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| number = ML20056G094
| number = ML20056G094
| issue date = 07/01/1993
| issue date = 07/01/1993
| title = Rev 5 of ODCM for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3.
| title = Rev 5 of ODCM for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3
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Latest revision as of 03:33, 13 November 2023

Rev 5 of ODCM for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/01/1993
Shared Package
ML20056G090 List:
PROC-930701, NUDOCS 9309020045
Download: ML20056G094 (48)


__ __ _______ ______ - ____


AUG i 41933

, . _ _ _ _ ~ . .

Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Revision 5 i

I Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 e

O n y:-


-1 m

Z Philadelphia Electric Company .

Docket Nos. 50-277 & 50-278 l

i PORC Approval  : / 4 7 ff


PORC Chairman Date PORC Meeting / :


7[/ f p3 Date


k-)J \

j i

m-9309020045 930826 . i PDR ADOCK 05000277 !l  !

R PDR 1 ]

Table of Contents I. Purpose l

II. Instrument Setpoints ,

III. Liquid Pathway Dose Calculations A. Liquid Radwaste Release Flow Rate retarmination B. Surveillance Requirement 4.8.B.2 C. Surveillance Requirement 4.8.B.4a IV. Gaseous Pathway Dose Calculations A. Surveillance Requirement 4.8.C.1 B. Surveillance Requirement 4.8.C.2 I C. Surveillance Requirement 4.8.C.3 D. Surveillance Requirement 4.8.C.5a E. Surveillance Requirement 4.8.C.6b V. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Dose Assessment - 40 CFR 190 A. Surveillance Requirement 4.8.D VI. Calendar Year Dose Calculations .

A. Unique Reporting Requirement 6.9.2.h VII. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program l

A. Surveillance Requirement 4.8.E VIII. Bases O


Pago 3 of 48, Rev. 5

1. Purpose The purpose of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual is to

.O' establish methodologies and procedures for calculating doses to individuals in areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY due to radioactive effluents from Peach Botton Atomic Power Station. ,

The results of these calculations are required to determine compliance with Appendix A to Operating Licenses DPR-44 and DPR-56, " Technical Specification and Bases for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units No. 2 and 3".

II. Setpoint Determination for Licuid & Gaseous Monitors II.A Liauid Radwaste Activity Monitor Setpoint Each tank of radioactive waste is sampled prior to release. A small liquid volume of this sample is analyzed for gross gamma j activity in a NaI well counter. This NaI well counter l activity is then converted to an equivalent liquid radwaste ,

l monitor reading.

l l CPS (R/W Monitor) =

[ Net CPM /ml (well) x Eff W/RW) +

l Background CPS

\ '

l Where:


! CPS (R/W Monitor) = liquid radwaste gross activity ,

monitor reading in CPS l Net CPM /ml (well) = gross gamma activity for the I radwaste sample tank [ determined by I the well counter)


l Eff W/RW = conversion factor between well l counter and liquid radwaste gross

! activity monitor [ determined by l calibrating both detectors with the l same liquid radioactive source]

l l Background CPS = background reading of the liquid l radwaste gross activity monitor in l CPS Exceeding th? expected response would indicate that an incorrect san.ple had been obtained for that release and the release is autuaatically stopped.

The alarm and trip pot setpoints for the liquid radwaste activity monitor are determined from a calibration curve for the alarm pot and trip pot. The alarm pot setting includes a factor of 1.25 to allow for analysis error, pot setting error, instrument error and calibration error. The trip pot setting includes a factor of 1.35 to allow for analysis error, pot setting error, instrument error and calibration error.

l l

i Pago 4 of 48, Rov. 5 II.B Licuid Radwaste Release Flowrate Setooint Determination ThetrippotsetpointfortheliquidradwastereleaseflowrateG.

is determined by multiplying the liquid radwaste flowrate

! (from Section III.A) by 1.2 and using this value on the appropriate calibration curve for the discharge flow meter to be used. The Peach Bottom radwaste system har two flow monitors - high flow (5 to 300 gpm) and low floa (0.8 to 15 gpm). The factor of 1.2 allows for pot setting error and instrument error. The flow rate determination includes a margin of assurance which includes consideration of this error such that the instantaneous release limit of 10 CFR 20 is not exceeded.

II.C Setpoint Determination for Gaseous Radwaste The high and high-high alarm setpoints for the main stack '

radiation monitor, Unit 2 roof vent radiation monitor and Unit  :

l 3 roof vent radiation monitor are determined as follows:

Hich Alarm - the high alarm setpoint is set at approximately 3 x the normal monitor reading.

Hich-Hich Alarm - the high-high alarm setpoint is set at a release rate from this vent of approximately 30% of the instantaneous release limit of 10 CFR 20 as specified in Technical Specification 3.8.C.1.a for the most restrictive case (skin or total body) on an unidentified basis. To i determine these setpoints, solve the gaseous effluent dose rate equations in section IV.A of the ODCM to determine what main stack release rate and roof vent release rate will l produce a dose rate of 150 mrem /yr to the total body (30% of l the limit of 500 mrem /yr) and a dose rate of 900 mrem /yr to  !

the skin (30% of the limit of 3000 mrem /yr) from each release point. Using the smallest (most restrictive) release rate for each release point determine monitor response required to produce this release rate assuming a normal vent flow rate and pressure correction factor. Set the high-high alarm for approximately this monitor response.

II.D. Setpoint Determination for Gaseous Radwaste Flow Monitors l

l The alarm setpoint for the main stack flow monitor is as follows:

Low Flow Alarm - 10,000 CFM. - This setting ensures that the main stack minimum dilution flow as specified in Technical Specification 3.8.C.4.a is maintained.

O 4


l l l

Pago 5 of 48, R3v. 5 II.D. (Cont'd)

The alarm setpoints for the roof vent flow monitors are as O- follows: i 5

Low Flow Alarm - 1.5 x 10 cfm High Flow Alarm - 5.4 x 105 cfm III. Licuid Pathway Dose Calculations III.A Licuid Radwaste Release Flow Rate Determination Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 have one common discharge point for liquid releases. The following calculation assures that the radwaste release limits are met.

The flow rate of liquid radwaste released from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be such that the concentration of radioactive material after dilution shall be j limited to the concentration specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix )

B, Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than noble gases '

and 2E-4 Ci/ml total activity concentration for all noble i gases as specified in Technical Specification 3.8.B.1. Each tank of radioactive waste is sampled prior,to release and is i

l quantitatively analyzed for identifiable gamma emitters as specified in Table 4.8.1 of the Technical Specifications.  ;

From this gamma isotopic analysis the maximum permissible release flow rate is determined as follows:  :

Determine a Dilution Factor by:

l Dilution Factor = W I pCi/ml i = the activity of each identified gamma emitter in pCi/ml l ECLi = The effluent concentration specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than noble gases or 2 x 10 4 pCi/ml for noble gases.

l i

O l

Paga 6 of 48, ROV. 5 III.A (Cont'd) ,

Determine the Maximum Permissible Release Rate with this Dilution Factor by:

Release Rate (gpm) =

A x 2. 0 x 105 B X C X Dilution Factor A = The number of circulating water pumps running vbich will provide dilution 2.0 X 10 5 = the flow rate in gpm for each circulating water pump running B = margin of assurance which includes consideration of the maximum error in the activity setpoint, the maximum error in the flow setpoint, and possible loss of 5 out of the 6 possible circulating water pumps during a release. The value used for B is 10.0.

C = concentration gradient factor. The value used for C is 5.0 for discharge canal water levels less than 104' and 3.0 for canal water levels greater than 104'. i III.B Surveillance Reauirement 4.8.B.2 Dose contributions from liquid effluents released to areas'at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be calculated using the equation below. This dose calculation uses those appropriate radionuclides listed in Table III.A.1. These radionuclides account for virtually 100 percent of the total body dose and organ dose from liquid effluents.

The dose for each age group and each organ should be calculated to determine the maximum total body dose and organ dose for each quarter and the year, as appropriate.

Cumulative dose files for quarterly and yearly doses should be maintained separately and the maximum total body and organ -!

dose reported in each case.


[ Ap Jf'1 h t 2

y CnF3 where:

D = The cumulative dose commitment to the total body cr any organ, from liquid effluents for the total time period E At 2 , in mrem.

l=1 At =

The length of the Ith time period over which Ca and F are averaged for the liquid release, in hours. h 4 l


I Pagn 7 of 48, Rev. 5 i I  !


III.B (Cont'd)  :

The average concentration of radionuclide, i, in f

! ) C, =

undiluted liquid effluent during time period At from i any liquid release, (determined by the effluent sampling analysis program, Technical Specification '

Table 4.8.1), in pCi/ml.


= The site related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or organ, r, for each radionuclide listed in Table III.A.1, in mrem-m1 per hr pci. 'See Site Specific Data.** ,

i F = The near field average dilution factor _for Ca Defined as the i during any liquid effluent release.

ratio of the maximum undiluted liquid waste flow l during release to the average-flow through the ,

l discharge structure.  ;

I '

III.C Surveillance Reauirement 4.8.B.4a ,

Projected dose contributlons from liquid effluents shall be  !

calculated using the methodology described in section III.B. '

l i

l 1


I i

i l.

    • See Note 1 in Bases 1

() l 9

Pagn 8 of 48, R3v. 5 -



TOTAL BODY RADIO-NUCLIDE ADULT TEEN CHILD H-3 2.13E+00 1.53E+00 2.70E+00 NA-24 1.65E+02 1.70E+02 1.98E+02 P-32 5.93E+04 6.49E+04 8.33E+04 MN-54 9.82E+02 1.00E+03 1.08E+03 FE-55 1.31E+02 1.40E+02 1.96E+02 FE-59 1.14E+03 1.17E+03 1.36E+03 CO-58 2.59E+02 2.62E+02 3.17E+02 CO-60 7.40E+02 7.48E+02 9.07E+02 7,N-65 3.87E+04 3.95E+04 4.16E+04 Sh-39 8.83E+02 9.45E+02 1.48E+03 SR-90 1.88E+05 1.56E+05 1.72E+05 TE-129M 2.01E+03 2.17E+03 2.79E+03 TE-131M 4.57E+02 4.81E+02 5.74E+02 TE-132 1.40E+03 1.44E+03 1.65E+03 I-131 1.86E+02 1.79E+02 2.36E+02 I-133 1.97E+01 2.03E+01 3.20E+01 CS-134 6.74E+05 3.88E+05 1.49E+05 CS-136 9.79E+04 9.15E+04 7.30E+04 CS-137 3.98E+05 2.20E+05 8.49E+04 BA-140 3.66E+01 3.62E+01 7.42E+01 l NOTE: The listed dose factors are for radionuclides that may be detected in liquid effluents and have significant dose

, consequences. The factors are decayed for one day to account for the time between effluent release and ingestion of fish by the maximum exposed individual.


_ - . _ _ - . _ . . _ . . - - , . = .- -_ - -.




H-3 2.13E+00 1.53E+00 2.70E+00 i NA-24 1.65E+02 1.70E+02 1.98E+02 l P-32 9.55E+04 1.04E+05 1.01E+05  :

MN-54 5.15E+03 5.06E+03 4.03E+03 l i

FE-55 5.62E+02 6.01E+02. 6.33E+02  !

l i

FE-59 2.96E+03 3.02E+03 2.73E+03 j j CO-58 1.16E+02 1.14E+02 1.04E+02 CO-60 3.35E+02 3.32E+02 3.07E+02  ;

i l

ZN-65 8.55E+04 8.46E+04 6.69E+04 ,

SR-89 no data no data no data SR-90 no data no data no data ,

i TE-129M 4.74E+03 5.09E+03 5.02E+03 i

TE-131M 5.48E+02 5.77E+02 5.40E+02  ;

TE-132 1.48E+03 1.53E+03 1.36E+03 l I-131 3.25E+02 3.32E+02 4.16E+02  :

I I-133 6.48E+01 6.66E+01 8.45E+01 i CS-134 8.25E+05 8.36E+05 7.06E+05 l l

CS-136 1.36E+05 1.36E+05 1.13E+05 CS-137 6.07E+05 6.32E+05 5.75E+05 4

BA-140 7.00E-01 6.90E-01 1.11E+00 l NOTE: The listed dose factors are for radionuclides that may be detected in liquid effluents and have significant dose consequences. The factors are decayed for one day to account for the time between effluent release and ingestion of fish by

. the maximum exposed individual. l

. . . _ _ . . ~ . _ _ _




BONE RADIO-NUCLIDE ADULT TEEN CHILD H-3 no data no data no data NA-24 1.65E+02 1.70E+02 1.98E+02 P-32 2.38E+05 2.58E+05 3.35E+05 l

MN-54 no data no data no data I FE-55 8.12E+02 8.47E+02 1.19E+03 FE-59 1.26E+03 1.30E+03 1.68E+03 CO-58 no data no data no data I CO-60 no data no data no data ZN-65 2.69E+04 2.43E+04 2.51E+04 i SR-89 3.08E+04 3.30E+04 5.19E+04 l SR-90 7.67E+05 6.31E+05 6.78E+05 TE-129M 1.27E+04 1.37E+04 1.80E+04 TE-131M 1.12E+03 1.21E+03 1.56E+03 TE-132 2.29E+03 2.42E+03 3.07E+03 I-131 2.28E+02 2.38E+02 4.13E+02 i I-133 3.72E+01 3.92E+01 6.84E+01 l CS-134 3.47E+05 3.55E+05 4.30E+05 CS-136 3.45E+04 3.46E+04 4.10E+04 l

CS-137 4.44E+05 4.75E+05 6.01E+05 l BA-140 5.57E+02 5.63E+02 1.27E+03 i

NOTE: The listed dose factors are for radionuclides that may be detected in liquid effluents and have significant dose

consequences. The factors are decayed for one day to account for the time between effluent release and ingestion of fish by the maximum exposed individual. I l

l l

i 1


A r DOSE FACTOR (MREM-ML PER HR pCi) i KIDNEY RADIO-NUCLIDE ADULT TEEN CHILD H-3 2.13E+00 1.53E+00 2.70E+00 NA-24 1.65E+02 1.70E+02 1.98E+02 P-32 no data no data no data MN-54 1.53E+03 1.51E+03 1.13E+03 FE-55 no data no data no data FE-59 no data no data no data CO-58 no data no data no data f

CO-60 no data no data no data ZN-65 5.72E+04 5.41E+04 4.22E+04 r SR-89 no data no data no data SR-90 no data no data no data TE-129M 5.31E+04 5.74E+04 5.29E+04 TE-131M 5.55E+03 6.01E+03 5.22E+03 ,

TE-132 1.43E+04 1.47E+04 1.27E+04 I-131 5.57E+02 5.73E+02 6.82E+02 I-133 1.12E+02 1.16E+02 1.41E+02 CS-134 2.67E+05 2.66E+05 2.19E+05 CS-136 7.57E+04 7.42E+04 6.00E+04 CS-137 2.06E+05 2.15E+05 1.87E+05 BA-140 2.38E-01 2.34E-01 3.62E-01 NOTE: The listed dose factors are for radionuclides that may be detected in liquid effluents and have significant dose consequences. The factors are decayed for one day to account f for the time between effluent release and ingestion of fish by the maximum exposed individual.

l l

Paga 12 of 48, Rov. 5 TABLE III.A.1 l



GI-LLI RADIO-NUCLIDE ADULT TEEN CHILD H-3 2.13E+00 1.53E+00 2.70E+00 NA-24 1.6SE+02 1.70E+02 1.98E+02 P-32 1.73E+05 1.41E+05 5.98E+04 MN-54 1.5BE+04 1.04E+04 3.38E+03 l

FE-55 3.22E+02 2.60E+02 1.17E+02 ,

l FE-59 9.90E+03 7.15E+03 2.84E+03 CO-58 2.35E+03 1.56E+03 6.04E+02 l

CO-60 6.30E+03 4.33E+03 1.70E+03 ZN-65 5.38E+04 3.58E+04 1.18E+04 SR-89 4.94E+03 3.93E+03 2.01E+03 SR-90 2.22E+04 1.77E+04 9.13E+03 TE-129M 6.40E+04 5.15E+04 2.19E+04 TE-131M 5.44E+04 4.63E+04 2.19E+04 TE-132 7.02E+04 4.85E+04 1.37E+04 I-131 8.58E+01 6.57E+01 3.70E+01 I-133 5.82E+01 5.03E+01 3.40E+01 CS-134 1.44E+04 1.04E+04 3.80E+03 CS-136 1.55E+04 1.09E+04 3.96E+03 CS-137 1.18E+04 9.00E+03 3.60E+03 BA-140 1.15E+03 8.69E+02 6.43E+02 NOTE: The listed dose factors are for radionuclides that may be detected in liquid effluents and have significant dose consequences. The factors are decayed for one day to account for the time between effluent release and ingestion of fish by the maximum exposed individual.

l I

Page 13 of 48, Rev. 5 f

l Gaseous Pathway Dose Calculations  !

i IV.

IV.A. Surveillance Recuirement 4.8.C.1 l l

The dose rate in areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY due to i radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents shall be-  ;

determined by the expressions below:

l IV.A.1 Noble Gases:

The dose rate from radioactive noble gas releases shall be  ;

determined by either of two methods. Method (a), the Gross Release Method, assumes that all noble gases released are the  ;

l most limiting nuclide - Kr-88 for total body dose (vent and -

t j stack releases) and skin dose (vent releases) and Kr-87 for  ;

l skin dose (stack releases). Method (b), the Isotopic Analysis Method, utilizes the results of noble gas analyses required by i specification

For normal operations, it is expected that method (a) will be used. However, if noble gas releases are close to the limits as calculated by method (a) , method (b) can be used to allow more operating flexibility by using data that.more accurately reflect actual releases. )

a. Gross Release Method i

D, V d,g + K (X/0) y bgy

( n


j LY = [L,(X/0), + 1.1B] dy, + [Lv + 1.1N1 (X/0) v d3y t .

where: j The location is the site boundary, 1097m SSE from the j vents. This location results in the highest calculated dose to an individual from noble gas releases. ]

D, n = total body dose rate, in mrem /yr.

I6 = skin dose rate, in mrem /yr.

V = '4.72 X 104 mrem /yr'per pCi/sec; the constant i for Kr-88 accounting for the gamma radiation from the elevated finite plume. This constant was developed using MARE prenam with plant specific inputs for PBAPS, lO i

-e s, nn~--- ~,.,-g , , . , , , , , - , , , - - - - ,..,,,y,-.

. , , . . ,,_ , y___ ,,,_

1 Paga 14 of 48, Rav. 5 IV.A.1.a (Cont'd)

Om = The gross release rate of noble gases from I the stack determined by gross activity stack l

monitors averaged over one hour, in pCi/sec.

I K = 1.47 X 10* mrem /yr per pCi/m3 ; the total body dose factor due to gamma emissions for Kr-88 (Reg. Guide 1.109, Table B-1).

(X/0)y = 5.33 X 10 4 sec/m3 ; the highest calculated annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY for all vent releases.

j d,y = The gross release rate of noble gases in gaseous effluents from vent releases determined by gross activity vent monitors averaged over one hour,in pCi/sec.

l l Ly = 2.37 x 103 mrem /yr per pCi/m 3 ; the skin dose l factor due to beta emissions for Kr-88. '(Reg.

l Guide 1.109, Table B-1).

l l L, = 9.73 X 103 mren/yr per Ci/m 3 ; the skin dose j factor due to beta emissions for Kr-87. (Reg.

l ,

Guide 1.109, Table B-1).

(X/0), = 9.97 X 10 4 sec/m3 ; the highest calculated annual average relative concentration from the stack releases for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.

B = 1.74 X 104 mrad /yr per pCi/sec; the constant for Kr-87 accounting for the gamma radiation from the elevated finite plume. This constant was developed using MARE program with plant specific inputs for PBAPS.

M = 1.52 X 108 mrad /yr per pCi/m3 ; the air dose factor due to gamma emissions for Kr-88.

(Reg. GuiGP. 1.109, Table B-1).

l 1.1 = Unit conversion, converts air dose to skin l dose, nrem/ mrad.


Page 15 of 48, Rev. 5  !

IV.A.1. b. Isotopic Analysis Method j D,, = (Vj dj, + Kj (X70), 3, )

D, =

((Lj (X/0), + 1.1Bj) j, + (Lj + 1.1Mj) (X/0)v (djy))

where: r The location is the site boundary, 1097m SSE from the .

vents. This location results in the highest calculated l dose to an individual from noble gas releases. ,

t Dy3 = total body dose rate, in mrem /yr.

D, = skin dose, in mrem /yr.

r Vj = The constant for each identified noble gas radionuclide for the gamma radiation from the elevated finite plume. The constants were ,

developed using the MARE program with plant i specific inputs for PBAPS. Values are listed i on Table IV.A.1, in mrem /yr per pCi/sec.

I dj, = The release rate of noble gas radionuclide, j i, in gaseous effluents from-the stack l determined by isotopic analysis averaged over  ;

O one hour, in pCi/sec. .

l Ky = The total body dose factcr due to gamma .

emissions for each identified noble gas  !  ;

radionuclide. Values are listed on Table 3

IV.A.1, in mrem /yr per pCi/m. j (X/0)v = 5.33 X 10 4 sec/m 8 ; the highest calculated j l

annual average relative concentration for any l

area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY for all vent releases, djy = The' release rate of noble gas radionuclide, l i, in gaseous effluents from all vent releases determined by isotopic analysis averaged hour, in pCi/sec.

Lj = The skin dose factor due to beta emissions' for each identified noble gas radionuclide.

Values are listed on Table IV.A.1, in aren/yr-per pCi/m'.

l l


O l . \

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Page 16 of 48, Rsv. 5  !

i IV.A.1.b (Cont'd) l (X/0), = 9.97 X 10-8 sec/m'; the highest calculated annual average relative concentration from the stack releases for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.

By = The constant for each identified noble gas radionuclide accounting for the gamma ,

radiation from the elevated finite plume. I The constants were developed using MARE program with plant specific inputs for PBAPS.  ;

Values are listed on Table IV.A.1, in mrad /yr ,

per pCi/sec. j My = The air dose factor due to gamma emissions J for each identified noble gas radionuclide.

Values are listed on Table IV.A.1, in mrad /yr i per pCi/m 3. l 1.1 = Unit conversion, coverts air dose to skin ,

dose, mrem / mrad.  !

l l

O 1


Page 17 of 48 av. 5 TABLE IV.A.1 - Constants for Isotopic Analysis Method (corrected for decay during transit)

Plume-Air Total Body Skin Gamma Air Beta Air Plume-Body Dose Factor Dose Factor Dose Factor Dose Factor Dose Factor Dose Factor Bi Ki Li M. N V Rtdionuclide (mrad /yr per (mrem /yr per (mrem /yr per (mrad /yr per (mrad /yr per (mrem /yr per pci/sec) pci/m') pci/m') pci/m') pci/m') pci/sec)

Kr-85m 4.02E-05 1.17E+03 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 1.97E+03 3.76E-05 Kr-87 1.74E-04 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 1.03E+04 1.66E-04 Kr-88 4.90E-04 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 2.93E+03 4.72E-04 Xa-133 1.19E-05 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.53E+02 1.05E+03 1.11E-05 Xa-133m 1.09E-05 2.51E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E+02 1.48E+03 1.01E-05 Xe-135 6.37E-05 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 2.46E+03 5.95E-05 Xe-135m 6.61E-05 2.53E+03 5.76E402 2.72E+03 5.99E+02 6.17E-05 l Xe-138 1.52E-04 6.98E+03 3.26E+03 7.28E+03 3.75E+03 1.4GE-04 The values K,i Iq , Mg, and N, are taken from Reg. Guide 1.109, Table B-1. The values Bi and Vi were developed using the MARE program with plant specific inputs for PBAPS.


Pago 18 of 48, Rev. 5 l IV.A.2 Iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium and radioactive materials in

- I

! particulate form, other than noble gases, with half-lives greater than eight days.

The dose rate shall be determined by either of two methods.

Method (a), the Iodine-131 Method, uses the iodine-131 releases and a correction factor to calculate the dose rate from all nuclides released. Method (b), the Isotopic Analysis Method, utilizes all applicable nuclides.

For normal operations, it is expected that Method (a) will be used since iodine-131 dominates the critical pathway - l thyroid. However, in the event iodine-131 releases are minimal (e.g., during long term shutdown) Method (b) will be used to provide accurate calculations. In the absence of l iodine-131 releases, the lung is the critical organ.


a. Iodine-131 Method Dr= (CF) P, [Ws is
  • WV zv} l l

where-The location is the site b.oundary, 1097m SSE from the Vents. i l

Dr = dose rate to the thyroid, in mrem /yr. i

- CF = 1.09; the correction factor accounting for-the use of iodine-131 in lieu of all l radionuclides released in gaseous effluents  !

including iodine-133.

Py = 1.624 X 10 7 mrem /yr per pCi/m 3 ; the dose parameter for I-131 via the inhalation pathways. The dose factor is based on the critical individual organ, thyroid, and most restrictive age group, child. All values are from Reg. Guide 1.109 (Tables E-5 and E-9).

W, = 1.03 X 10'7 sec/m 3

the highest calculated annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY from stack releases. (SSE boundary) 2,

= The release rate of iodine-131 in gaseous effluents from the stack determined by the effluent sampling and analysis program (Technical Specification Table 4.8.2) in pCi/sec.

Wy = 4.78 X 104 sec/m 3 ; the highest calculated annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY for all vent releases (SSE boundary).

Pago 19 of 48, Rev. 5 i

IV.A.2. a. (Cont'd) dyy = The release rate of iodine-131 in gaseous ,

effluents from all vent releases, determined by j the effluent sampling and analysis program (Technical Specification Table 4.8.2) in pCi/sec.

IV.A.2. b. Isotopic Analysis Method Dz =

P3 [Ws is

  • Wv sv}


The location is the site boundary, 1097m SSE from the vents.

D3 = dose rate to the lung, in nrem/yr.

Pj = The dose parameter for radionuclides other than noble gases for the inhalation pathway.

The dose factors are based on the critical '

individual organ-lung, and most restrictive age group-child. All values are from Reg. i Guide 1.109 (Tables E-5 and E-9). Values are g- listed on Table IV.A.2, in mrem /yr per pCi/m'.


W, = 1.03 X 10 4 sec/m'; the highest calculated l annual average relative concentration for any i area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY from stack releases. (SSE boundary) b j, = The release rate of radionuclides; i, in gaseous effluents from the stack determined by the effluent sampling and analysis program (Technical Specification Table 4.8.2) in pCi/sec.

N'y = 4.78 X 10 4 sec/m'; the highest calculated annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY for all vent releases. (SSE boundary) b 37 = The release rate of radionuclides, i, in gaseous effluents from all vent releases, l determined by the effluent sampling and i analysis program (Technical Specification I Table 4.8.2) in pCi/sec.

O 9

Pngs 20 of 48, Rnv. 5 TABLE IV.A.2 - CONSTANTS FOR ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS METHOD (mrem /yr per pCi/m ) 3 Pi - Inhalation Radionuclide Luna Dose Factor Mn-54 1.58X10' Cr-51 1.70x10' Co-58 1.11x10' Co-60 7.07x10 8 Zn-65 9.95x10 5 Sr-89 2.16x10 8 Sr-90 1.48x107 Ce-141 5.44x10 5, Cs-134 1.21x10 5 Cs-137 1.04x10 5  ;

. . )

Ba-140 1.74x10 6 1


Paga 21 of 48, Rev. 5

-% IV.B. Surveillance Reauirement 4.8.C.2 i

The air dose in areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents shall be determined by the expressions below.

The air dose shall be determined by either of two methods.

Method (a), the Gross Release Method, assumes that all noble gases released are the most limiting nuclide - Kr-88 for gamma radiation and Kr-87 for beta radiation. Method (b), the Isotopic Analysis Method, utilizes the results of noble gas e analyses required by specification

For normal operations, it is expected that Method (a) will be ,

used. However, if noble gas releases are close to the limits as calculated by Method (a), Method (b) can be used to allow I more operating flexibility by using data that more accurately '

reflect actual releases. ,

IV.B.1 for gamma radiation:

a. Gross Release Method D, =

3.17 x 10-e (M (X/0) y D, + BD,] 4 where:

4 The location is the SITE BOUNDARY 1097m SSE from the vents. This location results in the highest calculated gamma air dose from noble gas releases.

Dy = gamma air dose, in mrad.

3.17 x 10-8 = years per second. .

M = 1.52 x 10' mrad /yr per pCi/m?; the air dose factor due to gamma emissions for Kr-88.

(Reg. Guide 1.109, Table B-1)

(.X /0)v = 5.33 x 104 sec/n?; the highest calculated annual average relative concentration from vent releases for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.

i Dy = The gross release of noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluents from all /ents, determined by gross activity vent monitors, i in pCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year as appropriate.

Page 22 of 48, Rev. 5 IV.B.1. a (Cont'd) l B = 4.90 x 10 dmrad / year per pCi/sec; the constant for Kr-88 accounting for the gamma radiation from the elevated finite plume.

The constant was developed using the MARE program with plant specific inputs for PBAPS.

D, = The gross release of noble gas radionuclides in gaseous releases from the stack determined by gross activity stack monitor in pCi.

Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year as appropriate.

b. Isotopic Analysis Method D, = 3.17 x 10-8 {M {77D) j y Djy + Bj Dj,)

i where:

The location is the SITE BOUNDARY, 1097m SSE from the vents. This location results in the highest calculated gamma air dose from noble gas releases. '

D, = gamma air dose, in nrad.

3.17 x 10-e = ysars per s'econd.

Mj = The air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide.

Values are listed on Table IV.A.1, in mrad /yr per pCi/m'.

(X/ 0) y = 5.33 x 10 4 sec/m S ; the highest calculated average relative concentration from vent releases for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.

l Djy = The release of noble gas radionuclides, i, in gaseous effluents from all vents as determined by isotopic analysis, in pCi. j l Releases shall be cumulative over the  !

calendar quarter or year, as appropriate. i Bj = The constant for each identified noble gas radionuclide accounting for the gamma l l radiation for the elevated finite plume. The l constants were developed using the MARE program with plant specific inputs for PBAPS.

Values are listed on Table IV.A.1, in mrad /yr per pCi/sec.

l l


, i Page 23 of 48, Rev. 5 j i

IV.B.1. b. (Cont'd) j Dj, = The release of noble gas radionuclides, i, in l gaseous effluents from the stack determined l by isotopic analysis, in Ci. Releases shall i be cumulative over the calendar quarter or l year, as appropriate. j i

t IV.B.2. for beta radiation:  !


a. Gross Release Method )

D, = 3.17 x 10-e y [(yf g) y py +- (yf g) , 3, ]

l where: ,

The location is the SITE BOUNDARY 1097m SSE from the )

vents. This location results in the highest calculated i gamma air dose from noble gas releases.

i D, = beta air dose, in mrad. .

l 3.17 x 10-e = years per second.

t N = 1.03 x 10 mrad /yr per _ pCi/nd; the. air dose 4 j

() factor due to beta emissions for Kr-87.

(Reg. Guide 1.109, Table B-1) . .

j l

(X/0)y = 5.33 x 10 4 sec/nd; the highest calculated annual average relative concentration from l vent releases for any area at or beyond the j SITE BOUNDARY.  :

Dy = The gross release of noble gas radionuclides  !

in gaseous effluents from all vents  !

determined by gross activity vent monitors, i in pCi. Releases shall be cumulative over i the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate. )

(X/0) , = 9. 97 x 10-8 sec/nd; the highest. calculated annual average relative concentration from the stack releases for any area'at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.

D, = The gross release of noble gas radionuclides in gaseous releases from the stack determined by gross activity stack monitors, in Ci.

Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.


l l

Pcg3 24 of 48, R v. 5 l l

IV.B.2. b. Isotopic Analysis Method  !

D, = 3.17 x 10-8 y) [( g73) y pgy , (y73) s pis ]

3.17 x 10-8 = years per second. j Nj = The air dose factor due to beta emissions for l each identified noble gas radionuclide. '

Values are listed on Table IV.A.1, in mrad /yr 3

per pCi/m. ,


l f (27D) y = 5.33 x 10 4 sec/m 3 ; the highest calculated ,

annual average relative concentration from l vent releases for any area at or beyond the l SITE BOUNDARY.

l l Djv = The release of noble gas radionuclide, 1, in  !

l gaseous effluents from all vents as  !

determined by isotopic analysis, in Ci. l Releases shall be cumulative over the  ;

calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.

l l (X/0), = 9.97 x 10 4 sec/m3 ; the highest calculated annual average relative concentration from j the stack releases for any area at or beyond l



Dj, = The release of noble gas radionuclide, i, in gaseous effluents from the stack as determined by isotopic analysis, in pCi.

Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.

IV.C Surveillance Reauirement 4.8.C.3 l The dose to an individual from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium and radioactive materials in particulate form and radionuclides other than noble gases with half-lives greater than eight days in gaseous effluents released to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.

The dose shall be determined by one of two methods. Method (a), the Iodine-131 Method, uses the iodine-131 releases and a correction factor to calculate the dose from all nuclides released. Method (b), the Isotopic Analysis Method, utilizes all applicable nuclides.

For normal operation, it is expected that Method (a) will be used since iodine-131 dominates the critical pathway -

thyroid. However, in the event iodine-131 releases are minimal (e.g. during long term shutdown) Method (b) will be used to provide accurate calculations. In the absence of iodine-131 releases, the liver is the critical organ.

Pago 25 of 48, Rev. 5 IV.C. a. Iodine - 131 Method I

D7 = 3.17 x 10-s (CF) (0,5) R [W, Dy, + W y Dy l l


I Location is the critical pathway dairy 2103m SSW from vents.

D.^ = critical organ dose, thyroid, from all pathways, in mrem.

3.17 x 10-e = years per second.

CF = 1.09; the correction factor accounting for the use of Iodine-131 in lieu of all radio-nuclides released in gaseous effluents including Iodine-133.

0.5 = fraction of iodine releases which are nonelemental. t I R = 3.08 x 10" m2 (nrem/yr) per pCi/sec; the dose factor for iodine-131. The dose factor is based on the critical individual organ, thyroid, and most restrictive age group,


s_ infant. See Site Specific Data.**

4 W, = 4.95 x 10 40 meters ; (D/0) for the food pathway for stack releases.

Dy, = The release of iodine-131 from the stack determined by the effluent sampling and analysis program (Technical Specification Table 4.8.2), in pCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.

N'y = 1.14 x 10 4meters ;4 (D/0) for the food pathway for vent releases.

D,y = The release of iodine-131 from the vent determined by the effluent sampling and l

I analysis program (Technical Specification

! Table 4.8.2), in pCi. Releases shall be l

cumulative over the calendar quarter or year,

! as appropriate, f) x

    • See Note 2 in Bases.


Paga 26 of 48, Rnv. 5 l

IV.C. b. Isotopic Analysis Method Dz = 3 .17 x 10** R, [W b s

  • Wy bi v}

s i where:

Location is the critical pathway dairy 2103m SSW from vents.

Dt = critical organ dose, liver, from all pathways, in mrem.

3.17 x 10-e = years per second.

Rj = The dose factor for each identified radionuclide, i, based on the critical individual organ, liver and most restrictive age group, infant. Values are listed on 7able IV.C.1, in m2 (mren/yr) per pCi/sec.

1 l

W, = 4.95 x 10# meters-27 (b7D) for the food pathway for stack releases.


I Dj, = The release of radionuclides, i, in gaseous effluents from the vents determined by the l eftluent sampling (Technical Specification Table 4.8.2)., in pCi. Releases shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.

l Ny = 1.14 x 10 meters-2 4  ; (b7D) for the food for vent releases.

Djy = The release of radionuclides, i, in gaseous l

effluents from the vents determined by the l

effluent sampling and analysis program l

(Technical Specification Table 4.8.2) in pCi.

! Release shall be cumulative over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate.


l l


Page 27 of 48, Rev. 5 TABLE IV.C.1 - CONSTANTS FOR ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS METHOD (m (mrem /yr) per pCi/sec) 2 RADIONUCLIDE Ri Mn-54 1.93 x 107 l

l Cr-51 5.14 x 10'*

Co-58 9.58 x 10 8 l

Co-60 4.69 x 107 l

l Zn-65 9.21 x 10' .

8 Sr-89 1. 31 x 10

  • l

, l Sr-90 1.67 x 10 10* i l Ce-141 8.68 x 10 3 l Cs-134 3.54 x 10'0  ;

j Cs-137 3.24 x 10 30 f 4 l Ba-140 7.09 x 10 I

O- l

  • There is no liver dose factor given in R.G. 1.109 for these  ;

nuclides. Therefore, the whole body dose factor was used.

i 9

1 I


Pcgs 28 of 48, Rav. 5 IV.D Surveillance Reauirement 4.8.C.Sa The projected doses from releases of gaseous effluents to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be calculated in accordance with the following sections of this manual:

a. gamma air dose - IV.B.1
b. beta air dose - IV.B.2
c. organ dose - IV.C The projected dose calculation shall be based on expected release from plant operation. The normal release pathways result in the maximum releases from the plant. Any l

alternative release pathways result in lower releases and, therefore, lower doses.

IV.E Surveillance Recuirement 4.8.C.6.b IV.E.1 The two types of recombiner hydrogen analyzers used at Peach l

Bottom are:

l l a. Hays Thermal Conductivity type (Analyzers -

20S192L, 20S192H, 20S222, 20S223, j 30S192L, 30S192H, 30S222, 30S223)

b. Scott Series 9000 Helium-Immune type (Analyzers 20S192L, 20S222, 30S192L, and 30S222) l IV.E.2 The calibration gases for the two types are:
a. Hays Analyzers Zero Gas - Air Calibration Gas - 4% Hydrogen, Balance Nitrogen
b. Scott Analyzers Zero Gas - Air Calibration Gas - 2% Hydrogen, Balance Air V.A. Surveillance Reauirement 4.8.D If the doses as calculated by the equations in this manual do not exceed the limits given in Technical Specifications 3.8.B.2, 3.8.C.2, or 3.8.C.3 by more than two times, the conditions of Technical Specification 3.8.D have been met.

If the doses as calculated by the equations in this manual exceed the limits given in Technical Specifications 3.8.B.2, 3.8.C.2, or 3.8.C.3 by more than two times, the maximum dose or dose commitment to a real individual shall be determined utilizing the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109,

" Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977.

Any deviations from the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109 shall be documented in the Special Report to be prepared in accordance with Technical Specification 3.8.D.

Pago 29 of 48, Rev. 5  ;

V.A. (Cont'd)

The cumulative dose contribution from direct radiation from ,

the two reactors at the site and from radwaste storage shall l be determined by the following methods:  ;

Cumulative dose contribution from direct radiation =  !

Total dose at the site of interest (as evaluated by TLD 1 j

measurement) -

Mean of background dose (as evaluated by TLD's at l f

background sites) -

Effluent contribution to dose (as evaluated by surveillance requirement 4.8.D). '

This evaluation is in accordance with ANSI /ANS 6.6.1-1979  ;

Section 7. The error using this method is estimated-to be  ;

approximately 8%.

VI.A. Uniaue Reportino Reauirement 6.9.2.h(3) Dose Calculations i i

for the Radiation Dose Assessment Report The assessment of radiation doses for the radiation dose l assessment report shall be performed utilizing the methodology i provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual i Doses To Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, {

Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977. Any deviations from  ;

f-- the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109 shall be  ;

documented in the radiation dose assessment report. .

I The'eteorological m conditions concurrent with the time of release of radioactive materials (as determined by samplinq .

frequency of measurement) or approximate methods shall be used l as input to the dose model. {

L The Radiation Dose Assessment Report shall-be submitted within 1 120 days after January 1 of each year in order to allow time for the calculation of radiation doses following publication of radioactive releases in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report. There is a very short turnaround time between the determination of all radioactive releases and publication'of the Radioactive Effluent Release Report. This would not allow time for calculation of radiation doses in time for publication in the same report.

I VII.A Surveillance Reauirement 4.8.E The radiological environment monitoring samples shall be collected pursuant to Table VII.A.1 from the locations shown l

on Figures VII.A.1, VII.A.2, VII.A.3, and VII.A.4, and shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of Table VII.A.1.

O 1

l l


Pagn 30 of 48, Rsv. 5 TABLE VII.A.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of Samples and Sample Station Location-Direction and Discussion and/or Sample Station Name Distance from Peach Bottom

1. Direct Radiation Site Boundarv Vicinity (47 locations) 1A Peach Bottom on Site, 0.3 miles SE of TLD sites were chosen in Weather Station #1 Units 2 & 3 accordance with Peach Bottom Technical Specifications Table 4.8.3a Item 1. Site Boundary 1B Peach Bottom On Site, 0.5 miles NW of stations all sectors except Weat.ner Station #2 Units 2 & 3 several along Conowingo Pond. These sectors are monitored by stations on 1C Peach Bottom on Site, 0.9 miles SSE of the east side of Conowingo South Substation Rd Units 2 & 3 Pond. The 5 mile vicinity stations cover all sectors.

The distant and special 1D Peach Bottom On Site, 0.7 miles SE of interest stations, as well 140 Sector Units 2 & 3 as several of the site Site Boundary boundary and 5 mile vicinity stations provide

' lE Peach Bottom on Site, 0.6 miles NNW of information in population 350 Sector Unite 2 & 3 centers, nearby residences, Site Boundary schools, and control locations.

1F Peach Bottom on Site, 0.6 miles SSW of 200 Sector Hill Unite 2 & 3 1G Peach Bottom On Site, 0.7 miles WNW of North substation Units 2 & 3 lH Peach Bottom On Site, 0.6 miles W of Site 270 Sector Units 2 & 3 II Peach Bottom On Site, 0.6 miles SSE of South Substation Unite 2 & 3 e _ _ _

e _


t Page 31 of 48, V v. 5 l TABLE VII.A.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of Samples and Sample Station Location-Direction and Discussion and/or Sample Station Name Distance from Peach Bottom

1. Direct Radiation IJ Peach Bottom On Site, 0.7 miles S of (Cont'd) Site 100 Units 2 & 3 Sector Hill IL Peach Bottom Located near Unit 3 Unit 3 Intake Intake Structure; 0.2 miles ENE of Units 2 & 3 ,

IM Peach Bottom Located near Canal Discharge Canal Discharge structure; 1.0 miles SE of Unite 2 & 3 INN Peach Bottom On Site, 0.5 miles WSW of Site Units 2 & 3 2 Peach Bottom On Site, 0.9 miles SE of Site 130 Units 2 & 3 Sector Hill 40 Peach Bottom In site Area about 1.2 miles Site Area SW of Units 2 & 3 5 Mile vicinity 3A Delta, PA 3.6 miles SW of Units 2 & 3 Substation 5 Wakefield, PA At Wakefield, PA 4.6 miles E of Units 2 & 3 6B Holtwood Dam On roof of Hydroelectric Hydroelectric Station Station, 5.8 Miles NW of Unite 2 & 3 15 Silver Spring Road 3.6 miles N of Unite 2 & 3 near Silver Spring Road 17 Riverview Road 4.0 miles ESE of Units 2 & 3

_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ __- .i . _ _ . . . _ _ - . _ _ _ _


Exposure Pathway Number of Samples and Sample Station Location-Direction and Discussion and/or Sample Station Name Distance from Peach Bottom

1. Direct Radiation 26 Slab Road 4.2 miles NW of Unite 2 & 3 (Cont'd) near Slab Road '

31A Eckman Road 4.8 miles SE of Units 2 & 3 near Pilotown Road _

42 Muddy Run 4.2 miles NNW of Unite 2 & 3 Environmental Lab 43 Drumore Township School 5.0 miles NNE of Unite 2 & 3 44 Goshen Hill Road 5.1 miles AE of Units 2 & 3 45 PB - Keeney Line 3.3 miles ENE of Units 2 & 3 46 Broad Creek 4.5 miles SSE of Units 2 & 3 near Flintville_Ryad 47 Broad Creek Scout 4.3 miles S of Units ; & 3 Camp 48 Macton Substation 5.0 miles SSW of Units 2 & 3 49 PB-Conastone Line 4.1 miles WSW of Units 2 & 3 50 TRANSCO Pumping 4.9 miles W of Units 2 & 3 Station 51 Fin Substation 4.0 miles WNW of Units 2 & 3 O O O

O I Page 33 Of 48 b ev. 5 TABLE VII.A.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of Samples and Sample Station Location-Direction and Discussion and/or Sample Station Name Distance from Peach Bottom

1. Direct Radiation Distant (Cont'd) 12D Philadelphia PA 62 miles ENE of Units 2 & 3 l, on the roof of 2301 Market St.

16 Nottingham, PA 12.8 miles E of Units 2 & 3 Substation Nottingham Substation 18 Fawn Grove, PA 10 miles W of Units 2 & 3 at Fawn Grove, PA 19 Red Lion, PA 20.6 miles WNW of Units 2 & 3 at Red Llon, PA 20 Bel Air, MD 15.1 miles SSw of Units 2 & 3 Area near Bel Air, MD 21B Lancaster, PA 19 miles NNW of Units 2 & 3 Area near Lancaster, PA 24 Harrisville, MD 10.9 miles ESE of Units 2 & 3 Substation at Harris Substation Special Interest 4K Conowingo Dam On roof of Conowingo Power-Powerhouse Roof house, 8.6 miles SE of Units 2 & 3 14 Peters Creek 1.9 miles ESE of Units 2 & 3 near the mouth of Peters Creek 22 Eagle Road 2.4 miles NNE of Units 2 & 3 near Eagle Road 23 Peach Bottom Off-site Hill 1.0 miles 150 Sector Hill SSE of Units 2 & 3 offsite

Page 34 of 48, Rev. 5 TABLE VII.A.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of Samples and Sample Station Location-Direction and Discussion and/or Sample Station Name Distance from Peach Bottom

1. Direct Radiation 27 N. Cooper Road 2.6 miles S of Units 2 & 3 (Cont'd) near N. Cooper Road 32 Slate Hill Road 2.7 miles ENE of Units 2 & 3 near Slate Hill Road 33A Fulton Main 1.7 miles ENE of Units 2 & 3 Weather Station 38 Peach Bottom Road 3.0 miles E of Units 2 & 3 near Peach Bottom Road
2. Airborne Ridiciodine & 5 Locations Particulates lZ Peach Bottom - On Site at Weather Station These stations provide for (lA) Weather Station 1 0.3 miles SE of units 2 & 3 coverage of the highest annual average ground level i IB Peach Bottom - On Sit'e at Weather Station 2, D/Q near the site boundary, Weather Station 2 0.5 miles NW of Unite 2 & 3

'! the community with the On Site, 0.9 miles SE of 9 * """"* ***#*9* !E' 2 Peach Bottom Site - "" *# " * "*

130 Sector Hill Units 2 & 3 3A Delta, PA 3.6 miles SW of Units 2 & 3 0.5 miles N of Maryland i Substation border 12D Philadelphia, PA 62 miles ENE of Units 2 & 3 l, on the roof of 2301 Market St.

O e e

1 Page 35 of 4L otev. 5 TABLE VII. A.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of Samples and Sample Station Location-Direction and Discussion and/or Sample Station Name Distance from Peach Dottom

3. Waterborne
a. Surface ILL Peach Bottom Units 2 continuous Sampler on Site at

& 3 Intake - Composite Units 2 & 3 Intake, 1200' ENE of Units 2 & 3 3MM Peach Bottom - Continuous Sampler on Site at Canal Discharge-Composite Canal Discharge 1.0 miles SE of Units 2 & 3

b. Drinking 4L conowingo Dam - ~

Continuous sampler in the El. 33 (ft.) Conowingo Hydro-Electric Composite Station, about 8.6 miles SE of Units 2 & 3 61 Iloltwood Dam - Continuous sampler at lloltwood Station 61 is a control flydro-Electric Station - flydro-Electric Station intake location for both surface composite about 5.8 miles NW of Unita 2 & and drinking water.


c. Sediment from 4J Conowingo Pond Located in conowingo Pond Shoreline Net Trap 15 about 1.4 miles SE of Unite 2&3
4. Incestion
a. Milk Four locations - three - tillk samples are taken f rom indicator, one control several farms surrounding PBAPS. These farms include those with the highest dose potential, as well as

. control locations.

However, the location of the farms is not listed herein due to longstanding agreement with the farms involved. In return for being allowed to sample and analyze the milk, PECo has agreed not to divulge the farmn* location.

-w - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - , - , - - - , -

Page 36 of 48, Rev. 5 TABLE VII.A.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of Samples and Sample Station Location-Direction and Discussion and/or Sample Station Name Distance from Peach Bottom

4. Incestion (Cont'd) _
b. Fish Two locations Station 4-Conowingo Pond fish are indicator samples, while station 6-Holtwood 4 Conowingo Pond Pond fish are control samples 6 Holtwood Pond 2 species each location, if available: bottom feeder and predator.
c. Food Products 2 locations 1 Peach Bottom Site Area Site area, 0.9 miles SE Food products are to be of Unit 2 & 3 sampled as part of the PBAPS Technical

' Control 15 to 30 kilometers in the least Specification program only prevalent wind direction if milk sampling is not performed. The milk pathway, which results in a l 3 types of broadleaf vegetation greater maximum dose to each location, if available. humans than the vegetation only if milk sampling is not pathway, is monitored at performed. locations near the site, and is a better indicator than vegetation samples.

In addition, no crops grown in the vicinity of Peach Bottom are irrigated with water in which liquid plant wastes have been discharged.

_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- - - - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ __ .- ._ -_-__---____--_-___i

l in 1A APT, TLD -


> 1C TLD

$ 1E TLD

, y ENE 1E TLD w WNW 1F TLD u 1 1G TLD 0 e 1H TLD g

11 TLD

~ ~

p s




~g W , , E 1M TLD IMM WATER 1H ,





,- g / 40 TLD I

's 11 1M 1MM 2*

Sw e 40 *4 Environmental Samplin0 e Locations

  • at the Site Boundary Area
  • 4J
  • 23 to Peach Bottom lC SE SSW S SSE FIGURE VII.A.1

Page 38 of 48, Rev. 5 .

saaric rwr fj cr5$N5crwe

  • ! ~


      • **' G MILK


J MILK 42 , ,'


  • +
  1. N MILK f O MILK

\ esuuckrj rwr

.. 3 , ,

P MILK 13A WATER i 22 138 WATER y; T

// 35beso ,

r l




45 5 14 APT, TLD APT, TLD

,,,,, si .p b 15 APT, TLD t

,e \s. 17 APT, TLD

ry 4 22 TLD l , l l



  • rytrou rs,

. 26 27 TLD TLD f

\"k precu orrou r y g 31A TLD 32 APT,TLD es . .c / ". 33A TLD e

p 0 S'W

42 TLD PENNSYL VANIA k 45 TLD f" -- seertIA"o


46 TLD k

/ 1

" 'g


  • uurcNT co crcit ca 47 TLD as


x l

l l ..........

Environmental Sampling Locations Within A Five Mile Distance Of Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Figure VII.A.2

- - - .- = .... . .

I Page 39 of 48, Rev. 5 )


.s* *.e j O , r k A B


, 'c

t :

g E MILK e 4A APT I,~ * .

4B APT  !

l ,3 ,,

,' [ . 4K TLD

.. / '

s y 4L WATER  !

I 1 - 1 -.


/ ,. 6 FISH h

- Jicm -

en na c 6 LT g uet o -


, 16 TLD

' ,24

? 18 TLD

\ 20 TLD  !

24 TLD 4,


,'gy a 43 44 TLD TLD j

p l

+,, -

p  ;

lo s .


l l

Environmental Sampling Locations At A Distance Of Five To Fifteen Miles From The Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Figure VII.A.3 0



0 .

O N ,

m s$ NNG 12D TLD, APT /AIO B . 21B TLD g4 # 19 TLD


w E

o 21B

%p 12D

m. -

19 ,

1 W


?3 4 5 E?

+g ' *c, Environmental Sampling Locations At Remote Distances From The Peach


gg Bottom Atomic Power g

Station 50 MILE RADIUS

l Paga 41 of 48, Rev. 5

${gl r____

p3____ =

1l g f3 -,

gg 61

  • 4 py l3 e e .

-@s 3 i l e -@E m



@b '

i ll1

, .____J - -

JL C e) Ej u

P O i y i 1 x m,

ggg p. __1__

eng z


i= j


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Page 43 of 48, Rev. 5 l

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l Pcgn 44 of 48, R v. 5 VIII. Bases Site Specific Data l NOTE 1 Liquid dose factors, A ir, for section III.B were developed using the following site specific data. The liquid pathways involved l are drinking water and fish.

l As 3

= (Uy /Dy+ U, x BF3 ) Ko x DF, x RC U'y = liters per year; maximum age group usage of drinking water (Reg. Guide 1.109, Table E-5)

D, = 5.4; average annual dilution at Conowingo intake U'r = kg per year; maximum age group usage of fish (Reg.

Guide 1.109, Table E-5)

BFj = bicaccumulation factor for nuclide, i, in freshwater fish. Reg. Guide 1.109, Table A-1, except P-32 which uses a value of 3.0 x 105 pCi/kg per pCi/ liter.

l Ko = 1.14 x 105 = (106 pCi/uCi x 10 5 ml/l + 8760 hr/yr) l units conversion factor.

DFj = dose conversion factor for nuclide, i, for the age group in total body or organ, as applicable. Reg.

Guide 1.109, Table E-11, except P-32 bone which uses a value as indicated below.

3.0 x 105 mrcm/pCi RC = 1.16; reconcentration from PBAPS discharge back through PBAPS intake.

The data for Dw and RC were derived from data published in Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 (Docket Nos.

50-277 and 50-278) Radioactive Effluent Dose Assessment.

Enclosure A, September 30, 1976. All other data except P-32 BF and DF were used as given in Reg. Guide 1.109, Revision 1, October 1977. The P-32 BF and DF were used in accordance with information supplied in Branagan, E.F., Nichols, C.R., and Willis, C.A., "The Importance of P-32 in Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents", NRC, 6/82. The teen and child dose factors were derived by the ratio of the adult bone dose factors in Reg. Guide 1.109 and Branagan, et al.


Pago 45 of 48, Rev. 5 l VIII. (Cont'd)

NOTE 2 To develop constant R for section IV.C, the following site specific data were used:

f U,*) F,,(r) (DFL,) f pf* + (1-f f,)

P e' *' ** e -x

l R[(D/0) = K' OAj(+X y Y, Ys where:

K' i

= 108 pCi/pCi; unit conversion factor i

Of = 50 kg/ day; cow's consumption rate D', , = 330 1/yr; yearly milk consumption by an infant l Aj = radioactive decay constant 4 4 for nuclide of interest, sec4 (e.g. 9.97 x 10 sec for I-131)

Ay = 5.73 x 10 sec4 ; decay constant for removal of 4

'm activity in leaf and plant surfaces l F, = stable element transfer coefficient 4 for nuclide of l interest, day / liter (e.g. 6.0 x 10 day / liter l for I-131)


l r = fraction of deposited nuclide retained in cow's feed l grass, 1.0 for radioiodine; 0.2 for particulates DFLj = ingestion dose factor in infant for nuclide of l

interest, mrem /pCi ( e . g. 1. 3 9 x 10-2 mren/pCi l for I-131)

I f, = 0.6; the fraction of the year the cow is on pasture (average of all farms) l f, = 0.487; the fraction of cow feed that is pasture l grass while the cow is on pasture (average of all l

j farms) l Yp = 0.7 kg/m2 ; the agricultural productivity of pasture feed grass l Y, = 2.0 kg/m2 ; the agricultural productivity of stored )

l feed cf = 1.73 x 105 sec (2 days); the transport time from t(A-/ pasture, to cow, to milk, to receptor i

l t3 = 7.78 x 106 sec (90 days); the transport time from j pasture, to harvest, to cow, to milk, to receptor

Paga 46 of 48, R v. 5 VIII. (Cont'd)

The pathway is the grass-cow-milk ingestion pathway. These data were derived from data published in Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 (Docket Nos. 50-277 and 50-278)

Radioactive Effluent Dose Assessment. Enclosure A, September 30, 1976. All other data were used as given in Reg. Guide 1.109, Revision 1, October 1977.

Surveillance Reauirement 4.8.B.2 Licuid Pathway Dose Calculations The equations for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents were developed from the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, .

October 1977 and NUREG-0133 " Preparation of Radiological -

Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants",

October 1978.

Surveillance Reauirement 4.8.C.1, l

Dose Noble Gases The equations for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents were developed from the methodology provided in Regulatory Guidt 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977, NUREG-0133 " Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", August 1978, and the atmospheric dispersion model presented in l

Information Reauested in Enclosure 2 to letter from Georae Lear to E. G. Bauer dated February 17, 1976, September 30, 1976. The specified equations provide for determining the air doses in areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.

j The dose due to noble gas release as calculated by the Gross i Release Method is much more conservative than the dose l calculated by the Isotopic Analysis Method. Assuming the release rates given in Radioactive Effluent Dose Assessment, September 30, 1976, the values calculated by the Gross Release Method for total body dose rate and skin dose rate are 6.0 times and 5.7 times, respectively, the values calculated by the Isotopic Analysis Method.


j l

' Paga 47 of 48, Ruv. 5 l VIII. (Cont'd)

The model Technical specification LCO for all radionuclides l '(/

and radioactive materials in particulate form and radionuclides other than noble gases requires that the instantaneous dose rate be less than the equivalent of 1500 mrem per year. For the purpose of calculating this instantaneous dose rate, thyroid dose from iodine-131 through the inhalation pathway will be used. Since the operating history to date indicates that iodine-131 releases have had the rajor dose impact, this approach is appropriate. The value calculated is increased by nine per cent to account for the thyroid dose from all other nuclides. This allows for expedited analysis and calculation of cpmpliance with the LCO.

In the event that the plant is shutdown long enough so that iodine-131 is no longer present in gaseous effluents, an Isotopic Analysis Method is available. Since no iodines are present, the critical organ changes from the thyroid to the ,

i lung.

Surveillance Recuirement 4.8.C.2 Dose Noble Gases The equations for calculating the doses dut to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases it gaseous effluents were developed from the methodology provided in Regulatory I -s) Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine .

/ Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose.of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977, NUREG-0133 " Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", August  ;

1978, and the atmospheric dispersion model presented in Information Recuested in Enclosure 2 to letter from Georae Lear to E. G. Bauer dated February 17, 1976, September 30, 1976. The specified equations provide for determining the air doses in areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.

The dose due to noble gas releases as calculated by the Gross Release Method is much more conservative than the dose calculated by the Isotopic Analysis Method. Assuming the releases rates given in Radioactive Effluent Dose Assessment, September 30, 1976, the values calculated by the Gross Release Method for total body dose rate and skin dose rate are 4.3 times and 7.2 times, respectively, the values calculated by the Isotopic Analysis Method.


Pega 48 of 48, R:v. 5 '

VIII. (Cont'd) ,

Surveillance Beauirerent 4.8.C.3 Dose, Iodine-131. Iodine-13a. Tritium, and Radioactive Material in Particulate Form The equations for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radiciodines, radioactive material in particulate form, and radionuclides other than noble gases with half-lives greater than 8 days were developed using the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculatior.

of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977, NUREG-0133,

" Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", October 1978, and the atmospheric dispersion model presented in Inforsation Reauested in Enclosure 2 to Letter from Georce Lear to E. G. Bauer dated February 17. 1976, September 30, 1976. These equations provide for determing the actual doses based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.

Compliance with the 10 CFR 50 limits for radiciodines, radioactive materials in particulate form and radionuclides other than noble gases with half lives greater than eight days is to be determined by calculating the thyroid dose from iodine-131 releases. Since the iodine-131 dose accounts for 92 percent of the total dose to the thyroid,- the value calculated is increased by nine percent to account for the dose from all other nuclides.

In the event that the plant is shutdown long enough so that iodine-131 is no longer present in gaseous effluents, an Isotopic Analysis Method is available. Since no iodines are present, the critical organ changes from the thyroid to the liver.

l l
