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Semiannual Effluent Release Rept 35 for Jan-June 1993 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1993
From: Odell A
Shared Package
ML20056G090 List:
NUDOCS 9309020042
Download: ML20056G092 (15)


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Unit Numbers 2 and 3 O Docket Numbers 50-277 and 50-278 1






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JANUARY 1,1993 THR U H JUNE 30,1993 O l l l

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Submitted to The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pursuant to Facility Operating Licenses DPR-44 and DPR-56 l

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l 9309020042 930826 7 l 4, PDR ADOCK 0500 'p:c ..

.R . _ . _ _ - .. _ . _ . .. .. .

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SECTION PAGE I I. Introduction 1  ;

II. Tables I A. Gaseous Effluents - Summation of All Releases 2 IB. Gaseous Effluents for Release Point - Main Stack 3 1C. Gaseous Effluents for Release Point -

Unit 2 and Unit 3 Roof Vents 5 2A. Liquid Effluents - Summation of All Releases 7 2B. Liquid Effluents 8

\ III. Classes of Solid Radioactive Waste Shipments 10 IV. Attachments A. Supplemental Information 11 Technical Concurrences: (for accuracy of information) l Radwaste Manger

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Chemistry Manager  !

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i O In accordance with the Unique Reporting Requirements of Technical Specification 6.9.2h(2) applicable during the reporting period, this report summarizes the Effluent i Release Data for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 for the period ,

January 1,1993 through June 30,1993. The notations E and E- are used to denote l positive and negative exponents to the base 10, respectively. ,

The release of radioactive materials during the reporting period was within the l Technical Specification limits. l The Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) was under revision during the ,

reporting period. This revision was approved and issued on July 1,1993. Revisions j made were: ,


1. The addition of a stored feed component to the dose factor equation of Section  :

VIII, Note 2 and the consequent correction of the dose factor values listed in . j Table IV.C.I.  ;


2. A change in the wording of Section III.A to allow for the possible use of j revised 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 values for the liquid  ;

radwaste release flow rate determination, j

/ i

3. Changes in Section VII to reflect the current Radiological Environmental O Monitoring Program, correct typographical errors, and provide updated site  !


4. Upgrade of the system diagrams.


5. Updated XE-138 decay corrected dose factors in Table IV.A.1 resulting from j the use of a more accurate value for the half life of XE-138. i l


6. Clarification of the liquid radwaste activity monitor setpoint methodology.
7. A change in the skin dose rate equation of Section IV.A.I.a to reflect a more accurate specification oflimiting nuclides.

A copy of the revised ODCM is attached to this report.

The station Process Control Program (PCP) was revised on 12-28-92. Issuance of this revised PCP was made during the first half of 1993. The revision was driven by the Philadelphia Electric Company effort to make certain procedures common between their nuclear stations at Peach Bottom and Limerick. No changes were made to the basic content of the PCP. A copy of the revised RW-C-100 Solid Radwaste System Process Control Program (PCP)is attached to this report.

O There was one unplanned release ofliquid radioactive material.


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EFFLUENT & WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (1/01/93 - 6/30/93) ble 1A Page 1 of 1 iaseous Effluents - Summation of All Releases i



A. Fission & activation gases

1. Total release Ci 1.77E3 2.01E3 18.8 l
2. Average release rate for period pCi/sec 2.25E2 2.56E2 18.8
3. Ganuna Air Dose Millirad 5.89E-2 6.73E-2 18.8 Percent of Technical Specification  % 5.89E-1 6.73E-1 18.8
4. Beta Air Dose Millirad 4.64E-2 5.85E-2 18.8 Percent of Technical Specification  % 2.32E-1 2.93E-1 18.8 )

B. Iodines r

1. Total iodine-131 Ci 3.53E-3 9.50E-3 22.9
2. Average release rate for period pCi/see 4.49E-4 1.21E-3 22.9 l
3. Critical Organ dose Millirem 1.60E-2 4.89E-2 22.9 Percent of Technical Specification  % 1.07E-1 3.26E-1 22.9 C. Particulates
1. Paniculates with half-lives greater than 8 days (includes Alpha Ci 7.70E-4 1.72E-3 22.9 and Strontium 89-90)
2. Average release rate for per od Ci/sec 9.79E-5 2.19E-4 22.9
3. Average Gross Alpha Radioactivity Ci 3.91E-6 3.47E-6 22.9 D. Tritium
1. Total release Ci 5.00E0 4.24E0 23.5
2. Average release rate for period pCi/sec 6.36E-1 5.39E-1 23.5 O


l EFFLUENT & WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (1/01/93 - 6/30/93) gable IB Page 1 of 2 Waseous Effluents for Release Point - Main Stack Continuous Mode Batch Mode Nuclides Released Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 1 2 1 2

1. Fission gases Krypton - 85M Ci 7.00E1 6.04E1 0 0 Krypton - 87 Ci 4.20E1 1.29E2 0 0 Krypton - 88 Ci 9.57El 1.09E2 0 0 Xenon - 133 Ci 1.10E3 6.24E2 0 0 Xenon - 135 Ci 1.50E2 2.15E2 0 0 Xenon - 135M Ci 2.19El 1.57E2 0 0 Xenon - 138 Ci 6.00E1 3.79E2 0 0 Argon - 41 Ci 7.42E0 0 0 0 (Activation Gas)

Unidentified Ci 0 0 0 0 Total for Period Ci 1.55E3 1.67E3 0 0

. Iodines I'

lodine - 131 Ci 1.63E-3 2.56E-3 0 0 Iodine - 133 Ci 5.86E-3 5.19E-3 0 0 lodine - 135 Ci 6.80E-3 6.99E-3 0 0 Total for Period Ci 1.43E-2 1.47E-2 0 0

3. Particulates Strontium - 89 Ci 3.73E-4 8.14E-4 0 0 Strontium - 90 Ci 3.85E-7 1.21 E-6 0 0 _

Strontium - 91 Ci 3.17E-4 4.32E-4 0 0 Cesium - 134 Ci 0 0 0 0 Cesium - 137 Ci 1.40E-6 1.48E-5 0 0 l

l Cesium - 138 Ci 1.57E-2 2.81 E-2 0 0 l l i Barium - 139 Ci 2.68E-3 3.96E-3 0 0 1 Bariura - 140 Ci 2.13E-4 3.80E4 0 0 Lanthmum - 140 Ci 1.45E-4 2.40E-4 0 0 l

Cobalt - 57 Ci 0 0 0 0 l Cobal'. - 58 Ci 0 0 0 0 l 4 3


Table IB Page 2 of 2 haseous Effluents For Release Point - Main Stack Continuous Mode Batch Mode Nuclides Released Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 1 2 1 2 t

l Cobalt - 60 Ci 0 0 0 0 l 6 l

Zine - 65 Ci 4.30E4 0 0 0 6 Yttrium - 91M Ci 3.14E-3 4.8SE-3 0 0 Iodine - 133 Ci 0 2.90E-5 0 0 Copper - 64 Ci 0 0 0 0 Rubidium - 88 Ci 0 0 0 0 Manganese - 54 Ci 0 0 0 0 l Strontium - 92 Ci 0 0 0 0 Ci Ci  !

i Total for Period Ci 2.26E-2 3.89E-2 0 0 0 ,

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4 EFFLUENT & WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (1/01/93 - 6/30/93) able IC Page 1 of 2 aseous Effluents for Release Point - Unit 2 & Unit 3 Roof Vents Continuous Mode Batch Mode Nuclides Released Units Quarter Quarter Qwuter Quarter 1 2 1 2

1. Fission gases Krypton - 85M Ci 0 0 0 0 Krypton - 67 Ci 0 0 0 0 Krypton - SS Ci 0 0 0 0 Xenon - 133 Ci 0 0 0 0 Xenon - 135 Ci 0 1.05E2 0 0 Xenon - 135M Ci 0 0 0 0 Xenon - 138 Ci 0 0 0 0 Unidentified Ci 2.17E2 2.2SE2 0 0 i l

Total for Period Ci 2.17E2 3.33E2 0 0 i

'. lodines Iodine - 131 Ci 1.90E-3 6.94E-3 0 0 l

lodine - 133 Ci 4.98E-3 2.27E-2 0 0 lodine - 135 Ci 0 2.41E-2 0 0 I l

Total for Period Ci 6.8 EE-3 5.37E-2 0 0 l

3. Particulates Strontium - 89 Ci 1.15E-4 3.87E-4 0 0 Strontium - 90 Ci 5.20E-6 3.2SE-6 0 0 Strontium - 91 Ci 0 9.18E-5 0 0 1

Cesium - 134 Ci 0 0 0 0 Cesium - 137 Ci 0 0 0 0 Cesium - 138 Ci 1.06E-2 2.17E-2 0 0 1

Barium - 139 Ci 1.36E-3 4.07E-3 0 0 Barium - 140 Ci 0 1.15E-4 0 0 l

l Lanthanum - 140 Ci 0 1.29E-4 0 0 l Cobalt - 57 Ci 0 0 0 0 Cobalt - 58 Ci 0 0 0 0

] Cobalt - 60 Ci 0 0 0 0 1

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EFFLUENT & WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (1/01/93 - 6/30/93) able IC Page 2 of 2 aseous Effluents For Release Point - Unit 2 & Unit 3 Roof Vents l

! Continuous Mode Batch Mode 1

l Nuclides Released Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 1 2 1 2 Zine - 65 Ci 0 0 0 0 Yttrium - 91M Ci 0 1.63E-3 0 0 lodine - 133 Ci 1.58E-4 4.56E-4 0 0 Copper - 64 Ci 0 0 0 0 Rubidium - 88 Ci 0 0 0 0 Manganese - 54 Ci 0 0 0 0 Strontium - 92 Ci 0 0 0 0 Ce-144 Ci 5.38E-5 0 0 0 Mo-99 Ci 1.14E-5 2.72E-5 0 0 Tc-99m Ci 1.50E-5 3.28E-5 0 0 Total for Period Ci 1.23E-2 2.86E-2 0 0 k

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Table 2A Page 1 cf 1 l b$ quid Effluents - Summation of All Releases Quarter Quarter Est. Error Units 1 2 Total %

A. Fission & activation products

1. Total release (not including tritium, gases, alpha) Ci 2.83E-3 1.55E-4 22.9 I
2. Average diluted concentration during period pCi/ml 7.31E-11 9.81E-11 22.9  ;
3. Total Body Dose ADULT BODY Millirem 7.64E-4 6.70E-5 22.9 f Percent of Technical Specification  % 2.55E-2 2.23E-3 22.9
4. Maximally Exposed Organ Dose CHILD BONE Millirem 2.42E-3 1.32E-4 22.9 Percent of Technical Specification  % 2.42E-2 1.32E-3 22.9 [

B. Tritium

1. Total release Ci 4.74E0 2.4SE-1 15.0 j
2. Average diluted concentration during period pCi/ml 1.22E-7 1.57E-7 15.0 l i

C. Dissolved and entrained gases  !


1. Total release Ci 1.33E-2 5.86E-4 22.9
2. Average diluted concentration during period pCi/ml 3.44E-10 3.71E-10 22.9 ,

C'gJ D. Gross alpha radioactivity j

1. Total release Ci 1.31E-4 7.5 SE-6 22.9 l I
2. Average diluted concentration during period pCi/ml 3.39E-12 4.SOE-12 22.9 i i

E. Volume of waste released (prior to dilution) liters 3.10E6 1.44E5 12.7 F. Volume of dilution water used during period liters 3.87E10 1.5BE9 10.9 i


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I able 2B Page 1 of 2 quid Effluents Continuous Mode Batch Mode Nuclides Released Units Quaner Quarter Quarter Quaner r 1 1 2 1 2 Strontium - 89 Ci 0 0 6.07E-5 3.08E4 Strontium - 90 Ci 0 0 2.17E-5 1.17E4 ,

! Alpha Ci 0 0 1.31E-4 7.5SE4 l Tritium Ci 0 0 4.74E0 2.48E-1 Phosphorus - 32 Ci 0 0 8.23E-4 2.41E-5 Iron - 55 Ci 0 0 1.24E-3 1.03E-4 l i

Xenon - 131M Ci 0 0 0 0 '

i Xenon - 133 Ci 0 0 4.21E-3 1.51E-4 :

Xenon - 133M Ci 0 0 2.57E-5 0 Xenon - 135 Ci 0 0 8.98E-3 4.35E-4 Xenon - 135M Ci 0 0 8.80E-5 0 l i () Krypton - S5M Ci 0 0 0 0 1

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Krypton - 87 Ci 0 0 0 0 i Krypton - SS Ci 0 0 0 0 l

! i Manganese - 54 Ci 0 0 2.94E-7 0 l Cesium - 134 Ci 0 0 2.87E-5 2.99E4 Cesium - 137 Ci 0 0 6.1 EE-5 2.11E-5 Cesium - 138 Ci 0 0 0 0 Zine - 65 Ci 0 0 1.12E-4 0 Sodium - 24 Ci 0 0 0 0 Cobalt - 58 Ci 0 0 1.SSE-7 0 Cobalt - 60 Ci 0 0 1.42E-4 0 1

] lodine - 131 Ci 0 0 3.82E4 0 lodine - 133 Ci 0 0 0 0 1 lodine - 135 Ci 0 0 0 0 Molybdenum - 99 Ci 0 0 0 0 Barium - 140 Ci 0 0 0 0 C[, Neptunium - 239 Ci 0 0 0 0 Chromium - 51 Ci 0 0 3.20E-4 0 8

EFFLUENT & WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (1/01/93 - 6/30/93) gable 2B Page 2 of 2 W1guid Effluents Continuous Mode ' Batch Mode Nuclides Released Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 1 2 1 2 Yttrium - 91M Ci 0 0 6.50E-6 0 Strontium - 91 Ci 0 0 0 0 Antimony - 122 Ci 0 0 0 0 Tellurium - 132 Ci 0 0 0 0 Niobium - 95 Ci 0 0 0 0 Lanthanum - 140 Ci 0 0 0 0 Cadmium - 109 Ci 0 0 0 0 Cesium - 136 Ci 0 0 0 0 Antimony - 124 Ci 0 0 0 0 1ron - 59 Ci 0 0 0 0 Tellurium - 129M Ci 0 0 0 0 Tellurium - 131M Ci 0 0 0 0 Zirconium - 95 Ci 0 0 0 0 Cerium - 141 Ci 0 0 0 0 Silver - 110m Ci 0 0 1.12E-5 0 Ci Total for Period (above) Ci 0 0 4.76E0 2.49E-1 ,


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Total # of Waste Description Individual Total ,

Shipments (source of waste) Container / Type Volume Volume Total Principal  ;

(cubic ft.) (cubic ft.) Curie Radionuclides CLASS A 25 Dewatered Resin HIC / Type A Cask 202.1 5052.5 2.64E + 02 Zn-65, Co40, j Cs-137, Fe-55 I-131 .

28 DAW Metal Drum /STC, variable (*) 1147.9 4.88E-01 Co40, Zn-65, Fe-55,  ;

Metal Box /STC Cs-137, Mn-54 35 DAW Metal Drum /STC, variable (") 697.8 5.22E-01 Co40, Zn45, Fe-55, Metal Box /STC Cs-137, Mn-54 1 Dewatered Resin / HIC / Type A Cask 202.1 202,1 1.72E +00 Zn-65, Co-60,  !

! Sand Blast Grit Mn-54, Cs-137, i Ni-63 l

1 Filters / DAW HIC / Type A Cask 205.8 205.8 304E + 00 Co40, Cs-137, Fe-55, Zn-65, Mo-54


1 Irradiated H' Ware Steel Liner / 53.0 53.0 2.69E +01 Co40, Sb-125, ,

l Type B Cask Fe-55, Ni-63, C-14 hLASS B l 3 Dewatered Resin HIC / Type A Cask 202.1 606.3 3.89E + 01 Cs-137, Zn-65, I Co40, Cs-134,1-131 j 1 Dewatered Resin HIC / Type B Cask 132.4 132.4 8.95E + 02 Zn45, Cr-51, Co-60,  !

Mn-54, Cs-137  ;

i 1 Dewatered Resin / HIC / Type A Cask 202.1 202.1 1.24E + 02 Zn45, Co-60, Sand Blast Grit Cs-137, Cs-134, Ni-63 1 Irradiated H' Ware Steel Liner / 53.0 53.0 5.24E + 01 Co40, Fe-55, Ni-63, Type B Cask Sb-125, Ni-59 i CLASS C l 1 Irradiated H' Ware Steel Liner / 22.4 22.4 6.03E + 03 Co40, Fe-55, Ni-63, Type B Cask Ni-59, C-14 TOTALS 98 8375.3 7.44E + 03 NOTES:

  • - Indicates actual total PECo radwaste shipped from Quadrex, after volume reduction, to the burial site.

- Indicates actual total PECo radwaste shipped from SEG, after volume reduction, to the burial site.


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ATTACHMENT A SUPPLEMENT INFORM ATION hility: Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 Licenses: DPR-44 DPR-56

1. Reculatorv Limits (Technical Sr.ecifiestion Limits)

A. Noble Gases:

1. s 500 mrem /Yr - total body -
  • instantaneous
  • limits s3000 mrem /Yr - skin Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.I.a
2. s 10 mrad - air gamma -

quarterly air dose limits s 20 mrad - air beta Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.2.a

3. s 20 mrad - air gamma -

yearly air dose limits s 40 mrad - air beta Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.2.b B. lodines. Tritium. Particulates v.ith Half Life > 8 days:

1. s 1500 mrem /Yr - any organ -
  • instantaneous
  • limits (inhalation path) Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.I.b
2. s 15 mrem - any organ -

quarterly dose limits Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.3.s O

d 3. s 30 mrem - any organ -

yearly dose limits Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.3.b i

C. Licuid Effluents

1. Concentration s10 CFR 20, -
  • instantaneous
  • limits l Appendix B, Table 11, Col. 2 Tech. Spec. 3.8.B.1 l l


2. s 3.0 mRen - total body -

quarterly dose limits l s 10 mrem - any organ Tech. Spec. 3.8.B.2.s

3. s 6.0 mrem - total body -

yearly dose limits s 20 mrem - any organ -

Tech. Spec. 3.8.B.2.b

2. Maximum Permissible Concentrations:

MPCs are not used to calculate permissible release rates and concentrations for gaseous releases.

The MPCs specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2, for identified nuclides are used to calculate permissible release rates and concentrations for liquid release per Peach Bottom Technical Specification 3.8.B.I.

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A'ITACHMENT A (continued)

Averace Enerry:

Not Applicable

4. Meacurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity: .

i A. Fission and Activation Gases:

The method used 4 the Nuclear Data 6700 Counting System

- Gas Marinelli -

B. Iodine:

The method used is the Nuclear Data 6700 Counting System l - Charcoal Canridge - ,

l C. Particulates:

l l The method used is the Nuclear Data 6700 Counting System

- Air Particulate Sample, (47mm and 57mm filters) -

D. Liauid Effluents:

The method used is the Nuclear Data 6700 Counting System and the Radwaste Liquid Discharge Pre-Release Method with a liter marinelli.

Batch Releases: l A. Liouid: OTR1 OTR 2 t

Number of batch releases: 48 3 Total time for batch releases (minutes): 11379 577 Maximum time period for batch release (minutes): 320 257 Average time period for batch release (minutes): 237 192 Minimum time period for batch release (minutes): 55 65 Dilution volume (liters): 2.75E10 1.58E9 B. Gaseous:

Not applicable l

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ATTACHMENT A (Continued)

Abnormal Releases:

A. Liavid:

Event description - On 3/22/93 routine ampling of the high pressure service water (HPSW) effluent to the discharge canal detected low level radioactive contamination. Subsequent investigation determined that a trace amount of condensate stay-full or primary coolant water was leaking past the Unit 3 'D' residual heat removal (RHR) heat exchanger floating head gasket into the 'B' loop of the HPSW system. The gasket was replaced and leak tested satisfactonly.

It was estimated that apprcrimately 8S0 liters of contaminated water was released to the discharge canal. He sample results indicated the activity released was well below the limits specified in Technical Specifications.

Analysis of Release - ne representative sample obtained was analyzed for all the parameters of a radioactive effluent release. The results were then calculated based on the actual release conditions. The Dose contributions and Isotope quantities were added to this Semi-Annual Effluent Report for the applicable reporting peiiod, but the duration and dilution volume of this release was not included in the batch release summary of Attachment A.

B. Gaseous:

None l 13 l