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Inservice Insp Program Second 10-Yr Interval
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Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/03/1990
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ML20062G467 List:
PROC-900703, NUDOCS 9011290248
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{{#Wiki_filter:. . F #4 ,A/ 4 ghSERVICE 4*- PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 & 3-INSERVICE INSPECTION (ISID: PROGRAM -- SECOND TEN YEAR INTERVAL VOLUME 1 OF 3 Gilbert / Commonwealth,Inc. ENGINEERS / CONSULTANTS R e ading,P A

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                                                              - PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION UNIT 2 & 3 INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM-SECOND INTERVAL -
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M-733 Specification for Peach Bottom Atomic Rev. No.-

. . '.              NUCLEAR-         Power Station,- Units 2 & 3, Inservice e                                                                                                                             0
                 , ENGINEERING       Inspection Program, Second Interval                                          -Page-         of DEPT.

1 77' i l L.

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Sp;cificatihn 1 i M-733 Rsv. O PBAPS 2 & 3 l ISI Program l Page 2 of 77 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction i 1.1 Reference Documents , 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Abbreviations 1.4 Codes and Standards 2.0 Regulatory Requirements 2.1 Classification of Components 2.2 ASME Section XI 2.3 Exemptions , 2.4 Augmented Requirements - 2.5 - Additional Bases 2.6 ASME Section XI Drawings 2.7 System identification

3.0 Inservice inspection Program 3.1 Responsibility 3.2 Records 3.3 Methods of Examination 3.4 Repair and Replacement
  • l 3.5 Examinations - General _

Relief Requests 3.6 .j 3.7 Evaluation of Examination Results 4.0 Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Examinations - 4 4.1 Pressure-Retaining Welds in RPV (Category B-A) 4.2 Full Penetration Welds of Nozzles in the RPV-Inspection Program B (Category B-D) 4.3 Partial Penetration Welds in the RPV (Category B-E) 4.4 D!ssimilar Metal Welds (Category B-F) 4.5 Pressure-Retaining Bolting greater than 2" diameter (Category B-G-1) 4.6 Pressure-Retaining Bolting less than or equal to 2" diameter (Category B-G-2) 4.7 Intergrally Welded attachments to vessels (Category B-H)- 4.8 Pressure-Retaining Welds in piping (Category B-J) 4.9 RPV Interior Shell and Core Support Structure (Category B-N-1 and B-N-2) 4.10 Control Rod Drive Pressure-Retaining Welds (Cat'egory B-0) 4.11 Pressure Testing (Category B-P) 1 [

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                                                                    . Spielficaticn M-733, Rsv. 0 -   <

PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 3 of 77 5.0 Class 1 Welds, Bolting, and Componebt Examinations (Excluding the'RPV) . _ 5.1 Dissimilar Metal Welds (Category B-F) 5.2 Pressure-Retalning Bolting greater than 2" diameter (Category B-G-1) 5.3

                                                                                      'j Pressure-Retalning Bolting less than or equal to 2" diameter                 t (Category B-G-2)                              _

1 5.4 Pressure-Retalning Welds in piping (Category B-J) 5.5 Integral Attachments (Category B-K-1) 5.6 Pressure-Retalning Welds in pump casings (Category B-L-1) 5.7 Internal Pressure-Retaining surfaces of pump casings (Category B-L-2) 5.8 Pressure-Retaining Welds in valve bodies (Category B-M-1). 5.9 Internal Pressure Retalning surfaces of valve bodies (Category B-M-2) 5.10 Pressure Testing (Category B-P) 3 6.0 Class 2 Welds, Bolting, and Component Examinations 1 6.1 Pressure-Retalning Welds in Class 2 pressure vessels (Category C-A) 6.2 Pressure-Retalning Nozzle Welds in vessels (Category C-B) 6.3 Integral Attachments to vessels, piping and pumps (Category C-C) ~ 6.4 Pressure-Retalning Bolting greater than 2" diameter (Category C-D)  ! 6.5 Class 2 Pressure-Retalning Pipe Welds (Category C-F)- 6.6 Pressure-Retalning Welds in pumps and valves (Category C-G) 6.7 Pressure Testing (Category C-H) j 7.0 Class 3 Component Examinations 7.1 Class 3 Integral Attachments (Categories D-A, D-B, and D-C) : ' 8.0 Pressure Testing _t

                                                                                      .l 8.1  Class 1 Pressure Test Program                                                  !

8.2 Class 2 Pressure Test Program . 8.3 Class 3 Pressure Test Program 9.0 Class 1,2, and 3 Component Supports (Excluding Snubber Assemblies) 9.1 General 9.2 Exemptions 9.3 Examination Requirements 9.4 Selection Basis ,. 9.5 Examination Implementation 10.0 ISI Program Table /Fleids' Description-


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bpacit seation M-733 Rev. O PBAPS 2 at 3 ISI Program Page 4 of 77 Acoendleles Appendix A Relief Requests Appendix L' Augmented Requirements Appendix C List of ASME Section XIIS! Boundary Drawings List of ASME Section XI151 Isometric and Compc'ent Drawings List of ASME Section XIISI Calibration Block Drawings ISI Program Tables PBAPS Unit 2 and Common 1S1 Program Tables PBAPS Unit 3 O O

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opeemc:uon M-733. Rov. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 5 of 77


This document contains the Inservice inspection (151) Program for the second 10-year interval of the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 & 3 (PBAPS 2 & 3), as required by Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50 (10CFR50), Article 55a," Codes and Standards." It details the technleal basis of the propam and provides an overall description cf the activities planned to fulfill the ISI requir>ements for pressure-retalning components and their supports, as defined in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers-(ASME), Boller and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, " Rules for Inservice inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components." This Program identifies the Class 1, 2, and 3 components (e.g. piping, pumps, valves, vessels) and their support;. subject to the examination and test requirements of-Subsections !WB, IWC, IWD and IWF of ASME Section XI. It also identifies and details the programs established to satisfy augmented requirements imposed at PBAPS 2 or 3, during the second inspection interval. The second interval for PBAPS 2 begins on September 20,1986, and ends on July 6,1994. The second interval for PBAPS 3 begins on December 13,1985, and enea on December 13,1994. The above dates represent adjustments to i the PBAPS 2 & 3 second Interval due to refueling outage alignment and extended plant shutdown as detalled in Reference 1.1.2.- The ISI Program consists of two parts; the Program text with appendices, and a tables section. The text defines the basis of the ISI Program, it lists and explains the speelfic boundary, exemption, sample size, and component selection criteria utilized for Class 1,2 and 3 components md their supports. The Appendlees contain: Rallef Requests, programs established to satisfy augmented requirements, copies of important reference documents needed to e:@ lain program details, and listings of the ASME Section XI Drawings I .tcluding: ISI Boundary drawings, ISI isometric drawings, component , drawings, and calibration block drawings. The tables portion includes the

        'ISI Program Tables. The ISI Program Tables contain an itemized listing of all nonexempt components within the Class 1,2 and 3 ASME boundarles depleted O

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Spe:lfle:ti:n ' M-733 Rev. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3 i ISI Propam Page 6 of 77


i on the ASME Section XI Boundary Drawings, along with examination  : requirements which apply.

 ;              1.1       REFERENCE DOCUMENTS                                                                             :

1.1.1 Safety Evaluation Report for second 10-year interval ISI Program lasued via an April 8,1986, letter from Dr. Muller (NRC) to E. G. Bauer, Jr. (PECo).


1.1.2 Revised PBAPS Interval dates as documented in a August 17,1988, letter , from J.W. Gallagher (PECo) to W. T. Russel (NRC). 1.1.3 Generic Letter 88-01, NRC position on IGSCC in BWR Austenitic Stainless l Steel Piping, dated January 25,1988.  ! 1.1.4 PBAPS 2 & 3 response to NRC Generic Letter 88-01 dated August 2,1988, March 31,1989 and June 4,1990. O 1.1.5 NUREG-0313, revision 2 - Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping, January,1988. , 1.1.6 NUREG-0619, BWR Feedwater Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Nozzle Cracking (November 1980) with Generic Letter 81-11 (February 20, 1981). 1.1.7 PBAPS 2 & 3 Implementation Propam for NUREG-0619. PECo letter of January 21,1981, J. W. Gallagher to Darrell G. Eisenhut (NRC).' 1.1.8 PBAPS 2 & 3 Implementation Report for NUREG-0619, PECo letter of September 29,1983, J. W. Gallagher to Darrell G. Eisenhut (NRC). 1.1.9 IE Bulletin No. 80-13, Cracking in Core Spray Spargers, dated May 12,1980. O l 5

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m e . . . . .o . v .. M-733, R0v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 7 of 77 1.1.10 PBAPS 2 & 3 Response to IE Bulletin No. 80-13, PECo letter of June 13,1980, S. L. Daltroff to Boyce H. Grier (NRC). 1.1.11 General Electric Company SIL No. 289, Core Spray Visual Inspection Revision 0, dated February 1979 and including Revision 1, Supplement 1, dated February 23,1989. 1.1.12 NUREG/CR-30$r., Closeout of IE Bulletin 80-07: BWR Jet Pump Assembly Failure Novembe*,1984. 1.1.13 IE Bulletin No. 80-07, BWR Jet Pump Assembly Fallure, dated April 4,1980, and including Supplement No.1 dated May 13,1980. 1.1.14 General Electric Company, SIL No. 330, Jet Pump Beam Cr..eks, June 9,1980, 1.1.15 PBAPS Unit 2 Response to IE Bulletin No. 80-07, PECo letter of May 2,1980, S. L. Daltroff to Boyce W. Grier (NRC). 1.1.16 PBAPS Unit 3 Response to IE Bulletin No. 80-07, PECo letter of May 7,1980, S. L. Daltroff to Boyce W. Grier (NRC). 1.1.17 N A-031001 - PECo Corporate ASME Section XI Administrative Manual. I 1.1.18 PBAPS 2 & 3 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report. 1.1.19 PBAPS 2 & 3 Technical Specificattom . 1.1.20 NED Specification number M-710, PBAPS 2 & 3 Pump and Valve Inservice Testing Prograi... Second Ten Year Interval. 1.1.21 Evaluation of ISI Examinations at PBAPS 2 & 3, PECo letter of February 19,1980, E. G. Bauer, Jr. to T. A. Ippolito (NRC). O  ;

                                                                                           .ww.n e u v,4 M-733. R;v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 8 of 77 1.1.22        Safety Evaluation for PBAPS 2 & 3 First intervalISI Program Relief Request, NRC letter of May 2,1983, J. F. Stolz to E. G. Bauer, Jr.             :

l 1.1.23 NED Specification M-679, General Requirements for the ASME Section XI , Repair and Replacement Program. 1.1.24 Regulatory Guide 1.147, inservice inspection Code Case Acceptability, ASME Section XI, Division 1. Revision 7. July 1989.  ; l 1.1.25 General Electric Company, SIL No. 409, Incore Dry Tube Cracks, July 31,1986. 1.1.26 General Electric Company, Slb No. 474, Steam Dryer Drain Channel Cracking, October 26,1988. l 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 ASME Section KI Drawings - Include Piping and instrument Diagrama (P&lD's), Isometries, and component drawings which delineate the speelfic boundaries, areas, or items requiring NDE, test, or repair and replacement per ASME Section XI; and augmented NDE or tests. , 1 1.2.2 Augmented Requirements - Those NDE or tests required by documents other > than ASME Section XI, such ast Regulatog Guides, NUREG's, NRC Generic Letters, I. E. Bulletins / Notices, FSAR, TechniccJ Specifications, manufacturer's recommendations, etc. 1 1.2.3 Authorized Nuclear Innervlee inspector (ANil)- A person employed and quallfled by an Authorized Inspection Agency to verify that NDE, tests, and repairs and replacements (excluding welding and brazing) are performed in accordance with the rules of ASME Section XI. O - s i

Speelfi:sti:n M-733, R';v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 9 of 77 1.2.4 Calibration Block Drawings - The drawings which detail the speelfic configuration of individual standards used for calibrating ultrasonic test equipment. 1.2.5 Code - ASME Section XI, " Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power-Plant Components," edition and addenda applicable to the individual PECo nuclear plant programs. 1.2.6 Component - An item in a nuclear power plant such as a vessel, pump, valve, etc. Component may also be used to refer to systems or portions of systems such as welds, bolting and supports. l 1.2.7 Form N18-1, Owners' Data Report for Inservlee inspections - An ASME form used to document the results of Inservice inspection examinations on Class 1 and 2 components. It is to be used as the certification page for submittal of the ISI Summary Report. O- 1.2.8 Form N18-2, Owner's Report for Repairs or Replacements - An ASME form used to document the results of Repair or Replacement activities, it will be i submitted as part of the 181 Summary Report at the end of each refueling outage. 1.2.9 Inservlee inspection (ISI)- Those Nondestructive Examinations (NDE) including visual examinations performed on certain Class 1,2, and 3 (or equivalent) components and their supports throughout the operating life of the nuclear plant, as required by ASME Section XI, subsections IWA, !WB, IWC, IWD, and IWF and as applicable, IWE. 1.2.10 innervlee inspection Summary Report - The report that is prepared at the  ; completion of each refueling outage as specified in ASME Section XI. In the case of PSI, it is submitted per FSAR requirements prior to commercial operation. 1.2.11 Inservlee Testing (lfrr)- Those tests conducted on certain pumps and valves - to verify their operational readiness and/or integrity throughout the l J t

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d Speelfication M-733, R;v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 10 of 77 O- operating life of the nuclear plant, as required by ASME Section XI, subsections IWP and IWV. 1.2.12 inspection Interval- As defined by regulations, a ten year time interval, during which the ISI/IST/R&R program is applicable us!ng a specific Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI. The first ten year inspection Interval commences on the date of commercial operation with the successive Intervals beginning on the date the previous interval ends. An inspection Interval length may be increased or decreased up to one year, to correspond with plant outages. Additionally, the interval may be extended for a period equivalent to an outage, which extends continuously for six months or more. 1.2.13 Inspection Period - A time frame approximately equivalent to one third of an interval. It is used for apportioning the implementation of 181 Program NDE during the Interval, 1.1.14 I8I Program Document - The site / unit speelfic document (including applicable drawings) which addres'ses the overall ISI requirements during a ten year interval. The complete ISI Program is made up of 4 subprograms as follows: e Welds, Bolting, and Component Subprogram o Component Supports and Snubbers Subprogram o Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Subprogram o Pressure Test Subprogram 1.1.15 181 Tables - The unit speelfic listing of the total population of items such as welds, bolting, components, RPV Internals, supports, snubbers, and portions of systems which are subject to examination, pressure test, and Repair and Replacement during the ten year interval (i.e. all nonexempt components). - These listings are included within the ISI Program Document (s), and, as a minimum, Identify items selected for examination along with examination L r

Specift:ati:n l M-733 Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 181 Program  ! Page 11 of 77 l ' I frequency requirements and other mandatory requirements, if special consideratbn is applicable. These tables provide the primary basis to: , developmetit ?f the ISI implementing Plan. 1.2.16 181 Implementing rien - The listing of nonexempt components fdentified in the IS! Tables, with the information necessary for implemer,tation of j examinations. Such information shall includes components selected for i examinations scheduling informations applicable NDE methods, procedures, and calibration blocks etc. - l i 1.2.17 ISI Outage Plan - A listing of those components identified in the 181

implementing Plan which are required to be examined during a particular outage. ,

( 1.2.18 lastrument Root Yalve - The first valve, in an instrument line, off of the main process line. 1.2.19 Nominal Operating Pressure - For Class 1 systems, it is the system pressure under normal steady state full power operating conditions, as governed by the PSAR. 1.2.30 Nondestructive Examination (NDE)- Any of several physical, optical, chemical, electrical, or electromagnetic tests used primarily to examine items for surface or Internal defects without destroying the items or impatring their function. Also known as Nondestructive Testing (NDT) and includes visual, surface, and volumetric methods. , 1 1 ~ 1.2.11 PECo Corporate ASME Section XI Administrative Manual- The document which defines and controls the all-encompassing effort of Preservice inspection, inservice inspection, Preservice Testing, inservice Testing.-- - Repair and Replacement, and A'ugmented requirements at PECo's nuclear plants. This manual, endorsed by the Nuclear Group Senior Management, will apply to all organizations involved with this endeavor. O , k

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Speelficati:n M-733, Rev. 0 l PBAPS 2 & 3 i ISI Program Page 12 of 77 l 1.2.22 Position Statement - An ISI/IST/R&R Program record which documents the I details of positions taken by PECo with respect '.o generalized Code j l requirements. These records amplify the Code requirement and provide I consistent guidance for the implementation of the requirement. 1.2.23 Preservice Inspection (PSI) - Those Nondestructive Examinations (NDE) j including visual examinations performed on certain ASME Class 1,2, and 3 l (or equivalent) components and their supports once, prior to initial plant operations as part of the Preservice Inspection Program, or following a component repair, replacement, or modification. The results of these  ! examinations provide a baseline for comparison to subsequent ISI examinations. 1.2.24 Pressure Test Subprogram - A portion of the overall ISI Program which identifies the components and portions of piping in ASME Class 1,2 and 3 (or equivalent) systems, which are subject to various pressure tests during the ten year Interval. These tests include the hydrostatic, pneumatic, leakaga. O functional, or Inservice types. 1.2.25 Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Subprogram - A portion of the 181 Program which identifies the internal attachments, surfaces, welds, and components within the reactor pressure vessel boundary, including the safe-ends, which

  • require NDE during the ten year interval.

1.2.26 Regulatory Authority - The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, empowered to issue and enforce federal regulations influencing design, construction, and operation of nuclear power plants. 1.2.27 Relief Request - A written request submitted to the regulatory authority which identifies speelfic components which cannot be examined or tested in accordance with ASME Section XI or augmented requirements, it includes the reason these requirements cannot be met and technical justification for - performing an alternative to the requirements. O

Specifi::ti:n M-733 R0v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 13 of 77 1.1.28 Snubber - A dynamic restraint device ut!!! zed in certain component supports. Can be either hydraulle or mechanical. 1.2.29 Snubber Assembly - The functional unit of a snubber-type component suppe.t, including: the snubber body, extension piece or end bracket, and the bad pins along with their retainers. 1.2.30 Source Document - Any document containing requirements to which PECo is committed or which apply to PECo by virtue of law, such as fedaal, state, and local laws and reguistions. , 1.2.31 Structural Discontinuity Welds - Include circumferential welds joints at pipe to vessel nozzle, pipe to valve body, pipe to pump casing, pipe' to fittings and pipe to pipe of different schedule wall thickness. i l 1.2.32 Terminal End Weld - Circumferential welds at the extremities of pipe runs I l that connect to structures or components or circumferential welds in piping  ;

 \        within 3 pipe diameters of the centerline of rigid pipe anchors.

1.2.33 Welds, Bolting, and Component Subpeegram - A portion of the ISI Program which identifies the non exempt welds, bolting, and components on ASME i Class 1,2, and 3 (or equivalent) systems which are subject (selected and non-selected) to NDE during the ten year interval. i 1.3 ABBREVIATIONS 1.3.1 ALARA - As Low As Reasonably Achievable , i 1.3.2 ANS - American National Standard 1.3.3 ANSI - American National Standard institute l l 1.3.4 ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers - i

Specift:sti:n  ! M-733. R;v. 0 l PBAPS 2 & 3 ! ISI Program Page 14 of 77 i O 1.3.5 ASNT - American Society for Nondestructive Testing l 1.3.6 AUG. - Augmented l L 1.3.7 BWR - Bolling Water Reactor 1 1.3.8 DISO - Examine one of a group when disassembled l 1.3.9 DISS - Examine when disassembled l l 1.3.10 EOl - End of interval 1.3.11 ID - Interval distribution l 1.3.12 IGSCC - Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking 1.3.13 ISI - Inservice inspection 1 , 1.3.14 ISO - Isometric 1.3.16 IST - Insery!ce testing I 1.3.16 MT - Magnetic particle testing 1.3.1'I NDE - Nondestructive examination 1.3.18 NPS - Nominal pipe size 1.3.19 NRC - United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission l 1.3.20 PBAPS - Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station  ; 1.3.21 PECo . Philadelphlt Electric Company  ; It

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Specift:sti:n i M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program - Page 15 of 77 l 1.3.22 P&lD - Piping and instrument diagram l l 1.3.23 PT - Penetrant examination I 1.3.24 RO - Refueling outage 1.3.25 RPV - Reactor pressure vessel 1.3.26 R&R - Repair and replacement - > l 1.3.27 RR-XX - Relief request i 1.3.28 RT - Radiographic examination 1.3.29 SIL - Service information letter , 1.3.30 UT - Ultrasonic examination O 1.3.31 VT - Vis el examination 1.3.32 1P,2P,3P - Tirst period, second period, third period 1.3.33 74S75 - 1974 Edition thru and including the Summer 1975 Addenda 1 1.3.34 80W81 - 1980 Edition thru and including the Winter 1981 Addenda l 1.3.3 D 86A87 - 1986 Edition thru and including 1987 Addenda - 1.4 CODES AND STANDARDS 1.4.1 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50 (10CFR50), Article 55a,

                               " Codes and Standards."

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Specific tirn M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ' i ISI Program I Page 16 of 77 . O 1.4.2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Boller and Pressure l Vessel Code, Section XI, Division 1: " Rules for Inservice inspection of  ; Nuclear Power Plant Components." 1.4.3 Regulatory Guide 1.26 R/3 Quality Group Classifications and Standards for - Water Steam, and Radioactive Waste Containing Components of Nuclear i Power Plants. l 1.4.4 SNT-TC-1 A, Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualiftention in ! Non-destructive Testing. , 1.4.5 ANSI N45.2.6, Qualification of Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants. 1.4.8 Regulatory Guide 1.58 R/1 Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant inspection Examination and Testing Personnel (endorses ANSI N45.2.6,1978). 1.4.7 Regulatory Guide 1.65 R/0 Materials and Inspection for Reactor Vessel Closure Studs. 1.4.8 Regulatory Guide 1.147 Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability, ASME , Section XI, Division 1. > I 1.4.9 Regulatory Guide 1.150 R/1 - Alternate Method Ultrasonle Testing of Reactor Yessel Welds During Preservice and inservice Examination. i 1

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M-733. R v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 17 of 77 2.0 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 2.1 CLASSIFICATION OF COMPONENTS In accordance with 10CFR$0.55a (g)(1), an ASME classification has buen j assigned to plant components'and systems for the purpose of applying the  ; l appropriate rules of ASME Section XI for Inservice Inspection. Classification has been applied in accordance with 10CFR60.2(v) for' Class 1 systems and l Regulatory Guide 1.26 Revision 3 for Class 2 and 3 systems. System safety functions are consistent with the 1988 revision of the PBAPS UFFAR. For instruments connected to Class 1 piping, the boundary extends to the excess flow check valve. For instruments connected to Classes 2 and 3  ! piping (except main steam), the boundary extend = to the instrument root valve. Branch connections (including instruments lines) on Class 2 main l steam piping, outside containment, which are less than 2-1/2" NPS were not l classified, slace these lines are not required to be seismically designed per Regulatory Guide 1.29. I It must be noted that the classification o' componenta as equivalent to ASME Classes 1,2, or 3 Implies equivalency for putposes of inservice inspection only and does not imply that the components were designed in accordance with ASME requirements. Since most of the basic plant design was accomplished prior to December 1969, codes and standards applicable at that time were used as set forth Ir. the PBAPS UFSAR. l 2.2 ASME SECTION XI in accordance with 10CFR50.55a(g)(4), this program is in compliance, where possible, with the applicable requirements of the 1980 Edition of Section XI wit! Addenda through Winter 1981 (80W81). Although the basic plant design,


ace implished prior to December 1969, is not totally consistent with the ext mination requirements of later codes, every attempt has been made to ob aln maximum compliance. For instances where 100% compliance is not feasible, alternative examinations and tests have been proposed which will W e- w e .-,s- ,

   ~.              -   -             .       _.   --

Spesift:sti:n , M-733, R0v. 0  ; , PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 18 of 77 t O satisfy the Intent of the Code. This program identifies the areas for which - compliance cannot be achieved, with proposed alternative methods of assurance of system integrity. An exception to the use of the 80W81 code is found in the a rea of Class 1 & 2 . pipe welds as discussed in the following sectionst 2.2.1 ASME Code Class 1 Ploe Welds 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(ll) allows for the optional use of the 1974 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1975 (74S75) of Section XI for determining the extent of examination for Class 1 pressure-retalning pipe welds if the plant's construction permit was docketed prior to July 1,1978. il

         " ...the extent of examination for Code Class 1 pipe welds may be determined from the requirements of Table IWB-2500 and IWB-2600 Category B-J of Section XI of the ASME Code in the 1974 Edition and Addenda through the

( ! Summer 1975..." Table IWB-2600 from the 74S75 Section XI, which speelfles the type of NDE to be applied to the welds on various size piping, is not used in this ISI Program. For this program, the type of NDE applied is determined from the 80W81 of Section XI. This position utilizes the later code directions and represents a more practical approach for determining examination method

and associateU .
eptance criteria.

To summarize the approach taken for Class 1 pipe welds: l ExemptIO48 l The 80W81 Edition of Sectior XI was used to determine exemptions (See Section 2.3.1) 1 1 o

Spoelfi:sti:n ) M-733 R v. 0 l PBAPS 2 & 3 i ISI Program i Page 19 of 77 I ( The 74S75 Edition of Section XI is used for determining the percentage - of nonexempt welds which are subject to examination. Weld Selection  !

              -          The welds selected retresent areas expected to experience higher.        .

stresses, as determined by guidance provided in the 80W81 Code. (See Section 2.5.1) i i Examination Method

                                                                                                 ,t The 80W81 Section XI is used for determining the type of NDE applied to these welds, i

2.2.2 ASME Code Class 2 Ploe Welds 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(lv)(A) requires the use of the 74S75 Edition of Section XI for determining the extent of examination of Class 2 pipe welds in the q Residual Heat Removal, Emergency Core Cooling Systems and Containment ' i Heat Removal Systems. l l

                ...the extent of examination for these systems shall be determined by the requirements of Paragraph IWC-1220, Table IWC-2520, Category C-F and               .,

C-G, and Ps:agraph IWC-2411 in the 1974 Edition and Addenda through the Summer '.975 Addenda." 10CF'.(SO.55a(b)(2)(lv)(B) allows the optional use of the 74S75 Edition of Sect,on XI for determining the extent of examination for Class 2 pressure-retalning pipe welds, for the remaining Class 2 systems, if the , plant's construction permit was docketed prior to July-1,1978, as is the case at PBAPS 2 & 3. LO

                                                                .wruiousuvii M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 20 of 77
       ...the extent of examination for Code Class 2 pipe welds may be determined by the regulrements of paragraph IWC-1220, Table IWC-2520, Category C-F and C-G and paragraph IWC-2411 in the 1974 Edition and Addenda through Summer 1975 Addenda of Section XI of the ASME Code..."

PBAPS 2&3 has incorporated the above for all Class 2 piping welds as summarized below Esemptions The 74S75 Edition of Section XI was used to determine exemptions, as required by 10CFR50.55a, (See Section 2.3.2). Sample 51se The 74S75 Edition of Section XI was used to determine the percentage  ; of nonexempt welds which are subject to examination. Weld Selection Weld selections were distributed among all applicable systems based on geometric configuration, (i.e. pipe t a elbow, pipe to tee, etc.) to  ; develop a representative sample of structural discontinuity welds. Selections also included terminal ends. (See Section 3.5.1) Examination Method The 80W81 Edition of Section XI was used for determining the type of  ; NDE applied to these welds. l 2.2.3 Non-anolleability of Subsection IWE ' Subsection lWE (Class MC Components) of ASME Section XI has not been endorsed for use by the NRC and is therefore not addressed in this Program. t W+M

Speelfl:atlin M-733. Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program  ! Page 21 of 77 Testing, as required by the Code of Federal Regulations, Appendix J, is being l performed at PBAPS 2&3 to verif) the integrity of the containment. i 2.2.4 Subsections IWP and IWV Subsection IWP (Pump Testing) and Subsection IWV (Valve Testing) sre not l 3 addressed in this program document. For information regarding these toples,  ; see Reference 1.1.20. i t 2.3 EXEMPTIONS ASME Section XI rules allow certain components or portions of components (and their supports), which are claastfled as ASME Class 1,2, or 3 (or equivalent), to be exempt from the surface and volumetric examination requirements of the Code. The speelfic Code exemptions which have been applied to the PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program are detailed below. It should be f noted that these exemptions do not apply to the pressure testing 3 l l requirements of the Code, and the accompanying VT-2 Examination.  ; i i 2.3.1 Class 1 Esemptionp Discussion: The Class 1 exemptions used in this ISI Program are taken directly from the 80W81 Section XI, subsubarticle IWB-1220. Exemptions used:

1. Components that are connected to the reactor coolant system and part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary and that are of such a size and shape so that upon postulated rupture the resulting flow of coolant from the reactor coolant system under normal plant operating conditions is within the capacity of make up systems which are operable from on-site emergency power.


_ _ - . . - ~ .. - _ - ._ - apeesuc2uon M-733. Rev. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3 ( ISI Program Page 22 of 77 For PBAPS 2 & 3, this exemption is applicable to 3" nominal pipe size (NPS) or less for lines containing steam and 1.5" NPS or less for  ! lines containing water. ,

2. Piping of 1"(NPS) and smaller along with components and their I connections in piping of 1" NPS and smaller.  !


3. Reactor vessel head connections and associated piping,2-inch NPS and '

smaller, made inaccessible by control rod drive penetrations.-- i J 2.3.2 Class 2 Exemotions l Discussion: The Class 2 exemptions are taken from 74575 Section XI,  ! subsubarticle IWC-1220, and from one relief request, as presented in the j following:  ! Exemptions used:

  • O 1. Components in systems where both the design pressure and temperature are equal to or less than 275 psig and 200*F respectively. ,
2. Components in systems or portions of systems, other than trergency .
core cooling systems, whk uo not function during normal reactor operation.

l 3. Component connections, piping, and associated valves, and vessels (and L their supports) that are 4" NPS and smaller.

4. Piping and other components of any size beyond the last shut off valve <

( in open ended portions of systems that do not cot.tain water during normal plant operating conditions, j Note: This exemption is not identified in the 74S75 edition of Section XII however, it is allowed by the 1986 Edition which k

Spesifirti:n M-733, R:v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 23 of 77 has been approved 'or use 'oy 10CFR50,55a(b)(2). Justification for use of this exempdon is provided in Relief Request RR-11. 2.3.3 Class 3 Esemotions Discussion: The Class 3 exemptions are taken from the 80W81 Section XI, subsubarticle IWD-1220, and from one relief request, as presented in the following. Exemptions used:

1. Integral attachments of supports and restraints to components that are 4

4" NPS and smaller within the system boundarles of Examination' Categories D-A, D-B, and D-C of Table IWD-2500-1 shall be exempt from the visual examination VT-3, . . . . . . . Note: Included in this exemption are non-pipe components for which neither the cumulative inlet nor cumulative outlet area exceeds the area of a 4"1.D. pipe.

2. Integral attachments of supports and restraints to components exceeding 4" NPS may be exempted from the visual examination VT-3 1 of Table IWD-2500-1, provided:
a. The components are located in systems (or portions of systems) whose function is not required in support of reactor residual heat removal, containment heat removal, and emergency core cooling; and
b. The components operate at a pressure of 275 psig or less and at a temperature of 2n0*F or less.

ayeun newun , i M-733, Rsv. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3 , ISI Program j l Page 24 of 77

3. Piping and other components of any size beyond the last shutoff valve in open-ended portions of systems that do not contain water during [

normal plant operating conditions. , Note: This exemption is not identified in the 80W81 Edition of r Section XI; however, it is allowed in the 1986 Edition for i Class 2 systems. Because Class 3 exemptions should not be U more stringent then Class 2, it is included for Class 3, as l documented in Relief Request RR-12. i j 2.4 AUGMENTED REQUIREMENTS For purposes of this ISI Program, augmented examinations are those scheduled examinations which are not required by ASME Section XL These augmented requirements are typically pursuant to NRC Generic Letters, , NRC Regulatory Guides, or NSSS supplier recommendations (SIL's), etc. The PBAPS 2 & 3 augmented examination programs are explained and their examination requirements tabulated in Appendix B. It should be noted that some components are subject to both ISI and augmented requirements. In , these instances, the component's 181 requirements are identified In' the l ISI Program Tables, and a reference to applicable augmented requirements is i also provided. The actual augmented examination requirements are then found in the referenced augmented program which is contained in l Appendix B. 2.5 ADDITIONAL BASES In addition to published Code rules, ASME Section XI Code Cases and interpretations may be used in formulating the bases of the ISI program. Table 2.5-1 lists the Code Cases and Interpretations which have been used to establish the bases of this PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program. O  ; (

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bpect!!O21 ten l M-733, Rev. O  ! PBAPS 2 & 3 ) ISI Program ) Page 25 of 77 I i TABLE 2.5-1 - CODE CASES AND INTERPRETATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE 181 PROGILAM . i Approved by Code Case USNRC Reg. , Number ILut Guide 1.147 , N-308 Documentation of Repairs and Replacements Yes l of Components in Nuclear Power Plants j N-343 Alternative Scope of Examination of Yes , Attachment Welds for Examination Categories B-H B K-1 and C-C N-356 Certification Period for NDE Level!!! Yes

  • Personnel N-380 Alternative Rules for Repales, Replacements, Yes or Modifications 7 N-406 Alternate Rules for Replacement Yes N-416 Alternate Rules for Hydrostatic Testing of Yes Repair or Replacement of Class 2 Piping.

N-419 Extent of VT-1 Examinations, Category B-G-1 Yes of Table IWB-2500-1  : N-426 Extent of YT-1 Examinations, Category B-G-2 Yes  ! Table IWB-2500-1 s 'N-427 Code Cases ofi inspection Plans Yes i N-435-1 Alternative Examination Requirements for Yes Vessels with Wall Thickness 2 in. or less N-460 Alternative Examination Coverage for Class 1 No and Class 2 Welds (See Note 1) N-461 Alternate Rules for Piping Calibration Block No Thickness (See Note 1) N-479 Bolling Water Reactor (BWR) Main Steam No Hydrostatic Test (See Note 1) i NOTES: (1) This Code Case has not been endorsed for use by the NRC in Reg. Guide 1.147. See Relief Request RR-14 for justification - l of its use in this program. 9 V l 1 b

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8peciffrti:n M-733. R9v. O I PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program l l Page 26 of 77 1 l l 2.6 ASME SECTION KI DRAWINGS l I l l The ASME Section XI Drawings define and detall the extent of systems j l and/or components subject to the rules of ASME Section XI, additionally, they depict parts and equipment used to implement the required examination l programs. l l 2.6.1 ASME Section XI ISI Boundary Drawines ) These ASME Section XI 151 Boundary Drawings are Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&lD's) that have been color coded to define the extent of the ASME classification boundaries and the portions therein which are exempt from the surf ace and volumetric examination requirements of Section XI. In addition, the boundary drawings indicate portions of systems 2 which are outside the ASME boundarles but subject to the PBAPS 2 & 3  : ASME Section XI Repair and Replacement Program. Additionally, all pumps and valves, subject to testing within the IST Program, are annotated on these O drawings. 2.6.2 ASME Section XI 1511sometric Drawines l The ASME Section XI ISI isometric Drawings are specifically prepared isometrie-type drawings which are derived from design isometric drawings. They depict the ASME classified systems, and identify the components (welds, bolts, supports, etc.), subject to examination, within these systems. They also depict components which are subject to augmented examination > requirements and ASME Section XI rules for repair and replacement only. 2.6.3 ASME Section Xi ISI ComDonent DrawinEs l i The ASME Section XI ISI Component Drawings are speelfically prepared detailed drawings of components, which identify specific areas of these components which are subject to examination in accordance with Section XI rules.

Specificati:n M-733. Rcy. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 27 of 77 2.6.4 ABME Section XIISI Calibration Block Drawings The ASME Section XI 18! Calibration Block Drawings are design /es-built drawings of the standards which are used for calibration of the ultrasonic examination equipment prior to the performance of the code required examinations. 2.6.5 Component Suncort Desien Drawines The Component Support Design Drawings, while not uniquely an ISI drawing, are an important informational source and are referenced in the ISI Tables. These design drawings detall the component support and generally contain a bill of materials whleh identlfles t'.ie scope of items subject to the visual examination requirement of the code. An index of all ASME Section XI ISI Drawings (excluding component support drawings) is contained in Appendix C. O i i i O 1 l

Speelfi:ati:n M-733 R;v. 0 , PBAPS 2 & 3 i 151 Program  ! Page 28 of 77  ; i

v 2.7 SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION- 2 The following is a list of systems which are included in this ISI Program. The associated Engineering / Design system identification number and Station System number are also included.

Engineering / Design Station System System Number System Number 01 Main Steam 01 02 Reactor Recirculation 02 03 Control Rod Hydraulic 03 .; 04 Nuclear Boller VesselInstrumentation and Reactor Drain 04 06 Feedwater 06 10- Residual Heat Removal (RHR) . 10 11 Standby Liquid Control 11 12 Reactor Water Cleanup 12 13 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) 13 14 Core Spray 14

  • 19 Fuel Pool Cooling and Clean-up 19 23 High Pressure Coolant injection (HPCI) 23 32 High Pressure Service Water 32 33 Emergency Service Water 33 48 Einergency Cooling Water 48 l

l ( 1 i

4 Spe:lfirati:n ' M-733, R0v. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program , Page 29 of 77 i O 3.0 INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGKAM i 3.1 RESPONSIBILITY l As owner of PBAPS 2 & 3, Philadelphia Electric Company GeCo) bears the l overall responsibility for the performance of 151. The required l nondestructive examinations may be performed by PECo or a quallfled l examination agency. The results and evaluation of the examinations, performed by NDE vendors, will be reported to PECo, who shall retain responsibility for final evaluation and disposition of all NDE. .I 3.2 RECORD 8 Records and documentation of all information and inspection results, which , provide the basis for evaluation and which facilitate comparison with results  ! from previous and subsequent inspections, will be maintained and available , for the active life of the plant in accordance with Section XI, IWA-6000. 3.3 METHODS OF EXAMINATION i Nondestructive examination methods to be used for the ISI Program includes . visual, surface, and volumetric. Personnel performing nondestructive examinations will be quallfled with a written procedure prepared in accordance with ASME Section XI Article IWA-2300 and the following documents as applicable for the techniques and methods used (1) The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1 A, June 1980 Edition with supplements and appendices. (2) American National Standard (ANS), ANSI /ASME N45.2.6,1978 Edition as modified by Regulatory Guide 1.58, Rev.1. O

Speelfinti:n  ! M-733. Rev. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3 ' ISI Program  ; Page 30 of 77 3.3.1 Visual Examination Visual examinations (YT) win oe performed in accordance with IWA-2210 which defines four types of VT examinatir,ns. These types of VT examinations are summarized as follows: (1) VT-1 examinations shall be conducted to determine the condition of the part, component, or surface examined. The examination shall determine conditions such as cracks, wear, corrosion, erosion, or physical damage on the surfaces of the part or components. This type of examination may be performed by direct or remote methods as defined in IWA-2211. (2)- VT-2 examinations shall be conducted to detect leakage (or abnormal leakage) from pressure retalning components during system pressure or functional tests. lO (3) VT-3 examinations shall be conducted to determine general mechanical and structural conditions of components and their supports, such as the presence of loose parts, debris, or abnormal corrosion products, wear, i erosion, corrosion, and 'the loss of Integrity at bolted or welded connections. (4) VT-4 examinations shall be conducted to determine conditions related to operability of components or devices, such as mechanical and hydraulle snubbers, component supports, pumps, valves, and spring loaded and constant weight hangers. 3.3.2 Surface Examination A surface examination will be performed in accordance with ASME Section XI,IWA-2220 to detect the presence of surface cracks or discontinuities, it may be conducted by either magnetic particle (MT) or - h-0 - i

Speelficati:n M-733. Rcy. O. PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program. Page 31 of 77 liquid penetrant (PT) techniques where the surface conditions, material, and accessibility permit such an examination. 3.3.3 Volumetric Examination A volumetric examination will be performed in accordance with ASME Section X1, IWA-2230 to detect the presence of discontinuities throughout the volume of material. Two such volumetric techniques are radiographic (RT) and ultrasonic (UT) examination. Tne UT methods are used for the planned examinations in this program, however RT may be used as applicable. 3.4 REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT Repairs, replacements, and modifications of ASME Class 1,2,3 components j and additional components depleted on the ASME Section XI 181 Boundary Drawings will be performed in accordaae with the PECo Repair and O Replacement Program, contained in Specification M679 (see ref.1.1.23). 3.5 EXAMINATIONS - GENERAL ' The bulk of the 181 Program is the planned periodic examinations cf speelfic components as required by Section XI. This section describes the Code -  ; requirements which have been used as criteria for determining which Class 1,  ; 2 and 3 components require examination during the second 10 year inspection interval. It describes the philosophy utilized for selection and implementation of component examinations along with the basis used for performing the evaluation o' examination results. Sections 4.0 through 9.0 provide a summary of the '.peelfic areas or groups of examinations (i.e. Code examination category and item number) planned fort the Reactor Pressure Vessel, Class 1 and 2 welds, bolting and components, Class 3 components, pressure testing, and the component supports and snubbers. Therefore, these sections describe how PECo plans to implement the requirements of subsection IWB, IWC, IWD, and IWF of the Code, for PBAPS 2&3. 1 1

opeemesuon M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 32 of 77 3.5.1 Selection Basis Class 1 piping welds (Category B-F and B-J), which were examined during the . first inspection interval, were reviewed to confirm that their populstion yielded, in general, a representative sample of Class I welds, including dissimilar metal, structural discontinuity, and terminal end butt welds, along-t 5 their intersecting longitudinal welds. This approach, similar to the guidelines provided in the 80K di Code Edition, was utilized in light of the fact that the 74S75 Code Edition does not provide guidance for the selection of speelfic types of welds for examination. Where previously namined welds did not fulfill the above criteria, a different weld was selected from the: remaining nonexempt population. Class 2 piping welds, (Category C-F and C-G) were selected for examination, using the guidance provided in the 74S75 Ec.8 tion of the Code. A 25% sample of Class 2 piping wolds, selected from all geocetric configurations throughout the Class 2 systems, was developed using the multiple component - concept. Gee Section 6.5). This criteria yielded a representative population of etructural discontinuities in both main and branch piping. A~ sample 'of_ terminal end welds was also incl &d in the overal' sxamination population. Longitudinal welds intersecting any of 'he selected circumferential welds, were also included in the sample. Additionally, if system modifications resulted in an increase to the component population, a sampling criteria, as described above, with considerations to ALARA and access was used to select the required additional component examinations. Multi-Component Concept . For Class 1,2, and 3 multiple components of similar design, function, and service, Section' XI allows for the examinations to be performed on only one of the components or divided among the components such that-the total,


number of examinations performed ls equivalent to the number that would be performed if only one of the components was required to be completely I a

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r M-733. Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3, ISI Program

                                                                    = Page 33 of 77 examined. This molti-component concept is used in this ISl Program and is Indicated in th'e applicable examination categories listed in Sections 4.0 through 9.0 of this document.' Those items qualifying as multiple components are identified in the ISI l'rogram tables by listing the speelfic multi-component group in the notes column of the table.

3.5.2 Implementation in accordance with Section XI,~ Articld IWA-2400, all portions of the ISI  ; Program conform to inspection Program B of IWA-2420. Program,B defines j the inspection interval duration as ten years. However, th'e durations'of.the second inspection intervals for PBAPS 2 & 3 have been modified, as discussed. , j in Section 1.01 Accordingly, the second inspection intervals for PBAPS 2 & 3 I end on July 6,1994 and December 13,1994 respectively. All Code required J  ; examinations identified in this ISI Program must be completed by these - dates, unless the intervals 'are extended due to lengthy outages experienced i at both plants. This extension is allowable, in accordance with IWA-2400(C).


Inspection Program B of the Code further divides the inspection interval'into three periods. The normal duration of these periods arer First Period - , 3 years; Second Period - 4 years; Third Period - 3 years. ' As allowed by .  ; IWB-2412(b), these durations may be decreased or extended by one year, to  ! enable an examination to coincide with a plant outage, provided the net increase or decrease over the 10 year interval does not exceed one year. . Because of the adjustment of the length of A: second interval, the inspection periods for PBAPS 2 & 3 will be eGjusted accordingly. In addition to completing all Code required examinations by the end of the interval, Section XI requires several'eategories of examinations to be O ,

Spesift::stitn 'I M-733 Rev. O

                                                                                   ~ PBAPS 2 & 3-ISI Program                                 'l Page 34 of 77                                   I completed progressively during the interval, in eccordance with the following table:


                                              - DURING THE INTERVAL '                                                              ,

Period Examination Completion l 1st 16% minimum and not to e/ceed 34% of the total. examinations. 2nd 50% minimum and not to exceed 67%'of the total' ,f examinations. This includes the examinations-performed during the 1st Period.- 3rd 100% of all required examinations (total for all three periods). Applicable examinations within this program will be implemented in accordance with the above table. . This implementation concept is referred to - as INTERVAL DISTRIBUT1vN (ID).' It can be applied to some individual - examinations as well as to categories of examinations.- (i.e. examination of a portion of a weld length each period). O I'

The remainder of the ISI examinations will be implemented as required by, y the Code. These Code requirements vary, and may include the following

Examinations which can only be conducted during a refueling outage. These examinations will tie noted as RO in the ISI Tables. l Examinations which must be conducted during a specific period. j These examinations will be:noted as IP,2P or 3P, as appropriate, in the ISI Tables. j


Examinations which may be conducted anytime during the interval, including deferral until the end of the interval. These ev.aminations I will be noted as EOl for "End of interval" In the ISI Tables. 4 l 1

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Spe:lfimti:n M-733, Rev. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3 ISi Program ,. Page 35 of 77 Examinations which must take place when an item is disassembled. These examinations will be noted as DISS in the ISI Tables. For items 1 within a multi-component group, where only one of 't he multiple components must be examined at time of disassembly, the  ! examination will be noted as DISG in the ISI Table. l i 3.6 RELIEF REQUESTS in cases where the Section XI requirements have been determined to be impractical or impossible to comply.with, Relief Requests have.been-


prepared in accordance with 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(lil). Although most of the-second 10-year interval Relief Requests were previously lasued for the first-10-year interval ISI program, some new requests for relief have been added, i All requests for relief from the inspection requirements of Subsections'lWB, _j IWC, IWD or IWF of Section XI will include the following as a minimum - 0 1. A unique alpha-numeric identifier for the Relief Request. .. 4 The identifiers for Class 1, 2, and 3 Relief Requests will take the , j following format i RR-XX Where:  ! RR = Relief. Request - i XX =. Sequentially assigned two-digit number -

2. ' Identification of the component (s) for which relief from Section XI-requirements is requested. This shall include a brief description of the k component's function.


                                                                         ,Specificati n --
                                                                         . M-733, Rev. 0 '

PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program , Page 36 of 77 i

3. The ASME Code Class, Examination Category, and item Number.


4. The specific ASME Code examination requirement (s) from which relief i is requested.
5. Information w.ilch justifies the request for relief. i
6. When applicable, a description of the alternate examination or testt which will be performed in lieu of the ASME Code requirements.
7. The schedule for implemer.tation of the alternate examination or test. 1 The IWB, IWC, IWD and IWF relief requasts can be' found in Appendix A..

3.7 EVALUATION OF EXAMINATION RESULTS 4 Applicable ISI examination results will'be evalu'ated in accordance with-Section XI, Subsection IWA-3000, if criteria-1s not speelfled in Section XI,: the evaluation will utilize the criteria of the original Construction Code as allowed by Paragraph IWA-3100(b). While original construction at PBAPS 2&3 was performed in accordance with ANSI B31.3,1967 Edition for piping, and ASME Section 111,1965 Edition ~ with Winter 1965 addenda for the

             - RPV, the construction Code referenced for use in evaluation is interpreted at Peach Bottom to mean the 1968 Edition of ASME Section !!L This' approach will maintain the necessary consistency between the baseline examinations -

and future ISI examinations to meet the intent of ASME Section XI. Acceptance of this interpretation was requested from theLNRC 'by. reference 1.1.21. Approval of this request was' granted by the NRC in reference 1.1.22. The NRC evaluation concluded that it would be impractical to discard the  ; present data bank in favor of establishing a new evaluation criteria, especially where it is based on earlier Section 111 Code requirements. O 3


                                                                 .M-733, Rsv. 0 1          j PBAPS 2 & 3                 -l ISI Program -               .I Page 37 of_77 '                 I t'

If future modifications take place, the construction Code referenced will be

        ' the Code applicable to the construction of that component, as well as the evaluation of examination results.

l i l --! i a i


i t l a i O 1 k 1-

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Specifisation -  !

M-733, Rev. 0 i PBAPS 2 & 3 -- !

                                                                           = ISI Program -

Page 38 of 77 4.0 REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL (RPV) EXAMINATIONS Code Examination Categories and/or item Numbers which apply exclusively' i to pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants are specifically excluded from this l document.  ! 4.1 PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS IN RPV (CATEGORY B-A) i l Items 81.10. Bl.11. Bl.12 - Shell Welds d Scope of Examination - 100% of one beltline region longitudinal anc' one , beltline region circumferential shell weld (does not include the shell to -  ! flange weld which is item Bl.30). Examination Schedule - End of Interval (EOI) , Discussion - Due to plant design,100% of the weld length of one beltline region weld length cannot be examined. ' See Relief Request RR-01. - I Mechanized UT of the shell welds will be performed where applicable. Otherwise, manual UT will be performed. These examinations may be

  • perfcrmed at or near the end of the inspection interval.'

Items Bl.20. Bl.21. Bl.22 - Bottom Head Welds . Scope of Examination - 100% of accessible length of one circumferential and - l one merldlonal head weld. Examination Schedule - End of interval (EOl) , 1 Discussion - Merldlonal and circumferential seam welds in the bottom head-will be considered' individually for. physical accessibility and radiation levels. O l L . . .. i '


Speciflhtitn M-733, Rov. 0 - + PBAPS 2 & 3_ . ., ISI Program Page 39 of 77: l i O Items B1.20. Bl.21. B1.22 - Too Head Welds Scope nf Examination - 100% of the accessible length of one circumferential and one merldlonal head weld. i Examinatio1 Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID) Discussion The welds on the closure head are accessible for volumetric .j examination when the head is removed for refueling. ; 1 Item Bl.30 - Shell to Planne Weld  ; Scope of Examina'tlon - 100% of the shell to flange weld. Examination Schedule - D 1. Interval Distribution (ID) . b or l 2. First Period (IP) and Third Period (3P)  ! s l' a. First Period - Minimum 50% of the total weld. length. 1.

b. Third Period - Remainder of weld length not performed in first '

period, so that 100%;of weld length has been examined. Discussion - This weld will be examined ultrasonically from the seal surface f using straight beam examination techniques as an alternative examination - technique as provided by IWA-2240. Examination from the shell side of trie I, weld will be performed during the third period. l Item Bl.40 - Head to Flante Weld


Scope of Examination - 100% of head to flange weld. L.

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PBAPS 2 & 3 L ISI Program Page 40 of _77 O Examination Schedule - In .erval Distribution (ID)

                                                                                              ~l i

l Discussion - This weld is available for'UT and MT Examination when the head  ! is removed for refueling. Item B1.50. Bl.51 - Renale Welds ' i Scope of Examination - One weld repair area. - l Examination Schedule - End of Interval (EOI) Discussion - For material (base metal) weld repales in the beltline region, where the repair depth exceeds ten percent nominal of the vessel wall,. one (1) repair weld area will be examined once per inspection interval. . lf the location of the weld repair is not accurately known, then the individual shell plate, forging, or shell course containing the repair shall be included. l

        '4.2  FULL PENETRATION WELDS OF NOZZLES IN THE RPV -INSPECTION PROGRAM B (CATEGORY B-D)                                                          _

Note: Inspection Program A is not applicable to the PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI 4 Program. ligg B3.90 and B3.100 - Reactor V-1 Full Penetration Na--le Weld =4 , Scope of Examination - 100% of all nozzle to vessel welds and nozzle'inside - radius sections.. - 1 Examination Schedule . (a) 1st Period (1P) .At least 25% but not more than 50% of the nozzles.- (b) 2nd Period (2P)- See 3rd Period O l,

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ISI Pro,.am =  ; Page 41 of 77 .i l O (c) 3rd Period (3P)- The remainder of nozzles examination'must be completed by the end of the 3rd Period.  ; Notes Exam schedule for the above is indicated in the ISI Program Table as IP,' 3P.  !

                                                                                        -i Discussion - These RPV nozzle welds are accessible for'UT examination from the outside surface of the RPV when the surrounding sections of ttie      '
                                                                                        'l sa rificial shield and insulation are removed. However, due to component configuration (nozzle forging design), a complets Code examination is not -

practical. See Relief Request No. RR-13.: 4.3 : PARTIAL PENETRATION WELDS IN THE RPV (CATEGORY B-E)" , i Items B4.11. B4.12. B4.13 '- Partial Penetration Welds. . Scope of Examination - Visually examine 25% of all nozzles within each of the following categories: 1 Item B4.11 - Vessel Noz::les item B4.12 - Control Rod Drive Nozzles'. Item B4.13 - Instrumentation Nozzles

                                                                                          -i Examination Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID)

Discussion - A VT-2 examination will be conducted for' evidence of leakage of partial penetration welds in the RPV in accordanc'e with IWA-5240.-The l examinations will be performed when the RPV ls pressurized prior to I operation. O l

Specific:tian M-733, Rsv. 0 ; PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program L Page 42 of 77 4.4 D'ristILAR METAL WELDS (CAT'40RY B-F) Item B5.10. B5.20 - Reactor Vessel Dissimilar Metal Butt Welds Scope of Examination - 100% of all nozzle to safe-end butt-welds that meet the dissimilar metal requirements.. 1 Examination Schedule

1. Interval Distribution (ID) or
2. Perform at the same time as the adjacent nozzle to vessel welds, Category B-D, (see Paragraph 4.2).  ;

i Discussion - There is a dissimilar metal weld between the carbon steel nozzle 1 forgings and the piping system on some of the RPV nozzles. Access to these ' dissimilar metal welds will bb provided for in the same manner as for th'e O nozzle-to-vessel primary welds (Category B-D). l: Item B5.30 - Reactor Vessel Dissimilar Metal Socket Welds Not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3, There are no Reactor Vessel nozzle-to-safe end dissimilar metal socket welds. 4.5 PRESSURE RETAINING BOLTING GREATER THAN 2* DIA~ METER - (CATEGORY FrG-1) s Item B6.10. B6.20. B6.30. B6.40. and B6.50 - Reactor Vessel Boltine Scope of' Examination - All closure head. nuts (B6.10), studs (B6.20, B6.30), 4 threads in flange holes (B6.40), closure washers, and bushings (B6.50). Bushings and threads in flange holes-only require examination in the. event { the connection is disassembled. t

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                                                                         'ISI Program Page 43 of 77 Examination Schedule - Each of the following:
1. End of Interval (EOI) ' Closure head nuts and washers. Closure head studs shall be examined when removed..
2. ' Disassembly (DISS) - Threads in flange holes and bushings only.

I Discu'slon - The closure head nuts, when removed, will be volumetrically j examined as an alternative to a surface examination in accordance with IWA-2240. Closure head studs which are not removed will be subject to a- i volumetric examination in place. Not all of the closure studs are scheduled to be removed during any one refueling. However, during the course of the  ! Interval, all studs which are removed will be subjected to both volumetric-and surface examination. 4.6 - PRES 8URE-RETAINING BOLTING LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 2"

               ; DIAMETER (CATEGORY B-G-1)-

Item B7.10 - Reactor V-1 Boltinr' Not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. There is no Reactor Vessel pressure retalning bolting less than or equal to 2" in diameter. l Item B7.80 - CRD Housine Boltine Scope of Examination - All bolts, studs, and nuts on CRD housings. Examination Schedule - Only examined when disassembldd (DISS). ' O 1

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Page 44'of 77 l 4.7. INTP.GRALLY WELDED ATTACHMENTS TO VESSELS (Category B-H) 1 PBAPS 2 & 3 has adopted Code Case N-343 which limits examinations of this category to integrally welded attachments that meet the following conditions: l a) . the attachment is on the outside surface of the pressure retalning . ( components - I b) the attachment provides component support as defined in NF-1110, [- c). the attachment base material design thickness is 5/8 in. or greater and t-d) the attachment weld joins the attachment either directly to the- I surface of the comlionent or to an Integrally cast or forged' attachment to the component. Weld buildup on nozzles that is in compression under normal conditions and provides only component support is excluded from examination.= ltem B8.1C - Inteerally Welded Attachments to Reactor V-1l Scope of Examination - 100% of the RPV support skirt weld, and stabilizer bracket attachment welds. Examination Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID)- - s l Discussion Category B-H requires a volumetric or surface examination  : L method be utilized, as applicable. . Volumetric examination of the-

                  'PBAPS RPV-integral attachment weld configurations is not practical; therefore, surface examination shall be performed on the RPV support skirt and stabilizer bracket attachment welds.-

O e.

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PBAPS 2 & 3: , ISI Program Page 45 of 77 4.8 PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN PIPING (CATEGORY B-J)  ! Items B9.11. B9.21. and B9.40 - Circumferential/Soeket Welds  ! 1 Scope of Examinations - 25% of all nonexempt circumferential butt welds' '$ and socket welds per the 74S75 Edition of Section XI. Examination Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID).


Discussion - Piping welds in this Category included'with the reactor pressure : vessel examinations are those welds outboard of the vessel nozzles which are Dgt associated with another system within the ISI boundaries (e.g. head vent line, instrumentatton lines, . . .) j l 4.9 RPV INTERIOR SHELL AND CORE SUPPORT STRUCTURE (CATEGORY B-N-1 and B-N-2) Item B13.10. B13.20. B13.21. and B13.22 Scope of Examination - All accessible surfaces of the vessel shell interior i surfaces and critical internal components (B13.10), vessel interior ' i attachment welds (B13.20, B13.21) and core support structure surfaces (B13.22). Examination Schedule - Each of the following:

1. Refueling Outages (RO)- All surfaces of the vessel shell Interior and internal components (B13.10) made accessible by removal of ' 3 components during a refueling outage shall be examined during the 1st -

refueling outage and every other refueling outage thereafter (approximately once per period).

2. End of interval (EOI)- Applicable to interior attachment: welds (B13.20, B13.21) and the Core Support Structure (813.22) only.
                                                                                                                    .1 Speelfication                            !
                                                                              - M-733, Rsv. O '                     .

PBAPS 2 & 3 - 1 ISl Program Page 46 of 77 O 4,10 CONTROL ROD DRIVE PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS (CATEGORY B-0) . I Item B14.10 - Reactor Vessel CRD Housinz Welds-Scope of Examination - Pressure-retaining welds in 10% of the pefipheral' , CRD Housings t Examination Schedule - End of Interval (EOI) 4.11 PRESSURE TESTING (CATEGORY B-P)'- ITEM B15.10.' B15.11 - Reactor Vessel Pressure Retaining Boundary n See Section 8.1 i l i O

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!           5.0 -               CLASS 1 WELDS. BOLTING. AND COMPONENT EXAMINATIONEl (EXCLUDING THE RPV)                                                                          l This section applies to Class I welds, bolting, and component examinations :

l other than the RPV. Examinations app!! cable to the RPV are discussed in-L Section 4.0. Code examination categories and/or item numbers which apply l exclusively to pressurize j water reactor (PWR) plants are speelfically ? excluded from this docu nent. 5.1 DISSIMILAR METAL WitLDS (CATEGORY B-F)- , l n item B5.150 - Dissimilar Metal Socket Welds J Not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. There are no Class 1 dissimilar metal socket

                              - welds in the system design.

l ' Item B5.130 and B5.140 - Pinine Dissimilar Welds OV Scope of Examination - All' dissimilar metal nonexempt pipe welds.- Examination Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID) - Discussion - This category applies to dissimilar metal welds in piping ' -t systems. This includes combinations of carbon or low alloy steels to high-- alloy steels, carbon or low alloy steels to high nickel alloys,' and high alloy  ! steels to high nickel alloys.~- i in


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PBAPS 2 & 3 .

                                                              ;lSi Program Page 48 of 77 5.2 PRESSURE-RETAINING BOLTING GREATER THAN 2" DIAMETER (CATEGORY. B4-1)

Items B6.150 through B6.170 and B6.210 through B.230 - Boltine in Ploine and Valves Not applicable PBAPS 2 & 3. There Is no Class 1 bolting greater than 2" diameter for piping or valves utilizsd in the system design. Item B6.180. B6.190. and B6.200 - Boltine in Pumns! , Scope of Examination - All studs, bolts, nuts,' bushings, and washers. Should the flanged connection be disassembled, the bushings and threads in flange j stud holes and 1" annular surface of the flange surrounding stud or bolt shall' be examined. The examination of bolting may be limited to the pump selected for  ! examination under B-L-2 'as allowed by Code Case N-419.-. Category B-L-2 permits the application of the multi-component concept for pumps. Examination Schedule i

1. , Disassembly (DISG) - Bushings and threads in flange stud holes and flange surfaces only, and
2. End of Interval (EOl) - Bolts, studs, nuts, and washers.

Discussion - The Reactor Recirculation Pumps are the only Class 1 pumps. g Examinations of bolts, studs, nuts and. washers will be performed on only one recirculation pump on each unit. Examination'of bushings and threads in -< flange stud holes and flange surfaces will be performed whenever a pump is disassembled. j O

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ISl Program Page 49 of 77 O b 5.3 PRESSURE-RETAINING BOLTING LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 2" DLAMETER (CATEGORY B-G-2)' . 1 Item B7.60'- Bolting in Pumns _ Not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. There are no Class 1 Pumpswhich contain , i bolting 2"' diameter or less. . Item Q7.50 and B7.70 - Boltint in Ploint and Valves t 1

                                                                                                                                                   .i Scope of examination - All bolts,. studs, and nuts. . For valves,' Code                                                            i Case N-426 allows the bolting examinations to be limited to valves selected.                                                       '

for examination under B-M-2. Category B-M-2 permits the application of .j the multi-component concept for. valves. For piping, the bolting requiring 1 examination is bolting in piping required to be examined under B-J. a Examination Schedule

1. Interval Distribution (ID) - Piping '


2. Disassembly (DISG) .- Valves
                                                                                                                                                  -r Discussion - Valves which do not have pressure retaining" bolting are listed in                                                    i Category B-M-2 section of the ISI Program table with a note indicating no pressure retaining bolting.                                                                                                         -

5.4 PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS IN PIPING (CATEGORY B-J) Items 89.10 through B9.40 Scope of Examinations - 25% of all nonexempt circumferential and branch connection pipe welds per the'74S75 Edition of Section XI(Reference Section 2.2.1). All longitudinal pipe welds intersecting any of the selected i V I r , - . - - ,-,r.- -,-,e

Speelfi:stian M-733, Rsv. 01 t PBAPS 2 & 3-ISI Program Page 50 of 77  ; O circumferent'lal welds shall also be examined for a length of. at least one pipe [ diameter, but not more than 12 inches. 1 Examination Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID) Discussion - Welds selected for examination represent areas expected to . experience higher stresses. If system modifications r% ult in an'indresse to the weld population, a representative sampling criteria, with consideration. , g to ALARA, access, geometry, stress levels, etc., will be used to select the, required additional welds, i 5.5 INTEGRAL AMACHMENTS (CATEGORY B-K-1)  ; PBAPS 2 & 3 h's a adoptedCode Case N-343 which limits examinations of this category to integrally weload attachments that. meet the following conditions: O > i (/ a) , the attachment is on the outside surface of the pressure retalning l components I b) the attachmen provides component support as NF-1110 I c) the attachment base material design thickness is 5/8 in. or greater and d) the attachment weld joins the attachment either directly to the I surface of the component or to an integrally cast or forged attachment y to the component. A surface examination is planned for integral attachments in this category. However, a volumetric examination may be used if tha integral attachment-

                                   .has a full penetration weld to an appurtenance of the component,'as allowed
                                  ' by ASME Se'e tion XI, Figure IWB-2500-14.

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ISI Program Page 51 of 77 ~! Item B10.30 -Interral Attachments to Valves Not applicable to PBAPS 2&3. There are no integral attachments to Class 1 -  ! valves in the plar.t design. Item B10.10 and B10.?o -Integral eigehments to Plaint and Pumos 4 -! Scope of Examination - The examinations include'only the welded attachments to piping required to be examined under Examination i Category B J and the welded attachments to pumps associated with this d piping. The multi-component concept is not applicable to this examination-category. This is interpreted to mean 100% of all Class 1 integrally welded attachments with a base material design thickness of 5/8" or greater. . Examination Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID) Discussion - Integral attachments to piping include not only' attachments . associated with component supports, but also attachments associated with' piping at containment penetrations. The' Class 1 nonexempt piping containment penetrations at PBAPS 2 & 3 are of a forged design as shown in i Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-14.- The surface exams required by,B-K-1 need only be performed on welds that are within'a region that is "t" inches from l the pressure-retalning component, where "t" is the wall thickness of the ' pressure-retalning component (the piping in this case).-i At PBAPS 2 & 3, none of the Class 1 nonexempt piping containment penetrations have welds

 .that are within this region.

Containment penetrations N-7 A-D, 9A '& B,11,-12,'13A & B,14,16A & B, & 17 are the expansion bellows type in'which the process pipe passes inside a guard pipe. Spacer lugs are welded to the outside of the process pipe and to I the inside of the guard pipe. These lugs do not provide component support as defined in ASME Section 111 NF-1110 and are therefore not subje'e t to - examination. I 3

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ISI Program Page 52 of 77 5.6 PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS IN PUMP CASINGS (CATEGORY B-L-1) i 1 Lttre B12.10 - Pump Casine Welds , TI.ere are no pressure-retaining welds in pump casings that fall under  : Category B-L-1. There are window welds in the recirculation pump ~ casing,; b it they are not a weld joint as defined in Figure IWB-2500-16, but rather a-


core closure weld in a casting. Per IWA-2500, these welds are'not required, j-to be examined under Category B-L-1. .; 5.7 INTERNAL PRESSURE-RETAINING SURFACES OF PUMP CASINGS ' (CATEGORY B-L-2) Item B12.20 - Pumo Casines Scope of Examination - Multi-component concept is applicable; le., only the- - Interior surface of one recirculation pump requires exam'i nation. l Examination Schedule - DISG ( Discuss!on - The only pumps in this category subject to examination are those in the Reactor Recirculation System.- VT' 3 ' examinations will be


scheduled and performed when the pumps are disassembled for maintenance purposes per Relief Request RR-02. 5.8 PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS IN VALVE BODIES (CATEGORY B-M-1) Item B12.30 and B12.40 - Valve Body Welds Not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. There are no valve body welds. t

 , ~ .

Speelfication-L M-733, Rsv. O l PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program " , Page 53 of 77 5.9 INTERNAL PRESSURE-RETAINING SURFACES OF VALVE BODIES (CATEGORY D-M-2) Item B12.50 '- Valve Body , Scope of Examination - Multi-component concept is applicablei however, it is supplemented by the requirement that examinations are limited to one valve within a group of valves that are of the same functional design (globe, gate,e j check), manufacturing method, and that perform similar functions within the system. Examination Schedule - DISG e l Discussion - The examination of the internal surfaces of the valve bodies will be performed when the valves are disassembled for maintenance purposes per' Relief Request RR-03. O' 5.10 PRESSURE TESTING (CATEGORY B-P) l items B15.50 through B15.71 l See Section 8.1 O

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Page 54 of 77  : t 6.0 l El,18S 2 WELDS. BOLTING. AND COMPONENT EXAMINATIONS 6.1 PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS IN CLASS 2 PRESSURE VESSELS (CATEGORY C-A) item Cl.20 and C1.30 - Head Circumferential and T9Wt to Shell Welds Not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. There are no welds of this type utilized at-PBAPS.- ' Item C1.10 - Shell Circumferential Welds Scope of Examination - Examination of 100% of the weld length of shell circumferential welds at a gross structural discontinuity, such as a shell to flange weld. Multi-componerat concept is applicable, in that the-requirements may be limited to one vessel or distributed among vessels of-similar size, design, and service."The only Class 2 vessels that'are in scope for this examination category are the RHR Heat Exchangers. These Heat Exchangers qualify for the multi-component approach. - Examination Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID) 1 Discussion - The shell circumferential welds on the selected RHR Heat a Exchanger will be examined to the extent possible as described in Relief Request RR-08. There is a circumferential weld located approximately at the center of each RHR Heat Exchanger, however this weld is not a structural discontinuity. 6.2 PRESSURE-RETAINING NOZZLE WELDS IN VESSELS (CATEGORY C-B) l: Items C2.10 through C2.22 -' Nozzles Not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. Plant design does not utilize nozzles within ) these categories. O V i 1

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Items C2.31 and C2.32 - Nozzles Scope of Examination - All nozzles integrally welded or cast to vessels which ' l are connected to piping examined under Examination Category C-F.c 1 Examinations shall include nozzle to shell, reinforcing plate _ to nozzle, and reinforcing plate to vessel welds.. The' multi-component concept Isi applicable. ' q Discussion - The nozzle to shell welds are inaccessable for examination from j inside the vessel, therefore, the tell-tale hole in the reinforcing plate shall~ be examined for leakage during the system pressure test VT-2 examination. Examination Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID) h 6.3 INTEGRAL ATTACHMENTS TO VESSELS, PIP!NG AND PUMPS-(CATEGORY C-C) O item C3.40 - Valves a Not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. There are no integral attachments to Class 2 valves. PBAPS has adopted code case N-343 which limits the examinations of this category to integrally welded attachments that meet the following. requirements: (a) the attachment is on the outside surface of the pressure retalning

            . component;                                                                   -

(b) 'the attachment provides component support as defined in NP-1110 (c) the attachment base material design thickness is 3/4 in..or greater; and O u

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PBAPS 2 & 3. , 1S1 Program Page 56 of 77 ~1 (d) the attachment weld joins the attachment either directly to the-surface of the component or to an integrally cast or forged attachment to the component. , Items C3.10. C3.20 and C3.30 - Pressure Vessels.'Pininr. and Pumns .I 1 Scope of Examination - 100% of all integral attachments to vessels, piping and pumps. The multi-component concept may be applied to vesseb.- _ Examination Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID) 6.4 PRESSURE-RETAINING BOLTING GREATER THAN 2" DIAMETER (CATEGORY C-D) This category is not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. . Plant design does not utilize pressure retaining bolting greater than 2 inches in diameter. 6.5 . CLASS 2 PRESSURE-RETAINING PIPE WELDS (CATEGORY C-F) L ITEMS C5.10 through C5.32 - Pine Welds . The extent of piping welds to be examined will be determined by. the 74S75 Edition of Section XI (Reference Section 2.2.1). 'The 74S75 Edition:

                                                ' has two categories for pipe welds, C-F and C-G, however PB'APS has elected to categorize all Class 2 piping welds Category C-F. This is a more .                                                                 ,

conservative approach since Category C-F requires a larger percentage of { l welds to be examined than Category C-G. The weld selection basis is , provided in Section 3.5.1. The parts examined and the examination method is

                                                -determined by the 80W81. Edition of Section XI.

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e u Specift:ati:n M-733, Rev. 0 1 PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program

                                                                  -Page 57 of 77' Scope of Examinat'lon - Nonexempt pipe welds include all circumferential pipe welds and branch connection welds'(>4" NPS) located on nonexempt piping. For piping systems or portions'of systems, that consist of a single -

train; 25% of the nonexempt pipe welds shall be examined. Alllongitudinal pipe welds intersecting any of the selected circumferential welds shall also: be examined for a length of at least 2.5T. i.e. Total welds = 100 x 25% = 25 welds examined. I i For piping systems or portions of systems that consists of more t'han one train (multi-train); 25% of the total number of nonexempt welds in'all the trains divided by the number of trains, shall be examined. i.e. Train A welds = ' Train B welds =

                                         }i Total A & B       =-
                                      .104 + 2 = 52 x 2592.: 13. welds examined        1 Examination Schedule - Interval Distribution (ID)

In addition, all longitudinal pipe welds intersecting a selected circumferential pipe weld shall examined.' . Discussion -lf system modifications result in an increase in the weld population, a representative sampling criteria with considerations to ALARA access, geometry, etc. will be.used to select the required additional welds. 6.6 PRESSURE-RETAINING WELDS IN PUMPS AND VALVES (C_ ATEGORY C-G) 4 This category is not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. There are no pressure retalning welds in the Class 2 pumps or valves. 6.7 PRESSURE TESTING (CATEGORY C-H) See Section 8.2 l O

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l i Page 58 of 77 l_ 7.0 CLASS 3 COMPONENT EXAMINATIONS Pressure testing for Categories D-A, D-8, and D-C is discussed in Section 8.3. 4 7.1 CLASS 3 INTEGRAL A'ITA'CHMENTS (CATEGORIES D-A, D-B, AND D-C) f


The selection basis for this Examination Category is addressed in Section 9.0 Component Supports, Paragraph 9.3.3, since the examination scope consists of integral attachments corresponding to component supports that are selected to be examined under IWF of Section XI, per Note 3 of Tables . IWD-2500-1' Examination Category D-A. D-8, and D-C. l O i l O __. ,, , ..-,_c .. ,, , , ~ , .

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ISI Program q

                                                                  - Page 59 of 77 8.0 '  PRESSURE TESTING l

All pressure retaining componants within the ASME Classification boundarles j . are subject to periodic pressure testing in accordance with Section XI, l i IWA-5000. In addition, certain repairs, replacement, and modifications of '- ASME classified and associated components are subject to pressure testing prior to resumption of service. 8.1 - CLASS 1 PRES 8URE TEST PROGRAM - 8.1.1 = Pressure Test Reauirements (Table IWB-2500-l'Caterorv B-P) , I 1 Items B15.20 through B15.41 Not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. Items B15.20 through B15.31 pertain to a I P, R. PBAPS 2 & 3 does not utilize Class 1 Heat Exchangers applicable to items B15.40 and B15.41, items B15.10. B15.11. B15.50. B15.51. B15.80. B15.61. B15.70. and B15.71 Scope of Examination - All' external portions of piping, pumps, valves, and the reactor vessel (including nozzles and safe ends) should be eramined concurrent with a leakare test and/or hydrostatic test. , It should be noted that there are no exemptions applicable to the pressure test requirements of this examination category. However, alternative test methods are allowed as described in Section XI, Article IWB-5000. Exaniination Schedule 1 1. Refueling Outages (RO) . Examination concurrent with a leakage test.

2. End of Interval (EOI)- Examination concurrent with a hydrostatic test.


Specifisctlin l l M-733. R;v. 0 , PBAPS 2 & 3 1 ISI Program Page 60 of 77 O 8.1.2 Rystem Leakare Test i Class 1 components will be subjected to a system leakage test of IWB-5221  ; prior to startup, following each reactor refueling ortage at a test pressure not less than system nominal operating pressure (Reference Para,1.2.19) associated with 100 percent rated reactor power at the Reactor Vessel Top  ; Head Flange. The tests scheduled to be performed during the second 10-year . Interval are shown in Table 8.1-1. 8.1.4 System Hydrostatie Test Class 1 components will be subjected to a system hydrostatic tast at or near the end of the inspection interval. In accordance with Relief Request RR-04 - the test is performed at a test pressure approximately 30 ps! below the lowest relief valve setting at a test temperature between 185'F and 212'F.


The test scheduled to be performed during the second 10-year interval is 1 shown in Table 8.1-1. O Certain portions of Class I systems, by virtue of plant design, cannot adequately be hydrostatically tested with the balance of the Class 1 boundary. The Code requirements, however, may be satisfied by inclusion of < l these portions of piping into the Class 2 test boundary and hydrostatically testing at a higher (Class 2) test pressure. 1 O I

Speelfi ati:n i M 733, Pav. 0 i PBAPS 2 at '- ) ISI /rograra 4 i tage 61 of 77  : TABLE 8.1-1 CLA881 SYSTEM PRESSURE TESTS System hste  % System Hydrostatic Test l l Main Steam See Footnote (1) See Relief Request RR-04 i r' Main Recirculation See Footnote (1) See Relief Request RR-04 Feedwater See Footnote (1) See Relief Request RR-04 [ Residdal Heat Removal See Footnote (1) See Relief Request RR-04 > Reactor Water Cleanup See Footnote (1) See Relief Request RR-04 Reactor Core Isoistion See Footnote (1) See Relief Request RR-04 Cooling Core Spray See Footnote (1) See Relief Request RR-04 High Pressure Coolant See Footnote (1) See Relief Request RR-04 injection Standby Liquid Control See Footnote (1) See Relief Request RR-04 , Control Rod Drive ' See Footnote (1) See Relief Request RR-04 , Hydraulle System (2) 1O (1) Nominal Operating Pressure associated with 100% rated reactor power is 1005 pal t.; the Reactor Vessel Top Head Flange, as speelfled in the


l l (2) For purposes of this inservice inspection program, this system has been upgraded to Class 1, consistant with what was accomplished in the first ISI l interval. 8.2 CLASS 2 PRE 880RE TEST PROGRAM i 8.2.1 Pressure Tact Reautrements frable IWC-2500-1 Catemory C-lO ltems C7.10. C7.20. C7.30. C7.40. C7.50. C7.88. C7.70. and C7.80 Scope of Examination - All externkt portions of pressure vessels, piping, pumps, and valves shall be examined concurrent with both inservice or - functional tests and the hydrostatic test.

                        -- . - , , . - -                      _    _.     -                                  .   . _ - .               .. ~

l Specift:sti:n l M-733, R ,v. 0  : PBAPS 2 & 3 - ISI Program , Page 62 of 77  ; O Examination Schedule  ! t 1st Period (IP)- 100% examination of the systems concurrent with an 1. inservice or functional test.

2. 2nd Pei, lod (2P)- 100% examination of the systems concurrent with an inservice, functional, or hydrostatic test.
3. 3rd Period (3P) - 100% examination of the systems concurrent with an Inservice, functional, or hydrostatic test required at or near the end of I the inspection interval.

Note: An inservice or functional test is required each period. However, this requirement is walved in the period that the hydrostatic test is performed. A hydrostatic test must be performed at least once during the ten-year interval, either in the 2nd or 3rd period.. 8.2.2 System inservlee or Functional Test Class 2 components will be subjected to the system inservice or functional test requirements of IWC-5200. The tests scheduled to be performed during the second 10-year Interval are shown in Table 8.2-1.  ; For those Class 2 systems which normally operate, an Inservice test shall be performed while at normal operating pressure. For those Class 2 systems which do not normally operate, a functional test shall be performed at the pressure associated with the quarterly surveillance test. In all cases, only 5 the boundary under pressure shall be VT-2 examined. 7

l. ,

8.2.3 System Hydrostatic Test O

Speelfi ati:n l M-733, R';v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 63 of 77  ; i O- Class 2 components will be subject to the system hydrostatie test requirements of IWC-5222. The tests scheduled to be performed during the ' second 10-year Interval are shown in Table 8.2-1 l In accordance with IWC-5222 (c), open-ended portions of nonclosed systems extending to the first shutoff valve are exempted from the test requirements of IWC 5000. Examples of this exemption include suction lines from the torus, test lines, and minimum flow recirculation lines which discharge to the torus, containment spray lines, torus spray lines and turbine exhaust lines to i the torus. For these lines, demonstration of an open flow path will be . performed in lieu of pressure testing in accordance with IWC-5222 (d). TABLE 8.2-1 Cl.A88 2 SYSTEM PRE 88URE TESTS System '" System Hydrostatie Test (2)  ; Core Spray Cooling See Footnote (1) See IWC-5222 - High Pressure Coolant injection See Footnote (1) See IWC-5222 Reactor Core isolation Cooling See Footnote (1) See IWC-5222 Standby Liquid Control See Footnote (1) See IWC-5222 Residual Heat Removal See Footnote (1) See IWC-5222 (3) CRD Scram Discharge Volume See Footnote (1) See IWC-5222 Piping Main Steam See Footnote (1) See Relief Reque.,t RR-14 E9.lta (1) System inservice or functional tests will be performed in accordance with paragraph 8.2.2, with examination per IWA-5000. (2) System hydrostatic tests will be conducted once during the second or third inspection periods. ' (3) VT-2 examine weep holes in reinforcing plates on selected RHR Heat Exchanger noules per IWC-2500-1, Category C-B, item C2.32. O I r --n- , , .-. + .,c , -- ,- - --- +v

l gecuu usuun 1 M 733. R v. 0 ' PBAPS 2 & 3 I 131 Program Page 64 of 77 l 8.3 CLASS 3 PRESSURE TEST PROGRAM 8.3.1 Pressure Test Reautrements (Table IWD-2500-1: Catenorles D-A. D-B and DIG l Category D-A is not applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3 since there are no Class 3 systems in support of the reactor shutdown function. l Items D1.10. 2.10 and 3.10 l Scope of Examin:.tlon - All external portions of pressure vessels, piping, pumps, and valves shall be examined concurrent with both inservice or functional tests and the hydrostatic test. Time Frame l

1. 1st Period 1P)- 100% examination of the systems concurrent with an Inservice or functional t'est.
2. 2nd Period (2P)- 100% examination of the systems concurrent with an Inservice, functional, or hydrostatic test. ,
3. 3rd Period (3P)- 100% examination of the systems concurrent with an inservice, functional, or hydrostatic test required at or near the end of the inspection interval.

Note: An Inservice or functional test is required each period. However, this requirement is waived in the period that the hydrostatic test is performed. A hydrostatic test must be performed at least once during the ten year interval, either in the 2nd or 3rd period. 8.3.2 System inservice or Punctional Test O Class 3 components will be subjected to the syste'a inservice or funct!:,nal


Spe:lfi ati:n - r M-733, Rev. 0 l' PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program- l Page 65 of 77  ! C  : test requirements specified in IWD-5200. The tests seneduled to be I performed during the second 10-year interval is shown in Table 8.3-1. For those Class 3 systems which normally operate, an Inservice test shall be l performed while at normal operating pressure. For those Clan 3 systems j which do not normally operate, a functional test shall be performed at the l pressure associated with the qua*terly surveillance test. In all cases, only the boundary under pressure shall be VT-2 examined. 8.3.4 Brstem Hydrostatic Test Class 3 components will be subject to a system hydrostatic test per , IWD-5200. Testing will be conducted in accordance with IWD-5223. Buried components will be tested and examined in accordance with IWA-5244. The systems subject to testing and the tests scheduled to be performed during the. second 10-year interval are shown in Table 8.3-1. TABLE 8.3-1 CLASS 3 SYSTEM PRE 88URE TE8'!W System Inservloe System or Funettonal Test (1) System Hydrostatie Test Emergency Service Water Normal Operating Pressure 110% Normal Operating Pressure (2)(3) High Pressure Service Water Normal Operating Pressure 110% Normal Operating Pressure (2)(3) Emergency Cooling Water Normal Operating Pressure 110% Normal Operating Prestore(2)(3) ', Fuel Pool Cooling System Normal Operating Pressure Per IWD-5223(c)&(d) Main Steam Relief Va)"o Not Required See Relief Request Discharge Piping RR-17 Notes: (1) System inservice or functional test will be performed in periods in which the hydrostatic test is not performed. Sea Section 8.3.2. (2) See Relief Request RR-09. (3) IWD-5223(c), (d), and (e) are applied to portions of these systems.

     .         . _ . ~ .             . _ - - - _    -- .---.                         . .            -   .-
Speelfi:stirn M-733. R3v. 0 ,

PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program ' Page 66 of 77 , 9.0 CLASS 1. 2 AND 3 COMPONENT SUPPORTS EXCLUDING SNUBBER - ASSEMBLIES 9.1 GENERAL 4 The ISI program for component supports has been developed in accordance l with the requirements of Subsection IWF of the 1980 Edition of Section XI f with Addenda through Winter 1981. Details of the examination program for component supports, excluding snubber assemblies (Reference Para.1.2.29 and Figure 9.1-1), are identified in this section. All non-exempt component supports, wittiin the ASME classification boundaries, are listed in the ISI Program Tables and shown on the ISI isometric Drawings. This includes those non-exempt component supports containing snubbers, since portions of these supports are subject to the examination requirements of the ASME Section XIISI Program. Requests for relief from Section XI requirements are contained in Appendix A. l O l 9.2 EXEMPTIONS 4 The same exemptions applied to Class 1,2, and 3 pressure retalning components, as identified in Section 2.3, were applied to component supports. 9.3 EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS 9.3.1 Examination Caterorles l l ASME Section XI, Table IWF-2500-1 identifies three Examination Categories for component supports; F-A, F-B, and F-C. Each of these Categories , contain identical requirements (ie, parts examined, examination method,  ; frequency, etc.) and similar item Numbers. Category F-C differs slightly, from the other categories, in that it also addresses spring and snubber type

  .f                   supports. Because of these similarltles, this program groups all component supports into one category, noted as F-A, B C, item No. F0.00, on the ISI

Specifl=ti:n i . M-733, Rev. 0 PBAPS 2 k 3 i ISI Protram Page 67 of 77 i i , Tables. In lieu of categorization, this program identifies each applicable component support by functional type and identifies the examination j method (s) required for each.

 !     9.3.2 Esamination Methods                                                                       !
Component support examination requirements include the VT-3 and VT-4  ;

visual examination methods. The VT-3 method is appilcable to all component supports, while the VT-4 method is only applicable to spring type supports. 9.3.3 Class 3. Integral Attachments Applicable Class 3 Integral attachments to the pressure boundary require . VT-3 examination during 151. Although the examination of Class 3 Integral-attachments is actually an IWD requirement, this section of the ISI Program addresses the examination of integral attachments. Integral attachments are normally considered a part of the pressure-retalning component rather than the component support, but for Class 3 attachments, there are two logical reasons for including them in the IWF Section of the 181 Program. The first i reason is because the method of examination is the same as that for the support (le. VT-3); secondly, the integral attachments selected for examination are those associated with the supports selected for examination. t This is in accordance with Note 3 of Table IWD-2500-1, Examinaticn Category D-A, D-8, and D-C in Section XI. l l Note 3 states:

                                 ....The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b)."

l l l

l Spesificati::n -) l M-733. Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Propam i Page 68 of 77 I Therefore, the ISI Program Tables list all Integral attachments to non-exempt Class 3 components, while Indicating a VT-3 examination requirement for cnly those associated with component supports selected fer l examination. i 9.4 SELECTION BASIS 9.4.1 General l l Component supports, per IWF-1100, are considered to be "...those metal supports designed to transmit loads from the component and piping to the load carrying building or structure. This shall include the attachment portion of intervening element (s) to pressure-retalning components, ..." Component supports can also be referred to as anything that supports, hangs, restrains, l l or anchors pressure-retaining components such as, piping, valves, pumps, vessels, heat exchangers, etc.

                                                                        ,                             i The ISI Program Tables !!sts all component supports of Class 1,2, and 3                        ,

nonexempt pressure-retalning pipe and components at PBAPS 2 & 3. Those l that are required to be examined during the second 10-year interval include; all supports on single train systems or portions of systems, and all supports on one train of a multiple-train system or portion of system. l 9.4.2 Multi-Train Concept This Program incorporates the multi-component concept specified in Section XI. IWF-2510(b). This paragraph states l

                           "For multiple components within a system of similar                        +

design, function and service, the supports of only one of ' the multiple components are required to be examined" , in the above paragraph, ' components' are considered to be either piping, vessels, pumps, etc., as defined in IWA-2110(h) of Section XI. This Program

     .-                    .--          .      . _           ~_       .-       --                 -._._ --

oysen M-733 Rsv. 0 - PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 69 of 77 refers to a grouping of these items as trains, where a multiple train is more than one component, piping run, etc., of similar design, function, and servlee.  ! k Systems containing multiple trains are identified by an alpha suffix in the drawing number of the ASME Section XIISIisometric drawing, which depicts  ! that system. All non-exempt supports on a single train require examination , during 151, while the supports of only one train of a multiple train system require examination. For multiple trains, the train with the most supports shall be selected if alllines of a multiple train have the same number of supports, the train selection is random. f Single / Multiple-Train Rules The following rules are used to determine train multiplicity A multiple train is considered to be two or more runs of piping and associated components with a similar function and flow path l between identical components (vsssels, pumps, etc.). 1 Determination of the rumber of trains in a multi-train piping systems is based on tne entire system. If the system has four suctions and only two discharges the system would be considered , a two train system. Correr.ponding branch lines off each loop of a multiple train system are considered part of the parent train.- Corresponding branch lines off each loop of a multiple train system which combine into headers, lesser in number than the number of loops in the main system, are considered additional trains in that system, from the point where such headers begin. O

Speelfi:sti:n  ! M-733, Rev. 0 - PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program

Page 70 of 77 Exampie
4 corresponding branch lines, each extending from a separate loop of a 4 loop system, combining Into 2 headers, each supporting 2 of the branch lines, the headers are considered as additional trains in that syste m. t a
          -              Branch lines off only one loop of a multiple train system are considered as a single train branch.

Where multiple lines enter a common header, the header is , considered a single train. 9.5 EKAMINATION IMPLEMENTATION  ! All component support examinations and Class 3 Integral attachment examinations will be performed utilizing the Interval Distribution (ID) l method of implementation. i i i

                                                                                                                         - tpecit iration M-733 Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3                                     l ISI Program Page 71 of 77


           =       = =                                                               = =                                                                           =   ,.

SEE SECTION 10.0 OF THE 151 PROGRAM m suum umuumuu , o .- 1 >

                                --                      --                         l Ll       I
                                                                                                                                                   -        =

muul muun pumuss m FIGURE 9.1-1 O

Specif t:sticn - M-733, Rev. 0 , PBAPS 2 & 3  ! ISI Program Page 72 of 77 5 10.0 ISI PROGRAM TABLES The ISI Program Table 4 contained in this document, present an itemized listing of all nonexempt components which are subject to examination, (selected and non-selected) under the rules of ASME Section XI. Further, these tables identify which components have been selected for examination and provide general guidance for the scheduling of the subject examinations. Additionally, they provide reference to important pieces of information which apply to some of the listed components (i.e. relief requests, augmented requirements, etc.). ' 1 The content of the electronic data file which is used to create the ISI Program Tables is maintained by a speelfic revision control mechanism. The ISI Program Tables are presented in two, slightly different formats, as follows: O The first format contains the tables for the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) exclusively. These tables are sorted alpha-numerically by Code Category, Code item Number, and Examination Area ID N7mber. l The second format is used for all remaining ISI Program Tables. These tables are sorted by system and (referenc3) drawiny number, whereby all components (i.e., welds, bolting, equipment and component supports) which are depleted on a specific drawing are grouped and listed for that drawing, within the system. l Finally, in addition to the IS! Program Tables, Augmented Program Tables j are contained in this document. Augmented requirements have been addressed in the augmented inspection programs of Appendix B. These tables provide an alpha numeric listing of components subject to specific augmented programs and provide additional information necessary to define the applicable program. O i

SpeelfIratII:n ' M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program  ! Page 73 of 77 l l l l 10.1 ISI PROGRAM TABLE FIELDS DESCRIPTION l The ISI Program Tables for PBAPS 2 & 3 are located in the tables section of this document. A sample table (Figure 10.1-1) and a brief description of ! each data field are given below. Figure 10.1-1. Sample Table i mitRV WP i Pt00s a 15, MI ( D 9Y 10t IRVAL s  ; o, o. ; p, D .. , o, n (At t a AnsiseAT10se ( R AMise Afl081 151 til RICORD as siegt, iisgle pita nose u H estig at ulnt tetti R 16

            ,              .,                  .,          m        o.,            .,        ,,,        n .,      o,,         o ,,   n>>

SYlflM: n) CLAll: 01 DRAWiesG' 0, (1) System - The system name (2) Class - The ASME Section XI Code class. k (3) Drawing - ASME Section XI isometric or other drawing on which the component is depleted. (4) Section XI Exam CAT and item No. - The specific Code Examination

                                          ~ legory and applicable item Number assigned to the component. A plus sign (+) next to the Exam. Cat., Indicates augmented requirements l                                          are applicable to this component.

(5) Examination Area Identification Number - The unique Alpha-Numeric or descriptive identifier for the component or portion thereof to be exan41ned. (6) - Examination Area Description - Description of the component identified. O

Speelfi:sti n M-733, R;v. O j i PBAPS 2 & 3 ' ISI Program Page 74 of 77 j O (7) ISI Examination Method - Method of NDE that is required to be ) performed on the component. , Where: j MT = Magnette Particle Examination PT = Liquid Penetrant Examination UT = Ultrasonic Examination RT* = Radiograph Examination l l VT 1 = Visual Examinetton - 1 i VT 2 = Visual Examination - 2 VT 3 = Visual Examination - 3 ,

                    *Since UT is the preferred method of volumetric examination, it will-l                    normally be specified, however, RT may be performed in lieu of UT.

(7a) Drawint Number - the identification' number of the drawing which depicts the speelfic examination area. NOTE: Applicable only to the RPV ISI Tables. (8) ISI Selected - This column speelfles whether or not (Yes or No) the component is selected for ISI examination in the first interval. (9) ' Ecbedullnr Reautrements - This column will Indicate the schedule for - the required examination. This scheduling is explained in detall in Section 3.5.4. The abbreviations used in the ISI Tables are shown l below: IP - Examim during 1st Period 2P - Examine during 2nd Period 3P - Examine during 3rd Period - IP,3P - Examine 25% to 50% during the 1st period and the remainder by the end of the third period.

 /*,                      ID-            - Interval Distribution EOI            - Examine by End of interval t


                                                                            -r..      y   -,-e    e-y

i cp :citicatitn l M-733 R0v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Page 75 of 77 RO - Examine during the first Refueling Outage and during subsequent refueling outages at approximately 3 year Intervals. DISS - Examine when disassembled DISG - Examine only one component within a multi-component group when and if disassembly is required for maintenance. I (10) ISI Rellef Reauest - The identification number of any applicable relief requests. (11) Aurmented Prorram - This cruumn identifies whleh Augmented Propam(s) apply to that component. All Augmented Programs are detailed in Appendix B. An example of the augmented program designations follows: i 1 = Augmented Inspection Program-1: NRC Generic Letter 88-01 2 = Augmented Inspection Propam NUREG 0619 3 = Augmented inspection Program i.E. Bulletin 80-13 4 = Augmented Inspection Program 1.E. Bulletin 80-07, NUREG/CR-3052 Etc. l (12) ISI Notes - Any additional pertinent information is provided in this space. If the component quallfles for the multi-component concept described in Section, the speelfic multi-group will be speelfled in this column. 1 i (13) Record Status & Date - An entry in this column indicates that some l information, associated with the line item record, has been revised, or l the line item record has been added or deleted. .  ! l O  ; i

Speelfintl*n ' r M-733, Rcv. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program  : Page 76 of 77 > 10.2 AUGMENTED PROGRAMS TABLE FIELDS DESCRIPTION , The Augmented Program Tables are also contained in the tables section of this document. A generic sample table (Figure 10.2-1) along with a brief description of each data field are given below. Note however, that all fields may not apply to all Augmented Program Tables. Figure 10.2-1, Sample Table - Augmented Programs Prwned MM DONY Pi ACH DOTTOM A70Mit Powlt if AflOle . St8t4 3 & COMM0es te9e 0000 ' AUG.1X. AufeMtWT10 peoetAM Tfftt it) A Ill AUG AUG.R k I IGlCC (EA STATU gaa.n esmo nA_u tmLM QaLw*UUntEl f1dmD ts994. JA J RWE19 MLIN.99 Wife LEW1MG AuG en hotti 0: m tai m te, m sei m ties till Ital itsi 8 AUG R REP 0af AUGMINTfD 4AM TITLt (1) AUG-XX. Augmented Prorram Title - Indicates the number and program title that applies to the listed components (2) Examination Area ID Number - The unique alpha-numeric descriptive identifier for the component, or portion thereof, to be examined. (3) .Qings - The ASME Section XI Code Class, as applicable. I (4) System - The system name within which the component is located. (5) Drawing Reference - The isometric drawing or figure number on which the component is depleted. (6) ISI Selected - This column speelfles whether or not (Yes or No) the , component is selected for ISI examination in the first inspection interval. O

_ _ - _ .. __ _ ~ _ . . ._ _ ___ _ specit t:ctirn M-733 R:v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 IS! Program { Page 77 of 77 (7) AUG Prorrams -identifies all augmented programs applicable to an  ! Individual component. . (8) AUG-XX Selected - For a given augmented program XX, this colu'nn specifies whether or not (Yes or No) the component is selected for  ; augmented examination, t

;-           (9)      AUG-XX Exam Method - For a given augmented program XX, this column speelfles the NDE method and/or test that is required to be                         j performed per the augmented inspection program.

(10) 10 SCC Caterorv - The IGSCC category designator (A through F) assigned to the component as defined in NRC Generic Letter 88-01. (11) AUG-XX Exam Freauenev - For a given augmented program XX, this column speelfles the frequency which the examination / testing is required to be performed. (12) AUG-XX Notes - For a given augmented program XX, any additional pertinent information is provided in this space. (13) Record Status & Date - An entry in this column Indicates that some Information, associated with the line item record, has been revised, or the line item record has been added or deleted. (14) AUG-XX Reoorti Aurmented Prorram Title - The applicable augmented program number and title appear at the bottom of each page. O l t i

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Spe:lficatten  ! M-733, Rcv. O t PBAPS 2 & 3 , ISI Program l Appendix A j Page 1 of1  ; APPENDIX A - TABLE OF CONTEN'Ill


i Relief Reauest No. Examination Caterory R R-01 D-A Pressure Retalning Welds in Reactor Vessel


RR-02 B-L-2 Pump Casings RR-03 B-M-2 Valve Bodies RR-04 B-P Pressure Rataining Components RR-05 B-J Pressure Retalning Welds in Piping , RR-06 B-K-1 Integral Attachments for Piping, Pumps and i l Valves i RR-07 C-F Pressure Retalning Welds in Piping l RR-08 C-A Pressure Retalning Welds in Pressure i Vessels RR-09 D-B Systems in Support of Emergency Core Cooling, Containment Heat Removal, O Atmosphere Cleanup, and Reactor Residual Heat Removal [ RR-10 F-C Component Standard Supports . , RR-11 ISI Class 2 Piping and Components Beyond the Last Shutoff Valve in Open-Ended > Portions of Systems RR-12 ISI Class 3 Piping and Components Beyond the Last Shutoff Valve in Open-Ended

Portions of Systems RR-13 B-D Full Penetration Welds of Nozzles in Vessels (Inspection Program B) .

R R-14 ASME Code Case (s) Authorization Request -i RR-15 C-C Integral Attachments for Vessels, Piping, ' Pumps, and Valves RR-16 C-H Pressure Retalning Components in Pressure Yessels, Piping, Pumps and Valves RR-17 D- A, D-B, Class 3 Pressure Retalning Components D-C O i I

bpecittsti:n M-733, R;v. 0 - PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A-1 Page 1 of 3 ' RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-01 4


181 Class 1 pressure retalning circumferential and longitudinal shell welds in the reactor pressure vessel, Code Examination Category B-A, item Numbers B1.11, and B1.12 respectively.

11. CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda, Code Category B-A requires a volumetric examination of essentially 100% of the weld length of one (1) circumferential and one (1) longitudinal shell weld in the reactor

! pressure vessel beltline region during the second inservice inspection Interval. Relief is requested from complete examination (i.e.100% of the length) of the reactor pressure vessel weld (s) listed in Table RR-01-1. III. BASIS FOR RELIEF Examination of the subject welds to the current governing Code requirements is impractical due to plant design. The annulus beiween the insui&tlen and the reactor pressure vessel outside surface is nominally four (4) inches, and has been measured to be - significantly less in some areas. This limited space precludes access for complete volumetric examination of the welds. Also, reactor pressure vessel l nozzles and other appurtenances in the area of the welds further limit  ; examination coverage.

Specificati:n M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A-1 Page 2 of 3 l RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-01 (CONTD.)  ; i Limited areas of Individual reactor pressure vessel welds are accessible from

                                      " windows" in the biological shield wall. These designed " windows" provide the PBAPS 2 & 3 reactor pressure vessels with adequate access to meet the I

requirar..ents of the 1974 Edition Summer 1976 Addenda of the Code and  ; b.dVe been successfully examined a5 such during the flFst inservice inspection  ; interval (i.e.,5 and 10 percent of the weld lengths). Examination coverage beyond this is a function of actual annulus clearances and state of the art equipment optimization.

Table RR-01-1 Indicates the maximum extent of possible examination for the subject welds.

IV. ALTERN ATE PROVISIONS - For shell circumferntial/ longitudinal welh, examination of a portion of another circumferential/ longitudinal weld in the belt line region is planned in order to accomplish the equivalent of 100% of the length of one weld. , All pressure retalning reactor pressure vessel welds are subject to the visual examination requirements of Code Examination Category B-P during system leakage testing each refueling outage and system hydrostatic testing each inspection interval. These tests in addition to the limited volumetric examination coverage provide adequate assurance of structural Integrity. O

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t'pecift:atl*n M-733. Rev. 0 ' PBAPS 2 & 3 > 181 Program ' Appendix A-1 Page 3 of 3 1 (. RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-01 (CONTD.) t { , t TAYLE RR-01-1  ; l COMPONENT LIMITING EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION CONFIGU R ATION CONDITj,QE COVERAGE 1,  ; V2A RPV Shell Limited access due to vessel 88 % (Unit 3) Longitudinal Weld mirror insulation / scan path limited due to convection stops. E I O

1. Approximate % complete based on Code required examination volume.

opecuir.ti:n M-733 Rev. 0 i PBAPS 2 & 3 l ISI Program Appendix A-2 Page 1 of 2 I RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-02 l


l Reactor Recirculation Pumps,2 Apoe and 2BP34,(Unit 82) and 3AP34 and j 3BP34 (Unit #3), Code Examination Category B-L-2, item Number B12.20. 1 These Class 1 pumps function during normal reactor operation to provide i forced recirculation of reactor coolant through the reactor core.

11. CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda Code Category B-L-2 requires a VT-3 visual examination of the internal surfaces of at least one (1) of the two (2) Reactor Recirculation pump casings during the second inservice inspection interval. .

Relief is requested from performance of the Code required visual examination of the pump casing Internal surfaces due to impracticality of Code requirements at PBAPS.

      !!!. BASIS FOR RELIEF in the absence of any other required maintenance on either of the Reactor i              Recirculation pumps, the hardships associated with pump disassembly, solely l              for the purpose of visual inspection of the internal surfaces, far exceed any safety benefits resulting from such an inspection.                                                   -

The disassembly of a reactor recirculation pump at PBAPS constitutes a maintenance job of major proportions, consuming an estimated 10,000 plus - manhours and a cumulative dose of between 100 and 500 man-rem. O ,

                                         ,.                -     -nu        ,     _... . . . - . . . . . . . _ _,a

Spe:lfi:stitn M-733. Rev. 0

                                                                        - PBAPS 2 & 3 181 Progr:m Appendix A-2                l Page 2 of 2 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-02 (CONTD.)

Plant experience with the pump casing materialin this application is favorable. The additional assurance of structuralIntegrity afforded by visual examination is far outweighed by the cost and potential hazards presented to ! facilitate the Inspection. IV. ALTERN ATE PROVISIONS i V7-3 visual examinations will be performed on the internal surfaces of one ] (1) reactor recirculation pump should the required inspection area of either pump become accessible as a result of disassembly of the pump for other purposes. In addition, periodic performance tests are conducted which , pumping capability and indication of tlie condition of pump Internal , clearances. Finally, Code required visual examinations of the pump pressure boundary during system pressure testing provide added nasurance of structural integrity, t f r l v a A

               ~     .        -     _      _ _ _                                _ _ _ . . .    ._.

Speelfleatirn M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A-3 Page 1 of 2 l RELfEF REQUPAT NO. RR-03 l l

1. [pENTIFIC ATION ,OP COMPONENTS j ISI Class 1 valve bodies exceeding four (4) inches nominal pipe size, Code  !

Examination Category B-M-2, item Number B12.60, i l 11. f&QF REQUIREVENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF 18 REQUESTED ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addet S  % C egory B-M-2 , requires a VT-3 visual examination of the Internal sunket J one (1) valve within each group of valves that are of the same constructional design, j manufacturing method and that perform similar functions in the system, once during the second inservice inspection Interval, t Relief is requested from performance of the Code required visual l examination of the valve body internal surfaces due to impracticality of Code requirements at PBAPS. 111. BMlEPOR RELIEF 1 1 The requirement to disassemble ISI Class 1 valves solely for the purpose of r performing a visual examination of the Internal surfaces of the valve body is l l Impractical. The hardships and potential hazards associated with

disassembly far outweigh any foreseeable increase in plant safety resulting l from the examination.

Many of the subject valves are non-isolatable from the reactor pressure vessel and would require off loading of fuel and draining the reactor pressure vessel prior to disassembly for examination. Personnel exposure to perform disassembly of the valves is also a major consideration.

Spectritatlin M-733, R0v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program  : Appendix A-3 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-03 (CONTD.) , in addition, Industry experience with both cast and forged valve bodies in this

;                                            application has been favorble.

IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS . When a valve within a particular valve grouping is disassembled for routine maintenance, a VT-3 visual examination will be performed of the accessible internal surfaces of the valve body to meet the Code requirement for that grouping. Valves in groupings where no maintenance has been done are still subject to VT-2 visual examination during routine system pressure tests. These tests provide added assurance of pressure boundary structuralintegrity. I o . O

  -      ,     . , . _ . . ~          ,                    -

Speelfi:sti:n M-733 Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A-4 ) Page 1 of 2 O RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-04

 !. LDENTIFICATION OF COMPONENTS AllISI Class 1 pressure retalning components, Code examination Category B-P, item Numbers B15.11, B15.51, B15.61 and B15.71.

11. CODE REQUIREMENTS PROM WHICli RELIEF 1S REQUESTfa . ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda, Code Category B-P requires that a system hydrostatic test of the pressure retalning components within the system boundary be performed once per Inservice inspection Interval, in accordance with the applicable system pressure test requirements of IWB-5000. Relief la requested from meeting the hydrostatic test pressure as required by Table IWB 5220-1, " Test Pressure", (i.e.,1082 psig at 212'F). i Ill. BASIS FOR RELIEF i PBAPS Plant Technical Specifications require primary containment integrity be maintained whenever the reactor water temperature is above 212 degrees < Fahrenheit and fuel !s in the vessel. Primary containment integrity requires the drywell to be intact and all automatic primary containment isolation t valves to be operabh or deactivated in the isolated position. However, to facilitate visual int pection of the reactor pressure vessel head flange and. head spray nozzle areas, the drywell head must be removed. Therefore, a complete Code hydrostatic test cannot be performed at reactor water j temperatures above 212 degrees Fahrenhelt; l l l O

Speelficatign s M-733, Rev.:0. PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program: Appendix A-4 Page 2 of 2 O RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-04 (CONTD.). t Per Table IWB-5220-1, a test temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit  ; corresponds to a test pressure of 1082 psig. PBAPS would like to conduct the


hydrostatic test with all relief valves in place and perform the hydrostatic test at a pressure 30 psig below the lowest relief valve setting. (This setting is determined at the time of the hydrostatic test based on the most current , relief valve bench test data.) Gagging and/or removal of the four (4) lowest set relief valves is costly in both critical path time and personnel exposure and is impractical for a relatively small increase in pressure to meet Code - , requirements. (1082 psig vs.' 1075111 psig) t IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS Code Category B-P hydrostatic testing will be performed at a test temperature of below 212 degrees Fahrenheit and above 185 degrees Fahrenheit (185 degrees Fahrenheit is the minimum vessel temperature allowed by plant Technical Specifications at 1075 psig reactor pressure at

relief valve elevation) and at a test pressure approximately 30 psig below the lowest verifiable relief valve set point, nominally 1075 i 11 psig (assuming _

baach test data of 1105 psig for the lowest relief valve setting). 1 1 v , l 4

Speelficatign ' M-733, Rev. O. , PBAPS 2 & 3  ; ISI Program ~ i Appendix A-5 r Page 1 of5 '. RELIEF REQUEST NO.' RR 1


ISI Class 1 pressure retaining welds in piping including circumferential and-longitudinal welds, branch' pipe connection. welds'and socket welds, Code 1 Examination Category B-J, item Numbers B9.10 through B9.40 inclusive. .

11. CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED ASME Sectiv' XI 1980 Edition. Winter 1981' Addenda, Code' Category B-J requires a volumetric and/or surface examination of easentially 100% of the- -

weld length of all selected circumferential, and longitudinal welds, branch - pipe connection welds and socket welds during the second inservice ins;ection interval. O . . Relief is requested from perfortrance of a complete examination of the Code-required area / volume of the wr;d due to limited accessibility as a result of ' plant design, component configuration'and/or metallurgical or environmc.. 21 restraints. ' III. BASIS FOR RELIEF - ll 4 The affected welds are individually detailed in Table RR-05-1 for PBAPS.

              ' Unit #2 and in Table RR-05-2 for PBAPS Unit,#3.


The examination coverage indicated is the maximum practical without undue -

hardship to PBAPS. Increased examination coverage is not possible'without i


costly plant redesign / modification and/or excessive personnel exposure.. l-l


                                                                            - M-733. Rev. 0 -                      ,
                                                                            - PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program                         .

Appendix A-5  ! RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-05 (CONTD.)' Partial exam'inations and examinatiot, af other simil'ar selected welds in the

                                                                                                               -i system provide reasonable assurance of weld structural integrity, in addition, the affected welds are subject to Code Examination Category B-P requirements and are visually examined during system pressure testing.
                   ~ througholit the interval.                                                                    ,

t IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS - L For circumferential welds where examination is completely impractical.- (examination 0% complete), an additional Code Category b-J weld will be selected for examination. l. i i i

                                                                                                              '3 i

s l 'O l ,

                                                                                  ' Sp;cificatlan
M-733, Rsv.' 0 PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program .


                  ' AREA               SYSTEM /.                 LIMITING               EXAMINATION .          .i' IDENTIFICATION CONFIGURATION                           CONDITION '             % COMPLE.T.E 1 1-B-7         Main Steam /           Access limited due to                86 %             q Tee-Pipe               pipe support =

components within the z , examination area s 1-B-7LD Main Steam / . Access limited due to .0%  ! i < Lonb Wel tudinal Seam - pipe support within the' components I examination area 1 1-B-8 Main Steam /. One-sided examination - 70 % Pipe-Cap due to material and/or des configuration - L wit physical plant obstructions on remaining side 1-B-8LU - Main Steam /' Access limited due to 0% Longitudinal Seam pipe support . .' O 1-B-15 Weld - Main Steam / - components within the : examination area One-sided examination'- 0% Pipe-Valve due to material and/or-design conf ration with physic plant obstructions on ' remaining side < 1-B-15LU Main Steam / Access limited due to 67% Longitudinal Seam pipe support Weld . components within the examination area . 1-C-15LU Main Steam / Access limited due to 75 % Longitudinal Seam ; pipe support Weld components within the examination area l 1-D-9 Main Steam / Access limited due to 50% Pipe-Elbow pipe support components within the examination area-1-D-9LU Main Steam / Access limited due to - 0%- Longitudinal Seam pipe support-Weld components within the examination area 1.: Approximate % complete based on Code required examination volume / area. O  ;

                                                                        , J.L -> - .                   '! . - , . ,

y 1 Specificatitn - ;l M-733, Rev. 0.- PBAPS 2 & 3 - ISI Program , Appendix A-5' , Page 4 of 5 1

        +O                                             RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-05 (CONTD.) -

i i TABLE RR-05-1 l UNIT #2 EXAMINATION- -. AREA ~ SYSTEM / LIMITING EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION CONFIGURATION CONDITION  % COMPLETE 1 1-D-12 Main Steam / One-sided examination 0% Pipe-Valve .due to meterial and/or ' design configuration , with physical plant ; obstructions on

                                                                            .' remaining side-                                     ^,

o 10-IA-2 Residual Heat - Examination . . 0% { Removal / links.cucal due to' Valve-Penetration component connguration 7 O  !

1.  ; Approximate % complete based on Code required examination volume / area.


                                          ,                            l-                                              - . + - . .

Spdificatien i M-733, Rsv. 0 - )

                                                                                             - PBAPS 2 & 3
                                                                                         '     ISI Program                               ;
Appendix A-5:

L . Page 5 of 5 (' RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-05 (CONTD.) . TABLE RR-05-2 UNIT #3 ,. EXAMINATION . AREA SYSTEM / LIMITING EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION CONF:GURATION CONDITION ;  % COMPLETE 1 , 1-A-7LD Main Steam / Access limited due to 67% - L[ Longitudinal Seam pipe support . i Weld . components within the

                                                             . examination area 1-B-7       Main F, team /               One-sided examination                      85 %                          '

Tee Pipe - due to material and/or design configuration-

                                                             .with physical plant .
                                                            . obstructions on                                                           ,

remaining side- t 1-B-7LD Main Steam / - Access limited due to. 25% Longitudinal Seam . ' pipe support . , Weld . components within the , examination area ~ 10-IA-14 A Residual Heat Examination' .

                                ' Removal / -                 impractical due to Valve-Penetration . component                                                                          :

configuration. 10-IB-14B Residual Heat Examination ~ 0% Removal / Impractical due to Valve-Penetration component - configuration - g l. L l l l 1. Approximate % complete based on Code required examination volume / area. - 1 l 9 1

                            ,                    _ . . _ ..                                        __ _   . . . . . _ , , _ .. - _ _ b

Specificaticn .

                                                                              . M-733, Rov. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program l                                                                               Appendix A-6                                                    i Page 1 of 5                                                    i
 .Q                                                                                                                                           !



IS! Class 1 integral attachments for piping and pumps, Code Examination Category B-K-1, item Numbers B10.10 and B10.20. y i

                                                     ,                                                                                      1
                 ' ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda, Code Category B-K-1 requires a volumetric or surface examination of essentially 100% of the weld l                   length of integrally welded attachments to piping and pumps during the second inservice inspection'intersal.

Relief is requested from performance of a complete examination of the Code required area / volume of the weld due to limited accessibill.ty resulting from - d

plant design, component configuration, and/or metallurgical or i environmental restraints, j

III. BASIS FOR RELIEF The affected welds are individually detailed in Table RR-06-01'and RR-06-02. Table RR-06-01 lists those integrally welded attachments where examination-is partially / completely obstructed due to plant design, i.e. access for - complete examination is obstructed by other essential plant components (whip restraints, containment penetration, other support components such as lugs...). These welds are examined to the' maximum extent practical. Increased examination coverage is not possible without costly plant redesign / modification. v, m-. . , .r.

                                                                                     - Specifle".tirn                                    ,

M-733, Rev. O. , PBAPS 2 & 3 a' ISI Program -

                                                                                     . Appendix A-6                                       3 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-06 (CONTD.)

Table RR-06-02 lists those integrally welded attachments (plpe lugs) where I complets examination is not practical due to the support pipe clamp. Complete examination is possible only upon removal of the clamp. Removal of the clamp involves engineering analysis and rigging / temporary support of systems'important to plant safety, in: order to gain a small percentage of increased examination coverage.u Examination of accessible portions of the attachment weld provide assurance of structural integrity without unnecessary hardship. l

              .IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS                                         +

L No alternate provisions.are practical for the components listed in Table RR-06-01. . l For those pipe support lugs listed in Table 3R-06-02, examinatio'n of the , obstructed weld locations will be performed should the pipe clamp be , removed for maintenance or other reasons. l I f-  ! f

                                        ,.-n-.              ,     s          -         .             . n ..    ..a.+     .. . . - - .


Spielficatlan M-733, Rev. O PBAPS S & 3 ISI Program
Appendix A-6 +

Page 3 of 5


l TABLE RR-06-01 PBAPS UNITS #2/#3 EXAMINATION AREA ' EXAMINATION % - IDENTIFICATION UNIT COMPLETE 1 L I G A1 (IA) 2' 0% GB1 (I A) . 2- 0% GC1 (IA) 2 0% t I GDI (IA) 2 '0% 10DCN-H156 (IA) 2 80%. G A1 (IA) 3 0%' l GB1 (IA) 3. 0% GC1 (IA) '3 0%' f~ GD1 (IA) 3 0% l l i , l l 4 F O 1. Approximate % complete based on Code required examination area.  ;

lM-733, Rsv. 0 -; PBAPS 2 & 3 -; ISI Program  : Appendix A-6 Page 4 of 5 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR iO6 (CONTD.) i l-- L TABLE RR-06-02 PBAPS UNITS #2/#3 ' L-EXAMINATION AREA EXAMINATION % IDENTIFICATION UNIT COMPLETE 1 HA1 (I A) - 2 80 % y HB3 (IA) 2 80.% HC3 (IA) 2- 80 % HD1 (IA) 2< ' 80% H1 A. (IA) 2 80 % H1B (IA) .2--

                                                                                     . 8 0 %' -

H9B (IA) .2 80 % 1 EDD-H57 (IA) 2 80 % a 1 6DD-H58 (IA) . 80% - lA l- V 12DCN-H152 (IA) 2 2 60 % 12DCN-H149 (IA) 2 80 % 14DCN-H74 (IA) 2 80 % 14DCN-H77 '(IA) 2' 80% - 14DCN-H73 (IA) L2 03% , l 14DCN-H78 (IA) 2 80 % ' 23DBN-H51 (IA) 2' 80 % l: 1 HA1 (IA) 3. :80% L HB3 (IA) 3 80% - d HC3 (IA) 3- 80 % j l HD1 (IA) -3 80 % l 6DDNL-H18 (IA) - 3 80%- 6DDNL-H44 (IA) 3 -80%

1. Approximate % complete based on Code required examination area.

Shecification M-733, Rsv. 0 -- PBAPS 2 & 3: ISI Program Appendix A-6 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-06 (CONTD.)- TABLE RR-06 l PBAPS UNITS #2/#3. l EXAMINAT!ON AREA- EXAMINATION % IDENTIFICATION U NIT . .QOMPLETE1 6DDNL-H24 (IA) 3 80 % 6DDNL-H25 (IA) 3 80% '

                        ' 6DDNL-H26 (IA)               3                       ' 80%

6DD-H58 (IA) 3: 80 % 6DDNL-H6 (IA) 3 80%= 6DDNL-H27 (IA); 3 80% -' 6DDNL-H28 (IA) 3 80 % - 6DD-H57 (IA) 3 80 %

                        - 12DCN-H152 (IA)              3                           60%

0- 12DCN-H149 (IA) 3 - 80% 14DCN-H74 (IA) 3 80% - 14DCN-H77 (IA) 3' 80%. 14DCN-H73 (IA) 3 80 % 14DCN-H78 (IA) 3 ~ 80% 23DBN-H51 (I A) 3 80 % a g 1. Approximate % complete based on Code required examination area. 1 j n ~ - - -


                                                                        - Spscification ?

0 M-733, Rev. 0 -- PBAPS 2 & 3 - l ISI Program- 1

                                                                        ~ Appendix A;7                    .,l Page 1 of 3                    -l L/                                                                                                         :l RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-07                                                      )
                                                                      .                                        l

ISI Class 2, pressure retaining we' ids in piping includ!ng circumferential and : longitudinal welds and branch pipe connection welds, Code Examination: I Category C-F, item Numbers C5.10. through C5.32 inclusive.-

11. - . CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED - r ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda, Code Category C-F, _

requires a volumetric and/or su. tace examination 'of 100% of each selected , .. circu'mferential, longitudinal and branch pipe connection' weld during the [ second inspection interval. O D Relief is requested from performance of a' complete examination of the Code -  ; required area / volume of the weld due to access limitations inherent to plant - l design. l 111. BASIS FOR RELIEF l The affected welds are individually detailed in Table RR-07-01. The l-examination coverage indicated is.the maximum practical amount without undue hardship to PBAPS. -Increased examination coverage is not possible i without costly plant redesign /m'odification and/or excessive personnel  ; exposure. 6 1 O 1 l x .. .. - .. -- .'


                                                                   .       m
                                                                   . Specification           --    i M-733, Rsv; O PBAPS 2 '. 3 .

ISI Program Appendix A-7 , RELIEF REQUEST'NO.' RR-07 (CONTD.).' a k Partial examinations and examination of other similar selected ' welds within - the system provide reasonable assurance of weld structural integrity.~ In

           . addition, the affected welds are subject to Code E camination Category.C-H           :

requirements and are visually examined during sys.em pressure testing - ' throughout the interval. IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS ' No alternate provisions are practical for these examinations. O , 1 e i r I i 40 m

Sp;cificaticn M-733 Rev. 0 - PBAPS 2 & 3. ISI Program . .; ,- ' ppendix A-7 I Page 3 of 3 0 RELIEF REQUEST NO.' RR-07 (CONTD.) l l l ( -. TABLE RR-07 .' U NIT # 2 ' l EXAMINATION ' AREA SYSTEM. LIMITING - EXAMINATION - IDENTIFICATION CONFIGU R ATION CONDITION  % COMPLETE 1' 10-2HS6-13 Residual F. eat - Access for examination is- 70 % i Removal / - limited due to component ' Reducer-Valve ' configuration - l l I j l l l l-I. l O

                                  . - . . .               . _ .--.                                               ,- .     - ~ . - . , , .
                                                                    - Specificati:n M-733, Rev. 0                                   .

PBAPS 2 & 3 1 ISI Program:

                                                                    ' Appendix A-8                                   i Page 1 of 2 -


1. IDENTIFICATION OF COMPONENTS ISI Class 2, pressure retalning shell circumferential welds in the Residual' Heat Removal (RHR) Heat Exchanger, Code Examination Category C-A, . ,

item Number C1.10. The RHR Heat Exchangers provide heat removal -  ! capacity in support of various operating modes of the RHR system during normal and emergency conditions. - II. CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda, Code Category C-A requires volumetric examination of essentially 100% of the weld length of g shell circumferential welds at gross structural discontinulties on one (1) RHR h Heat Exchanger or the equivalent of one (1) RHR Heat Exchanger distributed.


among all heat exchangers. The welds selected initially for examination shall . be reexamined during the second inservice inspection intervali Relief is requested from complete examination of the uppershell to' flange

circumferential weld, (10-2HXA-01, Units #2/#3) due to component design configuration.
     !!!. BASIS FOR RELIEF The subject RHR Heat. Exchanger uppershell to flange weld can only be examined (1) side of the weld due to component configuration (i.e.
          . the flange). In addition, access for a one-sided examination is limited due to weld crown configuration. Fifteen.(15) percent of the required examination i          volume is inaccessible for examination due to the above conditions.                                      !


              +            .             .          - . .         .

Speciflextisn : M-733 R$v. 0- .i PBAPb 2 & 3  ! ISI Program l

                                                                        ' Appendix A                                                                           Page 2 of 2 l


- Partial examination of the subject weld coupled with complete examinatlhn1 l- of the remaining one (1) required shell weld on the heat exchanger provide .

adequate asses', ment of heat exchanger structural' integrity. Also, all welds -

              ' including ineccessible we.d' locations ~ are subject to VT-2 visual examination during rou'.ine system pressure tests.                <

i IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS i Alternate examination provisions are not practical for this examination. E( I i i O ,


                                                                                . M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A                                                                                   Page 1 of 3:



l l ISI Class 3 pressure retaining components in the High Pressure Service Water l (HPSW) System, the Emergency Service Water (ESW) System, and the-( Emergency Cooling System. Code Examination Category D-8, item I Number D2.10. l i The HPSW System is designed to provide a reliable supply of cooling water for the Residual Heat Removal System under post-accident conditions, and for shut down cooling. The ESW System la designed to provide a reliable supply of cooling water to the diesel engine coolers and selected equipment coolers and compartment air coolers during a loss of off-site power. The Emergency Cooling System is designed to provide an adequate on-site heat sink to be used in conjunction with HPSW to support the RHR System during reactor shutdown, and with ESW to provide cooling for the reactor building cooling water heat exchangers, standby diesel generator coolers, and the ECCS pump room coolers. The Emergency Cooling System also provides sufficient water storage to allow operation of the emergency cooling tower until a water supply can be established.

                   ' ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda, Code Category D-B-requires a system hydrostatic test of all pressure retaining components within the system pressure retaining boundary once during the second m                   inservice inspection interval. IWD-5223(a) of the Code requires the syst'e'm        )

_ ._- . _._, , . ,I

obpici!!cSilEn < ' M-733, Rev. 0. PBAPS 2 & 3 i ISI Program Appendix A-9" Page_2 of 3  : RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-09 (CONTD.)


hydrostatic test for the subject systems be performed at a test pressure of at  ; a least 1.10 times the system design pressure or the lowest pressure setting : among the safety / relief valves within the boundary of the system to be tested. >I Relief is requested from meeting the test pressure requirements of. IWD-5223(a) due to plant hardship. _ 4 111. BASIS FOR RELIEF t Hydrostatic testing of the subject systems to at least 1.10 times the system ' design pressure is impractical to implement at PBAPS. The required test pressure is beyond the capability of the existing system pumps and, therefore, would' require the use of hydrostatic test pumps.' The only : -! available test connections on these systems are 3/4 'and 1 inch lines which


would sharply limit the inflow capability from the hydrostatic test pumps. Under these conditions, successful performance of the test is a function of

         ' the degree of leak-tightness of large system valves (i.e., 14,16,20,and-24 inch). Valve leak-tightness for these systems is not required and considerable manpower would be required to rework / upgrade these valves in preparation for performance of the hydrostatic test..
                                                                ~       ,

in addition, testing to 1.10 times the system design pressure would seriously affect plant operations since removal of the ESW or HPSW Systems would result in an interruption of shutdown cooling. 1 O

Specification-M 733, Rev. 0 - PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program

                                                                                                                                     - Appendix A-9 '

Page 3 of 3 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-09 (CONTD.) l IV. ' ALTERNATE PROVISIONS PBAPS p*, poses performance of Code required hydrostatle' testing of the. ESW, HPSW and Emergency Cooling Systems to.l.10 times the system operating pressure. Testing to this pressure can be accomplished utilizing l existing plant equipment while still providing assurance of pressure boundary integrity of these systems. J t l. 1 cg i O i ,

                                                                                                       ,_,. A.._._r_   ,.. . . . . r  .    , , . ,                           ,v. _
                                                                                         , bpscitication"                            .           l
M-733, Rev. 0 : l PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Pr: gram
                                                                                         = Appendix A-10 Page 1 of 2 t



[, ASME Class 1,2, and 3 snubber assemblies, Code Examination Category F-C .

 ,                 item Number F3.50.                                                                                                         j i

l This relief request is applicable to the snubber assembly onlyl that is, the-snubber body and attachments out to'and including the load pins and their-retainers, l

11. CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED ASME Section XI,1980 Edition up to and including the Winter 1981 Addenda (80W81), Examination Category F-C requires a VT-3/VT-4 visual examination '

l \d of mechanical type snubbers, i in addition, Article IWF-5000 details inservice testing requirements for. 'i snubbers less than 50 kips. (Requirements for snubbers 50 kips or greater are-in the course of preparation.). t Relief is requested from the examination requirements'of Articles IWF-1000, l IWF-2000. (excluding IWF-2520), and Table IWF-2500-1 and the inservice testing requirements of Article IWF-5000 due to the redundancy of these  : l- examination / test requirements to PBAPS 2 & 3 Technical Specification requirements. 4 L  !!I. BASIS FOR RELIEF i i Implementation of both the aformentioned Code requirements and ' .. requirements contained in the PBAPS 2 & 3 Technical Specifications, results

LSpeelficatien M-733, Rsv. O PBAPS 2 & 3 - 181 Program Appendix A-10 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-10 (CONTD.) in redundancy and poses an unnecessary hardship, without a compensating increase in plant safety. Both programs are designed to demonstrate ,

                 . continued operational readiness and structural integrity ~by visual examination and functional testing of snubber assemblies. However, while the test requirements in the Code are incomplete (depending on the size of                b the snubber), the program described in Technical Specification 3/4.11.D is' q

comprehensive and meets the intent of ASME Section XI examination and

                  ' testing.

IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS 1 The examination and testing of snubber assemblies shall be performed in;

                  . accordance with Technical Specification 3/4.11.D in lieu of the                             !
                   . aforementioned Code examination and testing requirements. Following the                    1 issuance of a license amendment revising the PBAPS 2 & 3 Technical.

Specifications to incorporate the examination and' testing' requirements ofl Augmented Inspection Program-5-in place of the existing Technical Specification requirements, the examination and testing of snubber. ' assemblies shall be performed in accordance with.the revised Technical. Specification 3/4.11.D in lieu of the aforementioned Code requirementa. Note that the general requirements of Subsection IWA, such as examination methods, personnel qualifications,' etc., still apply. Additionally, all repales, replacements, records, and reports will be in accordance with ASME Section XI. i The remainder of the component support, outboard of the snubber assembly i shall be examined in accordance with ASME Section XI, Subsection

                   ' IWF requirements.

O i

Speelflesti:n M-733; Rev. 0 - PBAPS 2 & 3 181 Program -  ! Appendix A-11 l Page 1 of 2

                                                                                                                     ,' b 1'

ISI Class 2 piping and components beyond the last shutoff valve in - open-ended portions of systems. , { 4


ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981' Addenda, Article IWC-1000 does not provide any exemption for the subject piping and components, and,  ; therefore, requires examination of appropriate pressure retalning - components and their integral attachments in accordance with Table IWC-2500-1, during the second inservice inspection interval.- Relief is requested from'the' Code Examination requirements of' Table IWC-2500-1 for ISI Class 2 piping and components beyond the last shutoff valve In'open-ended portions of systems.. i 111. BASIS FOR RELIEF The 1986 Edition of the Code, which has been approved for use, recognizes the impracticality of examination of the subject piping and components. Per - IWC-1221 (f) and IWC-1222 (d), " Piping and other components of any size beyond the last shutoff valve in open-ended portions of systems that do not I contain water during normal plant operating conditions" shall be exempted from the inservice examination requirements of IWC-2500. Muah of the subject piping is impractical to examine due to limited access as: a result of plant design. Also, since this portion of tne system does not - O c l

L Sp;cificatien M-733, Rsv. 0 '

                                                                 - PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program :

L Appendix A-11 ~ Page 2 of 2 R O V RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-11 (CONTD.) i contain water during normal operating conditions, the piping is " pressure 4 retaining" relatively infrequently. d

        . Exemption of-the subject piping and components, consistent with later Editions of the Code, does not preclude all examinations within the Code ~

boundaries. Exempted piping and components are subject to the . requirements of Code Examination Category C-H.L. Demonstration of open; flow path testing provides assurance of the availability of the piping to - perform its intended function. L L ~IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS ISI Class 2 piping and components of any size beyond the last shutoff valve in open ended portions of systems that do not contain water during normal plant O operatinF conditions shall be exempt from the examination requirements of IWC-2500. i b i

                                                                                                      'k i

O . 1

                                -, , - - . , ,   . - ---   , - ~      v  ,      w, ., ,, q ,m,- ,

sp:citicaticn , M-733, Rc,v. 0 ; PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program . _;

                                                                           - Appendix A+12                           1 Page1of2 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR                                                                                                                      (

I. IDENTIFICATION OF COMPONENTS { ISI Class 3 piping and components beyond the last shutoff valve in open-ended portions of systems.

              . ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda, Article IWD-1000 does -

p_ql provide any exemption for the subject piping and components, and.

             ' therefore, requires VT-3 visual examinitl'on of appropriate integral attachments and component supportz.during the second inservice Inspection -

interval. - l Relief is requested to exempt that portion of Class 3 piping and components beyond the last shutoff valve in open-ended portions of systems. l III. BASIS FOR RELIEF i 1 The 1986 Edition of the Code, which has been approved for use, allows for = the exemption of ISI Class 2 piping and components beyond the last shutoff valve in open-ended portions of systems. Since Class 3 requirements need l not be more restrictive than Class 2 requirements, it follows that this i exemption may be applied to ISI Class 3 components.  ! Much of the subject piping is impractical to examine due to limited access as a result of pls.7t design. Also, since these portions of the system do not contain v.ater during normal operating conditions, the piping is " pressure retaining" relatively ' infrequently. O t

Spicifkatten  ! l M-713,' Rev. 0 ' PDAPS 2 A it ISI Progrom l l Appendix A-12 Page 2 of 2' RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-12 (CONTD.) . 1 L Exemption of the subject piping and components consistent'with later , Editions of the Code, does not preclude all examinations within the Code boundarles. Exempted piping and components are subject to the system pressure test requirnments of Table IWD-2500-1.sDemonstration'of open flow path testing provides assurance of the availability of the system to perform its intended function. i i l IV. ALTERNATE PROVIS!ONS a ISI Class 3 piping and components df any size beyond.the last shutoff valve in . open ended portions of systems that do not contain water during normal plant operating conditions shall be exempt from the examination requirements of - IWD-2500-1. t L i f

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Specific:ti:n L M-733, Rsv. 0

PBAPS 2 & 3 J IS! Program . '

Appendix A Page 1 of 4 l i RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-13 ' l:. I


ISI Class 1 full penetration nozzle'to vessel welds in the reactor pressure vessel, Code Examination Category B-D,' Item Number B3.90. -

                                                                                                                                   .i ASME Section'XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981' Addenda, b           C-tegory B-D l requires' volumetric examination of the nozzle to vessel welas (full l

penetration) of all nozzles in the reactor pressure vessel during the second - I inservice-inspection interval. Relief is requested from performance of a complete examination of the Code ks required volume due to access restrictions as'a consequence of plant design and/or component configuration. , l III. BASIS FOR RELIEF , PBAPS has thirty (30) Code Category B-D nozzle to vessel attachment welds- t on each unit, many of which cannot be completely examined due to vessel j - nozzle forging configuration. The barrel type nozzle forging configuration precludes complete ultrasonic examination since scanning of the weld is only l practical from one side of the weld. Also, in support of ALARA, many of the nozzle to vessel welds are to be examined utilizing a remote automated nozzle scanner; thereby, slightly exaggerating the limitations, versus a manual examination, due to scanner design. In addition to the nozzle forging configuration, physleal plant design restrictions. such as adjacent components, further limit the available scan bi path. i (


                                                                               ' M-733, Rev. 0
                                                                               . PBAPS 2 & 3
                                                                               ' IS! Program .
                                                                               . Appendix A-13 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-13 (CONTD.)

i' Tables RR-13-1 (Unit #2) and RR-13-2 (Unit #3) list the generic nozzle to' vessel welds and details the' specific' limitations and the actual percentage . t complete. , 1 All examinations are the maximum extent practical. In the case of examinations performed utilizing remote automatic equipment, only a very slight increase in examination. coverage (= 5%) can be realized with - supplemental manual exams; however, this small increase comes with a significant increase in personnel tysure, and, therefore, manual examination was not performi:.. Limited volumetric examination with the visual r.xammation requirements of Code Examination Category B-P during icystem pressure -; testing provide reasonable assessment of weld structurallaterity. IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS l' ' No alternate provisions are practical' for these examinations. i-i O


5I , , , , , , , . .-

  • Spec ifichtten M-73 3, Rev. 0 3 PBAl PS 2 & 3 l ISI P . rogram . .i Appe indix A-13 ' -)

Page -3 of 4 ' O RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-13 (CONTD.) TABLE RR-13-1 Effect of Nozzle Design Configuration on Component inspectabilityl* .! Unit #2 L Nozzle Identification / Type ,  % Code  % Inner 1/4T , j Descriotion - Sqgp,0 - Complete 3 . Code Complete 4 l. i N1 45T 18.9 (A) 47.4 (A)? , Recirculation Outlet - 60T. 32.8 ( A) 81.7 (A) 60P 23.8 (A)  : 59.9 (A) 4 N2 45T 34.1 (A)' . 63.6 (A) >  ! Recirculation inlet 60T- 51.5 (A) 97.3 '( A)  ! 60P . 26.1 ( A) 51.4 (A) N3 45T 11.4 (A) 38.6 (A) , Main Steam 60T- 30.5 (A) 87.1 (A) 60P 12.2 (A) . 42.9 (A)-  !


l . N4 45T ' 28.8 (M)5 68.3 (M)5 -i Feedwater 60T .45.5 (M)5 O. - 60P ' ;27.0 (M)5 ' ' 64.4 (M)5 i i N5 45T 28.7 (A)- 61.6 (A) Core Spray 60T- 47.1 (A) 98.1 (A) 60P 23.3 (A) - W (A)- N8 4ST 90.6 (M) 100.0 (M) Jet Pump' 60T 93.0 (M) 100.0 (M) Instrumentation 45P 68.6 (M) 71.9 (M):  ! 60P 68.6 (M) 71.9 (M) Footnotes:

1) Component inspectability based on evaluation of nozzle design conf 'iguration for. i each given type / size nozzle.
2) Unless indicated,' a 45 degree parallel scan is not practical due to wE eld configuration.
3) % Code complete is that percent of the ASME Code required exami nation volume which can effectively be examined using automated (A) or manual ( M) ultrasonic ,

examination techniques. 4)) % Inner =1/4T Code complete is that percent of the critical inner 1/< (T wall volume l which can effectively be examined using automated (A) or manual ( M)' ultrasonic . examination techniques.

5) N4 Feedwater nozzle % complete is optimum based on estimated at scessible Code volume utilizing manual ultrasonic techniques; actual automated ul trasonic .

examination data, (r.ot available at this time) is expected to yield s: lightly reduced O coverage to due equipment limitations. l l l h

j Speelfi:sti:t M-733 Rsv.1  ! PBAPS 2 & 3  ! ISI Program Appendix A-13 Page 4 of 4 l O RELIEF REQUElfr NO. RR-13 (CONTD.) TABLE RR-13-2 Effect of Nozzle Design Configuration , l- on Component inspectabilityl  ! Unit L3 Nozzle identification / Type  % Code  % Inner 1/4T Descriotion Esg2 Comolete3 Code Complete 4 N1 45T 6.7 (A) 29.5 (A) l hedrculation Outlet 60T 21.4 (A) 75.7 (A) i 60P 11.7 (A) 46.5(A) i N2 45T 18.9 (A) 50.0 (A) Recirculation inlet 60T 39.9 (A) 96.7 (A) 60P 16.0 (A) 41.8 (A)

N3 45T 11.8 (A) 38.6 (A) hiu Steam 86.8 (A) 60T 30.2 (A) 60P 12.2 (A) 42.1 (A)

N4 45T 24.6 (M)5 63.3 (M)5 Feedwater 60T 41.7 (M)5 99.1 (M)5 O 60P 23.0 (M)5 59.2 (M)5 N5 45T 23.5(A) 57.6 (A) Core Spray GOT 43.4 (A) 98.6 (A) 60P 17.7 (A) 44.5 (A) NB 45T 88.0 (M) 100,0 (M) Jet Pump 60T 91.6 (M) 100.0 (M) Instrumentation 45P 65.9 (M) 70.6 (M) 60P 65.9 (M) 70.6 (M) Footnotes:

1) Component inspectability based on evaluation of nozzle oesign configuration for each given type / size nozzle.
2) Unless indicated, a 45 degree parallel scan is not practical due to weld configuration.
3) % Code complete is that percent of the ASME Code required examination volume which can effectively be examined using automated (A) or manual (M) ultrasonic examination techniques. l
4) % Inner 1/4T Code complete is that percent of the critical inner 1/4T wall volume which can effectively be examined using automated (A) or manual (M) ultrasonic examination techniques. l
5) N4 Feedwater nozzle % complete is optimum based on estimated accessible Code  !

volume utilizing manual ultrasonic techniques; actual automated ultrasonic examination data, (not available at this time) is expected to yield slightly reduced ) coverage to due equipment limitations. 1 s

                                             ,                 s..,, ,.            . _ . - -        ,           , - - - . _   . . _ - . _ ,

_ . - = - - -. - - - . - ,- . ... . tpecift:stirn  ! M-733. Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A-14 Page 1 of 3 l O RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-14

            !.      SCOPE 9

This relief request is applicable to those ASME Code Cases adopted for use ! In this ISI Program whleh have not been speelfically endorsed for use by the !' USNRC in Regulatory Guide 1.147 (caference 1.1.24). II. DISCUSSION Code Cases are periodically published by the ASME for the purpose of either clarifying the intent of Code rules or for providing rules and regulations for circumstances which are not currently covered by existing Code rules but , need to be addressed in a timely manner. Use of these non-mandatory Code I Cast 4 for Inservice inspection is subject to USNRC acceptance of the Code Case (s); T agulatory Guide 1.147 lists those Codes Cases that have been

  • i reviewed by the NRC and are generally acceptable for implementation in an ISI Program. Other Code Cases may be used provided speelfic authorization is requested pursuant to 10CFR50.55a.

The purpose of this relief request is to request authorization of the adoption of specific Code Cases for implementation in the LGS 1 ISI Program. l I O

Speelfi:sti:n M-733 Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A-14 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-14 (CONTD.) lit. CODE CASES REQUIRING AUTHORIZATION The Sllowing Code Cases require speelfic authorization for use in the PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program: A. N-460 Alternative Examination Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 Welds Adoption of this Code Case will reduce the number of welds requiring relief requests due to incomplete examination coverage resu; ting from structural or geometric interferences which reduce the examination volume or area by less than 10 percent. Documentation of the cause and percentage of the reduced examination coverage is consistent with ' that required by ASME Section V, Article 5. Note that the Code Case, as written, applies exclusively to Class 1 and 2 welds. Additional relief is requested to extend the applicability j of this Code Case to PBAPS 2 & 3 Class 3 weld examinations. Provided i adequate 7xamination documentation is prepared, it follows that the reduced coverages allowed for Class 1 and 2 welds car also be extended to Class 3 welds with no compromise of Code Intent. B. N-461 Alternative Rules for Piping Calibration Block Thickness l t The minus 25 percent tolerance allowed by this Code Case is consistent with the requirements of ASME Section V, Article 5. The plus - 25 percent tolerance could slightly increase the examinktion sensitivity which would result in a more conservative examination. The adoption- I of this Code Case will provide for use of existing calibration blocks for '

Spe:lftrti:n M-733. R*,v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A-14 Page 3 of 3 O RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-14 (CONTD.) C. N-479 Bolling Water Reactor (BWR) Main Steam Hydrostatic Test , The Class 2 portion of the Main Steam system is incapable of being isolated from the Class 1)ortion for purposes of performing a hydrostatis test. Use of this Code Case allows testing to the alternative rules of IWB-5222 (Class 1), which is most practical in this  ; situation. IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS The alternative rules of the Code Cases in ill above shall be implemented in the PBAPS 2 & 3181 Program for the second inservice inspection interval. V. BASIS FOR RELIEF All of the Code Cases discussed in til above represent technically acceptable alternative rules to ASME Section XI Code rules. The fact that these Code Cases have not been endorsed in the Regulatory Guide in no way detracts from their technical adequacy since the major reason for their omission is the timing of their publication with respect to the most recent revision of the Regulatory Guide. That is, the subject code Cases are relatively recent and it is expected that these Code Cases will be accepted in a subsequent revision of the Regulatory Guide. l l l Adoption of these alternative rules provides an acceptable level of quality and safety and does not compromise the adequacy of the PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program in meeting the intent of ASME Section XI. Jp- -

Spealficati:n i M-733, Rev. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program < l Appendix A-15 , Page 1 of 2 RELIEF REQUPET NO. RR-15

ISI Class 2 Integral attachments for vessels, piping, pumps and valves, Code Examination Category C-C, item numbers C3.10 through 3.30.


       !!.           CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda, Code Category C-C, requires a surface examination of essentially 100% of the required area of each welded attachment selected for examination during the second Inservice inspection interval.

Relief is req'iested from performance of a complete examination of the Code required area due to limited accessibility resulting from plant design, aomponent configuration, and/or environmental restraints, l

       !!!.          BASIS FOR RELIEF The affected U#2/Uf 3 Integral attachment weldc are Individually detailed in table RR-15-01. -

Examination of these welds are to the maximum extent praticalincreased' examination coverage is not possible without costly plant redesign /nodification. l IV. ALTERN ATt' PROVISIONS 1 p No alternate provisions are pratical for the ceinponents listed in l 1 d Table RR-15-01. 1 1 _

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Speelficati:n M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A-15 Page 2 of 2 O' RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-15 (CONTD.) TABLE RR-15-01 UNIT #2/#3 l EXAMINATION AREA EXAMINATION LIMITING [D_ENTIFICATION UNIT  % COMPLETE 1 CONDITION P U M P-B-lWS .2 50 % Complete exam is not (RHR PUMP LUGS)- practical due to support ' designs access restrictions exist on all  ; of four (4) pumps. PU M P-A-lWS 3 50 % Complete exam is not (RHR PUMP LUGS) practical due to support designs access restrictions exist on all , of four (4) pumps. l 1 .

                                                                                                                                  .                         i O

Speelficati:n M-733, R;v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A-16 Page 1 of 3 RELIEF REQUEST NO, RR-16

1. IDENTIFICATION OF COMPONENTS ISI Class 2 pressure retalning components, Code Examination Category C-H, item Numbers C7.10 through C7.80 inclusive.

1 The specific Class 2 components affected by this relief request are detailed 1 in Table RR-16-01.

11. CODE REQUIREMENTS PROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED' ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda, Code Category C-H, requires that all pressure retalning components within each system boundary be subject to system pressure tests of IWC-5'000 under which conditions visual examination VT-2 is performed to detect leakage. These required VT-2 visual examinations are conducted in conjunction with functional tests, inservice tests, hydrostatic tests and/or pneumatic tests, as applicable, at the Code required pressures, temperatures, and holding times.

The required system pressure tests shall be performed during the second inservice inspection interval in accordance with Table IWC-2500-1. Relief is requested from system pressure testing of portions of c6ctain Class 2 piping systems and/or components which cannot be accomplished in accordance with the Code due to physical plant and/or operational restrictions, i i O

t' Speelficatitn - i M-733. Rsv. 0 - PBAPS 2 & 3 r ISI Program Appendix A-16  ; Page 2 of 3 , RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-16 (CONTD.) i

              !!!. BASIS FOR _ RELIEF 1

The affected components (pressure vessels, piping, pumps and valves) requiring relief are detailed in Table RR-16-01. Included in this Table is all pertinent information relative to the system pressure test including the basis for relief. IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS P Where practical, any alternate provisions proposed in lieu of Code requirements are so noted in Table RR-16-01. i l: O

t Spe:lfirati:n M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 IS! Program . Appendix A-16 Page 3 of 3 l RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-16 (CONTD.)  ; TABLE RR-16-01 l

1. IDENTIFICATION OF COMPONENTS PBAPS 2 & 3 Class 2 Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchangers, t HX 2AE24-2DE24 and 3AE24-3DE24 and associated test boundary piping and valves. )
                                        !!.        CODE REQUIREMENT FROM WHICH RELIEP IS REQUESTED lWC-5222 System Hydrostatic Test
                                        !!!.       BASIS FOR RELIEF The Code required hydrostatic test pressure for the RHR heat exchangers is 562.5 psig (1.25 x 450 psig). However, plant operating procedures limit operation of the RHR System (shell side) to a pressure less than HPSW (tube         i side) pressure to preclude possible in-leakage of cor.*aminated water into          !
                                                  " clean" HPSW cooling water. The HPSW pumps are the Almiting factor in              I that, even at dead head conditions, insufficient pressure 6 available to support Code hydrostatic test pressures. Therefore, relief is required from
                                                 . the system hydrostatic test pressure requirements of IWC-5222(a) to allow testing at a reduced pressure.

l IV. ALTERN ATE PROVISIONS , The RHR heat exchanger and associated test boundary piping and valves will be tested at 1.25 times the normal operating pressure. (Normal operating pressure for this test is RHR pump discharge pressure C 11,000 gpm flow, nominally 230 psigi 10.) V l 1

Spe: tift:atirn M-733. Rcv. 0  : PBAPS 2 & 3 ' ISI Program Appendix A-17  : Page 1 of 4 RELIEF REQUElrP NO. RR-17  ; l l 1. IDENTIFICATION OF COMPONENTS l l ISI Class 3 pressure retalning components, Code Examination ( j Categories D-A, D-B, and D-C, item Numbers D1.10, D2.10, and D3.10, , respectively. l l The speelfic Class 3 components affected by this relief request are detailed in Table RR-17-01. II. CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED ASME Section XI 1980 Edition Winter 1981 Addenda, Code Category C-H, - t requires that all pressure retalning components within each system boundary be rubject to system pressure tests of IWD-5000 under which conditions , visual examination VT-2 is performed to detect leakage. These required VT-2 visual examinations are conducted in conjunction with functional tests, inservice tests, hydrostatic tests and/or pnevaatic tests, as I applicable, at the Code required pressures, temperatures, and nolding times. The required system pressure tests shall be performed during the second l Inservice inspection interval in accordance with Table IWD-2500-1. Relief is requested from system pressure testing of portions of certain Class 3 piping systems and/or components which cannot be accomplished in accordance with the Code due to physical plant and/or operational restrictions.

Speelfleati:n M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix A-17 RELIEF REQUEffr NO. RR-17 (CONTD.) 111. BASIS FOR RELIEF The affected components (pressure vessels, piping, pumps and valves) requiring relief are detailed in Table RR-17-01. Included in this Table is all pertinent information relative to the system pressure test including the basis for relief. IV. ALT 5RNATE PROVISIONS Where practical, any alternate provisions proposed in lleu of Code requirements are so noted in Table RR-17-01 0 I 1 l

Spesifitati:n l M-733, Rev. O i PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program j Appendix A-17 Page 3 of 4 RELIEF REQUElrr NO. RR-17 (CONTD.) i l 1 TABLE RR-17-01

1. IDENTIFICATION OF COMPONENTS PBAPS 2 & 3 Class 3 Main Steam relief valve discharge lines. 't

IWD-5223, System Hydrostatic Test i ~Il l. BASIS FOR RELIEF Hydrostatic testing of the subject piping is impractical at PBAPS 2 & 3. Per IWD-5223(f), a pneumatic test (at a pressure of 90% of the pipe submergence head of water) that demonstrates leakage integrity shall be perfortned in lieu of the system hydrostatic test. At PBAPS 2 & 3, this requirement translates into a pneumatic test at a test pressure of about 2 psig. Currently, no test connections exist to facilitate performance of the pneumatic test; plar.t modification would be required to add the necessary test connections. The assurance of leakage integrity afforded through performance of a 2 psig pneumatic test is questionable; therefore, performance of the test at D9APS 2 & 3 represents a hardship with no l compensating increase in plant safety. l Relief is requested from meeting the system pressure test requirements of l IWD-5223. O

Specificati:n ) M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program j l Appendix A-17 l Page 4 of 4 RELIEF REQUEST NO. RR-17 (CONTD.) l l IV. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS 1 Instrumentation (acoustic, temperature) on these lines provide Indirect l l Information relative to the integrity of these lines. This instrumentation is ! routinely monitored when the MSRVs are lifted. l O O

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' Speelfirsti:n M-733, RGv. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix B

  . to                                                            Page1 of1 i



B-2 AUG-2 NUREG-0619, BWR Nozzle and Control Rod Dr se 1 Return Line Nozzle Cracking B-3 AUG 3 IE Bulletin No. 80-13, Cracking in Core Spray Spargers B-4 AUG-4 NUREG/CR-3052, Closeout of , IE Bulletin 80-07: BWR Jet Pump Assembly Failure B-5 AUG-5 Snubber Examination and Test Program (Technical Specification Snubbers) B-6 AUG-6 SIL No. 409, incore Dry Tube Cracks B-7 AUG-7 SIL No. 474, Steam Dryer Drain

    '                                            Channel Cracking                        ,

l l l L

tp;citicati:n M-733, Rov. O l PDAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix B-1 Page 1 of 11  ! AUGMENTED INSPECTION PROGRAM - 1: NRC Generic Letter 88-01, Intergranular Stress  ; Corrosion Cracking  ; l GENERAL This augmented program (AUG-1) defines the activities conducted during inservice inspection at PBAPS 2 and 3, pursuant to the examination requirements of NRC Generic Letter 88-01. This program addresses only those requirements dealing with periodle examination. Speelfic PECo commitments concerning all of the aspects of NRC Generic Letter 88-01 are contained in the PECo response to the letter, reference 1.1.4. NRC Generic Letter 88-01 requires that an augmented Inspection program be developed and implemented for cer.aln austenitic stainless steel piping welds and reactor vessel-attachments. The technical bases for the NRC staff positions, put forth in the Generic Letter, are detailed in Reference 1.1.5. The applicable requirements of the Generic Letter are summarized below. DESCRIPTION OF NRC GENERIC LETTER 88-01 CRITERIA USED TO PETERMINE THE EXTENT OF PEACH IKr! TOM COkPONEN'!1 WITHIN AUG-1 PROGRAM 8 COPE l NRC Generic Letter 88-01 applie: to piping system portions that meet the following criterlas e austenitic stainless steel, e four inches or larger in nominal diameter, and e contain reactor coolant at a temperature above 200'F, during power operation. l l l t

Specificati:n M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix B-1 Page 2 of 11 O- The following piping systerr' -e e portions which meet these criteria and are therefore within the scope of NRC Letter 88-01:

  • Reactor Recirculation System o Residual 11 eat Removal System o Core Spray System o Reactor Water Clean-up System o Reactor Pressure Vessel System I

The NRC Generic Letter also applies to reactor vessel attachments and appurtenances such as jet pump Instrumentation penetration assemblies, and head spray and vent components. The following Reactor Vessel attachments and appurtenances have portions which are within the scope of NRC Generic Letter 88-01: e Reactor Vessel Stainless Steel Safe Ends SCOPE OF COMPONENTS WITHIN THIS AUGMENTED PROGR.AM Reactor Recire'Alation System (Loops A & B)


PBAPS 2 and Common P&lD's M-353, sht. I and 2 ASME Section XI isometric Dwgs: R CS-02-MI-2 01-1-A RCS-02-MI-201-1-B O

Specifirati:n M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix B-1 Page 3 of 11 PBAPS 3 l P&lD's M-353, sht. 3 and 4 ASME Section XI isometric Dwgs: R CS-02-MI-301 A RCS-02-MI-301-1-B l Scopes e 28" NPS Reactor Recirculation Pumps A and B suction plping, from the welds joining the RPV N1 nozzles to safe-ends, through and including the welds to the Recirculation Pumps suction nozzle. e 28" NPS Reactor Recirculation Pumps A and B discharge piping, from the weld to the Reeltculation Pumps discharge nozzle, through the 22" NPS headers and including the five (5),12" NPS piping segments, from the headers, to the RPV N2 nozzles to safe-end welds. I e The weld connecting the 20" NPS RHR piping to the A pump suction, and the welds connecting the 24" NPS RHR piping to the A and B pump discharge. Residual Heat Removal System


PBAPS 2 P&lD's M-361, sht. I and 2 A5ME Section XI i Isometric Dwgs: DE-10-MI-203-9-A ! DE-10-MI-2 03-9-B

DCN-10-MI-206-15 DCN-10-Ml-207-16

F i e i

Spesificati:n M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix B-1 Page 4 of 11 P&lD's M-361, sht. 3 and 4 ASME Section XI isometric Dwgs: DCA-10 MI-303-9-A , DC A-10-MI-303-9-B . DC A-10-MI-306 Scopes e 20" NPS RHR supply piping, from the connection at the A loop Reactor Recirculation Pump suction line, up to normally closed inboard containment isolation valve MO-18. (Note RHR piping beyond valve MO-18 is below 200*F during reactor power operation and is therefore not in scope). l e 24" NPS RHR return piping, from check valves AO-46A at.d B, to the Reactor Recirculation Pump A and B discharge piping. (Note: RHR O piping beyond valves AO-4tlA and B is below 200*F during reactor power operation and is therefore not in scope.) e 6" NPS Reactor Vessel head spray piping (PBAPS 2 only), from valve MO-32, to the Reactor Vessel head spray flange. (Notet this piping has been removed from Unit 3, it is scheduled for removal from Unit 2, during the next refueling outage). Core Spray System


PBAPS 2 and Common P&lD M-362, sht. I 1 ASME Section XI Isometric Dwgs: DCN-14-MI-203 A DCN-14-MI-203-5-B ' O

Spe31fi:ati n M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 I ISI Program  ! I l Appendix B-1 l Page 5 of 11 P&lD M-36 J, sht. 2  ; I ASME Seetion XI isometric Dwgn. DC !44-MI-303-4-A DCN-14-Ml-303-4-B Scope e 12" NPS Core Spray supply piping, from valves 14A and B to the l 10" NPS Reactor Yessel N5 nozzle to safe-end welds. (NOTE: The j Core 3 pray piping beyond valves 14A and B is below 200'F during reacto' power operation and is therefore not in scope). Reactor Water Clean-Up System


PBA?S 2 and Common , P&lD M-354, sht. I O\ ASME Section XI

                                 !sometric Dwgst DCA-12-MI-201-1 DE-12-Mi 202-2 DCA-12-MI-203-3                                         s D E-12-MI-203-4, 5, 6 l                                 P51APS 3                                                                  l P&lD M-354, sht. 2 ASME Section XI
                                 !sometric Dwgs: DC A-12-MI-301-1 I

DE-12-Mi-302-2 s DC A-12-MI-303-3 DE-12-MI-3 03-4, 5, 6 , O

Specift:sti:n M-733. Rsv. 0 , PBAPS 2 & 3  : ISI Pr: gram Appendix B-1 I Page 6 of 11 Scopes e RWCU 6" NPS piping, from the connection at the RHR Pump suction piping, thru primary containment penetration N-14, and up to 6" x 3" reducers in the RWCU pump suction header. 1 e RWCU 4" NPS piping, from 4" x 3" reducers in the RWCU pump ) discharge header, to the tube side inlet of the Regenerative heat exchanger. , o RWCU 4" WPS piping from the tube side outlet of the Regenerative heat exchanger, to the tube side inlets of the Non-Regenerative heat , exchangers.

  • RWCU 4" NPS return piping, from the shell side outlet of the Regenerative heat exchanger, to RWCU check valve 62 (just prior to returning to the Feedwater System).

Reactor Pressure Vessel System (Jet Pump Instrumentation)


PBAPS 2 and Common  ; l P&lD M-352, sht.1 ' l l ISI Dwgs. ISI-RPV-01 l PBAPS 3 P&lD M-352, sht. 3 ISI Dwgs. ISI-RPV-01 I Scopes e Jet Pump instrumentation Penetration seal to safe-end welds. These welds are associated with the N8 RPV nozzles for Unit 2. The Unit 3 safe-ends and penetration seals ere one piece forgings that do not have a safe-end to penetration seal weld. O -

Specificati:n M-733 Rsv. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program l Appendix B-1 . Page 7 of 11 ] Reactor Vessel 8tainless Steel Safe Ends The RPV attachments and appurtenances within the scope of this response are limited to stainless steel safe-ends attached to RT / nozzles.


PBAPS 2 and Common P&lD M-351, sht.1 P&lD M-352, sht. I r ISI Dwgs. ISI-RPV-05 PBAPS 3 i P&lD M-351, sht. 3 P&lD M-352, sht. 3 ISI Dwgs. ISI-RPV-05 1 let I o The stainless steel safe-ends attached to RPV nozzles N8, N9, N10, Nil, N12, and N16. Note: Safe-end attachment to RPV nozzles N1, N2, and N5 are included, and have been previously identifled within the scope description of the systems associated with these connections. EKAMINATION PROGRAM NRC Generic Letter 88-01 requires that each pressure retalning weld, in scope , components, be assigned to a category. The available categories are Category A thru Category G. The assignment of these categories is based on the degree to which the weld is susceptab4e to Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC). Category A l' welds are least susceptable, Category G welds are most susceptable. NRC Generic Letter 88-01 and NUREG 0313 Rev. 2 provide details on the determination of IGSCC category. The inspection frequency for each of the scope welds is determined by the

Epecitt:stlin ) M-733 Rev. 0 l PBAPS 2 & 3 IS! Pr: gram  ; Appendix B-1 i Page 8 of 11 l IGSCC category that is assignitd to the weld . This is explained in more detall under the section of this augmented program document entitled INSPECTIOr SCHEDULif. Lnspection Methods and Personnel PECo is committed to complying with the NRC Staff positions on inspection methods and personnel as delineated in NRC Generic Letter 88-01. For most of the scope welds, I the inspection method to be perfortaed is an ultrasonic (UT) type volumetric exam. However, because of conilr.:rMion or inaccessibility, certain welds are not UT inspectable. For UT inspectable ASME Class 1 and 2 welds, the IGSCC inspections will generally be performed in accordance with the requirements contained in the applicable I edition and addenda of ASME Section XI for the ASME class of the weldment. For UT inspectable ASME Class 3 and non-class welds, the requirements in Section XI for Class 2 welds will apply. Details of the volumetric examination method may be upgraded as practical to ensure that the examinations will be effective. The personnel performing the IGSCC volumetric inspections will be quallfled for such inspections by a formal program approved by the NRC. Os The integrity of ASME classified and non-ASME welds within this propam, that are not UT inspectable will be verlfled by the applicable ASME Section XI pressure test program. The integrity will be verified by pressure tests in accordance with the requirements of Section XI Article IWB, IWC, or IWD-5000. The Reactor Water Clean-up System outside of containment is the only system with significant portions within the scope of the Generic Letter that are presently considered to be UT uninspectable. , The edition and addenda of ASME Section XI used for determining the pressure test - requirements will be as indicated in the ISI program document. O 1

r rpecittratt:n M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program l Appendix B-1 Page 9 of 11 Insocetion Schedules The inspection frequencies in this augmented program conform to the NRC staff l positionis provided in Generic Letter 88-01. The frequency of inspection depends on the IGitCC category that the weld is assigned to. The inspection frequencies are as follows: l IGSCC Caterory Insocetion Extent and Schedule A 25% every 10 years (at least 12% in 6 years) B 50% every 10 years (at least 25% in 6 years) C All within next 2 refueling cycles and then all every 10 years (at least 50% in 6 years) D All every 2 refueling cycles E 50% next refueling outage, then all every . 2 refueling cycles ' F All every refueling outage G All next refueling outage The IGSCC category assigned depends on such factors as whether stress improvement is performed, whether cracks are known to exist in the weld, whether the weld is reinforced by overlay, corrosion resistant cladding has been approved, what the base and weld material are, and whether the weld has been UT inspected utilizing the inspection methods and personnelindicated in the Generic Letter. Since some of these factors can change, the IGSCC category assigned to a particular weld is also subject to change. l Weld Selection Where the augmented program required examination of a sample of applicable welds, the size and content of the sample was determined from the total population of

  • circumferential butt welds subject to the program requirements.

The selection of welds for examination under inis augmented program has been coordinated with the selection of welds for examination under the ISI Program, (i.e. If a weld requiring augmented examination is selected for ISI Exam, it was also selected for augmented examination). The examination requirements of both the ISI Program and ' the Augmented Program are therefore satisfied simultaneously, to the extent that those 1

                                                                                              . . . . .  , , , - . .-   --w .. .,.

SpecifIcati:n M-733, R0v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Propam Appendix B-1 Page 10 of 11 requirements overlap (i.e., a single volumetric examination performed to satisfy all augmented requirements, and the voumetric examination requirements of the ISI Propar.1). This selection plConophy has been reviewed and deemed to yield a representative sample of the welds requiring the augmented examinations. Augmented Propam Tables (AUG-1) for PBAPS 2 & 3 list, by system, the total population of welds subject to examination under this augmented propam. Speelfically, these tables identify the weld by identifF 'tlon number, the ASME Section XI drawing depleting the weld, the IGSCC Examination Category assigned to the weld, the Inspection method planned for the weld (if selected), if the weld has been selected for the ISI examination, and finally an Indiction of whether the weld is selected for augmented examination. Notes may also be provided as necessary. Samole Exoansion if one or more Category A, B, or C welds are found to be cracked, or if additional  ; cracks or significant crack growth is discovered in a Category E weld during the .. Interval, a sample expansion plan will be invol ed. The sample expansion plan utilized will be as put forth in the Staff Position on Sample Expansion of NRC Generic Letter 88-01. NRC Notification if any flaws are identified which do not meet the acceptance criterla for continued operation (referenced below under flaw evaluattors, the NRC will be duly notified of the disposition of the affected flaws. NRC approval of the disposition for each flaw exceeding the criteria will be obtained before operation is resumed. All communication with the NRC will comply with the requirements of the PECo Corporate ISI/IST Administrative Manual. Flaw Evaluation Flaws exceeding the acceptance criteria of IWB-3500 of ASME Section XI will be evaluated, then either repaired, replaced, or deemed acceptable for continued O . operation. Repales or replacements will be documented in the Owners Report for J

M-733, R;v. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Pr gram Appendix B-1 l Page 11 of 11 Repales and Replacements as required by ASME Section XI. Evaluations of flaws for , l continued operation will be performed in accordance with the criteria in IWB-3600 of ASME Section XI. For aspects of flaw evaluation which are not contained in IWB-3600, the requirements in NUREG-0313 Re rlsion 2 will be used in conjunction with IWB-3600. l I l The above referenced criteria for acceptance and evaluation are found in the ] l 1986 Edition of ASME Section XI. l O 4 u l l

Speelficatien M-733. Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix B-2 Page 1 of 9 O l AUGMENTED INSPECTION PROGR AM - 2: NUREG-0619, BWR Feedwater - Nozzle snd Control Rod Drive Return Line Nozzle Cracking

1. SCOPE This augmented inspection program (AUG-2) defines the mandatory Inr ection 7 requirements of NRC NUREG-0619 applicable to the PBAPS Units 2 & 3 '

Feedwater nozzles /spargers. Inspections associated with the Control Rod Drive Return Line (CRDRL) nozzle (N9)/ piping system are not required at PBAPS 2 & 3. The CRDRL nozzles (one per unit) have been cut and capped and the CRDRL eliminated. Augmented examinations per NUREG-0619 are not applicable.  ! Inspection requirements, as detailed in this document, are exclusive of those ASME Section XI Inservice inspection requirements for the Feedwater nozzles /spargers and the CRDRL nozzle; however, where possible, Individual examinations performed may be used to satisfy both requirements (See ISI Prc ' ram Tables for common components). II. REFERENCES A. NUREG-0619. BWR Feedwater Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Nozzle Cracking (November 1980) 'wlth Generic Letter 81-11 (February 20, 1981). , B. PECo letter of January 21,1981, J. W. Gallagher to Darrell G. Eisenhut (NRC). C. PECo letter of September 29,1983, J. W. Gallagher to Darrell G. Eisenhut (NRC). 1 b a

    ^^               -      - - -        .   . ,__         ._ _

t Speelfi atlin f M-733, Rev. 0 1 PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program i Appendix B-2  ; Page 2 of 9 ' III. GENERAL in order to facilitate early detection of the initiation of feedwater nozzle thermal fatigue cracking and thereby limit crack growth within the bounds of approved repair methods, NUREG-0619 requires the implementation of a plant speelfic I i inspection program in accordance with Section 4.3 of the NUREG. ] The PBAPS 2 & 3 reactor pressure vessels have six (6) feedwater nozzles. In l- accordance with General Electric Company recommendations intended to minimize the probability of thermal fatigue crack initiation and growth, the , PBAPS 2 & 3 feedwater nozzles have undergone modifications to remove the nozzle cladding and replace the original feedwater spargers with l'.nproved design

       " triple sleeve spargers" on all nozzles. These modifications were accomplished in Spring 1980 for Unit #2 and Spring 1981 for Unit #3. The routine in3pection                  '

program required by Table 2 of the NUREG for the PBAPS 2 & 3 specti!c nozzle configuration is detailed in Table B-E 1 and Section IV of this document. l IV. FEEDWATER NOZZLE INSPECTION PROGRAM The PBAPS 2 & 3 inspection program requirements, based on the " triple-sleeve spargers with two piston-ring seals, clad removed" configuration is idustrated below: ROUTINE INSPECTION INTERVALS Inspection Intervals * - Refueling Cycles (or Startun/ Shutdown Cycles) Visual Inspection Routine U_T of Soarrer PT PBAPS 2 & 3 2 4 9 (or 135) The Inspection interval began Spring 1980 and Spring 1981 for Unit 2 and Unit 3 respectively. Ultrasonic (UT) examinations shell be performed on all feedwater nozzle safe ends, bores and inside blend radil once every two (2) refueling cycles. These examinations shall be performed to the extent shown in Figure B-2-1 utilizing 'O

SpGolfication M-733. Rev. 0 ' PBAPS 2 & 3 i

                                                                                - ISI Program         '!

Appendix B-2  ! Page 3 of 9 O ultrasonic (UT) examination techniques designed to optimize detecticn of small thermal fatigue cracks given the specific feedwater nozzle forging configuration. , Visual examination of the feedwater spargers shall be performed once every four i (4) refueling cycles. This examination shall include the entire sparger with special attention given to the junction point of the sparger arms and the flow nozzles -

               - (Figure B-2-2).

Routine dye-penetrant (PT) examinations shall be performed the lesser of onem - every nine (9) refueling cycles or upon achievir.g 135 startup/ shutdown cycles.1 A  ! complete routine PT consists of PT examination of accessible portions of the nozzle bore and inner radius of all feedwater nozzles (sparger intact). In light of the difficulties associated with routine PT examinations - radiologier.1  ! environment, access provisions - PECo is continuing to monitor advances in ultrasonic examination techniques which may facilitate elimination of the requirement for PT examination completely, i O V. INSPECTION RESULTS If upon completion of the required u'*.rasonic examinations, Indications are discovered, the indications shall be dispositioned as follows: A. Ultrasonic indications in the safe end shall be evaluated per ASME' Section XI, B. 2tecordable ultrasonic indications, in any nozzle, interpreted to be cracked shall necessitate a follow up penetrant examination (PT) of the entire affected nozzle (sparger removed) and the cocessible portions of the remaining nozzles, i 1 A startup/ shutdown cycle is defined as a reactor thermal power increase from nominally zero, -and subsequent return to zero,- which produces- both pressure and temperature changes and involves the. flow of any amount of cold feedwater through

              % feedwater nozzles, including scrams to low-pressure hot standby and conventional
      .            up/ shutdowns.


Specift:atien , M-733, Rev. 0  : l PBAPS 2 & 3 U ISI Program

                                                                                            - Appendix B-2 Page 4 of 9 O

l l C. Confirmation of cracking by penetrant examination (PT) shall require 'l removal of all remaining feedwater spargers and subsequent complete PT of


all nozzles, and 1 i D.- All nozzle cracks shall be repaired using approved repair plans. Visual examination test results shall be evaluated in accordance with ASME ' _ Section XI. Cracking discovered during routine penetrant examinations shall be dispositlor.ed

               . as follows:'
  • L A. The sparger(s) of the affected nozzle (s), and all remaining spargers snall be' removed, a'nd the entire nozzle bore and inner radius of all nozzles penetrant '(PT) examined, and B. ' All nozzle cracks shall be repaired using apprrved repair plans.

O VI. REPORTS / RECORDS - Within six (6) months of completing an outage during which an inspection (UT, PT l- or VT) was performed in accordance with NUREG-0619, a detailed report i discussing the inspection shall be submitted to the Regional Director, inspection  ; I and Enforcement with copies to the Director, inspection and Enforcement, and the - Director, Nuclear Reactor Kegulation. The report shall include the followingz informattom A. Number of startup/ shutdown cycles since the previous inspection and the total number of cycles,. L B.- Summary of _ methods used and results of previous inspections, including maximum crack depth and previous number of cracks detected / repaired.- j C.. Description of system / operational changes that should be considered in I _ predleting future crack initiation and growth, and

, Q w

i 0 4- t -, e - 3+ k ., - - . . . . - e- re a- .&w a +- . - - . . .o>-e--, c . . - - ,s. , -,.c , . 4 -

Specificati n M-733, Rsv. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program - Appendix B-2 Page 5 of 9-( D. A detailed discussion of inspection results. l l All records associated with the subject inspections shall be maintained in i accordance with ASME Section XI and plant procedures. l . NOTE: Inspections, as required by this augmented program, are typically, , performed during a normal refueling outage in which routine ASME


Section XI inservice inspections (ISI) are also performed. ASME. Section XI requires that a summary report be filed, within 90 days of L completion of the inservice inspection, with jurisdictional enforcement and regulatory authorities. Due to the.similar nature of these ' activities, reports as required by this augmented program inay be submitted in conjunction with the ISI summary report provided the .

                               . reporting requirements of this augmented program are met.

I l


O 1 7 L O' 3 4

                                                                                                                                                  >    t 4,   ,         . . - . .     .,,...J.-      .-                 _ . . . . - . . , . . . _ . - . , . , - . - , , . _ , , , . , ,

_ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - - M-73.' Rsv. O PBAPS .' & 3 ISI Prograi.' , Appendix B-2  ! I Page 6 of 9 TABLE B-2-1 AUGMENTED EXAMINATION PROGRAM - 2 Inspectio

                                                                                                 .Interve (No. of '                       ,                                                -t
                                     . Exam Area . Figure                             NDE     Refueling                       .

Ide7tification Number Number Method - Cveles) F_g_tsg NSA Noz Safe End B-2 UT. 2 N4 A !=.'oz Bore B-2-1 UT 2 ) B-2-1 PT 9 (or' ' 35 ' . Startup/'Jautdowns) - B-2-1 UT: N4A- Noz Inner Radius 2 r B-2-1 PT 9 (or 135 ? i l . Startup/ Shutdowns) , l N4A Sparger B-2-2 VT 4  ; N4B Noz Safe End B-2-1 UT 2 - N48 Noz Bore B-2-1 UT 2' ' B-2 1 PT .9 (or~ 135 Startup/3hutdowns); , N4B Noz Inner Radius - B-2-1 . UT 2 B-2-1 PT -9 (or 135 O' Startup/ Shutdowns)s N4B Sparger B-2-2 VT. 4 N4C Noz Safe End B-2-1 UT 2 N4C Noz Bore B-2-1 UT 2 B-2-1 PT 9 (or 135 Startup/ Shutdowns) < N4C Noz Radius B-2-1 UT 2 , B-2 -PT 9 _ _ (o'r 135 ~ Startup/ Shutdowns) N4C Sparger . B-2-2 ;VT 4 N4D Noz Safe End. B-2-1 UT 2 N4D-Noz Bore B-2-1 UT 2

  • L B-2-1 PT, 9. (or 135 l
                                                                                                                     . Startup/ Shutdowns)                                             ,

N4D Noz Inner Radius B-2-1 UT 2 B-2-1 PT 9 (or 135 , Startup/ Shutdowns) N4D Sparger B-2-2 VT 4 i O l

 , , .                         . ,       - .     -     -         . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . ..        _ . _ - .[ _ . _         _       _ . _ _ _     . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
                                                                                                                                           ' SpIcification '                                  l M-733, Rev. O                                    I PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program                                      l Appendix B-2
            'O    G Page 7 of 9

! TABLE B-2-1 l AUGMENTED EXAMINATION PROGRAM - 2 i l Inspection Interval ( (No. of i Exam' Area . Figure- NDE Refueling - l Identification Number - Number . Method - Cveles) NqLe.g e

N4E Noz 3afe End B-2-1 UT' 2 N4E Noz Bore B-2-1 .UT 2 B-2-1. PT' -9 (or 135 Startup/ Shutdowns) ,

N4E Noz Inner Radius B-2-1 UT 2 B-2-1 PT. 9 (or 135 Startup/Shuwwns) N4E Sparger B-2-2 VT- 4' , N4F Noz Safe End . B-2-1 . 'UT 2- , N4F Noz Bore B-2-1. UT 2 a B-2-1 M 9 (or 135

Startup/ Shutdowns).

N4F Noz Inner Radius B-2-1 UT 2 ~t O- , 'B-2-1 PT; 9 ,(or 135 Startup/ Shutdowns) 3 N4F Sparger B-2-2 .VT 4  ! l L w o l. 1 k

                                                                                  .,'.                  .        _     .,3   j, .. ...:.....,_..-..,.      _._.c_;._..._u....;..._.,..._,

_. . . -. ._- . .. .- .- , - - -. ~ .-

                                                                                                                           - Specification ,

M-733, Rev. 0 - PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program

                                                                                                                           . Appendix B-2                                                                   ,
                                                                                                                           ~ Page S of 9 Figure B-2-1                                                                                                                             3' Feedwater Nozzle Extent of Examination
                                                                                                            -i                  .            _

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                                                                           . Spacification                ;
                                                                           - M-733. Rov. 0                :

PBAPS 2 & 3 - ISI Program i "

                                                                           - Appendix B-2 Page 9 of 9                -
                                              ' Figure B-2-2 Feedwater Soarrer i

1 1 N s < [-' 8 05 00000  ; g . L. . , PLAN VIEW


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Specification 1 M-733, Rev. O l PBAPS 2 & 3 '  ; ISI Program j Appendix B-3 , Page l'of 4

  • AUGMENTED INSPECTION PROGR AM - 3i IE Bulletin No. 80-13, Cracking in Core Spray .

Spargers I. SCOPE l[

          ' This sugmented inspection program (AUG-3) defines the mandatory inspection                    j p            requirements of NRC IE Bulletin 80-13 applicable to the PBAPS 2 & 3 Core Spray Sparger and Core Spray supply header piping.

i inspection requirements, as detailed in this document, are exclusive of those ASME Section XI inservice inspection requirements for the Core Spray /. spargers/ supply header piping; however, where possible, individual examinations performed may be used to satisfy both requirements. (See ISI Program Tables for common components). II. REFERENCES rO" A. IE Bulletin No. 80-13, Cracking in Core Spray Spargers, dated. April 4,1980 including Supplement No. I dated May 13,1980. l B. PECo letter of June 13. 1980, S. L.-Daltroff to Boyce H. Grier4NRC). C. - General Electric Company Slb No. 289, Core Spray Visual Inspection Revision 0, dated February 1979 and including Revision 1, Supplement 1, dated February 23,1989. Ill. GENERAL Instances of intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) in Core Spray spargers have been reported in IE Bulletin 80-13. The key contributors to IGSCC are plant specific, however; stresses in the stainless steel spargers from cold work and sensit'zation dur,ng fabrication and installation, coupled w'th service in the l BWR environment, are all considered prime factors. l ~ . - -. - ._ -.

tspeciticatitn - 1

                                                                                                         ' M-733, Rev. 0 -

PBAPS 2 & 3; . ISI Program I Appendix B-3 ~ -! Page 2 of 4' in addition to the sparger piping, other welds on the "T-box"(just inside of the RPV nozzle in the Core Spray header (supply piping) have been identified as susceptible to cracking (Reference C). l Failure of either of these critical RPV internal components could result in poor cooling distribution and/or reduced flow to the core during activation of the Core Spray system. For this reason, IE Bulletin 80-13 mandates routine inspections of the subject components as detailed in Table B-3-1 and Section IV of this document.

            - lV.       CORE SPRAY SPARGER/ PIPING INSPECTION PROGRAM                                                                              -

Visual examination of the PBA PS 2 & 3 Core Spray spagces and supply header - ! piping shall be pe; formed , refueling 4 e. The inspection area shall. include: A. All spargers and piping within the shroud,. B. . All supply header piping from the RPV inlet nozzle to the RPV ahroud, and C. The "T-box" front cover plate welds. Due to RPV conditions during a normal refueling outage, the required visual examinations are performed utilizing a remote underwater TV camera. Adequate resolution to satisfy the IE Bulletin shall be demonstrated by insitu viewing of 0.001 in. (1 mil) diameter fine wires. V. INSPECI'^" RESULTS All relevant conditions identified during the required examinations of this


augmented program shall be recorded , characterized, and evaluated as to type of. l- defect, location and extent. Supplementary examinations, where practical, may be performed to aid in evaluation of the indications. All cracks shall be reported to the Director - NRC Region I within 24' hours of l identification. t y

     - _b         .!___                _ _ .  . _ . - -
                                                                 . - _  -               -    . . . . , .    .,_m.. . _ . . . . . . ., . . _ . ,

Specification _ M-733, Rsv. O l ' PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix B-3 , Page 3 of 4 - I

 .h                                                                                                                                           '

VI. REPORTS / RECORDS i in the event of identified cracks, an evaluation report shall be submitted to NRC NRR for review and approval prior to return to operation..  : Within 30 days of completion of visual examinations, as required by IE Bulletin-80-13, a detailed report of the results of the examinations and corrective actions taken (if any) shall be submitted to the Director - NRC Region I(Copy to NRC Office of I & E, Washington D.C.). All records. associated vylth the subject examinktions shall be maintained in accordance with ASME Section XI and plant procedures.- NOTE: Inspections, as required by this augmented program, are typically performed during a normal refueling outage in which routine ASME Section XI inservice inspections (ISI) are also performed ASME l Section XI requires that a summary report be filed, within 90 days of . completion of the inservice inspection, with jurisdictional enforcement


and regulatory authorities. Due to the similar nature of these. l activities, reports as required by this augmented program may be , submitted in conjunction with the ISI summary report provided the

                                  , reporting requirements of this augmented program are met.

l l , 1 p



                                                                      . M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 -

ISI Program  ! Appendix B-3 i Page 4 of 4 -l [ TABLE B-3-1 AUGMENTED EXAMIN ATION PP.OGRAM - 3 i Exam Area NDE Examination .  ; identification Number Ms,1h2d Frecuency H.g.113

        'A' CS Sparger -           VT*     Every Refueling. '

CS Piping within the Outage. - shroud --  ;

        'B' CS Sparger             VT*     Every Refueling       ' CS Piping within the Outage                     shroud
        'C' CS Sparger             VT*    .Every Refueling-        CS Piping within the Outage                     shroud
         'D'_ CS Sparger _         VT*     Every Refueling       'CS Piping within the Outage -                   shroud I
         'A&C' CS Supply          'VT*     Every Refueling 1       From N5B nozzle to Header Piping                       ' Outage -             shroud er. trance
          'B&D' CS Supply          VT*     Every Refuell'ng:       From N5A nozzle to Header Piping                         Outage               shroud entrance
          'T-box' front cover       VT*    E ery Refueling plate welds                           Outage
  • Visual examination with demonstrated resolution to' detect in situ 0.001 diameter fine wires.

e b. l?h

 };                                                           .

i IE c. 4 f 7M?$ Q, .

Speelf!cctirn M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 3 & 3 y 151 Program Appendix B-4 Page 1 of 3 - L J AUGMENTED INSPECTION PROGRAM ,4_: NUREG/CR-3052, Closeout of IE Bulletin 80-07: BWR Jet Pump Assembly Failure 4 l I. SCOPE . ss This augmented inspection program (AUG-4)' defines the recommended inspection requirements of NRC NUREG/CR-3052 applicable to the PBAPS 2 & 3 jet pump hold-down beam assemblies. l II. REFERENCES A. NUREG/CR-3052, Closeout of IE Bulletin 80-07: BWR Jet Pump Assembly' Failure, November,1984. B. IE Bulletin No. 80-07, BWR Jet Pump Assembly Failure, dated April 4,1980, ' and including Supplement No. I dated May 13, 1980. C. General Electric Company, SIL No. 330, Jet Pump Beam Cracks,

  • June 9,1980.

D.' PECo letter of May 2,-1980, S. L. Daltroff to Boyce W. Grier (NRC). E. PECo letter of May 7,1980, S. L. Daltroff to Boyce W. Grier (NRC). Ill. GENERAL The occurrence of BWR jet pump hold down beam cracking and/or failures at several domestic BWRs resulted in the issuance of NRC IE Bulletin '80-07, which mandated both visual and ultrasonic inspection of the jet pump hold-down beam ' < assemblies at operating BWRs, including PBAPS 2 & 3. Intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) has been identified as the failure mechanism of the beams. There are twenty (20) jet pump hold-down beams per unit at PBAPS. As a required action of IEB 80-07, all of the "origital BWR/4" hold-down beams installed on

Spscification M-733, Rev. O c PBAPS 2 &'3 ISI Program

                                                                             . Appendix B-4 Page 2 of 3 PBAPS 2 & 3 were subsequently visually and ultrasonically inspected for evidence of lack of integdty of the hold-down beams'due to IGSCC. Ultrasonic examinations on PBAPS #3 revealed one (1) beam with confirmed cracking; inspections on PBAPS #2 determined all beams intact.

General Electric Company's preferred resolution to the problem was the design and manufacture of an improved jet pump hold-down beam with a new heat treatment. This improved beam coupled with installation at a reduced preload is expected to '. lave a significantly increased service life. In 1984 (Unit #2) and _1988 (Unit #3), all original hold-down beams at PBAPS 2 & 3 were replaced with the;

            " improved BWF/4 beam design with improved heat treatment" and 25 kips (vs. 30) preload.

IV. INSPECTION PROGRAM Installation of new BWR/4 beams with the new heat treatment and reduced preload ~on PBAPS 2 & 3 aatisfies the requirements of IEB 80-07. ' As such, the bulletin may be considered closed'and there are no further requirements for 9 nondestructive examination of the beams. However, per NUREG/CR-3052, due to lack of plant experience with the new design beam, it is recommended that ultrasonic examination of all jet pump hold-down beams be performed once every ten (10) years. IN_SPECTION FREQUENCY PBAPS #2 UT _ once _every 10 years following JET PUMP. HOLD-DOWN BEAMS Installation of the new beam.1 JP #1 THROUGH JP #10 (20 TOTAL) PBAPS #3 'UT once ; every 10 years following JET PUMP HOLD-DOWN BEAMS installation of the new beam.2,3 - JP #1 THROUGH JP #10 (20. TOTAL)

               '1)   The PBAPS #2 new beams were installed August'of 1984.
            ' 2)

The PBAPS #3 new beams were installed August of 1988.

3) Beam #6 on PBAPS #3 was installed in Spring,1981, to replace the original beam with' confirmed IGSCC.

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Sp2cification M-733, Rev. O ~ PBAPS 2 & 3-ISI Prograr Appendix B-4 Page_3 of 3 Ultrasonic examinations shall be performed with technique intended for the . detection of 'GSCC in the given configuration. V. INSPECTION RESULTS Ultrasonic Indications identified during the required examinations of this augmented program shall be recorded, characterized, and evaluated as to type of defect, location and extent.  ! Per General Electric Company recom'mendations, beams having crack indications should be considered for replacement. VI. RECORDS / REPORTS All reccus/ reports shall be in accordance with ASME Section XI and plant procedure..  ! NOTE: Inspections, as required by this augmented program, are typleally- - performed duhing a normal refueling outage in which routine ASME Section XI inservice inspections (ISI) are also performed. ASME ' Section XI requires that a summary report be filed, within 90 days of , complet en of the inservice inspection, with jurisdictional enforcement i and regulatory authorities. Due to the similar nature of these-activities, reports as required by this augmented program may be submitted in conjunction with the ISI summary report. l I

yc mp Specificatinn - M-733, Rev. 0 - PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program i Appendix B-5 Page 1 of 28 AUGMENTED INSPECTION PROGRAM 5: Snubber Examination and Test Program (Technical Specification Snubbers)

1. SCOPE Tnis augmented inspection program (AUG-5) defines the mandatory examination and testing requirements for snubbers. This program has been prepared as a complete replacement for the Surveillance Requirements of PBAPS 2 & 3 Technical Specification 3/4.11.D.

All snubbers installed on the reactor coolant system and all other safety related q systems are sublect to the requirements of this augmented inspection program. Snubbers installed on nonsafety related systems are also within the scope of this program and may be excluded only if their failure or failure of the system on  ! which they are installed would have no adverse effect on any safety related system. O- Examination and testing requirements of this augmented inspection program apply - to the snubber assembly which includes the snubber body and ' attachments 'out to J ano including the load pins and their retainers (Figure B-5-1). Snubber support components beyond this defined space are outside of the scope of this augmented inspection program. A complete listing of all snubbers within the scope of this augmented inspection program is provided in the Augmented Program (AUG-5) Tables.

11. - REFERENCES A. ANSI /ASME Operations and Maintenance Standard OM-1987 with OMc-1990 Addenda, Part 4 (including additional industry / committee studies).

B. PBAPS 2 & 3 Technical Speelheation 3/4.11.D Snubbers O G- L-w s

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          !!!. DEFINITIONS A. Activation .the parameter that verifles restraining action.

B. Application Induced Failure - failures resulting from environmental -; I conditions or application of the snubber for which it has not been designed or-qualified. C. Breakaway Force - the minimum applied force required to initiate extension - or retraction of the snubber. D. Defined Test Plan Group - a population of snubbers having similar design or application characteristics selected for testing in accordance with the

- 10 percent or 37 testing sample plan.

E. Design or Manufacturing Failure - failures resulting from a potential defect .

                       -in manufacturing or design that give cause to suspect other similar snubbers.

This includes failures of any snubber (s) that falls to withstand the-O environment or application for which 'tI was designed. l l' F. Drag Force - the force required to maintain the snubber movement at a constant velocity prior to activation. G. Equipment Dynamic Restraint (Snubber) ,a device which provides restraint - to a component or s:tstem during a sudden application of forces but allows-essentially free motion during thermal movement. s H. Examination Group - a composition of snubbers which have been selected to be examined. I. Examination - the performance of visual observations for impaired functional ability due to physical damage, leakage, corrosion or deg*adation from environmental or operating conditions. J. Failure Mode Group - a composition of snubbers whose failure and potential for the same failure is similar. tO

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Spscification - M-733, Rov. 0  ! PBAPS 2 & 3 ) ISI Program l Appendix B-5 ' Page 3 of 28 .

       .       K. -   Inaccessible Snubbers - those snubbers that are in a high radiation area or .

other conditions that would render it impractical for the snubbers to be ' examined under normal plant operating conditions'without exposing plant personnel to undue hazards. L. ' Isolated Failure - the nature of the failure does not lend other snubbers to be suspect. For example, failures resulting from' damage during installation or shutdown (i.e., dropping equipment or tools on the snubber, missing pins, etc.). M. Maintenance - replacement of parts, adjustments,*and similar acitons which I do not change the design of the snubber, taken to prevent deficiencies in the  !

                    . function of a snubber, h.,      Maintenance, Repair, Installation Induced Failures - failures which result :

from damage during maintenance,' repair, or installation setivities, the. nature of which lends other snubbers to be suspect., O. Mechanical Snubbers - devices in which load is transmitted entirely through mechanical components. i P. Modification - aneration in the design of' a snubber to improve its suitability for a given environment or application Q. Normal Operating Conditions - operating conditions during reactor startup, . operating at power, hot standby, reactor cooldown to cold shutdown. R. Operability Testing - measurement of parameters thatLverify snubber operability. S. Operating Temperature - the temperature of the environment surrounding a snubber at its installed plant location during the phase of plant operation for which the snubber is required. ( 3

s Speelficati n . l M-733, Rsv. O ~ PBAPS 2 & 3 , ISI Program l Appendix B-5 l Page 4 of 28  : O T. Qualitative Testing - that testing performed to establish the functioning of a parameter without determining the speelQ measure of the parameter, l similar to go/no-go gauging. - L l U. Quantitative Testing - that testing performed to establish the speelfic - ' J measure or the limit of the functioning of a parameter, such as that required t to establish that a parameter is functioning within a specified range. l V. Release Rate - the rate of the axial' snubber movement under a specified , i load after activation of the snubber took place.L

        ' W .'     Repair,- replacement of parts and similar actions which do not change the.                                                            -

design of the onubber, taken to correct deficiencies in the function of a snubber. X. Replacement Snubber - any snubber other than the snubber immediately . L previously installed at the location. Y. Swing Clearance - the movement envelope within which the' snubber must operate without restriction, from the cold installed position to the hot ') operating position. ~ Z. Test Temperature - the temperature of the envi onment ' surrounding the j snubber at the time of the test. ' AA. Unacceptable Snubbers - chose snubbers which do'~not meet examination or testing requirementr,. l- AB. ' Unexplained Failure - failuren that cannot be categorized as design or manuf acturing, maletenance, repair, installation, application induced, or l 1solated. This includes all failures for which the cause of the failure cannot ' L be determined. i l l 1 LO  ! l l

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-_ - - - _ - -- .. . . ~ Speelflention M-733, Rev. 0 - PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program i Appendix B , Page 5 of 28 O- Figure B-5-1 SnuDber Scope of Examination /Testine i I h SNUBBER ASSEMBLY (PIN to PIN) l O

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Spssificaticn M-733 Rev. 0' PBAPS 2 & 3  ; IS! Program '

                                                                                   ' Appendix B-5 Page 6 of 28 IV. DENERAL SNUBBER EXAMINAT!ON AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS Snubbers are installed on safety and nonsafety related systems at PBAPS 2 & 3 to ensure the continued structural Integrity of the reactor coolant system and other safety related systems following a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads.

As such, assurance of the ability of these snubbers to perform as designed through examination and tasting is imperative. ,


Requirements for examination and testing of snubbers are addressed by regulatory I and industry groups in plant Technical Specifications,'ASME Section XI, ANSI, OM-1987 with OMc-1990 Addenda and INPO good practicesi This augmented  ; program, prepared by PECo, Is intended to provide a comprehensive' program

                 ' which demonstrates the operability of applicable PBAPS 2 & 3 snubbers and effectively addresses both regulatory and industry concerns regarding snubber examination and testing.

This augmented program constitutes the " Surveillance Requirements" section of y plant Technical Specification 3/4.11.D. , Requirements of Technical Specification 3/4.11.D other than surveillance requirements, still apply. A. Responsibility: E r PECo, as owner of PBAPS 2 & 3, is responsible for the preparation and implementation of this program including: s a): Implementation of the requirements of this program in accordance with site administrative procedures and the Quality. .l Assurance hogram. . L b) Qualification of personnel performing the examinations and tests. c)- Preparation of all necessary written procedures for complying. with the requirements of this program. l, . d) Collection and retention of all design and operating information f necessary for the performance of the examination and testing i l~ , (;

Speelfle3ticn M-733, Rsv. 0 l PBAPS 2 & 3 IS! Program  ! Appendix'B-5 _' Page 7 of 28 program. This information shall be available for use during implementation of the program. ... B. Procedures Examinations, tests, and maintenance or repair activities shall be performed-in accordance with written procedures. C. Examination and Test Results The results of all examination and testing shhll be documented and shall include as a minimum: 5 a) Manufacturer's model number, serial number, type, unique - location identification and/or PECo identification of the snubber, . I as applicable. [

p b) Pertinent examination and test data.

\ Q c) Iden'tification and' disposition of nonconformances. " I-d) Information to identify the test / examination performed, i procedure used, and date. l e) Test equipment used.' f) Acceptability of test / examination results.' l g) Identification of ex imination and test personnel. l-. D. Personnel Qualificati'ns Test Personnel who are required to witness, perform, and/or evaluate the snubber testing shall be quellfled in accordance with site administrative procedures. Inspection personnel performing and evaluating visual p/


examinations shall be quallfled'for VT- 3 visual examination in accordance I-' t=__ . -_;.,..__. .. . . . , , . ___ .

                                                                  - Spacification -

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                                                                   . Page 8 of 28 with ASME Section XI 1980 Edition, up to and including the Winter 1981 Addenda (1980W81), or PECo approved equivalent...

E.. Instrumentation and Test Equipment instrumentation and test equipment used to verify snubber performance shall have the range and accuracy necessary to demonstrate conformance to specific examination or test' requirements. All instruments and test equipment _used in performing the examination and testing program shall be calibrated and controlled in accordance with site administrative procedures. F. Snubber Maintenance or Repair Snubbers within the scope of this program shall not be subjected to - maintenance or repair prior to examination and/or testing specifically for the purpose of meeting the examination and/or testing requirements. The . preventative or c:,rrective actions required by the PBAPS Quclity Assurance Program snall supercede this requirement. G. Post Maintenance Exam'i nation and Testing. Maint'enance activities which can alter the snubber's intended function shall be evaluated by considering the effects of the maintenance on the snubber's ability to meet the examination and testing acceptance criteria. Snubbers which undergo maintenance activities.which could alter the snubber's ability to perform its intended function shall be examined and ' tested in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section V of this appendix. The requirements selected shall ensure that the function (s) which may have been affected are verified by the examination or tests to be. acceptable. The site administrative procedures governing maintenance activities shall address these requirements. O i1 I

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   ! .            H. Snubber Repair, Replacement, or Modification i

All snub %rs within the scope of this program shall'be repaired, replaced or a modified in accordance with ASME Section XI and site administrative  ! procedures. Repair activities which can alter the snubber's intended function shall be I evaluated by considering the effects of the repair on the snubber's ability to'-

                     . meet the examination and t'esting acceptance criteria. Snubbers which-undergo repair activities which could alter the snubber's ability to perform        l its intended function shall be examined and tested in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section V of this appendix.

Replacement or modified snubbers shall be visually exacloed in accordance with the requirements of Section V of this appendix.' .. Visual examinations or operability testing, as may be required above, shall be addressed in site administrative procedures governing ASME Section XI repair / replacement activities. ' I. ' Deletion of Unacceptable Snubbers u When unacceptable snubbers are deleted.(bhsed on analysis of the affected piping system), the deleted snubber (s) shall, nevertheless,' be considered in its resoective failure mode group; and the effect of the corrective action taken, for the balance of the failure mode group, shall apply. For example, for the purposes of the applicable corrective' action, the deletion of the snubber may be considered the same as replacement with a snubber quallfled for the application. i J. Transient Dynamic Event If.a transient dynamic event occurs which may affect operability, the affected system (s) and associated snubbers shall be reviewed and any. appropriate corrective action'taken. ~ Any corrective actions taken are independent of the examination and testing requirements of this program. l f 7 , e

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I K. . Supported Component (s)/ System Evaluation f


An engineering evaluation shall be performed of component (s) and/or. l system (s) on which an unacceptable sm>ber is installed for possible damage ~ to the supported system and/or compo at. V. SNUBBER EXAMINATION AND TESTING PROGRAM Each snubber within the scope ~of this augmented program shall be demonstrated operable by performance of the program requirements as detailed in this Section. . Certain snubbers may be waived in part or totally from the requirements of this program (on a case-by-case basis), provided technicaljustification for the deviation be filed with regulatory authorities prior to implementation of the deviation. l-l- A. Visual Examination EO Visual examination for operational readiness is required for snubbers'with the number of snubbers and the frequency of reexamination being determined by 1 l the number of unacceptable snubbers within a group and the corrective action taken. ci Visual examination shall be performed to identify physical damage, leakage, corrosion, or degradation from environmental exposure or operating conditions. External features which may indicate operability of the. snubber shall be examined. An examination checklist shall be prepared for this purpose. The initial visual examinations performed in accordance with this augmented t L program shall be implemented during the first refuelbg outage following: regulatory acceotance of this program. 1 \-

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                                                                                               'l Sp2cificatir.n
                                                                  . M-733, Rev.' 0               1 PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program
                                                                  - Appendix B-5 Page 11 of 28
1) Examination Documentation The following documentation is necessary to support implementation and-verification of the visual examinations:

i a) Examination procedures and ' checklists verifying examination and ,

                      . as-found conditions.                                                      i
              -b)     : Examination records, c)     Thermal movement inspection records.

d) Records of nonconformance and corrective actions that are required.

2) Snubber Categorization
              ' Snubbers may be categorized and grouped as accessible and inaccessible; these groups may be considered separately for the purpose of visual examination. Determination'of accessible / inaccessible snubber groups and plans for separate or joint application of program requirements by group shall be made and documented prior to initiating examinations for a given examination interval. Once determined, groups shall be used t' hroughout the examination' interval and shall not be changed.
3) Examination Sample Size -

The initial and all subsequent visual examinations ~shall include all-(100%) of the snubbers of all groups as may have been established in 2) above.

4) -Examination Frequency The initial inservice examination of all snubbers sha: be started not less than two. months after attaining 5% reactor po% oeration and shall be completed within 12 calendar months after uttaining 5% ,
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specification : .;' ' L M-733, Rev. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3. ISI Pr* gram ' Appendix B-5 ' l Page 12 of 28 reactor power operation. Subsequent examination intervals shall be as follows: j (a) The second inservice examination shall be conducted at the first refueling outage. No schedule change in accordance with l L Table B-5-1 is required. . (b) The third inservice examination shall be conducted at the second l l refueling outage. t (c) Subsequent examination intervals shall be in accordance with! Table B-5-1.

5) Outage-Based Visual Examinations Table B-5-1, Outage-Based Visual Examination Table, provides the permissible number of inoperable snubbers allowed, for vario'is snubber j populations or groups, to continue with the normal examination v frequency schedule. In addition, Table B-5-1 details all corrective actions to be taken and provides examination frequency adjustments to-be made, based on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during -

the visual examination. O T

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                                                                                                                - M-733, R0v. O PBAPS 2 & 3-                              -1 ISI Program
                                                                                                                ' Appendix B-5 l_

Page 13 of 28 - TABLE B-5-1: REFUELING OUTAGE-BASED VISUAL EXAMINATION TABLE l i NUMBER OP UNACCEPTABLE SNUBBERS ' Population Column A Columu H ' . Column C -- or Group For Extended Interval Masimum for Samt r4 P.vious For Interval Reduction by 1/3 l (Nots !) (Notes 2 and 3 L Interval (Notes 2 a.-d 2 (Notes 2,5,6) l 1 0 0 1 , 80 0 0 2-l 100 0 'l 4 IM 0 3 8 200 2 5 13 300 5 12 25 400 8 IS 36 500 12 24 ' 48 750 20 40 78 1000 29 56 109 1500 48 91- 173-NOTE 1: Interpolation between population oc grou? sises and the nurther of unacceptable snubbers is permissible. (Joe the next lower integer found for the permissible number of unacceptable snubbers.- l NOTE 2: The basic interval shall be the normal fuel cycle up to 24 months. The examination interval may be as great as twice - the fuelcycle o ote 31o small as 1/3 of the fuel cycle (notes 5(b) and 6K The maximum tprevious intervall value used to determine the n, n examination interval shall be one normal fuel cycle The ezamination intervals may very oy 125 pircent to ci. .:ide with the actual outage, NOTE 3: If the number of ,macceptable snubbers is equal to or less thar. the value in column A, then the next examination interval may be increased to twice the past examination interval,i.e., the neat exam according to the former interval may be skipped. When the Lemer intervalis the refueling cycle,the snubbers may be examined only every cther refueling cycle interval so long as the results of the visual examination meet the requirements of column A. The snubbers that are installed at locations where the snubbers were unacceptable at the previous examination - shall be examined during the skipped refueling outage, NOTE 4: If the number of unaccepta' ole snubbers exceeds the value in column A,but is equal to or less than the number in - column B, then the neat risual ezamination shall be conducted at the same interval as the immediately preceding interval. When the former intervalis the refueling cycle the next interval is the current refueling cycle. NOTE 5: If the number of unacceptable snubbers escoeds the number in column B, but is equal to or less than the value in column C, then one of the following shall apply: (a) A review and evaluation to justify continued use of the snubbers shall be performed. The previous eraminatbn i . interval may then be used. When the former intervalis the refueling cycle the next interval is the current ~ refueling cycle,OR (b) 'Ibe next examination interval shall be decreased by one. third of the previous examination interval or, in - accordance with the interpolation between columns B and C, in proportion to the exact number of unacceptable snubbers. NOTE 6: If the number of unacceptable snubbers exceeds the value in column C, then the corrective actions and justifications . of Note 5a shall be performed and the examination interval shall be decreased to one. third of the previous interval, o

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                                                                              - PBAPS 2 & 3             1 ISI Program Appendix B-$

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6) Visual Exismination Acceptance Criteria Visual examinations shall verify conformance of the snubber:

Installation to the following requirements: a) Must Restrain Movement. Snubbers shall be installed such that when activated, piping / component movement is restrained. Visual observ stion of . loose fasteners, corroded or deformed members, or detection of disconnected components or other conditions that might interfere. with the proper restraint of movenent requires eveldation.. , Snubbers which are determined to be incapable of restraining - movement shall be considered unacceptable. l b) Must Permit Thermal Movement. Snubbers shall be installed in such condition that thermal i movement of the piping / component is not restricted to the extent . that unacceptable overstressing could develop. Observed binding, misalignment, and/cr deformation may be indicative of such a . situation, and shall be evaluated.' Snubber installations [~ determined to excessively restrict piping / component thermal movement shall be considered unacceptable, c) Design-Specific Observations. Snubbers shall be free of Uefects that may be generic to,


particular designs, as may be detected by. visual examination. Visual examination anomalies which Indicate potential impaired operability of the snubber (s).may be resolved by operability testing in accordance with the Section V, Paragraph A.7 of this appendix.-

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                                                                    . Specific 0 tion >                 j M-733, Rev. 0                     i l

PBAPS 2 & 3 l l ISI Pr gram t 1 Appendix B  ! j Page 15 cf 28 l 7) Operability Test Evaluation ] l l Any snubber (s) found to be' unacceptable as a result of visual . j examination may be operability tested in accordance with the t j requirements of Section V, Paragraph B. of this appendix. Results.may l be used to evaluate the snubber as acceptable, provided that testing- ! can show the unacceptable condition did not affect operability.

                                                                                                    -i B. Operability Testing .                                                                    ;

Operability testing for operational readiness is required to be performed on representative samples of snubbers' based on the sampling plans provided-herein. The number of snubbers to be tested is determined by the' sampling plan chosen and the corrective actions prescribed by that sampling plan. Additional samples taken, based on the number of unacceptable snubbers - found, is also determined by the speelfle sampling plan chosen. Testing, as required by this augmented program, shall be implemented during-l the first refueling outage following regulatory acceptance of this program.'

1) Testing Documentation
                 . The following documentation is necessary to support implementation and verification of operability testing:

a) Operability testing procedures.- b) Previous test records. 7 c) Nonconformance results,' evaluations, and corrective actions.. d) Defined test plan grouping. t i y -- h -i ,-e*- -e' = =9+ wP Y-'

Spselficati n : " M-733, Rev. 0 : PBAPS 2 & 3 - -l ISI Program l Appendix B-5

2) Operability Testing Requirements The following general requirements apply to all operability testing l

performed: a) Operability testing loads l Snubbers shall be tested at a load sufficient to verify the ' operating parameters specified in Section V, Paragraph B.5, of _, ! 'his appendix. Testing at less than rated' load must be correlated to operability parameters at rated load, b) Test correction factors. Differences may exist between the installed operating conditions and the conditions under which a snubber is tested. In such cases, correction factors shall be established and test results shall be correlated to' operating conditions as appropriate. c) Test-as-found. Operability testing should be performed on snubbers in their "as-found" condition, to the fullest extent practical, for all-l snubber parameters to be tested. d) Test restrictions. Testing methods utilized shall not alter the condition of the snubber such that the test results no longer represent snubber parameters prior to testing. I e) In situ testing. Where desirable, in situ operability testing (i.e., testing with the snubber installed in its permanent location) may be utilized O .

Specificati:n M-733, Rev. O , l PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix B-5 i Page 17 of.28 '

  ._ c provided test methods and equipment have been approved by-I PECo.                                                                                             ,

, 1 l l' f) Bench testing. l Operability testing may be performed by removal of the snubber and bench testing, provided test methods and equipment have 1 l been approved by PECo. Following reinstallation of the snubber, . , a visual examination in accordance with.the applicable l requirements of Section V, Paragraph A of this appendix, shall be - 7 performed. g) Subcomponent testing. < i Where snubber physical size, test equipment limitations, or snubber inaccessibility prevent the use of either in situ testing or: bench testing, the snubber subcomponents shall be tested and I reassembled in accordance with PECo approved procedures. . . h) Correlation of indirect measurements. l Testing methods may be used which measure parameters indirectly or parameters other than those speelfled, if those - 1 results can be correlated to the specified parameters, through established methods. l i) Parallel and multiple installations.- The snubbers of parallel and/or multiple installations shall be. Identified and counted Individually. j) Fractional sample sizes All fractional sample sizes shall be rounded up to the next : Integer. O- ,. 1.. _ . , _ _ _. . . _.

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(' Appendix B-5  !

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! 3) Qualitative Testing. 1 l Qualitative testing may be used in lieu of quantitative measurements in i meeting the operability test acceptance criteria of this document,- following review and approval of this method, by regulatory ,j authorities. Sufficient data, based upon service history or life cycle testing, shall be obtained to demonstrate the ability of the parameter l in question to be within specification over the life of the snubber (e.g. l demonstration that activation takes place without measurement of thb activation level). A test report shall be prepared for each snubber exempted from quantitative operability testing requirements. The test repcrt shall verify the parameter was within specifications to allow ! exemption of the snubber from quantitative testing of the parameter. . t

4) Operability Teating Acceptance Criteria l

Operability testing shall verify conformance to the following requiretaents: a) The force that will initiate motion (breakaway force),-the force l l that will maintain low velocity (drag force), or both, as required l by the test procedure, are within specified limits, both in tension and in compresslor., b) Activation is within tae speelfled range of time, velocity, or acceleration in both tension and compression c) Release rate, where applicable, is withlh the specified range in tension and compression. For units specif!' sally required not to displace under continuous load, the ability of the snubber to withstand load without displacement shall a demonstrated. O

specitication - l M-733, Rev. 0 > l PBAPS 2 & 3 I ISI Pr: gram - l Appendlx B Page 19 of 28  ;

5) Operability Testing Failure Evaluation Snubbers that do not meet the operability testing acceptance criteria for quantitative testing or qualitative testing shall be evaluated to -

determine the cause of failure, using test failure mode groups. - l a) Test failure mode groups t Unacceptable snubber (s) shall be categorized into test failure < mode group (s). Test failure mode group (s) shall include all J unacceptable snubbers that have a given failure mode, and all' other snubbers subject to the same failure mode. - The following. failure modes shall be used:- ,

1) Design, manufacturing i 2)- Application induced.

! 3) Maintenance, repair, installation.

4) . Isolated.
5) Unexplained.

b). Test failure mode group boundaries  ; Once a test failure mode group has been established,' any'. j snubber (s) in that test failure mode group will not be part of the j l defined test plan groups from which the snubber (s) originated except as noted in (c) below.' The new test failure mode group will remain as defined until correctiv'e action has been completed.- I Note that for.the 37 testing sample plan, established f' allure mode . groups once separated from the defined test plan group (s), are-L referred to as " Independent" test failure mode groups. l c) more inan one tc:t failure mode group I in the event that a snubber (s) becomes included in more than one: O test failure mode group, it shall be counted in each failure mode

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                                                                            !Si Program Appendix B-5 Page 20 of 28

group in which it is unacceptable and shall be subject to the3 L corrective action of each test failure mode group.. I d) Additional failure mode group review , Once the operability test. requirements are satisfied for a given defined tist plan group, then any additional failure mode group , review or testing shall not require any subsequent testing on the defined tert plan group.

6) Defined Test Plan Groups.

Defined test plan groups shall be determined prior to initiating testing. - These groups shall encompass all snubbers and shall'be based on similarities of design or application. That is, snubbers mr.y be grouped by size, type, design, application, or other means as detarmined by engineering evaluation.

7) Operability Testing interval Testing in accordance with the selected sampling plan shall be performed each refueling outage for each defined test plan group, l i
8) Operability Testing Sampling Plan Selection.

l: , Testing shall be conducted .cr each defined test plan group using one of the following sampling plans: a) 10 percent testing sample plan b) - 37 testing sample plan -

                                                                                                         't The plan to be used for eacn defined testing plan group of snubbers shall be selected before testing begins for the test interval. Once selected, the plan shall be used throughout the test interval for that defined test plan group and any failure mode group that is determined from the original deflaed test plan group.
                             -                                 , . _ ,         . . _ . _ ~.    .- .. .!

Specific:tirn- ' M-733, Rsv. 0 ' PBAPS 2 & 3. ISI Program 1 L Appendix B-5

                                                                                   .Page 21 of 28 l_

9)' Operability Testing Corrective Action and Continued Testing l' l Snubbers that do not meet the operability testing acceptance criterla for quantitative testing or qualitative testing shall be subject to corrective action (s), ulth its indicated impact on continued testing. - i Selection of the correttive action shall be governed by the sampling plan which is used. An) maintenance, repairs, replacements or modifications shall meet the requirements of this program. , i

10) The 10 Percent Testing Sample Plan .

When the 10 percent testing sample plan'is chosen for a' defined test group, the following criteria shall applyt a) Initial test sample lot size and composition for a test interval. ( l For the flait sample lot tested, a representative / random sample of 10 percent of the snubbers in the defined test plan group shall be selected. As far as practical, the sample selected shall include the various designs, configurations, operating - , environments, range of sizes, capacity of snubbers,'etc. The first . 'i sample lots tested shall be a composite based on the ratio of each particular category to the totai number of snubbers in the defined te',t plan group. Sample lot selection from the representative. 't eategories of snubbers shall be random. b) Additional test (s) lot size in the same test interval. . For any snubber (s) determined to be unacceptable as a result of L [ testing, an additional sample of at least 1/2 the size of the initial sample lot shall be tested until the total number tested is equal to the initial sample size multiplied by the fa ctor,1 + C/2, where . C is the total number of snubbers found to be macceptable; or all-snubbers in the failure mode group have been tssted. (The testing . of additio'nal samples by this criteria is also regtired for snubbers - determined to be un;-ceptable in any additional test' lot.) ~ 1

 . - - . ..    . -- -_- .     .     .--       .- -~ -               .-.        -      .-              --. -

l bpecitic0tsoni

l. M-733, Rev. O, PBAPS 2 & 3 IS! Program Appendix B-5 Page 22 of 28 i c)' Additional test lots composition in the same test interval.

As far as is practical, the additional samples shall include: (1) Snubbers of the same' manufacturer's design. (2) Snubbers immediately adjacent to those found , unacceptable. (3) Snubbers from the same piping system. (4) Snubbers from other piping systems that have'similarL operating conditions such as temperature, humidity,- vibration, and radiation. l (5) Snubbers which are previously untested. i d) Subsequent test interval population selection.- For subsequent refueling outages, each representative sample shall be selected in ceordance with a), b), and c) above, from the total population af the defined test plan group. e) Sample plan corrective action. The 10 percent sample plan corrective actions are depecdent upon the assigned failure mode group as follows: l Design, manufacturing, maintenance, repair, installation and application induced test failure modes-

1) All snubbers in a test failure . mode group shall be replaced or modified in accordance with Section IV, Paragraph H of.

this document, and categorized as acceptable. OR 4

2) The unacceptable snubbers in the test failure mode group ' '

shall be replaced, or repaired to the original quallfled  ;

Sp;cification M-733, Rev. 0

PBAPS 2 & 3.
                                                                            . ISI Program j

Appendix B-5 , p Page 23 of 28 t l condition. The number of unacceptable snubbers shall I determine the additional test lots of Section V, Paragraph B.10.b. I OR

3) The unacceptable snubbers in an anolication induced tes1- _  !

failure mode troup shall be replaced or repaired to an acceptable condition. All snubbers in this group shall be i

                                   ' categorized as acceptable provided the environment or                   ;

I applications are compatible with the design parameters. isolated test failure mode The unacceptable snubbers in this test failure mode group shall be replaced or repaired in accordance with Section IV, Paragraph F. of this appendix and categorized'as acceptable, fO Unexplained test failure mode I The unacceptable snubbers'in this test failure mWe group shall be ' replaced or repaired in accordainee with Sectica IV, Paragraph H of this  ; appendix. The number of unacceptable snubt er(s) shall determine the additional testing lots in accordance with Seetion V,. Paragraph B.10.B.- q

13) The 37 Testing Sample Plan
  • When the 37 testing sample plan is chosen for a defined test group, the following criteria shall applys.  ;

a) Initial sample size md composition. l l l- The initial sampla shall consist of 37 snubbers selected randomly l for each defineJ test group lwhich utilizes the 37 testing sample plan. -l

Speelfisati:n ' l M-733, Rov 0. PBAPS 2 & 3.-' ISI Program

                                                                                                                                                                 - Appendix B-5' Page 24 of 28' b)                 Additional defined test plan group testing .

For any snubber (s) determined to be unacceptable as a result of testing, additional samples shall be selected such that the. following test plan equation is satisfied (Figure B-5-2):: , N a 36.49 + 18.18 C where .i N = Total number of snubbers tested.which were selected from the defined test plan group and C = Total number of unacceptable snubbers found in the defined - test plan group (excluding those in independent test failure mode groups) plus one for each 1.xlependent test failure mode group.- Additional samples shall t e a random' manner from the  ; remaining population of the defined test plan group. Snubbers in test failure mode gro',ps shall be separated and should not be included in the additional' sample (s). l i ! c) Independent failure mode' group testing . Once a test failure mode group has been established, it shall be separated for continued testing apart from the defined test plan group. It is then identified as an independent test failure mode  ! group. , 1 i i q v , [

                             - . -                                                          .            __                                   . _. _ _ . . . _ .               _  _ n....u=

Sp sificaticn .  ! M-733, R0v. 0 - t PBAPS 2 & 3 L ISI Program Appendix B-5 Page 25 of 28 - O's For an independent test failure mode group, the number of unacceptable snubbers which define the test failure mode group shall determine the additional testing in the test failure mode group lit accordance with'the following equation (Figure B-5-2):

                                                                                                    .i N 2 3b !9 + 18.18 C where                                                   -[

N = Initial defined test plan lot of 37 tested plus all those - f selected and tested from the independent test failure mode' i group. and C = Total number of unacceptable anubbers in the independent test failure mode group. ' , in addition, the following criteria shall apply to additional testing in an independent test failure mode group: ,

1) Snubbers are selected in a random manner from the independent test failure mode group.. ,
2) Any additional unacceptable snubbers found in the independent test failure mode group shall be counted for i

continued testing only for that independent test failure mMa group. l l 3)- Testing completion is in'accordance with the above - equation in c) above. d) The 37 testing sample plan corrective action. 1 The following corrective action shall apply:

1) All unacceptable snubbers in the defined test .an group. i

shall be replaced or repaired in accordance with Section IV, a Paragraph H of this appendix to the original qualified , _ . . ._ . ~ , _ . . _ . . . - ,

Specific tlen l M-733, Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 i

                                                                                             'ISI Program' l                                                                                               Appetidix B-5=

Page 26 of 28-  ; condition. These unacceptable snubbers shall remain = categorized as unacceptable for.the purpose of additional testing per the 37 testing sample plan,' Section V.B.13.b of this appendix.

2) The unacceptable snubber (s) in a test failure mode group .

shall be replaced or repaired in accordance with Section IV, , Paragraph H of this appendix to the original quallfled s

                              . condition. These unacceptable snubbers shall be used in determining the requirements for additional testing per the                                              ,

37 testing sample plan, Section V.B.13.c of this appendix.- l l O l 1 i


4 h

                  .                    -,                           .                         .,m_                  _


5 .- -

CONTINUE 1 l l TESTING 4 - - REGION  ! I l i e C 3 -- i I , N - 36.49 + 18.18C


I i I l 2 -- ACCEPT LINEm/

                                                                                         /[       ACCEET-j r


                                                           /                     ~            '

REGION $$$!!Il O v,/ i 1 iH5! _ve "m

                                                                                                                                           ==        o" 3 0            10'         20-      30 .40        50             60        70          80  90   .100. 110           '12 0  13 0 i


                                                                                            - Specification -
                                                                                            . M-733, Rsv. O.

PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix B-5  ! Page 28 of 28 l VI. SERVICE LIFE MONITORING  ! The service life of all snubbers shall be monitored to ensure that the service life is not exceeded between augmented examination / testing intervals. The maximum expected service life for various seals, springs, and other critical parts shall be extended of shortened based on monitored test results and failure history. Critical , parts shall be replaced so that the maximum service life will not be exceeded , during a period when the snubber is requireo to be operable. Replacements shall l meet the requirements of Section IV, Paragraph H of this appendlx. l Vll. REPORTS / RECORDS All reports / records associated with the examinations / testing of this augmented l program shall be prepared / maintained in accordance with ASME Section XI and site administrative procedures. Records of service life monitoring shall be maintained in accordance with PBAPS Technical Specification record retention requirements. t Summary reports detailing the results of examinations / testing as required by this

l. augmented examination program shall be included in the ISI Summary Report.

V m

dpecificaten : , M-733, Rev, 0 ' PBAPS 2 & 3 IS! Program Appendix B-6 Page 1 of 3-AUGMENTED INSPECTION PROGR AM - 6: SIL' No. 409, Incore Dry Tube f l Cracks - 1 l

1. SCOPE l

l This augmented inspection program (AUG-6)' defines the specific examination ! requirements'of General Electric Company (GE) Nuclear Services information Letter (SIL) No. 409, as applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. This SIL provides information/-: recommendations relative to cracks found in BWR Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM) and Source Range Monitor (SRM) instrumentation dry tubes.  ; t -; l f Examination requirements, as detailed in this document, are exclusive of any l ASME Section XI inservice inspection requirements for the identified components within the scope of this document. .

11. REFERENCE I 4 (j A. GE SIL No. 409, incere Dry Tube Cracks, Revision 1, Category'2, 1 July 31,1986, t

B. MEMO R. W. Gropp to File, dated 12/6/88; NRC Bulletin No. 88-09, " Thimble Tube Thinning in Westinghouse Reactors." ' 111. GENERAL Examinations of IRM/SRM dry tubes at several BWRs have resulted in cracking and/or crack indications observed in'a number of IRM/SRM instrumentation dry-tubes. All of the observed cracks are within the top two (2) feet of the dry tube assembly, primarily in the perforated tube adjacent to either the weld between the tube and the guide plug or the weld between the tube and the primary pressure - boundary. i


The cracking is considend to be caused by a combination of crevQe cortcslon cracking eWrrdiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IA OC), while crack s/ t _ - - - _, . . _ . . 4

Sp;cift:atien ..

                                                                             - M-733, Rev. 0 -

l PBAPS 2 & 3

ISI Program . +

l Appendix B-6 Page 2 of 3

  '        initiation time is strongly dependent on BWR water chemistry (i.e. water conductivity).                                                                        ,

The PBAPS 2 & 3 IRM/SRM instrumentation dry tubes are the original BWR/2-6 , design and as suen are susceptible to the cracking described.  ; Crack initiation time and growth rate for the PBAPS 2 & 3 configuration is dependant on time in use, water quality, and loading variations (e.g., flow induced l vibration, bumping during fuel movements). - Recommended visual examinations l shall be in accordance with Section IV. IV. EXAMINATION PROGRAM


There are four (4) SRM and eight (8) IRM dry tube assemblies in each PBAPS 2 & 3 reactor pressure vessel. Visual examination (VT-1) of the top two (2) feet of these l dry tubes is recommended in accordance with Table B-6-1. V. EXAMINATION RESULT.E Visual examination results shall be doenmented/dispositioned in accordance with ASME Section XI. VI. REPORTS / RECORDS i All reports / records associated with the examinations of this augmented program shall be prepared / maintained in accordance-with.ASME Section XI and plant , procedures. l' , l O

     +          ,                     -  ~ ,                         . . , .      , .-
                                                                                   ._ epecniacation

, M-733 Rsv. 0 >

                                                                                   -PBAPS 2 & 3                                      j l

ISI Program Appendix B-U. Page 3 of 3 TABLE B-6 INCORE DRY TUBE RECOMMENDED INSPECTION PROGRAM . . Water Conductivity j

                                                  ' Meets EPRI'                 Does Aot Meet-                                      .

Guidelinesl" EPRI Guidelines! PBAPS 2 & 3 4/22,3 2/12,3 SRM/lRM Dry Tubes i I 3 L

1. EPRI water conductivity guidelines appear in EPRI' NP 3589'SR LD for the .

( cumulative service of dry tubes. P

2. X/Y - Visual examination should be performed during the "Xth" refueling outage after dry tube installation. Subsequent visual examinations should be performed every "Yth" refueling outage.
3. The SRM/IRM dry tubes are located between'the Top Guide and Core Plate and are not accessible during a normal refue' ling outage. Removal of an adjacent fuel:

cell is required to provide access for remote visual examination. l l 4 1



                                                                      ,-,-,s  ,           y-               ,    ,n y -    -..,,y

l Specificaticn M-733 Rev. O , PBAPS 2 & 3 l IS! Program ! Appendix B-7 [. Page 1 of 2 AUGMENTED INSPECTION PROGRAM - 7: SIL No. 474 , Steam Dryer Drain Channel Crackling

1. SCOPE This augmented inspection program (AUG-17) defines the specific examination recommendations of Genersl Electric Company (GE) Nuclear Services Information ,

Letter (SIL) No. 474, as applicable to PBAPS 2 & 3. This SIL reports the  ; occurrence of cracking in the drain channel to steam dryer skirt attachment welds and the related GE examination recommendations. II. REFERENCES A. GE SIL No. 474, Steam Dryer Drain Channel Cracking, October 26,1988. 111. GENERAL 'O The PBAPS 2 & 3 steam dryers are not safety related components; their function is to improve thi. quality of the steam before it leaves the reactor vessel. The steam dryer drain channels channel water runoff from the dryer back into the-reactor pressure vessel. Cracking has been discovered at several BWR/4, 5 and 6 plants in the drain channel to dryer skirt attachment welds, both the horizontal and vertical welds. GE analysis indicates that crack initiation was due to high S cycle fatigue. The subject cracking is not a safety concern; however, if extreme cracking would occur, steam quality would become severly degraded and could potentially damage balance of plant components. Failed drain channels could result in locce parts and potentially damage RPV internal components. As such, augmented examination is recommended to ensure steam dryer reliability. 1 O

Speelficatitn l M-733. Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix B-7 . t Page 2 of 2 IV. EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS l l Visual (VT-1) examination of the PBAPS 2 & 3 steam dryer drain channel l attachment welds is recommended every refueling outage. V. EXAMINATION RESULTS Examination results generated from this augmented inspection program shall be recorded and evaluated in accordance with applicable plant procedures. Any cracking detected shall be evaluated for repair to preclude any further crack growth. , t VI. REPORTS / RECORDS 'i All reports / records associated with the examinations of.this augmented program - , shall be prepared / maintained in accordance with ASME Section XI and plant-p procedures. O J l t i b



B s-s

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f y i1 I

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l- ' bp;cification - , j l M-733. Rsv. 0:  ; i PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program : -- Appendix C - J Page1 of1 1 APPENDIX C - TABLE OF CONTENTS ' REFERENCE DRAWINGS

  • I List of ASME Sction XI Boundary Drawing List of ASME Section XIisometric and Component' Drawings PBAPS Unit'2 & _-,

Common  ; List of ASME Section XI Isometric and Component Drawings PBAPS Unit 3: -


List of ASME Section XI ISI Calibration Block Drawings 1 l

                                                                                                       .4 1


                                                                                             >         j O                                                                                                      :


                                                                             ' M-733. Rev. 0 -

PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program ( Appendix C Page 1 of 14 ASME Section XI ISI Boundary Drawings Drawing Number t (Sheet (s)) Title ISI-M3 (1,3) Main Steam, Bypass & Crossaround J 1S1-304 (1,2) Turbine & Extraction Steam 1S1-308 (1,2,3,4) Feedwater & Feed Pumps (Sheet 1,3 Augmented only) 1S1-309 (1,2) Condensate Storage (Augmented only) 1S1-315 (1,2,3,4) Emergency Service Water and High Pressure Service Water' 1S1-316 (1,3) Cooling Water-Reactor Bldg. (IST only) 1S1-320 (1,4) Compressed Air System (IST only)  ; 1S1-327 (2,4) Chilled Water System Drywell Cooling (IST only) ISI-330 (1) Emergency Cooling System 1S1-331 (1,3) Off-Gas Recombiner System - 1S1-332 (1,2) Primary Containment Leak Testing (IST only) ISI-333 (1,2) instrument Nitrogen (IST only) ISI-351 (1,2,3,4) Nuclear Boller ISI-352 (1,2,3,4) Nuclear Boller Vessel Instrumentation - q 151-353 (1,2,3,4) Reactor Recirculation Pump System V 151-354 (1,2) Reactor Water Clean-Up_ System ISI-356 (1,2) . Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System - Part A 1S1-357 (1,2) Control Rod Drive Hydraulle System - Part B 151-358 (1,2) Standby Liquid Control System 1S1-359 (1,2) Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System ISI-360 (1,2) RCIC Pump Turbine Details 1S1-361 (1,2,3,4) Residual Heat Removal System - ISI-362 (1,2) Core Spray Cooling System ISI-363 (1,2) Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System ISI-365 (1,2) High Pressure. Coolant injection System ISI-366 (1,4) HPCI Pump Turbine Details i 1S1-367 (1,2,3) Containment Atmospheric Control System (Sht. 3 IST only)L , ISI-368 (1) Radwaste Liquid Collection System (Unit 2 and common)(IST only) 1S1-369 (1) Radwaste Liquid Collection System (Unit 3)(IST only) 1S1-372 (1,2) Containment Atmosphere Dilution System 151-373 (1) Breathing Air System (IST only). r


1S1-376 (1,2) Traversing Incore Probe System (IST only) ISI-377 (1,4) Diesel Generator Auxillary Systems (IST only) 1S1-391 (1,2) Primary & Secondary Containment isolation Control (IST only)-

tpesitic ticn M-733, Rsv. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3. - ISI Program Appendix C: a

                                                                                                                                                 . Page 2 of 14-                                                ,

1 L. ASME Section XI isometric & Component Drawings'- , P_DAP.J_ Unit 2 & Common  : I .

                                                                                                                                                    .                                                        -{'

System Isometric Drawing Component Drawirg

j. Core Spray DCN-14-MI-203 A DCN-14-MI-203-5-B G B-14-MI-2 02 A GB-14-MI-202-2-B GB-14-MI-202-2-C GB-14-MI-202-2-D - -

G B-14-MI-2 03 A" GB-14LMI-203-3-B

                                                                                      . G B-14-Mi-203-4-A G B-14-MI-2 03-4-B HB-14-Mi-201-1-A -

HB-14-Mi-201-1-B HB-14-Ml-201-1-C'. HB-14-Mi-201-1-D A HC-27-MI-201-1 U (AUG. ~ R& R) Emergency Cooling Water GB-48-MI-001-2 (Unit 2,3~and Common) HB-48-MI-001-1 HB-48-MI-001 HB-48-MI-001 t Emergency Service Water HB-33-MI-201-1 HB-33-MI-201-2


HB-33-MI-201-3 HB-33-MI-2 01-4 - , HB-33-MI-2 01-5 HB-33-MI-201-6 HB-33-Ml-201-7 HB-33-L-201-8 , HB-33-MI-201-9 HB-33-MI-201-10 HB-33-MI-201-11 HB-33-MI-201-12 1 . i i

s Specificatisn ' M-733 Rev. 0 . PBAPS 2 & 3 I ISI Program d

                                                                            - Appendix C .                          !

Page 3 of 14 '-  ; O u ASME Section X1 Isometric & Component Drawings , PBAPS Unit 2 & Common System Isometric Drawing ComDonent Dr&WlnE - Feedwater D DN-06-MI-2 01-2-A DDN-06-MI-201-2-8 DD-06-Mi-201-1 (AUG. R&R) High Pressure Coolant injection DBN-23-MI-203-6

                                         . DBN-23-MI-203-7 DDN-23-Mi-202-2 DDN-23-Mi-202-3                                                     .

DDN-23-MI-202-4. DDN-23-MI-202-5 HB-23-M?,-201-1 l (CL. 2 & AUG, R&R) - HB-23-MI-204-8 High Pressure Service Water GB-32-MI-201-1 GB-32-MI-201-2 GB-32-Mi-201-3 GB-32-Mi-201-4-A GB-32-Mi-201-4-B GB-32-MI-201-5-A  ! GB-32-MI-201-5-B GB-32-MI-202 A GB-32-MI-202-6-B .

                                         - GB-32-MI-202-7 Main Recirculation                  RCS-02-MI-201-1-A               151-2-02                                                                                                                      l RCS-02-MI-201-1-B               1S1-2-02-2                               l l

O l l.

                                                                       .       ..     . . - =    . . - .    ..

Specificatirn -!

                                                                                                                                                       ' M-733, Rev. 0 PBAPS 2'& 3                                                                :

j i i ISI Precam , Appendix C1> Page 4 of 14 ' i L ASME Section XI Isometrie & Component Drawings j l PBAPS Unit 2 & Common 1 l \ System isometric Drawine.- Comoonent Drawing


Main Steam DBN-01-MI-201-1-A~~ DBN-01-MI-201-1-B DBN-01-Mi-201-1-C i DBN-01-MI 201-1-D $ DB-01-MI-201-2-A DB-01-MI-201-2-B - , DB-01-MI-201-2-C .s I DB-01-MI-201-2-D DB-01-MI-221-3 DB-01-MI-221-4 '

                                                                                           ' (AUG. R&R)
                                                                                  .DB-01-MI-222 A DB-01-MI-222-5                                                 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling . DDN-13-MI-201-l '

Reactor Drain DCN-04-MI-201-2 DDN-04-MI-201 ' Reactor Pressure Vessel RCS-02-MI-201-1-A - ISI-2-RV-01' RCS-02-MI-201-1-B ISI-203-RV-02 '

                                                                                                                                             ; ISI-203-RV-03
                                                                                                                                              . ISI-203-RV-04 ISI-2-RV                                                                                                                                                 ISI-203-RV-06 ISI-203-RV-07
                                                                                                                                             . ISI-203-RV-08 ISI-203-RV                                                                                                                                               ..ISI-203-RV-10                                                                              '

ISI-203-RV-11 j3 ISI-203-RV-12 ISI-203-RV-13 ISI-203-RV-14

                                                                                                                                             . lSI-203-RV-15 l
                   "                                         .*                                                               -  2 e -*  _m-   r__--ma        --aw-w ___+.L*   * -e              b e-- * - * -e   .ma^ -.u-ww-m>        w

_ _ _ _--__.__._ ___._ _ _ _ _ _ _. - - - _ . _ ~ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ . . Speelfinti:n M-733 R3v. O j PSAPS 2 & 3

ISI Program i

Appendix C i Page 5 of 14 l ASME Section XI isometrie & Component Drawings PBAPS Unit 2 & Common F l System Inometric Drawing Component Drawinr i l Reactor Pressure Vessel (cont.) 181-203-RV-16 l ISI-203-RV-17 ISI-203-RY-18 181-203-RY-19 i 181-203-RV-20 , 151-203-RV-21 ISI-203-RV-22 181-203-RY-23 181-203 RV-24 - Reactor Water Clean-up DCA-12-MI-201-1 l DC A-12-MI-203-3 (Class 1 and AUG. R&R) O DE-12-Ml-202-2 DE-12-MI-203-4 (AUG.1) DE-12-MI-203-5 - (AUG.1) DE-12-MI-203-6 (AUG.1) Resideal Heat Removal DDN-10-MI-203-8-A IC 2-10-1 DDN-10-MI-203-8-B - 181-2-10-2 DCN-10-MI-206-15 , DCN-10-MI-207 l DE-10-MI 203-9-A DE-10-MI-203-9-B ' G B-10-MI-202 A

  • G B-R-MI-202-3-B '

GB-10-MI-202-3-C G B-10-M!-202-3-D G B-10-MI-202 A O

speelfi:ati:n  ! M-733, Rev. O i PBAPS 2 & 3 l 151 Program Appendix C Page 6 of 14 j ~


ASME Section XI loometale & Component Drawings PBAPS Unit 2 & Common , System isometric Drawint Component Drawine  ; , Residual Heat Removal (cont.) G B-10-MI-202-4-B

!                                                      GB-10-MI-202-4-C l                                                      G B-10-Mi-2 02-4-D GB-10-MI-203-5-B GB-10-MI-203-6-B G B-10-MI-203 A G B-10-MI-2 03-7-8 G B-10-M1-204-10-A GB-10-MI-204-10-B                                   [

GB-10-MI-204-11-A GB-10-Mi-204-11-B GB-10-MI-205-12-A GB-10-MI-205-13-A GB-10-MI-205-13-B 5 GB-10-MI-206-14 j HB-10-Mi-201 A HB-10-MI-201-1-B Hit-10-Mi-201-1-C I HB-10-MI-201-1-D I HB-10-Ml-201-2-A HB-10-Mi-201-2-C HB-10-Ml-201-2-D 1 HB-10-MI-207-17 Scram Discharge Volume CS-03-MI-201 A CS-03-MI-201-1-B CS-03-Mi-iO1-2-A l , i l \

Speelfi:ation M-733 Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 c ISI Program 1 Appendix C 1 Page 7 of 14 ASME Section XI 1sometrie & Component Drawings  ; PBAPS Unit 3 System Isometric Drawing Component Drawine Core Spray DCN-14-MI-303-4-A ' DCN-14-MI-303-4-B

G B-14-Ml-3 02 A

( G B-14-MI-3 02-2-B G B-14-MI-3 02-2-C G B-14-MI-302-2-D G B-14-M!-303 A G B-14-MI-303-3-B HB-14-MI-301-1-A HB 14-MI-301-1-B i HB-14-MI-301-1-C HB-14-MI-301-1-D HCR-27-MI-301-1 (AUG. R&R) O HCR-27-MI-301-2 (AUG. R&R) Emergency Cooling Water See Unit 2 and Common Emergency Service Water HB-33-MI-301-1 HB-33-MI-301-2 , HB-33-MI-301 HB-33-MI-301-4 l HB-33-MI-301-5 l HB-33-Ml-301-6 HB 33-MI-301-7 HBC-33-MI-302-8 HBC-33-Mi-301-9 P l l t n - ,e - , , - . - - ,. , , -

   .     . - _ - _ _        .   . . _ - - - . ~        _ --_          _ . - _ -     -. .     .            _. _. -____.

Speelfi:sti;n i M-733 Rev. 0 ) PBAPS 2 & 3 1 i ISI Prcgram 1 Appendix C ) Page 8 of 14 ) ASME Section XI Isometrie & Component Drawings ) PBAPS Unit.3 i r System Isometric Drawint Component Drawing - j Emergency Service Water (cont.) HBC-33-MI-301-10 HBC-33-MI-301-11 HBC-33-MI-301-12 , HBC-33-MI-301-13 HBC-33-MI-301-14 HBC-33-MI-301-16 HBC-33-MI-302-16  ! HBC-33-MI-302-17 HBC-33-MI-302-18 HBC-33-MI-302-19 HBC-33-MI-302-20

                                                               - HBC-33-MI-302-21 HBC-33-MI-302-22 HBC-33-Mi-302-23 i                                                                HBC-33-MI-302-24 Feedwater                                    D DN-06-Mi-301-2-A DDN-06-MI-301-2-B DD-06-MI-301-1 (AUG. R&R)

High Pressure Coolant injection DBN-23-MI-303-5 , DBN-23-MI-303-6 D8N-23-MI-303-7 DDN-23-Mi-302-2 DDN-23-MI-302-3 = D D N-23-Mi-302 - HB-23-MI-3 01-1 < (CL. 2 & AUG. R&R) ' HB-23-MI-304-8 High Pressure Service Water GB-32-MI-301-1 G B-32-MI-301-2 G B-32-MI-3 01 U GB-32-Mi-301-4

Spe:lflecti:n M-733 Rev. 0 PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix C Page 9 of 14 ASME Section XI laometrie & Component Drawings PBAPS Unit 3 System Isometric Drawint Component Drawing High Pressure Service Water (cont.) GB-32 '11-301-5-A ' GB-3' MI-301-5-B GB 32-MI-301-6-A GB-32-MI-301-6-B G B-32-MI-302 A G B-32-MI-302-7-B j GB-32-MI-302-8 i Main Recirculation RCS-02-MI-301-1-A 151-3-02-1 RCS-02-MI-301-1-B 151-3-02-2 Main Steam DBN-01-MI-301-1-A DBN-01-MI-301-1-B DBN-01-MI-301-1-C O. DBN-01-MI-301-1-D DB-01-MI-3 01 A DB-01-MI-301-2-B Dd-01-MI-301-2-C DB-01-MI-301-2-D DB-01-MI-321-3 DB-01-MI-321-4 (AUG. R&R) DB-01-MI-322 A DB-01-MI-322-5-B Reactor Core Isolation Cooling DDN-13-MI-301-1 Reactor Drain DCN-04-M!-301-2 DDN-04-MI-301-1 Reactor Pressure Vessel RCS-02-MI-301 A ISI-3-RPV-01 RCS-02-MI-301-1-B ISI-203-RV-02 ISI-203-RV-03 ' ISI-203-RV-04  ! ISI-3-RV -l l ___- - .- .~

'l Speelfi:cti:n ! M-733. R;v. 0 PRAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program , Appendix C Page 10 of 14 e A8ME Section XI laometrie & Component Drawings PBAP8 Unit 3 l System Isometric Drawint Component Drawing Reactor Pressure Vessel (cont.) 151-203-RV-06 ISI-203-RV-07 181-203-RV-08 151-203-RV-09 181-203-RV-10 151-203-RV-11 ISI-203-RV-12 ^ 151-203-RV-13 181-203-RV-14 181-203-RV-15 ISI-203-RV-16 If!-203-RV-17 l 181-203 RV-18 ISI-203-RV-19 181-203-RV-20 ISI-203-RV-21 151-203-RV-22 ISI-203-RV-23 181-203-RV-24 4 Reactor Water Clean-up DC A-12-MI-301-1 DCA-12-MI-303-3 (Class 1 and AUG. R&R) DE-12-MI-302-2 DE-12-MI-303-4 (AUG.1) D E-12-M1-303-5 (AUG.1) DE-12-M' 303-6 (AUG.1) l Residual Heat Removal , DCA-10-MI-303-9-A ISI-3-10-1 DC A-10-MI-303-9-B 1S1-3-10-2 DC A-10-Ml-306-13


Speelfi:sti:n - , M-733 Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 ISI Program Appendix C

!                                                                                       Page 11 of 14 ASME Section XI !sometric & Component Drawings PBAPS Unit 3 Syst em                        Isometrie Drawint       Component Drawing Residual Heat Removal (cont.)                   DDN-10-MI-303-8-A D DN-10-MI-303-8-B G B-10-Mi-3 02-3-A                                 ,

GB-10-MI-302-3-B G B-10-MI-3 02-3-C G B-10-MI-3 02-3-D G B-10-MI-3 02 A  ! GB-10-MI-302-4-B GB-10-MI-302-4-C GB-10-Mi-302-4-D GB-10-MI-303-5-A GB-10-MI-303-5-B G B-10-MI-303-6-A GB-10-MI-303-7-A GB-10-MI-303-7-B GB-10-M1-304-10-A , GB-10-MI 304-10-B G B-10-MI-304-11-A GB-10-MI-304-11-B GB-10-Mi-305-12-A GB-10-MI-306-12-B HB-10-MI-301-1-A HB-10-M1-301-1-B ' HB-10-MI-301-1-C HB-10-MI-301-1-D HB-10-MI-301-2-A HB-10-Mi-301-2-C HB-10-MI-301-2-D ! HB-10-Ml-306-14 1 Scram Discharge Volume CS-03-MI-3 01-1-A CS-03-MI 301-1-B t 0

tpe:It1 cati:n . M-733. Rev. O PBAPS 2 & 3 i ISI Program , Appendix C  ! Page 12 of 14 O ASME Seciton XI ISI Calibration Block Drawings i l i Drawing Number I].tJ1.1 CBD-1 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Peach Bottom APS Units No. 2 & 3 CBD-1A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 26" M61n Steam CBD-2A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 24" Pipe CBD-3 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 12" Feedwater Riser CBD-4 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Bloc'. for 6" Head Spray . CBD-SA ASME Section XI UT Callbration B19ck for 6" Reactor Water Cleanup - CBD-6A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 6" Main Steam Safety and Rellef CBD-7A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 10" High Pressure Coolant Injection CBD-8 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 14" High Pressure , Coolant injection CBD-8A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 14" High Pressure .  ; Coolant injection ' l CBD-9A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 28" Main Rectre. Suction & Discharge CBD-10 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 4" RWCU Main Recirculation Bypass, CRD CBD-10A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 4" RWCU Main P.ecirculation Bypass, CRD CBD-12 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 12" Core Spray CBD-13 A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 20" Feedwater CBD-13C ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 20" Feedwater CBD-14 A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 22" Main Recirculation Manifold CBD-15 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 14" Feedwater Riser ' l CBD-16 A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 12" Feedwater Riser CBD-17 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 4.5 Pipe - CBD-18 A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 12" Main Rectre. Nozzle-To-Safu End - i l l

_ .. - . ~ . . _ . . _. . . _ . . - - -_ - - . . - -

                                                                                               + - - _

bpe stis:tirn M-733, Rev. 0 l PBAPS 2 & 3 IS! Program  ; i Appendix C e Page 13 of 14  ! O ASME Section XI ISI Calibration Block Drawings - Drawine Number Title CBD-19A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 12" Main Rectre. Safe End-to-Nozzle CBD-20A ASME Section XI UT Calibr0 tion Block for 3P 1-1/2" Fict Pipe

 ;          CBD-21                 ASME Section XI UT Calibratie Block for 5.125 CRD Saft. End CBD-22                 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Buk for RPV Nut CBD-24                 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Closure Head                ,

l Thickness CBD-25 ASME Section XI UT Calibeciton Block for 6" Pipe CBD-26 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 12" Pipe CBD-27 ASME Section XI UT Calibration 31ock for 4" Pipe CBD-28 ASME Section XI UT Calibratica Block for 26" Pipe CBD-29 ASME Setion XI UT Calibration Block for 20" Pipe CBD-30 ASME Sectten XI UT Calibration Block for 24" Pipe CBD-31 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 24" Pipe , CBD-32 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 24" Pipe CBD-33A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 20" Pipe , CBD-34 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 10" Pipe CBD-35 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 6" SS Pipe CBD-36 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 12" Pipe l CBD-38 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Blc,ck for OD Inner Radius CBD-39 ASME Section XI UY Calibration Block for Clad Vessel i CBD-41 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Nozzle Cap CBD-42 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Pump Stud CBD-43 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Stabilizer Bracket  ; CBD-44 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Pump Nut CBD-45 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Nut CBD-46 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Stud 1 CliD-47 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for PRV Closure Head CBD-48 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for RPV Stud CBD-49 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 10" Pipe CBD-50 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 6" SS Pipe CBD-51 AbME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 6" CS Pipe CBD-52 A.SME Occt!on XI UT Calibration Block for 20" SS Pipe O

l bpesit anti:n - . M-733, Rev. 0 'l PBAPS 2 & 3  ! ISI Program Appendix C Page 14 of 14  ; O  : ASME Section X1 ISI Calibration Block Drawings Drawine Number 7111g . CBD-53 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 20" CS Pipe CBD-54 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 24" SS Pipe CBD-55 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 24" CS Pipe' CBD-56 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 12" SCH 100 Pipe CBD-67 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block f or 22" Pipe CBD-58 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 28" Pipe CBD-59 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 28" Pipe CBD-60 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 30" Pipe CBD-61 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 24" SCH 120 CS Pipe CBD-62 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 3/4" CS Plate CBD-62A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for SS 12" Clad Overlay (02-19-60) CBD-64 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Jet Pump Seal  ! CBD-65 APME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 20" Plpe I O' CBD-65A ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 4" Pipe

  • CBD-66 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for 4" RWCU Pipe CBD-67 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Clad Core Spray (3-453)

CBD-68 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Vessel (12-CS-5) CBD-69 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for SS 22" Overlay (12-08-46) CBD-70 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for SS 20" Overlay (03-13-46) CBD-71 ASME Section XI UT Calibration Block for Jet Pump Overlay ! (09-08-47) l l l > t I i

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