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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Index,Rev 12 to EP-209 App a, Immediate Notification Call List & Rev 19 to EP-209 App C. W/860423 Release Memo
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/1986
Shared Package
ML20203E897 List:
PROC-860329-01, NUDOCS 8604240494
Download: ML20203E911 (63)


{{#Wiki_filter:., 41 Ab -2f/? EP Ind x DEBCE!CY PIAN PFu.wu.d ItOEX Pag 2 1 Rev. 58

  • PDCH BCfrIQi UNITS 2 AND 3 03/29/86
  • k Review Rev. Bevision .

l' umber Title Date Ib. Date . EP-101 Classification of Bnergencies 12/31/85 15 01/10/86 EP-102 1:husual Event Response 01/17/86 12 01/21/86 1 EP-103 Alert Response 01/17/86 12 01/21/86 EP-104 Site Baergency aesponse 01/17/86 13 01/21/86 , EP-105 General Bnergency Response 01/21/86 12 01/21/86 EP-110 Personnel Assembly and Arountability 12/20/85 2 01/06/86 EP-201 Technical Support Center (T9C) Mtivaticn 12/20/85 9 01/07/86 E?-202 Operaticns Support Centers (OSC) Activatist 10/16/85 8 10/16/85 - EP-203 Dnergency Operations Facility (EDF) Activaticn 12/16/85 9 01/08/86 ( EP-203A Alternate Energency Operatims Facility (IDF) Activaticn 10/12/84 0 10/12/84 EP-205 DELETED 09/12/84 EP-205A Chemistry Sampling and Analysis Team 10/16/85 6 10/16/85 EP-205A operaticn of Post Accident Sampling

               .1         Station                                    10/15/85        6 10/15/85 EP-205A     Cbtaining Drywell Gas Samples
               .2         from Ccntainment Atmosphere Dilution Cabinets                                   10/16/85        1 10/16/85 EP-205A     Retrieving and Changing Sample                                                                    I
               .3         Filters and Cartridges frca the Drywell Radiaticn M:nitor During

Dnergencies 10/16/85 2 10/16/85

,             EP-205A     Cbtaining Drywell Gas Samples
               .4         frcn the Drywell Radiation ftnitor Sampling Staticn                           10/15/85        1 10/15/85

, EP-205A Octaining Reactor Water Samples

               .5         from Sample Sinks Ib11owing Accident k'                    0:ndi'.icns l

10/16/85 1 10/16/85 kDk F Doh!$ 77 pgg C0::I 01trD LI:20nD cm, W.3 Ts=<2.M 2= l l E*.i IIUT10;i II.~t A-2 ) ________________-_-_ _ ___ ______ _ _________ _ _______-_ - - _ A


                                                                                                                                                                  ~ Rev. 58 *
                                                                 ,                  PERCH BCr?.01 UNITS 2 AND 3                                                    03/29'/86 *            ,

Review Rev. Revision 8 NLamber Title Date tb. Date t

  • I EP-205A m taining Canal Discharge m ter

! .6 Sanples Ibliowing Radioactive Liquid Heleases After Accident Cbnditions 12/30/85 3 01/07/86 l' EP-205A Cbtaining the Iodine and Particulate

                                              .7            Sanples from the min Stack and Roof

, Vents Ib11owing Accident Cbndities 10/16/85 3 10/16/85 1 l EP-205A (btaining Liquid Radwas+.e Sanples

                                              .8            from Radwaste Sanple S.g% lbliming i

i Accident (bndities _ 10/16/85 1 10/16/85 EP-205A Obtaining Sanples from (bndensate l

                                              .9            Sanple Sink Pb11owing Accident t                                                            2nditie s                                                                10/15/85   1 10/15/85 i

j EP-205A Obtaining Off-Gas Sanples from i .10 the Off-Gas Pydrogen Analyzer - Pb11owing Accident Cbnditions 10/15/85 1 10/15/85  : j l EP-205A D E L E T E D - Irmgated into

                                              .11           EP-205A.13                                                               12/20/35                                                   [,)

i ~ EP-205A Sanple Preparation and Hare. ling

                                              .12           of Highly Radioactive Particulate i

Filters and Iodine Cartridges 10/15/85 4 10/15/85 i EP-205A Sanple Preparation and Handling of i .13 Highly Radioactive Liquid and i Gas Sanples 10/15/85 3 10/15/85 i I:P-205A Off-site Analysis of Eigh Activity l .14 Sanples 10/15/85 1 10/15/85 i i EP-205A Guidelines for the Order of { .15 Analysis on Post-Accident Sanples 10/15/85 1 10/15/85 i EP-205A Storage of Pust-Accident

                                             .16            Sanglas                                                                  09/12/85   0 09/12/85 l                                            EP-205A        Obtaining a Gas Sanple from the 1
                                             .17            Main Stack Under Accident conditions                                     10/15/85   0 10/15/85 EP-205B        D E L E T E D - Replaced by EP 207G &

EP-210A 12/20/85 l EP-205C DELETED 08/07/85 EP-206 DELETED 04/27/83 i r I & l l i 0

   - . _ _ . , - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _                         . . , _ -            _ _ .. __. _ __. _. _ ._...~ ._,_ ,_ _ . _                                        _ , . - _ _ ,

EP Ind;x

  *                                                                                    Paga 3
                        .               DDGDCI PIAN PROCEDUIES INDEX
                                                                                    ' Pev. 58
  • PEACH BOTKM UNITS 2 AND 3 03/29/86 *

( hview Bev. Revision Nunber Title Date No. Date EP-206A Fire Fighting Group 12/20/85 8 01/08/86 EP-206B Damage Repair Group 12/20/85 4 01/07/86 EP-207 Personnel Safety Team Activaticm 09/12/85 7 09/12/85 EP-207A First Aid / Search and mscue 07/31/85 4 07/31/85 EP-207B DELETED 04/27/84 EP-207C D E L E T E D - Incorporated into 207A 06/26/85 EP-207D Evacuaticn Assenbly Group 09/16/85 4 09/16/85 EP-207E D E L E T E D - Incorpor1ted into 207D 08/28/85 D E L E T E D - Incorporated EP-207F ) into 207D 08/28/85 , EP-207G Plant Survey Groups 09/09/85 0 09/09/85 EP-207H Dosimetry, Bionssay, and kspiratory Group 09/16/85 0 09/16/85 EP-208 Security Team 12/18/85 2 01/03/86 EP-209 Telephcne List Ibr anergency Use 03/07/86 11 12/31/85 ! EP-209 Imediate Notification Call List

Appendix A 03/07/86 12 03/19/86
  • EP-209 DELETED 11/04/81 Appendix B EP-209 Peach Bottom Staticn Supervision Appendix C 03/07/86 19 03/19/86
  • l EP-209 Ch Site Bantgency Team Imaders Appendix D-1 03/07/86 15 03/19/86
  • EP-209 Dose Assessment Tea \

i Appendix D-2 03/07/86 18 01/07/86  !

,             EP-209      Fire and Damage Team Appendix D-3                                        03/07/86  17 03/21/86 *

! EP-209 Perscnnel Safety Team Appendix D-4 03/07/86 21 03/21/86 *

     ..                                                                                           1 i


                                                                                                                                - 4 Rev. 58
  • PEACH BOTDi UNITS 2 AND 3 03/29/86 * ,

4 Review Rev. revision 14 mber Title Date tb. Date ] , i i ! EP-209 Security Team Appendix D-5 03/07/86 15 03/19/86

  • l EP-209 Re-Entry and Recovery Team j Appendix D-6 03/07/86 6 03/19/86
  • EP-209 Technical Support Center Group Appendix D-7 03/07/86 19 03/19/86
  • EP-209 Chemistry Sampling & Analysis Team 03/07/86 5 03/19/86
  • j Appendix D-8 j EP-209 (brporate Energency Team Imaders and j Appendix E Support Personnel 03/07/86 16 03/19/86
  • EP-209 U. S. Government igencies l Appendix I' 03/07/86 7 03/19/86 * .

i EP-209 Bnergency Management Agencies j Apper: dix G 03/07/86 10 03/19/86 * ,.

                                                                                                                             ,h   '
!           EP-209        Cocyany Cbnsultants                                                                             %

Appendix H 03/07/86 12 09/14/85 EP-209 . Field Support Personnel i Appendix I-l 03/07/86 21 03/21/86 * , i EP-209 Chemistry & Health Physics Ckmtri.ctor { Appendix I-2 Call List 03/07/86 19 03/19/86

  • I EP-209 Nearby Public and Industrial Users Appendix J Of Downstream Waters 03/07/86 8 01/07/86 EP-209 Miscellaneous Appendix K 03/07/86 8 01/07/86 l

EP-209 Iccal PICo Phones Appendix L 03/07/86 8 03/19/86

  • EP-209 DELETED 10/21/84 Appendix M i EP-209 Medical Support Groups i Appendix N 03/07/86 10 01/07/86 l EP-209 Staffing Augmentation - 60 Minute Appendix P Call Procedure 14 03/19/86
  • I i 03/07/86 EP-210 Dose Assessment h 12/18/85 2 12/31/85 1

4 1 !- i

      - . . _ _ .     - - -. - - .-__ - - .                              _ _ - .    . _ _ - - _ .           -             _..i

EP Ind;x l

                      .              EMEIEEY PIR! PROCEDURES INDEC                       Paga 5 aav. 58
  • PEACH B(7PIQi UNITS 2 AND 3 03/29/86 *

( Beview Rev. Revision Number Title Date !b. Date EP-210A Field Survey Groups 12/18/85 1 01/15/86 EP-211 Ehergency Radiatim Exposure l Guidelines and Cmtrols 06/28/85 0 06/28/85 EP-212 hchnical Support ham Activatim 02/21/86 1 02/21/86 EP-301 Operating the Evacuatim Alarm and Pond Page System 09/09/85 2 09/09/85 EP-303 Partial Plant Evacuatim 08/30/85 3 08/30/85 EP-304 DELETED 12/04/81 EP-305 Site Evacuation 12/20/85 6 01/07/86 EP-306 D E L E T E D - No Replacement 01/17/86 . EP-307 Deceptim and Orientaticn of Support Personnel 09/16/85 2 09/16/85 ( EP-311 Cbntaminated Injury 06/28/85 4 06/28/85 EP-312 Radioactive Liquid Release (Dnergency Director n:ncticns) 12/16/85 2 09/20/84 Eo-313 Ccmtrol of 'Ihyroid B'ocking (KI) Tablets 09/12/85 2 09/12/85 EP-315 Corporate Cbnputer Dose Calculations l?/16/85 0 10/12/84 l EP-316 Cumulative Population Dose. Calculaticns for Airbourne Releases Manual Method 12/18/85 8 12/31/85 EP-316 Worksheets/heterological calculaticns Appendix A 09/17/85 8 09/17/85 EP-316 Activity After Reactor Shutdown Appendix B 09/17/85 7 09/i7/85 EP-316 IMex of X/Q Outputs for Off-Gas Appendix C Stack Releases 09/17/85 7 09/17/85 , 1 EP-316 Relative Dispersion Values for Ener-Appendix D gency Dose Calculation Procedure 09/17/85 7 09/17/85 { EP-316 SG'IS Efficiency vs Decentaaination Appendix E Factor , 09/17/85 7 09/17/85

EP Ind;x DtEBGENCY PIAN P!OCEDURES INDEX . Pag 2 '6' , 1 Rev. 58 * ' 03/29/86 * - PEACH BOT 1Ut UNITS 2 AND 3 Review Rev. Hevision . l Number Title Date Ib. Date , 1 I

EP-316 Percent Compositicn of Isotopic 1 Appendix F Distribution 09/17/85 7 09/17/85 EP-316 Oxposite Whole Body Dose  !

I Appendix G Conversion Factors vs Time Since aractor Shutdown 09/17/85 7 09/17/85 EP-316 I-131/I-133 Corrposite 'Ihyroid Dose Appendix H Ccnversion Factors vs Time Since anactor Shutdown 09/17/85 7 09/17/85 j EP-316 Populaticn Distributica by n=== Appendix I Sector-Sunner Day 09/17/85 0 09/17/85 EP-316 I/131/I-133 Percent Abundance vs Appendix J Time Since Reactor Shutdown 09/17/85 0 09/17/85 . EP-316 PEAPS Iodine Source Term From Appendix K 'ISC Field Data 09/17/85 0 09/17/85 EP-316 Irdex of Plume Shine Outputs ) Appendix L for off-Gas Stack Releases 09/17/85 0 09/17/85 - Ep-316 Plume Shine Value for Bnergency Appendix M Dose Calculation Procedure 09/17/85 0 09/17/85 1 EP-316 Refined Dose Assessment of Appendix N Urrrnitored Ground Release 09/17/85 0 09/17/85 EP-316A Reading the Rapid Dose Assess-ment I Program into the TI-59 09/24/85 2 09/24/85 EP-316B Calculating Rapid Dose Assessment on the TI-59 09/24/85 2 09/24/85 EP-316C Reading the Refine Dose Assessment I Program onto the TI-59 10/15/84 0 10/15/84 l EP-317 Determinaticm of Protective Action anocenendaticms 12/20/85 4 01/06/86 EP-318 Liquid Release Dose Calculation Method for Intake Water at Downstream Facilities 12/18/85 2 12/31/85 i EP-319 Liquid Release Dose Calculation  ; Method for Fish 12/13/85 2 12/31/85 EP-320 Procedure for Imaking Chlorine 03/12/82 1 03/12/82


  • PEACH BOI'KM UNITS 2 AND 3 03/29/86 *

( aeview Rev. Revision ' Number Title Date Ib. Date EP-325 Use of the Cbntainment Radiation Pt:nitor to Estimate Release Source Term 12/18/85 1 01/10/86 EP-401 Bitry for Dnergency aepair and Operations 12/18/85 6 01/03/86 EP-500 aaview and Revisim of anergency Plan (FSAR Appendix 0) 04/01/81 0 04/01/81 I . 9 I O


  • T ,

r- * *


EP-209 g,; 3c n D L7??.0*l C C C I- APPEDIX A E - vo p pzr;;0:s 153UI Pags 1 of 5, Rev.12 - g- IISIRII,UTIC:: I3 1-2 JJT:clg l k l EP-209 APPDDIX A - DNEDIATE FUI'IFICATION CAIL LIST ffXV f - a f /f' f $ thusual Event I=nediate lbtificaticn Call List E { / A


.- I a. Dnergency Director centrex 5 I ',. a


b - r t. Alternate c ( b - E 3


E E i g l b. Iced Dispatcher Im l F '

                                                            ,    T .-                                  )

c. i Pennsylvania nnerg,scy 24 hrs. ', i b lunage:nent'k;cncy per. day., i [ ,


b i 3 k '

d. York Cbunty Dacrgency' 24 hrs. '

g , Panage:nentJgency per day S i 9 .. c. tK Operaticns Center { Bethesda,50 ) I f i - % i i i l a I  ! l A ' l l f

               '                                                                                              )'       -
f. Penna. Bureau of Rad. Protectico l Harrisburg, PA

t-I 6 3 m


  • EP-209 ' -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                # ~
                '                                                                                                                                                                         APPD: DIX A                                                       4 7

Page 2 of 5, Rev.12 l m_ ..

                                                                                             ,,.,s        .

s'. ~ . m = , .. .

                                                                                                                                                                                                  .. .                                                     J
g. Manager - Public Info. $.kIhr, s ., ~. , ~ ~ : ;i ' 'E . O '. h* ' . 5.b j ~. E.(
                                                                                                                             ": ~'.A.,.
                                                                                           -T ',. . . . . : -             ..                                           ,.: { , * ' . ;*:~                      M                                           i 1*,
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e = i *%. > .

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m _':' % 'j . i;f . ,_

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  • J.y;y
y. ; , f ,.
g. )

e.-, .. G Alternate

k. . _, ' ' ' . : '
                                                                                                                                                  ..-          . . :J Y% .'.4 '. $. 2 " .' o .
                                                                                             . , .,[ . *                     -

_l.' , . , . I. ' l

                                                                                                      ' . .k,> .:u 4 .' .%
                                                                                                                           ?            _
                                                                                                                                                             'm        -

Isr. p Alert Oy'.diticn I::: mediate ?btificatian Call List  ; a _ a, nner gency Director 2 Y i


E l i Alternate Y l 4 - B 8 R b. Ipad Dispatcher e l ,a k- 4 g (initiates call list "C")' - 1 41 E c. M".nsylvania Dnergency * & Mruge:nent kjency

  • ~  ;


                                                                           . >                                                                                                                                                                                =
d. Maryland Civil Defense-Agency l I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       =j   -


e. (bunty Bnergency ?unage: rent g kjencies l a { h' g (1) York 0,unty 24 hrs. I a

r por day u  ; a ki - q (2) Lancaster (bunty l


f _f g! t (3) C' ester (bunty A I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .                              3 (4) Harford Q3unty 8-5 PM                                                                                                                                                                                     --s I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ->

SIN-8AM a - k, t,


( ) N j ) Count'/ -

                                                                                                                                   -4      .'

h'* ' '.

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( g f

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L I - d a  %

                                                                  .                                                                         ~

D-209 ILOF D D D: A Pag 6 3 of 5, Fev. 12- - 1' -

                                                                                        , g .p..y               ;.

IK Cperaticns Center f. Bethesda, MD 1st Choice: pij@.*;JQl$'.%i.(g 2rd Choice: '>g'3 ~::y!/mj

                                                                                                       -                              /.

3rd Choice: *:g s V y]. f 41..:J:- p Ffhyi .g $ f : ' [ j'. ', ; T ..q; ' N'1P 44 4th Choice: "E':

                                                                                                                           -l ;l jf a ; ',: ~l:. ..-l _ ? .' . -l;f-l[:

5th Choice: if. :; l..?l L.- y ' .[..g. fjj!

                                                                                              . ;' g . g ..- . M * ;.c  .
g. Penna. Bureau of Rad. Protecticn 7;,.7 A .-  % ; Of i.C 9

[rjyf[{p)G jk dv, g;- Harrisburg, PA $$jMg


D,.i.d@dy.% . /$'s$ 9 ?.i(i$ " u Site Area nnercency L nediate !btificaticn Call List

a. Energency Director .Centrex Idternate
                                                       . s
 /        :    b. Icad Dispatcher           -

( , (Initiates call list' "C") *

c. Pennsylvania Dnergency , '

lunager.ent igency

d. thryland Civil Defense igency
e. County Energency itnage::nnt igencies (1) York County 24 hrs.

per day (2) Lancaster County (3) Chester County (4) P2rford County 8-524 5W.-?R1 (5) Cecil County w -

APPC: DIX A . Page 4 of~5, Rev. 12 s i f. !aC Cperaticns Center 1st Choice:

                    .            Bethesda, PD                        2nd Choice:
                   '                                                 3rd Choice:

4th Choice: I 5th Choice:  ; i

g. Depart.ent of Ibergy PZP (Opticnal i
h. Pe.v a. Eureau of Rad. Protecticn H.rrisburg, PA l

I 1. Pe.v a. State Police York Barracks t

      .                  General Dnercency II::nediate tbtificatien Call List
a. Darge . y Director Centrex I -

Alternate - J

b. Imd Dispatcher 3
      ;                         (initiates F.all list "C")
c. Prasylvania Dnergency Pr. nager.ent Agenef
d. Paryland Civil Defense Agency
e. Cbunty Energenef Panagerent Isencies (1) York Osenty 24 hrs.

per day (2) Iar. caster County (3) Checter Cbunty I a o

!,                  .-                                                                                              EP-209 APPD: DIX A Page 5 of 5, Fev.12 t                                                                                                         N --

(4) Parford Cbunty S-SM! 521-87e1

;                                            (5) Cecil County
f. E Operaticns Center Bethesda, PD l

1 I I I 5th Choica-I'

g. topart:nent of Diergy FIP (cpticna .
h. Delaware Div. Energency Planning Business Bours:

l (Optional) Dnergency. Planning

                                                                                      .. o I                    1.                   Delaware State Police            ,
                                                                               ~24 Iburs per day:

j ( . Cb:m:unication Center t,

j. New Jersey State Police Dnergency Panage:nent (Optional) l

! k. Penna. Bureau of Pad. Protecticn (8-4 Di) or i Farrisburg, PA (8-4 PM) or ! (24 hrs P.E.M.A.) 1 1. Penna. State Police j York Barracks __ _

                    ~                         .


                                                                                                                      -. .s -

l l l l 1

_g EP-209

                                                                                                          . APPO DIX C
                                                                       , , . _                 Page 1 of So M* . M
                                                .. . . -- ,,.:n L_,.,
                                                - ,, -                     C_g97;_                             Ju";clg
                                                              .. .. c.
                                                                           , u. .

z , ,

                                                       ':.*: ~i:1C;:~2*..


                     /'tnager Ib:m Phone         Centrex I

I l s t i Sumrintea. dent - Coersticns I Suxrintendent - Plant Serrices l l I I l 2;imer - Oteace Planning l I l Egimer - Paintenance Engimer ':dchnical i g

~ I' -209 7JPCCIX C Page 2 of 5, Pev 19 l Scimer - Cecratiens i I l j t Senicr - IIP I l i i heimer - 7d:.inistraticn  : Perfor:..nce G?cE  ! [ , l 1 I Project Grouc S^cJrity SCDervicor Scimer - I&C i N

                                                          *'t-209 APPC CIX C Page 3 of 5, Fev 19

( Senior - SerJst i i Scimer - Cheristry S eineer-Health Physics Calltv Encimer

    ,                             .. r-Assistant !bint %70e Sgimer Scimar - Peacer Cher.ici

l 0-2C9 APPCD % C Page 4 cf 5, Pev.19 Individuals belcw are not reg: ired to be notified during an niert, Site Emergency, c Ger.eral Dnergency. Shift Su N intendent e-1' l


Shif t Strervisor i s p

I . APPCDIX C Page 5 of 5, Pev. 19 ( ~

                                   , ,e
                        ..'*W M

eM ( - Y


      *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       :P-209
                                                                                                                                                              .- - '.                  CU "                                                                                                                                             APPC' DIX D-l
                                                                                                         ". . C. .J T -h_.~.i M E~,~,
                                                                                                                                                      -                                                                                                                                                                      Pace 1 of 2, Pev. 15 gid;_;._
                                                                                                                         . m. w , .[;, ~G                                                                                                                                                                                                   JJ~':C19 e'   #


                           5-209 AFPD' DIX D ON SITE H.c'THI'Y ':I:N! IrADEPS                                                                                                                                                                                         .

Dnercencv Director 5: e Phone Centrex 1 f

            \,                                                                       ..

i  %' I

                                                                                         .f. .. ~ . . ..                           .,                              c       ,.                        .
e. T.

L . .. - . sl $, '

               ,                                              g                ' ' 'gskh,f:
                                                                                                                                  -k ' ' ['M
               ,                                                                                                     ..               ,                                                                                  t..                                                     .

c t i . . h.37.,  %. .,9 e. N. .,,) . ~..Yb74;M pL :!. h:.. I i Alternate hercencv Director W.h ga M pp%:g.9..

                                                                                                                                                                                                            .;. m.w ... . pts..p
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $g Q w+                                                        .$

e .. % .,. .: ..g 1 .. . .m - k . h*~

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I Persa'.nel Safety 'Iba:n leader Frme Phme Centrex  ! Assistant Alternate Persmnel Safetv 'Ibam Inader J Assistant

r. s.

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Ch-shift Senic: EP 'Ibch. L.- 3

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O-209 .

                                             .-                                                                                                                                                                                          APPCDIX D-4 Page 2 of 4, Pcv. 21 First Aid / Search and Pescue Grouc hbers                                                                                                                                   N h
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w- u

 .                                                                                                C-209 AFPC: DIX D-4 Page 3 cf 4, Rev. 21 s

/ ' For Contractor Plant Survey Group lb: ers See EP-209 AFP I-2 pyraaticn Arse ly Arb CfDUU n,ggr ty:me phene Centrex r ~

c. [~ .,

c Alternate Piacuaticn Asserbiv Groun-Iead Diraaticn Asse bly Area Grouc Sh-berS Perscnnel Dosimetry, Bicassay, Fcre Phcne Centrex Partiratory Prctecticn Grouc Leacers


               . -                                                                                  APPD:D:X D-4            *-l Page 4 of'4, Pcv. 21 N

Pers&.nel Ibsi netry, Bioassay, - - Iereirat: Dry Protecticn Grot:0 M2roers i Health Physics Data Takers for Perrx.nel Safety Tea:n 1 1, . I .


G i I er l l l l


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l D-209 i : ) APPC OIX D-5 j - Page 5 of'6, Fev. 15 ){ d 4 l e 4 1

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i j ^ !( , i M i , -. 1

  • CAS/SAS trained r

ZC'OA". AL.224 S"'. & CC!mCL AUR4 l CMM TE.CI:E tD. l I . 1 l .1 l 1 4 f s s l ' i a l l l i - - - - . - - - - . - - - - - . _ , , - _ . - - - _ _ _ _ - . . - - , , -c. ,,_.n , , - . _ , - _ , .. . . ,,

s EP-209 / APPC DIX D-5 Page 6 of 6, Rev. 15


I l i I i

         \                                     '
         ,k                        -

PAET "'IFT E?lS1 "TV! MDSERS - GT40S T E"'O!T ?D. PARB TDT SEC" PlTl' TDM FEIGEES - k71t""4PEPSO!5 _ _ . m -FMOt2 r 10.

                                -,                         3 -


l , , - 00? '- EP-209 g 5k T2 A"PCDIX D-6

                                                           ,9, V                          . '

L~ Pag'e 1 of 1, Pov. 6 ,\ C,*Y . , * '*' c f,S .: c W ' $ b ', JJT:cig

                                                           . r. -,t.-

( tit -



                    /                                                                                                                                       -

! Pe-Entry and Recoverv Ibam Imader I Alternate Re-Entrv and Recovery Team Leader e". ~ I fg -

                                       ..g                           .

e e O I i i l I l 1 .I .I 1 1 1 i l l t I, l l l e

                                                                                    - - - _ - - _ . - _ _ _ _ _ - - - -                -an--.-                                                         _ - - ---
    . _ _ _ . _ _ _ - - - -                   .      . _        _ - .- - - _ - _ _ - ~                                        __ __ ___                     ___   -                                   __
   ,                            .,                                                                                                                                                                                  I~P 0 9

__ ... ., con- ' APPEDD: D-7

                      .                           C0!C'01'-3).'I-[3 .{y; :                                                                                          Fage 1 of 3, Rev. 19                                      ,
                                                     ;0~_~) :: - ;7..                        -

q ;-2 vo :C19 I 3_~.......;,w., 4 ff( 3':-209 JGFDDIX D-7 m':~ICAL SUFFORT CD"JER GPOJP >Nlbt

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,!'4*- ['h i

l -

!                              I l

DTrgen: f Director Home Cent ex l l A' ternate , 5 i i

                          .i i          "tzrh .ical Ihgineer 1

i Alternates - l l l 1

                                                         , .,                            1         7'                                                                                                                                   l h3 1. s7 j                                                                                        i             ..

l 1 Suoervising Engineers & Alternates


i . - Cutage Planning Engimer i I* l Id::inistraticn Engimer / , Perfor:.::nce Group l a _ _ . _ . _ _ _ __ _ . . _ . . _ _ __. . _ - _ _ . _ _ - . - _ , . - _ . - . _ . _ _ - ___..we

l ,. EP-209 - I, ! <TPC DIX D-7

             -                                                                                                                      Page 2 of 3, Fiv. 19 I & C Ihgineer                                                                                                              -

l , i Project Group: ,I l l 1 Peactor Engineer I r ! Idternate: I Senior Che:::ist i i  ! i Alternate: - 73 Cuality Assurance Engine _er ' , 4 +d t i ,l Paintenance Engineer *** Senicr Health Physicist *** I

                 ?.pplied Health Physicist ***

I l Pecord I'eecer and Cc : :nicator i See I:P-209 Appendix I-l for perscenel to fill this positicn.


9 'I . '- EP-209 r, APPDOIX D-7 Pag,e 3 of 3, Pev. 19 ( i


l , Data Display Ocerators - 2 recuired i } l lbtify cne of the five persans in the order listed below. 'Ite perscn ,' rotified will cents:t two Data Display Operators. l i l

                                *** Required to reprt to the IDF when activ'ated.                                                                     ,

O ~' N s


i Secretaries S k I 2 required _ i, 3 Home ' Centrex i l 1 i i i 6 s " l s' l I 1 l 1 l d f l l l 4 l ! 1 l l 1

                                                         . . , c-                                          D-209
                   .                             .cr.T > :. Sci.                                   A:=endix D-3 C; ;-50L' __ -: : 1 ' ." '-                           Fage 1 o'f'2, Fev. 5 GG- - ..'j,,I C "~~                                               JJr:clg s            ,

TI. -{; . g ';/ PHIIADC.HIIA C.EC"'FlC CCt?N;Y

                                                                                                        .,7- d's     .

FETCI ET4 Inir:s 2 & 3 EP-209 A~FE:Dr< D-8 CEi!SIK:' SMTLOC & N:ALYSIS Eli w Cheristry Samline & A"alvsis 'Ibam Leader Ec n Phcne Cent ex Alternate Cheristry Sa:= ling & Analysis 'Ibam Icader Carlstry Samlinc & Analysis "bam Sh@rs f.'

                                                 .~'    8'".      t      , , ,

e t 9 W 'I, l N W gy _ --

                  ..                                                                                                                           D-209 i                                                                                                                                      A m ndix D-3 Page 2 of 2, Pav. 5 .

, ) e i I. I I, i f

                                                                                                                                             - i m      C       "3          i.    .\       J     ,
i. Surolemntal Porces are availablOrch R-d ,Serdices' Inc. Appendix I-2.
                     -~                                                                                                                        l l
                                                                                                                      . .t      **       -
                                                                                                   .         - 4g       sa
                                                                                                                     .j 1

ed <

  • e v * #
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O j l i l J i l t i 1 i I I I I l 'l i I i

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l . I

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        .                                        .c     :'-c,     7 3 !nw^--                                APPC CIX E C~-e
                                    '    .T.?       "'
                                             - '- m: .r..
                                                              ' .s a
                                                                   '- - c. T             Page 1 of 10, Fev. 16              -

8 zc*.2 : JJT:clg m# T. : ' ' n,


y -/ci I~P-209 APPCDIX E - CCF2CFA"'E ESRICCI 'EA" IJADEFS A?D SL'FPCR'" PEFS0!O"iL Bc:m Phcne Centrex 7 I Site mercency Coordir.ator ' Supt.,th:Olear Generaticn


I Site Dergency Coordinator Alternate ' i I Supr. thiclear Services i Site Q3ordinator Alternate Supt. Li:nerick ,


f , HF&C Cberdiratdr..- i Director, Rad. Prot. Sec' ' ,_ ] EP&C Coordirator Alternate - Physicist, Rad. Prot. Sect. j Envirenrental Sa cline Coordinater

                           .. e.g. e.v. erame E-viren:mntal Saroline Cccrdirater Alternate

Sr. Eng. Envircrrnental Brand Planninc & Scheduline Cecrdir2ter Q2 rage Planning Coordinator

EP-209 APPC: DIX E ' Page 2 of 10, Pav. 16

f. Pir.ning & Schedulinc Coordinator Alternate .

i , i I l l Procedure St xrt Cccrdinator , Senic: Egineer, Licensing l ~ l Procedure St-xrt Coordinator Alternate I l Paintenance Ihgineer, Li erick l l Itercener Su-- crt Officer /Faccverv Officer


j V.P. Electric Producticn I. ". Ibergene/ St acrt Officer /Faccverv Office.r Al '

                             .   .I tyr. Generation IMclear Energene/ Bbdical Diretor i
              !balcal Director Emergene/ Bbdical Dir~:tcr Alternate ikd. Disp. Physician Ibercene/ S. rarity Officar
              ?'a nager, Clai 3-Secrity                               _

t N _

EF ~'09

                     ,                                                             A P P C D I:: E Page.3 of 10, Pav. 16 i

l I:mercenc/ Security Officer Alternate Directer, Security ' 1 Insurance Ccordiratcr Frager Insurance Divisicn Insurance Ccordirator Alte nate m su r r.02 I c. .inistratcr Core Physics Cterdirator


4 m g-in-charge Fuel F F t. ,



           ,                                      D.
           '     Core Physics O crdiraE'r Alte nate Fig =t. ,
                 &lnistrative and Iccistics bunacer Directer, Ccrporate Aralysis Ibinistrative and Iccistics Panacer Alt.

Parager, Fete Divisicn Winistrative a.M Iocistics Manacer Alt. Panager, T&D Services Su-- crt Perscnnel Procurement C crdirator mg. in Charge, Licensing Secticn e

             ,,                                                                 EP ~'09                ,-

APPODIX E Page 4 cf 10, Pev. 16 S=ocrt Perscnnel Procuremer.t Cberdirater Alt. tr.gineer, Licensing Secticn l Su~rrt Perscnnel ;cc ,...u'aticns Ccordinator I I byr. Area Develep:.ent f S=ocrt Perscnr.el ;ccer.rrdaticns Cberd. Alt. cu r., ales Analysis - Surocrt Perscnnel !ccorrtdaticns Cberd. Alt M. Star: Asst. Business Services


Western Divisicn - Icc=rtdadenb

                                    .y t.a ' '

S=v., Business Services y-

                                                 .J 3

Western Divisicn - ;$crrrdaticns Alt cus. cervices Ecp. Purchasing (bordinator

   ,                b$r., rurCnas17 Purchasing Cecrdinater Alternates ccpervising Buyer
                            ,                                                                                   EF-209 AFFEDIX E Page 5 of 10, Fev. 16

( ~ l l Sansocrtaticn Cecrdirater


1 Gen Cupt. Trans. Div. I I Transocrtaticn Cccrdirat=r Alternate I a Sgt. Cperaticns Cor.:nicaticn Ecui rent Coordiratnr Gen. Supr. Office Syste s and Co.. ..unicatica C0r.:nicaticn Ecuirrtent Coordirator Alt. dep:. Office Systo:-find C. m.icatien-( Stores Divisicn errhina

. s ; J Gen. :Jupt. Storer Divisicn Steres Divisicn Orrdirater Alternate Sept. Stores Divisicn T & D Su~acrt Cberdirater ht;r. T5D Operaticn3 T & D Su=crt Crrdirater Alt.
                              ,can, to V.P. TSD Desien and Constrtrticn Sur rrt Office.

Chief Mech. Ihg.


EP-209 ,,

              "                                                                                  APFDDIX E                 l Page 6 of 10, Fev. 16 p .e 1

Design and Ctnstrtrticn Sur crt Officer Alt. ' i j Chief Elec. e.g. j i I li CA/CC Cocedirator l dept. C/A Divisica Electric Prcduct I i CA/CC Cocrdirabr Alternate f Director, CA Divisien, E & R f Pedonste Cocedirater

                        &.g. in Charge Pcwer Plant Services Section,
       !                                             ,___.. - ~ .. -

FMaaste Cccrdimtcr Alternate . l j f Sepv. Eng. Pcwer_ Plant Servic,es i D.gineering Design Cccrdimt::r l Design Engineer  ! Dgineering Design Cecrdimter Alt. Asst. Chief Ibsign &.gineer Isc Cecrdimter Sepv. Eng. Pcwer Plant Ccntrol Systers ran-.

                        &.gineer-in-C.arge C:ntrol D.g. Secticn i


1 G-209 A T P C D I'< E Page 7 of 10, Pav.16 k I&C CErdirator Alt.

        !           Sgv n g. Naclear Centrol Br :-
        \                                                                    i l    Licensing C:rrdirator
          .         mg. In Charge NaClear & Env. Sect:.

Licensinc Coordirator Alternate ogv. Engineer Nuclear Branch Svstems Encineerino - Itcha tical Cmrdirator

                                 .m     A.    ,

m., In Charge, Power Plant Desi (. . S'/ stems Encimerinc - !bc"N ,_Cccrinator al Sgv. Eng. Naclear Steam Sgply Brancn Syste.~J Engineering - Electrical Cmrdinator mg. In Charge, Staticn Eng. Secticn . l Systems Engineering - Elect ical Cccrd. Alt. o gv. mg., Nac.-Gen. Branch Ccnstrirticn Cocrdirator M . wi agc. Ccnstructicn Divisicn Ctnstr'rticn Cbordirator Alternate Asst. Gen. Sgt. Ccnctructicn Divisicn

                +.                                                                                    .

EP-IO9 ,

                                                                               ,GPCOIX 2 Page 8 of 10, Pav. 16 e

fuintenance Cterdirater t i Gen. cu :,, thintenance Divisien

                  ?tintenance Coordirator Alternate

l aupt. Pechanical thintenance i

      !           Ibderal ard State Government Liaisen                       '

l ( ar. v.P. Nuclear '

    ;             Inderal a .d State Covernm.nt Liaisen Alt.                                             L V.P. C0rporate    C~.... :nicaticns
                                           - .g .
e. .,
                                                           ?. 7. ,                        e-Cc=any Smkeran                                                              *

V.P. Er.g. Ceseard Panager, Eng. & Pesearch P61ic Infer uticn Officer Corporate C .. :nicaticns P'.$lic Infcrmaticn Officer Alt. ( 6 Paager Corpcrate Cb=n. Bt.x!dy Run News Center Ccerdirater tgr. Corp. O:=:unicaticn j  ! w - o


    ;      ,,                  ,                                                 EP-209 APPC:DD: E Page 9 of 10, Fev. 16



x_ bt.ddy R:n ?bws Center Coordinator Alt. bt;r. Paolic Inferraticn E F Liaisen assr. it;r. Energy Inferraticn & Educaticn i EF Liaiscn Alt. c.. 2nergy Pep. 4 Limerick Infarraticn Center 1 Qrgrate Ibws bbdia Ccerdinator 3 Orial Services , m.. ..

                        ',   ') t                   5'. 3..

Cor: crate ibv3 Media 'Cecrdinator Alt'.:

                                 ..  ,'  j     ,; 1 .1 C
,                  02.r. Eq:1cyee L7fo.

b .. Technical Adviser (to ht.1ddv Ran l'eus Can sr. Ihg. Ibc. Sect. Gen. Div.- Tbchnical 7dviser (to fixidy R:n thws Center) Alt.


Eng in charge, Naclear Safety Secticn Ventilaticn C crdinagr, cng. in charge, I.edustrial Section


1 r-200 ,.l APPDOIX E

     .                                                      Page 10 of 10, Fev. 16

[ Ventilaticn C ordinatcr Alternate i

         .           cepv. m g., Building Facilities Bran i

Civil Engineering Cordir.ater Egr. in charge, Civil Secticn Civil Scineerine Ccordinator Alternate Supv. Eg. Structural Branch l Planning crordinator l 6 P.B. mergency Preparedness Ccordinato i; > merrencv Planninc Cecrdinator Alternat

                             ,    .j j     j        ' Secticn L Preparec. ness Secticn EF bbchanical Sgineer Liasm M ECF Electrical Egineer Linctn W '- 9 l

                        ..                                                                            D-209
                                                                                               ~1.PPE DIX F         l
             '                               _.._....-                                  Page 1 of 2, Fev. 7
         \                  C 0:212"      __

w_ _ L'_7 .~."- .: '. '-$. aC C H-JJT cle s

                                                        " " ~

r:57 .'!'C ,gf/ EF-209 AFFEDIX F - U. S. GC'/EF20E?? AGECIES ['

                                                                           -Address Phone                    g f
               ?                                                                                              r
1. U.S. Ibclear Pegulatcry ,

Cr=issicn A. Office of Inspecticn and Enforce.ent


{i Pegicn 1


I B. Office of !bclear Reacter Pagulaticn Harold Denten . .

         ,                           (Director)                          .

( .

2. Dept. cf Energy Radiological.

Progrs:n - " a .. : '

3. Envirenrnntal Protecticn igency
4. Departrent of Transpcrtaticn 3rd U.S. Ccast Guard District N
                **                                                                                       O-209 APPEDIX F Page 2 of 2, Fev. 7
             <                                                                                 ____._.                  )     i
5. -

Depart.ent of ;griculture / Chief, Divisien of Milk i Sr.itaticn

                                          ..  . N.

n: --s , 1 s._.- . !

6. Depart. unt of Energy kp, ', . ... ,, , . .., ,
                                                                                      'e w

te f - _ _ _ _ _ .

4 . EP-209

                                     **                                                                                                         APPEDIZ G

_ . , . . . .- S I -

                                                                                       . V.'f } ; 3                                     Page 1 of 2, Eev. 9
                        <                                    C O7'~ T-y;I: I '.                         ;. ._ - A ;                                 Ju7:cig

( i We - EF-209 AFFEDIX G - EEPCDC? S0%ECC Id2'UIES [! ! 7ddress Phcne ^-, i [ . I 1. State E ergency Manage:nent i Igencies l i I

a. Pennsylvania nnergency j Parager.ent Agency i

4 i l 1 ,

b. Delaware Civil Defense l i MecI j i State Police and 3

Civil Defense Energmcy Panagement Secticn i i j( c. l'e e Jersey Office of  ; 1 i B argency yanagementn j

                                                      !!.J. State Police                                                                                         '

i , Divisicn Eecdgaarters j d. Paryland Energency .f i Panagement ard Civil j Defense Iqency I

2. Ccunty Dnergency Management  ;
 ;                                               Igencies                                                                                                       j l                                              s. Lancaster Ccunty                                                                                          -
  )                                                   William Johnscn i
b. Ycrk Q:unty Pcbert Straw i

5 i 4 4

c. Chester Ccunty i

l Tim Campbell I 1 i e l l 1


D-209 oo . ~ - M & w, ..,a.. C 4 Page 2 of 2, Pet. 9

d. Harford Cot:nty l Er. C.arles Erewne ,

i l i

                            'I                                                                                                   :


                            ,' e. Cecil Cotmty l                                     Pese:mry Culley l

1 V 4~ ! . j \

                                                       ".4                    t   s '$ #

A- ' 'g u g e . - 64 4 - a .

                                                                   ,, u

.i . . l g M

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4 a i i


i i e l i l 4 i I l l J 8 i l i l 1 l

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A;pandix I-1 I i

  • Page 2 of 3, Fev. 21 I

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MAR 211986 Phene % I . I L 1 i i l i I t o

I h *9 rm_,og E Appendix :-l f Page 3 of 3, Rev. 21 o i _ ~ L '

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4 t i ' Eb-209 s APPS DIX I-2 C^'J~ T~-7 '...,- t "l, aI5CO21- 33 Page 1 of 1, Rev. 19 l T:I'_ [;. , , ~.[ge, a-0 JJT: bah j

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FHI N'HIA ELECTRIC CDtG K N , I./'?-[b l PE?G BCJfCM UNITS 2 & 3 1 1 EP-209 AFFI2CIX I GDIISM RD HEMirH PHYSICS C2NrPACHJR CML LIST I l Chenistr/ (Rad Services, Irc. i i, i 1 i i Rad Services . f s i

                                                                                                                                  ,   1 ,~- :     p,'} l '.

Health Physics (Bartlett Nuclear, Inc.) x-4454 .. ' ' ~ j ' II i t i


i I l 1 9 i l l l p l l

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  • CCC:2 11E2 A22... _, C'7_' -


         '                           G:0 _: _- _. -. t* e re Le.a- s-                                               APPE DIX L j                                    t: ; .IS.!:ICa: r_. ^- g ~ .s~                                  Page 1 of 1, Rev. 8 i

JJr: bah b, JJJ ^ Y EP-209 APPe MIX L ILCAL PECO PHCE > ,/?A! t -. I Peach Bottan ' f Switchboard: i s I { Catalytic t Construction:

\      \

i Control Roan. l Infor:sticn Center: j NBC office: Rad Services: Storercas: Susquehanna Test: 220 KV Ecuse:  % Utility Building: , l k Guard Ecuse i 1 ' ) . 1 others Delta office: Delta Service Building: j - 1 1

I ' o -

         ,'s -
                                    ,, . .... -          q./l:: C' T-EP-209 AFFEDIX P
     ,     .                        " .. . ':J _- ~ IT. I . 3y;3                                        Page 1 cf 4, Rev. 14

( j.?" a..a.l.f ' ~i "c ,e a-:: bah JJT,:y/4 j,(9:.'?l$ PHm0HIA ELEC"RIC C^MPM.T /hf-f8 PCCH EC'"CM Lii" S 2 MD 3 EMEEGE'Cl PWI D'PLCCEING PPDCECLE EP--209 APPEDIX P - STAFFD1G AUGECATICri - 60 Mn.vf2 CALL PPG'RE PURPOSE: This appendix provides the method of centacting key staff perscnnel who will, in-tarn, notify sufficient supgert persennel to meet the one-hour staffire require ent. It is used if an Ecergency Plan Alert, Site E argency, or General Emergency is declared.

1. The fcilewing steps shall be perfaced, in sequence, by the Shif t Clerk or other assigned perscnnel,
2. Inform each perscn centacted cf the event classificaticn ard that 60 i minute staffing is regaired. .
                                                                                ,-  r..,.
                                                                                                               'd , !

( _ _' 3.


Call pager n=ler if the phcne is busy, if there is no answer,1or if you ' ka:w that the individual is "cn-the-pager". Individuals may, of course, supply te pcrary ne.bers which should be called first.

4. Centact em staff senior engineers. R. S. Fleisch. ann is centacted by the Carcanicator Car.unicatcr has ardsuccessfully counts as cne centact.

reached him. DoAttacpt not call R. S. Fleisc.Yann if the to centact the "Cuef" and

                     " Interim Site Cccrd." engineers first. . If you are unsuccessful, centinue to call or page perscnnel on the list until you contact te individuals who can be at the site in less than 60 minutes.

Nt:: .e Time Dispositicn Called Phone called No Ans.-Busv-Centacted g M r

D-209 y , , Page 2 of 4, Rev. 14 APPE DIX P L

5. Centact cne of the representatives frcra the Perscnnel Safety Tec:t listed belcw and recuest the call-in of regaired Perscnnel Safety Tem me.bers.

Make the calis in the listed crder unless individuals are kncm not to be available. Time Dispositicn Called Nae Phane Called I;o. Ans.-Busy-Centac'.ed g m W% i N

6. Centact ene of the representative frcra the Dese Assessment Team listed below and recuest the call-in of recuired F2, TAs and Technicians. Itke

the calls in the listed order unless irdividuals are knce not to be available. This step cay be craitted if., A.J. IE1=eier us contacted in Step 4. m.. P, ~e ,,.p\ v.g 3

                                       .m     ~
                                                                                 . a j Time             'Disecsi'2cn ' ^                              Called Mme                     Phcne.          Called.            No Ans.-Busv-Centacted BJ s                 .
7. Centact ene of the representatives frcra the Che istry Sa=pling and Analysis Tem listed below and request the call-in of required Che:istry TAs and Technicians. Make the calls in the listed order unless irdividuals are kncm not to be available. This step may be a:itted if Cennis Olt.ans w.s ccntacted in Step 4.


    ?                                                                                                                                                                                            l
                           *.                                                                                                                                                                    l
                     ,#                                                                                                                                            Ep-209 APPE DIX P Page 3 cf 4, Fav. 14


8. Contact the en-shif t Maintenance via phcr i~

or plant page systcn and regaest a call-in of two maintenance mechani~cs (preferrably cne electrician and one fitter or machinist) frcra their cwn support personnel call list. Maintenance Sub-Forecan Time Centacted by e -

9. Contact the on-shif t ISC technician via plant phen r plant paging systr. aM regaest a call-in of two adiiticnal w secnniciins frcra
 ,                              their own support personnel call list.

t I&C Technician centacted { Time Contacted By

10. Ccntact cne of the representative of the Engineering Support Group belcw and request the call-in of required Engineers and T;ts call in the listed
'                             order unless individuals are known not to be available. This step =ay bc cnitted if A. A. Fulvio wns contacted in Step 4.., .j 'l '


                                                                                                                              .3 9
) (g                                      ,                                    s        (    ^-      . Time Disxsiticn                           Called Nee

-l Phcne u . Called; ' No Ans.-Busv-Contacted Bv 1 I I i


t i i _ i I I

11. Ccntact one PO or APO cn list provided by SS/SS7 and call-in for work as Radwuste Operater. (If the persen is contacted, he is regaired to ccme to plant) . This step may be waived by Shif t Supervisicn if an extra PO cr le for Radwnste is already cn shif t.

1 l FO cr APO Centacted Est Arri'."J. Time Time Ccntacted by

12. At the discretien of the Shif t Superintendent, call in a Shif t Supervisor to act as CGC Cocrdinater. Use EP-209 AFP. C for phcne ntriers.

Supervicor Centacted Esti. ated Arrival Time i Time Contacted Centacted By i 4

   --**m,--.e,-.---                         ----,.-,,,,-,n,,---r.---_.m,--ww--ee--.----,--------,,_r,.                                        _ _ , -               ,    ,---%-.-.   - - _ -y-

3 ,

                                                                                                       i EP-209
   .                                                                            Arrr DIX P Page 4 of 4, Rev.14                )
13. Contact the Padmste Supervisor or the Electrical Superviscr, as recuired, at the discreticn cf the Shif t Superinterdent for help in respending to the plant ecnditicn.

Time Disxsitien Called Name Phene called Ib. Ans.-Eusv-Centacted pi

14. Attspt to centact all other senicr engineers listed in Step 4. Doc =ent in Step 4. . _,) ' . ,s j s
                                 . \ :.~ . :   -
15. Notify D:ergency Direcl tgr'(Shif t Septerintendent) hten notifications are cc:plete dhd infcca discrepancies.

Notified t , at Discrepancies File Sys 3-1

  • i : . ~)

u A

                                                             ~                                        h
 #        ~g,                          UNITED STATES 8             o             NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 5             E                      WASH 4NGTON, D C. 20555 g....../                            April 23,1986 t

50-277/278 Peach Bottom MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief Document Management Branch, TIDC FROM: Director, Division of Rules and Records, ADM


REVIEW 0F UTILITY EMERGENCY PLAN DOCUMENTATION The Division of Rules and Records has reviewed the attached document and has

   , determined that it may now be made publicly available, ghs lf                "%'

Donnie H. Grimsley, Director f Division of Rules and Records f Office of Administration - 1g


As stated i I I

REGULATORY INFORMATION LISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (R IDG) ACLESSION NDR ^ ' '---- DOC. DATE: 86/04/04 NOTARIZED:' YES DOCMET # FACIL: 50-277 Peach Dottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 2, Philadelph 05000277 00-278 Poach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 3, Philadelph 05000278 AUTH.NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION - DALTROFF,S.L. Philadelphia Electric Co. RECIP.NANE RECIPIENT AFFILIATION HURLEY,T.L. Region 1, OFPico of Director SUU JECT: Forwards Central Files version of revised emergency plan implementing procedures, including index,Rev 12 to FP-DO9 App A, "Immediate Notification Call L2st" & Hev 19 to EP-209 App C, " . Supervision." Withheld (ref 10CFR2.790). DISTRIBUTION CODE: X005D COPIES RECEIVED: LTR _f ENCL j 312E: Y P/ T IT LE: Emerg Plan (CF Avail) NOT ES: RECIPIENT COPIES RECIPIENT COPIES ID CODE /NAME LTTR ENCL ID CODE /NAME LTTR ENCL DUN PD2 PD 1 O OEARS,G ppqf 1 1 INTERNAL.C ADW/0M J 1 1 IE/DEPER/EPD #1.43 2 2 IE/DEPER/IRD 6, 1 REG FILES 1 1

                                                               $#f     1 TOTAL NUMGER OF CCPIES REGUIRED: LTTR             7
  • ENCL 6