2300 F/10 psig for the remainder of the 100 day test.

Chemical spray was initiated 12 minutes into the second transient and continued until 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> into the transient.

second The chemical solution was 3000 PPM boron, 0.064 molar sodium thiosulfate with sodium hydroxide added to obtain a pH of 0.5 at room temperature. Spray rate was gal / min /ft 0.15 A high humidity test chamber environment was maintained for the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to 100 day test time period. The cables were energized at 600 V, 1 amp during the steam / chemical exposure except when IR measurements were taken (see Attachment 4.7.2 for IR values).

WYLE LAEoRAToRIES Huntsville Facility

R0 port No. 17122-00  !

Pago Ns. 13 4 The chemical spray was composed of:

o 6200 PPM boron as H 3B03 o 50 PPM Hydrazine - NH 2NH2 .

o Na3PO4 and0 NAOH added to bring the pH between 8.6 and 10.0 at 77 F The . cable specimens and electrical loading are shown -in Attachment 4.5.2 taken from Reference 5. Electrical loading -

was continuous except for those specified intervals when insulation resistance was measured. A' summary of insulation resistance measurements and . pertinent notes are. shown in Attachment 4.5.3 taken from Reference 5.

Following the 30 day LOCA: simulation cooldown another submerced IR reading was taken and the cables were removed from the ~ test vessel mandrels, straightened and then coiled around a band test mandrel with a diameter of 40 times that of1:

the cable outer -diameter. The coiled cables were next immersed in a tank of tap water at room temperature for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

and were subjected to a high potential withstand test for five minutes using potentials equivalent. to 80 VAC per mil 1

l insulation thickness. Results of the hi-pot test are shown in 1 Attachment 4.5.4. l It was determined that the cable performed satisfactorily during the program, including demonstration of substantial margin of remaining life, by withstanding post-accident, mandrel-bend tests at approximately 40 times the cable OD and final high potential withstand tests . at 80 VAC per mil of-insulation. ,

4.6 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-18 Anaconda 300 V Instrument {

Cable '

1 Reference 6 shows that the Anaconda-Ericsson 300 V I instrumentation cables 0 were 0

thermally aged0 to an equivalent of 40 years at 90 C (49 C ambient and 41 C heat rise) and irradiated to 1.7 E8 RADS prior to combined LOCA/SLB testing.- l The psig. LOCA/SLB test' consisted of two transients to 385 F/66 The second transient decreased in temperature to 214 F l

over a 30 day period and remained at 214 F0 for the remainder of the 115 day test. The temperature / pressure profile is shown in Figure 1B of Reference 6 (Attachment 4. 6.1) .

Chemical spray started _ d 12 minutgs into the second transient at a rate of at leasc 0.15 gpm/ft and consisted of 6200 PPM i boric acid, 50 PPM hydrazine, with sodium hydroxide and sodium phosphate added to adjust the pH between 8.6 and 10.'O at 770F.

This solution was used for the first 30 days. The chemical l 4

WYLE LABORATORIES Huritsyslie Facihty i

. . - ~ .- -. . - .- . . . .. . . - . . . -.

RCpart N3.-17122 '

POgo.No. 16 i

i 4

High - potential valutes are shown .in Attachment 4.8.2 to this' l section.

Thermally aged and unaged'_ specimens of 1/C #20.AWG and 2/C-#20 I AWG versions. of . thermocouple ' type cable (4 '. specimens total) , l insulated with XLN -(all specimens) and aluminum / Mylar shield '  !

nd Hypalon -jacket (2/C #20 AWG only), met . the acceptance-criteria by maintaining;their electrical load during a 100 day-

- simulated SLB/LOCA exposure, passing a final bend test around.

mandrels having . a diameter 40 times .the cable. diameters and  !

submerged five minute Ac high potential withstand tests at 1.6

kV, which is equal to 80 V per mil of insulation.

4.9 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-22 Okonite Control Cable t Samples of single conductor 5 kV, #6 AWG, .090" Okoguard- i insulation, were _ tested in Reference 9.- Two samples were q i tested ne aged unaged. Thermal-aging was performed '

at 150 6C for three weeks. The unaged and thermally aged cable j and splice samples were then exposed ~ to a ' minimum of 200  ;

megarada of gamma radiation at a rate of less than 1 megarad-  ;

per hour.

The unaged and irradiated sample and thermally aged and

' radiated sample were then.placed in an autoclave and subjected to . the temperature / pressure profile for simulation of a LOCA i condition'as specified in IEEE Standard- 323-1974. Throughout -

the exposure the c: ables were energized with - rated potential  :

and current and inw.lation resistance measurements taken.

1 l

l The intended temperature / pressure profile was as follows:  !

Temperature: 2 peaks at 345 0 C for 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> each 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> at 3350 F 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> at 3150 F 3 days 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> at 265 F 0 126 days at 212 F

i. ,

I pressure: 2 peaks at.114 psi for 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> each

3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> at 95 psi 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> at 69 psi 3 days 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> at 24 pai 126 days at 0 psi

! Actual temperatures and pressure achieved are: given -in i Attachment 4.9.1. Actual peak temperature and . pressure were ]

0 l 341 F/112 psig respectively. -

i i

I i





HuntsviHe Facehty 4'

i  !

R0p3rt No. 17122-00 Pago No.-15 I

I Following the.30 day LOCA simulation the cables were. removed i from the mandrel, straightened, and rewound. around a mandrel i with a diameter 40 times that of the cable. The coiled cables wara then immersed in room temperature tap water for one hour and ' subj ected to a high potential withstand test at an AC potential of 80 V per mil for-five minutes. -Results.of this.

test are shown in Reference 7, Table III (Attachment 4.7.3).

4.8 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-20' ITT Surprenant Instrument Cable 4

Instrumentation. cable for this cable- specification is qualified by Reference 7 which is summarized in Section 4.7 of  !

this report. l 4

Thermocouple cable L r this cable specif1:ation is qualified by Reference 8 which is summarized as follows:

Two .1/C #20 AF0i cables insulated with 0.020 in. of DLN and two 2/C #20.AWG thermocouple type-cables insulated with 0.020 in.


of XLN, aluminum / Mylar shield, drain - wire, and a. jacket of 1 Hypalon were tested.

One specimen of each type was unaged, the other two specimens were exposed to 55 megarads of electron beam rad;ation and were thermally aged at 302 0 F for 650 hours0.00752 days <br />0.181 hours <br />0.00107 weeks <br />2.47325e-4 months <br />. All specimens were exposed to 165 MRAD of gamma radiation. (air-equivalent dese) from a cobalt-60 source at s rate less than 1 MRAD /h.

The specimens were then exposed to a steam, chemical spray, and high humidity environment simulating a conbined steam.line i break (SLB) and loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) and the cooldown  !

following a SLB/LOCA. The simulated SLB/LOCA exposure includeg two rapid rises in temperature / pressure' ito 390 F/66 lbf/in , two 12 minute. dwells at- that temperature, two 2.8 hour dwells at 346 F/113 pegk lbf/in ,

followed by decreasing temperatures and pressures to a final )

i 89.75 day dwell at 230 0F/10 lbf/in . The total duration of the simulated. SLB/LOCA was 100 days (see profile Attachment 4.8.1). A chemical' solution /3000 PPM boron, 0.064 molar sodium thiosulfate, and sufficient sodium hydroxide to obtain a pH of 10.5 at room temperature) was 8 prayed onto the specimens at the rate of 0.15 gal / min /ft2 , starting at the -

completion of the two 12 minute dwells at 390 0F and stopping after 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, a high humidity environment was maintained thereafter. The cables were electrically energized with AC 1 potentials of 300 V and currents of 9.0 A (1/C #20 AWG) and '

6.0 A (2/C #20 AWG) during the 100 . day simulated SLB/LOCA  ;

exposure. Insulation resistance measurements were made at intervals during the test program. Final tests consisted of  !

bend tests around mandrels and submerced five minute AC high potential withstand tests of 1.6 kV.

WYLE LABORATORIES Hufitsville Facshty-I m_ _ -- .- . . _ _ _. _ _ . _ . _ , , , , _ , _ , . _ . . _ . . . - ._ _

R port N3. 17122-40 P ga N3. 18 Physical characteristics after the LOCA test were:

Unaaed Aced

% retention of tensile 44 48

% retention of elongation 8 8 Considering the seve:'ity and length of this DBE LOCA qualification test, these samples passed the DBE LOCA qualification test since they meet the requirements specified in IEEE 383 and 323 for Class 1E cables and provide a margin of assurance.

5.0 ACCELERATED MOISTURE ABSORPTION TESTING In addition to the harsh environmental testing, each type of cable was tested to demonstrate ilr ansitivity to moisture as required by the purchase specification.

The ICEA Specifications for these specific cable insulations requires submergence testing in water maintained at 75 C for a period of 14 days. The documented testing for the Seabrook cable ranged from 75 C for 14 days to 90 0C for 36 months.

Each cable met the acceptance criteria of the test.

The following paragraphs describe the accelerated moisture absorption testing performed on each of the Seabrook cables.

5.1 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-01 This Anacinda power cable with EPR insulation was subjected to '

an accelecated water absorption test. The cable was submerced in 90 0 C 'ater for 30 months (Reference 10). The cable was continuously energized with 600 VAC except during IR measurements. The cable successfully passed this performance test (Attachment 5.1.1) .

5.2 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-02 This Anaconda power cable has the same insulation system as the power cable in Section 5.1. Therefore, the referenced accelerated water absorption test applies to this cable also.

5.3 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-03 This Okonite power cable with EPR insulation was suMected to an accelerated water absorption test.

0 The cable was submerced in 90 C water for 36 months (Reference 3, Appendix 8). The cable successfully passed this performance test (Attachment 5.2.1).


.R p3rt N3. 17122-00 PCg3 N3. 17 Chemical spray was used for the first 30 days of the test and consisted of the following.

o 0.28 molar H 3B03 o 0.064 molar Na2 S03 2

o NaOH approximately .59% to make a pH of 10.5 at 77 F dissolved in tap water.

o Spray rate of minimum 0.15 gal / min /ft 2 of surface area of the test vessel.

Steam and water spray were used for the 10 day to 130 day test period.

Tho temperature / pressure pre ile was achieved except for the initial rise time to 280 F was approximately 30 seconds.

The temperature rise to 340 CF took approximately 2.2 minutes which war well within the 5 minute requirement.

At the end of the 30 day exposure in the autoclave the samples were removed, bent around a mandrel not greater than 40 times the overall diameter and then subjected to a 5 minute AC  ;

withstand test at 80 volts per mil while immersed in tap water ~

at room temperature. The samples were then returned to the autoclave for an additional 100 day post-LOCA test and maintained at 212 F, O Psig, 100% re3 ative humidity. At the end of this post-LOCA period the samples were removed, again bent around a mandrel of 40 times the overall diameter and electrically tested at 80 volts per mil while immersed in tap water at room temperature.

The aged and unaged samples maintained their electrical load for the complete test. I All four scmples withstood the 30 day and 130 day post-LOCA withstand tests.

A margin of assurance was demonstrated by: ,

1. All samples passing all withstand tests. '
2. Adequate retention of physical properties.

The 130 day post-LOCA withstand test demonstrated that the samples were in good condition. Charging current on the thermally aged aamples measured 115 MA and 105 mA. The unaged samples had <:harging currents of 400 and 350 mA. Due to high charging u. rents, dielectric breakdown tests were not performed on the samples.

WYLE LABORATORIES wuntsvme Facdity

- ~ ~ ~ ~

cLCpare Ue. -BVBUS-tXD '

Png? No.'20- .

6.0 EQUIVALENT LIFE ANALYSIS The subject cables have' demonstrated operability'during design basis event. testing, post design basis event. submergence. l testing,. and accelerate 1 ' water. absorption ter. ting. The '

ability of.these cables to i operate in a . long term (greater  ;

than 40 years) condition will be shown in this analysis.  !

After the Three- Mile- Island . accident, the NRC added operability during submergence conditions as a qualification  :

issue. The . method accepted by ' the NRC - is. the .- Arrhenius .

I chodology. when , used to demonstrate long term . exposure to .

post' accident conditions.

This methodology can- also be applied . to demonstrate. i

'subusrgence qualification by usingsthe Arrhenius parameters of the . cable insulation and the accelerated water sbsorption 3 tests.- Using the~ form of the Arrhenius equation to calculate ,

equivalent -life, each of tne subject cables demonstrates an. '

insensitivity to moisture for. greater than 40' years.

The equivalent life equation is: ,

Equivalent Life = tl-/:(Ea/k)exp((1/T1)-(1/T2)] f where t1 = water absorption ~ test time  !

T1 = water absorption test. temperature -

T2 = normal service temperature = 200 C f Ea = activation energy-

, k = Boltzmann's constant = 8.167'x 10-5 eVf 0K' Using the above equation and the accelerated water absorption t test and insulation ~ zaterial parameters, ar. equivalent life l can be calculated .. for ~ each of the sucject cables. The following paragraphs address the equivalent life of each of the Seabrook cables.

6.1 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-01 and Cable Specification l 9763-006-113-02 i


The accelerated water absorption test for these cables was perforv~t a'. 900 C for 30 months.. The' insulation is EPR and has av -* 4 m energy ~ of ' 1. 66 per the NHY Environmental Qualif1w m . J.le (Attachment 6.1.1) . Using the above 0

equation and 20 C service temperature, the equivalent-life for these cables is in excess of 800,000 years (Attachment 6.1.2).

WYLE LABORATORIES Hunt $welle Facihty l

-  ; l

i R p3rt N3. 17122-00 $

P0gG Na. 19 5.4 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-06 This Brand Rex instrumentation and control cable with cross  ;

linked polyethylene insulation was subjected to an accelerated water absorption test. The cable was submerced in 900C water I for 24 months (Reference 13). The cable performance was found to be satisfactory (Attachment 5.3.1) .

5.5 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-17 Tha.s Anaconda control cable with EPR insulation was subjected to an accelerated 0 water absorption test. The cable was i submerced in 90 C water for 6 months (Reference 11). This test was performed in acccrdance with ICEA S-68-516. The cable performance was found to be satisfactory (Attachment

5. 4.1) .

5.6 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-18 This Anaconda instrument and control cable has the same i

insulation system as the control cable in Section 5.5.

Therefore, the referenced accelerated water absorption test applies to this cable also.


5.7 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-20 This ITT Surprenant instrument and control cable with cross  !

linked polyethylene insulation was rubjected to an accelerated' '

water absorption test. The cable was submerced in 75 C water {'

for 14 days per 'lectrical E Method EM-60 (Reference 12). The cable met the acceptance criteria of this test (Attachments 4 5.5.1 and 5.5.2).

5.8 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-19 1

This ITT Surprenant specialty cable has the same insulation I system as the instrument control cable in Section 5.7.

Therefore, the referenced accelerA*.ed water absorption test applies to this cable also.

5.9 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-22 This Okonite control cable with EPR insulation was subjected to an accelerated 0 water absorption test. The cable was submerced in 90 C water for ' 14 months (Reference 9,Section II). The cable successfully passed this performance test (Attachment 5.6.2).

WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsydie Facility

Pago N3. 22 6.6 Cable Specific. tion 9763-006-2.13 and Cab.1.e Specification p 9763-006-113-20 The accelerated0 water abs' orption test' 'for- these cables' was performed at 75 C for 14 days. The insulation is XLPE'and'has -

an activation energy of .1.26 per lthe NHY Environmental ')

Qualification File (Attachment 6.6.1). . Using the above equation and 20 0 C service temperature,.the equivalent life for


these cables is in excess of 100 years (Attachment 6.6.2). It-is concluded that-these cables are' insensitive to. moisture'for-greaterLthan 40. years.

6.7 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-22 Tne accelerated water absorption test for this cable was l 0 C for.14 months.

performed .- at 90 The insulation is EPR:and I has an activation energy of 1.07 per the . NF.Y Environmental i Qualification File (Attachment . 6. 2.1) . ' Using the above i equation.and 200 C service temperature, the equivalent life for  !

these cables is in excess ' of 4,000 years (Attachment 6.7.1) . l It is-concluded that-these cables are insensitive to moisture j

.for greater than 40 years. '


-1 If the subject cables are postulated . to.. be submerged during' 1

and after accident conditions, New Hampshire Yankee performed  !

a-submergence analysis for inclusion.into the EQ. File.- These j analyses . conclude - that the Seabrook cable can withstand the  ;

postulated submergence conditions during and after design i basis events. The justification 'is based on the successful- '

performance testing during exposure .to steam and chemical l spray at accident conditions, post accident submergence-testing, and accelerated water absorption testing.

Analyses for cable specification 113-03, 113-17 and 113-18 are included as Attachments 7.1.1, 7.1.2, and 7.1.3.


~I Cable submergence has been analyzed for nuclear plants since j tne accident at Three' Mile Island. Additionally, some utilities have evaluated the effects .of long term cable submergence both inside containment and outside of containment 1 in mild environments. As part of the effort to evaluate cable; i submergence at New Hampshire Yankee's Seabroo.. Station, other utilities were contacted to determine prior efforts in this' area. Evaluations by Louisiana Power & Light "Waterford 3 i Cable Submergence Evaluation," Martin L. Raines, May, 1989, WYLE LABORATORIES HuntsvHis Facility

RGport No. 17122-00 i Pago N3. 21 l

l It is concluded that these cables are insensitive to moisture l for greater than 40 years.

J i

6.2 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-03 1

The accelerated water absorption test for this cable was performed at 90 0 C for 36 months. The insulation is EPR and '

has an activation energy of 1.07 per the NHY Environmental I Qualification File (Attachment 6. 2.1) . Using the above equation and 20 C service temperature, the equivalent life for 1

l these cables is in excess of 10,000 years (Attachment 6.2.2).

It is concluded that these cables are insensitive to moistare for greater than 40 years.


6.3 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-06 l The accelerated water absorption test for this cable was 0

performed at 90 C for 24 months. The insulation is XLPE and has an activation energy of 1.07 per the NHY Environmental Qualification File 0

(Attachment 6.3.1). Using the _above equation and 20 C service temperature, the equivalent life for i these cables is in excess of 7,000- years (Attachment 6.3.2).

It is concluded that these cables are insensitive to moisture for greater than 40 years.

6.4 Cable Specification 9763-006-l'3-17 The accelerated watet absorption test for this cable was cerformed at 900C for 6 Oonths. The insulation is EPR and has

'an activation energy ot 1.22 per the NHY Environmental Qualification vile (Attachment 6.4.1). Using the above equation and 20*C service temperature, the equivalent life for i these cables is in excess of 5,500 years (Attachment 6.4.2).

It is concluded that these cables are insensitive to moisture for greater than 40 years.  !

6.5 Cable Specification 9763-006-113-18 The accelerated 0 water absorption test for this cable was performed at 90 C for 6 months. The insulation is EPR and has an activation energy of 1.70 per the NHY Environmental l

Qualification File (Attachment 6.5.1). Using the above 0

equation and 20 C service temperature, the equivalent life for these cables is in excess of 200,000 years (Attachmert 6.5.2).

It is conc.uded that these cables are insensitive to moisture for greater than 40 years.

i 1


  • tuntsvule f acihty

R port'No.;17122-03  !

Pago:No.'24 i

content of the insulation- which .mustL not significantly increase the water immersion time. A PF_value-ot'2% or less is '

typically considered acceptable. ,

8.1.1 Ang.conda The Anaconda Report No . - F-C 4350-2 dated July, 1976, j performed environmental gaalification testing on -five i samplesLof low voltage' power ' cable, two' samples of low l voltage contror cable and four-- samples of. low voltage 1 instrumentation- cable. - For this evaluation a' total of 4 six representative cable samples were evaluated. The cable samples under consideration are:

o Low voltage pe':dr cable 1/C #12 AWG 30. mils; FREP

! o Low' voltage r.over cable 1/C #14 AWG 30 mils FREP.

-o control cabla 7/C #12 30 . mils FREP asbestos-Mylar i tape, 60_ mile. CPE_(hypalon)_ jacket o same as preceding sample-

.o Instrumentatio.1 - cable 2/C #16 AWG- 25 mils FREP, silicone- glass tape, tinned copp. drain wire, i

aluminum / Mylar tape,'30 mils CPE (h 2 palon) jacket

! o Same as preceding sample i

All of the cable samples'were a-minimum 10.5 foot length and0 aged for seven 150 0 C to simulate 40 years at 90 C followed by irradiation to .100 MRADS. The cables 1 were then subjected to L a 30 day _ LOCA test while mounted on 0a mandrel in which a peak temperature and pressure-of '

346 F/.i ?.3 psig was obtained and held ' for 8 hottrs. After

four days the temperature and pressure was maintained at 2120 F/0 to 5 psig for the remainder of the test. The chemical spray consisted of 3000 PPM baron as boric acid,  ;

! 0.064 molar sodium thiosulfate with the pH =.9 to 11 controlled with sodium pdroxide.

maintained at 0.15 gpm/ft .

The r, pray . rate was j TM chemical spray commenced at the start of the test and a

rimained for the entire 30 any duration. IR measurements-were taken periodically during 5he LOCA test with 500 VDC applied for one minute upon completion of the LOCA test, the cables were removed from the . mandrel, straightened

and recoiled around a mandrel 40 times cable diameter and immersed in a tank of water at room temperature. The
cables were-then subjected to a high por.ential withstand p

test of 80V/ mil for five minutes.

IR values were obtained at 500 VDC for one . minute. .It 'i can be concluded that the LOCA test did not degrade the ^

] cable insulating characteristics throttgh-- moisture intrusion or diffusion and will not degrade the



Huntsvine eacihty i



_ _ _ . - . _ . , . . . . . , , _ . , , , - - , , , , . . . _ , , , m,,, y,n e --,..-,..g , , ,n, n,n ,


Arport No. 17122-M -

E Pago:No. 23-and additionalL information relative to cableL submergence vere' )

-reviewed. .I 1

8,1 Review of '"Waterford 3 -Cable Submergence Evaluation" (Reference 17)

The purpose of this evaluation was'to' demonstrate that cables which were subject to submergenceLat Waterford 3, were.eapable of. performing their intended safety -function after . full l exposure to'LOCA conditions followed by subsequent submergence conditions for a minimum of 120 days plus 10% margin.

In order to adequately . demonstrate this two questions were answered:

(1) After 40 years. of service does exposure to ,LOCA degrade the insulating. characteristics of a cable _ to such a degree that any further! degradation.after submergence may be reason to doubt the continued operability of that-cable?

(2) Does the cable l- insulation in 'a -submerged condition continue to degrade to such'a degree that the operability "

after 132 days is in serious q1stion?

Waterford identified that the - determining cable' performance characteristics were: parameters '

IR = Insulation Resistance. A . measure l of an- insulating material's capacity to maintain its resistance to current flow-to the outside medium such as water, cable trays and' conduit-and is measured in Ohms. Damaged insulation or insulation which has had significant moisture. intrusion or diffusion will i result in low or zero valves in Ohms. Temperature will also

cause a variation in IR vala ~ ,

l SIC = Specific Inductive Capacity. This value is a measure of an insulating material's ability to store a charge and has a significant bearing on insulation . moisture resistance. . Cable insulation - can be ' considered as a capacitor . since it is a  ;

dielectric between 'two or more conducting i surfaces .and, the '

introduction of water into this dielectric will-significantly-effect the capacitance resulting in' change in SIC.-The SIC of a vacuum is 1, thus, v.he greater the ' . SIC , the better the dialvtric proprties. of the : insulating material. Lower values of SIC' indicate moisture within the~ dielectric. '

1 PF = Power Factor.~This;is a measure'of the. power losses that L

occur in a cable as the result of the storage of energy in the cable insulation and is sensitive to the moisture content of the insulation. The higher the PF the greater; the moisture WYLE LABORATORIES Muntsyme Facahty'

, - - .- . - . .,,. - -~ - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ " " " ^ ' " ' ~ ' " ' ' ' '

  • R:p3rt NJ. 17122-00 Paga NJ. 26 l

has been exposed to a LOCA can operate satisfactorily under conditions of subsequent submergence. It is also concluded that Anaconda cable is capable of withstanding a LocA followed by subsequent submergence for a peried in excess of the Waterford 3 120 day post accident requirement plus a 10% margin.

8.1.2 Okonite The Okonite Rc 't No. NQRN-1A, Rev. 5 dated October 24, 1988, perfor; navironmental qualification testing on two groups of waite cable. Each group had two samples tested, one which was fully aged prior to LOCA and one which was unaged for a total of four cables in the test program. Cable group A was a 600 volt #12 AWG insulated with 0.030 inch Okonite EPR insulation with a 900 C rating and 130 C cverload rating. Cable group B was a 2kV #6 AWG insulated with 0.055 inch Okonite EPR insulation and a 0.030 inch Okolon chlorosulfonated polyethylene jacket.

The two Cable A samples were 25 feet in length and the two Cable B samples were 22 feet in length.

The aged sample from0 each group was firs thermally aged for 21 days at 150 to simulate 60 yeare. at 135 0 F followed by exposure to 200 MRADS of irradiation. All four cable samples were subjected to a 130 day LOCA test while mounted on a mandrel in which a peak temperature and pressure of 345 F/110 psig minimum were obtained in two initial transients. During the LOCA test, the tested cables Vere energized with 600 VAC and 18 AMPS. A chemical spray was used during the first 30 days of the test followed by steam and water spray throughout the remaining 100 days.

The chemical spray consisted of:

o 3000 PPM boric acid (0.28 molar) o 0. ')6 4 sodium thiosulfate and pH = 10.5 controlled with sodium hydroxide IR measurements were taken periodically during the LOCA test by applying 500 VDC for one minute. See Attachment 8.1 2.1 for a plot of the IR test results.

After 30 and 130 days into the test program, the cable samples were removed from the LOCA chamber uncoiled from the mandrel, straightened and recoiled around a 40X mandrel and immersed in tap water. The samples were then subjected to an 80V/ mil high potential withstand test for WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville Facihty

R p3rt ND. 17122-00 P:igo Na. 25 electrical characteristics of Anaconda cable to a point where operability of the cable will be of concern after exposure to a LOCA.

The results of the IR measurements taken during the LOCA test ?^dicate that the IR values vary inversely with the tempere.are of the chamber- (increase with decreasing-temperature) as opposed to being strongly influenced' by the presence of the chemical spray, since post aging.and post-LOCA test IR values were essentially unchanged. See Attachment for plots of the test results.

The conclusion that the chemical spray under pressure has a.o significant impact is based frout the fact that as pressura and temperature were lowered simultaneously, the measured IR values increased and responded rapidly due to the immediate loss of imparted energy to the cable insulation. If there had been significant deep meisture penetration, IR values would have recovered in a lagging fashion to much lower values, if any significant recovery was to occur.

A separate unaged sample (unrelated to the LOCA test, waich can be found in Anaconda document- #8211211) of a 1/C #12 AWG Anaconda conductor with 30 mils of FREP in sulation was 0

subjected to a 26 week water immersion test at 90 F with 000 VAC continuously applied. The reported values for SIC, PF and IR at the start and co.iclusion of the test are as follows:

PF at IR(Megohms per 3.LQ 4OV/ mil 1000 ft.)

Start of immersion 2.43 0.59% 4050 End of im::lersion 2.71 0.43% 3303 Lowest value obtained 2.37 0.43% 3303 Highest value obtained 2.71 0.62% 4697 The scability of t ne SIC, PP and IR values indicate that Anaconda is insensitive to moisture absorption.

See .1.1.2 for the water immersion IR test results.

The absence of chemicals in the immersion water is not considered significant since the LOCA test has demonstrated insulation.

that these chemicals do not attack the cable Since the Anaconda cable paissed the LOCA with sufficient margin and no ynificant loss of insrlating properties, the 26 week i aersion test at 90 C0demonstrated submerged cablet will not be subjected to ::ontinual degradation.

This provides a high degree of assurance that cable which WYLE LABORATORIES NntsviHe Facihty

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R0part ND. _ 17122-00 -

Pago N3.'28 j i

1 These results' indicate that no moisture diffusion. occurs 'l within the tested cable and that.the IR values actually 0 improve.; This information also suggests that submergence  ;

has less effect than the LOCA- environment and is 1 substantiated by the SIC and PF values. These smcli '!

changes in SIC and PF indicate there was negligi21e j moisture diffusion into the insulation as the result of '

0 0 j submergence in 90 C'(194 F) water over a 36 monW period.-

It can be concluded that Okonite cable is ;.apable of l

. withstanding the effects ;of- a LOCA followed by' i submergence for.a period of 120 days plus 10% margin.' '

8.2 Conclusion ,

j It has mean demonstr W d that the cables supplied by the '

identified. manufacturers' can be- considered qualified for submergence . for ' a minimum of 120 days plus 10% margin .after I exposure to full LOCA = conditions ' based upon the ' following i demonstrated' facts: .  !


1. Insulation resistance was demonstrated .' to be influenced-prinarily by the~ temperature" and pressure of-. the environmental medium as opposed to the 'cor. tent . 'of . the  :

. medium such..:s steam, water or - chemical composition.-

Attachments . and ' 'damonstrate that the presence of chemicals -in the LOCA' test' does1 ' no+. I significantly. alter IR LOCA test values. The effect of '

pressure' variations at a constant temperature will' change cable IR' values because the imparted energy (BTU's per unit volume) to the cabla insulation is varied. l 1

2. Cable insulation resistance values were demonstrated not- j to be degraded to a significant level upon conclusion of '

the LOCA ' exposure to where post accident operability of the cable was a concern prior ~ to - the potential of submergence. In ' some situations the,IR values remained essentially unchanged, others improved, and- others decreased to lower but more than adequate values. Thes4 were acceptable based on'the fact that sll IR va. 2es on several samples were consistent with each other.

3. Water immersion tests conducted at 900 C for vrrious tipas was in excess of the 132 day post. accident ope *,Jeijty requirement. These tests demonstrated that the tested cables did not degrade with immersion times, but in many instances actually improved when values of SIC, PF and IR are considered. ,
4. The submergence profiles are~-less severe than the containment atmosphere profile. which would result in botter cable performance characteristics. Due: to - the l

WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville Facitely 1

R p3rt N3. 17122-00. 1 P go N3. 27 l

l I

five minutes. The pre-and post-LOCA inrulation resistance results in Megotms - IA'O ft. obtained vare:

Group A G. coup B Unaced Aggd Unaced Agg.q Pre-LOCA 2,300 3,500 22,000 18,000 Post-LOCA 3,300 2,900 3,300 3,100 i This inforlaation obtained for the pre- and post-LOCA IR measurements ir4 Mates that regardless of whether the l cable is aged or et, the IR electrical characteristics are net significantly affected and - that new and aged i cable will essentially perform the 'same. Therefore, for che purposes of post-LOCA submergence testing and l demonstratin'g operability, aging is not a significant i factor. This can be attributed to the the cable manufacturing process, fact that during i the curing of the I f.nsulation is typically performed by heat or radiation.

The IR values obtained from the tected cable indicates that the temperature of the cable insulation is more of a {

significant factor in the variation of the insulation resistance than to the other environmental parameters around the cable insulation. This is attributed to the IR plot of the agen and unaged Group A cable, which did not contain a jacket. The IR values did not change significantly at the start and end of the LOCA test; however, significant variations did occur with major temperature variations. This data strongly suggests that IR values are more temperature dependent, increasing rapidly with decreasing temperature and pressure rather ,

than chemical spray dependent. This position and


conclusion cable. is the same as addressed for the Anaconda As a consequence such conditions as subr mence will not alter the cable IR characteristics.

A 1/C #14 AWG 0.047 inch0FPR insulated conductor was subjected to a 36 month 90 C water immersion test. The results of this test were:

PF at SIR (Megohms per SIC 80V/ mil 1000 ft.)

Start of immersion 3.09 2.89% 1300 End of immersion 3.44 S.70% 5200 Lowest value obtained 3.05 0.70% 1300 Highest value obtained 3.44 2.89% 5200 WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsyme Facihty

R:p3rt NJ. 17122-00 PCg? NJ. 30 submarine applications. The superior behavior of EP in highly accelerated testing leads logically to the conclusion that it will behave far better in wet locations or submarine environments than the o'utyl or oil base insulations. We , therefore, conclude that EP/Hypalon cables at Waterford will perform satisfactorily if submerged in water in underground ducts during the 40 year design life of Waterford Unit 3."

9.0 CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY 9.1 Anaconda Cables 9.1.1 Cable Soecifications 113-1 and 113-2 These cables consist of ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) insulated caductors with chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE) jackets. Ethylene Propylene Rubber According to the Handbook of Plastics and Elastomers (Reference 14), pages 4-54, 4-55, and 4-60 (Attachment 9.1.1), EPR has good to excellent resistance to water, neutral salts (including sodium chloride), acids and caustics. It is essentially unaffected by alcohols and is quite resistant to phosphate-based hydraulic fluids.

However it has only fair to poor resistance to aliphatic, aromatic and halogenteed hydrocarbons and diester-type synthetic lubricants. It also has poor resistance to esters, ethers and ketones. The ratings for organic compounds are based on 100% concentrations.

New Hampshire Yankee's testing of 27 water samples taken from the vaults (Attachment 9.1.2, Reference 15), shows a pH range of 7.0 to 10.5, salinity less than 3.64% as

, compared to 18% for sea water and 2 to 'J% for brackish water, no traces of oil or grease, = turml organic carbon concentration of 2 to 617 PPM (0.0002 to 0.0617%) and a flash point greater than 140 0 0 which is consistent with essentially pure water.

Resource Analysts, Inc. tested four representative samples of water from the vaults for the presence of volatile organic compounds (Attachment 9.1.4, Reference 18). These compounds might have been driven off in New Hampshire Yankee's total organic carbon tests. Three of the samples tested have no detectable organics. The highest detection 1imit is 25 micrograms per liter (0.0000025%). The :urth sample showed a trace of tetrahydrofuran a: seven micrograms per liter WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville Facility

-- . . . . ~ . - . . - ~ -._-.. ..- . _ . . - - - . .- . . -

, 'R:p3rt No. 17122-00 Pago N3. 29 similarity in temperatures between the 90 0C (1940F) water immersion tests and the LOCA : tests with a final =

. temperature dwell of- typically ~2120 F, it. can be postulated that . cable performance characteristics under submerged conditions will be the same or similar. ..

5. .IR values- obtained during 'the water : immersion and submergence tests are similar. or .those  !

obtained during LOCA final temperature dwell testing 'and that' continued operability upon submergence folloMing an exposure to a LOCA e:an be expected. )

8.2.1 Succortina Industry Exnerience With Submerced Cables Attachment contains documents pertaining to industry experience with submerged cables. That data' indicates that there is no known experience = where water .!

submergence in field conditions has contributed to cable j failures due to water absorption.

St. Lucie reports that FP&L in the . Miami Beach j distribution system has installed over 600,000 feet of cable since 1956, ranging in size from #12 AWG to'1,500 kemil butyl rubber. ~ MSny more -feet. of cable was i installed prior,to 1956. The Miami Beach system never i attempted to control the water ~1evel in any underground '

installation except as required to facilitate personnel i access into tho' underground system and manholes.' . Cable. .!

failure records since 1945 indicate that there has'never.

boen an electrical deterioration failure of ary kind on

'i these cables or the splicas ' associated. with .them due to moisture'absarption. ,

LP&L has also never experienced any cable tailures due to being immersed in water with some cables 1which had been submerged for 20 years. This information was obtained from cables used in power plants and substations.

These highlights of Attachment. provide supporting assurar.;e that submergence of . cables .in water 'under actual field conditions does not result in any moisture absorption relate.d failures.

8.2.2 Okonite Assessment of Submaraence of Okonite/Okolon Cable

.The Okonite Company States in Attachment

"As can be seen modern Okonite EP out. performs butyl'and oil base natural rubber by significant margins. 'Both-butyl and oil hse natural rubber insulations. have been in service in excess of 20-30 years in wet locations and j I

WYLE LAsORATORIES Huntsville Facihty e .--.-..m.. ..r._,,-,-,._ - - , . ~ . - - . , - - _ _ - -, _ , . . . . - _ _ . . , , _ . , , . . - . . _ - . _ . . . - .

'Pago NS. 32' tetrahydrofuran the detection limit 'is' 25 ' micrograms l pet

  • liter (0.0000025%).

Qualification testing of this- conductor insulation .

materini showed that it.. functioned properly during 30-  ;

days exposure to chem spray with a pH of 10.5 (see Sections 4.1 and 4.2) which. is consistent with; the: '

materials " good to excellent" rating for water and

. caustic solutions.

Based on the analytical data it is 'udged j that the.

impurities in the water are present at . such . very small i concentrations that they will not have any affect on'the life or performance of'the cables.-

9.1.2 Cable Snecifications 113-17 and 113-18 l These cables cons .at of ' ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) insulated conductors with chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) .

jackets. Ethylene Propylene Rubber '

According to the Handbook of Plastics and. Elastomers (Reference 4), pages . 4-54, ~4-55, and 4-60. (Attachment 9.1.1), EPR vas good . to excellent. resistanca ' to water, neutral salts (including' sodium chloride), acids and caustics. It is essentially : unaffected by alcohols and is quite resistant to phosphate-based hydraulic 1 fluids..

However it has only fair to poor resistance to aliphatic, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons and diester-type synthetic lubricants. . It . also .has poor resistance to '

esters, others and ketones. The ratings for organic compounds are based on 100% concentrations.

New Hampshire Yankee's testing of 27 water samples taken-from the vaults (Attachment 9.1.2, Reference 15), shows a pH range of 7.0 to 10.5, salinity less than ' . 3. 64 % as compared to 18% for sea water and ; 2 to 10% - for brackish water, no traces of oil o~ grease,'a total organic carbon concentration of 2 to 6.'.7 PPM (0. 0002 ' to- 0.0617%) and a 0

flash point greater than essentially pure water.

60 C which is consistent 'with Resource Analysts, Inc. -tested four representative samples of water from the . vaults for the presence of i

volatile organic . compounds l(Attachment 9.1.4, . Reference 38). These compounds might have been driven off in New-llampshire Yankee's total organic carbon tests. Three of the samples tested-' have no detectable organics. 'The ,

highest detection limit is 25 Licrograms per liter WYLE LAsORATORIES HufitsvHte Facihty 1 i

i l-

R:p3rt-NS. 17122-00 J POgo N3. 31 I

1 I

(0.0000007%) of chloroform. The report indicates that a

" trace" means the compound is probably present at a level below the detection limit of the method. In the case of tetrahydrofuran the detection limit is 25 micrograms por liter (0.0000025%).

Qualification testing of this conductor insulation l material showed that it functioned properly during 30 '

days exposure to chem spray with a pH of 10.5 (see Sections 4.1 and 4.2) which is consistent sith the l

materials " good to excellent" rating for water and caustic solutions.

Based on the analytical data it is judged that the impurities in the water are present at such very small concentrations that they will not have any affect on the life or performance of the cables. C lorosulfonated Polyethylene According to the Okonite Bulletin EMB-88 (Attachment 9.1.3, Reference 16), CSPE has excellent resistance to fresh and salt water, mineral acids and fixed alkalles; and it has good resistance to alcohols and petroleum oils.

except creosote. However it has only fair to poor resistance to creosote, pa;Tffinic and halogenated hydrocarbons, ketones and esters. The ratings for organic compounds are based on 100% concentrations.

New Hampshire Yankee's testing of 27 water samples taken from the vaults (Attachmer.t 9.1.2, Reference 15), shows a <

pH range of 7.0 to 10.5, salinity less than 3.64% as i compared to 18% for sea water and 2 to 10% for brackish water, no traces of oil or grease, a total organic carbon concentration of 2 to 617 PPM (0,0002 to 0.0617%) and a flash point greater than 140 C which is consistent with essentially pure water.

Resource Analysts, Inc. tested four representative samples of water .from the vaults for the presence of volatile organic compounds (Attachment 9.1. 4, ' Reference l 18). These compounds might have been driven off in New Hampshire Yankee's total organic carbon tests. Three of the samples tested have no detectable organics. The highest _ detection limit is 25 micrograms per liter I (0.0000025%). The fourth sample showed a trace of

'etrahydrofuran and seven micrograms per liter (0.0000007%) of chloroform. The report indicates that a

" trace" means the compound'is probably present at a level below the detection limit of the method. In the case of l

WYLE LABORATORIES Huf)tsvule Facihty l

.R;part,N3. 17122 'Pago=No.--34 l

below the detection limit-of the method., In.the case'of tetrahydrofuran the. detection-limit.:is 25 micrograms per I liter-(0.0000025%).

Qualification . testing of. this conductor' insulation rsnerial showed that it functioned properly during' - 3 0 m5 exposure to - cham spray . with a . pH . of 10. 5 . - (1,ee - i

.sccions -4.1 e.nd 4.2) which is consistent .with' the- I

..herials " good- to ' excellent" rating for ' water and-caustic solutions.

Based on the analytical data At is judged that the impurities in the water are present at such very small concentrations that they will not have any affect on'the life or performance of the. cables..

'l 9.2 Okonite Cables .

3 9.2.1 Cable Snecifications 11's-3 and 113-22 These cables consist of ethylene propylene rubber' (EPR) -

insulated conductors with chlorosulfonated polyethylene .

(CSPE) jackets.


l Ethylene Propylene Rubber

. According to the Handbook - of Plastics and ~ Elastomers (Reference 14), pages 4-54, 4-55, and ' 4-60 ; (Attachment 9.1.1) , EPR has . good. to excellent ~ resistance to water,


i j neutral salts, (including sodium chloride), acids ~ and- '

l caustics. It is essentially : unaffected by alcohols and is quite resistant to ' phosphate-based' hydraulic fluids.

! However-it has only' fair to poor resistance to. aliphatic, j aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons and ' diester-type '

synthetic lubricants. It also has poor resistance to' 4 i esters, others and . ketones. The ratings for organic l compounds are based on 100% concentrations.

! New Hampshire Yankee's testing of 27 water-samples'taken-

from the vaults-(Attachment 9.1.2, Reference 15), shows a
pH range of 7.0 to 10.5, salinityLlese than . 3. 64% as-j' compared' to 18% for sea water and 2 to 10% for-brackish
' water, no traces of oil or grease, a total organic carbon -

j concentration of 2 to 617 PPM (0.0002 to 0. 0617%) _and a flash point greater than 140*C which is consistent with essentially. pure water.

Resource Analysts, Inc. tested .four representative l samples of water :from the vaults for the presence .of I

volatile organic cotipounds (Attachment 9.1.4, Reference ~

A 18). These compoundo might have- been driven off ~ in New 4


a -. . . - - - - - . . - - - . - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - . .


Rcport<No-.' 17122 #

y Pago N2,y33 i

(O.0000025%). The, fourth sample showed 'a- trace of tetrahydrofuran and-  ;-seven micrograms lper _= liter-(0.0000007%) of chloroform. The report indicates ~that a '

" trace" means the. compound is.probably present at a-level below the' detection limit of the method. In the case of tetrahydrofuran the detection 25 micrograms per.

liter-(0.0000025%).L i Qualification : testing of. this conductor . insulation material showed that it functioned properly . during _ 30 '

days exposure - to chem spray with a - pH . of ~ 10,5 (see-Sections '4.1 and. 4.2)' which is consistent with :the materials " good to . excellent" rating for- water and caustic solutions.

l 5

Based on the analytical data it is judged that .the impurities in the water are present at such very small concentrations that they will not have any affact.on the. -i life or' performance of the. cables. Chlorinated Polyethylene '

According to the Okonite Bulletin EH5-88 (Attachment 9.1.3, Reference 16), CPE has' excellent resistance ' to fresh and salt water, mineral acids, fixed alkalies,:and' paraffinic hydrocarbons; and it has ' good resistance to ~

alcohols, petroleum oils, ketones and esters. ,However it has poor resistance to halogenated hydrocarbons. The ratings for organic compounds are based' on 100%


i New Hampshire Yankee's. testing of 27. water' samples taken from the vaults (Attachment 9.1.2, Reference 15), shows a pH range of 7.0 to 10.5, salinity less than 3.644 as compared to 184. for sea water and 2 to 10% for brackish water, no traces of oil or grease, a total organic carbon concentration of 2 to 617 PPM0 :(0.0002 to 0.0617%) and a flash . point greater than 140 C which -is consistent with essentially pure water.

Resource Analysts, Inc. tested four representative samples of water from the vaults for- the presence of '

volatile organic compounds ( Attachment . 9.1. 4,- Reference 18). .These compounds might have been~ driven off'in New Hampshire Yankee's total organic carbon; tests. Three of the samples tested have no detectable organics.

highest The detection limit is '25- micrograms per liter (0.0000025%). The- fourth sample showed a trace- of tetrahydrofuran and seven micrograms per . liter (0.0000007%) of chloroform. The report indicates that a

" trace" means the compound is probably present at a level WYLE LASLJATORIES Muntsville Facelsty

, , ,, -- ----,n- .~ ,. n ,- - , , , - ,

4 RdpSrt'NS. 17133-00 mj POgG No. 34 1 i

tetrahydrofuran. and seven micrograms per liter

-(0.0000007%) of chloroform. .The report' indicates that a

" trace" means the' compound'is probably present'at a l'evel below the detection limit of the. method. In theLcase of

' tetrahydrofuran'the detection limit is 25 micrograms'per-litar (0.0000025%).

Qualification ~ testing of' this. conductor ' insulation material showed' that it functioned properly during ~ 30 days exposure to chem ~ spray with a pH . of 10.5 (see-Sections 4.1 and 4.2) which~ is -consistent with 'the materials " good to excellent" rating for water and caustic solutions.

' Based on the analytical data 'it is ..j udged that .the jutvrities in the -water .are present at such very small ]

concentrations-that they will not have any affect on the j life'or performance of the cables. l 9.3 Brand Rex Cables l' 9.3.1 Cable Snecification 113-6 This cable consists of crosr-linked polyethylene (XLPE)  !

4 insulated (CSPE) jackets.

conductors with chlorosulfonated polyethylene  : Cross-Linked' Polyethylene

' There is no readily available information'en the chemical 1

. resistance of cross-linked polyethylene. However- the l

-and cross-linking merely bonds adjacent molecules' together '

thereby gives the material enhanced physical properties and improved chemical resistance. Therefore 4

it is judged to be conservative to -use the chemical resistance properties for uncross-linked polyethylene for this analysis.

I According to th a Okonite Bulletin EMB-88 (Attachment

9.1.3, Reference 16), PE has exceptional resistance to fresh and salt water and. excellent resistance' to petroleum oils o+.her than creosote, mineral acids,- fixed -

{ alkalles, and paraffinic hydrocarbons; and it has E good resistance . to alcohols, creosote, ketones and esters.

1 However it has poor resistance to halogenated i hydrocarbons.

j The ratings for organic compounds are based on loot concentrations.

NewLHampshire Yankee's testing of 27 we.ter samples taken from the vaults (Attachment 9.1.2, Reference 15), shows a .

pH ' range of 7.0 to ' 10. 5, salinity ~ less than 3.'64% as




m ._ m.-. . , _ . _ _

_ _y - _ _

'R$p3rt No._17122-0'0 P'.go ND.~35 l

4 Hampshire Yankee'sLtotal organic.carbonitests., .Three of- -

the samples tested: have no detectable : organics. The  !

highest detection . limit _is l25.. micrograms 'per, litar (0.0000025%).. The- fourth sample showed a trace; of tetrahydrofuran and seven = micrograms. per < liter (0.0000007%) of chloroform. The report indicates-that a- '

" trace" means the compound is_probably present at'a-level c, below the detection limit of-the method. In the case of tetrahydrofuran the detection limit _is 25 micrograms per' -

liter (0.0000025%).

I Qualification' testing of this conductor. -insulation  ;

material . showed that_ itz functioned - properly. during 30 days exposure to chem spray with a pH of 10.5 (see  !

Sections ' 4.1 and 4.2) which is consistent _with the materials " good .to excellent" rating for water = and- -

caustic solutions. >

Based on the analyt! cal ' data it is judged that: :the  :

impurities in'the water are present at such very . small l concentrations that they will-not have any affect.on the  ;

life or performance'of the cables, j r Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene f

' According to the Okonite Bulletin'-EHB-88 (Attachment 9.1.3, Reference 16), CSPE has excellent resistance 'to fresh and saltiwater, mineral acids and fixed alkalles; '

and it has good resistance to alcohols and petroleum oils- -

except creosote. 'However it has only fair to poor '

resistance to creosote, paraffinic -and' halogenated hydrocarbons, -ketones and- esters. The . ratings.' for '

organic compounds are based on.100% concentrations. ,

New Hampshire Yankee's testing 'of 27. water samples taken from the-vaults (Attachment 9.1.2, Reference 15), shows'a .

pH range of 7.0 to 10.5, salinity- less than 3.64% as compared to.184 for sea water and 2 '.to 10% for brackish i water, no traces of oil'or grease, a' total organic carbon i concentration of 2 to 617 PPM0' (0. 0002 to 0.0617%) and a j flash point greater than 140 C whi:h is consistent with  !

essent:. ally pure water.

Resource Analysts, Inc.- tested; four representative,  ;

samples of water from the vaulto ' for the presence . of volatile organic compounds (Attachment 9.1.4, Reference 18). These compounds might have; been driven off ~in' New Hampshire Yankee's ' total organic carbon. tests. Three'of  : '

the samples tested have Tno detectable organics. The highest detection limit Lis -25 micrograms' per liter 4 (0.0000025%). The fourth' sample showed a trace- of WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville Facehty 4-v wwr.,----. gw*i, - y. - - - - - . = , - - , , , , - - w

R p3rt N3.' 17122-00 '

PCg3 Na.'38 l

flash point greater than 140 C which is consistent with essentially pure water. s Resource Analysts, Inc. tested four representative samples of water from the vaulta for_ the presence of volatile organic compounds- (Attachment 9.1.4, Reference 18). These compounds might have been driven off in New Hampshire Yankee's total organic carbon tests. Three of the samples teste..t have no detectable organics. The highest detection limit is 25 micrograms per liter '

-(0.00000254). The fourth sample showed a trace of tetrahydrofuran and seven micrograms per liter (0.0000007%) of chloroform. The report indicates that a

" trace" means the compound is probably present at a level below the detection limit of the method. In the case of tetrahydrofuran the detection limit is 25 micrograms per liter (0.0000025%).

Qualification testing- of this conductor insulation material showed that- it dunctioned properly during 30 days exposure to chem spray with a pH of 10.5 (see-Sections 4,1 and 4.2) which is consistent with the materials agood to excellent" rating for water and caustic solutions.

Based on the analytical data it is judged that the impurities in the water are present at such very small concentrations that they will not have any affect on the life or performance of the cables.

9.4 ITT Surprenant Cables 9.4.1 Cable Scecifications 113-19 and 113-20 This cable consists of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated conductors with cross-linked polyolefin (XLPO) jackets. Cross-LinkGd Polyethylene There is no readily available information on the chemical resistance of cross-linked polyethylene. However the cross-linking and thereby .gives merely bonds adjacent molecules together the material enhanced physical  ;

properties and improved chemical resistance. Therefore it is judged to be conservative to use the chemical 1

resistance properties for uncross-linker' polyethylene for i this analysis.

According to the Okonite Bulletin EHB-88 (Attachment 9.1.3, Reference 16), PE has exceptional resistance to ,

WYLE LAsORATORIES Huntsvalle Facility

.- .. . - . ~ . . - - ., .--.-.- , . . - . _ , .

R p3rt No. 17122-00 -

'Pago_Ns. 37- I compared,to 18%-for sea water and 2 7 to 10% for: brackish l water, no. traces of oil ~or grease,.a total' organic carbon.

concentration.of 617 ' PPM 0 (0.0002 to 0.0617%) and a flash- point greater than 140 c which is consistent with essentially pure water.

Resource . . Analysts, - Inc. tested four, representative 1 samples. of water from the vaults for _ the presence ' of volatile organic compounds (Attachment 9.1.4, Reference 18). These. compounds might have been driven off in New I

Hampshire-Yankee's total organic. carbon 1 tests. Three of the samples tested have no detectable organics.- Thr.

highest detection limit: is 25 micrograms per litet (0.0000025%). The fourth sample- showed a trace of tetrahydrofuran and seven micrograms per liter (0.0000007%) of chloroform. The report indicates that a

" trace" means the: compound is probably present at a. level below the detection limit.'of the method. In the case of

. tetrahydrofuran the detection limit is 25 micrograms per liter (0.0000025%).

Qualification testing of this conductor insulation material showed . that it functioned. properly during . 30 )

days exposure .to chem spray with a pH of 10.5 (see bactions 4.1 and 4.2) c which is- consistent with the materials " good to excellent" rating. for water- and caustic solutions.

Based on the analytical data it is - judged that the impurities in.the water.are present at such very small correntrations that they will not have-any affect on the life or performance of the cables. Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene According to the Okonite Bulletin EHB-88 (Attachment 9.1.3, Reference 16), CSPE has excellent resistance to fresh and salt water, mineral-acids and fixed alkalies; and it has good resistance to alcohols and petroleum oils except creosote. However it has only fair to poor resistance to creosote, paraffinic 'and halogenated l hydrocarbons, ketones and esters. The ratings for organic compounds are based on 100% concentrations.

New Hampshire Yankee's testing of 27 water samples taken from the vaults (Attachreent 9.1.2, Reference 15) , shows a pH range of 7.0 to 10.5, salinity less than 3.64%. as compared to 18% for sea water and 2 to 10%.for brackish-water, no traces of oil or grease, a total' organic carbon -

concentration of 2 to 617 PPM- (0.0002 to 0.0617%) and a WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville Facshty

,,--.m.- . . , , -.--,r._.-- , . , _ - - . . _ . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . - _ . . _ . . . , . . . . . - . . - . , . . - . _ . . _ - - , . - . . . _ _ _ - _ _ ~ . -

' ^~

Ucpara Do,:i7132-00' T PCgo'No.:40 .

-l states that " Basically, polyolefins are all waxlike :in j appearance'and extremely-inert-chemically,..." '

Therefore it is judged .to. be conservative to use the chemical. resistance- properties oof uncross-linked

. polyethylene for this analysis.- Accordingly the analysis and conclusion of Section, would apply equally to ~

the cross-linked polyolefin jacket material.


1. j

. New Hampshire Yankee Calculation No.


" Power Cable Application Criteria and Sizing." l i

2. Final Report F-C 4350-3, " Tests of Electrical.~ Cables ,

Subjected to Thermal Aging, Gamma' Radiation and A Loss of i Coolant Accident Simulation." ,

3. 600 volt' power- cable, Purchase- Order No .' - SNH-154-9763.006-113-3, . Nuclear . Qualification Document for Okonite' Insulated Cables, Okonite-Report No. .PSCNH 0978- ,

1, Rev.'2, dated'12/20/83.

4. Final Report F-C 5120-4, " Qualification -Tests of Instrument' Cables In A Simulated Steamline Break and i Loss-of-Coolant Accident Environment." i
5. Final Report F-C 4969-1, " Qualification Tests.of Class 1E '

Electrical Cables In A Simulated Steamline Break and '

Loss-of-Coolant Accident Environment." l

6. Acton Test Report No. 16587-81N, Rev. 1, " Analysis of Qualification Class 1E Electric of Anaconda Flame-Guard FR-EP & FR-EP/CPE Control Cable For Yankee Atomic Electric Comgany," dated 7/23/81. t
7. FIRL Final Report 'F-A5550-8, " Qualification Tests of Electrical Cables in a Simulated Steam-Line-Break and Loss-of-Coolant-Accident Environment: 100-Day . Duration RG-11/u and RG-59/u Coaxial Cables. "
8. FIRL Final Report F-A5550-11,. " Qualification Tesi:s of  ;

Electrical Cables in a Simulated Steam-Line-Break and Loss-of-Coolant Accident Environment: 100 Day Duration 1/C and 2/C #20 AWG Thermocouple Cable." .;


Huntsville Facmty 4

.- - . - . - . . - . -- - - ~ . .

R0p3rt No. 17122-00 Pago N3. 39 fresh and- salt water-- and' excellent resistance to petroleum oils other than creosote, . mineral acids, fixed alkalles, and paraffinic hydrocarbons; and it has good  ;

resistance to alcohols, creosote, ketones and esters. ~

However it has poor resistance to halogenated hydrocarbons. The ratings for organic compounds are based on 100% concentrations.

.New Hampshire Yankee's testing of 27 water samples taken from the vaults (Attachment 9.1.2, Reference 15)', shows a pH range of 7. 0 . to 10.5, -salinity less than 3.64% as compared to 18% for ssa water and 2'to 10% for brackish water, no traces of oil or grease,.a-total organic carbon concentration of 2 to 617 PPM (0.0002 to 0.0617%) and a flash point greater than 140 C which is consistent -' with' i essentially pure water. ,

Resource Analysts,- Inc. teste'd four representative samples of water from the vaults for the presence of volatile organic compounds (Attachment 9.1. 4, . Reference 18). These compounds might have been. driven off in New Hampshire Yankee's total organic-carbon. tests. . Three of the samples tested have. no detectable . organics. The highest detection limit is 25 micrcograms per : liter (0.0000025%). The fourth sample showed a trace of <

tetrahydrofuran- and seven micrograms per: liter (0.0000007%)-. of chl'oroform. The report indicates that a'

" trace" means the compound"is probably present at a level below the detection limit of the method.. In the case of tetrahydrofuran the detection limit is.25 micrograms per liter (0.0000025%).

Qualification testing of this conductor insulation natorial showed that it functioned properly during 30 days exposure to chem spray with a pH of 10.5 (see -

Sections 4.1 and 4.2) which is consistent with the materials " good to excellent" rating for . water and caustic solutions.

t Based on the analytical data it is judged that the impurities in the water are present at such very small concentrations.that they will not have any affect.on the  ;

life or performance of the cables. Cross-Linked Polyolefin Again there is no readily available information on the chemical resistance of cross-linked' polyolefin. However Reference 14, page 1-89 (Attachment 9.1.1)- states that  ;

polyolefins. consist of three groups. of polymers; polyethylene, polypropylene and polyallomers. It further WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville Facility

. , . . . . . - . - . . . . _ ~ .

. . - .. . , - - , . - -~---.,- .-- - - - , . . . .

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i 1

.R0 port.No. 17122-00 Attachment 3.0.1 1 Page No. 3.0.1-1 '

.ll ATTACHMENT 3.0.1 1 i

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J WYLE LABORATORIES Mufitsville Facsisty f

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Attachment ' O . O !.

Page No. 3.0.11 f ....., y CALCULATION C0'NTROL SHEET ,

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,mosscT title MSN 14 $rAmmesa %myreMosscrt,ms [m"NA L V010 SY3 TEM /S" K Y , S k V Awe 1.88 VeLT Wauf t g LeAng SUBJECT Pe kJ F E e nL E 4 Aptf emf oM B R IT' art f A JND S I E f Met DESIGN CL ASSIFICATION A/dN t'14 f s* M STARTED BY '

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R0 port No. 17122-00 ,

Attachment 4.1.1 Page.No.,4.1.1-1 '


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I WYl2 LABORATORIES Muntswelle Facehty

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R port No. 17122-00 '"

Attachment 4.1.2' Page No. 4.1.2-1 I

l l





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_. _ _ . _~ . .. - _ . .

'l Report No. 17122-00 '

Attachment 4.1.2  % s's H-3 . .

Page No. 4.1.2-2 -



(,91 } ( ;

NUMBElt AND FORptJLATION a (in.) W (Vac/A) 18.11 .. . . .

45  !.1M '480/25

. p Single Conductor, Law Voltage .

Power Cable (Durasheath EP) '

18.12 s 45 0.194 480/25' i Single Conductor, Medium Volt-II* I age Power Cable (Unishield EP) 90 0.665 2900/170

... (

'I' ' SI::i la. Conductor, Media Volt-age Power Cable 'hlbland EP) 90 0.170 2900/170 0.31 Sena Conductor, Law Voltao Control Cable (Flaneguard rj) 45 0.785 480/17.5 ,

I l .

i NOTES: (a) Cond.uctor weerf al is esaper Irv all caso.

(b) Maiues shmt 5. W n21 thicknesses and diameters.

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h 9

t ATTACHMENT-4.1.3 ,

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j WYLE t.ASORATORIES Huntsvihe Facmty 1

Report No. 17122-00 I Attachment'4.1.3 F-C4350-3 Paga No. 4.1.3-2 i


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Raport No. 17120-00 Attar,timent 4.1-4 Page No. 4.1.4-1 1

ATTACHMENT 4'.1'.4 i

i 4

i J


-l j

^i l

WYLE LABORATORIES Muntsyslie Facihty a

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s ,- w w w y- , - -V v er,-. - . - ,m+-+w.<- --v,-- ,- - - , ,e..,, , , ,mme-o-s -- ,,w- -e. , ..-ea

Report No.'17122-00 Attachment 4.1.4 F-C4350-3 Page No. 4.1.4-2 Table 3. Results of Post-LOCA High-Potential Withstand Tests



  • 18.11 2.4 -

<1 3 turns around mandrel 18.12 2.4 1.0 4 turns around mandrel 19.'11 7.2 6.7 2 turns around mandrel 19.21 7.2 8.4 2 turns around mandrel Conductors 2. 4, 6 'versus 1, 3, 5. 7 20*11 3*6 4.6 t w 3. 5, 7 versus 1, 2, 4, 6.

Leakage current identical for both read ings, .

  • All cables withstood the applied potentials for 5 min while insnersed In tap water at room temperature.

e G


1 R3 port Noi 17122-00 4 Attachment 4.3.1 l Page No. 4.3.1-1 -

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' ATTACHMENT 4.3.1 1

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) WYLE LABORATORIES ktuntsville Facility a

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. Report No. 17122-00 ^'

Attachment 4.3.1 y ,.

Page No. 4.3.1-2 f

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Hunt $welle Facility 5


Report No. 17122-00

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ATTACHMENT 4.4.3-b 6 i T k Q h e i


i i i i l WYLE LABORATORIES 84Wntavalle FaCality 4

  • Report No. 17122-00
                                                                                          '-                         Attachment 4.4.3 Page No.

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9 1 Rsport No. .17122-00 Attachment 4.4.4 Page No. 4.4.4-1

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  • Report No. 17122 00 .. . . .. . . .. ,

Attachmont 4.4.4 i, Page No. 4.4.4-2 l

  • FMl5120-4 I

tamie 1* summary or Insulas!.on anistanee n.asurements* l i mil values la omme)"

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l l l Report No. 17122-00 l Attachmenc 4.5.3 Page No- 4.5.3-1 l 1 l l l 1 l l l l l 1 ATTACHMENT 4.5.3 ' l l l l l l l l i 1 l l l l l WYLE LABORATORIES Muntsville Facshty

1 Table 2. Sumanary of Insulation Resistance Heasilrements " (All resistance are in ohms) i wiens .s s . ..s uni e ee s4. e uu ma w.=

                      .h 9.i e     =.=8.   . (p.h) t *8 8                 868        888        del            49         43           83        45             tel T.J.,77'                 .       .      ..."       , . . . " .. "            . . . .Je i.. a         ,e. a   ...i."        ...e."
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Rsport No. 17122-00 Attachmant 4.5.3 Paga No. 4.5.3-3 T-C4943-1 Table 2. Su==ary of Insulation Basistance MeasurementsI ")(Cont.3 Notes:

a. Measurements were made after the cable was held at 500 Vdc for 1 min, unless otherwise indicated.
b. Measurements were made between conductor and ground (mandrel).
c. Measurements were made between conductor 2 (-) and conductor 1 plus the drain wire (+) at ground (mandrel) potential.
d. Measurements were made between conductor 1 ( -) and conductor 2 plus the drain wire (+) at ground (mandrel) potential.
e. Measurements were made between conductors 2, 4 and 6 connected together (-); and conductors 1, 3, 5 and 7 connected together

(+) at ground (mandrel) potential..

f. Heasurements were made between conductors 1, 3, 5 and 7 connected together (-); and conductors 2, 4 and 6' connected together (+)

at ground (mandrel) potential.

g. Cables were placed in tap water for a period of 1 h prier to IR measurement.
h. IR measurements were made before the cables were installed into the test vessel and connected to the energi in5 cabinet.
i. IR measurements were made after the cables installed into the test vessel and connected to the energizing cabinet.

j. Measurament was made after the cable was held at 10 Vdc for 1 min.

k.  !!aasurement was made after the cable was held at 100 Vdc for 1 min. -


R3 port No.'17122-00

                                                                        'Attachmsnt 4.5.3 Page No. 4.5.3-4 s



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Report No. 17122 Attachment 4'.5.4 Page No. 4.5.4-1 i s L f l ATTACHMENT 4.5.4 i i L 1 s t

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                                                                       - Huntsvihe Facshty 2...,, - , , - . . , , . , , ...,.c-       ,, ..,._,..,,.._m..,        , . . , ....,m,.._,..-.,,,    ._ ,..,- _ . _ , , _ . , .~ .,,- ... .,_..._,___ . _ ..._ .

Rcport No. 17122-00

                                          ~             Attachmsnt 4.5.4                    - - -..

Paga No. 4.5.4 #~ * * ' ' ." Table 3. S=. mary of Bend and High-?ctential *41:hstand Tests CA5LI CA5Li .m D FsI;., F.A!.o Of nAA. APFL;Ia NUMBER DIAETIR DIAMI*IR DIAMETIRS c._e.?.s ;;4 / (a) Cin) (in) (b) POTE!C*.AL (Va=) LIAKA3I (c) C"RRII;T (: _4) 32.1 0.160 6 37.5 2h00 2.5 (d) 32.3 0.165 6 36.4 2400 2.1 (d) i. 36.1I 0.335 13 35.8 2000 2.5 (e) 2000 2.5 (') 36.3 0.300 11 40.0 2000 1.3 (e) 2000 1.5 (f) ' b 37.12 0.550 22 39.3 2400 410.0-(g, i) 7 37.1I 0.560 22 39.3 24C0 <10. 0 (h , i) G A

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A 4

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Rsport No. 17122-00 Attachmnnt 4.5.4 T-C4949-1 Page No. 4.5.4-3 , I l

      *able 3. Su==ary of Band and High-Potential-Withstand Tests (Cont )                  i
                                                                           +. ,

I Notes: (a) All cables had salt deposits on their exterior surfaces. See Section 4 for further description of the visual j appearance of cables.  ! (b) Ratio of outside diameters of band-test mandrels to l outside diameters of cables. (c) The potentials were applied in the manner described , in Section 3.4 and maintained for 5 min. Leakage / i charging current was measured after 5 min.

                                                          .                                    \

(d) Measurements were made between conductor and ground (mandrel). (e) Measurements were made between conductor 1 (-) and conductor 2 plus the drain wire (+) at ground (mandrel) pc.tential. (f) Measurements were made between conductor 2 (-) and l conductor 1 plus the drain wire (+) at ground l (mandrel) potential. (g) Conductors 2, 4, 6 vs. conductors 1, 3, 5, 7 at ground potential. Ch) Conductors 3, 5, 7 vs. conductors 1, 2, 4, 6 at ground potential. (i) It was necessary to reter inate the ends o[ cable 37.1E before it could withstand Vac. During the high-potential-withstand test., arcing was observed on the insulation of the individual conductors. 4 8 s

                                                                                   .O      -
                                                                                        . 4.

. .. . .. - - - .~. i Raport No.- 17122-00 1 Attachment 4.5.4 ' Page No. 4.5.4-4  ; I a L ' S

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4 Rapott No. 17122-00 Attachment 4.6.1 Page No. 4.6.1-1 l l t i ATTACHMENT 4.6.: . 1

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l i WYLE LABOftATOfteES ,i Muntsville Facihty l l i i i i l

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                                                                                           ' Report No. 17122-00"                                                                         -

Attachment 4. 6.1 Page No. 4.6.1-2 I i 3 t

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Attachment 4.6.2-Page No.-'4.6.2-1 i s , ATTACHMENT 4.6.2 3 1 i A i I l 4 1 I i li 1 1~ f i i {.

wha i.aaonconies MUfit$ville Facihty .

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                                             .                                                                        Report Ilo. 1-*172-00                                                                   i 1

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1 E I a.n.s.E.- ,
                                                 .          Raport No. 17122-00 Attachmant 4.6.2                         *
                                 ,                             Page No. 4.6.2-3 NOTIS TO TABLE II


    ,                                  300 VDC for one minuta.

() Measurements were made between co4ductor and ground. () Cables were energized at rated voltage, except when 11 seasurements were made. () The combined total dweli time for .these samples was 101 days which included'16 days SL3/LOCA and Fost-Accident tests noted in Report T-C4836-2. d) The combined total dwell time for these samples was- , 113 days which included 30 days SL3/LOCA and Fost- - Accident tests no ted in Report T-C4969-1. e e 8 4 e e-I u - -w, w - .,e , , - v

4 i R3 port No.';17122-00~ Attachment 4.6.2 { Page No. 4.6.2-4' > s

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i j i WYLE LASORATORIES HumsysHe Facsisty. .


l 4 e e- e - , -* e P-,4w g-*n e <%-a w- e e-* , - - - 3

                                                                                             -- ar-   +9 ,   , g==   w   -

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Raport No. 17122-00 Attachment 4.6.3

    -Page.No. 4.6.3-1 ATTACHMENT 4.6.3 WYLE LABORATORES bluntsville Facility ,



                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~.      p.

TAllt.E !!l i .-


OF HANDREL BEND, IR AND llIGil-POTENTI AL-WITilSTAND TESTS b - POSI-DEND max. APPLIED CABLE 0.D. HANDREL 0.D. 0.D. RATIO IR I POTENTIAL '! SAMPLE NO. __(IN) (lN) 6D (041HS) (VAC) PASS / Fall .! l 23.01 (D' O.158 6 38: 1 8.6 x10 2400 Pass r3.02 Q) O.158 6 38:1 0.3 x10' 2400 Pass j  ! 32.1 () - 0.160 6 38:1 2.6 x10* 2400 PASS 32.3 Q) 0.165 6 36:1 5.6 x108 2400 Pass . I .  ! 26.1 OLK h 0.338 12 36: 1 1.6 x10' . 2000 PASS Wili W 6.0 x10se PASS a


0 338 12 36:1 2 75x10 ' 8 2000 Pass

26.2mLK-@G Wilt U 1*.O x10'
FAILED G 1200 VAC(@(h 26.3 BLK I F 0.338 12 36:1 1.7 x10 2000 PASS d Wili G 1.68x10 g, p

- PASS ggl$ 36.lE BLK @ 0.335 12

  • 36:1 1.34x10' '000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . . g~

Wili OG 5.1 x10' FAILED Pass AT 2000 VAC($ os ! 36.3 aL4 F 0.300 12 40: 1 7.8 x10' 2000 n-WitT G PASS f"e 7 5 X10' PASS m

  • , 7 "d:

27.1 DLK ()CD(D 0.560 22 u m "; Wili 39:1 2.05x10 '2400 PASS u l' REli 7.15x10' , 2400 PAS 5 (EVEN)2,456 h* j GHN 1.6 x10' 2400 PAS 3 (DDD)3,557 t OMG 3.9 x10' 2400 BLU 6.21x10' 2400 4.0 x10' 2400 Wili/DLK 6.3 x10' 2400 -

_ 37.1E 0.560 r

Q) f .

       - ,+                   _ .     . _ . . . . _ . -       __.________.___.__.___.____.__.___________._______._____.____.____2__________       _____.____.________._______________._______..m._.__

R3 port No. 17122-00

                                                      -Attachment 4.6.3-Page No.'4.6.3-4 s


                                                                   , . . . . , . . , , ,-   . _ . _ . _ , , . .            .,,,,;..~.- . ,


                                ,    .               Report No. 17122-00       -

l Attachment 4.6.3 i Page No. 4.6.3-3 - NOT!S TO *A3LZ TII l 1  ! ! () All cables had salt deposits on their exterior surf aces. See section 4 for further description of the visual - appearance of cables. 1 () Ratio of outside diameters of band-test mandesis to outside diameters of cables. 1 () The potentials were applied in the manner described in seenien 3.5 ' (T-C4836-2) or Section 3.6 (T-C4969-1), and maintained for 5 min. (h Measurssents were made between conductor and ground. d) Measurements were made after the conductor was held at 500 VDC for one minute. , , () Measurements were made between conductor 1 (-) and conductor 2 plus the drain wire (+) at ground potential. () Measurements were made between conductor 2 (-) and conductor 1 plus the drain wire (+) at ground po tential. , () Conductor 1 (3LK) versue conductors 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, & 7 at ground potential. () Conductors 2, 4, 6 vs. conductors 1. 3, 5, 7 at ground potential. () Conductors 3, 5, 7 vs. conductors 1, 2, 4, 6 at' ground potential. () Ta11ure occurred at j acke t cut-off no t in test specimen. () Sample 37.1E suffered substantial damage at Day 63 during the test. Because of damasc. Sample 37.1E is not representstive and is discounted from test. - () Because of agitation occurring in the chamber durias the accident oc Day 63, these samples may 'uave experienced forces and bands not normally associated with LOCA testing o- Tos t-Accident te s ts. . 1 l 1



                                                        .,7-9 Rsport No. 17122-00.

Attachment 4.7.1 - i Page No. 4.7.1-1 t h a h ATTACHMENT 4.7.1  ; i 1 1 l s l 1 WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsvisie racinty

              ..           .                       .             .                                 . . - .                                           .-                         = _ .                    .          ..

Report No.- 17122-00 [ Attachment 4.7.1

                         ,                                                                     Page No.'4.7.1-2                                                                                                        !

T-M S $ 0-8 7 g, g.- .

                                                                                                                                                              "              - 3!
I I i.



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                                                                                                                                                                          - l Roport No. 17122-00                                                                                                 ;

Attachment 4.7.2 J Page No. 4.7.2-1 ) l 1

                                                                                                                                                                          -l J

l ATTACHMENT 4.7.2 , 9 l l t 1 f' 1 I i l I l l WYLE LASORATORIES Huntsville Facility

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Raport No. 17122-00 Attachment 4.7.2 Page No. 4.7.2-2 F-A3550-5 i ., l t l >

                                                           ~                                                                                    l                       ,

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RSport No. 17122-00 Attach =nnt 9.1.1 s * '" *


rae a chesnes.1 no.seia=. .f os.e.m-e (een:

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_g p.avethyise. (Hypalear Feiredsde ru66., rosy.eehess dimme (TMetau Sub. names 7s*r twF 7: r ser wr

                   . Asids:                                                                                                                                                                                                ter      wr              iso
  • Aseus,10-80*'e. .
                                                                                                                               ..               E              O          O Aretae. 788'e . . .                                                .                                                O O                      O          F'      F                 F Acesis, saarial .

O O O O O F F X X 8ensene . G  : O O F X Borm . , . . . O O X E

                                                                                                                                                                                         ....                      O         O       O                  O Butyrne . . .                                                                                       .

E - O. O O

                                                                                           .                             .                     F               X          0                                                  O-       E                 E CMaroesetie.                                              .                                                                                                      0                       0         F      .X Chre nse..                                                                                                           E               O                                                                                        X-E O'        F       X                  X Cittw . . .                                                                                                                          O        .F .               F                       X         X       X E               E          O                                                                             X Flueberes. . . . ..                                                                                    .             E
                                                                                                                                                                                      -0                           0         0       0                 0 Hydrobromie. 28%.                                                                                                                    E         O                 O                       O-
                                                                              .. . ..                                .                        O                                                                              O       E              .O
                       ' Hydreehlerw.10%..                                                                                                                    O          O                 O                       O         F y                   , . . . . . ,                                            E               E         O X                 X H ydroeiderw. 37% ..                                                                                          .
                                                                                                                                                                                      -O                           E         E       F Hydrerrende.
                                                                                               .              .. .                     .      O               F-         0                                                                             F
                                                                                   . . . . .                                                                                               F                       E         E       X                 X E              E H rdreeueree . . . .                                                      . .                                        O
                                                                                                                                                                       ....              ....                      F         F       0                 0 Hypsehiereus. . .                                                                                                                    O          F                 F                      G         O r
                                                             .                          , ,                                                   O               F                                                                      X                 X t.artie. . . .                                                                                     ,
                                                                                                                                                                       . . .                                       X        X'       X Meises . . . . .
                                                                          .                    . ,                  .                         E               E          F             ...F X

O 0 0 0 0 Nitres.8% ., . O ... .... O O O E E O F Nitr6e. 04%. . O- X- X X X F X X Oleie . . . . . , - . O X X s X X X Oleum. . . O O O O O F X X F Osalie. . . , . . X X X X X  % Povehleris... . . . . .

                                                                                                                       ,                      O.              O         O                 O                       O O                                                                             O       O                 I o              Phamsherw.3s%.
                                                                                                                          . .                                 F                                                   X
                                                                               .                                                              E               E       ,O X'      F              -\

Phoeshav a. 88% . E O O O F F PhthaNo . , - O O O O -F O 'O X .N Sulfvis.10% ... . . . E

                                                                                                                                                                      . . . ,                                     0         O       O                 ti Sua4 m. 75% .

E O .-O O O F E O F Sulfures. 93%. . F F X X. X X Tanees. . .

                                                                                                .                                            O            -F            F                 X E                                                                   X         X       X             .X Tartar 6e. .                                                                                                                           E         O                 F                      0          0 Alkadire                                                                                                                   E              E          F 0                0 F                       G         G        G            -U Ammon6um hydresido..

Calcium hydreside. .. . . E E O O O O E 'E Petemmum hydrosado. . .

                                                                                                                         .                   E               E         O                 O
                                                                                 . .                                                                                                                              E         E       E                E Sodium Lydrenade.                                                                                      ...            E               E       'O                  O                       E
                                                                                                   , . .                                     E                                                                             E        E                E Aeul enits'..                                                                                                                             E          O                 O                       E         E E                                                                                      E                E 0.F F,0                        O.F e                                                                                                                        E"       O.F       0                0
                 ' Alkallas smitet.,                                                                                                          E               E         O.                O                       E E       E                 E Neutral enhet. . . . . .                           ,                   ,                                                  E               E         O                 O                       d         E       E                 E M'                  seies:

Penasmem n . E E O O O O O-  ? Pesassum per- -

                                                                                                                               .              O               O         O                 O                       O andham eyanide. . . . .


                                                                                         .            .            .                          O               O         O                 O                       O         O       F                 F Sad 6mm ferroyanade..                                            .                                                    O               O Redeum hypmeMarne.
                                                                                                          ..                                                          ....                                        E         E       O                 O
                                                                      .        . . . , .                           . .                        E               O         O                 O...                    O         O       F                 F Orsamiss and anivenes Asesene . . . .. . . . .                                                                                              F               F         G                 O                       O         O       X Aleehol. methyl. ,


                                                                                                                          ,                   O              O          O                 O                       E         E       X                 X Aleshel. ethyl. , ~             ,                                                   .                                 E               E         O                 O                       E         E       X                 X Aimehet, busyi..                                                                                                      O               O         O                 O                       E i

Anil6ns . . E X X

                                                                                 ..                                .                          F               X         0                 0                       0         0       X                 X Beamene. . ....                                                             . . . .                                   X               X         X                 X                       0         0       F                 X Carhee dieuinde .                                                                                                      X               X         X                 X                       0         F       F                 X Carbon tetrashierede                                                               . . , .                             X               X         X                 A                       O         O       X                 X Chierehensene.. .                                                                           . ..                       X               X         X                 X                       X         X       X                 X Chiareform . . .                                                                                                      X               X         X                 X                       0         0       X                 X PAhyt asetees. . . . .                                                                                                X               X         F                 F                       G Ethyloos eMarsde. . . .


                                                                                                                                  .           A               X         0                 0                       0         0       X                 X Ethylene dieWoride-                                                                                                  A               X         F                 F                       X         X E4hyl esher . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                 .                         . .                                                                                                      X                 X
                                                                                                                               .              X               X         X                 X                       F         F        X                X Formaidsbyde. .Tf %. .                                             .                                                  E               E         O                 F                       0         0       F                 X Osamhme..                                              . . .                                                          F               F         X                 X                       E         E       O                 F Hopeano. . . . . . . . . . .                                                .                                         O               O         X                 X                       E         E O                 F Methylsee eMaride. . . .                                                                                              X               X          X                X                       0         F                         X X

Methyt othyt heesse. , . . X X F X u F X X N'." . . .. . . . . X X X X 0 F X X l'hanel . .. ., . K 1[ X X F F X- X Telusee . . . . . . . . . . . . X X X X 0 0 F X Triredersethytsas. . . . .. X X .( X 0 F X X Cassa: Carbon disside.. E E .O O O O- E E

                     ' Carbon maassade                            .,,,.                                                                       E               E         O                 O                       O-        O        E             'E Chiarene, dry...                                                          .                                            F               F         F                 F                       F         F        X.               X Chierine, ses . . . . .              .            ,                          .                                         F               F         t                 F                       F         F       X                 X H ydressa adede. . .                                                                                                  E               E         O                 O                       F         F       0                 O Sulfur es==da dry . .                          .                                                                   . E               E         F                 F                       F         F       0              .O Sulfur disseda, wet..                          .                                                              .        E               E         F                 F                       F         F       0                 0 E-gaesusset, no ^                        O esteek.                                       F-ftir, meld easeek. limstad uma.

p O-seed ne sepAsene staaeh. X-unaseinsahie preWheesi esteek.

  • Acid smies: ehlersde aimminese suifees, copper ehlerede. eseper smitees, ferre eMecide ferres meafaen semanie ehloride, sine ehleride, see 3 snifate. eie.

t Alkaline eklte: gentassuune hicarbonnes. : enthenate, andtum bitarbonate, anatium eerbannte. triset.esn phosphate, eta. 1 Neustal sales: eelesum ehlerede, esimese naerees. endenum adfase, mesmessum sederide, persessem natrees. poememum adfess, endium elderede, sediese ' astraes, sodium melleen. eaa.

Raport No. 17122-00 ' Attachmant 9.1.1 ' Page No.'9.1.1-l' 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1.1 i l l l i 1 i 1 WYLE LABCHIATORIES I HWAtsville Facihty i _ , - . . . . _ . . , . - _ . - . . .- _ . . . . . . - . . . ___.i

t-. .

                                             -1 1

1 Report No. 17122-00 Attachment 4.5.1 ) Page No. 4.5.1-1 'I a i 1 1 1 i l ATTACHMENT 4.5.1 I ) i i 1 1 i l 1 1 5 a n d d WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsvitie Facsisty

W *

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                                  *Continuoise spray at a rate of at least 0.15 gpm/f t 2                                                                 2                                                                             n
  • solution is to be composed of: (6.1 1pm/m ) at the cable location. The chemical .5 6200 parts per million 12eron as ll 3E03 - .

[ 50 parte per million hydrazine (Hil2Nil 2 ) e'. I Najroi, and NAOit added to make the 'iH hetween 8.6 anil 10.0 at 77*F in fresh anlution storage tank. Iigure 3. Specirleil Tengierature/l'ressure Profile for a Sianslated  ! Stil/l.0CA Steams /Clicanical-Spray imposure Wille ficctrical loading

      .- a         - . ~ , - , .,             . _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ -      - - - - - - - _           n-           an ,-          m   n           - + .            ~

v 1- _ -a -- .-_---n u_.x - - - - _ - - ,

t Rsport.No., 17122-00 Attachment 4,5.2 Page.No.-4.5.2-1 ATTACHMENT 4.5.2 i , n t b ) 3 1 1 l i J 1

) ,.

1 i a i > t WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville Facility

                                                                               .,-_,     .,,,w,eme r-*~r*me- = a- *-*'#~"-

Rsport No. 17122-00 Attachmant 4.5.2  ; Paga No. 4.5.2-2 333,. 1 i 7atle 1. Cable Specimens' and Iloctrical Leading l l l NCMINAL MIASURD RI:0:2d CABLI CU;!::I SPE":P.IN DIAMI*IR Cil"!!:I ILI: R: AL NUMBIZ DIAMI~IR L'A NG CABLI DISCRIF : N"'3 (inja (in) (Vac3/(A) Cateverv 32 500 Vac, TR-II swer 1 0.150 h80/21 Control Cable. -. J No. 12 AWG, 7/W, Tinned Copper Conducter. 30 Mil Insulation *hicxness Length a 30 ft 32.1 0.150 32.3 0.185 ' Cateterr 38 500 Vac, Instrumentation 0.350 e80/10 Cable. 2/C No. 16 AWG, 7/W, Tinned Copper Con-ductor, 25-mil T1ame Re- > sistant. Cross-Linked Ithylene Propylene Rubber Insulation (TR-IP), , Twist, Asbestos / Mylar Tape, "innsd Copper Drain Wire. Al uinua/ Mylar Tape s h5-all Chl rinated Pclyethylene .Tacket (C?I) Length a 30 ft 38.1I 36.3 0.335 0.300 Categorv 37 37.11 6007 Tlase-Guard Control O.597 0.880 h30/13 Cable, 7/C No. 14 AVG, 7/W, Tinned Copper Con = ductor 30-mil flame Resistant Cross-Linked l'thylene Propylene Rubber L aulation (TR-IP), Cabled, Mylar / Asbestos

  • Tave, IO-sil Chlorinated PobyethyleneJacket(C?I) s Langth a 30 ft Notes: " Cable descriptions and noalaal dimensions were provided by __

e Anaconda Campany. b":onductor material was copper in all cases. l i e l I

C i i

 . Raport:No.-17122-00 Attachment'4.7.3 Page No. 4.7.3-1                                                                   l
                                                                                  -1 I

l i i I

                                                                                   ' .I l

ATTACHMENT 4.7.3 *] 1 i

                                                                                  'I l



l i 1 1 I WYLE LASINEATORIES Huntsville Facihty i

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e. to.a.t.e, .et. ,..s.,e, Stameter mesmeter matle of Insubee of setentlet*

Cohte es. ostseet j tiel/ test Giel/ teel Stenstese Cable geeses styg ten) a ette 31

- [ alase-ac e.cos/no.3 as.e/tes 3s.4 3 9.s 3.36 N>"

. withete a ret.ettet j assse-8e 0.400/88.3 18.e/444 39.4 9.9 3 3.3h withetoed poteettet e su a " AS994-3C e.343/S.R 3.5/341 39.3 Z7 S '5.4 withetoed poteettet f k *g O AS5me-38 e.343/6.1 9.5/341 39 3 :s 4 5.0 wt h te 4 geteettet rt g shielde of - b -- - 3.48 -a est eeksess <1.e4 withetoed poteettet . IM u.a;j

e. After loseselee et the best eeblee le top seter for 4 b6w. the potenttete were eyytted to the coneeetese. M"oO

, no geenaaed tesotest of the test teetsament see sammeeted to the emble ehtold med to a base emedestes temessed to N wates. At h see et the S-eteste posted, the totet toetese/shesgleg eussent see mesessed. h. 4 Cablee AS$te-SC and ASSSo-te wese eenseated togethes See the tests the tetet sessent tes the two eeblee see 3.3 an. e. Cablee ASS 9e-3C and ASS 9e-se wese emmeested togethes tes W toets the totet sessent fat the tuo eebles see 1.e an. 4. { De ehtolde of Cables ASSS4-SC. ASSSe-l#. ASSSG-3C. ene ASSSe-30 wese emmeected togethes tos m tests the potsettet see eyyllee between the etlelee see e base emmemetes Somesse4 la setes. At the one et the Selmute perlee. the totet leetege/senesg8eg sessent ses seesusees W total cessent see toes thee 1.9 mA. D e cables mese heet la the same 3 eentigssettees se tes the pseeleene toeta et eenduetese.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          *4 i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             e o.

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R0 port No. 17122-00 1 Attachment 4.8.1 Page No. 4.8.1 .i l t ATTACHMENT 4.8.1

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I WYLE LASORATORIES Mufttsville Facility

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                                                                                                                                             'l WYLE LABORATORIES MuntSwelle Facility 1

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a. .Re.s.earch L.aborecory.Inc.,

Itaport No. 17122-00 Attachment 4.9.1 Page No. 4.9.1-1 ATTACHMENT 4.9.1 6 i I WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsystle F4Cahty

                                              ##PO?t No. 17122-00 Attachment 4 9.1 Pago yo, 4+9.1-2 G

d t O e 1: M X ' " h[ y { g h d 2: G" 48 4> . ci > o u E.

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Attachment 5.1.1' Page No. 5.1.1-1

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                                                                                                                       .I 1

e b r l l I a i i i I i WYLE LABORATORIES Muntsvine Facshly 1

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Report No. 17122-00 - Attacnment 5.1.1-

2. hism Page No. 5.1.1-2 (2-1) Electrical Noistwo Absorption Test with DR insu%ted conductor smular AC stress .

t Test Suecimens: #14 AlfG Tissed Copper Conductor 45-ML1 IFR I Test conditions: 8 Immersed in 90 C water with 600 Volt AC applied continuously . Test Results: ' , , i 60 Herts i 40'VPN , 8 0 t'P N IR , Time 5IG FFOJ ' '5IC' FF B) 04ercha/1000') 1 24 hrs 3.00 1.17 g73 , 14 days 3.04 0.86 '

  • 1968 -

28 eay" 3.C8 0.37 2 mes 3.13 0.82 4442

                             .            3 aos                                 3.13     0.98                                                2391 4 aos                                  3.20     1.02
                                                                                                                                         . 2662 6 aos                                 3.34     1.09                                                6551          i 12 aos                                  3.48     1.13

2530 18.mos - 3.60 1.02 1310 24 mes 3.76 . 1.27 -

                                                                                                               .                              613 30 mes                                  3.M 1,32                                      -

1285 RIMMtE3: ' SIC sad FF st 80 YPM vsare not amaseed. - -


N . S . l 6 l 9 W l

Report No. 17122-00 Atta bment'5.2.1 , Page No. 5.2.1 1 I i ATTACHMENT 5.2.1 I v I a i 1 1 I l l l I I WYLE LABORATORIES . l Muntsvisie Facihty # l l l l = 1

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                                                                                  ' Report No. 17122-00                                                                                   --


                       .                                                                              Attachment 5.2.1                                                                                                                                   !

Paga No. 5.2.1-2

4) p p.-"" ". p, 4. e.ep. . n .
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                                                                                                                                                                    -                                                                                 'i ACCELEit ATED TEST _                                                                                                                                                   i l
                                                                                                     . . :% :.".' C .T.*
  • A .1/C #14 AWC solis' chated copper.047" Okonite EP Dase Sa mplet i.$ T. ,.!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .;;;        r.i:l B - IlC #14 AWC s,oud. coat'ed.fcopper.                                               '

047" Okonite Butyl Base .7 '

                                                                                               . .t. :                             :.                                                              .                                     3 W,-?:p-,;'

Procedure: AZIC No. 6-73 Sectiot 3.1. 2 .

  • fk. .1..;.

Same10., Samnte B ";, ,- Measuring ~***- SIR x 10 A . PT %, . SI"" SIR x 10 J Time Streas..... PF.fr4 'pIC d ' Period V/ mit - ' 'a t 9'0* C' at 90* C , at 90*C1 a t. 90* C ' a t 90* C a t 9 0* C

  • 3.91 0. 10 *l' I day . do F- *!1.84.? ,c3.09., ' it. 3 . 5. 36 f.
  • ow- '

5.71 3.94

  • 80 -l '2.89b '
  • 3i 09 a ..-
                                                 .,,- . ;, ,                    yt i , .                  .
                                                                                                                                .-           m . . . ,
                                                            .:1.52 ' ,,,"; 3'. 05 . .
1. 8
                                                                                                                                                                        - 3.94 ,                               0.15 7 days                ' . 45 l '                                                                                               ,, 4. 71
1. 5 5 . '.
                                                                                                                         --      .       ...!.12,.                               3.96 8 0 ' .. .                                       . p.3.. 0 5                    '                                      .


                                                 . ;.       ;..                ; , , ;.              ..                                     u.           .

4.02 0.19 14 days 40 ; ~ ,3. 0Y . Z.1 ' 5. 65 " .

                                                          ,l.1.                36'.1*:i k(i 3. 07 5.98                           4.04                          - - -

l 80 i1.36- -- e . n .c.. - .. a.

                                                                                                                                                       .       :. .                ..               .. o
2. 3 a' -
              . .nonth                    401                      l'.13 ' ' '. . * '3. 0 8                                                                                                                                            '

6.43' ..!,-- ' 4.14 , 0.'16 80 .

                                                                 .1.16 ./, .. 3 08                    -
     ,                                                                                  ,~

80 1/10" I 3.09 3;1 8.55' ' 4.47 f.,10 - l 2 months l 4

3. 2 8.78 4.81 0.09 i 4 months 80 1.04 ' 3.13 .

0.87; 3.17 3. 5 ,15.07 5.40 0.05 6 months 80 , 3.20 19.06 Y 5.72 0.01 9 months 80 0.74- ;4.4,. Terminated due failure 80 0.74 3.20 4. 4 la 9th month 12 months -

i. .

80 0.70 3;26 4. 7 18 months .. -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . ~= ,.~     . .    ,
                                                                                                                                                                                        -                                                       Of 0 24 months                      80                       0.70                             3.30                   5.1~            ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             .                                 :.:   p'

80 0.74' 3.36 5.1 . Le 30 months *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .              / **

80 0.70 3. 4,4 5. 2 J p. 34 months t

                                                                                                                                                                 ~*                                     .
                               ..~..        .n                                          .
        - Report No. 17122-00.                     j Attachment 5.3.1'                        ,

Page.No. 5.3.1-1: ATTACHMENT 5.3.1 4 s B 1 I

                                                 'i i

I i 1 WYLE LASORATORIES Huntsvalle F ACility j

           %:-N- 390 05: a ::.-               ,e. R0 port No. 17122-00 2,3 -

Atta :hm2nt 5.3.1 *e # ',

                                                                                                                             --   't Paga No. 5.3.1-2                                                    -


                              ,,,                           BRAND-REX         . . .,>w   COMPANY
                                                            *'t Und..eftc. CONNECT CUT Ce32 s (303)433 7779 WIRE AND CABLE DIVISICN Revised Page 3 (1/11/s30) at Urapa t






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   .w:-cs-;.::c 09: 1 :: n                .m         Report tio. 17122-00                                                 :.07 Attachment 5.3.1                                             ,n..       -

Paga lio. 5.3.1-3 BRAND-REX COMPANY JtEX "*****'

  • wiwwa~e.e. ce==ceti=ut .. . u,33 23.tni ,

WIRE AND CABLE DlvtSICN Page 2 ELICTRICAL PROFERTIES MEASURIMI M SIC FF,% II, I:iTERVAL/'JIIKS (80V/ MIL) (SOV/ MIL) MI30HM/1000' 1 DAY 2.'66 .73 750 1 'dIIK 2.70 .92 705 2 '4EEKS 2.71 .67 715 4 2.73 .57 320 6 2.71 .60 1025 9 2.78 .80 11*5 10 2.80 .88 1155 12 2.93 .92 lua0 lu 2.93 .37 1935 18 2.88 .79 1735 - 20 2.92 .81 1340-22 2.92 .71 2235 24 2.93 .78 2665 26 2.94 .80 2655 29 2.96 .78 2900 33 2.98 .64 3200 38 2.98 .59 3500 42 3.02 .57 3950 46 3.02 .64 3950 50 3.03 .53 3250 54 3.02 .49 3050 58 3.05 .70 2800 62 3.02 .62 3200 66 3 05 .56 3750 70 3.03 .50 3100 7u 3.04 .58 3300 78 3.06 .57 3000 a2 3.07 .58 3500 86 3.07 .59 3250 90 3.12 .54 3100 94 3.15 .60 3550 104 - 3.12 .66 3100 See Graphs on Page 3 . .. . e v .ie. .. . c. a . c ue,..c.s ... .s..... vu e... .

                                                                ......c. ..... .eev.m. ca.... ecm . . c om . .uo, ...

.. ,, e es . eue,..en .... un re. .. .. . a ....e .6 co..... are, c.s . ne e.....e e .ere ... user..e.6 c .....ce,e. .. ....a


Report No. 17122-00. j Attachment-5.3.1  ; Page No. 5.3.1-4 j l I 1 I l

                                                                                            .I i


                                                                                            'i i



i I l l J 1 i l


1 1 l 1 j WYLE LASORATORIES .I - woni. n. s.c.ui, 1 I i

Raport No. 17122-00 Attachment 5.4.1 Page No. 5.4.1-1 ATTACHMENT 5.4.1 s w% - WYLE LABORATORIES Muntsvine ancihty

Report No.' 17122-00 v.s .M-;:-tc 09: ? ::Cri NHY "; ,, Attach 2nant 5. 4.1

  • Page No. 5.4.1-2.

I 77086

         ,                                                                 ACCELIRATD WATER ABSORPTION                                            ;
   ' h%


  • I
 ,                                                                 ELECTRICAL METHOD (EM-60) 90*C WATER - 600 VDC CONT.7.4UQUSLY APPLIID                                                           ;

SPECIM1'N - #12 AWG(7)T.C. , 30 MIL WALL CC-2250 TLAME RETARDA.T! EPR SIC .PF (%) IR (90 0C) TnIE 40 VPM 80 VPM 40 VPM 80 VPM MEGSa1000' i 1 DAY 2.33 2.33 0.59 0.38 7200 J

                                   -7 DAYS           2.'35              2.34            0.89           0.72'          9050 14 DAYS              2.34               2.34            0.61           0.60           8400 28 DAYS              2.36               2.36            0.68           0.63          10100                    ,;

2 MOS. 2.38 2.38 1.04 1.04 10100 i l 3 MQS. 2.41 2.40 1.25 1.26 11250 . 4 Mos. 2.42 2.42 1.51 -1.46 11350 5 MOS. * * * * * ' 6 Mos. 2.46 2.46 2.11 2.00 8225 THE ABOVE DATA.IS BASED ON THE AVERAGE OF 3 SPECIMENS.

                                    * - NO READINGS TAXEN.


0. E & C INC ,



unr . .'a'm No. Me s ua s sr 1an es; L" mi \ ANACONDA  ! 1 l Congnental Wire & Cable ' l DRN. 7".S. DATE P.o.nemises vem,Pennerheme traos 7tmsNas4 CKO.bst DATE 12W 77088 APP. S .DATE349/77 l

                                               ..        .       _ . . . .     ...,                                                              9
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                                                                       .               .                                                                                                                         't Raport No. 17122-00 Attachment 5.5.1                                                                                                                     (

Page No. 5.5.1-1

  • i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                .I 6



s P 4 1

                                                                          ' ATTACHMENT 5.5.1 7

f i 9 WYLE LASORATORIES Huntsville Facility

     . . . . . . . , .   -     . . _ .   , - - , , . . . . . . , _ _ ,       . . . , ,                  . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , ~ . . .     . . . , _ . . , . . , , . . . . , _ . _ , . _ . _

{ l l 1 II T. T

  • 11't BJhet2457 31TIB305 R l . T E 5. T L. A O . Clisson,Ihne. lj j

NO. 6 BSE1 1

      ]                                                                                                                                                          1
                                                         ?vst Procoeurgus ama asesytenes Ortneria 300 Tmat Eastrummut ebbia to united Nm and Osmotsmesters. Eas.

Speciftest. ion Es. 916 Date s , __ t - 4" M ' Customer: bblic Service of See Beasskirt, Buet to.: ._ Custoewr Orsar to.: 9763.006 ITT Ouest Rs.: C Isew, a # ~ D.P. Oede Na.: JJ 4 A <J A chs Ites No.: JP 9ttles W I h s w pr o v MWs Mark No.: 9metet byI T /7 A - 4. Characteristie. u ethod, Require m M aM rasip-ent Feference per AS'M 5-3 [w2 2 - d_ Cenduetsr __ ara Orains_ b # #' ' ~ > l Methot.4SN'!-3, !!-d tinsed. eeft r a>l l' II I 2 coneestrie T s Tr:sulat1on

                'hysical Preperties uetboa .4- M -52h. Para. T.8.3 1 Equipment Ref. Of.363 S>_ r4 Av /

tessile strength 1800 psi, ata. 20 N2 elongatten 1905,mia. Oven aging 168 hours i 1210t'. , 1 toutpment Iter. 02928 83$ ata. of usaged 44 [/

'                tensils atrength 60$ ata. et uneged                                             ,

91 #/s elongation Acrolerated Veter Absorption Electrical Method (96 40) Dielectrie Constant after 6.0

                                                                                                                                        .7 / /                    (

I 2h hours suax. Increase in capacitanee h.05, us. m JI ' 1 to ik days 2.08,ans. o J 5 #/ - - T to ik days 1.0,ama. e>F Mtability Facter after th days

                                                                                           .,                   33l3(e
                                                                              /          .

1- - g 2 _ 2 ,o t *1,g ,

                                                                                                                                                 ~-       g
                                                                                                     ;                s.

tty tenve***'.~

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    ! :. p s a ...p                                                                       " y           1,-ve l I!!.J e e P *
 !                                                                                                               I            ..      .

i ______________________-____11

1 1 Report No. 17122-00 3

           -Attachment 5.5.2-Page No. 5.5.2-1 1

I 1

                                        -i ATTACHMENT 5.5.2 1

l I l 1 l 1 i l I I 1 1 4 WYLE LABCNIATORIES Huntsyslie Facshty 1 l

Rsport No. 17122-00 ,' Attachment 5.5~.2, I' . . .2 - Decame:r 1984 Nt:A S 66 524, NEMA WC 7 ' Page 44 4.5.2 The capacity and power factor shall be and at 40 volts per mil after the tot specunen has '

        ' measured on suitable 60.heru equipment aAer the           . oeen immersed in water at 75'C
  • l*C for the test sample has been immersed in water at room specded time. The alternate to stability factor is
                                                                    ' the 14 day stability factor minus the I-day stability .

temperature for at least 24 hours. The measure-  ; ments shall be made at the rated voltage to ground factor. De dielectric constant (specific inductive capac-of the cable under test. d ity) of the insulation at 60 hertz sha!! be calculated f 0.8 ACCELERATED WATER as foGows: D ASSORPTION TESTS Dield constant = 13600 C Im d .j l 6.8.1 Test Sample .

                                                                       ,                                                                t The test sample shall be taken from the in-                                     .    .

C = Capacitance in microfarads of the 10-foot st4ated conductor prior to the application of any 1 (3.05-meter) section. covering. One test sample for each test shan D = Diameter over the insutstion. , 1 be taken for the first 5000 to 20000 feet (1524 d = Diameter under the insulation. to 6096 meters) of each cable construction and one additional sample for each additional 100000 8.7 THICKNESS OF TAPES feet (30 480 meters). The gross length of eah 8.7.1 Compound Filled Tape sample shall be 15 feet (4.57 meters). These tests shall not be made on cables which Compound-filled tape, when not bonded to the - have a nonconductive separator between the con

  • insulation, shall be removed from no less than 6 ductor and insulation. insulations less than 45 mils inches (152 mm) of the insulated conductor or (1,14 mm) thick, and insulations having a c'overing assembled core. The thickness of the tape shall l which cannot be removed without damage to the be determined by means of a dial miemmeter -

insulation. having a presser foot 0.25 inch (6.35 mm)20.01 inch in diameter and exerting a total force of' ' 3.0*0.1 ounces (8523 grams), the load being 8.8.2 Electrical Method (EM 40) s appEsd by mens of a weght. Fin ruedags shall A 15-foot (4.57-meter) test sp=wn== of the be taken at different poinu on the sample, and insulated conductor shall be taken after vul. the avwage of &me redings shall be taken as ennimion. Not enfier than 48 hours after the thickness of the tape. A vulcamzation, the spectmen shall be imunersed in water. 6.7.2 Metaills Shielding Tape or Steel Tape l The middle 10 feet (3.05 meters) of the test speci. Metallic shielding tape or steel tape shall be men shall be immersed ia tap water which is main. tained at 75'C = 1*C for a period of 14 days, removed from no last than 6 inches (152 nun) of keeping the 2H foot (0.76 meter) portion of each the insulated conductor or assembled core. The

                                                                        'hi""',  of the tape shah be measured by means         ,

end above water as leakage insulation. A tightly of a micrometer caliper having flat surfaces on j fitting cover shall be placed directly above the bodi the anvil and the end of spinc'*t and gradus- j water surface, with suitable watertight bushings tad to read directly at least to mil t, and ptWer- . for the ends of the specirnen. The water level shall ably to tenths of a mil. Five reutings shad be be kept constant. taken at different points on the sampit, and The capacitance ot' the insulation shau be deter-mined at an average stress of 80 volts per mil at a the average of these readings shau be taken as-1 the thickness of the tape. frequency of approximately 60 hern after 1,7 and 14 days' immersion. The power factor of the in-sulation at average stresses of 80 and 40 volts per sJ THICKNESS OF METALLIC SHEATHS mil shall be determined after 1 and 14 days' im- De sicknas of me Asath dan be daw-mersion. The increase in capacitance from 1 to 14 mined by manurements made wie a misranew I days and from 7 to 14 days shan be capressed as a caEpe having a rounded anvn. The manure- I meus dau be made direedy on two specussa of I percentage of the 1 and 7-day values, respectively. The power factor shall be expressed to the nearest the sheath removed froen the cable, one from l 0.1 p acent.' each and of the reellength. At least five separate Stability racroc. The stability factor is the differ- measurements. approximately equaDy spaced , l_ around the circumference, shah be made on l ence between the percentage power factor at 80 a Editorially remad. l 1 l

i Rspart No. 17122-00 Attachment 5.6.1 Page-No. 5.6.1-1 b


                                         - " ~ * " ' ~ ' ~ ' " ' * " " ' '   '-"-'~ ~'""* '   ~

Report No. 17122-00 Attachment 5.6.1 Page No. 5.6.1-2 Post Office Box 340 amme=y. New Jersey 07448 0O COMPANY OKONITE * ' **84 'c *'*: c"=~== SECTION II MOI N E" oJSISTANCE Long tem moisture stability,fs one of the essential factors in the selection of an insutstion for many appiteations. It is not unusual for a power cable to be required to operate in an environment alter-nately wet and dry. To detemine the long tarin water stability of a cable, a sample insulated with a thin wall dielectric is immersed in water at an elevated temperature to accelerate the deteriorating effects of moisture. Monitoring the electrical properties provides an indication of long term behavior. Based upon actual experience

                , with installed cables over many years insulations which have the caoability of withstanding total uter funersion at 90C should be capable of a life in excess of a generating statiort's designed life in an environment of 1005 hus'dity.

Figure I shows long tem 90C uter immersion on a 1/C #14 AWG Okoguard insulated cable, and Figure I-A shows comparable data on a 1/C #4/0 AWG Okoguard insulated power cable.


t . e o f



 - .. -          . .       . .. .. - ~ =                       _-            ,                         ...                          . . - . .                      . .                     .. ,

R port No. 17122 Attachment 5.6.2 Page No. 5.'6.2-1

  • t t

I t f I ATTACHMENT 5.6.2 .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                . i l

i i h f i e WYLE LABOftATORIES Muntswelle Facihty v ... .. . ., -, ., . . _ , . . . . _ . , . . _ . ,m.-..,... ..-..,..,...--,_.,.,.......,.m.... , - . . . . - . . . _ , . _ . . . - - . . .. , , , . . . . -. . .

Report No. 17122-00 l Attachmsnt 5.6.2 - Paga No. 5.6.2-2 l

                                                                                     .              l
                                                                                                -J TIGURE I                                                        '

I LONG TERM 900C WATER IMMERSION l Sample: 1/C #14 AWG solid, coated copper. 047" Okoguard Proceduret AEIC No. 6-75 Measurement at 90 C Measuring t j Time Stres s PF % SIC Pe riod V/ mil SIR (at-500 V de) 1 day 30 2.19 2.74 1,73o ) 80 2.24 2.74 ' 7 days 40 1.29 2.74 2.060 -; 80 1. 32 2.74 14 days 40 1.05 2.75 2.460 80 1.08 2.75 1 month 40 0.95 2.79 3.590 80 0.97 2.79

  • 2 months 40 0.91

2.84 4.280

                                                  -                                                l 80           0.94                     2.84 4 months         40           0.86                                                              l 2.89                   4.900 80           0.89'                    2.89 6 months         40           0.81                     2.92 6.000 80'          O.84,
                                    .                     2.92 9 months         40           0.80                     2. %                   5.980             l 80           0.82                    2.96                                      l 12 months         40           0.73                    2. 98                   6.410              !

80 0.75 2. 98  ! 14 months 40 .0.73 3.02 4.570 80 l 0.76 3.02 -l l i 1 e O

                               .      .            ,_ .        . . - . ...m       4 ..-.y

i Raport No. 17122-00 Attachment 6.1.1 Page No. 6.1.1-1 ' i s I t t t ATTACHMENT 6.1.1 s B 2 l i f l i i 9 e i WYLE LASORATr* RIES nuntsweie Fa uty

                                                                                                                              -i e

y_,,y ,y ,.y --a ,p t-?+r+e as-w g TPm 't W. P -"*M""TF'*7f? 7 'Nt"'T "'T-T'- ~" -^# ~

Report NG. 17122-00

                                                               ' Attachment 6.1.1                                                                               ,

Paga No. 6.1.1-2 l 7.0 Body of Calculation . 7.1 Calculation of Activation Energy The activation energy is detersined using the Art henius Equation as , shown below:- The normal form of tne Arrhenius equation is as follows: j Ln(X1 /2) = ( A/K)*C(1/T1 - 1/T2)3 idhere X1 = Serivce Time (Hours) l l X= 2 rest Time (Hours) T1= Service Temperature (*K) i T2= Test Temperature (*K) A= Activation Energy (eV)- , K= Boltzman's Constant = 8.617E-5,y/*g j I And- X<X2 1 4 l T1 > T2 Solving for *A* results in the following equation: A= CLn (X 1 /X 2 )*K]/[(1/Ti 1/T213 Substitute the following into the above equation. . X1 = 100,000 hours X2= 168 hours  ; T1 * (98'C+273)*K = 371 T2= (150*C+273)*K = 423*K A= 1.66 eV o l Mik L L2M %m 5- s%v M cr_i A__'_- G W -

z. La uhrin Hf shAu .eenoas, 1ses non I & \%l W "De$ as/gf X G S Gsc uo 24 arv er ones osecuso nata L Y of70 ce3 q,
  - , , .   , .--.*r              ---e   --                  .-,-,,-e         -.-3 r+%    .--    -y-,- - -        we. -       ,-,w.-.   ,    ,,.as,,      ,,N

_. . ._ -. ~_ _. , i Raport No. 17122-00 Attachment 6.1.2 Page No. 6.1.'2-1


l l l l l ATTACHMENT 6.1.2  ! i k


3 i i l I WYLE LABORATORIES Muntswdie racihty j i a

RIport No. 17122-00 Attachm2nt 6.1.2 > WYLE LABORATORIES * *


20 100 QUALIFIED LIFE = TOTAL % TIME = 100.00 % 7026629450.00 HOURS 802126.6 YCARS ENTER 1: MODIFY DATA 2: EXIT TO MENU 1

                                                                                             .             , . ~ . .

a e Report No. 17122-00 Attachment 6.2.1 1 Page No.-6.2.1-1; ATTACHMENT 6.2.1 4 1 0 4 6 k d e R 4 i 4 l t' i l i f i l 1 WYLE LABORATORIES Muntsvine Facihty ) 3

Report No. 17122-00 Attachment 6.2.1' Page No._6.2.1-2 _ 7.0 BODY OF CALCULATION 7.1 Calculation of Activation Energy e The activation ' nergy f s determined using the Arrhenius equation as shown below: The normal form of the}Arrhenius equation is as .follows: ' Ln(X1 /Xt )- = IA/Il-)*E(+6t+ ft/76}-(Ref--3. Section 4) -- I dere I Xi = Service Time (Hours) 1 X2 = Test Time (Neurs) Ti = Service Temperature (T) i

         . . - -- -- -               ~~         ' Io n I              - = i -= = ' " E i                                        - ' ' ' - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -

i A = Activation Energy (eV} K

                                                     = Soltanann's Constant = 8.617 x 10-5 ey/*g, And            X1 'is greater than X2 l

T1 'is less than T2 j Solving for *A* results in the following equation: - l A = [Ln(X 1 /X2 )N]/[II/T1 )-(1/T2I3 Substitute the following into the above equation:' X1 = 2 M Hours X2 = 360 Hours . 2 T1= 150*C + 2731*K = 423*K T2 =t (l80*C + 273D*K = 453*K > A_ ),a? e - l 4 a Ae+we EnMkkHo,,, fe. soo v Caomn D -- h e 6 @ g . I HP U/7/f& fin ish/as o M L. 9)2/U W ao no tut *** nov =< mm or, ause, 9/ sits" um W L W cu no esse -eA1- e7/ lf s' 4


Rsport No. 17122-00 i Attachment 6.2.2 1 Page No. 6.2.2-1 -

J l l I b ATTACHMENT 6.2.2 , i


1 4

                                                           'I h

a v t i 1 i


j 1 l 1

                                                           -l l

WYLE LABORATORIES Muntsv+he Facility

R2 port No. 17122-00 Attachment 6.2.2 ' Paga No. 6.2.2-2 i 1

                               . WYLE LADCRATORIES NUCLEAR ENGINEERING SERVI ' p.-

QUALIFIED LIFE O2/25/90 MATERIAL NAME: Okontte 113-03 TEST AGING TEMP (C): 0.w ACTIVATICN ENERGY: 1.07 TEST AGING TIME: 2e260 , TEMPERATURE _(c) TIME (%) i 20 100 QUALIFIED LIFE = FOTAL % TIME = 100.00 % 93082667.00' HOURS 10c25.8 NEARS 5 t' k a ENTER 1 MODIFY DATA 2 EXIT TO MENU 1 i P i l 4 I i l i 1

)                                                                                                                          ;

R2 port No. 17122-00 t

                                          -Attachment 6.3.1                                                                 '

Page No. 6.3.1-1 l s


ATTACHMENT 6.3.1 i . t 4 - i j' 6 , 4 4 ,t i i .< -j l - q i

                                                                                                                        - 1
J l

J 1 4 l 4 .; j 1 1


4 1-1

                                                                                                                        ..j i

WYLE LABORATOfuss sumsvine recine, I

  • i l
           , -     ,.          .     ,..        -              , , - _ .              . . ~ . . , , . . m .. . . . -

Report.No. 17122-00 Attachnent 6.5.1 Paga No. 6. 3.1- 2 ). 7.O GIA AM.n s.). AcW % Sow K ne ,

                              - 't l . m mesce.yess.. ...                                  -
                                                                                                   =... .. _...

4';!'Vaf'."a 3? rtK8 /", u 'tr+Pw.ra :r

  • v, -- t
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                                           *-.!      ; - 4 , t ;e .*? *4r 4;.r, *,;t g ia< ,* .,                s . - t r ...,:

t ,; f f *C sitiv W .+t . ..*; , ( RsFFR ENC 8 2 Sar,.need 4) . 3 h: t tiperst' m :r- t!=ndw.=e".e y i t'st -mr fr.earneio i

                                                                    *?    ft??
a. art ffwf !8a?"If4Fra n t:es re:y f atf",77fWi0 Cliw! tant:A ,1, Te ,'

4tt gt ?t c&rato tuan gp { tt :s trec '96= 72 MVtggrn: A n!.t't's ?4 'ur rangt<g gut,tten, AirtW(P tr2)eF2/ tI/?' .'!s'd; 5 088'77 TC TF.! ?%1ET4C M!! *ul 4 ROUT (3947!(th ,

                       '                                                                              ~

J?s 5MA @.E? TMarCW V AW 8 M '" ni lu w m paam a.pasucs-y, .. u T1: n7 F ) T2s w ut!ce: fut activattan acci is 1.a7am A7 ? ,, 1 3 P.4 5 : ki'tw L .  !:


I 1 i 4 S ^-lllL 2. h a &_ 41cus - Far Bru1wi - 2e r *

                                                                 --                  30D 'At I.,a.k.u ,.A                                     GId I        FK       //MAM 1 71                        M rs                                                    ano oerio., o3,n iag *see               ;

O Ar+- kMAr W 'Vr4 W W O W no & ev se om Q nus _ L W ono- oaa- ooy " (, d I

           ,.- w--  ,y                               - - , =     v
      - . .                                         -   - ~.
                                                                'i Rsport No.' 17122-00 Attachm2nt 6.3.2 Page No. 6.3.2-1                        ;

ATTACHMENT 6.3.2 1 ? t e L f P 1 l i i' i 1 i


4 0 I s- ' J i a WYL i LABORATORIES Muntsville Facility

                                                                .i l

e e e . , , - - , = - a

Rsport No. 17122-00' Attachm:nt 6.3.2 Pcg3 No. 6.3.2-2 WYLE LABORATORIES NUCLEAR EN'i!NEERING SERVICES QUALIFIED LIFE O2/25/90  : MATERIAL NAME: Brand Ren 113-06 TEST AGING TEMP (C): 90.00 ACTIVATION ENERGY: 1.07 TEST AGINf TIME: '17520 TEMPERATUFE tc) ' TIME (%) 20 100 QUALIFIED LIFE = ' TOTAu *; TIME = 100.00 % e2055111.00 HOURS 7083.9 YEARS



l 4 i Raport No. 17122-00 l Attachment 6.4.1 < Page No. 6.4.1-1  ;


u i i 1 1 1

                                            ' ATTACHMENT 6.4.1 I

O I 1


( V t 1 l l i l i i 1 i 1 1 J WYLE LABORATDftIES Muntsume Facihty I i i


m -cs-:3?c ;!: .t cn tm G: Report No. 17122-00 p,g  ! Attach:nant 6.4.1 Pago No. 6.4.1-2 Public Service Company of New Hampshire E.Q. Assessment Report-Seabrook Station E.Q. File No. 113-17-01 Impe11 Job No. 0570-032-1661  ! l NOTES l l

1. Anaconda has provided additional documentation, the Attachment to i Report F-C4969-1 (Reference 3) and Acton Test Report No. 16587-81N, } l Rev.1 (Reference 8), which justifies the initial temperature rise to 375'F within 15 seconds and covers the 340*F second plateau for i specific Seabrook requirement.
2. Anaconda has provided analysis (Reference 5) which extrapolates the post LotA test ofJ5 days at 214*F to 680 days at 71*C using the 10*C rule. However, as allowed by NUREG-0588, using Arrhenius methodology and the above test data, the cables will have a thennal l life of over 1 year at 71.5'c for an activation energy of 1.22. .

The activation energy of the EP insulation is determined from the Arrhenius Plot given in Reference 7 by using two point on the plot and the Arr$enius Equation: X1 /X2 . , A/K(1/T1 - 1/T2 ) Where Xj = Service Time (Hours) X2 = Test Time (Hours) l* A = Activation Energy (eV) . K = Boltmann's Constant = 8.617E-5 I < Ti = Service Temperature (*K) T2 = Test Temperature (*K) Therefore A= Activation Energy = 1.22 eV .

                                                                                                                      ,            l These control cables are nc. expected to develope a wire                                     I touperature greater than 71.S*C (Reference 4). Therefore, the 115                           j             <

days LOCA and post LOCA test descastrates that this equipeent is i  ! qualified for the required post accident operating time with a j  ! large margin.  !

3. An%onda has provided justification in Reference 5, point 5 for the l l Gifference in chemical spray pH between the Seabrook required and i '

the one used it the testing. Anaconda, in its justification, shows that the variation in flow rata of the spray and pH used in the  !' testing does not affect the cable qualification. In view of the , above we consider that the test pH of 9.5 is adequate to justify j qualification requirement for Seabrook.  ; t Rayision 1 5247m Page 10 of 13

I Rsport No.'17122-03 Attachment 6.4.2 Page.No. 6.4.2-1 i i i i t s ATTACHMENT 6.4.2 4 s i l

                                                                                       .I 1

l 1 l 1 i

                                                                                       'l i

j l 1 j l t l WYLE LA80RATORIES ,! HufttSvelle $4Cllity l l

R2 port No. 17122-00 Attachmant 6.4.2 Paga No. 6.4.2-2 WYLE LABORATORIEE NUCLEAR ENGINEERING SERVICES CUALIFIED LIFE O2/25/90 MATERIAL NAME: Anaconda 113-17 TEST AGING TEMP (C): o0.0v i ACTIVATION ENERGY: 1.22 TEST AGING TIME: *380 1 l TEMPERATURE (c) TIME (%) I 20 100 , DUALIFIED LIFE = 1 TOTAL % TIML'~ 100.00 % 4879373o.00 HOURS l 5568.9 YEARS 1


i j l ENTER 1: MODIFY DATA 2: EXIT TO MENU 1 i i l I i l 1 4 i I l i

                  ,                                              e           -

Rsport No. 17122-00 Attachment 6.5.1 i Page No. 6.5.1-1  ; b i t 9 { i 5 I ATTACHMENT 6.5.1  ; i 1 9 l l l I

                                                                                                                                             'l 1

l l 1 i l i i I i i

                                                                                                                                          '1 WYLE LAttNEATORIES wuntsvme Fwnty 1
e. . ~ .- ,,, . = , . - r-.. - . , - , ~ = ,,* , - - - -e... r , - - - . , v ,

1 Rsport No.-17122-00 Attachment 6.5.1 1 Pago No. 6.5.1-2

                                                                                  *                                 '              ~                     -

4.0 DI5'".'!570N '( entiftu'ed)

         *                                                                  -                                                                                          1
rganic materials listed in se:tien 2.0, reveals thermal ' -

activation energies as listed. below:

1) Ethylene prepylene - 1.70 eV, reference 'D'
2) Chlorinated polyethylene,1.74 eV, reference .
                                                                                                                                        'I' i
3) Glass / polyester *- 1.73 eV, referen:e 'H' .

l In consideration of the subject cable having a specified continuous duty rating (conductor temperature) of 90'C and , i utilizing the thermal aging data presented in Anaconda Report - No. 80282 (150*C/168 hours), the Arrhenius equation can be , employed tu postulate a qualified life for the cable as j follows: , ., c.! K2 * (K1 ) exp l -, i Where: 9 = 1.70 eV = Minimum activatten energy I = Bolt: man's Constant = orir'dx10-4 eV/'X C. 861% h - T) = 150'c = 423't 11 = Mte 9 T1 (Time in hours) = 168  ! l 72 = Martnum Continuous Duty Rating = 90*C = 353'K

                        -                           (41'C rise over Anticipated Service Temperature of 49'C)
                         .                                                          -                                                                                   i Kg = Qualified 1.ife                                     ,

g,,,n g. , 16!87-81 N - Rev. 1

      - ,3                                                                                                ,             .

g EP Wir W N.

                                         *EBTsus an==anatus.
                                                            ,.--.,m-            ,             - , , . .          ,-       --

v- ---

i R3 port No. 17122-00  :; Attachment 6.5.2 l Page_No. 6.5.2-1 -l


l 1 I ATTACHMENT 6.5.2 9 o h t i I l WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville FaClisty .

Rcport No. 17122-00 Attechm nt 6.5.2 Paga No. 6.5.2-2 l WYLE LABCRATORIE5  ; NUCLEAR ENGINEERING SERVICE 3 l QUALIFIED LIFE O2/25/90 l 1 MATERIAL NAME: Ana c:.nd a 113-18 TEST AGING TEMP (C): 90.00 l ACTIVATION ENERGY: 1.7 TEST AGING TIME: 4380 ! TEMFEAATURE (c) TIME ( Y. ) l 20 100 QUALIFIED LIFE = TOTAL % TIME = 100.00 % 1907475839.00 HOURS 217748.3 YEARS ENTER 1: MODIFY DATA 2: EXIT TO MENU 1 I


                                     .Rsport'No. 17122-00 Attachment 6.6.1 Page No. 6.6.1-1 i

i i i l 1 i ATTACHMENT 6.6.1  ;

                                                                                                                                         -1 i


                                          ' Huntsyslie Facahty
 , w . . . -   _   e    ,. , , . . -                     .2,,,-.,,r. ..w.. _. . - .. ,,   e .., .n- , y- . -   m.e.,        .,-, 4v.,
                         ",.p.cs.:ppe :r::                            :: ri            tw          Raport No. 17122-00                                                                                       c "w
                                                                                                                                                              "        ~_
                     - ,l1**                                                         Wa. -              Attachmant 6.6.1
+. t Paga No. 6.6.1-2 . . - . - . .. ,

7.- i [eal ' 6L COWM.7t o d... .

                                                                                               '&LA UL.A.Tl aA                                       CF    AG.11xAsteal. Carn.Gy..                                             .
  • l TWI 6CTfVeff0N ? HRCY dfLI. II S(TCRuf4
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Raport No. 17122-00 Attachment 6.6.2 Page No. 6.6.2-1 b l ATTACHMENT 6.6,2 l i e i l l WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville Facihty j i

                                                                                                                      ~l l

I 1

  + ' '       ~- -      -   a . , , , - , , . .._ . . ,. , _ _ , _ ,           ,     , ,      _    _ _ _ __   _



i Raport No.- 17122-00 Attachment 6.7.1 Page No. 6.7.1-1 r i a t ATTACHMENT 6.7.1 i t I WYLE LA300tATORIES Huntsvalig Facihty

                       , , , _ . . , . . , _ _ , . . - , - ~ ~ - . - - - - < - . - - - - - - >

Report No. 17122-00l  ! Attachment 6.7.1 i Page No. 6.7.1-2



  • TOTAL %. TIME = 100.00 % .36198815.00 HOURS 4132.2 YEARS 4



[ I i

                                                                                                                                                                                              ~d I

i I

                . __ ,        .     . _ _ . . . . . _ . , ,                _ . _ _ . - - . , ,               . . , _ - . _ . _ -         . _   . _ . , ._ ..~            ,    _. . , _ . ,

Rsport No.'17122-00' Attachm2nt.7.1.1 Page No. 7 .1 ~.1- 1 i ATTACHMENT 7.1.1 i I r 1 4 P

                                                                                                                                                                     .i I

8 l I








WYLE LASONATORIES MuntsveHe ?acchty E i

   -. . . - , - - . .         .,.. . . .         - -           , . . . . . -    . . . , . , . _ ~ . . . . , .      . . , , , . . . . . . . - . . - . , . - , , .

Raport No. 17122-00 Attachmnnt 7.1.1 Paga No. 7.1.1-2 gap" T

                                                              // T - o I- o /

1226~. ~I j l 1 ANALYSIS FOR SUBMERGENCE QUALIFICATION OF OKONITE POWER CABLE The cables under evaluation for submergence qualification have been supplied by the Okonite Company in accordance with the UE&C Specification No. 9763.006-ll3-03 for the Seabrook Station. Based on the available qualification test documentation supplied by the Okonite Company (Okonite

Test Report #PSCNH 0978-1, Rev. 2,12/20/82), an analysis is performed to qualify these cables under submergence conditions which is discussed celow:

These cables will be subjected to submergence in only two areas of the plant: Containment Building and Main Steam Feedwater Pipe Chases (Reference 3). During qualification testing (Reference 4), similar cable specimens (aged and unaged samples) were sutjected to pressurized steam, chemical / water spray during LOCA and post-LOCA testing. Prior to LOCA and post-LOCA testing, the aged specimens were thermsily aged and irradiated equivalent to the end-of-life conditions at the plant. In the LOCA test chamber, the cable specimens were installed on a mandrel and saturated steam injected into the chamber which developed an internal temperature of up to 345'F and peak pressure of 112 psig. A colution of boric acid sprayed over the mandrel continuously. The concentration of the chemical solution was more severe than the solution specified for the Seabrook Plan (Reference 7, QEWS). The cables were energized with their rated voltage and current. The insulation resistance of Oc cables measured time to time during the test. The LOCA tes. contir,ued for 30 1 days. The perfomance of the specimens was satisfacto'y throughout the LOCA l test and the lowest insulation resistances recorded during the peak I chamber temperature conditions were 1.7 Meg Ohms-1000 f t. f or the aged l sample and 1.3 Meg Ohms-1000 ft for the unaged samples (Reference 5). Both the samples maintained electrical load tr.roughout the LOCA testing. At the concit, ion of the 30-day LOCA test, the cable samples were subjected to 40X00 bend and 80V/ mil AC, 5 minutes insnersed in water withstand test and passed. , Reference 4. Appendix 4. demonstrates that the actual test temperature profile is much more severe than the postulated Seabrook accident profile for 1 year if the time to equivalent damage approach is considered, l 4943m Page 1 of 3

Report No. 17122-00  ! Attachment 7.1.1 Paga No. 7.1.1-3 1 L ANALYSIS 70R SUBMERGENCE QUALIFICATION OF OKONITE POWER CABL T (continued)


Athough the cable specimens were not submerged during the testing, tne specimens were sprayed continuously with chemical spray solution under high temperature and pressure rising up to 112 psig as against Seabrook peak pressure of 60 psig. For the entire 30-day duration, the test pressure profile was also much more severe than the plant pressure profile (References 2 and 4, App. 5). The test chamber maintained a 100% relative humidity condition throughout the test due to the presence of ' saturated steam and chemical spray. At the conclusion of the LOCA testing, the specinens were further tested in a steam chamber with water spraying continuously (Reference 4). The temperature of the test chamber was maintained at 212*F and pressure varied from 0-2 psig (Refer 2nce 4, App. 5). The specimens were also energized with their rated voltage and current and IR measured. Both samples maintained electrical loading throughout the testing and the IR recorded on the 129th day of the test at 212*F was 270 Meg Ohms-1000 ft. for unaged cabic and 100 Meg Ohms-1000 ft, for aged cable. The total duration of this post-LOCA test was 100 days. At the conclusion of the test, the specimens were also subjected to 40XOD Bend and 80 V/ mil AC, 5 l minutes immersed in wate" withstand test and passed. J l In addition, unaged cable specimens (similar to Seabrook supplied cable)  ! were subjected to Long Term 90*C Water Immersion Accelerated Test I (Reference 4, App. 8). Results of which demonstrates no malfunction up to 36 months. 1 Plant cables (P.O.113-03) will be sabmerged to a maximum depth of 3' l under water (chemical solution in the case of the containment cable) in ' only two areas of the plant: Containment Building and Main Steam Feedwater Pipe Chase area (Reference 3 and 6). The containment zone is the worst postulated environment area for temperature, pressure, humidity, radiation, a:; well as submergence which contains a chemical solution. While submeged under water with a 3' water head, the plant cables will be subjected to a static pressure of only 1.3 psig (assuming sp. gravity of water only). This additional pressure due to submergence is l considered negligible to cause d radation compared to the test pressure applied to the cable during the L A te:t. Other than the postulated peak temperature condition during design oasis events, the cable temperature can be assumed as a maxima design temperature of 90*C (194*F). As discussed above, the LOCA exposure with high temperature, pressure,1005 relative humidity due to saturated steam and continuous , spray of chemical solution is adequate to account for the submerged 1 condition of the cable for the entire 30-day duration. In addition, the i 100-day post-LOCA test can also be considered equivalent to support submerged condition as the steam temperature was above 90*C and water sprayed continuously. The accelerated water imersion test also assures  ! moisture resistance of the insulation of the cable. 1 I 4943m Page 2 of 3 { I I

Report No. 17122-00 Attachmont 7.1.1 Paga No. 7.1.1-4 ANALYSISTOR SUBERGENCE QUALIFICATION OF OKONITE POWER CABLE (continued) Therefore, the 100-day post-LOCA test is added to the margin of assurance. , In tiew of the above discu3sion, it can be concluded Jhat the Okonite cables supplied to Saabrook can withstand the submerged conditions identified in Reference 3 due to postulated design basis events for 30 day s. . Mw Prepared by: A. K. Biswas Impe11 Corporation l Reviewed by: N. Woodward Impe11 Corporation i References 1 UE&C Specification No. 9763.006-113-1, Rev. 2,11/30/82.

2. UE&C Drawing No. 9763-F-300219, Rev.17, Service Environment Chart. .
3. Impe11 Letter No. 0570-032-NY-156, 2/2/86; Summary of Class 1E Equipment Submerged as a Result of Design Basis Events.

4 The Okonite Company Test Report #PSCNH 0278-1, Rev. 2 Nuclear Qualification Document for Okonite Insulated Cables, 12/20/82.

5. Record of Cor.versation between John Canceloci (Okonite) and Asok Biswas (Impe11), dated 2/21/05.

i . 6. Memorandum from G. Moore (Impe11) to A. Biswas (Impe11), dated j 2/22/86. l

7. Seabrook EQ File No. 113-03-01. l 4943m Page 3 of 3

l. Raport No. 17122-00 Attachment 7.1.2  ; Page No. 7.1.2-1 l l 1. 1 l l l ' 1 ATTACHMENT 7.1.2 1 1 1 ( -{ 1 1 l ( l l i i i


l WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsume Facsisty i l i

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Report No. 17122-00 Atcachment 7.1.2 g , g, y ' Paga No. 7.1.2-2 C g REF 11 ' j),y o :

  • i ANALYSIS FOR SUBMERGENCE QUALIFICATION OF ANACONDA CONTROL CABLE The cables under evaluation are 600V Control' Cable supplied by Ar.aconda Erricsson. Inc. in accordance with UE&C Specification No. 9763.006-113-17 ft
  • the Sucrook Station. Based on the available hualification test -
                                                                                                 - 4' documentation supplied by Anaconda (References 4, 5 and 6), an analysis has bun perfomed to qualify these cables under submergence condition
   }"     which is discussed below:

k t These cables will be subjected to submergence in the Equipment Yaults, Containment Building, Mechanical Penetration Area and Main Steam Feed , Water Pipe Chase areas of the plant (Reference 3). During SLB/LOCA qualification testing (Reference 4) cable specimens (similar to 5eabrook) were subjected to pressurized steam, temperature rising up to and chemical spray. Prior to this testing the cable specimens were themally aged and irradiated equivalent to the end of If fe conditions of the plant. 1 A

p. temperature 3-10 / pressure profile of the test is shown in Reference 4, l

shown in attached Figure 1. Comparison between the test and postulated Se In the steam exposure test chamber the cable specimens were installed on a mandrel and saturated steam was injected into the chamber, which developed an internal temperature of 385 F and pressure of 66 psig (Reference 4). the mandrel continuously for 30 days after 12 minutes into The the test.A r.

    ,  concentration solution specifiedoffortheSeabrook boric acid    solution was more severe than the Plant.

The cable specimens were energized with their rated voltage and current.  ! The performance of the specimens were satisfactory throughout the 1 SLB/LOCA test and the minimum Insulation Resistance recorded during the testing were satisfactory except one specimen (37.1 E) which failed during the test due to set up problem. maintained throughout the test except the specimen 37.1E which wasElecl  ; maintain its potential. removed from the test when the charging current exceej i At the conclusions of the SLB/LOCA testing the cables were removed from  ! the mandrel, straightened and again coiled around a mandrel which had a I diameter approximately 40 times of the cable diameter. The mandrel was immersed in tap water at room temperature for 1 hour and then subjected _! 4 to a 5 minutes high potential test based on 80V/sti of insulation  ! thicknes s. ' The results of this test was found satisfactory. i i l l \ 1 i Page 1 of 4 l l'


l .

Raport No. 17122-00 Attachmont 7.1.2  ! Pcga No. 7.1.2-3 , j ANALYSIS FOR SUBMERGENCE QUALIFICATION OF ANACONDA CONTROL CABLE  !

                                    -conti nue d-1 I

Although ths : Wee specimens were not submerged during the steam / chemical I spray testing, the specimens were sprayed continuously with chemical j solution under high temperature and pressure rising up to 66 psig. In  ! general, the test temperature / pressure profile was more severe that the i specified Seabrook postulated profiles. The test chamber maintained 100% relative humidity condition throughout the test due to saturated steam condition and chemical spray, t 1 The above cable specimens were further exposed to a 85 day Post LOCA testing in a steam environment with chemical spray similar to the  ! original LOCA testing (Reference 5). The temperature and pressure during ' this test was 212*F and 0-3 psig respectively. Chemical solution was sprayed continuously over the cable specimens during the test while the speciment were electrically energized witn rated voltage and current. All specimens except Specimen #37.1 E maintained their electrical loading { throughout the test. The Specimen 37.1 E failed during the test due to some test set up which do not affect the qualification of the cables. Insulation Resistance measured during the test were satisfactory. At the cor:lusion of thi: 85 day additional post LOCA testing, the specimens were subjected to 40X00 bend, 5 minutes immersed in water withstand test and passed. 4 Test results of the Accelerated Water Absorptior Test performed in accordance with the ICEA PUB No. 5-68-516 on unaged cable samples have been reviewed and also found satisfactory (Reference 6). It may be noted that even at 90*C water temperature the cable perfornance was found satisfactory for up to 6 months without any noticable malfunction. Reference 3 identifies that the subject 600V Ar.aconda Control cables will be submerged subsequent to design basis event in various areas of the plant. The worst environmental area is the containment building, where the cables will be subject to high temperature, humidity, pressure, radiation, chemical spray as well as submergence. The raximum depth of submergence is 3' (Reference 7). Therefore the cables will be subject to a static pressure of 1.3 psig (assuming sp. gravity of water). This pressure is considered negligible with comparison to the cable specimens tested during the LOCA test as discussed above. 4 Page 2 of 4

      = - .                                       -        _ y. m  ,,

i Raport No. 17122-00  ; Attachannt 7.1.2 [ f Paga No. 7.1.2-4 ' q l ANALYSIS FOR SUBMERGENCE QUALIFICATION OF. ANACONDA CONTROL CABLE ,

                                              -continue d-i As discussed above the 30 day LOCA test exposure with high temperature,                                    .

pressure,100% relative humidity due to' saturated steam and continuously i spray of cheinical solution is considered adequate to account for the . submerged condition of the cable- for the entire 30 days duration. It has been verified by using Arrhenius methodology that the LOCA test i e temperature condition envelope the required Seaorook postulated conditions with margin (Reference 8 EQ Assessment Report Note 2). In actual plant installation the cables will not be degraded to. that axtent as it was during the testing. In addition the cables were further exposed to 85 day post LOCA testing in steam and chemical spray - environment, which is also considered equivalent to support the submerged condition 'of the cable.

  • In view of the above discussions, it can be concluded that the subject Anaconda Control cables supplit.d to Seabrook can withstand sabnerged conditions identified in Reference 3 due to postulated design basis events for 30 days. ,

4- , 2 Prepared By: A. Biswas  ; Impell Co m. -

  • Reviewed By:

Nbb./ Y - N.K. Woodward

                                                                          - Impell          Co n.          - - $' h" i
                                                                             .* ge 3 of 4 w--            +                              ,-~,me           ..-, .  ,    ,,,w,,r.               - ,re,

Report Nc. 17122-00 , , Attachmant 7.1.2 4

                                                                                / -:*     -   '


                                    -continue d-4


1. UE&C Specification No. 9763.006-113-17, Rev.
2. UE&C Drawing No. 9763-F-300219, Rev.17, Service Environment Chart.
3. Impell Letter No. 0570-032-NY-146, 2/2/86; Sunnary of Class lE Equipment Submerged as a Resuet of Design Basis Events.

4 FP-32538-02; The Anaconda Test Report No. F-C4969-1, 7/79 Qualification Tests of Class 1E Electric a. Simulated Stean-Line-Break and Loss-of-Coolant Accident Environment. 1 s

5. FP-32540-02; Anaconda Test' P.eport No. 80282, 7/80 Attachment AT-2 to FIRL Technical Report No. F-C4836-2 and F-C4969-1. i
6. FP-32544-01;. Anaconda Accelerated Water Absorption Test No. 77088, '

dated 1/29/81.

7. Memorandum from Greg Moore (Impe11) to Asok Biswas _ (Impell), 2/22/86.
8. Seabrook EQ File No. 113-17-01.



i . Page 4 of 4

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Raport No. 17122-00

                                -Attachmant 7.1.3 Page No. 7.1.3-1 ATTACHMENT 7.1.0 s


                                   ' HuntSville FSCmly
                                                  -Raport No. 17122                      ,                 ;

Attachment 7.1.3 4 Paga No. 7.1.3-2 jgggj cew. I+


ANALYSIS FOR SUBMERGENCE QUALIFICATION OF ANACONDA INSTRUMENT CABLE The cables under evaluation are 300V Inst.rumentation Cable supplied by I Anaconda Ericsson, In:. in accordance with.UEAC Specification No.- " 9763.006-113-18

  • for Seabrook Station. Based on the available
  • qualification test documentatiorfsupplied by Anaconda (References 4, 5 .

and 6), an analysis has been perfomed to qualify these cables under submergence condition which is discussed below: 0 These cables will be subjected to submergence in the Containment Building 1 and Main Steam Faed Water Pipe Chase areas of the plant (Reference 3) i subsequent to Design Basis. Events. During SLB/LOCA qualification testing (Reference 4) cable specimens (similar to Seabrook) were subjected to pressurized steam, temperatures up to 385'F and chemical spray. Prior to this testing, the cable . specimens were thermally aged and irradiated equivalent to the end of

     ~                                                                                                         '

life conditions of the plant. ' A temperature / pressure profile of the test is shown !'i Peference 4,

p. 3-10. I Comparison shown in attached between Figure 1. In the test and postulated Seabrook profile is the LOCA test chamber, *.he cable i

speciutens were installed on a mandrel and saturated steau wa peak pressure of 66 psig (Reference 4). over test. the mandrel continucusly for 30 dejs starting 12 e inutes into theA solution The concentration of the boric acid solution was more severe than the solution specified for the Seabrook Plant (Reference 8). During this i 4 testing, the cable specimens were energised with their rated voltage and current, and insulation resistance was measured at various intervals. ' The performance of the specimens was satisfactory throughout_the SLB/LOCA

  • test and the minimum insulation resistance recorded was satisfactory except for one specimen (37.1 E) which failed during the test due to test
          ?quipment set-up problems. Electrical loadings were also maintained throught.ut the test except for specimen 37.lE, which was removed from the test when the charging current exceeded 1 Amp to maintain its potential.

At the conclusion of the SLB/LOCA testing, the cables were removed from  ! the mandrel, straightened and again coiled around a mandrel which had a diameter approximately 40 times of the cable diameter. ' The mandrel was icmiersed in tap water at room temperature for 1 hour and then subjected to thickness.a 5 minute high potential test based on 80V/mi) of insulation The results of this test were satisfactory. , l l o i

nu ot \

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7, Raport No. 17122-00 g Attachment 7.1.3 Paga No. 7.1.3-3 i 1 1

                                                                -c03tinue d-Although the cable specimens were not submerged du'ring the steam / chemical spray testing, the sperimens were sprayed continuously with chemical                             '

solution under high temperature,and pressure rising up to 66 psig. In general, the test temperature / pressure profile was more severe that the specified Seabrook postulated profiles. The test chamber maintained 1005 relative humidity conditions throughout the test due to saturated steam condition and chemical spray. The above cable specimens were further exposed to a 85 day Post LOCA test ' with a steam environraent and chemical spray similar to the original LOCA - testing (Reference 5). The temperature and pressure during this test was 212'F and 0-3 psig respectively. Chemical solution was sprayed continuously over the cable specimens during the test while the specimens were electrically energized with rated voltage and current. All specimens except Specimen #37.1 E maintained their electrical loading i throughout the test.' That Specimen 37.1 E failed during the test due to ti.e test set-up does not affect the qualification of the cables, j Insulation Resistance measured during the test were satisfactory. At the conclusion of this 85 day additional post LOCA testing, the specimens were subjected to 40X00 bend, 5 minutes imersed in water withstand test and passed. i Test results of the Accelerated Water Absorption Test performed in ) accordance with the ICEA PUB No. S 68-516 on unaged cable samples have  !' been reviewed and also found satisfacton (Reference 6).It may be noted that even at a 90*C water temperature, the cable performance was found satisfactory for up to 6 months without any noticable malfunction. Reference 3 identifies that the subject 300V Anaconda Instrument Cables will the be submerged subsequent to design basis events in.Various areas of plant. where the cables will be subjected to high temperature, humidity,T pressure, radiation depth of submergence, chemical spray, as well as submergence. The maximum , is 2'0" (Reference 7). Therefore the cables will be subjected to only a static pressure of 0.87 psi (assuming sp. gravity of water) . This pressure is considered negligible in comparison to the 66 psig pressure the specimens were exposed to during the LOCA. test


discussed above. k i ) 03181


                                         -continue d-As shown above, t.he 30 day L'CA test exposure with high temperatures and pressures.1005 relative humidity due to saturatcc steam and cor.tinuous spray of chemical solution is considered adequate to account for the submerged condition of the cable for the entire 30 days duration. It has been verified by using Arrhenfurfmethodology that the LOCA test              ,

temperature condition envelopes the required Seabrook postulated -


conditions with margin-(Reference 8. EQ Assessment Report Note 3). In actual plant installation, the cable, will not be degraded to the extent they were during the testing. In addition, the cables we e further exposed to an 85 day post LOCA teri in a steam and chemical spray environment, which is also considered equivalent to support the submerged condition of the cable. In view of the above discussions, it can be concluded that the subject Anaconda Control cables supplied to Seabrook can withstand the submerged conditions identified in Reference 3 due to postulated design basis events for 30 days. r 03181 Page 3 of 5


                                      -continue d.


1. UE&C Specification No. 9763.006-113-18, Rev. I
2. UE&C Drawing No. 9763-F-300219, Rev.17, Service Environment Chart.

3.- Impe11 Letter No. 0570-032-NY-146, 2/2/86; Summary of Class 1E - Equipment Submerged as a Result of Design Basis Events. 4  ! FP-32652-02; The Anaconda Test Report No. F-C4969-1, 7/79 Qualifir.ation Tests of Class 1E Electric Cables in a Simulated Steam-Line-Break and Loss-of-Coolant Accident Envi anment.

5.  !

FP-32654-02; Anaconda Test Report No. 80282,.7/80 Attachment AT-2 to FIRL Technical Report No. F-C4836-2 and F-C4969-1.

6.  :

FP-32544-01; Anaconda Accelerated Water Absorption Test No. 77D88, dated 1/29/81. I

7.  !

Memorandum from Greg Moore (Impe11) to Asok Biswas (Impell), 2/22/86. 8. Seabrook EQ File No. 113-18-01. I i l i l 03' ' t Page 4 of 5

f . Report No. 17122-00  ; Attachment 7.1.3 1 Page No. 7.1.3-6

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i 1 R3 port No.l17122 Attachment- '{ i Page No. 8.'1.1.1-1 I I l 1 i 1 l ATTACHMENT' I w e i i 4 f i i l l i


WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsville Facsiety I i 1

   - _     _  _                        --, _ .~. _. _ 1

( Anaconda (EPR) Cable LOCA Tested in F-C4350-2 (Sample 20.16) 400

'                                                                                                                                                  = 1.000E+ 10 E                                             '


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                                                                                                 .lR vs. Time -

_. _ . _ _ _ . . _. _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ ._ _ _ _ - _ _ ~ _

Anaconda (EPR) Cable LOCA Tested in F-C4350-2 (Sample 20.16) 1.000E+10 R 1.000E+09 = V -

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Rsport No. 17122-00 ' Attachment i Page No. ' 4 i t

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h 5 4 I i. 5 I wvLs uunomaronses  ; Huntsystle Facility j l .

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                                                                     .i R3 port No. 17122-00.-                            l
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Page No.  ! i 1 1




i j l


l WYLE LABORATORIES mom..m. F.cini, i 1 I

                                                   . . . - ,   , .._ .I

Results from ICEA (Submergence) Tests on Waterford 3 Cables (132 days) . I R 100000 3

                                                                =                                                                 '

_  : j M 10000: s ~.c  ! e 5 i  : lh -^%



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8. M oore (FREP) -+- Okonite (EPR)
                                                            + Okonite (Tefzel) ~ Rockbestos (Irrad.)

. IR vs. Time


            ..i Rsport No. 171f2-00 Attachmont Page-No.                                                                                 1 a

i j i ATTACHMENT l l i 1 l 1

                                                                                                                                 '1 I

i j i 1 I i l I i WYLE LABORATORIES Huntsvitie Facshty

b Okonite (EPR) Cable LOCA Tested fn NQRN-1A Rev. 5 (Aged Group A) L < 400 . l

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                                                               ---- Chem. Spray Ended s

Chemical spray from t=0 to t=20 days

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                                                                                        ' {,.                                    yr* g O

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R9 port No.-17122-00 - Attachment No. .!

                                                                                                       'h THIS PAGE.INTENTIONALLI LEFT BLANK k


                                                                                                         'j u

i i l WYLE LAB 3RATORIES Muntsysile Facihty

Raport No. 17122-00 Attachment ) Paga No. B.2.1.1-2 I l LOUISIANA P O W E R & LIG H T/ INTER-OFFICE CC A AESPONDENCE wuI?im i January 21, 1985 V3F84-3185 A4.07 3-A104 j Tot N.S. Cams s FROM: R.F. Burskt




Ebasco memorandum ES-10331-84 dated October 26, 1984 We have reviewed the questions raised by NUS relative to concern #19. This involved damage to cables immersed in water. In the 40 plus years of experience of the electrical engineers in our group, along with consultation from other company L gineers, none have sean any damage to cable caused by'staply being immersed in vacer. This expertence is obtained from all types of expc.iure ranging from power plants to substations, and involves cables that may have been immersed in water for an excess of 20 years. This er?artence is backed up by the referenced memorandum. We do not feel.that it is necessary to even perform a cost benefit analysis, let alone a qualification program, or to reroute cable. If you have any questions, please let us know.

04.  %-

R.F. Burskt RTB/PAJ/cz .


cc: D.E. Dobson, R.F. Burskt. M.I. Meyert M.3migged. Sue Thomas.  ! Project Files, Administrative Support (1) l ms

                                                                                      -_m __ _
 -Report No. 17122-00             i Attechmsnt Page No.~'              !

1 ATTACHMENT. 'I t i i i i

l t

i i i I i 1

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k F l t i 1-i WYLE LABORATORIES i ' Huntavl46e Facility 4 1 r


Report No. 17122-00 Attach:nent Paga No. 00T2Sj984 MEMORANDUM ES-10331-84 ' October 26, 2.984 b O To: D. Dobson gb  ; From: M. K. Yates . Subj ect: LOUISIANA FWER & LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD SES UNIT NO. 3 VATER SEEPACE FROM CONDUITS AT ELEVATION -35 rr In respone to questions raised by NUS relative to concern no.19 Electrical Engineering has reviewed the available information on the water seepage problem affecting conduits and low-voltage cables at the Waterford Planc.and offer the following cessnents: 1.. Water ingress into the conduits is most probably taking place at conduit joints. Because there may not be a tight bond between the conduit surfaces and the concrete surrounding it,' underground water which filtered into the basemat through the hairline cracks, has a natural path along the external surface of the conduits. . -

       .        2.      Due to water ingress, the cables in these conduits will be immersed in water.          The insulation of the cables involved has been qualified by extensive type testing under. vater immersion for up to 2 years, with water at 90 degree C and 600 Y applied potential. These tests have shown the excellent water stability of these insulations (with no failures occurring during the up to two-year testing). It is to be noted that the'affected' cacies viIl be exposed to substantially less severe conditiens than those of these tests,              i,.e., water temperatures well below 90 degree C and operating voltages of 480'Y or less.
3. Because of the excellent results of the water isusersion tests, it is  :

conservatively estimated that the service life of these cables under the. installed conditions will exceed 10 years as comptred with their 40 year service life espectancy under normal installed conditions.  ;

4. It should be noted that no qualificatica program presently exists in the industry to predict incipient cable failure of the remaining life of cables installed under water. However it should be pointed out that cables of' similar construction and materials have been installed immersed in water in the Gulf area for more than 15 years without s' failure.
      .,                              'Raport No. 17122-00                                                        l Attachment                                                         !

Paga No. B.2.1.1-4 l I er 2 J Based on the above, it ~is recommended that a cost benefit analysis be perfor=ed to establish program. the merits of a qualification program versus a cable rerouting  ! JTC/ds cc: K. Hancock , J. Montalbaco M.W. Migliaro P.A. Nobile , A. Carolmagno C. Ruis A. Schildkraut R. Esnes J. Houghtaling J R. Burski (LP&L) , J. Crillo

                             .                                                                                   6 f


                                                                    .                                             I l

i o l I i I

Report No. 17122-00 - Attachment Page No. 4

0. UNDEACROUND caste QUALI?! CATION 901 SERV!CE IN POTINTIALI,Y-gBMERCED DWIt010GNT I All plant cables, including those for Class IE service, are sditable for service in wet er dry locations and are tested in accordance with Insulated Fewer Cable Engineers Association (IPCEA), National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NIMA), Association of Edison Iluminating Companies (AEIC) Standards, and purchase order specifications (as appli-cable) to insure their suitability for normal, (dry, alternately vet and ,

dry, and subserged) conditions of service in tray, conduit and underground installations. Class IE cabiss are not directly buried or installed for submarine service. These cables are installed indoors in cable tray or conduit and outdoors in underground duct banks, The underground duct banks are installed above the normal water table. Concern has been expressed by the Regulatory Staff as to the compatability of St. Lucie underground cable with the service environewat, i.e., have the cables been adequately qualified for the conditions they might experience during their service life. The propriety of utilising the cables for this service has been reevaluated and the suitability for the service er.vironment reaffirmed. Basically, the environmental qualification study consisted of , three parts, namely. I

1. Insitu Cable Emperience . I The underground cable system of Miami Beach closely duplicates the St. Lucie service environment. The performance of cable un this I systars was reviewed to determine whether or not the dry alternately wet and dry, and flooded conditions experienced by the Miami Beach  !

cable results in cable failure due to deterioration. This review, which included all failure data since 1945, indicates that there has "never been an electrical deterioration failure of any kind in the Miami' Basch systes. l

2. trperimental confirmation 1

Four cable manufacturers have performed independent tests to demon-strate that the modern insulations utilised for St. Lucie cable have superior resistance to electrical datarieration than the insu-lations that have performed so well at Miami Beach. Each echte asaufacturer has independently demonstrated that the modern insula-tions are superior. Thse, the St. Incia cable life will undoubtedly exceed that of the Mird hach caMe.

3. Expert Opinion Two nattena11y recognised cable esperts have reviewed the cable for the intended service environment. Both conclude that it is adequately qualified for the servica environment.


  --          ~
                  " o--               o  "'

Report No.- 17122-00 - Attachment Pago No. The qualifications ut the cable experts are provided as Tables 3A 01 and 1A-o.'. - Details ' int the Miami Beach' service superience and the resting conducted by the cable r.snuf acturers is provided infra. The conclusion reached is that the cables have been adequately qualified for the service environment'. In this regard it is noteworthy that the new ir.sulations exhibit stable electrical properties (power f actor), i.e., test data indicate that the propensity of the modern cable is to stabilized electrical properties. Because of this,electri-cal etshility tests in 90*C water were terminated af ter 36 months. Insitu cable Empertenea Confidence in the stility of the underground cables at Sc. Lucia to operate satisfactorily in a potentially subearsed or alternately wet and dry environ-

          ,        ment can be demonstrated by extensive Florida power and Light experience with                                                    '

underground duct and manhole installations in which cables have actually been ' subjected to environmental conditions similar to or more severe than those that can be expected at st. Lucio. The liiant Beach unearground electri-cal distribution system installation provides an excellent experience base to establish a confidence level for the Ste Lucie installation. The bases being that the Miami Beach system provideas a) An extensive and long established underground distribution system with a systemised recorded failure data base for the last thirty f b) A nacural environment which includes high temperatures. decaying

            \                      vegetation, turrential raine, and hurricanes.                                                              ,

c) An underground distribution sysses that sees the potential wet and dry conditions, or combination thereof, that are character-


1stic of the St. Lucie installation. Part of the system is con-tinually submergedt part is installed near :na normal tide line j and hence, is wet twice a days and the remainder is installed above the normal high tide line and hones is subjected to occassion- , al submergence from rain or hurricane driven sea water.

                         .                                                                                                                          i It is noteworthy that in the Miami Beach system ne attempt has ever been made to control the water level in any underground installation except as required to facilitate personnel access into the underground systes and manholes.

In addition one of the esble experts, Mr. W. A. Thua has been personally involved , in the !!!ami Beach system. Being directly involved in systes development and normal occurrence evaluation for 25 years. Table 3A-04 provides a shronology of 600 voic cable installation on Miami Beach by type since 1957. Table 1A-D3 providse the cable feet - years asperience record for this cable since 1957. Data on cable feet prior to 1957 is not readily available. However, cable f ailure records air.ce 1945 are available. thus any correlation of failure data and cable feet = years based on Miami

  • 5each' data would be conaetvatively biased. '


                           ,            _,,                                                                                        '.. ?'

3A-15 , i k r i

                                                                    ~      ' ' "

Report No. 17122-00 * '

     . Attachment J

Page No. Okoalte Coepsay (Attsehsent 2 to Icetion 3A Part D)

                            ,,  a) . As Ckomite company letter of Wevember 27, 1974 to Shaseo Services, Inc.

b) Graphical representation indicating stability of various insulations la water at a temperature of 900C.

s 3. Ceneral cable Corporation (Attachment 3 to section 34 Part D) a) Test results of long tern lasersion la water at 900C.

b) Aging evaluation of General Cabis for inside and outside costalament. l 4. Cyprus Wirs and Cable Compsay (formerly Rome Cable) (Attachment 4 to Section 3A Fart D) a) Cyprus Wire and Cable Company letter of November 26, 1974 to gbesco Services, Iae. 4 I

5. Raychen Corporation (Attachment 5 to Section 3A Part D) f a) Raychas corporation letter of November 27, 1974 to Ibasco Services, Inc.

The fo11oving provides a summary of the cable tests and resulta thereof

1. Noisture resistases (See Attaehment 1)

In the 1950-37 era IPCgA developed a 16 week test procedure based on a continuous immersion at 50*C whila under 600 volts de to provide

a amans of assassias the effect of moisture resistance on cable life. Today, modera insulations can be ismersed~ at 758C, under l the sees de potential, for 1 1/2 to 2 years, or more. Cables at the first generation reactors (1957 vintage), i.e. shippingsport Indian l Point and peach Bottee, have not asperienced insitu problema due to l asisture. This esperience adds to the large base of success *ul i

cable performance, whereas, the test data provided ca moders insulations reaffiras the high confidenes level associated with l these new materials. l

2. The Okomite Compear (see Attaahaest 2) .

i The Okeatte Company cospered the performance of the elder butyi I j insulaties, u ed so successfullf is the Miami Beach distribution ] systes, with the petforesace of the cross 11aked polyethylene and [ othylene propelene rubber insalation, used on the cables installed at St. Lusie. The tests vera orde en snail sample cables at 900C, j whiah is the nazieum operatias resperature for the insulations. < Power faster, whiah is a asseure of esbie lossee, is used to . indicate insulaties integrity, and is esa of the best methods to determine degradaties dus to asisture. The results sadicate that et eba starr. of the test the butyl J l

                      ..       insu14 tion has a power fac..or . s'er.ut s persear.. (See Pigure         l 3A-D1.) After 12 months the power factor has increased to 30 percent at which point the insulation is judged to be unfit for
 ]                                                           3A-17                      Am. A-7/A7 I

Report No. 17122-00 Attach:nent  ; Page No. I Since 1956 Florida Fower and Light has installed ever 600,000 fast of cable l i i ransing in sise free #12 AWG to 1500 kcall b'utyl rubbar insulated 600 volt rated cable on Miami Beach. This represents over 7,000,000 esble feet. years l l I of experience. Many sors cable feet of cable were installed prior to 1956. Over the f acilitsee service life the St. Lucie underground installation represents but a small fraction of this greater than 7,000,000 cable feet - years insitu experisnes beso. , l A review has been completed of all cable failure recorde since 1945 along  !' with confirmatery interviews of supervisors, splicers,'and engineers in the  ; Miami Beach district. The results indicate an extraordinary experience record. There has "never" been an electrical deterioration failure of any kind on these cables or the splices associated WAth them. It is also note-  ! j worthly that there is no known data to contradict this outstanding reliability reeerd from any other utility that has utilised butyi rubber insulated cable j in underground installations. It must be noted however, that f ailures do occur. - These have occured due to mechanical damage (e.g. damage during  ! installation) that are not sermane to a discussion of environmental qualifi-

              .ation of cables. Preservice tastins procedures at St. Lucia detect                                           l the presence of such sechanical damage prior to plant operation thereby obviating the need to censider thase failures during inservice operation.                                     l Esseriaantal Confirmation                                                                                     !

l Butyi rubber insulated cables have had excellant in-service experience as i indiested by the Misat Seach underground distribution service record. How- l ever, technological advances has made available never superior insulating materials, namely, crosslinked polyetheline (xLPE or CLPE) and ethylene propylene rubber (IPA or EPN). These never insulations have been utilised I widely by the industry for the last five to ten years. They provide superior ' I performance to that experienced with butyl rubber. Since an acceptable ioservice data base is available for the butyi rubber insulation, qualification of the never asterials is readily accomplished  ! through laboratory tes-ing. The new materials and the butyi rubber must i undergo appropriata idestical tests. To qualify the new atterials it is necessary and sufficient that these materials have resistance to electrical deterioration equal to or greater than butyl rubber. The test results clearly indicate the superior characteristics of these new materials. Whatever tests these never insulations are subjected to as a means to deter-mine their electrical stability in wet or dry locations, the new cross 11nked polyethylene or ethylene propelene materials out perform.the old butyl l types Florida Power and Light has in servia.e on Miami samh by 2 to 6 times l or mera. , Typical evidence in regards to the superior performance to be expoeted with  ; croselinked polyethylene or athylase propelene rubber is provided as f allows; ,

1. Excerpts concerning noisture resistance from technical paper. T 74 044-4 presented by Okonite at the IEEE Power Engineering Society l
 ;                            Winter Meeting in 1974. (Attachment 1 to Section 3A Part D)
     .                                        ..                                                             o 3A-16 i
   .       ~            ,-    -
                                               -                                     ~ - - - - - - - --- _ __--- --     .

Report No. 17122-00 Attachment 1 Page No. Concluston. In summary, the past performance of similar cables in an even more severe environment has shown their service reliability to be unaf fsered by any form of water for over 13 years. The never insulations have been evaluated All accelerated tests indicate that they outperform those cables that have been used at Miami Beach. The foregoing experience and testing demonstrate ipso facte that the cables installid at St. Lucia vill have greater than s 40 year

  • service life in a dry, alternately wet and dry, or potentially submersed anvironeent.

F TABLE 3A-D1 Q.UALIFICATIONS W. A. Thus Willian A. Thus le the Systea Operations Engineer - Underground for Florida Power & Light Company. He has been employed thera since 1946 in variens posa itions in the Regineering Construction and operating Departments. His present assignment involves the responsibility for all underground tranesission. (- distribution and power plant cables and associated equipasst as staff to the i Croup Vice President of Operations. , He is presently Vice Chairman of the Insulated Conductore Coenittee of the { Power Engineering society of the Institute of Elsetrical and Electronic l Engineers. Its is the lanadiate Fast Chairman of the the Cable Engines;ing j section of the Association of Edison Illuminating Compentes which to the source

      '     of cable standards for all paper tasuisted cables in the United States; He also serves as their Chairnas of Ertruded Dielectric Cable Standards. In this
      '     field, he also serves as the Chairman of the Joint Association of Edison Illu-ainating Campanies-Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association Ceemittee for Extruded Dielectric Power Cables.

He is a member of the U. 4. National Committee for Nigh Voltage Cables of

        ~   CICRE (International Ceafstance of large Electric Systems). Coenittee C-8

' (Electric Cables) of Aastiaan National $tandards Institute, of the Electric ' Power Researth Eastitute's Research Freject 78 for High Voltage Cables. and the Task Forse for Power Cable Anpasities. , He is the auther er coauther of technical papero evah as the " Shielding ' Farfora4nce of Power, Cables",," Thermal Backfill for Transmissies Cables". and " Improved Imv Voltage *-Direct Duried Cables". 3A-19 s w - -e , , , .-, ,. + - - - . . - - < , - - - - , - , . . . ~ - - . - , , . ~ -

Report No. 17122-00 "* Attachment  ; Page No. - service. la contrast, the *llatural CLPt", the insulation used at St. Lucie Unit 1, has an initial power factor less than one percent. As the test coctinued, the power factor decreased siishtly to about one half of one  ; L yercent. Af ter 36 montha the test was discontinued due to the reserkabis- 4 electrical stability of the insulation. l The tests show that for IPM insulation-(more generally called BPE) the initial power factor was 2.7 percent which decreased to shout two percent and remained stable. Again the test was discontinued at 36 months. j These tests indicate that the crosslinked polyethlene and tF1 insulations .) have lower initial power factors than the butyl insulation. Both the i stess11aked polyethylene and the EPE insulations performed without deterioration for 36 months. with the butyl issuistion, the power far. tor increased sentinually and reached an intolerable value within 12 roaths. In conclusion, the crosslinked polyethylene and EFL issuistions show superior a performance for at least three times as long as the butyi insulation, which gave sat.isfactory service in the Miami Beach distribution systen.

3. General Cable Corporation (see Attachment 3)

A test performed by General Cable provides an Ladication of long life  ; j espected for cross 11aked polyethelene insulation. Tha cable samples were j eaargised continuously at 600 volts. The life of the sample cable immersed ' in 90eC water was 951 days or approsiastely 2.6 years. It must be acted that failure occurred 4t a test overvoltage of 1200 volta a-c. This is well above the operating voltage (4407) for this of cable at St. Lucia. l An evaluation was performed and documented by Florida Power & Light Power Flaat Engineering (EP0-86-805-E-2). Utilistas the LOCA profile of the Franklin Ir.stituto Test certified by General Cable for the cable supplied- . for St Lucie Unit 1 by their letter of May 3,1973 (found in 5t Lucie Unit 1 . Docuneat peshase 8770.A.4318.0, section 3), it can be demonstrated that the cabia is gustified for 40 years of centstament service plus the required i ' Design Basis Event (DSE) service. The saae documentation also demonstrates that the cable is qualified for 40 years of steam Trestle service plus the l tequired Design lasis Ivant (D33) service. I

4. Cyprus Wire and Cable Company (formerly Rose cable)

(see Attachment 4) ' ! Air even tests vote performed by Cyprus on crosslinked polyethylene ) inesistion. These tests were made at 1358C,150*C and 1758C. The Arrheatua rates nazimum plot insulation of these points indicated operating life of 50 temperature. years (See at 90cc,)the Figure 3A-D2 . . Air even tests and Arrhenius pists represent one method used by cable asaufacturers to evaluate cable insulatians. These tests supplement tests - in water, anaaples of which have been previously discussed. The objective. is a balance of electrical and physical properties which will insure lens life under operating conditions. 3.. Rayches Corporaties (Attachment 5) t* Ci- Rayches has tested sample cables continuously innereed in water at 750c in ascess of twenty sooths with no failures.. This data confirms the teet results obtained by the other cable vendors. 3&-18 Am. 4 7/8y i l 1


, Report No. 17122-00' Attachment 8.2.1.* THO Page No. , QKMIE cac omos con 34o

                                                                               ****V"**"*"Y 7'd*

j CCMEMNY 201 5ES 03Ct/ Case. Ch ome t i

                                                         .%2m                                                                          !

Mr. Danny Carter IAufsiana Power ( Light , Waterford 3 SBS ) Rigissey 18 1 trailer 95 3 tillana, Louisiana 70066

Dear Mr. Carter:

W33 86-N95 A4.10/P2.58 monite Okclon Cable  ! Waterfoni 3 . l _ Louisiana Power 4 Light , i 4 Your letter of Novueber 10,1986 requests infomation on 01cnite/0knirm 300 volt power and control cables sith reference to possible water submersion. It is well 'snown and established that water has deteriorat' effocts on all in- I sulations. Thoso deteriorating effects are evidenced by things as loss i of dielectric strength, rise in poner factor and dialectric constant and lower-ing of insulation resistance.  ;

The rato at which these deteriorating effe-te occur is the key question. The rate is dependant en temperative i.e., higher water temporatures increase the rete.

The rate is also dependenc c,a other things such as voltage stress, w21 thickness, and the presence of discharge. Righ stress increases the rato; thirmer walls at equal stress deteriorate faster than heavier walls; in the case of 600 volt cable the discharge cpsstion is neot. Over the years as insulation technology has fuyroved nero resistance to water has been built into insul iat ons. Attached is a chart abowing the behavior of 1 power factor vs. time of various insulations in 90*C water. ' As can be seen modern denite EP out ;.,1.s butyi and oil base natural rubber by significant margins. Both butyi and oil base natural rubbs e insulations have ' been '!he service in excess of 20'-30 years in wet locations and sulmarine applica-superior behsvior of EP in highly accelerated testing leads logicall

         ' to the concluslam that it will behave far better in wet locitions or sulanarine y i           enviromaants than the but)1 or oil base insulations. We, therefore, eM4 that EP/Hypalam cables at Materimd will perform satisfactorily if submerged in water in undergrasul ducts during tho 40 year desiga 15f4 of Waterford Unit 3.

Very truly yours, 1 DE CEDUTE CCWANf A  ; 3 1 JRC/ row

  • i (M '

3 CanceInsi Attachment or Staff Bloctrical Engineer cc.

  • Dr. Ji 5.1.asky i


Report No. 17122-00 Attachment Page No.- 8 08- AT*ACEMDC 4 j Excerpt frein paper T74 044-4, Class It Cables for Nuclear Power Ceerating Stations", by E. E. McIlveen, V. L. Carrison, C. T. Dobrowski. Meisture Resistance Moisture resistance is a major factor in dataraining the normal life of a solid dielectric insulated conductor. It.has become traditienal to gain assurance of long life performance by totally 1sumersing a f12 or 14 con- . ductor temperature insulated to acceleratewith aths 45detettorating all wall of effects dielectric in water at an elevated of moisture. Moni-toring the In.the behavior. electrical 1950-57 properties then provides an indication of long term era with service gained experience that negative de potential presented the most severa con &, tion, IPCEA developed a 16 week test procedure tions these lines based on a continuous innersion at 50' C while under' 600 volts de. : At this time, more thaa sir;een years later, new generation moisture resisting insylations of sis '.lar geometry can be continuously immersed at 75' C while under the same Je potential, and survive from 1-1/2 to 2 years, or more. This is at least 5 times longer and at an than anticipated byeffective the IPCEAtemperature procedure. acceleration rate of 6 times greater 1957 vint ge dielectrics installed at Shippingsport,Since insulated conductors of t Indian Point and' Peach Bottoa,'anong others, have not expertene.ed distress due to moisture it can be reasoned that control cable insulations now specified which have , the capability of withstanding total innersion at 75' C under 600 V de as discussed herein should develop the designed life of the cable plant. Fig. 1 insulation conducto-presents data for a 45 mil wall of an ethylene-propylene base composite wall coor and Tig. 2 illustrates the electrical behavior of a of 30 mils EP base plus 15 mils neoprene compo,und. dielectric and also a flaan resistaat cross-linsed poly 2 (TA-CLPE), but at 90'C continuous water immersion while under 600 c Va potential except when percent power factor (1 PF) and the specific induc-tive capacity (SIC) are being assaured at 40 and 40 V/ mil ac . Following each test attest 110asasurement V/ mil. the specimens were subjected to a 5 minute withstand at 500 V de while at 90'C.The specific insulation resistance (SIR)were made performance based on the customary 1 week test data It may be is obvious.T

                . of interest that the ~ttee to failure for a particular specimen is a complex function ofofseveral perfectina                         variables, the dielectric  of which is the degree of mechanical
Failure is aften sudden with little or j no forewarning, and occurs when the cable is underg 110 V/ mil.

Tig. 3 not only shows the SIC values for an ethylene-propylene base insul - tion during 'a long ters continuove water immersion study, but also th e secel-erating effect of temperature as manifested by a change in the 60 cycle 4 acity. The 141'C/41 pais steam autoclave aspesure further accelerates the . increase in the SIC value but could change the r. action mechanism . In any 1 event, time f f plotted on Fig. 3 the end pelat is still some two years out on the scalei. 1 3.A-13

                                                , . _           ,_                                                       ._______n

Report No. 17122-00 Attachment

   \                                                   Pago No. A                                                                   OKOGUARD y      i         L                                                             Okoguard has Excellent 9

Stability in Water Assurance of long *erm moisture stablity is essental indicanon of long term charactensnes. Based upon ex. when selecang an insulanon for rnany aopicaDons, it ponence with cables in service over many years. it is is fairly common that a power cable be recuires 4 oper-determned that insuta!!ons wfisch withstand total water are in an altamarely wet and dry environrnent. The irnmersion at 90C for an extenced pened of time witi  ; rnethod used to determane the long term water stablity hoe a life in excess of a generanng stanon s desigred  ! of a cable is one in *Mich a samole insulated with a than life in an environrnent of 100% humsdity. As shown in wati dielectnc. is imrnersed in water at an elevated tem- the chart below. Okoguarc*: tong term water stablity perature to accelerate the detenoratng effects of rnois- dosely approximates that of cross 4inktJ Doli eb/tene, ture. Monstontig the electncal properties provides an both of whir.ft are far suDenor to other Solid dielectnes, l 1

  -.         . . _ . ..                . _ .    . . . . . .    ....      ....                  . _ . . .     . _ . _ . . . . .          .     . . ,                j l


                                     ,          ygggg                   arMMM*""                                                                  1 i

8 U $6 ILP

  • 2 mmm.vammmammmmmmmardMMMMMMM E 2.0 9 W , 2.0
  • Y d

10 A 1.0 , i 1

i P.P.- OROCUAAD j P.P. XLP l q

s- 0 2 .a 8 8 to 12 MOPSTHS [

e u.a . . . . . - g mm.  ; __ . . . -a . - - - _ _ _ ,,--. . _ a h R0 port No. 17122-00 Attachment , Page No.- 3 1 9 i



                                                                                                                                  -I WYLE LABORATORIES Muntswelig F8Cfy
                                            . _ _ _ _ . . =   _                                             _
                                                                                                                                          -y .j Rsport No. 17122-00 Attachment 9.1.2 Page No. 9.1.2-1                                                                                        .-

I i l J

                                                                                                                                              .1 ATTACHMENT 9.1.2 l

i 4 t WYLE LABOflATOINES - Muntsvene Facusty

               ,- - - - . - > ~ _ .       - ,               4   . ..--. - - - . . _ - , , _ , - . . _ --,     - .. . . - . _ , -_ . . _ .

I sin MCA Rcport No. 17122-00 Attachment 9.1.2 Page No. 9.1.2-2 Sample pH Temp. 7otal Flann Oil Salinity Comments point 'C organte point Grease Carbon 'C Visual W-3 7.0 24 35.6 1140 NV <3.64 Vault had visible  ! water streaks down 013 four-walls. Collected a smal amount of wnite crystal 11neformation e NW corner near one cable penetration W-4 7.0 25 11.4 >140 NV <3.64 Vault clean. Some streaks of water on walls. No cacies W-5 9.0 25 111.0 >140 NV were in water. W-6 9.6 <3.64 25 84.3 >140 NV <3.64 W-7 8.2 25 69.9 >140 NV <3.64 W-B 8.3 25 24.0 >140 W-9 7.6 NV (3.64 23 2.0 >140 NV <3.64 W-10 7.8 23 65.0 >140 NV <3.64 W-11 10.0 24 606.0 >140 NV <3.44 W-12 9.4 25 76.0 >140 W-13 8.3 NV (3.64 24 72.6 >140 W-14 8.2 NV (3.64 24 51.5 >140 W-15 7.8 NV <3.64 23 7.1 >140 NV W-16 8.6 <3.64 26 196.0 >140 W W-20 8.8 (3.64 24 7.9 >140 NV (3.64 W-21 7.8 25 13.0 >140 W-22 7.6 NV (3.64 25 5.5 >140 NV <3.64 W-23 9.0 25 381.0 >140 NV W-24 7.8 <3.64 25 23.3 >140 W-25 7.2 25 NV (3.64 9.9 >140 NV (3.64 W-26 7.3 25 11.5 >140 NV W-29 8.8 <3.64 23 37.1 >140 NV <3.64 Vault was installed for unit 2,no cables were inside. W-30 8.8 23 18.0 >140 NV <3.64 Vault was installed for unit 2,no cables were inside. W-33 8.8 25 11 1 >140 NV (3.64 W-34 10.5 25 8.3 >140 NV <3.64 < Vault had slightly 1 W-42 9.5 24 musty odor. 617.0 >140 NV <3.64 1 W-44 7.0 24 10.0 >140 NV j

  • 99
                                                     &           b m

Roport No. 17122-00 Attachm2nt 9.1.1 Paga No. 9.1.1-3 440 Chemessi and Lee 6renmental Prosortes et Ptasecs and glastomers Ethylene Propylene (EPM) Properation and composition There are two ethylene propylene cx>mpounds of commercial value. The Grst, known as EPR rubber is a completely caturated ethylene-propylene copolymer made by solution polymeruation. This product employs a pemside or peroxide-sulfur modt6ed cunng system. EPR has excellent without appreciable loss in properties (see Table 15).renstance to ozone and weat A second curing tme of ethylene propylene elastomer, degnated EPDM, is a sulfur-terpolymer. Chem 6 cal resietence chemical rMistance to water, acids, and They caustica.h are essentially unaffected ethylene-propylene e.etoemers exhibi by alcohols. hy are quite resistant to the phosphate-based hydrauhe Bunds. They show and only mildhydrocarbons. halogenated resistanar to the aromatic hydrocarbons, and are attacked by aliphatic lubncants. They are poorly resistant to diester-type synthetic They exhibit excellent resistaaer to oxid taan and oxone (see Table 8). T4SLg 15 Ger. oral Prosorties of gehrtene Prooysene Property Yalue Speci8e gravity.. ... Bardness (durometer). . 0.86 Tsar tweetance . . . . .. A30-90 Abraaion rematance. . .. . . Fair Recommended operating temp: Good Min 'F.. . Mas 'F.

                                                                                                                                                                             - 60 Chenucal resistance:                                                                                                   300 Acida. dilute. .....

Acida, concentrated. . , ExceUent Aliphatie solventa.. . Good Aromatic solvents. . . Poor Chlorinated solvents. . Fair Alcohols ~ Poor Alkalise . . . ... . Gwi Esters, others ketones. . Good Rametance to (beat) agtng. .. Poor Resistance to oxidation.. . Good " ExceUent weathershiuty niScant Mammability deterioration under prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.EPDM a4h ASTM D 635. The ethylene propylene ejastomers are classiSed as burning by Muorcelestomers Properation and composition produced as: Typical members of this elastomer family are

1. A copolymer of chlorotnRuomethyle . and vinylidene fuonde 1 A triauoropropyl siloxarie polyrne-
3. A perBuorobutyl acrylate elastomer
4. A copolymer of vinyhdene Buonde sad bezaGuaropropylene
5. Hena8voropentamethylene adipate hre are a number of other compositions of merit.

Chemical resistance h "- ' - renstance. - aB have eseellent chemical and solvent by are estremely resistant to aliphatic hyix.d,wu , chlonnated sol-vents, animal, mineral, and vegetable oils, gasoline, Jet fuels, d.Ilute acids, alkaline media, and aqueous inorganic salt solutions. by exhibit fair to poor resistance _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^^ ^ __ _-

l l l I Report No. 17122 Attachment 9.1.3 Page No. 9.1.3-1 l 1 l l j l l J l l I I ATTACHMENT 9.1.3 -1 - i i l 1 1 1 1 i I 1 i i l l i

                                            -4 J

1 e  ; i i l WYLE LABORATORIES ' MuntBVille FaClitty l 2 4

                              . --   A --
Report No. 17122-00 BULLETIN EHB-38
                         """           '-               '~"

l _3 OKONITE COMPANY Engineering Data for Copper and ' i 8 Aluminum Conductor Electrical Cables l e gjjj; i \ i l i N i 4 i I .of..

Okonita Ccblas aeporC no. 17122-oo S cticn 9 Attacnment 9.1.3 Page No. 9.1,3-3 9 Miscellaneous Information Jacket materials selection chart Relative performance data racie s.i Mechanical PVC Polyomylene Neoprene Chloroeulohonated Thermoolestic gg, Po#yethylene CPE Abrasion Assistance Good Excellent Tensale Strengm Good Good Excettent Elongation Exceitent Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Excellent - Good Comoression Resistance Excellent Excellent Good Flexibility Good Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Good Fair Excellent Excellent Fair Environmental - Flame Good Poor Excellent Excellent Moisture Good Fresh or salt water Good Exceptional Petroleum oils / Good Excellent Excellent Motor oil Fuel oil Excellent Good (Slight swetlang Good Crude oil Good Good above 60C) (Poor above 110*C) Creosote Poor Good Far Fair Paraffine Hydrocarbons Good Gasohne - Good 0 Kerosene Alcohols Excellent (Slight swellang at hrgher temperatures) Poor Poor Excellent (Shght swelling at higher temperaturest ISooropyt Wood Fair Grain Good For Good Good Mineral Acids Sulfure Nitnc Excellent Excepent Hydrochtone Excoment Excene-t Excellent Fixed Alkabes Sodium hydroxide (lye) Potaassum hydromsde tootash) Good Calcium hydreasco (hme) Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Ketones Acetone Poor Memyt emyt ketone (MEK) Good Poor Fair Good Esters Emyl Acetate Poor Good Most laccuer mmnert. Poor Far Good Halogensted M,GLL. Chloroform n-Poor Poor # Carbon Memyl chiondeTetraw?4- Poor Poor Poor w w . . Leaves protective residue after combust >on Yes Crygen index (ASTM D 2863) No Yee yes yes Halogen content % W1. 23 30% 17 18% 31-39% 26 0 30 38% 30 34 % 18 14 Minimum installation temperature 14F ( 10Cl -40F (-40C) 18-20 Dimenssonal staoshty under heet Far -4Fl.20C) -4F ( 20C) -40*F (-e0*C) Far Exco#6ent Excellent Far Maximum operstmg temperature 7SC(167F) 7SC i167F) 90C (194F) 90C (194F) 75'C (187F) PecTE: when cenese are to me mennes in cone weemer. taev shows se ese m ne,mee marsue ser er seeer 24 are benz ee esimienen

                                                                                                                             / #G)

Report-No. 17122-00 < Attachment 9.1.3 I Page No. 9.1.3 l I 1 THIS'PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK F F b t t


L l r b f


[ i i f a l E WYLE LABORATORIES - l' Muntsvnte Facahty , i i 1 6

  . ,,   - , , . - ,       ..-.,.c,  . . .     .-


f i 1 Rsport No. 17122-00 l l

                                        ' Attachment ~9.1.4                                                                         i Page No.'9.1.4-1.                                                                     j 1

1 1 l 1

                                      - ATTACHMENT 9.1.4 I

i 4 1

                                                                                                                                 '1 l

l 1


1 1


1 i . 1 l l 1

                                                                                                                                   -l WYLE LASCHIATORIES Huntsvane Facihty m .   ,     ,-wr    .-   ,-, .v--r. , . - -    ,------.,,+-u- _- 9   .ey, -.-, -n ewe   w       -e.-y-m3- w      . -<-r-

Report !!o. 17122-00 Attachment 9.1.4 Page No. 9.1.4-2 March 7, 1990 Jim Long Seabrook Station P. C. Box 300 Seabrook, N.H. 03G74 CERTIFICATE OF CPNFORMANCE RE: New Hampshire Yankee Purchase Order No. 71331 Analysis of " Vault" water samples for volatile organics by EPA method 624. Resource Analysts, Inc. Study No. 20909 This study has been performed in accordance with the RAI QA program as reviewed and approved by Yankew Atomic Electric Company. This study meets all of the requirements of the purchase order with the following exceptions:

1) No exceptions.

The report and data audit took place on March 7, 1990. Auditor __ 8/44 d Title Orga'nics Laboratopy Manager Date March 7, 1990 m.a 01 scuom + .cosaeas +" mu ":ot osit-+o-

  • R; port No. 71722-00
 -                                     Attcchm3nt 9.1.4 Paga No. 9.1.4-3 eevn ;nc.

L::s.d.ory itlA LUFOf f

  • O. se ;,e.

w.aan. < wa r cm... N.n.os m

.'2ic x.;7r7 Mr. Jim Long P.O. Number: Req. #322337 Seabrock Station P.O. Box 300 Seabrook, NH 03874 Date Received: 03/06/90 (933)

Lab Number: 20909 Date Reported: 03/07/90 Attached please find test results for volatile organic compounds. ll$/ ~

                      $A/.         /


     '!Nr6Hdical Di' rector' 1

Date 20*d 01 30M0033 dH 10C33033 AHN U0dd 21:0I 066i-30-054

Report No. 71722-00 Attachment 9.1.4 page No. 9.1.4-4 Laboratory number: 20909 -001 Sample Designation: W-12 j Date Analyzed: 900307 Matrix: WATER , i VOLATILE ORGANICS CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIMIT (ug/L) (ug/L) Chloromethane BDL 10 .: Bronomethane BDL 10 y Vinyl chloride BDL 10 Chloroethane BDL 5 , Methylene chloride BDL 10 , Acetone BDL 25 Carbon disulfide BDL 5 1,1-Dichloroethane BDL 5 Tetrahydrofuran TRACE 25 1,1-Dichloroethane BDL 5 1,2-Dichloroethane (total) BDL 5 Chloroform 7 5 Nethyl ethyl ketone BDL 25 1,2-Dichloroethane BDL 5-1,1,1-Trichloroethane BDL 5 Carbon Tetrachloride BDL 5 Vinyl acetate BDL 10 Bromedichloromethane BDL 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropone BDL 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 Trichloroethene BDL 5 . Benzene BDL 5 Dibromochloromethane- BDL 5 - 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BDL 5 1,2-Dichloropropane BDL 5 2-chloroethyl vinyl other BDL 5 Brosoform BDL 5 Methyl isobutyi ketone BDL 25 2-Nexanone BDL 25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BDL 5 Tetrachloroethene BDL 5 Toluene BDL 5 Chlorobenzene BDL 5 Ethylbenzene BDL 5 a-xylene BDL 5 o,p-xylene BDL 5 styrene BDL 5 METHOD


40 CFR PART 136, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1984 NETHOD 624 BDL = Below detection limit i i

 " TRACE" denotes probable presence below listed detection limit.

Deso.,ce Anaws m,suesoowuimpos

  • I tg d 01 SGM0033 dH :100dEY35 AHN WO3d GT20i 06sT-3 6:hu y
                                   ,,    n            ,   --s   .,.,n,-   .
                                                                              ,-  m a     ,  -e-,    , .x.-  n

Report No. 71722-00 Attacnmant 9.1.4 Paga No. 0.1.4-5 , TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS Field Identification: W-12


VOLATILE TRACTION Lab Number: 20909-1 i COMPOUND  : CAS REG. No. ESTIMATED CONC. , None Detected P I Comments:


1 l l Desource N me.. Sur.soct. of MfuJO?E 50*d 01 SGdOO3d dH ?O06E133 .W4 L40dd 31:0I 0661-30-dM)


Report No. 71722-00 ' Attachment 9.1.4  ; Laboratory number: 20909 -002 Page No. 9.1.4-6 Sample Designation: W-15 Date Analyzed:- 900307  ; Matrix: WATER '

 '                                               VOLATILE ORGANICS         CONCENTRATION                     DETECTION LIMIT (ug/L)                              (ug/L)                         -

Chloromethane BDL 10

  • Bronomethane BDL 10 Vinyl chloride BDL 10 i Chloroethane. 'BDL 5 Methylene chloride' BDL 10 Acetone BDL 25-carbon disulfide 'BDL 5 "

1,1-Dichloroethene BDL 5 Tetrahydrofuran. BDL 25 .i ' 1,1-Dichloroethane BDL 5 ' l',2-Dichloroethene . (total) BDL 5 Chloroform BDL 5 Methyl ethyl ketone -BDL 1,2-Dichloroethane 25-BDL-5  : 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BDL 5 Carbon Tetrachloride BDL 5 i


Vinyl acetate BDL 10 Bromodichloromethane BDL 5 eis-1,3-Dichloropropene: BDL 5 " trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 Trichloroethene BDL 5 Benzene BDL 5 Dibromochloromethane BDL 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BDL 5 1,2-Dichloropropane BDL 5 s 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether l BDL 5 Brosoform BDL 5 Methyl isobutyi ketone BDL 25 2-Hexanone BDL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 25 BDL 5 Tetrachloroethene BDL 5 Toluene BDL 5 Chlorobenzene BDL 5 Bthylbenzene BDL m-Xylene 5 BDL 5 o,p-Xylene BDL i 4 styrene 5 BDL 5 METHOD REFERENCB: 40 CFR PART 136, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1984 METHOD'624 BDL = Below detection limit a Aesource CQE 90*d 01 SGMCO3d dH M00dEY39 AHN WOdd ?I:0T 066T-50-WW

              - , - . . - .. - .. . - ---~. , . . - . - ,
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                                                                             'R port No. 71722-00 AttachEnt 9.1.4


                                                                               -Pagg'No. 9;1,4-7 l




                                                                                                                 %cseeNews:nc kemocc/oruwPCM 40*d                                   01       SGMOO3d dH 'OC WO35 AHN            1103d 9i:0I 066I-90-dell

rcport No. 17122-00 Attachn2nt 9.1.4 Laboratory number: 20909 -003 Sample Designation: W-6 Date Analyzed: 900307 Matrix: WATER VOLATILE.ORCANIOS CONCENT.h't' ION DETECTION LIMIT $ (ug/L; (ug/L) Chloromethane BDL 10 Broaccethane BDL 10 Vinyl chloride BDL 10 Chloroethane BDL 5 Methylcae chloride sDL 10 Acetone BDL 25 Carbon disulfide BDL 5 1,1-Dichloroethene BDL 5 Tetrahydrofuran BDL 25 1,1-Dichloroethane BDL 5 1,2-Dichloroethene (total) BDL 5 Chloroform BDL 5 Methyl ethyl ketone BDL 25 1,2-Dichloroethans 'BDL 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BDL 5 Carbon Tetrachloride BDL 5 Vinyl acetate BDL 10 Bromodichloromethane BDL 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 ' trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 Trichloroethene BDL 5 Benzene BDL 5 i Dibromochloromethane EDL

  • s 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BDL $

1,2-Dichloropropane BDL 5 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether BDL 5

                              ,        Bromoform                          BDL                          5 Methyl isobutyl ketone             BDL                        25 2-Hexanone                         BDL                        25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane          BDL                          5 I

Tetrachloroethene BDL 5 Toluene BDL 5 Chlorobenzene BDL 5 l Bthylbenzene BDL 5  ! m-Xylene BDL 5 i o,p-Xylene BDL 5 Styrene BDL 5




40 CFR PART 136, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1984  ! METHOD 624  ! BDL = Below detection limit I Deosce ef t/uSOE 80*d C1 S@003d dH A00dE035 AHN WOdd 9f:0T Offi-iO :W l, I

Raport No. 71722-00 > Attachmant 9.1.4 Page No. 9.1.4-9 TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS , Field Identification: W-6 s t VOLATILE FRACTION Lab Number: 20909-3 i COMPOUND' CAS REG. No. ESTIMATED CONC.  ; None Detected i i b i f 5 Comments: I f i i i 1 l i i


i i l Resource Ancivm ev:..Sescoyof Lt'LuPC9E i I i d 01 SCHOO3M dH :GME035 AHN WOMd 4T 0T Ossi-90-e w!J  !

                                                                                                                                                -l i

l Rnport No. 71722-00 ' Attachment 9.1.4 age N . 9. .4- 0 Laboratory number: 20909'-004 ) sample Designation: W-24 Date Analyzed: 900307 Matrix: WATER VOLATILE' ORGANICS CONCENTRATICN DETECTION LIMIT (ug/L) (ug/L) Chloromethane BDL =10 Bromomethane BDL 10 Vinyl chloride BDL 10 Chloroethane BDL 5 Methylene chloride .BDL 10

  • Acetone BDL .25 Carbon disulfide BDL' 5 1,1-Dichloroschene BDL 5 Tetrahydrofuran' BDL 25 1,1-Dichloroethane BUL' 5 1,2-Dichloroethene (tottl) BDL 5 Chloroform BDL 'S Methyl ethyl ketone BDL 25 1,2-Dichloroethane BDL 5' 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BDL 5 Carbon Tetrachloride BDL 5 Vinyl acetate BDL 10 Bromodichloromethane BDL 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 5 Trichloroethene BDL 5 Benzene BDL 5 Dibromochloromethane BDL 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane. BDL 5 1,2-Dichloropropane . BDL 5 2-Chloroethyl vinyl other BDL 5 Bromoform BDL 5 Methyl isobutyl ketone BDL 25 2-Hexanone BDL 25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BDL 5 Tetrachloroethens lDL 5 Toluene BDL 5 Chlorobenzene BDL 3 1 Ethylbenzene BDL 5 m-Xylene BDL 5 1 o,p-Xylene BDL 5 4 8

Styrene 'BDL 5 l METHOD


40 CFR FART 136, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1984 ' METHOD 624 BDL = Below detection limit I fresource Atcysts.tne . Svesocry of McCE l at*d 01 SC G 3M dH A0GdEe25 AHN- WOtid 4.T:01- 0661-90-dTH

    '                          R3 port No. 71722-00.                                                    !

Attachm2nt 9.1.4 Paga No. 9.1.4-11 , I TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED CCMPOUNDS l 1 i Field Identification: W-24 l l VOLATILE FRACTION Lab Number: 20909-4 COMPOUND CAS REG. No. ESTIMATED CONC. i None Detected i J l i d + k


Comments: l s


l l l l l 1 ) Aesource Ancys's he,. Sue 5CCfV Gf MuMQE II'd 01 3CMOO3M dH LOOd3Y35 /M4 WOMd it:0I 066T-90-eyW

1 1 1 Report No. 71">22-00 -- 1 [ Attachment 9.1.4 .e  ! o Page No. 9.1.4-12 5'

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Report No. 71722-00  ! 1

                                                                     -_ _         __                     __                      Attachment 9.1.4                                            . _                  _ _                         _ _


                                                                ,,                                                              Pago No. 9.1.4-13
i 1

. - g 4 I ' l  :: na State of New Namepshire , s Departament of Enviroommental Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .{                     '[i CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL                                                                                                     !,                  l, Wastewater Analysis                                                                                               '

i  ! Under the prouktone of she Regulanons in WS 306. os cdepted under RSA 148. B. the Department of ( l) Enveronmental services hereby usues a carskase no Resource Anaf"Arn Tnc. l f _ l.

                                                            '                 l.Deased es            I lai(autttt Road                                 "
                                                                                                                                                              $MG5btonFnffA. MH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 h for she $onow,ng anolpeen oj5;.h' -                                                                                                                l

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                                                                                                                      .            c.      ;'.             .. ;t                     %.Q'g%.,.   . %,,                            j                             ;

FULL CERTIFICAY10Mt \ Alumi.num~~AXibstESBerr211ImT1nd=1rm.' Caleinrnj ' ( i' . 7. 7 yP # N.m NN-, ; ,'y '. Cobal.t. CMo.. mbml inen.^4i[p'd:MaanEAtsf M&n'ltanlise_.' Meuiwtu.

  • Lea >
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Motubde.klm; INEkiti$taulr=. '5ei.e)Q.;m.'silvex:'soErag..5Tialfinm. > e Titanlm.' . // . aStrontIm. Vanndir~. Zine. 800. C00." TOC.l Imonia-4


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  )                                                                            Mitratt-M. t+l. Non-Fl!foAable Rt.sidero: 011 i W ase:. scoriNo                                                                                             A h1
- ....,  ;. 1
                                                          \                    Condiretnnet. TOS. TKM. Total Athhfl.tifu. Tatsf Cuanido. Tefnf Phosphomb. On.thochoschc.tes ChloridaI %fle}o Tntnf ManderAA.                                                                                    }                              i total R*Aldrros! Chlanino. VefnfilA0to1NSA?'DrRA Jn fontn pepA 1n :                                                                                                    )

i Olt and Pestleld>A l )I;



                                                  /                                                                                                                                                                             '

The names of the laboratory personnelto whom s5$ Caraficase is neued ase.' ' RUEblSS* ICA$AQ ' t . l '

i M. Pazdon, B. Koogt.attger, R. Wolfman, J. McCarthu, L. Boucher, 1
                                                .                                                                                                                                                                              1 a
                                                                            ' J. Sun, D. SamLL, T. Hennisst.ti, D. Leniltan, G. Franaheim and                                                                                 ;

t \

                                                \                             00rst.n Neschoust

. T I j CERTIFICATE NUMBER III934"O DATEOF t$$UE January 19, !990 ggjo M _ sm ' 1 Cwr#ng Oscar / June 30, i m EXP! RATION DATE )! .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .                       o i                                                              -                                                                                                                                                            4  .

A / l ,


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                                                                +-        -          =      -p                  ,-vy             -       ..w-...---,,--w.         --y--.v.                          ----w._.-m      - w                            --eei

a a 4 l Report No. 17122-00 Attacnment 9.1.4 ( Page No. 9.1.4-14 . m l' The State of New Hampshire i k Department of Environmental Services CERTEFICATE Drinking WaterOF APPR$ Analysis g . Under the provatons of the Regulanons in WS 306. on adopjed under R$A 148. B. the Depenment of \ Enosorunental Serukas hereby Ensues a centfacate to E0AOUNCl bMCSUS$A. IMC sacased at 1 Lalaaette Road on Hancten Fatts } . pr shelocowing analvses of: (\, b ! TULLCERTTF1CAYT0Hz Arstnlc. Bakirrm. Cnr!=I"=. Pnf*Ir"". Clotomhun. i ( CopotA. Mercwtu. Selenl.wn Silver. Sodimn. til. Alkati.n1_t". Cerrosiuttu. Flucrlde. Turbid"N Total Filbennhte Rtsidue. l Residual' Free chlortne. Mit>nte-M. Mitaite.-M. t.ho. sLtvex. '

                  .ir2Jtatemelhanes. PCBs and tratattle '0                         auties            -

f , { . *


t . ' ,si ~ { . PROVIS10 MAL CERT 1FTCATTOMs Antinensi. 'Berntfin. Micket'. .Thn192nns. , \

                                                                                                                                                  -l                     1 j

_Sulfatt and Totst Cuanide 7 '~- P

                                                                              ,                                                             ~ i i
  • i 3

l 5RFPLAC$$ CERTTFTCAi'N hi989541A

                                                                                                 " b' '           '

The nernee of the laboNory personnelso whom'shis Ceratata k tssued are: zR Lasall F0bten. t l 11 Paden. B. Hooarsteorit. R. Wolfman. L UcCarthtr. C. 9altahl.i.

1. Baueh*A. 1. O m n. D. Serm !!. D. graeh and D. terihan I.


              - DATE OF ISSUE . Aucuat ff f4#9                                                   sMg                  as                                        -

E.XP'J tATION DATE June. 30. 1990 1 11

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N _ _ _ _- n l rt d 01 3GW:33 cH 200W033 AHN i033 6T:0T 066T-SC-1.0}}