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| issue date = 06/30/1981
| issue date = 06/30/1981
| title = Rev C to Acceptance Test Procedure Atp 452, DI325-Q2 Digital Encoder,Four Input.
| title = Rev C to Acceptance Test Procedure Atp 452, DI325-Q2 Digital Encoder,Four Input.
| author name = KAMERMAN L
| author name = Kamerman L
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Revision as of 06:20, 17 June 2019

Rev C to Acceptance Test Procedure Atp 452, DI325-Q2 Digital Encoder,Four Input.
Person / Time
Site: Surry, 05000000
Issue date: 06/30/1981
From: Kamerman L
Shared Package
ML18130A405 List:
ATP-452, NUDOCS 8411200428
Download: ML18142A107 (16)


  • LTR A B C REVISIONS ECO OESC31PTION See DCM See DCN See DCN DATE nru 4/27/81 5/12/81 6/30/81 DI32S-Q2 Digital Encoder, Four Input SHEET l OF 11 REV C 8626 WILSUFI AVENUE

C~ 91324 * {2131 888-8488

  • Telex No. 65-1303 1.0 SCOPE This document defines the acceptance test procedure (ATP) for the.DI32S-Q2, Signal Conditioning four input status module. :r,ie ATP performs ft,mctional checks of all operating characteristics.

A sample test report to be used with the ATP is contained in Appendix A. 2.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 3,0 3.1 3.2 Table l lists the test equipment required to perform the ATP. TABLE l EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR ATP Description Manufacturer MCl-X Validyne Extender Card(MC1-MC170)

Validyne Two Digital Multimeters Oa'ta Precision Oscilloscope B&K Function Generator Exact Frequency eounter HP Audio Amplifier McIntosh Power Supply Lambda Megohmmeter General Radio PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE Pa.rt No. or Model Alternate None None 248 Commercial Equivalent 1470 Commercial Equivalent 100 Comme~cial Eqµivalent 5314A Commercial Equivalen1:

60 Commercial Equivalent LPD-4 22A-FM Commercial

  • equivalent 1864 Commercial Equivalent Refer to Circuit Board Assembly No. Ql0033 and visually check the unit for completeness and accuracy.

Refer to Figure land visually inspect R3, Rl4, R24 and R34. These resistors should be lOK ohm each. 3.3 Visually inspect fuse Fl for current rating. It should be rated at 3/SA (Figure l). '3.4 Connect a megohmmeter between input pins 14 and 10. Set megohmmeter to lOOOV and 10 G*ohm range. The measured isolation-resistance should be l G ohm minimum. Indica'te acceptance by checkmark on test report. NUMBER ATP #:4S2 SHEET 2 OF 11 REV C

.-'I _______ II._____. = ::r f . . : nl : . "" . ~U@~ 0 0 -:: :: 0 0 0 0 i 0 HUMBER ATP#4S2* SHEFr 3 aF 11 . ;J Q .-,-< .I.a -' REV. C

( I'---. INITIAL TEST SET UP 4.0 4,. 1 Connect MCl-X, extender card, digital multimeters (DMM's), power .supply and oscilloscope as shown in Figure 2. *--------,.

' ,,r 1 l':t:s~'-1 /ti .. -'--J ... ,..----*--------

powef<. -='-' ~~?. \' -' 'CI -::.: !" -~-:: ri+ """ .. *,1-t------

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NUMBER ATP #452 REV C 4.2 Refer to Figure 1. Set Sl-1 thru Sl-4, S2-l thru S2-4 and S3-l thru S3-2 to open position.

4.3 Plug DI325-Q2 into extender card cable connector.

4.4 If necessary, connect MCl-X to 115 Vac and press MCl-X power switch. Observe that power-on indicator lights. 4.S Set the DMM in series with the power supply to mAdc and 100 range. 4.6 Set the DMM, connected to test point (TPl) to DC volts and 100 V range. 4.7 Set oscilloscope, connected to test point (TPl) to DC coupled. 4.8 Set power supply (P.S.) for 0.00 Vdc output. 4.9 Connect DMM to Input Pin 14. 4.10 Connect P.S. (+) output to input_pin 20 on DI325-Q2.

Connect P.S. (-) output and DMM (-) input together.

4.12 Switch P.S. on. 5.0 FORWARD AND REVERSE SETI'INGS OF S2 5.1 Measure DC volta~e at U3 Pin 7 (location on Figure 1), and record for reference E1ov ,. E1ov should be +10.0 t 0.5-Vdc. *' 5.2 With signal input power supply *turned off_, TPl voltage shall Eov 2 +0.08:t0.05

~de. Record Eov,. --------5.3 Switch P.S. on and adjust signal input power supply to 12 mAdc. TPl voltage should equal E1ov t 0.02 Vdc. Indicate acceptance with check mark on test report. 5.4 Set S2-l in CLOSED position.

TPl voltage shall equal Eov t O.OS Vdc. (Adjust R48 to o~tain this result.) Indicate acceptance with c~eckmark on test report. 5.5 Turn off the signal input power supply. TPl voltage shall equal Eiov :0.25 Vdc. Indicate acceptance with checkmark on test report. 5.6 Set S2-l to OPEN position.


( DC THRESHOLD CHECK 6.0 6.1 6.2 Turn the voltage adjust potentiometer of the PS fully counter-clockwise (CCW) Switch on the PS. 6.3 Slowly increase P.S. ou'tpllt to where TPl output goes to 10.00: .500 VDC. (This will be seen as an abI"Upt change, refeITed to as threshold, on the oscilloscope.

The input current at this point should be 7;0: 0.7'mADC.

Indicate acceptance by checkma.rk on test report. Increase P.S. output to make input current 10.0: .S mADC. 6.4 Set switch S2-l to close. Output will go to .08 +/- 0.10 voe. Indicate acceptance by checkmark on test report. 6.5 Slowly lower P'..S. output to where TPl ou-q,ut goes to 10. 00 +/-

  • SO voe. The input c:urrem: at this point should be 7. O +/- *
  • 7 mADC. Indicate acceptance by checkmark on test report. Set switch S2-1 to OPEN. 'nle output will g~ to 0.08 +/- 0.10 voe. lndiaate acceptance by checkmark on test report. Repeat step 6.1. 6.8 Disconnect oscillQsccpe and DMM from TPl and connect these to TP2. 6.9 Connect P.S. (+) output to input pin 22 instead of input pin 20. 6.10 Repeat step 6.3. 6.11 Repeat step 6.4 by closing switch 52-2 instead of S2-1. 6.12 Repeat step 6.S. ' 6.13 Repeat step 6.6 by setting S2-2 to open instead of S2-1. 6.14 Repeat step 6.1. 6.15 Disconnect oscilloscope and DMM from TP2.and connect these to TP3. 6.16 Connect P.S. (+) output to input pin 16 instead of input pin 22. 6.17 Repeat step 6,3. 6.18 Repeat step 6-4 by closing switch 52-3 instead of 52-1. Repeat step 6. S. HUMBER ATP #452 SHEET 6 OF 11 REV C

, *.** ,.

  • I * "' 6.20 Repeat step 6.6 by setting switch S2-3 to open instead of S2-l. 6.21 Repeat step 6.1. 6.22 Disconnect oscilloscope and DMM from TP3 and connect these to TP4. 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 Connect P.S. (+) .output to input pin 18 instead of input pin 16. Repeat step 6.3. Repeat step 6.4 by closing switch S2-4 instead of S2-1. Repeat. stei, 6.5. Repeat step 6.6 by setting switch 52-4 to open instead of 52-1. Repeat step 6.1. 7.0 ZERO AND SPAN SETrING Disconnect oscilloscope and DMM from TP4*and connect these to TP6. 7.2 Jumper input pins 16, 18, 20 and 22. 7.3 Adjust suppression potentiometer (RS3) fully clockwise (CW). The ou"tput should be +10.S :t O.S VDC. Indicate acceptance by checkmark on test report. 7.4 Adjust suppression potentiometer (RS3) !lilly CCW. The output should be -10. 5 :t O. 5 VDC. Indicate acce"Ptance by checlcmark on test retiort. 7.5 Adjust suppression potentiometer (RS3) for TP6 output of 0.000: 0.002 voe. 7.6 Set signal P.S. output for input cun-ent of 50._00 :t 1.00 mADe. I 7.7 Adjust gain potentiometer (R50) for TP6 output of 10.000 :t 0.005 VDe. 7.8 Check the output noise on the oscilloscope.

It should be less than 15 mV peak. Indicate acceptance with checkmark on test report. 8.0 FUNCTIONAL TESTS 8. 1 * ~ling Check 8.1.1 With the conditions above, close 52-1. The ou1:put should be 4.667 :t 0.100 voe. Indicate acceptance with a checkmark on test report. Set 52-1 to open*. [.I.2 Close S2-2, the ou1:put should be 7.333 :t 0.050 voe. Indicate acceptance with checkmark on test report. Set S2-2 to* open. NUMBER ATP #452 SHEET .i OF 11 REV C 8.1.3 Close S2-3. The output should be 8.667 +/- 0.040 VDC. Indicate acceptance with checkmark on test report. Set S2-3 to open. 8.1.4 Close S2-4. The output should be 9.333 +/- 0~030 VDC. Indicate acceptance with checkmark on test report. Set S2-4 to open. 8.1.5 Remove jumper from pins 16, 18, 20 and 22. 8.2 DC Threshold

8. 2. l Decrease P. S. to input CUJ:Tent of O. 00 +/- O. 10 mA DC * . 8.2.2 Connect P.S. (+) ou'tput to input pin 20. Ou'tput should be 0.000 +/-* 0.002 VDC. Indicate acceptance by cheekma.rk on test report. 8.2.3 Slowly increase P.S. output to threshold at TP6. Ou'tput should be.S.333 +/-. 0.100 VDC at input current of 7.0 +/- .7 mADC. Indicate acceptance by check-.mark on test report. Lower P. S. ou'tput to input current of O. 00 +/- 0 .10 mADG. Conneet P.S. (+) ou'tput* to ~ut pin 22 instead of pin 20. 8*.2.6 Slowly increase P.S. output to threshold.

Output should be 2.667 +/- 0.050 VDC at input current of 7.0 +/- 0.7 mADC. Indicate acceptance by checkmar~

on test report. 8.2.7 Repeat step 8.2.4. 8.2.8 Connect P.S. (+) ou'tput to input pin-16 instead of pin 22. 8.2.9 Slowly increase P.S. ou'tput to threshold.

Ou'tput should be 1.333 +/- 0.025 VDC at input current of 7. O +/- 0 .7 mADC. Indicate acceptance by checkmark on test report. 8.2.10 Repeat*step 8.2.4. 8.2.11 Connect P.S. (+) output to input pin 18 instead of pin 16. 8.2.12 Slowly increase PS ou'tpUt to threshold.

Ou'tput should be 0.667 +/- 0.015 VDC at input current of 7.0 +/- 0.7 mADC. Indicate acceptance by checkmark on test report. 8.3 AC Threshold Disconnect P.S. (+) ou'tpUt from DI32S-Q2.

Disconnect P.S. (-) output from DMM (-) input. NUMBER ATP W4S2 SHEET 8 OF 11 REV C

8. 3. 3 Connec't DMM, audio amplifier.

func'tion generator*, frequency counter and uni't und~r test as shown in Figure 3. 8.3.4 Se1: DMM for.ACmA measurement.

8. 3.5 Se't audio amplifier gain potentiometer fully CCW. 8.3.6 Se't fllilc'tion generator for SO Hz, sinewave and 0.500 t 0.050 Y. rms ou'tput. 8.3.7 Connec't audio amplifier outpu't (16) to input pin 20. 8. 3. 8 Connec't oscilloscope to TPl. Set it to DC coupling.

8.3.9 Set switches Sl-1 thru Sl-4 to close *. The output on the oscilloscope will 0.0 VDC. 8.3.10 Increase audio amplifier ou'tput to obtain 10 VDC ou'tpUt as seen on the oscilloscope.

Input current should be less than 10 mA rms. Indicate acceptance by checlcmark*on test report *

  • ll Lower input current to obtain O VDC on oscilloscope.

Input current should be greater than S mA rms. _Indicate

~cceptance by checkmark on test report * . 8. 3 .12 Connect audio amplifier (16) to input pin 22 instead of 20 and connec't oscilloscope to TP2 instead of TPl. 8.3.13 Repeat steps 8.3.10 and 8.3.11. 8.3.14 Connect audio amplifier (16) to input pin 16 instead of 22 and connect oscilloscope to TP3. instead. of TP2. 8.3.15 Repeat steps 8.3.10 and 8.3.11. 8.3.16 Connect audio amplifier (16) to input pin 18 instead of 16 and connec't oscilloscope to TP4 instead of TP3. 8.3.17 Repeat 8.3.10 and 8.3.ll. 8.4 Zero and Span*CAL 8.4.l Connect DMM to TP6. Set it to measure oc*volts.

8.4.2 Set switch S3-l to.close.

The output should be* -0.100: 0.030 voe. Indicate acceptance by ch.eckmark on test report. *--. ., *. Set switch S.'3-2 to close. The output should be -8.64: 0.50 VDC. Record reading on test report. HUMBER ATP #452 SHEET 9 OF 11 REV C

( MC 1 (Tcs-r) . FREQu1i.iv,y . '-OUNil:'.ii

't~Pui --0 FUwC.iri:N C, f: f'llt., .* I(. I S'/N(. ()ur L....+-@ Fr c. uac: 3. OUT AlidyNe* ENCll-*111-CQII..OIIATION

.. I'+ 2.'tt"'t-----------

' I ltUMSER ATP #452 _*_J., ... ur~ _ ..... -REV C 8.5 CurTent consUIIllJtion 8.5.l Connect the DMM leads to the MCl +15 CurTent and voltage test jacks (Figure 4). 8.S.2 Set the MCl +15V I test switch (Figure 4) to +15; the DMM indication should not exceed 22mA. Indicate acceptance by checkmark on test report. 8.5.3 Set the MCl +l5V I test switch to unmarked position and disconnect the DMM leads from the MCl. 8.S.4 Connect the DMM leads to the MCl-lSV CurTent and voltage test jacks (Figure 4). 8.5.S Set the Mel -lSV I test switch (Figure 4) to -15 and the DMM indicator should not exceed 22 mA.. Indicate acceptance by checkmark on test report. 8.5.6 Set the MCl -lSV I test switch to the unmarked posit*ion.

Disconnec't the DMM 1 eads from the MCl.

  • Unplug DI32S~Q2 :f%-om caTd. cable connector.
  • +l SV I TEST I TEST SWITCH +15 -------1 ~V I TEST ___ ...._! -l S SWITCH 6) TEST 0 ~y.lia, ... OUTPUT *A B @ @
  • MCl TEST NOTE: r. CONNECT DMM COM LEAD TO CURRENT TEST JACl< ANO HI LEAD TO VOLTAGE TEST JACl< * * ( . Figure 4. MCl (Tes~) :l.SV Currenc Tesc Swiech and Jack Locations NUMBER ATP f452 SHEET,, OF , , REV C

( TEST REPORT D'025-Q2 ASSY DIGI'!AL ENCODER. FOUR-INPUT S/0 CUSTOM EH W/0 ScRIAL NO. TESTED BY DATE .Paragra"h/Ste., 3.0 Preliminary Procedure 3.4 Isolation Resistance 5.0 Forward & Reverse Set~ing 0£ S-2 5.1 E1ov * .2 Eov 5.3 Ou'tput Voltage (TPl) S. 4 Ou'tput Voltage (TPl) 5.5 Ou'tput Voltage (TPl) 6.0 DC Threshold 6.3 Ou'tput Voltage Inpu~ Current 6.4 Ou~put Voltage 6.S Ou"tput Voltage Input Current 6.6 Output Voltage 6.10 OU'tpUt Voltage Input Current oc Acca.,ted If UMBER ATP lt452 Specification 1 G Ohm +10.0::.S VDC +0.08:!::0.05 VDC E1or-0.02 VDC E 0 v=o.osvoc E1nv.:!:0.2SO VDC 10.000::0.500 7.0:!:0.7 mADC 0.08:!:0.l VDC 10.000::0.500 VDC 7. 0::0

  • 7 mADC o:os::0.10 voe 10.000::0.500 voe I 7. O:t .7 mADC REV C SHEET OF 4 88::ZB WILSUA .-veNue * ~ORTMFUOGE.

c;. 91:J:24

  • 121:Jl 88!-8488
  • re1e11 Ne. 65*1:303 S/0 W/0 TESTED BY Paragraph/Step 6.11 6.12 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 QC Ou-cput Voltage OU'tpUt Voltage Input Current Ou'tput Voltage Ou'tpu't Voltage Input.Curren't Ou1:pu1: Voltage OU'tpU't Voltage Inpu't Current Ou'tpu't Voltage Ou'tput Voltage Input Current Ou1:pu1: Voltage Ou1:put Voltage Input CurTen't Ou'tpu't Voltage Zero and Span Output Voaage ASSY (TP6) TEST REPORT DI325-Q2 PIGITAX, ?NGPPER FOJm,-INP'QT CUSTOMER SERIAL NO. DATE Accepted If UMBER ATP #'452 S"eciflcatlon 0.08+/-0.10 Vdc 10.000:!:0.SOO Vdc 7. 0:!:.7 mAdc 0.08+/-0.10 Vdc 10.000:!:.SOO Vdc 1. 0-z..7 mAdc 0.08:!:0.10 Ydc 10.000:!:0.500 Vdc 7. O:!:O. 7mAdc 0.08+/-0.10 Vdc 10.000:!:0.500 Vdc . 7
  • 0-z.O
  • 7 mAdc 0.08+/-0.10 Vdc 10.000:0.500 Vdc 7
  • 0+/-0
  • 7 mAdc 0.08+/-0.10 Vdc 10.500+/-0.500 Vdc REV C SHEET 2 OF 4


  • S/0 W/0 TESTED BY Paragra.,h/Ste"*

ASSY 7.4 Ou'tput Voltage (TP6) 7.8 Ou'tpUt Noise 8.0 Functional Tes'ts Out-put Voltage (TP6) Output Voltage (TP6) OU'tpu't Voltage (TP6) 8.1. 4 Ou'tpUt Voltage (TP6) 8.2 DC Threshold 8.2.2 Ou'tput Voltage (TP6) -8.2.3 Ou'tput _voltage (TP6) 8.2.6 Ou'tpUt Voltage {TP6) 8.2.9 OU'tpUt Voltage (TP6) 8.2.12 Ou1:put Voltage (TP6) 8 * .3 AC Threshold 8.3.10 In-put CUl'l'ent (ON) 8.3.ll Input CUl'l'ent (OF'F) 8.3.13 Input CUl'l'ent (ON) In-put Cul'l'ent (OF'F) oc TEST REPORT DD25-Q2 DIGITAL ENCODER. FOUR*INPU't CUSTOMER ScHIAL NO. DATE Ac:epted S~eciflcatlon

-10.500+/-0.500 Vdc lSmV Max. 4.667+/-0.100 Vdc 7.333+/-0.050 Vdc 8.667+/-0.040 Vdc 9.333+/-0.030 Vdc 0.000+/-0.002 Vdc 5.333+/-0.100 Vdc 2.667+/-0.050 Vdc l.333::0.025 Vdc 0.667+/-0.015 Vdc lOmA rms Max. SIDA ms Min. lOmA :rms Max. SmA ms Min. NUMBER ATP #452 REV C SHEET OF :1

( S/0 W/0 TESTED 8Y Paragra'2h/Step 8 * .:S.15 Input Current Input Current Input Current Input *C!,1n'ent ASSY (ON) (OFF) (ON) (OFF) Zero and Span CAL 8.4.2 Output Voltage (TP6) 8.4.3 Output Voltage (TP6) 8.5 CurTent Consumption 8.5 * .2 Supply CurTent (+lSV) 8.S.S Supply Curren't (-lSV) J. \. oc DI325-Q2 DIG!TAI TEST REPORT ENCODER rmm-mmrr CUSTOMEH SERIAL ltO. DATE Accepted HUMBER ATP #452 S4'eciflcatlon

  • lOmA rms Max. SmA rms Min. lOmA rms Max. SmA rms Min. -0.100:to.030 voe -8.64:!:0.50 VDC 22mA Max. 22mA Max. REV C SHEET 4 OF 4