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Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Note Which Will Permit one-time Exemption Until 990930,from 90 F Limit Stated in SR
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/06/1999
Shared Package
ML20210N077 List:
NUDOCS 9908110006
Download: ML20210N080 (7)



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License Nos. DPR-44 DPR-56 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGES Attached Pages Units 2 and 3 TS Page 3.7-4 TS Bases 3.7-7 TS Bases 3.7-13 l

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f P


p ESW System and Normal Heat Sink i


" SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify the water level in the pump bays of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> the pump structure is a 98.5 ft Conowingo Datum (CD) and s 113 ft CD.

SR Verifytheaveragewatertegeratureof 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> l

normal heat sink is s 90*F SR


Isolation of flow to individual components does not render ESW System inoperable.

Verify each ESW subsystem manual and power 31 days operated valve in the flow paths servicing safety related systems or components, that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in the correct position.

1 SR Verify each ESW subsystem actuates on an 24 months actual or simulated initiation signal.

This note is voided af ter septenber 30, 1999. During the time period up to September 30, 1999, verify the average water temperature of the normal heat sink is 5 92*F.

PBAPS UNIT 2 3.7-4 Amendment No.

ESW System and Normal Heat Sink B 3.7.2

$ASES APPLICABLE The ability of the ESW System to provide adequate cooling to SAFETY ANALYSES the identified safety equipment is an implicit assumption (continued) for the safety analyses evaluated in Reference 1.

The ability to provide onsite emergency AC power is dependent on the ability of the ESW System to cool the DGs.

The long term cooling capability of the RHR and core spray pumps is also dependent on the cooling provided by the ESW System.

ESW provides cooling to the HPCI and RCIC room coolers; however, cooling function is not required to support HPCI or RCIC System operability.

The ESW System, together with the Normal Heat Sink, satisfy Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement.

LC0 The ESW subsystems are independent to the degree that each ESW pump has separate controls, power supplies, and the operation of one does not depend on the other.

In the event of a DBA, one subsystem of ESW is required to provide the minimum heat removal capability assumed in the safety analysis for the system to which it supplies cooling water.

To ensure this requirement is met, two subsystems of ESW must be OPERABLE. At least one subsystem will operate, if the worst single active failure occurs coincident with the loss of offsite power.

A subsystem is considered OPERABLE when it has an OPERABLE normal heat sink, one OPERABLE pump, and an OPERABLE flow path capable of taking suction from the pump structure and transferring the water to the appropriate equipment.

The OPERABILITY of the normal heat sink is based on having a minimum and maximum water level in the pump bay of 98.5 ft ConowingoDatum(CD)and113ftCDgespectivelyanda j

maximum water temperature of 90'F The isolation of the ESW System to components or systems may render those components or systems inoperable, but does not affect the OPERABILITY of the ESW System.

APPLICABILITY In MODES 1, 2, and 3, the ESW System and normal heat sink are required to be OPERABLE to support OPERABILITY of the equipment serviced by the ESW System. Therefore, the ESW System and normal heat sink are required to be OPERABLE in these MODES.


This note is voided after September 30, 1999. During the time period up to September 30, 1999, verify l

the average water temperature of the normal heat sink is 5 92*F.

PBAPS UNIT 2 B 3.7-7 Revision No.

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r 1

Emergency Heat Sink B 3.7.3 3ASES LCO -

Emergency heat sink water temperature is not addressed in (continued) this LCD since the maximum water temperature (90*F) has been demonstrated, based on historical data, to be bounded by the normal heat sink requirements (LC0 3.7.2, "

l Water (ESW) System and Normal Heat Sink").{,[mergency Service APPLICABILITY In MODES 1, 2, and 3, the emergency heat sink is required to be OPERABLE to provide a seismic Class I source of cooling water to the ESW and HPSW Systems when the normal heat sink is unavailable. Therefore, the emergency heat sink is required to be OPERABLE in these MODES.

In MODES 4 and 5, the OPERABILITY requirements of the emergency heat sink are determined by the systems it supports in the event the normal heat sink is unavailable.


With one required emergency cooling tower fan inoperable, action must be taken to restore the required emergency cooling tower fan to OPERABLE status within 14 days.

The 14 day Completion Time is based on the remaining heat removal capability, the low-probability of an event occurring requiring the inoperable emergency cooing tower fan to function, and the capability of the remaining emergency cooling tower fan.

M With the emergency heat sink inoperable for reasons other than Condition A, the emergency heat sink must be restored to OPERABLE status within 7 days. With the unit in this condition, the normal heat sink (Conowingo Pond) is adequate to perform the heat removal function; however, the overall reliability is reduced. The 7 day Completion Time is based on the remaining heat removal capability and the low probability of an event occurring requiring the emergency heat sink to be OPERABLE during this time period.

1 (continued)


This note is volded after September 30, 1999. During the time period up to September 30, 1999, verify the average water temperature of the normal heat sink is a 92*F.

PBAPS UNIT 2 B 3.7-13 Revision No.


I' l

ESW System and Normal Heat Sink 3.7.2 L



SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify the water level in the pump bays of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> l

the pump structure is a 98.5 ft Conowingo Datum (CD) and s 113 ft CD.

SR Verifytheaveragewatertegeratureof 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> l

normal heat sink is s 90*F SR


Isolation of flow to individual components does not render ESW System inoperable.

l Verify each ESW subsystem manual and power 31 days operated valve in the flow paths servicing safety related systems or components, that l

is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in the correct position.

SR Verify each ESW subsystem actuates on an 24 months actual or simulated initiation signal.

This note is voided af ter September 30, 1999. During the time period w to September 30, 1999, verify the average water temperature of the normat heat sink is 5 92*F.

1 l

l PBAPS UNIT 3 3.7-4 Amendment No.

ESW System and Normal Heat Sink B 3.7.2

BASES APPLICABLE The ability of the ESW System to provide adequate cooling to SAFETY ANALYSES the identified safety equipment is an implicit assumption 1

(continued) for the safety analyses evaluated in Reference 1.

The j

ability to provide onsite emergency AC power is dependent on the ability of the ESW System to cool the DGs.

The long term cooling capability of the RHR and core spray pumps is also dependent on the cooling provided by the ESW System.

ESW provides cooling to the HPCI and RCIC room coolers; however, cooling function is not required to support HPCI or RCIC System operability.

The ESW System, together with the Normal Heat Sink, satisfy Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement.

LC0 The ESW subsystems are independent to the degree that each ESW pump has separate controls, power supplies, and the operation of one does not depend on the other.

In the event of a DBA, one subsystem of ESW is required to provide the minimum heat removal capability assumed in the safety analysis for the system to which it supplies cooling water.

To ensure this requirement is met, two subsystems of ESW must be OPERABLE. At least one subsystem will operate, if the worst single active failure occurs coincident with the loss of offsite power.

A subsystem is considered OPERABLE when it has an OPERABLE normal heat sink, one OPERABLE pump, and an OPERABLE flow path capable of taking suction from the pump structure and transferring the water to the appropriate equipment.

The OPERABILITY of the normal heat sink is based on having a minimum and maximum water level in the pump bay of 98.5 ft ConowingoDatum(CD)and113ftCDgespectivelyanda l

maximum water temperature of 90 F The isolation of the ESW System to components or systems may render those components or systems inoperable, but does not affect the OPERABILITY of the ESW System.

APPLICABILITY In MODES 1, 2, and 3, the ESW System and normal heat sink are required to be OPERABLE to support OPERABILITY of the equipment serviced by the ESW System. Therefore, the ESW System and normal heat sink are required to be OPERABLE in these MODES.


This note is voided after September 30, 1999. During the time period up to september 30, 1999, verify the everage water temperature of the normat heat sink is s 92'F.

PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.7-7 Revision No.


y i

Emergency Heat Sink B 3.7.3 1 BASES LCO Emergency heat sink water temperature is not addressed in l

(continued) this LCO since the maximum water temperature (90*F) has been demonstrated, based on historical data, to be bounded by the l

normal heat sink requirements (LC0 3.7.2, l

Water (ESW) System and Normal Heat Sink").g",[mergency Servic APPLICABILITY In MODES 1, 2, and 3, the emergency heat sink is required to be 0?ERABLE to provide a seismic Class I source of cooling l-water to the ESW and HPSW Systems when the normal heat sink j

is unavailable. Therefore, the emergency heat sink is l

required to be OPERABLE in these MODES.

In MODES 4 and 5, the OPERABILITY requirements of the emergency heat sink are determined by the systems it supports in the event the normal heat sink is unavailable.


With one required emergency cooling tower fan inoperable, action must be taken to restore the required emergency cooling tower fan to OPERABLE status within 14 days. The 14 day Completion Time is based on the remaining heat removal capability, the low probability of an event occurring requiring the inoperable emergency cooing tower fan to I

function, and the capability of the remaining emergency l

cooling tower. fan.

l M

With the emergency heat sink inoperable for reasons other 1

than Condition A, the emergency heat sink must be. restored to OPERABLE status within 7 days. With the unit in this l

condition, the normal heat sink (Conowingo Pond) is adequate l

to perform the heat removal function; however, the overall reliability is reduced. The 7 day Completion Time is based on the remaining heat removal capability and the low probability of an event occurring requiring the emergency heat sink to be OPERABLE during this time period.

l (continued)

This note is voided efter September 30, 1999. During the time period ip to September 30, 1999, verify the average water temperature of the normat heat sink is 5 92*F.

PBAPS UNIT 3 B 3.7-13 Revision No.

