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NOFACIL:50387Susquehanna SteamElectricStationsUnit1PPennsylv50388Susquehanna SteamElectricStationPUnit2PPennsylva 05000388AUTH'AMEAUTHORAFFILIATION CURTIS~AH.
NO FACIL:50 387 Susquehanna Steam Electric Stations Unit 1P Pennsylv 50 388 Susquehanna Steam Electric StationP Unit 2P Pennsylva 05000388 AUTH'AME AUTHOR AFFILIATION CURTIS~AH.
~J.Licensing Branch1
~J.Licensing Branch 1

Forwards.revisedresponsetoQ'uestion 260~1~InfowillbeincludedinnextFSARamend.DISTRIBUTION CODE:BOOISCOPIESRECEIVED:,LTR g'MCI.$SIZE:.~TITLE.'.PSAR/FSAR AMDTSandRelatedCorrespondence NOTES:Send ILE3"'copiesFSARLallamends'cy:BHR"LRG PM(L,.RIB)
For wards.revised response to Q'uestion 260~1~Info will be included in next FSAR amend.DISTRIBUTION CODE: BOOIS COPIES RECEIVED:,LTR g'MCI.$SIZE:.~TITLE.'.PSAR/FSAR AMDTS and Related Correspondence NOTES:Send ILE 3"'copies FSAR L all amends'cy:BHR"LRG PM(L,.RIB)
Send ISE 3 copies FSAR L al l amends.1 cy:BlSR LRG PMi(L~RIB)05000387 05000388 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAMEi ACTION: A/D LICENSNG RUSHBROOKPM
Engineering IL Construction 821-5381 May 19, 1981 Mr.B.J.Youngblood, Chief Licensing Branch No.1 U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION SER OUTSTANDING ISSUE 871 ER 100450 FILE 841-2 PLA-812 Docket Nos.50-387 50-388  
Engineering ILConstruction 821-5381May19,1981Mr.B.J.Youngblood, ChiefLicensing BranchNo.1U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555SUSQUEHANNA STEAMELECTRICSTATIONSEROUTSTANDING ISSUE871ER100450FILE841-2PLA-812DocketNos.50-38750-388

==Dear Mr.Youngblood:==

InreplytoSusquehanna SafetyEvaluation ReportOutstanding Issue/$71,attachedpleasefindPL'srevisedresponsetoQuestion260.1.Thisinformation willbeincludedinthenextFSARamendment.
In reply to Susquehanna Safety Evaluation Report Outstanding Issue/$71, attached please find PL's revised response to Question 260.1.This information will be included in the next FSAR amendment.
Verytrulyyours,N.W.CurtisVicePresident-Engineering SConstruction-Nuclear TEG/mksAttachment footj/(8xo52eoSIOPENNSYLVANIA POWER&LIGHTCOMPANY 111Ils'tI'  
Very truly yours, N.W.Curtis Vice President-Engineering S Construction-Nuclear TEG/mks Attachment foot j/(8x o52eo SIO PENNSYLVANIA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY 111 Il s't I'  
~~SSES-FSAR rSection17.1.2.2ofthestandardformat(Regulatory Guide1.70).requirestheidentification ofsafety-related structures, systems,andcomponents (Q-list)controlled bytheQAprogram.Youarerequested tosupplement andclarifytheQ-listinTable3.2-1oftheFSARinaccordance withthefollowing:
~~SSES-FSAR r Section of the standard format (Regulatory Guide 1.70).requires the identification of safety-related structures, systems, and components (Q-list)controlled by the QA program.You are requested to supplement and clarify the Q-list in Table 3.2-1 of the FSAR in accordance with the following:
a~Thefollowing itemsfromtheQ-listneedexpansion and/orclarification asnoted.Revisethelistasindicated or-)ustifynotdoingso.1)ClarifythattheControlRodDriveSystemincludesthe~scramaccumulators.
a~The following items from the Q-list need expansion and/or clarification as noted.Revise the list as indicated or-)ustify not doing so.1)Clarify that the Control Rod Drive System includes the~scram accumulators.
2)'larifythatdischarge pipingfilllinesandjockeypumpsareincludedintheHPCI,RCIC,RHR,andCoreSpraySystems.3)ClarifythattheEmergency CoreCoolingandRCICSystemsincludethemechanical vortexsuppression devices.4)Identifythe"equipment associated withasafetyaction"asregardstheLeakageDetection System.For'example, itisnotclearthatpost-LOCA ECCSLeakageDetection Systemsareincluded.
2)'larify that discharge piping fill lines and jockey pumps are included in the HPCI, RCIC, RHR, and Core Spray Systems.3)Clarify that the Emergency Core Cooling and RCIC Systems include the mechanical vortex suppression devices.4)Identify the"equipment associated with a safety action" as regards the Leakage Detection System.For'example, it is not clear that post-LOCA ECCS Leakage Detection Systems are included.b.The following items do not appear on the Q-list.Add the following items to the list or justify not doing so.'1), ESSW Spray Pond Emergency Spillway.Cr 2)Site grading.3)Roof scuppers and parapet openings.4)Pressure resisting doors.5)Meteorological data collection programs.6)Refueling Interlock System..7)Rod worth minimizer.
b.Thefollowing itemsdonotappearontheQ-list.Addthefollowing itemstothelistorjustifynotdoingso.'1),ESSWSprayPondEmergency Spillway.
8)Primary Containment Vacuum Relief System-instrumentation and controls.9)Standby Gas Treatment System-instrumentation and controls.10)Missile barriers for safety'related equipment.
Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-1 SSES-FSAR ll)Steam lines to the HPCT and RCIC turbines along with the associated valves and restraints.
4)Pressureresisting doors.5)Meteorological datacollection programs.
12)Equipment and drain floor-piping and containment isolation valves.I 13')Quencher and quencher support.14)Downcomers and braces.15)Primary Containment Purge System.16)Primary Containment Ventilation System-piping and containment isolation valves.17), Onsite Power Systems (Class'1E)a)transformers b)valve operators c)protective relays and control panels 18)Engineered safety features RC equipment-protective relays and control panels.19)Biological shielding within primary containment, reactor building, and control building.20).Nuclear boiler system instrumentation piping beyond the.outermost isolation valve.21)Drywell cooling system piping and valves for coolers V-414A and B, V-415A and B, and.V-416A and B, 22)Mainsteam system piping to turbine stop valves and branch line piping up to and including first valve.23)Spent fuel pool liner.24)Radiation monitoring (fixed and portable).
6)Refueling Interlock System..7)Rodworthminimizer.
25)Radioactivity monitoring (fixed and portable).
8)PrimaryContainment VacuumReliefSystem-instrumentation andcontrols.
26).Radioactivity sampling (air, surfaces, liquids).27)Radioactive contamination measurement and analysis.28)Personnel monitoring'nternal (e.g., whole body counter)and external (e.g., TLD system).29)Instrument storage, calibration, and maintenance.
9)StandbyGasTreatment System-instrumentation andcontrols.
i 30)Decontamination (facilities, personnel, and equipment).
260.1-2 Rev.23, 6/81 SSES-FSAR~31)'espiratory protection, including testing.32)Contamination control.33)Feedwater spargers.34)Safety-related masonry walls (see IE Bulletin No.80-11).35)Measuring and test equipment used for safety-related
Rev.23,6/81260.1-1 SSES-FSAR ll)SteamlinestotheHPCTandRCICturbinesalongwiththeassociated valvesandrestraints.
~str'uctures, systems, and components.
12)Equipment anddrainfloor-pipingandcontainment isolation valves.I13')Quencherandquenchersupport.14)Downcomers andbraces.15)PrimaryContainment PurgeSystem.16)PrimaryContainment Ventilation System-pipingandcontainment isolation valves.17),OnsitePowerSystems(Class'1E)a)transformers b)valveoperators c)protective relaysandcontrolpanels18)Engineered safetyfeaturesRCequipment
36)Expendable and consumable items necessary for the functional performance of safety-related structures, systems, and components (i.e,, weld rod, fuel oil,'oric acid, snubber oil,.etc.).c.Enclosure 2 of NUREG-0737,"Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements" (November 1980)identified numerous items that are safety related and appropriate for OL application and therefore should be on the Q-list, These items are listed'below.Add these items to the Q-list and/or indicate where'on the Q-list they can be found.Otherwise justify not doing so+NUREG-0737 (Enclosure 2)Clarification Item 1)Plant-safety-parameter display console, 2)Reactor coolant system vents.3)Plant shielding.
-protective relaysandcontrolpanels.19)Biological shielding withinprimarycontainment, reactorbuilding, andcontrolbuilding.
4)Post accident sampling.5)Valve position indication.
20).Nuclearboilersysteminstrumentation pipingbeyondthe.outermost isolation valve.21)DrywellcoolingsystempipingandvalvesforcoolersV-414AandB,V-415AandB,and.V-416AandB,22)Mainsteam systempipingtoturbinestopvalvesandbranchlinepipinguptoandincluding firstvalve.23)Spentfuelpoolliner.24)Radiation monitoring (fixedandportable).
6)Dedicated hydrogen penetrations.
25)Radioactivity monitoring (fixedandportable).
26).Radioactivity sampling(air,surfaces, liquids).
27)Radioactive contamination measurement andanalysis.
28)Personnel monitoring'nternal (e.g.,wholebodycounter)andexternal(e.g.,TLDsystem).29)Instrument storage,calibration, andmaintenance.
i30)Decontamination (facilities, personnel, andequipment).
260.1-2Rev.23,6/81 SSES-FSAR
~31)'espiratory protection, including testing.32)Contamination control.33)Feedwater spargers.
34)Safety-related masonrywalls(seeIEBulletinNo.80-11).35)Measuring andtestequipment usedforsafety-related
~str'uctures, systems,andcomponents.
36)Expendable andconsumable itemsnecessary forthefunctional performance ofsafety-related structures, systems,andcomponents (i.e,,weldrod,fueloil,'oricacid,snubberoil,.etc.).c.Enclosure 2ofNUREG-0737, "Clarification ofTMIActionPlanRequirements" (November 1980)identified numerousitemsthataresafetyrelatedandappropriate forOLapplication andtherefore shouldbeontheQ-list,Theseitemsarelisted'below.AddtheseitemstotheQ-listand/orindicatewhere'ontheQ-listtheycanbefound.Otherwise justifynotdoingso+NUREG-0737 (Enclosure 2)Clarification Item1)Plant-safety-parameter displayconsole,2)Reactorcoolantsystemvents.3)Plantshielding.
6)Dedicated hydrogenpenetrations.
7)Containment isolation dependability.
7)Containment isolation dependability.
8)Accidentmonitoring instrumentation.
8)Accident monitoring instrumentation.
I.D.2II.B.1II.B.2II.B.3II.D.3II.E.4.1II.E.4.2II.F.19)Instrumentation fordetection ofinadequate II.F,.2core-cooling..
I.D.2 II.B.1 II.B.2 II.B.3 II.D.3 II.E.4.1 II.E.4.2 II.F.1 9)Instrumentation for detection of inadequate II.F,.2 core-cooling..
10)HPCI&'RCICinitiation levels.11)Isolation ofHPCIandrCIC.,II.K.3(13)II.K.3(15)'ev.
10)HPCI&'RCIC initiation levels.11)Isolation of HPCI and rCIC., II.K.3 (13)II.K.3(15)'ev.
23, 6/81 260.1-3  

SSES-FSAR 12)Challenges toandfailureofreliefvalves.II.K.3(16) 13)ADSactuation.
SSES-FSAR 12)Challenges to and failure of relief valves.II.K.3(16) 13)ADS actuation.
14)RestartofcoresprayandLPCI.15)RCICsuction.16)'pacecoolingforHPCI.&RCIC.17)Poweronpumpseals.18)Commonreference level.19).ADSvalves,accumulators, andassociated equipment andinstrumentation.
14)Restart of core spray and LPCI.15)RCIC suction.16)'pace cooling for HPCI.&RCIC.17)Power on pump seals.18)Common reference level.19).ADS valves, accumulators, and associated equipment and instrumentation.
II.K.3 (22)II.K.3(24)
II.K.3(28)20)Emergency plans.21)Emergency supportfacilities.
II.K.3 (28)20)Emergency plans.21)Emergency support facilities.
III.A.1.1/III.A.2 III.A.1.2 22)InplantIradiation monitoring.
III.A.1.1/III.A.2 III.A.1.2 22)Inplant I radiation monitoring.
III.D.3.3 23)Control-room habitability.
III.D.3.3 23)Control-room habitability.
.~r~III.D.3.4 d.The-instrumentation andcontrolsystemsandcomponents must.'be,identified ontheQ-list(FSARTable3.2-1)tothesamescopeandlevelofdetailprovidedinChapter7oftheFSAR.RESPONSE:
.~r~III.D.3.4 d.The-instrumentation and control systems and components must.'be, identified on the Q-list (FSAR Table 3.2-1)to the same scope and level of detail provided in Chapter 7 of the FSAR.RESPONSE: Introduction Table 3.2-1 (SSES Design Criteria Summary)of the FSAR is intended to provide identification of safety-related structures, systems, and components as required'by Section o'f the standard format (Regulatory Guide 1.70).The"Q List" for Su'squehanna
Introduction Table3.2-1(SSESDesignCriteriaSummary)oftheFSARisintendedtoprovideidentification ofsafety-related structures, systems,andcomponents asrequired'bySection17.1.2.2o'fthestandardformat(Regulatory Guide1.70).The"QList"forSu'squehanna
'SES is not a part of the FSAR.The"Q-List" is gust~one of a,series of controlled QA program documents which serve to identify in expanded detail the quality classification of SSES items and related services in response to FSAR commitments.
'SESisnotapartoftheFSAR.The"Q-List"isgust~oneofa,seriesofcontrolled QAprogramdocuments whichservetoidentifyinexpandeddetailthequalityclassification ofSSESitemsandrelatedservicesinresponsetoFSARcommitments.
Quality Code Section III related, safety impact relate/, fire protection related, environmental monitoring related, etc.Th'SSES QA Manual and its impleneting procedures presecribe the.preparation and maintenance of these quality classification documents and defines the quality assurance controls that are to be applied to s'uch items/services.
QualityCodeSectionIIIrelated,safetyimpactrelate/,fireprotection related,environmental monitoring related,etc.Th'SSESQAManualanditsimpleneting procedures presecribe the.preparation andmaintenance ofthesequalityclassification documents anddefinesthequalityassurance controlsthataretobeappliedtos'uchitems/services.
a-1 The scram accumulators are a part of the hydraulic control unit..which is.indicated as, safety related in Table,3.2-1.
a-1Thescramaccumulators areapartofthehydraulic controlunit..whichis.indicated as,safetyrelatedinTable,3.2-1.
Rev..23, 6/81 260.1-4 SSES-FSAR O.a-2 The discharge piping fill lines for HPCI, RCIC, RHR and core spraysystems are included in Table 3.2-1 of the FSAR.These lines, between the main system piping and the condensate
Rev..23,6/81260.1-4 SSES-FSAR O.a-2Thedischarge pipingfilllinesforHPCI,RCIC,RHRandcorespraysystems areincludedinTable3.2-1oftheFSAR.Theselines,betweenthemainsystempipingandthecondensate
~system outer isolation check valve, are included under the respective systems subsection's"Piping Beyond Outermost Containment Isolation Valves." The line fill system adopted for SSES does not incorporate)ockey pumps to perform the fill function.The fill function's performed by the condensate transfer system..See response to Question 211.211 and FSAR Section 6.3.a-3 The'SSES Suppression Pool has no vortex suppression devices.Testing is conducted to assure that vortices do not adversely affect ECCS systems.The condensate storage tank supply-line is provided with a vortex breaker;however, it is not safety related inasmuch as'he tank is not safety related.5ee response to NRC Question 211.214 for testing information.
~systemouterisolation checkvalve,areincludedundertherespective systemssubsection's "PipingBeyondOutermost Containment Isolation Valves."ThelinefillsystemadoptedforSSESdoesnotincorporate
a-4 b-1 See revised Note 39 to FSAR Table 3.2-1.ESSW Sp'ray Pond Emergency Spillway The ESSW Spray Pond Emergency Spillway was installed as part of the spray pond concrete liner.The material used to construct the spillway (concrete and reinforcing steel)was" controlled, by the same quality requirements in effect for the concrete liner.Therefore, the listing on Table 3.2-1 for Spray Pond (Structures Page 26)applies to the ESSW Spray.Pond Emergency Spi'llway as a safety-related structure.
b-2 All Category I buildings have watgrtight doors.Therefore, site grading will not affect safety-related equipment and should not be considered a safety-related item (Reference FSAR Section this reason site grading will not be listed on Table'.2-1; however, watertight doors are listed in the revised Table 3.2-1.b-3 Roof scuppers and openings are not part of the secondary containment structure for the.Reactor Building.Overflow will not penetrate into doors (reference response to Question 260.1.b.2).
Thefillfunction's performed bythecondensate transfersystem..SeeresponsetoQuestion211.211andFSARSection6.3.a-3The'SSESSuppression Poolhasnovortexsuppression devices.Testingisconducted toassurethatvorticesdonotadversely affectECCSsystems.Thecondensate storagetanksupply-lineisprovidedwithavortexbreaker;however,itisnotsafetyrelatedinasmuchas'hetankisnotsafetyrelated.5eeresponsetoNRCQuestion211.214fortestinginformation.
The parapet openings are also a backup system for the primary drainage System on the roof.Roof loads as a result of scupper failure have'een considered in the structural design of the buildings.
a-4b-1SeerevisedNote39toFSARTable3.2-1.ESSWSp'rayPondEmergency SpillwayTheESSWSprayPondEmergency Spillwaywasinstalled aspartofthespraypondconcreteliner.Thematerialusedtoconstruct thespillway(concrete andreinforcing steel)was"controlled, bythesamequalityrequirements ineffectfortheconcreteliner.Therefore, thelistingonTable3.2-1forSprayPond(Structures Page26)appliestotheESSWSpray.PondEmergency Spi'llway asasafety-related structure.
Therefore., the scupper and parapet openings are not safety-related items-.and will not be'isted in Table 3.2-1.A discussion of the design capacities of the roof drainage system is provided in FSAR Subsection Rev.23, 6/81' SSES-FSAR b-4 Pres'sure-resisting doors classified as safety-related components are designed according to the criteria shown in the revised section of.Table 3.2-1 (Buildings).
b-2AllCategoryIbuildings havewatgrtight doors.Therefore, sitegradingwillnotaffectsafety-related equipment andshouldnotbeconsidered asafety-related item(Reference FSARSection2.4.2.3).
b-5 This stem is not a"structure, system or component"requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of this activity is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered under a quality program.b-6 Not in Table 3.2-1.Not a safety system.However;there are surveillances required by Technical Specifications.
ForthisreasonsitegradingwillnotbelistedonTable'.2-1; however,watertight doorsarelistedintherevisedTable3.2-1.b-3Roofscuppersandopeningsarenotpartofthesecondary containment structure forthe.ReactorBuilding.
b-7 Not in Table 3.2-1.Not a safety system.However, there are surveillances required by Technical Specifications.
Overflowwillnotpenetrate intodoors(reference responsetoQuestion260.1.b.2).
b-8 No instrumentation or controls for the Primary Containment Vacuum Relief'ystem have a safety related functin, (i.e., They are only for testing and are not used post-LOCA).
TheparapetopeningsarealsoabackupsystemfortheprimarydrainageSystemontheroof.Roofloadsasaresultofscupperfailurehave'eenconsidered inthestructural designofthebuildings.
Therefore, they are not included in Table 3.2-1.b-9 See revised Table 3.2-1 under Standby Gas Treatment"and associated instrumentation" has See:e>added to Control Panels.b-.10 Those missile barriers classified as safety-related structure are designed in accordance with the criteria the revised section of Table 3.2-1 (Structures)."Piping beyond outermost containment isolation valve, other" b-ll Piping=and,associated valves to the HPCI and RCIC turbines are included in Table 3.2-1 of the PSAR under the following subsections:
HPCI-"Valves other" RCIC-Piping beyond outermost containment isolation valve,.other" ,"Valves other" Associated restraints for the HPCI and RCIC turbine~i~in,'re not detail'ed in Table 3.2-1 of the FSAR as they are.not principal components of systems.b-12 Table 3.2-1 of the FSAR has been revised to incorporate the safety related piping and isolation valves and applicable codes and standards associated with the containment penetrations.
thescupperandparapetopeningsarenotsafety-related items-.andwillnotbe'istedinTable3.2-1.Adiscussion ofthedesigncapacities oftheroofdrainagesystemisprovidedinFSARSubsection,6/81' SSES-FSAR b-4Pres'sure-resisting doorsclassified assafety-related components aredesignedaccording tothecriteriashownintherevisedsectionof.Table3.2-1(Buildings).
b-13 See revised Table 3,2-1 (Nuclear Boiler System).Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-6 SSES-FSAR b-14 See" revised Table 3.2-1 (Buildings).
b-5Thisstemisnota"structure, systemorcomponent"requiring entryinTable3.2-1.Controlofthisactivityisprovidedbyappropriate procedures whicharecoveredunderaqualityprogram.b-6NotinTable3.2-1.Notasafetysystem.However;therearesurveillances requiredbyTechnical Specifications.
e The Primary Containment.
b-7NotinTable3.2-1.Notasafetysystem.However,therearesurveillances requiredbyTechnical Specifications.
Purge System is not safety related'ith the exception o'f the piping and valving associated with the primary containment penetration boundary.See revised Table 3.2-1 under Primary Containment Purge System.b-16 The Primary Containment Ventilation System should be referred to as the Dry Well Cooling System.The Dry Well Cooling System has no primary containment penetration.
b-8Noinstrumentation orcontrolsforthePrimaryContainment VacuumRelief'ystem haveasafetyrelatedfunctin,(i.e.,Theyareonlyfortestingandarenotusedpost-LOCA).
b-17 Appropriate onsite power system components whicha re safety-'elated are listed in Table 3.2-1.Where the specific components are part of a safety-related (class 1E)system, they appear in Table 3.2-1 as subsets of the, Onsite Power Systems.(E'xample:
Therefore, theyarenotincludedinTable3.2-1.b-9SeerevisedTable3.2-1underStandbyGasTreatment "andassociated instrumentation" hasSee:e>added toControlPanels.b-.10Thosemissilebarriersclassified assafety-related structure aredesignedinaccordance withthecriteriashown..intherevisedsectionofTable3.2-1(Structures).
Load CenterTransformers a'r e a subcomponent of Load Center, and Valve Operators are a subcomponent of Motor Operated Valves.)b-18 Engineered safety features DC equipment listed under electric systems are safety-related.
"Pipingbeyondoutermost containment isolation valve,other"b-llPiping=and,associated valvestotheHPCIandRCICturbinesareincludedinTable3.2-1ofthePSARunderthefollowing subsections:
See Table 3.2-1.The'protective relays and control panels are subsets of this'system.b-19 Biological shielding determined to be safety-related is designed in accordance with the criteria shown in the revised.section of Table 3.2-1 (Structures, Page 26).b-20 D Instrument lines are safety-related for all divisionalized loops all the way to the local instruments, These are included as a subset of the various systems identified in Table 3.2-1.'-21 With the exception of cooling water.piping and valves associated with the primary containment penetration boundry the reactor building chilled water system is not safety related.In Table 3.2-1'the com onents of the Dr ell Coolers have been listed se aratel under Dr ell Coolin~Sstem.b-22 As indicated in Table 3.2-1, under Nuclear Boiler System, the piping beyond the outermost isolation valves up to the turbine casing is Quality Group"B" and as stated in Note.20, has been designed by the use of a dynamic seismic system analysis to withstand the OBE and SSE design loads in combination with other appropriat'e loads, within the limits specified for Class 2 pipe in the ASME Section 3 Code.b-23 Spent'fuel pool liner is addressed in Table 3.2-1 under"Structures Rev.e 23, 6/81 260.1-7 SSES-FSAR b-24 This'is not a'"structure, system or component" requiring Table 3.2-1.Control and calibration of radiation'onitoring (fixed and portable)is provided by appropriate'rocedures which are covered under a quality program.b-25 This is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1;Control and calibration of radioactivity monitoring (fixed and portable)is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered'nder a quality program.b-26 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of radioactivity
HPCI-"Valvesother"RCIC-Pipingbeyondoutermost containment isolation valve,.other"
'ontamination measurement and analysis is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered under a quality program.b-27 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of radioactive contamination measurement and analysis is provided by'appropriate procedures which are covered under a quality program.b-.28 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of personnel monitoring.(e.g., while body counter)and external (e.g., TLD,system) is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered under, a quality program.b-29 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of instrument storage, calibration and maintenance is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered under a quality program.b-30 Decontamination equipment and facilities are not safety related.Decontamination piping and valves are a part of the"Liquid Radwaste Management Systems--'iquid&'Chemical Waste Piping and Valves" as described in Table 3.2-1 of the FSAR.Personnel decontamination is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of, personnel decontamination is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered under a quality program'.b-31 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring.entry in'able 3.2-1.Control of respiratory protection, including testing is provided by appropriate procedures which hre.covered under a quality'program.'I Rev.23, 6/81 h 260.1-8 b-32 Thi's item is not a"structure, system'r component" requiring entry in Table.3.2-1.Contamination control is provided by appro'priate procedures which are covered under'a quali t y pr ogram.b-33 Masonry walls designed as safety-related structures are designed in accordance with the criteria shown in the revised section of Table 3.2-1 (Structures).
,"Valvesother"Associated restraints fortheHPCIandRCICturbine~i~in,'renotdetail'ed inTable3.2-1oftheFSARastheyare.notprincipal components ofsystems.b-12Table3.2-1oftheFSARhasbeenrevisedtoincorporate thesafetyrelatedpipingandisolation valvesandapplicable codesandstandards associated withthecontainment penetrations.
b-35 Measuring and test equipment is not safety related.-Calibration of these pieces of measuring and test equipment used to perform checks on safety functions of safety-related equipment are controlled by the constuction/operational QA program..b-36 The classifi'cation of these items is byond the'efinition of'"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.The quality classification of expendable and consumable items necessary for the'functional performance of safety-related structures.
b-13SeerevisedTable3,2-1(NuclearBoilerSystem).Rev.23,6/81260.1-6 SSES-FSAR b-14See"revisedTable3.2-1(Buildings).
systems or components is determined.
as part of the procurement process in accordance with the provisions of the QA program.~~c.'ntroduction Part C of the question invokes enclosure (2)to NUREG 0737 as the basis for modifying Table 3-.2-1 to include certain items.NUREG 0737 does not impose this requirement in all cases.Many of the TMI action plan requirements are intangible in that they call for studies, documentation, administrative controls, etc.Our approach in responding to Part C of this question has been to identify'ma)or structural or hardware-related requirements of NUREG 0737, and to apply quality assurance to those items, if appropriate.
PurgeSystemisnotsafetyrelated'ith theexception o'fthepipingandvalvingassociated withtheprimarycontainment penetration boundary.
Finally, for SSES, implementation of many of the identified sections of'NUREG 0737 is not yet required per enclosure (2).Foi all modifications that are eventually required for SSES, safety-related classification will be determined.
SeerevisedTable3.2-1underPrimaryContainment PurgeSystem.b-16ThePrimaryContainment Ventilation SystemshouldbereferredtoastheDryWellCoolingSystem.TheDryWellCoolingSystemhasnoprimarycontainment penetration.
For more information, refer to PP&L's response to NUREG 0737.c-1 c-2 The Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS)is not sfaety related and therefore will not be added to Table 3.2-1..However, it will be procured and'maintained under procedures
b-17Appropriate onsitepowersystemcomponents whicharesafety-'elated arelistedinTable3.2-1.Wherethespecificcomponents arepartofasafety-related (class1E)system,theyappearinTable3.2-1assubsetsofthe,OnsitePowerSystems.(E'xample:
'which are covered under a quality program.The various.reactor coolant system vent paths are safety-related.They are designated in Table 3.2-1, as follows: The RCS ve'ssel head vent is a subset of"reactor vessel appurtenances,'ressure retaining portions" under"Reactor System".Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-9 SSES-FSAR The main steam relief valves with their ADS function'are a subset of"safety/relief valves" under"Nuclear Boiler.System.".c-,3 Shield walls identified as a result of the Plant Shielding'tudy (NUREG"0737 Item II.B.2)will be reviewed for classification as safety-related structures.
LoadCenterTransformers a'reasubcomponent ofLoadCenter,andValveOperators areasubcomponent ofMotorOperatedValves.)b-18Engineered safetyfeaturesDCequipment listedunderelectricsystemsaresafety-related.
Table 3.2-1 wil'1 be updated as necessary to reflect the design criteria used for design of those shielding walls classified as safety-related.
SeeTable3.2-1.The'protective relaysandcontrolpanelsaresubsetsofthis'system.b-19Biological shielding determined tobesafety-related isdesignedinaccordance withthecriteriashownintherevised.sectionofTable3.2-1(Structures, Page26).b-20DInstrument linesaresafety-related foralldivisionalized loopsallthewaytothelocalinstruments, Theseareincludedasasubsetofthevarioussystemsidentified inTable3.2-1.'-21Withtheexception ofcoolingwater.pipingandvalvesassociated withtheprimarycontainment penetration boundrythereactorbuildingchilledwatersystemisnotsafetyrelated.InTable3.2-1'thecomonentsoftheDrellCoolershavebeenlistedsearatelunderDrellCoolin~Sstem.b-22Asindicated inTable3.2-1,underNuclearBoilerSystem,thepipingbeyondtheoutermost isolation valvesuptotheturbinecasingisQualityGroup"B"andasstatedinNote.20,hasbeendesignedbytheuseofadynamicseismicsystemanalysistowithstand theOBEandSSEdesignloadsincombination withotherappropriat'e loads,withinthelimitsspecified forClass2pipeintheASMESection3Code.b-23Spent'fuel poollinerisaddressed inTable3.2-1under"Structures Rev.e23,6/81260.1-7 SSES-FSAR b-24This'isnota'"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entry.inTable3.2-1.Controlandcalibration ofradiation'onitoring (fixedandportable) isprovidedbyappropriate'rocedures whicharecoveredunderaqualityprogram.b-25Thisisnota"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entryinTable3.2-1;Controlandcalibration ofradioactivity monitoring (fixedandportable) isprovidedbyappropriate procedures whicharecovered'nder aqualityprogram.b-26Thisitemisnota"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entryinTable3.2-1.Controlofradioactivity
c-4 The Post Accident Sampling Station (PASS), with the exception.of its interfaces with safety related systems.will not in itself be safety related.All PASS interfaces will'e covered in the appropriate systems in their piping/valve descriptions.
'ontamination measurement andanalysisisprovidedbyappropriate procedures whicharecoveredunderaqualityprogram.b-27Thisitemisnota"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entryinTable3.2-1.Controlofradioactive contamination measurement andanalysisisprovidedby'appropriate procedures whicharecoveredunderaqualityprogram.b-.28Thisitemisnota"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entryinTable3.2-1.Controlofpersonnel monitoring.(e.g.,
Specific description of the PASS in Tabl'e 3.2-1 will be incorporated upon completion of design.PASS operations will not be a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control will be provided by appropriate procedures in Chapter 17 of the FSAR'and Section 6.8 of the technical sp8cifications describing the QA program coverage of procedural controls.c-5 c-6 Valve position indication is a subset of Safety Relief Valve under Nuclear Boiler System in Table 3.2-1.Not.applicable to SSES.Hydrogen recombiners are inside containment.
whilebodycounter)andexternal(e.g.,TLD,system) isprovidedbyappropriate procedures whicharecoveredunder,aqualityprogram.b-29Thisitemisnota"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entryinTable3.2-1.Controlofinstrument storage,calibration andmaintenance isprovidedbyappropriate procedures whicharecoveredunderaqualityprogram.b-30Decontamination equipment andfacilities arenotsafetyrelated.Decontamination pipingandvalvesareapartofthe"LiquidRadwasteManagement Systems--'iquid&'Chemical WastePipingandValves"asdescribed inTable3.2-1oftheFSAR.Personnel decontamination isnota"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entryinTable3.2-1.Controlof,personnel decontamination isprovidedbyappropriate procedures whicharecoveredunderaqualityprogram'.
c-7 Containment isolation valves are safety-related as shown in Table 3.2-1.This subject was part of a study from which no changes to Table 3.2-1 resulted.c-8 Accident monitoring has both safety and non-safety related listing as follows: (a)Noble gas effluent radiological monitor is non-safety related per'NUREG-0737.(b)Continuous samples of plant effluents for.radioactive iodine and particulate are non-safety related.(c)Containment Hi-range radioactive monitors are, safety related.See revised Table 3.2-1 under Post Accident Monitoring.(d)Containment pressure monitor is safety related.See revised Table 3.2-1 under Post Accident Monitoring..
b-31Thisitemisnota"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring
Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-10 SSES-FSAR (e)Containment suppression pool water level instrumentation is safety related.See revised Table 3.2-1 under Post Accident Monitoring.(f)Containment H 20 2 monitor system is safety related, See revised Table 3.2-1 under Post Accident Monitoring.
.entryin'able3.2-1.Controlofrespiratory protection, including testingisprovidedbyappropriate procedures whichhre.coveredunderaquality'program.
" c-9 As a result of this study, no additional instrumentation was re'quired, therefore there is no change required in Table 3.2-1.c-10.As a result of these studies there was no change required of the HPCI and RCIC set points.There were no changes to Table 3.2-1 because of these studies.c-ll These studies resulted in minor changes to the systems but no changes'to Table 3.2-1.c-12 Response to the TMI s'tudy is still in the evaluation phase.Table 3.2-1 will be modified as necessary.
'IRev.23,6/81h260.1-8 b-32Thi'sitemisnota"structure, system'rcomponent" requiring entryinTable.3.2-1.Contamination controlisprovidedbyappro'priate procedures whicharecoveredunder'aqualityprogram.b-33Masonrywallsdesignedassafety-related structures aredesignedinaccordance withthecriteriashownintherevisedsectionofTable3.2-1(Structures).
c-g3'The'WR owners group is still evaluating this requirement.
b-35Measuring andtestequipment isnotsafetyrelated.-Calibration ofthesepiecesofmeasuring andtestequipment usedtoperformchecksonsafetyfunctions ofsafety-related equipment arecontrolled bytheconstuction/operational QAprogram..b-36Theclassifi'cation oftheseitemsisbyondthe'efinition of'"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entryinTable3.2-1.Thequalityclassification ofexpendable andconsumable itemsnecessary forthe'functional performance ofsafety-related structures.
If the study s'o indicates, Table 3.2-1 will be modified accordingly.
systemsorcomponents isdetermined.
..--".c-, 14 This study determi'ned.
aspartoftheprocurement processinaccordance withtheprovisions oftheQAprogram.~~c.'ntroduction PartCofthequestioninvokesenclosure (2)toNUREG0737asthebasisformodifying Table3-.2-1toincludecertainitems.NUREG0737doesnotimposethisrequirement inallcases.ManyoftheTMIactionplanrequirements areintangible inthattheycallforstudies,documentation, administrative
that no changes were required to Table 3~2-14"~~c-15 The changes resulting from the requirements of NUREG 0737, Item II.K.2(22), did not-alter the content of Table 3.2-1.c-16 Safety-related unit coolers are provided in these rooms as necessary to maintain temperature..See ECCS Pump Room in Table 3.2-1.c-17 Response to the TMI issues is under study/evaluation..
: controls, etc.Ourapproachinresponding toPartCofthisquestionhasbeentoidentify'ma)or structural orhardware-related requirements ofNUREG0737,andtoapplyqualityassurance tothoseitems,ifappropriate.
Any modifications to the SSEs design will be reflected in Table 3.2-1 as appropriate.
Finally,forSSES,implementation ofmanyoftheidentified sectionsof'NUREG0737isnotyetrequiredperenclosure (2).Foiallmodifications thatareeventually requiredforSSES,safety-related classification willbedetermined.
c-18 This study resulted in no changes to SSES equipment.
Formoreinformation, refertoPP&L'sresponsetoNUREG0737.c-1c-2TheSafetyParameter DisplaySystem(SPDS)isnotsfaetyrelatedandtherefore willnotbeaddedtoTable3.2-1..However, itwillbeprocuredand'maintained underprocedures
Entries in Table 3.2-1're not required as they are included within the individual systems.c-'19 Response to this TMI issue is under study/evaluation.
'whicharecoveredunderaqualityprogram.Thevarious.reactorcoolantsystemventpathsaresafety-related.Theyaredesignated inTable3.2-1,asfollows:TheRCSve'sselheadventisasubsetof"reactorvesselappurtenances,'ressure retaining portions" under"ReactorSystem".Rev.23,6/81260.1-9 SSES-FSAR ThemainsteamreliefvalveswiththeirADSfunction'areasubsetof"safety/relief valves"under"NuclearBoiler.System."
Any modifications to the SSES design.will be evaluated'o determine if they are safety relatd.Table 3.2-1 will be modified as deemed appropriate.
.c-,3Shieldwallsidentified asaresultofthePlantShielding'tudy (NUREG"0737 ItemII.B.2)willbereviewedforclassification assafety-related structures.
c-20 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1, Control of this activity is provided by'ppropriate procedures.
Table3.2-1wil'1beupdatedasnecessary toreflectthedesigncriteriausedfordesignofthoseshielding wallsclassified assafety-related.
Chapter 17 of the FSAR Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-11 S SE S-F SAR and Section 6.8 of the Technical Specifications describe the QA pr'ogram coverage of procedural controls'-21 c-22 c-23 These items are not safety related.Justification is contained in NUREG 0696 paragraph 2.5 and 4.2 (Table 2 and.footnotes).
'he Emergency Facilities are not required for safe shutdown or immediate or long term operation following a LOCA.The failure of these facilities will not cause the release of radioactivity in excess of 10 CFR 100 limits or cause or increase severity of a DBA.The individual facilities will be designed and installed in accordance with quality plans set forth'under Section I.D of NUREG 0696.For these reasons Emergency Support Facilities will not be added to Table 3.2-1.This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of this activity is provided by appropriate procedures.
.ofitsinterfaces withsafetyrelatedsystems.willnotinitselfbesafetyrelated.AllPASSinterfaces will'ecoveredintheappropriate systemsintheirpiping/valve descriptions.
Chapter 17 of the FSAR and Section 6.8 of the Technical Specifications describe the~QA'program coverage of procedural controls.'Control room habitability is mai5taWed by safety related equipment.
Specificdescription ofthePASSinTabl'e3.2-1willbeincorporated uponcompletion ofdesign.PASSoperations willnotbea"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entryinTable3.2-1.Controlwillbeprovidedbyappropriate procedures inChapter17oftheFSAR'andSection6.8ofthetechnical sp8cifications describing theQAprogramcoverageofprocedural controls.
" This equipment is identified in Table 3.2-1'nder tEe section heading HVAC System-Control Structure.
c-5c-6Valvepositionindication isasubsetofSafetyReliefValveunderNuclearBoilerSysteminTable3.2-1.Not.applicable toSSES.Hydrogenrecombiners areinsidecontainment.
d.Instrumentation and Control system are identified only at the system level in Table 3.2-1 without providing information on the individual component level.The quality classification of individual components has been identified in expanded detail in controlled QA program documents (e.g.,"Q-List" and the isntrument index).Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-12 SSES-FSAR TABLE 3.2-1 Continued Page 15 Quality Source Group FSAR of Loca-Classi-Section~Su 1 tion fication Principal Construe tion Safety Codes and Class Standards Quality Seismic Assurance Ct~~RI t C t Principal Components (34+)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)*(6)*(7)**Fans Coils, cooling Ductvork Dampers Piping and valves Combustible Gas Control S stem P P P P P NEMA MG1 AMCA 210 ARI AISI AMCA B31.1~C NA I Y C NA I Y C NA I,-Y C NA I Y C NA NA N 116 Hydrogen recombiners inside containment Primary Containment Atmosphere monitoring system (PCA!tg)Piping valves forming Contmt.Penetration Boundary Standb Gas Treatment S stem 9.4.1 P C NA 2 NA I P CR R B>D 2 III-2.I P C>R B 2 III-2 I 10, 41 l22 Motors Fans Prefilters Demisters HEPA filters Adsorber units Ductvork Dampers Piping Valves Electric heaters Control panels and associated instrumentation Radvaste Buildin HVAC Motors Fans Prefilters HEPA filters 9.4.3 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS C.3 CS C 3 CS NA 3 C,S NA 3 RW NA Other RW NA Other RW NA Other RW NA Other IREE-323/I 344 AMCA I UL Class 1 I MSAR 71-45=I MIL-F-I 51079 MIL-F-51068C AACC CS-8 I RDT M-16-1T AISI I AMCA I NFPC I B31.1 I hEMA 6 hEC I hVIIA I REMA MG1 NA A'.1CA NA UL Class 1 hA MIL-F-NA Y Y Y Y N N N'16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 l 22*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev.23, 6/81 SSES-FSAR TABIZ 3.2-1 Continued Quality Source Group FSAR of Loca-Classi-Safety Section Su 1 tion fication Class Principal Construc-tion Codes and dt d&Quality Seismic Assurance C ton R~tt C t Principai Components (34+)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(S)*(6)*(7)*All portions that input to the reactor protection system GE C>R NA 2 IEEE-279 I All portions that input to the engineered safety feature actuation system En ineered Safet Features Actuation S stem 7'P/GE C>R NA 2 IEEE-279 I All portions En ineered Safet Features S stems 7.3 controls snd instrurentation reciufred for safety associated with each actuated system)Emergency core cooling system Containment isolation system Containment purge systems (pressure boundry only)Emergency diesel generator systems Main steam line break detection system Controls and Instrmentation Associated with Safe Shutdown~Sstems Control room habitability system PCA!ig GE C>R NA 2 IEEE-279 I GE P P C>R NA C,R NA C,R NA 2 IEEE-279 I 2 IEEE-279 I 2 IEEE-279 I P G RA 2 IEEE-279 I P C>R,T NA 2 IEEE-279 I P CS NA 2 IEEE-279 I P C,R B>D 2 IEEE-279 I Y Y Y Y Y[23/iS Instrumentation Associated with Other S stems Re uired for Safet 7.6 Spent fuel pooling cooling system Fuel handling area ventilation isolation system Control room panels Iocal instrument racks associated P R P R P CS 2 IEEE-279 I 2 IEEE-279 I 2 IREE-279 I Y Y/is/ig*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev.23'/81 SSES-FSAR TABLE 3.2-1 Continued page 21 Quality Source Group FSAR of Loca-Classi-Safety Section~Su 1 tion fication Class Principal Construc-tion Codes and Standards Quality Seismic Assurance eton R~tt c t Principal Components (34>>)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)>>(6)*(7)*vith safety related equi~nt Instrumentation Associated vith S stems Not Re uired for Safet 7.7 P ALL NA 2 IREE-279 I Seismic instrumentation Area radiation monitoring Leak Detection S stem Temperature elements Differential temperature svitch Differential flov indicator Pressure svitch Differential pressure indicator svitch Differential flov suss>er I Process Radiation Monitors nt~g.2.5 P ALL NA Other NA P ALL NA Other NA GE GE N/A 2 IEEE-323 I N/A 2 IEEE-323 I GE C,R>T N/A 2 IEEE-323 I GE C,R N/A 2 IEEE-323 I GE N/A 2 IEEE-323 I GE C,R N/A 2 IREE-323 I Y N Y Y 39 39 39 39 39 39 (23 15 Electrical modules, main steam line and reactor building ventilation monitor Cable, main steam line and reactor building ventilation monitors Electric S stems GE R N/A 2 IREE-323 I P R N/A 2 IEEE-279/I 323/383 Y En ineered Safet Features AC~EI t t 4.16 kV svitchgear 480 V load centers 480 V motor control centers 8.3 0 NA NA NA IEEE-308/323/344 IEEE-308/323/344 IEEE/308/344 En ineered Safet Features DC E~t 8.3*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev.23, 6/81 t SSES FSAR TASLE 3.2-1 Continued Quality Source Group TSAR of Loca-Classi-Safety Seetfon~Su 1 tion fication Class Princfpal Construc-tion Codes and Standards 22 Quality Sefsnfc Assurance Ct~R~lt C t Princfpal Couponents (34*)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)*(6)>>(7)*125 V and 250 V statfon batteries and racks, battery cbargers 125 V s>>itchgear and distribution panels 120 V Vital AC S ste>s E ui ent 8.3 Static invcrters 120 V distribution panels Electric Cables for ESF E ui ent 8.3 P CS NA 2 IEEE-308/I 323/344 P CS NA 2 IEEE-308/I 323/344 P CS NA 2 IEEE-308/I 323/34>4 P CS>R NA 2 IREE-308/I 323/344 5 kV pover cables 600 V pover cables Control and instrunentation cables ALL NA ALL NA ALL NA 2 IEEE-308/383 IREE 308/383 IEEE-308/383 NA NA 15 15 15 Miscellaneous Electrical Priuary contafnnent bui)dfng electrical penetration assc=blies Conduit supports, safety related Tray supports, safety related Euergency lfghtfng systens Euergency coo>aunicatfons syster>s Dfescl generator Auxilia S stens Coupresscd Air and Instrurient Gas Svstcns 9.3.1 P P P P P ALL NA ALL NA ALL HA ALL NA G NA 2 IEEE-317/I 344/383 2 IREE-344 I 2 IEEE-344 I 2 IREE-344 I Other NONE NA 2 IREE-387 I Y Y Y N Y 15 15 Co~ressors Pressure vessels, for safety related equfpnent P T NA P C>R C Other NONE NA h 3 III-3 I T*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.
c-7Containment isolation valvesaresafety-related asshowninTable3.2-1.ThissubjectwaspartofastudyfromwhichnochangestoTable3.2-1resulted.
SSES-FSAR TABLE 3.2-1 Continued Quality Source Group FSAR of Loca-Classi-Section~Su 1 tion fication Principal Construc-tion Quality Safety Codes and , Seismic Assurance cl dt d d c*ten R~lt c t Principal Components (34>>)(1)*(2)*(3)>>(4)>>(5)*(6)>>(I)>>Pressure vessels, not for safety related equipment Piping, and valves forming part of containment boundary Piping and valves, safety related Piping and valves>other Nitrogen storage bottler Sa lin S stems 9.3.2 P P P C IR B C IR C ALL D R Nh 2 III-2 I Y 3 III-3 I Y Other B31.1.0 NA N Other DOT I N ALL D Other VIII-1 Nh N)16 Ldg Sample coolers Piping and valves on III-1 systems Piping and valves on III-2 systems Piping and valves on III-3 systems Piping and valves, other systems Piping and valves, containment penetration, isolation Fire Protection S stem Tanks Pumpsl piping and vater system components Gas system components (CO and Halon 1301)Fire and smoke detection and alarm system Generator External N dro en S stem 9.5.1 C>R,T>D RW C A C,R B R>T>RW C R,T,RW D C B P 0 D P-ALL Nh P CS Nh P ALL NA 4 VIII-1 NA N TERA C t 1 III-1 I Y 3 Other III-2 I Y I II-3 I Y B31.1.0 NA N III-2 I Y Other API-650/Nh N D100 Other NFPA/NEPIA Nh N Other NFPA/NEPIA Nh N Other NFPA/hEPIA NA N 10 10 10 10 10[ld Vessels Piping Valves P T D Other VIII-1 Nh N P T D Other B31.1.0 NA N P T D Other B31.1.0 NA N*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev.23, 6/81  
c-8Accidentmonitoring hasbothsafetyandnon-safety relatedlistingasfollows:(a)Noblegaseffluentradiological monitorisnon-safetyrelatedper'NUREG-0737.
(b)Continuous samplesofplanteffluents for.radioactive iodineandparticulate arenon-safety related.(c)Containment Hi-rangeradioactive monitorsare,safetyrelated.SeerevisedTable3.2-1underPostAccidentMonitoring.
(d)Containment pressuremonitorissafetyrelated.SeerevisedTable3.2-1underPostAccidentMonitoring..
Rev.23,6/81260.1-10 SSES-FSAR (e)Containment suppression poolwaterlevelinstrumentation issafetyrelated.SeerevisedTable3.2-1underPostAccidentMonitoring.
(f)Containment H202monitorsystemissafetyrelated,SeerevisedTable3.2-1underPostAccidentMonitoring.
"c-9Asaresultofthisstudy,noadditional instrumentation wasre'quired, therefore thereisnochangerequiredinTable3.2-1.c-10.AsaresultofthesestudiestherewasnochangerequiredoftheHPCIandRCICsetpoints.TherewerenochangestoTable3.2-1becauseofthesestudies.c-llThesestudiesresultedinminorchangestothesystemsbutnochanges'to Table3.2-1.c-12ResponsetotheTMIs'tudyisstillintheevaluation phase.Table3.2-1willbemodifiedasnecessary.
c-g3'The'WRownersgroupisstillevaluating thisrequirement.
Ifthestudys'oindicates, Table3.2-1willbemodifiedaccordingly.
thatnochangeswererequiredtoTable3~2-14"~~c-15Thechangesresulting fromtherequirements ofNUREG0737,ItemII.K.2(22),didnot-alterthecontentofTable3.2-1.c-16Safety-related unitcoolersareprovidedintheseroomsasnecessary tomaintaintemperature.
Anymodifications totheSSEsdesignwillbereflected inTable3.2-1asappropriate.
EntriesinTable3.2-1'renotrequiredastheyareincludedwithintheindividual systems.c-'19ResponsetothisTMIissueisunderstudy/evaluation.
Anymodifications totheSSESdesign.willbeevaluated'o determine iftheyaresafetyrelatd.Table3.2-1willbemodifiedasdeemedappropriate.
c-20Thisitemisnota"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entryinTable3.2-1,Controlofthisactivityisprovidedby'ppropriate procedures.
Chapter17oftheFSARRev.23,6/81260.1-11 SSES-FSARandSection6.8oftheTechnical Specifications describetheQApr'ogramcoverageofprocedural controls'-21 c-22c-23Theseitemsarenotsafetyrelated.Justification iscontained inNUREG0696paragraph 2.5and4.2(Table2and.footnotes).
'heEmergency Facilities arenotrequiredforsafeshutdownorimmediate orlongtermoperation following aLOCA.Thefailureofthesefacilities willnotcausethereleaseofradioactivity inexcessof10CFR100limitsorcauseorincreaseseverityofaDBA.Theindividual facilities willbedesignedandinstalled inaccordance withqualityplanssetforth'under SectionI.DofNUREG0696.ForthesereasonsEmergency SupportFacilities willnotbeaddedtoTable3.2-1.Thisitemisnota"structure, systemorcomponent" requiring entryinTable3.2-1.Controlofthisactivityisprovidedbyappropriate procedures.
Chapter17oftheFSARandSection6.8oftheTechnical Specifications describethe~QA'program coverageofprocedural controls.
'Controlroomhabitability ismai5taWed bysafetyrelatedequipment.
"Thisequipment isidentified inTable3.2-1'nder tEesectionheadingHVACSystem-Control Structure.
d.Instrumentation andControlsystemareidentified onlyatthesystemlevelinTable3.2-1withoutproviding information ontheindividual component level.Thequalityclassification ofindividual components hasbeenidentified inexpandeddetailincontrolled QAprogramdocuments (e.g.,"Q-List"andtheisntrument index).Rev.23,6/81260.1-12 SSES-FSAR TABLE3.2-1Continued Page15QualitySourceGroupFSARofLoca-Classi-Section~Su1tionficationPrincipal ConstruetionSafetyCodesandClassStandards QualitySeismicAssurance Ct~~RItCtPrincipal Components (34+)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)*(6)*(7)**FansCoils,coolingDuctvorkDampersPipingandvalvesCombustible GasControlSstemPPPPPNEMAMG1AMCA210ARIAISIAMCAB31.1~CNAIYCNAIYCNAI,-YCNAIYCNANAN116Hydrogenrecombiners insidecontainment PrimaryContainment Atmosphere monitoring system(PCA!tg)PipingvalvesformingContmt.Penetration BoundaryStandbGasTreatment Sstem9.4.1PCNA2NAIPCRRB>D2III-2.IPC>RB2III-2I10,41l22MotorsFansPrefilters Demisters HEPAfiltersAdsorberunitsDuctvorkDampersPipingValvesElectricheatersControlpanelsandassociated instrumentation RadvasteBuildinHVACMotorsFansPrefilters HEPAfilters9.4.3PPPPPPPPPPPPPPCSNA3CSNA3CSNA3CSNA3CSNA3CSNA3CSNA3CSNA3CSC.3CSC3CSNA3C,SNA3RWNAOtherRWNAOtherRWNAOtherRWNAOtherIREE-323/
I344AMCAIULClass1IMSAR71-45=IMIL-F-I51079MIL-F-51068CAACCCS-8IRDTM-16-1TAISIIAMCAINFPCIB31.1IhEMA6hECIhVIIAIREMAMG1NAA'.1CANAULClass1hAMIL-F-NAYYYYNNN'16161616161616161616l22*RefertotheGeneralNotesattheendofthistable.Rev.23,6/81 SSES-FSAR TABIZ3.2-1Continued QualitySourceGroupFSARofLoca-Classi-SafetySectionSu1tionficationClassPrincipal Construc-tionCodesanddtd&QualitySeismicAssurance CtonR~ttCtPrincipai Components (34+)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(S)*(6)*(7)*Allportionsthatinputtothereactorprotection systemGEC>RNA2IEEE-279IAllportionsthatinputtotheengineered safetyfeatureactuation systemEnineeredSafetFeaturesActuation Sstem7'P/GEC>RNA2IEEE-279IAllportionsEnineeredSafetFeaturesSstems7.3controlssndinstrurentation reciufred forsafetyassociated witheachactuatedsystem)Emergency corecoolingsystemContainment isolation systemContainment purgesystems(pressure boundryonly)Emergency dieselgenerator systemsMainsteamlinebreakdetection systemControlsandInstrmentation Associated withSafeShutdown~SstemsControlroomhabitability systemPCA!igGEC>RNA2IEEE-279IGEPPC>RNAC,RNAC,RNA2IEEE-279I2IEEE-279I2IEEE-279IPGRA2IEEE-279IPC>R,TNA2IEEE-279IPCSNA2IEEE-279IPC,RB>D2IEEE-279IYYYYY[23/iSInstrumentation Associated withOtherSstemsReuiredforSafet7.6SpentfuelpoolingcoolingsystemFuelhandlingareaventilation isolation systemControlroompanelsIocalinstrument racksassociated PRPRPCS2IEEE-279I2IEEE-279I2IREE-279IYY/is/ig*RefertotheGeneralNotesattheendofthistable.Rev.23'/81 SSES-FSAR TABLE3.2-1Continued page21QualitySourceGroupFSARofLoca-Classi-SafetySection~Su1tionficationClassPrincipal Construc-tionCodesandStandards QualitySeismicAssurance etonR~ttctPrincipal Components (34>>)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)>>(6)*(7)*vithsafetyrelatedequi~ntInstrumentation Associated vithSstemsNotReuiredforSafet7.7PALLNA2IREE-279ISeismicinstrumentation Arearadiation monitoring LeakDetection SstemTemperature elementsDifferential temperature svitchDifferential flovindicator PressuresvitchDifferential pressureindicator svitchDifferential flovsuss>erIProcessRadiation Monitorsnt~g.2.5PALLNAOtherNAPALLNAOtherNAGEGEN/A2IEEE-323IN/A2IEEE-323IGEC,R>TN/A2IEEE-323IGEC,RN/A2IEEE-323IGEN/A2IEEE-323IGEC,RN/A2IREE-323IYNYY393939393939(2315Electrical modules,mainsteamlineandreactorbuildingventilation monitorCable,mainsteamlineandreactorbuildingventilation monitorsElectricSstemsGERN/A2IREE-323IPRN/A2IEEE-279/
I323/383YEnineeredSafetFeaturesAC~EItt4.16kVsvitchgear 480Vloadcenters480Vmotorcontrolcenters8.30NANANAIEEE-308/
344EnineeredSafetFeaturesDCE~t8.3*RefertotheGeneralNotesattheendofthistable.Rev.23,6/81t SSESFSARTASLE3.2-1Continued QualitySourceGroupTSARofLoca-Classi-SafetySeetfon~Su1tionficationClassPrincfpal Construc-tionCodesandStandards 22QualitySefsnfcAssurance Ct~R~ltCtPrincfpal Couponents (34*)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)*(6)>>(7)*125Vand250Vstatfonbatteries andracks,batterycbargers125Vs>>itchgear anddistribution panels120VVitalACSste>sEuient8.3Staticinvcrters 120Vdistribution panelsElectricCablesforESFEuient8.3PCSNA2IEEE-308/
I323/3445kVpovercables600VpovercablesControlandinstrunentation cablesALLNAALLNAALLNA2IEEE-308/
383NANA151515Miscellaneous Electrical Priuarycontafnnent bui)dfngelectrical penetration assc=blies Conduitsupports, safetyrelatedTraysupports, safetyrelatedEuergency lfghtfngsystensEuergency coo>aunicatfons syster>sDfesclgenerator AuxiliaSstensCoupresscd AirandInstrurient GasSvstcns9.3.1PPPPPALLNAALLNAALLHAALLNAGNA2IEEE-317/
I344/3832IREE-344I2IEEE-344I2IREE-344IOtherNONENA2IREE-387IYYYNY1515Co~ressors Pressurevessels,forsafetyrelatedequfpnent PTNAPC>RCOtherNONENAh3III-3IT*RefertotheGeneralNotesattheendofthistable.
SSES-FSAR TABLE3.2-1Continued QualitySourceGroupFSARofLoca-Classi-Section~Su1tionficationPrincipal Construc-tionQualitySafetyCodesand,SeismicAssurance cldtddc*tenR~ltctPrincipal Components (34>>)(1)*(2)*(3)>>(4)>>(5)*(6)>>(I)>>Pressurevessels,notforsafetyrelatedequipment Piping,andvalvesformingpartofcontainment boundaryPipingandvalves,safetyrelatedPipingandvalves>otherNitrogenstoragebottlerSalinSstems9.3.2PPPCIRBCIRCALLDRNh2III-2IY3III-3IYOtherB31.1.0NANOtherDOTINALLDOtherVIII-1NhN)16LdgSamplecoolersPipingandvalvesonIII-1systemsPipingandvalvesonIII-2systemsPipingandvalvesonIII-3systemsPipingandvalves,othersystemsPipingandvalves,containment penetration, isolation FireProtection SstemTanksPumpslpipingandvatersystemcomponents Gassystemcomponents (COandHalon1301)Fireandsmokedetection andalarmsystemGenerator ExternalNdroenSstem9.5.1C>R,T>DRWCAC,RBR>T>RWCR,T,RWDCBP0DP-ALLNhPCSNhPALLNA4VIII-1NANTERACt1III-1IY3OtherIII-2IYIII-3IYB31.1.0NANIII-2IYOtherAPI-650/NhND100OtherNFPA/NEPIA NhNOtherNFPA/NEPIA NhNOtherNFPA/hEPIA NAN1010101010[ldVesselsPipingValvesPTDOtherVIII-1NhNPTDOtherB31.1.0NANPTDOtherB31.1.0NAN*RefertotheGeneralNotesattheendofthistable.Rev.23,6/81  

SSES-FSAR TABLE3.2-1Continued QualitySourceGroupFSARofLoca-ClassiSafetySectionSuuSlrtionficationClassPrincipal Construc-tionCodesandStandards ae24QualitySeismicAssurance C~t*I~RCtCtPrincipal Components (34+)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)*(6)*(I)*VesselsPipingValvesPP~p0D0D0DOtherVIII-lNANOtherB31.1.0NANOtherB31.1.0NANPlant.ChilledWaterSstemChillersChilledvaterheatexchangers Pu~sPipingValvesSafetRelatedChilledWaterSstem9~2.12PALLDPALLDPALLDPALLDPALLDOtherOtherOtherOtherOtherB9.1VIII-1/TEMACVIII-1/Hyd.IB31.1.0B31.1.0NANhNNNANNAHNANChillersHeatexchangers MotorsPipingValvesEuimentandFloorDrains9.3'PPPPCSD3CSD3CSD3CSHA3CSD3CSD3ARI/B9.1VIII-1/TEMACVIII-I/LHyd.IIEEE-323/
SSES-FSAR TABLE 3.2-1 Continued Quality Source Group FSAR of Loca-Classi Safety Section SuuSlr tion f ication Class Principal Construc-tion Codes and Standards a e 24 Quality Seismic Assurance C~t*I~RC t C t Principal Components (34+)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)*(6)*(I)*Vessels Piping Valves P P~p 0 D 0 D 0 D Other VI I I-l NA N Other B31.1.0 NA N Other B31.1.0 NA N Plant.Chilled Water S stem Chillers Chilled vater heat exchangers Pu~s Piping Valves Safet Related Chilled Water S stem 9~2.12 P ALL D P ALL D P ALL D P ALL D P ALL D Other Other Other Other Other B9.1 VIII-1/TEMA C VIII-1/Hyd.I B31.1.0 B31.1.0 NA Nh N N NA N NA H NA N Chillers Heat exchangers Motors Piping Valves E ui ment and Floor Drains 9.3'P P P P CS D 3 CS D 3 CS D 3 CS HA 3 CS D 3 CS D 3 ARI/B9.1 VIII-1/TEMA C VI I I-I/L Hyd.I IEEE-323/344 B31.I B31.I I Y I-Y Piping, radioactive Piping, nonradioactive Piping S valves, containment penetrating isolation Demineralised Water Makeu S stem 9.2.9 P P ALL D ALL D RIG B Other B31.1.0 Other B31.1.0 NA NA N N 2 III-2 I Y Tanks Pumps Motors Piping and valves P P P P CW, D CW D CW NA ALL D Other VIII-I Other B31.1.0/Hyd.I Other NEMA MGI Other B31.1.0 Nh Nh N N Nh N NA N~tRtldl~*Refer to the General Notes at.the end of this table.Rev.231 6/81  
344B31.IB31.IIYI-YPiping,radioactive Piping,nonradioactive PipingSvalves,containment penetrating isolation Demineralised WaterMakeuSstem9.2.9PPALLDALLDRIGBOtherB31.1.0OtherB31.1.0NANANN2III-2IYTanksPumpsMotorsPipingandvalvesPPPPCW,DCWDCWNAALLDOtherVIII-IOtherB31.1.0/Hyd.IOtherNEMAMGIOtherB31.1.0NhNhNNNhNNAN~tRtldl~*RefertotheGeneralNotesat.theendofthistable.Rev.2316/81  

SSES-iSAR TABIZ3.2-1Continued QualitySourceGroupPEARof?oca-Classi-SafetySection~Su1tionfieationClassPrincipal Construc-tionCodesandStandards QualitySeisnicAssurance
SSES-iSAR TABIZ 3.2-1 Continued Quality Source Group PEAR of?oca-Classi-Safety Section~Su 1 tion fieation Class Principal Construc-tion Codes and Standards Quality Seisnic Assurance~CC*Rn R~tt C t Principal Coscponents (34+)(I)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(S)*(6)*(I)**Reactor Building Pressure resistant doors Matertight door R.B.Equipncnt door Prinary Containnent Access hatches/locks/doors Liner plate Penetration assenblies Vacuun relief valves Do>cnconers Dovncos>er Bracing Diesel generator building Control structure Radvaste and offgas building Turbine building Adninistration building, Circulating>>ster punp house Ega pua>phouse
~CC*RnR~ttCtPrincipal Coscponents (34+)(I)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(S)*(6)*(I)**ReactorBuildingPressureresistant doorsMatertight doorR.B.Equipncnt doorPrinaryContainnent Accesshatches/locks/doors LinerplatePenetration assenblies VacuunreliefvalvesDo>cnconers Dovncos>er BracingDieselgenerator buildingControlstructure RadvasteandoffgasbuildingTurbinebuildingAdninistration
.Structures P R P R P R P R P C P C P C P C P C P C P C P G P CS P RV P T P 0 P 0 P 0 B B B B B B NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Other Other Other Other 3 ACI/AISC ASTM/ANS AISC ASIM/AMS ASTM/ANS ACI/AISC/III III-MC III-MC III-MC III-2 III-MC AISC AC I/AISC ACI/AISC AC I/AISC ACI/AISC ACI/AISC ACI/AISC AC I/AISC I NA NA NA I I I I I I I I I NA NA NA NA I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y 27>30 29 22 21 22 I 22 Spray pond gc Energency Spillvay Condensate storage tank Spent fuel pool Spent fuel pool liner Refueling uater storage tank Pipe Nhip Restraints Missile Barriers for safety related ecluipnent Biological shielding uithin Prinary containnent>
: building, Circulating>>ster punphouseEgapua>phouse
reactor Building and control building Safety related nasonry valley Post.accident njonitorin P P P P P-P 0 NA 0 D R NA R NA 0 D R,C NA C>R>NA CS>SM, G C,R, NA CS R>G, NA CS 3 Other 2 2 Other 3 ACI~D100 ACI/AISC ACI/AISC D100 AISC I NA I I NA I Other AISC I Other ACI/AISC I Other ACI/UBC I Y N Y Y N Y 42 22 22*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev, 23, 6/81 SSES-CESAR TABLE 3.2-1 Continued pa8e 26 Quality Source Group ESAR of Loca-Classi-Section~Su 1 tion fication Principal Construe tion Safety Codes and Class Standards Quality Seiseic Assur~ere C tun R~tt C t Principal Conponents (34>>)(1)*(2)" (3)>>(4)*(3)*(6)>>-(I)>>Containnent Radiation Honitorin8 Equipnent SRV position indication systen Nohlr gas c fflucnt radiological s>nnltor Continuous sanples of plant effluents for radioactive iodine 6 particulates Containnent hi-ran8e radiation sonitor Contai~nt pressure nonitor Containnent Suppression pool vater level instr.Containnent H/0 nonitor systen P P R hH 2 ANSI N13.1 I R NA 2 323/344 I R NA 2 323/344 I Y Y R NA R NA 2-323/344 I 2 323/344 I P R NA 2 323/344 I Y P R NA 2 323/344 I Y P R NA 2 ANSI N13.1 I N 22*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev.23>6/81 SSES-F SA R'I~.BLE 3.2-1/Con tinueil)Page 37 d..As-cast surf aces shall be maqne ic particle or liquid penetrant.tested accordinq zo ASK,E, Section XII, Paraqraph N-232.4 or N-323.3, e..Wheel and shaft forqinqs shall be ultrasonically tested accozdinq, to AST8 A-368, r Butt-welds shall be radioqraphed accozding to ASMZ, Section III, Pazaqraph N624, and magnetic particle or liquid penetrant tested accordinq to ASM E Sect,ion III, Pa raqraph N626 cr N627 respective1y, q.Notification to be made on major repairs, and records maintained thereof,'h.Record system and tzaceabi3.ity according to ASIDE Boiler and Pressure Code Section 1, Appendix IX, Paragraph IX-225;39)These instruments initiate isolation of associated eguipment upon detectinq abnormal leakaqe.P.Xn addition to a sving check valve inside the dryvell and a positive actinq check outside the dryvell similar to an Atvood-Norrill boiler feed pump check valve as described in their Cataloq 63, Section I,,a valve with hiqh leak-tiqht inteqrity shall be'provided outside the dzyvell.Additional'ly, a sw'inq check valve and a valve with high'leak-tiqht inteqrity shall be provided, inside and just outside the containment, respectively.
The spring-loaded piston operator.of.the positive actinq check valve will be held open by air pressure durinq normal operation.
IIIIII-MCIII-MCIII-MCIII-2III-MCAISCACI/AISCACI/AISCACI/AISCACI/AISCACI/AISCACI/AISCACI/AISCINANANAIIIIIIIIINANANANAIYYYYYYYYNNNNY27>3029222122I22SpraypondgcEnergency SpillvayCondensate storagetankSpentfuelpoolSpentfuelpoollinerRefueling uaterstoragetankPipeNhipRestraints MissileBarriersforsafetyrelatedecluipnent Biological shielding uithinPrinarycontainnent>
Fail-open solenoid valves vill be used to release air pressure and to permit the check valve piston operator to'close.The positive acting check valve and the hiqh leak-tiqht inteqrity isolation valve vill be remote manually operated from the control zoom using siqnals which indicate loss of control rod drive flow.The classification of the control rod drive water return line from the reactor vessel to and including the motor operated valve outside the drywell vill be Group A.The remainder of the system will be Code Group D, except the portion between the check valve j'ust inside the containment and.the motor operated valve just outside the containment including both valves.which vill be Group B.41 Sample.pipinq and isolation valves are quality group B.Because the.analyzers are isolated from containment atmosphere on accident conditions, the piping in the analyzers is quality qroup D.Isolation is manually removed'o allow monitorinq.
reactorBuildingandcontrolbuildingSafetyrelatednasonryvalleyPost.accidentnjonitorin PPPPP-P0NA0DRNARNA0DR,CNAC>R>NACS>SM,GC,R,NACSR>G,NACS3Other22Other3ACI~D100ACI/AISCACI/AISCD100AISCINAIINAIOtherAISCIOtherACI/AISCIOtherACI/UBCIYNYYNY422222*RefertotheGeneralNotesattheendofthistable.Rev,23,6/81 SSES-CESAR TABLE3.2-1Continued pa8e26QualitySourceGroupESARofLoca-Classi-Section~Su1tionficationPrincipal ConstruetionSafetyCodesandClassStandards QualitySeiseicAssur~ere CtunR~ttCtPrincipal Conponents (34>>)(1)*(2)"(3)>>(4)*(3)*(6)>>-(I)>>Containnent Radiation Honitorin8 Equipnent SRVpositionindication systenNohlrgascfflucntradiological s>nnltorContinuous sanplesofplanteffluents forradioactive iodine6particulates Containnent hi-ran8eradiation sonitorContai~nt pressurenonitorContainnent Suppression poolvaterlevelinstr.Containnent H/0nonitorsystenPPRhH2ANSIN13.1IRNA2323/344IRNA2323/344IYYRNARNA2-323/344I2323/344IPRNA2323/344IYPRNA2323/344IYPRNA2ANSIN13.1IN22*RefertotheGeneralNotesattheendofthistable.Rev.23>6/81 SSES-FSAR'I~.BLE3.2-1/Continueil)Page37d..As-castsurfacesshallbemaqneicparticleorliquidpenetrant
42 R eactor shield vali concrete is a non-structural element (see subsection 3.' and is therefore non-Cateqory I.Rev.23, 6/81,}}
.testedaccordinq zoASK,E,SectionXII,Paraqraph N-232.4orN-323.3,e..Wheelandshaftforqinqsshallbeultrasonically testedaccozdinq, toAST8A-368,rButt-welds shallberadioqraphed accozding toASMZ,SectionIII,Pazaqraph N624,andmagneticparticleorliquidpenetrant testedaccordinq toASMESect,ionIII,ParaqraphN626crN627respective1y, q.Notification tobemadeonmajorrepairs,andrecordsmaintained thereof,'h.Recordsystemandtzaceabi3.ity according toASIDEBoilerandPressureCodeSection1,AppendixIX,Paragraph IX-225;39)Theseinstruments initiateisolation ofassociated eguipment upondetectinq abnormalleakaqe.P.Xnadditiontoasvingcheckvalveinsidethedryvellandapositiveactinqcheckvs.veoutsidethedryvellsimilartoanAtvood-Norrill boilerfeedpumpcheckvalveasdescribed intheirCataloq63,SectionI,,avalvewithhiqhleak-tiqht inteqrity shallbe'provided outsidethedzyvell.Additional'ly, asw'inqcheckvalveandavalvewithhigh'leak-tiqhtinteqrity shallbeprovided, insideandjustoutsidethecontainment, respectively.
Thespring-loaded pistonoperator.
Fail-open solenoidvalvesvillbeusedtoreleaseairpressureandtopermitthecheckvalvepistonoperatorto'close.Thepositiveactingcheckvalveandthehiqhleak-tiqht inteqrity isolation valvevillberemotemanuallyoperatedfromthecontrolzoomusingsiqnalswhichindicatelossofcontrolroddriveflow.Theclassification ofthecontrolroddrivewaterreturnlinefromthereactorvesseltoandincluding themotoroperatedvalveoutsidethedrywellvillbeGroupA.Theremainder ofthesystemwillbeCodeGroupD,excepttheportionbetweenthecheckvalvej'ustinsidethecontainment and.themotoroperatedvalvejustoutsidethecontainment including bothvalves.whichvillbeGroupB.41Sample.pipinqandisolation valvesarequalitygroupB.Becausethe.analyzers areisolatedfromcontainment atmosphere onaccidentconditions, thepipingintheanalyzers isqualityqroupD.Isolation ismanuallyremoved'o allowmonitorinq.
42Reactorshieldvaliconcreteisanon-structural element(seesubsection 3.' andistherefore non-Cateqory I.Rev.23,6/81,}}

Revision as of 04:38, 6 July 2018

Forwards Revised Response to SER Outstanding Issue 71 Re Design Criteria.Info Will Be Included in Next FSAR Amend
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/19/1981
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
PLA-812, NUDOCS 8105260310
Download: ML18026A360 (29)



NO FACIL:50 387 Susquehanna Steam Electric Stations Unit 1P Pennsylv 50 388 Susquehanna Steam Electric StationP Unit 2P Pennsylva 05000388 AUTH'AME AUTHOR AFFILIATION CURTIS~AH.


~J.Licensing Branch 1


For wards.revised response to Q'uestion 260~1~Info will be included in next FSAR amend.DISTRIBUTION CODE: BOOIS COPIES RECEIVED:,LTR g'MCI.$SIZE:.~TITLE.'.PSAR/FSAR AMDTS and Related Correspondence NOTES:Send ILE 3"'copies FSAR L all amends'cy:BHR"LRG PM(L,.RIB)

Send ISE 3 copies FSAR L al l amends.1 cy:BlSR LRG PMi(L~RIB)05000387 05000388 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAMEi ACTION: A/D LICENSNG RUSHBROOKPM


Engineering IL Construction 821-5381 May 19, 1981 Mr.B.J.Youngblood, Chief Licensing Branch No.1 U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION SER OUTSTANDING ISSUE 871 ER 100450 FILE 841-2 PLA-812 Docket Nos.50-387 50-388

Dear Mr.Youngblood:

In reply to Susquehanna Safety Evaluation Report Outstanding Issue/$71, attached please find PL's revised response to Question 260.1.This information will be included in the next FSAR amendment.

Very truly yours, N.W.Curtis Vice President-Engineering S Construction-Nuclear TEG/mks Attachment foot j/(8x o52eo SIO PENNSYLVANIA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY 111 Il s't I'

~~SSES-FSAR r Section of the standard format (Regulatory Guide 1.70).requires the identification of safety-related structures, systems, and components (Q-list)controlled by the QA program.You are requested to supplement and clarify the Q-list in Table 3.2-1 of the FSAR in accordance with the following:

a~The following items from the Q-list need expansion and/or clarification as noted.Revise the list as indicated or-)ustify not doing so.1)Clarify that the Control Rod Drive System includes the~scram accumulators.

2)'larify that discharge piping fill lines and jockey pumps are included in the HPCI, RCIC, RHR, and Core Spray Systems.3)Clarify that the Emergency Core Cooling and RCIC Systems include the mechanical vortex suppression devices.4)Identify the"equipment associated with a safety action" as regards the Leakage Detection System.For'example, it is not clear that post-LOCA ECCS Leakage Detection Systems are included.b.The following items do not appear on the Q-list.Add the following items to the list or justify not doing so.'1), ESSW Spray Pond Emergency Spillway.Cr 2)Site grading.3)Roof scuppers and parapet openings.4)Pressure resisting doors.5)Meteorological data collection programs.6)Refueling Interlock System..7)Rod worth minimizer.

8)Primary Containment Vacuum Relief System-instrumentation and controls.9)Standby Gas Treatment System-instrumentation and controls.10)Missile barriers for safety'related equipment.

Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-1 SSES-FSAR ll)Steam lines to the HPCT and RCIC turbines along with the associated valves and restraints.

12)Equipment and drain floor-piping and containment isolation valves.I 13')Quencher and quencher support.14)Downcomers and braces.15)Primary Containment Purge System.16)Primary Containment Ventilation System-piping and containment isolation valves.17), Onsite Power Systems (Class'1E)a)transformers b)valve operators c)protective relays and control panels 18)Engineered safety features RC equipment-protective relays and control panels.19)Biological shielding within primary containment, reactor building, and control building.20).Nuclear boiler system instrumentation piping beyond the.outermost isolation valve.21)Drywell cooling system piping and valves for coolers V-414A and B, V-415A and B, and.V-416A and B, 22)Mainsteam system piping to turbine stop valves and branch line piping up to and including first valve.23)Spent fuel pool liner.24)Radiation monitoring (fixed and portable).

25)Radioactivity monitoring (fixed and portable).

26).Radioactivity sampling (air, surfaces, liquids).27)Radioactive contamination measurement and analysis.28)Personnel monitoring'nternal (e.g., whole body counter)and external (e.g., TLD system).29)Instrument storage, calibration, and maintenance.

i 30)Decontamination (facilities, personnel, and equipment).

260.1-2 Rev.23, 6/81 SSES-FSAR~31)'espiratory protection, including testing.32)Contamination control.33)Feedwater spargers.34)Safety-related masonry walls (see IE Bulletin No.80-11).35)Measuring and test equipment used for safety-related

~str'uctures, systems, and components.

36)Expendable and consumable items necessary for the functional performance of safety-related structures, systems, and components (i.e,, weld rod, fuel oil,'oric acid, snubber oil,.etc.).c.Enclosure 2 of NUREG-0737,"Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements" (November 1980)identified numerous items that are safety related and appropriate for OL application and therefore should be on the Q-list, These items are listed'below.Add these items to the Q-list and/or indicate where'on the Q-list they can be found.Otherwise justify not doing so+NUREG-0737 (Enclosure 2)Clarification Item 1)Plant-safety-parameter display console, 2)Reactor coolant system vents.3)Plant shielding.

4)Post accident sampling.5)Valve position indication.

6)Dedicated hydrogen penetrations.

7)Containment isolation dependability.

8)Accident monitoring instrumentation.

I.D.2 II.B.1 II.B.2 II.B.3 II.D.3 II.E.4.1 II.E.4.2 II.F.1 9)Instrumentation for detection of inadequate II.F,.2 core-cooling..

10)HPCI&'RCIC initiation levels.11)Isolation of HPCI and rCIC., II.K.3 (13)II.K.3(15)'ev.

23, 6/81 260.1-3

SSES-FSAR 12)Challenges to and failure of relief valves.II.K.3(16) 13)ADS actuation.

14)Restart of core spray and LPCI.15)RCIC suction.16)'pace cooling for HPCI.&RCIC.17)Power on pump seals.18)Common reference level.19).ADS valves, accumulators, and associated equipment and instrumentation.



II.K.3 (22)II.K.3(24)



II.K.3 (28)20)Emergency plans.21)Emergency support facilities.

III.A.1.1/III.A.2 III.A.1.2 22)Inplant I radiation monitoring.

III.D.3.3 23)Control-room habitability.

.~r~III.D.3.4 d.The-instrumentation and control systems and components must.'be, identified on the Q-list (FSAR Table 3.2-1)to the same scope and level of detail provided in Chapter 7 of the FSAR.RESPONSE: Introduction Table 3.2-1 (SSES Design Criteria Summary)of the FSAR is intended to provide identification of safety-related structures, systems, and components as required'by Section o'f the standard format (Regulatory Guide 1.70).The"Q List" for Su'squehanna

'SES is not a part of the FSAR.The"Q-List" is gust~one of a,series of controlled QA program documents which serve to identify in expanded detail the quality classification of SSES items and related services in response to FSAR commitments.

Quality Code Section III related, safety impact relate/, fire protection related, environmental monitoring related, etc.Th'SSES QA Manual and its impleneting procedures presecribe the.preparation and maintenance of these quality classification documents and defines the quality assurance controls that are to be applied to s'uch items/services.

a-1 The scram accumulators are a part of the hydraulic control unit..which is.indicated as, safety related in Table,3.2-1.

Rev..23, 6/81 260.1-4 SSES-FSAR O.a-2 The discharge piping fill lines for HPCI, RCIC, RHR and core spraysystems are included in Table 3.2-1 of the FSAR.These lines, between the main system piping and the condensate

~system outer isolation check valve, are included under the respective systems subsection's"Piping Beyond Outermost Containment Isolation Valves." The line fill system adopted for SSES does not incorporate)ockey pumps to perform the fill function.The fill function's performed by the condensate transfer system..See response to Question 211.211 and FSAR Section 6.3.a-3 The'SSES Suppression Pool has no vortex suppression devices.Testing is conducted to assure that vortices do not adversely affect ECCS systems.The condensate storage tank supply-line is provided with a vortex breaker;however, it is not safety related inasmuch as'he tank is not safety related.5ee response to NRC Question 211.214 for testing information.

a-4 b-1 See revised Note 39 to FSAR Table 3.2-1.ESSW Sp'ray Pond Emergency Spillway The ESSW Spray Pond Emergency Spillway was installed as part of the spray pond concrete liner.The material used to construct the spillway (concrete and reinforcing steel)was" controlled, by the same quality requirements in effect for the concrete liner.Therefore, the listing on Table 3.2-1 for Spray Pond (Structures Page 26)applies to the ESSW Spray.Pond Emergency Spi'llway as a safety-related structure.

b-2 All Category I buildings have watgrtight doors.Therefore, site grading will not affect safety-related equipment and should not be considered a safety-related item (Reference FSAR Section this reason site grading will not be listed on Table'.2-1; however, watertight doors are listed in the revised Table 3.2-1.b-3 Roof scuppers and openings are not part of the secondary containment structure for the.Reactor Building.Overflow will not penetrate into doors (reference response to Question 260.1.b.2).

The parapet openings are also a backup system for the primary drainage System on the roof.Roof loads as a result of scupper failure have'een considered in the structural design of the buildings.

Therefore., the scupper and parapet openings are not safety-related items-.and will not be'isted in Table 3.2-1.A discussion of the design capacities of the roof drainage system is provided in FSAR Subsection Rev.23, 6/81' SSES-FSAR b-4 Pres'sure-resisting doors classified as safety-related components are designed according to the criteria shown in the revised section of.Table 3.2-1 (Buildings).

b-5 This stem is not a"structure, system or component"requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of this activity is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered under a quality program.b-6 Not in Table 3.2-1.Not a safety system.However;there are surveillances required by Technical Specifications.

b-7 Not in Table 3.2-1.Not a safety system.However, there are surveillances required by Technical Specifications.

b-8 No instrumentation or controls for the Primary Containment Vacuum Relief'ystem have a safety related functin, (i.e., They are only for testing and are not used post-LOCA).

Therefore, they are not included in Table 3.2-1.b-9 See revised Table 3.2-1 under Standby Gas Treatment"and associated instrumentation" has See:e>added to Control Panels.b-.10 Those missile barriers classified as safety-related structure are designed in accordance with the criteria the revised section of Table 3.2-1 (Structures)."Piping beyond outermost containment isolation valve, other" b-ll Piping=and,associated valves to the HPCI and RCIC turbines are included in Table 3.2-1 of the PSAR under the following subsections:

HPCI-"Valves other" RCIC-Piping beyond outermost containment isolation valve,.other" ,"Valves other" Associated restraints for the HPCI and RCIC turbine~i~in,'re not detail'ed in Table 3.2-1 of the FSAR as they are.not principal components of systems.b-12 Table 3.2-1 of the FSAR has been revised to incorporate the safety related piping and isolation valves and applicable codes and standards associated with the containment penetrations.

b-13 See revised Table 3,2-1 (Nuclear Boiler System).Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-6 SSES-FSAR b-14 See" revised Table 3.2-1 (Buildings).

e The Primary Containment.

Purge System is not safety related'ith the exception o'f the piping and valving associated with the primary containment penetration boundary.See revised Table 3.2-1 under Primary Containment Purge System.b-16 The Primary Containment Ventilation System should be referred to as the Dry Well Cooling System.The Dry Well Cooling System has no primary containment penetration.

b-17 Appropriate onsite power system components whicha re safety-'elated are listed in Table 3.2-1.Where the specific components are part of a safety-related (class 1E)system, they appear in Table 3.2-1 as subsets of the, Onsite Power Systems.(E'xample:

Load CenterTransformers a'r e a subcomponent of Load Center, and Valve Operators are a subcomponent of Motor Operated Valves.)b-18 Engineered safety features DC equipment listed under electric systems are safety-related.

See Table 3.2-1.The'protective relays and control panels are subsets of this'system.b-19 Biological shielding determined to be safety-related is designed in accordance with the criteria shown in the revised.section of Table 3.2-1 (Structures, Page 26).b-20 D Instrument lines are safety-related for all divisionalized loops all the way to the local instruments, These are included as a subset of the various systems identified in Table 3.2-1.'-21 With the exception of cooling water.piping and valves associated with the primary containment penetration boundry the reactor building chilled water system is not safety related.In Table 3.2-1'the com onents of the Dr ell Coolers have been listed se aratel under Dr ell Coolin~Sstem.b-22 As indicated in Table 3.2-1, under Nuclear Boiler System, the piping beyond the outermost isolation valves up to the turbine casing is Quality Group"B" and as stated in Note.20, has been designed by the use of a dynamic seismic system analysis to withstand the OBE and SSE design loads in combination with other appropriat'e loads, within the limits specified for Class 2 pipe in the ASME Section 3 Code.b-23 Spent'fuel pool liner is addressed in Table 3.2-1 under"Structures Rev.e 23, 6/81 260.1-7 SSES-FSAR b-24 This'is not a'"structure, system or component" requiring Table 3.2-1.Control and calibration of radiation'onitoring (fixed and portable)is provided by appropriate'rocedures which are covered under a quality program.b-25 This is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1;Control and calibration of radioactivity monitoring (fixed and portable)is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered'nder a quality program.b-26 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of radioactivity

'ontamination measurement and analysis is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered under a quality program.b-27 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of radioactive contamination measurement and analysis is provided by'appropriate procedures which are covered under a quality program.b-.28 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of personnel monitoring.(e.g., while body counter)and external (e.g., TLD,system) is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered under, a quality program.b-29 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of instrument storage, calibration and maintenance is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered under a quality program.b-30 Decontamination equipment and facilities are not safety related.Decontamination piping and valves are a part of the"Liquid Radwaste Management Systems--'iquid&'Chemical Waste Piping and Valves" as described in Table 3.2-1 of the FSAR.Personnel decontamination is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of, personnel decontamination is provided by appropriate procedures which are covered under a quality program'.b-31 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring.entry in'able 3.2-1.Control of respiratory protection, including testing is provided by appropriate procedures which hre.covered under a quality'program.'I Rev.23, 6/81 h 260.1-8 b-32 Thi's item is not a"structure, system'r component" requiring entry in Table.3.2-1.Contamination control is provided by appro'priate procedures which are covered under'a quali t y pr ogram.b-33 Masonry walls designed as safety-related structures are designed in accordance with the criteria shown in the revised section of Table 3.2-1 (Structures).

b-35 Measuring and test equipment is not safety related.-Calibration of these pieces of measuring and test equipment used to perform checks on safety functions of safety-related equipment are controlled by the constuction/operational QA program..b-36 The classifi'cation of these items is byond the'efinition of'"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.The quality classification of expendable and consumable items necessary for the'functional performance of safety-related structures.

systems or components is determined.

as part of the procurement process in accordance with the provisions of the QA program.~~c.'ntroduction Part C of the question invokes enclosure (2)to NUREG 0737 as the basis for modifying Table 3-.2-1 to include certain items.NUREG 0737 does not impose this requirement in all cases.Many of the TMI action plan requirements are intangible in that they call for studies, documentation, administrative controls, etc.Our approach in responding to Part C of this question has been to identify'ma)or structural or hardware-related requirements of NUREG 0737, and to apply quality assurance to those items, if appropriate.

Finally, for SSES, implementation of many of the identified sections of'NUREG 0737 is not yet required per enclosure (2).Foi all modifications that are eventually required for SSES, safety-related classification will be determined.

For more information, refer to PP&L's response to NUREG 0737.c-1 c-2 The Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS)is not sfaety related and therefore will not be added to Table 3.2-1..However, it will be procured and'maintained under procedures

'which are covered under a quality program.The various.reactor coolant system vent paths are safety-related.They are designated in Table 3.2-1, as follows: The RCS ve'ssel head vent is a subset of"reactor vessel appurtenances,'ressure retaining portions" under"Reactor System".Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-9 SSES-FSAR The main steam relief valves with their ADS function'are a subset of"safety/relief valves" under"Nuclear Boiler.System.".c-,3 Shield walls identified as a result of the Plant Shielding'tudy (NUREG"0737 Item II.B.2)will be reviewed for classification as safety-related structures.

Table 3.2-1 wil'1 be updated as necessary to reflect the design criteria used for design of those shielding walls classified as safety-related.

c-4 The Post Accident Sampling Station (PASS), with the exception.of its interfaces with safety related systems.will not in itself be safety related.All PASS interfaces will'e covered in the appropriate systems in their piping/valve descriptions.

Specific description of the PASS in Tabl'e 3.2-1 will be incorporated upon completion of design.PASS operations will not be a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control will be provided by appropriate procedures in Chapter 17 of the FSAR'and Section 6.8 of the technical sp8cifications describing the QA program coverage of procedural controls.c-5 c-6 Valve position indication is a subset of Safety Relief Valve under Nuclear Boiler System in Table 3.2-1.Not.applicable to SSES.Hydrogen recombiners are inside containment.

c-7 Containment isolation valves are safety-related as shown in Table 3.2-1.This subject was part of a study from which no changes to Table 3.2-1 resulted.c-8 Accident monitoring has both safety and non-safety related listing as follows: (a)Noble gas effluent radiological monitor is non-safety related per'NUREG-0737.(b)Continuous samples of plant effluents for.radioactive iodine and particulate are non-safety related.(c)Containment Hi-range radioactive monitors are, safety related.See revised Table 3.2-1 under Post Accident Monitoring.(d)Containment pressure monitor is safety related.See revised Table 3.2-1 under Post Accident Monitoring..

Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-10 SSES-FSAR (e)Containment suppression pool water level instrumentation is safety related.See revised Table 3.2-1 under Post Accident Monitoring.(f)Containment H 20 2 monitor system is safety related, See revised Table 3.2-1 under Post Accident Monitoring.

" c-9 As a result of this study, no additional instrumentation was re'quired, therefore there is no change required in Table 3.2-1.c-10.As a result of these studies there was no change required of the HPCI and RCIC set points.There were no changes to Table 3.2-1 because of these studies.c-ll These studies resulted in minor changes to the systems but no changes'to Table 3.2-1.c-12 Response to the TMI s'tudy is still in the evaluation phase.Table 3.2-1 will be modified as necessary.

c-g3'The'WR owners group is still evaluating this requirement.

If the study s'o indicates, Table 3.2-1 will be modified accordingly.

..--".c-, 14 This study determi'ned.

that no changes were required to Table 3~2-14"~~c-15 The changes resulting from the requirements of NUREG 0737, Item II.K.2(22), did not-alter the content of Table 3.2-1.c-16 Safety-related unit coolers are provided in these rooms as necessary to maintain temperature..See ECCS Pump Room in Table 3.2-1.c-17 Response to the TMI issues is under study/evaluation..

Any modifications to the SSEs design will be reflected in Table 3.2-1 as appropriate.

c-18 This study resulted in no changes to SSES equipment.

Entries in Table 3.2-1're not required as they are included within the individual systems.c-'19 Response to this TMI issue is under study/evaluation.

Any modifications to the SSES design.will be evaluated'o determine if they are safety relatd.Table 3.2-1 will be modified as deemed appropriate.

c-20 This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1, Control of this activity is provided by'ppropriate procedures.

Chapter 17 of the FSAR Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-11 S SE S-F SAR and Section 6.8 of the Technical Specifications describe the QA pr'ogram coverage of procedural controls'-21 c-22 c-23 These items are not safety related.Justification is contained in NUREG 0696 paragraph 2.5 and 4.2 (Table 2 and.footnotes).

'he Emergency Facilities are not required for safe shutdown or immediate or long term operation following a LOCA.The failure of these facilities will not cause the release of radioactivity in excess of 10 CFR 100 limits or cause or increase severity of a DBA.The individual facilities will be designed and installed in accordance with quality plans set forth'under Section I.D of NUREG 0696.For these reasons Emergency Support Facilities will not be added to Table 3.2-1.This item is not a"structure, system or component" requiring entry in Table 3.2-1.Control of this activity is provided by appropriate procedures.

Chapter 17 of the FSAR and Section 6.8 of the Technical Specifications describe the~QA'program coverage of procedural controls.'Control room habitability is mai5taWed by safety related equipment.

" This equipment is identified in Table 3.2-1'nder tEe section heading HVAC System-Control Structure.

d.Instrumentation and Control system are identified only at the system level in Table 3.2-1 without providing information on the individual component level.The quality classification of individual components has been identified in expanded detail in controlled QA program documents (e.g.,"Q-List" and the isntrument index).Rev.23, 6/81 260.1-12 SSES-FSAR TABLE 3.2-1 Continued Page 15 Quality Source Group FSAR of Loca-Classi-Section~Su 1 tion fication Principal Construe tion Safety Codes and Class Standards Quality Seismic Assurance Ct~~RI t C t Principal Components (34+)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)*(6)*(7)**Fans Coils, cooling Ductvork Dampers Piping and valves Combustible Gas Control S stem P P P P P NEMA MG1 AMCA 210 ARI AISI AMCA B31.1~C NA I Y C NA I Y C NA I,-Y C NA I Y C NA NA N 116 Hydrogen recombiners inside containment Primary Containment Atmosphere monitoring system (PCA!tg)Piping valves forming Contmt.Penetration Boundary Standb Gas Treatment S stem 9.4.1 P C NA 2 NA I P CR R B>D 2 III-2.I P C>R B 2 III-2 I 10, 41 l22 Motors Fans Prefilters Demisters HEPA filters Adsorber units Ductvork Dampers Piping Valves Electric heaters Control panels and associated instrumentation Radvaste Buildin HVAC Motors Fans Prefilters HEPA filters 9.4.3 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS NA 3 CS C.3 CS C 3 CS NA 3 C,S NA 3 RW NA Other RW NA Other RW NA Other RW NA Other IREE-323/I 344 AMCA I UL Class 1 I MSAR 71-45=I MIL-F-I 51079 MIL-F-51068C AACC CS-8 I RDT M-16-1T AISI I AMCA I NFPC I B31.1 I hEMA 6 hEC I hVIIA I REMA MG1 NA A'.1CA NA UL Class 1 hA MIL-F-NA Y Y Y Y N N N'16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 l 22*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev.23, 6/81 SSES-FSAR TABIZ 3.2-1 Continued Quality Source Group FSAR of Loca-Classi-Safety Section Su 1 tion fication Class Principal Construc-tion Codes and dt d&Quality Seismic Assurance C ton R~tt C t Principai Components (34+)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(S)*(6)*(7)*All portions that input to the reactor protection system GE C>R NA 2 IEEE-279 I All portions that input to the engineered safety feature actuation system En ineered Safet Features Actuation S stem 7'P/GE C>R NA 2 IEEE-279 I All portions En ineered Safet Features S stems 7.3 controls snd instrurentation reciufred for safety associated with each actuated system)Emergency core cooling system Containment isolation system Containment purge systems (pressure boundry only)Emergency diesel generator systems Main steam line break detection system Controls and Instrmentation Associated with Safe Shutdown~Sstems Control room habitability system PCA!ig GE C>R NA 2 IEEE-279 I GE P P C>R NA C,R NA C,R NA 2 IEEE-279 I 2 IEEE-279 I 2 IEEE-279 I P G RA 2 IEEE-279 I P C>R,T NA 2 IEEE-279 I P CS NA 2 IEEE-279 I P C,R B>D 2 IEEE-279 I Y Y Y Y Y[23/iS Instrumentation Associated with Other S stems Re uired for Safet 7.6 Spent fuel pooling cooling system Fuel handling area ventilation isolation system Control room panels Iocal instrument racks associated P R P R P CS 2 IEEE-279 I 2 IEEE-279 I 2 IREE-279 I Y Y/is/ig*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev.23'/81 SSES-FSAR TABLE 3.2-1 Continued page 21 Quality Source Group FSAR of Loca-Classi-Safety Section~Su 1 tion fication Class Principal Construc-tion Codes and Standards Quality Seismic Assurance eton R~tt c t Principal Components (34>>)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)>>(6)*(7)*vith safety related equi~nt Instrumentation Associated vith S stems Not Re uired for Safet 7.7 P ALL NA 2 IREE-279 I Seismic instrumentation Area radiation monitoring Leak Detection S stem Temperature elements Differential temperature svitch Differential flov indicator Pressure svitch Differential pressure indicator svitch Differential flov suss>er I Process Radiation Monitors nt~g.2.5 P ALL NA Other NA P ALL NA Other NA GE GE N/A 2 IEEE-323 I N/A 2 IEEE-323 I GE C,R>T N/A 2 IEEE-323 I GE C,R N/A 2 IEEE-323 I GE N/A 2 IEEE-323 I GE C,R N/A 2 IREE-323 I Y N Y Y 39 39 39 39 39 39 (23 15 Electrical modules, main steam line and reactor building ventilation monitor Cable, main steam line and reactor building ventilation monitors Electric S stems GE R N/A 2 IREE-323 I P R N/A 2 IEEE-279/I 323/383 Y En ineered Safet Features AC~EI t t 4.16 kV svitchgear 480 V load centers 480 V motor control centers 8.3 0 NA NA NA IEEE-308/323/344 IEEE-308/323/344 IEEE/308/344 En ineered Safet Features DC E~t 8.3*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev.23, 6/81 t SSES FSAR TASLE 3.2-1 Continued Quality Source Group TSAR of Loca-Classi-Safety Seetfon~Su 1 tion fication Class Princfpal Construc-tion Codes and Standards 22 Quality Sefsnfc Assurance Ct~R~lt C t Princfpal Couponents (34*)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)*(6)>>(7)*125 V and 250 V statfon batteries and racks, battery cbargers 125 V s>>itchgear and distribution panels 120 V Vital AC S ste>s E ui ent 8.3 Static invcrters 120 V distribution panels Electric Cables for ESF E ui ent 8.3 P CS NA 2 IEEE-308/I 323/344 P CS NA 2 IEEE-308/I 323/344 P CS NA 2 IEEE-308/I 323/34>4 P CS>R NA 2 IREE-308/I 323/344 5 kV pover cables 600 V pover cables Control and instrunentation cables ALL NA ALL NA ALL NA 2 IEEE-308/383 IREE 308/383 IEEE-308/383 NA NA 15 15 15 Miscellaneous Electrical Priuary contafnnent bui)dfng electrical penetration assc=blies Conduit supports, safety related Tray supports, safety related Euergency lfghtfng systens Euergency coo>aunicatfons syster>s Dfescl generator Auxilia S stens Coupresscd Air and Instrurient Gas Svstcns 9.3.1 P P P P P ALL NA ALL NA ALL HA ALL NA G NA 2 IEEE-317/I 344/383 2 IREE-344 I 2 IEEE-344 I 2 IREE-344 I Other NONE NA 2 IREE-387 I Y Y Y N Y 15 15 Co~ressors Pressure vessels, for safety related equfpnent P T NA P C>R C Other NONE NA h 3 III-3 I T*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.

SSES-FSAR TABLE 3.2-1 Continued Quality Source Group FSAR of Loca-Classi-Section~Su 1 tion fication Principal Construc-tion Quality Safety Codes and , Seismic Assurance cl dt d d c*ten R~lt c t Principal Components (34>>)(1)*(2)*(3)>>(4)>>(5)*(6)>>(I)>>Pressure vessels, not for safety related equipment Piping, and valves forming part of containment boundary Piping and valves, safety related Piping and valves>other Nitrogen storage bottler Sa lin S stems 9.3.2 P P P C IR B C IR C ALL D R Nh 2 III-2 I Y 3 III-3 I Y Other B31.1.0 NA N Other DOT I N ALL D Other VIII-1 Nh N)16 Ldg Sample coolers Piping and valves on III-1 systems Piping and valves on III-2 systems Piping and valves on III-3 systems Piping and valves, other systems Piping and valves, containment penetration, isolation Fire Protection S stem Tanks Pumpsl piping and vater system components Gas system components (CO and Halon 1301)Fire and smoke detection and alarm system Generator External N dro en S stem 9.5.1 C>R,T>D RW C A C,R B R>T>RW C R,T,RW D C B P 0 D P-ALL Nh P CS Nh P ALL NA 4 VIII-1 NA N TERA C t 1 III-1 I Y 3 Other III-2 I Y I II-3 I Y B31.1.0 NA N III-2 I Y Other API-650/Nh N D100 Other NFPA/NEPIA Nh N Other NFPA/NEPIA Nh N Other NFPA/hEPIA NA N 10 10 10 10 10[ld Vessels Piping Valves P T D Other VIII-1 Nh N P T D Other B31.1.0 NA N P T D Other B31.1.0 NA N*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev.23, 6/81

SSES-FSAR TABLE 3.2-1 Continued Quality Source Group FSAR of Loca-Classi Safety Section SuuSlr tion f ication Class Principal Construc-tion Codes and Standards a e 24 Quality Seismic Assurance C~t*I~RC t C t Principal Components (34+)(1)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(5)*(6)*(I)*Vessels Piping Valves P P~p 0 D 0 D 0 D Other VI I I-l NA N Other B31.1.0 NA N Other B31.1.0 NA N Plant.Chilled Water S stem Chillers Chilled vater heat exchangers Pu~s Piping Valves Safet Related Chilled Water S stem 9~2.12 P ALL D P ALL D P ALL D P ALL D P ALL D Other Other Other Other Other B9.1 VIII-1/TEMA C VIII-1/Hyd.I B31.1.0 B31.1.0 NA Nh N N NA N NA H NA N Chillers Heat exchangers Motors Piping Valves E ui ment and Floor Drains 9.3'P P P P CS D 3 CS D 3 CS D 3 CS HA 3 CS D 3 CS D 3 ARI/B9.1 VIII-1/TEMA C VI I I-I/L Hyd.I IEEE-323/344 B31.I B31.I I Y I-Y Piping, radioactive Piping, nonradioactive Piping S valves, containment penetrating isolation Demineralised Water Makeu S stem 9.2.9 P P ALL D ALL D RIG B Other B31.1.0 Other B31.1.0 NA NA N N 2 III-2 I Y Tanks Pumps Motors Piping and valves P P P P CW, D CW D CW NA ALL D Other VIII-I Other B31.1.0/Hyd.I Other NEMA MGI Other B31.1.0 Nh Nh N N Nh N NA N~tRtldl~*Refer to the General Notes at.the end of this table.Rev.231 6/81

SSES-iSAR TABIZ 3.2-1 Continued Quality Source Group PEAR of?oca-Classi-Safety Section~Su 1 tion fieation Class Principal Construc-tion Codes and Standards Quality Seisnic Assurance~CC*Rn R~tt C t Principal Coscponents (34+)(I)*(2)*(3)*(4)*(S)*(6)*(I)**Reactor Building Pressure resistant doors Matertight door R.B.Equipncnt door Prinary Containnent Access hatches/locks/doors Liner plate Penetration assenblies Vacuun relief valves Do>cnconers Dovncos>er Bracing Diesel generator building Control structure Radvaste and offgas building Turbine building Adninistration building, Circulating>>ster punp house Ega pua>phouse

.Structures P R P R P R P R P C P C P C P C P C P C P C P G P CS P RV P T P 0 P 0 P 0 B B B B B B NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Other Other Other Other 3 ACI/AISC ASTM/ANS AISC ASIM/AMS ASTM/ANS ACI/AISC/III III-MC III-MC III-MC III-2 III-MC AISC AC I/AISC ACI/AISC AC I/AISC ACI/AISC ACI/AISC ACI/AISC AC I/AISC I NA NA NA I I I I I I I I I NA NA NA NA I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y 27>30 29 22 21 22 I 22 Spray pond gc Energency Spillvay Condensate storage tank Spent fuel pool Spent fuel pool liner Refueling uater storage tank Pipe Nhip Restraints Missile Barriers for safety related ecluipnent Biological shielding uithin Prinary containnent>

reactor Building and control building Safety related nasonry valley Post.accident njonitorin P P P P P-P 0 NA 0 D R NA R NA 0 D R,C NA C>R>NA CS>SM, G C,R, NA CS R>G, NA CS 3 Other 2 2 Other 3 ACI~D100 ACI/AISC ACI/AISC D100 AISC I NA I I NA I Other AISC I Other ACI/AISC I Other ACI/UBC I Y N Y Y N Y 42 22 22*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev, 23, 6/81 SSES-CESAR TABLE 3.2-1 Continued pa8e 26 Quality Source Group ESAR of Loca-Classi-Section~Su 1 tion fication Principal Construe tion Safety Codes and Class Standards Quality Seiseic Assur~ere C tun R~tt C t Principal Conponents (34>>)(1)*(2)" (3)>>(4)*(3)*(6)>>-(I)>>Containnent Radiation Honitorin8 Equipnent SRV position indication systen Nohlr gas c fflucnt radiological s>nnltor Continuous sanples of plant effluents for radioactive iodine 6 particulates Containnent hi-ran8e radiation sonitor Contai~nt pressure nonitor Containnent Suppression pool vater level instr.Containnent H/0 nonitor systen P P R hH 2 ANSI N13.1 I R NA 2 323/344 I R NA 2 323/344 I Y Y R NA R NA 2-323/344 I 2 323/344 I P R NA 2 323/344 I Y P R NA 2 323/344 I Y P R NA 2 ANSI N13.1 I N 22*Refer to the General Notes at the end of this table.Rev.23>6/81 SSES-F SA R'I~.BLE 3.2-1/Con tinueil)Page 37 d..As-cast surf aces shall be maqne ic particle or liquid penetrant.tested accordinq zo ASK,E,Section XII, Paraqraph N-232.4 or N-323.3, e..Wheel and shaft forqinqs shall be ultrasonically tested accozdinq, to AST8 A-368, r Butt-welds shall be radioqraphed accozding to ASMZ,Section III, Pazaqraph N624, and magnetic particle or liquid penetrant tested accordinq to ASM E Sect,ion III, Pa raqraph N626 cr N627 respective1y, q.Notification to be made on major repairs, and records maintained thereof,'h.Record system and tzaceabi3.ity according to ASIDE Boiler and Pressure Code Section 1, Appendix IX, Paragraph IX-225;39)These instruments initiate isolation of associated eguipment upon detectinq abnormal leakaqe.P.Xn addition to a sving check valve inside the dryvell and a positive actinq check outside the dryvell similar to an Atvood-Norrill boiler feed pump check valve as described in their Cataloq 63,Section I,,a valve with hiqh leak-tiqht inteqrity shall be'provided outside the dzyvell.Additional'ly, a sw'inq check valve and a valve with high'leak-tiqht inteqrity shall be provided, inside and just outside the containment, respectively.

The spring-loaded piston operator.of.the positive actinq check valve will be held open by air pressure durinq normal operation.

Fail-open solenoid valves vill be used to release air pressure and to permit the check valve piston operator to'close.The positive acting check valve and the hiqh leak-tiqht inteqrity isolation valve vill be remote manually operated from the control zoom using siqnals which indicate loss of control rod drive flow.The classification of the control rod drive water return line from the reactor vessel to and including the motor operated valve outside the drywell vill be Group A.The remainder of the system will be Code Group D, except the portion between the check valve j'ust inside the containment and.the motor operated valve just outside the containment including both valves.which vill be Group B.41 Sample.pipinq and isolation valves are quality group B.Because the.analyzers are isolated from containment atmosphere on accident conditions, the piping in the analyzers is quality qroup D.Isolation is manually removed'o allow monitorinq.

42 R eactor shield vali concrete is a non-structural element (see subsection 3.' and is therefore non-Cateqory I.Rev.23, 6/81,