ML20207E255 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Peach Bottom ![]() |
Issue date: | 03/01/1999 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20207E246 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9903100204 | |
Download: ML20207E255 (77) | |
n-RPS Instrumentation 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION Reactor Protection System (RPS) Instrumentation
'LCO The RPS instrumentation for each Function in Table shall be OPERABLE.
According to Table
Separate Condition entry is allowed for each channel.
One or more required A.1 Place channel in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> channels inoperable.
j A.2 Place ociated tr p 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> sys in trip.
n T
fB. On.or more nctions B.1 Place channel in one 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> th one more trip system in trip.
require channels i
inop le in bot E
y t
. r' B.2 Place one trip system 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> I
in trip (continued)
, 9903100204 990301 7 PDR ADOCK 05000277 P.
PDR3 f.
PBAPS UNIT 3 3.3-1 Amendment No. 214
~ 1,.
i 1
1 A2
- - - - - - NOTE - - - - -
Not applicable for.
Functions 2.a,2.b, 2.c, or 2.d.
Place associated trip system in trip.
l B.
- -. -. - NOTE - - - - -.
J Notapplicable for Functions 2.a,2.b, l
2.c, or 2.d.
One or more Functions with one or more
l required channels l
inoperable in both trip systems.
i l
l l
f i
i T
r e
l RPS Instrumentation p
. No red to e perfo d when ente ng rom M0 I unti 12 ours after ent MODE 2.
j L erform C NEL FU TIONAL ST.
g (N.+
Used. )
l l
7 days i
Not required tooe performed when
entering MODE 2 from. MODE 1 until 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after entering MODE 2.
31 days l
u s e.d. )
SR H jr-*'
- chdnnel ty'confops to' Jali6 rated flow sigrfa1.
SR Calibrate the local power range monitors.
1000 MWD /T average core exposure I
(continued) i 1
i i
PBAPS UNIT 3-3.3-4 Amendment No. 224
,e r-o
.e s
RPS Instrumentation SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
92 days SR
i Radiation detectors are excluded.
92 days SR
[1. L m. x, d:t::t:r:...saLd;d)
I, h For Function 2.a not required to be performed when entering MODE 2 from i
MODE 1 until 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after entering l
jp l
NOTES------------------ C I
- 1. J eutron detectors are excluded.
For Function 2.b, fce_ Function _1, noT)
The recleculahon flow F
l 2.
required to be performed when entering MODE 2 from MODE 1 until IN*/IN M8<</
l 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after enteYing MODE 2.
7/e /f/ANs are j
e e
24 months I
i f2.
for Function 2 b> The CHMMEL)
FuWcTIONAL TEST includes the i
recIrculnTion lepor proccc.sliig, excludin9 The % Tmmins.
s i
PBAPS UNIT 3 3.3-5 Amendment No. 224
RPS Instrumentation I
SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Turbine Stop Valve-Closure and 24 months Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure, Trip Oil Pressure-Low Functions are not bypassed when THERMAL POWER is a 30% RTP.
24 months I
24 months SR each radiation detector.
24 months
-SR Verify the RPS RESPONSE TIME is within 24 months limits.
t e
O l
PBAPS' UNIT 3 3.3-6 AmendmentNo.g.
..m RPS Instrumentation
Table 1 (page 1 of 3)
Wide Range Neutron Monitors a.
Period-Short 2
3 C
SR R 13 seconds SR SR SR SR 5(a) 3 H
SR R 13 seconds SR SR SR SR b.
Inop 2
3 c
S ')
3 H
l SR 2.
Average Power Range Monitors
@3 c
sa 3.5.1 i '
5 15 0: Rta a.
a w ich 1 2
Neutron Rux-h,.8,,
p=-,= =O~ q sR 3.3.t.l.11 s9.7%
$$'W i:1 ' i ce o
%ulaTeJ Thermi
} itig(da & in.ot are l
[ooer -#/yh
'E-i.i:i.i.ii' Es; :.:: qm - SK 3.3.l.l.12 M'
(r I.!.
r SR 5
RTP c.(1gSC\\ApD 1
AL E-N&/,
"t75 l
.cs....' '. n e o.s. u.12.
s s
17 Inop 1,2 h(C) c St :.:.
NA pu U%
( SR (continued)
(a) With any control rod withdrawn from a core cett containing one or nere fuel assenbtles.
(b) C.66 W +
- 0.66 AW RTP when reset f or single loop operation per L:0 3.l.1, " Recirculation Locps operating."
Amendment No. 224 PBAPS UNIT 3 3.3-7
(.c) AfRN chante/ povia'es InfoTs To boTk #1p sy> Tens.
..-, _. -. _ _. _ _.-.. _ _ _ _. _ _ _._ _ _ _- _ __ _ ~.. _ _ _.. _ __ _.. _..._ ~ ~
- e. -
2-Out-Of-4 Voter 1,2 2
1 I
I l
I l
3 i
,1 I
l-l l
Control Rod Block Instrumentation l
ACTIONS (continued)
One or more Reactor E.1 Suspend control rod Immediately Mode Switch-Shutdown withdrawal.
Position channels inoperable.
l E.2 Initiate action to Immediately fully insert all i
insertable control l
l rods in core cells j
l containing one or l
more fuel assemblies.
l l
Refer to Table to determine which SRs apply for each Control Rod Block ' Function.
1 l
When an RBM channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated Conditions l
i and Required Actions may be delayed for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> provided the associated Function maintains control rod block capability.
I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY h----nc-ion1.---NOTE---------------)
SR For t
not req ' red to be perfo d when t time del circuit is sable Q.......................... z....... g (fif hdays Perform CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST.
- s l
PBAPS UNIT 3 3.3-18 Amendment No. 214 l
Control Rod Block Instrumentation SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) t!
Not required to be performed until I hour after any control rod is withdrawn at s 10% RTP in MODE 2.
92 days SR
Not required to be performed until I hour after THERMAL POWER is s 10% RTP in MODE 1.
92 days i
Neutron detectors are excluded.
J r
m Verify the RBM:
GC4 Jy a.
Low Power Range-Upscale Function is 4 m083s not_ bypassed when THERMAL POWER is 2g tf[O 2:0^.::....; _ ?. 20 RTP.
s b.
Intermediate Power Range-Upscale A 43,l/]d Function is not bypassed when THERMAL
l c.
High Power Range-Upscale Function is not bypassed when THERMAL POWER is s 83 9/o
- -- -^RTp.
m (continued)
PBAPS UNIT 3 3.3-19 Amendment No. 214
... ~_
m Control. Rod Block Instrumentation L
l J
i Y
j Wsutron detectors are exc ko F cti
- 1., no re uir d t b rf whe the ime del y rc t is is ed.
1 24wTb l
(M th
.SR ' Verify the RWM is not bypassed when 24 months
- THERMAL POWER is :s 107, RTP.
Not required to'be performed until I hour after reactor mode switch is in the
'c shutdown position.
24 months SR 3.3.2.~1.8 Verify control rod sequences input to the Prior to RWM are in conformance with BPWS.
following loading of sequence into RWM L
'3.3-20 Amendment No. 214 l
Control Rod Block Instrumentation Table 1 (page 1 of 1)
Control Rod Block Instrumentation
Rod Block Monitor a.
Low Power Range -Upscale (a) 2 SR (h) st sR b.
Intermediate Power (b) 2 st (h)
Range -Upscale SR SR c.
High Power Range -Upscale (c),(d) 2 st (h)
--/ v (d) h 2
st NA e.
Do cale (d),(e) 2 2 (1) Bypass Ti Delay
(e) sg 3.. 1.1
5 2.
rod Worth Minimizer 1Cf) 2, ff) 1 st NA SR SR SR 3.
Reactor Mode switch -shutdown (g) 2 st NA Position e 20Vo i
THERMAL POWER Rk.hM5W%)RTP and MCPR less than the limit specified in the COLR.
(b)' THERMAL POWER h kark s $.
TP and MCPR less than the limit specified in the COLR.
(c) THERMAL POWER and < 90% RTP and MCPR less than the limit specified in the COLR.
(d) THERMAL POWER R 90 RTP and MCPR less than the limit specified in the COLR.
(e) hRkL PkIR k 63.): ah <kC% kP ah MChqt leh tkn tk I ithei%ed%tkehqLR_.
p (f) With THERMAL POWER 5 1C% RTP, (g) Reactor nede switch in the shutdown position.
(h) Less than or equal to the Allowable Value specified in the COLR.
)(Gregergan\\r at%thkAll th COL abl Val s PBAPS UNIT 3 3.3-21 Amendment No. 214
Recirculation loops Operating 3.4.1 i
3.4 REACTOR COOLANT-SYSTEM (RCS) l 3.4.1 Recirculation loops Operating f
i LCO 3.4.1 Two recirculation _ loops with matched flows shall be in l
operation with core flow as a function of THERMAL POWER in
-the " Unrestricted" Region of Figure 3.4.1-1.
E One recirculation loop shall be in operation with core flow as a function of THERMAL POWER in the " Unrestricted" Region i
of Figure 3.4.11 and with the following limits applied when the associated LCO is applicable:
CCO 3.2.1, " AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (APLHGR)," single loop operation limits specific in the i
COLR; b.
LCO 3.2.2, " MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (MCPR)," single loop operation limits specified in the COLR; and c.
LCO, " Reactor Protection System (RPS)
Instrument _ation," Function 2.b Monitors."l:; n ned High @ (Average Power Range
, Allowable Value of
Table 3 3.1.1-1 is reset for single loop operation.
im ula te d Th ere j P w,................... N0TE - ----- - - - - - --- - - -
Required limit modifications for single recirculation loop operation may be delayed for up to 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after transition i
from two recirculation loop operation to single j
recirculation loop. operation.
MODES 1 and 2.
4 PBAPS UNIT 3 3.4 1 Amendment No. 214
SDM Test-Refueling 3.10.8 E
3.10 SPECIAL OPERATIONS 3.10.8 SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDM) Test-Refueling LCO 3.10.8 The reactor mode switch position specified in Table 1.1-1 for MODE 5 may be changed to include the startup/ hot standby position, and operation considered not to be in MODE 2, to allow SDM testing, provided the following requirements are met:
LCO, " Reactor Protection System Instrumentation," MODE 2 requirements for Functions 2.a 2.)
and 2.e of Table; b.
LC0, " Control Rod Block Instrumentation,"
MODE 2 requirements for Function 2 of Table, with the banked position withdrawal sequence requirements of SR changed to require the control rod sequence to conform to the SDM test sequence, 03 2.
Conformance to the approved control rod sequence for the SDM test is verified by a second licensed operator or other qualified member of the technical staff; c.
Each withdrawn control rod shall be coupled to the associated CRD; d.
All control rod withdrawals during out of sequence control rod moves shall be made in notch out mode; e.
No other CORE ALTERATIONS are in progress; and l
CRD charging water header pressure 2 940 psig.
MODE 5 with the reactor mode switch in startup/ hot standby position.
PBAPS UNIT 3 3.10-20 Amendment No. 2W, 221 I..
SOM Test--Refueling 3.10.8 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Perform the MODE 2 applicable SRs for According to LCO, Functions'2a :::
~~'-~~ o f the applicable 2 ->
.a,2.d and 2.e)
Not ' required to be met if SR satisfied.
Perform the MODE 2 applicable SRs for According to LCO, Function 2 of Table
the applicable SRs SR
Not required to be met if SR satisfied.
Verify movement of control rods is in During control compliance with the approved control rod rod movement sequence for the SDM test by a second licensed operator or other qualified member of the technical staff.
SR Verify no other CORE ALTERATIONS are in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> progress.
t (continued)
PBAPS UNIT 3 3.10-22 Amendment No. 214
RPS Instrumentation B i
Wide Ranae Neutron Monitor-Inon (continued)
Six channels.of the Wide Range Neutron Monitor-Inop APPLICABILITY Function, with.three channels in each trip system,. are required to be OPERABLE to ensure that no single instrurnent failure will preclude a scram from this Function on a valid signal. Since this Function is not assumed in the safety
. analysis, there is no Allowable Value for this Function.
This Function is required to be OPERABLE when the Wide Range Neutron Monitor Period-Short Function is required.
r'a*\\Powerkpana\\Monikr) geg%n On-M/ b hdTdamsi)
9 s
Averace Power Rance Monitordtirtuohiahhur $hram]
t The AP channels r eive inpu signals f a the lo al powerd ange mon tors (LPRM within t reactor re which rovide 1 in'dicat n of the er distr ution and ocal pow r c nges. T APRM cha els avera these LP signals to
)pr ide a co.inuous in catior. if verage re tor powe L fr anoroximdelv 1% RT to p. ox1 Stely 125 RTP or operation at ' ow power (i.e., Ng;;;;4; function is capable of
the Average Power yev7ron gUX-Range MonitotLt. rte; m ;t ':::
- 1 h Ss%n) 8'"'r** "g alrip signal that prevents fuel damage resulting 8
from abnormal operating transients in this power range. For most operation at low power levels, the Average Power Range MonitorE3mi.a ::::t "~ 5:::;0 Function will provide a secondtry scram to the Wide ltange Neutron Monitor Period-Short Function because of the relative setpoints. At higher power levels, it is possible 'that the Average Power Range onitotSt::-te u " 9 er Se d Function will provide the primarftrpsigna'foracorGideincreaseinpower.
No specific safety analyses take direct credit for Average Power Range Monitor Ct d;:: m ;" W E r r,,
Function. However, this FencU on indirectly ensures that before the reactor mode switch is placed in the run position, reactor power does not exceed 25% RTP (SL
PBAM UNIT 3 8 3.3-7 Revision No. 17 L
y t
1 J
Averare Power Rmnae Monitor (APRM)
The APRM channels provide the primary indication of neutron flux within the core and respond almost instantaneously to neutron flux increases. The APRM channels receive
' input signals from the local power range monitors (LPRMs) within the reactor core to provide an indication of the power distribution and local power changes. The APRM i
channels average these LPRM signals to provide a continuous indication of average -
reactor power from a few percent to greater than RTP.
The APRM System is divided into four APRM channels and four 2 out+f-4 voter channels.
Each APRM channel provides inputs to each of the four voter channels. The four voter j
- channels are divided into two groups of two each, with each group of two providing l
inputs to one RPS trip system. The system is designed to allow one APRM channel, but no voter channels, to be bypassed. A trip from any one unbypassed APRM will result in a j
" half-trip"in all four of the voter channels, but no trip inputs to either RPS trip system. A trip from any two unbypassed APRM channels will result in a full trip in each of the four l
_ voter channels, which in turn results in two trip inputs into each RPS trip system, thus resulting in a full scram signal.- Three of the four APRM channels and all four of the voter channels are required to be OPERABLE to ensure that no single failure will 1
L preclude a scram on a valid signal. In addition, to provide adequate coverage of the i
entire core, consistent with the design bases for the APRM fnnctions, at least 20 LPRM inputs, with at least three LPRM inputs from each of the four axial levels at which the LPRMs are located, must be operable for each APRM channel, and the number of LPRM i-inputs that have become inoperable (and bypassed) since the last APRM calibration (SR j must be less than ten for each APRM channel.
i i
l i
l c.-
g RPS Instrumentation B NeuTonpux--H;d_ fscwn)
Averaae Power Ranae Monitor E rt = "ich Ilex Screa-J SAFETY ANALYSES, (continued)
LCO, and APPLICABILITY when operating at low reactor pressure and low core flow.
Therefore, it indirectly prevents fuel damage during significant reactivity increases with THERMAL POWER
< 25% RTP.
The PRM Syst is d vided into tw groups o channels ith 1
three APRM cha el in ts to each t p system. The syst is des *gned to low on channel in ch trip s tem to b bypass Any on APRM annel in a t ip system an cause
\\ the ass iiated tr system to trip. Fo r channels of yverage wer Rang Monitor tartup High lux Scram ith two
% nels n each tr'p system re required to be OPE LE to e tha no sing failure ill preclud a scram f m th Functi n on a y lid signal.
In additi
, to prov e ade ate co rage of e entire re, at lea 14 LPRM inpu are re utred fo each APRM annel, wi at least o
LPRM' puts f m each o the four a 'al levels t which the (LPRMs e locat d.
The Allowable Value is based on preventing significant i
increases in power when THERMAL POWER is < 25% RTP.
r' s
fyeu[ron Flux-The Average Power Range MonitorfSt:rt"a u$gh nox ser3g Function must be OPERABLE during MODE 2 when control rods Oj/ [fe h g) may be withdrawn since the potential for criticality e.xists.
af In MODE 1, the Average Power Range Monitor _.....
Function provides protection against reactivity transients and the RWM and rod block monitor protec.t against _ control rod withdrawal error events.
{yeyf,,,f'/g__/fg 2.b.
Averaae Power Rance Monitor C E.; $ nd "!ca
$1,nv/4.7e'd TAecme/
>c Swer - H/ph The Average Power Range Monito e.;"i:=d"ighScreD Function monitors average neutron flux to approximate the THERMAL POWER being transferred to the reacter enlart. The APRM neutron flux isfrcprendt:twe e+, md prnnarHen:1 ts2 lM h
the THERMAL POWER irr the reactor.
The trip level is varied as a function of recirculation drive flow (i.e., at lower core flows, the setpoint is reduced proportional to the reduction in power experienced as core flow is reduced with a fixed control rod pattern _) but is clamped at an upper limit $ncti= ?.c, "" sri;; r; er R.nge "er. iter Scr;y YNTIS d. ways kwer Wr He AveNyekwer Rwe Ni% A%,%-M,4 &cN teontinued)
Akv&/e %1ve.
PdAPS UNIT 3 B 3.3-B Revision No. 2
... electronically filtered with a time constant representative of the fuel heat transfer dynamics to generate a signal proportional to...
P j
RPS 2nstrumentation e 2.2.I.I
{%ulafaJ TAaea/ Awec-H;,4
- ^
Averaoe Power Ranoe Monitor k S' r :d " Y !
SAFETY ANALYSES, (continued)
LCO, and APPLICABILITY The. Average Power Range Monitor 6 Fi: = d 3.wh L o y Function is not specifically credited in tne sarety analysis but is intended to provide an additional margin of protection from transient induced fuel damage during ed to below the operation 'where recirculation flow is reduc %r minimum required for_ rated power operation.
g any/
ctrans'ent vent that occur at a %duced ecir atio flow, be use o a low scram rip s point, he A rage ower NSUT6 nge nitor F ow Bias d High cram F netio will niti e agePoerRaneMon)orScymC1..p a ser befor the Av Fun ion.
The M RM Syste s divided (otwo upsofchanniswith (JhreeAPR!l f
nnel input o eac p system.
he system
[fisdesig to allow o chann n each tr system to b'e bypass Any one chan in a tri system ca
'ause the ssociated'.tr sy.ste trip.
r channe f the erage Power nge Mo or F. low B sed High m Functio with two ch 'nels in ach trip stem arra in a one-out- -two lo 'c are re ed to be ERABLE to e3s re that Sin 9
- 5trument ailure vi preclude a 5 dam from 1
.3 ysc87 7 rovide/
th Functi on a val signal.
n addition, l
equate verage o he entir core, et lea 4 LPRM inputs re requir for eac PRM chantal th at lea t'two LP inputs fr each of e four axia evels at w 'ch the 1,Pdisare ated. E APRM chann receives o total
/ drive f signal presentative total cor flow.
tota rive flo ignals arb erated by wo flow s,
which su ies a signa o the tri ystem A s,
while the her one sup es a signs to the t p system 4 APRMs.
ach flow un signal is ovided b suming
' the flo signals from e two reci ulation ops. Eac e
quired Avera Power Rang onitor ow Bia
[The Abkb rc c..c..ERABLE c?: unit J.;,
b channel req es an in W s [ roc e S f inyylC if a flo nit is ino. rable, t associ Avera Power Range onitor Flo insedfHioh' Scram chtanels mus be kto_ideredino rable).f"
'~'d t-
.s is considered in_ operable whenever itjfannot deliver a flow signal less than or equal to actual Recirculation flow conditions for all steady state and transient reactor conditions while in conditions due to planned inaintenance or testing activi@ ties during Mode 1.
Refeced@or Downscale flow (continuet PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.3-9 Revision No. 8 f
r I
l i
The Average Power Range Monitor Simulated Thermal Power - High Function provides protection against transients where THERMAL POWER increases slowly (such'as the loss of feedwater heating event) and protects the fuel cladding integrity by ensuring that the MCPR SL is not exceeded. During these events, the THERMAL POWER increase does i
not significantly lag the neutron flux scram. For rapid neutron flux increase evees, du:
THERMAL POWER lags the neutron flux and the Average Power Range Monitor Neutron Flux - High Function will provide a scram signal before the Average Power j
Range Monitor Simulated Thermal Power-High Function setpoint is exceeded.
1 Each APRM r.hannel uses one total drive flow signal representative of total core flow.
1 The total drive flow signal is generated by the flow processing logic, part of the APRM channel, by summing up the flow calculated from two flow transmitter signal inputs, one from each of the two recirculation loop flows. The flow processing logic OPERABILI'IY is part of the APRM channel OPERABILITY requirements for this Function.
i L
RPS Instrumentation B gg/ ]
Averace Power Ranoe Monitor @l a C: a d "i:' R 2 SAFETY ANALYSES, (continued)
LCO, and APPLICABILITY plant conditions (i.e. end of cycle coast down) will result in conservative setpoints for the APRM '!:S M :Qfunctiorg, h
thus maintaining that function operable.
The Allowable Value is based on analyses _that _take credit for the Average Power Range MonitorCli L a :..s. ;c. x Functionforthemitigationofnon-limitingeventsp _
v Nl5V E The Average Power Range Monitor $ $i:::d m Irr;/'
function is required to be OPERABLE in MODE 1 when there is the possibility of generating excessive THERMAL POWER and potentially exceeding the SL applicable to high pressure and core flow conditions (MCPR SL). During MODES 2 and 5, other l
WRNM and APRM, Functions provide protection for fuel cladding I
l b
l 2.c.
Averaoe Power Rance Monitor @ = Cl Q y
e es o n
< neutton flux in eases I The Average Power Range Monitor 7.... CirOFunction is capable of generating a trip signal
' to prevent fuel damage or excessive RCS pressure.
For the overpressurization protection analysis of Reference 4, the Average Power Range MonitorgE rn Ci;. O Function is assumed MevEARox-N//
t teminate the main steam isolation valve (MSIV) closure f
event and, along with the safety / relief valves (S/RVs),
limit the peak reactor pressure vessel (RPV) pressure to l
less than the ASME Code limits. The control rod drop i
accident (CRDA) analysis (Ref. 5) takes credit for the Average Pcwer Range Monitor g:b r C1; $ Function to e terminate the CRDA.
f l
The stem 's divid d into t o groups f channe7s with thr e A ch nels in tting to each trip ystem.
ihe i
ste is d igned to llow one channel i each tr system i
to bypa sed. Any ne APRM annel in trip sy tem can
se th associate trip sy em to tri.
Four annels c
verag Power Ran Monitor cram Clam with tw channel in each rip systet arranged 'n a one-ou -ef-two ogic are re ired to be PERABLE ensuretptnosi e instr ment (continued)
PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.3-10 Revision No.
l 1
l l
The THERMAL POWER time constant of < 7 seconds is based on the fuel heat transfer
' dynamics and provides a signal proportional to the THERMAL POWER.
l l-I L
1 i
i-1 I
4 k'
i i
RPS Instrumentation B BASES APPLICABLE 2.c.
Averace Power Rance Monitor fc. x C' nl (continued)
LCO, and APPLICABILITY ffai 're wi prec de a s am fro his Fun ion o a vali s nal.
n addi on, to rovide dequate overag of th
ntire ore, a least 1 LPRM i puts are equir for e h j
LAPRM annel ith at east t LPRM i uts fr m each f the /
fo axial evels a which e LPRMs re loc ed.
2 The Allowable Value is based on the Analytical Limit ass _umed
- N=.ta, t,=-
cant rGQ in fQ t:.m
.m The Average Power Range Monitor _$cx t'9 Function is required to De OPERABLE in MODE'I where the potential consequences of the analyzed transients could result in the SLs (e.g., MCPR and RCS pressure) beino exceeded. Although Meu k hgg-h[/of the Average Power Range Monitor f... C r O Function is assumed in the GRDA analysis, w'hich is asblicable in MODE 2, the Average Power -Range MonitorC.. ;, _'i;n I:P F.:acticn contarvatively b:,uMs tha t-i; and, 3 l
together with the assumed WRNM trips, provides adequate protection. Therefore, the Average Power Range Monitor j b om Sl r O Function is not required in MODE 2.
y euYM bX ~
Averao(Power Ra(ae Monitord ownscale/
D Hid (he % )
This s e is adequate Jeutron Moni ring Sys m protect n if the reactof mode switch i pl ed in th run posit n prior to the/APRMs coming or cale. Wi the reac r mode switch fn run, an APRM downscal signal co cidentwithafassociatedWide ange Neutro onitor P iod-Short or I op signal generp es a trip sign This F ction kas not ecifically cre fted in the a
dent ana sis but it is r ained for the erall edundancy nd diversity of he RPS as requi ed by the N approve icensing basis.
ded into two grpu/
Th PRM System is di ps of chan, s with ee inputs into e h trip system. The system - designed o allow one chan 1 in each trip stem to be passed.
(However, the p ential exists bypass a nd APRM u ng l
a WRNM bypas switch.)
Four ph'annels of Av rage Power ange n a one--out-ofytw/hannels in ea,ch trip sy Monitor-D nscale with two em o logic are dequired to e arranged (OPERABLE to ensure thaVno single failure will p clude a (continued) i PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.3-11 Revision No. 17
RPS Instrumentation B BASES APPLICABLE Yd. Averacehwer Rance Monitar-Downscale (co inued)
ser from this Fun tion on a vali ignal. The Wide sange APPLICABILITf Neut Monitor Perio -Short and Inop nctions are als part o the OPERABILIT of the Average er Range l
Monitor ownscale Funct n.
If either nf hese WRNM nctions annot send a si al to the Averag Power Range Mo itor-Do scale Function ither automatical when the trip conditio exist or manu ly when the WRNM 's inope ble (e.
when WRNM is ken out of opera
, the.
associa d Avera Power Range M itor-Downscale c nnel is Nonsidere inopera e.
Th Allowabl Value is ased upon ensu ng that the APRMs are n scale w n trans. s are made bet en APRMs and l
j TS4 Fun tion is re ired to CPERABLE in. E I since I tau is w n the AP are the imary indicat s of reactor powar. Th Function automati lly bypassed en the mode switch not in th Run posi on.
q 2h Averaae Power Rance Monitor-Inon This signal prov es assuranc that a mini' m number APRMs re OPERABL Anytime an PRM mode s 'tch is mo dt INSER T f
any pos' tion other an " Operate," an APRM mo le is unplugge the elect nic operati voltage is ow, or th APRM has o few LPM 'nputs (< 14) an inoperat ve trip ignal wil be received y the RPS, liess the AP is passed.
'nce only on APRM in eac, trip system.ay be j
b assed, on1 one APRM i each trip s tem may be u in erable wit ut resultin i in an RPS t ip signal./ This
' function was rot specifical'y credited in'the accident analysis, but it is retained for the overall redundancy and diversity of the RPS as required by the NRC approved licensing basis.
{channe Four annels f Averag ower Ran MonitorMnopwith wo in eac trip syst are requ' ed to be PERABLE sure t t no si le failur will prec de a ser from s Funct n on a lid signa t
There is no Allowable Value for this Function.
This Function is required to be OPERABLE in the MODES where INSERT & _
3the APRM Functions are required.
PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.3-12 Revision No.17
m i
Three of the four APRM channels are required to be OPERABLE for each of the APRM Functions. This Function (Inop) provides assurance that the minimum number of APRM channels are OPERABLE.
For any APRM channel, any time its mode switch is not in the " Operate" position, an APRM module required to issue a trip is unplugged, or the automatic self-test system detects a critical fault with the APRM channel, an Inop trip is sent to all four voter channels. Inop trips from two or more non-bypassed APRM channels result in a trip.
' output from each of the four voter channels to it's associated trip system.
2.e. 2-Out-Of-4 Voter The 2-Out-Of-4 Voter Function provides the interface between the APRM Functions and
- the final RPS trip system logic. As such, it is required to be OPERABLE in the MODES where the APRM Functions are required and is necessary to support the safety analysis applicable to each of those Functions. Therefore, the 2-Out-Of-4 Voter Function needs to be OPERABLE in MODES 1 and 2.
All four voter channels are required to be OPERABLE. Each voter channelincludes self-diagnostic functions. If any voter channel detects a critical fault in its own processing, a i
trip is issued from that voter channel to the associated trip system.
There is no Allowable Value for this Function.
t 1
J l
l' l
l o
RPS Instrumentation B BASES APPLICABLE-14.
APS Channel Test Switch (continued)
.LCO, and RPS Functions, described in Reference 9, were not affected APPLICABILITY.
by the difference in configuration, since each automatic RPS
. channel. has a test switch which is functionally the same as the manual scram switches in the generic model. As.such, the RPS Channel Test Switch'es are retained in the Technical Specifications..
There is no Allowable Value for this Function since the channels are mechanically actuated based solely on the position of the switches.
Four channels of RPS Channel Test Switch with two channels in each trip system arranged in a one-out-of-two logic are available and required to be OPERABLE in MODES I and 2, and in MODE 5 with any control rod wtthdrawn from a core cell containing one or more fuel assemblies, since these are the MODES and other specified conditions when control rods are withdrawn.
ACTIONS A Note has been provided to modify the ACTIONS related to RPS.instomentation channels. Section 1.3, Completion Times', specifies that once a Condition has been entered, subsequent divisions, subsystems, components, or variables expressed-in the Condition, discovered to be inoperable or not within limits, will not result in separate entry into the Condition.
Section 1.3 also specifies that Required Actions of the Condition continue to apply for each additional failure, withtCompletion Times based on initial entry into the Condition.
However,-the Required Actions for
inoperable RPS instrumentation channels provide appropriate compensatory measures for separate inoperable channels. As i
such, a Note has been provided that allows separate Condition entry for each inoperable RPS instrumentation
- channel, A.1 and A.2 Because of the diversity of sensors available to provide trip signals and the redundancy of the RPS design, an (Re/s'. 9 /Z 8 B) - _ be acce)tabl C ;f ^Otopermitrestorationofany allowable out of service time of 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> has been shown to
inopera)1e ciannel to OPERABLE status. However, this out of service time is only acceptable provided the associated (continued)
PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.3-23 Revision No.1+
Amendment No. 222
I 1
RPS Instrumentation B 3
' ACTIONS A.1 and A.2 (continued)
Function's inoperable channel is in one trip system and the Function still maintains RPS trip capability (refer to Required Actions B.1, B.2, and C.1 Bases).
If the inoperable channel cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the allowable out of service time, the channel or the associated trip system must be placed in the tripped condition per Required Actions A.1 and A.2.
Placing the inoperable channel in trip (or the associated trip system in-trip) would conservatively compensate for the inoperability, restore capability to accommodate a single failure, and allow operation to continue. Alternatively, if it is not desired to place the channel (or trip system) in trip (e.g.,
as in the case where placing the inoperable channel in trip would result in a full scram), Condition D must be entered and its Required Action taken.
IMERT 1 B.1 and B.2 Condition B exists when, for any one or more Functions, at Yeast one required channel is inoperable in each trip i
' system. In this condition, provided at least one channel per trip system is OPERABLE, the RPS still maintains trip capability for that Function, but cannot accommodate a single failure in either trip system.
Required Actions B.1 and B.2 limit the time the RPS scram would not accommodate single logic, for any Function,tems (e.g., one-out-of-one and failure in both trip sys one-out-of-one arrangement for a typical four channel Function). ~ The reduced reliability of this _ logic _
i arrangement was not evaluated in Reference $(Tor. the 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />)
Completion Time. Within the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance, the i
associated Function will have all required channels OPERABLE )
or in trip (or any combination) in one trip system.
j Completing one of these Required Actions restores RPS to a level equivalent to that evaluated in reliabilidt which justified a 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> allowable out of f / lor 1.3 Reference service ume as presented in Condition A.
The trip system in the more degraded state should be placed in trip or, alternatively, all the inoperable channels in that trip system should be placed in trip (e.g., a trip system with
~PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.3-24 Revision No.1+ -
Amendment No. 222
As noted, Action A.2 is not applicable for APRM Functions 2.a,2.b,2.c, and 2.d.
Inoperability of one required APRM channel affects both trip systems. For that condition, Required Action A.1 must be satisfied, and is the only action (other than restoring operability) that will restore capability to_ accommodate a single failure.
Inoperability of more than one required APRM channel of the same trip function results in loss of trip capability and entry into. Condition C, as well as entry into Condition A for each channel.
RPS Instrumentation B BASES ACTIONS-B.1 and B.2 (continued) two inoperable channels could be in a more degraded state than a trip system with four inoperable channels if the two inoperable channels are in the same Function while the four inoperable channels are all in different Functions). The decision of which trip system is in the more degraded state should be based on prudent judgment and take into account current plant conditions (i.e., what MODE the plant-is in).
If this action would result in a scram, it is permissible to place the other trip system or its ino erable channels in-trip.
opgfy The 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> Completion Time is judged acceptable based on the remaining capability-to trip, the diversity of the sensors available to provide the trip signals,'the low probability of extensive numbers of inoperabilities affecting all diverse Functions, and the low probability of an event requiring the initiation of. a scram.
Alternately, if it is not desired to place _ the inoperable channels (or one. trip system). in trip (e.g., as in the case where placing the inoperable channel or associated trip system in trip would result in a scram, Condition D must be entered and its Required Action taken.
. INSERT 12 u
Required Action C.1 is intended to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if multiple, inoperable, untripped channels within the same, trip system for the same Function result in an automatic Function, or.two or more manual Functions, not maintaining RPS trip capability.
A_ Function is considered to be maintaining RPS trip capability when sufficient channels are OPERABLE or in trip- (or the associated trip system is in trip), such that both trip systems will generate a trip signal from the given Function
~ on a valid signal. For the typical Function with one-out-ll of-two taken twice logic and the WRNM and APRM Functions, this would require both trip systems to have ene channel OPERABLE or in trip (or the associated trip system in trip).
For Function 5 (Main Steam Isolation Valve-Closure), this would require both trip systems to have each channel associated with the MSIVs in three main steam lines (not necessarily. the same main steam lines for both trip systems)
PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.3 Revision No. 17
As noted,'Gondition B is not applicable for APRM Functions 2.a,2.b,2.c, and 2.d.
~ Inoperability of an APRM channel affects both trip systems and is not associated with a
specific trip system as are the APRM 2-out-of-4 voter and other non-APRM channels for which Condition B applies. For an inoperable APRM channel, Required Acdon A.1 must be satisfied, and is the only action (other than restoring opembility) that will restore capability to accommodate a single failure. Inoperability of more than one required APRM channel results in loss of trip capability and entry into Condition C, as well as entry into Condition A for each channel. Because Conditions A and C provide Required Actions that are appropriate for the inoperability of APRM Functions 2.a,2.b,2.c, and 2A, and these functions are not associated with specific trip systems as are the APRM 2-out-of-4 voter and other non-APRM channels, Condition B does not apply.
10% RTP.
If the RWM low power setpoint is nonconservative, then the RWM 1
is considered inoperable. Alternately, the low power setpoint channel can be placed in the conservative condition (nonbypass).
If placed in the nonbypassed condition, the SR is met and the RWM is not considered inoperable. The Frequency is based on the trip setpoint methodology utilized for the low power setpoint channel.
A CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST is performed for the Reactor Mode Switch-Shutdown Position Function to ensure that the entire channel will perform the intended function. The CHANNEL i
FUNCTIONAL TEST for the Reactor Mode Switch-Shutdown Position Function is performed by attempting to withdraw any l
control rod with the reactor mode switch in the shutdown I
position and verifying a control rod block occurs.
l As noted in the SR, the Surveillance is not required to be l
performed until I hour after the reactor mode switch is in l
the shutdown position, since testing of this interlock with the reactor mode switch in any other position cannot be performed witho9t using jumpers, lifted leads, or r avable links. This allows entry into MODES 3 and 4 if the 24 month Frequency is not let per SR 3.0.2.
The 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> allowance is based on operatir,9 experience and in consideration of providing a reasonable time in which to complete the SR.
PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.3-56 Revision No. 3
j control Rod Block Instrumentation i
NEDC-30851-P-A, " Technical Specification Improvement (continued)
Analysis for BWR Control Rod Block Instrumentation,"
October 1988.
i 8.
GENE-770-06-1, " Addendum to Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-of-Service i
Times for Selected Instrumentation Technical Specifications," February 1991.
@NSENT 16) f i
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PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.3-58 Revision No. 3 l
g. l
. _ _ ~.
i l
- 9. NEDC - 82410P - A, " Nuclear Measurement Analysis and Control Power Range Neutron Monitor (NUMAC PRNM) Retrofit Plus Option III Stability Trip Function",
March 1995.
- 10. NEDC - 32410P Supplement 1, " Nuclear Measurement Analysis and Control Power Range Neutron Monitor (NUMAC PRNM) Retrofit Plus Option III Stability Trip Function, Supplement 1", November 1997.
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s 4,
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Recirculation Loops Operating B 3.4.1 BASES APPLICABLE Plant specific LOCA and average power range monitor / rod SAFETY ANALYSES block monitor Technical Specification / maximum extended load (continued) line limit analyses have been performed assuming only one operating recirculation loop. These analyses. demonstrate i
that, in the event of a LOCA caused by a pipe break in the
. operating recirculation loop, the Emergency Core Cooling System response will provide adequate core cooling (Refs. 2, 3, and 4).
j The transient analyses of Chapter 14 of the UFSAR have also been performed for single recirculation loop operation (Ref. 5) and demonstrate sufficient flow coastdown characteristics to maintain fuel thermal margins during the abnormal operational transients analyzed provided the MCPR requ'rements are modified. During single recirculation loop i
operation, modification to the Reactor Protection System (GPS) tverige Mwer range monitor (APRM) instrument i
setpoints is also required to secount for the different relationships between recirculation drive flow and reactor core flow. The MCPR limits and APLHGR limits (power-dependent APLHGR multipliers, MAPFAC, and flow-dependent APLHGR multipliers, MAPFAC,) for sin $le loop operage specified in the COLR.
The APRM(F h _U ncOffigh s Allowable Value is in LCO,f" Reactor Protection System (RPS) Instrumentation."
bgy,yggy 7f,7,,/ g,,r_
Safety analyses performed for UFSAR Chapter 14 implicitly assume core conditions.are stable. However, at the high power / low flow corner of the power / flow map, an increased probability for limit cycle oscillations exists (Ref. 6) depending on coinbinations of operating conditions (e.g.,
power shape, bundle power, and bundle flow). Generic evaluations indicate that when regional power oscillations become detectable on the APRMs, the safety margin may be j
insufficient under some' operating conditions to ensure actions taken to respond to the APRMs signals would prevent violation of the MCPR Safety Limit (Ref. 7). NRC Generic Letter 86-02 (Ref. 8) addressed stability calculation methodology and stated that due to uncertainties,10 CFR 50, Appendix A, General Design Criteria (GDC) 10 and 12 could i
not be met using analytic procedures on a BWR 4 design.
However, Reference 8 concluded that operating limitations which provide for the detection (by monitoring neutron flux noise levels) and suppression of flux oscillations in operating regions of potential instability consistent with i
(cont 4nued)
I i
i PSAPS UNIT 3 8 3.4-3 Revision No. 0
w Recirculation Loops Operating B 3.4.1 BASES LCO assumptions of the LOCA analysis are satisfied.
In addition, the core flow expressed as a function of THERMAL POWER must be in the " Unrestricted" Region of Figure 3.4.1-1, " THERMAL POWER Versus Core Flow Stability Regions." Alternatively, with only one recirculation loop in operation, modificaticns to the required APLHGR limits (power-and flow-dependent APLHGR multipliers, MAPFAC and p
MAPFAC, respect'ively of LCO 3.2.1, " AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR f
"MINIMU CRITICAL POWER RATIO (MCPR)") and APRM S Ci 2g High Allowable Value (LCO must be applied to N
allow continued operation consistent with the assumptions of T
References 5 and G.
g7g g g g g _,
The LCO is modified by a Note which allows up to 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> before having to put in effect the required modifications to required limits after a change in the reactor operating conditions from two recirculation loops operating to single recirculation loop operation.
If the required limits are not in compliance with the applicable requirements at the end of this period, the' associated equipment must be' declared inoperable or the limits "not satisfied," and the ACTIONS required by nonconformance with the applicable specifications implemented. This time is provided due to
the need tu stabilize operation with one recirculation loop, including the procedural steps necessary to limit flow in the operating loop, limit total THERMAL POWER, monitor for excessive APRM and local power range monitor (LPRM) neutron
. flux noise levels; and the complexity and detail required to fully implement and confirm the required limit modifications.
APPLICABILITY In MODES I and 2., requirements for operation of the Reactor Coolant Recirculation System are necessary since there is considerable energy in the reactor core and the limiting design basis transients and accidents are assumed to occur.
In MODES 3, 4, and 5, the consequences of an accident are reduced and the coastdown characteristics of the recirculation loops are not important.
(continued) l PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.4-5 Revision No. I
Recirculation Loops Operating r
B 3.4.1 BASES-ACTIONS A.1 With one or two recirculation loops in operation with core flow as a function of THERMAL POWER in the " Restricted" Region of Figure 3.4.1-1, the plant is operating in a region
'where the potential for thermal hydraulic instability exists.
In order to assure sufficient margin is provided for operator response to detect and suppress potential limit cycle oscillations, APRM and local power range monitor (LPRM) neutron flux noise levels must be periodically monitored and verified to be s 4% and 5 3 times baseline i
noise levels. Detector levels A and C of one LPRM string per core quadrant plus detectors A and C of one LPRM string 5 the center o' t% co-? shall be men.itored. A minimum of 7')ree -- 2eAPRMs shall also be monitored. The Completion Times of tnis verification (within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and once pe-8 hours thereafter and within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after completion of any THERMAL i
POWER increase 2 5% RATED THERMAL POWER) are acceptable for ensuring potential limit cycle oscillations are detected to allow operator response to suppress the oscillation. These
Completion Times were developed considering the operator's inherent knowledge of_ reactor status and sensitivity to potential thermal hydraulic instabilities when operating in this condition.
Bl With the Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A not met, sufficient margin may not be available for operator response to suppress potential limit cycle oscillations since APRM or LPRM neutron flux noise levels may be > 4% and > 3 times baseline noise levels. As a result, action must be immediately initiated to restore noise levels to within required limits. The 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Completion Time for restoring APRM and LPRM neutron flux noise levels to within required limits is acc~eptable because it minimizes risk while allowing time for restoration before subjecting the plant to transients associated with shutdown.
(continued) i PBAPS UNIT 3 8 3.4-6 Revision No. 1
SDM Test-Refueling B 3.10.8 BASES APPLICABLE CRDA analyses assume that the reactor operator follows SAFETY ANALYSES prescribed withdrawal sequences.
For SDM tests performed (continued) within these defined sequences, the analyses of References 1 and 2 are applicable. However, for some secuences developed for the SDM testing, the control rod patterns assumed in the safety analyses of References I and 2 may not be met.
Therefore, special CRDA analyses, performed in accordance with an NRC approved nethodology, pre required to demonstrate the SDM test sequence will not result in unacceptable consequences should a CRDA occur during the testing.
For the purpose of this test, the protection provided by the normally required MODE 5 applicable LCOs, in addition to the requirements of this LCO, will maintain normal test operations as well as postulated accidents within the bounds of the appropriate safety analyses (Refs. I and 2).
In addition to the added requirements for j
l the RWM, WRNM, APRM, and control rod coupling, the notch out j
mode is specified for out of sequence withdrawals.
Requiring the notch out mode limits withdrawal steps to a single notch, which limits inserted reactivity, and allows adequate monitoring of changes in neutron flux, which may occur during the test.
1 As described in LC0 3.0.7, compliance with Special Operations LCOs is optional, and therefore, no criteria of the NRC Policy Statement apply. Special Operations LCOs provide flexibility to perform certain operations by appropriately modifying requirements of other LCOs. A discussion of the criterir. satisfied for the other LCOs is provided in their respective Bases.
LC0 As described '.n LCO 3.0.7, compliance with this Special Operations Lu0 is optiona.
SDM tests may be performed while in MODE 2, in accord)ance with Table 1.1-1, without meeting this Special Operations LCO or its ACTIONS.
For SDM tests performed while in MODE 5, additional requirements must be met to ensure that adequate protection against potential reactivity excursions is available. To provide additional scram protection beyond the normally required l
WF,, the APRMs are also required to be OPERABLE (LC0 J_t. Function hN,) as though the reactor were in C1a/ 2,J od 2. e 'i ' 2.
Because niultiple control rods will be withdrawn and the reactor will potentially become critical, the approved control rod withdrawal sequence must be enforced by the RWM (LCO, Function 2, MODE 2), or must be verified by a (continuedl PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.10-32 Revision No. 17
c ___ s.-. 4..
SDM Test-ReTu~eling-B 3.10.8 d
BASES (continued) l SURVEILLANCE SR 3.'10.8.1. SR and SR 1
REQUIREMENTS 0 Functionshd 9, made applicable in this Special Operations LCO,'are required to have their L/od'2.e Surveillances met-to establish that this'Special~. Operations LCO is being met. However,' the control rod withdrawal
- sequences during the SDM tests may be enforced by the RWM (LCO, Function 2, MODE 2 requirements) a second licensed operator or other' qualified member of the technical staff. As noted, either the applicable SRs for
-l the RWM (LCO must be satisfied according to the
applicable Frequencies -(SR, or the proper movement of control; rods must be verified (SR This latter verification (i.e., SR must be performed during
'i control rod prevent deviations from the specified sequence. These surveillances provide adequate j
assurance that the specified test sequence is being followed.
i i
l SR Periodic verification of the administrative controls
- established by this LCO will ensure that the reactor is operated within the bounds of the safety analysis. The 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Frequency is intended to provide' appropriate assurance that each operating shift'is aware of and verifies compliance with these Special Operations LCO requirements.
l 1
3. I 9
'4. ~
Coupling verification is performed to ensure the control rco is connected to the control rod drive mechanism and will perform its intended function when necessary. The 1
verific: tion is required to be performed any time a control rod is withdrawn to the " full out" notch position, or prior to declaring the control rod OPERABLE after work on the control rod or CRD System that could affect coupling. This Frequency is acceptable, considering the low probability that a control rod will become uncoupled when it is not
-being moved as well as operating experience related to
-uncoupling events.
'PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.10-35 Revision No. 0 n
ww, 1
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l Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 i
I 4
i Docket Nos. 50-277 l
50-278 License Nos. DPR-44 DPR ]
Plant-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Plus Option ill Stability Trip Function Topical Report (NEDC - 32410P-A) l I
l PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report l
The section numbers and Utility Actions Required listed below are from the NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Plus Option III Stability Trip Function Topical Report NEDC-32410P-A including i
Supplement 1.
Section No.
Utility Action Required
2.3.4 Plant Uniaue or Plant-Specific Aspects The actual, current plant configuration and the proposed replacement PRNM are included in the Confirm that the actual plant configuration is PRNM LTR as follows:(Applicable LTR I
included in the variations covered in the Power sections are listed.)
Range Neutron Monitor (PRNM) Licensing Topical Report (LTR) [NEDC-32410P-A, Current Proposed Volumes 1 & 2 and Supplement 1], and the APRMs configuration altemative(s) being applied for the RBM replacement PRNM are covered by the PRNM Flow Units i
LTR. Document in the plant-specific licensing Rod Control submittal for the PRNM project the actual, ARTS current plant configuration of the replacement PanelInter. PRNM, and document confirmation that those are covered by the PRNM LTR. For any Human Factors Engineering review will be changes to the plant operator's panel, document performed as part of the normal design process.
in the submitta! the human factors review actions that were taken to confirm compatibility with existing plant commitments and procedures.
3.4 System Functions
- 1) The current tiow channel configuration consists of two flow channels, four As part of the plant-specific licensing s bmittal, transmitters ( The post the utility should document the following:
modification configuration will be four flow channels, eight transmitters ( The
- 1) The pre-modification flow channel four existing transmitters will be replaced configuration, and any changes planned with the same type of transmitter as the four (normally changes will be either adding two new ones such that all eight transmitters will channels to reach four or no change meet or exceed requirements of the Note in planned)
PRNM LTR Section 3.4.
NOTE: If transmitters are added, the
- 2) APRM trips currently applied at the plant requirements on the added transmitters are listed below along with changes should be:
planned. "Ihe " post-modification" trips will Non-safety related, but qualified be the same as those identified in the LTR, e
environmentally and seismically to including the " names" of the trips:
operate in the application "Startup High Flux Scram" Retained environment.
and renamed " Neutron Flux - High Mounted with structures equivalent or (Setdown)"(same as described in LTR) 1 e
" Flow Biased High Scram" and " Scram better than those for the currently e
installed channels.
Cl amp". Replaced with flow-biased Cabling routed to achieve separation
" Simulated Thermal Power - High" trip e
to the extent feasible using existing and a fixed " Neutron Flux - High" trip cableways and routes.
(same as described in LTR paragraph j
i l
l l
PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report f
1 Section No.
Utility Action Required
- 2) Document the APRM trips currently applied e "Downscale": Deleted (same as at the plant. Ifdifferent from those described in LTR paragraph 3.2.6).
l documented in the PRNM LTR, document "Inop". Retained, except the logic is e
plans to change to those in the LTR.
modified slightly (samt ss described in i
LTR paragraph 3.2.10).
- 3) Document the current status related to e
APRM "Non-coincidence" trip i
ARTS and the planned post modification capability: Deleted (same as described l
status as:
in LTR paragraph 3.2.7 except that l
ARTS currently implemented, and PBAPS has a WRNM instead of the e
retained in the PRNM SRM/IRM).
4 l
ARTS willbe implemented e
concurrently with the PRNM
ARTS not implemented and will not i
be implemented with the PRNM ARTS not applicable e
l Regulatory Requirements for the Replacement A review of the PBAPS requirements confirms System - System Desicri that the regulatory requirements addressed in the LTR encompass the related PBAPS The PRNM LTR identifies requirements that are requirements. Part of the normal design process expected to encompass most specific plant will also confinn that the detailed PRNM design commitments relative to the PRNM replacement meets the applicable detailed PBAPS tecimical project, but may not be complete and some may arid licensing requirements.
l not apply to a!! plants. Therefore, the utility must confirm that the requirements identified in the PRNM LTR address all of those identified in plant commitments. The plant-specific licensing submittal should identify the specific requirements applicable for the plant, confirm that any clarifications included in the PRNM l
LTR apply to the plant, and document the specific requirements that the replacement PRNM is intended to meet.
l Regulatory Requirements for the Replacement ne PRNM control room electronics are l
System -Equipment Qualification - Temperature qualified for continuous operation under the l
and Humidity following temperature conditions: 5 to 50 *C [41 to 122 'F]. Normal control room temperature is j
Plant-specific action will confirm that the 76 *F and the PBAPS temperature requirement maximum control room temperatures plus for control room equipment is 114 *F maximum.
i mounting panel temperature rise, allowing for The design process includes actions to confirm heat load of the PRNM equipment, does not that the PRNM equipment, as installed in the j
exceed the temperatures presented in the PRNM plant, is qualified for the environmental limits, 4
LTR, and that control room humidity is including temperature. The qualification results maintained within the limits stated in the PRNM will be documented in a plant unique LTR. -His evaluation will normally be
" Qualification Sununary" i.
i i
PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
accomplished by determining the operating.
temperature of the current equipment which will ne PRNM control room electronics is qualified be used as a bounding value because the heat for continuous operation under the following load of the replacement system is less than the relative humidity conditions: 10 to 90% (non.
current system while the panel structure, and condensing). He PBAPS relative %nidity thus cooling, remains essentially the same.
requirement for control room e<..up.vttt is 27 -
Documentation of the above action, including 50%, which is well within the unge iot which the specific method used for the required the PRNM equipment is qualified.
confirmation should be included in plant-specific licensing submittals. Regulatory Requirements for the Replacement The PRNM control room electronics are System -Eauipment Oualification - Pressure qualified for continuous operation under the following pressure conditions: 13 - 16 psia.
Plant-specific action will confinn that the There are no PBAPS pressure requirements for maximum control room pressure does not control room equipment, exceed the limits presented in the PRhN LTR.
Any pressure differential from inside to outside the mounting panel assumed to be neg..;ible since the panels are not scaled and there is no forced cooling or ventilation. Documentation of this action and tM required confinnation should be included in plant-spec 'ic licensing submittals. Regulatory Requirements for the Replacement The PRNM control room electronics are
, System. Ecuipment Oualification -Radiation qualified for continuous operation under the following conditions: Dose Rate 5 0.001 Rads Plant-specific action will confirm that the (carbon)/hr and Total Integrated Dose (TID) <
maximum control room radiation levels do not 1000 Rads (carbon). The PBAPS control room exceed the limits presented in the PRNM LTR.
dose rates and TID are within the qualified Documentation of this actim and the required ranges.
confirmation should be included in plant-specific licensing submittals. Regulatory Requirements for the Replacement Evaluations to confirm that the maximum System -Seismic Oualification seismic accelerations at the mounting locations of the equipment do not exceed qualification Plant-specific action or analysis will confirm limits of the equipment will be completed as part that the maximum seismic accelerations at the of the normal design change process. The mounting locations of the equipment (control qualification results will be documented in a room floor acceleration plus panel plant unique " Qualification Summary",
amplification) for both OBE and SSE spectrums l
do not exceed the limits stated in the PRNM LTR. Documentation of this action and the j
l required confirmation should be included in plant-specific licensing submittals.
i Regulatory Requirements for the Replacement Based on prevmusly performed site survey test System -EMI Oualification results, the PBAPS environment satisfies the l
conditions and limitations defined in EPRI TR-(
l :
i PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
The utility should establish or document 102323 and is within the qualification envelope l
practices to control emission sources, maintain of the PRNM equipment.
l good grounding practices and maintain equipment and cable separation.
- 1) Controlline Emissions l
The modification shall comply with PECO
- 1) Controlling Emissions Nuclear procedure NE-CG-926, which was
l a) Portable Transceivers (walkie-talkies):
developed to ensure compliance with EPRI TR-l Establish practices to prevent operation 102323. Additionally, NE-CG-926 establishes of portable transceivers in close practices for controlling RFI/EMI emissions l
proximity of equipment sensitive to such from portable transceivers, ARC welding, and emissions. (NOTE: ne qualification newly installed equipment. The modification I
levels used for the NUMAC PRNM shall be designed to minimize EMI emissions l
l exceed theise expected to result from from the new PRNMS equipment, l
portable transceivers, even ifsuch transceivers are operated immediately
- 2) Groundine Practices adjacent to the NUMAC equipment.)
There have been no problems with current PRM b) ARC Welding: Establish practices to that were traced to or suspected to be caused by i
I assure that ARC welding activities do not EMI susceptibility. Grounding for the occur in the vicinity of equipment modification shall be designed to mir.imize the sensitive to such emissions, particularly effects of EMI on the PRNMS. Walkdowns of I
during times when the potentially the PBAPS grounding system will be performed sensitive equipment is required to be to identify any conditions that would adyc.a -
operational for plant safety. (NOTE: Re impact the performance of the new NUMAL qualification levels used for NUMAC equipment. Any identified problems will be PRNM minimize the likelihood of corrected as part of the modification process.
detrimental effects dug to ARC welding The modification shall comply with PECO as long as reasonable ARC welding Nuclear specification E-131I which establish the control and shielding practices are used.)
requirements and practices for proper grounding c) Limit Emissions from New Equipment:
at PBAPS. Additionally, the modification shall Establish practices for new equipment comply with PECO Nuclear procedure NE-CG-l and plant modifications to assure that 926, which establishes practices for preper they either do not produce unacceptable groonding at PBAPS to address RFI/EMI levels of emissions, or installation concerns.
shielding, filters, grounding or other methods prevent such emissions from
- 3) Ecuipment and Cable Separation reaching other potentially sensitive Equipment location, cable routing, and cable equipment. These practices should shielding shall be designed to minimize the l
address both radiated emissions and effects of EMI on the PRNMS. The conducted emissions, particularly modification shall comply with PECO Nuclear conducted emissions on power lines and specification E-1317, which specifies PBAPS power distribution systems. Related to requirements for cable separation. Additionally, power distribution, both the effects of the modification shall comply with PECO new equipment injecting noise on the Nuclear procedures NE-CG-926 and NE-256, power system and the power system which establish practices for proper separation conducting noise to the connected of equipment and cables at PB APS to minimize equipment should be addressed. (NOTE:
the effects of F.MI.
For the qualification of the PRNM equipment includes emissions testing.)
PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
- 2) Grounding Practices a) Existing Grounding System: The specific details and effectiveness of the original grounding systemin BWRs varied significantly. As part of the modification process, identify any known or likely problem areas based on previous experience andinclude in the modification program either an evaluation step to determine if problems actually exist, or include corrective action as part of the modification.
(NOTE:The PRNM equipmentis being installed in place of existing PRM electronics which is generally more sensitive to EMI than the NUMAC equipment. As long as the plant has experienced no significant problems with the PRM, no problems are anticipated with the PRNM provided grounding is done in a comparable manner.)
b) Grounding Practices for New Modifications: New plant modifications process shouldinclude a specific evaluation of grounding methods to be used to assure both that the new equipmentis installed in a way equivalent to the conditions used in the qualification. (NOTE: NUMAC PRNM equipment qualification is performed in a panel assembly comparable to that used in the plant.)
- 3) Equipment and Cable Separation a) Cabling: Establish cabling practices to assure that signal cables with the potential to be " receivers" are kept separate from cables that are sources of noise. (NOTE: The original PRM cable installation requirements met this objective. The replacement PRNM uses the same cable routes and paths, so unless some specific problem has been identified in the current system, no special action should be necessary for the PRNM modification.)
b) Equipment: Establish equipment l
l PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report l
l Section No.
Utility Action Required
separation and shielding practices for the installation of new equipment to simulate that equipment's qualification condition.
l both relative to susceptibility and emissions. (NOTE: The original PRM cabinet design met this objective. The replacement PRNM uses the same mounting cabinet, and used an equivalent mounting assembly for qualification. No special action should be necessary for the PRNM modification.)
The plant-specipe licensing submittals should identify the practices that are in place or will be applied for the PRNM modification to address each of the above items.
6.6 System Failure Analysis 1.
Events analyzed for PBAPS in which credit i
for the APRM scram function is taken, as The utility must confirm applicability of the documented in the Updated Final Safety failure analysis conclusions contained in the Analysis Report and the Safe Shutdown l
PRNM LTR by the following actions:
Analysis, are encompassed by the events listed in Appendices F and G of Reference l
Confirm that the events defined in EPRI 11 of the PRNM LTR.
Report No. NP-2230 or in Appendices F and G of Reference 11 of the PRNM LTR, 2.
The proposed PRNM configuration is encompass the events that are analyzed for included among the configurations the plant; described in the PRNM LTR, as itemized under Section 2.3.4 above. The proposed 2.
Confirm that the configuration implemented configuration is being designed by GE and by the plant is within the limits described in is within the limits described in the LTR.
the LTR; and 3.
A plant-specific 10CFR50.59 evaluation of 3.
Prepare a plant-specific 10CFR50.59 the proposed modification will be prepared evaluation of the modification per the and approved as part of the normal design applicable plant procedures.
These confirmations and conclusions should be documented in the plant-specific licensing submittals for the PRNM modification.
[ Reference 11 of the LTR is NEDC-30851P-A,
" Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Reactor Protection System", Licensing l
Topical Report, GE Nuclear Energy, Class III l
(proprietary). dated March 1988.]
7.6 Imt.act on UFSAll Applicable sections of the UFSAR will be
reviewed and appropriate revisions of hose t
The plant-specific action reqaired for FSAR sections will be prepared and approved as part of 3-i 1
l PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required -
updates will vary between plants. In all cases, the normal design process. Following however, existing FSAR documents should be implementation of the design modification, and reviewed to identify areas that have descriptions closure of the design package, the UFSAR specific to the current PRNM using the general revisions will be submitted to the NRC and guidance of Sections 7.2 through 7.5 of the included in the updated UFSAR as part of the PRNM LTR to identify potential areas impacted.
routine UFSAR update submittal.
The utility should include in the plant-specific licensing.sabmitral a statement of the plans for updating the plant FSAR for the PRNM project. APRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Functions 1.
The PRNM modification deletes the RPS Covered by Tech Soecs APRM Downscale function consistent with the PRNM LTR. The proposed Tech Spec i
Delete the APRM Downscale function,if and Bases change deletes all APRM
currently used, from the RPS Downscale function entries.
Instrumentation " function" table, the related 2.
Consistent with the PRNM LTR, the PRNM surveillance requirements, and,if modification replaces the "APRM Flow applicable, the related setpoint, and related Biased High Scram" and " Scram Clamp" descriptions in the bases sections.
trip functions with the "APRM Simulated Thermal Power-High" and the "APRM 2.
Delete the APRM Flow-biased Neutron Neutr n Flux - High" trip functions. The Flux Upscale function, if currently used, Proposed Tech Spec and Bases change from the RPS Instrumentation " function" HW 18 replacement. APRM AUowabe table, the related surveillance requirements, Values and setpoints have been recalculated and, if applicable, the related setpoint, and by GE. The results of these calculations are related descriptions in the bases sections.
re lected in the pmposed Tech Spec Replace these with the corresponding
- ""E **
The Analytical Limit for the " Scram j
High functions. Perform analysis necessary Clamp" is retained as the "APRM Neutron to establish setpoints for added trips.
Flux - High" Analytical Limit since those two Functions are equivalent. Based on this 3.
Add the APRM Neutron Flux - High Analytical Limit, the Allowable Value for (Setdown) function, if not currently used, to the "APRM Neutron Flux - High" function
the RPS Instrumentation " function" ta' ale, has been recalculated b: sed on the add the related surveillance requirements, improved specifications of the PRNM and, f applicable, the related setpoints, and system and increased. The increased value related descriptions in the bases sections.
is shown in the Tech Spec markups.
Perform analysis necessary to establish There is no specific safety credit for the for setpoints for aaded trips.
the "APRM Flow Biased High Scram"in the original design, nor for the "APRM Simulated Thermal Power - High" function in the replacement PRNM. Herefore, the Allowable Value is based on engineering judgment to balance benefits of providing additional margin for transients initiated at reduced flow conditions and the potential i
for inadvertent trips. Based on engineering i i
PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
judgment, a design bases " analytical limit" of 2% lower than the value for the APRM Neutron Flux - High function has been established. The design bases for the STP flow biased scram equation has been l
established to provide the same " flow intercept"(approximately 81% rated flow) as the current equation for the "APRM Flow Biased High Scram". With those limits, the Allowable Values for the clamp and flow biased portions of the "APRM Simulated Thermal Power - High" have been calculated using the improved performance specifications of the PRNM. Those calculated values are included in the Tech.
Spec. markup.
The APRM Neutron Flux Upscale (Setdown) Trip is currently in PBAPS's Tech Specs identified as "Startup High Flux Scram". The PRNM modification retains the function unchanged except for the name. The proposed Tech Spec and Bases change for this function is limited to changing the name. However, the Allowable Value for this function has been recalculated based on the improved PRNM performance specifications with the revised I
value shown in the Tech. Spec. markup.
i i APRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Minimum 1.
The PRNM modification and the proposed Number of Or>erable APRM Channels Tech Spec and Bases change implement the changes as described the PRNM LTR for a 1.
For the 4-APRM channel replacement
" larger core" plant. PBAPS Tech Specs configuration, revise the RPS include no notes related to APRM calling Instrumentation " function" table to show 3 for removal of she.Qe links, so no related APRM channels, shared by both trip note changes are required. Similarly, systems for each APRM function shown PBAPS is a " larger core" plant, m no note (after any additions or deletions per PRNM changes related to "LPRMs from 'other' LTR Paragraph Add a "2-out-of-4 APRMs" are necessary.
Voter" function with two channels under the 2.
Action statement changes m.the proposed l
" minimum operable channels". For plants Tech Spec change are consistent with the I
with Tech Specs that include a footnote PRNM LTR desenbed changes for plants calling for removing shorting links, rcraove utihzmg ISTS. PBAPS has previously the references to the footnote related to switched to the ISTS format and APRM (retain references for SRM and implemented the " Reference 11"(to the IRM) and delete any references to APRM 8-
PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
channels in the footnote. For smaller core PRNM LTR) changes.
plants, delete the notes for and references t 3.
The proposed Tech Spec Bases changes special conditions related to loss of all include revisions to the descriptions of the LPRMs from the "other" APRM.
architecture, consistent with the PRNM 2.
Review action statements to see if changes are required. If the improvements documented in Reference 11 have not been implemented, then changes will likely be required to implement the 12-hour and 6-hour operation times discussed above for fewer than the minimum required channels.
IfImproved Tech Specs are applied to the plant, action statements remain unchanged.
Revise the Bases section as needed to replace the descriptions of the current 6. or 8-APRM channel systems and bypass capability with a corresponding description of the 4-APRM system,2-out-of-4 Voter channels (2 per RPS system), and allowed one APRM bypass total. APRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Applicable 1.
The current PB APS already includes the Modes of Orieration
" Neutron Flux - High (Setdown)" function under the name of"Startup High Flux
- 1) APRM Neutron Flux - Hich (Setdown)
Scram". The PRNM modification changes Change Tech Spec " applicable modes" the name of the function only to be entry, if required, to be Mode 2 (startup).
consistent with the PRNM LTR. The Delete references to actions and proposed Tech Spec and Bases changes are surveillance requirements associated with consistent with this name change and the other modes. Delete any references to notes PRNM LTR.
associated with "non-coincidence" mode 2.
Consistent with the PRNM LTR, the and correct notes as required. Revise Bases PBAPS PRNM modification replaces the descriptions as required.
"APRM Flow Biased Neutron Flux Upscale Trip" and " Scram Clamp" trip functions and
Retain as is unless this function is being added to replace the APRM Flow-biased
- ' ' "Y " *
" * * " "* - High ' trip functions, both of Neutron Flux Trip. In that case, add which apply m. Mode 1 (RUN) only. The requirement for operation in Mode 1 (RUN)
PmPosed Tech Spec and Bases changes are and add or modify Bases descriptions as consistent with this replacement and with
'*9" the PRNM LTR.
- 3) APRM Neutron Flux - Hieh 3.
See response for item 2.
Retain as is unless thi: nmetion is being 4.
No changes are required in the " applicable added to replace the APRM Flow-biased modes" for the APRM Inop Trip function as l l
l PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
Neutron Flux Trip. In that case, add a result of the PRNM modification. The requirement for operation in Mode 1 (RUN) proposed Tech Spec and Bases changes for and add or modify Bases descriptions as the Inop function are consistent with the required.
- 4). APRM Inoo Trio Delete any requirements for operation in modes other than Mode I and Mode 2 (RUN and STARTUP). Revise the Bases descriptions as needed. APRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Channel a) The PBAPS Tech Specs already include a Checks / Instrument Checks once-per-12-hour Channel Check -
requirement, which will be retained. The a) For plants without Channel Check proposed Tech Spec and Bases changes for l
requirements, add once per 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> or once the Channel Check SR are consistent with per day Channel Check or Instrument the PRNM LTR.
Check requirement for the three APRM b) He PRNM modification for PBAPS adds flux based functions. No Channel Check two additional recirculation flow channels.
requirements are added for APRM Inop The proposed Tech Spec and Bases changes function. Plants with once per 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> or for the recirculation flow related SRs are once per shift requirements may change entistent with the PRNM LTR.
them to once per day.
b) For plants with 4 full recirculation flow channels and with Tech Specs that call for daily or other channel check requirements I
for flow comparisons under APRM Flow Biased Simulated Thennal Power Trip, delete those requirements. Move any note reference related to verification of flow signals to Channel Functional Test entry.
l l APRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Channel The current PBAPS Tech Spec include Functional Tests implementation of the surveillance improvements in Reference 11 to the PRNM a) Delete existing channel functional test LTR and a weekly surveillance, independent of requirements and replace with a APRM, that includes the scram contactors.
requirement for a Channel 7unctional Test a) The proposed Tech Spec and Bases changes frequency of each 184 dr;;. (6 months) related to Channel Functional Tests are
[ delete any specific requirement related to c nsistent with the PRNM LTR.
startup or shutdown except for the APRM Neutron Flux - High (Setdown) function as b) The proposed Tech Spec and Bases changes need in Paragraph of t'.e to Channel Functional Tests for the APRM l
PR NM LTR. Add a notation that'uoth the
' Simulated Thermal Power - High function lt Al-RM channels and the 2-out-of-4 Voter includes a notation, consistent v.nh the channels are to be included in the Channel PRNM LTR, that the SR ' includes the
-10 l
l PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
Functional Test.
recirculation flow input processing, excluding the flow transmitters.
b) - Add a notation for the APRM Simulated Thermal Power - High function that the test shall include the recirculation flow input processing, excluding the flow transmitters.
CAUTION: Plants Act have not implemented the APRM surveillanne improvements of Reference 11 of the PRNM LTR, or those that have continued to use a weekly surveillance of Scram contactors, may need to implement or modify surveillance actions to continue to 4
provide a once per week functional test of scram
contactors. (Prior to changes defined in Reference 11, the weekly APRM functional test also provides a weekly test of all automatic scram contactors.) APRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Channel a) Tiie pro [' i fech Spec and Bases changes Calibrations related to Channel Calibration for the APRM functions include an increase in the a) Replace current calibration interval with interval to 24 months, with no calibration either 18 or:4 months except for APRM required for the Inop function, consistent Inop. Retain Inop requirement as is (i.e., no with the PRNM LTR.
requirement for olibration).
b) Prior to the PRNM modification, the A
ech Specs included a separate SR b) Delete any requirement for flow calibration f r calibration of the recirculation flow and calibration of the 6 second time transmitters, but included no requirement constant separate from overall calibration of f r calibration of the 6-second time constant the APRM Simulated Thermal Power f r the Simulated Thermal Power (which Upscale Trip' did not apply to PBAPS prior to the PRNM m dification). Consistent with the PRNM c) Replace every 3 day frequency for LTR, the proposed Tech Spec and Bases calibration of APRM power against thermal changes delete the separate flow calibration power with a 7 day frequency if applicable.
requirement and add notations to the Channel Calibration for the APRM d) Revise Bases text as required.
Simulated Thermal Power - High function to include requirements for calibration of the recirculation flow transmitter and flow processing function. tto requirements for calibration of the 6-second time constant are included.
c) The current PBAPS Tech Specs include a "once-per-7-day" frequency for thc l
calibration of APRM power against calculated plant thermal power, so no.
PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report i
Section No.
Utility Action Required
change in this frequency is required to be consistent with the PRNM LTR.
d) The proposed Tech Spec Bases changes related to Channel Calibrations are consistent with the PRNM LTR.
i APRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Response The proposed Tech Spec and Bases changes Time Testine related to Response Time Testing are consistent with the PRNM LTR except for a minor change Delete response time testing requirement from in the extent of the 2-out-of-4 voter scram Tech Specs or plant procedures, as applicable, function test. The response time testing for the APRM functions. Replace it with a requirement for the 2-out-of-4 Voter " pseudo"
response time testing requirement for the 2-out-function will not include the outout solid-state of-4 Voter " pseudo" function, to include the relays of the voter channel, but vill include all
' output solid-state relays of the voter channel RPS logic (relays) through the final RPS trip j
through the final RPS trip channel contactors.
channel contactors. This scope of the Response Time Test is consistent with PBAPS's current Frequency of response time testing shall be Response Time Testing requirements fer the l
determined using four 2-out-of-4 Voter NMS, as applied to the PRNM configuration.
channels, but tests may alternate use of 2-out-of.
4 Voter outputs provided each APRM/RPS The frequency of response time testing of the 2-interfacing relay is tested at least once per eight out-of-4 voter scram function will not be on a refueling cycles (based on a maximum 24 month staggered test basis. As a result, all voter cycle), and each RPS scram contactor is tested at outputs will be response time tested every 24 least once per four refueling cycles. Each 2-out-months.
of-4 Voter output shall be tested at no less than half the frequency of the tests of the APRM/RPS interface relays. Tests shall alternate such that one logic train for each RPS trip system is tested every two cycles. APRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Logic Consistent with the PRNM LTR, the proposed System Functional Testine (LSFT)
Tech Spec change deletes the requirement for LSFT surveillances for all APRM functions Revise Tech Specs to change the interval for except the 2-out-of-4 voter function. The LSFT LSFT from 18 months to 24 months unless the requirement for that function is included at a 24-utility elects to retain the 18-month interval for month interval.
plant scheduling purposes. Delete any LSFT requirements associated with the APRM channels and move it to the 2-out-of-4 Voter channel. Include testing of the 2-out-of-4 voting logic and any existing LSFTs covering RPS relays.
l APRM Related RPS Trio Functions - Setpoints ARTS has already been trnplemented at PBAPS~
and will be retained in the PRNM. New PRNM i-l Add to or delete from the appropriate document setpoints for flow-biased APRM scram and rod any changed RPS setpoint information. If block and for power-biased RBM trips have l
-12r p
PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utihty Action Required
ARTS is being implemented concurrently with been calculated by GE using NRC approved the PRNM modification, either include the setpoint methodology. The Allowable Values related Tech Spec submittal information v.ith the for the APRM RPS functions will be included in PRNM information in the plant-specific the Tech Specs, equivalent to what is cu rently submittal, or reference the ARTS submittal in in the PBAPS Tech Specs and consistent with the PRNM submittal. In theplant-specific the PRNM LTR. Rod block values will be licensing submittal, identify what changes, if included in either the COLR or Technical any, are being implemented and identif" the Requirements Manual equivalent to those in the basis or method used for the calculation of current PBAPS documents.
setpoints and where the setpoint information or changes will be recorded. OPRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Functions Because the proposed Tech Spec change does Covered by Tech Soees not request changes 'o implement the OPRM trip functions at this time, no confirmations of action Add the OPRM Upscale function as an "APRM are required at this time.
function" in the RPS Instrumentation " function' table. Also add the related surveillance requirements and, if applicable, the related
setpoint, and the related descriptions in the bases sections. Perform analysis necessary to establish setpoints for the OPRM Upscale trip. Add discussions related to the OPRM function in the Bases for the APRM Inop ar.d 2-out-of-4 Voter l
NOTE: The markups in Appendix H of Supplement I to the PRNM LTR show the OPRM Upscale as an APRM sub-function.
However, individual plants may determine that -
for their particular situation, addition of the OPRM to the RPS Iastrumentation table separate from the APRM, or as a separate Tech Spec, better meets their needs. In those cases, the basis elements of the Tech Spec as shown in this Supplement would remain, but the specific implementation would be different. OPRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Minimum Because the proposed Tech Spec change does Number of Operable OPRM Channels not request changes to implement the OPRM trip functions at this time, no confirmations of action For the OPRM functions added (Section 8.4.1),
are required at this time.
include in the OPRM Tech Spec a " minimum operable channels" requirement for three OPRM 3
channels, shared by both trip systems.
Add the same action statements as for the APRM Neution Hux -!!igh function for OPRM Upscale function. In addition, add a new action
PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
statement for OPRM Upscale function unavailable per Paragraph of the PRNM LTR.
Revise the Bases section as needed to add descriptions of the 4-OPRM system with 2-out-of-4 output Voter channels (2 per RPS Trip System), and allowed one OPRM bypass total. OPRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Applicable Because the proposed Tech Spec change does Modes of Operatiga not request changes to implement the OPRM trip functions at this time, no confirmations of action Add the requirement for operation of the OPRM are required at this time.
Upscale function in Mode 1 (RUN) when Thermal Power is 2 25% RTP, and add Bases descriptions as required. OPRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Channel Because the proposed Tech Spec change does Check not request changes to implement the OPRM trip functions at this time, no confinnations of action l
Add once per 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> or once per day Channel are required at this time.
Check or Instrument Check requirements for the OPRM Upscale function.
l i OPRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Channel Because the proposed Tech Spec change does Functional Test not request changes to implement the OPRM trip functions at this time, no confirmations of action Add Channel Functional Test requirements with are required at this time.
a requirement for a test frequency of every 184 days (6 months), including the 2-out-of-4 Voter function.
Add a " confirm auto-enable region" surveillance on a once per outage basis up to 24 month intervals.
8.4.4.l.4 OPRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Channel Because the proposed Tech Spec change does Calibration not request changes to implement the OFRM trip functions at this time, no confirmations of action Add calibration interval requirement of every 24 are required at this time.
months for the OPRM Upscale function.
Revise Bases text as required. OPRM Related RPS Trip Functions - Response Because the proposed Tech Spec change does Time Testine not request changes to implement the OPRM trip functions at this time, no confirmations of action Modify as necessary the response time testing are required at this time.
procedure for the 2-out-of-4 Voter function to include the Voter OPRM output solid - e relays ar, part of the response time test.,
alternating testing of the Voter OPRM output
. =-
i b
1 PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
with the Voter APRM output.
OPRM-Related RPS Trip Functions - Logic Because the proposed Tech Spec change does i
System Functional Testing RSFT) not request changes to implement the OPRM trip functions at this time, no confirmations of action Add requirement for LSFT every refueling are required at this time.
cycle,18 or 24 months at the utility's option based on which best fits plant scheduling.
l OPRM-Related RPS Trio Functions - Setpoints Because the proposed Tech Spec change does not request changes to impicment the OPRM trip Add setpoint information to the appropriate functions at this time, no confirmations of action document and identify in the plant-specific are required at this time.
submittal the basis or method used for the caln lation and where the setpoint information will be recorded.
l APRM-Related Control Rod Block Functions -
ARTS has already been implemented at PBAPS
Functions Covered by Tech Specs and will be retained in the new PRNM System.
If ARTS will be implemented concurrently with PBAPS Tech Specs currently do not contain any I
the PRNM modification, include or reference APRM rod block functions. They have been those changes in the plant-specific PRNAf moved to the PBAPS TRM.
submittal. Implement the applicable portion of the above described changes via modifications PB APS Tech Specs currently have the following to the Tech Specs and related procedures and RBM rod block functions:
documents. In theplant-specryic submittal, 1.
Low Power Range - Upscale identify functions currently in the plant Tech 2.
Intermediate Power Range - Upscale Specs and which,if any, changes are being 3.
High Power Range - Upscale implemented. For any functions deleted from 4 Inop Tech Specs, identify where setpoint and 5.
Downscale surveillance requirements will be documented.
Bypass Time Delay NOTE: A utility may choose not to delete some or all of the items identified in the PRNM LTR The proposed Tech Spec and Bases change from the plant Tech Specs.
deletes the " Bypass Time Delay" function, consistent with the PRNM LTR. In addition, the RBM "Downscale" function has been deleted, the surveillance and operability requirements for each RBM " power range" have been modified, and the operability requirement for the "inop" function, has been modified.
The deletion of the RBM Downscale function is intended to simplify the Tech Spec by deleting a function that has no significant value in the replacement digital system due to differences in the equipment. This differeace %s not recognized at the tiene the NUMAC PRNM LTR was prepared. so this 3ction was not addressed in the LTR. is a more PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
detailed discussion of the justification for this deletion.
The RBM downscale trip function will detect substantial reductions in the RBM local flux after a " null" is completed (a " null" occurs after a new rod selection). His function, in combination with the RBM inop function, was intended, in the original system, to detect problems with or abnormal conditions in the RBM equipment and system. However, no credit is taken for the RBM downscale trip function in the establishment of the RBM upscale trip analytical limits or setpoint values.
In the original analog RBM, the inclusion of a "downscale" function in addition to the inop function had some merit in that the analog equipment had some failure modes that could result in a reduction of signal, but not a full failure. Unlike other neutron monitoring system downscale tunctions (e.g., the APRM downscale), there are no normal operating cenditions which are intended to be detected by the downscale function. Herefore, the RBM downscale function is in fact part of the overall RBM *inop" function.
The replacement of the original analog RBM equipment with the NUMAC digital RBM results in all of the original analog processing being replaced by digital processing. One effect of this change is to eliminate the types of failures that can reasonably be detected by the downscale trip function. In addition, the "inop" function is enhanced in the NUMAC RBM by the use of automatic self-test and other internal logic to increase the detectability of failures and abnormal conditions that can occur in the digital equipment and to directly included these in the RBM Inop function.
Therefore, in the NUMAC ARTS RBM, there is no inc emental value or beuefit provided by se RBM downscale trip function. Consistent with the everall thrust of the improved Tech Specs to elimir. ate "no value" requirements, the RBM downscale trip function is being removed
I l
PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Teclion No.
UtiEity Action Required Response -
from the Technical Specifications, as is its related discussion in the Bases. The RBM Inop function is being retained.
1 The surveillance and operability requirements for each RBM " power range" and the operability requirement for the "inop" function are being modified to clarify that the requirement for each range is that the applicable limits (i.e., Low l
Power Range limit, Intermediate Power Range limit, and High Power Range limit) be effective when the power is at or above the lower power limit for each range (the local power increase limit becomes more restrictive as the RBM power " range" increases), and that the "inop" function must be operable under any condition that requires one of ti.; power range limits to be operable. The previous wording implied that the j
transition from each RBM " range" to the next had to occur at an exact % of RTP whereas the j
real requirement is that above the lower
" threshold" values, the more restrictive limit needs to be in force (i.e., the limit associated with the higher power range). These additional surveillance and operability requirements clarifications are consistent with the PRNM LTR and result in no functional changes in the equipment performance or operational limits. APRM-Related Control Rod Block Functions -
See above. No additional confirmation Minimum Number of Operfle Control Rod of action required relative to minimum operable Block Channels channels as shown in the Tech Specs beyond that required by above.
Change the minimum number of APRM channels to three, if APRM functions are The APRM rod block functions are listed in the retained in Tech Specs. No additional action is TRM. In the TRM, the minimum number of required relative to minimum operable channels APRM channels will be changed to three.
beyond that required by Paragraph of the PRNM LTR. APRM-Related Control Rod Block Functions -
See above. No additional confirmation Applicable Modes of Opera + ion of action required relative to applicable modes of operation as shown in the Tech Specs beyond No action required relative to modes during that required by above.
which the function must be available beyond i
l that required by Paragraph of the PRNM The APRM rod b'ock functions are listed in the i
LTR unless APRM functions are retained in TRM. There are currently no operability l
Tech Specs and include operability requirements iequiremen:s in Mode 5, so no additional L
for Mode 5. In that case, delete such changes are required to the TRM.
I t
i PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
l requirements.
{ APRM-Related Control Rod Block Functions -
PB.APS Tech Specs currently do not contain any Required Surveillances and Calibration -
APRM rod block functions.
Channel Check PBAPS Tech Specs currently do not contain Delete any requirements for instrument or Channel Check requirements for the RBM rod channel checks related to RBM and, where block functions. Therefore, no change to applicable, recirculation flow rod block PBAPS Tech Spe s is required to implement the functions (non-ARTS plants), and APRM PRNM LTR requ ements.
functions. Identify in the plant-specific PRNM submittals if any checks are currently included The TRM currently u.-ludes Channel Check l
in Tech Specs, and confirm that they are being requirements for the Al LM rod block functions.
f deleted.
Rose requirements w% be deleted as part of the PRNM modification APRM-Related Control Rod Block Functions -
He proposed Tech ipec change changes the Required Surveillances and Calibration -
RBM rod block channel functional test i
Channel Functional Test frequency to once per 184 days.
Change Channel Functional Test requirements to PBAPS Tech Specs currently do not contain any identify a frequency of every 184-days (6 APRM rod block functions. The Channel j
Functional Test frequency for the APKM rod block functions will be changed to once per 184 In the plant-specific licensing submittal, identify days in the TRM.
current Tech Spec test frequencies that will be changed to 184 days (6 months). APRM-Related Control Rod Block Functions -
The proposed Tech Spec change changes the Required Surveillances and Calibration -
RBM rod block channel calibration frequency to Channel Calibrations once per 24 months.
Change channel calibration requirements to PBAPS Tech Specs currently do not contain any identify a frequency of every 24 months. In the APRM rod block functions. He Channel plant-specific licensing submittal, identify Calibration frequency for the APRM rod block current Tech Spec test frequencies that will be functions will be changed to once per 24 months changed to 24 months.
in toe TRM. APRM-Related Control Rod Block Functions -
PBAPS Tech Specs currently do not contain any j
Required Surveillances and Calibration -
APRM rod block functions. There currently are Response Time Testing no response time testing requirements in the j
TRM and none will be added.
i None. APRM-Related Control Rod Block Functions -
PBAPS Tech Specs currently do not contain any Required Surveillances and Cahbration - Logic APRM rod block functions. Then currently are System Functional Testing (LSFT)
APRM Control Rod Block logic system functioni te: ting requicement: in t!.e TFM No..a.
Those wi!i oc reduced in :a. ope ci deleted consisten with the APRM scram function LSFT scope..
g i
PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
Response APRM-Related Control Rod Block Functions -
ARTS has already been implemented at PBAPS Required Surveillances and Calibration -
and will be retained by the new PRNM System.
Setnoints RBM and APRM rod block serpoints are based Add to or delete from the appropriate document on setpoint calculations performed for PBAPS any changed control rod block setpoint by GE using NRC approved setpoint information. If ARTS is being implemented methodology. The actual setpoints defined in concurrently with the PRNM modification, the related PECO setpoint calculation documents either include the related Tech Spec submittal and are included in the applicable I&C information with the PRNM information in the procedures.
plant-specific submittal, or teference the ARTS submittal in the PRNM submittal. In the plant-specific submittal, identify what changes, if any, are being implemented and identify the basis or method used for calculation of setpoints and where the setpoint information or changes will be recorded.
8.6.2 Shutdown Marcin Testinc - Refueline The proposed Tech Spec and Bases change includes changes to TS 3.10.8, Shutdown As applicable, revise the Shutdown Margin Margin Test - Refuel, to be consistent with the Testing - Refueling (or equivalent Tech Spec) post-modification PRNM architecture and LCO(s), action statements, surveillance functionalidentities.
requirements and Bases as required to be consistent with the APRM Tech Spec changes implemented for PRNM.
None Recirculation Loops Operatine Review of TS 3.4.1, Recirculating Loops Operating, identified that the LCO 3.4.1 and the No action identified in the PRNM LTR.
associated Bases include references to " Average Power Range Monitors Flow Biased High Scram". To be consistent with the revised architecture and trip functions in the PRNM, those references need to be changed to " Average Power Range Monitors Simulated Thermal Power - High". In addition, the Bases discussion for Action A.1 identifies that a minimum of 4 APRM channels are to be monitored. This is consistent with the minimum of 4 APRM channels (2 per trip system) that were required to be operable for the RPS functions of the original PRM system, but should be changed to 3 APRM channels for the PRNM system.
These changes are included in the proposed Tech Spec. and Bases change and, although not directly addreneri in the PRNM LTR, are consistent with the remainder of the PRNM
-19 1.
l PBAPS-Specific Responses Required by NUMAC PRNM Retrofit Topical Report Section No.
Utility Action Required
i 9.1.3 Utility Ouality Assurance Procram Quality a surance lequirements for work
performed at PBAPS are defined and described As part of the plant-specific licensing submittal, in PECO Nuclear Quality Assurance Plan.
l the utility should document the established l
program that is applicable to the project For the PRNM modification, PECO Nuclear has modification. The submittal should also contracted with GE to include the following document for the project what scope is being PRNM scope: 1) design,2) hardware / software, performed by the utility and what scope is being
- 3) modification instruction,4) licensing support, supplied by others. For scope supplied by
- 5) training,6) O&M manuals and design others, document the utility actions taken or documentation, 7) stability indicator, 8) seismic planned to define or establish requirements for qualification of the NMS panel,9) EMI/RFI the project, to assure those requirements are qualification, and 10) NMS setpoint compatible with the plant-specific configuration.
Actions taken or planned by the utility to assure I
compatibility of the GE quality program with On-site engineering work to incorporate the GE-j the utility program should also be documented.
provided design information into an Engineering Change Request (ECR) or to provide any Utility planned level of participation in the supponing, interface design changes will be overall V&V process for the project should be performed per requirements of applicable PECO documented, along with utility plans for Nuclear /PBAPS procedures. Modification work software configuration management and to implement the design change will be -
provision to support any required changes after perfomied per PECO Nuclear /PBAPS delivery should be documented.
procedures or PECO Nuclear /PBAPS-approved t
contractor procedures. PECO Nuclear has participated and will continue to participate m i
appropriate reviews of GE's design and V&V program for the PRNM modification.
For software delivered in the form of hardware (EPROMs), PECO Nuclear currently intends to have GE maintain post delivery configuration control of the actual source code and handle any changes. PECO Nuclear will then handle any changes in the EPROMs as hardware changes under its applicable hardware modification procedures.
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