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Att. B Ap Associated Press Aug. 19, 1988 Dona McColluch Public Document Room U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
==Dear Ms. McCol)och:==
As per our telephone conversation last week, I am enclosing a copy of the Docket 50-340 accession list you sent me, and I have circled the items of which I wish to have copies, i
I believe this mostly speaks for itself, although I'd like to specify that: for the item docketed Aug. 12, 1969, I request the ACRS letter to the AEC as well as a copy of the ACRS 1            comments on review of Seabrook, and: for the item docketed May  '
{          19, 1969, I seek the memo as well as the 4-25-69 report, prepared by "ESSA," of comments on Seabrook.                    ,
I trust you will advise me if you are unable to locate any record I have requested.
I did not find anything on the computerized printout you sent  !
me that I need now.                                            !
Also, for your information, I have enclosed a copy of the
<            Freedom of Inf ormation Act request that I have filed with NRC for early records on Seabrook.
I understand that copies will cost 6 cents apiece. With the possible exception of the aforementioned ACRS comments and ESSA report on reviews of Seabrook, I don't expect that the
;            documents I have requested amount to many pages. Should the ACRS and ESSA Seabrook-review reports be voluminous (i.e.
if the copying costs would exceed $25), I ask that you contact me before filling my request.
Thanks again for your help.
4 Sincerely, hh lAl              f5)
Michael Mokrzycki Newsman Encl., 2 mjm/1ha                                  .
i 8810260009 000919 PDR    FOIA NOKRZYC00-443      PDR 1                . . . . r,,3p.    . . . . ..:
    /                    ;BETH-5 (3-65)
.                                                                  U. s. ATOXIC r u n Co mission
Public Service Co. of New Ha:pshire APPLICArrt United Illuminating Company                                        gn .;;,  ,
i COMM: W/ Eliot Priest, Vice Pres                      John A. Ritsher, Esq.      ECD:  -l-74 Public Serv. Co. of N. H.                225 Franklin St.            LCD: 12                                          10R7 & St.      Mancheeter. N.H.        Botten. Mass.
rm nm7N DATE DMMETED                                    Ot:scpIprION April 9, 1969            Ltr, dtd 4-9-69, fm Public Service Co. of New Hampshire trans the following:
IP APPLICATION, dtd 4-9-69, fn the Public Service Co.
of New Hampshire & the United Illuminating Company to construct and operate the Seabrook Nuclear Station, Unit 1. Planned Facility to be a class 104(b) pressuriced water reacter with the NSSS furnished by Westinghouse designed for a warra::ced power output of 2660 MWt w/ ultimate c.pability expected to be 2774 MWt PSAR , consisting of Volume I, II, & III, submitting h)                                            technical information in support of the application.
CHECK No. 6762, dtd 4-7-69, in the amount of $2,500.00 for the license fee, as required.
(3 Signed & 73 add'1 cys ree'd..........#1195)
April 14, 1969        Ltrs , dtd 4-14-69, trans Volumes I, II, & III of the PSM to: l
                                                .              White / Fish & Wildlife            Pack / ESSA              i Waldron/Geo Sur                    Murphy / ESSA April 14, 1969        Ltr, dtd 4-14-69, to ACRS trans 13 cys of the PSM and 3 cys of the application.
April 15,1969        Ltrs, dtd 4-15-69, trans Vols. I, II, & III of the PSAR to:
Schneider/Ceo Survey      Snoke/CERC
                                                                ~ - - /  1A"4= m Council on Historic Preservation          i hApr 17, 1969 f                        Ltr 4-17-69 fm National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C l requesting to be adisved if public heering would be held bef l ik L
WV issuance of license.........OR 0 2134                                I
                        \                                                                                                _\
l p
Apr 23, 1909          Ltr 4-21-09 fm Advisory Council on Histreic Preservatica., Wr. j r-                                ack our 1tr dtd 4-15 69 5 advisin;; co r ents will be sut-itte '
appt has been review......... ( 1 cy ltr rc:'d..... 14 0 Apr    '3, 1959 4-:3-:    to I d . ;v ::. ::.s. -:5 re:etpt ei art        :vi.
I cpp11:nnt te rerve . g1 en le::1 effi:cl 5 that n-,it::-: 1:
respensio'.e fer 'genti,: y:: ei l'/hept f r hearin:; be: r d. . .
        ,        BETH-5 (3-65)
              ;                    Public Service of !:cu Hampshire                                                        50-340  l I  APPLICAdT:                                                                    DOCKET NO.
/                                                    DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENTS DATE DOCKETED Apr 29, 1969    Ltr 4-29-69 to Hon Thomas J. McIntrye, USS re: his 1tr dtd 3                                      6 furnishing comments requested by Miss Susan Fowler, Northharpto (Incoming *,corre: attached to our 4-29-69 ltr.....DR 2104 May 5, 1969      Ltr 5-1-69 fm Adv Souncil on Histroic Pres. re: their 1tr dtd 4
                                      & advising they have to no corrents on (Seabrook) . . . .. . . .. . . .
( 1 cy ltr ree'd........ 1484 May 5, 1969      Ltr 4-30-69 fm Gov Curtiss advising of receipt of appi & request that notification be sent to Prof Donaldson, Koons, Colby Colleg Waterville , >bine . . . . (1 Cy ltr ree' d. . . . . . 1492 May 5, 1969      Ltr 4-30-69 fm Pub Sv of N.H. ack our 1tr dtd 4-23-69 & trans tb
    ;                                  owingt Ltr dtd 4-15-69 to Bd of Selectmen, Seabrook , N.H. ack r of Appl.
Ltr dtd 4-15-69 to Bd of Selectren, Harpton, H.H. ack rec of appl.
Ltr 4td 5-15-69 to Bd of Selectren Town of Hampton Falls, Has.v on Falls, N.H. ack receipt of appl.
( 1 cy ltr 61 cy ca of enc 1's rec'd......1466 dby 13, 1969      Ltr 5-13-69 to Pub Sv Co. N.H. trans Advisory of Council on Hl Pre se rva tion ltr dtd 5-1-69 comments for(Seabrock)
May 15, 1969      Ltr 5-15-69 to Thomas L. Kimball, National Wildlife Federation :
his 1tr dtd 4-17-69 regarding the proposed const of Nuclear Pas
( Seabrook)..... Attached Kimball ltr dtd 4-17 69 & 5-27-69 ack <.
Sc15-69 itr............DR2134 9
May 19,1969      Maeo dtd 5 19 69 fm (RDT SHAW) trans the followingt
    /        -
              /                                  EEPORT Comments on Seabrook Nuclear Station Unit 1 Pub Sv. Co. of .1.9. prepared by ESSA, dtd 4                '
g for PSAnept VOL's 1-2-3
( 1 cy mem 6 2 cys of report ecc'd. .. . . .. . . . 91648
                        ,j            FCR INT F. MAL USE C!.*LY_
                    /                                                      U. S . ATCMIC ESERCY CC,"l ISSICS BRTH-5 (3-65)
Public Service of New Racpshire                                                                                                    50-31
          ,                                                                                                                                                      DOOKET SO.
    /                              I APPLICANT:                      (Seabrook Unit 1
?                                                                                                  =-
                                                                                  -.,r..                  m-                ~,...o-..                                                                        _
nug nryp-7en Ltr 5-19-69 fm Sen E. Kennedy _(Poss) trans ltr dtd 5-8-69 fm May 1951969        Elizabeth Ericson, SoutCHamilton, Pass, re: proposed location
                            \    s (Seabrook) possible destru.: tion of vildlife.........DR-2165 Ltrs attached                                                                                                                              _
May 21, 1969    L tr 5-21-69 to ACRS trans (13) cys of ESSA co: cents on(Seabrook)
Note: trans v (RDI como dtd 5-19-69 Ler 5-27-69 to T. Dugal, (Fajor Valdron Sportsenn's Ass"n.
Pay 27,1969      ack his 1tr dtd 4-7-69 re; proposed const of (Seabroot) Attach 1tr d d 4-7-69 & =cmo from Stan Robinson to Henderson dtd 4                                                                .. ....DR 2121
                                              .w .,3 ,- m. 4.w MM- ,, - m:.s - m-- ,- -(w;- = j.;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -        -
* e.
July 23, 69      DRL, Repcrt to ACKS                      dtd 7-23-69 on Seabrcok (CL*C)                                                                        !
July 24, 1961 Ltr 7-24-69 to ACRS trans (13) cys of DRL, Rept to ACns dtd 7-
                                                                                                                                                                                -                              1 August 12, 1969      Ltr 8-12-69 fm ACRS trans ec==.ents en reviev cf Seabrock Nuclet Station Unit y 1 l
(1 repro ey r ee 'd. . . . . . )
Sep 2, 19Q          Ltr 9-2-69 to Senator Kenne:!y, in response to his 8-17-69 tran i                                                      of a ltr f= Mrs Robert A. Miller concerning the effects of opt i        !
            '                                                    of nuclear pover plants v/ attached 8-14-69 ltr fm Mrs Miller a enclosures (1) Bocklet, "Licensing of Pcver Beactors",(2) Book
[,                                                        "Ato:ic Power Safety".
                                                                                                                                                                                                          , 1 Ltr 9 9-69 f: JohnA.Blure&Associatestransthefollowingif
              '                              Sep 12, 1069 regard to their reviev(general) of the PSAR fer the Seabrook P l I
List of questions and co,=ents resulting fro: reviev
( l ey itr S enel ree 'd. . . . . . 2379)                              f
                                              .iov 17, -959        t r .'. -13 .9 f.:              .O recuest;ns                   we ::t pursue the licensing '
                                                                  ;r::edu e f:r the k.t.-: r. .:t .ti:n cny f u-ther at this ti:e. . .
r'. c ' d . . . . .p ? i 71)
                                                                  ,(1 :y it- (nt; n.t:.- 1: e d )                                                                                                  m:
                                                                                                                                                                                                    "N*=e u -                        ._
                                      .                                                                              l FOR          D:TERNAL USE cNLY EETH-5 (3-55)                      U. S. ATOMIC CIEP.GY COMMISS!Ct1                                1
j Public Service of Ncv Harpshire                                50-340      l (Seabrook Unit # 1)                                DOCYJ!T NO.
APPLICAh"I DATE DCCKETED DESCRIPTICN OP CCCUMINTS                                  I t
Dec 3, 1969      L tr12-3-69toACRStrans(3)cys1163269ltrf: PSC of New Eacps                >
a dvising that unit is being deferred to a future date.
Dec 9, 1969        Ltr 12-9-69 to PSC of New Ea:pshire ack their 11-13-69 ltr advisi ;
of deferring plans for the Seatrock Nuclear Station.
Dec 15, 1969        Ltr 12-15-69 to JCAE trans (2) cys ltr rec'd recently advising Public Service Co::pany of New Ha:pshire is daterring to a future :
date plans f or the Seabrock Nuclear Station.
Ltr 12-29-69 f:s Public Service Co. of N.H. re: our 12-9-69 ltr i
Dec 31, 1969                                                                              l i                              advising they have no derinite plan to proceed with the project.      \
(1 cy ltr rec'd..... 840Ch) f}
      &-                                    Ltr 9-30-70 to PSC re review of appl to construct Seabrook Nucles:
Sta. Unit 1.. . req addl info to ec=plete review of appl.
Oct 2, 1970        Ltr 10-2-70 to ACRS trans (13) cys Request for addl info dtd 9-3C      l tsr 7, 1972        Ltr 3-2-72 f:n PSC re their 11-13 69 ltr. . . .adv of plans to react f                        .
the Seatrook Nuclear Statien. Unit $1. . . .to resub:-it [SAR in Fet 1973 and requesting info per aining to licensics require e.ts i enviro report i
(1 0r1g................................................... 8113 bhy 30,1972        Ltr 5-25-72 te Elizabeth 'a'eir. hold concern re actions of P3C of
                  ***                              in change general info in appl for a license to build a nuclea pisr.t on the Seabro'k and Ea:pton FSrshes (1 0r1g...............................................DR kS62'    i i
e, l
                                                                                                                                        *** C :';',T:.: 21:.' TO * ^ ~ A L **.: P Jp. 1 :- 2 0"A L tlU. O'." 7 M3
                                                                                                                      . *,  .f e g.
                                                                                                                                  . -n
                                                                                                                                    - e
                                                                                                                                      ~ .y~ -..
y_  e      .
BETF.-5 (3-6 5)                                                  ___._y.
        ).                              . . _ - -
Public Service of New Ea phire                                                                                    DOCKET NO. 50-3ho
              , APPLIC.MC:                                                                                            _ ,,_,,_, _ , . _ . ,        , , _ . . . . . .            ,._. m% _w
                                                        ;,_                            s,-      _
k                            DESC'.IPT7.03        OF DCCU2Tif 3                  -'---    -- - m --
MTE .D.QC.._,@.s                        - _o-- -                      - ~ - ~ ' ^~                      - ^
r ".
June 12,1972                      0 Ltr 6-6-72 fu Eli:abetn(Dolly) Weinhold ref ltr 5 25-72 re tacties
                      ***                            f being exhibited by PSC of N.H. prit.r to their filing f6r a 1.icense tc build a nuclear plant on the Seabrock & Es=pton Marshes
0ris.........................................................DR h585, h                                      ['(1 i
i o            June ik,1972                          Ltr 6-14-72 to Ms. Elizabeth Veinhold in respense to her 5-25-72 ltr
                              **+                                  to Clifford Beck concerning the appl filed with AiC by PSC of N.E.
for Seabrook .Muclear Static Unit 1
                                                                                                                                                                                    .h June 30, 1972                        Ltr 6'-30-72 to Ms. Nor:a C. Dobie adv pleased to reply to your ltr
                              +++                        j of 6-14-72 to Chair:an Schlesinger concerning a nuclear plant
        .)                                                j(DRk614)
O v
i                    .
Ltr 6-30-72 f= PSC of NH trans notice of proposed rulecaking June 30, 1972                i
                                ***                            l identigying' and describing info req by the Attorney Genral for
                                ****                        jhis.antitrustreviev f.
L(                                    f Ltr 7-6-72 to Bertra: Berry reply to postcard of 6-12-72 to President July 6, 1972
                                    ***                                  Niion concerning a nuclear pover plant at Seabrook, N.B.
I h;      Ltr 10-19-72 to Anthony Rois:-an re public hearing to beh held by                                                        i Oct 19, 1972 n        NHSic on the proposal of PSC of L'd to construct two nuclear power
                            \                                              reactors at Seabrook site l
1        Oct 26, 1972 Ltr 10-24-72 fm PSC of New Eazpshire adv that they plan to refile their appl fer its Seabrook Station late January or February 1973                                                          l 4
(1 Orig  1tr.....................................................856kf
Dec 20, 10 c^                    p Ltr 12-20-72 to Ala: M. Pope response to ltr 12 72 conestni:g the
              -}    '
                                      ***                                location of a reacter in Reckinghar. Co, New Earpshire (D:1 5146)
                                                                    .i l
O                      '
                              <                                                                                                                                                                    \

Latest revision as of 09:55, 30 December 2020

Forwards Docket List for Seabrook Plant,Specifying Documents Requested
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/19/1988
From: Mokrzycki M
To: Mccolloch D
Shared Package
ML20205A506 List:
FOIA-88-443 NUDOCS 8810260009
Download: ML20205A512 (6)



Att. B Ap Associated Press Aug. 19, 1988 Dona McColluch Public Document Room U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Ms. McCol)och:

As per our telephone conversation last week, I am enclosing a copy of the Docket 50-340 accession list you sent me, and I have circled the items of which I wish to have copies, i

I believe this mostly speaks for itself, although I'd like to specify that: for the item docketed Aug. 12, 1969, I request the ACRS letter to the AEC as well as a copy of the ACRS 1 comments on review of Seabrook, and: for the item docketed May '

{ 19, 1969, I seek the memo as well as the 4-25-69 report, prepared by "ESSA," of comments on Seabrook. ,

I trust you will advise me if you are unable to locate any record I have requested.

I did not find anything on the computerized printout you sent  !

me that I need now.  !

Also, for your information, I have enclosed a copy of the

< Freedom of Inf ormation Act request that I have filed with NRC for early records on Seabrook.

I understand that copies will cost 6 cents apiece. With the possible exception of the aforementioned ACRS comments and ESSA report on reviews of Seabrook, I don't expect that the

documents I have requested amount to many pages. Should the ACRS and ESSA Seabrook-review reports be voluminous (i.e.

if the copying costs would exceed $25), I ask that you contact me before filling my request.

Thanks again for your help.

4 Sincerely, hh lAl f5)

Michael Mokrzycki Newsman Encl., 2 mjm/1ha .

i 8810260009 000919 PDR FOIA NOKRZYC00-443 PDR 1 . . . . r,,3p. . . . . ..:

/ ;BETH-5 (3-65)

. U. s. ATOXIC r u n Co mission


Public Service Co. of New Ha:pshire APPLICArrt United Illuminating Company gn .;;, ,

i COMM: W/ Eliot Priest, Vice Pres John A. Ritsher, Esq. ECD: -l-74 Public Serv. Co. of N. H. 225 Franklin St. LCD: 12 10R7 & St. Mancheeter. N.H. Botten. Mass.

rm nm7N DATE DMMETED Ot:scpIprION April 9, 1969 Ltr, dtd 4-9-69, fm Public Service Co. of New Hampshire trans the following:

IP APPLICATION, dtd 4-9-69, fn the Public Service Co.

of New Hampshire & the United Illuminating Company to construct and operate the Seabrook Nuclear Station, Unit 1. Planned Facility to be a class 104(b) pressuriced water reacter with the NSSS furnished by Westinghouse designed for a warra::ced power output of 2660 MWt w/ ultimate c.pability expected to be 2774 MWt PSAR , consisting of Volume I, II, & III, submitting h) technical information in support of the application.

CHECK No. 6762, dtd 4-7-69, in the amount of $2,500.00 for the license fee, as required.

(3 Signed & 73 add'1 cys ree'd..........#1195)

April 14, 1969 Ltrs , dtd 4-14-69, trans Volumes I, II, & III of the PSM to: l

. White / Fish & Wildlife Pack / ESSA i Waldron/Geo Sur Murphy / ESSA April 14, 1969 Ltr, dtd 4-14-69, to ACRS trans 13 cys of the PSM and 3 cys of the application.

April 15,1969 Ltrs, dtd 4-15-69, trans Vols. I, II, & III of the PSAR to:

Schneider/Ceo Survey Snoke/CERC

~ - - / 1A"4= m Council on Historic Preservation i hApr 17, 1969 f Ltr 4-17-69 fm National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C l requesting to be adisved if public heering would be held bef l ik L

WV issuance of license.........OR 0 2134 I

\ _\

l p

Apr 23, 1909 Ltr 4-21-09 fm Advisory Council on Histreic Preservatica., Wr. j r- ack our 1tr dtd 4-15 69 5 advisin;; co r ents will be sut-itte '

appt has been review......... ( 1 cy ltr rc:'d..... 14 0 Apr '3, 1959 4-:3-: to I d . ;v ::. ::.s. -:5 re:etpt ei art :vi.

I cpp11:nnt te rerve . g1 en le::1 effi:cl 5 that n-,it::-: 1:

respensio'.e fer 'genti,: y:: ei l'/hept f r hearin:; be: r d. . .


, BETH-5 (3-65)

Public Service of !
cu Hampshire 50-340 l I APPLICAdT: DOCKET NO.


/ DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENTS DATE DOCKETED Apr 29, 1969 Ltr 4-29-69 to Hon Thomas J. McIntrye, USS re: his 1tr dtd 3 6 furnishing comments requested by Miss Susan Fowler, Northharpto (Incoming *,corre: attached to our 4-29-69 ltr.....DR 2104 May 5, 1969 Ltr 5-1-69 fm Adv Souncil on Histroic Pres. re: their 1tr dtd 4

& advising they have to no corrents on (Seabrook) . . . .. . . .. . . .

( 1 cy ltr ree'd........ 1484 May 5, 1969 Ltr 4-30-69 fm Gov Curtiss advising of receipt of appi & request that notification be sent to Prof Donaldson, Koons, Colby Colleg Waterville , >bine . . . . (1 Cy ltr ree' d. . . . . . 1492 May 5, 1969 Ltr 4-30-69 fm Pub Sv of N.H. ack our 1tr dtd 4-23-69 & trans tb

owingt Ltr dtd 4-15-69 to Bd of Selectmen, Seabrook , N.H. ack r of Appl.

Ltr dtd 4-15-69 to Bd of Selectren, Harpton, H.H. ack rec of appl.

Ltr 4td 5-15-69 to Bd of Selectren Town of Hampton Falls, Has.v on Falls, N.H. ack receipt of appl.


( 1 cy ltr 61 cy ca of enc 1's rec'd......1466 dby 13, 1969 Ltr 5-13-69 to Pub Sv Co. N.H. trans Advisory of Council on Hl Pre se rva tion ltr dtd 5-1-69 comments for(Seabrock)

May 15, 1969 Ltr 5-15-69 to Thomas L. Kimball, National Wildlife Federation :

his 1tr dtd 4-17-69 regarding the proposed const of Nuclear Pas

( Seabrook)..... Attached Kimball ltr dtd 4-17 69 & 5-27-69 ack <.

Sc15-69 itr............DR2134 9

May 19,1969 Maeo dtd 5 19 69 fm (RDT SHAW) trans the followingt

/ -

/ EEPORT Comments on Seabrook Nuclear Station Unit 1 Pub Sv. Co. of .1.9. prepared by ESSA, dtd 4 '

g for PSAnept VOL's 1-2-3

( 1 cy mem 6 2 cys of report ecc'd. .. . . .. . . . 91648





Public Service of New Racpshire 50-31


/ I APPLICANT: (Seabrook Unit 1

? =-

-.,r.. m- ~,...o-.. _

nug nryp-7en Ltr 5-19-69 fm Sen E. Kennedy _(Poss) trans ltr dtd 5-8-69 fm May 1951969 Elizabeth Ericson, SoutCHamilton, Pass, re: proposed location


\ s (Seabrook) possible destru.: tion of vildlife.........DR-2165 Ltrs attached _

May 21, 1969 L tr 5-21-69 to ACRS trans (13) cys of ESSA co: cents on(Seabrook)

Note: trans v (RDI como dtd 5-19-69 Ler 5-27-69 to T. Dugal, (Fajor Valdron Sportsenn's Ass"n.

Pay 27,1969 ack his 1tr dtd 4-7-69 re; proposed const of (Seabroot) Attach 1tr d d 4-7-69 & =cmo from Stan Robinson to Henderson dtd 4 .. ....DR 2121


.w .,3 ,- m. 4.w MM- ,, - m:.s - m-- ,- -(w;- = j.;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • e.

July 23, 69 DRL, Repcrt to ACKS dtd 7-23-69 on Seabrcok (CL*C)  !

July 24, 1961 Ltr 7-24-69 to ACRS trans (13) cys of DRL, Rept to ACns dtd 7-

- 1 August 12, 1969 Ltr 8-12-69 fm ACRS trans ec==.ents en reviev cf Seabrock Nuclet Station Unit y 1 l

(1 repro ey r ee 'd. . . . . . )


Sep 2, 19Q Ltr 9-2-69 to Senator Kenne:!y, in response to his 8-17-69 tran i of a ltr f= Mrs Robert A. Miller concerning the effects of opt i  !

' of nuclear pover plants v/ attached 8-14-69 ltr fm Mrs Miller a enclosures (1) Bocklet, "Licensing of Pcver Beactors",(2) Book

[, "Ato:ic Power Safety".


, 1 Ltr 9 9-69 f: JohnA.Blure&Associatestransthefollowingif

' Sep 12, 1069 regard to their reviev(general) of the PSAR fer the Seabrook P l I

List of questions and co,=ents resulting fro: reviev


( l ey itr S enel ree 'd. . . . . . 2379) f


.iov 17, -959 t r .'. -13 .9 f.: .O recuest;ns we ::t pursue the licensing '

:edu e f:r the k.t.-: r. .:t .ti:n cny f u-ther at this ti:e. . .

r'. c ' d . . . . .p ? i 71)

,(1 :y it- (nt; n.t:.- 1: e d ) m:

"N*=e u - ._




j Public Service of Ncv Harpshire 50-340 l (Seabrook Unit # 1) DOCYJ!T NO.


Dec 3, 1969 L tr12-3-69toACRStrans(3)cys1163269ltrf: PSC of New Eacps >

a dvising that unit is being deferred to a future date.

Dec 9, 1969 Ltr 12-9-69 to PSC of New Ea:pshire ack their 11-13-69 ltr advisi ;

of deferring plans for the Seatrock Nuclear Station.

Dec 15, 1969 Ltr 12-15-69 to JCAE trans (2) cys ltr rec'd recently advising Public Service Co::pany of New Ha:pshire is daterring to a future :

date plans f or the Seabrock Nuclear Station.

Ltr 12-29-69 f:s Public Service Co. of N.H. re: our 12-9-69 ltr i

Dec 31, 1969 l i advising they have no derinite plan to proceed with the project. \

(1 cy ltr rec'd..... 840Ch) f}

&- Ltr 9-30-70 to PSC re review of appl to construct Seabrook Nucles:

Sta. Unit 1.. . req addl info to ec=plete review of appl.

Oct 2, 1970 Ltr 10-2-70 to ACRS trans (13) cys Request for addl info dtd 9-3C l tsr 7, 1972 Ltr 3-2-72 f:n PSC re their 11-13 69 ltr. . . .adv of plans to react f .

the Seatrook Nuclear Statien. Unit $1. . . .to resub:-it [SAR in Fet 1973 and requesting info per aining to licensics require e.ts i enviro report i

(1 0r1g................................................... 8113 bhy 30,1972 Ltr 5-25-72 te Elizabeth 'a'eir. hold concern re actions of P3C of

      • in change general info in appl for a license to build a nuclea pisr.t on the Seabro'k and Ea:pton FSrshes (1 0r1g...............................................DR kS62' i i

e, l


      • C :';',T:.: 21:.' TO * ^ ~ A L **.: P Jp. 1 :- 2 0"A L tlU. O'." 7 M3

. *, .f e g.

. -n

- e

~ .y~ -..

y_ e .

BETF.-5 (3-6 5) ___._y.

). . . _ - -

Public Service of New Ea phire DOCKET NO. 50-3ho

, APPLIC.MC: _ ,,_,,_, _ , . _ . , , , _ . . . . . . ,._. m% _w

,_ s,- _

k DESC'.IPT7.03 OF DCCU2Tif 3 -'--- -- - m --

MTE .D.QC.._,@.s - _o-- - - ~ - ~ ' ^~ - ^

r ".

June 12,1972 0 Ltr 6-6-72 fu Eli:abetn(Dolly) Weinhold ref ltr 5 25-72 re tacties

      • f being exhibited by PSC of N.H. prit.r to their filing f6r a 1.icense tc build a nuclear plant on the Seabrock & Es=pton Marshes


0ris.........................................................DR h585, h ['(1 i

i o June ik,1972 Ltr 6-14-72 to Ms. Elizabeth Veinhold in respense to her 5-25-72 ltr

    • + to Clifford Beck concerning the appl filed with AiC by PSC of N.E.

for Seabrook .Muclear Static Unit 1

.h June 30, 1972 Ltr 6'-30-72 to Ms. Nor:a C. Dobie adv pleased to reply to your ltr

+++ j of 6-14-72 to Chair:an Schlesinger concerning a nuclear plant

.) j(DRk614)

O v

i .

Ltr 6-30-72 f= PSC of NH trans notice of proposed rulecaking June 30, 1972 i

      • l identigying' and describing info req by the Attorney Genral for
        • jhis.antitrustreviev f.

L( f Ltr 7-6-72 to Bertra: Berry reply to postcard of 6-12-72 to President July 6, 1972

      • Niion concerning a nuclear pover plant at Seabrook, N.B.


I h; Ltr 10-19-72 to Anthony Rois:-an re public hearing to beh held by i Oct 19, 1972 n NHSic on the proposal of PSC of L'd to construct two nuclear power

\ reactors at Seabrook site l

1 Oct 26, 1972 Ltr 10-24-72 fm PSC of New Eazpshire adv that they plan to refile their appl fer its Seabrook Station late January or February 1973 l 4

(1 Orig 1tr.....................................................856kf


Dec 20, 10 c^ p Ltr 12-20-72 to Ala: M. Pope response to ltr 12 72 conestni:g the

-} '

      • location of a reacter in Reckinghar. Co, New Earpshire (D:1 5146)

.i l

O '


< \