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Public Version of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, Including Rev 8 to EP-201, Technical Support Ctr Activation & Rev 8 to EP-202, Operations Support Ctrs Activation
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/18/1985
Shared Package
ML20137Z490 List:
PROC-851118-01, NUDOCS 8512110320
Download: ML20137Z504 (229)



 .                                                                                                                    ~.
  • YEP-201
         .                                                                                              Pige 1 of,2';, Fev. 8
                                                                                                                            . . ?JT:clg PHILACELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY                                                         /gh-[d PEACH BOITOM UNI'IS 2 AND 3 DERGENCY PIAN IMPLDENTING PIOCEIL'RE m,

EP-201 'IEODTICAL SUPPORT CENTER ('ISC) ACTIVATIOT - - PURPOSE .s To describe the instructicns and acticms regaired for the activation. manning, s,

           'and operaticn of the Technical Support Center ('lSC). The ' SC is located cm the s

third floor of Unit 1. ACrIO! LEVEL Activate the ISC when an event has been classified as an Alert, Site Energency, or' General E=ergency in accordance with EP-101, Classificaticn of Emergeneles,. or at the discreticn of the Emergency Director. ~' PREX2UTIONS a

g. l

1.0 Verify TSC t c' t ' e C itable while the iSC - Og I' L% " L : 2

2. 0 "sintain account j s ff porting to the TSC '

throughout the incident. ' ..' s . -


3.0 Ensure 'SC wntilaticn system is cperating in the recirculaticn/HEPA sede and that air samples are taken periodically to =casure potential airborne

  • centaminaticn. Also, insure routine mcnitoring of Ping 2A mcnitor.  %

4.0 Ensure that pertinent acticns and notificatiens are legged. An official log i,s located in the Technical Suppet Center and indicated as sud.. PIOCEIIIRE 1.0 IMEDIATE ACTIO'S:


s 1.1 Erergency Director shall: _ s 1.1.1 Assign cce of the on-shift I&C technicians to perform the sterm outlined in Secticn 1.2 of these I:n ediate Actions. ' N 1.1.2 Assign an individual the duties of Cc=unicator and direct the ' individual to perform the steps outlined in Secticn 1.3 cf


u these I:rediate Acticns. ' C0].. . _ . . a e pr.

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                                                                                                   " - ~ n-    . 2 A-2                                          s 8S?'2110320 851118 PDF,     ADOCK 05000277 F                       PDR                                                                 *                                                        .

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ll p-201 3 Page 2 of 25. Rev. 8 1.1.3 Direct the first HP stiaff member that arrives at the TSC to m . perform the steps outlined in Secticn 4.0 of these Inunediate Acticris.

                                                -1.1.4 Direct the first Test Engineer staff member that arrives at the TSC to perform the steps outlined in Secticm 5.0 of these Innediate Actions.

1.1.5 Obtain continmus status updates en plant conditions from the Control Rom and maintain a log of significant events and actiCns.

a. Date and Time b .- Significant Event
c. Sipificant Acticns l.1.6 Provide briefings en the emergency and pertinent plant
                                                                        . conditions to appropriate TSC staff upon their arrival.

1.1.7 Inform the Centrol Rocan that the TSC is operaticnal upon r completion of steps outlined in Secticn 2.0 and 3.0 of these Inmediate Acticns. Announce activatien of the TSC when all s Team Leaders are present or in charge. . 1.1.8 Ensure that the manning and operation of the TSC is in

( accordance with the Follow Up Actions of this procedure.

l.2 On-Shift I&C Technician shall: 1.2.1 Go to the guardhouse, pick up the emergency key ring, and proceed to Unit 1 using one of the dedicated Isc vehicles g' parked in the ccmpany vehicle Area. Keys for these vehicles are in guardhouse.


1.2.2 Use attached Appendix D-201-1 to turn en lighting, INAC, radiation monitors, and closed circuit iv monitors in both the EOF and TSC. l i 1.2.3 Inform the Emergency Director when TSC/ET equip:ent set-up is cceplete and of any equignent problems. 1.2.4 Remain at the TSC as the Data Display operator. Man the TV camera station in the TSC and perform any needed request frca 1 the Emergency Director. - Use Appendix N-201-10 for TV mcnitor  ; j , operation instructions.

              ..                                                                                                                                                                                  )

1.3 Dnergency Director Ccammcicator shall: 1.3.1 Using Appendix D-201-12 (TSC Telet t one Checkoff List), verify ccanunications capability exists from the Technical Support Center. '\ i < /

  • p-201 Page 3 of 25, Rev. 8 1.3.2 Inform the Emergency Director when the cxxnmtnicaticns capabilities have been verified or of any discrepancies.

1.3.3' Man comunicaticns lines as directed by the Ercergency Director and maintain a Comunications Iog containing information remived from and sent to Energency Centers and offsite ' agencies. . The log shall incitx5e as a minimtn the follcuing information:

a. Date and Time (use 24 hour time notaticn) l
                            . b. Messages received or sent
c. Name of person information was received or sedt to
d. Name and initials of person making entries
  • 1.3.4 Inform the Emergency Director pecaptly of all informaticn  !

received frca site groups and offsite agencies. 1.4 First EP Staff Member shall: 1.4.1 Perform the steps outlined on Appendix E-201-2 and reprt l ccmpletion to the Emergency Director. 1.5 First Test Engineer shall: , 1 1.5.1 Perform the steps outlined on Appendix D -201-3 and, upon empletion, inform the Emergency Director that UD distribution has tegun. 1.6 Perscnnel Safety Team Leader shall: > 1.6.1 Provide nemssary personnel and on-site radiaticn status. 1.6.2 Assign assistants as necessary to man the site Radiological Status Board. ,

                                                                                .                                    0 1.6.3 Coordinate with the HP&C OSC for cn-site radiaticn problems                            'b which develop.        -                                      '

2.0 FULLOW-UP ACTIONS t 2.1 Emergency Director shall: 2.1.1 Use attached Appendix D-2Cl-4 and Appendix-E-201-5 to ensure that the 'ISC is adequately staffed. '


2.1.2 Assign three individuals (test engineers or technical ~ assistants) as Status Board Recorders: .

a. One individual for the pBAPS Plant Parameter Status Board .,

(see Appendix D-201-7) . , e



.r                                                                                                             D -201 Prge 4 of 25, Pav. 8 1'
                                                   -b. One individual for the Event Chronology Status Board (see Appendix D-201-7) .
c. One individual for the Offsite Cannunications Status Board (see Appendix D-201-8) and (see Appendix Emergency Supprt Personnel Informaticn Status Board EP-201-8) .
                  '                         2.1.3 Direct the Status Board Remrders to perform the steps outlined in Sectim 2.2 of these FolloMp' Actions.

2.1.4 Assign and individual (test engineer or technical assistant) to t' man the dedicated connunication lines to the Control Roan and


01:eraticms Support center and direct the individual to perform the steps outlined in Secticn 2.3 of these Follow %p Actions. 2.1.5 If necessary, dispatch an individual (test engineer or technical assistant) to the Control Roan to transmit requested T 3

                ,                                   Centrol Roan parameters and information to the TSC.

2.1.6 If necessary, assign an individual (clerical staff) as a Telephone Operator to man the telephcne console in the Ecr and direct the individual to perform the steps outlined in secticn g 2.3 of these Follow-Up Actions. 2.1.7 Ensure that tm individuals (instrument / control technician) are assigned as Data Display Operators to can the 'N camera _D i s station in the TSC. h 2.1.8 Brief the 'ISC staff periodically (normally every 30 minutes) on the status of the emergency and pertinent plant conditions. 9: "

                    ,                       2.1.9 Rely on the Personnel Safety Team !.eader for status as to contaminated or injured personnel, site or local evacuations, y       >

and cn-site radiological problem areas. 3 2.2 Status Board Recorders shall: 2.2.1 Set up the assigned status board given to pu. Format and content of the status teard are giwan in the following appendices: a ., Appendix D-201-6, PBAPS Plant Parameters Status Board

b. Appendix D-201-7, Event Chrcnolocy Status Board
c. Appendix D-201-8, Offsite Ccmunicaticns Status Board C
d. Appendix D-201-9, E .ergency Suptcet Personnel Informaticn Status Board 1
                **1                                 e. Appendix D-201-11, Plant Radiation Survey Data Status Board 2.2.2 Centact the following individuals for the various status teard informaticn.
              ) '       .
       -                                                                                                                           EP-201 P ge 5 of 25, Rev. 8
a. Data' Display operators for plant status informatim
b. Cmmunicator to Control Room for ewnt chronology informatit:m
c. Emergency Director or Cmtrol Room for offsite emnunication informaticn.
d. Emergency Director for staff assipment informaticn.
e. Aux. CSC for site radiological status.
                                . f. Designated site evacuation assembly area coordinator for evacuation information.

2.2.3 Post appropriate information ort assiped status board and maintain a log record of all status board entries. Transmit plant status information and ewnt chronology information to appropriate Status Board Recorders at the EOF. 2.2.4 Review and update the status board at least ewry 15 minutes and as changes in plant conditions or information warrant. 2.2.5 Inform the Emergency Director as significant changes in status board information are noted. . 2.3 Comunicators shall: 2.3.1 Man assigned comunicaticn lines. 2.3.2 Maintain a Camunicaticns Log containing information remiwd fra and sent to other emergency response facilities and other support organizaticms.

                                     'Ihe log shall include as a minimum the following informatim:
a. Date and time (use military time notificaticn)
b. Inoming/ Outgoing
c. Messages received or sent
d. Name of person information was received from or sent to
e. Name and initials of person making entries 2.3.3 Inform the Emergency Director peceptly of all information received frca or sent to members of the emergency response
           ;                        organizaticn or support organizatims.

e G


  • D-201 1
                      ,                                                        Page 6 of 25, Rev. 8                   l APPENDICES:

D-201-1 B:1uipnent Activation of Technical Support Center and Emergency Operations Facility EP-201-2 Acticns of First HP to Arrive at Technical Supprt Center and E=ergency Operations Facility D-201-3 Acticns of First Test Engineer to Arrive at Technical Support Center and anergency Operations Facility D -201-4 Technical Support Center Organization and Manning D-201-5 Technical ~ Support Center Facility Layout EP-201-6 PBAPS Plant Parameters Status Board D-201-7 Event Chronology Status Board D-201-8 Offsite Cam:nications Status Board EP-201-9 Emergency Support Personnel Informaticn Status Board D-201-10 Procedure for Operation of TSC TV Mcnitors EP-201-11 Plant Radiaticn Survey Status Board EP-201-12 TSC Telephone Checkoff List EP-201-13 "50 Habitability Guidelines D-201-14 Offsite/Equignent Regaests Status Board D-201-15 Equipnent Failure & Damage Informaticn Status Board . m r m CES:

           ^ Peach Bottom Atcmic Power Staticn Emerge.Ty Plan NUREG 0654 Criteria for Preparaticn and Evaluaticn of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Supprt of Nuclear Power Plants.

h"JREG 0696 FLncticnal Criteria for Emergency Respnse Facilities S.19.1 14chnical Support Center & Dnergency Operaticns Facility Vent System e e as ,a

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                                                 '                                                                                                                         EP-201 Page 7 of 25, Pev. 8 APPEtDIX EP-201-1 BCUIPMENT ACTIVATICN OF TSC AfD EOF T
1. Ehter Emergency Opratims Facility using key B9178.
2. Go to the lighting panels located just outside the north door. On Panel P-23 turn cn Breakers 2, 4, and 6. On Panel P-43 turn m Breaker 5.
3. Go to Technical Support Center door on third floor and enter the room using key PG-6.
                     . 4.             Go to lighting Panel P-47 located behind the status boards next to the copying machine and turn on all breakers labeled "1SC lighting."
5. Go to the Ventilation Panel at the northwest corner of the Technical Support Center. Turn on the ventilation system using the procedure poeted there.
6. Turn m the Particulate-Iodire-Noble Gas Mcnitor (PDC) located at the northeast mrner of the Technical Supt: ort Center using the procedure on the PING.
7. Turn en the 4 W monitors and the video recorder located in center of the Technical Support Center using the procedure near the monitors. Notify the Unit 2 and 3 Centrol Bocza operators to energia the cameras and remove the lens mvers.
8. Go to the 1st floor, and turn en the PDG inside the entrance.
9. Turn en the 2 W mmitors located in the Emergency Opraticns Facility using the procedure near the monitors.
10. Return to the Technical Support Center, third ficor, and man the W camera station as directed by the Dnergency Director. Inform the Emergency l . Director that you have energind the Technical Support Center and the Ehergency Operations Facili,ty.


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                             .                                                                                     P2ge 8 cf 25, Rev. 8 ~
,                                                                                  APPENDIX EP-201-2
                                                      ,TrICNS T FIRST HP 1D ARRIVE AT TSC AND ECF
1. Go to the first floor by the Unit one entrance and inventory and prepare the Dnergency Equipnent Iccker and Emergency Kits.
2. Prepare the emergency TLD's in the green Radiation Emergency Equipnent boxes for use. These boxes are located in the hallway leading to the Alternate Chem. Lab. The TLD's should be inventoried and readied for use by those who enter the Unit One Emergency Centers.
3. Mcrtitor the following radiological mcnitoring equipnent once every 15 minutes after there is an indication of a radioactive release'to ensure 3 roper operability of the ecpipnent and habitability of the Emergency Response facilities:

A. T.S.C. (D-201, Appendix 13) Ping 2A RM16 B. E.O.F. (D -203, Appendix 12)

                                                   - RM16 i

C. First Floor (EP-203, Appendix 12) Ping 2A If any ecpignent fails or habitability of the facility is in cpestion, notify the Personnel Safety Team Leader inmediately. 1 e a e d 6

  • e e--- .- -- , ,-.._..---,,-m., ,. - . . - , , , . , , . . , , , - . , . - -., , - - - . - - - - , . ,


1. Go to the first floor by Unit one entrance and get emergency 'ITD's from the Radiation Equipnent lockers. If portable frisker is not already at Unit One entrance, get it from the Emergency Operaticns Facility and set it up at the desk just inside the glass door.
2. Obtain tones marked "E.O.F. Supplies" frc:n T.S.C. supply cabinet and
         ,                  deliver these to the E.O.F.


  • Go to the. first floor entrance of Unit One. Distribute TLD to all personnel who possess emergency response roles. Icg TLD nianbers versus names. This function shall be assumed by a quard as soon as he is available.

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MPPDIX EP-201-5 TEC-23ICAL SUPPOIa CE:Tua FACILITY LAYOUT ~ EP-201 PA9e 11 of 25, R97 s.,-

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  • DATE *
    ~3 DRYWELL PRESS                                      PSIG.                                              *****************
    .4 TORUS LEVEL                                        FT.                                            COMMENTS 5 CONTAINMENT                                       to           %H              =>

2 2 =>



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D _ _ _ [ _ HPSW- ON A~U REASON A _ __

      'SOLATIONS                  ISOLATED EXCEPTIONS GRP I                              ~



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                                           .f 1

J' e . 9 l l I 1 L


  • DATE. *
            .IOLOGICAL PARAMETERS     NORM             HIGH              TIME
  • TIME
  • 3 U/3 VENT STACK CPM CPM *****************


        #2 OFFSITE                       ~~
         '3 OFFSITE                      ~~

E-1 -~ E-2 ~~ E-3 ~~ E-4 BUS #2 OFFSITE 93 OFFSITE DIESEL A U REASCN E-12 - - _ __

                          -            -           -        ~~
                -32       _            _           _       __
                          ~            ~            ~       ~~

E-43 _ _ _- __


  \' -
                                                                      ' w w w s w~zu l                                  ..                                 DCC C rtCf0LC                                      JAWS DGVO I

EVENT CHRONOLOGY SWUS BOARD, I 3 DME: - 2 I TIME EVENT N'O. EVENT 1 s I I I b I s me b l .l i i ' i ) mM b M l Q I

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EP-201. Pige 17 of 25, Rev. 8 s APPENDIX EP-201-9 DTRCENCY SUPPOR PERSCNNEL INEURPRTICM STA115 BOARD EMERGENCY SUPPOR PERSONtEL INEORMATION TITLE INE ICCATION Shift Superintendent Site Emergency Coordinator Emergency Support Officer Emergency Director Technical Support Team Leader Emergency Director's Ccentmicator Personnel Safety Team Leader Fire / Damage Team Leader Chemistry Sampling & Analysis Team Leader Security Team Leader G 5 s e .

  • a



De following procedure defines the required step for the operation of the Technical Support Center and anergency operations Facility W monitoring of the Main Control Room.



his procedure is to be followed by all personnel who use the video-monitoring system in the Control Rocen.

3.0 RE2TJtE2X2S

Operating instructicms, controls for motorized zoom lenses. (Vicon Industries, Inc.) X85-780 6280-E-ll4-5-1


                 @e person (s) operating this equiprent shall be respnsible for safe operaticrt.                           '


Person (s) operating this equignent should haw a knowledge'of its operation in addition to reviewing the operating instructions, and should be very familiar with the layout of instruments in the centrol room. 3 1

  • 6. 0 PIOCEIIIRE:

6.1 In the Emergency operaticris Facility (2nd floor of Unit 1) turn cri both controllers, as they act as master controllers for the controllers crt the third floor. 6.2 In the Technical Support Center (3rd floor of Unit 1), turn en the four W monitors, and their associated controllers. 6.3 Push 'close' butten cm iris a few short times to ensure proper a lighting. 6.4 Joystick operates camera movement. WrE: Pan and tilt speed are a ftmetion of how far the joystick is moved away frca the center ' rest' positicn. Ib

EP-201 Page 19 cf 25, Rev. 8 1 6.5 Motor speed is determined by knob (on/off). l l NUIE: The motor speed not cn the lens controller will have to be i

                          .      optonized for each individual crera (for focus and zocm it will                      '

be approximately mid pot). 'Ib get iris control, the speed pot must be fully clockwise. NCTIE 1: Fuse for all cameran is in the TM1 panel in the control room, inside the right door on La left side. NOIE 2: Ocntrol Roan 'IV camera switches are located at the base of each '1V

             ,              camera. Switch is labeled "AC Power Feed On/Off".         .

l 6.6 Request Chief Operator to turn cm the extra lights in the Centrol l Roan. (Panel 46L and 66L for Unit 2 and 3 respectively.) 1 9 e a e e

                                                                -.,---.,,,--m-                        -- - -,--- v <~


                        . 5 -                                         .                                                 . *                                              .


                                                                         ' SURVEY DATA (See Listing to right 8.Atrborne Problem Areas                                                                    nemt status board)
4. Area Radiation Monitors 7. Search And Beacue Station Level Significant Approutmate S*mple Point (mC1/ccl Isotope Readings a) Personnel East located Injured Channel # tocation Unit # for/hri Miseing Seen

b) Injured Personel

5. Liquid Process Rad monitors Name tocation Injury Contamination Off-site Designation As h ly Required (a) Radvaste Effluent
                                                    .               (b) se we r Water Effluent (c) HPSW Effluent
2. Radiation Problem Areas

( ) BC Eff uent Arca Beta Camma Neutron Total if Fuel Pool Effluent 8'. Personnel Safety Team Status farad /hr) for/hr) (erem/hr) (aren/hrt . NAPE IOCATICN Personnel Safety Team f M r In-Plant Survey Team loader

6. Evacuation Assembly Area Status W M- h Mdr Location EV - h Aa d ly Area Coor Manned #
  • Dose Rate ar/hr
                                                                  # Contaminated Persons I
3. Costamination Problem Areas g,,,pg, ,
  • Arca Beta & Camma Alpha
                                                                  # Contaminated Vehicles 1~

(arad/100cm2) (dpa/100cm2) i U 0 Remarks - o l { 9 e


1. 'Itst Phones for Dial Tcne:

Opraticnal Phone Ntznber Use/focaticn Yes - No Perscnnel Safety Team Leader Perscnnel Safety Team Circuit Chem. Sampling & Analysis Team Ldr. - Chem. Sampling & Analysis Circuit Security Team Leader Municipal Supprt Dnergency Director's Table Management Circuit i Public Address System - E.D. Table Area Ccnference

                                                                    'ISC/ CEC Circuit CR/ISC/ET Circuit tate /Co       y Emergency Notificaticn i

0 8 BFP 'Itchnical 1 .! ,h i  !


Technical Engineer Damage Maintenance Circuit 01all Unit) Fire & Damage Team Ldr. (Wall Unit)

   .' ,'                                                             Status Board Keeper Ofall Unit)

Status Board Keeper (Wall Unit) Status Board Keeper-Plant Chronology

                ,     __                                              Ofall Unit)

EP-201 Pace 22 of 25, Rev. 8 Cperaticrul fl & r Use/tecation Yes - No c. Status Board Keeper-Plant Parameters i Ofall Unit) Status Board Keeper-Plant Parameters 01all Unit) Data Display Operator Nuclear Records Management (Wall Unit) . Dnergency Analysis Area Giall Unit) Telecopier TSC Conference Roan - Management


XXX - O!!II Teleghones XXXX - GrD-1000 Telephones O i

                                           #A i ,

e e as t e U _e,-w------r--v-<-wd

( EP-201-ll TSC Hisbitability Guidolines s .

  • I t.
                                             ,        i RM 16                                                   Ping 2A Gama                120 mR/hr                                       )   Low Alarm 120 mR/h'r 24 hr. stay. time prior to 24 hour stay time prior to reaching quarterly       reaching quarterly limit of 3000 mR.

limit of 3000 mR g, High Alarm 275 mR/hr 8 hr. stay time prior to

                                                                                     ,   reaching quarterly limit of 3000 mR. Emergency 200 mR/hr off-scale. Consider initiation 6f         Director should consider evacuation and request the Radiation Protection Team Leader to initiate psriodic surveys i                   '

surveys and utilize Ping 2A to monitor integrated dose. , Iow Alarm 50% of high alarm 12X10-4 uCi/cc).24 hr sta

                 **                 "!A                 '                              -

High Alarm 10% of maximum value (5X10-4 uCi/cc EmergencyDirectorshouldconsiderevacuationl< 8 hr s g and request Radiation Protection Team Leader to initiate surveys and utilize Ping 2A to monitor integrated dose. Note: MPC occupational exposure 1 X 10-5 uCi/cc t Beta N/A Low Alarm 50% of high alarm (5X10-9 uCg/cc) 24 i e stay time Particulate High Alarm 10% of maximum value (lX10 ~ uCi/cc) 8 hr stay me Emergency Director should consider evacuation ' - - and request Radiation Protec lon Team Leader to -- initiate surveys and utilize Ping 2A to monitor integrated dose. Note: MPC occupational exposure 3X10-10 uCi/cc I 131 N/A Iow Alarm 50% of high alarm (2X10-7 uCi/cc) 24 hr stay tim. High Alarm 10% of maximum value (4X10~7 uCi/cc) B hr stay time Emergency Director should consider evacuation and request Radiation Prqtection Team Leader to EE initiate surveys and utilize Ping 2A to monitor integrated dose. Note: 'MPC occupational

                                                                                                                                                    .$g          ,

exposure 9X10-9 uCi/cc. m3 g o , m J s.,

EP-201 , Page 24 'ef 25, Rev. 8

                         '                               APPDOIX 201-14 GTSITE/EGJIP!Eff REGJESTS STATis BCARD GTSITE/EQUIPSENT REQUES"5 TIME StBMini.u T     i m (UmT          1 RESPONSE STATJS O

e f a e 4 I E v - -- .em- r -yw v  %- w - -----m < y we ------g , - -ye-w,- -ew--weww-www- , * - -e,- m -- -,, -~-e- --e-

k IP-201 ' Page 25 of 25, Rev. 8 APPDOIX 201-15 EQUIPM!Nf FAILURE & INRGE: IhTUR!RTICN wraTU5 BOARD l J h TDE rwirrr.m/SW!EM PMBI2!N PRXNQiIS e e G g e

  • e e

5 , (s ^ J { 9 I e 6 e b n e e ' s O e 9

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                           -                                                                                                  IT-202 .


               .To define'the actions required by the operations Supprt Center coordinators for activating, canning and managing the Operations Support Centers (CSC) .                                                              {

ACTION LEVEL . Activate the Operaticns Suppet Centers when an event has been classified as an Alert, Site Energency or General E ergency, or at the discretion of the E ergency Directer. PRLntirIO'S '

l. ~
aintain teoks.

an official log of pertinent acticns using the designated CSC's icg

2. Verify habitabi t

Appendix EP-20 accordance with l acil les.

3. ?e Operaticns A. CSC at eleva
3. Aux. CCC at elevation 11G' Turbi ..
4. Persennel shall log in and out of the Operations Support Centers in order to reaintain personnel accountability.

I 5. The Operations Support Centers (CSC) shall centain controlled copies of the E.ergency Procedures. . PFCCEIL'RE: 1.0 I:TDIATE AcrICUS 1.1 Energency Director shall: ~ 4 1.1.1 Assign an operator as the CSC Coordinator. If available, an

        * -                          operator with supervisory experience (SSV or Shift. Supt.

type) should be used or called in per Appendix P of EP-209 call list to man this positicn.

           .          1.2    Personnel Safety Team Leader shall:                                        '

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1 D-202

                                                               .                                                                                                  Pige 2 of 9, Rev. 8-1.2.1 Assign HP as Aux OSC Coordinator and ensure Aux. GC is manned uith Health Physics personnel.

1.3 operations Support Center Coordinators or designees shall: { l

                                                                            - 1.3.1 Assigrs an individual the duties of Operations Support Center                                                                  l Connunicator and Status Board Keeper. Ensure that a log is                                             '

available for the comamicator's use. I 1.3.2 Direct the Operatims Support Center Ccmumicator and Status  ! Board Keeper to verify operability of the caenunication systems as outlined in the attached Appendias. (See Appendix ? -

                                    ,                                                       .               5-202-2 for Aux. CSC and Appendix D-202-1 for the Shift                                                l
                                  ,                                                                         WC) .
  • l.3.3 Notify the Cchtrol Roan when their respective Operatims t Support Center is manned and that ocenunications are satisfactory or msatisfactory. -

{ I 1.3.4 Procure equipent and supplies necessary to assist in ' l mitigating the emergency. ' 1 1.3.' 5 Assign an individual to periodically verify habitability of their respective Operations Support Center adhering to the guidelines in Appendix D -202-3. Pa;crt results of this

verificationn to the Shift Superintendent. -

1.4 Cperations Support Center Comunicator a-d Status Board Keepers shall:

                                                            '                  1.4.1 Verify connunication capabilities exist in their respective

.t Operations Support Centers by coupleting Ap;endix D-202-1 or Appendix D -202-2. Paport results to OSC Coordinator. 1.4.2 Man the status board posted by the OSC Coordinator to ensure l personnel and plant status is maintained in each OSC. (See ' g , Appendix D -202-4 or Appendix D -202-5 for status boards).


1.4.3 Iog all pertinent acticms in the designated log took to maintain a formal record of all events pertinent to the GC. Refer to OSC Coordinator for guidance on what to log. l 2.0 MX40HP ACTIWS  : 2.l~ Operaticms Support Center Coordinators or designees shall

        '                                                                     2.'l.1 Renain in contact with the Centrol Rocm or the Technical Support Center in order to provide assistance as needed by                                            -

formulation of Emergency Teams. 2.1.2 Direct personnel entering and leaving their respective s operations support Center to log in using the official log or

the status boards.


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                                        .                                                                                            P ge 3 of 9, Rev. 8 2.1'. 3 Coordinate activities of their respective OSC. The oprator QBC should coordinate with the Control Room and designated                                      1 maintenance persmnel to ensure local permits are promptly completed to allow' repair tork if necessary. The Aux. CEC should coordinate with the TSC, Centrol Roca, and all emergency team personnel to ensure proper HP suppet for all i

activities in the plant. In these cases, the HP will serve as the RNP. + 2.1.4 Upon leaving their respective Operatiens support Center for any reascn, delegate his duties to the remaining senior i operator or technician. 2.1.5 Maintain working knowledge of radiatien exposure'eech mestar of their respective OSC is receiving in order to maintain AIAIR concepts during the emergency.

                  .      2.2 Operations Support Center prsonnel shall 2.2.1 Upon entering and leaving their respctive o;mraticns support center log in and out in the designated log or en the status board.

2.2.2 Ensure proper self-mmitoring of their own pocket dosimeters

                                                       .                  when performing tasks during the emergercy.

REITRNCES i 1. Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Emergency Plan i 2. Nureg 0654 Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants.

3. Nureg 0696 Fmetional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities.


                      ' 4.        10 CFR 20                                                            .

i APPEtMGS D-202-1 Operator CSC Phone Check Off List (C.O.L.) 5-202-2 Aux. CBC Phone C.O.L. B-202-3 GiC Habitability Guidelines P-202-4 CSC Activity Board JP-202-5 Aux. CBC Assigunent Status Board D-202-6 Aux. Glc Status Board l N N O5: The OSCs maybe relieved of emergency responsibilities when so directed by the Recovery Manager or Site Energency Coordinator. v .~~. e

                                     ,.---,,,g     i'm   --.,,--ewy--,m-y--ww.wy-----ww--,-ww-=-                         ,-


     .                                                                                                 Page 4 of 9, Eev. ?



I. g.:

                ! Test Orni Phones for Dial Tcne                         Initials i                                                                                                                               -

OSC Ccordination Circuit

                                      'ISC/OSC Circuit Perscnnel Safety Tea:2 Circuit                                                                      ,

i -

                       ,                         .                                 s.

{ ' Test Dial Phenes for Dial Tcr.e j 6 - . y N, ,

s. -s . .,

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Disc:epancies: s


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( , i EP-202 Page 5 of 9, Rev. 8 t APPENDIX EP-202-2 AUX OSC PHCNE C.O.L.

1. Test Omi Phone for Dial Tcne Initials OSC Cmedinaticn Circuit "

TSC/ CEC Circuit Personnel Safety Team Circuit . x \-

2. Test Dial Phones for Dial Tcne '  ! .

i w.


Discrepancies: \m

  • 1h r.A.A , , ,

M M M untam mAhat h 4., s.; s

                                                                    - ""MMmmHWH                                mmm, Illbiaf4                                                         -
3. ' Alternate Aux CSC Tele;henes Bechtel Ccnstructicngg' '.6' El.,

[ Ttst Cui Phones.for Dial.Tcne. l a.g Personnel Safety Team Leader'

                        ' ~

f b.- ' t Dial Phones for Dial Tcne. \

                                        ' 4.        Alternate Aux. CSC Telephones - HP Area - 3rd floor Admin. Bldg.
a. . Dial Phones for Dial Tdne.

I i I { Discrepancies: '

                                                                                                                                ,                         9                                                                           9
         .                i            m.                                                                                                              3
                                  . ..                          EP-202-3 Operations Suppor.     .mt rs Habitability Guidelines
i. ,.

S PM 16 Air n= ales (initiate mnn activation) Gamma < 25 mR/hr N/A . 12 hr shifts prior to reaching 300 mR daily limit -

                                         >25 mR/hr                                                                          -

Notify Emergency Director: -

                                         - Operators evacuate to Control Rqom
       .                                 - HP's evacuate either to Bechcol' Office TB 116' Elevation or HP Area 3rd Floor Admin Bldg.

Xe 131M N/A h2x10 uCi/cc 10% of maxima NC value. 8 hour stay time. i > 2 x 10

                                                                                                                   ~0 uCi/cc Notify Snergency Director.
                                                                                                            - Operators evacuate to Control Roca
                                                                                                           - IIPs evacuate to llP office on 3rd floor Administration Bldg.

Beta N/A -f_1 x 10~ uCi/cc 10% of maximum N C value. 8 hour stay time. -

                                                                                                         > 1 x 10 -8 uCi/cc                        ~
                                                                                                                                                                    'O 85 8 Notify Bnergency Director,                                *$


                                                                                                             - Operators evacuate to Control Doom Q
                                                                                                             - IIPs evacuate to HP office 3rd floor Administ.ra t. ion Bldg.               '

e V~

  • _9 1131 N/A $_9 x 10 uCi/cc 10% of maximun MPC value.
  • 8 hour stay time.
                                                                                                         > 9 x 10 ~9 uCi/cc
                                                                                        ,                  Notify Bnergency Director.
                                                                                                             - Operators evacuate to Control Roon.

EP-202 Page 7 of 9 , Rev . 8 e. e 3 5 3 , S 3 W s N j # W 4 I b w 8 E b 8

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EP-202 Page 8 of 9 , Rev. 8 ' e* k . Y

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EP-20J Page 1 of 22, Rev. 0 JJTsclg PHIIACELPHIA EI.IX.TRIC CC.*%\NY PEX2i BOTICH UNITS 2 AND 3 INERGE2CY PIAN IMPIDENTING Ph. cwt <s gU g $N EP-203 DERTNCY CPERATIONS FACILITY (IEF) ACTIVA"'ICN PURPOSE Ib describe acticns required for the activation, manning, ani operation of the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). The ET is located on the second flcer of

                 .thit one.

ACTION LEVEL Activate the ECF when an event has been classified as a Site Emergency or General Emergency in acmrdance with IP-101, Classification of energencies, or at the discre of the Site E:nergency coordinator. PREEAUTICtG 1.0 Veri habitabl ivatien. Ensure the ECF remains fer to IP-203-6. 1.1 Maintain accounti ECF throughout the

 \,                     incident.

1.2 Ensure ECF wntilation system is cper culation/ EPA mode that air samples are periedically ta ntial airborne contaminaticn. Also, Ping 2A on first floor itored. 1.3 Ensure that pertinent actions and notifications are 1 ged.

            ,   PIOCEDURE I

l.0 DNEDIATE ACTIONS: . 1.1 Designated Senior Engineer acting as the Interim Site Em'ergency Coordinator shall perform the following actions until relieved by the Site Emergency Coordinator or designated alternate. 1.1.1 Assign at least one individual (Test Engineer, TW:hnical Assistant, or Junloc Technical Assistant) the duties of l  ; crmuunicator and direct the individual to perform the steps

        . .    -                    outlined in Section 1.2 of these Insnediate Actions.

l ~ 1.1.2 Obtain tmy radios for the radiation survey groups. Radios are available in the EOF Cerruunicatims Equipnent Rocm.

      ,                                                        c=r"                     '

v;;. . 22  !

                                                                 ;;.I?.::;;;;3 PER i-2                          I l



e D-203

  -                                                                                                              Page 2 of 22, Rev. 8 1.1.3 Obtain continuous status updates on plant conditions from the-                   I Control Roan or Technical Support Center and maintain a log of significant events and actions.                                             ;

1.1.4 Ensure that the manning and operatien of the Emergenc Operations Facility is in accordance with the follow yup actions of this procedure. 1.1.5 Provide briefings on the emergency and pertinent plant ocnditions to the Site Emergency Coordinator and appropriate EOF staff tpon their arrival. . 1.1.6 Inform the Control Pcan and Technical Support Center when the Dnergency Operations Facility has been activated. (All Team Leaders in charge or present) 1.2 Site Emergency Coordinator Ccurmmicator shall: 1.2.1 verify crmnunications cacability by ccumleting the telephone check off list for ECF (Appendix D-203-7) . 1.2.2 Inform the Site Emergency coordinator or Interim site Emergency Coordinator when ccenunication capabilities have been verified or of any discrepancies.

i. 1.2.3 Man connunicaticms lines as assigned and maintain a connunications log containing infor:::ation received frem and sent to other facilities and organizations.
                    ,     2.0 RLLOMP ACTIONS 2.1 Site Dnergency Coordinator or Interim Site Emergency Coordinator shall:

2.1.1 Use attached Appendix D-203-1 ard Appendix D-203-2 to ensure that personnel required to man the EOF are in place. 2.1.2 Assign an individual (test engineer or technical assistant) as a Status Board Recorder for the PBAPS Plant Parameters Status Board (see Appendix D-203-10), and the Event Chronology Status Board (see Appendix D-203-13). Direct the individual to perform the steps outlined in Section 2.4 of these Follow-Up Actions. 4 , 2.1.3 Assign an individual (test engineer or technical assistant) as

                         !                                 a Status Board Recorder for the Offsite Request Status Board (see Appendix EP-203-11) and offsite Ccstmunications Status Board (see Appendix D-203-12) and direct the individual to perform the steps outlined in Section 2.4 of these Follow-up Actions.
             - . , .          -,-           ,     -- . , -      m ..,       . . - - - -   ._--   - . . - . .- ,,

l l EP-203 Page 3 of 22, Rev. 8 i 2.1.4 Assign an individual (instrument and control technician) as a. Data Display Operator to man the W camera station in the ECF.

                                                    'Ihis data display operator should refer to Appendix EP-203-4
                                        .           for W monitor operatiorg.

2.1.5 If necessary, assign an iMividual (clerical staff) as a runner to route infocnation in the E& and other appropriate facilities. 2.1.6 If necessary, assign an individual (clerical staff) to perform any typing and clerical erk. .

                    ,.                      2.1.7 If necessary, assign two individuals (clerical staff) as telephone operators to man ecumunications equignent in the EOF r'mmmications Equipnent Pocan.

2.1.8 Assign at least one individual (test engineer) as a connunicator for the Site Emergency coordinator to perform the actions specified in Section 2.5 of these Follow-Up Actions. ' 2.1.9 Uptn completim of pertinent steps outlined in these follow-up actions, inform the Control Recen and the Technical Supgert Center that the Emergency Operations Facility is operational and manned. 2.1.10 Brief the ET staff periodicially on the status of the

 ;                                                 anergency and pertinent plant conditions.

2.1.11 Direct the Ccumunicator for the Site Emergency Coordinator to maintain a log of significant events and actions.

                                                   'Ihe above log shall include as a minimum the following infocnation:
a. Data and Time
b. Significant Event
c. Significant Actions Taken 2.1.12 Direct the conomicator for the Site Emergency Coordinator to Transmit all status board information to the Headquarters -
        .                                          Baergency Support Center Status Board Recorder.

2.2 Dose Assessment Team Imader shall i, 2.2.1 Assign an individual (HP Technician) as a Field Survey Group Radio Ccummicator to maintain radio contact with Field Survey Squads. 2.2.2 Assign an individual (HP technician) as a Status Board Recorder for the Field Monitoring Data Status Board (see Appendix EP-203-9) and direct the iMividual te perform the steps outlined in Section 2.4 of these Fo11cw up Actions. i i

                         ~                                                                             EP-203
                                              .                                         Page 4 of 22, Rev. 8 2.2.3 Assign an idividual (HP technician) as Telephone Ccmnunicator to man appropriate ccanunication lines assigned to the Radiation Prottsetion Team Leader and perform the steps cutlined in Section 2.4 of these Follow-up Actions.

2.2.4 Assip two individuals to perform dose projection calculaticris at the EOF. 2.2.5 Assign an individual (HP technician) as a Status Board Recorder for the Dose Assessrent Data Status Beard (see Appendix D-203-

8) and direct the individual to perform the steps listed in Section 2.3 of these Follow-up Actions.

2.3 Status Board Recorders shall: 2.3.1 Set up the assiped status teard. Format and content of the status teards are given in the following appendices:

       ,                            a. Appendix EP-203-3 Emergency Support Personnel Information Status Board
b. Appendix IP-203-8 Dose Assessment Data Status Beard
c. Appendix D-203-9 Field Monitoring Data Status Board
d. Appendix D-203-10 PBAPS Plant Parameters Status Beard
e. Appendix D-203-ll Offsite Request Status Board
f. Appendix D-203-12 offsite Ccmunications Status scard
g. Appendix D-203-13 Event Chronology Status Board 2.3.2 Contact the following irdividuals for the various. status board information.
a. TSC PBAPS Plant Parameters Status Board Recorder for plant status information. .
b. TSC Event C'hronology Status Board Recorder for event chronology information.
c. Site Emergency coordinator for staff assignment information and headquarters support requests.
d. Energency Director, Site Emergency Coordinator, or Centrol Roca for offsite oczanunication information.

4 *

                .                   e. Field Survey Group Radio Ccumunicator for field monitoring 3                         hu.
f. Dose A=mt Tema Leader for dose assessment data.

2.3.3 Post appropriate information en assigned status board and maintain a log of all status board entries.

D-203 Page 5 of 22, Rev. 8 2.3.4 Review and update the status board every 15 minutes and as changes in plant conditions or information warrant. 2.3.5 Inform the appropriate coordinator, team leader or group leader of significant changes in status board information. 2.4 cmmunicators shall: 2.4.1 Man conomication lines assigned. 2.4.2 Maintain a Commications Log containing information received frcm and sent to other emergency response facilities and other stpport organizations. a.

b. Data and time (use 24 hour time notation) -

Messages received or sent

c. Name of person information was received fra or sent to '
d. Initials of person making entries '

2.4.3 Inform the appropriate coordinator, team leader, or group

  • leader peceptly of infomation received fra or sent to members of the emergency response organization or support
   .=                                    organizations.

APPENDICES: D-203-1 Bnergency Operaticms Facility Organization and Manning D-203-2 anergency operations Facility Layout D-203-3 Beergency Support Personnel Information Status Board D -203-4 Procedure for Operation of 'ISC/ET TV &nitors D-203-5 Activation of the Eberline PING-2A in Emergency Operations Facility W-203-6 EOF Habitability Guidelines EP-203 BF Phone C.O.L.

             ." W-203-8           Dose Assessment Data Status Board D-203-9 Field Monitoring Data Status Board D-203-10 PBAPS Plant Parameters Status Board EP-203-ll Offsite Request Status Board EP-203-12 Offsite W===tications Status Board D-203-13 Event Chronology Status Board RE2ERENCES:

Peach' Bottom Atomic Power Station Emergency Plan '

         ! - NGtBG 0654 Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency
                      .             Response Plans ard Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants NUREG 0696 Fmetional Criteria for Emergency Respnse Facilities w

l 1

                                                         .                                                          l

_ ~. - . 6 EP-203.

               ,                            ,                                                    PAGE 6 0F 22, REV. 8 l                                          s. ..$                        ','                                                         *



l SITE EMERGENCY l ie i i _ C00801NAIDS 1 I l l .,- i' 1 I

                                                                                                                                      '                         1 I

I I i 1 1

  • 1 I I l __ I EOF 1 1
  • 1 l l CHEMISTRY l I i *
           *3                                       l _ CQQRQ1NaToR       I                            l                                                       l 1                                      I                                                       l___l       PLANNING          *1 1                                      1                                                       1      1 C0QBDINATQg__l 1                                      1
           -O                                                   I I

1 I I I

  • i
         .O                                         I DOSE ASSESSMENT I                               1                                                        1      i    PROCEDURE          1 l _      IEAN           l                         l                                                        l___l        SUPPORT           1
1 I l l__C00801NAID8__l 4D 1 1 l i I I I I I TRAINING l__l
       *O                                                      '                                      i I

1 CoQa01NaIOR l 1 i MECHANICAL i I i l___I ENGINEER l l l I ' l i O < 1

                                                                                                                                 -                    __                    L11150N           I
                          .                                                       1                  I                         I         EMERGENCY       l I I                                           i
                        ,/            I                                           I 1                         1         PLANNING.       l__I I                        l _ CDGE01HilDB__1 1 is             l DOSE ASSESSMENT l                        l FIELD SURVEY l                 l                                                        1      1 ELECTRICAL i          Ggoup               i           i          cRQUE-    1           I                                                       l _._. I     ENGINEER 1

1 1 I


1 I I I I ()  : I a 1 1 1 1 1. I I i i I . I I s.) i e i 1 1 1 l BRP l l MARYLAND l I PEMA l l INPO l 1 SECURITY l 1 EMERGENCY l

                 / l REPR ESENTA TIVE l l REPRESENTA TIVE ' i 1 REPRESENIATIVE I 1 REPRtSENIATIVE I I REPRESENTATIVE 1 1 PREPAREDNESS I (l           i                            I I                      I I                      i 1                    1 1                             I      l__C00801NA108___I La IJ

EP-203 Page 7 of 22, Pav. 8 APPE!: DIX EP-203-2 DEPE!DY CPEPATIO;S FACILITY SEATING ARPANT.TES TAB E ?D. POSITIQi ASSIC.TE!C TELE 10. TAB E 1D. PCSITIQi ASSIG:?E!E TELE !D. Site Emergency Coord. BE SED Comunicator NRC IEF Calference Rocn IEC Plan. & Scheduling Dose Assessment l Daergency Planning Dose Assessment t'ech. Engr. Liaiscn Dose Assessment Elect. Engr. Liaisen Dose Assess. Grp. Idr Training Coord. Field Survey Grp. Ldr Procedure Support Field Surwy Group ECF Liaiscn HP & Chemistry Coord. tGC ECF State Rocm NRC ECF State Rocm Security Rep /It Telecopiers b x - ER111 sem s -

                                                                                                                       - /-     a
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EP-203 Page 8 of 22, Rev. 8 APPENDIX EP-203-3 EMERGE 2CY SUPPCPT PERSGOEL Ihrt.6 tim STATUS BCA.@ TIIT.E NAME IDCATIOT Shift Superintendent Site Emergency Coordinator . Emergency Support Officer . Emergency Director Dose Assessment Team Leader Planning & Scheduling Coord. Dnergency Preparedness Coord. Heal'th Physics / Chem. Coord. Dese Assessment Group Leader V Field Survey Group Leader ECF Liaison Procedure Support Coordinator Security Representative Mech. Ihgr. Liaison

                ."Elec. Engr. Liaison INPO Representative Training Coordinator
                . NRC Team Leader E 9 E

v< '* + o mn-w

                                       -                                                                                                       EP-203 Page 9 of 22, Rev. 8 APPENDIX EP-203-4 PIOGEURE ICR OPEPATICN CF TSC/ET W FDNITCPS


The following procedure defines the required steps for the opraticri of the Technical Support Center and Emergency Operations Facility W monitoring of the Main Cmtrol Rome.

2.0 _SCDPE

21s procedure is 'to be followed by all persmnel who use the video-monitoring system in the Control Roan. .


Operating instructicris, centrols for rtotorized zocm lenses. (vicen Industries, Inc.) XSS-780 6280-E-114-5-1


i N The persen(s) oprating this equipnent shall tm responsible for safe operatien.


Perscrt(s) oprating this agalpnent should have a knowledge of its opration in addition to reviewing the operating instructions, and should be very familiar with the layout of instruments in the Centrol Recm. I

                " 6.0 PIOCEEURE:

6.1 on the second floor of the Unit 1 building, turn en both controllers, as they act as master controllers for the centro 11ers on the third floor. 6.2 On the third floor of the Unit 1 building, turn on the four W Mcrtitors and their associated controllers. 6.3 Push 'close' button en iris a' few short times to ensure proper a. lighting.


6.4 Joystick operates canera movement. NXE Pan and tilt speed are a functicrt of how far the joystick is moved away fraa the center " rest" positiert. T - - - - - e -.c.e ,----? em-- r--nc. ore , --- a m w w-,.r---,-mw--w-y-,--w ,, - - - -, *y.

EP-203 Page 10 of 22, Rev. 8 N.5 ttor sped is determined by knob (CN/CET) . NC7fE: The motor speed not on the lens controller will have to be optmized for each individual camera (for focus and 2ccm it will be approximately mid ~ pot). To get iris control, the speed pot must be full clockwise. NOTE 1: Fuse for all cameras is in the TRW panel in the control roca, inside the right door on the left side. NCE 2: . Centrol roca TV camera switches are located at the base of each W crara. Switch is labeled "AC Power Feed GT/GT". e 9 6 J g O e mis









                                         ,     RM-16                                                                               Ping 2A 1

Gama 120 mR/hr 24 he stay time Low Alarm 120mR/hr prior to reaching 24 hour stay time prior

                  ,                          quarterly limit of                                                                 to reaching a quarterly 3000 ER                                                                            limit of 3000 mR.

High Alarm 375 mR/hr 8 hr. 200 mR/hr off-scale. stay time prior to reaching Consider initiation of quarterly limit of 3000 mR periodic surveys. Site Emergency Coordinator should order evacuation of E.O.F. Xe N/A Iow Alarm 5C% of high alarm

'                                                                                                                               (2X10 uCi/cc) 24 hour stay time-High Alam 10% of maximtza value (5X10 uCi/cc) 8 hour stay time.

l Site Emergency Coordinator should order evacuation of E.O.F. Note: NPC occupational exposure IX10 uCi/cc

                                                                                   '                                                                                                                 L Beta          N/A                                                                               Icw Alarm 50% of high alarm Particu-late                                                                                            ($X10 uci/oc) 24 hour stay time.

High Alarm 10% of maximta value


(1x10 ut1/ce) 8 hour stay time Site Emergency Coordinator should order evacuation of E.O.F. 1 Note: PfC occupational exposure I 131 3X10 uCi/cc WA Low Alarm 50% of high alarm (2X10 uCi/cx:) 24 hour stay time High Alarm 10% of maximta value

                                                                                                                                      -7 (4X10 uCi/cc 8 hour stay time.
                .','    ,                                                                                                      Site Energency Coordinator should order evacuatien of E.O.F.

Note: NPC occupalmal exposure 9X10 uCi/cc e g

  - , - - - ---.,                          ,    . - - . . ,,,.,.._-,,,e-,              . , . , , - , , - . , , . - . , . - - .             , . _ , , - - , , . - ,      .r..-  , n,,,     ,     ,,,n     , - - , , - - , , , - - -

I . EP-203 Page 13 of 22, Rev. 8 APPDOIX EP-203-7 ! ET PIDIE OEClOFF LIST

1. Test Phones for Dial Tcne Operaticnal Phcoe Nunber Use/ Location Yes - No NBC/r'able 13 NRC/ Table 14
           .                                                                NRC/rable 15                                                                  ,

SEC Camusicator/rable 2 SEC Carmunicator/rable 2 SEC Cernunicator/rable 2 unicator/ Table 2 ( - i' Emergency E T Corp. Ccnn. IT Corp. Carm. Lial Security /rable 12 Municipal Support /rable 12 Mechanical Engr. Liaistn/rable 5 Electrical Engr. Liaison / Table 6 Procedures Support Coord./rable 8 Planning & Scheduling Coord./rable 4


3 , Training Coordinator /rable 7 ,

                ,                                                           SEC Catference Rocm/rable 3                                                                   ,

Telecopiers/rable 25 Telecopiers/rable 25 i l _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . k

                                                                                                                                      '   ~

EP-203 Page 14 of '22,* Rev. 8 ~ APPE DIX EP-203-7 (Cent'd.) Phone Nc: er Cperaticnal l Use/Iccaticn Yes - No l 9 BRP - Rad./ State Focm - Table 24 BRP - Rad./HP&C Coord. - Table 22 BRP - Tech./ State Roan - Table 24 PDR/ State Rocm - Table 24 , l Off-Site Officials / State Rocm - Wall l PD-State & Counties / State Recrt-Table 24 I I ss. Group Leader /rable 19 dinator/ Table 22 A

                                                                                              /r      e 22 l                                                    Field S                           able 21 i                                                                                                               ,

NRC/ Table 10 M W Table 10

  • t NRC/ Table 10 NRC/ Table 11 M W Table 11 -

l Status Boards / East Wall

               .                                       ..              Status Boards / East Wall A

XXX , MG Telegfrnes XXXX - GFD-1000 hlephones G

    'a "D

g M

I .. EP-203

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                                                              ,                                     Page 16 of 22, Rev. 8 APPDIDIX D-203-9                                     )


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d O e e 9 e o t n e e t

        ..~               . . - --_          -    -     .-               -     --- -          . .                 -.     . ~ .

1-EP-203 Paga 17 of 22, Rev. 8 BOARD SEQ l' PBAPS-PLANT STATUS UNIT _(PAGE 1 OF 3) *****************

  • DATE
  • TIME
  • 1 POWER  % DP PSIG
  • I 3 PRESSURE PSIG. *****************


             .B       _          _ , . _                              %    SRV       ABCDEFGHIJKL%                              l 3 SBLC TANK LEVEL                   %                     % OPEN
          ~ LEVEL CONTROL - TIME                                      %W/OPEN                                          %

SYSTEM INJ A'U REASON ' FW A -  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

                                 ~      ~~

CE A - -- .

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HPCI - ~~ i RCIC ~ ^~ COND A _ __ COMMENTS B ~ -~ C ~ ~~ => C.S. A _ __ => i B ~ ~~ => C ~ ~~ => D => LPCI A ~ ~~ => B ~ ~~ => 4 C ~ ~~ => D ~ ~~ => HPSW A ~ ~~ => B - --

                                ~       ~~


       ' REFUEL'TRNS            ~       ~~

SBLC __ 4 e ' a. e e

   \. ..                                                                 -

EP-203 Paga 18 of 22, Rev. 8

      ' BOARD SEQ # .                                                                    .


  • DATE *
  • i
              -2 DRYWELL TEMP                                                 F.
  • 3 DRYWELL PRESS PSIG. ***********'*****






                              . - COOL                SPRAY SPRAY COOL A U REASON                                                                                    .

A _ - - _

                     .B             _                     _                 -            -           _ _


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              . TRAIN A         .             -        __

S .

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  • l e-3 1
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i EP-203 Paga 19 of 22, Rev. 8 BOARD SEQ 5 ***************** PBAPS PLANT STATUS UNIT _ (PAGE 3 OF 3) l

  • DATE-
  • TIME *
                . MAIN STACK                                CPS                   CPS
  • USED ONLY FOR *  !


  • 3 U/3 VENT STACK CPM CPM *****************




                                                                          %                    UCI/CC UCI/CC UCI/CC                           %


                #2 OFFSITE                            --

43 OFFSITE ~~ ( E-1 __ E-2 E-3 -- E-4 BUS 12 OFFSITE %3 OFF5ITE DIESEL A U REASON E-12 - _ _ __ E-32 - -

                     -E-42            -             -           -           __

E-43 _ _ f i 4 e l

  • EP-203 Page 20 of 22, Rev. 8 s


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 .                                                                                                                                           Page 1 of 8, Rev. 6 JJT ndw PHILAIELPHIA ELECTRIC (DMPANY PEACH BOITOM UNITS 2 AND 3                                                                             [jg-7[      .


     'Ib define the actions of the Chemistry Sapling and Analysis Team.

RESPCNSIBILITIES i 1.0 anergency Director shall direct the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team 's Imader to activate the team. 2.0 When activated the Cold Ch by the Emergency Director, tre Shift chemist shall report to the Chemistry Lab or the Unit il Chemistry Lab and assume the duties of Analysis Team Leader. 3.0 'Ihe Senior C Support Cente Emergency Director at the Tectmical Analysis Team st of the Chemistry Sampling and 4.0 'Ihe Plant Chemist is the Analysis Team Leader. 5.0 Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Lead team's activation and operations. inate the 6.0 Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader shall dir cup members' activities. 7.0 Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Membera shall obtain and analyze chemistry samples. ! 1 ACI'ICH LEVELS:

   '!he             Chemistry Sar.pling and Analysis Team will be activated at the discretion of the Emergency Director.

CCW55 7012 - - - A pISO..;e_ . .- '" ; g 1-2

d EP-205A Page 2 of 8, Rev. 6 PRECAUTIONS: 1.0 In all steps of this procedure, implementation of an ALARR concept is mandatory. Sampling and Analysis Group member's exposure should be limited to the administrative guide levels in Appendix EP 205A-1, Baergency Exposure Limits. Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group members should control their oest exposures. 2.0 As per HPC/CD-4, anstant coverage by a Health Physics qualifad individual may substitute for a RNP. Work can be performed without all of the survey data being complete. However, an RW Access and Exposure Control Form shall be used to dociment the name of personnel, entry and exit times, and self-reading dosimeter readings. When work is cmpleted, or conditions have stabilized, the HP qualified individual will complete an RW and attach the survey data. Personnel doing the work F'.sall be informed of the requirements for anti-contamination clothirg, respiratory equipment, and personnel monitoring requirenents for the job and be provided constant HP coverage. PROCEDURE: 1.0 IMEDIATE ACTIONS: i 1.1 Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Tema Leader shall: l.1.1 Desipate the CMaistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader and direct him to collect samples, as necessary, and analyze the samples in accordance with HPO/CD Procedures; or use offsite support group for the analyses. 1.1.2 Determine, via dialogue with the Personnel Safety Team Imader, the need for specific Health Physics CDverage. 1.1.3 Suggest, based on plant conditions, routes to be taken to obtain samples. 1.1.4 If required, request emergency exposure authorizations fran - t the anergency Director for the appropriate group members as required. 1.1.5 Provide the Dose Assessment Group and/or the Health Physics l and Chemistry Coordinator with pertinent information. I 1.2 '!he Chemistry Sanpling Analysis Group Leader shall: 1.2.1 MM1e the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group. 1.2.2 Direct the monitoring and sampling of release points, air acnitors, and process monitors as required and in

accordance with precaution 1, above.

8 I

EP-205A Page 3 of 8, Rev. 6 1.2.3 Review the data from samples, process instrtsnent readings,. and effluent instrianent readings and determine isotopic comp >sition and release rates. 1.2.4 Direct group n==*=rs to assist, as necessary, with dose rate calculations and determination of radiological consequences. 1.2.5 Report analysis results and monitor readings the Cheatistry j Sampling and Analysis Team Leader. i l 1.3 Chemistry Saspling and Analysis Group Members shall: l.3.1 AansmMe the equipment needed to obtain and analyze samples. Prelabel all sample containers before sampling. Use Appendix EP 205A-2 to ensure all steps in the HPO/tD sampling and analysis procedures are followed. 1.3.2 Sample primary coolant and drywell atmosphere as nerenmary with the following procedures: EP 205A.1 Operation of Post-Accident Sanpling Station l D 205A.2 Obtaining Drywell Gas Samples frem Containment Atmosphere Dilution Cabinets ( EP 205A.3 Retrieving and Chani,ing Sanple Filters and 1 Cartridges from the Drywell Radiation Monitor EP 205A.4 Obtaining Drywell Gas Samples fra the Dry-well Radiation Monitor Sampling Station EP 205A.5 Obtaining Reactor Water Samples fra Sample Sinks Following Accident Conditions 1.3.3 In the event of a large radioactive liquid spill, obtain samples of the river water in accordance with: EP 205A.6 Obtaining Canal Discharge Water Samples Follow-ing Radioactive Liquid Releases Following Accident Conditions. 1.3.4 Use the following procedures to obtain samples fra the various sample points. Main Stack & Roof vents EP 205A.7 Obtaining the Iodine and Particulate Sanples fra the Main Stack and Roof Vents Following Accident Conditions g- m -.a-

EP-205A P;ge 4 cf 8, Rev. 6 Ligaid Radwaste EP 205A.8 Obtaining Lig2id Radwaste Samples fra the Radwaste Sample Sink Following Accident . Canditions condensate EP 205A.9 Obtaining Samples from Condensate Sample Sink Following Accident Conditions Off Gas D 205A.10 Obtaining Off-Gas Samples fra the Off-Gas  : H " W. Analyzer Following Arv Mant Con-d tiens Rx Building or Torus A^ s-p.ere EP 205A.1 Operation of Post Accident Sampling Station 1.3.5 Use the following procedures for the preparation and analysis

of highly radioactive samples.

r EP 205A.12 Sample Preparation and Analysis for Highly Ra-I., ,, dioactive Particulate Filters and Iodine Cart-ridges EP 205A.13 Sample Preparation and Analysis of Highly Radio-active Liquid and Gas Samples 1.3.6 Attach all data sheets and analysis reports to Appendix EP 205A-2 (Chem Sampling & Analysis C.O.L.) for each sample taken. Give this information to the '*5em Sampling and Analysis Group Leader. 1.3.7 Be copizant of their own celative exposures and report to the Group Leader if exposure limits could prevent them from completing a task. l l T " W -pe-g--p-rpvm +gs-m*' =Nbp e-=+y.rg,pequm y -- py--%r..----m---9-amme.wrq*. w w g.ww-gaee.,ewogs, won-w.ew ww -w e _ge*wy -N9--.ww w- --

l EP-205A Pege 5 of 8, Rev. 6 i FULOlHIP ACTIGIS: 1.0 Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Leader shall: 1.1 Report 'the results of analyses to the Site Emergency Coordinator (if activated), the anergency Directar, and the Dose Assessment Team Leader and/or the Health Physics and Chemistry Coordinator. 1.2 Provide group members with periodic plant status changes including ) significant radiation exposure and radioactive contamination probless which may affect the factions of the team. d 1.3 If nomssary, utilise the post accident sampling analysis capabilities of Babcock and Wilcox by referring to Appendix EP 205A-2 for proper notifications and EP 205A-3 for backgro md information. 2.0 Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader shall: 2.1 Report analysis results and monitor readings to the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Leader. FINAL CDNDITIQ1S: Nene. [ UPDOIGS: EP 205A-1 Emergency Exposure Limits (Bnergency Plan Table 6.1) EP-205h-2 Offsite Post Accident Sampling Analysis Check Off List C.O.L. for Babcock & Wilcox Lynchburg Research Center IP-205A-3 Chen. Sampling and Analysis C.O.L. W

1. Peach Bottcza Atanic Power Station Emergency Plan Section Title Chemistry Sanpling and Analysis Tema
2. Health Physics Operating / Chemistry Operating procedures Ninnhar Title I

HPCVQF4 Radiation Work Permits

3. NLRBG 0654 Preparaticrt and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants.


    ,,,v----       ,,,, . . . . . , . . . - .              ., ,-- -,,. ,.      ,.-__-..,,,,an- ,, - , - , , - - - - - , , . ~ , ,. . - ,- - - - - . . , -   ,.,-----n, . -- . - - - - , , - - -

IP-205A Pcge 6 of 8, Rev. 6 4 APPENDIX EP 205A-1 EN!NENCY EXPOSURE LIMITS e Projected Whole Body %yroid Authorized F metion Dese Dese g

1. Life Saving ard Emergency **

Reduction of Injury , 75 ren* 375 rem Director

2. Operatics of Equipment to Mitigate an Emergency **

anergency 25 rem

  • 125 rem Director
3. Protection of Health and Safety of the Emergency **

Public- 5 rest 25 rem Director

            *Referencer EPA-520/1-75-001 Table 2.1
            **Such exposure shall be on a voluntary basis 1


      --- -  r    , .,           . - , - - -   v,, - - - .-     %.   . - , . . < - - - - .  -   ,,--_..--..,,-----,.-..--,..e           - - - -         --     -r--


         'Ihis is         (NPJE)

Bottczn Atomic Power Staticn.regesenting the Radiaticn Protection Team of Peach analysis at the Lynchburg Research Center.'Ihis is a request All inquiries to provide stnuld be directedpost accident sample to (tRME) at the following phone number . 'Ibe following informaticn is known concerning the samples: Unit Ntznber of samples Estimated shipping time - Method of transportaticn (air or land) Name of carrier ' Sample 1 2 3 4 Type (liquid, gaseous, cartridge) .

Measured Radiaticn Levels
                - surface
                - 3 feet Remarks:

i , Notifications: Ccntrol O cme


d Altemate Emergency Ccntrol Offimr i

                                                                                                           'l L_

l l

                                          .              J l

L l

l EP-205A l Pcge 8 of 8, Rev. 6 i l APPENDIX EP 205A-3 OIEM SA> FLING & ANEEIS C.O.L. Sample Time Analysis Requested Time Time Results Received Date l l Sampling: Sample Container Prelabeled Imad Carrying Pig Obtained Sampling quipnent Aaammhled Procedure Reviewed , RW Issued or HP Available Sample Size Sample Dose Rate (Contact) Analysis Equignent Aaammhled Lab Set Up for Analysis to Minimize Exposure Procedure Reviewext Analysis Performed: (Attach Results of Analysis) Geli Scan Chloride Analysis Boron Analysis Gas Chranatograpiy Other (Explain) 4 Sample voltane Used for Analysis l

                                                                 .                                   -.          = - . .
          -                                                                                                            IP-205A.1 Page 1 of 32, Rev. 6 ACO:mdw PHIIJHLPHIA EEJDCTRIC CEPANY                        /#MN PDG BOT:'OM UNITS 2 Am 3 DERGENCY PIAN INIDELTING P10CE!XJRE EP-205A.1 GERWICN CF POST ACCIDEN2 SANLING STATION PURPQ5E The parpse of this                  r eare is to provide guidelines for considerat' ion prior to, duringaccident following               and afterconditions.

obtaining samples fra the post accident samoling station 14EEPQESIBILIT ES: The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Leader shall determine, via dialogue with coverage. Personnel Safety Team Leader, the need for specific Health Physics The N4=try Sampling and Analysis Grot, rer shall brief 'the chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Members on: - A. Sampling points to be used. B. Routes to be taken. C. ivrwriata survey and protective equipment to be used. 4 The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Tome members shall A. Amnestale necessary estipment B. Apply the ALhm concept for radiation exposure C. Review this r e are prior to k 1- s tion ACITON LEVEL: l. It has been determined that a drywell =P, torus atmosphere, reactor him I m atmosshare or primary coolant sample is needed frcus the post ' accident sampling station. Make sure before entry into the MK3 Set Roma that all in plaos. personnel who will handle a sample nave extremity (hand) dosimetry

                                                                          '                 ~~~'3 YOID h-   '-
                                                                        ,   'pygggI3UTION PER A-2     -
    ,g,,_p,,,, ,-.e4ee      -<-w&       M   C"  ' * * ~ ' * *
                                       ,                                                                                D-205A.1 P ge 2 of 32, Rev. 6

APPAPEtlS Appropriate Health Physics Survey Equipnent Air Sanpler (low volume) Respiratory Protective Equipment Anti-C Clothing Digital Alarming Desimetry Gas Vial Sample Tube Icdine & Particulate Sample Assembly 14.4 Gas vials and caps Liquid Sample Bottles and Caps 10cc Syringr with Stoplock -

                              ,   Silver Zeolite Cartridges 47am Particulate Filters                                                        ,

Small Bottle of Domin Water Large Volume Cask Small Volume Cask Gas Sample Cask Flashlight Mirror Watch with Second Hand i Plastic Bag & Pole to Transport Cartridges 1 PRB3UYIONS . A. Apply ALARA ccmcept when implementing thiis procedure. B. Review this procedure prior to obtaining sample. C. Planned exposure shall not exceed administrative guidelines, except as authorized

1. by the Energency Director in accordance with D-205 A, Appendix j PIOCEWRE:
1. Tie paths are reccamended.

A. j, Entering the normal turbine bui ding 116' plant entrance, up the turbine building stairs to the M Set Roan. Time = Approximately 3 minutes. B. Entering the roll up doors on the north end for Unit 3 or south end for Unit 2, up the turbine building stairs to the M-G set roan. Time = Approximately 3 minutes. 2. 3 In most situations, the collection and handling of the samples should he performed with the Chemistry Group responsible for ensuring that the AIAPA concept for radiation ekposure is applied. The need for specific: Health Physics Technician coverage shall be determined and prescribed via dialogue between the Personnel Safety Tem Leader and the Chemistry Sapling Team TaaAeg. 4

             -     ~e.---,-3      m . , , . , ,    - . _ - . .     -,w..     - , ...-., . - - . , - - -
                      =.                   -                          - . .                                                                             .                    ..- -. .-                            - - . .                                    --

IP-203A.1 P;ge 3 of 32, Pav. 6 3. ilasure personnel have appropriate survey and protective equipent before entry into the power block. 4. Obtain entrol panel key frca shift Suprvisor or Chemistry Supervisor. 5. Upon entering the Power Block, the surveyer(s) will note trends in general radiation levels enroute to the sample point. If dose rates exceed 10 R/hr gmana or 10 rad /hr beta prior to arriving at the pint spcified below and upon further investigation this does rate renains stable or increases, exit inmediately and report to Health Physics Supervisien. 6.

         -                                If the dose rate at any door that has to be opened is greater than 5 R/bx, leave the area imediately and repet to Health Physics Supervision with this information. With the dose rates less than 5 R/hr, enter the area but take careful notice of the dose rates.


                                         'na following 'are the approximate times repred to obtain samples:.

I , j Drywell or Torus Atmos;here 25 Minutes i Seccndary Containment Atmosphere 10 Minutes Primary coolant Jet Pump 20 Minutes BER 25 Minutes l Use the aspropriate secticn for the desired sample: l Sectim 1 14.4 al gas sample frem drywell, torus or reactor building ~. atmosphere.

  • Secticn 2 Iodine and/or particulate sample from drywell, torus or sea:ndary containment atmosphere. -

Secticn 3 10cc sample of reactor water and/or dissolved gas sample. Sectim 4 .lec reactor water sample with 100:1 dilutim Refer to the appropriate appendix for flushing, schematics and proper valve documentations Appendix A.1 Draining the trap, sianp and collector. i l l Appendix A.2 Pest Accident Sampling Station centrol switches. Aspendix A.3 Schematic of Post Accident Sample Stablen Appendix A.4 Double Verification Sheet for Reactor valves. J

                '; 8. . An                    El@ or HP    andqualified     analysis.individual will be assigned for the sample collection

!- 9. Prior to the sample entering the hot lab, any shielding, remote tooling or other protective measure shall be in place and ready to accept the sample. l y- -,,,.i,-,w.-, + - , , - . - -wy.,. . . - , . , - r ---- - . ~ +%, . , - . . _ , . , - -_-4. . - - . , . - , , , - . , . - - , - , , - - , . - - - - _ - - - -.,._,.,_._f.. ..y -.._,,,y_-,--7

EP-205A.1 Page 4 of 32, Rev. 6

10. Utxm introduction of the sample into tha hot lab, the sample will ta handled in a manner such that AIAPA coreepts are applied.

11. The sample shall be processed remotely, if necessary, ha-=n= of the sample dose rate pying particular attention to extremity exposure.

                                  , 12. Following final analysis of the sample, results shall be reported to j                      aggropr,$a,te .supervisicn.


1. System lined up in accordance with C.O.L. S.20.1. ~
2. Have shift line up CAD system for desired sample and doceent the valves that are changed using Appendix A.4 (Bypass SV 8101 (9101) isolation per GP-8A). Document valve line up using Appendix'A.4.

UNIT 2 UNIT 3 Sample Position Sartple Positien i Torus 4960D - Open 'Ibrus 596CA Opn 4961D Closed 5961A Closed 49660 Torus II 5966A 'Ibrus I l' 8101 Opn 9101 .Open 4951B. Open 5951B Opn _ 4950B Closed 5950B Closed AO-8108 Iccal 57-9108 Iccal Ioer 4960C Upper 596C3 Cren

, .Drywell 4961C ed Drywell 5961B Closed 4966C Drywell II 5966B Drywell I l

8101 Open 9101 Open 4951B Open 5951B Cpen

                                             .                                495GB                       c1w                 .

5950B Closed AD-8108 Iccal . SV-9108 Io:al

3. No line up needed for secondary contalment sample.


4. Obtain the key to the control panel power frca Shift Supervision or Chemistry Supervision.

t j 5. Feat trace is to remain en at all Hans. Tb restore the heat trace system after loss of power, operating tesy. will ess the reset button at 20(30)S359. Propr

                                .        :                                                                      indicated by the green lights.

l ! 1. Drain the system per Appendix A.l. i l i l

                                                                              .                                                                                                                                          )

i yg-c,,,,,,-,gn,,,w,,.p,w--,-m., m--.,-r,-,,

   , - - - ,           . - - > . , , , , - -     a,.n.-    o,,,-aa.,    ,,--.,_,,w-eg,,,a-n.,--,,wwv_n,
                                                                            .                                                   _,,,w.,.           ,,,,,-,-,,-n_,.y

IP-205A.1 a . Page 5 of 32, Rev. 6

2. With the sump drain system switch in the off psition place switch HC-700 (liqui 4/ gas selector) in the gas position. Opn N2 bottle valve ard regulate to approsimately 80 psig. Make sure the gas chiller E-703 is on.

Quickly inspect the needle in the gas port to determine that its condition is satisfactory for obtaining a saple.

3. Install the gas filter drawer into position. If a particulate /icdine sample will be obtained later, make sure that the desired filter cartridges are proprly installed in the cartridge retainer.

i 4. Turn switch BC-723 (gas sample selector switch) to position 3 if a secondary containnent atmosphere saple is desired. If a torus er drywell am-=Jere sample is desired, turn to position 1 and opn the.comen gas

                               ,       line isolation valve.                                                                                                               -

Unit 2 Uhit 3 Ac8108 Sv9108 5. Place a standard 14.4 milliliter off gas vial into the gas . vial positioner, slide the positioner into the gas port. Observe that the bottle status light . changes from red to green. 6. Turn the 10 M[. gas s m ple switch BC-705 to position 2 and circulate gas for a period long enough to assure that the smple lines are flushed out with gas being sampled. The minimum time required is 5 minutes.

  • Be sure that the flow as read by the rotameter thru the saple enclosure i

wi'ndow is in the expected ~ range of 35 SCMt. Record flow and flush

                                    .duratim'en data sheet. '                         -
  • Turn HC-705 to position 3 and evacuate the off gas vial. Record pressure of the evacuated vial PI-708 on the data sheet. Make sure the vacuun in i

the gas vial reaches a stable ministas reading.

8. Turn BC-705 to position 4, "Take sample". Make sure that PI-708 does not change. (If PI-708 changes rapidly then the sample bottle vacuum is leaking. Turn BC-705 to position 2 counter clockwise. Replace the old bottle with a new one and go baick to step 5.)

9. Press the HC-720 button to obtain the sample. Keep button depressed until a steady pressure is reached. (Approximately 5 seconds.) Record pressure frcus PI-708 en data sheet. This pressure should corresym d to actual pressure of sample being obtained. Record sample temperature TI-724 on cata sheet. 10.

       . .                :         Turn BC-705 to positica 5 " flush system" and flush for approximately 1 minute.


11. Turn BC-705 to position 6, 7, and 8 then straight up to off.
12. Turn the gas line isolation valve (ACF8108 for Unit 2 or SV-9108 for Unit
3) to its closed position and BC-700 to off. N==nt on Appendix A.4) .

( - l

      .                                                                                                                                                                     D-205A.1
                                                                                                   ,                                6 of 32, Pav. 6 13.

Wearing ootton liners and gloves, and (observing ALARA practices) remove gas vial keeping it a maximia distance from the individual. is greater than 100 mR/hr use the gas vial cask for transl:orting theIf the sample sample. 14. Take the sample to the appropriate lab for further dilution and counting. File data cheet in Chem. Lab binder 15. Calculate data sheet.sample voline using the following equatim and record it on the i . Vs = (14.4) (492) (P2 - P1) (14.7)

                                                                            ,                        ('IS + 460) 16 Perform the drain of trap, sung and collector per Appendix A.l. Close N2
              .                    bottle valve. , close FCV-627 by setting PCV-627,to O psig.

17. II' this is the last sample' required, turn all switches to the upright ~ snd "off" turning position "off" poter. (except for EC-723 which is left in position 3) before Supervisien. Return key to Shift Supervision or Chemistry 18. n,v,unarit to normal that usingthe Appendix valves that A.4.were lined up for sampling have been returned 19. Return empleted ocupletion of sampling. Appendix A.4 to Shift Supervisicn for review at the File in crmplete 5-205A.,1 file. _ , 4 . J 8 O i . e m s- e vvw---- -'w.,_,-c-,-v.,-e.,-.,,-meev-we-e.,,,,.--+v--,.-,..m-._ _ m,- ,,y-,w%--,.,wc,,,-------,,e,----- wn-=-v. m -+w,.,-e-.-,.


I EP-203A.1 Page 7 of 32, Dev. 6 IP-205A.1 Pat Accident Smling Staticrt Data Sheet for 14.4 Mt. Gas S=mle'

1. Sample Source Date
                                                                                                                                                                            '                                                            i Time _
2. Step 6
a. Sample Flow FI-725 (SCFH)
                            .-                 b.       Plush Duratica                                                 Minutes                                                           -
3. Step 7 .

Pressureoft$aVialP1 (PI-708) Unit 2 - PSIG, Unit 3 - PSIA

4. Step 9
a. Pressure of the Sample P2 (PI-708) eUnit 2 - PSIG, Unit 3 - PSIA
   ,r                                         b.       Sample Tenparature 'IS                                                                    (F) c ." 15 + 460 = 15R (R)
                                             .-     . -                     . . .                 . +                  <
                                                                                                                                                        ..-        ~

5. Cala21ated Sample voltme VS (al) V = (14.4) (492) (P2 - P1) 14.7 . (1SR) e e e O e I O e

  • l
     %_r                                                                                                                                                                                                                                l.

l i 4 [ v , - + , ~ ,m-ww-,---,.,w, , . , . - , - - ,-me,,ew,,,w.,,.., ,,,-_,.,w,_,e n n -y m .- 4, ,_ w w , -->pp ec e_ -a,ng w,, -, -,,c -mmm.,,, ,, y,-my--w p,,,,- ,


                                                      .                           -                         Page 8 of 32, Rev. 6


1. System lined up in accordance with C.o.L. S.20.1.

2. Have shift line up CAD system for desired sample and h= ant the valves that are changed using Apendix A.4. (Bypass SV-8101(9101) isolation pr GP-8A.) hunant selve line up using Appendix A.4. UNIT 2 UNIT 3 M


Position Sample Positicn Torus 4960D open Torus 5960A Open' 4961D - Closed

  • 5961A Closed 4966D Torus II 5966A Torus I-8101 Open 4951B 9101 Open open 49508 5951B Open Closed 5950B X>8108 Iccal Closed SV-9108 Iccal Iower 4960C Open Drywell Upper 5960B Cpen 4962C Closed Drywell 5961B Closed
                                      .4966C        Drywell II.

8101 Open 5966B Drywell I (- 9101 Open 4951Bs open 4950B 5951B Open Ciceed 595(B

                                - A0-8108           Iccal Closed SV-9108                  Tew al 3.

No line up needed for secondary containment sample. 4. Obtain' theSupervision. Chemistry key to the control panel power from Shift Supervision or

                                                                   .     ,;,:.                                       ~                         ~
  • 5'.

Heat trace is to remain en at ak times. artar less or power, press the reset tutton at 20(30)s359.'ib Proper restore the heat trace system oprating temperature will be indicated by the green lights.

       ,         6.

Decide conditionwhether exists, aatimed timedsampleor non-timed should be sample desired. If a high activity. PEOCECIIRE: ~

       ,,        1.      Drain the system per Appendix A.l.                          .
             ~ b.

Openchiller gas N2 bottle E-703valve and regulate to approximately 80 psig is en. . Make sure the 3. With the sump drain system switch in the off positlen place switch RC-700

       -                 (liquid / gas selector) in the gas position.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .
                                  ... .. ... .           ... .          ..                                                                                                      \

l l EP-205A.i Prge 9 of 32, Rev. 6 f 4. Put the desired filter and cartridge (s) into the cartridge retainer. Put the cartridge retainer into the gas filter drawer. Then put the drawer into the sample station and verify drawer positica light is green. 5. Turn gas sample selector switch BC-723 to desired sample source. Positicn 1 for torus or drywell and positicn 3 for secondary containment. 6. Open sampleconsun is desired.gas line isolation valve, if a torus or drywell atmosphere W~nt on Appendix A.4.) 't Unit 2 Unit 3 R5lW 3W1R 7 Turn the iodine cartridge sample switch HC-712 to position 2 and circulate gas for a period 1cng enough to assure that sample lines are flushed out with gas being sampled., Minima flush time, is;approicimately 5 minutes.

          .                  8.

Be sure flow as read by rotameter is in the range of 25 to 35 SC211. 9. Beoord the flow FI-725, pressure PI-727, PI-726 (located at sample statien) and temperature TI-724 (located en control panel) on data sheet. ' 10. If a timed desired gosample to step is 13.desired go to step 11 or if a non-timed sample is 11. To taNe a timed sample, turn HC-704 to yes positien and set timer KC-712 between 0 to 30 seconds. Make sure time is short encogh that the acti- -

 ,.                                    vity en the filter will not be~ tmnecessarily high.
12. ' 712 The to sample position will3.S1Ntf TO FIOf through the cartridge at this step.Turn HC-d rapid activity buildup. Observe RI-704's reading to determine if there is a flow duraticn, and RI-704.OnNow the data go to Step 14.

sheet record PI-726, PI-727, FI-725, i 13. 4 The 712 sample to positicn will3. S1Ntf TO FIOf through the cartridge at this step. Turn HC- . . . duratien, and RI-704.-On the data sheet record 'PI-726, PI-727, FI-725, flow 14. After appropriate time has elagised for either timal or tmtimed, turn HC-712 to positicn 4 for 10 seconds. A vacutsa will be quickly drawn on the syntam.

                 .        15.                                                                                   ~

l . Turn BC-712 to position 5 which will purge the systen with air or nitrogen. Purge for at least 20 seconds or until RI-704 la stable. Remed RI-704 on

                                    / data sheet.~

3 l.:a16. mtate and BC-712 to up and off positien'. namove filter and cartridge retainer then in plastic bags. Tagie bags closed. Put drawer back into enclosure. Use a pole or rope to increase distance while j transporting. Close A0-8108 for Unit 2 and SV-9108 for Unit 3.

 .                       17.

4 Perform drain of trap, sisap and collector following Appendix A.1. Close FCV-627 by setting PC7-627 to O psig. i j' , l

     - - - - - - - . . - _ _                                                             _ _ - . - _ _ _ _                                     ~ .         _ . _ . . .
                                             -                                                                                                                                 EP-205A.1
         .                       4
                                                                                                     .                                                             Page 10 of 32, Rev. 6 18.

If this is the laat sample required, turn all switches to the upright and' "off" position (except for HC-723 which is left in gesiticn 3) before turning "off" pcmer. File data sheets in Chem. Lab binder. C1cae N2 bottle valve. - Return key to Shift Supervision or Cheatistry Supervisien. i 19. . Domanent that the valves that were lined up for sampling have been returned to noonal using Appendix A.4. 20. Itaturn completed Appendix A.4 to Shift Suprevisicn for review at the canpletion of --- if ng. File in ccuplete IP-205A.1 file.



                                                                        *                                                           .h#

e 4 1 e e E a e o e e t 8 em J ~ e .  :

  • e ,
                                                                                                                                                          'e 4

I '**O e G G ee g , , e

  • bF---. , _ , , - , - , , . , . _ _ _ , . , , , _ _ , _ _ . _ _ _ . , , _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _

EP-205A.1 i Page 11 of 32, Rev. 6 i s D-205A.1 Post Accident S-ling Statica Data Sheet for Iodine / Particulate S=le

1. . Sample S,ource Date Time
2. Orifica Size 3.0
3. Step 9
a. Flush Time Minutes
                                            ,'                  b.           Sample F1cu                            FI-725 (SCFR)                                                             -
c. Downstream Pressure PI-727 Units
d. Upstream Pressure PI-726 Units
e. Tacgerature TI-724 (F)

Step 12 or 13

a. Upstream Pressure PI-726 .

Units b.- Downstream Pressure

                                                                                                 ~; ,                                                                   PI-727
                                                                           .u                                          * ..
c. Units.
c. Flow FI-725 (SCFH)
d. Flow Duratica Seconds
e. Radiatim '

RI-704 (R/he) - Timed Sample - Yes or No f.

5. Step 15 l,

Final Railaticn Level RI-704 (R/hr) Noter-Man critical flow is obtained through the cartridge assembly, a ' flow of 3.0 liters per minute + 154 is achieved. This is true

                                                                          . as Img as PI-727 is at a minima of 12 inches mercury vacuta.

2, *

                         . ' . I

{ i # l l l l .- . . .

  . , - - , - - - - .              ---,,.-,..,.,,..,,n.,,-,,...-,.-,,.                               .,,.-n--,       .,.,~,.,-c'a,,  , _ , _ ,n ,- ,~,-, - - - _ ,-- ,,                             .,,,-,n,_,,nn..-   ..- e,,--
                                             -                                                                                                                            IP-205A.1 Page 12 of 32, Rev. 6 SecrIdtt 3 IAIM LIQUID sal @I2 AND/OR A DISSG.VED GAS SAMPIZ Paw.aeuu1 SITES:

l. system lined up in accordance with C.O.L. S.20.1. ' 2. Ottain theSupervisicrt. Chemistry key to the control panel power from Shift Supervisim or 3. Record the weight of a dry, clean liquid sample vial and record en the data sheet. P10CEE11RE: . 1. If the RER line is to be used, have.the the RER sample line velves isolation and logic h==nt per thit valves that are changed using Appendix A.4. (3ypass GP-8A.) Unit 2 Unit 3 i AO 8098A AO 9098A A Line A0 8099A AO 9099A AO 8098B AO 9098B B Line Ao 809sa Ao 9099B

2. Perform the drain and blow out operation per Appendix A.l.
  .                      3.
                               ,open the N2 bottle valve and regulate to approximately 80 psig.

4. Check that the domin water tank is fun. Verify that the domin water tank is pressurized to at least 100 psig. 5. Make certain the lead shield drawer is out so that the needles under the sample station enclosure are exposed. Quickly inspect the needles with a *

                           -     mirror and flashlight. Check that the Icmgest part of the needle is toward the center of the sanssa vial.

6. Demove lead stopper from the la'rge volume cask and put a 15 M. sample bottlecask. with an outer aluminta retainer ring and a neoprene cap into the ' large Note sample bottle must fit snugly in the holder and be vertically aligrad. If ne<===ar cask in fully lowered positica, y, ron place s:askamm11 pod under into position under sample vial. With the sample


7. 2 If RER sample is desired, close t!ie sample line valves to feedwater sargle sink.

                        ,                                 (Docsment en Appendix A.4.)

Unit 2 thit 3 A0 8EGA A0 9n0A A0 Su(B A0 9n(B t i

  • 6 0


    , -          ,   ,-v. v.,,----,-,,,-,,--m,-._,.--..,-.,..,..---_.,                                       -, ._ - c,,       --,--- --..----,~ ,._ .-,.---                                    .n.

D-205A.1 Page 13 of 32, Rev. 6 (' s with control panel power en set switch BC-700 to the ligsid position, and-lignid sample selector switch BC-626 to position 2 if a jet pop sample is desired or to positim 4 if the reactor velves were set for a RRR sample. 8.

     -                  . Push the pimger der .1 which e-me the sample bottle to be raised out of the cask and up onto the two needles. Make certain that while positioning sidecask the       theyon   must    Unitpoint   2 side,      theleft.

to the forks are pointing to the right, and on Unit 3 Note that the bottle in light will change from red to green. (If cask is not aligned properly, lower bottle and repor. tion cask.)

      .          9'.

Using aligreent. the, hydraulic S pump slowly raise the cask, checking for proper cask is iust be :=99 when top cask ring is inside and the'large voltne the bottom of the saple station. 10. Make position. certain that BC-616-1 (mall volume sample switch) is in the off 11. Turn the liquid sample source selector switch EC-626 to yesiticrt 1 for jet pep bypass line sample or 5 for RRR sample. 12. FI-664 cn control panel should be approximately 1 gp. 663, and RI-665 should start to have meaningful values. PI-661, TI-660, CI- ' 13. Adjust PCV-627 so that the flow on FI-664 is approximately 1 sp or mtil PCV-627 reads 15 psig. Continue this flow for a long enough period (at , least 7 minutes) liquid.being sampled. to be assured that the sample lines are flushed out.with

                                                                       . .               .a
                       ' Notes Record the flow fra FI-664 and flush thee on data sheet.

14. When flush is completed, turn HC-626 sample source selector switch to positicn 2 for a jet pop sanple or position 4 if reactor valves were positimed for a RER sample. as read en FI-664 (to adjust FCV-627 use PCV-627).. Adjust FCV-627 for a flowl .- . . .', . . . ..~< '.'. ... ~ . .

            ' 15. . Leave in these~ positions for at least                                .

7 minutes. time, proceed wlth Step 16, but do not' proceed to Step 17 until the 7During this flushin minute flush is complete.

16. Verify leak tiWit dissolved gas chamber:
a. i .

Replace the septism in the gas collection chamber as regtired or if it has.been used for more than 15 samples. When replacing the septtan, asha sure that both washers arai in place. ~ 1 .';  : b.

a Turn tbn dissolved gas and ligsid sample switetr ac-601 to positie 1 '

r and observe that P-701 starts and valves CV-622 rotates. D O NCrf insert the needle into the gas collection chamber. c. When PI-652 is stable, turn switch 3C-601 cotater clockwise to "0FF". 9 . ~ . . . . . . - . . . . - - . . . . .

                   .=       . .                .- .- - - - .   - - . .   .-.     -         . _ _ _ _ - _


                              -                                                                          EP-203A.1
                                                   ,                               Page 14 cf 32, Rev. 6 l
d. Confirm that PI-662 does not rise more than 0.20 psia per minutes for approximately thr,ee minutes.
1) If PI-662 indicates leakage of greater than 0.20 psia per minutes, this may indicate unacceptable leakage into the gas conection <*==her.
11) If tightening the septta does not correct the leakage, then replace the septum and repeat steps a through d. If tmacceptable, lankage is stin indicated with a new septta then inaccuracy may be introduced if dissolved gas monitoring is attempted.
                 .       e. Cmfirm PI-662 indicates approximately 5.7 psia or lower, If the dissolved gas Couection Chamber can not be evacuated to below 5.7 pais, then this any indicate a problem with vacuum pump P-701. .

f. Turn the dissolved gas and liquid sample sMtch BC-601 to positicn 1. 17. GLY IF N OR SAMLING DISSCLVED GAS IS !E(JJIRED, insert an open end needle through the septum via the needle guide into the gas collection et=her . This anows air to purge into the collecticn areas.

18. TLrn switch BC-601 to sosition 2. Observe that P-601 starts.
19. Record the fonowing on the data sheet.

Flow (FI-664) Pressure (PI-661) - Conductivity (CI-663) Radiaticn (RI-665)

20. Turn switch BC-601 to positien 3 to isolate the sample and start the dissolved gas separator. Leave in this positicn for approximately 30 S OCMDB.

! .' 21. Turn switch BC-601 to positicn 4. Ammove the needle (if it was insertad in Step psia. 17) and wait until PI-662,is stable and is less than approximately 5.7

22. Turn switch BC-601 to positlen 5. Image in this positien for about 5 seconds.

23 When PI-662 is stable, record the value as PO cn the Data Sheet.

24. Begin conecticn of dissolved gas 'by turning BC-601 to positim 6 for about

, 5 asecnds. Record pressure of PI-662 en the Data Sheet (Cycle 1).

            "15.      , Turn BC-601 to positim 7 (circulate Again) for 10 SB03EE.

f6. Turn BC-601 to positlen 8 (rw11aet Dissolved Gas Again) for about 5 B CCMOS. Record the pressure of PI-662 on Data Sheet (Cycle 2). S

D -205A.1 P ge 15 of 32, Rev. 6 27. Repeat than 0.15Steps psia. 25 and 26 until successive readings of PI-662 differ by less-Data Sheet spaces cycle 3, 4, etc.Nomally, this will be dme approximately 4 times 28. Turn BC-601 to positim 9 (Relieve Pressure /Take Gas Sample). ~ 29. Roccrd firal pressure of PI-662 as PF crt the Data Sheet. i 30. Record water temperature fra TI-660 as TF cn the Data Sheet. 31. If cnly a Large Voltane Liquid Sample is desired, then proceed to Step 38. 32.

After the final dissolved gas possure measurement is ma*e, a.calculaticn aust be done to determine if a grab sample must be taken. -

Use the following equaticrt .;g ,.

                                                 ,      y-               .
                                                                             'my c = 4.98 (PF .- 1.05 2 PO - W)

C = Total dissolved gas concentraticn in standard cc/kg PF = Final dissolved gas pressure in psia , Po = Initial pressure in dissolved gas chamber in psia

W = Vapor pressure of water at the temperature of the-lipid loop (TF). W is obtained frem EP 205A.1 i
                                        . Table paia. Record thaf value of W crt the                                                    ,
                                       ' Data Sheet line 9.                                                                                  '

Record the value of C en the Data Sheet. 33. If C is greater than 40 Sec/Kg, then dissolved oxygen may be re;ncted as less

38. than 0.1 ppe, a dissolved gas sample is not required and skip to Ctep

[ 34. If G is'less than 40 Soc /Kg,'than 'a'disaelved gas grab sample sinuld to taken and analyzed on the gas chreatograph for oxygen axi hydrogen. 35. If PI-662 indicates greater than 14.7 psia then turn EC-652'to the left to relieve pressure in the dissolved gas chanber. Only proceed with collecting a dissolved gas sample if PI-662 reads 14.7 psia or lower. 36. Attach the icng sample needle to'a gee-tight syringe. A dissolved gas sample can be .taken by inserting the icng needle, attached to a gae-tight syringe, collectionvia.the re==har. needle guide through the septum and then into the gas

            . .     :                                          Support the syringe with a mechanical support.
                   '         Withdraw ptabilism. a 1.0 to 5.0 cc gas sample, allow the pressure en PI-662 to syringe voltane as .T. Record this stable pressure as SP (the sample pressure) and the i

I i

                                              -                                                                       EP-205A.1
           .~                                                           .

Page 16 of 32, Rev. 6 li) If the syringe reads greater than 10 (IEWhr, inject the sanple back. into the gas collecticn chamber, lock the syringe closed and call chemistry supervisim for advice.) b) If the syringe reads less than 10 REWhr, the syringe should be locked by pushing the red button in. 37. Remove the needle and syringe, place in a shield =4 carrying device, if greater than 100 mR/hr for transport to the laboratory. Record the contact dose rate of the syringe as RS (Dis. Gas) cra the data sheet. 38.

            -                          If a large volume ligald sample is desired, turn RC-601 to position 10.

BC-629-1 must be pushed and held for 10 seemds or more for liquid to be a dranen into the sample bottle. If a large volume ligaid sangle is Nor { desired, turn switch BC-601 to the off position verify quickly so that imive CV-620 will not rotate and no radioactive ligaid will-be in the line ahead of C7-629.

39. '1brn HC-601 to off. ,

40. Icuer the plunger ligald sample bottle into the large cask by pulling up on the handle. 10 2: Do not turn or twist bottle while it is on the needles because the W 1es will L- 4. . 41. Iower th's cask 'en the cart by relieving the hydraulic oil pressure with the small patcock handle oc. du hydraulic cylinder.

42. . Roll.the cask out fram smider the sample station, obtain a contact dose rate of'the sample bottle and reaard .as RS (Large.Voltane Liquid) on the data
                                   ' sheet ~.
Quickly plug' the cask'. Consider'using tie cask to transport the -

sample if the sample is greater than 100 mR/hr or use a suitable i alternative.

43. Check that the domin water tank is full. Verify that the desin water tank is pressurised to at least 100 psig.
                                                                          ?       -                  '
                         . 44.                                                               .

Make sure that FCV-627'is open by majusting PCV-627 to 15 psig. .

45. Switch BC-620 must be in position 2 (jet pump) or 4 (RER) and BC-700 must be in the liquid positim. Turn the flush system switch BC-628-1 to positim 2 which will close the inlet sample lines and start the flush with domineralized water fran V-501. Observe that there is flow per FI-664.
46. If this is the last ligaid sample to be. taken, then i.4 with the
                                  . M 1 %J flush.                                - ..

J , 47. AFtar RI-665 shows radiation has decreased significantly, or after 5 ej minutes, turn switch BC-629-1 to positicri 3 to flush the V-Go Icop. Watch RI-665. , 48. After a few minutes, turn switch EC-628-1 to positica 4 and flush the P-601 Icop. Watch RI-665. l

IP-205A.1 Page 17 of 32, Rev. 6 49. After ahtch Icop. fewRI-665. minutes, turn switch E-628-1 to psiticn 5 and flush the P-601 50. After i minute, turn switch BC-628-1 to position 6 and flush the piping staticn. 5L. After a few minutes, turn switch BC-628-1 to position 7 for a few minutes to flush 1 cop CV-622 again. Watch RI-665, 52. Turn BC-626 to CFF FIRST and then BC-628-1 to off. . 53.

      .                      If RI-665 did not indicate an acceptable radiatica level at any step of the flush, then go back and repeat Steps 43 through 52.                                    -

54. l Perform in Appendix theA.1. drain of trap, sep and collectica following procedure listed , 55. If this is the last saple desired, turn all switches to the ugright and > off positicm (ezcept for BC-723 which is left in position 3) before turning power off. CIcse the N2 bottle valve. Cicse FCV-627 by. setting PC7-627 to O psig. File data sheets in Chem Iab binder. Return key to Shift Supervisica or Chemistry Supervisien. 56. Take'the samples to the appropriate lab for analysis.

57. w mt that to normal the Appendix using valves that A.4. were lined up for sanpling have been returned
58. Return czepleted ndix A.4 to Shift Supervisica for review at the acepleticm of . File in completed EP-205A.1 file.

2 1 o J . l


l L


   .         l
                                                                               ,           Page 18 cf 32,ftev. 6 s

IP-205A.1 Pest Accident Smaaling Station Data Sheet for Large Voline Liquid Smaale tai /cr Dissolve Gas Smaale

1. , Sample Source Date Time
2. . Step 13 Bypass Flow (PI-664) GPM Flush Time Minutes
               .3.      Step 19   -

Sample Flow (?I-664) GPM Pressure (PI-661) PSI. Omductivity (CI-663) umho Ligaid Radiatlert (RI-665) R/hr , 4. Step 23

  • Initial Pressure (PO) (PI-662) PSIA
5. Step 24 .

Cycle 1 P1 (PI-662) PSIA [6. Step 26 . Cycle 2 P1 (PI-662) PSIA Cycle 3 P1 Cycle 4 Pl-Cycle 5 .P1 Cycle 6 P1 ,

7. Step 29 Final P1 = PF = (PI-662) PSIA
s. Step 30 W* (TI-660) Degrees F ..

3; , 9. Step 32 - Vapor Pressure of Water W PSIA (Use IP-205A.1 - Table 1) CP = 4.98 (PF - 1.05 (PO) - W) . 8 s e



                                                                          ,                                                                   Page 19 cf 32, Rev. 6 s

r*=1rmlaFad value CT Scc /Kg 100 Step 35 .

  • Sample Pressure SP (PI-662) PSIA Syringe voltme SV oc


11. . Step 37 N (Dis. Gas) .


12. Step 42 -

M (Iarge Vol. Ligald) . ER/hr

5. Step - Preregaisite 3 Sample Bottle plus Sample gm Clean Sample Bottle gn Ligaid Sample voltane al 14a. If the sample was taken, mole fracticrt (volume fracticn) of the sample for hydrogen (1st) = fran gas chrcuatogragit.
b. If the sample was taken, moie fracticut (voltme fraction) of the '
                                , sample for oxygen -(20) =                                              frca gas chranatograph.


c. Proceed with Step 15 and 16.


15. Ccncentration'of oxygen in reactor ' water -' CO2 (Sec/Eg)

CO2 =M 2253 (te0 x PF - 0.21 x Po) + ro x PF x SO =. Soc of 02 14.7 Kg of Coolant NO = unie fraction of 02 in sample ,(utilise GC analysis) i . , TFR = TF (frca line 8 of the data sheet) + 460 to became degrees R

Tra =
                                  .So - Solubility of oxygen, as read frca Table 2 is a ftmeticut of the ligaid sample temperature (W in line 8 of the data sheet)

SO = Soc /(Eg sta) 2,

             * '       j
             ,                     PF - Final gas pressure see lirm 7 of the data sheet.

PF = noia 30 - Initial gas pressure see line 4 of the data sheet. l

. .. . ...._4 .... ..... . .. ... .


                                         -                                                                                                                          D-205A.1 Page 20 of 32, Rev. 6 PO    =

Deia i CD2 = Soc /Kg of OXEiEN in CDOLMC 16. Ccncantratim of hydrogen in ~ reactor water - G2 (Sec/Kg) CH2 = (2253) E x PF + m x PF x SE M 14.7 m - The mole fracticn of hydrogen in the sample (utilize GC analysis) m =.


TR = T (from line 8 of the data sheet) + 460 to become degrees R TFR = SE

                                           - Solubility of hydrogen as read f$cm Table 3 is a ftmeticn o'f tra liquid sample temperature (W in line 8 of the data sheet)
                                  . SH =                             Scc /(Kg-atm)


                                           - Final gas pe, essure see line 7 of the , data sheet PF    =


                     .              CH2 =                            Sec/Rg of ElfDROGEN in C3XXASE '
d I

_ _ . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - ' ~ ~ ~ ~' L

D -205A.1 Page 21 cf 32, Rev. 6-s D-205A.1 - TAB 2 1 Nater Vatne Pressure vapor 3ressure of water at temperature of the liquid icop (W). T ('F) W(psia) 2('F) M(psia)

    .                                    60                                  2561                                        102 62 1.008
                     *                                                     . 2749                                        104                          1.070 64                               . 2950                                        106 66 1.135'
                                                                           . 3163                                        108 68                         -


                                                                           . 3389 70 E0                           1.275
                                                                           . 3629                                        H2 72 1.351
                                                                          . 3884                                         H4 74                                                                                                            1.430         -
                                                                          . 4155                                         n6 76 1.513
                                                                          .4442                                          u8                           1.601                                         '

78 .4746 120 80 1.693

                                                                          . 5068                                        122                           1.789
84. 5409 124 86 1.890
                                                                          . 5770 126                           1.996 88                  -
                                                                          . 6152
                              -                                                                                        128              .
  • 2.107 -

90 -

                                                                          . 6555                                       130                           2.223
92 . 6981 132 94- 2.345
                                                                         . 7432                                       134 96 2.472
                                                                         . 7906                                       136 98
  • 2.605
                                                                         .                                            138                            2.744 100                                 . 9492                                      140                            2.889 142                             3.041 144                             3.200 146                              3.365 146                              3.538 150
3. 71 8

Source: ASM!! Steam Tables,1967 b ,

  • * ~

e e e 9

                                      , - , , .       --,,.w--,.m,m               ,,.      y  .-my,_,,,.,.  ,,,.,-,,--%,        - , - -  y,-,              - , . - - *, - - ,     ,,,.,.,--,,w.,.      .,

4 EP-203A.1 Page 22 of 32, Rev. 6 EP-205A.1 - TAB 2 2 Solubility of oxygen in Water t Solubility data for oxygen in water as a ftmelten of ligald sample temperature (TF) ' .j i 1 TfF) SO(Sec/Kg-atm) 2(*F) SO(Soc /Kg-atm) I

      .                           60        .       37.04 102                       25.80 62                36.27
                                                            .                     104                       25.49 64                35.50                         106                      25.18 66                 34.80
  • 108 24.87 68 34.11 110 24.56 70 33.42. 112 24.26 72 32.80 114 24.02 74 32.19 116 23.79 76 31.57 118 23.49 78 31.03 120 80 23.25 30.49 122 23.02 82 29.95 124 22.79 84 29.45
  • 126 22.64 86 .28.95. . 128 22.41

, 88 28.49 130 90 22.25 28.11 132 22.02 92 27.64 134 21.87 94 27.26 136 21.71 96 26.87 138 21.56 98 26.49 140- 21.41 100 26.18 142 21.25 144 21.10

                                                                                .146                      20.94                 .
  • 148 20.84 i

150 20.71

2. ,


                   '                                                                                                                              EP-205A.1 Page 23 of 32, Rev. 6 2P-205A.1 - TABLE 3 Solubility of Hydrogen in Water Solubility data for hWrogen in water as a ftmeticn of lig2id sample tenq:erature (TF) .

T('F) SH(Sec/Wata) W(8F) SH(Sec/Kg-atm) 60 18.56

                        ~                                     .

102 16.67 62 18.34 104 16.56 64 18.22 106 16.56 66 18.n

  • 108 16.56 68 70 18.00 no 16.56 17.89 n2 16.45 72- 17.67 114 16.45 74 17.56
                    -                                                                                                             116       16.45 76                                     17.56                                             118       16.45 78                                     17.45 120       16.45 80                                    17.34 82                                                                                      122       16.45 17.22
  • 124 16,45 84 17.11 126 16.45 86 17.11 88 128 16.45 17.00 130 16.45 90 16.89. 132 16.45 92 16.89 134 16.45 94- 16.78 136 16.56 96 16.78 138 16.56 98 16.67 140 16.56 100 16.67 142 16.56 144 16.56 146 16.67 .

148 16.67 150 16.67 b s da e o e as .

                                             ,w--,-wy- - - ,,       , , - , - , , , - - .                   - - . - - , - - , -

EP-205A.1  ! P ge 24 of 32, Rav. 6 l i I APPENDIX A.4 St%LL V3DE LIQUID SAMLE I I Pum.uJusIMS:

1. , Syst a lined up in accordance with C.O.L. S.20.1.

2. Obtain the key to the control panel power frcun Shift Supervisim or Chemistry Supervision.  ! 3. Record the weight of a dry, clean sample vial and record en the data sheet. e PflOCE!IntE:

  • 1.

If the RER line is to be used, have the shift open the RER suple line velves isolatica and perdocuent GP-8A.the valves that are changed using Appendix A.4. Bypass Unit 2 Unit 3 i AD 8098A AO 9098A A'Line AO 8099A AO 9099A AO 80988 AO 9098B B Line AO;809B AO 90998

2. Perform the drain and blow out operaticn per Appendix A.l.

3. Open the N2 bottle valve and regulate to approximately 80 psig. i 4. Check that the domin water tank'is full. verify. that the domin water tank

                                                            'is pressurized to at least 100 psig.

5. Ioad the syringe with 10cc of domin water. Place stopoock on the syringe and load the assenbly ento the injection port. 6. Check that the small value cask is in the cask positioner, and that both i are hanging from the books below the, sample staticn. . 7. Remove stopper and carrying handle from the small cask by unscrewing it and lifting it out. Leave stopper near by.

8. Put a 15 It.

cap into a e bottle with an outer alumin a retainer ring and neoprene I volme cask. Check that the bottle lifting lever is free to move up and down.- The bottle must fit snugly in the holder and be . , vertically aligned. If the bottle does not fit snugly, use a small pad of rubber vial holder. or felt, thick enough to hold vial against the upper icke of the J , -

                            . 9.

Make certain the lead shielding drawer is out so that the needles under the

  • uanple station enciesure are exposed. Quickly inspect the needles with a mirror and flashlight. Check that the Icngest part of the needle is toward the center of the sample vial. .

e e 4 ans e . p. g, en e. g ,e e, g am g e g g e e a o. s, e e g e e , a e a e e , e e me G

                            - - , -    v--,,,--.--,---,_-,,.,n                                           ,-..,,.,-,,,,----,,,__,w,,,,--,.n,,-a--,,-,,-,,,n-_ -

_ - - m,,-,-, -,,--e,-m -.n--,

v. -


                                                             -                                                                                                                              EP-205A.1 Page 25 of 32, Rev. 6 10.

If a EEIR sample is desired, close the sample line valves to feedwater sample sink and doctament on Appendix A.4. Unit 2 Ektit 3

                                                 ' A08n0A                    A09n0A
 ,                                                     A0811GB               A0911(B                                                                                                                        -
n. With control panel power on, set switch BC-700 to the liquid position and liquid sample selector switch BC-626 to positiczt 2 if a jet piang sample is  !

desired or to positicrt 4 if the reactor valves were set for a RER sample. '

                                      ".d. Swing the cask into positicri under the saple station and lock the arms of                                                                                       I the cask holder so the cask and bottle win remain in positicrt.

13. Raise the sample bottle into position en the needles by moving the lever en the side of the cask. 14. Screw the lift red in to hold the sample bottle in the engaged position. Note: If the vial doesn't clear the entry hole, lower the vial and rotate the saan voltane cask about 1/8" in either directicn. If it sti n doesn't fit either need ad the liquid vial positioner fixture or liquid tray positioner be m. justment. Note: The green light for the amm11 voltane sample should

                              ,                      and repositi       If themlight
                                                                                 . - remains red, unscrew the lift rod, lower the bottle 15.

Turn liquid sample selector switch BC-626 to positicn 1 for a sample frem . the jet pump line or to psition 5 for a sample frm the RER line. Adjust i PCV-627 627 is so that 15 psig. the flow thru KV-627 is approximately 1 gget or mtil PCV-(See FI-664). Centinue this flow thru byphss valve CV-626 for a 1cmg enough period to be assured that the sample lines are flushed. The miniatan time required to do this ls' 7 minutes. Record the flow and flush time on the data sheet. 16. After flush is cumpleted, turn switch BC-626 to position 2 (for jet pump

  • sample) ce positiczt 4 (for EllR sample). Note that the flow cut. indicator FI-664 using PCV-627. is greatly reduced. , Adjust velve FCV-627 for a flow of 0.3 gpa,
17. Record the following on the data sheett Flow /FI-664, Pressure /PI-661, -

Temperature /rI-660, Conductivity /CI-663 and Radiation /RI-665. 18.

Turn mean voltane sample switch BC-616-1 to "Take Sample" positicn.' valve CV-616 will rotate and carry the sample into aligranent with the line to the sample bottle. Wait for velve CV ,616 light to come en.

2 , 19.

                         . .        :         Open the et-:,--n cut the syringe and inject 10 cc of water into the line.

Cicos the syringe etiM. Remove the syringe and fin it with air. De

i petach the syringe, opets the stopoock and inject the air. Perfoca this air i

flushing two ar,three times, 20. Unscrew the lift rod and lower the sample tottle. i I

   - - - -,   -,----.-m.                   m    ,.=.,-=-,-w,     , - , .        . - , ~ , - ,               _ , - . , - . . . - , -   -.,,--,--,-*-w-,--.--w..v----*-,-+w.-,-wwww=v--=


IP-205A.1 Page 26 of 32, Rev. 6

21. Ottain a omntact dose race of the sample bottle and recnrd as RS (mnati Vol. Liq.) en the data sheet. If the sample is greater than 100 ns/hr, use

, the land pig to carry the sanple to the Cham Lab.

22. Turn the switch BC-616-I to the flush positicn. Make sure there is enough
                                                                        . flow by adjusting PCV-627 so that it is set to at least 15 psig. Flush for 5 minutes and/or stil RI-465 reaches a minima.
23. When the flush is emplete, turn BC-626 off FIRST and then HC-616-1 to off.
24. Perform the drain of trap, stamp, and collector following Appendix A.l. .


                                                         '                     If this is the last. sample desired, turn all switches to the upright and
                                                        '                     off positicn (except for BC-723 which is left in positien 3) before turning power off. Close the N2 bottle valve. Close R:V-627 by setting PCV-627 to o psig. File data sheet in Chen. Lab binder. Return the key to Shift i

Supervisien oc' t'hanistry Supervisica.

26. hmt that the valves that wee lined up for sampling have been returned to normal using Apgendix A.4.
27. Return completed Appendix A.4 to Shift Supervision for review at the ccupletien of sampling. File in crupleted EP-205A.1 file.
          .                                                                                         0 9

g 6 9 ( l J , *

                                                                         .                                                                                                            e e


               .        .=o                       e . . . .. ..                                               9. . . . . . . . .                . ..                 .


EP-205A.1 Page 27 cf 32, Rev. 6 s ) EP-205A.1 Post Accident Seling Station Data Sheet for Small Voltane Licalid Sanple

1. . Sample source Date Time
2. Step 15 Bypass Flow (FI-664) GPM Flush Time Minutes .
3. Step 17
  • Sample Flow (FI-664) GPM Pressure (PI-661) PSI .

Temperature (TI-660) Degrees F Conductivity (CI-663) tanhos Radiatica (RI-665) R/hr

4. Step 21 R5 (Small Vol. Licpid) mR/hr a

e e

                                                                                                   .e g

4 I

EP-205A.1 Page 28 of 32, Rev. 6

1. System lined up in accordance with C.O.L. S.20.1.

2. Obtain theSupervisim. chemistry key to the control panel power frca shift Supervisicn or PICCEEKTRE:

       .              1.

Check 80 psig.that the nitrogen supply valms are open and that pressure is set at 2. Check that the domineraliand flush water tank V-501 is full and is pressurized station.- tai at least 100 psig and that the valves are open to the sample


Check that FCV-627 is open. If not opn, use the knob adjacent to PCV-627

                             'on the control panel to have a 15 psi reading on the gauge.

4. Turn all control panel switches up and off (escept for BC-723 which is left in positica 3) and then turn the control.penel power selector switch to "A" or "B". .

5. .

Drain the collecting tank and sump by turning switch RC-715-1 clockwise through its eight positions. Pause approsimately 5 seconds at each positicn. 6. Turn all switches to their 'off' positien, escept for BC-723 which is left in position 3 and for the control panel power switch. 7. Return to the original section frca which this appendix was referenced. i l O.

     ,s   .
                                                                                                                              ~     ,
                             .                                        e i


  • __ L

I D -205Ael P ge 29 of 32, Rev. 6 APPEPOIX A.2 POST ACI:IIM!NP SAMPLING SMTION s @ utJL, avv1 W tED a g. st(.I, le=9 OrIn.'n EpsTae fwsh&.

                                                                 } *, conne **
  • HC~ 600 *****

g y u ca. Ira Tre Seleeto< Sw h.b. 4 ar ,(ed844' . 8 A g de;'*s!# 4 $< nap to C***& Pt.t- 6 t.?

                                                                > sin M -

s eoe

                                                                                                         )       $

fles., teatrol, s.ig+J ee des gc. sts, cres so-p le HC-626, L*gus d San pid Selesw .s.,,1h t. 3*u*we $ nits.h* $ WIN,k . set es. tee %, % 0**  ;

  • g g e,,,e, t TsV 9on.y lJat en 3}, pees { OttalO x ser n., t. se } I g, $perg 3 o## ,

b QL '- s ses a.. , co e + M ~ f Space 4 stMR er suppesste* %I , i fht .e see'a A1 3.**m 9.nle in y, g ,,. gg, y, IR 10f,* ses.paq,  : ,6'.o ee *s k sg e 88

  • 616. #, s .tr fe r #e vel see eie A , % O O O ' C '#

a caru,ars 'es i fewe no.psa j 4 " ,, , 2 o'/ .,, 1 b es.w ka 3e*/e 2 "'* L** [' L 4 Tw< f pr.,u, s,,i re,,.,

  • pc seo, onses,ed ces f '
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         ..gWd is.p 'd Swieth -
  • g, .f y, ? f f S tee t 8 See s Stmet 9 ees ( 4 ,- * * . 18s ade QQ 3 C ,..rra e j isperese des g,
  • p *I Z ,,

4 L,,,, 4,,gf , - -

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             ) plege. W.sde eep                                 g 4 Preek >>660 toep                                                             **
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Unit Date Time A control rces operator should circle the valws that are changed for s e line up and initial tieside each circle. (Strike out any valves not chan from normal.)

Double verify with Initials that the System Valves are Returned to Normal (Closed unless required for other Sample sampling - note valws

                                                                    .                    Unit 2               Unit 3                 left ocen)

Torus I (0 pen) 5960A (Closed) 59EA (Totus I) 5966A (open) 9101 (open) 59518 (Closed) 5950B (Iccal)SV-9108 Initial Torus II (Open) 4960D (Closed) 4961D (Torus II) 4966D (Open) 8101

                                          .                 fopen) 49518
                                              - (Closed) 49508                                                                                                                                                          '

(Iocal)AO-8108 Initial Upper Drywell I (Open) 59605 (Closed) 59EB (Drywell I) 5M6B (open) 9101 . (open).59518 (Closed) 59508 (Iccal)SV-9108 Initial Lower ' topen) 4960C Drywell (Closed) 4961C II (Drywell II) 4966c fopen) 8101 - 3 ' fopen) 49518

                           .    :               (Closed) 49505 a

(tocal)Ao-8108 - Initial Initial Initial At PASS Panel AO-8108 SV-9108 Chem. Initial Chem. Initial Ches.Init. Chem.Init. 4

       --,- ,.-------.-- -                    -,-------,.--------.---,,_-----.-,.-.-_n.-                                .-.-,n,   . _ . _ , , . -,__ - _ - . - - . . . . _ _ - - - . , . - . , - , , . .   -

EP-205A.1 Page 32 of 32, Rev. 6 i . s Double verify with Initials' that the Systen Valves are Returned to Normal (Close! unless required for other operations note valves Sample Unit 2 Unit 3 left open) mm (Open) M (Open) A09099A or (open) A090988 (Open) A090998 Initial

               .-            (Open)'A00098A                                                     *

(open) A08399A Or Open) A00098B ppen) A080998 TnTElaT Initial Initial At PASS Panel (Cicsed) A09110A

      '                                              (Mamad) A09110B (C3ceed) A00110A                     Chemist (closed) A08110s                      Initial MiEGE                              chemist        chemist Initial                            Initial        Initial Jet' Pump           ,     Verify that the Jet Pump Line Sample valve is closed, CV-624
                                       '~and that the flow by FI-664 is
                       '       .' .. -  . sero..

cnemist chemist Initial Initial Reviewed by shift supervisien:

  • This appendix should be filed in the IP-20%1 file
  • . Double Verification Sheet History File in,the station files. .


            .a e

0 e i

4 EP-205A.2 ' Page 1 of 19, Rev. 1 JJT:rm!w

                                                                                             / HIC /W PHILACELPHIA ELErfRIC CDMPANY              ).' -M PEh3 B0fIQ4 UNITS 2 AND 3 D-205A.2 CB':AINING CABIhrw DRYAELL GAS SAIPIZS F10M CDFfAIN>Eff ATICSPHERE DILITfICN PURPWE:
                'the surpose of this procedure is to provide sane guidelines for consideration prior to, during and after obtaining a drywell gas sample following accident
               ' conditions with major fuel damage.

ItspolSIBILITIES: 1.0 'the chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Leader shall determine, via dialogue with the Personnel Safety Tem Leader: 1) the need to obtain he saple, 2) the need for specific Health Physics coverage. 2.0

                       'the chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader shall brlef the Chenistry Sepling and Analysis Team members on:

2.1 Sampling points to be used. 2.2 Routes to be taken. 2.3 Review this procedure prior to implementation. , 3.0 'the chemistry sampling and Analysis Group members shall: 3.1 Ama==Me necessary egaipeent 3.2 Apply the ALARh concept for radiation exposure.

                 . 3.3     Review or be familiar with this procedure prior to implementation.

ACTI m Im mta . It has been determined that a drywell gas sample is required from containment atsesphere dilution cabinets. J ,

  • 4
     ;                                00'ChC;: '"

O.* ' ' CC7Y-C: . t ;....... . ;... L

EP-205A.2 Page 2 of 19, Rev. 1 APPAIUm 3: Appropriate health shysics survey equipnent Air sampler (Iow voltans) assoiratory arotective equigment , Antl-C ahalag Digital-alarming dosimetry 14.4 al off-gas vials with septuem 0-1 mi microsyringe sept e valve and 1/4" to 1/8" reducer Sample ten with valve j Finger badges ilWQMFF30lG: 1.0 In all steps of this procedure, implementation of the ALAIR -C is mandatory. In addition to reviewing this procedure, an AIAIE rev ew of the supling process should be performed prior to obtaining the saple. 2.0 Planned exposures to radiation shall not onceed administrative guidelines except when authorised by the anergency Director in accordance with 5-2054, Appendia 1. ,' PICCIDLfRE: 1.0 Three locations esist fran which the smople may be taken. These are: . 1.1 Core spray CAD cabinet - core spray (*Friangle") room reactor building, 116' elevation. 1.2 Tbrus cooling' CAD cabinet - core spray (" Triangle") reem reactor building, lis elevation. 1.3 CAD oebinet, reactor building 195' (U/2 south end, U/3 north end).

               ,1. 0 Determination of which cabinet the sample is to be taken from must be made.

Ccmsideration of which cabinet"to be used should be based upon plant conditions (i.e., la it stable?), which analysers are operating, the time it will take to get there, and does rates frem area monitors in various locations, etc., approulmate times and suggested routes are described: l 2.1 Core spray (*Friangle') roes - reactor building 116' elevation. he ( routes are suggested: '

     ,,                          2.1.1   meeting at the normal, turbine 116', plant entranos. Time =
       .    .I                           approainstely four minutes.

2.1.2 htering at the roll up doore at either the north (Unit 2) or south (Unit 3) wall of turbine 116' elevation. Time = , appron. two minutes. 8

d IP-205A.2 Page 3 of 19, Rev. 1 2.2 CAD cn reactor building 195' elevation. Three routes to this CAD are' suggested: 2.2.1 mtering at the normal turbine 116' plant entrance, up the stairs past control room to the stairs near the reactor building elevator. Time = approximately seven minutes. 2.2.2 h tering radweste building 135' elevation, proceeding to stairs by the reactor building elevator and up the stairs to 195' elevation. Time = approximately six minutes. 2.2.3 Ehtering recombiner building 116' elevation up the stairs and proceed to the stairs near reactor building elevator, up the stairs to 195' elevation. NDFE , It is suggested that this route not be used for Unit 2 (due to time consideratien). Time = approximately six minutes (to Unit 3,195')

               ' 3.0 Obtain Health Physics cmverage if required. Specific Health Physics coverage will be discussed between the Chemistry sapling and Analysis Team                          !

Leader and the Personnel Safety Tem Leader. 4.0 Personnel shall take appropriate survey agalpnent anS protective equipnent (e.g. SCBA ' calibrated. gear, anti-c's, etc.) . Ensure survey equipnent is turned on and 5.0 %e surveyor will note trends in general radiation levels enroute to the smple point. If dose rates (unanticipated) em:eed 5 Whr gama, and/or beta, prior to arriving at the point specified below and upon further investigation this dose rate remains stable or increases, immediately report to chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader. Se following radiation dose rates shall be determined prior to entry: 5.1 If the sample will be' taken from the core spray (" Triangle") room, measure the does rate at the watertight door located near the precoat area. If does rates exceed 5 Whr at the door, leave the area  : I immediately and report to the Chemistry Sepling and Analysis Group ' Leader with this information. If dose rates are less than 5 Whr enter the stairwil and note dose rates. If does rates are greater than 5 Whr in the stairwell and i increase as the door to the ' Triangle" roas is approached or if the ' 4 . done rate on contact with this door escoeds 5 Mw, exit 1:enediately j and report to chemistry 8mpling and Analysis Group Leader with this  ! information. e

IP-205A.2 Page 4 of 19, Rev. 1 With dose rates less than 5 R/hr at the door to " Triangle" room, . enter the area taking careful note of the dose rates. Survey the room concentrating especially on the CAD cabinets. Surve line to the CRD analyser (line with two isolation valves ysee the inlet pictures). n the CAD analyser panel, take a general survey and 3 survoy the i t line to the 02 analyser (1/4" heat traced line  ; ] wity without sample tee). Ehsure that the low =voire air sample is i t- taken in the " Breathing sons." Survey asps are provided as part of - i 4

              ',                                       the appendia of this procedure. Specual note of window open readings                         l must be made because of autmarsion air done beta fields espected.                            l 5.2                If the sample will be taken feca the CAD en reactor building4195' i

elevaten, measure the done rate at the door leading to the long 1 corridor. If dose rates esamed 5 W hr at the door, leais the aren ismediately and report to Chemistry sampling and Analysis Group Leader with this information. If dose rates do not esomed 5 R/hr, enter the area noting dose rates. Take special care walking down the le g corridor towards the CAD cabinett dose rates fecun the ventilation and pipes may add i significantly to the whole body does. If dose rate trends indicate ese rates esoseding 5 R/hr genes and/or beta, exit the area immediately and report to Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group i Leader with this information. ' t i With dose rates less than 5 R/hr along the corridor, survey the area

i' ameentrating especially on the CAD cabinet, if dose rates exceed 5  !

l R/hr exit the area immediately and report to Cher.istry Sampling and  ; Analysis Group Leader with this informatim. Sur4ey the inlet line i to the ChD analyser (line with two isolation velves). Open the CAD i analyser panel, take a general survey and survey the inlet line to

the 02 analyser (1/4" heat traced line with/without e tee).

Ensure that the lomvolume air sample is taken in the teething sons ." Survey maps are provided as part of the appendix of this t i procedure. Special note of window open readings must be made because of submersion air dose beta fields egneted. i 6'. O 'Itn. following are the times regaired to obtain the samples: j toontien Time to Sammle i l ) Drywell CAD (T-116) OInt including time to and { i Torus OD (T-116) and frem sample point) i l Drywell chD (Rm 195) pour minutes with sample tee i Sen minutes without sample' tee

            $  g I             . . 1 I                   a f                                .

i I w I l i .  ! i ,j

D-205A.2 Page S of 19, Rev. 1 7.0 Suggested S m oling Method (this procedure may be changed based on the

  • AUuth Review)

Have sampling team read the following procedure. This procedure shall to dry run at least three times before actual sample is taken. Obtain three evacuated 14.4 al off gas vials, sept a volve and two 1.0 mi microsyringes. 7.1 If a sampling' tee has been installed, continue with step 7.2. Install a sampling tea as follows: 7.1.1 Take icon 1 antrol of the CAD analyser panel and put sero gas into the 02 analyser.

                    ,           7.1.2    When analyser reads 0, break the swegelok filter into the 02 analyser and install sampling tee. See Appendices p-205A.2-1 and B -205A.2-2.

7.1.3 Reconnect tubing and return the 02 analyser to service. 7.1.4 After 02 readings haw stabilised, obtain a sample with sectim 7.2. 7.2 obtain a 0.1 mi gas sample as follower 7.2.1 Verify that the sample valve is ciceed 7.2.2 Remove the 1/4" pipe plug from the sample volw 7.2.3 Install the septe volw (a 1/4-1/8 reducer is required). 7.2.4 Close the sept e valw 7.2.5 open the sample volve 7.2.6 open the septe volve . . 7.2.7 Insert the 1 mi microsyrimp through the septe vain and the sample valve 'into the samp,e tee. 7.2.4 Flush the microsyrings by takimi a 0.1 mi sample and injecting it back into the samp,e tee two times. 7.2.9 Take a 0.1 mi e and remove microswinge from the sample toe. Inject into an evacuated j,4.4 al off gas vial. Mandle off gas y al with remote holder. 3 , 7.2.10 Cices the septe valve and saple volve. Tahe off gas vial

and leave the area.

s s 4

1-D -205A0 2  ; Page 6 of 19, Rev. 1 i

i i r 8.0 Consideration of egocted dose rates from the sample itself must also be ,

made. Review survey data for the saple inlet line and the 02 analyser inlet line as enspared to general field for approximation of sample dose. t In this regard the time to.take the ample to the hot lab versus shielding ( j the sample must be considered. 'the personnel who will obtain the sample shall be briefed on an alternatives and will provide input into practical methods of' remotely handling the sample. j i


] 9.0 Prior to the sample entering the hot lab, any shielding, roote teoling or ' other protective measure shall be in place and ready to accept the sample. i a 10.0 Upon introdoction of the sample into the hot lab, the sample will be i .

                                     '         handled in a manner such that it will cause an AIAm whole body dose to
                                            . pareannel involved. Unnecessary pereennel shall not remain in the hot lab.

11.0 Properly in place and shielded, the e will be processed remotely (where and when possible). Careful ling of the sample is mandatory in ' preparation for analysis so containation is not spread, airborne problems are held at a minimum, and a new sample is not required. j 12.0 If the containment sample is too hot to count directly, a 0.1 mi sample can i . be taken fram the off atmospheric pressure. Use gas sample a syringevialto after transfer the the vialsample;,s adjusted to to another l

evacuated 14.4 al off gas vial. Repeat if needed. I l , 13.0 Fellowing final analysis of the sanple, results shall be reported to j appsopriate supervision. .

l i j Fi1W, O tDITIO5: l ( 18N  : ] APPDCIGB: 1 l 1. D-205A.2-1 Addition of Gas sample Tee to 02 Analyser IP-205A.2-2 - ,i .

  • 2. W -205A.2-3 Plant Laput Maps j' P 205A.2-4
  • W-205A.2-5 p-205A.2-4

,' F 205A.2-7 p-205A.2-4 i i p -205A.2-9 '

3. w -205A.2-10 "


         .','                 .: e-205A.2-11D-205A.2-12
  • l i a > 205A.2-13 l8 t

1 unte2Et  : 1 l I 1. 1 Ep-20SA chemistry sampling and Analysis Team l. I i i i (, 1 i l

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4 p-205A.2


Page 7 of 19, Rev. 1 APPENDIX EP-205A.2-1 , As built 0 2 A""1Y#


0 2 an.1y , - Swageloc connection g, E i PCV 1/4" ss line EAer. Addition of Sample tee '

                                                                   . ~ . . . .
                        / /                      1/4" SS line with 02 Swageloc connection sample            Myser Tee PCV
  , original                                                     ,

swage' loc j ,

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Modified 0 2 Analyser with Sample Tee

                      /           /

O 2 M yser > Seple PCV swageloc / T** Connection'VO f / a = .

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W-205A.2 Page 8 of 19, now. 1 APPENDIX EP-205A.2-2 Ga's Sample Tee Sample . Flow l II 9 1/4 to 1/8 NPT Septum Valve

                           =                                                                     Reducer
                                                                                                        '                    1/8 Male NPT to gs                                                                .

Mininert/ Septum

                        ,      ,         .                                                                                j' or Equal
                      ) M E W

y --

                                                                                                    ,      .  . . , - 9

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u - i .

             .     .                               n                       -
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   .';                                swagelok                         .

Female Branch Tee ! '9 or Equal i USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL i PIPE CONNECTIONS 4 4 4

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EP-205A.3 P;ge 1 cf 10, Rev. 2 JJf: pea l PRUJELPHIA E[ECTRIC CWANY /8 PEPG BOFICM UNITS 2 AND 3 EP-205h.3 RETRIEVING AND CHANGING SAWIZ FIL1ERS AND CARPRIDGCS FROM 'rHE IRYWEM, RhDIATita Mmnuk DURING M6iuf.o=,* PWIPQiE This r ese provides guidance for retrieving and changing particulate filters and charcoal cartridges (or silver soolite cartridges) located at the drywell radiation monitor following accident conditions with major fuel damage. s RESPGISIBU.ITIES: 1.0 'the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Leader shall determine, via 7 dialogue with the Personnel Safety Team Leader, the need for specific Health Physics coverage. 2.0 The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader shall brief the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group msehars on: 2.1 Sampling points to be used. 2.2 Routes to be taken. 2.3 ;.yrvriate survey and protective egaipment to be used. 3.0 The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group members shall: 3.1 Assemble necessary egnipment. 3.2 Apply the AIARh concept for radiation exposure. 3.3 Review this procedure prior to implementation.


AcrION LEVE_IS: It has been determined that a particulate or iodine Sample is required from the drywell rad monitors en 135' elevation of the reactor building.

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EP-205A.3 Page 2 of '10 Rev. 2 APPAIUm E Appcopriate health ifiysics survey equignent Respiratory protective equipment Anti-contamination clothing Im-solme air sampler Designated remote handling devices Transport containers (shielded) Digital-alarming dosimeters  ! Extra rad acnitor filter holder i Extra rad acnitor cartridge holder  ! Dosimetry (including finger badges) I l

       "J" hooks for removing sample holders and transporting the sample 1

PlWChDTIQtS i 1.0 In all steps of this procedure, implenentaticm of the AIAm concept is  ! mandatory. In addition to reviewing this procedure, an AIAR review of ' the sampling process should be performed prior to obtaining the I filters. 2.0 Planned exposures shall not exceed administrative guidelines, except  ! when authorized by the Bnergency Director in accordance with Appendix l EP-205A-1. ' 3.0 A ISP or Health Physics qualified individual shall be assicped for the retrieval and changing of the filter and cartridge. , l l P10CEEURE:  ! 1.0 If the area radiation monitors in the area of the drywell rad monitor are indicating greater than 5 R/hr, the necessity of changing the filter and cartridge should be re-evaluated. 2.0 Make arrangements for a gaalified perscri to perform area surveys. 3.0 Brief personnel en the route to be taken and the time to get to the sampling point. Attached as appendices are the location of the particulate filter and the iodine cartridge. Survey maps are also provided.


NCFIE: The time to travel from the 116' elevation entrance to the Turbine Building to the drywell rad monitor is approximately four minutes. Other routes may be considered. s,

                                                                                                                                                                  !!P-205A.3 Page 3 of 10, Rev. 2
                          ' 4.0 Personnel shall use a                                       late survey and protective egalpnent (e.g.

SGA, Anti-Cs, lead carr container,etc.). Before making entry to the power block, ensure survey egaissent is turned en and calibrated. 5.0 %e surveyors will note trends in general radiatim levels enroute to the drywell rad monitor. If dose rates (unanticipated) esoeed 5 R/hr gesma and/or beta prior to arriving at the door leading to Rx 135 and upon further investigation this dose rate remains stable or ina eases,

                                      ' exit inmediately and report to the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group T h . If dose rates amosed 5 R/hr at the door leading to Rx 135, leave the area immediately and report to the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader.

6.0 Sarvey the rad monitor area concentrating especially en the particulate filter pig, iodine cartridge pig, and s a ple lines. Ensure that a low- ' volme air sample is taken in the " Breathing Zone." Special note of window open readings must be made because of the submersion air dose beta fields. IEE: It will take approximately two minutes to pull and change both the filter and cartridge. Survey egaignent is regiired when retrieving the samples. Consider disarding samples already in place at the time of the accident as they will likely be too radioactive to count for gamma spectroscopy. For more meaningful data, shorter sampling time should be determined for the replacement particulate filter and iodine cartridge. 7.0 Suggested filter and cartridge change method (his procedure may be changed after an AIARh review.) 7.1 Obtain the extra filter and cartridge holders for the drywell radiation monitor. 7.2 Insert a new particulate filter and charcoal artridge into these l holders. Use silver soolite cartridges in the place of charcoal to limit the noble gas buildup. (Do not use silver neolite cartridges during drills.) 7.3 Obtain two "J" hooks for removing the holders whidi are presently I in service. Use the "J" hooks for transporting the holders at a j distance from the body. 7.4 At the drywell radiation monitor l- 7.4.1 place radiation acnitor in purge 7.4.2. remore thumb screws m holders de e v-=~--wm- * - - - - +m-w - -e-e,------.-,-e>w--:- ---,-ar w---+--------~,-----ww-------r-,w~ww- w----- --w - ~ ~ - -w- omp,,- .-- - rw-,- w

5P-205A.3 P ge 4 of ~10, Dev. 2 7.4.3. place "J" hook on the "0" ring of the holder 7.4.4. pull the holder frtza the pig 7.4.5. survey filter or cartridge and renove from area with "J" 1 hook if regsired by HP. 7.4.6. slide new holder into the pig 7.4.7. repeat steps (3) to (6) for the other holder 7.4.8. replace ene thumb screw in eacit holder 7.4.9. return radiation acmitor to service. 7.4.10. exit the area 8.0 '1'he time to take the filter and cartridge to the hot lab versus shielding the sample must be considered. 9.0 If the samples are too " hot" for gmana spectroscopy, they will be brought to the hot lab to await final dispositica. Any shielding,

                                 -remote handling aevices or other getective maastre sall be in place and ready to accept the samples prior to their arrival,
    '                 10.0 After the samples are properly stored, responsible supervisien shall discuss and decide upon final disposition.

j 11.0 If the samples can be analyzed by genna spectroscopy, the particulate filter and iodine cartridge shall be processed in a menner such that the detector does not became contaminated. 12.0 Philowing final analysis of the sample, results shall be reported to appropriate supervision. i 9 il

                                                                                                                                                           "P-205A.3 Page 5 of 10, Pev. 2 APPENDICES:

Plant layout maps. Appendices D -205A.3-1 EP-205A.3-2 EP-205A.3-3 Survey maps. Appendices D -205A.3-4 EP-205A.3-5 RE2TRENTS: D -205A l t

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IP--205A.4 '  !

  • Page 1 of 10, Rev. 1 i gg- JJT:waf i o o Prims'rsBIA E!2CTRIC CONANY / r' f f V.e s PERG BorIGt UNI 15 2 Ate 3 IP-205A.4 31RINING DRDELL Gh5 SAWE2S FROM THE tEme%L IRDIATICK IONITOR saw umea-usus
!                     .-      PGtpCBE
  • 4 The purpose of this e d . e is to provide some guidelines for consideration prior to, during and after obtaining a drywell gas sample following accident <mnditiens with major fuel damage.

l 1tSPCNSIBILITIES: 1 I . * ' l 1.0 The chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Leader shall determine, via j dialogue with the Personnel Safety Team Leader, the need for specific g Health Physics coverage. ' 2.0 The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader shall brief the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group members an 2.1 Sampling points to be used.

2.2 Routes to be taken. -

3 2.3 Appropriate survey and protective egalpaent to be used. j 3.0 The Chemistry Sampling and ' Analysis Group =mbra shall 3.1 Assemble necessary egripment. 3.2 Apply the AIARA es for radiation exposure. 3.3 Review this procedure prior to implementatim.

                 ,    t 1                             N LEMS:

4 . , i l It has been determined that a drywell gas sample from the drywell radiation l monitor is required. l l l 1 . l 1 _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _. _ _ . - - - ._ - ._.- _ -.-.- 2

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          *                                          -                                                                                                                             3 -205A.4
           ,                                                                                                                                                     Page 2 of 10, Rev. 1
!                                                APPAIUm B Appropriate Realth physics survey equipment
,                                               Air sampler (low values)

Respiratory ,.,Mdve egalpent

  • Anti-C clothing Digital - alarming dosimeter 14.4 al off-gas vial with septuns 0-1 al microsyringe Septua velve sample tee with valve '
                                   ..           Tengs or other remote teoling or lead carrying container                                                                   .

4 All esimetry including finger dosimetry PIED WFEONS: , 1.0 In all steps of this procedure an AuuuL concept is mandatory. l 2.0 In addition to reviewing this procedure, an AIAIR review of the sampling process should be performed prior to obtaining the sample. 3.0 Planned exposures to radiation shall not ezeed administrative i guidelines, except when authorized by the anergency Director,, procedure D-205A, appendix 1. ' i s PROCEDURE: 'l i 1.0 Surveyors will note trends in general radiatim levels enroute to l drywell rad monitors. If unanticipated dose rates are > $ remAr (Beta ~ and/or Gaune), exit the area lamediately and report to tihe chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader. 2.0 In most situaties the collection and handling of the samples should be performed with the Chemistry Group respcasible for ensuring that the - AUua concept for radiation exposure is applied. The need for specific { Health Physics Technician moerage shall be determined and prescribed via dialogue between the Persenel Safety Team Leader and the Chemistry Sampling Team Leader. ! 3.0 Ensure perscnnel have appropriate survey and protective equipnent l before entry into the power block.  ! 4.0 The r*- aarmled route is through the normal plant entrana 116' to  : 4 turbine building 135'. Travel time is approximately 4 minutes  ! 5.0 Area' radiation sumitors shall be checked and if monitors in the area of  !

the drywell radiation monitors are indicating > 5 R/hr, inmediately i exit the area and report to the Chemistry sampTing and Analysis Group

! Leader. j . . i .

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IIP-205A.4 ' l Page 3 of 10, Rev. 1 l 6.'O marvey the area concentrating especially on the sample lines and sample

point Iccated at the Drywell Radiation Monitor. Ensure that a low

' voltme air sample is taken (in the " Breathing 2cne"). Special note of window open readings sust be mode, because of subnersion air done beta , fields. 4 las It will take approximately 4 minutes to obtain.a sample with a sample toe and approximately 10 minutes.without a sample tee. , I 7.0 Suggested Sameline Method - (This procedure may be changed based on the AIAm review). At least 2 dry rims of the sampling method shall be performed before the actual sampling. Based on these dry runs and AIAIR review .

appropriate changes shall be made.

7.1 Install sampling tee (if not present) by the following: 7.1.1 Place acnitor in purge. , , , ,  ; f

                                                             .7.1.2 Remove gas injection , tee front of the gas monitor
                                                          ,                             ,Geiddle, lead pig).
7.1.3 Install sample tee and verify the sa:ple valve is closed.

l 7.1.4 Return monitor to normal operaticrt allow readings to stabilise before sampling. a {, , 7.2 Obtain a sample by the following methods - 7.2.1 verify the made valve is closed. , , 7.2.2 Remove the pi j RPQ/00125-1)pe . plug from the sample valve (see figure I 7.2.3 Install the septism valve with a 1/4" to 1/8" reducer into the sample selve. J . 7.2.4 open the sample valve.

                                                .             7.2.5 Open the Septta valve.

7.2.6 Install the microsyringe needle through the septtse valve and sample valve into the sample tee. .I i i }

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B -205A.4' Page 4 of 10, Rev. 1 i 7.2.7 Flush the microsyringe by taking a 0.1 al sample and ' returning the sample to the sa ple tee by pressing the plunger twice. i 7.2.8 obtain a 0.1 al ample from the e in the microsyringe and remove the needle fr a the e tee. 7.2.9 Cices the sample volve and the septua valve. 7.2.10 Place the 0.1 al sample into an evacaated 14.4 al off-gas vial.

                         ,.                       7.2.11 Enit the area with the'o ff-gas vial.                                           -

8.0 omsidsraticn of engscted dose rates frcza the sample, itself, must also be made. Review swvey data for the sample inlet line as campared to general field for approximatim of smople dose. i 9.0 If it will be brought to the samples are too " hot" for gamma spectroscopy,lding the hot lab to await final dispositim. Any shie , remote handling, devices or other protective measure shall be in place and ready to accept the samples prior to its arrive 1. 10.0 After the sample is properly stored, responsible supervisien shall discuss and decide upon final disposition. 11.0 If thur sample is ablei to be analysed for ganuma spectroscopy, the smple shall be a manner such. that the detector does not bea:me amtaminated. 12.0 Following final anal: mis of the smple, results shall to reported to 4 appropriate supervis;.m. APPDMIGS: Sample Tee - Appendix W-205A.4-1 Plant Layout Maps - Appendix D-205A.4-2 p-205A.4-3 s IP-205A.4-4 _ Survey Maps - Appendix W-205A.4-5 EP-205A.4-6

J s 3

i i W-205A i l I i d

                                                                                                                                            .            APPENDIX EP 205A.4_

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                                                                            -I ERDIAnw hmnun DURING -hM                                -

PGtPOSE: This rhe 'provides guidance for retrieving and changing particulate filters and charcoal cartridges (or silver zeolite cartridges) Iccated at l the drywell radiation monitor following accident enditions with major fuel damage. e RESPOISIBILITIES:


1.0 The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Idader shall determine, via dialogue with the Personnel Safety Team Leader; the need for specific

                                                              , Health Physics coverage.                                          .,                               .
                                        . .2.0 The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Iender shall brief the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group members on:

2.1 Sampling points to be used. 2.2 leutes to be taken. 2.3 Appropriate survey and protective ec3:1pnent to be used. 3.0 The Chamlady Sampling and, Analysis Group members shall: I 3.1 Assemble necessary agaipment. 1

            ,                                                    3.2 Apply the AIAnh concept for radiation exposure.

3.3 Review this procedure prior to implementation. i i l 4 , NM It has been determined that a particulate or iodine Sample is regaired fran

                            ,                  the &ywell rad monitors en 135' elevation of the reactor building.

i e f

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5 -205A.3 ~ Page 2 of 11, Rev. 2 AEPA15mE Appropriate health $ysics survey equipment Respiratory ative egaipment Anti-contaminaticri clothing Iommline air sampler Designated remote handling devices Transport containers (shleided' ) Digital-alarming dosimeters Extra rad monitor filter holder Extra rad monitor cartridge holder Dosimetry (including finger badges)

                                 "J" koks for removing sample holders and 1

i transporting the sample , l


PREORICMS: 1.0 In all step of this procedure, implementatiert of the AIARR concept is mandatory. In addition to reviewing this procedure, an AIARA review of the sampling process should be perfonned prior to obtaining the filters. 2.0 Planned exposures shall not exceed admini'strative guidelines, ex::ept when authorized by the Emergency Director in accordance with Appendix

;        t                                  3 -205A-1.

3.0 ' A RHP or Health Physica qualified individual shall be assiped for the

                                    ' retrieval and changing of the filter and' cartridge.

PIOCEDURE: 1.0 If the area radiaticri monitors in the area of the drywell rad mertitor are indicating greater than 5 R/hr, the necessity of changing the filter and cartridge should be re-evaluated. 2.0 Make arrangements for a' gialified person to perform area surveys. 3.0 Brief perscmnel cn the rout'e to be taken and the time to get to the sampling point. Attached as appendices are the locatien of the particulate filter and the iodine cartridge. Survey maps are also provided. NO!E: j 21e time to travel from the 116' elevatias entrance to the Turbine Building to the drywell rad monitor is approximately four minutes. Other routes may be considered.

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         .                                               -                                                                                                                                  !!P-205A.3 ~

Page 3 of 11, Rev. 2

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{ 4.'O Perscenel shall use a late survey and protective agalpeent (e.g. i SGA, Anti-Cs, lead caer container,etc.). Before making entry to the power block, ensure survey egalpeent is turned on and calibrated ( 5.0 The surveyors will note trends in general radiatim levels enroute to the &ywell rad monitor. If dose rates (unanticipated) esomed 5 R/hr gueen and/or beta prior to arriving at the door leading to Rx 135 and upon further investigation this dose rate remains stable or increases, i exit immediately and report to the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis ) Group Leader. If dose rates exceed 5 R/hr at the door leading to Rx 135, leave the area inmediately and report to the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Tmdar. 6.0 Survey the rad monitor area concentrating especially on the particulate filter pig, iodine cartridge pig, and sample lines. Ensure that a low-volisme air. sample is taken in the " Breathing zone." Special note of window open readings must be made because of the sutmersion air dose beta fields. ' MME: It will take approximately two minutes to pall and change both the filter and cartridge. Survey agaignent is required when retrieving the samples.

                                                                 ,                    consider. discarding. samples already in place at the time of the accident as they~will likely be' too radioactive to cotat for gamma spectroscopy. Ibr more meaningful data, shorter sampling time should be determined for the replacement partio21 ate filter and iodine cartridge.

7.0 Suggested filter and cartridge change method (This procedure may be chEny G after an AIAIR review.) . 7.1 Obtain the extra filter and cartridge holders for the drywell radiation acnitor., 7.2 Insert a new particalate filter and charcoal cartridge into these holders. Use silver zeolite cartridges in the place of charcoal 4 to limit the noble gas tazildup. (Do not use silver zeolite cartridges during drills.) 7.3 Obtain two "J" hsoks for removing the holders which are presently in service. Use the "J" hooks for transporting the holders at a distance fram the body. l'

                       -j                                       7.4 At the drywell radiatien monitor 7.4.1       placa radiatien monitor in purge 1

a l 7.4.2. remore thumb screws on holders  ! i e e

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EP-205A0 3 ' Page 4 of 11, Rev. 2 s 7.4.3. place "J" hook on t.he "0" ring of the holder 7.4.4. pd1 the holder from the pig 7.4.5. survey filter or cartridge and remove from area with "J" hook if required by EP. 7.4.6. slide new holder into the pig 7.4. 7. repeat steps (3) to (6) for the other holder

7. 4. S.

replace one thumb screw in each holder , 7.4.9. return radiatica monitor to servica. 7.4.10. exit the area i 8.0 The time to take. the filter and cartridge to the hot lab versus - shielding the sample must be considered. 9.0 If the samples are too " hot" for gamma spectroscopy, they will be M---$-t to the hot. lab to await final dispositicn. Any shielding, remote handling devices or other protective measure shall be in place and ready to accept the samples prior to their arrival. 10.0 After the samples are properly stored, responsible supervisicn shall

discuss and decide upon final dispositicn.s.
                       '110  . .

If' the samples 'can b 'e analysed 'by gened spectrosiopy, the perticulate filter and iodine cartridge shall be pr~===ad in a manner such that the detector does not become'eoritamina nd. if , 12.0 Following final analysis of th> sample, results shall be~ resorted to appropriate supervisien. -

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                                       .                                                                                 P;ge S of 11, Rev. 2

APPEtMCd5: l l Plant layout maps. Appendias D -205A.3-1 W-205A.3-2 D-205A.3-3 Survey maps. Appendices D-205A.3-4 EP-205A.3-5 REFERDGS: . D-205A , O e

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                    -                                                                                   IP-205A.5 Page 1 of 10, Rev. 1 JJT:
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PHILAG1PHIA EEJ!"rRIC CDNANY /P($-S'[ Peach Bottan Units 2 and 3 EP 205A.5 CBTAINING REACf0R MTER SANLES F10M SANIE SINRS ft1LOWDU ACC*ICENP CDNDITIO4S PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance for obtaining a reactor

           . water sample following accident conditions with major fuel damage. -

RESPOISIBILITIES: 1.0 The chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Leader shall, via dialogue with the Personnel Safety Team Leader, determine the need for spelfic Health Physics coverage, identify the sampling point to be used, and suggest the route to be taken. (Normal sacple stations should be used until conditions warrant use of post-accident sample statims.) 2.0 The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader shall brief the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Members and if necessary, Health Physics personnel cm: 2.1 Sampling points to be used. 2.2 Routes to be taken. 2.3 Appropriate survey and protective eculpent to be used. 3.0 the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group :ne=bers shall: 3.1 Assemble necessary equipnent 3.2 Apply the AIARA concept for radiatien exposure. 3.3 Review or be familiar with this procedure prior to implementaticn. ACPIG4 LE7E[St It has been determined that a reactor water sznple is required from the Feedwater (FW) or Reactor Water Cleanup (RMIJ) sa:tple sink. 00 ;~ROLLIL ;; n.. . . C.. *.. , ( W II P?.* 0'J3 13303 1, . ... . s . . . . .. i .- . s. - ;- t

i a j l EP-205A.5 - i Page 2 Cf 10, Rev. 1 I APPARATUS: l Appropriate Health Physics Survey Equipment Air Sampler (low voltana) Anti C clothing Digital-Alarming dosi:netry 30 oz. sample bottle with lid Tengs or remote tooling for holding the smple bottle during j sampling 1 Respiratory protective equipnent l l Finger badges j ileCAUTION: 1.0 In all steps of this procedure, implementation of an AIAlm concept is mandatory. In addition to reviewing this procedure, an AIAIR review of the sampling process should be performed prior to obtaining the sample. 2.0 Planned exposures shall not emoeed administrative guidelines erept when l authorized by the Emergency Director in accordance with Apgendix IP-205A-1. i PICCE!1JRE: 1.0 'the chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team I.eader shall determine the sample sink to be used for obtaining the reactor water sample. Determination should be based upon plant conditions,.operabilit of sampling system, the amount of time required, and anticipated dose rates frca area radiation monitors and/or surveys. Approximate times and suggested routes follow: 1.1 Teodwater Sample Sink, three routes are suggested: 1.1.1 Entering at the normal, Turbine 116', plant entrance, up the stairs past the control Roca to the stairs near the Reactor Building elevator, and up to 165' elevaticn. TIE: Approximately 5 minutes 1.1.2 htering the Ra$ waste Building,135' elevation, proceeding to l the stairs near the Reactor Building elevator, and up to 165'  ! elevaticn. TIE: Approximately 4 minutes ) 1.1.3 htering the Recombiner Building,116' elevation up the stairs ' to 165' elevation. TIM: Approximately 4 minutes (Fer Unit 3 , j only) 1.2 Itcu Suple Sink, the same three routes are suggested, corresponding

           ;                                                    approximated times are:

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1. 6 minutes i
. 2. 5 minutes
3. 3 minutes (For Unit 3 only)
l 4
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  • EP-205A.5 l Page 3 of 10, Rev. 1 i

2.0 if necessary, arrangements for Realth Physics cowrage should be made. 3.0 '!he chemistry Sanpling and Analysis Group Leader shall brief personnel m the ampling point and route to be used, and instruct group members to assable the necessary apparatus including protective clothing and monitoring equipment. l 4.0 Ensure that survey equipnent is turned on and calibrated. 5.0 Trends in general radiation levels enroute to the sanpling point will be noted. Strvey and plant layout maps are included in the Appendices. If dose rates (manticipated) emeed 5 R/hr Beta and/or Gamma and upon further investigation this dose rate remains stable or increases, esit the area immediately and report to the Chemistry Sepling and Analysis Group Leader. 6.0 If the saple is to be drawn from the Feedwater Sanple Sink, survey the ares especially on the Saple Sink. Verify that dose rates do not esomed 5 R/hr. Survey the grab sample point (Beta & Gamma), with sample flowing. Take a loevoltane air sanple at the hood, in the " Breathing zone." Special note of window open readings must be made tecause of the high beta fields expected in the sample sink, as well as, submersion air dose beta fields. 7.0 If the sample is to be drawn from the MCU Seple Sink, continue post the feedwater sample sink. Prior to turning the corner located just before the j MCU saple sink, verify that dose rates do not exceed 5 R/hr. Survey the area especially on the sample sink and tim-Regen Heat Exchanger Roca (U/2 is 'A' Non-Regen Heat Eachanger, U/3 is 'B' Nonnegen Heat Exchanger). Verify that dose rates do net exceed 5 R/hr. Survey the grab sample point (Bets s Gama) with the sample flowing. Ensure that a low volume air sample is taken at the tunod, in the " Breathing zone". Special note of window open readings must be made because of the high beta fields expected in the sample sink, as well as, submersim air dose beta fields. De following are times required to obtain the sar.ples: 9 I4 CATION TIPE 'IO SAP >t2 Feedwater Sample Sink 3 min or less depending on flow MCU Sample Sink 3 min. or less depending on flow Suggested Sampling Method (21s method may be changed after the AIARA review) 8.0 Obtain the smallest sample necessary for analysis to be performed. Obtain


a 1 oz. sanple (about 1" up fran bottm) or less in a 3 oz. bottle. Use tongs or other remote handling tools to hold the sample bottle. When

  • l* 1 4

required mount of sample is obtained renove bottle fem hood, quickly t place lid on bottle and obtain the contact dose rate. Transport with tongs or other remote tools or lead carrying container. 9.0 A N@ or Health Physics qualified individual shall be assigned for the sampling procedure. tl

  • D -205A.5 P;ge 4 Cf 10, Pav.1 -

10.0 Prior to the sample entering the hot lab, any shielding, r cote tooling or other protective measure shall be in place and ready to accept the sample. 11.0 Upen introduction of the sample' into the hot lab, the sample will be handle:! in a manner such that it will cause an AINE whole bod f, dose to personnel involwd. Unnecessary persmnel shall not remain in the bot lab. 12.0 Properly in plam and shielded, the smple will be processed remotely (when possible). Carefal handling of the smple is mandatory in preparation for analysis so that; contaninatim is not spread, airborne problems are held at a minimm, and a new smple isn't required. 13.0 Following, final analysis of the sample, results shall be reported to the

                             ,'     Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader for further disp 6sition.

FI!N, DNDITICES: Paie APPDDICIS: Appendices D-205A.5-1 Plant Laput Maps 2-205A.5-2 D-205A.5-3 D-205A.5-4 Appendices D -205A.5-5 surwy : taps D-205A.5-6 IEIIRDEES:

D-205A Chemistry Sampling a x! Analysis Team 9

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m&s. A,an M n _- umiumvrii M8 The purpose of this proomiure is to provide guidance for obtaining canal discharge water samples following radioactive liquid releases aftet W%t i conditiens.

j: . nefa m AIL m as: 1 1 1.0 The chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Leader shall determine via dialogue with the Personnel Safety Team Leader, the need for specific j Nealth Physics coverage. 1 2.0 The chemistry Sampling and analysis Group Leader shall brief the Cheadstry j , Sampling and Analysis Group masters ant j 2.1 Sangiling points to be used. L 2.2 Itmates to be taken. l!

;                      2.3             Appropriate survey and protective egalpnent to be used.

i j 3.0 The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group members shall , 3.1 w1= necessary agsipment l i 3.2 Apply the ALAIR concept for radiation exposure 3 } 3.3 Daview this gMare prior to implementation



!          The need for a canal discharge water sample has been identified.

1 j APPANIR3: Appropriate Health Physics survey egalgment,1 liter sample tottle with lid, Plastic bags, Tape, Dosimetry. P1WXPFIDS: , 1.0 In all steps of this gGare, implementation of the ALAlm concept is

!                     mandatory.

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EP-205A.6 , Page 2 of 2, Rev. 2 2.0 Planned exposures shall not onceed administrative guidelines except when authorized by the Dnergency Director in accordance with T-205A Appendix 1. P!OC22URE: - 1.0 Grab smples of canal discharge water may be taken frm the chlorine analyzer sample pump discharge located in the gate control shack at the end of the canal or directly fras canal by a dip smple. 2.0 Daily canal discharge composite samples may be taken as follows. 2.1 marn on the alzer in the canal discharge tank in the gate control shack at the end of the canal to mix the liquid in the tank.


2.2 Allow miner to run approximately 5 minutes. 2.3 Take a sample fraa this tank. 2.4 Drain the tank. 2.5 Clean out the tank with the water fran the hose. 2.6 Close the drain and verify that an appropriate smaple flow is entering the tank fraa the esposite sample pug. 3.0 Label the samples with date, time, and sample type (canal discharge and/or canal ocuposite discharge). 4.0 Take the samples to the appropriate counting room to scan for activity. FINAL CDNDITIONS: None. APPDIDICESt Ncne. REFEREN2S: 2-205A - Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Tema. O 9 9

  • EP-205A.7 CC . .

Page 1 of 10, Pav. 3 iL . JJT: pea T: :.11:. 4...i1.2 A-2 s P9ILAIELPffIA ELEC:TtIC QtTANY g//* PSCI Bor!CM t. WITS 2 & 3 DE:RGlNCY PIAN I??LDT2FfATICN EP-205A.7 CBMINING THE ICI)INE AMD PARFICt1 ATE SANLES F10t "HE t'AIN SSCK MlD swr Vrnm ru1Gursu Au ws.m GTrFumure PURPCSE: The purpose of this procedure is to provide scue guidelines prior to, during, and after obtaining iodine and particulate samples fece the roof wnts and main stack following accident conditions with major fuel dar. age. 145PQ1SIBILITIES: 1.0 The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Tean Leader shall determine, via

   '                        dialogue with the Personnel Safety Team Leader, the need for specific Health Physics cowrage.                         '

2.0 The chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader shall brief the Chemistry Sanpling and Analysis Group 21 embers on: 2.1 Sanpling points to be used. 2.2 Routes to be taken. 2.3 Appropriate surwy and protectin egaipment to be used. 3.0 The Chenistry Sampling und Analysis Group ==mbes shall: 3.1 assemble necessary equipnent 3.2 apply the AIAmwy;. for radiation exposure 3.3 review this rMare prior to implementation 4 . ACTION L15/EL: It has been determined that it is necessary to obtain the iodine and particulate samples from the main stack or roof wnts. t

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  • IP-205A.7 Page 2 of 10, Rev. 3 APPAREUS:

Appropriate !!ealth Physics survey equignent Air Sampler (low volume) if required Respirator Anti-C N*y Protective hing if required Equipment Sampling Filters and !! alders Transportation containers (as appropriate) Tengs and Rod (4' long) AH Dosimetry including finger badges if required Eey to main stack if applicable PIEGRI0 TIS:

              ' A. In all steps of this procedure implenentation of the ALAIR mncept is mandatory and an AIAIR review should be performed prior to obtaining samples.

B. Planned exposure shall not escoed administrative guidelines except as authorized by the anergency Director per IP-205A, Appendix 1. PICCEDURE: (- l. Obtain all appropriate survey and protective equipnent. 2. If s.cple is to be collected feca the Main Stack, obtain a transpnet vehicle and the key for the Main Stack from either Shift Supervision or Chamistry Supervision.

3. Se route of transport recomended is as follows for the roof vents:

Enter the normal plant entrance 116' or the roll-up doors at north end (Unit 3) oc south end (Unit 2). Take the turbine building stalecase

  • frt:se 116' to 165', then take the , reactor building stairs to 234', to the entry door at the refuel floor. Time = approximately 10 minutes.
4. Se route of transport reccussended to the main stack is as follows:

Follow Iay Road atmn to the north substation turn left into the north sub and follow are=== road to the locked gate. Unlock gate and g M to the main stack. 5. Bisure that while enroute to either the Main Stack or Roof Vents that area radiation surveys are performed and recorded on the attached appendices.

     '*j       6.

If unanticipated dose rates are > 5 reWhr. (Beta and or gema) either

  • enroute or at sampling point exil area, f anodiately and report to the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Imader.
7. If done rates are less than atove limits, proceed to survey sampling system with particular interest being doet rates general area, contact semple holder in-service and does rates on sample lines.
                                   . ~~    ,nn,.                              -,,,,,-_--n_                          -,,w,-._~.,,------n,-,.-n-~~.-.
 .                                                                                                                                                                                                         i EP-205A.7 Page 3 of 10, Rev. 3 NorE Expect whole body sdnersion dose rates frca noble gases. Take special note of window open readings in general area readings.
8. Suggested filter and cartridge change method 8.1 'obtain the extra filter / cartridge holder. to extra filter / cartridge holders are required for a roof vent change. Consideration should be given to use of only one sample point for the roof vent release point.
              .                8.2 Before entering containment, insert a new                                                               -

particulate filter and cartridge into each holder. Use silver-zeolite cartridges in the. place of the charocal to limit the noble gas buildup. Do not use silver-2eolite cartridges during drills. 8.3 At the sample station 8.3.1. Byprss the filter holder which is in service. 8.3.2. Have rod and tongs at hand and open the front door of the sampler remaining at a distance as far as possible. 8.3.3. With roi, lower the sampler and with the tongs, reach in aru! remove the cartridge from'the system. Quickly survey the cartridge to obtain a dose rate. If the contact dose rate exceeds 200 mR/hr, place the cartridge in a shielded area and contact Chemistry Supervision for instructions. If the contact dose rate is less than 200 mR/hr, place the cartridge inside the transfer cask. 8.3.4. Place lid on transfer cask. 8.3.5. Insert a new cartridge holder into the sampler 'and move the cam in the opposite direction and close the door. 8.3.6. Put the red through the transfer cask and put pins in place. 8.3.7. Return filter system to normal flow path. 8.3.8. Transport transfer cask to analysis site. , 4 i NorE: Transfer cask, rod and tongs will be l

             ;               at sample site.                                                                                                                                                               I I

9.0 Take the sample to the appropriate lab where analysis will be performed. Report the results ' to the appropriate supervision. I

                                ,    ,r.         ,--._ _____._ __ - - _, -.   -

I - c 1 D-205A.7 Page 4 of 10, Pav. 3 APPENDICES Appendix A Plant I.aput Maps D -205A.7-1 - EP-205A.7-2 IP-205A.7-3 Appendix B Survey Maps D-205A.7-4

            .       IP-205A.7-5                                         .

D-205A.7-6 14lFIDIENCES:

1. 5-205A, Appendix 1
2. Irr-7.6.1.F

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l W-2054.8 WIhDEDIG LIGID RADOWIE SM9 TBS FROM RADOWrat SM912 SINK FGLONING _- x - : unuanum ! MEWEEE: - The parpose of this procedure is to provide scano guidelines prior to, during and after obtaining samples frem the radweste sample sink. REEPOWIBILITIES: ' I l 1.0 The chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team Leader shall determine, via { dialogue with the Personnel Safety Team Leader, the need for specific Nealth Physics coverage. 2.0 The chemistry sampling and 5nalysis Group Leader shall brief the i Chemistry sampling and Analysis Group members on: ,i 2.1 Sarsling points to be used. 2.2 Itsutes to be talien. , t - 2.3 Appropriate survey and protective egipment to be used, 3.0 The chemistry Sampling 'and Analysis Group members shall:

3.1 Assemble necessary egipment.

i j 1 3.2 Apply the AIAR concept for radiaticut exposure. 3.3 Review this procedure prior to implementaticut. l J , ) '

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                               '                                                                        EP-205A.::

Page 2 of 8, Rev.1 i

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 -                         It has been determined that a sanple from the radwaste saple sink is
                          . required.

I APPAN m B: Appropriate Health Physics Survey Equipent Air Sepler (low voltIne)

                      .-  Anti-c clothing                                                         -

Digital-Alarming dosimetry , 3 oz. s m ple bottle with lid s Tmgs, remote tooling or lead carrying container 'fer ~ holding the sample bottle during sampling Respiratory protective equipent Desimetry (including finger badges) PRECAlffICts: > 1.0 In all st'ep of this procedure implementation of the ALAPA concepk is ' mandatory. An AIARA review should he perfor ed pri,or to obtainirig sa ples. > 3 2.0: Planned exposures shall not exceed administrative guidelines except as authorized by the Emergency Director in accordance with EP-205A, Appendix 1. 3.0 If unanticipated general area dose rates are > 5 ren? (beta' and/or '; gama) either enroute to or at suple station 7 imediately exit the area and report to the Chetaistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader'. 4.0 A RDP or Health Physics qualified individual shall be ass'igned for the sampling procedure. . 3 PTOCIIIJRE: ' i o 1.0 The personnel who will obtain the sample shall he briefed.on all alternatives and.will provide ingt into practical methods of remotely handling the sample. Defore the saple is taken at least three dry J rims using Camin water should be made using the recot.e tooling or


intended method.


2.0 Two routes are suggested to the radwaste sample sink: 2.1 Diter at the normal turbine building 116' plant carrance. time = ' agroximately two minutes. x .

t I

                                                                                                                       . 3-205A.8 -

1 y P:ge 3 of 8, Pav.1 J '

s. 2.2 Diter at the roll up doors at either the north (Unit 3) or South.
(Uhit 2) wall of the turbine building 116'. time = approximately four minutes.

10 Chemistry personnel shall make initial entry to assist or perform the survey and to valve in the grab sample point. 4.0 'Ihm surveyor (s) will note trends in general radiaticri levels enroute' to the sample point. If dose rates exceed 5 reWhr (beta and/or garm:s) sither enroute to or at sample station, exit the area and report to the Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group Leader. s - i tmE: Attached as appendices are the locations of the sample points and survey maps. 5.0 With dose ' rates at the door to the Radwaste Building less than 5 rem /hr ( enter radwaste building through that door. Take careful note of the dose rates. . _' 5.1 Survey the area concentrating, especially, on the Sample Sink. Survey the grab saple point (Beta & Gamma), with smple flowing. s Ensure that the low-voltano air sample is taken at the hood, in the i

                                                            " Breathing Zone." Special note of window open readings must be made because of the high beta L. elds expected in the sanple' sink, as well as, submersion air dose beta fields. Survey maps are Irovided as part of the Appendix of this procedure.

y . 6.0 It takes approximately 3' minutes to obtain the sample. i ICCATICN TDE 'IO SAlPIE Radwaste Sample Sink 3 min. or less depending on flow 7.0 obtain necessary survey, sampling, and protective equipent. Ensure A survey equipent is calibrated and turned "CE".


j 8.0 Suggested Samplinq !*.ethod ('this method may be changed after the AINE

                                  ,                . review) obtain the smallest sample necessary for analysis to be performed.

Obtain a 1 oz. sample (about 1" up from bottcm) or less in a 3 oz. hettle. Use tenga or other remote handling tools to hold the sample b'ottle. When the required amount of sample is obtaited, remove the 3 , bottle from hood and quickly place the lid on the bottle. Transport

                  . .                                the sample with tengs or other remote tools.                                   -

9'0 Considerahiert of eqected dose rates from the sample must be made. 'the time required to take the smple to the hot lab versus the time required to shield the sample must be considered. l y - 1 Lx l

                                                         - -                                              -     -      -   -      ~

EP-205A.8 ' Page 4 of 8, Rev. 1


10.0 Prior to the sample entering the het lab, any shielding, remote tooling or other protective measure shall be in place and ready to accept the sample. 11.0 Upcri introduction of the sample into the hot lab, the sample will be ' handled in a manner such that it will cause an AIARA whole body dose to personnel involved. Unnecessary personnel shall not remain in the hot lab. 12.0 Properly in place and shielded, the sample will be s -:===M c remotely (when possible) . Careful handling of the sample is mandatory in preparation for analysis so contamination is not spread, airborne

                  ..                          problems are held at a minimum, and a new sample isn't required.
                             - 13.0 Fbilowing final analysis of the sample, results shall be reported to appropriate supervision.

APPENDICES l 1.0 Plant Layout Maps D-205A.8-1 n-205A.8-2 P-205A.8-3 . 2.0 Survey Maps EP-205A.8-4 REFERENCDS: D-205 A HPC/Q>1

               / .            HPCA2>-3 e*

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                                                                                                    .                                                                      EP-205A.9
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i EP-205A.9 CB':1IND;G SA?PLES FICBt CDNDC5A"'E SABPLE (Inumms v.uw2 SINIC IT ) PURPOSE: The p.trpose of 'this procedure is to provide some guidelines ,during prior to and after accident obtaining conditicris with major samples fran the condensate sample sink following fuel damage. RESPTSIBILITIES: 1.0 dialogue with the PersonThe Chemistry sampling and, Analysis via Team 11ealth Physics coverage.nel Safety Team Leader, the need for specific 2.0 Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group members on:Th 2.1 Sampling points to be used. 2.2 Routes to be taken. 2.3

                   ~                              Appropriate survey and protective equipnent to be used.

3.0 The Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Group members shall:,

                                 ,        3.1 Assemble necessary edipnent.

3.2 Apply the AIARA concept for radiation exposure. 3.3 Review this procedure prior to implementation. ACTICN LEVEts: ' , J . It has been required. determined that a sample fran the condensate sample sink is APPAmTOS: Appropriate !!ealth Physics Survey Equipnent Air Sampler (low voltne)

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1 IP-205A.9 Page 2 of 11, Rev. 1 i s l Anti-C Clothing Digital-Alarming Dosimetry 3 oz. Sample Bottle with Lid Tengs or Remote Tooling or Lead Carrying container for Holding the Sample Bottle During Sampling Respiratory Protective Eculpnent l . All Dosimetry Including Finger Badges PRECAUTICES: 1.0 In all steps of this procedure implementation of the ALAPI concepb is mandatory and an AIAPA review should be performed prior to obtaining a sample. 2.0 Planned exposure should not exceed administrative guidelines, except as 1 authorized by the anercency Director per IP-205A. ' 3.0 If general area dose rates are > 5 rem (Beta and/or Gamma) either - enroute to or at sample staticrC inunediately exit the area and report to.the Chemistry sampling and Analysis Group Leader. PICK :.uum:.: . 1.0 Obtain an survey, sampling, and protective equipr.cnt. Make sure surwy equipnent is calibrated and turned "on." 2.0 Two routes are suggested to the condensate sacple sink. 2.1 Enter at the normal turbine building H6' plant entrance. Time approximately 2 minutes 2.2 Ihter at the ron up door at either the north (Unit 3) or South (Unit 2) wall of turbine building 116'. Time approximately 3 minutes - 3.0 Chemistry personnel shall make initial entry to assist or perform the surwy and to valve in grab sample point. 4.0 Upon entering the power block, the surveyor (s) will note trends in general radiation levels enroute to the sanple point. If dose rates unanticipated escoed 5 reWhr (Beta and/or na-a) either enroute to or at sample staticut, exit the area and report to the Chemistry f-- ling  ;

       ;                                              and Analysis Group Leader.                                                                                                                                           '

Note: Attached as appendices are the location of the sample point and I surwy maps, i 5.0 ' Surwy the. area concentrating, especially, on the sample sink. Survey , the grab sample point (Beta and Gausna), with sample flowing, ensure  ! . that the low-volume air sample is taken at the hood, in the " Breathing

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                                                                                          -                                                                EP-205A.9
                                                 .                                                                                Page 3 of H , Rev. 1 5

2cne." Special note of window open readings must be made because of the high beta fields expected in the sample sink, as wen as, J submersim air dose beta fields. Survey maps are provided as gart of 1 the Appendix of this procedure. 6.0 The following are times regaired to obtain the samples: IDCATIOt TDE TO SANIJ!l Ocmdensate Sample Sink 3 min. or less depending on flew Suggested Sampling Method (This method may be changed after the AIAR review) 7.0 Obtain the smallest sample necessary for analysis to be performed.- Obtain a 1 os sample (about l' up from bottm) or less in a 3 oz bottle. Use tengs or other remote handling tools which hold the sample bottle without operator attenticm. When required amount of sample is obtained remove bottle frem hood, quickly place lid on bottle and

              ,                                 transport with tengs or other remote tools.

8.0 Consideration of espected dose rates frcun the sample, itself, must also be made. In this regard, the time to take the sample to the hot lab versus shielding the sample must be considered. The personnel who win obtain the sample shan be briefed cm an alternatives and will provide input into practical methods of runotely handling the sample. Before the sample is taken at least three dry rms using demin water shall be made using the remote tooling or intended method.

                )                     9.0 A RW or Health Physics qualified individual shall be assigned for the sample evoluticn.

, 10.0 Prior to the sample entering the hot lab, any shielding, remote tooling or other protective. measure shan, be in place and ready to accept the sample. 11.0 Upon intrizluction of the sample into the hot lab, the ' sample win be handled in a manner such that it win cause an AIA R whole body dose to personnel involved. Unnecessary personnel shall not remain in hot lab. 12.0 Properly in place and shielded, the sample wiu be processed remotely i g (when possible). Careful handling of the sample is mandatory in properaticn for analysis so contamination is not spread, airborne J i problems are held at a minimum, and a new sample isn't required.

                  ,             2 13.0 7bliowing final analysis of the sample, results shall be reported to appropriate supervisicn.

l l i l l e

        .                                                       D-205A.9 Page 4 of 11, Rev. 1 APPDEICS A. Plant Layout Paps B. Survey Maps REEEEENCES D-205A     .

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